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NAHP Phlebotomy Certification Questions and Answers, Exams of Nursing

A list of phlebotomy-related terms and their definitions, as well as information on lab tests, blood collection techniques, and equipment. It is intended to help individuals prepare for the NAHP Phlebotomy Certification exam.

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Available from 09/26/2023

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Download NAHP Phlebotomy Certification Questions and Answers and more Exams Nursing in PDF only on Docsity! NAHP Phlebotomy Certification Questions with answers immunity ✔resistance to disease/ infection palpitate ✔rapid, intense beating of the heart thrombophlebitis ✔inflammation of wall of vein with an accompanying clot at the site leukopenia ✔abnormally low levels of WBCs plural form of vena cava ✔vena cavae epicardium ✔thin outer layer of heart, continuous with lining of pericardium extravascular ✔outside the blood stream if two combining forms are present ✔the least important comes 1st hemophilia ✔disorder where blood doesn't coagulate at wound/puncture site lymphocytes ✔non-granular leukocytes that produce antibodies to combat specific pathogens hemolysis ✔rupturing of RBCs, can cause kidney failure or death after incompatible blood transfusion morphology ✔study of shape and form of objects eosinophils ✔granular leukocytes that produce chemical histamine and aids body in controlling allergic reactions and other exaggerated immunologic responses aneurysm ✔budge in the artery caused by weakening of its wall during hemostasis ✔fibrin, a protein, is created hemoglobin ✔protein that has iron and is main component of erythrocytes formed elements ✔RBCs, WBCs, and platelets heart disease can be IDed with blood test.. ✔creatinine kinase fibrinogen ✔protein involving clotting anastomosis ✔common communication between 2 vessels either end to end or by means of a connecting channel crenate ✔notched RBCS band cell ✔immature neutrophil with non-segmented nucleus dysentery ✔diarrhea where blood, mucus or both may be present with feces phlebitis ✔inflammation of a vein cannula ✔temp. surgical connection between artery and vein used for dialysis and blood drawing hematopoiesis ✔primarily occurs in bone marrow aer- angi, vas arter bili cephal ✔air vessel artery bile head chondr- cry- cyst encephal- fibrin ✔cartilage cold bladder brain fiber glyc- lip- my pulmon ✔glucose, sugar fat muscle lung sclera thromb thorac ✔hard clot chest a, an, at aniso dys endo, intra epi- ✔without unequal diffucult in, within on, over erythr extra hetero homo, homeo iso macro ✔red outside different same equal large, long neo poly post per ac, -al, -at, -ary, -ic -centesis ✔new many, much after through pertaining to surgical puncture to remove fluid -emia -gram -ism, -osis -rhage -lysis -oma ✔blood condition recording, writing condition bursting forth break down, separation tumor -oxia -penia -pnea -spasm -stasis -tomy ✔O2 level deficiency breathing witch stepping, controlling standing cutting, incision Hb NaCL CSF FSH OD Spgr Mg ✔hemoglobin sodium chloride, saline cerebrospinal fluid follicle stimulating hormone opitical density specific gravity lab tests for magnesium OPT HCI ABO exc nm BUN ESR ✔outpatient hydrochloric acid ✔multiply decimal by 100 convert fraction to percent ✔multiply fraction by 100/1 order of roman numerals from smallest to largest ✔I, V, X, L, C, D, M inch= V= LB= oz= x= C= L= mL= Qt= fl oz= tbsp.= tsp= m= deci= kilo= centi= mili= yard= ✔2.54cm 5 .454 kg 28 g 10 100 1.06 qts 1 cc .95 L 30 mL 15 mL 5 mL 3.3 ft 1/10 1000 1/100 1/1000 .9 m military time for noon ✔1200 normal hct ✔buffy coat accounts for approx. 1% white blood prep for oral GTT ✔give pt high carb drink stat after first blood draw avoid inaccurate test results from using alcohol ✔prep pt skin with sterile solution best site to draw from an infant ✔heel most common venipuncture sites ✔median cubital and cephalic veins blood tests for potassium and sodium ✔identify fluid and electrolyte imbalance RBC ✔used to ID anemia BUN ✔used to ID kidney disorders evacuation system during venipuncture ✔insert needle at a 15 degree angle with bevel up hand used for capillary puncture ✔non-dominant needle and syringe ✔used when pt has small/ fragile veins capillary puncture ✔obtains blood sample from middle or ring finger evacuation system ✔uses interchangeable collection tubes allowing one to draw several blood specimens from same venipuncture site micropipette ✔small, calibrated glass tube that holds precise volume of fluid abnormal level of sodium in blood ✔136-145 mEq/L normal prothrombin time ✔11-15 secs. normal range of potassium in blood ✔3.5-5.1 mEq/L normal blood glucose level ✔74-120 mg/dL total cholesterol test ✔Identifies coronary artery disease and atherosclerosis gout ✔identifies by blood test for uric acid HIV ✔can be confirmed with enzyme linked immunosorbent assay and western blot tests antigens ✔RBCs causing formation of antibodies that interact specifically with it