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Geology and Earth Sciences: Key Concepts and Definitions, Quizzes of Geology

Essential terms and definitions in the field of geology and earth sciences, including the radius and thickness of the earth, uniformitarianism, atomic mass, isotopes, atomic bonding, plate tectonics, earthquakes, and magnetic polarity. Useful for university students studying earth sciences.

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Download Geology and Earth Sciences: Key Concepts and Definitions and more Quizzes Geology in PDF only on Docsity! TERM 1 the radius of the earth is approximately DEFINITION 1 6336 TERM 2 the thickness of the earths crust varies from approximately DEFINITION 2 7 - 70 km TERM 3 the principle of Uniformitarianism was proposed by DEFINITION 3 james hutton TERM 4 the summit of mount everest is composed of DEFINITION 4 limestone laid down in a shallow tropical sea either in ordovician times or upper carboniferous times TERM 5 the ATOMIC MASS NUMBER of protons in an atom of that element is equal to DEFINITION 5 the total number of neutraons and protons in an atom of that element TERM 6 ISOTOPES of an element are atoms containing DEFINITION 6 different numbers of neutrons TERM 7 atomic bonding in which two adjacent atoms have a polar distribution of their positive and netatively charged [articles is refer DEFINITION 7 Van der Waals bonding TERM 8 graphite and diamond are polymorphs of carbon. their different physical properties are due to the fact that DEFINITION 8 diamond has covalent bonds while graphite has both covalent and Van der Waals bonds TERM 9 the four most abundant elements in the earth's crust listed in decreasing order in abundance are DEFINITION 9 ocygen, silicon, aluminum, iron TERM 10 the earth's core is primarily made up of DEFINITION 10 iron TERM 21 which of the following statements about lava is true DEFINITION 21 the viscosity of a lava decreases as the silica content decreases high temp lavas are more viscous the more gas a lava contains, the less violent the eruption TERM 22 if a body of magma becomes more FELSIC its viscosity will DEFINITION 22 increase TERM 23 which of the following statments is true DEFINITION 23 gabbro has a higher melting temperature than granite TERM 24 the presence of two distinctly different grain sizes in an igneous rock indicates DEFINITION 24 the parent magma cooled first slowly, then very quickly TERM 25 one kind of DISCORDANT intrusive igneous body is DEFINITION 25 a dike TERM 26 a course=grained igneous rock with a composition intermediate between rhyolite and basalt is DEFINITION 26 diorite TERM 27 look on exam 1 DEFINITION 27 number 27 TERM 28 within the earth's crust, the densest igneous rocks are dominantly found in DEFINITION 28 the oceanic crust TERM 29 the volumes of the crust, mantle and core of the earth are DEFINITION 29 crust =1.7 X 10^12 km mantle =*.78 X 10^11km core = 1.699 X 10 ^11 TERM 30 the percentage volumes of the earth occupied by the crust, mantle and core is approximately DEFINITION 30 crust 2% mantle 82% core 16% TERM 31 the breakdown of exposed rock into small fragments and dissolved ions is termed DEFINITION 31 weathering TERM 32 a series of quartz-cemented sandst- ones are cut by a granite dike and a gabbro dike. of these 3 which is the least susceptible DEFINITION 32 quartz-cemented sandstone TERM 33 which of the following naturally occurring materials could provide the most wather resistant facing for buildings DEFINITION 33 granite TERM 34 clay minerals like kaolinite are a product of ___ weathering of ___ minerals and are a raw material for ____ DEFINITION 34 chemical silicate pottery TERM 35 chemical weathering takes place most rapidly in environments that are DEFINITION 35 warm and wet TERM 46 a _____ magma is defined as having greater than 65% silicate DEFINITION 46 felsic TERM 47 fragmental volcanic materials which has been blown into the atmosphere by explosive volcanic activity is refered to as ____ mate DEFINITION 47 pyroclastic TERM 48 the _____ of a lava is its resistance to flow DEFINITION 48 viscosity TERM 49 a volcano made of successive layers of pyroclastics and lava is called a ___ volcano DEFINITION 49 composit TERM 50 a fine grained igneous rock formed from a felsic magma is DEFINITION 50 rhyolite TERM 51 mauna loa in hawaii is a classic example of a ____ volcno DEFINITION 51 shield TERM 52 the fine-grained border of a sill may be referred to as a _____ DEFINITION 52 chillled margin TERM 53 the fine-grained equivalent to a gabbro is a ____ DEFINITION 53 basalt TERM 54 ______ is a black glassy volcanic rock of felsic composition which was commonly used by the native americans for making cutting DEFINITION 54 obsidian TERM 55 the silica rich