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Columbus and the Beginning of European Settlements in the Americas - Prof. A. Pratt, Study notes of World History

An overview of columbus' voyages and the beginning of european settlements in the americas. It covers the columbian exchange, the discovery of new lands and resources, and the impact on indigenous populations. Topics include the colonization of mexico, the discovery of florida, and theories of original settlement.

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Download Columbus and the Beginning of European Settlements in the Americas - Prof. A. Pratt and more Study notes World History in PDF only on Docsity! History Notes Exam 1 Lecture 1 Notes 1-21-11  Columbus wanted to trade with Asia o Marco polo did different trade route, found spices, culture, etc. o Europe wanted in on this/Renaissance after plague, was hopeful and a lot of money around, new nations exerting power, trade was seen as a competition b/w nations o Merkatism? Infinite amount of gold and silver  Trade favorably or take gold. o 1500’s to 1700s lots of European wars o In 1400s Venice was powerhouse, controllable in Mediterranean, competent, put out a ship per day  Europe looking to escape Venice’s stronghold on trade o Columbus very ambitious and contacted map makers, thought earth was round and could sail west to get to Asia in 4 weeks o Significant financing troubles  Portugal and England turn down, Spain agrees to finance(Isabella and fernidad)  Isabella was the brain, fernidad was the muscle(they overthrew spains previous royal family, the moores who ruled for 700 years)  Spain poor but still took the risky investment  3 ships, Nina, Santa Maria, pinto  About 6 weeks they find land(san Salvador)(Bahamas)  Brings 25 natives, food, animals, and gold back to Spain  Admiral of ocean seas, fund 3 more trips  Starts colony, becomes governor, takes 1,000s slaves, women become sex slaves. Columbus has mixed “legacy”  Not truly a discovery because millions already here and Chinese way have been to the west coast in the 1300s  “starts” with Columbus b/c he spread “new world” news  French, Dutch, Swedish, get in on the west mvmt  Columbian exchange= Columbus’ importance, he brought attention and exchange of goods, ideas, ppl, diseases, etc  Tomatoes=Italy/mex  Potatoes=Ireland/south Amer.  Syphilis=from san Salvador/Bahamas region  Colonize New World o After few voyages they realize Aztecs in Mexico are the richest(Tenochtitlan) amazing place, largest in world at that time, really advanced(calendars, gods,dieties, sacrifices o Hernando de Cortes conquers Tenochtitlan o Prophecy of _____?_________ leaving and coming back on clouds (ships look like clouds on the horizon from afar) LOTS of confusion o Aztec was new central mex power, Cortes starts a civil war w/ disgruntled Aztec ppl o Montezuma’s revenge – Cortes successfully enslaves 1,000 and put in silver mines, large amt die of disease o In 1519, Spain repeats this with another place, largest transfer of wealth in human history (gold and silver)(right now its oil in mid eastw) o Spanish see new world as a huge source of ppl to be converted to Christianity (inquisition) (seen Indians as devils) o Juan ponce de leon explores florida, fountain of youth(for spain)  1st settlements in north America st Augustine-1565  Port of Pensacola o Spain first travels to florida,Caribbean,mexico then to western America  Other empires o France claims part of Canada looking for NW path to pacific) o Trade for fur coats(fashion) o Colonies are more trading posts and forts, tried to set up alliances with natives instead of mame and kill them(paid them to hunt) o Interested in converting religion, set up praying towns, but weren’t aggressive like spain  Dutch and Swedes-NY and NJ areas o After trade and manufacturing goods(like French) o New Amsterdam becomes NY, the protective wall becomes wall street o Brings log cabin, mythic but really Sweden brought idea Lecture 2 1-24-11 Theories of original settlement  15-50,000 years ago beiring strait allowed ppl to travel from asia, Russia etc into Americas  12,000 years ago more migration over strait (Canada and US)  A lot of confusion with origin and dates  A lot of anthropologist studying remains in west USA and say facial reconstruction doesn’t look like ppl from asia, etc, more like ppl from pacific. Site in Nevada that is similar to that of japan and pacific island.