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Download NR 511 WEEK 4 MIDTERM EXAMS Q & As ALL ANSWERS 100% CORRECTLY/VERIFIED BEST EXAM SOLUTION and more Exams Nursing in PDF only on Docsity! NR 511 WEEK 4 MIDTERM EXAMS Q & As ALL ANSWERS 100% CORRECTLY/VERIFIED BEST EXAM SOLUTION LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 HIGH SCORE GRADED A+ Define diagnostic reasoning Reflective thinking because thhe process involves questioning one's thinking to determine if all possible avenues have been explored & if thhe conclusions that are being drawn are based on evidence. Seen as a kind of critical thinking.  What is subjective data? Anything thhe patient tells you or complains of regarding thheir symptoms Chief complaint HPI NR 511 WEEK 4 MIDTERM EXAMS Q & As ALL ANSWERS 100% CORRECTLY/VERIFIED BEST EXAM SOLUTION LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 HIGH SCORE GRADED A+ NR 511 WEEK 4 MIDTERM EXAMS Q & As ALL ANSWERS 100% CORRECTLY/VERIFIED BEST EXAM SOLUTION LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 HIGH SCORE GRADED A+ ROS  What is objective data? Anything YOU can see, touch, feel, hear, or smell as part of your exam Includes lab data, diagnostic test results, etc.  Identify components of HPI Specifically related to thhe chief complaint only Detailed breakdown of CC OLDCARTS  Describe thhe differences between medical billing & medical coding. Medical billing: process of submitting & following up on claims made to a payer in order to receive payment for medical services rendered by a healthcare provider Medical coding: thhe use of codes to communicate with payers about which procedures were performed & why.  Compare & contrast thhe two coding classification systems that are currently used in thhe US healthcare system. NR 511 WEEK 4 MIDTERM EXAMS Q & As ALL ANSWERS 100% CORRECTLY/VERIFIED BEST EXAM SOLUTION LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 HIGH SCORE GRADED A+ NR 511 WEEK 4 MIDTERM EXAMS Q & As ALL ANSWERS 100% CORRECTLY/VERIFIED BEST EXAM SOLUTION LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 HIGH SCORE GRADED A+ signs General survey HEENT Etc... A: assessment Global assessment of pt including differentials in order from most to least likely Combination of subjective & objective info List of dx addressed & billed for at thhe visit P: plan What you will Rx When to come back Diagnostic tests Pt education  Discuss minimum of three purposes of thhe written history & physical in relation to thhe importance of documentation. Important reference document that gives concise NR 511 WEEK 4 MIDTERM EXAMS Q & As ALL ANSWERS 100% CORRECTLY/VERIFIED BEST EXAM SOLUTION LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 HIGH SCORE GRADED A+ NR 511 WEEK 4 MIDTERM EXAMS Q & As ALL ANSWERS 100% CORRECTLY/VERIFIED BEST EXAM SOLUTION LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 HIGH SCORE GRADED A+ info about thhe pt's hx & exam findings Outlines a plan for addressing issues that prompted thhe visit. Info should be presented in a logical fashion that prominently features all data relevant to thhe pt's condition. Is a means of communicating info to all providers involved in pt's care Is a medical- legal document NR 511 WEEK 4 MIDTERM EXAMS Q & As ALL ANSWERS 100% CORRECTLY/VERIFIED BEST EXAM SOLUTION LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 HIGH SCORE GRADED A+ NR 511 WEEK 4 MIDTERM EXAMS Q & As ALL ANSWERS 100% CORRECTLY/VERIFIED BEST EXAM SOLUTION LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 HIGH SCORE GRADED A+ Is essential in order to accurately code & bill for services  Why does every procedure code need a corresponding diagnosis code? Diagnosis code explains thhe necessity of thhe procedure code. Insurance won't pay if thhey don't correspond.  What are thhe three components required in determining an outpatient, office visit E&M code? Plan of service Type of service Patient status  Correctly ID a pt as a new or established given historical info. Pt status: whethher or not pt is new or established. New: has not received professional service from provider in same group within past 3 years. Established: has received professional service from provider in same group in last 3 years. NR 511 WEEK 4 MIDTERM EXAMS Q & As ALL ANSWERS 100% CORRECTLY/VERIFIED BEST EXAM SOLUTION LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 HIGH SCORE GRADED A+ NR 511 WEEK 4 MIDTERM EXAMS Q & As ALL ANSWERS 100% CORRECTLY/VERIFIED BEST EXAM SOLUTION LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 HIGH SCORE GRADED A+ S: summarize (present pt's H&P findings) N: narrow (based on H&P, narrow down top 2-3 differentials) A: analyze (compare/contrast H&P findings for each differential & narrow it down to most likely one) P: probe (ask preceptor questions of anything you are unsure of) P: plan (come up with specific management plan) S: Self-directed learning (opportunity to investigate more about topics you are uncertain of)  What is thhe most common type of pathogen responsible for acute gastroenteritis? Viral (can be viral, bacterial, or parasitic), usually norovirus  How do specificity, sensitivity, & predictive value contribute to thhe usefulness of diagnostic data? Specificity: ability of a test to correctly detect a specific condition. If a pt has a condition but test is negative, it is a false negative. If pt does NOT have condition but test is NR 511 WEEK 4 MIDTERM EXAMS Q & As ALL ANSWERS 100% CORRECTLY/VERIFIED BEST EXAM SOLUTION LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 HIGH SCORE GRADED A+ NR 511 WEEK 4 MIDTERM EXAMS Q & As ALL ANSWERS 100% CORRECTLY/VERIFIED BEST EXAM SOLUTION LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 HIGH SCORE GRADED A+ positive, it is false positive. Sensitivity: test that has few false negatives. Ability of a test to correctly identify a specific condition when it is present. Thhe higher thhe sensitivity, thhe lesser thhe likelihood of a false negative. Predictive value: Thhe likelihood that thhe pt actually has thhe condition & is, in part, dependent upon thhe prevalence of thhe condition in thhe population. If a condition is highly likely, thhe positive result would be more accurate. Diagnostic tests can be used to confirm or rule out hypothheses. Diagnostic tests may be used to screen for conditions. Diagnostic tests may be used to monitor thhe progress in managing a chronic condition.  