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Personality Disorders and Mental Health: A Comprehensive Review, Exams of Nursing

A systematic review of various personality disorders, their characteristics, and associated symptoms. It covers topics such as borderline personality disorder, narcissistic personality disorder, avoidant personality disorder, and more. It also discusses the treatment and management of these disorders, including medications and non-pharmacological approaches.

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Available from 05/09/2024

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Download Personality Disorders and Mental Health: A Comprehensive Review and more Exams Nursing in PDF only on Docsity! pmhnp study guide practice questions and answers exam what term describes a scientific study that gathers multiple studies and analyzes them to draw a larger conclusion? - >>>systematic review borderline personality disorder falls under which cluster of personality disorder traits? - >>>B a 36 year old caucasian male arrives for his usual monthly medication appointment. diagnosed with schizophrenia & has been stabilized on haldol for 9 years. today he states he has an inner feeling of restlessness & inability to remain still. what type of E.P.S is suspected? - >>>akathisia which part of medicare provides optional coverage for beneficiaries? - >>>part c the cerebrum contains all of the following areas of the brain except one. cerebral cortex, brainstem, limbic system, or hypothalamus - >>>brainstem in a family systems context, what is the definition of morphogenesis? - >>>a family's tendency to adapt to change when changes are necessary. how does the body remove both serotonin and norepinephrine from the synaptic cleft? - >>>an active re-uptake process a 53 year old menopausal woman presents with complaints of anhedonia, depressed mood, & vasomotor symptoms. what medication effectively treats both vasomotor symptoms and depression? - >>>desvenlafaxine/pristiq it is an S.N.R.I. which personality disorder is most likely to have fantasies of success? - >>>narcissistic who should receive a shingles vaccine? - >>>anyone over the age of 60 who has had chickenpox some states use the umbrella term advanced practice nurse to refer to all of the following except which one? nurse anesthetists, certified nurse midwife, mid-level providers, or nurse practitioners - >>>mid- level providers eating disorders are characterized by what? - >>>disordered patterns of eating, accompanied by distress, disparagement, preoccupation, & a distorted perception of one's body shape the federal government offered financial awards to encourage hospitals to implement meaningful use. the financial awards are tied to specific objectives related to the effective use of electronic health records. give 3 examples of this. - >>>1. electronic prescribing 2. electronic medication interaction checks 3. computerized provider order entry for an act to be considered criminal, it must have 2 components: actus reus & mens rea. what is actus reus? - >>>voluntary conduct which complementary & alternative medicine technique is based on manipulating the flow of energy throughout the body? - >>>acupuncture who authored the report crossing the quality chasm, which emphasized the need for inter professional collaboration in order to improve the quality of health care? - >>>institute of medicine is a durable power of attorney limited to terminal illness only? - >>>no what term describes a system where the insurer is not only the payer but also the provider of care? - >>>managed care which part of medicare provides optional coverage for outpatient pharmaceuticals? - >>>part D which class of medications would be most appropriate for treating a patient stabilized on haldol that is exhibiting mild pseudo-parkinson's symptoms? - >>>muscarinic 1 agonist patient switched to halodol last week presents with oriented to self, fever of 105.3, heart rate 126, breath rate 22, extremities are stiff and rigid, WBCs of 14, creatinine of 2.6. what is the most serious complication of her presentation? - >>>rhabdomyolsis what is the primary purpose of the corpus callosum? - >>>connect right and left hemispheres and facilitate sensorimotor information exchange what medication can produce a false positive for methamphetamines? - >>>prozac/fluoxetine what medication can produce a false positive for benzodiazepines? - >>>zoloft/sertraline what medication can produce a false positive for cocaine? - >>>motrin what food product can produce a false positive for