(possibly the 3rd wave)  Native American populations o All of N and S America in 1492/50-100 million o What would be US in 1492/10-15 million o 1810 US/ 5-7 million o (a lot of diversity in natives)  Cahokia-mound city, huge o Serpent mound in Ohio  Natives weren’t ecological, fires to clear land and kill animals, migrated a lot, 1st Europeans thought they were wasteful. Said they should have herds, no concept of land ownership at all, they believed in stewardship in a harmonious, mature balancing way. o Smith realizes they need Indians to survive , 500 more colonists arrive and save 35 left over. Kick smith out back to England o 60-70 women on board, powhattan doesn’t deal well with so many ppl o Smith gone-colonist revert back to old ways – 440 ppl die  1611- Virginia co. steps in and sets rule b/c they aren’t making any money o Violate once and youre tortured, twice and youre tortured and jailed, third time = death  Occasional violence b/w settlers and Indians  New recruits constantly sent to VA (things are little better)  1614-settlers repay powhattan for what he did to smith o Captures Pocahontas to stop themfrom attacking settlers, Pocahontas converts to Christianity, (trying to please father) , Pocahontas marries james roef, brings trade relationship o VA co. beginning to profit and expand  1620- money o Roef=tobacco farming-creates plant that grows aggressively; sent to England = millionaire overnight o 1620s-1630s wealth and company progress, lots of ppl move there, kings make money Company reform  Creation of house of burgesses(1619) o Early form of representative govt  Didn’t make laws, advises and elect for VA CO  Implement headright system o Entice ppl to move to VA, give land if move there or bring ppl there(creation of indentured serv ants) labor for tobacco farms  Death of powhattan 1618, his brother takes over Rush Limbaugh said US shouldn’t celebrate puritans for thanksgiving, should thank Virginians for bringing in democracy and individual land rights 1622 indian attack Jamestown tries to kill all whites. Killed 350 of 1500 ppl, captured women By end of 1630s Indians weak and have to move, Jamestown has rapid expansion  After 1620 tabacco boom most VA’s take advantage of headright system, explosion of indentured servants (all whites from England) 5-7 year contract, mostly men, 1 woman per 24 men, only 7% came as families  Laws passed to protect servants o Curfew, adultery, not talk to bastards o All English men had rights and couldn’t be slaves, but damn close to it  1635 ish so much tobacco, cant sell fast, prices drop, so farmers diversify crops  1640s-new wave migration-royalist vs roundheads(win) o Aristocratic-minor nobelists, tons of money expect to be leaders in VA 4 characteristics of new society in VA o Completely agricultural o Dispersed along waterways and rural o A royal colony with advice from the house of burgesses o Power of purse, in charge of paying governors, so the governors listened to them!! o Anglican-official religion of colony and England (all have to pay taxes to support it) Creation of Maryland-1634 o George calvert-lord Baltimore, catholic, creates Maryland for catholics from England, king agrees to dispel catholics, Maryland pretty much VA with different religion o Called a proprietary colony, king gave land to lord Baltimore, put him in charge. (Pennsylvania, NY,), turned and sold it to settlers and made a ton of money. Massachusetts bay and New England 1. Plymouth colony and the pilgrims  Beginnings –abe Lincoln created thanksgiving during cicil war  Look to past as source of strength with the puritans  Start loosing puritan values and moving more towards America Puritanism beliefs  1834 england reforms when henry 8th turns to the Anglican church  Ppl think the Anglican still resembles catholism too much (gold,bells,smells, etc) say the church needs to be more accessible to the common man.  Two “rebel” groups – separatist(pilgrims) hard core puritans, no saving Anglican church, end is near, religion is filled with bs and the only way to save themselves is to leave England. They go to Netherlands to Holland where the Dutch eventually kick them out bc they cant put up with them. William Bradford is there leader and they are supposed to be going to Virginia, but the conspiracy is someone paid them NOT to go to VA, so he drops them of at Massachusetts. Write the Mayflower compact, first written constitution type thing. Named the Plymouth after where they landed. Plymouth is quickly overshadowered by a different group called Massachusetts bay.  Reformers-trying to build “city on a hill” to prove to England that they can create a Godly community, what they expect is for England to see the error of kicking them out and invite them back to create a godly community in England. o Boston and Salem are the largest cities there. 2) New England Settlement  Composition of migration-big push for family life (70%)  A lot of English names  MASSACHUSETTS BAY COLONY  very quickly the settlement is put in the Massachusetts bay colony. All investors are puritans, bring the charter to North America, have a lot more control than VA.  Very strongly believed in community and family values. Also economic stability  Anglo Middle class puritans movement to new England, don’t have aristocrats that won’t farm, etc.  C-Puritanism o Context  Bible lovers, concerned with hell  Covenants  Believe they work in world of wonders with signs from god alllllllllllllll the time. Sun, rainbow, deer, all kinds of things. o She says if one of the elect can see divine signs as well as the ministers. So then shes in trouble for her beliefs and goes to trial. They banish her and all her family, friends, and followers go out and found New Hampshire. o After they are banished puritan society is a lot more stables and last about 30 years. 