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PHYS101 Practice Final Exam Version 2 - Prof. Robert Gowdy, Exams of Physics

The questions and answer key for the practice final exam of a university-level physics course, phys101. The exam covers various topics including potential energy, kinetic energy, electric charges, electromagnetic waves, and newton's laws of motion. Students are expected to solve problems involving calculations and applying physical concepts.

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Download PHYS101 Practice Final Exam Version 2 - Prof. Robert Gowdy and more Exams Physics in PDF only on Docsity! PHYS101 Sec 001 Practice Final Exam Version 2 Page: 1 PHYS101 Sec 001 Practice Final Exam Version 2 Page: 2 1 A 2kg rock is dropped from rest at a height of 30 meters above the ground. How much heat energy is generated when it hits the ground? a. 0. b. 60J. c. 600J. d. 900J. 2 The rst direct conrmation of Maxwell's electromagnetic waves involved the generation and detection of a. X-rays. b. radio waves. c. gamma rays. d. light. e. sound waves. 3 Which way does the earth's magnetic eld point at a position directly over the magnetic south pole (somewhere in Antarctica). a. north. b. down. c. south. d. up. 4 If 100 coulombs of charge ows through a wire in 10 seconds, the current in the wire is a. 10A. b. 100A. c. 0.1A. d. 0.01A. 5 Which of the following answers is closest to the distance that an object will fall from rest in four seconds? a. 20m. b. 160m. c. 320m. d. 80m. e. 40m. 6 An inertial reference frame is dened to be one in which a. non-interacting objects have zero acceleration. b. objects show resistance to acceleration. c. the reference points are all moving at uniform velocity. d. every force gives rise to an equal and opposite reaction force. PHYS101 Sec 001 Practice Final Exam Version 2 Page: 5 18 Light that strikes a mirror at a 60 degree angle of incidence will reect at an angle to the perpendicular of a. 60 degrees. b. 45 degrees. c. 30 degrees. d. 90 degrees. 19 The MKS unit of electrical resistance is the a. volt. b. ampere. c. ohm. d. watt. e. coulomb. 20 You are in an elevator that is moving upward at a constant acceleration of 10m/s2. The oor pushes up against your feet with a force a. less than your weight. b. equal to twice your weight. c. of zero. d. equal to your weight. 21 When the speed of an object is multiplied by 6, its kinetic energy a. is multiplied by 9. b. is multiplied by 36. c. stays the same. d. is multiplied by 6. 22 Which of the following types of image processing occurs in the retina of the eye? a. compression. b. angle recognition. c. object recognition. d. edge enhancement. e. reconstruction. 23 (Astronomical note: In this part of the world, the sun rises in the east, moves across the southern sky, and sets in the west.) It has just stopped raining and you see a rainbow that is a full half-circle in the western sky. What time is it? a. 6:00 am. b. 6:00 pm. c. 3:00 pm. d. 9:00 am. PHYS101 Sec 001 Practice Final Exam Version 2 Page: 6 24 The photon theory predicts that the threshold frequency f0 for the photoelectric effect a. is a universal constant. b. is usually zero. c. depends on the light intensity. d. depends on the work-function w. 25 Orbital velocity — 8000m/s — is a tiny fraction of the speed of light. In particular, it corresponds to v=c = 2:67 105. The quantity that occurs in the time dilation formula is even smaller, (v=c)2 = 7:13 1010. When highly accurate clocks are placed aboard earth satellites and compared to clocks on earth, the time dilation effect a. has been observed but is too small to be of practical importance. b. is large enough to sometimes be of practical importance. c. is inherently unobservable. d. is much too small to observe with current technology. 26 The eye stretches and relaxes its lens in order to a. adapt to changing light intensity. b. center the image on the fovea. c. adapt its focus to objects at different distances. d. keep the lens exible. e. express emotional interest. 