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TV, Diet, and Childhood Obesity: Soft Drinks, Fast Food, Weight Loss Solutions, Exams of Nutrition

The relationship between childhood obesity, television watching, and diet, focusing on the role of soft drinks, fast food diets, and weight loss solutions. The negative effects of soft drinks on weight gain, the limitations of fast food diets for weight loss, and emerging weight loss solutions such as leptin. The document also touches upon the importance of calorie intake, protein utilization, and amino acid conversion.

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Download TV, Diet, and Childhood Obesity: Soft Drinks, Fast Food, Weight Loss Solutions and more Exams Nutrition in PDF only on Docsity! F H S S 2 8 2 3 lntroductory Nutrition Exam 2 Name March 23,2006 Mult iple Choice. Choose the one BEST answer lbr cach of the fbl lowing, based on class cl iscussiol. 2 poipts each. 7m / t l r l We discLrssed a popular diet solut ion in c lass that brags that i t contains col lasen. e'"-- ingredient weight loss is high. We decided that collagen coulcl actually be fbund i tern, which is ' l a . Cr isco G .tellcr c. Pretzels d. Crearn cheese 2. We know that kids are more obese if they r,r,atch rnore TV. that'/ a. they are sedentary when they watch TV, so their energy expenditure is low b. the clear problern is snacking on high calorie fbods l ike cancly rvhi le u'atching TV @ it is real ly a cornbination of things. including being sedentary and eati lg r i ,Si le r i ,atchir_s l 'V d. they are inf luenced by fbod ads to eat more What did yor-rr instructor decide about sofi drinks and obesitv in chi lclren' l and because of t l iat in a less erpensive fbod What did rve decide about the erplanation fbr 4 l J , Xr' i Scierl t ists agree that cotisutning nrore sofi drinks leads to being l l tore obese the data is unquestioned that " l iqr-r icl sugar" is not satisfying. so kicls r)\ ercor. lsune your instructor recottunends drinking r 'r 'ater l , l ,hcn thirsty to not conl irse tf t i rst g. i t l t SLprgcr since soft drmks are high glycenric index, kids tend to overconslnne caklr ies your instructor conclude about tast fbod intake and obesitv' l t - 4 Lt ' "1 Tne las t lbod indust ry e l lcour i rses ( l \ t ' rcat ing by o l1 'c r ing larsc p t r r t ipps b. There is no scienti f lc evidence that eating more fast fbocl leacJs to nrore obesity c' The cheaper i tems at fast fbod tend to be those u,i th the most calories. so people o\.ereat d. The idea that you can lose weight on a fast fbod diet is real ly a farce. alcl does not reconr-pend Wliat did your instructor conclude about the development o1'drugs fbr rveight loss' l I t is predicted that in the next l0 years, a successful weight loss clrr-rg., ,n, i l l be der, 'eloped There is currently a drug in human test ing, by the narne of leptin. that is l ikely to be appror ecl soo' Tl iere are so mally gel lcs involved in 'uveight gain that no drug is l ikely to affect p.,-urr, , ," ,r t r i 'e ight loss There is a drug avai lable now that i trcreases metabolism that is ef l 'ect i 'u,e. but l ias sorne serious side ef-tects. so is not recommended 6' What best describes your instruotor 's impression o1'protein supplements for l iuscle gai ' ' l i t r Lil it ' they are helpll l . i t is probably becar-rse they provicle e.rtra calories, not extra proreirr b) they are a helpful dietary supplement fbr most of those rvlio wish to gail pruscle c) they are a good value lbr your dollar in getting additional protein into your diet d) rnost people who take them will suflbr pennanent kidney daniage ancl suf-fer long-tenri liealt6 probleprs fiorn takinc them +̂ . What clid a . b . } ( . ; . \ " L: ' d . 7. Which of the following diseases did we discuss DOES NOT I'IAVE a clear l ink to obesitv'/ a) prostate cancer 61.. , , . ru ca'ccr\-, *:- c) I reart d isease d) breast cancer 8. To stay in good health, we would l ike to stay a) l -5 b) 20 @t-t'v d) ls belorv what body nlass inder' l \ tr \ 1 - l : , to bLri ld one pound of mr-rscle' / J, 9. ' I l ie incidence of overrveisht and obesity irr thc U.S. is nowestimated at aboul a) 20 b) 3s c) -50 {f Y 10. About how rnany kcalories are needed a. 2000 b. 2,500 c . 