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OOP Inheritance, Study Guides, Projects, Research of Design

Previously we looked at basic OOP encapsulation and API design. Here we start looking at inheritance. ... Inheritance is a clever and appealing technology.

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Download OOP Inheritance and more Study Guides, Projects, Research Design in PDF only on Docsity! CS108, Stanford Handout #13 Fall, 2008-09 Osvaldo Jiménez OOP Inheritance Thanks to Nick Parlante for much of this handout Previously we looked at basic OOP encapsulation and API design. Here we start looking at inheritance. Inheritance Warning • Inheritance is a clever and appealing technology. • However, it is best applied in somewhat rare circumstances -- where you have several deeply similar classes. • It is a common error for beginning OOP programmers to try to use inheritance for everything. • In contrast, applications of modularity and encapsulation and API design may be less flashy, but they are incredibly common. • That said, for the cases where inheritance fits, it is a fantastic solution. Inheritance Vocabulary • OOP Hierarchy • Superclass / Subclass • Inheritance • Overriding • "isa" -- an instance of a subclass isa instance of the superclass. The subclass is just a refined form of the superclass. A subclass instance has all the properties that instances of the superclass are supposed to have, and it may have some additional properties as well. General vs. Specific • The "super" and "sub" terms can be a little counterintuitive... • Superclass has fewer properties, is less constrained, is more general (confusingly, the word "super" can suggests a class with more properties) • Subclass has more properties, is more constrained, is more specific Grad Subclassing Example • Suppose we have a Student class that encapsulates an int "units" variable, and responds to getUnits(), setUnits(), and getStress(). Stress is a function of units. (Source code for the Student example is below) • Suppose we want to add a Grad class based on the Student class -- Grad students are like students, but with two differences... * yearsOnThesis (yot) -- a grad has a count of the number of years worked on thesis - getStress() is different -- Grads are more stressed. Their stress is (2* the Student stress) + yearsOnThesis • Code Student and Grad is below. (The student example code is also available in the hw directory.) Student/Grad Inheritance Design Diagram • The following is a good sort of diagram to make when thinking about an OOP inheritance design. Plan the division of responsibility between a superclass and subclass. • ('•' = instance variable, '-' = method) 2 Student units -ctor -get/set Units -getStress Grad yearsOnThesis -ctor -get/set YOT -getStress (override) Grad ISA Student • Student is largely defined by the units ivar • Grad is everything that a Student is + the idea of yearsOnThesis (yot) • "isa" relationship with its superclass -- Grad isa Student • Grad has all the properties of its superclass + a few - Grad has a units ivar, like St©udent - Grad responds to get/setUnits and getStress, like Student - Grad has the concept of yot, which is beyond what Student has • (As opposed to a "has-a" relationship, where one object merely holds a pointer to another.) Simple Inheritance Client Code • Student s = new Student(10); • Grad g = new Grad(10, 2); // ctor takes units and yot • s.getStress(); // (100) goes to Student.getStress() • g.getUnits(); // (10) goes to Student.getUnits() -- INHERITANCE • g.getStress(); // (202) goes to Grad.getStress() -- OVERRIDING Object Never Forgets its Class • In Java, no matter what code is being executed, the receiver object never forgets its class. • e.g. in the above g.getUnits() example, the code executing against the receiver is in the Student class, but the receiver knows that it is a Grad. Semantics of "Student s;" • What does a declaration like Student s; mean in the face of inheritance? • NO: "s points to a Student object" • YES: "s points to an object that responds to all the messages that Students respond to" • YES: "s points to a Student, or a subclass of Student" OOP Pointer Substitution • A subclass object can be used in a context that calls for a superclass object • This works because of the ISA property -- Grad ISA Student, so Grad can be used in place of Student • A pointer to a Grad object can be stored in a variable of type Student. - Student s = new Student(10); 5 Does The Right Thing -- DTRT • A message send looks at the true class of the receiver object in the heap at run time and does the message/method resolution using that class. • In CS jargon, we might say that it Does The Right Thing on message send -- DTRT. Inheritance Client Code • Same as before, but storing the Grad in a Student pointer, so the CT and RT type systems diverge, and it all still works... Student s = new Student(10); Grad g = new Grad(10, 2); s = g; // ok s.getStress(); // (202) ok -- goes to Grad.getStress() (overriding) s.getUnits(); // (10) ok -- goes to Student.getUnits (inheritance) s.getYearsOnThesis(); // NO -- does not compile (s is compile time type Student) ((Grad)s).getYearsOnThesis(); // ok, put in downcast // only works if s, in fact, does point to a Grad object at runtime Downcast • We may place a cast in the code to give the compiler more specific type information • In the above example, the compiler knows that the variable s is at least Student, but does not know the stronger (more specific) claim of type Grad. • We could put a (Grad) cast around s at the end of the above example like this... - ((Grad)s).getYearsOnThesis(); - This does not permanently change the s variable, the cast is just a part of that expression • This is known as a "downcast", since it makes the more