igneous rock which has coarse (large) crystals and which make up much of the continental crust is _______ DEFINITION 55 granite TERM 56 the silica poor igneous rock witch has fine crystals and which makes up much of the upper part of the oceanic crust is ______ DEFINITION 56 basalt TERM 57 in the E-W Flinder mnt range, mechanical weathering due to frost wedging is dominant on the NORTH side of the range. located in DEFINITION 57 southern hemisphere TERM 58 when sediment grains of different sizes are carried by a stream, the sediment deposited FIRS will be DEFINITION 58 the coarsest TERM 59 in sedimentary rocks, the textural features most closely related to transport by water are DEFINITION 59 size soring and rounding TERM 60 what are the two most important processes that transform loose sediments into hard sedimentary rocks : DEFINITION 60 compaction, cementation TERM 71 which of the following is more likely to indicate that PARIIAL MELTING took place DEFINITION 71 migmatite TERM 72 which of the following metamorphic rocks cannot form from a shale DEFINITION 72 marble TERM 73 the SILLIMANITE ISOGRAD represents DEFINITION 73 the high temperature end of a sequence of minerals whose low temperature end is chlorite TERM 74 the oceans contain about how much of the worlds water DEFINITION 74 96% TERM 75 groundwater represents how much of the worlds frest water DEFINITION 75 22% TERM 76 which of the following sandstones will have the highest porosity DEFINITION 76 a well-sorted, uncemented sandstone TERM 77 PERMEABILITY is a measure of a rocks' DEFINITION 77 water-transmitting capacity TERM 78 what is the difference between the saturated and unsaturated zones of ground water DEFINITION 78 the pore spaces in the unsaturated zone are completely full of water, the pore spaces in the unsaturaed zone are not completely full of water TERM 79 in groundwater studies the TOP of the SATURATED ZONE is called the DEFINITION 79 water table TERM 80 if all other conditions are equal, ground water will move faster DEFINITION 80 through loose sand than through clay TERM 81 on exam 2, DEFINITION 81 review 25 - 33 TERM 82 which of the following combinations make for the best groundwater reservoir DEFINITION 82 high permeability and high porosity TERM 83 the San Andreas fault of CA is large scale example of DEFINITION 83 a dextral sttrike slip fault TERM 84 the Alpine fault of new zealand is a large scale example of DEFINITION 84 sinistral strike slip fault TERM 85 on exam 2, review 37 -39 DEFINITION 85 math problems TERM 96 kyanite, _____ and sillimanite are all polymorphs of Al2SiO5 DEFINITION 96 andalusite TERM 97 when mafic igneous rocks are chemically attacked by superheated steam circulating through cracks in the crust, the olivene cryst DEFINITION 97 metamorphosed into the mineral talc TERM 98 low pressure, high temperature metamorphism produced by heating and recrystallization of country rocks next to an intrusion of m DEFINITION 98 referred to as contact metamorphism TERM 99 a metamorphic zone is a region on a geological map between two DEFINITION 99 isograds TERM 100 the domain around an igneous body within which metamorphic changes have taken place is referred to as a metamorphic DEFINITION 100 aurora TERM 101 minerals associated with CONTACT metamorphism form under temperatures and pressures associated with the DEFINITION 101 hornfells facies TERM 102 minerals associated with the metamorphism of rocks being carried down a subduction zone generally belong to the ____ facies DEFINITION 102 blueschist TERM 103 in groundwater studies, the BASE of the UNSATURATED ZONE is called the DEFINITION 103 water table TERM 104 ____ is a measure of a rock's water-holding capacity DEFINITION 104 porosity TERM 105 a well in which water rises naturally above the local level of the aquifer without pumping is referred to as an a DEFINITION 105 artesian well TERM 106 the _______ of an inclined bedding surface may bed defined as the compass orientation of the direction of maximum inclination of DEFINITION 106 strike TERM 107 if faulting has displaced a road and you look across the fault and see that the portion of the road on the other side is to your DEFINITION 107 dextral strike-slip fault TERM 108 a spoon shaped fault which is concave upwards is called a DEFINITION 108 listric fault TERM 109 reverse faults result in a horizontal _____ of the earth's crust DEFINITION 109 contaction TERM 110 if a body fully recovers its original shape after an applied stress is released, then the strain is said to be DEFINITION 110 elastic TERM 121 an earthquake focus DEFINITION 121 is the point whithin the earth from which seismic waves originate TERM 122 the parameter used to calculate the distance of a seismograph from an earthquake epicenter is DEFINITION 