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Nursing Exam Study Guide: Anatomy, Physiology, and Pharmacology, Exams of Nursing

A study guide for the nurs 100 final exam focusing on various topics including anatomy, physiology, and pharmacology. It includes terms related to the plantar reflex, cranial nerves, medications, and lab values. The guide also provides descriptions, assessments, and interventions for each topic.

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Available from 03/09/2024

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Download Nursing Exam Study Guide: Anatomy, Physiology, and Pharmacology and more Exams Nursing in PDF only on Docsity! Portage Learning NURS 100 Final Exam Study Guide 2024 EXAM GUIDE Head to Toe Head & Neck ● Lymph nodes (10) Eyes ● Inspect for color, shape, symmetry, position, & alignment of eyes ○ Corneal light reflex: light appears equally in the same spot on both pupils; strabismus (cross eye) ● Conjunctiva & sclera ○ Bulbar conjunctiva: delicate mucous membrane that covers the exposed surface of the sclera (white) ○ Palpebral conjunctiva: membrane that lines the anterior portion of sclera (uniformly pink) ● Lids: Lacrimal apparatus ○ Nasolacrimal sac: upper dilated end of the nasolacrimal duct; is lodged in a deep groove formed by the lacrimal bone & frontal process of the maxilla ● Confrontation ○ Peripheral vision ○ Pt can see fingers enter visual field (180 degrees) ● CN 2 Optic: S (visual acuity) ○ Snellen (far vision): myopia/nearsightedness ○ Rosenbaum (arms length): hyperopia/farsightedness ○ Ishihara (color vision) ■ od/os/ou ● PERRLA ○ Pupils ○ Equal ○ Round ○ Reactive to Light ■ CN 3 Oculomotor: M Portage Learning NURS 100 Final Exam Study Guide 2024 EXAM GUIDE ■ Pupillary constriction (bringing light in from the side) ○ Accommodation ■ Constrict & converge (focus on something, then refocus on pen) ● Cardinal Positions of gaze (nystagmus or involuntary rapid eye movements, drifting) ○ CN 3 Oculomotor: M ○ CN 4 Trochlear: M ○ CN 6 Abducens: M ● Cataracts: cloudy or opaque areas in the ocular lens, temporary ○ Risk factors: Increasing age, Diabetes, high BP ● Glaucoma: a group of eye conditions that can cause blindness; often caused by an abnormally high pressure in your eye; permanent ○ Risk factors: having high internal eye pressure (intraocular pressure) ● Terms (exam 4) ○ Wk 9 terms: h tt p s : // qui z l e t . c o m / 5 8 5 8 39 8 6 0 / w e e k - 9 - t e rm s - flash-cards/ Ears ● Inspect & palpate auricles for redness, swelling, tenderness ● Inspect external canal for redness, swelling, drainage, cerumen, foreign bodies ● Otitis externa: inflammation of external ear; allergic reaction to beauty/personal care products ● Otitis media: inflammation of middle ear; common in pt’s with environmental/seasonal allergies ● Weber (lateralization) ○ Vibration and sound equal bilaterally ● Rinne (AC>BC 2:1) ○ Pt unable to hear or feel the sensation in one ear during Weber ○ Conduction : air conduction to bone conduction, hear it twice as long as you should be able to feel it ❖ Whisper ➢ Able to identify words Nose ● Inspect nares for symmetry, lesions, tenderness ● Inspect internal nares for inflammation, drainage Portage Learning NURS 100 Final Exam Study Guide 2024 EXAM GUIDE ➢ Tricuspid: 4th intercostal space L sternal border ➢ Mitral: 5th intercostal space Midclavicular line ■ Bell & diaphragm ■ S1, S2 present, no murmurs, no abnormal sounds ❖ Aortic impulse ➢ 5th intercostal space, midclavicular line or MITRAL (palpate) ➢ Small pulsation is normal only in this location ❖ Pulses ➢ Radial pulse at the same time ➢ Dorsalis pedis pulse at the same time ➢ Or all of them? ■ +2, regular, equal bilaterally ❖ Edema ➢ If pt has, grading (+1 to +4: pitting, non-pitting, brawny, dependent) ■ 1+: 2mm, slight imprint/trace; pulse weak (0 or absent) ■ 2+: 4mm, moderate; pulse normal ■ 3+: 6mm, deep; pulse increased ■ 4+: 8mm, leaves deep imprint that slowly returns to normal; pulse bounding ➢ No edema bilaterally (wk 1) Respiratory ❖ Inspection ➢ Inspect color (cyanosis) & respiratory effort (inspect for ease, distress, cough) ➢ Shape & configuration, AP diameter 1:2 ratio (½ transverse diameter); barrel chested ➢ Clubbing of nailsBulging of the last part of the finger with curved, convex nails ➢ Related to reduced oxygen in blood ❖ Palpate anterior & posterior for lumps, masses, tenderness ❖ Auscultate, anterior & posterior ➢ Adventitious sounds: not normally heard in the lungs & result from air moving through moisture, mucus, or narrowed airways ➢ Diminished: hear to hear, dim, “quiet”; pneumonia ➢ Crackles: bubbling, crackling, popping; low- to high-pitched, Portage Learning NURS 100 Final Exam Study Guide 2024 EXAM GUIDE discontinuous sounds; auscultated during inspiration & expiration; opening of deflated small airways & alveoli; air passing through fluid in the airways (CHF, pulm edema, bronchitis) ➢ Rhonchi: sonorous or coarse; snoring quality, low-pitched, continuous sounds; auscultated during inspiration & expiration; coughing may clear the sound somewhat; air passing through or around