Discuss thhe elements that need to be considered when developing a plan. Pt's preferences & actions NR 511 WEEK 4 MIDTERM EXAMS Q & As ALL ANSWERS 100% CORRECTLY/VERIFIED BEST EXAM SOLUTION LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 HIGH SCORE GRADED A+ NR 511 WEEK 4 MIDTERM EXAMS Q & As ALL ANSWERS 100% CORRECTLY/VERIFIED BEST EXAM SOLUTION LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 HIGH SCORE GRADED A+ Research evidence Clinical state/circumstanc es Clinical expertise  Describe thhe components of medical decision making in E&M coding. Risk, data, diagnosis Thhe more time & consideration involved in dealing with a pt, thhe higher thhe reimbursement from thhe payer. Documentation must reflect MDM  Correctly order thhe E&M office visit codes based on complexity from least to most complex. New pt: 1.Minimal/RN visit: 99201 2.Problem focused: 99202 3.Exp&ed problem focused: 99203 4.Detailed: 99204 NR 511 WEEK 4 MIDTERM EXAMS Q & As ALL ANSWERS 100% CORRECTLY/VERIFIED BEST EXAM SOLUTION LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 HIGH SCORE GRADED A+ NR 511 WEEK 4 MIDTERM EXAMS Q & As ALL ANSWERS 100% CORRECTLY/VERIFIED BEST EXAM SOLUTION LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 HIGH SCORE GRADED A+ term! Linzess (linaclotide), Trulance (plecanatide), & Amitiza (lubiprostone): newer for constipation, work locally on apical membrane of GI tract to increase intestinal fluid secretion & improve fecal transit. Abd pain: dicloclymine (Bentyl), hyoscyamine (avoid anticholinergics in glaucoma & BPH, especially in elderly). TCAs & SSRIs can relieve symptoms in some pt's. NR 511 WEEK 4 MIDTERM EXAMS Q & As ALL ANSWERS 100% CORRECTLY/VERIFIED BEST EXAM SOLUTION LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 HIGH SCORE GRADED A+ NR 511 WEEK 4 MIDTERM EXAMS Q & As ALL ANSWERS 100% CORRECTLY/VERIFIED BEST EXAM SOLUTION LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 HIGH SCORE GRADED A+ Can be managed by PCP, but if not responsive to tx, refer to GI. IBD: chronic immunological dz that manifests in intestinal inflammation. UC & Crohn's are most common. UC: mucosal surface of colon is inflamed, resulting in friability, erosions, bleeding. Usually occurs in rectosigmoid area, but can involve entire colon. Ulcers form in eroded tissue, abscesses form in crypts, become necrotic & ulcerate, mucosa thickens/swells, narrowing lumen. Pt's are at risk for perforation. Symptoms: bleeding, cramping, urge to defecate. Stools are watery diarrhea with blood/mucus. Fecal leuks almost always present in active UC. Tenderness usually in LLQ or across entire abd. Crohn's: inflammation extends deeper into intestinal wall. Can involve all or any layer of bowel wall & any portion of GI tract from mouth to anus. Characteristic segmental presentation of dz'd bowel separated by areas of normal mucosa ("skipped lesions"). With progression, fibrosis thickens bowel wall, narrowing lumen, leading to obstructions, fistulas, ulcerations. Pt's NR 511 WEEK 4 MIDTERM EXAMS Q & As ALL ANSWERS 100% CORRECTLY/VERIFIED BEST EXAM SOLUTION LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 HIGH SCORE GRADED A+ NR 511 WEEK 4 MIDTERM EXAMS Q & As ALL ANSWERS 100% CORRECTLY/VERIFIED BEST EXAM SOLUTION LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 HIGH SCORE GRADED A+ are at greater risk for colorectal cancer. Most common symptoms: cramping, fever, anorexia, wt loss, spasms, flatulance, RLQ pain/mass, bloody/mucus/pus stools. Symptoms increase with stress, after meals. 50% of pt's have perianal involvement (anal/perianal fissures). Inflammation can lead to bleeding, fever, increased WBC, diarrhea, cramping. Abnormalities can be seen on cross- sectional imaging or colonscopy. No single explanation for IBD. Thheory: viral, bacterial, or allergic process initially inflames small or large intestine, results in antibody development which chronically attack intestine, leading to inflammation. Possible genetic predisposition. Dx made by H&P correlated with symptoms, must exclude infectious cause for colitis. Primary dx tools: sigmoidoscopy, colonoscopy, barium enema w/small bowel follow- through, CT. Tx is very complex, managed by GI. Drugs: 5-aminosalicylic acid agents have been used for >50yrs, but have shown to be of little value in CD; still used as first attempt for UC. Antidiarrheals w/caution (constipation). Don't use in acute UC or if toxic megacolon. Corticosteroids used when NR 511 WEEK 4 MIDTERM EXAMS Q & As ALL ANSWERS 100% CORRECTLY/VERIFIED BEST EXAM SOLUTION LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 HIGH SCORE GRADED A+ NR 511 WEEK 4 MIDTERM EXAMS Q & As ALL ANSWERS 100% CORRECTLY/VERIFIED BEST EXAM SOLUTION LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 HIGH SCORE GRADED A+ Gradual, progressive, predominantly high- frequency loss w/advanced aging (presbyacusis). Othher causes: ototoxic drugs, loud noises, head trauma, autoimmune dz, metabolic dz, acoustic neuroma. Genetic makeup can influence. Not correctable w/medical or surgical thherapies, but can stabilize if loss is gradual. Sudden loss may respond to corticosteroids if given in first few weeks of onset. Dx usually made by audiometry (audiogram) where bone conduction thresholds are measured. Done by audiologist. No proven or recommended treatment/cure. Hearing strategies/aids, or for profound/total deafness, cochlear implants. In Weber test: normal ear hears sounds better. Commonly seen in primary care: tinnitus & Meniere's. Conductive: result of obstruction between middle & outer ear. From cerumen accumulation/impaction, FB in canal, otitis externa/media, middle ear effusion, otosclerosis, vascular anomaly, or cholesteatoma. Tx depends on accurately NR 511 WEEK 4 MIDTERM EXAMS Q & As ALL ANSWERS 100% CORRECTLY/VERIFIED BEST EXAM SOLUTION LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 HIGH SCORE GRADED A+ NR 511 WEEK 4 MIDTERM EXAMS Q & As ALL ANSWERS 100% CORRECTLY/VERIFIED BEST EXAM SOLUTION LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 HIGH SCORE GRADED A+ identified etiology. Most types are reversible. In Weber test: defective ear hears tuning fork louder. In Rinne test: bone conduction is greater than air conduction, so pt will report BC sound longer than AC sound.  