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Oxford Practice Grammar Advanced Tests, Exams of English Literature

Exercises on English language topics such as sentences and tenses. It includes multiple-choice questions, fill-in-the-blanks, and sentence correction exercises. The exercises are designed to test the reader's understanding of English grammar rules and usage.

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Download Oxford Practice Grammar Advanced Tests and more Exams English Literature in PDF only on Docsity! Chapter 1: Sentences Question 1: Choose the word or phrase that best completes each sentence. 1. He couldn’t rest or sleep because _____________ too much coffee. A. drinking B. been drinking C. had been drinking D. he had been drinking 2. My brother, together with his friends, always ____________ rounds collecting wood for bonfire night. A. go B. goes C. going D. gone 3. Some of the girls in my group are surprised that I don’t wear make-up, but I don’t ___________. A. wear B. care C. do D. like 4. The team all wanted coffee so I made ____________ . A. it them B. some it C. some them D. them some 5. The director told us that there had been financial problems earlier in the year. A. concluded B. offered C. revealed D. told Question 2: Identify the one underlined expression (A, B, C or D) that must be changed in order to correct the sentence. Question 3: Complete this text with appropriate forms of the verbs. Add the other words in the appropriate places. begin catch give include sneeze fever in November it the flu Chapter 2: Tenses Question 1: Choose the word or phrase that best completes each sentence. 1. I think Mr Wilson ___________, in this school since 2005 or maybe earlier. A. teaches B. is teaching C. has taught D. taught 2. Istopped watching the game before the end, but I thought we. A. had won B. have won C. have been winning D. will have won 3. That's very sad news.If _______________ sooner, I would have tried to help. A. I know B. I'll know C. I knew D. I'd known 4. My sister ______________ me once or twice since she's been living in Athens. A. was messaging B. has messaged C. has been messaging D. had messaged 5. According to the memo, we're _____________ the meeting at noon tomorrow. A. having B. have C. going have D. will have Question 2: Identify the one underlined expression (A, B, C or D) that must be changed in order to correct the sentence. Question 3: Complete this text by choosing only one of the verbs from each pair for each space. had decided was walking hadn’t changed thinking decide walk wasn’t changing thought were looking whispered saw wasn’t wearing are looking was whispering see didn’t wear I had a very embarrassing moment last Monday. I 1. _________________________ to school and 2. _____________________________ about the weekend when I noticed that people 3. _____________________________ at me in a strange way. I couldn’t understand it, and just when I 4. _____________________________ I was imagining things, I 5. _____________________________ my best friend. ‘Look down!’ he 6. _____________________________ to me. Then I understood. I 7. _____________________________ any shoes. I 8 out of my fluffy slippers. Question 4: Complete each sentence in such a way that it is as similar as possible in meaning to the sentence above it. 1. We are spending £300 on repairs before we sell the car. By the time we sell the car, we ____________________________________ 2. I never had to think about my health before this. This is the first _______________________________________________ 3. Juliet started working here about six years ago. Juliet has ____________________________________________________ 4. I didn’t think it would be good, but it’s really bad. It’s even worse ________________________________________________ 5. I haven’t talked to my parents since Christmas. It was Christmas when __________________________________________ Question 2: Identify the one underlined expression (A, B, C or D) that must be changed in order to correct the sentence. Question 3: Combine one modal and one verb phrase to fill each space in this text. can may not must will won’t be charged be paid be used be familiar be required Note: Credit cards are used instead of cash, interest is charged and part payment is allowed. Charge cards are used instead of cash, but no interest is charged and full payment is required. As a new customer of the bank, you 1. ____________________ with the difference between a charge card and a credit card. Both cards 2. ____________________ instead of cash in most places to pay for goods and services. Later, when you receive your charge card bill, the total 3. ____________________ in full every time. However, when you receive your monthly credit card bill, you 4. _________________ to pay the total amount. If you choose to pay only part of the bill, you 5. ____________________ interest on the amount not paid. Question 4: Complete each sentence in such a way that it is as similar as possible in meaning to the sentence above it. 1. Students may not park here. Students are _________________________________________________ 2. It’s possible that his trip was cancelled at the last minute. His trip may __________________________________________________ 3. She had to get up at five o’clock every morning and she didn’t enjoy it. She didn’t enjoy _______________________________________________ 4. It was impossible for him to have committed the crime, according to the report. He _________________________________________________________ 5. It was a bad idea to put this shirt in the washing machine. This shirt ____________________________________________________ Question 5: Complete this text with these words. be able to couldn’t might was able to would (×2) be willing to had to should was going to ‘Hello! Mr Appleton!’ The voice was some distance behind him. He stopped raking the leaves and turned to see two women struggling up the driveway towards him. They were wearing identical white T-shirts which had MADD in large black letters across the front. He had a sudden strange thought that they 1. ______________________ be crazy people who 2. _______________________ spell. But they didn’t look crazy. As they came closer, he 3. ________________________ make out smaller letters under each of the big letters, spelling out the words ‘Mothers Against Drunk Driving’. ‘I’m so glad we found you. I’m Nettie Albright and this is Agnes Miller.’ He shook their outstretched hands. Agnes was wearing thin gloves. ‘We talked to your wife this morning and she’s the one who told us we 4. ______________________. 5. ________________________ find you here. She said she hadn’t really witnessed the accident, but you had. We were hoping you Question 2: Identify the one underlined expression (A, B, C or D) that must be changed in order to correct these sentences. Question 3: Fill in the missing words in this dialogue. A: ‘Isn’t window-shopping fun? Look at these lovely vases. 1. ___________________ they beautiful?’ B: ‘They’re okay.’ A: ‘Let’s buy one!’ B: ‘With 2. _______________________ ?’ A: ‘Oh, come on, just one.’ B: ‘No, I don’t think so. They’re 3. ______________________ nicer than the ones we already have at home.’ A: ‘Oh, you’re such a spoilsport!’ B: ‘No, 4. ____________________. I’m simply trying to avoid spending money that we haven’t got!’ A: ‘5. _________________________ we buy anything at all?’ B: ‘No. But you can enjoy looking. That, after all, is what window-shopping means.’ Question 4: Complete each sentence in such a way that it is as similar as possible in meaning to the sentence above it. 1. The room wasn’t only cold, it was also very damp. Not ________________________________________________________. 2. Your sister said she gave the money to someone. Who _______________________________________________________? 3. Andreas thinks that something has been stolen. What ______________________________________________________? 4. She suggested that I take the train instead of driving. She said, ‘Why ______________________________________________?’ 5. ‘What’s his name and where does he live?’ They asked me ________________________________________________. Question 5: Complete the text and questions with these words. Then answer the questions. did how never no nothing what where which who why Your parents have sent you a ticket to fly to New York where they are planning to celebrate their wedding anniversary. 1. _______________ much is happening at work, you’ve 2. _______________ been to New York and you’ve had 3. _______________ holiday trips for more than a year, so you’ve quickly packed a couple of large suitcases and headed to the airport. You are now sitting on board flight YZ-23, non-stop from London to New York, waiting to take off. The flight attendant hands you a questionnaire. You decide to complete it. 4. _______________ is your flight number? __________ 5. _______________ are you taking this flight? Business or Leisure 6. _______________ paid for your flight? Myself or Somebody else 7. _______________ you check in bags for this flight? __________ 8. At _______________ airport did you board this flight? __________ 9. _______________ will you leave this flight? __________ 10. _______________ many flights have you made in the __________ last 12 months? A hangover is the unpleasant physical feeling which 1._______________ the day after drinking too much alcohol. The expression ‘a hair of the dog that bit you’ refers to another drink of alcohol that you might have to help you recover from a hangover. In the past, it 2._______________ that, if you 3._______________ a mad dog, you 4._______________ placing a hair from that dog on the wound. This treatment 5._______________ widely doctors up to the middle of the 18th century, but it 6._______________ no longer effective. The same 7._______________ about trying to use more alcohol as a cure for a hangover. Question 4: Complete each sentence in such a way that it is as similar as possible in meaning to the sentence above it. 1. ‘They didn’t build Rome in a day.’ There’s a saying that Rome _______________________________________. 2. They have collected the tests and checked the answers. The tests ___________________________________________________. 3. A bee sting is more likely to cause death these days than a snake bite. Death ______________________________________________________. 4. It was reported that there were serious problems with the new design. There ______________________________________________________. 5. No one gave us instructions or showed us what to do. We ________________________________________________________. Question 5: Choose one verb phrase from each pair to fill each space in the text. a. are feeding c. are being caused e. being hit g. brought b. are being fed d. have caused f. having hit h. was brought i. died k. frightened m. have driven o. to take j. was died l. was frightened n. have been driven p. to be taken Thailand has a problem with unemployed elephants which 1.___________________ on to the streets by the country’s economic crisis and a loss of traditional employment. Many of them 2.___________________ by tourists who like 3.________________ photographs of them. Major traffic problems 4.___________________ by homeless elephants wandering the streets. Traffic 5.___________________ to a standstill one day by a raging bull elephant which 6.___________________ by the sounds of motorcycles and cars. Another elephant 7.___________________ after 8 by a car in Bangkok last month. Chapter 6: Articles and nouns Question 1: Choose the word or phrase that best completes each sentence. 1. A demonstration is an act of showing by giving proof or evidence. A. a B. an C. the D. – 2. What’s in this book? Look at the page. A. content B. contents C. content’s D. contents’ 3. Dessert is any sweet food eaten at end of a meal. A. a B. an C. the D. – 4. She worked here for a while then afternoon she just quit and left. A. an B. one C. the D. – 5. The police have a new in their search for the bank robbers. A. assistance B. clue C. progress D. information The Earthguard Institute has issued a report warning of the threat of environmental disaster by 1.