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Download NURS6531 FINAL EXAM 1 Q&AS BEST EXAM SOLUTION GUARANTEED SUCCESS LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 G and more Exams Nursing in PDF only on Docsity! 1outof1points AMetabolicsyndrome . BUnilateral . pheochromocytoma CCushing’ssyndrome . DNoneoftheabove . • 1outof1points NURS6531 FINAL EXAM 1 Q&AS BEST EXAM SOLUTION GUARANTEED SUCCESS LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 GRADED A+2022/2023 RATED A+ Centralobesity,“moon”face,anddorsocervicalfatpadare associatedwith: Anelderlymanisstartedonlisinoprilandhydrochlorhia zideforhypertension.Threedayslater, he returns to the office complaining of left great toe pain. On exam, the nursepractitioner notes an edematous, erythematous tender left great toe. The NURS6531 FINAL EXAM 1 Q&AS BEST EXAM SOLUTION GUARANTEED SUCCESS LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 GRADED A+2022/2023 RATED A+ ATrauma . BTightshoes . CArthritisflare . DHydrochlorot • • 1outof1points • 1outof1points NURS6531 FINAL EXAM 1 Q&AS BEST EXAM SOLUTION GUARANTEED SUCCESS LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 GRADED A+2022/2023 RATED A+ likelyprecipitantofthispatient’spainis: Themosteffectivetreatmentofnon- infectiousbursitisincludes:Conservativetreatment drugs(NSAIDs),bursalaspiration,andintrabursalsteroidinjection s Phalen’stest,90°wristflexionfor60seconds,reproducessy mptomsof: carpaltunnelsyndrome Themostcommoncauseofelevatedlive rfunctiontestsis:alcohol NURS6531 FINAL EXAM 1 Q&AS BEST EXAM SOLUTION GUARANTEED SUCCESS LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 GRADED A+2022/2023 RATED A+ includesrest,coldandheattreatments,elevation,administrationofnonsteroidalanti- • 1outof1points NURS6531 FINAL EXAM 1 Q&AS BEST EXAM SOLUTION GUARANTEED SUCCESS LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 GRADED A+2022/2023 RATED A+ andhistoryofapalpablelumpinhisscrotumthat“com esandgoes”.Onphysicalexamination, the nurse practitioner does not detect a scrotal mass. There is notenderness,edema,orerythemaofthescrotum,the scrotumdoesnottransilluminate.Whatisthemostlike lydiagnosis? A. Testiculartorsion B. Epididymitis C. Inguinalhernia D. Varicocele Dave,age38,statesthathethinkshehasanearinfectio nbecausehejustflewbackfromabusinesstripandfeel sunusualpressureinhisear.Youdiagnosebarotraum a.Whatisyournextaction? A. Prescribenasalsteroidsandoraldecongestants B. Prescribeantibioticeardrops NURS6531 FINAL EXAM 1 Q&AS BEST EXAM SOLUTION GUARANTEED SUCCESS LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 GRADED A+2022/2023 RATED A+ • 1outof1points NURS6531 FINAL EXAM 1 Q&AS BEST EXAM SOLUTION GUARANTEED SUCCESS LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 GRADED A+2022/2023 RATED A+ C. Prescribesystemiceardrops D. ReferDavidtoanear,nose,andthroatspecialist A.Prescribe Whatconditionsmustbemetforyoutobill“incidentto”thep hysician,receiving100%reimbursementfromMedicare? Selected Answer: Thephysicianmustbeon- siteandengagedinpatient care Answers: Youmustinitiatetheplanofcareforthepatient Thephysicianmustbeon- siteandengagedinpatient care Youmustbeemployedasani ndependentcontractor You mustbethemainhealthcarepr NURS6531 FINAL EXAM 1 Q&AS BEST EXAM SOLUTION GUARANTEED SUCCESS LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 GRADED A+2022/2023 RATED A+ • 1outof1points • 1outof1points NURS6531 FINAL EXAM 1 Q&AS BEST EXAM SOLUTION GUARANTEED SUCCESS LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 