What is thhe triad of symptoms associated with Meniere's disease? NR 511 WEEK 4 MIDTERM EXAMS Q & As ALL ANSWERS 100% CORRECTLY/VERIFIED BEST EXAM SOLUTION LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 HIGH SCORE GRADED A+ NR 511 WEEK 4 MIDTERM EXAMS Q & As ALL ANSWERS 100% CORRECTLY/VERIFIED BEST EXAM SOLUTION LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 HIGH SCORE GRADED A+ Vertigo Hearing loss Tinnitus  What symptoms are associated with peritonsilar abscess? Almost always unilateral, located between tonsil & superior pharyngeal constrictor muscle Gradual onset of severe unilateral sore throat Odynophagia Feve r Otal gia Asymmetric cervical adenopathy Pronounced trismus (hot potato voice) Toxic appearance (poor/absent eye contact, failure to recognize parents, irritability, inability to be consoled/distracted, drooling, severe halitosis, tonsillar erythhema, exudates) NR 511 WEEK 4 MIDTERM EXAMS Q & As ALL ANSWERS 100% CORRECTLY/VERIFIED BEST EXAM SOLUTION LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 HIGH SCORE GRADED A+ NR 511 WEEK 4 MIDTERM EXAMS Q & As ALL ANSWERS 100% CORRECTLY/VERIFIED BEST EXAM SOLUTION LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 HIGH SCORE GRADED A+ Otitis externa Chronic otitis media Middle ear effusion Tosclerosis Vascular anomaly Cholesteato ma  What is thhe most common cause of bacterial pharyngitis? Group A Beta Hemolytic Streptococcus (GABHS)  What are thhe clinical findings associated with mononucleosis? Gradual onset of fever Marked malaise Severe sore throat Maybe exudative tonsillitis NR 511 WEEK 4 MIDTERM EXAMS Q & As ALL ANSWERS 100% CORRECTLY/VERIFIED BEST EXAM SOLUTION LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 HIGH SCORE GRADED A+ NR 511 WEEK 4 MIDTERM EXAMS Q & As ALL ANSWERS 100% CORRECTLY/VERIFIED BEST EXAM SOLUTION LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 HIGH SCORE GRADED A+ (50% of cases) Palatal petechiae/rash Anterior/posterior cervical lymphadenopathy Splenic enlargement  How is thhe diagnosis of streptococcal pharyngitis made clinically based on thhe Centor criteria? Fever >38C (100.5F) Tender anterior cervical lymphadenopathy No cough Pharyngotonsillar exudate Presence of all 4 strongly suggest GABHS infection. 3 or more present: empirically dx & treat w/out furthher testing  What is one intervention for a pt with gastroenteritis? Fluid repletion (PO if possible, pedialyte; IVF for more severe dehydration) Nutrition  When are stool studies warranted? In pts with severe or prolonged diarrhea, fever >38.5C, NR 511 WEEK 4 MIDTERM EXAMS Q & As ALL ANSWERS 100% CORRECTLY/VERIFIED BEST EXAM SOLUTION LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 HIGH SCORE GRADED A+ NR 511 WEEK 4 MIDTERM EXAMS Q & As ALL ANSWERS 100% CORRECTLY/VERIFIED BEST EXAM SOLUTION LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 HIGH SCORE GRADED A+ bloody stools, stools +leukocytes/occult blood  What is an appropriate treatment for prophylaxis or treatment of traveler's diarrhea? Trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole (Bactrim DS) 1 tab BID x3days Cipro 500mg Norfloxacin (Noroxin) 400mg Ofloxacin (Floxin) 300mg  Describe thhe component of thhe H&P that should be done for a pt with abd pain. NR 511 WEEK 4 MIDTERM EXAMS Q & As ALL ANSWERS 100% CORRECTLY/VERIFIED BEST EXAM SOLUTION LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 HIGH SCORE GRADED A+ NR 511 WEEK 4 MIDTERM EXAMS Q & As ALL ANSWERS 100% CORRECTLY/VERIFIED BEST EXAM SOLUTION LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 HIGH SCORE GRADED A+  T/F Thhe majority of dyspnea complaints are due to cardiac or pulmonary decompensation. True  What are thhe differences between intrathorax & extrathorax flow disorders? Intra: obstruction of distal/smaller airway (asthma, bronchiolitis, vascular ring, solid FB aspiration, lymph node enlargement pressure). Take place in thhe supraglottic, glottis, & infraglottic regions. Supraglottic = space above larynx & epiglottis. Glottis = area of opening in vocal cords. Infraglottic = starts at bottom of vocal cords & ends at top of trachea. NR 511 WEEK 4 MIDTERM EXAMS Q & As ALL ANSWERS 100% CORRECTLY/VERIFIED BEST EXAM SOLUTION LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 HIGH SCORE GRADED A+ NR 511 WEEK 4 MIDTERM EXAMS Q & As ALL ANSWERS 100% CORRECTLY/VERIFIED BEST EXAM SOLUTION LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 HIGH SCORE GRADED A+ Extra: Obstruction of proximal/larger airway (rhinitis with nasal obstruction, nasal polyp, cranio-facial malformation, OSA, tonsil/adenoid hypertrophy, laryngotracheomalacia, larynx papilloma, diphthheria, croup, epiglottitis, thymus hypertrophy) Difference is location of obstruction.  What are at least 3 examples of flow & volume disorders (intra &/or extra thorax)? Intra Flow: Asthma Bronchi olitis Vascular ring Solid FB aspiration Lymph node enlargement pressure Extra flow: Rhinitis w/nasal obstruction/nasal polyp Cranio-facial NR 511 WEEK 4 MIDTERM EXAMS Q & As ALL ANSWERS 100% CORRECTLY/VERIFIED BEST EXAM SOLUTION LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 HIGH SCORE GRADED A+ NR 511 WEEK 4 MIDTERM EXAMS Q & As ALL ANSWERS 100% CORRECTLY/VERIFIED BEST EXAM SOLUTION LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 HIGH SCORE GRADED A+ malformation Obstructive sleep apnea Tonsil- adenoid hypertrophy Laryngo-tracheo- malacia Larynx papilloma Diphthheria Croup Epiglo ttitis Thymus hypertrophy Intra Volume: PNA Atelectasis Pulmonary edema Near drowning Extra Volume: Pneumothora NR 511 WEEK 4 MIDTERM EXAMS Q & As ALL ANSWERS 100% CORRECTLY/VERIFIED BEST EXAM SOLUTION LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 HIGH SCORE GRADED A+ NR 511 WEEK 4 MIDTERM EXAMS Q & As ALL ANSWERS 100% CORRECTLY/VERIFIED BEST EXAM SOLUTION LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 HIGH SCORE GRADED A+ Poisoning Trauma capitis CNS disease sequelae  Differentiate between rubeola, rubella, varicella, roseola, 5ths disease, pityriasis rosea, h&/foot/mouth, & molluscum contagiosum. Rubeola: "thhe Measles" From morbillivirus Highly contagious spread through respiratory drops No cure Vaccine since 1963 Pt appears very sick: high fever, red mucosal membranes, conjunctivitis, nasal congestion, reddish/purple generalized macular & papular rash. Lesions start on head, esp. face or behind ears, spread down body within 1-2 days. Blood work: reverese-transcriptase polymrease chain reaction (RT-PCR) & IgG & IgM. All positive cases must be reported to CDC. Possible complications: PNA, bronchitis, myocarditis, encephalitis. Pregnant: possible NR 511 WEEK 4 MIDTERM EXAMS Q & As ALL ANSWERS 100% CORRECTLY/VERIFIED BEST EXAM SOLUTION LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 HIGH SCORE GRADED A+ NR 511 WEEK 4 MIDTERM EXAMS Q & As ALL ANSWERS 100% CORRECTLY/VERIFIED BEST EXAM SOLUTION LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 HIGH SCORE GRADED A+ miscarriage. Tx: symptomatic (pain relievers, monitor for few weeks, watch for complications). Infectious 4 days before onset of rash up to 4 days after onset. Able to return to work/school after rash gone. Rubella: German measles or 3-day measles. Caused by rubella virus. Rash may start 2wks after exposure, spread from respiratory droplets. Low-grade fever, HA, sore throat, rhinorrhea, malaise, eye pain, myalgia 2-5 days before rash (may last weeks after outbreak). Skin rash: rose-pink macules & papules, first on head, travel down body. Fades in 1-2 days in same order thhey appeared. Clinical diagnosis. Tx: symptomatic (apap, NSAIDs, rest). NR 511 WEEK 4 MIDTERM EXAMS Q & As ALL ANSWERS 100% CORRECTLY/VERIFIED BEST EXAM SOLUTION LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 HIGH SCORE GRADED A+ NR 511 WEEK 4 MIDTERM EXAMS Q & As ALL ANSWERS 100% CORRECTLY/VERIFIED BEST EXAM SOLUTION LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 HIGH SCORE GRADED A+ Rubella vaccination. Infectious 4-7 days before rash, can return to work/school after rash gone. Varicella: chicken pox. Highly contagious. Caused by varicella zoster virus (VZV). Malaise, fever, chills, HA, arthralgia, thhen 1-2 days later urticarial erythhematous macules & papules appear, quickly turning into vesicles & pustules. Rash starts on face/chest, spreads quickly over entire body. Blisters can be in ear canal or mouth. Dry up in 1wk. Clinical diagnosis. Tx: symptomatic (oral antihistamines, NSAIDs, cool compresses, oatmeal baths). Varicella vaccination. Contagious 2-3 days before rash, can return to work/school after lesions scabbed over. Roseola: 6th disease Caused by human herpes virus types 6 & 7. Virus usually mild, common in NR 511 WEEK 4 MIDTERM EXAMS Q & As ALL ANSWERS 100% CORRECTLY/VERIFIED BEST EXAM SOLUTION LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 HIGH SCORE GRADED A+ NR 511 WEEK 4 MIDTERM EXAMS Q & As ALL ANSWERS 100% CORRECTLY/VERIFIED BEST EXAM SOLUTION LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 HIGH SCORE GRADED A+ surfaces. Can be itchy. Pt may have low-grade fever, HA, fatigue. Can last 1-2mo or longer. Dx made by H&P. Tx: antihistamines, sun (could help rash). Acyclovir for 1wk (may reduce severity). Contagious 7-14 days prior to rash. Returning to activities depend on symptoms, but by thhe time rash appears, pt is not contagious. H&, foot, mouth dz: mostly occurring in young children. Caused by coxsackievirus A16 & enterovirus 71. Low-grade fever, fatigue, sore throat 1-2 days, thhen rash. Rash: vesicles on h&s/feet w/mouth sores. Mouth sores are in almost 90% of cases, usually first sign. H& vesicles appear with erythhematous halos & appear mostly on soles/palms. Might appear on legs, butt, face. Usually resolve in 7 days. Dx made by H&P. Tx: symptomatic. Reassure parents that thhere will be no scarring. Contagious 4-6days prior to outbreak, can return to school when lesions are scabbed. NR 511 WEEK 4 MIDTERM EXAMS Q & As ALL ANSWERS 100% CORRECTLY/VERIFIED BEST EXAM SOLUTION LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 HIGH SCORE GRADED A+ NR 511 WEEK 4 MIDTERM EXAMS Q & As ALL ANSWERS 100% CORRECTLY/VERIFIED BEST EXAM SOLUTION LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 HIGH SCORE GRADED A+ Molluscum contagiosum: from family of Poxviridae. Virus is encased in protective sac that prevents immune system from being triggered. Tiny pustules 2-5mm, some have slight depression in center of flesh-colored dome. Single or multiple lesions. Spread by contact, scratching, autoinocculation, shaving. Most common places in kids are thighs/arms. Most common places in adults are genital region. Never soles/palms. Sometimes erythhematous papules/scaling from itching. Can last 8mo or longer. Dx by H&P, often misdiagnosed as genital warts. Tx: non-Rx OTC Zymaderm. Rx topical retinoids. PO Cimetidine (Tagamet) 40mg/kg/day x2mo. Cryosurgery w/liquid nitrogen (may be scarring or hypopigmentation). No single treatment better than anothher. Exclude from activities/sports until symptom-free or NR 511 WEEK 4 MIDTERM EXAMS Q & As ALL ANSWERS 100% CORRECTLY/VERIFIED BEST EXAM SOLUTION LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 HIGH SCORE GRADED A+ NR 511 WEEK 4 MIDTERM EXAMS Q & As ALL ANSWERS 100% CORRECTLY/VERIFIED BEST EXAM SOLUTION LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 HIGH SCORE GRADED A+ lesions are covered.  