________________________ unless we do something soon. 2.________________________ facing us requires action now,’ said Dennis Sims, one of 3.________________________. 4.________________________ is a watchdog group that regularly issues reports on 5.________________________ and its people. According to 6.________________________, rising temperatures, falling water supplies and shrinking forests are problems that will only get worse as 7.________________________ increases to 9 billion by 2050. ‘People’s optimism about the future is blinding them to the potential for worldwide disaster,’ Sims warned. ‘We must try to reduce global warming by replacing coal and oil with renewable energy sources such as wind and solar power. If we continue 8.________________________, our grandchildren will inherit a wasteland. Chapter 7: Determiners and quantifiers Choose the word or phrase which best completes each sentence. 1. When Mary said to the dog, ‘Stop wagging your tail’, tail started wagging faster. A. your B. hers C. its D. their 2. The new job provided money for expensive toys, but not very time to play with them. A. little B. few C. much D. a lot 3. They said on the news that of Scotland was covered in snow. A. each B. half C. whole D. any 4. Cars were parked on side of the street. A. all B. both C. each D. every 5. She liked to say that she was just one of his happy customers. A. all B. lots of C. many D. some Question 2: Identify the one underlined expression (A, B, C or D) that must be changed in order to correct the sentence. Question 3: Choose the best word from each pair to complete this text. all / both any / some many / a lot of a few / a little either / neither that / the When we were young, my sister and I spent 1.________________ time together on our own. Our parents 2.________________ worked and they always seemed to be busy with 3.________________ big project. One of them was usually there when we came home from school, but sometimes 4.________________ of them Chapter 8: Pronouns, substitution and ellipsis Question 1: Choose the word or phrase that best completes each sentence. 1. a phone in here? A. Is B. Is it C. Is it’s D. Is there 2. Billy’s shoes look really dirty. Didn’t he bring clean ? A. one B. ones C. any D. some 3. You can’t carry all those boxes. I’ll get someone else to for you. A. do B. do it C. do so D. do these 4. He came with his parents and two friends of . A. them B. their C. theirs D. themselves 5. I asked Megan earlier if she thought it would rain and she said, ‘I .’ A. hope B. hope it C. hope not D. don’t hope so Question 2: Identify the one underlined expression (A, B, C or D) that must be changed in order to correct the sentence. Question 3: Complete this text by writing two of these words in each space. do (×2) else it myself someone something them I’m not sure exactly why I became a regular blood donor. Perhaps it was because a few years ago I started feeling a need to do something positive instead of just feeling helpless in a world full of disasters. It’s sort of the same feeling I would have if I saw someone drowning. It wouldn’t make any difference whether I knew them or not. I would have to 1._________________ to help. If I didn’t think I could save 2._________________ , I would try to find 3._________________ who could 4._________________. It’s the same thing for me when I give blood or when I can get other people to come with me and give blood. It’s just a good thing to do Question 4: Complete each sentence in such a way that it is as similar as possible in meaning to the sentence above it. 1. Having wealthy parents should have been useful, but they didn’t actually support her. It _________________________________________________________. 2. He doesn’t like her and she doesn’t like him. They _______________________________________________________. 3. Someone will be at the airport to meet you, I’m sure. I’m sure there ________________________________________________. 4. To go swimming out in the ocean by yourself would not be a good idea. It _________________________________________________________. 5. Thousands of people were said to be affected by the rail strike. There ______________________________________________________. Question 2: Identify the one underlined expression (A, B, C or D) that must be changed in order to correct the sentence. Question 3: Add one pair of adjectives/adverbs to each sentence in this text. already / never black / round easier / eventually further / just longer / reading short / suddenly 1. I know I’m ___________________ in my 40s, but I ___________________ imagined that I would need glasses. 2. I ___________________ kept trying to read the newspaper by holding it ___________________ away. 3. I really had to decide whether to get ___________________ arms or a pair of ___________________ glasses. 4. ___________________ , I chose the ___________________ solution. 5. ___________________ , with my new glasses, those ___________________ wiggly lines at the top of the page turned into words. 6. And the ___________________ spots that seemed to dance on the floor became ants. Question 4: Complete each sentence in such a way that it is as similar as possible in meaning to the sentence above it. 1. We all thought they organized the event well and we were all excited by it. Everyone thought the event ______________________________________. 2. You will get there quicker if you leave here earlier. The earlier __________________________________________________. 3. Mark is a good cook, but David is a better cook. Mark is not as ________________________________________________. 