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ngữ pháp tiếng anh thông dụng, Exercises of English

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Download ngữ pháp tiếng anh thông dụng and more Exercises English in PDF only on Docsity! Muc luc Grammar Review 7 Quan tir kh6ng xac dinh "a" va "an" 8 Quan tir xac dinh "The" 9 Cach sw dung another va other. 12 Cach sw dung little, a little, few, a few 13 S6é hifu cach 14 Verb 15 1. Present 15 1) Simple Present 15 2) Present Progressive (be + V-ing) 15 3) Present Perfect : Have + PII 15 4) Present Perfect Progressive : Have been V-ing 16 2. Past. 16 1) Simple Past: V-ed 16 2) Past Progresseive: Was/Were + V-ing 16 3) Past Perfect: Had + PII 17 4) Past Perfect Progressive: Had + Been + V-ing 17 3. Future 7 1) Simple Future: Will/Shall/Can/May + Verb in simple form____ ee 2 2) Near Future 17 3) Future Progressive: will/shall + be + verb_ing 18 4) Future Perfect: Will/ Shall + Have + PII 18 Su hoa hgp giifa chu ngif va déng tir. 19 Cac trudng hop Chu ngif difng tach khoi dong tir 20 41. Cac danh tur luén doi hoi cdc déng tir va dai tir di theo ching 6 ng6i thiy 3 sé it 20 2. Cachsudung None va No 20 3. Cachsu dung cau tric either...or (hoac...hodc) va neither...nor (khé cing khéng) 21 4. V-ing lam chu ngif 21 5. Cac danh tar tp thé. 21 6. Cachsu'dung a number of, the number of: 22 7. Cac danh tir luén ding 6 sé nhiéu 22 8. Thanh ng@f there is, there are 22 Dai tir 24 1. Dai ti’nhan xung (Chu ng) 24 2. Dai tirnhan xung tan ngif 24 3. Tinh tirsé hitu 24 4. Dai tu'sé hiry. 25 5. Pai tir phan than 25 Tan ngif 26 Dong tir nguyén thé la tan ngiv 26 1. Verb -ing dung Iam tan ngif 26 2. B6n déng tir dac biét 26 3. Cac déng tir ditng sau gidi tur 27 4. yen dé cac dai tir ding truréc déng tir nguyén thé hodc V-ing dung lam tan ngif. Cach sw dung cac d6ng tir ban khiém khuyét 29 1. Need 29 1) Dung nhu mét déng tir thudng: dugc sur dung ra sao con ty vaochu ngifcUand_ 29 2) Need dugc sur dung nhu mét dng tirkhiémkhuyét = 29 2. Dare 29 1) Khi ding véi nghia la "dam" 29 2) Dare dting nhu mét ngoai déng tir. 29 Cach sw dung to be trong mét sé trudng hop 31 Cach sw dung to get trong mét so trudng hop dac biét 32 1. Toget + Pz 32 2. Get + V-ing = Start + V-ing: Bat déu lam gi 32 3. Get sb/smt +V-ing: Lam ai/ cdi gi bat dau. 32 4. Get+to+verb 32 5. Get + to + Verb (chi van dé hanh d6ng) = Come + to + Verb (chivan dé nhan thi) = Gradually = dan dan 32 Cau hoi 33 Cau hoi Yes/ No 34 1. Cau hoi théng béo 34 a) Who/ what lam chu ngif 34 b) Whom/ what lam tan ng. 34 c) Cau hoi nhdm vao cac b6 ngit: When, Where, Howva Why 34 2. Cau hoi gian tiép 34 3. Cau hoi co duéi 35 L6i néi phu hoa khang dinh va phd dinh 36 1. Khang dinh 36 2. Phu dinh 36 Cau phd dinh 37 Ménh lénh thirc 39 Dong tir khiém khuyét 40 Cau diéu kién 41 1. Diéu kién co thé thu hién dugc o hién tai. 41 2. diéu kién khéng thé thuc hién duvc o hién tai 41 3. Diéu kién khéng thé thuc hién duoc 6 qua kh 41 Cach sw dung cac d6éng tir will, would, could, should sau if 42 Mét sé cach ding thém cua if 43 1. If... then: Néu... thi 43 w®NK x NQ& 8. That va which lam tan ngi cua cau phu Who lam chu ng cua cau phu. Whom lam tan ngif cua cau phu Ménh dé phu bat buéc va khong bat buéc. 1) Ménh dé phu bat buéc. 76 76 76 76 76 2) Ménh dé phu khéng bat bude 76 Tam quan trong cua viéc stir dung dau phay d6i voi ménh dé phu Cach su dung All, Both, Some, Several, Most, Few + Of + Whom/ Which____ Whose = cua ngu6i ma, cua con ma. Cach loai bo ménh dé phu Cach su’ dung P; trong mét sé truGng hop 1. 2. Dung voi m6t s6 cdc c4u tric déng tir. P; duoc st dung dé rut ngaén nhitng cau dai C4ch si’ dung nguyén mau hoan thanh (To have + P2) Nhifng cach sur dung khac cua that 1. That ding voi tu cach la mét lién tir (rang) 2. Ménh dé that. Cau gia dinh 1. Dung voi would rather that. 2. Dung véi déng tu. 3. Dung voi tinh ti. 4. Céaugia dinh dung voi m6t s6 truéng hop khac 5. Cau gia dinh dung voi it + to be + time Léi ndéi bao ham 1. Notonly..... but also 2. Aswell as: Ciing nhuw. 3. Both... and Cach su dung to know, to know how. Ménh dé nhuong bd i. 2 3. 4. Nhifng dong tir dé gay nham lan Mét sé cac déng tir dac biét khac Su phi hop vé thai dong tir Cac Dai Despite/Inspite of = bat chap. Although/Even though/Though = Mac dau. However + adj + § + linkverb = du co .... di chang nifa thi.... Although/ Albeit (more formal) + Adjective/ Adverb/ Averbial Modifier ___ h sw dung to say, to tell ti’ nhan xung "one" va "you" 77 77 77 77 79 79 79 SRRRRRRRRRBSERRLA 87 87 87 87 87 88 90 91 92 93 Tir di truéc dé gidi thiéu 94 Cach sw dung cac phan tir 6 dau ménh dé phu 95 Phan tir ding lam tinh tir 97 1. Phan tir 1 (V-ing) duroc ding lam tinh tir khi né dap ting day du cac diéu kién sau:97 2. Phan tir 2(V-ed) duroc ding lam tinh tur khi no dap ting day du cac diéu kién sau:97 Cau thira 98 Cau tric cau song song 99 Théng tin truc tiép va gian tiép 100 1. Céu truc tiép va cau gian tiép 100 Déng tir vdi hai tan ngif truc tiép va gian tiép 101 Su dao ngu%c pho tir 102 Mét sé cac dang pho tir dac biét difng 6 dau cau 103 Cach loai bé nhifng cau tra Idi khéng dung trong bai ngif phap 105 Kiém tra cac Idi ngiv phap co ban bao gom 106 1. Loai bo nhifng c4u tra l6i mang tinh ruém ra 106 2. Phai chac chan rang tat ca cdc tir trong cau dugc chon déu phai phiic vu cho nghia cua bai, dac biét la cdc ng if déng tir. 106 3. Phai loai bo nhitng cau tra Idi bao ham tiéng long, khéng duoc phép dung trong van viét qui chudn 106 Nhifng tir dé gay nham [an 107 Phu luc: mét sé nhifng tir dé gay nham lan khac: 109 Gidi tir 112 1. During = trong sué6t (hoat déng dién ra lién tuc) 112 2. From = ti>< to =dén 112 3. Out of=ra khoi><into=vao trong 112 4. By 112 5S. In=bén trong. 112 6. On=trén bé mat: 112 7. At =6 tai 113 8. M6ts6 cdc thanh ngi dung voi gidi tur. 113 Ngif dong tir 115 Mot sé nguyén tac thuc hién bai doc 116 Grammar Review M6t cau trong tiéng Anh bao gém cac thanh phan sau day SUBJECT - VERB AS PREDICATE - COMPLEMENT - MODIFIER (OBJECT) DIRECT: INDIRE SUBJECT cé thé la mét déng tir nguyén thé, mét VERB_ING, mét dai tlr, song nhiéu nh&t van la mét danh tir. Ching bao gid cting ditng 6 dau cau, lam chu ngif va quyét dinh viéc chia déng ter. Vi la danh tir nén chting li€n quan dén nhitng van dé sau: Ex: — Danh tu'dém duvc va khong dém duoc (Count noun/ Non - count noun) > Danh tir dém dugc: Ding dugc vdi sé dém, do dé né cd hinh thai sé it, so nhiéu. Né diing dugc vdi a hay vdi the. > Danh tr khéng dém duc: Khéng ding dude vdi sé d&ém, do dé nd khéng cé hinh thai sé it, so nhiéu. No khéng thé ding duge vdi "a", con "the" chi trong mét sé truéng hgp dac biét. > Métsd danh tir dém dugc cé hinh thai sé nhiéu dac biét. > Mdt sd danh tir d&m dugc cé dang sé it/ sé nhiéu nhu nhau chi phan biét bang cé "a" va khéng cd "a’ EX: — anaircraft/ aircraft; a sheep/ sheep; a fish/ fish. > M6t sd cac danh tir khéng dém dugc nhu food, meat, money, sand, water ... ddi khi duoc diing nh cAc danh tir sO nhiéu dé chi cdc dang, loai khéc nhau cla danh tir dd. EX: — water > waters (Nutic > nhiing viing nutc) > Danh tir "time" néu dung vdi nghia la "théi gian" la khéng dém duoc nhung khi dung vdi nghia la “théi dai" hay "sé Tan" la danh tir dém duoc. EX: — Ancient times (Nhiing thdi co’ dai) - Modern times (nhitng thai hién dai) > Bang sau Ia cac dinh ngit ding duge vdi cdc danh tir dém dugc va khéng dém dugc. WITH NON-COUNT NOUN WITH COUNT NOUN a(n), the, some, any this, that, these, those none, one, two, three,... many a lot of a number of a) few fewer... than more....than the, some, any this, that none much (usually in negatives or questions) a lot of a large amount of a little less....than more....than > Métsé tir khéng dém dugc nén biét: sand*, food*, meat*, water*, money*, news, measles (bénh sdi), soap, mumps (bénh quai bi), information, economics, physics, air, mathematics, politics, homework. NOTE: advertising la danh tir khéng dém duoc nhung advertisement la danh tir d&m duoc, chi mét quang cdo cu thé nao do. > Viéc xac dinh danh tir d&m dude va khéng d&ém dutc la hét strc quan trong va thudng la bude co ban mé dau cho cac bai nghe/ ngit phap ctia TOEFL. Ex: Ex: The doctor_left the hospital afterwork Students go to the school for a class party. Luu y: Trong American English, “Hospital” va “University” bat budc phai ding vdi the Ex: Ex: > Métsd truéng hop dac biét: = Go to work = Go to the office. To be at work To be hard at work (lam viéc cham chi) To be at the sea: 6 gan bién He was in the hospital (in hospital as a patient) She was unhappy at the University (At University as a student) To be in office (duong nhiém) <> To be out of office (Da man nhiém) Go to sea = di bién (nhu nhifng thuy tht) Go to the sea = ra bién, thudng dé nghi To be at sea (6 trén bién) trong mét chuyén hai hanh. go to town: Di vao trung tam/ Di phd - To be in town (6 trung tam) khi town [a cia ngudi ndi. Bang sir dung "the" va khéng sir dung "the" trong mét sé trudng hgp dién hinh Cé "The" Khéng "The" > Dung trudc tén cdc dai duong, séng ngdi, bién, vinh va cac hé (6 sd nhiéu) The Red Sea, the Atlantic Ocean, the Persian Gufl, the Great Lakes > Truéc tén cac day nui The Rocky Mountains > Trudc tén nhiftng vat thé duy nhat trong vii tru hoac trén thé gidi The earth, the moon > The schools, colleges, universities + of + danh tir ring The University of Florida > the +56 thir tu + danh tr The third chapter. > Trude tén cdc cuéc chién tranh khu vuc vdi diéu kién t&n khu vuc dé phai dugc tinh tir hoa The Korean War (=> The Vietnamese economy) > Trude tén cdc nudc cd hai tir trd én (ngoai tri Great Britain) The United States > Trude tén cdc nude dude coi la mot quan dao hoac mét quan dao The Philipines, The Virgin Islands, The Hawaii > Truéc tén cac tai ligu hoac su kién lich sur The Constitution, The Magna Carta > Trude tén cdc nhém dan téc thiéu sé the Indians > Trudc tén mét hd Lake Geneva > Trudc tén mét ngon nui Mount Vesuvius > Trutdc tén cdc hanh tinh hoac cac chom sao Venus, Mars > Trudc tén cdc trudng nay néu tide no Ia mét tén riéng Stetson University > Trudc cdc danh tir di cling vai mét sé dém Chapter three > Trude tén cdc nudc md dau bang New, mét tinh tir chi hudng hodc chi cd mét tir New Zealand, North Korean, France > Trude tén cac luc dia, tinh, tiéu bang, thanh pho, quan, huyén Europe, Florida > Truc tén bat ki mén thé thao nao baseball, basketball > Trudc cdc danh tir tritu tugng (tr mét so truéng hap dac biét) freedom, happiness 10 > Tide tén cdc m6n hoc cu thé The Solid matter Physics > Trudc tén cdc nhac cu khi dé cap dén cdc nhac cu dé ndi chung hoac choi cdc nhac cu do. The violin is difficult to play Who is that on the piano > Truc tn cac mén hoc ndi chung mathematics > Trude tén cdc ngay Ié, tét Christmas, Thanksgiving > Trudc tén cdc loai hinh nhac cu trong cac hinh thitc 4m nhac cu thé (Jazz, Rock, classical music..) To perform jazz on trumpet and piano it Cach str dung another va other. Hai tir nay tuy gidng nhau vé mat nghia nhung khac nhau vé mat ngif phap. Dung voi danh tir dém dugc Dung voi danh tir khong dém dugc > another + danh tr dém dusgc s cai nita, mét cai khac, mét ngudi nifa, mot ngudi khac. > the other + danh tir dém duc sé it = cai con lai (cla mét bd), ngudi cdn lai (cla mot nhém). > Other + danh tir dém dugc sé nhiéu = may cai nifa, may cai khac, may ngudi nita, may ngudi khac. > The other + danh tir dém dugc sé nhiéu = nhitng cai con lai (cla mét bd), nhitng ngusi_cdn lai (cua mot nhom). Other + danh tr khéng dém duc = mét chit nia. The other + danh tir khéng dém dugc = cho con sot lai. Ex: — Idon't want this book. Please give me another. (another = any other book - not specific) Ex: — Idon't want this book. Please give me the other. (the