27 In the eye, some of the convergence that brings rays to a focus is supplied by the a. cornea. b. pupil. c. retina. d. iris. 28 While ying along in their electric dirigible, Tom Swift and his friends notice a touring car roaring along the highway below them. Being full of boyish mischief (etc.), Tom and his friends decide to play a prank on the occupants of the car by dropping a bag of rubbish on them. The highway is long and straight, so it is easy to pilot the airship on a course parallel to the highway and directly over the moving car. Both the airship and the car are moving at forty miles per hour. Tom drops the bag when the car is directly underneath the airship and the speeds are matched. Assuming that the bag is heavy enough to be unaffected by air resistance, a. the airship and the car leave the bag behind and it misses. b. the bag hits the car. c. The bag leaves the airship and car behind and lands ahead of the car. 29 Two twins in twin spaceships separate at 99% of the speed of light. When they separate, they are each 20 years old. They have agreed that one of them will turn around after one year of travel and y back to rejoin the other. If the one who turns around is 22 years old when they get back together, the other twin will be a. also 22 years old. b. either older or younger than 22, there is no way to tell. c. more than 22 years old. d. less than 22 years old. PHYS101 Sec 001 Practice Final Exam Version 2 Page: 7 30 Newton's theory of universal gravitation provided a. the rst description of how objects move in the heavens. b. the rst description of how objects fall on the earth. c. the rst unied description of both the motion of objects on earth and in the heavens. d. the rst unied description of the fundamental forces of nature. 31 A converging lens a. spreads parallel light rays apart. b. spreads all light rays apart. c. brings all light rays together. d. brings parallel light rays together. 32 Galileo's approach to nding the laws that govern falling objects was to a. test the predictions of the established theory. b. prove the superiority of his own theory. c. nd logical contradictions in the established theory. d. accept the established theory. 33 As the Earth moves around the Sun, the Earth's acceleration vector points a. nowhere because it's zero. b. towards the Sun. c. away from the Sun. d. in its direction of motion. 34 Suppose that a car and a truck are traveling at the same speed. If the truck has three times the mass of the car, then the truck's kinetic energy is a. eight times that of the car. b. twice that of the car. c. four times that of the car. d. nine times that of the car. e. three times that of the car. 35 At the surface of the earth, a 2kg mass weighs approximately a. 10 lb: b. 2N: c. 20N: d. 5N: e. 30N: PHYS101 Sec 001 Practice Final Exam Version 2 Page: 10 48 The potential energy of a charge of 3 micro-coulombs in a potential of 1 million volts is a. 1J. b. 2J. c. 6J. d. 3J. 49 Suppose that you slowly lower a pail to the ground from a height of 1.5meters above the ground. The pail weighs 100N. How much work is done by the force that you exert on the pail? a. 150Nm. b. 150Nm. c. 100Nm. d. 100Nm. 50 A spaceship travels from the earth to a star that is 12 light years away. If the trip takes 13 years in earth time, how many years pass on board the ship? a. 6. b. 5. c. 2. d. 3. e. 4. 51 The idea that light would be dragged by the aether wind caused by the earth's motion around the sun was tested by a. Heinrich Hertz in 1888. b. James Clerk Maxwell in 1865. c. Einstein in 1905. d. Michelson and Morely in 1887. 52 The speed of light is 3  108m/s. How much energy is released when the mass of a system decreases by one gram (103kg)?. a. 9 1013J. b. 3 105J. c. 9 1010J. d. 9 1016J. 53 A baseball pitcher acquires an unbalanced electrical charge by scufng his feet in the dirt and transfers -0.00001C to a baseball as he throws it toward home plate. A thunderstorm is brewing and there is a vertical electric eld of 10,000N/C pointing straight up. The electrical force on the baseball is a. 1N downward. b. 0.1N downward. c. 1N upward. d. 0.1N upward. PHYS101 Sec 001 Practice Final Exam Version 2 Page: 11 54 The set of wavelengths present in the light from a given source is that source's a. intensity. b. spectrum. c. radiation curve. d. electronic structure. 55 A total eclipse of the moon happens when a. the moon passes into the penumbra of the earth's shadow. b. the earth passes into the penumbra of the moon's shadow. c. the earth passes into the umbra of the moon's shadow. d. the moon passes into the umbra of the earth's shadow. 56 Near a positive charge, the electric eld points a. directly toward the charge. b. in circles around the charge. c. upward. d. directly away from the charge. 57 Suppose that the nozzle of a re hose emits a stream of water at a velocity of 30m/s and a rate of 10kg/s. Assuming that the water in the hose is moving at 10m/s, how much force does the nozzle exert on the reman who is holding it? a. 0N: b. 300N: c. 100N: d. 200N: 58 Lasers can do things that were once thought to be impossible because laser light is very a. coherent. b. high velocity. c. short wavelength. d. long wavelength. e. intense. 