4. Do you have any scarves? I’m looking for one that’s woollen, green and fairly long. I’m looking for a scarf __________________________________________. Question 5: Choose the most appropriate word from each pair for each space. acute / acutely colour / coloured far / further just / only pleased / pleasing certain / certainly early / earlier Japan / Japanese now / yet young / youngest One evening in the spring of 1936, when I was a boy of 14, my father took me to a dance performance in Kyoto. I remember only two things about it. The first is that he and I were the 1.________________ Westerners in the audience; we had come from our home in the Netherlands only a few weeks 2.________________ , so I had not 3.________________ adjusted to the cultural isolation and still felt it 4.________________ . The second is how 5.________________ I was, after months of intensive study of the Japanese language, to find that I could now understand fragments of the conversations I overheard. As for the 6.________________ 7.________________ women dancing on the stage before me, I remember nothing of them except a vague impression of brightly 8.________________ kimono. I 9.________________ had no way of knowing that in a time and place as 10.________________ away as New York City nearly 50 years in the future, one among them would become my good friend and would dictate her extraordinary memoirs to me. countries? Is this a bad thing? It may actually mean that some poor people who have been 5._______________ work 6._______________ a long time can start to have a better life and other people will have to work a bit harder to maintain their comfortable lifestyle. Question 4: Complete each sentence in such a way that it is as similar as possible in meaning to the sentence above it. 1. This building will be closed for renovation from the beginning to the end of August. During ______________________________________________________. 2. What else did you do in addition to shopping when you were in Rome? Besides _____________________________________________________. 3. Haven’t you eaten anything else today besides the apple I gave you earlier? Apart ______________________________________________________. 4. We won’t be able to do much unless we get more financial support. Without ____________________________________________________. Question 5: Complete this text using these prepositions. across along at by into of past towards under with Whenever I see a newspaper lying on the ground beside a door, I think of Jacob. A few years ago, Jacob had to travel to a meeting and his flight was delayed for several hours because of bad weather. 1.______________ the time he got to his hotel it was 2.______________ midnight. Once in his room, he felt really tired so he just undressed and got into bed. 3.______________ some point during the night, he had to get up and go to the bathroom. He wasn’t really awake and it was very dark, but he could see a light 4.______________ the bathroom door, so he walked 5.__________ the light. He opened the bathroom door and went in. The bright light blinded him for a moment. As the door closed behind him, he vaguely wondered why there was a doormat on the bathroom floor. Facing him was another door 6.______________ a number on it. It was number 325. That was strange. Then he realized he wasn’t in the bathroom. He was in the corridor. He turned to go back 7.______________ his room, but the door was locked. And he was naked. He heard voices coming from the far end of the corridor. What was he going to do? Then he noticed a newspaper on the floor beside the door 8.______________ number 325. He quickly grabbed the newspaper and held it in front of him as a man and a woman in dark uniforms came 9.______________ the corridor towards him. The man said, ‘Good morning, sir. Having a bit of trouble?’ They were security guards. Jacob explained his embarrassing situation and they unlocked the door for him. He thanked them as if they had just saved his life. After they left, he opened his door, made sure it wouldn’t close again, stepped 10.______________ the corridor and put the newspaper back on the floor outside number 325. Someone else might need that newspaper. Chapter 11: Infinitives and gerunds Question 1: Choose the word or phrase that best completes each sentence. 1. You know they don’t allow _______________ in here. A. eat and drink B. you eat and drink C. to eat and drink D. eating and drinking 2. He never doing that. A. agreed B. concentrated C. mentioned D. persuaded 3. Flights kept because of bad weather. A. delaying B. being delayed C. having delayed D. having been delayed 4. In my dream, Brad Pitt offered me a ride on his motorbike and I told him I’d rather . A. walk B. walking C. walked D. to walk 5. Mrs Jacobson reminded us of the importance our passports in a safe place. A. keep B. keeping C. to keep D. of keeping Question 5: Add one of these verbs as an infinitive or gerund in each space in this text. go look put start regain do keep lose stop try If it’s so hard to lose weight, why do people keep 1._______________ ? Because they want 2._______________ better is the usual answer. The problem is that going on a diet is likely 3._______________ more harm than good, according to health experts. There is a strong tendency 4._______________ all the weight lost within one year of 5._______________ the diet. Only three per cent of those who take off weight have been found 6._______________ it off for at least three years. Moreover, the ‘yo-yo’ pattern of 7._______________ a diet, 8._______________ some weight and then 9._______________ it back on may be more harmful to an individual than not 10._______________ on a diet in the first place. Chapter 12: Reporting Question 1: Choose the word or phrase that best completes each sentence. 