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The Spread of Christianity in Europe: A Historical Overview - Prof. Wilson, Study notes of Contemporary Literature

An insightful exploration of the emergence and spread of christianity in europe during the medieval period. Topics covered include the coming of christianity, its impact on the lower classes, the declaration of christianity as a state religion, and the role of pilgrimages and saints in the faith. The document also touches upon the differences between feudalism and christianity, and the influence of notable figures such as perpetua and radegund.

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Download The Spread of Christianity in Europe: A Historical Overview - Prof. Wilson and more Study notes Contemporary Literature in PDF only on Docsity! CMLT 3140 01/20/2012   Survivors always write history (name of medieval time) = ideological bias  Middle Ages Approx dates- fall of 2 great civilianization- fall of Roman empire (471- 5th century) & civilization of Byzantine Empire (Constantinople)  Greek language- cant access all of Greek texts- in Byzantium that’s the language spoken- as they fled, they brought that knowledge to them = renaissance flourished  Always know the geographic location of bias   What do we know about the invaders that killed the empire? – 2 types of invaders- the raiders & the settlers- (raiders would be the Huns- (treasure), wanted the churches where the gold is& the big manor houses (Wealth)- scared the Romans- why were the Huns so feared? – nomadic tribes (not civilized), great horseman, perfected strategy of pretending flight & jump on horses & shoot backwards- confused the roman legions who fought in an organized manor- made them vulnerable--- (group that actually caused the empire fallen- Germanic tribe from central Europe- looking for land- had different incentives- they came to settle- come in groups with families & wagons, try to intermarry & negotiate & pilfer – became Romanized  12 th century- Medieval Renaissance  Why did the Middle Ages fall during 12 th century? - The Mini Ice Age- crop failure- people weakened & thus more receptive to the plague-  The determining & defining factor of the change that defined the middle ages? – Coming of Christianity- new religion made its entrance approx in 1st century (Pentecost- go out & convert idea)- starting spreading like wildfire in the lower classes (when you died, heaven rewards- gave them hope, baptismal equality among people (doesn’t apply to anyone outside the group))- empowered the poor & slaves- was clearly eschatological (study of the end of things- believes the world is coming to an end very soon, they believe Christ will come in their lifetime, so there is no need to change the status quo, they should be concentrating on preparing for the 2nd coming, earning way to heaven, doing the right thing  312- acceptance of Christianity as tolerated religion  Declaration of Christianity of state religion in roman empire: Early 5 th century- Theodosius- particular form of original Christianity (Catholicism)   Catholicism & Protestantism (dogmatic difference):  Trans substantiation (bread & wine physically becomes the body & blood of Jesus vs. protestant taking of the bread & wine is only symbolic)  Intercession through saints (function of saints- as a intercessor- to reach the ear of God- cant talk to him directly- reflects in hierarchy of church it would be the priest of pastor that can interpret the Bible for you, cant read the Bible yourself & wasn’t translated) – how do you become a saint? – “Process of Canonization” Become a martyr, have to be post mortem miracle (have to have 3 miracles)- if you only have 2 miracles you become a ‘blessed “ person  Protestant belief: “Sola Fide”- (Soul Fidelity/ Faith)- by Faith Alone Men shall be saved- so different form catholic notion on how to get saved (faith & deeds)- had the need for translations  Stratification of Saints & sacraments—Ex. 7 deadly sins clearly in hierarchy order  PEASAGL – Pride, Envy, Avarice (Greed), Sloth (refusal to recognize your potential), Anger, Gluttony (over indulging), Lust (Adultery)  Sacraments of Church: Baptism (cleanses you of original sin, sin that your born with (disobedience) (obviously one that’s dictated by power, hierarchical society)—Pennants (sacraments of pennants- starts with recognition you have done something wrong, recognize it as something that’s not beneficial to your soul, repentance- confession- absolution -- First Communion- communion- confirmation (claiming the community as your own)—marriage (late sacrament added in 10th century)- consent at least on paper is necessary- Ordination (when you become a priest, etc- take vows- Last Rights (Extreme Unction) – prepare you for wherever you go (always administered by church)    (Antichrist) biological father, god, spiritual father (deacons- who visit he in jail), emperor (evil father- part de familias- had absolute right of all in household, emperor