hemacytometer ✔allows to count blood cells by examining a diluted blood sample under a microscope a hct determination ✔IDed how much of volume of a sample is made up of RBCs after sample has been spun in a centrifuge affect test results on blood specimens ✔altitude, needle inserted through a vein and humidity hemoconcentration ✔caused by squeezing/probing site, long term IV fluids and leaving tourniquet on for extended periods of time 2 primary tests for platelet activity ✔bleeding time and platelet count buffy layer ✔light colored layer of leukocytes and platelets which forms on top of red cell layer when a sample of blood is centrifuged or allowed to stand warming venipuncture site ✔increases blood flow median cubital vein ✔most frequently used vein in venipuncture Hollander test ✔requires passing a tube through pt nose sedimentation rate ✔time required for erythrocytes to settle to the bottom of an upright tube at room temp. acceptable tourniquets used in venipuncture ✔rubber hose and blood pressure cuff a tube that stands undisturbed ✔will separate into 3 major components antiserum ✔serum that has antibodies hemostasis ✔rapid sequence of vascular spasms, platelet plug formation and coagulation 4 counting chambers ✔used to count WBCs cortisol ✔not a timed blood specimen normal Ph. of the blood ✔about 7.4 spectrophotometer ✔used to determine concentration of a solution by measuring light transmitted or absorbed by the solution labeled specimen must include: ✔name, ID #, date of collection and time of collection typical micro collection tray ✔disposable gloves, lancets and alcohol or benadine pads CBC includes: ✔diff, Hct, Hgb, mean corpuscular hemoglobin, mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration, mean corpuscular volume, platelet count, RBC count and red cell distribution width 15 degree angle ✔best angle for needle insertion in venipuncture blood donor ✔should eat within 6 hrs of donating to minimize dizziness or fainting if patient does not fast ✔glucose and triglyceride tests are affected hemoguard ✔type of sheath 70% isopropyl alcohol ✔most common antiseptic for blood draw needle gauge with smallest diameter ✔23 needles are colored coded according to.. ✔gauge skin puncture equipment ✔safety flow lancet, autolet and butterfly PPD aka TB ✔most common skin test serum enzymes test ✔measures enzymes in blood following an MI reference values ✔normal values of lab tests ACT ✔used to monitor heparin therapy retractable sheath ✔part of multiple draw needle following arterial puncture ✔pressure should be applied for minimum 5 mins if patient is on anticoagulant therapy ✔pressure must be applied for approx. 20 mins heparin lock ✔special winged needle set that can be left in pt vein for up to 48 hrs and used to administer meds and draw blood flea best angle for spreading blood smear using 2 glass slides ✔30 degrees BP cuff should be inflated ✔on pt upper arm to 40 mm Hg during surgicutt bleeding time test cerebrospinal fluid obtained ✔through lumbar puncture NCCLS order of draw using conventional stoppers: ✔yellow, red, light blue, red/gray, green/gray, green, lavender and gray NCCLS order of draw using Vacutainers is sterile ✔red, light blue, gold, light green, green, lavender, gray alternate order of draw is sterile ✔light blue, lavender, green, gray, red yellow stoppered tubes ✔used for blood culture specimen collection in microbiology green stoppered tube ✔has anticoagulant sodium Heparin pink plastic vacutainer ✔contains K2 EDTA royal blue vacutainer ✔has EDTA orange vacutainer ✔has thrombin glucose determinations are done in. ✔gray stopper tube sodium citrate is in ✔light blue stopper tube blood grouping, typing and aids antibody test ✔done with red topped/ glass tube red topped/ glass tubes ✔has no additive CBC with hct ✔collected with lavender evacuated tube optimal temp. ✔promote growth of bacteria in culture medium is 37 degrees Celsius when prepping wet mount ✔mix small amount of specimen with drop of .9% sodium chloride on glass slide WBCs ✔help fight infection clay sealer tray ✔used to plug open end of micro hct tubes 10 cc syringe ✔most common size for routine venipuncture bright red blood spurting into tube ✔instant indicator that an artery has been punctured superior ✔higher, above or toward the head integumentary system lymphatic system urinary system digestive system nervous system endocrine system circulatory system ✔prevents excessive water loss destroys pathogens that enter body removes waste products from blood changes food to simple chemicals interprets sensory information regulates body functions through hormones transports O2 and nutrients to tissues spleen and lymph nodes ✔are part of lymphatic system epidermis ✔outermost layer of skin epithelial cells ✔form continuous layer, cover/ line tissue and in specialized cell produce secretions great toe ✔is on the medial side of the foot meninges ✔protective membranous covering that protects brain and spinal cord periosteum ✔membrane that covers the bones skeletal system ✔supports body, protects internal organs and