59 Several effects can limit the amount of unbalanced charge on an object. As the amount of unbalanced positive electric charge on a doorknob increases, which of the following limiting effects happens rst? a. Every atom in the doorknob has lost an electron. b. Electrons pulled from surrounding atoms mob the doorknob. c. Every atom on the surface of the doorknob has lost an electron. 60 Which of the following statements is scientic (as dened by Popper)? a. There are sh in Lake Nyak. b. All of the sh in Lake Nyak are beautiful. c. All of the sh in Lake Nyak are green. PHYS101 Sec 001 Practice Final Exam Version 2 Page: 12 61 For an accelerated particle, proper time and rest-mass are dened a. only in the universal inertial frame. b. using gravity because of the acceleration. c. in the inertial frame of the observer. d. in the instantaneous rest-frame of the particle. 62 The light frequencies that a particular atom can emit are always a. less than the frequencies that it can absorb. b. independent of the frequencies that it can absorb. c. greater than the frequencies that it can absorb. d. the same as the frequencies that it can absorb. 63 A (hypothetical) atom has a ground state at 3eV, a rst excited state at 2eV and a second excited state at 1eV. If a transition from the rst excited state to the ground state yields a photon of frequency f , then a transition from the second excited state to the ground state must yield a photon of frequency a. 12f b. 2f c. 3f d. f 64 The Lorentz contraction was originally proposed as an explanation for a. The perihelion precession of Mercury. b. the dragging of light by the aether. c. the bending of light by the sun. d. the null result of the Michelson Morely experiment. 65 The process of total internal reection typically loses a. none of the incident energy. b. about 50% of the incident energy. c. about 1% of the incident energy. d. 96% of the incident energy. 66 A positive charge of one micro-coulomb is one meter away from a much larger positive charge and has one joule of potential energy. If the charge moves to one half meter away from the positive charge, its potential energy could be a. 1J. b. 2J. c. 0.5J. PHYS101 Sec 001 Practice Final Exam Version 2 Page: 15 79 Suppose that a baseball is thrown with a horizontal velocity component of 30 m/s (about 66 miles per hour which is not too difcult) and a vertical velocity component of 5m/s. How far will it travel before coming back down to the level at which it was thrown? a. 10m. b. 60m. c. 80m. d. 30m. e. 20m. 80 The work required to accelerate an object from rest to a given velocity is called the object's a. Kinetic Energy. b. Potential Energy. c. Mass Energy. d. Total Energy. e. Rest Energy. 81 A car drives off a cliff. As it leaves the cliff, its horizontal velocity component is 5m/s and its vertical velocity component is 0m/s. One second later, its horizontal velocity component is still 5m/s and its vertical velocity component is 10m/s: What is its horizontal component of acceleration? a. +10m/s2: b. 0m/s2: c. +5m/s2: d. 10m/s2: 82 If one of two charges is increased by a factor of 6 and the distance between the charges is not changed, then the electrical force between the charges is a. unchanged. b. multiplied by 6. c. divided by 6. d. divided by 36. 83 A rogue star is observed to be headed directly for our sun. The expected collision will cause a supernova explosion with an initial are of electromagnetic radiation capable of destroying everything in its path. Before the collision occurs, you get into a spaceship and speed away at 185,000 miles per second (relative to the sun). As you race away from the sun, the predicted supernova explosion occurs and sends its initial are after you at 186,000 miles per second (relative to the former sun). As each second passes inside the ship, the distance between you and the are closes (relative to the ship) by a. 187,000 miles. b. 185,000 miles. c. 2000 miles. d. 186,000 miles. e. 1000 miles. PHYS101 Sec 001 Practice Final Exam Version 2 Page: 16 84 Which of the following light sources emits a continuous spectrum? a. a glowing coal. b. a mercury-vapor lamp. c. a neon light. d. hot, thin interstellar gas. 85 When white light enters a prism, its different wavelengths are sent in different directions. When light goes out the other side of the prism, this separation of wavelengths a. is increased. b. is decreased but not canceled. c. is completely canceled. d. stays the same. 86 In which of the following situations would an automobile be in equilibrium? a. Moving at constant speed in a circle. b. Moving at constant speed over the top of a hill. c. Accelerating away from a stop light. d. Moving at constant speed down a long straight incline. e. Accelerating down a long straight incline. 