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NY State Police Vocabulary List, Exams of Nursing

A list of vocabulary terms with their definitions, likely used for study or reference purposes, possibly for law enforcement or legal studies. Topics covered include legal terms, crimes, types of guns, and more. The list suggests 100% accuracy in the terms and definitions provided.

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Download NY State Police Vocabulary List and more Exams Nursing in PDF only on Docsity! NY State Police Vocabulary Question 100% Accuracy! abandonment - Correct Answers ✅to leave completely and finally; forsake utterly; desert Abdominal - Correct Answers ✅the region of the body of a vertebrate that contains the viscera other than the heart and lungs. In mammals it is separated from the thorax by the diaphragm abduction - Correct Answers ✅1 the action or an instance of forcibly taking someone away against their will. -in legal use) the illegal removal of a child from parents or guardians. 2 Physiology the movement of a limb or other part away from the midline of the body, or from another part. abnormal - Correct Answers ✅deviating from what is normal or usual, typically in a way that is undesirable or worrying: abortion - Correct Answers ✅an operation or other procedure to terminate pregnancy before the fetus is viable 2. the premature termination of pregnancy by spontaneous or induced expulsion of a nonviable fetus from the uterus NY State Police Vocabulary Question 100% Accuracy! abrasion - Correct Answers ✅the process of scraping or wearing down by friction abscond - Correct Answers ✅to depart in a sudden and secret manner, especially to avoid capture and legal prosecution: academy - Correct Answers ✅a school or college for special instruction or training in a subject acceleration - Correct Answers ✅the act of accelerating; increase of speed or velocity. accessory - Correct Answers ✅a subordinate or supplementary part, object, or the like, used mainly for convenience, attractiveness, safety, etc., as a spotlight on an automobile or a lens cover on a camera. Also called accessory before the fact. a person who, though not present during the commission of a felony, is guilty of having aided and abetted another, who committed the felony. NY State Police Vocabulary Question 100% Accuracy! accusatory - Correct Answers ✅containing or implying blame or strong criticism acknowledge - Correct Answers ✅concede, confess, grant. Acknowledge, admit, confess agree in the idea of declaring something to be true. Acknowledge implies making a statement reluctantly, often about something previously denied: to acknowledge a fault. Admit especially implies acknowledging something under pressure: to admit a charge. Confess usually means stating somewhat formally an admission of wrongdoing, crime, or shortcoming: to confess guilt; to confess an inability to understand. acquit - Correct Answers ✅a. to free or release (from a charge of crime) b. to pronounce not guilty 2. ( foll by of ) to free or relieve (from an obligation, duty, responsibility, etc) activity - Correct Answers ✅1. the state or quality of being active NY State Police Vocabulary Question 100% Accuracy! 2. lively action or movement 3. any specific deed, action, pursuit, etc: recreational activities addict - Correct Answers ✅a person who is addicted to an activity, habit, or substance adequate - Correct Answers ✅as much or as good as necessary for some requirement or purpose; fully sufficient, suitable, or fit (often followed by to or for ): This car is adequate to our needs. adequate food for fifty people. 2. barely sufficient or suitable: Being adequate is not good enough. 3. Law. reasonably sufficient for starting legal action: adequate grounds. adjudicate - Correct Answers ✅to pronounce or decree by judicial sentence. 2. to settle or determine (an issue or dispute) judicially. NY State Police Vocabulary Question 100% Accuracy! administer - Correct Answers ✅to manage (affairs, a government, etc.); have executive charge of: to administer the law. 2. to bring into use or operation: to administer justice; to administer last rites. 