morphine or heroin? - >>>poppy seeds how do managed care organizations control health care costs? - >>>bargain with medical practices for reduced rates on visits autism spectrum disorder can present with what deficits? - >>>lack of social reciprocity, insistence on sameness, & nonverbal communication what are the general functions of norepinephrine? - >>>alertness, focused attention, learning, & memory what are the general functions of dopamine? - >>>thinking, fine muscle action, & reward-seeking behavior what are the general functions of GABA? - >>>reduces arousal, aggression, & anxiety what are the general functions of serotonin? - >>>regulates sleep, pain, mood states, & temperature what is an example of a psychological preventative factor that protects someone from developing a psychiatric disorder? - >>>healthy ego defenses compared with physicians, nurse practitioners save the consumer & the insurance company what percent of costs? - >>>20 percent a person who is proficient in the use of software, hardware selection, & computer maintenance possesses what skill? - >>>computer competency what underlying psychiatric disorder is not linked to insomnia? - >>>oppositional defiant disorder the institutional review board ensures what? - >>>1. risks to participants are minimized 2. participant selection is equitable 3. adverse events are reported 4. risks & benefits are evaluated 5. informed consent is obtained & documented 6. data safety monitoring plans are implemented when indicated what are signs & symptoms of stevens johnsons syndrome? - >>>facial swelling, tongue swelling, macules/papules/burning confluent red rash, skin sloughing, pro-dromal headache, malaise, arthralgia, & painful mucous membranes may occur before rash what is stevens johnsons syndrome? - >>>immune reaction to a foreign antigen that can occur with exposure to any anticonvulsant drug what is the therapeutic range for lithium? - >>>0.6-1.2 If first onset of manic symptoms occurs after age 40, what is likely the cause? - >>>another medical condition what are the side effects of lithium toxicity? - >>>slurred speech, confusion, coarse hand tremors, severe GI effect what medications when taken with lithium can double the level? - >>>NSAIDs and ACE inhibitors which personality disorder is most likely to be excessively scrupulous? - >>>obsessive-compulsive what EPS has a mask like appearance and a shuffling gait? - >>>pseudo-parkinson's what findings do you expect to support autism spectrum disorder? - >>>flat or blunted affect, little or no eye contact, and lack of emotional reciprocity what psychiatric medication is an inducer of the hepatic cytochrome P450 enzyme? - >>>carbamazepine what cytochrome enzyme is implicated as a tobacco inducer when an individual is treated on clozapine? - >>>1a2, as tobacco use decreases, then the dose needed will decrease, inducer speeds up metabolism, less drug available what direct-acting dopamine receptor angonist is recommended to be used in the treatment of neuroleptic malignant syndrome to help lower the dopamine receptor blockade? - >>>parlodel what are the recommended cut points for discontinuation of clozapine? - >>>w.b.c.s of 2,000 to 3,000 granulocytes of 1,000 to 1,500 what is the main differentiating factor between repression and suppression? - >>>repression is involuntary and suppression is voluntary which anti psychotic medication is the only known anti psychotic known to reduce the risk of suicide in schizophrenia? - >>>clozapine tramadol has serotonin and noradrenaline re-uptake inhibitors, putting patients taking SSRIs at risk for what? - >>>serotonin syndrome the literature on group outcomes has revealed that negative group outcomes has been associated with what quality in group leaders? - >>>being overly confrontational while treating a 12 year old boy for ADHD, the PHMNP observes what physical features that raise concerns for genetic evaluation for fragile X syndrome? - >>>long head and ears, short stature, hyperextensible joints what laboratory test should be ordered to rule out a medical cause of dementia symptoms? - >>>vitamin b12 what lifestyle factor poses the greatest risk for depression, irritability, liver problems, and hypertension in a college student? - >>>anabolic steroid use families seeking equilibrium in the face of change is an example of what concept? - >>>homeostasis norepinephrine is a neurotransmitter that is implicated in alertness and anxiety. what area of the brain has a large majority of norepinephrine neurons? - >>>locus coeruleus & medullary reticular formation in bipolar 1, men