87 Suppose that you slowly lower a 10kg pail of water into a well from ground level to a distance of 1.5 meters below the ground. How much does the potential energy of the pail change? a. increases by 150J. b. increases by 100J. c. decreases by 100J. d. decreases by 150J. 88 When one coulomb of charge passes through a battery, the electrical potential energy of the charge increases by 1.5J. If 4 coulombs of charge pass through the same battery, its electrical potential energy will increase by a. 6.0J. b. 1.5J. c. 3.0J. d. 0.375J. 89 Suppose that the weight of a block is 100N. How much work does the force of gravity do on the block when the block moves a distance of 2 meters along a level surface? a. 0J. b. 10J. c. 40J. d. 200J. PHYS101 Sec 001 Practice Final Exam Version 2 Page: 17 90 A few millimeters per second is a. the typical average speed of electrons in a current-carrying wire. b. the instantaneous speed of individual electrons in a wire. c. a speed that has nothing to do with electricity. d. the typical speed with which a change in electric potential moves through a wire. 91 Suppose that a car that is moving North is said to have a velocity component of 50 miles per hour. For North-South distances measured in the same way, a car with a velocity component of -50 mph must then be moving a. East. b. West. c. North. d. South. 92 The frequency of a wave is a. the reciprocal of its rate of spread. b. the distance from one wavefront to the next. c. the rate at which waves pass a xed position. d. the distance from its beginning to its end. e. the velocity of a wavefront. 93 All of the following statements are true. Which one states the ray approximation? a. Rays spread outward from a source. b. Rays are perpendicular to wavefronts. c. For short wavelengths, rays are straight lines. d. For long wavelengths, rays bend around corners. 94 If a bar magnet is cut in half, the result will be a. one half with a strong north-seeking pole and a weak south-seeking pole and one half the reverse. b. one half that is a north-seeking pole and one half that is a south-seeking pole. c. cancellation of the magnetic eld. d. two bar magnets, each with a north-seeking pole on one end and an equally strong south-seeking pole on the other. 95 A ten newton weight is hung from the ceiling with the pulley system shown here. The force that must be exerted on the end of the string to hold the weight in equilibrium is a. 5N: b. 10N: c. 20N: d. 3 13 N: PHYS101 Sec 001 Practice Final Exam Version 2 Page: 20 108 Calculate (based on the assumptions made in class) the smallest potential difference that could possibly cause death to someone touching bare terminals with clean hands. a. 50V. b. 5V. c. 120V. d. 5000V. e. 24V. 109 A ship with a mass of 100; 000 kg is traveling at 3m= s when it hits a smaller ship of mass 50; 000 kg that is at rest. The total momentum of these two ships is a. +100; 000 kgm= s: b. 150; 000 kgm= s. c. +3:0 kgm= s. d. +300; 000 kgm= s. e. +150; 000 kg m= s. 110 A laser requires a large number of electrons to be in identical excited states that are a. very good at absorbing photons. b. very good at emitting photons. c. incapable of emitting photons. d. very poor at emitting photons. 111 The Principle of Relativity is primarily due to a. Einstein. b. Maxwell. c. Galileo. d. Aristotle. 112 The rate of change of an object's velocity vector is called its a. power level. b. rotation rate. c. deceleration. d. acceleration. 113 At 4:00 P.M. an airplane is in the nal leg of its landing approach, with the distance between it and the ground changing at the rate of -5.0 meters per second. At 4:01 P.M., it touches the ground and begins to roll down the runway without so much as a single bounce. What is the instantaneous rate of change of the distance between the plane and the ground at one second after 4:01 P.M.? a. -5.0 m/s. b. +4.0 m/s. c. 0.0 m/s. d. -4.0 m/s. e. +5 m/s. PHYS101 Sec 001 Practice Final Exam Version 2 Page: 21 114 A clock comparison is initiated by a spaceship, which sends out the message “This is freighter MS701. Please send GMT time-check.”