had absolute right over all subjects)   Hates her dad- b/c he wants her to say she’s not a Christian- (Sacrifice) breaking her faith to save her life & child- she refuses – he gets humiliated   Androgynous image of Christ- he is both male and female b/c that’s what he creates- milking goats (not a male activity) or is welcoming into home & offering food- perpetua playing on that blurring notions of male & female   SERPENT IS ALWAYS THE EMPEROR – tries to enforce & eradicate Christianity   Saints not nice people- b/c they are not capable of compromising- so passionate & dogmatic of the fact they are in the right   Perpetua- is of a urban & wealthy family- small child (under a year- still breastfeeding)- major issue is what to do about the baby- miracle from god shoes her to (baby no longer needs her milk)- she dries out- she wants to find out if she has been chosen (Wants certainty) she wants to prove that she’s on right path by praying for a vision   Cartridge famous for: Dido City- & Punic wars (Hannibal of cartridge invading Rome)     1st quiz thrown out   2nd Quiz:  What is heigroaphy?  Name one of perpetuas dream?   Missal- book that lists the feast days of the saints, short synopsis & the applications- how does it apply to your life—for every day there is a Saint “name day calendar” – tells how to use the quote in the sermon – criterion of comparison between Anne Frank & Perpetua (what do they share in common—she did not abandon her identity (Anne could have escaped, did not want to abandon her identity/ faith) (perpetua could have done the same thing)   Doctrinal Lessons in Perpetua: Don’t ever abandon your faith even in the face of greatest adversary   March 7th- Perpetua & Felicity’s feast day   Narrator in the text of Perpetua : attempting to make the text relevant— perpetua, (the last section was an eye witness in the arena so likely not a bishop, Saturus (perpetuas catechumen), saturas has his own visions as well though   Narrative with multiple narrators: how do you differentiate- the clergy tells the interpretation, higher vocab, has self assurance—perpetua constantly questions herself = clergymen shows no hesitation- big difference in confidence  Eyewitness sounds very objective, the death has to be credible (reliable narrator), narrator has to be very simple & dull (if he is stupid he cant make up things)   Perpetua thinks they might not murder her b/c roman law is you cant kill pregnant women or lactating women—felicity was a slave so she lost her baby so she doesn’t get that rule- needs to resolve the baby problem in order to get martyred- she prays with the answer- god makes the baby not need breast milk anymore- problem she encounters is with her father- he’s begging with her to not do this- she treats her father like an obstacle in the way- god gives her vision as a way of authenticating her passage to heaven   Vision 1:   Jacob’s ladder (quest for vision)  No mention of feeling hungry but in the vision she enjoys it—she has a shoe fetish , sandals or feet are described  Androgenous god?—milking the goats & offering food (womens job)- he treats her as a friend, non judegemental, kind- welcome into heaven    Vision2: brother died before he was converted- he is in limbo/hell– those who die repented go to purgatory (those who die unrepented go to hell)- tries to intercede- she prays for him- perpetua was granted a vision so she knows there is a good chance thatprayer will succed,  Him not being able to reach the food/water: tantelis (one whos punished for blasphemy in the odssey – apple is always out of his reach) – shows her education with the classical mythology- showing off by implying that imajery-    Vision 3- angrogeny runs trhough the text, she can become a man— sexlessness is always in a fight    Jan 31st- no class!!!  Bring my topic for reports From Spain- writing back to her sisters- long pilgrimage- why does she spend time on king abjar (he exchanged letters with Jesus (correspondence)- exemplifies extremely important doctrine (he believed blindly)—BLIND FAITH regardless of how crazy it sounds, you still believe & it will work for you- this letter saved the city—she is saying faith doesn’t make any sense but look @ what he did & how well it worked for him Writing around 4th century- time when people are starting to collect relics (mother of Constantine)- she started realizing these artifacts have values- she declared Christianity a tolerated religion as well Quiz 2: Who is King Abjar-- & who is the recipeient of Egerias audience? LOOK FOR DOCTRINAL LESSON /GENRE / WHO INTENTED AUDIENCE IS  Egeria—audience was women, sisters “nuns”- so b/c of the gener audience it reflects it in the stylistic reflects the gender  Goes to nunneries as well as monasteries & has internal reflections show her as a teacher to the sisters (role specific) 2/2/12 genre of proba: cento ( pactchwork like a qult- assembled from previous texts (main source- genesis/virgil) telling it in words of the vanada (pagan epic about the origin of rome & his travels) why does she use virgils enade?