specific, stronger claim, which is in the down direction in the superclass/subclass diagram • In Java, all casts are checked at run time, and if they are not correct, they throw a ClassCastException. • In C or C++, if a cast turns out at run time to be wrong, horrible random crashing tends to result (The C++ dynamic_cast operator attempts to work around this problem) Compile Time vs Run Time • The compiler works with the compile-time type system, and only allows message sends that are guaranteed to work at runtime. The programmer can put in casts to edit the compile-time types of expressions. • At run-time, the message-method resolution uses the run-time type of the receiver, not the compile-time type -- this is a feature. Some languages use compile-time types for message resolution, but that coding style is very unintuitive. C++ will use either compile-time or run-time information, depending on whether a method is declared "virtual" (run-time) or not. In Java, and most modern languages, "virtual" is the only behavior. Inheritance Syntax and Features Subclass Ctor • In almost all cases, each subclass needs a constructor. • A subclass ctor has two problems... - Construct the part of the object that is inherited, using the superclass ctor (e.g. units) - Construct the part of the object due to the class itself (e.g. yot) • The ctor should take as arguments the data needed for the class itself, and also any arguments needed by the superclass ctor. • On its first line, the subclass ctor can invoke the superclass ctor using the super keyword... 6 public class Grad extends Student { ... public Grad(int units, int yot) { super(units); // invoke the Student ctor yearsOnThesis = yot; // init our own state } ... } • If no super ctor is specified, the default (zero-argument) superclass ctor will be called. Some superclass constructor must be called -- something has to set up those superclass ivars. • Typically, each subclass needs its own ctor complete with all its arguments spelled out. The ctor must be present, even if it just one line that calls the superclass ctor. In this sense, ctors are not inherited -- the subclass has to define its own. this Ctor • One ctor in a class can call another ctor in that class using "this" on the first line. • In the following code, the default ctor calls the 2-argument ctor // two-arg ctor public Grad(int units, int yot) { ... } // default ctor calls the above ctor public Grad() { this(10, 0); } • Java does not have C++ default parameter arguments, but you can get some of the same the effect by having multiple constructors or methods with various arguments that all call over to one implementation. Grad getStress() Override -- Classic Inheritance Moment • The Student class contains a basic getStress(). • For grads, the definition of stress is: it's double the value for regular students + the yearsOnThesis. • To accomplish this, override getStress() in the Grad class. • Important: we do not copy/paste the code from the Student class. We call the Student version using super.getStress() (described below). Grad getStress() Code /* getStress() override Grad stress is 2 * Student stress + yearsOnThesis. */ @Override() public int getStress() { // Use super.getStress() to invoke the Student // version of getStress() instead of copy/pasting that // code down here. The whole point of inheritance // is not duplicating code. int stress = super.getStress(); return(stress*2 + yearsOnThesis); } Method Override • To override a method, a subclass just defines a method with exactly the same prototype -- same name and arguments. With Java 5, you can provide an @Override annotation just before the method, and the compiler will check for you that it matches some superclass method. • If the method differs by name or by its arguments, such as uppercase 'G' GetStress(), or getStress(int arg), overriding does not happen. Instead, we have defined a new method 7 GetStress() or getStress(int arg) that is different from getStress(). The compiler does not provide any warning about this by default (but @Override provides a warning). • If your subclass method is not getting called, double check that the prototype is exactly right, or put in @Override so the compiler checks. super.getStress() • The super keyword is used in methods and ctors to refer to code up in the superclass or higher in the hierarchy. • In the Grad code, the message send super.getStress(); means... - Send the getStress() message - In the message/method resolution, do not use the getStress() method in the Grad class. - Instead, search for a matching method beginning with the superclass, Student. • This syntax is necessary so that an override method, such as getStress(), can still refer to the original version up in the superclass. • Often, an override method is not written from scratch. Instead, it is built on the superclass version. • In C++, a method can be named at compile time by its class, e.g. Student::getStress(), but there is no equivalent in Java. "Super" does the full runtime message-method resolution, just starting the search one class higher. public class Student { protected int units; // Constructor for a new student public Student(int initUnits) { units = initUnits; // NOTE this is example of "Receiver Relative" coding -- // "units" refers to the ivar of the receiver. // OOP code is written relative to an implicitly present receiver. } // Standard accessors for units public int getUnits() { return units; } public void setUnits(int units) { if ((units < 0) || (units > MAX_UNITS)) { return; // Could use a number of strategies here: throw an // exception, print to stderr, return false } this.units = units; // NOTE: "this" trick to allow param and ivar to use same name } /* Stress is units *10. NOTE another example of "Receiver Relative" coding */ public