1630s and 1640s are relatively stable  In the 1660s there was less concern with religion and you start to see a breakdown. More involved with economics, money, etc o Generational change. Ppl aren’t even bothering with convergence anymore bc their elders have created such a high standard that the younger ppl say why even bother, we cant live like this forever. o Puritans create a half way covenant. It says if your parents are saved, you get a half membership in the church. (half vote/half saved). Stuff gets worse, ppl that are saved talk “down” to the half saved and unsaved. Just becomes a joke. Everyones confused o Breakdown of the communal towns. When families pass down land it gets smaller and smaller, so families start moving west to buy a lot of land and thrive. Want more money than they previously thought was sufficient. o King Philips War (1675-1676)  Not just the puritans wanted nice things, the natives as well.  Traded land with natives. A merchant tells king Phil that he owes money but wants land instead. Phil thinks that he is leasing the land. Natives are now feeling more constrained than ever.  Sassomon is Philips advisor. Great and educated man. He is the go between from the puritans and phil. Sassamon goes to boston and says Philip is getting a federacy of tribes together and they are going to destroy all settlements bc they want their land back o They ask Phil about it and he says of course not, I love yall, then he tests sassamon to see if he is the leak and then they kill him o He is found in a frozen lake, puritans look for murderers and try 3 random natives and hang them. Phil has had enough and gets tribes to attack them. The basically wipe out 40 years of settlements. 45 towns attacked, 12 completely burnt to the groung. Only 90 towns at this point. 12.5% of colonial population is killed. Indians are almost exterminated. o Philip is finally captured and killed. His head is placed on a pike and left there for 20 years outside of Boston. His family is captured and sold into slavery in Barbados. o Decide god hates them bc of the war, so must be catholics fault and attack Canada.  Dominion of New England o Charles the 2nd created the dominion of New England in 1686. They send a royal governor, Andros, is given control of all new England and NY and NY. And create one new govt. they try to install the Anglican church and the puritans freak out. o In 1691 new charter combines Plymouth and Massachusetts bay and is called Massachusetts. And all the other colonies go back to original. o The trials break out in 1962 before when the town gets a new minister. He haggles over pay which is somtheing you just don’t do and settles on wook for the winter. It gets worse when the reverends niece and daughter are seen in the woods with a slave name tichuba. They are dancing and casting spells with a cauldron. So immediately the cry of witch goes out and the girls say he put a spell on them to do all that. Someone says devil and everyone freaks out. The reverends girls are accusing all kinds of women, even well respected ppl of witchcraft also, the ones accused were on the edge of puritan society and are easy targets bc no one will back them up. The trials are very crazy. They claim devil was in the courtroom sometime, ppl keep fainting and are ice cold, simultaneously other girls are getting fevers. No one knows what to thing except that the devil is loose in salem and is a threat to salem life. 1692- 150 women are accused of witchcraft but only 19 are hung. Another man was killed buy stones crushing his lungs when they were trying to get a confession outta him. Everythings gets crazy and spreads far outta salem and accuses the governors wife as well, at this point the governor says all this is ridiculous and everything stops now. Some say the girls ate moldy bread and it gave them hallucinations. Others say this was an attempt by male puritans to put women in their place bc the women were gaining authority and the men didn’t like it. So much social change going on and no one knows how to respond to it. February 7, 2011 I. Different Context for Settlements o A. Proprietary Colonies- owhen the king grants land to friend B. Money-making for the Crown Proprietory colonies- Money making thing for the crown also. Lets him tax and passa series of resolutions called navigation acts. Allows trade only with the british which is a monopoly for the crown. The crowns friends make a lot of money from this. + C. Changing Patterns of Immigration II. The Middle Colonies (NY, NJ, PA, DE) A. New York 1664, dutch and british have been at trade war. Duke of york sails there and takes over, and gets all of new york. 1. Polyglot 2. Conquered by the Duke of York- The duke of york sails off the Hudson river valley off to rich friends in England and they create