3. to make application of; give: to administer medicine. admission - Correct Answers ✅the act of allowing to enter; entrance granted by permission, by provision or existence of pecuniary means, or by the removal of obstacles: the admission of aliens into a country. confession of a charge, an error, or a crime; acknowledgment: His admission of the theft solved the mystery. adultery - Correct Answers ✅voluntary sexual intercourse between a married person and someone other than his or her lawful spouse. NY State Police Vocabulary Question 100% Accuracy! aggressor - Correct Answers ✅a person, group, or nation that attacks first or initiates hostilities; an assailant or invader. agreement - Correct Answers ✅the act of agreeing or of coming to a mutual arrangement. 2. the state of being in accord. 3. an arrangement that is accepted by all parties to a transaction. agriculture - Correct Answers ✅the science, art, or occupation concerned with cultivating land, raising crops, and feeding, breeding, and raising livestock; farming. 2. the production of crops, livestock, or poultry. aircraft - Correct Answers ✅any machine supported for flight in the air by buoyancy or by the dynamic action of air on its surfaces, especially powered airplanes, gliders, and helicopters. NY State Police Vocabulary Question 100% Accuracy! alarm - Correct Answers ✅any sound, outcry, or information intended to warn of approaching danger alcohol - Correct Answers ✅intoxicating liquor containing this liquid. alias - Correct Answers ✅a false name used to conceal one's identity; an assumed name alibi - Correct Answers ✅he defense by an accused person of having been elsewhere at the time an alleged offense was committed. alleged - Correct Answers ✅to assert without proof. 2. to declare with positiveness; affirm; assert: to allege a fact. 3. to declare before a court or elsewhere, as if under oath. 4. to plead in support of; offer as a reason or excuse. NY State Police Vocabulary Question 100% Accuracy! 5. Archaic. to cite or quote in confirmation. altercation - Correct Answers ✅a heated or angry dispute; noisy argument or controversy. alveolar - Correct Answers ✅anatomy of, relating to, or resembling an alveolus 2. denoting the part of the jawbone containing the roots of the teeth 3. (of a consonant) articulated with the tongue in contact with the projecting part of the jawbone immediately behind the upper teeth ambulance - Correct Answers ✅a specially equipped motor vehicle, airplane, ship, etc., for carrying sick or injured people, usually to a hospital. amount - Correct Answers ✅the sum total of two or more quantities or sums; aggregate. 2. NY State Police Vocabulary Question 100% Accuracy! annoy - Correct Answers ✅to disturb or bother in a way that displeases, troubles or irritates. anonymous - Correct Answers ✅of unknown name; whose name is withheld antique - Correct Answers ✅dating from a period long ago: antique furniture. 3. noting or pertaining to automobiles approximately 25 years old or more. aorta - Correct Answers ✅the main trunk of the arterial system, conveying blood from the left ventricle of the heart to all of the body except the lungs. apparent - Correct Answers ✅readily seen; exposed to sight; open to view; visible: The crack in the wall was readily apparent. 2. NY State Police Vocabulary Question 100% Accuracy! capable of being easily perceived or understood; plain or clear; obvious: The solution to the problem was apparent to all. appearance - Correct Answers ✅the state, condition, manner, or style in which a person or object appears; outward look or aspect: appendage - Correct Answers ✅a subordinate part attached to something; an auxiliary part; addition. any member of the body diverging from the axial trunk. application - Correct Answers ✅the quality of being usable for a particular purpose or in a special way; relevance a written or spoken request or appeal for employment, admission, help, funds, etc. appoint - Correct Answers ✅to name or assign to a position, an office, or the like; designate: to appoint a new treasurer; to appoint a judge to the bench. NY State Police Vocabulary Question 100% Accuracy! 2. to determine by authority or agreement; fix; set: to appoint a time for the meeting. apprehend - Correct Answers ✅to take into custody; arrest by legal warrant or authority: The police apprehended the burglars. 