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NLN-PAX Vocabulary Study Guide (Latest 2024) Graded A+, Exams of English Language

NLN-PAX Vocabulary Study Guide (Latest 2024) Graded A+

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Download NLN-PAX Vocabulary Study Guide (Latest 2024) Graded A+ and more Exams English Language in PDF only on Docsity! NLN-PAX Vocabulary Study Guide (Latest 2024) Graded A+ callous - definition ✅✅ made hard explicit - definition ✅✅ fully and clearly expressed partisan - definition ✅✅ biased, emotional allegiance limbo - definition ✅✅ an intermediate, transitional succumbing - definition ✅✅ to give way to superior force; yield malingering - definition ✅✅ to pretend illness, to avoid work, etc avarice - definition ✅✅ insatiable greed for riches admonition - definition ✅✅ counsel, advice, or caution veneration - definition ✅✅ the act of treating with profound respect animosity - definition ✅✅ strong dislike menial - definition ✅✅ lowly / degrading NLN-PAX Vocabulary Study Guide (Latest 2024) Graded A+ nominal - definition ✅✅ not real; too small to be considered or taken seriously cynical - definition ✅✅ distrusting the motives of others candid - definition ✅✅ completely honest, straightforward eloquent - definition ✅✅ fluent, forceful, and appropriate speech continuum - definition ✅✅ a continuous extent, series, or whole symposium - definition ✅✅ a meeting or conference for the discussion of some subject presumptuous - definition ✅✅ bold of forward; going beyond that which is proper vacillated - definition ✅✅ indecisive or irresolute transgressed - definition ✅✅ go beyond (a limit, boundary, etc.) ascetic - definition ✅✅ self-denying agitated - definition ✅✅ to move or force into violent, irregular action; shake NLN-PAX Vocabulary Study Guide (Latest 2024) Graded A+ squalid - definition ✅✅ foul and repulsive, as from lack of care or cleanliness; neglected and filthy; miserable dogged - definition ✅✅ persistent in effort; stubbornly tenacious aloof - definition ✅✅ reserved; disinterested solicitous - definition ✅✅ anxious or concerned supercilious - definition ✅✅ arrogant, scornful unscrupulous - definition ✅✅ lacking moral restraint; conscienceless vociferous - definition ✅✅ loud and noisy obfuscate - definition ✅✅ obscure; confuse lurid - definition ✅✅ causing shock, horror, or revulsion; sensational lucrative - definition ✅✅ bringing in money; profitable pusillanimous - definition ✅✅ cowardly NLN-PAX Vocabulary Study Guide (Latest 2024) Graded A+ quiescent - definition ✅✅ inactive; at rest; motionless melodrama - definition ✅✅ A literary form in which events are exaggerated in order to create an extreme emotional response. pathos - definition ✅✅ evoking a feeling of pity or compassion; pity illicit - definition ✅✅ illegal; not permitted elicit - definition ✅✅ bring out from some source (such as another person) tacit - definition ✅✅ quiet, inclined to talk very little calamity - definition ✅✅ an event that causes great misfortune; a disaster conversion - definition ✅✅ being converted; turning us away from sin and toward God. impassioned - definition ✅✅ filled with intense feeling / passion impertinent - definition ✅✅ rude; disrespectful NLN-PAX Vocabulary Study Guide (Latest 2024) Graded A+ impetuous - definition ✅✅ acting suddenly without thought martyr - definition ✅✅ a person who willingly suffers death rather than renounce his or her religion interloper - definition ✅✅ one who moves in where he or she is not wanted/intruder indomitable - definition ✅✅ unconquerable reproved - definition ✅✅ to criticize or correct; disapprove of strongly conversant - definition ✅✅ familiar by use or study gamut - definition ✅✅ an entire range or series guile - definition ✅✅ sly/cunning, deceit naiveté/callow - definition ✅✅ lack of sophistication; simplicity apex - definition ✅✅ the highest point, tip pseudonym - definition ✅✅ a pen name, name assumed by a writer NLN-PAX Vocabulary Study Guide (Latest 2024) Graded A+ veracity - definition ✅✅ truthfulness; honesty indolent - definition ✅✅ habitually lazy or idle biennial - definition ✅✅ occurring every two years increment - definition ✅✅ an enlargement, increase, addition surly - definition ✅✅ angry and bad-tempered; rude nomenclature - definition ✅✅ set of words or phrases suppurated - definition ✅✅ to produce or discharge pus perspicacious - definition ✅✅ perceptive; having keen discernment ubiquitous - definition ✅✅ existing or being everywhere, especially at the same time abrasions - definition ✅✅ scrapes celestial - definition ✅✅ sky or heavens NLN-PAX Vocabulary Study Guide (Latest 2024) Graded A+ essence - definition ✅✅ nature of something altruist - definition ✅✅ unselfish, concerned with the welfare of others bigot - definition ✅✅ an intolerant, prejudiced, or biased person charlatan - definition ✅✅ one who feigns knowledge or ability; impostor adversaries - definition ✅✅ opponent; enemy; foe agrarian - definition ✅✅ concerning farms, farmers, or the use of land utilitarian - definition ✅✅ an ethical system stating that the greatest good for the greatest number of people should be the overriding concern of decision makers familial - definition ✅✅ of, pertaining to, or characteristic of a family cooperative - definition ✅✅ abusiness that is owned by the members it serves and is managed in their interest convalescence - definition ✅✅ the gradual return to