manors. And they try to recreate a feudal society in NY. High High rent, closest we ever see of English culture. B. Pennsylvania 1. William Penn-Quakers. Quaker oats. He is the founder of Pennsylvania. He is able to bribe the king to get Pennsylvania. Means penns woods in latin. The quakers and England are sort of in line with the puritans to get persecuted. There beliefs are seen as too radical. Penns father is an admiral in the royal navy, when he dies the king was in debt to him (a lot) so he gave him land in north America. Penn says he wants a religious safe haven free from persecution, so he goes to the king and tells him you owed my dad 16,000 lbs (4 million) so they struck a deal for close to one million acres. A charter is created and kept in England. Charter specifically states that there will be religious toleration. Very strong morality laws in PA. You could not drink or swear. Lying and cheating was punishable by jail. 2. The Society of Friends- official name of quakers. No hierarchy, no baptism, no sermons at the church meetings. You close your eyes and contemplate whatever you want and the hope is someone will have enough conviction to stand up and talk about whats in their hearts. a. Inner Light and Pacifism- believed everyone had an inner light. A devine spark that god has placed inside of everyone. Through mediation and talking with other quakers that is what makes you pure or saved. Believes everyone is born good. Called quakers bc in meetings they would often shake while contemplating. They are considered cowards, not pacifists, bc they wouldn’t fight in armed services for England bc they believed if they fought and killed someone There were already ppl there, he just spread the word to the east about america. 3) _______________, a Spanish Conquistador, conquered the Aztecs. (2 pts) 4) What was France looking for in the New World? (2 points) Lecture 6 Slavery in the Colonies I. Slavery and Racism in Europe and England- first slaves were Slavic. (eastern Europe) By 1400s only countries to have slave are Portugal and spain. African slave from north Africa trade them for goods and bring them to new world. Slavery did exist in Africa but was not a life long sentence. Could choose to stay or leave, marry, learn language, basically be take in by that society. II. Middle passage – slave trade from west coast of Africa to America. Most go to brazil where there are sugar plantation. Next size group is Caribbean’s. Only 500,000 went to America. So many went south b/c most planters there were so rich they would work there slaves to death and just buy more. B/c the work isn’t as harsh in America and the slave population is allowed to reproduce. February 11, 2011 II. Origins of Slavery in Virginia A. Early Years a. All colonies have slaves b. African tribes go inland and trap native Africans for sell in slave trade for other goods. c. Triangle of trade. In Atlantic. d. Basis of slave trade came from whites thinking that blacks were evil and tainted by the devil. Black = evil and sin and white = good and innocence. Create a racial pyramid (taxonomy of races). i. western Europeans (brits) ii. eastern Europeans (Russians) iii. Native americans iv. African americans e. See blacks as sub human. B. C. Decision for Slavery a. First slave ship in America is dutch in Jamestown in 1620. So Africans are in New England before the pilgrims and are as engrained as anyone, have to be accounted for. When slave ship shows up there are 20 or so Africans traded for but they are not exactly slaves. No one knows there status or what to do with them so they are mostly treated as indentured servants. When they got their freedom they in turn would buy white indentured servants (not common but It did happen some). For 40 years they were part of society but they didn’t really have rights, but also weren’t slaves. In 1660 they start passing a series of laws saying if you buy an African they are a lifelong slave to you. It limited the interaction that indentured servants could have with slaves. They said a white indentured servant cannot marry a black slave. No more mingling b/w white or black, separates them. Even if you are a miserable indentured servant they are better than their African counterpart. b. Slavery follows the condition of the mother. White male slave owners raped their female slaves, so the law stated the child was also a slave. c. Slave society transition happens in Virginia in the 1660s through the law. Everything in society became based on slavery: laws, culture, social hierarchy: but the economy is not dependent. C. Why (4) 1. Bacon’s Rebellion (1675-76) A guy named Nathaniel bacon starts a rebellion. He was a small planter with a few slaves. He didn’t have access to the inner circle which upset him. He thinks if he can get all the indentured servants on his side the governor will have to accept him. He goes to the governor and tells him he wants to protect the settlers against Indians. He has orders not to attack Indians, but he massacres them anyway and even the Indians that were loyal to Virginia. So the governor disbands army. Bacon says no you have to meet our demands which were to kill all Indians, take their land and give it to poor indentured servants. Governor of course said no b/c he made a ton of money from indian trade. He goes to overthrow the governor but he dies of dysentery before he can. Mostly dies down afterwards. Transition after this rebellion from servants to slaves b/c it was more economical. 