— creation story using virgilin language—all of the other (educated audience)- regoniction factor of the language you associate with virgil & the fact she is putting the greatest of the pagan epics into her purpose using it as a tool of chrisitian instruction defined by how much you recognize back than (you are what you know) pleasure came from recoginition flolaggelum- collection of quotes on the same subject by many diff writers- - put everything together in an interesting way meaning comes from regnizing little parts & how they create a whole story this gives it the beauty = combining each how does she recreate the creation story:  Plump clay—clay is not fertile- kneading- indicates in this setting the creation of man is likened to the activity of a baker or a potter (god Is artisan)  Its soil quickened – all the sudden you have seasonal setting – no time reference in genesis – analogixing thr creation of mankind to spring (When everything is bron or reborn)  Handsome @ first beyond comparison- never mentioned the way he looks  Resembling god in shoulders- very un genesis  To his new realm- the animals were too shy to come up to him  Untroubled rest- emphasis on him being young man even though he was just born- untroubled sleep are added in  Entrails- no mention of this is genesis  Plucked apart rib- complementary ajectives- clearly proba creates adam as someone who would be husband material  Women- (virgin)- of course she is- she was just made—evve was never described as this in the genesis  She does this to turn it into a love story- romanticizes it  Unparalleled in figure- shes the only woman  Wedding- there is no marriage in genesis- no ceremony  God does not warn them about a potential serpent—not in the genesis  Theres no mention of child bearing & pain    Very few people us ethe form  How it is enriched by the viriginan references: elevates it to an epoch (using epich language to descibr ethe reation of man, elevates the genesis narrative—gives visual references, most adj will come from descriptions of virgil    (2/7/12) Eodocia Cyprian- the most important saint in eastern church Was condoned by the church- sacred text Wrote by: Eodocia (empress of Constantinople)- officially sanctioned (something church feels strongly about- church has to be shown as an intercessor!!! How is church defined as ultimate intercessor in salvational history- through sacramental ministry- which is the sacrements (adminsitriering) which paves way to salvation About text: since itnercesion is so imprortant- can be represented by positive or negative example- NEGATIVE intercession here- leads to damnation not salvation Intercessor negative in this story is Cyprian (emvbodiement of bad preist)- offering services of demons instead of sermons Saint of agnes & thecla- persecuted for trying to maintain viriginity  When she escapes for good- goes to nunnery- needs to establish rules for nuns (why does she need rules- most of early ministries were restricted to men- not applicable to women- women also had 2 take 3 monastic vows (poverty, chastity, obedience )- response to her – suggest essential qualities of nunnery living: prayer, before you become a nun you are a novice- have to become literate (most of their world will be done in scriptorium- copying manuscripts- literary gained by memorizing, translating, etc. psalms- ordination ceremony for nuns ( double ceremony- celebration of the dead (you will die to the world- hair is cut)- marriage ceremony to Jesus- have an actual wedding ceremony  Uses military metaphor often- in military terms b/c they believe there is a constant threat- whole notion of militant Christianity is underlying function of church- (soldier of Christ)- you can be just as militant as the guys through your chastity, abstinence, etc. Palimseste- when you take a manuscript , need material- scratch out writing (not paper- sheep skin)- write new text on it- on ultraviolet light you can read the originally one Florilegium- a collection of flowers- take segments out of a text about certain topics & copied them into 1 place (random tangent) Benedictines- motto is “ora let abora”- pray & work 2 basic divisions of clergyman: secular, monastic secular- priest, minister, bishop- those who are in the world monastic- stays in the monastery- they are not part of the world monastic has 2- monks/friars  Monks-  Friars- more involved in community (mendicant- go around & beg for sustenance- vows voluntary complete poverty) wore cheapest- undyed wool- wanted to look like the poor Bodinivia—a nun that Radegund trained which put her in a great position because she knew more about Radegund than anyone else- perfect person to write her biography- b/c she was privileged to know details no one else would have known & because she was asked to do it (commissioned work) (obedience) – abyss (runner of the nunnery) Prioress- in charge of novices Novices- nuns who have not been ordained yet Abyss- you become one by elected by nuns or appointed by locals Is she noble birth or not?