other = the other book, specific) > Another va other la khéng xac dinh trong khi The other la xac dinh, néu chu ngit hodc danh tir da duge nhac dén ¢ trén thi 6 dudi chi can ding Another hoac other nhu mét dai tir la du. > Néu danh tir duge thay thé bang sd nhiéu: Other > Others. Khéng bao gic duc ding Others + danh tir s6 nhiéu. Chi dudc ding mét trong hai. > Trong mét sé trudng hep ngudi ta ding dai tir thay thé one hoac ones dang sau another hodc other. Luu y: This ho&c that cd thé ding vdi one nhung these va those khéng dusgc ding vdi ones. 12 Verb > D6ng tir trong tiéng Anh Chia lam 3 thdi chinh: Qua khir (Past) Hién tai (Present) Tu ong lai (Future) > Méi thd chinh lai chia thanh nhiéu thdi nhé dé dién dat tinh chinh xac cia hanh déng. 1. Present 1) Simple Present > Khi chia déng tir thai nay 6 ngédi thir 3 sé it, phai cd Ex: — He walks. Ex: — She watches TV > N6 dung dé dién dat mét hanh déng thung xuyén xay ra 6 hién tai, khéng xac dinh cu thé vé thdi gian, hanh déng lap di lap lai céd tinh qui luat. 6 tan cling va 4m dé phai dude doc lén > Thudng ding vdi mét sé cac pho tir chi thdi gian nhu today, present day, nowadays. > Dac biét nd dling vdi mét sé pho tir chi tan suat nhu: always, sometimes, often, every + théi gian 2) Present Progressive (be + V-ing) > Ding dé dién dat mét hanh déng xay ra 6 vao mét thoi diém nh&t dinh cia hién tai. Théi diém nay dugc xac dinh cu thé bing mét sé phd tir nhu: now, rightnow, at this moment. > Dung thay thé cho thdi tuong lai gan, dac biét la trong van ndi. > D&c biét luu y nhitng déng tir 6 bang sau khéng dugc chia ¢ thé tiép dién dis bat ctr thai nao khi ching la nhiing dng tir tinh dién dat trang thai cam gidc clla hoat déng tinh than hoac tinh chat cla su vat , su viéc. Nhung khi ching quay sang hudng déng tir hanh déng thi ching lai duoc phép ding ¢ thé tiép dién. know believe hear see smell wish understand hate love like want sound have need appear seem taste own Ex: — He has a lot of books. EX: — He is having dinner now. (Péng tu hanh déng: én téi) Ex: I think they will come in time Ex: — I'm thinking of my test tomorrow. (Béng tu hanh déng: Dang nghi vé) 3) Present Perfect: Have + PIT > Ding dé dién dat mét hanh déng xay ra tir trong qua khir kéo dai dén hién tai va cham ditt 6 hién tai, thai digm hanh déng hoan toan khéng dude xac dinh trong cAu. > Chi mét hanh déng xay ra nhiéu [an trong qua khtr kéo dai d&n hién tai Ex: George has seen this movie three time. > Dung voi 2 gidi tr SINCE/FOR+time > Dung vdi already trong cau khang dinh, luu y rang already co thé ditng ngay sau have va cling c6 thé ditng 6 cudi cau. > Dung vdi yet trong cau phu dinh, yet thudng xuyén ditng 6 cudi cau. > Dung vdi yet trong cau nghi van Ex: Have you written your reports yet? 15 > Trong mét sé truéng hgp ¢ phu dinh, yet cd thé dimg ngay sau have nhung phai thay déi vé mat ngif phap: not mat di va PIT tro vé dang nguyén thé co to. Ex: — John has yet to leam the material = John hasn't leamt the material yet. > Dung vdi new that... (gid day khi ma...) Ex: Now that you have passed the TOEFL test successfully, you can apply... > Dung vdi mét sé pho tir nhu till now, untill now, so far (cho dén gid). Nhitng thanh ngif nay od thé ditng dau cau hoac cudi cau. Ex: So far the problem has not been resolved. > Dung vdi recently, lately (gan day) nhiing thanh ngif nay od thé ditng dau ho&c cudi cau. Ex: Ihave not seen him recently. > Dung vdi before ditng 6 cudi cau. Ex: Ihave seen him before. 4) Present Perfect Progressive : Have been V-ing >» Dung giéng hét nhu Present Perfect nhung hanh déng khéng chan dirt 6 hién tai ma van tiép tuc tiép dién, thuéng xuyén ding vdi since, for + time > Phan biét cach dung gitfa hai thoi: Present Perfect Present Perfect Progressive > Hanh déng da chim dirt 6 hién tai do dé di cd | > Hanh déng van tiép dién ¢ hién tai, cd kha nang két qua r6 rét. lan tdi tuong lai do dé khéng cé két qua ré rat. I've waited you for half an hour (and now I stop | I've been waiting for you for half an hour (and now waiting because you didn't come). I'm still waiting, hoping that you'll come) 2. Past 1) Simple Past: V-ed > Métsdé dng tir trong tiéng Anh cd ca dang Simple Past va Past Perfect binh thudng cling nhu dac biét. Ngudi Anh ua ding Simple past chia binh thuéng va P2 dac biét lam adj hoac trong dang bi déng Ex: = To light lighted/lighted: He lighted the candles in his birthday cake. lit/ lit: From a distance we can see the lit restaurant. > Né dién dat mét hanh déng da xay ra dirt dim trong qua kht, khéng li€n quan gi tdi hin tai, thai diém trong cAu dutc xac dinh ré rét bing mét sé cac pho tir chi thai gian nhu yesterday, at that moment, last + time 2) Past Progresseive: Was/Were + V-ing > Né dung dé dién dat mét hanh déng dang xay ra 6 vao mét thoi diém nh&t dinh ctia qua khir. Thoi diém dé dugc dién dat cu thé = ngay, gic. > N6 ding két hgp vdi mét simple past théng qua 2 phé tl chi thdi gian 1a when va while, dé chi mét hanh d6ng dang tiép dién trong qua khtr thi mét hanh dong khac chen ngang vao (khi dang... thi bong...). Subject + Simple Past - while - Subject + Past Progressive Ex: — Smb hit him on the head while he was walking to his car Subject + Past Progressive - when - Subject + Simple Past Ex: — He was walking to his car when Smb hit him on the head > Ménh dé co when & while co thé ditng bat ki noi nao trong cau nhung sau when phai [a simple past va sau while phai la Past Progressive. 16 > N6 dién dat 2 hanh déng dang cling luc xay ra trong qua khtr. Subject + Past Progressive - while - Subject + Past Progressive EX: — Her husband was reading newspaper while she was preparing dinner. > Ménh dé hanh déng khéng co while cé thé 6 simple past nhung it khi vi dé bi nham lan. 3) Past Perfect: Had + PII > Ding dé dién dat mt hanh déng xay ra trude mét hanh déng khac trong qua khts, trong c4u bao gid cting cd 2 hanh déng > Dung két hop vdi mét simple past thong qua 2 pho tir chi thdi gian after va before. Subject + Simple Past after Subject + Past Perfect Subject + Past Perfect before Subject + Simple Past Luu y: = Ménh dé co after & before cd thé ding 6 dau ho&c cudi cau nhung sau after phai la past perfect con sau before phai la simple past. . = Before & After co thé dugc thay bang when ma khéng sg bi nham [an vi trong cau bao gid citing cé 2 hanh déng, 1 trudc, 1 sau. Ex: The police came when the robber had gone away. 4) Past Perfect Progressive: Had + Been + V-ing > Ding ging hét nhu Past Perfect duy cd diéu hoat déng dién ra lién tuc cho dén tan Simple Past. Né thuéng két hop vdi Simple Past thong qua pho tir Before. Trong cau thudng xuyén co since, for + time Luu y: Thdi nay ngay nay it ding, ngudi ta thay thé né b3ng Past Perfect va chi ding khi nao can dién dat tinh chinh xac ctia hanh déng. 3. Future 1) Simple Future: Will/Shall/Can/May + Verb in simple form Ngay nay ngif phap hién dai, dac biét la ngit phap Mi chap nhan viéc dung will cho tat ca cdc ngéi, cdn shall chi ding vdi cdc ngéi I, we trong mét sé truéng hep nhu sau: > Duara dé nghi mét cach lich su Ex: Shall I take you coat? > Dung dé mdi ngudi khac mét cach lich su: Ex: Shall we go out for lunch? > Dung dé nga gia trong khi mic ca, mua ban: Ex: — Shall we say : $ 50 > Thu6éng dude dung vdi 1 van ban mang tinh phap qui budc cac bén phai thi hanh diéu khoan trong van ban: Ex: All the students shall be responsible for proper execution of the dorm rule > Trong tigng Anh binh dan , ngudi ta thay shall = must 6 dang cau nay. > N6 ding dé dién dat mét hanh déng sé xay ra 6 mét thdi diém nhat dinh trong tuong lai nhung khong xac dinh cu thé. Thudng ding vdi mét sé pho tir chi thdi gian nhu tomorrow, next + time, in the future, in future = from now on. 2) Near Future > Dién dat mét hanh déng sé xay ra trong tuong lai gan, thudng ding vdi cdc phd tir dudi dang: Ina moment (lat nifa), At 2 o'clock this afternoon.... Ex: We are going to have a reception_in. a moment 17 Cac trucng hop Chu ngif difng tach khdi dong tir > Xen vao gitta la mét ngif gidi tlr (mt gidi tr md dau céng cac danh tlr theo sau). Cac ngif gidi tir nay khdng hé c6 quyét dinh gi tdi viéc chia déng ttr, dng tir phai chia theo chu ngit chinh. > Cac thanh ngif 6 bang sau cling vdi cac danh tir di theo sau né tao nén hién tuéng déng chu ngif. Né sé ditng xen vao gitta chu ngtt va déng tt, tach ra khdi gitta 2 thanh phan dé = 2 dau phay va khéng cd anh huéng gi dén viéc chia déng ter. Ex: The actrees, along with her manager and some friends, is going to a party tonight. Together with along with accompanied by as well as > Néu 2 danh tir lam chu ngif néi vdi nhau bang and thi déng tir phai chia ngdi thir 3 sé nhiéu (they) > Nhung néu 2 dong Chu ngif néi vdi nhau bang or thi dong tir phai chia theo danh tir ditng sau or. Néu danh tir dé la sé it thi déng tir phai chia ngéi thir 3 sé it va ngudc lai. Ex: — The actress or her manager is going to answer the interview. 1. Cac danh tir lu6n doi héi cac d6ng tr va dai tir di theo chung 6 ngéi thir 3 sé it > D6 a cdc danh tir 6 bang sau (con goi | cac dai ttt phiém chi). any + no + some + singular noun singular noun singular noun anybody nobody somebody anyone no one someone anything nothing something every + singular noun each + singular noun everybody everyone either * everything heither* *Either and neither are singular if thay are not used with or and nor > either (1 trong 2) chi diing cho 2 ngudi hoac 2 vat. N&u 3 ngudi (vat) tré l€n phai ding any. > neither (khéng mét trong hai) chi diing cho 2 ngudi, 2 vat. Néu 3 ngudi (vat) tro lén diing not any. EX: Neither of his chutes opens as he plummets to the ground EX: — Notany of his pens is able to be used. 2. Cach sur dung None va No > Néu sau None of the [a mét danh ttr khéng dém dugc thi déng tir phai 6 ngéi thir 3 sé it. Nhung néu sau no la médt danh tir sé nhiéu thi déng ttr phai chia 6 ngéi thir 3 sé nhiéu. none + of the + non-count noun + singular verb none + of the + plural count noun + plural verb EX: None of the counterfeit money hag been found. Ex: None of the students have finished the exam yet. > Néu sau No [a mét danh tir dém dugc sé it hodc khéng d&ém dugc thi dong tir phai 6 ngéi thir 3 sé it nhutng néu sau nd la mét danh tir sé nhiéu thi déng tir phai 6 ngéi thir 3 sé nhiéu no + {singular noun/non-count noun} + singular verb no + plural noun + plural verb 20 Ex: No example is relevant to this case. 3. Cach sir dung cau tric either...or (hoac...hoac) va neither...nor (kh6é ciing khéng) > Diéu can luu y nhat khi str dung cau tric nay la déng tir phai chia theo danh tir di sau or hodc nor. Néu danh tir do la sé it thi dong tir dé chia 6 ngéi thir 3 sé it va ngudc lai. i nor neithénoun + plural noun + plural verb eithey or neithernoun + nor# singular noun + singular verb eithe or EX: Neither John nor his friends are going to the beach today. Ex: — Either John or his friends are going to the beach today. EX: Neither the boys nor Carmen has seen this movie before. Ex: Either John or Bill is going to the beach today. 4. -V-ing lam chi ngir > Khi V-ing dung lam chu ngi thi déng tr phai chia 6 ngéi thir 3 sd it > Ngudi ta sé dung V-ing khi muén dién dat 1 hanh déng cu thé xay ra nhat thdi nhung khi muén dién dat ban chat cua su vat, su viéc thi phai ding danh tir EX: Dieting is very popular today. Ex: Diet is for those who suffer from a cerain disease. > Déng tif nguyén thé ciing cé thé diing lam chu ngif va déng tir sau nd sé chia 6 ngéi thir 3 sd it. Nhung ngusi ta thudng ding chu ngif gia it dé mo dau cau. EX: To find the book ig necessary for him = It is necessary for him to_find the book. 5. Cac danh tir tap thé > Do [a cdc danh tir d bang sau ding dé chi 1 nhém ngudi ho&c 1 té chite nhung tran thu t& ching la nhitng danh ttr sé it, do vay cac dai tir va déng tir theo sau ching cing 6 ngéi thir 3 sé it. Congress family group committee class Organization team army club crowd Government jury majority* minority public Ex: The committee has met, and it has rejected the proposal. > Tuy nhién néu déng tir sau nhifng danh tir nay chia 6 ngéi thir 3 sé nhiéu thi cau dé am chi cdc thanh vién trong nhém dang hoat d6ng riéng ré: Ex: — Congress votes for the bill. . *(Congress are discussing about the bill. (some agree, some disagree)).