int getStress() { return(units*10); } <rest of code snipped> // /* 10 public boolean isIrate() { return(getStress() >= 100); // POPS DOWN to Grad.getStress() // if the receiver is a Grad } ... } • Question: how does this work if we send the isIrate() message to a Grad object? Student s = new Student(10); Grad g = new Grad(10, 2); s.isIrate(); // false g.isIrate(); // true • Short answer: the code Does The Right Thing. The isIrate() code is up in Student. However, the receiver object knows that it is a Grad, and on the getStress() message send, it correctly pops down to the Grad getStress() override. g.isIrate() Series • Where does the code flow go when sending isIrate() to a Grad object? • 1. Student.isIrate() • 2. Grad.getStress() // pop-down • 3. Student.getStress() // the super.getStress() call in Grad.getStress "Pop-Down" Rule • The receiver object knows its class • The code being executed comes from different classes as the program proceeds • No matter where the code is executing, the receiver knows its class and does message-to-method resolution correctly for each message send. • e.g. Receiver is a subclass (Grad), executing a method up in the superclass (Student), a message send that Grad overrides will "pop-down" to the Grad definition (getStress()). • The logic also applies with an isIrate2(Student s) method that takes a Student argument. We can call isIrate2() passing in a Grad object. Passing in a Grad object for a Student argument works because of the substitution rule. Inheritance / Notification Style • Here is an illustration of how all this inheritance stuff is actually used... • Suppose there is a Car class with go(), stop(), and turn() methods • Suppose there is a driveToWork() method in Car that sends lots of messages to the car over time: go(), stop(), go(), ... • You want to create your own subclass of Car, but that turns differently, it beeps every time it turns, ... class MyCar extends Car { //Override turn()... public void turn() { beep(); super.turn(); } • You make a MyCar object and pass it to the system, which stores a pointer to it in a variable type Car. • The system can call driveToWork(), which calls go(), stop(), etc. and it all works without any change for MyCar. • A turn() message will pop down to use your turn() override, and then pop back up and continue using the standard Car code. 11 Applied Notification Style • Inheritance is frequently used to integrate your code with library code -- subclass off a library class, 90% inherit the standard behavior, and 10% override a few key methods. This is the most common use of inheritance. • This works best if the superclass code is deliberately factored into methods to support overriding. A class written the most obvious way will not just automatically support inheritance well. • e.g. JComponent (the drawable class) -- subclass off JComponent to inherit the ability to fit in on screen, resize, and so on. Override paintComponent() to provide custom drawing of the component. • e.g. Collections -- subclass off AbstractList to inherit addAll(), toString(), .. and lots of other methods. It pops down to use your implementation of the core functions add(), iterator(), ... • e.g. Servlets -- inherit the standard HTTP Servlet behavior and define custom behavior in a few key method overrides. Subclassing vs. Client Coding Strategy • Being a client of a class is fairly easy - Use public ctor and methods -- read the docs which explain how to use them - The implementation of the class handles most of the complexity internally • Writing a subclass off an existing superclass is not like that • Authoring a subclass correctly often requires some understanding of the superclass implementation in order for the subclass to "fit in" correctly with the superclass -- - Which methods should it override precisely? - When are those methods called, what are the pre/post conditions? - What variables make up the object implementation, and how are they maintained? - The subclass may be exposed to some or all of those details -- the relationship is not as clean as with ordinary class/client • Things declared private in the superclass are not exposed to the subclass or to clients • Things declared protected (ivars or methods) are for the use of subclasses (but clients cannot see them) • Things declared public are available to the subclass and to everyone else as well • Ideally, the superclass is designed and documented specifically to identify what a subclass needs to do. Subclass Implementation Themes • The first step in writing a subclass is understanding the superclass • Write the subclass to fit in with the design, naming, and assumptions set out by the superclass • Avoid duplicating code from the superclass -- use inheritance and use to call the code up in the superclass as much as possible. • i.e. avoid copy/paste code from the superclass -- probably you should be calling superclass methods instead. May require the superclass to break its code from one big method into smaller methods, so that subclasses can override just one part of the superclass behavior. Horse/Zebra -- Key Example • With inheritance, we define classes in terms of other classes. This can be a great shortcut if we have a family of classes with common aspects. Suppose you have a hierarchy of all the animals, except the zebra was omitted and you have been asked to add it in. • Wrong: define the zebra from scratch • Right: locate the Horse class. Introduce Zebra as a subclass of Horse - Zebra inherits 90% of its behavior (no coding required) - In the Zebra class, see how Horse works, and then define (override) the few things that are features of Zebras but not Horses • This is the key feature of inheritance -- arrange classes to factor out code duplication
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