- she was trained to be a servant (you wont have a fellow princess to be maid)- unlikely to be of aristocratic birth- Radegund educated her because she is literate & can write in Latin Why is there a need to write these biographies?- she had been canonized- need an official vita whenever you become canonizes Audience: “holy ladies”- the people in the nunnery- also internal audience Arch villain (changed from Thuringia- king lothar)- king still has power & endowed the convent- gave her the land to build the nunnery- an important financial aspect in this situation Radegund role as a wife to Lothar: still virgin- wants nothing to do with him- bet roved to Jesus- mortifies the flesh 24/7 by goats hair shirts (inner & outer garments)- enlists helps of all holy men to keep her separated from Lothar (intercession on her behalf) – these men do it out of bribery (she keeps all her wealth)- they shouldn’t have to be bribed to do the right thing First Miracle: the temple- ironic b/c sematic retake- does the same thing the enemy did to her- feels righteous about it to Post Mortem Miracle: All saints have to have these to be canonized- essential b/c it’s a way of legitimizing the Saint- setting the girl on fire after sitting on her throne chair- tells you it’s a feudal social statement- poor woman doesn’t burn forever- prayer of community on behalf of suffering woman (intercession) which brings another miracle Next miracle: (relics- she wants a particular one- something from the Lord mammas martyr) eager to stock nunnery full of relics to make it have a sense of important & protection- exchanging heavenly treasures (jewels, gold) for the worldly ones (relics)- she gets the relic by getting the corpse to give her the gift – gets the finger 1 st Vision : the ship- (standard metaphor for the church) – represents Christ- looks like a man- people sitting on the ship- she sits on his knee- ship man suggested there would be movement- she will move from his knee to his heart- she knows now that Greece is in store for her Her role as a woman in the Bible: o Judith goes above the masculine & feminine image altogether as she starts in the beginning of the story as a pious celibate woman and morphs into the masculine image of a warrior sneaking around like a spy, being a cold blooded killer in the middle and than once victory is claimed, reverting back to her pious womanly self. Her complex ambiguity helped save Israel in its time of need. ( o Judith seems to “represent all biblical women … before her”, but “is a new kind of woman … who transcends the male/female dichotomy” (Bellis 221/ as-Wisdom-in-Ancient-Israel-Part-II). o She embodies traits such as strength and reverence for God, she also shows complete independence. Her place as a rich widow gives her the resources (jewelry & fancy clothes) and time to help her people. She also uses her beauty to her advantage. 01/20/2012  Quiz 1:  Middle Ages Time Frame : Fall of Roman Empire & Byzantine Empire- 12th century  Hagiography: the study of sacred literature (example- Perpetua)- meant to inspire people to imitate exemplary living Vibia Perpetua Text 2nd century BC  Apotheosis (claims he was descant of god, emperor is not just powerful but he is divine) – complication for the Christians is that they are not going to worship them they only believe in god almighty, they refused to bow to them = persecutions  Persecutions stop @: Constantine- he declares Christianity a tolerated religion & thus no longer prosecutable Intro- by an intermediary (INTERCESSION)- establishes didactic text & parallels to Old & New Testament- 3rd person narrative by Clergymen She is in jail among others – of a good family , recently married, well educated (writing in Latin)- had an infant whom she still breastfed- 22 years old. She hates her dad & depicts him as the Anti-Christ “I am not able to call myself by any other term than I am, a Christian” – baptized- fasting- experienced the darkness of prison – was allowed in a separate room to freshen up- got permission for her baby to stay with her (much to her relief) – “brother” says she can pray to God to find out if she is to be martyred 1 st vision: Huge bronze ladder reaching up to Heaven- edges of ladder were weapons, attacking serpent, she gets warned about the snake, gets up ladder, white haired man dressed like a Shepard, tall, milking sheep (androgynous)- offered her cheese- woke up still chewing (fasting)- knew she would be martyred.  