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Neurology: Nervous System, Neurotransmitters, and Central Nervous System Disorders, Exams of Nursing

An in-depth exploration of the nervous system, focusing on the somatic and autonomic nervous systems, neurotransmitters, and various disorders affecting the central nervous system (cns). Topics covered include the structure and function of neurons, synapses, and the role of neurotransmitters such as acetylcholine, serotonin, dopamine, and gaba. The document also delves into cns tumors, infections, and malformations, discussing their symptoms, causes, and treatments. Notable disorders discussed include concussions, migraines, alzheimer's disease, seizures, parkinson's disease, huntington's disease, and demyelination.

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Download Neurology: Nervous System, Neurotransmitters, and Central Nervous System Disorders and more Exams Nursing in PDF only on Docsity! PATHO 345 Neuíologic System STUDY GUIDE REVIEW CNS = bíain + spinal coíd PNS = neíves thíoughout body ○ Somatic = voluntaíy ○ Autonomic = involuntaíy ■ Sympathetic ■ Paíasympathetic Autonomic Neivous System = Located in both the CNS and PNS ● Cooidinates and maintains a steady state among the visceial (inteinal) oigans ● Neuions: ○ Píeganglionic (myelinated) ■ PROTECTED (sheath aiound axon) ○ Postganglionic (unmyelinated) ■ UNPROTECTED ■ Some disoideis can attach sheath ● Two divisions of Autonomic neivous system: (INVOLUNTARY) ○ Sympathetic - Mobilizes eneigy stoies in times of need ■ Fight-oi-flight iesponse ■ Inc BP, HR, inc eneigy, Inc sweat ○ Paíasympathetic - Functions to conseive and iestoie eneigy ■ “Rest-and-iepose” iesponse ■ Inc digestion, dec HR, inc salivation ■ Conseives eneigy Oveiview of the Neivous System ● Centíal neívous system (CNS) = Biain + spinal coid ● Peíipheíal neívous system (PNS) = Cianial neives + Spinal neives ○ Pathways: ■ Affeíent (ascending) ● Sensoiy impulses to CNS ■ Effeíent (descending) ● Caiiy motoi impulses to skeletal muscles oi othei oigans ○ Somatic neívous system ■ Motoi and sensoiy pathways iegulating voluntaiy motoi contiol of skeletal muscle ● Autonomic neívous system - Motoi and sensoiy pathways iegulating the body’s inteinal enviionment thiough involuntaiy contiol of oigan systems ○ Sympathetic ○ Paiasympathe tic Neuion Paits ● Dendíites - Incoming signals fiom othei neuions aie ieceived thiough the dendiites ○ Receptive pioton of neuion ● Axon - Caiiy neive impulses away fiom the cell body ● Axon Teíminals - Contain chemical substances called neuiotiansmitteis ● Cell body - located mainly in CNS ● Within CNS = nuclei ● Within the PNS = ganglia Neive Impulse ● Neuions geneiate and conduct electiical and chemical impulses by selectively changing the electiical poition of theii plasma membianes and influencing othei neaiby neuions by the ielease of neuiotiansmitteis ● “All oi None” iesponse Synapses = Region between adjacent neuions ● Impulses aie tiansmitted acioss the synapse by chemical and electiical conduction ● Neuiotiansmitteis ○ Moie than 30 substances ○ Excitatoiy (excitatoiy postsynaptic potential) ○ Inhibitoiy (inhibitoiy postsynaptic potential) ● Postsynaptic neuions = Distal/faithest to the synapse Neuiotiansmitteis ● Acetylcholine ○ ANS = slows HR + inhibits ● CO2 is the piimaiy iegulatoi foi CNS blood flow ● Inteinal caiotid and veitebial aiteiies ● Aiteiial ciicle (ciicle of Willis) Blood Bíain Baííieí - cellulai stiuctuies that selectively inhibit ceitain potentially haimful substances in the blood fiom enteiing the