secretions (bronchitis, COPD, cystic fibrosis) ➢ Rub: rubbing or grating; loudest over lower lateral anterior surface; auscultated during inspiration & expiration; inflamed pleura rubbing against chest wall ➢ Noting that all lung fields are clear & the pt was breathing regularly w/ no difficulty or use of accessory muscles ❖ Percussion ➢ Anterior and posterior thoracic region (lean forward, round shoulders) ■ Location, shape, size density of tissues ➢ Resonance: the prolongation & intensification of sound produced by transmission of its vibrations to a cavity during percussion; air filled, normal lung tissue ➢ Hyperresonance: greater than normal resonance (the prolongation & intensification of sound produced by transmission of its vibrations to a cavity), often of a lower pitch, elicited during percussion; pneumothorax ➢ Dull: the sound obtained by percussing over a solid body part that does not resonate, usually obtained over a body part or area containing less air than those parts or organs that do resonate; liver, mass, lobar pneumonia ➢ Flat: the sound obtained by percussion over solid areas such as bone; pleural effusion ➢ Noting terms & sounds flat, dull resonance upon percussion; equal ❖ Wheeze: musical or squeaking; high-pitched, musical, continuous sounds; auscultated during inspiration & expiration; air passing through narrowed airways (asthma, COPD) ❖ Stridor: harsh, loud, high-pitched; auscultated on inspiration; narrowing of upper airway (larynx or trachea); presence of foreign Portage Learning NURS 100 Final Exam Study Guide 2024 EXAM GUIDE body in airway ❖ Inspect shape & configuration, AP diameter ■ Inspect for cyanosis (blue mucous membranes) ■ Inspect clubbing of nails ■ AP diameter ❖ Lobes ➢ L lung 2 lobes ➢ R lung 3 lobes ➢ Main bronchus branches > secondary bronchi (one to each lobe) > bronchioles ■ Alveoli: small air sacs, site of gas exchange ■ Surfactant: reduces surface tension between moist membranes of alveoli; phospholipid ❖ Terms (wk 4) terms-flash- cards/ Abdominal ❖ Inspect hair, color, scars, bumps ❖ Inspect contour (flat) ❖ Inspect symmetry ➢ Epigastric: Region of the upper abdomen immediately below the ribs ➢ Umbilical: region that surrounds the area around the umbilicus; contains part of the stomach, the head of the pancreas, the duodenum, a section of the transverse colon & the lower aspects of the left & right kidney ➢ Suprapubic: region of the abdomen located below the umbilical region ❖ Auscultate FIRST: 4 quadrants, clockwise (umbilicus midline) ■ Normoactive bowel sounds in all 4 quadrants ■ Bowel sounds ● Normoactive: High pitched, gurgling noises; Considered normal ● Hypoactive: Heard infrequently ● Hyperactive: loud, high-pitched tinkling sounds occurring frequently; Indicative of diarrhea ● Absent: >2 min, absence of motility, Portage Learning NURS 100 Final Exam Study Guide 2024 EXAM GUIDE Portage Learning NURS 100 Final Exam Study Guide 2024 EXAM GUIDE ○ Knee-jerk reflex ● Babinski’s sign ○ The plantar reflex that is a reflex elicited when the sole of the foot is stimulated with a blunt instrument Musculoskeleta l ● Abduction: moving limb away from midline ● Adduction: moving a limb toward body’s midline ● Supination: the assumption of the supine position (laying horizontal) ● Extension: the state of being in a straight line ● Flexion: the state of being bent ● Dorsiflexion: he action of raising the foot upwards towards the shin ● Crepitus: grating sound/sensation produced by friction between bone and cartilage or the fractured parts of a bone ● Contour: outline ● Symmetry: evenness ● Scoliosis: curvature of a portion of the spine to the side, laterally ● Lordosis: curving inward of the lower back ● Kyphosis: forward rounding of the back; hunchback Terms (exam 4) cards/ ❖ Cranial Nerves CN S, M, or B? Assessments Description 1. Olfactory S ● Can smell ⅔ odors ● Patency Olfactory bulb located in frontal lobe of brain 2. Optic S Visual Acuity: ● Snellen ● Rosenbaum ● Ishihara Retina (rods & cones) transmit info to optic nerve to process 3. Oculomotor M ● 6 cardinal positions of gaze (nystagmus, ● Muscle function (around eyes) Portage Learning NURS 100 Final Exam Study Guide 2024 EXAM GUIDE drifting) ● Pupillary reaction to light (PERRLA) ● Pupil response ○ Controls size of pupil ○ Response to light 4. Trochlear M ● 6 cardinal positions of gaze ● Superior oblique muscle ● Eye movement 5. Trigeminal B ● Symmetry of sharp & dull stimuli ● Corneal (light) reflex: sensory ● Clench teeth tightly: masseter & temporalis strength ● Ophthalmic (forehead/scalp/upper eyelids) ● Maxillary (cheeks/upper lip/nasal cavity) ● Mandibular (ears/lower lip/chin) 6. Abducens M ● 6 cardinal positions of gaze Eye muscle movement: ● Lateral rectus movement ● Pons 7. Facial B ● Symmetry of smile, frown, show teeth, puffed cheeks, raised eyebrows ● Sense of taste (sweet, sour, salty) ● Corneal reflex: motor (Q tip) ● Muscle strength Pons of brainstem is complex ● Facial expressions/jaw muscles ● Sense of taste ● Supplying salivary/tear- producing glands ● Sensations to ear 8. Acoustic (Vestibulocochlear) S Cochlear: ● Weber ● Rinne ● Whisper test Vestibular: ● Romberg test Cochlear: ● Hearing ● Pitch/vibrations Vestibular: ● Balance/equilibrium ● Linear & rotational movements of head Portage Learning NURS 100 Final Exam Study Guide 2024 EXAM GUIDE ● Stage 3 & 4 (under slough/eschar) ● Slough/eschar ◆ Causes difficulty in discerning extent of tissue damage ● Full thickness ❖ Arterial insufficiency vs. venous insufficiency ➢ Arterial insufficiency ■ Chronic condition in which partial or total arterial occlusion deprives the lower extremities of oxygen and nutrients ■ Pulses decreased or absent ■ Pain may be present in feet/legs ■ Ulcerations in area of toes, foot usually turns deep red when dependent ■ Nails may be thick and rigid ■ Pale shiny skin ➢ Venous insufficiency ■ Includes disorders that result from increased venous pressure or valve damage of a vein wall ■ Ulcerations usually around the ankle ■ Pulses present but may be difficult to find because of edema ■ Foot may be cyanotic when dependent ■ Skin may have brownish discoloration ■ Edema may be pitting CRITERIA ARTERIAL VENOUS Pain: Intermittent classification, pain at rest Painful Mechanism: Tissue ischemia Venous hypertension Pulses: Decreased or absent Normal, through may be difficult to feel Color: Pale, dusky red Normal or cyanotic on dependency, petechiae, brown pigmentation Temperature: Cool Normal Edema: Absent/mild Present Skin changes: Thin, shiny, atrophic skin, loss of hair over foot and toes, nails thickened Brown pigmentation around the ankle, dermatitis Portage Learning NURS 100 Final Exam Study Guide 2024 EXAM GUIDE Ulcerations: If present, toes or trauma on feet Develops at sides of ankle Gangrene: May develop Does not develop Medications ➢ Beta Blockers ■ -olol ■ Decreases blood pressure ■ Side effects ● Fatigue ● Weakness ● Erectile dysfunction ● Bradycardia ● HF ● Pulmonary edema ➢ Benzodiazepines ■ -zepam ■ CNS depressant; controls anxiety; sedative ➢ ACE Inhibitors ■ -pril ■ Decreases blood pressure; treats HF ➢ ARB Blockers ■ -artan ■ Decreases blood pressure ➢ Calcium Channel Blockers ■ -dipine ■ Decreases blood pressure; treats chest pain; treats migraines ➢ Thrombolytics ■ -ase/-plase ■ Dissolves blood clots ➢ Corticosteroids ■ -sone ■ Treats asthma, arthritis, cancer, autoimmune disorders ➢ Bronchodilators (Beta2-agonists) ■ -terol ■ Treats asthma, COPD ➢ DPP4 inhibitors ■ -gliptin Portage Learning NURS 100 Final Exam Study Guide 2024 EXAM GUIDE ■ Decreases blood sugar ■ Sitagliptin ● Side effects ◆ Pancreatitis ◆ Anaphylaxis ◆ Angioedema ◆ Exfoliative skin conditions (Stevens-johnsons syndrome) ● Interactions ◆ Risk of hypoglycemia when also on insulin, glyburide, glipizide, glimepiride ➢ Incretin mimetics ■ -tide ■ Decreases blood sugar ➢ Leukotriene antagonists ■ -ast ■ Treats asthma & allergies ➢ Proton pump inhibitors (PPI’s) ■ -prazole ■ Treats GERD, peptic ulcers & H. pylori ■ Take 30 minutes before meals ➢ Sulfonylureas ■ -ide ■ Decreases blood sugar; treats type 2 diabetes ➢ Biguanide ■ Metformin ■ Decreases blood sugar ➢ Anticoagulant ■ -arin ■ Prevents blood clots ■ Warfarin ● Side effects ◆ Calciphylaxis ◆ Bleeding ● Avoid foods high in vitamin K ◆ Broccoli ◆ Cauliflower ◆ Cabbage ◆ Brussel sprouts ◆ Kale Portage Learning NURS 100 Final Exam Study Guide 2024 EXAM GUIDE ◆ Diuretics ◆ Diabetes ◆ Decreased LOC ● Symptoms ◆ Neurologic impairment, restlessness, weakness, disorientation, delusion, hallucinations ● Assessments ◆ Lab value, VS (BP, HR, Temp), dehydration (skin turgor), I&O ● Interventions IV Fluid replacement (D5W), Monitor VS, I&O, skin breakdown, encourage oral intake ➢ K ■ 3.5-5.1 mEq/L ■ Intracellular ■ Cation ■ Hypokalemia <3.5 ● K+ deficit in ECF ● Symptoms - 5 L’s ◆ Lethargy ◆ Lethal cardiac arrhythmia ◆ Leg cramps ◆ Limp muscles ◆ Low, shallow respirators ● Symptoms: muscle weakness, fatigue, dysrhythmias ● Causes - GRADE ◆ GI loss ◆ Renal/kidney ◆ Alkalosis ◆ Diuretics ◆ Eat (lack of) ● Assessments ◆ VS, labs, I&O, reflexes ● Interventions ◆ VS monitoring, ECG, K administration, labs (Mag level) ■ Hyperkalemia >5.1 ● Excess K+ in ECF (you typically die from having high K+) ● Symptoms - MURDER ◆ Muscle weakness ◆ Urine (oliguria/anuria) Portage Learning NURS 100 Final Exam Study Guide 2024 EXAM GUIDE ◆ Respiratory distress ◆ Decreased cardiac contractility ◆ EKG changes ◆ Reflexes (hyper/hypo) ● Symptoms: nerve conduction changes, paralysis, murder ● Causes - MIKA ◆ Meds ➢ Supplements, ACE inhibitors, Beta blockers, NSAIDs, K+ sparing diuretics ◆ Intake ➢ Excessive intake of bananas, spinach, yogurt, high K+ foods ◆ Kidney ➢ Impaired ability to secrete fluid ◆ Acidosis ➢ Result of an increase in acid components or an excessive loss of bicarbonate ➢ CO2 ● Assessments ◆ Labs, VS, I&O, reflexes ● Interventions ◆ VS monitoring, ECG, labs, meds ■ 23 -29 mEq/L ■ Symptoms: headache, lightheaded, change in LOC, cyanosis, pain during expiration/inspiration, barrel chested, hyperventilating, clubbing, cap refill > ● Heart: organs unable to perfuse d/t < O2 resp ● Lungs: SOB, hyperventilation, AKI, trauma, infection ■ Labs: Na, CO2, GLU, Hgb, Hct, WBC ■ Diagnosis ● Alterations in