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First Order Circuit Analysis: Analyzing Circuits with Energy Storing Elements using ODEs, Slides of Electrical Circuit Analysis

A method for analyzing circuits with energy storing elements using first order circuit analysis and ordinary differential equations (odes). It covers the development of mathematical models for linear circuits with one energy storing element, the separation of variables and integration of the equations, and the effect of time constants on the circuit response. The document also includes examples and explanations of the time constant, large vs small time constants, and the solution for f(t).

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Download First Order Circuit Analysis: Analyzing Circuits with Energy Storing Elements using ODEs and more Slides Electrical Circuit Analysis in PDF only on Docsity! RC & RL 1st Order Ckts C&L Summary e The important (dual) relationships for capacitors and inductors are as follows: di(t) ae) = dt v(t) = - | i(x) dx i(t) = ; i v(x) dx ” do(t) ~‘di(t) P(t) = Co(t)— P(t) = Litt) W(t) = 1/2Cv°(t) W,(t) = 1/2L?(0) * The passive sign convention is used with capacitors and inductors. ¢ In dc steady state a capacitor looks like an open circuit and an inductor looks like a short circuit. e Leakage resistance is present in practical capacitors and inductors. e When capacitors are interconnected, their equivalent capacitance is determined as follows: Capacitors in series combine like resistors in parallel and capacitors in parallel combine like resistors in series. e¢ When inductors are interconnected, their equivalent inductance is determined as follows: Inductors in series combine like resistors in series and inductors in parallel combine like resistors in parallel. Circuits with L’s and/or C’s • Conventional DC Analysis Using Mathematical Models Requires The Determination of (a Set of) Equations That Represent the Circuit Response • Example; In Node Or Loop Analysis Of Resistive Circuits One Represents The Circuit By A Set Of Algebraic Equations The Ckt The DC Math Model Analysis iv  =G Ckt w/ L’s & C’s cont. • When The Circuit Includes Inductors Or Capacitors The Models Become Linear Ordinary Differential Equations (ODEs) • Thus Need ODE Tools In Order To Analyze Circuits With Energy Storing Elements – Recall ODEs from ENGR25 – See Math-4 for More Info on ODEs First Order Circuit Analysis • A Method Based On Thévenin Will Be Developed To Derive Mathematical Models For Any Arbitrary Linear Circuit With One Energy Storing Element • This General Approach Can Be Simplified In Some Special Cases When The Form Of The Solution Can Be Known BeforeHand – Straight-Forward ParaMetric Solution Flash Ckt Transient Response • The Voltage Across the Flash-Ckt Storage Cap as a Function of TIME  Note That the Discharge Time (the Flash) is Much Less Than the Charge-Time General Form of the Response • Including the initial conditions the model equation for the capacitor-voltage or the inductor-current will be shown to be of the form  xp(t) ≡ ANY Solution to the General ODE • Called the “Particular” Solution  xc(t) ≡ The Solution to the General Eqn with f(t) =0 • Called the “Complementary Solution” or the “Natural” (unforced) Response • i.e., xc is the Soln to the “Homogenous” Eqn  This is the General Eqn  Now By Linear Differential Eqn Theorem (SuperPosition) Let ( ) ( ) ( )tftx dt