What are common characteristics in a rash caused by Group A strep? Red s&paper rash (feels like it too) Fever Bright red sore throat Lymphadenop athy Bright red skin in skin folds (underarms, elbows, groin)  What are treatment options for Group A B-hemolytic strep pharyngitis? PCN is treatment of choice for GAS pharyngitis b/c of its efficacy, safety, narrow spectrum, & low cost. PCN is only abx that has been studied & shown to reduce rates of acute rheumatic fever. NR 511 WEEK 4 MIDTERM EXAMS Q & As ALL ANSWERS 100% CORRECTLY/VERIFIED BEST EXAM SOLUTION LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 HIGH SCORE GRADED A+ NR 511 WEEK 4 MIDTERM EXAMS Q & As ALL ANSWERS 100% CORRECTLY/VERIFIED BEST EXAM SOLUTION LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 HIGH SCORE GRADED A+  What is thhe virus that causes warts? HPV (human papilloma virus)  Differentiate between atopic & contact dermatitis. Give examples of each. Contact: allergic reaction to substance that produces immune reaction in skin resulting in pruritic & erythhemic rash. Common causes: nickel, abx creams, cosmetics, soaps, fragrances, jewelry, plants NR 511 WEEK 4 MIDTERM EXAMS Q & As ALL ANSWERS 100% CORRECTLY/VERIFIED BEST EXAM SOLUTION LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 HIGH SCORE GRADED A+ NR 511 WEEK 4 MIDTERM EXAMS Q & As ALL ANSWERS 100% CORRECTLY/VERIFIED BEST EXAM SOLUTION LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 HIGH SCORE GRADED A+ (poison ivy). Usually occurs in same area that was directly exposed to reaction within minutes to hours of exposure. Not contagious, cannot be spread from one area of body to anothher by touching. Tx: removal of substance causing reaction; mostly symptomatic; topical antihistamines; steroid creams; PO antihistamines to combat itching; mores severe cases or if reaction is on face, esp around eyes: taper dose of PO steroids. Can lead to secondary infection if area is repeatedly scratched. Atopic: disorder that is result of gene variation that affects skin's ability to retain moisture & protection from irritants. Often associated in people with asthma or hay fever. Patches of itchy, dry skin; red to brownish-gray; may have small raised vesicles that leak when scratched. Usually starts before age 5, persists into adulthood. Tx: symptomatic, much like contact derm. Topical steroid creams, PO antihistamines. Moisturize skin at least BID. Avoid triggers that worsen rash. NR 511 WEEK 4 MIDTERM EXAMS Q & As ALL ANSWERS 100% CORRECTLY/VERIFIED BEST EXAM SOLUTION LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 HIGH SCORE GRADED A+ NR 511 WEEK 4 MIDTERM EXAMS Q & As ALL ANSWERS 100% CORRECTLY/VERIFIED BEST EXAM SOLUTION LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 HIGH SCORE GRADED A+  What is a normal response to TB skin tests & what does it mean? St&ard recommended TB test (Mantoux test) is administered by injecting 0.1mL containing 5 TU of PPD into intradermal layer of forearm. Discrete, pale elevation of skin (wheal) 6-10mm in diam should be produced if done correctly. Wheal is usually quickly absorbed. Test should be read 72hrs after administration: looking/feeling for induration (measured transversely to thhe long axis of thhe forearm, in mm).  What are some common reasons for decreased responsiveness to TB skin testing? HIV-infected pts People with weakened immune systems Severe TB disease Some viral dz's (measles, mumps, chicken pox, etc.) Some bacterial dz's (typhoid, etc.) Pts infected with m. tuberculosis in thhe past 8wks Pts injected NR 511 WEEK 4 MIDTERM EXAMS Q & As ALL ANSWERS 100% CORRECTLY/VERIFIED BEST EXAM SOLUTION LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 HIGH SCORE GRADED A+ NR 511 WEEK 4 MIDTERM EXAMS Q & As ALL ANSWERS 100% CORRECTLY/VERIFIED BEST EXAM SOLUTION LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 HIGH SCORE GRADED A+ hepatic enzyme levels Arthralgia Changes in behavior: HA, insomnia, euphoria, agitation, anxiety, somnolence Acne Cutaneous pruritis or fever What is thhe MOA & common SE's of Rifampin? MOA: Inhibits gene transcription of mycobacteria by blocking DNA-dependent RNA polymerase, which prevents bacillus from synthhesizing messenger RNA & protein, causing cell death. SE: Naus ea Anore xia Abd pain Orange colored tears/sweat/urine Pruritis with or without erythhema (6% of pts) Flulike syndrome Fatigu NR 511 WEEK 4 MIDTERM EXAMS Q & As ALL ANSWERS 100% CORRECTLY/VERIFIED BEST EXAM SOLUTION LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 HIGH SCORE GRADED A+ NR 511 WEEK 4 MIDTERM EXAMS Q & As ALL ANSWERS 100% CORRECTLY/VERIFIED BEST EXAM SOLUTION LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 HIGH SCORE GRADED A+ e Dizzin ess HA Dysp nea Ataxi a  What is thhe MOA & common SE's of Pyrazinamide? MOA: Prodrug that needs to be converted to active form, pyrazinoic acid, by bacterial enzymes. NR 511 WEEK 4 MIDTERM EXAMS Q & As ALL ANSWERS 100% CORRECTLY/VERIFIED BEST EXAM SOLUTION LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 HIGH SCORE GRADED A+ NR 511 WEEK 4 MIDTERM EXAMS Q & As ALL ANSWERS 100% CORRECTLY/VERIFIED BEST EXAM SOLUTION LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 HIGH SCORE GRADED A+ MOA not fully understood Possibly enters bacillus passively, converts to pyrazinoic acid by pyrazinamidase, reaches high concentrations in bacterial cytoplasm due to inefficient efflux system. Accumulation of pyrazinoic acid decreases intracellular pH to levels that cause inactivation of enzymes. SE: N/V Anore xia Hyperuric emia Arthralgi a Exanthhe ma Pruritis Dermatitis (photosensitivity)  What is thhe MOA & common SE's of Ethambutol? MOA: Interferes with biosynthhesis with arabinogalactan NR 511 WEEK 4 MIDTERM EXAMS Q & As ALL ANSWERS 100% CORRECTLY/VERIFIED BEST EXAM SOLUTION LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 HIGH SCORE GRADED A+ NR 511 WEEK 4 MIDTERM EXAMS Q & As ALL ANSWERS 100% CORRECTLY/VERIFIED BEST EXAM SOLUTION LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 HIGH SCORE GRADED A+ Caps: 10mg Topical used for acne Oral used for induction of remission in acute promyelocytic leukemia  Identify various types of lesions based on thheir characteristics: Rubeola: Pt looks ill High fever Red mucus membranes Conjunctivitis Nasal congestion Reddish/purple generalized macular/papular rash Lesions start on head (face/behind ears), spread over rest of body in 1-2 days NR 511 WEEK 4 MIDTERM EXAMS Q & As ALL ANSWERS 100% CORRECTLY/VERIFIED BEST EXAM SOLUTION LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 HIGH SCORE GRADED A+ NR 511 WEEK 4 MIDTERM EXAMS Q & As ALL ANSWERS 100% CORRECTLY/VERIFIED BEST EXAM SOLUTION LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 HIGH SCORE GRADED A+ Rubella: Low-grade fever HA Sore throat Rhinorr hea Malaise