Oxygenation; ineffective airway clearance, ineffective breathing pattern, impaired gas exchange ■ Outcome identification & planning ● Oxygenation problem ● The patient will: ◆ Demonstrate improved gas exchange in the lungs by an absence of cyanosis or chest pain ◆ Pulse oximetry <95% ◆ Exercise Portage Learning NURS 100 Final Exam Study Guide 2024 EXAM GUIDE ◆ Demonstrate self-care behaviors that provide relief from symptoms and prevent further cardiopulmonary problems. ■ Implementing ● Promote/control coughing, suction, med administration, supplemental oxygen, manage chest tubes, artificial airways, CPR, teaching ■ Teach ● Vaccination, smoking cessation/environment, nutrition, reducing anxiety, positioning, fluid intake, incentive spirometry, breathing techniques, coughing meds, chest physiotherapy oxygen, chest tube, CPR ➢ Cl ■ Meds ● Bronchodilators ● Liquefy or loosen thick secretions ◆ Reduce inflammation in airways ● Metered dose inhaler ● Nebulizer ● Dry powder inhaler ■ 95-105 ■ Anion ■ ECF ■ Hyperchloremia ● Major causes ◆ Metabolic acidosis, head trauma, increased perspiration, decreased GFR ● Tachypnea, weakness, lethargy, decreased awareness, hypertension, decreased cardiac output, dysrhythmias, coma ■ Hypochloremia ● Major causes ◆ Vomiting/diarrhea, drainage of GI tube, metabolic alkalosis, diuretics, burns ● Hyperexcitability, tetany, hyperactive DTRs, weakness, muscle cramps ➢ BUN ■ 7-24 mg/dL ■ Backs up Cr findings ■ Formed in liver from ammonia Portage Learning NURS 100 Final Exam Study Guide 2024 EXAM GUIDE ➢ Hct ■ 35-45% ◆ Sweating, chills, clammy ◆ Shakiness ◆ Confusion ■ Measures percentage by volume of RBCs in a whole blood sample ● 40% = 100mL sample of blood contains 40 mL of RBCs ● 5 below and above; 20% is a big deal ■ General ● Solidifies Hgb (can mean more than one thing) ■ Mean volume & hemoglobin concentration ■ Packed-cell volume ● 60%: ¾ full (many RBCs; do not need to carry as much) ◆ Dehydration ◆ CO2 poisoning ◆ Living at high altitude ● 40%: RBC full (normal) ● 20%: RBC very full (half the amount of RBCs; trying to carry as much oxygen as possible); can’t carry enough affecting oxygenation ◆ Tachycardic: not getting enough O2, tries to compensate ◆ Pregnancy ◆ Anemia ◆ Heavy menstrual cycles ■ Measures ● Polycythemia, anemia, dietary deficiencies ◆ Polycythemia (increase in RBC count) → ➢ Aspirin ➢ Bloodletting (Hct <45) ● Hydration status ◆ Hydration, IV fluids lowers RBCs ● Aid in calculation of erythrocytes ● Monitor response to treatments ● Determining need for blood transfusions ● Baseline before surgery/invasive procedures/treatments ➢ Hgb ■ Males: 12-16 g/dL ■ Females: 10-14 g/dL ■ Protein in RBCs that carries oxygen to organs & tissues Portage Learning NURS 100 Final Exam Study Guide 2024 EXAM GUIDE ■ Transports carbon dioxide from organs back to lungs ● How many RBCs do we have to carry O2 & CO2? ■ Main indicator of general bleeding; specific/localized ● <8 big deal (.1 increments not a big deal) ■ Measures ● Severity of anemia ● Polycythemia (too many RBC) ◆ Causes: ➢ Bone marrow produces too many RBCs → cancer ➢ Autoimmune disorder ● Response to therapy ● Baseline prior to surgery/invasive procedures/treatments ◆ Have we tried some sort of treatment like giving RBCs or iron? ◆ Have we done something to determine the reason why we don't have enough RBCs? ◆ Determine the underlying reason why our RBC is low/low production ➢ GI bleed → colonoscopy to determine where the bleed ➢ Hematoma ➢ Aneurysm ◆ Surgery is invasive (blood loss) ➢ Male patient hemoglobin is 10-11 before surgery and then after surgery it is 6-7 ● Distribution of oxygen to organs & tissues ➢ WBC ■ 5,000 to 10,000/mm3 ■ Respond to infection in the body ■ Symptoms: febrile, change in LOC, confusion, dizziness, swollen lymph nodes, high HB (to compensate), sweaty, pain, BP changes (hypotension), body aches, oliguria/anuria (dehydrated), burning, increase RR, diarrhea ■ Labs: Na (high, dehydrated), K (low, laxatives to get rid of K, 5Ds), BUN, Cr, GLU, WBC ● Heart: tachycardia, HF, MI ● Lungs: pneumonia (tachypnea) ● Kidneys: UTI Portage Learning NURS 100 Final Exam Study Guide 2024 EXAM GUIDE ➢ Plt ➢ Ca ● GI: diverticulitis ■ Cell is dehydrated ■ 145-450K/uL ■ Non-nucleated, cytoplasmic, round or oval disks formed by budding off large, multinucleated cells ■ Essential in coagulation, hemostasis, blood thrombus formation ● Platelets move to vessel injury, hemostasis, bind to fibrinogen causing platelets to stick together, forming a plug ■ Thrombocytopenia ● ↓ platelet count ● When body’s need for platelets exceeds the rate of production ◆ Congenital, cancer, bone marrow diseases, cirrhosis, bleeding disorders (disseminated intravascular coagulation), sepsis, medications ■ Thrombocytosis ● ↑ platelet count ● Causes ◆ Hemorrhage, infectious disorders, iron deficiency anemia, splenectomy, inflammatory disorders ■ Purpose of platelet count ● Evaluate platelet production ● Assess effects of chemotherapy & radiation therapy ● Diagnose & monitor severe thrombocytosis or thrombocytopenia ■ 8-10 mg/dL ■ Cation in ECF ■ Plays role in blood coagulation and