GRADED A+2022/2023 RATED A+ oviderwhoseesthepatient A 72 yearold patientexhibitssuddenonsetoffluctuating restlessness,agitation,confusion,andimpairedatten tion.Thisisaccompaniedbyvisualhallucinationsandsl eepdisturbance.Whatisthe mostlikelycauseofthisbehavior? A. Dementia B. Delirium C. Parkinson'sdisease D. Depression Whichofthefollowingsetofsymptomsshouldraisesuspi cionofabraintumor? Holocranialheadachespresentinthemorningandaccompa NURS6531 FINAL EXAM 1 Q&AS BEST EXAM SOLUTION GUARANTEED SUCCESS LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 GRADED A+2022/2023 RATED A+ • 1outof1points NURS6531 FINAL EXAM 1 Q&AS BEST EXAM SOLUTION GUARANTEED SUCCESS LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 GRADED A+2022/2023 RATED A+ NURS6531 FINAL EXAM 1 Q&AS BEST EXAM SOLUTION GUARANTEED SUCCESS LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 GRADED A+2022/2023 RATED A+ • 1outof1points • 1outof1points NURS6531 FINAL EXAM 1 Q&AS BEST EXAM SOLUTION GUARANTEED SUCCESS LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 GRADED A+2022/2023 RATED A+ Diagnosticevaluationforurinarycalculiincludes: Diagnosisisbasedonurinalysisandradiologicimaging,usu allynoncontrasthelicalCT. A15year- oldfemalepatientis5feettallandweighs85pounds.Yo ususpectanorexiaandknowthatthebestinitialappro achisto: Havingthe clientin viewof stafffor90minutesaftereach meal Providetheclientwithafeelingofresponsibilityandcontroloverh erbehavior A 63-year-old man presents to the office with hematuria, hesitancy, and dribbling. Digitalrectal exam (DRE) reveals a moderately enlarged prostate that is smooth. The PSA is 1.2.Whatis themostappropriatemanagementstrategyforyoutof ollow atthistime? NURS6531 FINAL EXAM 1 Q&AS BEST EXAM SOLUTION GUARANTEED SUCCESS LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 GRADED A+2022/2023 RATED A+ • 1outof1points • 1outof1points • 1outof1points NURS6531 FINAL EXAM 1 Q&AS BEST EXAM SOLUTION GUARANTEED SUCCESS LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 GRADED A+2022/2023 RATED A+ A. Prescribeanalphaadrenergicblocker. B. Recommendsawpalmetto. C. Prescribeanantibiotic D. Refertheclienttourology. Apositivedrawersignsupportsadiagno sisof:Posterior cruciateligamentinjury A14yearoldfemalecheerleaderreportsgradualandpr ogressivedullanteriorkneepain,exacerbatedbykneel ing.Thenursepractitionernotesswellingandpointten dernessatthetibialtuberosity.X- rayisnegative.Whatisthe mostlikelydiagnosis? prepatellarbursitis? Jack, age 55, comes to the office with a blood pressure of 144/98 mm Hg. He states thathedidnotknowifit waseverelevatedbefore.Whenyou NURS6531 FINAL EXAM 1 Q&AS BEST EXAM SOLUTION GUARANTEED SUCCESS LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 GRADED A+2022/2023 RATED A+ • 1outof1points • 1outof1points AChlamydia . trachomatis BUreaplasma . urealyticum CMycoplasma . hominis DTrichonomas . vaginalis NURS6531 FINAL EXAM 1 Q&AS BEST EXAM SOLUTION GUARANTEED SUCCESS LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 GRADED A+2022/2023 RATED A+ Establishmentofadefinitivediagnosisofosteomyelitisreq uires: Bonebiopsyleadstoadefinitivediagnosis. Whichofthefollowingisthemostcommoncausativeorg anismofnongonococcalurethritis? NURS6531 FINAL EXAM 1 Q&AS BEST EXAM SOLUTION GUARANTEED SUCCESS LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 GRADED A+2022/2023 RATED A+ • 1outof1points NURS6531 FINAL EXAM 1 Q&AS BEST EXAM SOLUTION GUARANTEED SUCCESS LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 GRADED A+2022/2023 RATED