1. They recommended that the windows opened. A. had to B. not be C. ought not to D. should not 2. He to take part. A. advised not them B. invited not them C. offered them not D. ordered them not 3. She that she liked cold coffee. A. described B. replied C. spoke D. talked 4. The teachers were talking about a trip to see castles and the students were wondering . A. why to go. B. where they go? C. when it was. D. what were they? 5. Her father that Ellen had been to Prague before. A. mentioned B. persuaded C. reminded D. told Question 2: Identify the one underlined expression (A, B, C or D) that must be changed in order to correct the sentence. Question 3: Complete this text with appropriate forms of the verbs. ask explain point out reply not say not speak talk tell In her best-selling book You Just Don’t Understand, Deborah Tannen recalled a joke that her father liked to 1._______________ people. In the joke, a woman went to court to get a divorce from her husband. When the judge 2._______________ her Chapter 13: Noun clauses Question 1: Choose the word or phrase that best completes each sentence. 1. Can you understand _________________? A. she is saying B. what is saying C. what she is saying D. what is she saying 2. _____________________ you wait or come back later is up to you. A. If B. That C. When D. Whether 3. They will recommend that she soon. A. leave B. is leaving C. left D. will leave 4. Elizabeth explained during the meeting that it was a of what should have priority. A. belief B. fact C. possibility D. question 5. The regulations that a lawyer always be present during any interrogations. A. assure B. require C. seem D. state Question 2: Identify the one underlined expression (A, B, C or D) that must be changed to correct the sentence. Question 3: In the original version of this paragraph there were six conjunctions (five thats and one how) introducing noun clauses. One example is shown. Add the others in appropriate places. we take it for granted categories have clear boundaries, and all members of a given category must have something in common. If we consider the purpose of categorization, we see it is not surprising we hold such a view. Question 4: Complete each sentence with a noun clause in such a way that it is as similar as possible in meaning to the sentence(s) above it. 1. His parents weren’t English. He didn’t conceal it. He _________________________________________________________. 2. Why anyone would want to jump out of a plane and put their trust in a parachute has always been a big mystery to me. It _________________________________________________________. 3. We expected that no one would be there. Our ________________________________________________________. 4. Her comments had upset Mark’s mother. Bridget was sorry about that. Bridget _____________________________________________________. 5. These apples don’t look very nice, but they’re delicious. Despite _____________________________________________________. Chapter 14: Relative clauses Question 1: Choose the word or phrase that best completes each sentence. 1. The house I grew up has been demolished and replaced by an office building. A. in B. in it C. in that D. in which 2. Fieldwork is practical work outside the school or office. A. doing B. done C. which do D. that does 3. A letterbox is a narrow opening in a door through mail is delivered. A. it B. that C. which D. where 4. I didn’t recognize the man who she was talking to . A. him B. her C. his wife D. – 5. Could you ask those outside to make less noise? A. wait B. waiting C. waited D. to wait Question 2: Identify the one underlined expression (A, B, C or D) that must be changed in order to correct the sentence. Question 3: Complete this text. Use appropriate words to begin the relative clauses. Genetic engineers, 1.____________________ success stories include crops 2.____________________ will grow in areas 3.____________________ they have never grown before, have produced their first genetically engineered insect. 4.____________________ is being called the ‘biotech moth’ is a modified version of a small moth known to attack and destroy cotton plants. This new version will be sterile, so it will produce no offspring. The Department of Agriculture is planning an experiment in 5.____________________ some 3,600 of these biotech moths will be set free under large screened cages in a cotton field. The goal is to have a moth-free field in one generation. Question 4: Complete each of the sentences using a relative clause so that it is as similar as possible in meaning to the sentence above it. 1. Betty is derived from the name Elizabeth. Elizabeth is the name ___________________________________________. 2. Her parents were born in India. India is _____________________________________________________. 3. I liked Hemingway’s short stories best. Hemingway is the author ________________________________________. 4. Her parents will never like me, no matter what I do. Whatever ___________________________________________________. 5. He talked about humanism during the first lecture. I was at the first lecture, _______________________________________. Question 2: Identify the one underlined expression (A, B, C or D) that must be changed in order to correct the sentence. Question 3: Complete this article, tips on how to learn a language, with one suitable word in each space. Spend some time in a country where people speak the language. For example, 1.________________ you go to Paris, you 2.________________ learn French more quickly than if you 3.________________ classes at home. But it’s better to go alone. If you 4.________________ with your friends in a group, you’re more likely to speak your native language with them. Try to find a job. If you 5.________________ in a restaurant in Salamanca, you 6.________________ have to speak Spanish to the customers all day. You could also think about who you live with. Imagine how fantastic your Spanish would be by the time you went home if you 7.________________ with Spanish people! Question 4: Complete each of the sentences in such a way that it is as similar as possible in meaning to the sentence above it. 1. The party is not likely to happen because no one is willing to help. Unless ______________________________________________________. 2. She didn’t escape injury; she wasn’t wearing a crash helmet. If only ______________________________________________________. 