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Conflict and Teamwork in Organizations: Terms and Definitions, Quizzes of Human Resource Management

Definitions for various terms related to conflict and teamwork in organizations, including functional conflict, dysfunctional conflict, personality conflict, workplace incivility, intergroup conflict, integrating, obliging, dominating, avoiding, work councils, organizing unions process, decertification of unions, and more. It also covers concepts such as groups, formal groups, informal groups, task roles, maintenance roles, tuckman stages for groups, productivity of a group/process, and characteristics of high-performance teams.

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Download Conflict and Teamwork in Organizations: Terms and Definitions and more Quizzes Human Resource Management in PDF only on Docsity! TERM 1 Conflict DEFINITION 1 when one party perceives that its interests are being opposed or negatively affected by another party TERM 2 Can an organization suffer from too little conflict? DEFINITION 2 yes there can be apathy, lack of creativity, indecision, and missed deadlines TERM 3 How can excessive conflict erode the organizational performance? DEFINITION 3 political infighting, dissatisfaction, lack of teamwork, and turnover TERM 4 Functional Conflict DEFINITION 4 constructive or cooperative conflictfocus on the issues, mutual respect TERM 5 Dysfunctional conflict DEFINITION 5 threatens an organization's interests, goals, and objectives TERM 6 Personality Conflict DEFINITION 6 interpersonal opposition based on personal dislike and/or disagreement; workplace incivility TERM 7 Workplace incivility DEFINITION 7 counterproductive work behavior that is intended to harm the target person in ways that violate norms of mutual respect TERM 8 Intergroup Conflict DEFINITION 8 conflict among work groups, teams, and departments. Each group wants to protect its own interestsneed to get interaction between groups to reduce stereotypingneed to get rid of prejudice TERM 9 Work-Family conflict DEFINITION 9 when the demands of one's work role conflict with those of the family role; can be work interferes with family or family interferes with work TERM 10 Cross-Cultural conflict DEFINITION 10 Differing assumptions about how to think and actneed to accommodate cultural differences TERM 21 Avoiding DEFINITION 21 passive withdrawal or active suppression of the issue, for trivial issues TERM 22 Facilitation DEFINITION 22 third party informally urges disputing parties to deal directly with each other in a positive and constructive matter TERM 23 Conciliation DEFINITION 23 neutral third party informally acts as a communication conduit between disputing parties, refusal to meet face to face TERM 24 Peer Review DEFINITION 24 panel of trustworthy coworkers, objective, hears both sides TERM 25 Ombudsman DEFINITION 25 someone widely respected and trusted in the organization hears grievances on a confidential basis and attempts to arrange a solution TERM 26 Mediation DEFINITION 26 trained third party guides disputing parties but does not render a decision TERM 27 Arbitration DEFINITION 27 Agree ahead of time that the decision of the third party will be the final decision, there are witnesses and evidence provided TERM 28 6 forms of ADR DEFINITION 28 facilitationconciliationpeer reviewombudsmanmediationarbitration TERM 29 Distributive Negotiation DEFINITION 29 "fixed pie" focus on a single issue, one person gains at the expense of another TERM 30 Integrative Negotiation DEFINITION 30 "added value" "win-win" negotiation supposed to be better for both parties TERM 31 Steps in "added-value" negotiation (integrative) DEFINITION 31 clarify interests: discuss respective needs for a common ground ID options: discuss desired elements (property, money...) Design alternative deals: mixes and matching elements of value from both parties Select a deal Perfect a deal: parties discuss unresolved issues TERM 32 Potential Outcomes of Influence Attempts DEFINITION 32 Resistance Compliance Commitment/Internalization TERM 33 Liking (influence) DEFINITION 33 people tend to like those who like them TERM 34 Reciprocity DEFINITION 34 belief that both good and bad deeds should be repaid in kind is virtually universal TERM 35 Social Proof DEFINITION 35 People tend to follow the lead of those most like themselvesgot milk adversing with famous role models TERM 46 Unions DEFINITION 46 Organizations formed for the purpose of representing their members' interests in dealing with employers TERM 47 Legislation passed that formed unions DEFINITION 47 National Labor Relations Act (NLRA) 1935 Taft-Hartley Act in 1947 (amended NLRA) National Labor Relations Board Created to enforce NLRA TERM 48 When was union membership at its peak in the US? DEFINITION 48 1950s TERM 49 What percentage of people are in unions now? DEFINITION 49 12% overall, 7% for private sector TERM 50 Labor Relations DEFINITION 50 Field that emphasizes skills that managers and union leaders can use to minimize costly forms of conflict (such as strikes) and seek win-win solutions to disagreements TERM 51 Why has Union membership declined since 80s? DEFINITION 51 Change in structure of economy- more jobs for women andolder workerswho are less inclined to join a union, service industry has less unions, more growth in the south where there is less unions Management efforts to control costs- Producers must compete with companies that have different pay scales and work rules especially over seas Human