transmission of nerve impulses ■ Regulates muscle contraction/relaxation ■ Hypercalcemia (“The body is WEAK”) ● Weakness of muscles ● EKG changes ● Absent reflexes ● Kidney stone formation ■ Hypocalcemia (CRAMP) ● Confusion ● Reflexes (hyperactive) ● Arrhythmias ● Muscle spasms (tetany) Portage Learning NURS 100 Final Exam Study Guide 2024 EXAM GUIDE ● Neuromuscular disease (ALD, muscular dystrophy) ➢ Respiratory Alkalosis (pH = >7.45; CO2 = <35) ■ Hyperventilation causing an increase in alveolar ventilation that is disproportionate to the rate of metabolic carbon dioxide production ■ Causes ● Panic attacks/anxiety ● MI ● Infection ● Asthma ● COPD ● Pain ● Drug use ● Pulmonary embolism Low High pH (7.35-7.45) acidosis alkalosis PaCO2 (35-45) alkalosis acidosis PaO2 (80-100) hypoxemia O2 therapy HCO3 (22-26) acidosis alkalosis ❖ Diseases Heart Disease Symptoms Labs Meds Diet Pt education Nursing intervent ion Risk factors Heart Failur e DRES - Dizziness K, Mg, Na, BUN, Diuretics ACE DASH diet/low Diet Exercise Med regimen VS VS, I&O, weight, labs, wound manage ment, exercise Heart attack, HTN, - Rapid heartbeat Cr, Trop, ARBS Na Diabetes, - Edema BNP BBlockers ↓ Lung - SOB CCBs fluid disease, Digoxin valve disease Effects: Heart: can’t keep up Cell full w/ body’s demands Portage Learning NURS 100 Final Exam Study Guide 2024 EXAM GUIDE (can’t pump what body needs), BP changes, enlarged heart (tachycardia, palpitations) Lungs: wheezing Kidney: failure (excessive urination) GI: bloating Hypertensi on >130, >80 Headache, fatigue, vision changes, chest pain, difficulty breathing, palpitations, confusion K, Mg, Na, BUN, Cr, GLU, Ca, Troponin Beta blockers Diuretics CCBs ACE ARBs DASH diet Diet Exercise Sedentary lifestylePai n manageme nt Stress VS monitori ng, I&O, diet, weights, labs Race, age sleep apnea, DM, obesity, HLD, alcohol consumptio n Effects: Heart: enlarged ventricles, HF, MI, Stroke (sleep apnea, irregular heartbeat) Kidney: failure (blood in urine) GI: DM2, Obesity, high cholesterol, salt calories Cell full Hypotension <90, <60 Dizziness, tachycardia, pallor, sweating, blurred vision, nausea, confusion Effects: Heart: dehydration, hemorrhage, HF, arrhythmias K, Mg, Na, BUN, Cr, GLU, Ca, Troponin Fluids Vasopress ors Midodrine ↑ sodiu m Diet Exercise Sedentary lifestyle Pain manageme nt Stress Further imaging VS monitori ng I&O Diet Disease process, meds, hemorrhage , athletes Cell isn’t full Portage Learning NURS 100 Final Exam Study Guide 2024 EXAM GUIDE Kidneys: dialysis GI: diabetes r/t, hypoglycemia Lung Disease Symptoms Labs Meds Diet Pt education Nursing interventio n Risk factors COPD Emphysem a & chronic bronchitis (88%-92% may be their normal) Shallow, rapid breathing, dyspnea, sputum, barrel chest, clubbing of nails, wheezes, rhonchi Effects: Heart: chest pain (chest pressure), perfusion, fatigue Lungs: Resp infections, dyspnea, lack of O2, wheezing (dry or wet cough) GI: malnourished CO2, ABGs, O2 level, WBC, Na Bronchod ilator, steroid, oxygen therapy Smal l meal s , ↑ calo r ie, high prot e in Breathing techniques , pace activities, hydration, smoking cessation Respiration s, VS, O2, ABGs, O2 application, breathing techniques, pace activities, diet changes, ambulation , incentive spirometry Smoking, pollution Asthma Inflammati on, swelling, extra mucus Use of accessory muscles, wheezing, dyspnea, chest pain, cough Effects: Heart: tachycardia, tachypnea, chest tightness, Lungs: wheezing, dyspnea, sputum, production, frequent resp infections GI: meds WBCs, O2 Bronchod ilatorSter oid inhalersO xygen therapy Smal l meal s , ↑ calo r ie Meds, exercise changes, allergies/p ollution Incentive spirometry, resp assess, VS, O2, pace activities, identify triggers Air pollution, triggers, meds, family history, smoker, allergies Cell empty Pneumoni a Wheezing, crackles, WBC, Antibioti Small Lifestyle Standards Age, Portage Learning NURS 100 Final Exam Study Guide 2024 EXAM GUIDE ➢ 7-14 days ➢ Urine output gradually increases & electrolytes adjust ➢ GFR improves ◆ Recovery phase ➢ 3-12 months ➢ Gradual return to normal or near-normal kidney function ➢ Electrolytes return to normal balance, edema ↓ ■ Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) ● The gradual loss of kidney function ◆ Electrolytes and wastes can build up in your body ● Symptoms ◆ Nausea ◆ Vomiting ◆ Loss of appetite ◆ Fatigue/weakness ◆ Sleep problems ◆ Urine output changes ◆ Change in LOC ◆ Muscle twitches/cramps ◆ Edema ◆ Persistent itching ◆ Chest pain (fluid builds up around the lining of the heart) ◆ SOB (fluid builds up in the lungs) ◆ HTN ● Causes ◆ Type 1 or type 2 diabetes ◆ High blood pressure ◆ Glomerulonephritis (inflammation of the kidney's filtering units) ◆ Interstitial nephritis (inflammation of the kidney's tubules and surrounding structures) ◆ Polycystic kidney disease ◆ Prolonged obstruction of the urinary tract ◆ Vesicoureteral (condition that causes urine to back up into your kidneys) ◆ Pyelonephritis (recurrent kidney infection) Portage Learning NURS 100 Final Exam Study Guide 2024 EXAM GUIDE ➢ Diabetes Mellitus ■ Type 1 ● Absence of insulin production