Eye pain Myalgia 2-5 days before rash Rose- pink macules/papules Lesions start on head, travel down body Rash disappears in 1-2 days in same order it appeared Varicella: Mala ise Feve r Chill NR 511 WEEK 4 MIDTERM EXAMS Q & As ALL ANSWERS 100% CORRECTLY/VERIFIED BEST EXAM SOLUTION LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 HIGH SCORE GRADED A+ NR 511 WEEK 4 MIDTERM EXAMS Q & As ALL ANSWERS 100% CORRECTLY/VERIFIED BEST EXAM SOLUTION LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 HIGH SCORE GRADED A+ s HA Arthralgia 1-2 days later, urticarial erythhematous macules/papules appear, quickly turning to vesicles/pustules Rash starts on face/chest, spreads quickly over entire body, dry up in 1 week Roseola: High fever Irritabi lity Diarrh ea Cough Cervical lymphadenopathy Light pink erythhematous macules/papules on face, neck, extremities, resolves in 1-3 NR 511 WEEK 4 MIDTERM EXAMS Q & As ALL ANSWERS 100% CORRECTLY/VERIFIED BEST EXAM SOLUTION LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 HIGH SCORE GRADED A+ NR 511 WEEK 4 MIDTERM EXAMS Q & As ALL ANSWERS 100% CORRECTLY/VERIFIED BEST EXAM SOLUTION LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 HIGH SCORE GRADED A+ Abscesses: Sac or pore filled with pus Erythhematous, tender nodule that can be fluctuant Furuncle: infection that involves hair follicle & extends into surrounding tissue NR 511 WEEK 4 MIDTERM EXAMS Q & As ALL ANSWERS 100% CORRECTLY/VERIFIED BEST EXAM SOLUTION LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 HIGH SCORE GRADED A+ NR 511 WEEK 4 MIDTERM EXAMS Q & As ALL ANSWERS 100% CORRECTLY/VERIFIED BEST EXAM SOLUTION LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 HIGH SCORE GRADED A+ Mostly on axillae, neck, buttock Carbuncle: Cluster of abscesses that connect subcutaneously to form mass Group A strep: Red s&paper rash Fever Bright red sore throat Lymphadenop athy Bright red skin in skin folds Tinea pedis: Erythhematous, scaly, possibly inflammation or itching on feet Tinea Cruris: Jock itch Rash present on inner thighs, butt, groin NR 511 WEEK 4 MIDTERM EXAMS Q & As ALL ANSWERS 100% CORRECTLY/VERIFIED BEST EXAM SOLUTION LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 HIGH SCORE GRADED A+ NR 511 WEEK 4 MIDTERM EXAMS Q & As ALL ANSWERS 100% CORRECTLY/VERIFIED BEST EXAM SOLUTION LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 HIGH SCORE GRADED A+ Well-demarcated erythhematous or tan plaques with raised scaly borders Tinea corporis: Ringworm On extremities or trunk Erythhematous annular lesion w/scaly macules/papules, well-defined edge May be itchy Edge is raised & center is inflamed Tinea unguium: Onychomycosi s Fingernails or toenails Appearance varies: yellow, green, black, white ridging, cracking of nails Warts: HPV causes Skin colored rough papule, sometimes grayish surface Single lesions or clusters Sometimes tiny black or red dots in lesions NR 511 WEEK 4 MIDTERM EXAMS Q & As ALL ANSWERS 100% CORRECTLY/VERIFIED BEST EXAM SOLUTION LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 HIGH SCORE GRADED A+ NR 511 WEEK 4 MIDTERM EXAMS Q & As ALL ANSWERS 100% CORRECTLY/VERIFIED BEST EXAM SOLUTION LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 HIGH SCORE GRADED A+ dry skin Can be red to brownish- gray May have small raised vesicles that leak when scratched  What are common characteristics associated with blepharitis, chalzion, & hordeolum. Blepharitis: irritation, burning, itching, scales, redness. If lice is cause: reddish brown crust in lashes (not white or clear as typically seen). Chalzion: mass in mid-portion of upper lid away from margin. Usually not painful or tender. Slightly red, swollen. Hordeolum: usually on outside of lid, abscess on lid margin. Redness, swelling, painful.  Differentiate between viral, allergic, bacterial, toxic, & HSV conjunctivitis. Bacterial: aka pink eye. Direct h&-to-eye contact w/infected person. Spread of one's own nasal/sinus NR 511 WEEK 4 MIDTERM EXAMS Q & As ALL ANSWERS 100% CORRECTLY/VERIFIED BEST EXAM SOLUTION LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 HIGH SCORE GRADED A+ NR 511 WEEK 4 MIDTERM EXAMS Q & As ALL ANSWERS 100% CORRECTLY/VERIFIED BEST EXAM SOLUTION LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 HIGH SCORE GRADED A+ bacteria during illness. Purulent discharge (HALLMARK) Reddened conjunctiva Eyelid swelling Can start unilat, but can spread bilat. May resolve without treatment, but abx drops can shorten duration. Very contagious (stay home until 24hrs of abx treatment or when clinical improvement noted). Viral: usually caused from adenovirus, but can be HSV, HZV, molluscum contagiosum. Irritation, mild light sensitivity, swollen lids, mild FB sensation. Mild conjunctival hyperemia to insense hyperemia. Watery/mucousy drainage, not purulent. NR 511 WEEK 4 MIDTERM EXAMS Q & As ALL ANSWERS 100% CORRECTLY/VERIFIED BEST EXAM SOLUTION LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 HIGH SCORE GRADED A+ NR 511 WEEK 4 MIDTERM EXAMS Q & As ALL ANSWERS 100% CORRECTLY/VERIFIED BEST EXAM SOLUTION LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 HIGH SCORE GRADED A+ Enlarged tender preauricular lymph nodes on affected side. Red throat, nasal drainage, ear infection, etc. Self-limiting, resolve on thheir own from few days to few weeks. Highly contagious Current recommendation is stay home until redness/tearing resolved. Allergic: usually caused by environmental allergen (pollen, grass, trees, etc.). Can be seasonal & can be isolated to eyes or include upper resp allergy symptoms such as rhinitis. Hallmark characteristic: itching Diffuse, milky, conjunctival hyperemia Swollen conjunctiva Tearing Almost always bilat Uniquely identifying bumps on conjunctiva ("follicles") Tx: symptomatic. Artificial tears, anti- allergy drops. NR 511 WEEK 4 MIDTERM EXAMS Q & As ALL ANSWERS 100% CORRECTLY/VERIFIED BEST EXAM SOLUTION LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 HIGH SCORE GRADED A+ NR 511 WEEK 4 MIDTERM EXAMS Q & As ALL ANSWERS 100% CORRECTLY/VERIFIED BEST EXAM SOLUTION LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 HIGH SCORE GRADED A+ arrhythmias; cardiomyopat hies; myocardial ischemia.  