Resource Practices- Competition for scarce human resources can lead employers to offer much of what employees traditionally sought for through unions Regulation- Stricter regulation such as safety TERM 52 Closed Shop DEFINITION 52 Union security arrangement under which a person must be a union member before being hired the strongest security arrangement under NLRA closed shops are illegal TERM 53 Union Shop DEFINITION 53 Requires employees to join the union within a certain amount of time (30 days) after beginning employment TERM 54 Agency Shop DEFINITION 54 Requires the payment of union dues but not union membership TERM 55 Maintenance of Membership stipulation DEFINITION 55 Union security rules not requiring union membership but requiring that employees who join the union remain members for a certain period of time TERM 56 Right-to-Work States DEFINITION 56 State laws that make union shops, maintenence of membership, and agency shops illegal Idea is the it retricts the employees' right to freedom of association TERM 57 Associate Union Membership DEFINITION 57 Alternative form of union membership in which members receive discounts on insurance and credit cards rather than representation in collective bargaining TERM 58 AFL-CIO DEFINITION 58 American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations An association that seeks to advance the shared interests of its member unions at the national level Not a labor union TERM 59 National and International Unions DEFINITION 59 Most union members belong to a national or international union May be either craft or industrial unions TERM 60 Craft Union DEFINITION 60 Labor union whose members all have a particular skill or occupation Electricians, carpenters... TERM 71 Is it legal for public employees to strike? DEFINITION 71 No TERM 72 What public occupation striked in the 1980s that did not go well for them? DEFINITION 72 aircraft control people Reagan dominated them and many were fired TERM 73 Groups DEFINITION 73 two or more freely interdependent individuals who influence one another through social interaction TERM 74 Formal group DEFINITION 74 when a group is formed by a manager to help the organization accomplish its goals TERM 75 Informal Groups DEFINITION 75 when members' overriding purpose of getting together is friendship TERM 76 Task roles with groups DEFINITION 76 enable the work group to define, clarify, and pursue a common purposekeep the group on track TERM 77 Maintenance Role DEFINITION 77 Foster supportive and constructive interpersonal relationshipskeep the group together TERM 78 Initiator​, Energizer, Information Seeker, Opinion Giver DEFINITION 78 Task-oriented roles TERM 79 Elaborator, Evaluator, Recorder DEFINITION 79 Task-oriented roles TERM 80 Harmonizer, Compromiser, Encourager DEFINITION 80 maintenance roles TERM 81 Expediter, Gatekeeper, Commentator DEFINITION 81 maintenance role TERM 82 Blocker, Recognition Seeker, Dominator, Evader DEFINITION 82 Individual roles TERM 83 5 Tuckman Stages for Groups DEFINITION 83 Forming, storming, norming, performing, adjourning TERM 84 Productivity of a group/process is heavily dependent on... DEFINITION 84 initial meetings TERM 85 Punctuated equilibrium model DEFINITION 85 work hard for 1st week of semester on a project, then do nothing till first session finals are finished and do some work, then do nothing for a couple more weeks, then week 13 hits and you do a dash to finish it by week 16 TERM 96 Social Facilitation DEFINITION 96 Social facilitation is the tendency for people to do better on simple tasks when in the presence of other people. performance & arousal (graph, you want mid level arousal for performance) TERM 97 How to avoid groupthink? DEFINITION 97 First brainstorm individually then come together and critique alternatives as a groupassign a devil's advocateinvite outside experts TERM 98 What are the 3 different types of trust? DEFINITION 98 contractual, communication, and competence TERM 99 Contractual Trust DEFINITION 99 trust of character TERM 100 Communication trust DEFINITION 100 trust of disclosure, telling the truth TERM 101 Competence Trust DEFINITION 101 trust of capability, can they perform the task? TERM 102 Building and repairing trust DEFINITION 102 Communication, support, respect, fairness, predictability, and competence TERM 103 SPACER DEFINITION 103 Safety, purpose, agenda, code of conduct, expectations, roles TERM 104 5 dysfunctions of a team DEFINITION 104 absence of trustfear of conflictlack of commitmentavoidance of accountabilityInattention to results TERM 105 Team building DEFINITION 105 process aimed at improving teamwork and group collectivism TERM 106 Ideas for team building DEFINITION 106 don't embarrass peoplefor a new group go to D&Bfor a group that hates each other for a long time lock them up in a room and talk it out for hours TERM 107 deindividuation DEFINITION 107 Deindividuation is a concept in social psychology that is generally thought of as the losing of self-awareness in groups, although this is a matter of contention. TERM 108 Advantages of groups/teams DEFINITION 108 more information, more diversity and perspectives, division of labor sharing, higher quality decision making TERM 109 Motivation DEFINITION 109 Goal directed behavior that arouse and direct goal directed behavior TERM 110 2 different types of motivation DEFINITION 110 intrinsic motivation & extrinsic motivation TERM 121 Job Rotation DEFINITION 121 moving employees from one specialized job to another TERM 122 Job Enrichment DEFINITION 122 Modifying