(TOEFL khéng bat Idi nay). > Danh tir the majority dugc ding tuy theo thanh phan sau no dé chia déng tir The majority + singular verb the majority of the + plural noun + plural verb Ex: The majority believes that we are in no danger. Ex: The majority of the students believe him to be innocent. > the police/sheep/fish + plural verb EX: — The sheep are breaking away Ex: The police come only to see the dead bodies and a ruin in the bank > acouple + singular verb 21 EX: — Acouple is walking on the path > The couple + plural verb Ex: The couple are racing their horses through the meadow. > Cac cum tir 6 bang sau chi mét nhém déng vat hoac gia slic. cho dui sau gidi tir of la danh tir so nhiéu thi déng tir van chia theo ngéi chu: ngff chinh — ngéi thr 3 sé it. flock of birds, sheep school of fish herd of cattle pride of lions pack of dogs Ex: — The flock of birds is circling overhead. > Tt ca cdc danh tir tap thé chi thoi gian, tian bac, sé do déu dugc xem la 1 danh tir sé it. Do dé cdc déng tir va dai tlr theo sau ching phai 6 ngéi thir 3 sé it. Ex: = 25 dollars is too much... *Note: He has contributed $50, and now he wants to contribute another 50. 6. Cach sur dung a number of, the number of: > A number of = mot sé Idn nhiing... néu di vdi danh tir sé nhiéu thi déng tir chia 6 ngdi thir ba so nhiéu. anumber of + plural noun + plural verb Ex: — Anumber of students are going to the class picnic (a number of = many). > Nhung the number of = métsé... dudc coi la mét téng thé sé it, do dé cho di sau né la mot danh tir sO nhiéu thi déng tr van phai chia 6 ngéi thir 3 sé it. the number of + plural noun + singular verb... Ex: The number of days in a week is seven. 7. Cac danh tir luén ding 6 sé nhiéu > Bang sau [a nhifng danh tir bao gid ciing ¢ hinh thai sé nhiéu vi ching bao gdm 2 thuc thé nén cac dai tir va déng tir di cling vdi ching cting phai 6 sé nhiéu. Scissors shorts Pants jeans tongs Trousers eyeglasses __ Pliers tweezers > Néu muén ching thanh ngéi sé it phai dung a pair of... Ex: — The pants are in the drawer. EX: A pair of pants is in the drawer. 8. Thanh ngff there is, there are > Thanh ngif nay chi su t6n tai cla ngudi hoac vat tai mét noi nao dé. Chu ngif that cla thanh ngif nay la danh tir di sau. N&u nd la danh tir sé it thi déng tir to be chia 6 ngéi thir 3 sé it va ngudc lai. > Moi bién déi vé thai va thé déu nam G to be con there gitt nguyén. Ex: There has been an increase in the importation of foreign cars. Ex: There have been a number of telephone calls today. > Luuy cdc c4u tric: there is certain/ sure/ likely/ bound to be: Chac chan la sé co Ex: There is sure to be trouble when she gets his letter (Chac chan Ia sé co rac réi khi cd ay nhn duoc thu anh ta) Ex: Do you think there is likely to be snow (Anh cho rang ch&c chin sé co tuyét chir) 22 his her their its > Dating trudc mét danh ter va chi su'sé hitu cuia ngudi hodc vat déi vai danh ter dd. 4. Dai tir sé hitu mine ours yours yours his hers theirs its > Nguti ta ding dai tir so hitu dé tranh khoi phai nhac lai tinh tir sé hitu + danh tir da ndi ¢ trén. > Ditng dau cau lam chu ngif va quyét dinh viéc chia déng ter. > Dttng sau cdc pho tir so sanh nhu than hodc as EX: Your teacher is the same as his teacher. Yours is the same as his. > Ditng sau déng tir to be > Ditng dang sau mét déng tir hanh déng lam tan ngif. Ex: — I forgot my homework. I forgot mine 5. Dai tir phan than myself ourselves yourself yourselves himself herself themselves itself > Ding dé dién dat chu ngit lam mét viée gi cho chinh minh. Trong truéng hop nay né dig ngay ding sau déng tir hodc gidi tir for 6 cudi cau. Ex: — I washed myself Ex: — He sent the letter to himself. > Dung dé nhan manh vao viéc chi ngif tu lam lay viéc gi, trong trudng hdp nay né ding ngay sau chu ngif. Trong mét sé truéng hgp no od thé ditng 6 cudi cau, khi ndi hai ngung lai mét chit. Ex: — I myself believe that the proposal is good. Ex: She prepared the nine-course meal herself. > By + oneself: mét minh. Ex: — John washed the dishes by himself (alone) 25 Tan ngif 1. Déng tir ding lam tan ngif Khéng phai bat ctr déng tir nao trong tiéng Anh ciing déu doi hoi tan ngif ding sau né la mét danh tir. Mét s6 cdc déng tir lai doi hdi tan ngif sau no phai la mét déng tr khac. Chting chia lam hai loai. 2. Déng tir nguyén thé [a tan ngir > Bang dudi day la nhitng déng tir doi hdi tan ngif sau n6 la mdt déng tir nguyén thé khac. agree attempt claim decide demand desire expect fail forget hesitate hope intend leam need offer plan prepare pretend refuse seem strive tend want wish EX: — John expects to begin studying law next semester. 3. Verb -ing ding lam tan ngif Bang dudi day la nhting déng tir doi hdi tan ngir theo sau nd phai la mét Verb - ing admit appreciate avoid can't help consider delay deny enjoy finish mind miss postpone practice quit recall repeat resent resist resume risk suggest Ex: — John admitted stealing the jewels. > Luuy rang trong bang nay cd mau déng tir can't help doing/ but do smt: khéng thé ditng dugc phai lam gi With such good oranges, we can't help buying (but buy) two kilos at a time. > Né@u muén thanh lap thé phi dinh cho cdc déng tr trén day ding lam tan ngif phai dat not trudc nguyén thé ho&c verb - ing. > Bang dudi day la nhiing dong tir ma tan ngif sau nd cd thé la mét dong tir nguyén thé ho&c mét verb - ing ma ngif nghia khong thay ddi. begin can't stand continue dread hate like love prefer start try > Luu y rang trong bang nay co mét déng tir can't stand to do/doing smt: khéng thé chiu dung duc khi phai lam gi. He can't stand to wait/ waiting such a long time. 4. Bon dong tr dac biét > Do la nhiing dong tir ma ngif nghia ctia chiing sé déi khac hoan toan khi tan ngif sau nd la mot dong tir nguyén thé ho&c verb - ing. 1) Stop to do smt: dirng lai dé lam gi 2) Stop doing smt: dirng lam viéc gi 3) Remember to do smt: Nhé sé phai lam gi I remember to send a letter at the post office tomorow morning. 4) Remember doing smt: Nhé Ia da lam gi I remember locking the door before leaving, but now I can't find the key. 26 > Dic biét nd thudng dugc ding vdi mau cau: $ + still remember + V-ing : Van cdn nhé Ia da... I still remember buying the first motorbike 5) Forget to do smt: quén sé phai lam gi I forgot to pickup my child after school 6) Forget doing smt: (Chi dugc ding trong cac mau cau phd dinh. > Dc bit nd thudng dusc diing vdi mu c4u S + will never forget + V-ing: sé khéng bao gid quén dugc la da ... She will never forget meeting the Queen. 7) Regret to do smt: Lay lam tiéc vi phai (thu@ng bao tin xau) We regret to inform the passengers that the flight for Washington DC was canceled because of the bad weather. 8) Regret doing smt: Lay lam tiéc vi da He regrets leaving school early. It's a big mistake. 5. Cac déng tir diing sau gidi tir > Tat ca cdc déng tr dig sau gidi tir déu phai 6 dang V-ing . > Mét sé cac déng tir thuéng di kém vdi gidi tlr to. Khong dude nham lan gidi tir nay vdi to cla déng tir nguyén thé. [ Verb + prepositions + V-ing | approve of be better of count on depend on give up insist on keep on put off rely on succeed in think abount think of worry abount object to look forward to confess to Fred confessed to stealing the jewels Adjective + prepositions + V-ing accustomed to afraid of capable of fond of intent on interested in successful in tired of Mitch is afraid of getting married now. Noun + prepositions + V-ing choice of excuse for intention of method for possibility of reason for (method of) There is no reason for leaving this early. > Khéng phai bat ctr tinh tir nao cling déu doi hdi sau nod la mét gidi tir + V-ing. Nhitng tinh tir 6 bang sau lai doi hdi sau no 1a mét dong tir nguyén thé. anxious boring dangerous hard eager easy good strange pleased prepared ready able usual common difficult It is dangerous to drive in this weather. > able/ unable to do smt = capable/ incapable of doing smt. 6. Van dé cac dai tir ditng tru‘éc dong tir nguyén thé hodc V-ing ding lam tan ngif. > Ditng trudc mot dong tir nguyén thé lam t4n ngif thi dang cua dai tir va danh tir sé [a tan ngif. allow ask beg convince expect instruct invite order permit persuade prepare promise remind urge want 27 Dare sb to do smt: Thach ai lam gi They dare the boy to swim across the river in such a cold weather. 30 Cach si? dung to be trong mét sé trudng hop > To be of + noun = to have: c6 (ding dé chi tinh chat hodc tinh cam) Mary is of a gentle nature: Mary co mét ban chat tur t& > To be of + noun: Nhan manh cho danh tr difng dang sau The newly-opened restaurant is of (6 ngay) the Leceister Square > To be + to + verb: la dang cau tao dac biét dugc swf dung trong nhifng truong hgp sau: “Dé truyén dat cdc ménh lénh hodc cac chi dan tir ngdi thir nh&t qua ngéi thir hai d&n ngdi thir ba. No one is to leave this building without the permission of the police. “Dung voi ménh dé if khi ménh dé chinh dién dat mét cdu tién diéu kién: Mét diéu phai xay ra trudc nh&t néu mudn mot diéu khac sé xay ra. (Nu muén... thi phai..) Ex1: If we are to get there by lunch time we had better hurry. x2: Smt must be done quickly if the endangered birds are to be saved. Ex3: He knew he would have to work hard if he was to pass his exam * Dusgc dling dé thong bao nhifng yéu cau xin chi dan He asked the air traffic control where he was to land. “ Dusgc dung rat phé bién dé truyén dat mét du dinh, mét su sap dat, dac biét khi nd la chinh thc. Ex1: She is to get married next month. Ex2: The expedition is _to start in a week. Ex3: We are to get a ten percent wage rise in June. . “Cu tric nay rat thong dung trén bao chi, khi lA tua dé bao thi to be duc bo di dé tiét kiém chd. The Primer Minister (is) to make a statement tomorrow. > were +S + to + verb = if +S + were + to + verb = thé néu (dién dat mét gia thuyét) Were I to tell you that he passed his exams, would you believe me. > was/ were + to + verb: Dé dién dat y tuéng vé mét sé ménh da dinh san Ex1: They said goodbye without knowing that they were never to meet again. Ex2: Since 1840, American Presidents elected in years ending in zero were to be died (have been destined to diejin office. > to be about to + verb = near future (sap stra) They are about to leave. > Trong mét sé dang cau dac biét e Be + adj... m6 dau cho mét ngif = to ra... Be careless (To ra bat can...) in a national park where there are bears around and the result are likely to be tragical indeed e Be + subject + noun/ noun phrase/ adjective = cho du la Societies have found various methods to support and train their artists, be it (cho du Ia...) the Renaissance system of royal support of the sculptors and painters of the period or the Japanese tradition of passing artistic knowledge from father to son. To have technique is to possess the physical expertise to perform whatever steps a given work may contain, be they simple or complex: (Co duoc ky thuat la sé od duoc su diéu luyén vé mit co thé dé thie hién bit ky nhitng bude vi nao ma mét diéu vii da dinh s&n od thé bao gdm, cho dui la chiing don gian hay phiic tap) 31 Cach str dung to get trong mot s6 trudng hop dac biét 1. To get + P, > get washed/ dressed/ prepared/ lost/ drowned/ engaged/ married/ divorced. Chi viéc chu ngtf tu lam lay hodc trang thai ma chu ngtt dang ¢ trong do. You will have 5 minutes to get dressed (... tu’ mac quan do) He got lost in old Market Street yesterday. (trang thai lac) > Tuyét nhién khéng dutc ln trudng hgp nay vai déng tir bi déng. > Déng tir to be co thé diing thay thé cho get trong loai c4u nay. 2. Get + V-ing = Start + V-ing: Bat dau lam gi Wed better get moving, it's late. 3. Get sb/smt +V-ing: Lam ai/ cai gi bat dau. Please get him talking about the main task. (Lam on bao anh ta bat dau noi vé nhiém vu chinh di) When we get the heater running, the whole car will start to warm up. (Khi ching ta cho méy sudi bit du chay) 4. Get + to + verb > Tim dugc cach. We could get to enter the stadium without tickets.