2. Labor Supply a. Labor intensive industries. Harder to get servants but very easy to get slaves. 3. Changing Disease Rate a. Most people early on died of disease or starvation. Disease rate was drastically reducing 4. Racism the most important a. ????? III. Lower South a. Slavery happens different mostly b/c these colonies were developed after the north but also b/c of where they came from. Immediately upon the set up of southern colonies they are slave societies and they don’t have the messy transition such as in the south. b. Gang system of slavery. Basically all the slaves would work in groups with one overseer from sun up to sun down. c. SC and GA (rice) has the task system meaning at the beginning of the day a group of slaves a given task and when they were done they were done for the day. Through this the Africans can retain their culture much more than other Africans. i. Extent is pretty small, reserved for wealthy men and few wealthy women. Important bc most ppl responsible for the revolution are responsible for this. Benjamin Franklin is one of them, he dabbled in everything. He really liked debate, flirting, and cool guy. George Washington is also caught up in enlightened thinking although he applies most of it to agricultural means. He wanted to make the strongest whiskey so he worked with chemistry as well. He was also a surveyor; they tried to apply order and logic to things. Also into dentistry, made wooden teeth. When he became president he didn’t think it befitting for him to have wooden teeth so he had another set of dentures pulled from his slaves mouths. Thomas Jefferson, interested in everything. He collects plants and animal species from all over, tries to catalog native species, avid map maker, interested in architecture. Also trying to produce better agricultural procedures, founded Virginia college. The embodiment of enlightenment. b. Intellectual principles i. Want to see the world as orderly with natural laws and to see that the world followed these laws. And once you can understand that and why things happened you could make change or something. No real conflict b/w them and the religious people. c. Impact i. Political ii. Religious 1. Deism – clock maker theory. God set the world in motion and then set it free and is not active in day to day life. 3. First great awakening- series of eveangelical mvmts, begins in conneticut river valley, a. Extent of influence i. George Whitefield- gives very emotional and energetic sermons. Bark, swoon, 2 ppl committed suicide, really gets ppl fired up about religion ii. Jonathan Edwards by jonathan Edwards. He is technically a puritan and believes most things they believe. (pre determination). Says the new generation isn’t religious enough, so rather give boring sermons, his sermons were energetic, he would scream and shout and scare the hell outta efveryone. His philosophy is that god culd be a bastard but he saves more than condemns and scares ppl into behaving properly and in his revival he would give them this emotional revival and get them to switch. Have to be saved to get god to protect you b/c god holds you over the pit of hell. b. Principles i. Style of preaching ii. Primary beliefs- biggest belief is in the new birth, that ppl need to wake up and be saved and do the right things c. Why did the FGA Happen?(3) 4. Why does the great awakenings occur i. Anxiety about whose religion was correct, and as a result you get more religions ii. Revivals were answers to dry, boring, academic sermons that offered an emotional rather than an intellectual connection to God. iii. Guilt over increased wealth and consumerism. 5. Implications of both a. Diversity Lecture 8 Deferential Politics and Society in Colonial America (defer) Show of respect in deference. In politics, it means that the rich elect the more rich to office. I. England’s Government in the Colonies A. Structure Every colony had a nominal ruler. It is parliament that is governing the colonies and passing their laws. The purpose of the colonies was to benefit the mother countries economically. B.Mercantilism Cant trade with anyone but your own . enumeration? C. Royal Presence in US is really small, gov, lt gov, small committee of advisors, and tax collectors and that’s it. Very few troops then. The judges are colonial judges. II. Colonial Government A. Governors In theory the governors are very powerful, they are representative of the king. But they really have no enforcement powers. The governor then could tell the congress to go home, they can also appoint judges and