2. to grasp the meaning of; understand, especially intuitively; perceive. approve - Correct Answers ✅officially agree to or accept as satisfactory or believe that someone or something is good or acceptable. areola - Correct Answers ✅a ring of color around the human nipple. argument - Correct Answers ✅a disagreement, verbal opposition, contention, altercation. NY State Police Vocabulary Question 100% Accuracy! attest - Correct Answers ✅to bear witness to; certify; declare to be correct. Evidence of. attitude - Correct Answers ✅manner, disposition, feeling. The way a person views something or tends to behave towards it, often in an evaluative way. caucasian - Correct Answers ✅a white person authority - Correct Answers ✅the power to determine, adjudicate, or otherwise settle issues or disputes; jurisdiction; the right to control, command, or determine. The right to direct the actions or thoughts of others. authorize - Correct Answers ✅to give authority or official power to; empower. autopsy - Correct Answers ✅inspection and dissection of a body after death, as for determination of the cause of death; postmortem examination. NY State Police Vocabulary Question 100% Accuracy! auxiliary - Correct Answers ✅additional; supplementary; reserve. Used as a substitute or reserve in case of need. aviation - Correct Answers ✅the design, development, production, operation, and use of aircraft. avoid - Correct Answers ✅to keep away from; keep clear of. To prevent from happening. To make void or of no effect. bail - Correct Answers ✅property or money given as surety that a person released from custody will return at an appointed time. barbiturate - Correct Answers ✅barbituric acid derivates. Sedatives and hypnotics and anticonvulsant. barricade - Correct Answers ✅a barrier that obstructs passage. baton - Correct Answers ✅a short stick carried for use as a weapon. NY State Police Vocabulary Question 100% Accuracy! behavior - Correct Answers ✅a manner of acting. bestiality - Correct Answers ✅sexual relations between a person and an animal. beverage - Correct Answers ✅a drink, usually other than water bicycle - Correct Answers ✅a two wheeled vehicle propelled by pedals. bigamy - Correct Answers ✅the crime of marrying while one has a spouse still living, from whom no valid divorce has been effected. billy - Correct Answers ✅a heavy wooden stick used as a weapon. birth - Correct Answers ✅the act of bearing or bringing forth offspring. NY State Police Vocabulary Question 100% Accuracy! bulletin - Correct Answers ✅brief account or statement, as of news or events, issued for information of the public. buoy - Correct Answers ✅a float carrying a signal or signals or to provide a mooring place away from the shore. To keep afloat or support. burden - Correct Answers ✅to which is borne with difficulty; obligation. burglary - Correct Answers ✅breaking into and entering the house of another at night with intent to steal. business - Correct Answers ✅a profit-seeking enterprise. A building or site where chimerical work is carried on, as a factory, store, or office; place of work. cadaver - Correct Answers ✅a human body to be dissected; corpse. NY State Police Vocabulary Question 100% Accuracy! caliber - Correct Answers ✅the diameter of a shell or bullet. Personal character. calibrate - Correct Answers ✅to determine or check the range and accuracy. cancellation - Correct Answers ✅an act of canceling or something canceled. cannabis - Correct Answers ✅the hemp plant. Any of the various parts of the plant from which hashish, marihuana, bhang, and similar mildly euphorogenic and hallucinogenic drugs are prepared. capable - Correct Answers ✅having power and ability; efficient; competent. Having the ability or capacity capacity - Correct Answers ✅the ability to receive or contain. The maximum amount or number that can be received or contained. Actual or potential ability to perform, yield, or withstand. NY State Police Vocabulary Question 100% Accuracy! capsule - Correct Answers ✅a small case, envelope, or covering. captain - Correct Answers ✅an officer ranking above a lieutenant and below a inspector. carbon - Correct Answers ✅a chemical element cardiac - Correct Answers ✅pertaining to the heart career - Correct Answers ✅an occupation or profession. carotid - Correct Answers ✅two large arteries, one on each side of the head, carries blood to the head. Principal