by the pancreas resulting from autoimmune destruction of beta cells ◆ The pancreas does NOT produce insulin ● Affects metabolism → hyperglycemia ● Causes ◆ Genetics ◆ Viruses (Coxsackie virus, mumps, rubella), toxins ◆ Infant weight ■ Type 2 ● Combination of resistance to insulin action & impared insulin secretion ◆ Causing hyperglycemia & other complications ➢ Microvascular: retinal & renal ➢ Macrovascular: coronary & peripheral vascular ➢ Neuropathic conditions ◆ Pancreas still produces insulin ➢ Insulin secreted is either not enough or the body is resistant to the insulin ■ Retinopathy ● Microvascular ● Corneal abnormalities, glaucoma, iris neovascularization, cataracts, neuropathies ● Advances stages include floaters, distortion, blurred vision ■ Nephropathy ● Microvascular ● Leading cause of CKD ● Considered after routine urinalysis & screening ● Albuminuria, decline in GFR, elevated arterial BP ■ Neuropathy ● Most common complication of DM ● Presence of symptoms of peripheral nerve dysfunction ◆ Sensory ◆ Motor ◆ Autonomic ■ Macrovascular ● Coronary and peripheral vascular ■ Labs Portage Learning NURS 100 Final Exam Study Guide 2024 EXAM GUIDE ● Glucose, ketones, pH, Na, BUN/Cr, WBC, HgA1C ■ Meds ● Insulin, oral agents (Metformin, Januvia, Gliptizide, Glyburide) ■ Diet ● Carb control ■ Education ● Diet control, exercise, urine, symptoms ■ Nursing interventions ● VS, blood sugar, urinalysis, exercise, meal planning, med administration ■ Risk factors ● Genetics, age, obesity, meds, toxins ❖ Ostomies/Elimination ➢ Ostomies ■ Stoma’s appearance ● Pink, moist, rounded ■ Diet considerations ● Resume regular diet ● Avoid foods that cause loose stools ● Adjustments for antibiotic therapy ● Low fiber ● Avoid foods that are difficult to digest ● Eat foods that thicken stool ● Foods to avoid: ◆ Stringy, high fiber foods (gas producing) ◆ Membranes on citrus fruit ◆ Fruits & vegetable skins ◆ Peas, popcorn, spinach, dried fruits, nuts, pineapple, seeds ◆ Fish, eggs, beer & other carbonated beverages ■ Emotional ● Body image/sexuality ■ Indications for ostomy surgery ● Congenital anomalies: spina bifida ● Cancer: bladder, colon, rectal ● Inflammatory bowel diseases: Crohn;s, ulcerative colitis ● Ureter obstruction ● Abdominal wounds Portage Learning NURS 100 Final Exam Study Guide 2024 EXAM GUIDE ◆ Cane (COAL) ➢ Cane ➢ Opposite ➢ Affected ➢ Leg ◆ Walker (WWAL) ➢ Walker ➢ With ➢ Affected ➢ Leg ■ Patient education ● Healthy weight ● Exercise ● Eating healthy ● Smoking ● Use of alcohol ● Stress ❖ Embolism, Thrombus & Hemorrhage ➢ Embolism ■ Mobile blood clot; forms somewhere else & travels (usually to fat buildup) ➢ Thrombus ■ Nonmobile blood clot; forms in blood vessel ➢ Hemorrhage ■ Internal/external bleeding ■ Weakened blood vessel ruptures like a balloon (aneurysm that bursts) ■ Cause is usually uncontrolled high BP ❖ Anemia ➢ Iron Deficiency Anemia ■ Iron deficiency anemia is the most common type of anemia, and it occurs when your body doesn't have enough of the mineral iron ● Low red blood cell count ➢ Anemia symptoms ■ Fatigue ■ Pallor (conjunctiva & mucous membranes are light pink, pale) ● Seen in chronic iron deficiency or bleeding disorder Portage Learning NURS 100 Final Exam Study Guide 2024 EXAM GUIDE ■ Headache ■ Weakness (not enough O2 to muscles) ■ Dizziness (brain isn’t receiving enough O2) ■ Palpitations (heart isn't receiving enough O2) ■ Bruising (not perfusing O2) ● Trying to keep as much as it can in internal organs, first priority ● Long time to heal (skin is last priority) ➢ Dyspnea (lungs aren't receiving enough O2) ➢ Epistaxis ➢ Pica ➢ Physical findings: ■ Dull, thinning hair ■ Pallor, ecchymosis, petechiae ■ Occult blood in stool (melena - blood is sticky) ■ Splenomegaly ➢ Patient history ■ Hemorrhage ● Menstrual cycle ■ Chronic Renal Disease ■ Bone Marrow Suppression ■ Poor Nutrition ■ Fluid retention (dilution of blood) ■ COPD (long term) ❖ Hyperthyroidism ➢ Overactive thyroid ➢ Signs/symptoms ■ Intolerance to heat (HOT) ■ Weight loss ■ Changes in menses; short menstrual pattern with scant flow ■ Fine, straight hair; bulging eyes, tachycardia, high systolic BP, localized edema, diarrhea, tremors, finger clubbing ❖ Hypothyroidism ➢ Underactive thyroid ➢ Signs/symptoms ■ Cold intolerance Portage Learning NURS 100 Final Exam Study Guide 2024 EXAM GUIDE ❖ Pai n ■ Weight gain ■ Increased frequency & flow of menses ■ In extreme cases: bradycardia and dyspnea from low cardiac output ■ Receding hairline/hair loss, facial & eyelid edema, dull-blank expression, extreme fatigue, thick tongue-slow speech, anorexia, brittle nails & hair, apathy, dry skin (coarse, scaly), muscle aches/weakness, constipation ➢ Assessing pain ■ Ask ● Simple questions ■ Numerical rating scale ■ Observational tool ● PAINAD ■ Wong-Baker FACES ■ Utilize low doses ➢ Recognize that each person holds various beliefs about pain and that pain is what the patient says it is ➢ Respect the patient’s right to respond to pain in one’s own fashion ➢ Never stereotype a patient’s responses to pain based on the patient’s culture ➢ Be sensitive to nonverbal signals of discomfort, such