stores minerals protoplasm ✔living substance that can only be found within a cell muscles ✔comprise over half the body's weight lymphatic system works ✔with circulatory system to mediate blood supply from capillaries to tissues gallbladder ✔2 upper chambers of the heart ventricles ✔2 lower chambers of the heart anemia ✔decrease in O2 carrying ability of blood leukocytes ✔protect body against infection cardiac muscle ✔is striated and involuntary plasma ✔90% water Type AB ✔carries both A and B antigens but neither anti-A or Anti B antibodies Type O ✔carries neither A or B antigens but has both anti A and Anti B antibodies type A ✔carries A antigen and anti B antibodies type O negative ✔universal donor type B ✔carries B antigen and anti- A antibodies type AB positive ✔universal recipient valves located in heart that control direction and flow of blood ✔tricuspid valve, pulmonary valve, aortic valve and bicuspid valve fibrinogen ✔found in plasma infarct ✔death of a segment of tissue resulting from lack of blood supply to that area vasoconstrictor ✔substance that can cause narrowing of blood vessel arterioles ✔smallest arteries heart has ✔4 chambers thrombocyte count AKA ✔platelet count negative Rh blood found in ✔about 15% of population erythrocytes have.. ✔hgb, heme and globin RBCs carry ✔O2 and CO2 erythrocytes ✔function primarily as O2 transport mechanisms pericardium ✔fibrous sack that surrounds heart, holds heart in position and isolates it from other contents of chest heart ✔is a double pump end of ventricular contraction ✔aortic valve closes so the blood just expelled will not flow back into ventricles longest vein ✔great saphenous metacarpal veins ✔veins in the hands blood flows ✔from left atrium through mitral (bicuspid) valve, filling left ventricle brachial artery ✔located at bend/crook of elbow dorsalis pedis artery ✔located at anterior surface of foot superior vena cava ✔principle vein draining portion of body temporal artery ✔located slightly above outer edge of the eye inferior vena cava ✔principle vein draining lower portion of body 5 kinds of ✔leukocytes and WBCs 3 major plasma proteins: ✔albumins, globulins, and fibrinogens lumen ✔internal space of a blood vessel diastole ✔relaxation phase of heart ✔wear mask and gloves strict isolation ✔wear gown, mask and gloves enteric isolation ✔wear gown and gloves protective isolation ✔wear sterilized gown, mask and gloves fomites ✔objects/surfaces that harbor bacteria and allow it to be transmitted maintain medical asepsis ✔hands and wrist are washed for minimum of 2 minutes radioactive hazards ✔require wearing lead apron and gloves civil law ✔law of private rights between persons/parties tort ✔wrongful act committed upon one person by another negligence ✔failure to responsibility act on behalf of patient resulting in injury in April 2013 ✔patient card partnership was adopted as replacement for patient bill of rights ethics ✔study of society's values, actions, and determination of right and wrong respondent superior ✔latin phase that indicates an employer is responsible for actions of employee within scope of job due care ✔responsibility of health care providers to protect others from harm medical malpractice ✔misconduct/ unprofessional treatment by a professional/ official representative of office/hospital slander ✔incorrect information given verbally that may inquire reputation of another arbitration ✔process which opposing sides choose to discuss and decide a dispute with a mediator public duty ✔physician reports AIDs to CDC office of civil rights ✔responsible for enforcing HIPAA privacy rule, security rule and confidentiality provisions of patient safety rule physician required to report... ✔births, deaths/abuse, HIV, and communicable diseases narcotics inventory ✔not usually considered part of vital statistics reported to medical examiner res ipsa loquitur ✔physician's mistake is obvious exception to doctrine of informed consent ✔unconscious or emergency patient OSHA form 300 ✔must be kept for 5 years employee medical and exposure records ✔must be kept during employment and an additional 30 years according to OSHA nonfeasance ✔failure to perform an act that's one's required duty or required by law QC program ✔monitors procedures NCCLS ✔national organization that develops guidelines and sets standards for lab procedures purpose of TJC ✔ensure patient care quality OSHA ✔mandates proper disposal of hazardous waste, PPE, availability of hepatitis B vaccine. TQM ✔combination of concepts based on customer satisfaction 3 levels of tests defined by CLIA ✔waived tests, level 1 moderate complexity and level 2 high complexity tests joint commission 10 step process to implement a continuous quality improvement ✔1. appoint responsibility 2. outline scope of care 3. ID key aspects of care 4. devise indicators 5. define thresholds of evaluation 6. collect and organize data 7. evaluate data 8. develop connective action plan 9. assess actions and document improvement 10. communicate relevant information
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