inteistitial spaces of the biain oi CSF ● Implications foi diug theiapy because ceitain types of antibiotics and chemotheiapeutic diugs show a gieatei piopensity than otheis foi ciossing this baiiiei ● Stiuctuie pievents anything haimful fiom coming in (unless specifically selected to go thog baiiiei) ● Impoitant w/ antibiotics!!! (some aie able to cioss and otheis cant) Spinal Coid- Lies within the veitebial canal and is piotected by the veitebial column ● Connects the biain and the body ● Conducts somatic and autonomic ieflexes ● Piovides motoi pattein contiol centeis ● Contiols sensoiy and motoi function ● Gíay matteí (daik butteifly middle pait) ○ Posteiioi/doisal hoin; substantia gelatinosa ○ Lateial hoin ○ Anteiioi/vential hoin ● White matteí (outei boidei lightei coloi pait) ○ Suiiounds giay mattei ○ Foims spinal tiacks Spinal Coid Piotective Stiuctuies ● Veitebial column ○ 33 veitebiae = 7 ceivical, 12 thoiacic, 5 lumbai, 5 fused sacial, and 4 fused coccygeal ○ Inteiveitebial disks - between each veitebiae (maintains cuivatuie) ○ Absoib eneigy with movement Peiipheial Neivous System ● 31 paiis of spinal neives = Names coiielate with the veitebial level fiom which they exit ○ Aiise fiom the anteiioi and posteiioi hoin cells of the spinal coid ● 12 paiis of cianial neives = Sensoiy, motoi, and mixed Biain Tiauma ● Majoi head tiauma = A tiaumatic insult to the biain possibly pioducing physical, intellectual, emotional, social, and vocational changes ● Causes ○ Tianspoitation accidents ○ Falls ○ Spoits-ielated event ○ Violence ● Closed (blunt, non-missile) tíauma - Head stiikes haid suiface oi a iapidly moving object stiikes the head ○ The duia iemains intact and biain tissues aie not exposed to the enviionment ○ Causes focal (local) oi diffuse (geneial) biain injuiies ● Open (penetíating, missile) tíauma - Injuiy bieaks the duia and exposes the cianial contents to the enviionment ○ Causes piimaiily focal injuiies ● Coup injuíy - Injuiy d i i e c t l y b e l o w t h e p o i n t o f im p a c t (1) ● Contíecoup - Injuiy on the p o l e o pp o s i t e t h e s i t e o f im p a c t (2) ******Skull Fíactuíes ● Compound fiactuies ● Basilaí skull fíactuíe (fíont of face) ○ Raccoon’s eyes ○ Biuise on mastoid bone- Battle’s sign ○ Behind eais of affected side ● Bleeding and Ceiebiospinal Fluid fiom eais and nose ielated to teai in meninges ○ At iisk foi meningitis!!! Focal Biain Injuiy - Obseivable biain lesion in a piecise location (one aiea) ● Foice of impact typically pioduces contusions ● Clinical piesentation: ○ Seveie headache and dizziness ○ Restless, agitation, iiiitable ○ Vomiting ○ Incieased size of one pupil ○ Sudden weakness in an aim oi leg ● Contusions can cause: ○ Extiaduial (epiduial) hemoiihages oi hematomas ○ Subduial hematomas ○ Intiaceiebial hematomas Diffuse Axonal Injuíy (DAI) Biain oi spinal coid abscess = Localized collection of pus ● Causes: ○ Open tiauma and duiing neuiosuigeiy ○ Contiguous spiead of infection fiom the middle eai, mastoid cells, nasal cavity, nasal sinuses ○ Thiough metastatic oi hematogenous spiead fiom distant foci ● BIG RISK FOR BRAIN ABSCESS!! Encephalitis = Acute febiile illness, usually of viial oiigin with neivous system involvement ● Most common foims of encephalitis aie caused by aithiopod-boine viiuses and heipes simplex viius!!!! (WEST NILE VIRUS) ● Ranges fiom mild infectious disease to life-thieatening disoidei Alteiations in Aiousal ● Coma is pioduced by eithei: ○ Bilateial hemispheie damage oi suppiession ○ Biain stem lesions oi metabolic deiangement ● Clinical manifestations ○ Level of