arteries that supply blood to the head and neck. cartridge - Correct Answers ✅a case containing any explosive charge, as for blasting. case - Correct Answers ✅an instance of the occurrence. A small or portable container. NY State Police Vocabulary Question 100% Accuracy! classify - Correct Answers ✅to arrange in classes or categories according to shared qualities or characteristics. cocaine - Correct Answers ✅an addictive drug derived from coca. An illegal stimulant. codeine - Correct Answers ✅a sleep-inducing and analgesic drug derived from morphine. coercion - Correct Answers ✅persuading by using force or threats. cognizant - Correct Answers ✅being aware of collision - Correct Answers ✅impact or crash of two objects. colonel - Correct Answers ✅an officer of high rank above a lieutenant colonel and below a brigadier general. NY State Police Vocabulary Question 100% Accuracy! combustible - Correct Answers ✅able to catch fire and burn easily. Flammable, incendiary, ignitable. commander - Correct Answers ✅a person in authority,officer in charge of a division, district, precinct, or squad. commitment - Correct Answers ✅being dedicated to a cause, activity, etc. Responsibility. common - Correct Answers ✅occurring, found, or done often. Prevalent. communicable - Correct Answers ✅able to be communicated to others. Transmitted from one to another. Infectious. compel - Correct Answers ✅to force or drive. compensation - Correct Answers ✅something given or received as an equivalent for services, debt, loss, injury, suffering, lack, etc. NY State Police Vocabulary Question 100% Accuracy! complainant - Correct Answers ✅person, group, or company that makes a complaint. complaint - Correct Answers ✅an expression of discontent, regret, pain censure, resentment, or grief.The first pleading of the plaintiff in a civil action, stating the cause of action. complexion - Correct Answers ✅appearance of the skin comprehend - Correct Answers ✅To understand conceal - Correct Answers ✅To hide concentrated - Correct Answers ✅Applied with all of ones attention. Or objects clustered close together. concrete - Correct Answers ✅An actual thing that is real opposed to something abstract. concurrent - Correct Answers ✅Occurring side by side or simultaneous. NY State Police Vocabulary Question 100% Accuracy! contempt - Correct Answers ✅Open disrespect for the rules. contraband - Correct Answers ✅Anything prohibited by law. controlled - Correct Answers ✅To hold in check or exercise restraint or direction over something. contusion - Correct Answers ✅An Injury from a blunt instrument that does not break the skin. convict - Correct Answers ✅To prove guilty of something. Someone who has been proven guilty. coroner - Correct Answers ✅Investigates death not clearly resulting from Natural causes. corporal - Correct Answers ✅A non commissioned officer above a private and below a sergeant. Of the human body. NY State Police Vocabulary Question 100% Accuracy! corpus - Correct Answers ✅The body of a person or animal. A large or complete collection. correction - Correct Answers ✅Something used to substitute something that is inaccurate. correspondence - Correct Answers ✅the act or condition of agreeing or corresponding corroborate - Correct Answers ✅To work together counselor - Correct Answers ✅a person who advises. A lawyer county - Correct Answers ✅the largest administrative division of a U.S. state court - Correct Answers ✅a place where justice is administered. A place for the hearing and determination of cases. covert - Correct Answers ✅Secretive NY State Police Vocabulary Question 100% Accuracy! crash - Correct Answers ✅something being violently smashed or struct. A collision of vehicles. criminal - Correct Answers ✅of or pertaining to crime or its punishment. Involving crime. critical - Correct Answers ✅criticism cruelty - Correct Answers ✅state or quality of being harsh or cause bodily harm or mental suffering. culpable - Correct Answers ✅deserving blame or censure; blameworthy. culvert - Correct Answers ✅a drain or channel crossing under a road, sidewalk, etc.; sewer; conduit. cursory - Correct Answers ✅going rapidly over something NY State Police Vocabulary Question 100% Accuracy! deliver - Correct Answers ✅To give into another's possession of keeping. demeanor - Correct