as holding or applying pressure to the painful area or avoiding activities that intensify the pain ❖ Aging Adult ➢ Sensory changes ■ Vision ● Presbyopia ◆ Decrease focus on near objects and light adaptation ● Decrease in dark adaptation, upward gaze, pupil size, visual field ● Increased eye dryness ■ Eardrum thickens ■ Presbycusis ● Loss of high frequency hearing acuity ■ Hair fibers in ear canal less able to help with earwax removal and protect canal ➢ Taste & smell ■ Fewer taste buds, less saliva, dry mouth, oral conditions, decreased sense Portage Learning NURS 100 Final Exam Study Guide 2024 EXAM GUIDE Cardiopulmonary ● Atherosclerosis (blood vessels become less elastic, more rigid/hard) ○ Venous return less efficient ○ Fatty plaque deposits continue in lining of blood vessels ○ Lower-extremity edema & cooling ○ Peripheral pulses not palpable ○ Orthostatic hypotension ● Less able to increase HR & cardiac output w/ activity ● Pulmonary elasticity & ciliary action ↓: clearing of the lungs become less efficient ○ RR ↑ w/ diminished depth Portage Learning NURS 100 Final Exam Study Guide 2024 EXAM GUIDE Gastrointestinal ● Malnutrition & anemia ● Dry mouth (diminished saliva production) ● Constipation & indigestion ○ Reduced muscle tone & ↓ peristalsis ● Digestive juices diminish & nutrient absorption ↓ Dentition ● Tooth decay/loss ● Change in eating habits Genitourinary ● Voiding more frequently ○ Bladder capacity ↓ by 50% ● ↓ in bladder & sphincter muscle control ○ Stress/overflow incontinence ● 75% of men over 65 experience hypertrophy of prostate gland ● ↓ in vaginal secretions ○ Womens genital tract atrophies, thinning ● Blood flow to kidneys ↓ w/ diminished cardiac output ● Functioning nephron units ↓ by 50%: waste products are filtered & excreted slower ● Fluids & electrolytes remain normal BUT balance is fragile ❖ Falls ➢ What is a fall? ■ An unintended, sudden, assisted or unassisted, descent (including rolls & slips) to the floor or on or against a surface (counter, wall, etc.), or another person caused by physiological reasons or environmental reasons— resulting with or without injury to the patient ➢ Intrinsic Factors ■ Medical illness/chronic disease ■ Physical status ■ High risk meds ➢ Extrinsic Factors ■ Floor surfaces ■ Equipment (side rails) ■ Inadequate lighting Portage Learning NURS 100 Final Exam Study Guide 2024 EXAM GUIDE Portage Learning NURS 100 Final Exam Study Guide 2024 EXAM GUIDE ■ Avoid mandating change ■ Seek cultural assistance ➢ Cultural assessment ■ Beliefs, values, traditions & practices of a culture; culturally defined, health-related needs of individuals, families, & communities; culturally based belief systems of the etiology of illness & disease & those related to health & healing; attitudes toward seeking help from health care providers ❖ Standard Precautions ➢ Standard ■ Precautions used in the care of all hospitalized patients regardless of their diagnosis or possible infection status ■ Guidelines ● Hand hygiene ● Don non sterile gloves ● Wear PPE ● Follow respiratory hygiene/cough etiquette ● Avoid recapping used needles ● Use safe injection practices ● Wear face mask ● Handle used patient care equipment that is soiled with blood or identified body fluids, secretions, and excretions carefully ● Use adequate environmental controls ● Review room assignments carefully ➢ Transmission-Based ■ Airborne (Tuberculosis) ● Patient must be in private room with door closed ● Must wear respirator when entering room ● Only transport pt out of room when necessary; use mask on pt ■ Droplet (Influenza) ● Private room; door may stay open ● PPE for all interactions that involve contact with pt ● Only transport pt out of room when necessary; use mask on pt ● Visitors must stay 3 ft away from pt ■ Contact (C. Diff) ● Private room Portage Learning NURS 100 Final Exam Study Guide 2024 EXAM GUIDE ● PPE for all interactions that involve contact with pt ● Limit movement of pt out of room ● Avoid sharing pt care equipment ■ Reverse/Neutropenic ● Neutropenic precautions are used when a patient has a low number of neutrophils in their immune system ● Pt is immunocompromised ● Neutropenic precautions are comparable to contact precautions in reverse ● Avoid building contaminants in pt room ● Can be caused by chemotherapy ❖ Vital signs ➢ Temperature ■ 35.9° to 38°C (96.7° to 100.5°F) ➢ Heart Rate ■ 60-100 bpm ■ Rate ● Affects the amount of blood ejected by the heart with each beat ■ Rhythm ● Regular or irregular (dysrhythmia) ■ Amplitude ● Quality of the pulse (fullness) ● Grade system ◆ 0: absent ◆ +1: diminished ◆ +2: normal ◆ +3: bounding ■ Tachycardia: >100 bpm ● Decreases filling time, decreases cardiac output ■ Bradycardia: < 60 bpm ● SA node generates a slower-than-normal impulse rate ➢ O2 Sat ■ Diffusion: exchange of O2 & CO2 between the alveoli of the lungs & the circulating blood ■ Perfusion: exchange of O2 & CO2 between the circulating blood & tissue cells ● Oxygenate blood, remove CO2 Portage Learning NURS 100 Final Exam Study Guide 2024 EXAM GUIDE ● Oxygen: cells use to create energy Hemoglobin (RBCs) transport oxygen in the