A+ A 30 year old female patient presents to the clinic with heat intolerance, tremors,nervousness,andweightlossinconsistentwit hincreasedappetite.Whichtestwouldbe NURS6531 FINAL EXAM 1 Q&AS BEST EXAM SOLUTION GUARANTEED SUCCESS LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 GRADED A+2022/2023 RATED A+ • 1outof1points • 1outof1points NURS6531 FINAL EXAM 1 Q&AS BEST EXAM SOLUTION GUARANTEED SUCCESS LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 GRADED A+2022/2023 RATED A+ mostlikelytoconfirmthesuspecteddiagnosis? TSH.Wealsoassessfreethyroidhormone(FT4)andattimesT3 Potentialcausesofhypocalcemiaincludewhichofthefollow ing? Hypoalbuminemiaisthemostcommoncauseofhypocalc emia.Causesincludecirrhosis,nephrosis.hypoparathyroi dism,vitaminDdeficiency,andrenaldisease. Whichofthefollowingisacontraindication formetformintherapy? hypersensititymetabolicacidiosis,dehydration,sepsis,hypoxemia,hepaticimpa irment,renaldysfunction NURS6531 FINAL EXAM 1 Q&AS BEST EXAM SOLUTION GUARANTEED SUCCESS LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 GRADED A+2022/2023 RATED A+ • 1outof1points • 1outof1points NURS6531 FINAL EXAM 1 Q&AS BEST EXAM SOLUTION GUARANTEED SUCCESS LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 GRADED A+2022/2023 RATED A+ ProlongedPTsuggests: APlateletabnormality . BAbnormalityinintrinsiccoagulation . pathway CAbnormalityinextrinsiccoagulation . pathway DNoneoftheabove . DeficiencyofFII,FV,FX,orfibrinogenabnormalities Whichofthefollowingisnotariskfactorassociatedwith NURS6531 FINAL EXAM 1 Q&AS BEST EXAM SOLUTION GUARANTEED SUCCESS LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 GRADED A+2022/2023 RATED A+ 1outof1points • 1outof1points • 1outof1points NURS6531 FINAL EXAM 1 Q&AS BEST EXAM SOLUTION GUARANTEED SUCCESS LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 GRADED A+2022/2023 RATED A+ thedevelopmentofsyndromeXandtype2diabetesmel litus? Themetabolicsyndromereferstotheco- occurrenceofseveralknowncardiovascularriskfactors,includinginsulinresistanc e,obesity,atherogenicdyslipidemiaandhypertension. Whichofthefollowingisnotacommonearlysignofbenignpr ostatichyperplasia(BPH)? A. Nocturia B. Urgencyincontinence C.Strongurinarystreamflow D. Strainingtovoid Steve,age69,hasgastroesophagealrefluxdisease(GER D).Whenteachinghimhowto NURS6531 FINAL EXAM 1 Q&AS BEST EXAM SOLUTION GUARANTEED SUCCESS LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 GRADED A+2022/2023 RATED A+ • 1outof1points • 1outof1points NURS6531 FINAL EXAM 1 Q&AS BEST EXAM SOLUTION GUARANTEED SUCCESS LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 GRADED A+2022/2023 RATED A+ reducehisloweresophagealsphincterpressure,whi chsubstancesdoyourecommendthatheavoid? Foodthatisveryh otorverycoldFat tyorfriedfoods Peppermint or spearmint, including flavoringCoffee,tea,ands oftdrinksthatcontaincaffe ineSpicy, highlyseasonedfoods FriedfoodDTcaffeine,chocolateandanticholinergics Whichdrugcategorycontainsthedrugsthatarethefirs tlineGoldstandardtherapyforCOPD? Betaantagonist NURS6531 FINAL EXAM 1 Q&AS BEST EXAM SOLUTION GUARANTEED SUCCESS LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 GRADED A+2022/2023 RATED A+ • 1outof1points NURS6531 FINAL EXAM 1 Q&AS BEST EXAM SOLUTION GUARANTEED SUCCESS LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 GRADED A+2022/2023 RATED A+ You are assessing a patient after a sports injury to his right knee. You elicit a positiveanterior/posteriordrawersign.Thistestin dicatesaninjurytothe:he A.lateralme niscusB. cruciate