3. I still loved her despite the fact that she could be very difficult. Even though __________________________________________________. 4. We’re leaving tomorrow if you like the idea or if you don’t like the idea. Whether ____________________________________________________. 5. I arrived late; the traffic was so bad. I’m sorry, but if_______________________________________________. Question 5: Complete this text with the following clauses. whether you’re getting an error message if your queue gets bogged down if you have received no error messages if you are still having a problem even if your printer is an older model if any print jobs are on hold if any print jobs are on hold if your printer won’t print if it’s a wireless model if necessary Printers are great when they do their job quietly and efficiently, but 1.______________________________________________, it can be a very frustrating experience. What should you do 2.______________________________________________ ? 3.______________________________________________ or your printer simply won’t respond, you should take a deep breath and follow these basic steps. First, 4.______________________________________________, check to be sure that the printer is still connected via USB or, 5.______________________________________________, that you are connected to the right network. Check the print queue to find out 6.______________________________________________. 7.______________________________________________, it can cause the printer to grind to a halt. 8.______________________________________________, you should still be able to print from a mobile device. 9.______________________________________________, go to the troubleshooting section in the User Manual, or, 10 , contact Technical Support. 4.____________________ taking down details of a serious legal matter, they will often contact a barrister 5.____________________ represent you in court. 6.____________________ you may have seen in films or on TV, barristers wear white curly wigs and black robes in court. Question 4: Complete each sentence in such a way that it is as similar as possible in meaning to the sentence above it. 1. It was late and I was exhausted, so I went straight to bed. Because _____________________________________________________. 2. There will have to be a change in his attitude or he won’t continue to work here. In order for _________________________________________________. 3. From the way he talked, I thought he owned the restaurant. He talked ___________________________________________________. 4. Finish your homework, then you can go out. You can’t ____________________________________________________. 5. I know he’s your friend, but he can’t sleep here. Even _______________________________________________________. 6. We left half an hour earlier than necessary because we didn’t want to be late. So as _______________________________________________________. Question 5: Choose one word or phrase from each pair to complete the text. although as easy as as if just as much despite so that though and so so easy if just as as much as despite the fact whereas even 1._________________ a lot has been written and said about class differences in British society, they no longer mean 2._________________ they used to. Traditionally, the upper classes were wealthy and powerful 3._________________ the lower or working classes were poor. Nowadays, some of the upper classes may still seem to behave and speak 4._________________ their social status continues to be 5._________________ it was for their aristocratic ancestors, but it is no longer based on exclusive wealth and power. Maintaining large houses with lots of servants is not 6._________________ it used to be and, strange 7._________________ it may seem, some new owners of those large British country houses in fact come from halfway across the world. 8._________________ that their parents may have been middle or working class, many of today’s wealthy Britons achieved success based on education and enterprise, not birth and inheritance. Chapter 17: Connectors and focus structures Question 1: Choose the word or phrase that best completes these sentences. 1. These plants usually flower in spring, ______________ won’t if there is frost. A. but B. however C. nevertheless D. otherwise 2. I enjoyed reading the story. It was rather sad, ______________. A. also B. but C. so D. though 3. Jasmine is working as a dental assistant. What she does is _________ people’s teeth. A. clean B. cleans C. cleaning D. to clean 4. Tickets are required for admission. ___________, those who don’t have a ticket won’t get in. A. Consequently B. Rather C. Similarly D. Subsequently 5. Desert flowers can be invisible for years _______________ appear suddenly after heavy rain. A. actually, but B. alternatively or C. consequently and D. nevertheless, so 7. He went to the party by himself. What he ____________________________________________________. 8. Rose is hoping to travel across Canada by train. What ______________________________________________________. Question 5: Complete this paragraph using only one word or phrase from each pair. afterwards as result of in contrast similarly next the result is in particular it's the same that in the beginning what that is to begin with why 1._______________________ I’d like to do today is introduce some important terms that you will become familiar with during this class. 2._______________________, there is the term ‘greenhouse effect’. A greenhouse is a building with glass sides and a glass roof which trap heat from the sun and hold it inside the building. 3._______________________, the polluted atmosphere surrounding the earth is now trapping and holding the heat of the sun, causing temperatures to rise. 4._______________________, the polluted atmosphere is having the same kind of effect as a greenhouse. 5._______________________, there is the term ‘greenhouse gases’. These are the gases which are polluting the atmosphere. 