Her dad hears she will be tried- comes & begs for her to abandon her faith & pride to save their lives- “for not one of us will speak freely if you suffer any harm”-she says what happens is Gods plan & he turns away  Taken to be tried-crowd came- father said “take pity on your baby”- she admits she is a Christian- she’s sorry for her fathers “unhappy old age”- condemned them to beasts- back to jail happily- baby stopped needing breast milk (miracle)  Vision 2: dream vision- Dinocrates (brother) coming out a dark place- hot-thirsty-dirty clothes- sore on face- he couldn’t reach the holy water (un saved)- prayed for her brothers salvation  Vision 3: Dinocrates- clean, well clothes, restored to health, scar where sore had been- drinking the water- woke up knowing he was saved Vision 4: Pomponius (deacon) came to prison door & knocked- dressed as an angel- “we are waiting for you , come”- took her through “rough wounding places “(path through martyrdom is harsh)- led her to arena- Egyptian devil came out ready to fight- she found herself to be man (androgynous)- god came in purple and says she will receive a branch if she wins- she was lifted into air and killed him- she won- woke up knowing victory would be hers Vision 5: (not hers) – Saturus (her catechumen)- him & Perpetua being carried to heaven by 4 angels- put them down- old man floating- Perpetua speaking Greek to them- nourished by a perfume (his death is uncertain) Felicity- 8 months pregnant- she labored so that she would be able to receive punishment- (they prayed for her to go into labor)  King Abjar : before he saw the Lord he believed in him as the true Son of God- he wrote a letter to the Lord & he responded- Persians descended onto city- he went with his whole Army & the letter- held up letter & prayed- darkness fell over Persians- stayed 3 miles away from city, enemy decided to kill by thirsting city- very moment god brought water from springs & has flown ever since – enemy had no water- they let them be   Proba’s Cento (Adam & Eve)   Genre: Cento (patchwork like a quilt- assembled from previous texts-uses Virgil) – Proba uses Virgil (recognition factor of well educated) & putting the greatest Pagan epics into her purpose of Christian instruction – pleasure came from recognition – How it is enriched by the Virginian references: elevates it to an epoch (using epoch language to describe the creation of man, elevates the genesis narrative—gives visual references, most adj will come from descriptions of Virgil   Recreates the Creation Story: – Plump clay—clay is not fertile- kneading- indicates in this setting the creation of man is likened to the activity of a baker or a potter (god is artisan) – “Its soil quickened” – all the sudden you have seasonal setting – no time reference in genesis – analogizing the creation of mankind to spring (When everything is born or reborn) – “Handsome @ first beyond comparison”- never mentioned the way he looks – “Untroubled rest”- emphasis on him being young man even though he was just born – “Women- (virgin)”- of course she is- she was just made—eve was never described as this in the genesis – She does this to turn it into a love story- romanticizes it – “Unparalleled in figure”- she’s the only woman – Wedding- there is no marriage in genesis- no ceremony – God does not warn them about a potential serpent—not in the genesis – There’s no mention of child bearing & pain  Intercession- sacramental ministry, invocation, sign of cross, prayer  Doxology: Formal prayer (Justa’s long prayer format)  Report Presentation: Celtic Warrior queens  – Amazon women - all women tribe- expert in combat- right breast removed, to increase bow skills- called men killers – Pintecelia- killed by aphyllies who fell in love with her after he killed her – Celts (Ireland / Scotland) – Gaelic tribes- in assimilation with roman empire- warriors were highest rank of people in society- women held highly- thought women as equal b/c they were also warriors – this horrified romans- battling with romans- Christianity wiped out their societal norms society b/c women being able to preach was a problem – Boadicea- women Celtic warrior- noble birth- was left part of empire- roman empire didn’t recognize her- they took over her empire, raped all women, etc.- she fought back- campaign killing all towns that romans have influenced so far- main battle with Britain & her-Boadicea saw her people were dying so she killed herself before they took over her army- all converted to Christianity after the war   Eodocia of Constantinople   Wrote by : Eodocia (empress of Constantinople) – Officially sanctioned by Church (used in sacraments) – Negative Intercession here—leads to damnation not salvation – The intercessor is Cyprian (the embodiment of a bad priest- invoking demons)  Genre : Legend  Intercession ( her praying )   Justa (gave herself to Lord)- Aglaides wanted her- attempted to take her by force- didn’t work-kicked his ass- Aglaides finds Cyprian (sorcerer)- summons demon- starts reciting his resume (weapons- confusion, human weakness, pride envy)- description shows how powerful he is- shows contrast that Christians ask for help, he is confident- “take herb scatter in her room”- she was singing psalms & realized she had desire for Aglaides- made sign of cross & prayed- Cyprian calls 2nd demon (Belial)- give her a potion- she prayed again- 3rd demon- “ill make her sick”- turned himself into an image of a virgin girl- asked her @ what