ligament C.medialmeniscus D.collateralligament. A 32 year old female patient presents with fever, chills, right flank pain, rightcostovertebralangletenderness,andhematuria .Herurinalysisispositiveforleukocytesandred bloodcells.Thenurse practitioner diagnosespyelonephritis.Themostappropriateman agementis: Include 500 mg of oral ciprofloxacin (Cipro) twice per day for seven days; 1,000 mg ofextended-release ciprofloxacin once per day for seven days; or 750 mg of NURS6531 FINAL EXAM 1 Q&AS BEST EXAM SOLUTION GUARANTEED SUCCESS LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 GRADED A+2022/2023 RATED A+ • 1outof1points • 1outof1points NURS6531 FINAL EXAM 1 Q&AS BEST EXAM SOLUTION GUARANTEED SUCCESS LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 GRADED A+2022/2023 RATED A+ levofloxacin(Levaquin)once perday forfivedays. Amiddle- agedmanpresentstourgentcarecomplainingofpainof themedialcondyleofthelowerhumerus.Themanwork sasacarpenteranddescribesagradualonsetofpain.O nexam, themedial epicondyleistender andpain is increasedwith flexionandpronation. Range of motion is full The most likely cause of this patient’s pain is:epicondylitis NURS6531 FINAL EXAM 1 Q&AS BEST EXAM SOLUTION GUARANTEED SUCCESS LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 GRADED A+2022/2023 RATED A+ • 1outof1points • 1outof1points • 1outof1points NURS6531 FINAL EXAM 1 Q&AS BEST EXAM SOLUTION GUARANTEED SUCCESS LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 GRADED A+2022/2023 RATED A+ Thebesttesttodeterminemicroalbuminuriatoassistin thediagnosisofdiabeticneuropathy s to measure albumin in a spot urine sample, collected either as the first urine in the morningoratrandom,forexample,atthemedicalvisit. Thismethodisaccurate,:Earlymorning Whatisthefirstsymptomseeninthemajorityofpatientswit hParkinson’sdisease? Tremoratrest Themostcommonlyrecommendedmethodforprost atecancerscreeningina55yearoldmaleis: digitalrectalexams, NURS6531 FINAL EXAM 1 Q&AS BEST EXAM SOLUTION GUARANTEED SUCCESS LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 GRADED A+2022/2023 RATED A+ • 1outof1points • 1outof1points NURS6531 FINAL EXAM 1 Q&AS BEST EXAM SOLUTION GUARANTEED SUCCESS LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 GRADED A+2022/2023 RATED A+ Beth,age49,comesinwithlowbackpain.Anx- rayofthelumbosacralspineiswithinnormallimits.Whi chof the followingdiagnoses do youexplorefurther? Arthritis,C • D 1outof1points Apatientexhibitsextrapyramidalsideeffects ofantipsychoticmedications.Whichofthefollowingsy mptoms wouldlead youto look foranother diagnosis? high fever (102 to 104 degrees F), irregular pulse, accelerated heartbeat (tachycardia),increased rate of respiration (tachypnea), muscle rigidity, altered mental status, autonomicnervous system dysfunction resulting in high or low blood pressure, profuse perspiration, andexcessive sweating. calledMalignant Hyperthermia” OR Neuroleptic malignant syndromehallucinations. NURS6531 FINAL EXAM 1 Q&AS BEST EXAM SOLUTION GUARANTEED SUCCESS LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 GRADED A+2022/2023 RATED A+ • 1outof1points • 1outof1points NURS6531 FINAL EXAM 1 Q&AS BEST EXAM SOLUTION GUARANTEED SUCCESS LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 GRADED A+2022/2023 RATED A+ Thephysiologicalexplanationofsyncopeis: Syncopeisatransientlossofconsciousness(TLOC)duetoglo balcerebralhypoperfusioncharacterizedbyrapidonset, short durationandspontaneouscomplete recovery. NURS6531 FINAL EXAM 1 Q&AS BEST EXAM SOLUTION GUARANTEED