are more prone than women to have what? - >>>manic episodes women are more likely to have depressive episodes & rapid cycling what hematologic changes can occur with lithium? - >>>leukocytosis the risk of bleeding on SSRIs, NSAIDs, or aspirin is an example of what principle? - >>>pharmacodynamics the core values that underlie advanced practice nursing and culturally competent care are: - >>>respect, advocacy, partnership which personality disorder is best treated by combining individual and group psychotherapy due to the intense transferences and countertransferences that are likely to develop? - >>>borderline personality disorder what is the most accurate description of agoraphobia? - >>>they fear situations or places they might have trouble obtaining help if they become scared what finding or trait is not suggestive of someone experiencing abuse? - >>>aggression what circadian rhythm sleep-wake disorder sub type is characterized by falling asleep and waking later than desired? - >>>delayed sleep phase type to understand how past development impacts a person's behavior is a goal of what kind of therapy? - >>>existential what psychiatric condition is characterized by patients who are experiencing symptoms of schizophrenia but have been ill for only 1 to 6 months? - >>>schizophreniform disorder competence to be executed was established in what supreme court case? - >>>ford versus wainwright which moral duty does a nurse practitioner leader uphold when he or she tells the truth? - >>>veracity the technology informatics funding education reform initiative declared that N.P.s have the responsibility to do what? - >>>understand and shape the landscape of health care technology what mental status exam findings would be expected in someone experiencing abuse? - >>>depressive traits, passive behaviors, & co-dependence what population has the highest rate of antisocial personality disorder? - >>>adult men with alcohol use disorder in a forensic setting-particular to forensic setting what circadian rhythm sleep-wake disorder subtype is characterized by falling asleep and waking progressively later than desired? - >>>non-24-hour sleep-wake type what is the evidence hierarchy? 7 items - >>>-systematic review of R.C.T.s or non R.C.T. -single R.C.T. or non R.C.T. -systematic review of correlational/observational what are the traits of avoidant personality disorder? - >>>CRINGES: criticism preoccupies thoughts in social settings, restraint in relationships due to fear of shame, inhibited in new relationships, needs to be sure of being liked before engaging, gets around occupational activities involving interpersonal contact, embarrassment, self view of inferior what are the traits of obsessive-compulsive personality disorder? - >>>SCRIMPER: stubborn, cannot discard worthless objects, rule obsessed, inflexible, miserly, perfectionistic, excludes leisure, reluctant to delegate bipolar is believed to be related to an increase in what neurotransmitter? - >>>glutamate according to erikson, during which psychosocial stage would you expect a person to develop a sense of unity in life's accomplishments? - >>>ego-integrity versus despair what class of medication aids in pyramidal cell functioning in the prefrontal cortex by preventing the excessive release of glutamate? - >>>serotonin antagonist/reuptake inhibitors what are the TCAs? - >>>mines in lines: imipramine, desimpramine, nortryptaline, amitriptyline what are the side effects of TCAs? - >>>they cried antidepressants: thrombocytopenia, cardiac like arrhythmia, MI, stroke, anticholinergic like tachycardia, urinary retention, blurred vision, constipation, confusion, and seizures what are the MAOIs? - >>>Pit of despair: pheneziline, isocarboxazid, tranylcypromine what are the side effects of MAOIs? - >>>ha ha: hypertension/hypertensive crisis, anticholinergic side effects, hepatocellular jaundice, arrythmia, anorexia what are the SSRIs? - >>>had the flu twice & feel like a SPEC: fluvoxamine, fluoxetine, sertraline, paroxetine, escitalopram, citalopram what are the side effects of SSRIs? - >>>bad SSRI: body weight increase, anxiety, dizziness, serotonin syndrome, stimulated CNS, reproductive/sexual dysfunction, insomnia what are the atypical antipsychotics? - >>>done pine my zone: risperidone, ziprasidone, clozapine, olanzapine, quetiapine, aripiparzole What do atypical antipsychotics treat? - >>>positive and negative symptoms of schizophrenia and bipolar What are the typical antipsychotics? - >>>hal & thio go to PF Changs: haloperidol, thioridazine, perphenazine, fluphenazine, chlorpromazine