What are appropriate tests in thhe work-up for dyspnea? CXR to rule out tumors, TB, PNA, othher major pulmonary disorders. CBC w/diff to rule out anemia, infection Peak expiratory flow test (in office) to determine degree of expiratory airflow obstruction in pt's with asthma, COPD EKG Echo Spirometry to determine obstructive, restrictive, mixed lung dz Sleep apnea or sleep hypoxia testing  Describe classes of asthma. Mild intermittent: Less than once weekly Brief exacerbations lasting few NR 511 WEEK 4 MIDTERM EXAMS Q & As ALL ANSWERS 100% CORRECTLY/VERIFIED BEST EXAM SOLUTION LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 HIGH SCORE GRADED A+ NR 511 WEEK 4 MIDTERM EXAMS Q & As ALL ANSWERS 100% CORRECTLY/VERIFIED BEST EXAM SOLUTION LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 HIGH SCORE GRADED A+ hrs to few days Nighttime symptoms <2/wk PEFR or FEV1: >80% predicted PFT variability >20% Mild persistent: Symptoms >2/wk but <daily. May be several times at night/month May effect sleep PEFR or FEV1 >80% PFT variability 20-30% Moderate persistent: Daily but not continual Nighttime, but not every night More than once weekly Exacerbations affect activity/sleep Daily use of short-acting beta-2 NR 511 WEEK 4 MIDTERM EXAMS Q & As ALL ANSWERS 100% CORRECTLY/VERIFIED BEST EXAM SOLUTION LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 HIGH SCORE GRADED A+ NR 511 WEEK 4 MIDTERM EXAMS Q & As ALL ANSWERS 100% CORRECTLY/VERIFIED BEST EXAM SOLUTION LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 HIGH SCORE GRADED A+ agonist PEFR or FEV1 60- 80% PFT variability >30% Severe persistent: Continuous daily Frequent nighttime Frequent exacerbations Physical activity limited PEFR or FEV1 < or = 60% PFT variability >30% NR 511 WEEK 4 MIDTERM EXAMS Q & As ALL ANSWERS 100% CORRECTLY/VERIFIED BEST EXAM SOLUTION LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 HIGH SCORE GRADED A+ NR 511 WEEK 4 MIDTERM EXAMS Q & As ALL ANSWERS 100% CORRECTLY/VERIFIED BEST EXAM SOLUTION LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 HIGH SCORE GRADED A+ Reversible hyperreactivity of bronchi & bronchioles to a variety of stimuli. FVC: normal RV: normal, increased during attacks TLC: normal to increased EFR: normal to decreased FEV1/FVC: normal to decreased  Identify respiratory characteristics of COPD. NR 511 WEEK 4 MIDTERM EXAMS Q & As ALL ANSWERS 100% CORRECTLY/VERIFIED BEST EXAM SOLUTION LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 HIGH SCORE GRADED A+ NR 511 WEEK 4 MIDTERM EXAMS Q & As ALL ANSWERS 100% CORRECTLY/VERIFIED BEST EXAM SOLUTION LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 HIGH SCORE GRADED A+ Progressive disease characterized by presence of airflow obstruction due to chronic bronchitis or emphysema. 3rd leading COD in US. Dz of lung parenchyma & small airways Pts may be asymptomatic for 10-20yrs except for frequent colds, persistent morning cough, URIs. Pts present with fatigue, SOB, cough, hyperinflation (barrel chest), wheezing, decreased breath sounds, hyperresonance. Stage 1 (mild): FEV >80%. Stage 2 (moderate): FEV 50-79% Stage 3 (severe): FEV 30-49% Stage 4 (very severe): FEV <30%  What is thhe CURB-65 tool & how is it used? Used to determine thhe severity of CAP & is objective, easy tool to remember. C: confusio n U: BUN >19 NR 511 WEEK 4 MIDTERM EXAMS Q & As ALL ANSWERS 100% CORRECTLY/VERIFIED BEST EXAM SOLUTION LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 HIGH SCORE GRADED A+ NR 511 WEEK 4 MIDTERM EXAMS Q & As ALL ANSWERS 100% CORRECTLY/VERIFIED BEST EXAM SOLUTION LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 HIGH SCORE GRADED A+ R: resp rate >30 B: BP syst <90 or diast <60 65: >65yo 1 point awarded for each. 0-1: low risk, consider home tx 2: short inpatient hospital stay or closely monitor outpatient. 3 or more: severe pna, hospitalize & consider ICU  What are subjective & objective findings with asthma? Subjective: SOB CP/tightness Objective: Wheez ing Dyspn ea Excessory muscle use Peak flow meter NR 511 WEEK 4 MIDTERM EXAMS Q & As ALL ANSWERS 100% CORRECTLY/VERIFIED BEST EXAM SOLUTION LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 HIGH SCORE GRADED A+ NR 511 WEEK 4 MIDTERM EXAMS Q & As ALL ANSWERS 100% CORRECTLY/VERIFIED BEST EXAM SOLUTION LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 HIGH SCORE GRADED A+ drainage Facial swelling Bad breath  What are subjective & objective findings with allergic rhinitis? Subjective: itchy throat/nose/ey es Watery eyes Head/nasal congestion Fatigue Ear pressur e Sneezin g Objective: Cobblestoning in back of throat Post- nasal clear drip Red eyes NR 511 WEEK 4 MIDTERM EXAMS Q & As ALL ANSWERS 100% CORRECTLY/VERIFIED BEST EXAM SOLUTION LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 HIGH SCORE GRADED A+ NR 511 WEEK 4 MIDTERM EXAMS Q & As ALL ANSWERS 100% CORRECTLY/VERIFIED BEST EXAM SOLUTION LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 HIGH SCORE GRADED A+  What are subjective & objective findings with vasomotor rhinitis? Subject ive: Stuffy nose Conges tion Sneezi ng Cough non- productive Objective: NR 511 WEEK 4 MIDTERM EXAMS Q & As ALL ANSWERS 100% CORRECTLY/VERIFIED BEST EXAM SOLUTION LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 HIGH SCORE GRADED A+ NR 511 WEEK 4 MIDTERM EXAMS Q & As ALL ANSWERS 100% CORRECTLY/VERIFIED BEST EXAM SOLUTION LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 HIGH SCORE GRADED A+ Clear post- nasal drip Possible cobblestoning  What are subjective & objective findings with influenza? Subjective: Cough Sore throat HA Fatigue Muscle/body aches Sometimes n/v/d Chills Objective: Fever Rhinorrhea w/productive phlegm occasionally discolored Occasionally red eyes Sometimes tachy NR 511 WEEK 4 MIDTERM EXAMS Q & As ALL ANSWERS 100% CORRECTLY/VERIFIED BEST EXAM SOLUTION LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 HIGH SCORE GRADED A+ NR 511 WEEK 4 MIDTERM EXAMS Q & As ALL ANSWERS 100% CORRECTLY/VERIFIED BEST EXAM SOLUTION LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 HIGH SCORE GRADED A+ Res t Flui ds OTC anti- inflammatories OTC throat lozenges Cough syrup Tamiflu if within last 48hrs  Define & describe chronic cough. Lasts 8wks or more in adults Lasts 4wks or more in kids Can be caused by various factors including, but not limited to, post-nasal drip, COPD, asthma, acute bronchitis. Can be productive or non-productive (non-productive with asthma or productive with possible pna).  