Answers ✅Conduct or behavior department - Correct Answers ✅A division of a complex whole or organized system. deponent - Correct Answers ✅A person who testifies under oath. deposition - Correct Answers ✅The giving of testimony or a written statement under oath to be used on court. depressant - Correct Answers ✅Sedative. Lowering vital activity. depth - Correct Answers ✅A dimension taken through the body of a material. How far down it goes from the surface. NY State Police Vocabulary Question 100% Accuracy! deputy - Correct Answers ✅Some who is second in command. description - Correct Answers ✅A representation of something. designate - Correct Answers ✅To mark point out or pick. destroy - Correct Answers ✅To demolish or ruin detainer - Correct Answers ✅A writ for the further detention of someone already in custody. detection - Correct Answers ✅Discovery of something. detention - Correct Answers ✅Maintaining a person in custody or confinement. deterrent - Correct Answers ✅Something that discourages someone or something from acting. NY State Police Vocabulary Question 100% Accuracy! deviate - Correct Answers ✅To depart from the norm or straight line/course. device - Correct Answers ✅A thing made for a particular purpose. diabetic - Correct Answers ✅An individual who can no longer produce insulin or enough insulin to function. diagram - Correct Answers ✅A chart, plan, drawing, or other visual representation meant to explain or demonstrate. discharge - Correct Answers ✅To fire or shoot a firearm. To execute, relieve of responsibility or pressure. discovery - Correct Answers ✅The act of learning, seeing, finding. Disclosure of facts or documents. discrimination - Correct Answers ✅Treatment or consideration of, or making a distinction in favor of or against, a person or a NY State Police Vocabulary Question 100% Accuracy! duration - Correct Answers ✅The length of time something continues or exists. duress - Correct Answers ✅Compulsion by threat or force. dwelling - Correct Answers ✅A building or place of shelter. egress - Correct Answers ✅To go out, exit. ejected - Correct Answers ✅To drive out force out or expel. element - Correct Answers ✅A component of a whole. eliminate - Correct Answers ✅To get rid of embankment - Correct Answers ✅A bank or mound of dirt used to hold back water or hold a roadway. embolism - Correct Answers ✅The occlusion of a blood vessel. Blocking of a blood vessel. NY State Police Vocabulary Question 100% Accuracy! emergency - Correct Answers ✅A sudden and urgent situation requiring immediate action. emotion - Correct Answers ✅The affective state of consciousness and feelings of joy, anger, etc. employee - Correct Answers ✅A work for a specific employer, business, or person. enclosed - Correct Answers ✅Closed in on all sides. endanger - Correct Answers ✅Threatened with a dangerous or perilous situation. energy - Correct Answers ✅The power necessary to do work and act. engage - Correct Answers ✅to participate or become involved in NY State Police Vocabulary Question 100% Accuracy! entrapment - Correct Answers ✅to trick or deceive by inducing them to commit a crime in order to scute prosecution. entry - Correct Answers ✅the act of going or coming in. environmental - Correct Answers ✅relating to the natural world and the impact of juan activity on its condition. equipment - Correct Answers ✅the necessary items for a particular purpose. error - Correct Answers ✅a mistake. Mistake of fact or of law in a court's opinion, judgment or order. escape - Correct Answers ✅to break free from confinement or control. escort - Correct Answers ✅to accompany somewhere for protection or security. NY State Police Vocabulary Question 100% Accuracy! failed - Correct Answers ✅not achieving or unsuccessful felony - Correct Answers ✅a crime typically one involving violence regarded as more serious than a misdemeanor and usually punishable by imprisonment for more than one year or by death. fiber - Correct Answers ✅a thread or filament fight - Correct Answers ✅a violent struggle file - Correct Answers ✅to submit to be placed on record by the appropriate authority. fine - Correct Answers ✅a sum of money exacted as a penalty by a court of law or other authority. fingerprint - Correct Answers ✅an impression or mark made on a surface by a person's fingertip, used