tdx =+τ ( ) ( ) 0=+ tx dt tdxτ 1st Order Response Eqns • Given xp and xc the Total Solution to the ODE ( ) ( ) ( )txtxtx cp +=  Consider the Case Where the Forcing Function is a Constant • f(t) = A  Now Solve the ODE in Two Parts  For the Particular Soln, Notice that a CONSTANT Fits the Eqn: ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 0=+ =+ tx dt tdx Atx dt tdx c c p p τ τ ( ) ( ) 0 so and 1 = = dt tdx Ktx p p Effect of the Time Constant Tangent reaches x-axis in one time constant Decreases 63.2% after One Time Constant time Drops to 1.8% after 4 Time Constants 0183.04 =−e Large vs Small Time Constants • Larger Time Constants Result in Longer Decay Times – The Circuit has a Sluggish Response Quick to Steady-State Time Constant Example • Charging a Cap  Use KCL at node-a  Now let • vC(t = 0 sec) = 0 V • vS(t)= VS (a const)  Rearrange the KCL Eqn For the Homogenous Case where Vs = 0  Thus the Time Constant − +vS RS a b C + vc _ dt dvC C S SC R vv − S S S CC S SCC R v R v dt dvC R vv dt dvC =+ = − + 0 SC C CRv dtdv 1 −= SCR=τ ( ) ( ) ( ) τ τ t c c c eKtx tx dttdx −=⇒−= 2 1 Example • Given the RC Ckt At Right with – Initial Condition (IC): • v(0−) = VS/2 • Find v(t) for t>0 • Looks Like a Single E-Storage Ckt w/ a Constant Forcing Fcn – Assume Solution of Form  Model t>0 using KCL at v(t) after switch is made )0();( 0,)( 211 21 +=+∞= >+= − xKKxK teKKtx t τ 0)()( =+− t dt dvC R Vtv S  Find Time Constant; Put Eqn into Std Form • Multiply ODE by R sVtvtdt dvRC =+ )()( Example cont • Compare Std-Form with Model – Const Force Fcn Model  Note: the SS condition is Often Called the “Final” Condition (FC)  In This Case the FC  Now Use IC to Find K2 1Kxdt dx =+τ • In This Case sVtvtdt dvRC =+ )()(  Next Check Steady- State (SS) Condition • In SS the Time Derivative goes to ZERO s s V K Vtvt = →⇒∞→ 1 :confirms )( Example cont.2 • At t = 0+ – The Model Solution  The Total/General Soln  Recall The IC: v(0−) = VS/2 = v(0+) for a Cap • Then 12 0 21 )0( )0( KvK eKKv −=⇒ += − τ 2 2 )0( 2 2 12 S SS VK VVK KvK −= −= −=       −= − RC t S eVtv 5.01)(  Check ( ) sS VeVv 5.05.01)0( 0 =−=+ − ( ) sS VeVv =−=∞ ∞−5.01)(   ( ) or0,21 >+= − teKKtv t τ Solution Process Summary 1. ReWrite ODE in Standard Form – Yields The Time-Constant, τ 2. Analyze The Steady-State Behavior – Finds The Final Condition Constant, K1 3. Use the Initial Condition – Gives The Exponential PreFactor, K2 4. Check: Is The Solution Consistent With the Extreme Cases – t = 0+ – t → ∞ Solutions for f(t) ≠ Constant 1. Use KVL or KCL to Write the ODE 2. Perform Math Operations to Obtain a CoEfficient of “1” for the “Zeroth” order Term. This yields an Eqn of the form 3. Find a Particular Solution, xp(t) to the FULL ODE above – This depends on f(t), and may require “Educated Guessing” ( ) ) (yieldsττ tfx dt dx =+ Solutions for f(t) ≠ Constant 4. Find the total solution by adding the COMPLEMENTARY Solution, xc(t) to previously determined xp(t). xc(t) takes the form: – The Total Solution at this Point → 5. Use the IC at t=0+ to find K; e.g.; IC = 7 – Where M is just a NUMBER ( ) τtc Ketx −= ( ) ( )txKetx pt += − τ ( ) MKxKe p +=⇒+= − 707 0 τ Cap Exmp cont • Now The IC • If the Switch is Closed for a Long Time before t =0, a STEADY- STATE Condition Exists for NEGATIVE Times  vo(0−) by V-Divider  Recall Reln Between vo and vC for t ≥ 0 Vv VVv O O 3 8)0( 12 9 212 423 2)0( = = ++ = − − VVvv tvtv CC OC 812 9 6)0()0( )(3)( ==−=+ ⇒= Recall: Cap is OPEN to DC Cap Exmp cont • Step-3: Apply The IC  Now have All the Parameters needed To Write The Solution )0,80)( 0,)( 6.0 21 >+= >+= − − tVetv teKKtv s t C t C τ VvK vK vKK C C C 8)0( 0)( and )0( 2 1 21 ==∴ =∞= =+ + +  Note: For f(t)=Const, puttingthe ODE in Std Form yields τ and K1 by Inspection: 0)()( 21 =++ cC vtdt dvCRR 1Kτ  Recall vo = (1/3)vC 0,V 3 8)( 6.0 >     = − tetv s t o Thevenin/Norton Techniques • Obtain The Thevenin Voltage Across The Capacitor, Or The Norton Current Through The Inductor  With This approach can Analyze a SINGLE-LOOP, or SINGLE-NODE Ckt to Find • Time Constant using RTH • Steady-State Final Condition using vTH (if vTH a constant) Circuit with resistances and sources Inductor or Capacitor a b Representation of an arbitrary circuit with one storage element Thévenin − +VTH RTH Inductor or Capacitor a b Find ODE Soln By Thevenin • Recognize the Solution Parameters • For Capacitor – τ = RTHC – K1 (Final Condition) = vTH = vOC = xp • For Inductor – τ = L/RTH – K1 (Final Condition) = vTH/RTH = iSC = iN = xp • In Both Cases Use the vC(0−) or iL(0−) Initial Condition to Find Parameter K2 Inductor Example • The Variable Of Interest Is The Inductor Current • The Thévenin model  Since this Ckt has a CONSTANT Forcing Function (24V), Then The Solution Is Of The Form Ω6 Ω6 Ω6 Ω6 H3 V24 − + )(tiO 0=t 0>t;(t)iFind O TH TH O O TH R vi dt di R L =+ 0;)( 21 >+= − teKKti t O τ  Next Construct the Thévenin Equivalent for the Inductor “Driving Circuit” Inductor Example cont  The f(t)=const ODE in Standard Form [ ]( ) sH R L R v TH TH TH 3.0 10 3 106666 0 = Ω == Ω=++= = τ  The Solution Substituted into the ODE at t = 0+ Ω6 Ω6 Ω6 Ω6V24 − + 0>t Thevenin for t>0 at inductor terminals a b 0;03.0 >=+ ti dt dis OO 0 3.0 3.0 3.0213.02 =      ++      − −− tt eKKeK 0;)( 3.02 >= − teKti t O  From Std Form K1 = 0 • So  From This Ckt Observe First Order Inductor Ciruit Transient Solution 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 -0.2 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 Time (s) C ur re nt (A ) i(t) (A) file = Engr44_Lec_06-1_Last_example_Fall03..xls [ ] 0;333.5)( 3.0 >= − teAti s t O ( ) ( ) ( ) s A s A s A dt di s i dt di s i dt di s i dt dii dt dis t O O t OOO OO O O 78.17 33 1016 103 316 103 0 103 3.0 03.0 0 0 ≈ ⋅ ⋅ ==∴ +− =⇒ − =∴ − =⇒=+ += += WhiteBoard Work • Let’s Work This Problem t=0 24V 2Ω 4Ω 4Ω 8Ω6Ω VC(t) (1/4)H + -  Well, Maybe NEXT time… WhiteBoard Work Differential Eqn Approach cont • Up to Now  Next Use the Initial Condition  So Finally  If we Write the ODE in Proper form We can Determine By Inspection τ and K1 ( ) 012 0 aa t eK a Aty − += 102 021 0 0 21 0 or )0( )0( KyK yKK yeKKy yy −= =+ =+=+ =+ ( ) 01 0 0 0 aa t e a Ay a Aty −       −+= 00 1 01 a Ay dt dy a aAya dt dya =+⇒=+ τ 1K Inductor Example  The Model for t>0 → KVL on single-loop ckt  Rewrite In Std Form L )(1 ti − + Lv S 9 1 =τ  Recognize Time Const 0)()( 18 2 1 1 =+ tit dt di )0();( 0,)( 12111 211 +=+∞= >+= − iKKiK teKKti t τ ( ) 0)(126 11 =++ tidt diL  For The Ckt Shown Find i1(t) for t>0  Assume Solution of the Form Inductor Example cont • Examine Std-Form Eqn to Find K1  For Initial Conditions Need the Inductor Current for t<0  Again Consider DC (Steady-State) Condition for t<0  The SS Ckt Prior to Switching • Recall An Inductor is a SHORT to DC 0 0)()( 9 1 1 1 1 =⇒ =+ K tit dt di )0(1 −i  So AVi 1 12 12)0(1 =Ω =−
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