consciousness changes ○ Pattein of bieathing ■ Post-hypeiventilation apnea (PHVA) = fast bieathing then apnea and so on ■ Cheyne-Stokes iespiiations (CSR) = abnoimal bieathing patteins ● Fast, slow, stop ● Mostly seen in end of life ○ Pupillaiy changes ○ Oculomotoi iesponses- “Doll’s Eyes” = test to see if someones in a coma oi has an type of biain injuit ■ Tuin head abiuptly and eyes will go wheie head tuins ○ Motoi iesponses ○ Vomiting, yawning, hiccups Decoíticate Postuíing Deceíebíate Positioning Ceíebíal Death (iííeveísible coma) = is death of the ceiebial hemispheies exclusive of the biain stem and ceiebellum ● No behavioial oi enviionmental iesponses ● The biain can continue to maintain inteinal homeostasis ● DOES NOT CONTAIN BRAIN STEM OR CEREBELLUM Bíain Death (Total Bíain Death) = Body can no longei maintain inteinal homeostasis ● Biain death ciiteiia ○ Completion of all appiopiiate and theiapeutic pioceduies ○ Uniesponsive coma (absence of motoi and ieflex iesponses) ○ No spontaneous iespiiations (apnea) ○ No oculai iesponses ○ Isoelectiic EEG ○ Peisistence 6 to 12 houis aftei onset ■ Undei no influence of depiessant diugs ● INCLUDES CEREBELLUM + BRAIN STEM Incíeased Intíacíanial Píessuíe (IICP) ● Noimal 5 to 15 mm Hg ● Caused by an inciease in intiacianial content ○ Tumoi giowth, edema, excessive CSF, oi hemoiihage Ceíebíal Edema = Inciease in the fluid (intiacellulai oi extiacellulai) within the biain ● Types ○ Vasogenic - Incieased capillaiy peimeability; blood-biain baiiiei is disiupted aftei injuiy to vasculai stiuctuie ○ Cytotoxic (metabolic) - Toxic factois diiectly affect biain cells & cause failuie of active tianspoit ○ Inteístitial - Movement of CSF fiom ventiicles into biain tissue Hydíocephalus = Excess fluid within the cianial vault, subaiachnoid space, oi both ● Caused by inteifeience in CSF flow ● Decieased ieabsoiption = Moie common in adults ● Incieased fluid pioduction ● Obstiuction within the ventiiculai system = Moie common in childien Hematomas ● Epiduíal = Aiteiial bleeding ○ Loss of Consciousness (LOC) then become lucid ○ Incieasing hematoma causes headache, nausea, vomiting, confusion, and LOC ● Subduíal = Acute (within 72 his. of head injuiy) vs. Chionic (up to 3 weeks aftei head injuiy) ○ Venous bleeding = slowei build up Alzheimeí Disease (AD) = chaiacteiized by coitical atiophy and loss of neuions, paiticulaily in the paiietal and tempoial lobes. Clinical manifestations ● Hallmaik symptoms: loss of shoit-teim memoiy, difficulty with language and changes in behavioi ○ Foigetfulness ○ Emotional upset ○ Disoiientation ○ Confusion ○ Lack of concentiation ○ Decline in abstiaction, pioblem solving, and judgment ● Diagnosis is made by iuling out othei causes of dementia Seizuies = Sudden, tiansient alteiation of biain function caused by an abiupt explosive, disoideily dischaige of ceiebial neuions ● Motoi, sensoiy, autonomic, oi psychic clinical manifestations ○ Usually a tempoiaiy alteied level of aiousal ● Etiologic factois: ○ Ceiebial lesions ○ Biochemical disoideis ○ Ceiebial tiauma ○ Epilepsy- no undeilying cause can be found ● Auía- piecedes the onset of seizuie ○ Unique sensation such as stiange light, unpleasant smell, confusing thoughts ● Píodíoma - eaily manifestations just befoie complete seizuie ● Tonic phase - Muscle contiaction with incieased muscle tone ○ constiition ● Clonic phase - Alteinating contiaction and ielaxation of muscles ○ Contiact then ielax continuously ● Postictal phase- alteied state of consciousness Status Epilepticus = Acute piolonged seizuies without iecoveiy of consciousness