(Chung téi da tim duoc cach lot vao...) > Cdco may. When do I get to have a promotion.(Khi nao t6i od co may duoc tang luong day) > Dude phép At last we got to meet the general director. (Cudi cung thi réi ching téi cling duoc phép gap) 5. Get + to + Verb (chi van dé hanh déng) = Come + to + Verb (chi van dé nhan thirc) = Gradually = dan dan We will get to speak English more easily as time goes by. He comes to understand that leaming English is not much difficult 32 auxiliary + S + V + question word +S +V Do you know where he went ?. > Question word co thé la mét phrase: whose + noun, how many, how much, how long, how often, what time, what kind. I have no idea how long the interview will take. vv w > > Cau héi cé duéi Cau chia lam hai thanh phan tach biét nhau bdi dau phay. Néu d6ng tir 6 thanh phan chinh chia 6 thé khang dinh thi dong tir 6 phan dudi chia 6 thé phu dinh va ngudc lai. Thoi cua dong tir 6 dudi phai theo thdi cla déng tir 6 ménh dé chinh. Déng tir thudng dung vdi tro déng tir to do. Cac déng tir d thai kép ding vai chinh tro déng tir ctia nd. D6ng tir to be duc phép diing tric ti€p. Cac thanh ngif there is, there are va itis dudc dung lai 6 phan dudi. Trong tigng Anh ctia nguéi My, to have la déng tir thudng, do vay no phai ding vdi tro déng tr to do. Ex1: You have two children, don't you ? Ex2: He should stay in bed, shouldn't he ? Ex3: She has been studying English for two years, hasn't she ? “Luu y: khi str dung loai cau hdi nay nén nhd rang ngusdi hdi chi nh&m dé khang dinh y kién cua minh da biét chir khéng nh&m dé hdi. Do dé khi cham cAu hiéu trong TOEFL, phai dua vao thé déng tir cla ménh dé chinh chit khéng dua vao thé déng tir 6 phan dudi. Ex: John can get Mary to play this, can’t he? Correct answer: John believes that Mary will play this for us. 35 Léi ndéi phu hoa khang dinh va phu dinh 1. Khang dinh > La Idi ndi phu hoa lai y khang dinh cua ngudi khac tugng dudng vdi cau tric tng Viét cling thé. > Cau tric dugc ding sé la so, too. > Déng tir to be dugc phép dung truc tiép, déng tir thudng ding vdi tro dong tir to do. Cac déng tir o thoi kép (Future, perfect, progressive) dung vdi chinh tro dong tir cua nd. affirmative statement (be) + and + Jam happy, and you are too Jam happy, and so are you. affirmative statement + ones + auxiliary only +S S + auxiliary only + foo (compound verb) They will work in the lab tomorrow, and you will too. They will work in the lab tomorrow, and so will you. affirmative statement + ones + do, does, or did +S S + do, does, or did+ too (compound verb) Jane goes to that school, and my sister does too. Jane goes to that school, and so does my sister. N Phu dinh Dé phy hoa lai y phd dinh cua ngudi khdc, tuong dugng vai cau tric tiéng Viet cing khong. vv Thanh ngif dugc str dung sé la either va neither. Nén nhd rang: Negative verb + Either Neither + positive verb > Str dung gidng Idi ndi phy hoa khang dinh vdi 3 loai: to be, déng tir thudng va céc dong tir d thoi kép. negative statement + and + I didn't see Mary this morning, and John didn't either I didn't see Mary this morning, and neither did John. Lut y: Cac /6i noi me too va me neither chi duoc dung trong van noi, tuyét déi kh6ng duoc dung trong van viet. 36 Cau phu dinh Dé cau tao cau phu dinh dat not sau: > Dé6ng tir to be - Tro dng tir to do cia déng tir thuéng - cac tro déng tr 6 thai kép. > D&t any dang trudéc danh tir dé nhan manh trong phu dinh. Nén nhd rang trong tiéng Anh cua ngudi My thi not any + noun = not.... a single noun. He didn't sell a single magazine yesterday. > Trong métsé truéng hgp dé nhan manh vao phui dinh cia danh tir. Ngudi ta dé dong tir 6 dang khang dinh va dat no trudc danh tir. Lic dé no = not... at all. > M6t sé cac cau hoi 6 dang phu dinh sé mang hai nghia: ¢ —Nh&n manh cho su khang dinh ctia ngudi ndi. Shouldn't you put on your hat, too! : Thé thi anh cting déi luén ma vao di. Didn't you say that you would come to the party tonight: Thé’anh dé chang noi la anh di dur tiéc toi nay hay sao. © Dung dé tan dutong Wasn't the weather wonderful yesterday: Thai tiét hm qua dep tuyét voi. Wouldn't it be nice if we didn't have to work on Friday: That la tuyét voi khi ching ta khéng phai lam viéc ngay thir 6. > Negative + Negative = Positive.(emphasizing - Nhan manh) It's unbelieveable he is not rich. > Negative + comparative (more/ less) = superlative I couldn't agree with you less = absolutely disagree. You couldn't have gone to the beach on a better day = the best day to go to the beach. Nhung phai hét strc cn than vi : He couldn't have been more unfriendly (the most unfriendly) when I met him first. The surgery couldn't have been more unnecessary (absolutely unnecessary). > Negative... even/still less/much less + noun/ verb in simple form: khéng ... ma lai cang khéng. These students don't like reading novel, much less textbook. It's unbelieveable how he could have survived such a freefall, much less live to tell about it on television > M6t sé cac phe tir trong tiéng Anh mang nghia phu dinh, khi da duing n6 trong cau khéng dugc cau tao thé phi dinh cla dong tir nifa. + hardly, barely, scarcely = almost no = hau nhu khéng. ~ hardlyever, seldom, rarely = almost never = hau nhu khéng bao gid. subject + negative adverb + positive verb subject + to be + negative adverb *Luu y rang cac pho tir nay khong mang nghia phd dinh hoan toan ma mang nghia gan nhu’ phu dinh. Dac biét la nhifng tir nhu barely va scarcely khi di vdi nhifng tir nh enough va only hodc nhiing thanh ngif chi su chinh xac. She barely make it to class on time: C6 ta déh ip vura van ding gid. Do you have enough money for the tution fee? Only barely (Scarcely enough): Vita dti. > D6i vdi nhitng déng tir nhu to think, to believe, to suppose, to imagine + that + sentense. Phai cau tao phu dinh 6 cac déng tir dé, khéng dude cau tao phu dinh 6 ménh dé thir hai. I don't think you came to class yesterday. I don't believe she stays at home now. > Trong dang informal standard English (tigng Anh qui chuan ding thuéng ngay) mét cau tric phi dinh ngung khéng mang nghia phu dinh déi khi dugc st dung sau nhifng y chi su nghi ngd hoc khong chac chan, dac biét la phui dinh kép. Ex: I shouldn't be suprised if they didn’t get married soon (if they got married soon). T6i sé khéng lay lam ngac nhién néu ho lay nhau som. 37 Dong tir khiém khuyét Dé la nhitng dong tir 6 bang sau va mang nhifng dac diém present tense past tense will would (used to) Can could May might Shall should (ought to) (had better) must (have to) (had to) > Khéng cé tiéu tir "to" dang trudc. > Déng tir nao di sau nd phai bd "to". > Khdng can ding vdi tro déng tir ma ding vdi chinh ban than né trong cac dang cau nghi van va cau phi dinh. > Khdng bao gid hai dong tir khiém khuyét di cling nhau, néu cd thi dong tir thir hai phai bin sang mét dang khac. will have to (must), will be able to (can), will be allowed to (may) Cau diéu kién 1. Diéu kién co thé thuc hién dugc 6 hién tai If + S + simple present - S + will (can, shall, may) + Verb in simple form. If he tries much more, he will improve his English. 2. Diéu kién khéng thé thuc hién duc 6 hién tai If + S + simple past - S + would (could, should, might) + Verb in simple form If I had enough money now, I would buy this house . Déng tir to be phai chia la were 6 tat ca cdc ngéi. If Lwere you, I wouldn't do such a thing. . Trong mét sé trudng hop, ngudi ta bd if di va dao were lén trén chu ngit (were I you ... I6i co ban). 3. Diéukién khong thé thu hién duc 6 qua kh’ If + S + had + P,- S + would(could, shoult,might) + have + P, If he had studied harder for that test, he would have passed it. Trong mét sé trudng hop ngudi ta bd if di va dao had [én phia trudc. Luu y: Cau diéu kién khéng phai Itc nao cling tuan theo qui luat tr€n. Trong mét sé truéng hop mét vé cua diéu kién sé la qua khtr nhung vé con lai 6 hién tai do théi gian qui dinh. If she had caught the train, she would be here by now. td 41 Cach str dung cac dong tir will, would, could, should sau if Théng thutng cdc déng tir nay khéng dude str dung vdi if trong c4u diéu kién, tuy nhién van cé ngoai |é. > If you will/would : Néu ..... vui long. Thudng dude ding trong cdc yéu cau lich su. Would lich su hon will. Tf you will/would wait for a moment, I will go and see if Mr Conner is here. > If + Subject + Will/Would : Néu Jf he will listen to me, I can help him. Will cdn dugc ding theo mau cau nay dé dién dat su ngoan cé: Néu..... nhat dinh, Néu..... cur. Jf you will turn on the music loudly late the night, no wonder why your neighbours complain. iu. Dé dién dat y tu nguyén. > If you could: Xin vui lang. Dién dat lich su 1 yéu cau ma ngudi ndi cho rang ngudi kia s8 déng y nhur la mét lé dung nhién. Jf you could open your book, please. > If + Subject + should + ..... + imperative (ménh lénh thifc): Vi phéng nhu’. Dién dat mét tinh hudng dui cd thé xay ra dugc song rat khd. If you should find any dificulty in using that TV, please call me this number. Trong mét sé truéng hop ngusi ta bd if di va dao should [én trén chu ngit (Should you find) 42 Cach str dung to Hope, to Wish. Hai dong tir nay tuy cling nghia nhung khac nhau vé cach sur dung va ban chat ngit phap. > Déng tir cla ménh dé sau hope (hi vong rang) sé dién bién binh thudng theo thdi gian cla chinh ménh dé do. > Déng tir 6 ménh dé sau wish bat budc phai 6 dang diéu ki€n khéng thé thu hién dugc. Diéu kién dé chia lam 3 thdi: 45 Diéu kién kh6ng co that 6 tuong lai Déng tir 6 ménh dé sau wish sé cé dang would/could + Verb hoadc were + [verb + ing]. We wish that you could come to the party tonight. (You can't come) 1. Diéu kién khéng thé thuc hién dugc 6 hién tai Déng tir 6 ménh dé sau wish sé chia 6 Simple past, to be phai chia la were 6 tat ca cdc ngéi. Lwish that I had enough time to finish my homework. 2. Diéu kién khéng thé thuc hién dugc 6 qua khir Déng tir 6 ménh dé sau wish sé chia 6 Past perfect hoac could have + P3. I wish that I had washed the clothes yesterday. She wishes that she could have been there. *Luu ¥ 1: Dong tir 6 ménh dé sau wish chi od thé bi anh hung cua wish [a bat budc phai ¢ dang diéu kién khéng thé thuc hign dugc nhung diéu kién ay 6 thdi nao lai phy thudc vao chinh thdi gian cla ban than ménh dé cht khdng phu thudc vao thdi clla wish. She wishes that she could have gone earlier yesterday.(Past) He wished that he would come to visit me next week.