blood; organs need oxygen to survive; oxygen depletion leads to cell death ➢ Respiration Rate ■ 12-20 breaths/min ■ Regular in rate and in rhythm ■ Patterns ● Hyperventilation: ↑ the rate and depth of respirations ◆ Associated with: extreme exercise, fear, diabetic ketoacidosis ● Hypoventilation: ↓ in rate and depth ◆ Associated with: overdose of narcotics or anesthetics ● Tachypnea: ↑ respiratory rate; >24 breaths/min; shallow ◆ Associated with: fever, anxiety, exercise, respiratory diseases ● Bradypnea: ↓ respiratory rate; <10 breaths/min; regular ◆ Associated with: brain damage, depression of respiratory center by medications ● Cheynes-stokes: alternating periods of deep, rapid breathing followed by periods of apnea; regular ◆ Associated with: drug overdose, HF, increased intracranial pressure, renal failure ● Biot’s: varying depth & rate of breathing followed by periods of apnea; irregular ◆ Associated with: meningitis, severe brain damage ➢ Blood Pressure ■ 120/80 mmHg ■ Force of the blood against arterial walls ■ Arterial walls contain elastic tissue -> stretch and distend as blood enters ● Return to their original position between each beat (at rest) ■ Short-term regulation ● Neural and Humoral ◆ Temporary corrections ● Parasympathetic and sympathetic nerves ● Baroreceptors ● Epinephrine & Vasopressin Portage Learning NURS 100 Final Exam Study Guide 2024 EXAM GUIDE ■ Cold extremities ■ Extreme body pain or discomfort (5-7) ❖ Pharmacology ➢ Pharmacokinetics ■ Refers to the kinetics of drug absorption, distribution & elimination (metabolism & excretion) ■ ADME (the time course of the drug concentration in the body) ● Absorption: entry of molecules into blood ● Distribution: movement of molecule between water, lipid & protein constituents of the body ● Metabolism: process of alteration in structure of molecule in the body ● Excretion: removal of drug molecules or metabolites from the body ■ What the body does to the drug ➢ Pharmacodynamics ■ The relationship of drug concentration to pharmacologic effects; what the drug does to the body ➢ Bioequivalence ■ Two pharmaceutical equivalents w/ similar bioavailability ➢ Biotransformation ■ Drug metabolism ■ The chemical alteration of drug structure (mostly in liver) ➢ Bioavailability ■ The rate & extent at which therapeutically active drug reaches systemic circulation in the intact form ➢ Safety ■ Staying aware of ● Potentiative effects ◆ When a pt is taking two medications, one drug may intensify the effects of the other ➢ Beneficial or detrimental ● Inhibitory interactions ◆ Interactions that result in reduced drug effects ➢ Beneficial or detrimental ● Allergic reactions ◆ When the immune system overreacts to a harmless Portage Learning NURS 100 Final Exam Study Guide 2024 EXAM GUIDE substance called an allergen ● Adverse reactions ◆ An idiosyncratic reaction or other adverse effect of a medication that is not preventable ● Anaphylaxis ◆ Severe allergic reaction ➢ Bronchoconstriction, hypotension & edema of the glottis ◆ Potentially life-threatening allergic reaction; causes your immune system to release a flood of chemicals that can cause you to go into shock ● Medication reconciliation ◆ The process of comparing a list of all medications that a pt is currently taking w/ a list of new medications that are about to be provided (to reduce medication omissions, duplications, dosing errors, adverse drug events, interactions) ● Medication Rights (DR TRADER EMP) ◆ Dose ◆ Route ◆ Time ◆ Reason ◆ Assessment ◆ Documentation ◆ Education ◆ Refuse ◆ Evaluation ◆ Medication ◆ Patient ❖ Nutrition ➢ Macronutrients ■ Nutrients that supply energy & build tissue (such as carbohydrates, fats, proteins) ➢ Micronutrients ■ Vitamins & minerals, are required in much smaller amounts to regulate & control body processes ➢ Basal metabolism Portage Learning NURS 100 Final Exam Study Guide 2024 EXAM GUIDE ■ Energy required to carry on the involuntary activities of the body at rest- the energy needed to sustain the metabolic activities of cells & tissues ➢ Body mass index (BMI) ■ Ratio of weight (kilograms) to height (meters) ■ Reliable indicator of total body fat stores in the general population ■ Healthy weight: BMI 18.5-24.9 ➢ Waist Circumference ■ Measured by placing a measuring tape snugly around the pts waist at the level of the umbilicus ➢ Healthy food groups ■ Fruits & Vegetables ■ Fiber ■ Calcium & Vitamin D ■ Protein ➢ Not so healthy food groups ■ Fats ● Trans fats ◆ Bad fats ● Polyunsaturated fats ◆ Good fats ➢ Carbohydrates ■ Sugars & starches ● Provide energy ■ “Least expensive” ■ Liver stores glucose & regulates entry in blood ■ Glycogenesis ● When muscle or liver glycogen stores are deficient ◆ Glucose → glycogen ■ Glycogenolysis ● Glycogen is broken down → glucose ❖ Diets ➢ DASH (Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension) ■ Reduce the sodium in your diet or eat food rich in nutrients that lower BP like K, Ca, Mg ■ 2,300 mg sodium/day ➢ Diabetes & Diet ■ Maintain blood sugar at an appropriate level ■ Prevent chronic conditions such as CAD, AKI, CKD
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