122 difference in arrival time of P and S waves TERM 123 an earthquake with magnitude 8 on the richter scal releases how many times more energy than a richter 3 earthquake DEFINITION 123 app 30 million times more TERM 124 the relative amount of energy released in an earthquake is measured by suse of DEFINITION 124 richter scale TERM 125 in plate tectonics, what are the plates themselves composed of DEFINITION 125 lithosphere TERM 126 which part of the earth contains the ASTHENOSPHERE DEFINITION 126 the uppermost 8% TERM 127 the reason we have continents above sea level as opposed to one single ocean covering the entire surface of the earth is that DEFINITION 127 the oceanic crust has higher density TERM 128 the primary difference between lithospheric and asthenonspheric mantle is DEFINITION 128 physical state- the lithosphere is completely solid while the asthenosphere is partially molten TERM 129 if there is an earthquake at the north pole, what seismic waves could you record at the couth pole DEFINITION 129 p waves but no s waves due to shadow zone TERM 130 the main portion of the earth that is totally liquid is DEFINITION 130 outer core TERM 131 which region of the earth consists primarly of solid iron DEFINITION 131 inner core TERM 132 how deep are the abyssal plains of the ocean floor DEFINITION 132 5000 meters deep TERM 133 continental coastlines that occur within the interior of a techtonic plate are called DEFINITION 133 passive margins TERM 134 inward dipping zones of the quake foci (shallow near trenches, deeper away from trenches) that occur near the margins of tectoni DEFINITION 134 benioff zones TERM 135 mid-ocean ridges are characterized by DEFINITION 135 high heat flow, shallow earthquake foci and basaltic igneous rocks TERM 146 the oldest oceanic crust beneath the earth's present day oceans has been dated at DEFINITION 146 180mya TERM 147 where would you expect oceanic crust to be the oldest beneath the atlantic ocean DEFINITION 147 at the continental shelf off the coast of the eastern us and canda TERM 148 review test 3 DEFINITION 148 number 34 and 38 TERM 149 layer 1 in oceanic crust is composed of DEFINITION 149 silica-rich sediments TERM 150 in order to maintain a constant size planet through time, summed over the entire surface of earth DEFINITION 150 rates of lithospheric production and consumption must be equal TERM 151 volcanic material erupted along island arcs is generally of DEFINITION 151 andesitic composition TERM 152 the spacing between the ocean trench and the volcanic arc is associated with subduction zones INCREASE as DEFINITION 152 the angle of the dip of the subduction zone decreases TERM 153 the spacing between the ocean trench and the volcanic arc associated with subduction zones DECREASES as DEFINITION 153 the rate of subduction decreases TERM 154 in radioactive decay, a small particle with a single minus charge with is emitted from nucleus of a parent atom is referred to a DEFINITION 154 beta TERM 155 radiometric dating is LEAST useful for dating ____ rocks DEFINITION 155 sedimentery TERM 156 the radioactive isotope ___ is the most useful isotope for dating very young archeological artifacts such as wood and charcoal DEFINITION 156 carbon 14 TERM 157 a _ ____ is a seismic wave in which rock vibrates PARALLEL to the direction of wave propagation DEFINITION 157 P wave TERM 158 the scale used to represent intensity of earthquake damage, in terms of the earthquake's effects on man-made structures is refer DEFINITION 158 modified mercali scale TERM 159 ultramafic rocks (locally together with diamonds) are brought up to the earth's surface in cylindircal bodies referred to as ___ DEFINITION 159 kimber pipes TERM 160 the outermost layer of the earth that is relatively strong, brittle and is made up of the crust and uppermost part of the mantle DEFINITION 160 lithosphere TERM 171 magnetic___ is the angle measured in a horizontal plane between true north and the direction in which a compass needle points DEFINITION 171 declination TERM 172 the theory of sea floor spreading was proposed in 1962 by __ a prof at PU who during WW II was on active navy duty in the pacifi DEFINITION 172 Harry tuss TERM 173 magnetite crystals in basalts formed at mid- ocean ridges 425000 ya show _____ magnetic polarity DEFINITION 173 normal TERM 174 during a period of ___ magnetic polarity, lines of magnetic force leave the earth near the geographical norht pole and reenter t DEFINITION 174 reverse TERM 175 the earth's fastest spreading center is the ___. on either side of this mid-ocean ridge, plates are moving away from the ridge a DEFINITION 175 east pacific rise TERM 176 layer 2 in oceanic crust is composed of DEFINITION 176 pillow basalts
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