What are common eye emergency conditions that require NR 511 WEEK 4 MIDTERM EXAMS Q & As ALL ANSWERS 100% CORRECTLY/VERIFIED BEST EXAM SOLUTION LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 HIGH SCORE GRADED A+ NR 511 WEEK 4 MIDTERM EXAMS Q & As ALL ANSWERS 100% CORRECTLY/VERIFIED BEST EXAM SOLUTION LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 HIGH SCORE GRADED A+ emergency room eval? Gonococcal conjunctivitis (sight threatening because it can affect thhe cornea) Eyelid lac Moderate to severe subconjunctival hemorrhage with concern for more extensive injury. FB Hyphema Open or ruptured globe Chemical injuries Orbital cellulitis (because can cause meningitis)  IBS is a: Disordered sensation or abnormal function of thhe small & large bowel. Can lead to abd pain & alteration in bowel habits.  Crohn's disease is thhe: Inflammation of any or all of thhe bowel wall & any portion of thhe GI tract from thhe mouth to thhe anus. Can result in "skipped lesions."  Ulcerative colitis is a: NR 511 WEEK 4 MIDTERM EXAMS Q & As ALL ANSWERS 100% CORRECTLY/VERIFIED BEST EXAM SOLUTION LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 HIGH SCORE GRADED A+ NR 511 WEEK 4 MIDTERM EXAMS Q & As ALL ANSWERS 100% CORRECTLY/VERIFIED BEST EXAM SOLUTION LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 HIGH SCORE GRADED A+ Condition in which thhe mucosal surface of thhe colon is inflamed, leading to friability, erosions & bleeding. Can affect thhe entire colon.  T/F If you suspect diverticulitis, you can treat with abx alone. No imaging is necessary. False  T/F It is safe to use laxatives long-term for thhe treatment of constipation. True (practice quiz was wrong, per instructor feedback & lesson) NR 511 WEEK 4 MIDTERM EXAMS Q & As ALL ANSWERS 100% CORRECTLY/VERIFIED BEST EXAM SOLUTION LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 HIGH SCORE GRADED A+ NR 511 WEEK 4 MIDTERM EXAMS Q & As ALL ANSWERS 100% CORRECTLY/VERIFIED BEST EXAM SOLUTION LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 HIGH SCORE GRADED A+ False NR 511 WEEK 4 MIDTERM EXAMS Q & As ALL ANSWERS 100% CORRECTLY/VERIFIED BEST EXAM SOLUTION LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 HIGH SCORE GRADED A+ NR 511 WEEK 4 MIDTERM EXAMS Q & As ALL ANSWERS 100% CORRECTLY/VERIFIED BEST EXAM SOLUTION LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 HIGH SCORE GRADED A+  T/F Norovirus is thhe most common virus responsible for acute gastroenteritis True  If a person presents to thhe office with nausea, vomiting, & diarrhea, which of thhe following would prompt you to order stool studies? Symptoms that have been ongoing for 6 days Antibiotic use in thhe past month More than four bowel movements per day Abdominal pain Antibiotic use in thhe past month  Which of thhe following would be an appropriate treatment for prophylaxis or treatment of traveler's diarrhea? Amoxicill in Keflex Ciproflox NR 511 WEEK 4 MIDTERM EXAMS Q & As ALL ANSWERS 100% CORRECTLY/VERIFIED BEST EXAM SOLUTION LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 HIGH SCORE GRADED A+ NR 511 WEEK 4 MIDTERM EXAMS Q & As ALL ANSWERS 100% CORRECTLY/VERIFIED BEST EXAM SOLUTION LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 HIGH SCORE GRADED A+ in Flagyl Ciprofloxin  T/F Thhe history is thhe most important part of thhe visit for a patient with complaint of a hearing disorder. True  T/F Meniere's disease is diagnoses of exclusion. True  T/F Thhe majority of TM ruptures will heal thhemselves. True  Age-related hearing loss (presbycusis) is classified as which type of hearing loss? Sensorineural  Thhe triad of symptoms associated with Meniere's disease include . NR 511 WEEK 4 MIDTERM EXAMS Q & As ALL ANSWERS 100% CORRECTLY/VERIFIED BEST EXAM SOLUTION LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 HIGH SCORE GRADED A+ NR 511 WEEK 4 MIDTERM EXAMS Q & As ALL ANSWERS 100% CORRECTLY/VERIFIED BEST EXAM SOLUTION LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 HIGH SCORE GRADED A+ strep throat is called a tongue Raspberr y S&paper Strawber ry Blackber ry Strawberry  T/F Patients with > 3 Centor criteria can be empirically diagnosed with GABHS & treated without furthher testing. True  T/F Empiric treatment of asymptomatic household contacts o patients with acute GABHS pharyngitis is recommended. False  T/F Doxycycline is an alternative for patients with GABHS NR 511 WEEK 4 MIDTERM EXAMS Q & As ALL ANSWERS 100% CORRECTLY/VERIFIED BEST EXAM SOLUTION LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 HIGH SCORE GRADED A+ NR 511 WEEK 4 MIDTERM EXAMS Q & As ALL ANSWERS 100% CORRECTLY/VERIFIED BEST EXAM SOLUTION LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 HIGH SCORE GRADED A+ pharyngitis who are allergic to PCN. False  T/F Patients with mononucleosis who develop an erythhematous, macular rash after taking amoxicillin for pharyngitis should be identified as having a PCN allergy. False NR 511 WEEK 4 MIDTERM EXAMS Q & As ALL ANSWERS 100% CORRECTLY/VERIFIED BEST EXAM SOLUTION LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 HIGH SCORE GRADED A+ NR 511 WEEK 4 MIDTERM EXAMS Q & As ALL ANSWERS 100% CORRECTLY/VERIFIED BEST EXAM SOLUTION LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 HIGH SCORE GRADED A+  Which is (are) a symptom(s) of peritonsillar abscess? (select all that apply) Severe, unilateral sore throat Fever Asymmetric cervical adenopathy Exudate Severe, bilateral sore throat Severe, unilateral sore throat Fever Asymmetric cervical adenopathy Exudate  Thhe most common cause of viral laryngitis is . H. influenza  T/F Fluorosceine staining is a method used to differentiate thhe types of conjunctivitis. False  T/F NR 511 WEEK 4 MIDTERM EXAMS Q & As ALL ANSWERS 100% CORRECTLY/VERIFIED BEST EXAM SOLUTION LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 HIGH SCORE GRADED A+
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