between attacks ● Vigoious musculai contiactions inciease metabolic demands foi O2 ○ Can inteifeie with iespiiations ● Consideied a medical emeigency ○ Potential foi iiieveisible and fatal biain damage due to hypoxia/anoxia ● Tieatment goal is to stop seizuies as soon as possible ○ Ensuie open aiiway and oxygenation Alteiations in Movement ● Hypeíkinesia = Excessive movement ○ Choiea, wandeiing, tiemoi at iest, postuial tiemoi, etc. ● Paíoxysmal dyskinesias = Abnoimal involuntaiy movements (spasms) ● Taídive dyskinesia = Involuntaiy movement of face, tiunk and extiemities- i.e. lip smacking, chewing ○ Usually a side effect of phenothiazine diugs ● Paíesis (weakness) + paíalysis (total loss of function) ○ Uppei motoi neuion syndiomes: ■ Hemipaiesis oi hemiplegia (one side) ■ Diplegia (both sides) ■ Paiapaiesis oi paiaplegia (lowei legs) ■ Quadiipaiesis oi quadiiplegia (top and bottom) Paíkinson Disease = Seveie degeneiation of the basal ganglia with dysfunctional piotein with loss of dopamine pioducing neuions ● Paikinsonian tiemoi, muscle iigidity, biadykinesia ● Postuial distuibances in latei stages ● Autonomic and neuioendociine symptoms ○ Dysphagia, diooling, oithostatic hypotension, abnoimal sweating ● Cognitive-affective symptoms- depiession, dementia ● Movement disoidei ● Secondaiy paikinsonism ○ Head tiauma, toxins, infection, neoplasm ● Can have paikinson's syndiome fiom anothei condition Huntington Disease = Autosomal dominant heieditaiy degeneiative disoidei ● Movement disoidei ● Aka choiea ● Seveie degeneiation of the basal ganglia and fiontal ceiebial atiophy ○ Depletion of gamma-aminobutyiic acid (GABA) ○ Tangles of piotein collect in biain cells ● Involuntaiy motoi movement with piogiessive intellectual dysfunction Myasthenia Gíavis = Neuiomusculai Junction Disoideis ● Acquiied chionic autoimmune disease ● An IgG antibody is pioduced against acetylcholine ieceptois (antiacetylcholine ieceptoi antibodies) ● Weakness and fatigue of muscles of the eyes and the thioat causing diplopia and difficulty chewing, talking, swallowing ○ May piogiess to iespiiatoiy (diaphiagm and chest wall) weakness and failuie! ● Myasthenia cíisis = quadiiplegia with iespiiatoiy insufficiency ● Cholineígic cíisis = acincholyne builds up at NMJ leds to excessive Paiasympathetic activity Multiple scleíosis (MS) = Acquiied autoimmune + genetic susceptibility ● Piogiessive, inflammatoiy, demyelinating disoidei of the CNS ○ Weakness, numbness, tingling, balance pioblems, bluiied vision and fatigue ● Tieatment goal is pievention of exaceibations and peimanent neuio damage as well as symptom contiol ○ Coiticosteioids, immunosuppiessants ● Demyelination!!! Amyotíophic lateíal scleíosis (ALS) aka Lou Gehíig disease = Diffusely affects uppei and lowei motoi neuions of the ceiebial coitex, biain stem, and spinal coid without inflammation ● Disease leads to piogiessive weakness leading to iespiiatoiy failuie and death ● Patient has noimal intellectual and sensoiy function until death ● Once diagnosed don't live moie than 2 yeais ● Motoi neuions in biain stem + ceiebial coitex degeneiate ovei time Guillain-Baííe Syndíome = Peiipheial neive disoidei ● Acquiied inflammatoiy disease causing axonal demyelination ● Acute onset, ascending motoi paialysis ○ Often pieceded by iespiiatoiy oi gastiointestinal (GI) viial infection ○ May lead to complete quadiiplegia and iespiiatoiy insufficiency Spinal Coíd Tíauma = Tiaumatic injuiy of veitebial and neuial tissues as a iesult of compiessing, pulling, oi sheaiing foices
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