what are the side effects of the antipsychotics? - >>>i SHADE: impotence, sedation, hypotension, akathisia, dermatological SEs, extrapyramidal what are the mood stabilizers? - >>>ox & lam are lit for Val because they have no carbs and good times. oxcarbmazapine, lamotrigine, lithium, valproic acid, carbamazepine, gabapentin, topiramate What do typical antipsychotics treat? - >>>negative symptoms of schizophrenia what are the SNRIs? - >>>feeling depressed & need a shot of norepi? rent a DVD desvenlafaxine, venlafaxine, & duloxetine What do SNRIs treat? - >>>depression, panic, OCD what are the antihistamines? - >>>hydroxyzine, hydrochloride, diphenhydramine what are the non-benzodiazipine medications for anxiety? - >>>buspar, beta blockers, gabapentin, hydroxyzine, guanfacine, clonidine, prazosin What are benzodiazepines? - >>>pams, lams, and librium Diazepam, lorazepam, temazepam, midazolam, alprazolam, chlordiazepoxide What do benzodiazepines treat? - >>>Anxiety, alcohol withdrawal, Insomnia, Sedation, Seizures What are the atypical antidepressants? - >>>Bupropion, Mirtazapine, Trazodone what are the opiate antagonists? - >>>Naloxone, naltrexone what medications are used for non-acute alcohol withdrawal? - >>>DANT: disulfiram, acamprosate, naltrexone, topiramate what are the anticonvulsants? - >>>Valproate Carbamazepine Lamotrigine what is the role of the axon? - >>>carries impulse away from cell body what is the cerebral cortex primarily responsible for? - >>>receiving incoming sensory information from the thalamus cluster b: erratic, dramatic group - >>>anti-border history for the narcissistic: antisocial, borderline, histrionic, narcissistic cluster c: anxious, fearful group - >>>the obsessive-compulsive avoids and fears independence: avoidant, dependent, obsessive-compulsive what medication for bipolar does not carry an increased risk of major fetal malformations? - >>>clonazepam/Klonopin what did the TIGER initiative successfully define for nurse practitioners? - >>>required technology curriculum for colleges in how many states do nurse practitioners have the legal authority to dispense controlled substances? - >>>34, dispense not prescribe, texas is not one of them disorganized thinking, loose associations, tics & stereotypic behavior suggest that a patient is experiencing an excess of what neurotransmitter? - >>>dopamine which term best describes private insurance policies purchased by elderly individuals to cover some or all of their medical expenses not paid for by medicare? - >>>medigap insurance policies which of the 6 goals for the quality improvement of health care can be described as reducing harmful delays in receiving care? - >>>timely what term describes the understanding of structures that undergird complex systems and uses this understanding to affect significant and enduring change? - >>>systems thinking what do health care systems analysts who use systems thinking look for in order to enact quality improvement initiatives? - >>>patterns of interactions a NP volunteers on the weekend to provide social skills education for a group of intellectually disabled teens. what level of prevention is this? - >>>tertiary prevention what is an accurate description of schizoaffective disorder? - >>>a disorder characterized by patients experiencing symptoms of schizophrenia along with either depression or mania who is granted unrestricted visitation rights with a patient who is psychiatrically hospitalized? - >>>the patient's attorney and members of the clergy what type of systematic review analyzes a collection of qualitative studies? - >>>metasynthesis who established the first NP program and where? - >>>loretta ford and henry silver at the university of colorado what legal precedent approved a test of competence that determines if a criminal defendant is competent to stand trial? - >>>dusky vs. unisted states what is the probability if the p-value is 0.01? - >>>1 percent what legal precedent guides the NP's duty to warn? - >>>tarasoff vs. regents of university of california what is defined as a process used to protect the public by ensuring a minimum level of professional competence? - >>>credentialing what is defined as the process by which an agency of state government grants permission to individuals to engage in the practice of that profession? - >>>licensure what is defined as a process by which a professional organization certifies that an individual has met certain predetermined standards specified by that specialty practice? - >>>certification
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