SUCCESS LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 GRADED A+2022/2023 RATED A+ • 1outof1points • 1outof1points NURS6531 FINAL EXAM 1 Q&AS BEST EXAM SOLUTION GUARANTEED SUCCESS LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 GRADED A+2022/2023 RATED A+ A 20yearoldmalepatientcomplainsof“scrotalswelling. ”Hestateshisscrotumfeelsheavy,butdeniespain.One xamination,thenursepractitionernotestransillumina tionofthescrotum.Whatisthemostlikelydiagnosis? hydrocele A32yearoldmalepatientcomplainsofurinaryfrequency andburningonurinationfor3days.Urinalysisrevealsbact eriuria.Hedeniesanypasthistoryofurinarytractinfectio n.The initial treatment should be: ncludenitrofurantoin monohydrate/macrocrystals,trimethoprim- sulfamethoxazole (TMP-SMX), or fosfomycin. trimethoprim andsulfamethoxazole Diagnosticradiologicalstudiesareindicatedforlowbackpa in: Diagnostic imaging is indicated for patients with low back pain only if they have severeprogressiveneurologicdeficitsorsignsorsymptomsthatsuggestaseriouso NURS6531 FINAL EXAM 1 Q&AS BEST EXAM SOLUTION GUARANTEED SUCCESS LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 GRADED A+2022/2023 RATED A+ • 1outof1points NURS6531 FINAL EXAM 1 Q&AS BEST EXAM SOLUTION GUARANTEED SUCCESS LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 GRADED A+2022/2023 RATED A+ 1outof1points A 21-year- oldfemalepresentstotheofficecomplainingofurinar yfrequencyandurinaryburning.Thenursepractition ersuspectsaurinarytractinfectionwhentheurinalysi sreveals Answer:10WBC/HPF 1outof1points NURS6531 FINAL EXAM 1 Q&AS BEST EXAM SOLUTION GUARANTEED SUCCESS LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 GRADED A+2022/2023 RATED A+ NURS6531 FINAL EXAM 1 Q&AS BEST EXAM SOLUTION GUARANTEED SUCCESS LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 GRADED A+2022/2023 RATED A+ TheinitialclinicalsignofDupuytren’scontractureis: Answer:Painlessnoduleonpalmerfascia 1outof1points Anursepractitionerdiagnosesa60yearoldmalewith balanitis.Whichdiseaseiscommonlyassociatedwit hbalanitis? ( Josh,age22,isastockboyandhasanacuteepisodeoflo wbackpain.YouorderandNSAIDandtellhimwhichofth efollowing? NURS6531 FINAL EXAM 1 Q&AS BEST EXAM SOLUTION GUARANTEED SUCCESS LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 GRADED A+2022/2023 RATED A+ NURS6531 FINAL EXAM 1 Q&AS BEST EXAM SOLUTION GUARANTEED SUCCESS LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 GRADED A+2022/2023 RATED A+ Beginlowerbackstrengtheningexercisesdependingonpa intolerance. 1outof1points A72yearoldfemalepatientreportsa6monthhistor yofgraduallyprogressiveswollenandpainfuldistal interphalangeal(DIP)jointsofonehand.Shehasno systemicsymptomsbuttheerythrocytesedimenta tionrate(ESR),antinuclearantibody (ANA),andrheumatoid factor(RF)areall minimallyelevated.What isthemostlikelydiagnosis? Osteoarthritis NURS6531 FINAL EXAM 1 Q&AS BEST EXAM SOLUTION GUARANTEED SUCCESS LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 GRADED A+2022/2023 RATED A+ NURS6531 FINAL EXAM 1 Q&AS BEST EXAM SOLUTION GUARANTEED SUCCESS LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 GRADED A+2022/2023 RATED A+ 1outof1points Whoisatahigherriskfordevelopingnephrolithiasis? Bill,whorunseverydayandtakesexcessiveamountsofvitaminC NURS6531 FINAL EXAM 1 Q&AS BEST EXAM SOLUTION GUARANTEED SUCCESS LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 GRADED A+2022/2023 RATED A+ NURS6531 FINAL EXAM 1 Q&AS BEST EXAM SOLUTION GUARANTEED SUCCESS LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 GRADED