(Future) The photographer wished we stood clother than we are standing now. (Present). *Luru ¥ 2. Can phan biét wish (udc gi/ mong gi) véi wish mang nghia "chic"trong mau cau: to wish sb smt I wish you a happy birthday. *Luu y¥ 3. va wish mang nghia "muén": To wish to do smt (Muén lam gi) To wish smb to do smt (Muén ai lam gi) Ex: Why do you wish to see the manager Ex: I wish to make a complaint. Ex: The government does not wish Dr Jekyll Hyde to accept a professorship at a foreign university. > Wish (lich su/ trang trong nhat) = would like (lich su) = want (than mat) Cach si? dung thanh ngif as if, as though (chirng nhw Ia, nhu thé la) Ménh dé dang sau hai thanh ngif nay thudng xuyén 6 dang diéu kién khong thé thutc hién dugc. Diéu kién nay chia lam 2 thdi: > Thdi hién tai: néu dong ttr 6 ménh dé trudc chia 6 thdi hién tai don gian thi déng tir 6 ménh dé sau chia 6 qua khir don gian. To be phai chia la were 6 tat ca cac ngéi. The old lady dresses as if it were winter even in the summer. (It is not winter) > Thdi qua khir: Néu déng tlr 6 ménh dé trudéc chia 6 qua khtr don gian thi dong tir 6 ménh dé sau chia & qua khtr hoan thanh. Jeff looked as though he had seen a ghost. (He didn't see a ghost) Luu y: Ménh dé sau as if, as though khéng phai Itc nao cling tuan theo qui luat trén. Néu diéu kién trong cau la cd that hoc theo quan niém cla ngudi noi, ngudi vist la cd that thi hai cng thifc trén khong dugc str dung. Déng tir 6 ménh dé sau dién bign binh thuéng theo méi quan hé vdi déng tir 6 ménh dé chinh. He looks as if he has finished the test. 47 Loai cau cé mot chu ngif Cau tric str dung cho loai cau nay la would rather ... than [a loai cau diéu ki€n khéng thurc hién dude va chia lam 2 thdi > Thdi hign tai: Sau would rather la nguyén thé bo to. N&u mudn thanh lap thé phu dinh dat not trudc nguyén thé bd to. Jim would rather go to class tomorrow than today. > Thoi qua khif: Dong tir sau would rather phai la have + P,, néu mudn thanh lap thé phu dinh dat not trudc have. Jim would rather have gone to class yesterday than today. 1. Loai cau cé hai chu ngif Loai cau nay dung thanh ngit would rather that (uéc gi, mong gi) va dung trong mét sé truéng hop sau: a) Loai cau gia dinh & hién tai > La loai cau nguéi thir nhat mudén ngudi thir hai lam viéc gi nhung lam hay khéng cdn phu thudéc vao nguéi thir hai. Trong truéng hop nay déng tir 6 mang dé hai dé 6 dang nguyén thé bo to. Néu mudn thanh lap thé phui dinh dat not trudc nguyén thé bo to. I would rather that you call me tomorrow. > Ngit phap hién dai ngay nay dac biét la ngit phép Mi cho phép bé that trong cau tric nay ma van git nguyén hinh thtic gia dinh. He would rather (that) he not take this train. 5) Loai cu khéng thé thue hién duoc & hién tai > DéOng tir sau chu ngit hai sé chia 6 simple past, to be phai chia la were G tat ca cac ngéi. Henry would rather that his girlfriend worked in the same department as he does. Jane would rather that it were winter now. > Né@u muén thanh lap thé phu dinh dung didn't + Verb hoac were not sau chu ngif hai. ©) Loai cu khong thé thuc hién duoc & qué khie > DéOng tir sau chu ngit hai sé chia 6 dang past perfect. > Né@u muén thanh lap thé phu dinh dung hadn't + P2. Jim would rather that Jill had gone to class yesterday. Lutu ¥: Trong |6i ndi binh thudng hang ngay ngudi ta dung wish thay cho would rather that. 50 Cach str dung thanh ngif Would like > Dién dat mét cach lich su Idi mdi moc hoac y minh muén gi. Would you like to dance with me. > Khéng ding do you want khi mdi moc ngudi khac. > Trong tiéng Anh ctia nguéi Anh, néu dé dién dat su ua thich cia chi ngif thi sau like la mét_—_—‘V-ing. He does like reading novel, (enjoyment) > Nhung dé dién dat su’ lua chon hoac thdi quen thi sau like phai la mét déng tir nguyén thé. Between soccer and tennis, I like to see the former. (choice) When making tea, he usually likes to put some sugar and a slice of lemon in first. (habit) > Nhung trong ti&ng Anh ngudi Mi khong co suf phan biét nay: Tat cd sau like déu la dong tir nguyén thé. > Wouldn't like = khéng ua trong khi don't want = khéng muén. Would you like somemore coffee ? Polite: No, thanks/ No, I don't want any more. Impolite: J wouldn't like (thém vao) > Luu y rang khi like dugc ding vdi nghia "cho la dung" hoac "cho 1a hay/ khén ngoan" thi bao gid theo sau ciing la mét nguyén thé co to (infinitive) She likes the children to play in the garden (She think they are safe playing there) (Cé &y muéhn bon tré con choi trong vutn cho chac/ cho an toan) I like to go to the dentist twice a year (Téi muon dén bac si nha khoa 2 lin nim cho chac). > Would like = would care /love/ hate/ prefer + to + verb khi dién dat diéu kién cho mét hanh d6ng cu thé 6 tuong lai. Would you like/ care to come with me? Id love to > Would like/ would care for/ would enjoy + Verb-ing khi dién dat khau vi, y thich ndi chung cia chu ngif. She would like/ would enjoy riding if she could ride better. I wonder if Tom would care for/ would enjoy hang-gliding. 51 Cach st? dung cac déng tir khiém khuyét dé dién dat cac trang thai 6 hién tai 1. Could, May, Might + Verb in simple form = Co Ié, c6 thé. > Chi kha nang cd thé xay ra ¢ hién tai nhung ngudi ndi khéng dam chac. (Ca 3 dong tir déu co gia tri nhu nhau). It might rain tomorrow. Should + Verb in simple form Nén: dién dat mét Idi khuyén, su gai y, su’ bat budc nhung khéng manh lam. vVvNn C6 khi, c6 1é : Din dat nguéi ndi mong muén diéu dé sé xay ra. (Expect) > Cac thanh ngft had better, ought to, be supposed to déu mang nghia tuong duong vdi should vdi diéu kin déng tr to be trong thanh ngit be supposed to phai chia 6 thdi hién tai. John ought to study tonight John is supposed to study tonight. Lut ¥: Thanh ngit be supposed to ngoai ra cdn mang nghia: qui dinh phai, bat buéc phai. We are supposed to have a science test this afternoon, but it was postponed because the teacher had to attend a conference. 3. Must + Verb in simple form > Phai: mang nghia bat budc rat manh. George must call his insurance agent today. > Han las chi su suy luan logic dua trén nhitng hién tuong co that ¢ hién tai. John's lights are out. He must be asleep. > Ngudi ta ding have to thay cho must trong cac truéng hop sau * Qua khir = had to. Mrs.Kinsey had to pass an examination before she could practice law. * Tuong lai = will have to. We will have to take an exam next week, “ Hién tai: Have to dugc dling thay cho must dé hoi xem ban than minh bat budc phai lam gi hoac dé dién dat su bat budc do khach quan dem lai. Giam nhe tinh bat budc cua must. Guest: Do I have to leave a deposit. Receptionist: No, you needn't. But you have to leave your I.D card number written down in this register. I'm sorry but that's the way it is. Luu y: Have got to + Verb = must He has got to go to the office tonight. (Thuong dung nhiéu trong van ndi). va thurong xuyén dung cho nhiing hanh déng don Ié, tach biét. I have to work everyday except Sunday. But I don't have got to work a full day on Saturday. 52 Tinh ti va pho tir > Mét tinh tir ludn bé nghia cho mét danh tir va chi mét danh tir, nd ludn ding trde danh tlr dude bo nghia. > Trong tigng Anh, cd duy nha&t mét tinh tir ditng sau danh tir: galore = nhiéu, phong phi, déi dao There were errors galore in the final test. > Tinh tir cting dirng sau cac dai tir phiém chi (something, anything, anybody...) Its something strange. He is sb quite unknown. > Mdt pho tir ludn bé nghia cho mét déng tir, mdt tinh tir ho&c mét phd tir khac. Rita drank too much, I don't play tenis very well. > Adj + ly = Adv. Nhung phai cn than, vi mét sé tinh ttr cing co tan cing [a dudi ly (lovely, friendly). Pho tir clia cac tinh tir nay dugc cu tao bang cach nhu sau: in a + Adj + way/ manner He behaved me in a friendly way. > MOt sd cdc pho tir cd cau tao dac biét: so, very, almost, soon, often, fast, rather, well, there, too. Cac pho tir nay tra Idi cho cau héi how. > Ngoai ra con mét sé cdc cum tl cling dude coi la phd tir, nd bao gdm mét gidi tir mé dau vdi cdc danh tlr di sau dé chi: dia diém (at home), thoi gian (at 5 pm), phuong tién (by train), tinh hudng, hanh déng (in a very difficult situation). Tat ca cac cum nay déu dude xem Ia pho ter. > Vi tri cua pho tlr trong cau tuong déi thoai mai va phirc tap, qui luat: e Nu chua biét dat pho tir 6 dau thi vi tri thuéng xuyén cia nd 6 cudi cau, dac bit cdc pho tir dudi ly. © Cac pho tir va cum pho tir lam bé ngit dig cudi cau theo thir tu nhu sau: chi phugng thie hanh d6ng-chi dia diém-chi thai gian-chi phuong tién hanh dong-chi tinh hudng hanh déng. e Khéng bao gid mét pho tir hodc mét cum pho tr dugc xen vao giifa déng tt va tan ngif. e —Néu trong cau khéng cé pho tt nao khac ngoai pho tir chi thai gian thi cd thé dua no |én dau cau. Jn 1980, He graduated and found a job. * Cac pho tir chi tan sé nhu: always, sometimes, often... luén ditng trudc déng tr hanh déng nhung dimg sau déng tir to be. The president always comes in time. The president is always in time. 55 Dong tir noi Do la nhiftng déng tir 6 bang sau, mang nhitng tinh chat sau Be appear feel become seem look remain sound smell Stay > Khéng dién dat hanh déng ma dién dat trang thai hoc ban chat su viéc. > Dang sau chung phai la tinh tir khong thé la pho tir. > Khéng dus chia 6 thé tiép dién dir dudi bat cir thdi nao. Lut ¥: Trong bang o6 cac cap déng ter: to seem to happen = = duéng nhu to appear to chance Chung cé thé thay thé ln cho nhau, nhung khéng thé thay thé ngang hay thay thé chéo. > Cac déng tir nay duoc ding theo mu cau sau: e Dung vi chu ngif gia ft It seems that they have passed the exam./ It happens (chances that they have passed the test) e = Dung vi chu ngif that They seem to have passed the exam./ They happened/ chanced to have passed the exam. > Nghia "Tinh cd", "Ngau nhién", "May ma", . She happened to be out/ It happened that she was out when he called (Ngau nhién 06 ta khéng co nha khi anh ta goi dién) She chanced to be in/ It happened that she was in when he called. (May ma 06 ta co nha khi anh ta goi dién dén). > Ba déng tr: to be, to become, to remain trong mét sé trudng hop cé mét danh tir hoac ngif danh ter theo sau, khi dé chting mat di chife nang cia mét déng tir nédi. Children often become bored (adj) at meeting Christine became class president (noun phrase) after a long, hard campaign. > Bon déng tir: to feel, to look, to smell, to taste trong mot sd trudng hop co thé la ngoai dong ttr, doi hdi mét tan ngif di sau nd, Itc nay nd mat di chifc nang clia mét dong tir ndi, cd thé cd pho tir di kém. Ching thay déi vé m&t ngif nghia: Ex: to feel: so nan dé khdm. Ex: to look at: nhin Ex: to smell: ngut Ex: to taste: ném Chung dude phép chia ¢ thi tiép din. The lady is smelling the Howers gingerly. 56 Cac dang so sanh cua tinh tw va pho tir 1. So sanh bang > Cau tric str dung laas.... as S+V+as+ adj/ adv + as + noun/ pronoun > Néu la phd dinh, as thir nhat od thé thay b&ng so (chi dé dé doc — informal English) > Sau asphai la mét dai tir nhan xung chu ngit, khéng duge la mét tan ngif (L6i co ban) He is not as tall as his father. He is not so tall as his father. > Danh tir cfing od thé duge dling dé so sanh trong truéng hgp nay, nhung nén nhd trudc khi so sanh phai dam bao rang danh tir dé phai co cac tinh tir tuong dugng. adjectives nouns heavy, light weight wide, narrow width deep, shallow depth long, short length big, small size S + V+ the same + (noun) + as + noun/ pronoun My house is as high as his. My house is the same height as his. The >< different from... > Chu y, trong tiéng Anh (AE), different than... cing 6 thé dugc ding néu sau ching la mét ménh dé hoan chinh. Tuy nhién truéng hgp nay khong phé bién va khéng dua vao cac bai thi ngit phap: His appearance is different from what I have expected. . han I have expected.