a job such that an employee has the opportunity to experience achievement, recognition, stimulating work, responsibility, and advancement TERM 123 Job Characteristics Model DEFINITION 123 Core job characteristics (skill variety, task ID, autonomy, feedbackCritical psychological states (experienced meaningfulness of the work, experience responsibility for the outcomes of the work, knowledge of the actual results of the work activities)Outcomes- high intrinsic work motivation, high growth satisfaction, high work effectiveness TERM 124 Equity Theory DEFINITION 124 strive for fairness and justice in social exchanges or give- and-take relationshipsoutputs/ inputsmotivates behavior TERM 125 Managerial Courage DEFINITION 125 Courage to have difficult conversations when you need to have them TERM 126 Expectancy Theory DEFINITION 126 People are motivated to behave in ways the produce desired combinations of expected outcomes TERM 127 Expectancies DEFINITION 127 individual's belief that a particular degree of effort will be followed by a particular level of performance TERM 128 Instrumentality DEFINITION 128 Person's belief that a particular outcome in contingent on accomplishing a specific level of performance TERM 129 Valence DEFINITION 129 positive or negative value people place on outcomes TERM 130 Goals need to be SMART DEFINITION 130 specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, timely TERM 131 Job Satisfaction DEFINITION 131 An affective or emotional responseto ones job. TERM 132 Perception = DEFINITION 132 reality TERM 133 2 major feedback functions DEFINITION 133 instructional: insight into better ways to perform a taskmotivational: information that builds your self-efficacy TERM 134 Performance Management Cycle DEFINITION 134 Setting accountabilities (syllabus)Developmental ReviewPerformance ReviewRewards TERM 135 Where can you get feedback from? DEFINITION 135 yourself, others, the task at hand TERM 146 Vesting Period DEFINITION 146 the length by which your stock options can be exercised TERM 147 Balanced Scorecard Approach DEFINITION 147 Approach to compensation by using a combination of different types of compensation strategies (merit pay, incentive pay, stock options etc...) TERM 148 Operant Conditioning DEFINITION 148 Operant conditioning is a form of learning in which an individual's behavior is modified by its consequences; the behaviour may change in form, frequency, or strength. TERM 149 Free Trade DEFINITION 149 The absence of government barriers to the free flow of goods and services between countries TERM 150 Adam Smith Came up with.. DEFINITION 150 Absolute advantage TERM 151 Who came up with comparative advantage? DEFINITION 151 Divid Ricardo TERM 152 New Trade Theory DEFINITION 152 Countries specialize in the production and export of particular products not because of underlying differences in factor endowments but because in certain industries the world market can support only a limited number of firms TERM 153 Mercantilism DEFINITION 153 An economic philosophy advocating that countries should simultaneously encourage exports and discourage importsIn doing so a country would accumulate gold and silver and become richimports tariffs and export subsidies TERM 154 Zero-Sum Game DEFINITION 154 A situation in which an economic gain by one country results in an economic loss by another TERM 155 What is the flaw with Mercantilism DEFINITION 155 it is viewed as a zero sum gameit is a positive sum game TERM 156 Absolute Advantage DEFINITION 156 a country can produce a product more efficient than any other country in producing itthen the country should trade it for goods that are produced at lower costs in other countries TERM 157 PPF DEFINITION 157 production possibility frontier TERM 158 Comparative Advantage DEFINITION 158 makes the case for a country to specialize in the production of those goods that it produces most efficiently and to buy the goods that it produces less efficiently form other countries, even if this means buying goods from other countries that it could produce more efficiently itself TERM 159 Factor Endowments DEFINITION 159 meant the extent to which a country is endowed with such resources as land, labor, and capital TERM 160 Heckscher-Ohlin DEFINITION 160 theory that predicts that countries will export those goods that make intensive use of factors that are locally abundant, while while importing goods that make intensive use of factors that are locally scarcedifference in factor endowments rather than productivity TERM 171 Firm strategy, structure, and rivalry DEFINITION 171 different nations are characterized by different management ideologies, which either help them or do not help them to build national competitive advantagethere is strong association between vigorous domestic rivalry and the creation and persistence of competitive advantage in an industry TERM 172 No government intervention in economic business DEFINITION 172 lassiez-faire TERM 173 Who became poor under GB control with the idea of mercantilism? DEFINITION 173 Ireland, GB didn't let them build ships. Bastards TERM 174 Specialization should be based on.. DEFINITION 174 nature or acquired competitive advantage TERM 175 Free Trade on PPF DEFINITION 175 it expands it outwardsincreased efficiency of resource utilization TERM 176 Non-existing conditions DEFINITION 176 when you are forced to innovate because you don't have much of a resource(s) to produce thingspart of the factor conditions of the diamond
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