A+2022/2023 RATED A+ 1outof1points A28-year-oldfemalepresents to theofficerequesting testingfor diagnosisofhereditarythrombophilia.Herfatherrec entlyhadadeepveinthrombosisandsheisconcerne daboutherriskfactors.Thenursepractitionerexplai nsthat: BandD(doesnotalwaysrequireanticoagulationtherapyandgeneticandriskman agementcounselingarerecommended 1outof1points Martin, a 58 year old male with diabetes, is at your office for his diabetes follow up.Onexamininghisfeetwithmonofilament,youdis coverthathehasdevelopeddecreasedsensationinb othfeet.Therearenoopenareasorsignsofinfection onhisfeet.WhathealthteachingshouldMartinrecei vetodayregardingthecareifhisfeet? NURS6531 FINAL EXAM 1 Q&AS BEST EXAM SOLUTION GUARANTEED SUCCESS LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 GRADED A+2022/2023 RATED A+ NURS6531 FINAL EXAM 1 Q&AS BEST EXAM SOLUTION GUARANTEED SUCCESS LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 GRADED A+2022/2023 RATED A+ Seeapodiatristyearly;washyourf eetdailywithwarm, soapywaterandtoweldrybetwee nthetoes;inspectyourfeetdailyfo ranylesions;andapplylotiontoan ydryareas. 1outof1points Potentialcausesofsepticarthritisincludewhichofthef ollowing? Lymediseaseandprostheticjointinfection 1outof1points Whichofthefollowingisthebestresponsetoawoman whohasjustadmittedsheisavictimofspousalabuse? "Iamconcernedaboutyoursafety." NURS6531 FINAL EXAM 1 Q&AS BEST EXAM SOLUTION GUARANTEED SUCCESS LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 GRADED A+2022/2023 RATED A+ NURS6531 FINAL EXAM 1 Q&AS BEST EXAM SOLUTION GUARANTEED SUCCESS LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 GRADED A+2022/2023 RATED A+ followingspecimenswould beleasthelpfulfordiagnosis? MidstreamurinespecimensforcultureandsensitivityCBCanddifferentialBl oodureanitrogenCreatinine 1outof1points ApatienthasjustbeendiagnosedwithBell’spalsy. Heisunderstandablyupsetandhasquestionsabou ttheprognosis. Youresponseshouldbe: theconditionisself-limiting,andmostlikelycompleterecoverywilloccur 1outof1points NURS6531 FINAL EXAM 1 Q&AS BEST EXAM SOLUTION GUARANTEED SUCCESS LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 GRADED A+2022/2023 RATED A+ isanasymptomatic • 1outof1points womenwithafamilyhistoryofDuchenneorBeckerMDmaybecarriers. NURS6531 FINAL EXAM 1 Q&AS BEST EXAM SOLUTION GUARANTEED SUCCESS LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 GRADED A+2022/2023 RATED A+ Whatisthefirststepinthetreatmentofuricacidkidneyston es? Encouraginghydration Themostcommonpresentationofthyroidcanceris: Theobligatorycriteriafordiagnosisofmusculardystrophy( MD)are: Genetictestingtoevaluatemissingorrepeatedmutationsinth edystrophingene.Alackofthedystrophingenecanleadtoadiagnosi sofDuchenneorBeckerMD.Thetestisimportantnotonlytoconfirmth eMDdiagnosisin malesbutalso to determinewhether Thecasefor geneticdiagnosis. Accuratediagnosisofthemusculardystrophiesisimpo rtantforpatients,theirfamilies,andefficientandcost- effectiveuseofmedicalresources. NURS6531 FINAL EXAM 1 Q&AS BEST EXAM SOLUTION GUARANTEED SUCCESS LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 GRADED A+2022/2023 RATED A+ • 1outof1points • 1outof1points NURS6531 FINAL EXAM 1 Q&AS BEST EXAM SOLUTION GUARANTEED SUCCESS LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 GRADED A+2022/2023 RATED A+ (EEG.) Thediagnosiswhichmustbeconsideredinapatient whopresentswithasevereheadacheofsuddenonse t,withneckstiffnessandfever,is: viralmeningitis A60 year old malepatientwithmultiplehealth problemspresentswith a complaintoferectile