(A-E) N So sanh hon kém Trong loai so sanh nay ngudi ta chia lam hai dang: tinh tir va pho tir ngan (doc lén chi co mét van). Tinh tir va pho tir dai (2 van tré lén). > Déi vai tinh tr va pho tir ngan chi can cdng dudi er. > Déi vdi tinh tr ng&n chi cd mét nguyén am kep giifa hai phu 4m tan cling, phai gap ddi phy 4m cudi dé tranh thay di cach doc. > Déi vdi tinh tir tan cing la y, di cd 2 Van van bi coi [a tinh tir ng&n va phai déi thanh Y-IER (happy-happier; dry—drier; prettyprettier). > Trudéng hop dac biét: strong—stronger; friendly—friendlier than/ more friendly than. > Déi vdi tinh tr va pho ter dai phai ding more/less. > Sau THAN phai la dai tir nhan xung chu ngif, khéng dug la tan gtr. Cong thtrc: adjective_er adverb_er more + adj/adv less + adj/adv S+V+ + THAN + noun/ pronoun 57 (Anh ta cang kha hon lén vi nhiftng kinh nghiém ctia minh.) Ex: He explained it all carefully, but I was still none the wiser. (Anh ta giai thich toan bé diéu dé cn than nhung toi van khéng séng ra chiit nao c3.) > Cu tric nay tuyét déi khong dung cho cac tinh tir cu thé: Ex: Incorrect: Those pills have made him all the slimmer. 7. Cau tric No sooner... than = Vira mdi... thi da... > Chi ding cho thoi Qua khtr va thai Hién tai, khéng ding cho théi Tuong lai. > No sooner ditng 6 dau mét ménh dé, theo sau no la mét tro déng tlr dao lan trudc chu ngit dé nhan manh, than ditng 6 dau ménh dé con lai: No sooner + auxiliary+ $+ V+ than+ $+ V No sooner had we started out for California than it started to rain. (Past) Mét vi du & thdi hién tai (will duoc l&y sang ding cho hién tai) No sooner will he arrive than he want to leave.(Present) > Métcdau tric tuong duong cau tric nay: No sooner ... than ... = Hardly/Scarely ... when Scarely had they felt in love each other when they got maried, Luu y: No longer ... = not... anymore = kh6ng ... nifa, dling theo cau tric: S+no longer + Positive Verb 8. So sanh giifa 2 ngu@i hoac 2 vat > Khiso sanh giifa 2 ngudi hoac 2 vat, chi duoc dung so_sanh hon kém, khéng dugc dung so sanh bac nhat, mac dui trong mét sé dang van ndi va ca van viét van chap nhan so sanh bac nhat. (L6i co ban). > Trude adj va adv so sanh phai co the, trong cau co thanh ngif of the two + moun thanh ngif co thé dmg dau hoac cuéi cau. Harvey is the smarter of the two boys. Of the two shirts, this one is the prettier. So sanh bac nhat Dung khi so sanh 3 nguéi hodc 3 vat tré lén: 9, > > Déi vdi tinh tir va pho tir ngan ding dudi est. > Déi vdi tinh ttr va pho tir dai dling most hodc least. > Dang trudc so sanh phai co the. > Dung gidi tir in voi danh tir sé it. John is the tallest boy in the family > Dung gidi tir of vai danh tir sé nhiéu Deana is the shortest of the three sisters > Sau thanh ngif One of the + so sanh bac nhat + moun phai dam bao chac chan rang moun phai la so nhiéu, va déng ttr phai chia 6 sé it. One of the greatest tennis players in the world is Johnson. > MG6t sé cac tinh tir hodc pho tir mang tinh tuyét déi thi cam ding so sanh bac nhat, han ché dung so sanh hon kém, néu budc phai ding thi bo more: unique/ extreme/ perfect/ supreme/ top/ absolute/Prime/ Primary His drawings are perfect than mine. preferable to Sb/Sth.. superior to Sb/Sth. inferior to Sb/Sth... = dude ua thich hon... siéu viét hon... =ha dang hon... 60 61 Danh tir dung Iam tinh tir Trong tiéng Anh co hién tugng mét danh tir ding trudc mot danh tir khac lam nhiém vu cla mot tinh tir, Dé lam duc chttc nang nhu vay, chting phai bao dam nhiftng tinh chat > Ding ngay trudc danh tir ma nd bé nghia. > Khéng dugc phép cé hinh thai sé nhiéu trir mét sé truéng hop dac biét. No frills store = cuta hang khéng trang tr’ mau meé. a sports/sport car small-claims court = phién toa xu nhifng vu no vat. > Né€u co hai danh tir cling lam tinh tir thi gitta chting phai cd d&u gach ndi “-”. Trong mét sé truéng hop néu ding danh ter lam tinh tir thi mang nghia den: A gold watch > a watch made of gold. > Nhung néu dung tinh tir géc mang nghia bong: A golden opportunity = a chance that it is very rare and precious (qui gia). > Khéng dugc dung tinh tir b6 tro cho danh tir khi cho no chi tinh chat nghé nghiép ho&c ndi dung: mathematics teacher/a biology book 62 Mot so cach diing dac biét cua much va many: D&c ngift: Much too much/ many so many dung déc lap sau ménh dé trudc danh tir ma nd bé ngif. Ex: The cost of a thirty-second commercial on a network television station is $300,000, much too much for most business. Many a + singular noun + singular verb: Biét bao nhiéu. Many a strong man has disheartened before such a challenge. Ex: Ihave been to the top of the Effeil tower many a time. > Many’s the Smb+who ((biét bao nhiéu) + singular verb Smt + that Ex: Many% the student who couldn’t follow the post-graduate courses at Universities and colleges under the pressure of money. (Biét bao nhiéu sinh vién da khéng thé... ) Many’ the promise that has been broken. (Biét bao nhiéu Idi hia... ) 65 Phan biét thém vé cach dung alot/ lots of/ plenty/ a great deal so vdi many/ much > Cac thanh ngif trén tuong duong vdi much/ many (nhiéu) va most (da phan). A lot of/ lots of (informal) = a great deal/ alarge number of/ much/ many (formal) > Khdng cd khdc nhau gi may gitta "a lot of" va lots of. Chu ngif chinh sau hai thanh ngif nay sé quyét dinh viéc chia d6ng ttr. uncountable noun + singular verb Alot off lots of + plural noun + plural verb A lot of time is needed to learn a language. Lots of us think it’s time for an election. > Plenty of dugc diing phé biéh trong informal English. Don’t rush, there's plenty of time. Plenty of shops take checks. > Alarge a mount of = a great deal of + non-count noun (formal English) I have thrown a large amount of old clothing. Mr Lucas has spent a great deal of time in the Far East. > Alot vaa great deal co thé dugc ding lam pho tr va vi tri cla nd [a 6 cudi cau. Ex: On holiday we walk and swim a lot. Ex: The gorvernment seems to change its mind a great deal. Ex: 66 Mot so cach dung cu thé cua more & most > More + noun/noun phrase: diing nhu mét dinh ngit We need more time. More university students are having to borrow money these day. > More + of + personal/geographic names It would be nice to see more of Ray and Barbara. Rat hay khi duoc gap Ray va Barbara thudng xuyén hon. Five hundred years ago, much more of Britain was covered with trees. 500 nam trutc day, da phan nudc Anh phi nhiéu rung hon bay gio nhiéu. > More of + determiner/pronoun (a/ the/ my/ this/ him/ them...) He is more of a fool than I thought. No la mét thang ngu hon tdi tudng nhiéu. Three more of the missing climbers have been found. Could I have some more of that smoked fish. I don't think any more of them want to come. > One more/ two more... + noun/ noun phrase Ex: There is just one more river to cross. > Nhung phai ding cardinal number (sd dém) + noun + more (Five dollars more) néu more mang nghia thém nifa. He has contributed $50, and now he wants to contribute $50 more. > Most + noun = Da phan, da so Most cheese is made from cows milk. Most Swiss people understand French. > Most + determiner/ pronoun (a, the, this, my, him...) = Hau hét... He has eaten 2 pizzas and most of a cold chicken. Most of my friends live abroad. She has eaten most of that cake. Most of us thought he was wrong. > Most duc diing nhu mét danh tir, néu 6 trén, danh tir ho&c chu ngif dé da dugc nhac dén. Some people had difficulty with the lecture, but most understood. Ann and Robby found a lot of blackberries, but Susan found the most. > Most + adjective khi mang nghia very That is most kind of you. Thank you for a most interesting afternoon. 67 And furthermore And therefore But nevertheless But ... anyway > Néu néi gitta hai ménh dé, dang trudc ching phai cd dau phay He was exhausted, and therefore his judgement was not very good. > Nhung néu néi gifta hai tir don thi khéng The missing piece is small but nevertheless significant. > Unless + positive = if ... not: Trir phi, néu khéng. You will be late unless you start at once, > But for that + unreal condition: Néu khéng thi © Hién tai My father pays my fee, but for that I couldn't be here(But he is here learning) © Qua khir My car broke down, but for that we would have been here in time (But they were late) > Otherwise + real condition: Kéo, néu khéng thi. We must be back before midnight otherwise I will be locked out. > Otherwise + unreal condition: Kéo, néu khdng thi nhung sau no phai la diéu ki€n khong thé thuc hién dugc © Hién tai Her father supports her finance otherwise she couldn't conduct these experiments (But she can with her father's). © = Qua khir: I used a computer, otherwise I would have taken longer with these calculations (But he didn't take any longer). *Luu y: Trong ti&ng Anh théng tuc (colloquial English) ngusi ta ding or else dé thay thé cho otherwise. > Provided/ Providing that: Vi diéu kién la, mién la = as long as You can camp here providing that you leave no mess. > Suppose/Supposing = What... if : Gia sur .... thisau, Néu..... thi sao. Suppose the plane is late = What (will happen) if the plane is late. Luu y: * Suppose con 6 thé dugc dling dé dua ra Idi gai y. Suppose you ask him = Why don't you ask him. * Luu y thanh ngif: What if I am: Tao thé thi d& sao nao (mang tinh thach thtrc) > Ifonly + S + simple present/will + verb = hope that: hi vong rang Ex : If only he comes in time Ex: If only he will learn harder for the test next month. > If only + S + simple past/past perfect = wish that(Cau d/k khéng thuc hién duc) = gid ma If only he came in time now. If only she had studied harder for that test > If only +S + would +V © Dién dat mét hanh déng khong thé xay ra ¢ hién tai Jf only he_would drive more slowly = we wish he drove more slowly. © Dién dat mSt ude muén v6 vong vé tuong lai: Jf only it would stop raining > Immediately = as soon as = the moment (that) = the instant that = directly: ngay lap tttc/ ngay khi ma Ex: Tell me immediatly (=as soon as ) you have any news. Ex: Phone me the moment that you get the results. Ex: I love you the instant (that) I saw you. Ex: Directly I walked in the door I smelt smoke. Cau bi dong Ngudi ta dling cdu bi déng dé nh&n manh vao tan ngif ctia cau chu dong. Théi cla déng tir 6 cau bi déng phai tuan theo thdi ctia déng tir é6 cau chu déng. Néu la loai déng tir cd 2 tan ngtt, muén nhén manh vao tan ngif nao ngudi ta dua tan ngif dé lan lam chu ngtf nhung théng thudéng chu ngit hop ly cla cau bj déng la tan ngit gidn ti€p. I gave him a book = I gave a book to him = He was given a book by me. > > Ex: Ex: Ex: Ex: Ex: Ex: Ex: Ex: > Dat " by + tan ngif mdi" dang sau tt ca cdc tan ngit khac. Néu sau by la mét dai tir v6 nhan xung mang nghia ngudi ta: by people, by sb thi bd han no di. SIMPLE PRESENT OR SIMPLE PAST Am is are + [verb in past participle] was were Active: Hurricanes destroy a great deal of property each year. Passive: A great deal of property is destroyed by hurricanes each year. PRESENT PROGRESSIVE OR PAST PROGRESSIVE Am is are + being + [verb in past participle] was were Active: The committee is considering several new proposak. Passive: Several new proposals are being considered by the committee. PRESENT PERFECT OR PAST PERFECT Has fre + been +[verb in past participle] had Active: The company has ordered some new equipment. Passive: Some new equipment has been ordered by the company. MODALS modal + been +[verb in past participle] Active: The manager should sign these contracts today. Passive: These contracts should be signed by the manager today. Cac ndi déng tir (Déng tir khéng yéu cau 1 tan ngif nao) khéng duc ding 6 bi dong. My leg hurts. > Dac biét khi chu ngif chiu trach nhiém chinh cua hanh déng cling khéng duge chuyén thanh cau bi déng. The America takes charge: Nudc My nhan anh trach nhiém 71 > Néu la nguéi hoac vat truc tiép gay ra hanh déng thi dung by nhutng néu Ia vat gian tiép gay ra hanh déng thi ding with. The bird was shot with the gun - The bird was shot by the hunter. > Trong mét sé trudng hop to be/to get + P2 hoan toan khéng mang nghia bi déng ma mang 2 nghia: “Chi trang thai ma chu ngif dang 6 trong dé Qould you please check my mailbox while I am gone. He got lost in the maze of the town yesterday. “Chi viée chu ngif