health after illness NLN-PAX Vocabulary Study Guide (Latest 2024) Graded A+ castes - definition ✅✅ social groups aristocracies - definition ✅✅ a class of persons holding exceptional rank and privileges incumbent - definition ✅✅ obligatory, required; one who holds a specific office at the time spoken of dissipated - definition ✅✅ dissolve or disappear digressed - definition ✅✅ wandered off the subject fallow - definition ✅✅ dormant; unused indigent - definition ✅✅ lacking food, clothing, and other necessities of life because of poverty; needy; poor domicile - definition ✅✅ a residence inexplicable - definition ✅✅ hard to explain or impossible to understand unsurpassed - definition ✅✅ better or greater than anything else of its kind cryptic - definition ✅✅ puzzling, mystifying, or enigmatic NLN-PAX Vocabulary Study Guide (Latest 2024) Graded A+ obstreperous - definition ✅✅ noisy; unruly, disorderly obsolescent - definition ✅✅ going out of use; becoming obsolete meandering - definition ✅✅ wandering aimlessly interloping - definition ✅✅ intruding, meddling foraging - definition ✅✅ searching for food consecrate - definition ✅✅ to make or declare sacred; set apart or dedicate to the service of a deity habituate - definition ✅✅ to become used to; to cause to become used to elitism - definition ✅✅ consciousness of or pride in belonging to a select or favored group; practice of or belief in rule by an elite quaff - definition ✅✅ a drink; to drink a beverage, especially an intoxicating one, copiously and with hearty enjoyment inexorably - definition ✅✅ unyielding; unalterable NLN-PAX Vocabulary Study Guide (Latest 2024) Graded A+ insensate - definition ✅✅ without feeling or regard indiscreetly - definition ✅✅ carelessly precarious - definition ✅✅ unstable, insecure, dangerous unassailable - definition ✅✅ impossible to dispute or disprove; undeniable recalcitrant - definition ✅✅ stubbornly disobedient, resisting authority postscript - definition ✅✅ thought written after the letter is finished; p.s. scullion - definition ✅✅ a kitchen servant who does menial work emulate - definition ✅✅ to imitate with the intent of equaling or surpassing the model milieu - definition ✅✅ the setting, surroundings, environment neophyte - definition ✅✅ a new convert, beginner, novice umbrage - definition ✅✅ offense; annoyance; displeasure NLN-PAX Vocabulary Study Guide (Latest 2024) Graded A+ blatant - definition ✅✅ noisy in a coarse, offensive way; obvious or conspicuous pugnacious - definition ✅✅ quarrelsome, fond of fighting foreboding - definition ✅✅ a warning or feeling that something bad will happen; marked by fear, ominous nomad - definition ✅✅ a person who has no settled home abjured - definition ✅✅ rejected; renounced ornate - definition ✅✅ elaborately decorated; showily splendid ingenious - definition ✅✅ clever fastidious - definition ✅✅ hard to please admonitory - definition ✅✅ to reprove firmly but not harshly; to advise to do or against doing something; warn; caution impoverished - definition ✅✅ poor, in a state of poverty; depleted NLN-PAX Vocabulary Study Guide (Latest 2024) Graded A+ demure - definition ✅✅ characterized by shyness and modesty; reserved fetish - definition ✅✅ any object or idea eliciting unquestioning reverence, respect, or devotion recondite - definition ✅✅ exceeding ordinary knowledge and understanding rapacious - definition ✅✅ given to seizing for plunder or the satisfaction of greed callow - definition ✅✅ immature or inexperienced omniscient - definition ✅✅ knowing everything pristine - definition ✅✅ having its original purity; uncorrupted or unsullied prolific - definition ✅✅ producing offspring, young, fruit, etc., abundantly; highly fruitful impervious - definition ✅✅ not permitting penetration or passage; impenetrable exacerbate - definition ✅✅ to make more violent, severe, bitter, or painful NLN-PAX Vocabulary Study Guide (Latest 2024) Graded A+ jocund - definition ✅✅ merry; cheerful; lighthearted mirthful - definition ✅✅ joyous; gay; jolly cavalcade - definition ✅✅ an order of events; a procession fuselage - definition ✅✅ the body of the aircraft knoll - definition ✅✅ a small, round hill or mound eroded - definition ✅✅ to wear away gradually, eat away duress - definition ✅✅ compulsion by threat; forcible confinement dissidence - definition ✅✅ disagreement trepidation - definition ✅✅ fear, fright, trembling fruition - definition ✅✅ attainment of anything desired; realization; accomplishment; enjoyment purported - definition ✅✅ rumored; claimed NLN-PAX Vocabulary Study Guide (Latest 2024) Graded A+ perverse - definition ✅✅ inclined to go against what is expected; stubborn; turned away from what is good and proper momentary - definition ✅✅ lasting but a moment; very brief; fleeting negligible - definition ✅✅ so small, trifling, or unimportant that it may safely be neglected or disregarded fragmented - definition ✅✅ a state that includes several discontinuous pieces of territory. indiscretion - definition ✅✅ lack of discretion; imprudence; an indiscreet act, remark heresy - definition ✅✅ an opinion different from accepted belief; the denial of an idea that is generally held sacred flux - definition ✅✅ a state of constant change or a flow secession - definition ✅✅ formal withdrawal of states or regions from a nation gibes - definition ✅✅ to utter mocking or scoffing words; jeer; to taunt
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