dysfunction (ED). Of the following, which medication is most likely to be causingtheproblem? Hypertensive medicationsuchashydrochlorothiazides,andotherDM2medi cations NURS6531 FINAL EXAM 1 Q&AS BEST EXAM SOLUTION GUARANTEED SUCCESS LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 GRADED A+2022/2023 RATED A+ NURS6531 FINAL EXAM 1 Q&AS BEST EXAM SOLUTION GUARANTEED SUCCESS LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 GRADED A+2022/2023 RATED A+ 1outof1points Whichofthefollowingis apotentialacquiredcauseofthrombophilia? Antiphospholipidantibodies 1outof1points Differential diagnosisofproteinuria includeswhich ofthe following? 1outof1points The nurse practitioner diagnoses epididymitis in a 24 year old sexually NURS6531 FINAL EXAM 1 Q&AS BEST EXAM SOLUTION GUARANTEED SUCCESS LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 GRADED A+2022/2023 RATED A+ • 0outof1points • 1outof1points NURS6531 FINAL EXAM 1 Q&AS BEST EXAM SOLUTION GUARANTEED SUCCESS LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 GRADED A+2022/2023 RATED A+ active malepatient.Thedrugofchoicefortreatmentofthispatientis: Ceftriaxone 250 mg IM in asingle doseplus. Doxycycline 100 mg orallytwiceadayfor 10 days 1outof1point Whichofthefollowingisnota characteristicoftype2 diabetesmellitus? ----------------------------------- Whichofthefollowingisnotacharacteristicoftype1dia betesmellitus?Itisgenerallycontrolledbydietand/ ororalmedication. Themostaccuratemeasureofdiabetescontrolis:hemogl obinA1cconsideredthemostaccuratemeasurementorGlycosylat edhemoglobinlevel NURS6531 FINAL EXAM 1 Q&AS BEST EXAM SOLUTION GUARANTEED SUCCESS LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 GRADED A+2022/2023 RATED A+ • NURS6531 FINAL EXAM 1 Q&AS BEST EXAM SOLUTION GUARANTEED SUCCESS LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 GRADED A+2022/2023 RATED A+ NURS6531 FINAL EXAM 1 Q&AS BEST EXAM SOLUTION GUARANTEED SUCCESS LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 GRADED A+2022/2023 RATED A+ NURS6531 FINAL EXAM 1 Q&AS BEST EXAM SOLUTION GUARANTEED SUCCESS LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 GRADED A+2022/2023 RATED A+ malgait 4.Poorlycontrolledlipids NURS6531 FINAL EXAM 1 Q&AS BEST EXAM SOLUTION GUARANTEED SUCCESS LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 GRADED A+2022/2023 RATED A+ • 1outof1points • 0outof1points • 1outof1points NURS6531 FINAL EXAM 1 Q&AS BEST EXAM SOLUTION GUARANTEED SUCCESS LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 GRADED A+2022/2023 RATED A+ Whichofthefollowingisthemostcommoncausativeorg anismofnongonococcalurethritis? Chlamydiatrachomatis A 65 year old patient complains of recurrent bilateral temporal headaches, malaise,muscleaches,andlowgradefever.Theheadac heisdescribedassuperficialtendernessratherthande eppain.Giantcellarteritisissuspected.Appropriatetr eatmentis:referfortemporalarterybiopsyandinitiationoforalpred nisone Themostreliablediagnosticindicatorofgoutis:Elevatedserumuri cacidlevels NURS6531 FINAL EXAM 1 Q&AS BEST EXAM SOLUTION GUARANTEED SUCCESS LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 GRADED A+2022/2023 RATED A+ • 0outof1points NURS6531 FINAL EXAM 1 Q&AS BEST EXAM SOLUTION GUARANTEED SUCCESS LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 GRADED A+2022/2023 RATED A+ NURS6531 FINAL EXAM 1 Q&AS BEST EXAM SOLUTION GUARANTEED SUCCESS LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 GRADED A+2022/2023 RATED A+ • 1outof1points NURS6531 FINAL EXAM 1 Q&AS BEST EXAM SOLUTION GUARANTEED SUCCESS LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 GRADED A+2022/2023 RATED A+ Thebesttesttodeterminemicroalbuminuriatoassistin thediagnosisofdiabeticneuropathy:Answer:measurealbumin( microalbuminuria HowdoyourespondwhenJessica,age42,asksyo uwhatconstitutesagoodminimumcardiovascul arworkout? 