tu lam lay The litte boy gets dressed very quickly. Could I give you a hand with these tires. Ex: No thanks, I will be done when I finish tightening these bolts. Moi su bién ddi vé thai va thé déu nhém vao déng tir to be, con phan tir 2 giit nguyén. ¢ to be made of: Durgc lam bang (Dé cap dén chat ligu lam nén vat) This table is made of wood ¢ tobe made from: Duc lam ra tir (dé cap dén viéc nguyén vat ligu bi bi&n déi hoan toan khdi trang thai ban dau dé lam nén vat) Paper is made from wood ¢ to be made out of: Dugc lam bang (dé cap dén qua trinh lam ra vat) This cake was made out of flour, butter, sugar, eggs and milk e to be made with: Duc lam vi (dé cap dén chi mét trong sé nhiéu chat liu lam nén vat) This soup tastes good because it was made with a lot of spices. Phan biét thém vé cach ding marry va divorce trong 2 thé: Chu déng va bi déng e Khi khéng cé tan ngit thi ngudi Anh ua dling get maried va get divorced trong dang informal English. Lulu and Joe got maried last week. (informal) Lulu and Joe married last week. (formal) After 3 very unhappy years they got divorced. (informal) After 3 very unhappy years they dovorced. (formal) e Sau marry va divorce la m6t tan ngif truc tiép khéng co gidi tr: To mary / divorce smb She married a builder. Andrew is going to divorce Carola ¢ Tobe/ get married/ to smb (gidi tir “to” 1a bat budc) She got married to her childhood sweetheart. He has been married to Louisa for 16 years and he still doesn’t understand her. Cau phtrc hop va dai tir quan hé thay thé Tiéng Anh cé 2 loai cau > Cau don gian: la cau od 1 thanh phan va chi can vay cau ciing da du nghia. > Cau phitc hgp: [a loai cu od 2 thanh phan chinh/phu néi vdi nhau bang 1 tir goi la dai tir quan hé. 75 That va which lam chu ngif cua cau phu No ditng dau cau phu, thay thé cho danh ttr bat déng vat ding trudc nd va lam chu ngif cla cau phu. Do dé no khéng thé nao bo di dugc. We bought the stereo that had been advertised at a reduced price. 1. > That va which lam tan ngif cua cau phu N6 thay thé cho danh tir bat déng vat ditng trudc né, mé dau cau phu nhung lam tan ngif. Do dé né cd thé bo di dugc. George is going to buy the house (that) we have been thinking of buying Ngudi ta dung that chtr khéng dting which khi: e Dding trudc né la mét tinh ttr so sanh bac nhat + danh tir That is the best novel that has been written by this author. ¢ Khi dang trudc no la mét sd cac dai tir phiém chi nhu all, some, any, anything, everything, much, litte, nothing v.v.. Ex1: I want to see all that he possesses. Ex2: All the apples that fall are eaten by pig. Who Iam chu ngif cla cau phu N6 thay thé cho danh ttr chi ngudi hoac déng vat 6 trudc nd, lam chu ngif cla cau phu. Do dé né khéng thé bo di dugc. The man (who) is in this room is angry. Whom lam tan ngif cula cau phu N6 thay thé cho danh tir chi nguéi hoac déng vat ( déng vat nudi trong nha dude coi la cd tinh cach hodc trong truéng hgp muén nhan cach hoa) 6 trudc no va lam tan ngif cua cau phu, nd co thé bo di dugc. The men (whom) I don't like are angry. Néu whom [am tan ngif cla mét ngif déng tit bao gém 1 Verb + 1 gidi tir thi Idi viét chuan nhat la dua gidi tir dé lén truéc whom. The man to whom you have just talked is the chairman of the company. Tuy nhién néu whom la tan ngif cla mét ngit dong tir bao gém 1 dng tir + 2 gidi tir thi 2 gidi tir do van phai ditng dang sau déng tr. The man whom you are looking forward to is the chairman of the company. Khéng dugc ding whe thay cho whom trong van viét dui né dude chap nhan trong van ndi. Ménh dé phy bat buéc va khéng bat buéc. 1) Ménh dé phu bat buéc. La loai ménh dé bat buéc phai od mat ¢ trong c4u, néu bd di cau sé mat y nghia ban dau. Nén ding that lam chi ngit cho loai cau nay mac di which van dude chap nhan Cau phu thuéng ding xen vao giifa cau chinh hoac néi lién vdi cau chinh va khéng tach rdi khdi nd bdi bat ctr dau phay nao. Weeds that float to the surface should be removed before they decay. 2) Ménh dé phu khéng bat buéc La loai ménh dé mang théng tin phu trong cau, néu bd né di cau khéng mat nghia ban dau. i ngtt ma phai dung which, cho du which co la tén ngtt cua ménh dé Cau phy thudéng ding chen vao gitta cau chinh va bat buéc phai tach khdi cau chinh bang 2 dau phay. Ex1: My car, which is very large, uses too much gasoline. 76 Ex2: This rum, which I bought in the Virgin Islands, is very smooth. 5. Tam quan trong cua viéc st dung dau phay déi véi ménh dé phu > 6 nhitng ménh dé phu bit budc, khi khéng ding dau phay ttc l& cd su’ gidi han cli ménh dé phu ddi vdi danh tir dang trudc (trong tigng Viét: chi c6) The travelers who knew about the flood took another road. (Chi co cdc ht khach nao ma...) The wine that was stored in the cellar was ruined. (Chi co rugu vang dé dudi him moi bi...) > Déi vai nhitng ménh dé phu khéng bat budc, khi cd d&u phay ng&n cach thi nd khéng xac dinh hoac gidi han danh tir dirng trudc nd. (trong tiéng Viét: tat ca). The travelers, who knew about the flood, took another road. (Tat ca Ii khach...) The wine, which was stored in the cellar, was ruined. (Tat c4 rou vang...) . Note: Cac nguyén tac trén day chi ding trong van viét, khéng ding trong van ni. L6i ngif phap clia TOEFL khdng tinh dén ménh dé phu bat budc nhung sé trir diém néu pham phai I6i m&nh dé phu khéng bat budc. 6. Cach sir dung All, Both, Some, Several, Most, Few + Of + Whom/ Which > Tuyét déi khéng dude ding dai tir nhan xung tan ngift: them, us trong trudng hop nay. Ex1: Their sons, both of whom (khéng duoc ndi both of them) are working abroad, ring her up every week. Ex2: The buses, most of which were full of passengers, began to pull out. > What = the thing/ the things that cd thé lam tan ngif cho ménh dé phu cing Ilic lam chu ngif cho ménh dé chinh/ hodc lam chu ngif ctla ca 2 ménh dé chinh, phu. Ex1: What we have expected is the result of the test. Ex2: What happened to him yesterday might happen to us tomorrow. 7. Whose = cua nguéi ma, cla con ma. > N6 thay thé cho danh ttr chi ngudéi hoac déngvat 6 trudc no va chi su sd hitu ca ngudi hodc dong vat do déi vai danh tir di sau. James, whose father is the president of the company, has received a promotion. > Trong Idi van viét trang trong nén ding of which dé thay thé cho danh tir bat dong vat mac di whose van dude chap nhan. Savings account, of which (= whose) interest rate is quite hight, is very common now. > Hoac ding with + noun/ noun phrase thay cho whose The house whose walls were made of glass = The house with the glass walls. 8. Cach loai bé ménh dé phu D6i vdi nhitng ménh dé phu bat budc ngusi ta cd thé loai bé dai tir quan hé va déng tir to be (cing vai cdc tro déng tir cia nd) trong mét sé trrdng hop sau: > Trudc mét ménh dé phu ma cau tric déng tir 6 thdi bi déng. This is the Z value (which was) obtained from the table areas under the normal curve. > Trudc mét ménh dé phu ma sau no [a mét ngif gidi tl. The beaker (that is) on the counter contains a solution. > Trude mot cau tric déng tir 6 thé tiép dién. The girl (who is) running down the street might be in trouble. > Ngoai ra trong mét sé trudng hop khi_dai tir quan hé trong ménh dé phy bat budc gan lién voi chu ngit ditng trudc né va ménh dé phy ay dién dat qui luat hoac su kién dién dat theo tn sé, ngudi ta cé thé bo dai tir quan hé va déng tir chinh thay vao dé bang mét Verb-ing. The travelers taking (= who take) this bus on a daily basis buy their ticket in booking. 77 > Hanh d6ng thir 2 khéng can chung chu ngit vdi hanh déng thir nhat ma chi can la két qua cling da od thé 6 dang V-ing. The plane crashed, its bombs exploding when it hit the ground. Lt 80 Cach str dung nguyén mau hoan thanh (To have + P.) Whould (should) like + to have + P,: Dién dat mét uéc muén khéng thanh. He would like to have seen the photos = He would have liked to see the photos (But he couldn't). > Dung vdi mét sé déng tir: to appear to seem to happen to pretend > Nén nhd rang hanh dong cia nguyén mau hoan thanh xay ra trudc hanh dong cua ménh dé chinh. He seems to have passed the exam -> It seems that he has passed the exam. She pretended to have read the material -> She pretended that she had read the material. > Dung vdi sorry, to be sorry + to have + P,: Hanh déng cla nguyén mau hoan thanh xay ra trudc trang thai sorry. The girls were sorry to have missed the Rock Concert -> the girls were sorry that they had missed the Rock Concert. > Dung vdi mét sé cdc déng tir sau day 6 thé bi déng: to ackowledge. believe, consider, find, know, report, say, suppose, think, understand. Hanh dong cua nguyén mau hoan thanh xay ra trudc hanh d6ng cia ménh dé chinh. He was believed to have gone out of the country -> It was believed that he had gone out of the country. > Dung vdi mbt sé cdc déng tir khdc nhu to claim, expect, hope, promise. Dac biét luu y rang hanh déng cia nguyén mau hoan thanh sé 6 future perfect so vdi thdi clia déng tir 6 ménh dé chinh. He expects to have graduated by June -> He expects that he will have graduated by June. He promised to have told me the secret by the end of this week -> He promised that he would have told me the secret by the end of this week. 81 Nhifng cach si? dung khac cua that 1. That ding vdi tu cach [a mét lién tir (rang) > Dang sau 4 dong tir say, tell, think, believe thi that od thé bd di dugc. John said (that) he was leaving next week. > Dang sau 4 dong tir mention, declare, report, state thi that bat budc phai cé mat. George mentioned that he was going to France next year. > That van bit budc phai diing 6 ménh dé thir 2 trong cau sau dau phay néu van cling chung mét ménh dé dang sau 4 dong tir trén. The Major declared that or June the first he would announce the result of the search and that he would never overlook the crime punishment 2. Ménh dé that > LA loai ménh dé cd hai thanh phan va bat buéc phai co that trong cau. > Dung vdi cht ngif gia it va tinh ter. It + to be + adj + That + S + V = That + S + V... to be + adj It is well known that many residents of third world countries are dying. or That many residents of third world countries are dying is well known. > Dung vi déng tir tao thanh mét ménh dé déc lap. It + verb + complement + That + S + V = That +S + V+ ...+V + complement It surprises me that John would do such a thing or That John would do such a thing surprises me. > Ngudi ta ding chi ngif gia it trong van ndi dé dé nhan biét va that lam chu ngif that trong van viét. > Trong mét sé truéng hop ngusdi ta dao ngif gidi ttr l&n dau cau, dong tir néi hodc déng tr tinh dao lén trén THAT va sau dé mdi la chu ngif that. Céng thttc str dung nhu sau: Prepositional phrase + link verb/stative verb-THAT-sentence as real subject, and THAT-sentence as real subject. Ex: Among the surprising discoveries were THAT T.rex was a far sleeker but more powerful camivore than previously thought, perhaps weighing less than 6.5 tons more than a bull elephant, and THAT T.rex habitat was forest, not swamp or plain as previously believed. (M6ét trong s&’nhiing phat hién ngac nhién la & cho loai khuing long bao chia la mét loai an thit co than hinh muot ma hon nhiéu, song cting Ia loai dting manh hon ngudi ta dé tung nghi trudc day, co Fé cin nang chua dén 6 tén ruGi-tuc la khéng Ién hon mét con voi duc, va tang méi truréng séng cua loai khuing long nay | ring chit khéng phai la dém lay hay dong bing nhur nguti ta van thuéng tin.) > The fact that + sentence/ the fact remains that + sentence/ the fact of the matter is that = Thuc t& la.../Sur thu la... Ex: The fact that Simon had not been home for 3 days didn’t seem to worry anybody. 