price does she pay for being good- used story of Eve- made sign & ran him off-Cyprian gives up, burns his pagan books, becomes Christian & Justa is named Deaconess of a nunnery  Cyprians Life: narrated by Cyprian- shows early career as Pagan- study of sorcery & demons- parents gave him as a gift to god of Apollo- studies all manner of diabolic arts- fasting (40 days)- received lessons from 7 great sorcerers- meets Devil- Devil is in the form of “gold flowers, radiance, intricately woven hair, splendid jewels, filled the whole place with light”   Doctrinal Lesson: – be vigilant! – Should not underestimate the power of the Devil   Standard way of conversion: missionary activity (mostly converted by Irish monks) & conversion by marriage (Christian empires would push their princesses on the rulers) & conversion by force (frequent- example (invasion of Thuringia) convert or be defeated)entire royal empire is dead except for Radegund (to have a legitimate child- have a legitimate claim to the throne)   Florilegium- a collection of stories/quotes- take segments out of a text about certain topics & copied them into 1 place    – eager to stock nunnery full of relics to make it have a sense of important & protection- exchanging heavenly treasures (jewels, gold) for the worldly ones (relics)   Invaders that killed the Empire  Huns (Raiders) o Wanted treasure , wealth o Scared romans b/c nomadic tribes- not civilized o Strategy of shooting on horses backwards- confused romans  Settlers (group that actually caused Empire to fall) o Germanic tribe o Looking for land- came to settle o Came in families & wagons o Tried to intermarry o Become Romanized  12 th century- Medieval Renaissance  Why did the Middle Ages fall during 12 th century?  The Mini Ice Age o Crop failure- people weakened & thus more receptive to the plague  The defining factor of the change that defined the middle ages?  Coming of Christianity- new religion- starting spreading like wildfire in the lower classes- gave them hope, baptismal equality among people -empowered the poor & slaves- was clearly eschatological (study of the end of things- believes the world is coming to an end very soon, they believe Christ will come in their lifetime, so there is no need to change the status quo, they should be concentrating on preparing for the 2nd coming, earning way to heaven, doing the right thing   Declaration of Christianity of state religion in roman empire: Early 5th century- Theodosius   Catholicism & Protestantism (dogmatic difference):  Trans substantiation (bread & wine physically becomes the body & blood of Jesus vs. protestant taking of the bread & wine is only symbolic)  Intercession through saints (function of saints- as a intercessor- to reach the ear of God- cant talk to him directly- reflects in hierarchy of church it would be the priest of pastor that can interpret the Bible for you, cant read the Bible yourself & wasn’t translated) – how do you become a saint? – “Process of Canonization” Become a martyr, have to be post mortem miracle (have to have 3 miracles)- if you only have 2 miracles you become a ‘blessed “ person  Protestant belief: “Sola Fide”- (Soul Fidelity/ Faith)- by Faith Alone Men shall be saved- so different form catholic notion on how to get saved (faith & deeds)- had the need for translations  Stratification of Saints & sacraments—Ex. 7 deadly sins clearly in hierarchy order  PEASAGL – Pride, Envy, Avarice (Greed), Sloth (refusal to recognize your potential), Anger, Gluttony (over indulging), Lust (Adultery)  Sacraments of Church: Baptism (cleanses you of original sin, sin that your born with (disobedience) (obviously one that’s dictated by power, hierarchical society)—Pennants (sacraments of pennants- starts with recognition you have done something wrong, recognize it as something that’s not beneficial to your soul, repentance- confession- absolution -- First Communion- communion- confirmation (claiming the community as your own)—marriage (late sacrament added in 10th century)- consent at least on paper is necessary- Ordination (when you become a priest, etc- take vows- Last Rights (Extreme Unction) – prepare you for wherever you go (always administered by church)   Name of Original Bible: Vulgate (meaning Vulgar- common language), which would have been Latin  Who, did the compilation & translation of the different sources of the bible? - Saint Jerome (patron saint of all translators)   Difference of Divisions:  Feudalism- Represented as a pyramid- top is God-“ divine rights of king- divine ordinance”- upper nobility, lower nobility, serfs- it is always invariably based on an exchange for any good you receive you get something- always reciprocal – king gives land to nobles, they in return give protection) vertical subdivision of society  Horizontal subdivision of society: Bellatores (fighters-knights- protect societies), Oratores (anyone who prays- secular clergy), Laboratores (those who work)    
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