Prof. Charles R. Gunter

The content listed below has not been created by Prof. Charles R. Gunter
3 reviews

Prof. Charles R. Gunter

The content listed below has not been created by Prof. Charles R. Gunter
3 reviews
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Cultural Geography
"Lots of extra credit. This guys should have retired 5 years ago. Has no real lesson plan. Info on D2L is a 20yr old collection of jumbled mess that takes hours just to find what is relevant. On top of that he goes off on tangents about his life such as his trip to get a colonoscopy."
Cultural Geography
"He seems like a cool and understanding guy.I had the class online. I never read anything but, still passed I probably would have learned more if I would have had the course in the class though."
Cultural Geography
"So much online work you can do for extra credit you don't have to worry too much about the tests. Boring really boring
Hardly mentions anything other than Haiti. "