82 Loi noi bao ham > Dé [a I6i ndi gdp hai y trong cau la mét thong qua mét sé cac thanh ngif. 1. Not only ..... but also > Cac thu thé 6 dng sau hai thanh ngif nay phai tuong duong vdi nhau vé m&t ngif phap (N - N, adj - adj). houn houn djecti djecti S + Verb + not only + a verb + but also+ a verb prepositional phrase prepositional phrase OR Subject + not only + verb + but also + verb Robert is not only talented but also handsome. He writes not only correctly but also neatly. > Thanh phan sau but also thuéng quyét dinh thanh phan sau not only. Incorrect: He is not only famous in Italy but also in Switzerland. Correct: He is famous not only in Italy but also in Switzerland. 2. As well as: Ciing nhu > Cac thanh phan dang trudc va dang sau thanh ngif nay phai tung duong vdi nhau vé mat ngif phap. houn houn adjective adjective S + Verb + adverb + aswellas adverb prepositional phrase prepositional phrase OR Subject + verb + as well as + verb Robert is talented as well as handsome. He writes correctly as well as neatly. Paul plays the piano as well as composes music. > Khdng dugc nham thanh ngif nay vdi as well as cua hién tudng déng chu ngif mang nghia cting vi. The teacher, as well as her students, is going to the concert. My cousins, as well as Tim, havea test tomorrow. 3. Both... and > Céng thttc diing giéng hét nhu Not only .... but also. > Both chi dugc ding vai and, khéng dugc ding vdi as well as. Robert is both talented and handsome. Paul both plays the piano and composes music. 85 Cach si? dung to know, to know how. S + know how + [verb in infinitive] or Noun S + know + Prepositional phrase Sentence Bill know how to play tennis well. Jason knew the answer to the teacher's question. I didn't know that you were going to France. > D&ng sau to know how ciing cd thé ding mot cau dé dién dat kha nang hodc su bat budc. At a glance, she knew how she could solve this math problem. 86 Ménh dé nhuong bo > D6 la loai m&nh dé dién dat hai y trai ngudc trong cling mét cau. 1. Despite/Inspite of = bat chap > Dang sau hai thanh ngif nay phai ding mét ngif danh ter, khong dudc diing mét cAu hoan chinh. Despite his physical handicap, he has become a successful businessman. Jane will be admitted to the university in spite of her bad grades. 2. Although/Even though/Though = Mac dau > D&ng sau 3 thanh ngif nay phai ding mét cau hoan chinh, khéng dugc diing mét ngif danh tir. Although he has a physical handicap, he has become a successful businessman. > Tuy nhién néu though diing cudi cau tach biét khdi cdu chinh bi dau phay. Khi ndi hai dimg lai mot chut, Ic dé nd mang nghia tuy nhién (= However). He promised to call me, till now I haven't received any call from him, though. 3. However + adj + S + linkverb = du co .... di chang nifa thi.... However strong you are, you can't move this rock. 4. Although/ Albeit (more formal) + Adjective/ Adverb/ Averbial Modifier Her appointment was a significant, althought/ albeit temporary success. (Viéc ba ay duoc bd nhiém la mét thanh céng quan trong day, nhung dau sao cting chi la nhat thoi) Her performed the task well, althought/ albeit slowly (Anh ta thuc hién nhiém vu do tét day, tuy rang cham). 87 Mot so cac dong tir dac biét khac Bo la nhitng dong tir gidng hét nhau vé mat hinh thitc nhung khac nhau vé mat ngif nghia néu 6 trong cdc mau cau khac nhau. > agree to do smt: déng y lam gi He agreed to leave early tomorrow morning. > agree to one's doing smt: déng y vi viéc ai lam gi. He agreed to my leaving early tomorrow morming. > Mean to do smt: dinh lam gi. I mean to get to the top of the hill before sunrise. > Ifit + mean + verb-ing: cho di ca viéc, bao ham ca viéc. My neighbour was determined to get a ticket for Saturday's game if it meant standing in line all night. > Propose to do smt: co y dinh lam gi. I propose to start tomorrow. > Propose doing smt: Dé nghi lam gi J propose waiting till the police came. > Go on doing smt/smt: tiép tuc lam gi, cai gi (m6t viéc dang bi bo dé) He went on writing after a break . > Go on to do smt: Quay sang tiép tuc lam gi (van vé cling mét van dé nhung chuyén sang khia canh khac) He showed the island on the map then went on to tell about its climate. > Try to do smt: cé gang lam gi He try to solve this math problem. > Try doing smt: Thi lam gi Ex: I try sending her flowers, writing her letter, giving her presents, but she still wouldn’t speak to me. 90 Su phu hop vé thoi dong tir Trong mét cau tiéng Anh co 2 thanh phan cé li€n quan dén nhau vé mat thdi gian thi thi cll dong tir 6 hai thanh phan do phai tuong duong vdi nhau. Thdi cla dong tir 6 ménh dé chinh sé quyét dinh thoi cla déng tir 6 ménh dé phu. Main clause Dependent clause > Simple present > Present progressive Hanh déng ctia ménh dé phu xay ra cling Itic vdi hanh déng cia ménh dé chinh > Simple present > Will/ Can/ May + Verb (hodc Near future) Hanh déng cla ménh dé phu xay ra sau hanh déng ctia ménh dé chinh trong mét tuong lai khéng duc xac dinh hoac tung lai gan. > Simple present > Simple past Hanh d6éng cuia ménh dé phu xay ra trudc hanh dong cia ménh dé chinh trong médt qua khir dude xac dinh cu thé vé mat thoi gian. > Simple present > Present perfect (progressive) Hanh déng ctia ménh dé phu xay ra trudc hanh déng ctia ménh dé chinh trong mét qua khtr khéng duge xdc dinh cu thé vé mit thdi gian. > Simple past > Past progressive/ Simple past Hanh déng ctia ménh dé phu xay ra cling Itic voi hanh déng ctia ménh dé chinh trong qua khtr. > Simple past > Would/ Could/ Might + Verb Hanh déng ctia ménh dé phu xay ra sau hanh déng ctia ménh dé chinh trong mét tudng lai trong qua kher. > Simple past > Past perfect Hanh déng ctia ménh dé phu xay ra trudc hanh déng cla ménh dé chinh, lui sau vé trong qua khtr. Luu y: Nhing nguyén tac trén day chi dugc ap dung khi céc ménh dé trong c4u od lién hé vai nhau vé mat thdi gian nhung néu cdc ménh dé trong cau cd thdi gian ring biét thi déng tir phai tuan theo thdi gian cla chinh ménh dé do. He promised to tell me, till now I haven't received any call from him, though. 91 Cach si? dung to say, to tell > Né@u sau chi ngit khéng cé mét tan ngit nao ma dén lién tr that ngay thi phai ding to say. S + say + (that) +S+V > Nhung néu sau chi ngif cd mét tan ngif gian tiép réi mdi dén lién ter that thi phai ding to tell. S + teff+ indirect object + (that) +S +V He says that he will be busy tormorrow/ he tell me that... > Sau to tell van cd thé co mot sé tan ngif truc tiép dis bat ki hon canh nao. a story ajoke asecret Tell a lie the truth (the) time The little boy was punished because he told his mother a lie. 92 Cach str dung cac phan tt’ 6 dau ménh dé phu > Trong mét cau tiéng Anh cé chung mét cht ngif bao gém 2 thanh phan: Ménh dé phu co thé md dau bang mét V-ing (chiém da sd) - mét phan tir hai (néu mang nghia bi dong) - mét déng tir nguyén thé (néu chi muc dich) va mét ngif danh tir hodc mét ngif gidi tlt néu chi su’ tuong Ung. > Khi str dung loai cau nay can hét strc luu y rang chu ngéf cla ménh dé chinh bat budc phai la chu ngit hgp ly cia ménh dé phu. > Théng thuéng co 6 gidi tir ditng trdc mét V-ing md dau cho ménh dé phu, do la: By (bang cach, bai), upon, after (sau khi), before (trudc khi), while (trong khi), when (khi). By working a ten-hour day for four days, we can have a long weekend. > Luuy rang: on + déng tir trang thai ho&c in + déng tir hanh dong thi cd thé tuong duong vdi when hoac while.: Ex: On finding (= when finding) the door ajar, I aroused suspicion. (khi thay cuta hé md, téi nay sinh méi nghi ngo) Ex: In searching (=while searching) for underground deposits of oil, geologist often rely on magnometers. (Trong khi tim cac mo d&u trong long dat, cdc nha dia chat thuong dia vao tur ké:) > Thdi cla déng tir 6 ménh dé phu phai do thdi cia déng tir 6 ménh dé chinh quyét dinh, 2 hanh dong xay ra song song cung ltic: e Present: Ex: Practicing her swing every day, Trica hopes to get a job as a golf instructor. e Past: Ex: While reviewing for the test, Maria realized that she has forgotten to study the use of particle phrases. e Future: Ex: After preparing the dinner, Michelle will read a book. > Néu being va having mé dau cau phu thi dang tndc ching an gidi tir because. Ex: Being a good student, he can always pass his exam easily. (= Because he is...) Ex: Having a terrible toothache, Phillip called the dentist far an appointment. (= Because he had a...). > Déng tif nguyén thé chi muc dich 6 dau c4u phu Ex: Incorrect: To prevent cavities, dental floss should be used daily after brushing one’s teeth. Correct: To prevent cavities, one should use dental floss daily after brushing one's teeth. > Ngit danh tir hoac ngif gidi tir mé dau ménh dé phu chi su tuong ting Ex: Incorrect: A competitive sports, gymnasts must perform before a panel of judges who use their knowledge of rules and skill to determine which participant will win. Correct: In a gymnastic competitive sports game, gymnasts must ...... > Phan tir hai mé dau ménh dé phu chi bi déng: Ex: Incorrect: Found in Tanzania by Mary Leaky, some archeologists estimated that the three - million - year - old fossils were the oldest human remains that were discovered. Correct: Found in Tanzania by Mary Leaky, the three - million - year - old fossils were estimated by some archeologists to be the oldest human remains that had ever been discovered. > Luu y: Cau tric nay cdn dp dung cho ca cdc mau cau cd ménh dé phu mé dau bang: Although + Adj/ P,. Although (he was) nervous, he gave a wonderful speech. Although (it had been) damaged, the machine was still functioning. > Hoc cé thé diing when + P, mo dau ménh dé phu: Ex: When (it is) shown through a prism, a beam of white light breaks into all the colors of the rainbow. > Néu hanh déng ctla ménh dé chinh lan ménh dé phu déu xay ra trong qua khir ma hanh déng cia ménh dé phu lui sau hon nita vao trong qua khir thi cdng thitc sé la: 95 (Not) + having + P,..., S + simple past. > Dang trdc having cdn 4n chita 2 gidi tir la because va after, viéc hiéu 2 gidi ttt nay phu thudc vao ngif canh ctia cau. > D&c biét luu y rng: cau tric nay cdn cd thé dp dung cho cd mau c4u ma ca 2 thdi cla déng tir sé dién bién 6 present perfect - simple present. (tuy rang rat hiém) Ex: Having seen the children’s work, Miss Adams approves their request to go home. (= After she has seen..., Miss Adams approves...) > Néu hanh déng ctia ménh dé phu xay ra 6 thai bi déng thi céng thitc sé la: After/because + (not) + having been + P, ..., S + simple present. > Phai hét sifc luu y rang: diéu quan trong nh&t trong vide str dung 2 mau cAu trén van phai la: chi: ngit cia ménh dé chinh phai la cht: ngif hop ly cla ménh dé phu. 96 Phan ttr dung lam tinh ttr 1 Phan tir 1 (V-ing) dudc ding lam tinh tir khi né dap ting day du cac diéu kién sau: > Ding ngay trudc danh tir ma no bé nghia. > Hanh déng phai 6 thé chu dong. > Hanh déng dé dang ¢ thé tip dién. x Déng tir dugc str dung lam tinh tir phai khéng doi hdi mét tan ngit nao (ndi dong tir). e crying baby woke Mr. Binion. ( The baby was crying) The blooming flowers in the meadow created a rainbow of colors. (The fowers were blooming) 2. Phan tir 2 (V-ed) duc ding lam tinh tir khi né dap ting day du cac diéu kién sau: > Ding ngay trudc danh tir ma no bé nghia. > Hanh déng phai 6 thé bi déng. > Hanh déng dé xay ra truéc hanh déng cia ménh dé chinh. The sorted mail was delivered to the offices before noon. (The mail had been sorted). Luu y: Mot sé cdc dong tir nhu to interest, to bore, to excite, to frighten khi str dung phai rat can thanvé viéc nhttng phan tr dugc ding lam tinh tir xuat phat tir nhitng déng tir nay mang nghia chu déng hay bi déng. The boring professor put the students to sleep. The boring lecture put the students to sleep. The bored students went to sleep during the boring lecture. 97
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