. According to the ship's clock, the message is sent at 5:00 P.M. At 6:00 P.M. by its clock, the ship receives the message “Read you, MS701. Phobos station time is now 5:20 P.M. GMT”. Freighter MS701 needs to reset its clock. Assuming that Phobos Station responded immediately (as it was programmed to do), the ship should change its clock reading from 6:00 P.M. to a. 5:50 P.M. b. 5:30 P.M. c. 5:20 P.M. d. 6:10 P.M. 115 If Einstein were to draw a spacetime diagram in which the x0 and t0 axes represent a moving inertial frame, which of the following diagrams would he draw? 116 If a particle whose rest-mass-energy is 1 Mev travels at 4/5 the speed of light, its kinetic energy is a. (2=3)Mev. b. (8=5)Mev. c. (1=4)Mev. d. (1=12)Mev. 117 In the MKS system of units, the volt is dened by a. 1V = 1N/C. b. 1V = 1C/N. c. 1V = 1J/C. d. 1V = 1C/J. PHYS101 Sec 001 Practice Final Exam Version 2 Page: 22 Useful Formulas p = mv W = Fdd = FdF F = ma K.E.Newton = 12mv 2 P.E. = mgh W = mg v = at v2 = 2ad d = 12at 2 vaverage = d t Eff = Work out Work in P = Work done Time taken F = GmMD2 tearth = Tshipp 1v2 E = mc2p 1(v=c)2 F = k qQD2 K.E.Einstein = E mc 2 Tship 2 = tearth 2 xearth2 E = ForceElectric charge V = P.E.electrical Electric charge I = Charge ow Time taken P = IV R = VI v = f Ephoton = hf hf =K.E.electron + w hf1!2 = E1 E2 Integer right triangles: triangles 4:pdf PHYS101 Sec 001 Practice Final Exam Version 2 Page: 25 74 Choice a. (The hammer and anvil hit the ground almost together.) 75 Choice b. (5m/s. ) 76 Choice a. (2s.) 77 Choice b. (enlarged and virtual.) 78 Choice e. (4000J.) 79 Choice d. (30m.) 80 Choice a. (Kinetic Energy.) 81 Choice b. (0m/s2:) 82 Choice b. (multiplied by 6.) 83 Choice d. (186,000 miles.) 84 Choice a. (a glowing coal. ) 85 Choice a. (is increased.) 86 Choice d. (Moving at constant speed down a long straight incline.) 87 Choice d. (decreases by 150J.) 88 Choice a. (6.0J.) 89 Choice a. (0J.) 90 Choice a. (the typical average speed of electrons in a current-carrying wire.) 91 Choice d. (South.) 92 Choice c. (the rate at which waves pass a xed position.) 93 Choice c. (For short wavelengths, rays are straight lines.) 94 Choice d. (two bar magnets, each with a north-seeking pole on one end and an equally strong south-seeking pole on the other.) 95 Choice a. (5N:) 96 Choice c. (0:01m/s2.) 97 Choice c. (t = 0.) 98 Choice c. (200ft.) 99 Choice c. (- 500 gal/hr.) 100 Choice b. (1015Hz) 101 Choice b. (9V.) 102 Choice c. (smaller.) 103 Choice b. (diverging lenses.) 104 Choice d. (newton.) 105 Choice d. (scattered in all directions.) 106 Choice c. (the less massive stone will accelerate more.) 107 Choice b. (infra-red light.) 108 Choice a. (50V.) 109 Choice d. (+300; 000 kgm= s.) PHYS101 Sec 001 Practice Final Exam Version 2 Page: 26 110 Choice d. (very poor at emitting photons.) 111 Choice c. (Galileo.) 112 Choice d. (acceleration.) 113 Choice c. (0.0 m/s.) 114 Choice a. (5:50 P.M.) 115 Choice c. (C) 116 Choice a. ((2=3)Mev.) 117 Choice c. (1V = 1J/C.) PHYS101 Sec 001 Practice Final Exam Version 2 Page: 27 Where to find things in the notes 1 Module 022 Total Energy: Question 2.1 2 Module r34 Electromagnetic Waves: Question 2.2 3 Module 092 Magnetic Poles: Question 4.2 4 Module 084 Electric Current: Question 1.2 5 Module 021 Kinetic Energy: Question 5.2 6 Module 014 The Law of Inertia: Question 2.2 7 Module 022 Total Energy: Question 5.2 8 Module r35 A Problem with Relativity: Question 2.1 9 Module r42 Relativistic Mechanics: Question 1.2 10 Module 013 Projectile Motion: Question 2.1 11 Module g31 Newton's Law of Universal Gravitation: Question 2.1 12 Module 077 Coulomb's Force Law: Question 1.4 13 Module r38 Maps of Spacetime: Question 3.1b 14 Module g31 Newton's Law of Universal Gravitation: Question 4.1 15 Module 018 Action and Reaction: Question 2.1 16 Module r41 The Twin Paradox: Question 1.2 17 Module 016 The Law of Force and Mass: Question 3.2 18 Module 102 Interactions at boundaries: Question 1.2 19 Module 086 Electrical Resistance: Question 1.2 20 Module 017 Some Forces: Question 3.2 21 Module 021 Kinetic Energy: Question 3.1 22 Module 110 Image Processing: Question 1.2 23 Module 103 Dispersion effects: Question 3.1 24 Module 117 The Photoelectric Effect: Question 3.1 25 Module r41 The Twin Paradox: Question 4.2 26 Module 109 Anatomy: Question 3.2 27 Module 109 Anatomy: Question 1.2 28 Module 013 Projectile Motion: Question 1.3 29 Module r41 The Twin Paradox: Question 3.2 30 Module g31 Newton's Law of Universal Gravitation: Question 3.2 31 Module 106 Lenses: Question 1.3 32 Module 010 Universality of Free-fall: Question 3.1 33 Module 009 Acceleration and Speed: Circular Motion: Question 4N 34 Module 021 Kinetic Energy: Question 2.2 35 Module 017 Some Forces: Question 1.2 36 Module 099 Wave Properties: Question 4.3
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