for identifying individuals from the unique pattern of whorls and lines. NY State Police Vocabulary Question 100% Accuracy! firearm - Correct Answers ✅a rifle, pistol, or other portable gun. firework - Correct Answers ✅a device containing gunpowder and other combustible chemicals that causes an explosion when ignited. flashing - Correct Answers ✅to shine in an intermittent way. To display suddenly flotation - Correct Answers ✅the action of being buoyant in a liquid or gas. footprint - Correct Answers ✅the impression left by a foot or shoe on the ground or a surface. Or the area covered by something in particular. force - Correct Answers ✅the strength or energy of physical action or movement.Coercion or compulsion. NY State Police Vocabulary Question 100% Accuracy! foreign - Correct Answers ✅strange and unfamiliar. Of, from, in or characteristic of a country or language other than one's own. forfeit - Correct Answers ✅lose or be deprived of as a penalty for wrongdoing. forgery - Correct Answers ✅to produce an illegal, fake, or counterfeit copy of a document, signature, banknote, or work of art. fragmentation - Correct Answers ✅the process or state of breaking or being broken into small or separate parts. fraud - Correct Answers ✅wrongful or criminal deception intended to result in financial or personal gain. frisk - Correct Answers ✅pass the hands over in a search for hidden weapons, drugs, or other items. NY State Police Vocabulary Question 100% Accuracy! gratuity - Correct Answers ✅a tip given, present, donation gravity - Correct Answers ✅extreme or alarming importance; seriousness. grenade - Correct Answers ✅a small bomb grievance - Correct Answers ✅a real or imagined wrong or other cause for complaint or protest. An official statement of a complaint. guardian - Correct Answers ✅a person who looks after and is legally responsible for someone who is unable to manage their own affairs. guide rail - Correct Answers ✅device or mechanism to direct vehicles or other objects through a channel, conveyor, roadway or rail system. NY State Police Vocabulary Question 100% Accuracy! guilty - Correct Answers ✅culpable of or responsible for a specified wrongdoing. gunshot - Correct Answers ✅a shot fired from a firearm. gunsmith - Correct Answers ✅a person who makes, sells, and repairs small firearms habeas - Correct Answers ✅a writ requiring a person under arrest to be brought before a judge or into court to secure the person's release unless lawful grounds are shown for their detention. hallucinogen - Correct Answers ✅a drug that causes hallucinations, such as LSD. handcuff - Correct Answers ✅a pair of lockable linked metal rings for securing a prisoner's wrists. handgun - Correct Answers ✅a gun designed for use by one hand, especially a pistol or revolver NY State Police Vocabulary Question 100% Accuracy! harassment - Correct Answers ✅aggressive pressure or intimidation hazard - Correct Answers ✅a danger or risk hearing - Correct Answers ✅an act of listening to evidence in a court of law or before an official. A trial before a judge without a jury hearsay - Correct Answers ✅the report of another person's words by a witness, usually disallowed as evidence in a court of law. height - Correct Answers ✅the measurement from base to top or head to foot. heroin - Correct Answers ✅a highly addictive narcotic. Pain reliever derived from morphine. NY State Police Vocabulary Question 100% Accuracy! illiterate - Correct Answers ✅... illness - Correct Answers ✅... imbibe - Correct Answers ✅... immaterial - Correct Answers ✅... imminent - Correct Answers ✅... immunity - Correct Answers ✅... impact - Correct Answers ✅... impaired - Correct Answers ✅... jeopardy - Correct Answers ✅... implement - Correct Answers ✅... NY State Police Vocabulary Question 100% Accuracy! implied - Correct Answers ✅... impression - Correct Answers ✅... imprint - Correct Answers ✅... imprison - Correct Answers ✅... improper - Correct Answers ✅... inadequate - Correct Answers ✅... incapable - Correct Answers ✅... incapacitate - Correct Answers ✅... incarcerate - Correct Answers ✅... NY State Police Vocabulary Question 100% Accuracy! incendiary - Correct Answers ✅... incest - Correct Answers ✅... incident - Correct Answers ✅... incite - Correct Answers ✅... incoherent - Correct Answers ✅... indian - Correct Answers ✅... indictment - Correct Answers ✅... industrial - Correct Answers ✅... infant - Correct Answers ✅... inflict - Correct Answers ✅... NY State Police Vocabulary Question 100% Accuracy! interrogation - Correct Answers ✅... intersection - Correct Answers ✅... interview - Correct Answers ✅... intoxicated - Correct Answers ✅... intrusion - Correct Answers ✅... inventory - Correct Answers ✅... investigation - Correct Answers ✅... involve - Correct Answers ✅... irritate - Correct Answers ✅... NY State Police Vocabulary Question 100% Accuracy! issue - Correct Answers ✅... jostling - Correct Answers ✅... judgment - Correct Answers ✅... judicial - Correct Answers ✅... jurisdiction - Correct Answers ✅... jury - Correct Answers ✅... jsutice - Correct Answers ✅... justificatino - Correct Answers ✅... juvenile - Correct Answers ✅... kidnap - Correct Answers ✅... NY State Police Vocabulary Question 100% Accuracy! kin - Correct Answers ✅... kinetic - Correct Answers ✅... knife - Correct Answers ✅... knowledge - Correct Answers ✅... knuckle - Correct Answers ✅... laboratory - Correct Answers ✅... landmark - Correct Answers ✅... lane - Correct Answers ✅... language - Correct Answers ✅... NY State Police Vocabulary Question 100% Accuracy! maim - Correct Answers ✅... major - Correct Answers ✅... malfuction - Correct Answers ✅... maltreatment - Correct Answers ✅... manager - Correct Answers ✅... mandatory - Correct Answers ✅... manslaughter - Correct Answers ✅... marihuana - Correct Answers ✅... marine - Correct Answers ✅... markets - Correct Answers ✅... NY State Police Vocabulary Question 100% Accuracy! marriage - Correct Answers ✅... masturbation - Correct Answers ✅... maternity - Correct Answers ✅... maximum - Correct Answers ✅... median - Correct Answers ✅... mecial - Correct Answers ✅... momorandum - Correct Answers ✅... menaceomit - Correct Answers ✅... mental operator - Correct Answers ✅... NY State Police Vocabulary Question 100% Accuracy! milage - Correct Answers ✅... military - Correct Answers ✅... minimum - Correct Answers ✅... minor - Correct Answers ✅... minority - Correct Answers ✅... miranda - Correct Answers ✅... mischief - Correct Answers ✅... misconduct - Correct Answers ✅... misdemeanor - Correct Answers ✅... mistrial - Correct Answers ✅... NY State Police Vocabulary Question 100% Accuracy! needle - Correct Answers ✅... negative - Correct Answers ✅... neglect - Correct Answers ✅... negligent - Correct Answers ✅... negro - Correct Answers ✅... nightstick - Correct Answers ✅... nonsupport - Correct Answers ✅... notary - Correct Answers ✅... notification - Correct Answers ✅... NY State Police Vocabulary Question 100% Accuracy! noxious - Correct Answers ✅... nuclear - Correct Answers ✅... oath - Correct Answers ✅... object - Correct Answers ✅... obscene - Correct Answers ✅... obstacle - Correct Answers ✅... obstruct - Correct Answers ✅... occupant - Correct Answers ✅... occupation - Correct Answers ✅... occupied - Correct Answers ✅... NY State Police Vocabulary Question 100% Accuracy! occurred - Correct Answers ✅... odor - Correct Answers ✅... offense - Correct Answers ✅... officer - Correct Answers ✅... portable - Correct Answers ✅... posted - Correct Answers ✅... oral - Correct Answers ✅... order - Correct Answers ✅... ordinance - Correct Answers ✅... NY State Police Vocabulary Question 100% Accuracy! pending - Correct Answers ✅... penis - Correct Answers ✅... permission - Correct Answers ✅... perpetrator - Correct Answers ✅... people - Correct Answers ✅... perimeter - Correct Answers ✅... perjury - Correct Answers ✅... persistent - Correct Answers ✅... person - Correct Answers ✅... personal - Correct Answers ✅... NY State Police Vocabulary Question 100% Accuracy! personnel - Correct Answers ✅... petit - Correct Answers ✅... petition - Correct Answers ✅... pharmacy - Correct Answers ✅... photograph - Correct Answers ✅... physical - Correct Answers ✅... physician - Correct Answers ✅... pilot - Correct Answers ✅... pistol - Correct Answers ✅... NY State Police Vocabulary Question 100% Accuracy! plead - Correct Answers ✅... poison - Correct Answers ✅... police - Correct Answers ✅... political - Correct Answers ✅... polygraph - Correct Answers ✅... pornography - Correct Answers ✅... position - Correct Answers ✅... possess - Correct Answers ✅... potential - Correct Answers ✅... preliminary - Correct Answers ✅... NY State Police Vocabulary Question 100% Accuracy! psychological - Correct Answers ✅... publicity - Correct Answers ✅... puncture - Correct Answers ✅... punishment - Correct Answers ✅... purpose - Correct Answers ✅... pursuit - Correct Answers ✅... roadblock - Correct Answers ✅... race - Correct Answers ✅... radar - Correct Answers ✅... NY State Police Vocabulary Question 100% Accuracy! radioactive - Correct Answers ✅... railroad - Correct Answers ✅... rank - Correct Answers ✅... rape - Correct Answers ✅... reasonable - Correct Answers ✅... receipt - Correct Answers ✅... scene - Correct Answers ✅... reckless - Correct Answers ✅... recognizance - Correct Answers ✅... record - Correct Answers ✅... NY State Police Vocabulary Question 100% Accuracy! scheme - Correct Answers ✅... recovery - Correct Answers ✅... recruitment - Correct Answers ✅... rectum - Correct Answers ✅... sealed - Correct Answers ✅... reduce - Correct Answers ✅... search - Correct Answers ✅... reference - Correct Answers ✅... reform - Correct Answers ✅... NY State Police Vocabulary Question 100% Accuracy! resist - Correct Answers ✅... respect - Correct Answers ✅... respiratory - Correct Answers ✅... respondent - Correct Answers ✅... responsible - Correct Answers ✅... restaurant - Correct Answers ✅... restitution - Correct Answers ✅... restrain - Correct Answers ✅... restrict - Correct Answers ✅... results - Correct Answers ✅... NY State Police Vocabulary Question 100% Accuracy! resuscitation - Correct Answers ✅... retainer - Correct Answers ✅... revocation - Correct Answers ✅... revolver - Correct Answers ✅... rights - Correct Answers ✅... riot - Correct Answers ✅... status - Correct Answers ✅... road check - Correct Answers ✅... roadway - Correct Answers ✅... NY State Police Vocabulary Question 100% Accuracy! robbery - Correct Answers ✅... runaway - Correct Answers ✅... safety - Correct Answers ✅... saliva - Correct Answers ✅... sanitary - Correct Answers ✅... summons - Correct Answers ✅... scales - Correct Answers ✅... schedule - Correct Answers ✅... suppression - Correct Answers ✅... science - Correct Answers ✅... NY State Police Vocabulary Question 100% Accuracy! shoplifter - Correct Answers ✅stealing goods from a shop while pretending to be a customer. shotgun - Correct Answers ✅a smoothbore gun for firing small shots at short range. shoulder - Correct Answers ✅the upper joint of the human arm signal - Correct Answers ✅a gesture or action used to convey information or instructions. town - Correct Answers ✅an urban area that has a name, defined boundaries, and local government, and that is generally larger than a village and smaller than a city. sketch - Correct Answers ✅a rough drawing or painting. skidmark - Correct Answers ✅visible mark left by any solid which moves against another, and is an important aspect of trace evidence. NY State Police Vocabulary Question 100% Accuracy! skiing - Correct Answers ✅the action of traveling over snow on skis slippery - Correct Answers ✅difficult to hold firmly or stand on because smooth, wet, or slimy. slingshot - Correct Answers ✅a forked stick with an elastic strap fastened to the two prongs, used for shooting small stones. snowmobile - Correct Answers ✅a land vehicle designed for winter travel on snow. social - Correct Answers ✅the interactions of individual's with other individuals. Relating to society or its organization. Companionship. sodomy - Correct Answers ✅sexual intercourse involving anal or oral copulation. NY State Police Vocabulary Question 100% Accuracy! solicitation - Correct Answers ✅the crime of asking another to commit or to aid in a crime. specimen - Correct Answers ✅a part of an individual taken as exemplifying a whole mass or number. A sample of a substance or material. speed - Correct Answers ✅rapidity in moving or traveling. speedometer - Correct Answers ✅an automobile or other vehicle for indicating the rate of travel in miles. spouse - Correct Answers ✅a member of a married pair. One's husband or wife. stab - Correct Answers ✅to pierce or wound with or as if with a pointed weapon. statement - Correct Answers ✅a communication or declaration in speech or writing.
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