1 0 0 0 @:soo.e I l . Urca is svnthes ized in the kiclney'ft blood liver brair"r ,^+( t " @ . l c t t o b. l housand Is land dressing c. Cool Whip d.Shortening 14. What wil l result when someone takes thvroicl honnone fbr u,eisl i t loss'/ a. a long term increase in metabolic rate that wi l l enhance weisht loss ef lbrts #l [{p,J tltc thyroid gland wil l respond by decreasing output of hormone c. blood pressure wil l increase d. there is actuallv an increase in weisht dr-re to rvater etentiorr L @ot b . c . d . 12. Def-ine a linUlurg arnino acid. a. A protein that does notprovide adecluate amounts of al l essential amino acids { $ The csscttt ial ani i t . tr-r acid in an incorlplete protein that l inr i ts protein svnthc-sis \./ ...e c. A nonessential amino acid that is the least provided cornpared to needs d.-I 'he protein fbund in beans and grains Which of the fbl lowing would a vegetarian (cats no animal products) rvant to avoid. based i: -rrof the aclr.r lt popr-rlarion. , . , i 29. Nolexercise activi ty has been fbund to be important because of which of the fbl lowing'? a. New techr-r iclues al low fbr accurate measurement of this compoller-rt . and this has givetl ; lcople better insight into their overal l energy balance b. Nerv weight loss prograrns have fbund this cclnponent of overall eltergli expenditure to be t'erv jr lportant to eucourage with cl ients to cause rveight loss i l- . ] ' lOut abi l i ty to respond to ovcreating by increasing this coniponent to prevent r,veight gair l F6". ft was recently cliscovered that this conipoltent is the largest coll.lponeltt of etrergy expenditure. ancl thcrefbre is cr i t ical to overal l energy balance Horv cl id u,c del lne bocly tuass inder'J )4 , ' I I t i n I nches Wt i n pounds' tr-$ rvt in Pouncls/(Ht in inchcs)r X 703 X Ht in MetersiWt in kilograms cl. Wt in Kilogramsi(Ht in ureters)t X 703 Hor,v did lve deflne overr"'eight in children'/ Using l i I 30 . ! I t t b ul ' { v" 1t ' i 3 1 . the body nlass index-fbr-age charts a. (ireater than 60"' Percentile b. Greater than 75"' Percerrti le c. Grcater than 80" 'Percent i le /4. )d (l l ircatcr than 9-5il ' percentile I 32. - l-of ir" u, ir ich is t t tade f iom soybealls, is l imit ing in a. Phenv la lan iue ./s\ ( *br ) N le th i t ' r t i t tc c . Cystc i r te cl. I-ysine 33. Which ol ' t l ie fbl lowing did rve conclude u'ould be a goocl because i t l l 'ould have a lorv cttergy clensity' / a . Pre tze l r-'*"1i l l b , ! r cgc t i rb lc bee l ' so t tp'*c. c l t icken breast d. bagels fbod to ir tcotporate into a rveight lclss progratn 34. What dicl u,e conclucle about a parelrt he lping chi lclren urake healthy fbod choices'/ a) a parelt s6ould rnake healthy suggestions. l ike "eat your r;egetables"" to assist cl i i ldren rvith decisitrr l- nraking b) by al lowi6g dessert i tems l ike cake at some meals, while niaking i t clear that cake is uot healthy fbr them. cliildren learn r,r,liich fbod choices are best fbr thern c) chi ldren leecl clear instruct ion, so parents should not be ambiguous about explaining foods. but rather ftave a clear dist ipct iol that a chi ld should eat l iealthy f irods and not eat utrhealt l ty foods q @ o p.r.-nt should make health-v lbocl cl ioices themselves to inf luettcc healthy choices bi, ' thc chi ld 35. How did we defl ie the sct point lbr rveigl i t in class' l | 3 l- fhe bocly u,cight that we def.cnd against change b. The weight where we would have n-rinirnal health risk, our target u'eight c. The weight that we achieve in early adulthood (early 20's) that we should maintaitr the rest of our l i f -e cl. -l-he weieht that causes Lls to crave 1bod, so need to stay above that weight during rveight loss / t \ | 36. What is the leading causc of diabetes in the U'S''/ a. Protein excess b. high carbohYdrate diets c. hish tat diets f ,d) , ,n. t i t y y \J. -V 3:.. FIow did we suggest you detern-rine a reasonable caloric intakc fbr u'eight loss'/ "\" ial take the i ltake that rvoulcl mii intain your we ight ancl subtri ict 500 kcal f l 'om that tb. . jLrst stick with l200 kcal. rvhich is a minin-rum that anyone wil l lose u'eight conslttnitrg c. -1ust take your printout f iom the Food Guide Pyramid fiorn assignurent 1. that is l ike ly a caloric ir ltake that You wil l lose weight d. begin with 2000 kcal, ancl subtract f iom that 25 kcal 1or every pound you would l ike to lose 3g. wliat is usually the major f-actor that explains variabil ity in the kcal nceds of tu'cl icalthv tlretr ol 'similar age and size'J a. tvPe of diet consurned L.