6._______________________, one gas called carbon dioxide, which is produced when things like coal and oil are burned, accumulates in the atmosphere and is a direct cause of the greenhouse effect. 7._______________________ the greenhouse effect, we are now experiencing a phenomenon known as ‘global warming’, which is a more general term for increased world temperatures. Exit Test There are four spaces in each of the following paragraphs. Choose the best answer (a, b, c or d) for each space. Question 1: After police arrested a man for breaking into a supermarket, they discovered that the thief was actually a teenage girl dressed as a man. Although they informed 1.______________ she didn’t have to 2.______________ them anything, the girl confessed 3.______________ she had done it 4.______________ her family because they had no money and they were hungry. 1. a) her that b) that c) that her d) to her that 2. a) admit b) explain c) report d) tell 3. a) that b) that to them c) them that d) them to that 4. a) by b) for c) that d) to Question 2: It was 1.______________ late and I was beginning to 2.______________ tired, so I asked Rachel to finish her drawing and tidy up. She held the drawing up for me to see. It 3.______________ a big black dog that 4._____________ sitting at a table. 1. a) becoming b) being c) getting d) going 2. a) feel b) feel as c) feel it d) feel to be 3. a) looked b) looked as c) looked for d) looked like 4. a) seemed b) seemed like c) seemed to be d) seemed was Question 7: Paul and Jack meet in the corridor as Jack is locking his office door. Paul: Oh, hello. I 1.______________ put this report in your in tray, but perhaps you’d rather take it now. Jack: Oh, thanks. Actually, I 2.______________ have lunch right now, but if you put it in my in tray, I 3.______________ it as soon as I 4.______________ back. 1. a) ‘ll b) ‘m going to c) shall d) was going to 2. a) ‘ll b) ‘m going to c) shall d) would 3. a) ‘ll be reading b) ‘ll have read c) ‘ll read d) read 4. a) get b) ‘ll be getting c) ‘ll get d) ‘ll have got Question 8: I’m not sure where Karen is. She 1.______________ have been waiting outside her house this morning so that we 2.______________ give her a lift to work, but she wasn’t there. Of course, she might 3.______________ sleeping and didn’t hear us. If she had decided to take the bus, she 4.______________arrived by now. I hope she isn’t sick. 1. a) may b) must c) ought d) should 2. a) can b) can be c) could d) could have 3. a) be b) been c) have d) have been 4. a) will be b) will have c) would be d) would have Question 9: Don’t you hate it when people say things like ‘Let’s be careful, 1.______________ we?’? It always sounds to me as if two of us 2.______________ to do something together, but in fact the other person 3.______________ doing anything. 4.______________ prefer it if they just said, ‘You should be careful’, because that’s what they really mean. 1. a) will b) would c) shall d) should 2. a) are going b) will c) will be d) would 3. a) won’t b) won’t be c) won’t have d) won’t to 4. a) I’d b) I’ll c) I’m d) I’ve Question 10: The best summer holiday I 1.______________ was when I was ten and I went to stay with my grandparents for a few weeks. At that time they were living in the country and 2.______________ still go for long walks through the woods. I 3.______________ to climb trees and run around with their dog. I 4.______________ go near the lake by myself, but my grandfather sometimes took me fishing there. 1. a) am remembering b) can remember c) must remember d) was remembering 2. a) can b) could c) may d) might 3. a) could b) could be c) could have d) was able 4. a) can’t b) may not c) might not d) wasn’t allowed to Question 11: Tommy, 1.______________ better slow down and wait for the rest of us. I’m sure we have lots of time, so we 2.______________ to run. We don’t 3.______________ stop and buy tickets and there are still lots of people on the platform, so the train 4.______________ come yet. 1. a) you’d b) you’ll c) you’re d) you’ve 2. a) aren’t need b) don’t need c) needn’t d) needn’t have 3. a) have to b) have got to c) must d) must have to 4. a) can’t b) can’t be c) can’t have d) couldn’t Question 12: Joe has just returned to the school computer room where Sam is working. Joe: Who 1.______________ been using my computer? Sam: I have 2.______________ idea. But these computers are for any student who wants to use them, 3.______________ ? Joe: Of course. But 4.______________ you see me doing my work on that one before lunch? I hope I remembered to save it. 1. a) has b) has he c) have d) have they 2. a) no b) no longer c) not d) not an 3. a) aren’t they b) can’t it c) don’t they d) isn’t it 4. a) aren’t b) didn’t c) don’t d) haven’t Question 18: Last year we had 1.______________ more rain in the early spring and it made 2.______________ in the garden grow better. We probably had three or four 3.______________ strawberries as we’re getting this year. I checked the strawberries in the garden this morning, but there 4.______________ that were ripe. 1. a) a large number of b) a lot of c) many d) much 2. a) all b)each c) every d) everything 3. a) time as many b) time as much c) times as many d) times as much 4. a) was only a little b) was only little c) were only a few d) were only few Question 19: I was sitting at my desk when there was a loud crash as something came flying through the window. At first I thought it was a rock, but then I realized it was a cricket ball. I picked up the ball and put it on the desk beside 1.______________. Two young boys appeared outside the broken window. They said they were sorry, but then they started arguing, with each blaming 2.______________ for causing the accident. Then suddenly one of them asked if 3.______________ could have the ball back. I said, ‘I don’t think 4.______________. Not until you pay for this broken window.’ They looked at me, then at each other, and then they both started running. 