203xperweek NURS6531 FINAL EXAM 1 Q&AS BEST EXAM SOLUTION GUARANTEED SUCCESS LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 GRADED A+2022/2023 RATED A+ NURS6531 FINAL EXAM 1 Q&AS BEST EXAM SOLUTION GUARANTEED SUCCESS LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 GRADED A+2022/2023 RATED A+ 1outof1points Theinterventionknowntobemosteffectiveinthetr eatmentof severedepression,withorwithoutpsychosis,is: electroconvulsivetherapy(ECT). 1outof1points Whichofthefollowingaccountsforhalfofthebladdert umorsamongmenandone-thirdinwomen? NURS6531 FINAL EXAM 1 Q&AS BEST EXAM SOLUTION GUARANTEED SUCCESS LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 GRADED A+2022/2023 RATED A+ NURS6531 FINAL EXAM 1 Q&AS BEST EXAM SOLUTION GUARANTEED SUCCESS LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 GRADED A+2022/2023 RATED A+ Cigarettesmoke,bothactiveandpassiveinhalation 1outof1points Urineculturesshould beobtained forwhich ofthefollowingpatients? AlloftheaboveAlloftheabove(pregnantfemales,males,andfebrilepatients) 1outof1points Apatienthasbeendiagnosedwithhypothyroidismand thyroidhormonereplacementtherapyisprescribed.H owlongshouldthenursepractitionerwaitbeforecheck ingthepatient’sTSH?Answer:6–8weeks NURS6531 FINAL EXAM 1 Q&AS BEST EXAM SOLUTION GUARANTEED SUCCESS LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 GRADED A+2022/2023 RATED A+ NURS6531 FINAL EXAM 1 Q&AS BEST EXAM SOLUTION GUARANTEED SUCCESS LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 GRADED A+2022/2023 RATED A+ • 1outof1points Diagnosticevaluationofhypothyroidismreveals:ElevatedTSHa nddecreaseT4 1outof1points Diagnosticradiologicalstudiesareindicatedforlowbackp ain: Painlastingmorethan1month - Objectiveradiculopathy - Caudaequinasyndrome - Considering "red flag": systemic arthritis, infx, malignancy, trauma,congenital/developmentalabnormalitie NURS6531 FINAL EXAM 1 Q&AS BEST EXAM SOLUTION GUARANTEED SUCCESS LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 GRADED A+2022/2023 RATED A+ NURS6531 FINAL EXAM 1 Q&AS BEST EXAM SOLUTION GUARANTEED SUCCESS LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 GRADED A+2022/2023 RATED A+ 1outof1points Thecorrecttreatmentforanklesprainduringthefirst48ho ursafterinjuryincludes: acoldcompressto helpreduceswelling (Rest,ice,compression,elevation) • Question89 1outof1points Themostreliableindicator(s)ofneurologicaldeficit whenassessingapatientwithacute low back pain is(are): decreased reflexes, strength, and sensation in the lowerextremities 1outof1points RiskfactorsforAddison’sdiseaseincludewhichofthefoll owing?Tuberculosis,Autoimmune disease,AIDS (allof theabove) NURS6531 FINAL EXAM 1 Q&AS BEST EXAM SOLUTION GUARANTEED SUCCESS LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 GRADED A+2022/2023 RATED A+ NURS6531 FINAL EXAM 1 Q&AS BEST EXAM SOLUTION GUARANTEED SUCCESS LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 GRADED A+2022/2023 RATED A+ 1outof1points Majordepression occursmostofteninwhichofthefollowingconditions?stroke NURS6531 FINAL EXAM 1 Q&AS BEST EXAM SOLUTION GUARANTEED SUCCESS LATEST UPDATE 2022/2023 GRADED A+2022/2023 RATED A+
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