-1 - ffb{ler el of caloric cotrsunrptton lKthvroid honrrone status d. physical activitY level Gi,u,en the crrcur.rstances described fbr the ncrt three cluestions, prcdict u'l i ich of the outcoures u'ould be ulost l ikely to occLlr. 39. A persolt has not eaten anything fbr a u'ceki l?l t , , , . ty protcins are brokcn clorvn to replenish the arr i ino acicl pool Qf .t',.,ii ',o acids are deatrritlatecl and stored as t'at c. arnino acids are ut i l ized fbr meeting al l needs fbr protei l i syrthesis d. nitrogel balalce is l iaintainecl since excretiort of protein is stopped 40. A person is consuming a vegetarian cl iet r,vi th r ice as the only protein soLlrce' a. proteins are synthesized, but the l imit ing amino acid has been substi tuted tbr b. esse't ial amino acids are stored in the amino acid pool au,ait ing cornplete protein consuurption *,m b.dy prgteins are broken clou,n to replcnish t l ie ani ino acicl pool Y ar.,- , i , . ,o acids are r-rt i l ized fbr meeting al l t teeds fbr protein synthesis 4 1 . A p e r s o n i s c o r . r s u m i n g a d i e t t l i a t i s e r c e s s i v e i n k c a l . p r o v i d i r r g 3 0 T i , o f k c a l a s p r o t c i t r ' t-$J o,rrino acicls are dearnirrated and stored as tht b. amlno acids are ut i l ized fbr synthesis of only the most cr i t ical proteius such as enzyl1les c. body proteins are broken clown to replenish the arnino acid pool d. excess amino acids are stored in the arnino acicl pool to be used the nert clay fbr protein synthesis 42. pcanuts. r,vhicl i are part of the nuts ancl seeds grouping of complet.uetrtary protcit is" is l i rnit tng tn a. Phenylalanine b. Methionine c. Cysteine I[ti Lysirrc V-'- 43. Which of the fol lowing combinations of loods is a good example of conlplctne utary prote i t ls to l l leet csseutial anrino acid rtecds'/ a. Peanut butter and jelly sandwich ,A Lirua beans and lent i ls lfuJ nlack beatrs atid combread d. Corn torti l las and rice 44. Which of the fbllowing proteir-r functions clicl we decicle was the l i ighest priority fbr the boclv to trtait ltattr '/ l [ - t . l t ' r ta lvzc c l tc r t r i c r t l cae t i ( ) l l s in t l rc cc l l. l * ' b. Fight inf.ect ion c. Provide structure to lean t issues suchas muscle d. Transpoft cholesterol and tr iglyceride in the blood 45. Which of the fbl lowing statements best describes how our body reacts to stan'at iotr 'J ,ffiX rn. bocly breaks clown its own proteins. tirst breaking dorvn proteins in uruscle. tltetr prtrut't-ssiris to 'L#.rt clou,n protcins in vital organs l ike heart and l iver later as starvation continues b. -the body breaks clown it own proteins, giving no priori ty to t issues such as heart or l iver over tnuscle c. -l.liere is a specitic storage protein. tbund in the liver. wliich u'ill be broken dorvtr irlitiallv betore other proteins are broken dorvn cl.-f here is a special area of the cel l . cal led the amino acid pool, rvhere at l ino acids are tet i lpc'rrari ly stored' these *,ill be clepletecl flrst befbre anv body proteins are broketr doun Sh.rt answer. Ansu,er each question clearly and concisely based on class cl iscussion' I *0. t , pts) we disc.rssecl r.r ,hy the popular high protein. lorv carbol iydrate diets are l ikely to caitse \ c 'n lapit l ini t ial u,e ight loss. Gi 'n'e rne that explanati t-rt t ' 41 .(2pts) we discussed the Keys starvation str-rc1y and described trvo prin-rary observations regarding the ef ' fects of starvation, one physiological (ef i-ect on the body or on rnetabolisrn) and one psychological (hou' r i 'e thir lk) ' ( l ive tne either one of these e ftects of starvation' ' { 4g. (6 pts) we diagramed the arnino acid pool on the board many t imes. Diagranr the atnino acid pool ' giving t l ie two sollrces of arriino acids tbr the pool ar-rcl the lbur ways that these amitlo acids are used' (, t \{r . I -\" $ L d[ ,---T l ' { " t . r r ' ft I f r] ' | I { ' i t- ,, 'l { l
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