1. a) me b) mine c) my d) myself 2. a) another b) one other c) other d) the other 3. a) it b) then c) they d) – 4. a) it b) so c) that d) – Question 20: Although they were described as the 1.______________ designs in many years, there isn’t 2.______________ about the latest line of shoes from Santorelli. As one of the most famous designers 3.______________ Italy, Salvatore Santorelli is expected to do 4.______________ simply repeat the previous year’s successful formula of ‘smart casual’ sandals. 1. a) first Italian new b) first new Italian c) new first Italian d) Italian first new 2. a) anything new very b) anything very new c) new anything very d) very new anything 3. a) by b) in c) of d) to 4. a) as much as b) more than c) the best d) the most Question 21: I remember when we stayed 1.______________ New York 2.______________ a few days 3.______________last summer. It was really hot, even 4.______________ night, and I just felt miserable. 1. a) at b) in c) into d) – 2. a) by b) during c) for d) in 3. a) at b) on c) in d) – 4. a) at b) by c) during d) in Question 22: When we were students, my friends and I rented a cabin 1.______________ the mountains so that we could go hiking. It only cost us £55 for the whole week, not 2.______________ food, of course. One day, my friend Daniel got tired and stopped to rest, saying he’d catch 3.______________ later, but when he still hadn’t returned to the cabin 4.______________ late afternoon, we started getting worried. Luckily, he met some men who lived in the area and they brought him back to the cabin before it got dark. 1. a) above b) in c) on d) over 2. a) include b) included c) includes d) including 3. a) up us b) up with us c) us up d) with us up 4. a) by b) during c) in d) since Question 23: When I visit big cities like Paris, I usually avoid 1.______________ to the most famous places because I really hate crowds. But it was no use 2.______________ that to my friend Tatjana because she was really eager 3.______________ the Mona Lisa in the Louvre and she refused 4.______________ outside while she went in. 1. a) go b) going c) gone d) to go 2. a) trying explain b) trying to explain c) to try explaining d) to try to explain 3. a) for see b) to see c) in seeing d) seeing 4. a) letting me to wait b) letting me wait c) to let me to wait d) to let me wait Question 28: The term ‘organic’ can only be used to describe food 1.______________ in situations 2.______________ no artificial chemicals have been used. Anyone 3.______________ fertilizer 4.______________ containing chemicals to make tomatoes grow bigger, for example, is certainly not growing them organically. 1. a) grown b) that growing c) where growing d) which grown 2. a) how b) that c) where d) which 3. a) use b) used c) uses d) using 4. a) what b) when c) which d) – Question 29: 1.______________ their hair wasn’t actually very long, rock groups such as the Beatles and the Rolling Stones were often criticized as ‘long-haired’ or ‘needing haircuts’ when they first became popular during the early 1960s. At that time men were sometimes considered effeminate if they 2.______________long hair. The opposite was true for men who grew a beard 3.______________ , of course, it was allowed to grow too long. Beards grow faster than hair and need more care. In fact, if the average man never trimmed his beard, it 4.______________ to nearly ten metres in his lifetime. Now, that’s a lot of hair! 1. a) Even though b) If only c) Unless d) Whether 2. a) had b) have c) will have d) would have 3. a) if b) if not c) only if d) unless 4. a) grew b) has grown c) will grow d) would grow Question 30: I’m still waiting to find out if I passed the entrance exam. Perhaps I’ll get the news later today when I 1.______________ to school. I promise I 2.______________ you as soon as I get the news. It’s three weeks 3.______________ I took the exam, but my teacher warned me that they sometimes don’t announce the results until more than a month 4.______________. 1. a) go b) have gone c) going d) will go 2. a) call b) called c) ‘ll call d) ‘m calling 3. a) later b) once c) since d) when 4. a) has passed b) is passing c) passed d) will pass Question 31: 1.______________ in most other sports players are usually trying to get the most goals or points 2.______________ win, the opposite is true in golf. In a game of golf, it is the lowest score that wins. Each player must try to get his or her ball in the hole 3.______________ as few shots as possible. For each hole there is a given number of shots called ‘par’. 4.______________ a player uses one shot less than par, it’s called a ‘birdie’ and one more than par is called a ‘bogey’. 1. a) Even although b) In spite of c) Instead of d) Whereas 2. a) for b) in order to c) so that d) such that 3. a) use b) uses c) used d) using 4. a) As b) Since c) When d) While Question 32: 1.______________ our flight from London to Toronto was delayed because 2.______________bad weather, we missed our connection to Vancouver and had to spend six hours in the airport 3.______________ for the next flight. 4.______________ being delayed, we still had a good trip and didn’t feel too jet-lagged when we arrived. 1. a) After b) Although c) If d) So that 2. a) it b) of c) the d) – 3. a) have waited b) waited c) waiting d) were waiting 4. a) Although b) As c) Despite d) Unless Question 33: What the recent use of DNA testing has shown 1.______________ eyewitness testimony may not always be reliable. 2.______________, an eyewitness testified that he saw Arthur Medeiros with Annie Anderson shortly before the young woman was murdered and, 3.______________ that testimony, Medeiros was convicted and sent to prison. Not until much later 4.______________ discovered through DNA testing that someone other than Medeiros had been responsible for Anderson’s death. 1. a) is it b) is that c) it is d) that is 2. a) For example b) In addition c) On the other hand d) Therefore 3. a) afterwards b) as a consequence c) as a result of d) subsequently 4. a) it was b) they c) was d) was it
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