upper level of legislature. B. Assemblies Every legislature is bicameral. Upper house and lower house. Upper is the governors buddies, the lower house is more responsible to the ppl bc they are elected. Senate today is upper and house or reps are lower. C. Struggle for Control- power of the purse, well governor if you don’t like what we are doing we just wont pay you. D. Local Government- most govt comes at local level. Seriously guarded and considered sacred. Could elect mayor, sheriffs, justice of the peace, ppl that would keep day to day order. III. Deferential Political Culture Mirrors Society A. Rule by Elites- only elites are elected to office. If you own a bunch of land you can rent, sharecrop all that crap. Only male land owners can vote. B. Nature of Electorate C. Deferential Society- deference is engrained into the way of life. You vote for your economic betters. Most ppl think it’s the job of the elite to rule bc they don’t have to plow land all day, they have time to be sheriff or whatever IV. Overview MISSING NOTES FROM FRIDAY GO HERE!!!!!!!!!! impORTANT BC FRENCH/INDIAN WAR ENDED AND BRITISH/US CHANGE- 1763 Proclamation line of 1763- settlers couldn’t go west of this line 1764 stamp act – anytime you wanted to create a legal document, will, deed, etc; newspapers, cards, all these things had to have a stamp. So the avg person was forced to buy a stamp, not to pay for coloniy administration, this is to pay of debt, merely a money maker. British had this for 20 years, and it was much more than the colonist, so parliament thought this was more than fair. Benjamin franklin is sent by the colonies to Britain to get rid of the tax. When they deny this, he gets elected to be the collector (so he cannot collect). Along with the stamp act parliament pass the admiralty courts. They are set up in nova scotia, and in these courts they will try ppl that don’t abide by the stamp act. To stop the tax evasion. So these ppl can be tried and fined. The problem with these is it costs the british more to enforce this than they actually pull in. there is a huge amt of colonial protest, “no taxation, this. British army strategically tries to disintegrate the “revolutionary spirit”. The colonist adavantage would have been they new how the English fought bc they were once within their army. Colonists try to draw out war to make long and costly to try and get England to get tired of paying for it. Washington has to create a national army bc the world will not recognize a nation with an army that will resort to guerilla warfare. The americans constantly lose battle after battle. French and Dutch support, 2nd key. French send supplies, money, food, ammunitions, etc along with 10,000 troops and send their navy. French will ally with anyone fighting the british. 3 rd british underestimate the colonists will to win, holy and faith blah blah. 1st turning pt- battle of Trenton?? 2nd tuning pt battle of Saratoga---benedict Arnold. After this the French see the colonists are contenders and this is when they join in. 3rd battle of yorktown in VA. Washinton corners the british, british navy was supposed to pick them up but French navy beats them, theyre on peninsula and have to surrender. This basically ends the fighting 1781. Peace treaty is not signed until 1783. Concludes the American revolution. 2nd Treaty of paris. Americans get independence, get all british land south of Canada and east of the Mississippi river except florida. Those that cried for liberty the most was slave owners. In the wake of the revolution the states gradually pass acts that any slaves born after x day will be free when they turn 21. Some states immediately outlawed slavery. VA had the biggest paradox, they have slaves, while they are slave owners, after they set all their slaves free. Family members of the continental army would follow Washington around, wash clothes, nurse troops, prostitutes, some girls dressed as men to fight. Jane mccray, loyalist from upstate NY, engaged to loyalist from England, she was going to get married (with permission) but on the way she was killed by Indians. Don’t know which side actually killed her. After british are gone natives don’t have anyone to play off of with the americans so after 1783 the natives realize eventually the americans will try to exterminate them, washingtons favorite target was natives that sided with the natives. Burned villages, killed and scalped many many natives in the war. During the conflict the natives could chose british or americans, most sided with british. Knew if the colonist got in control they were done for, and that’s pretty much what happens. Deference dies with the revolution. Trying to get away with mob and move towards aristocrats and elite to transition to better society. The political fight after becomes about how to get there. List, only list don’t describe. If asks why, couple sentences explaining why 2 essay questions, write one. Have an argument for one side and why.
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