Prof. Douglas N. Ishii

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8 reviews

Prof. Douglas N. Ishii

The content listed below has not been created by Prof. Douglas N. Ishii
8 reviews
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"He was literally one of the worst professors I've had at CSU. When asking for help he was condescending and discouraging. His slides were a mess of junk, huge long paragraphs in red font. He had no way of relating one day of information to the next. It all seemed like a jumble of information. My hope for this course came with the other professors in the department. I ended with a high B almost an A. I would never choose to take a course with him again and would advise no one else to anywhere else whether that is at CSU or where ever else he ends up.1.He didn't give a lot of extra work 2. He only taught at the beginning 3..He no longer teaches at CSU. Everything about how he taught and how he acted."
"Tests are not easy, but questions come from the slides.Easy to talk to. Reads directly from slides. "
"Since there are several instructors for this course it is hard to grade just one teacher. Dr. Ishii is probably the hardest of the three professors. He does a lot of explanation and his exams range in extremely specific detail to very broad topics or application. It is hard to gauge what he will test you on. The other two professors are relatively easy and Dr. Bouma near the end is so much fun!. "
"At the beginning of the semester, Ishii would put up slides on the overhead projector and just talk, which was kind of frustrating for notetaking as it wasn't clear what he wanted us to know. We switched professors through the semester. When we got Ishii back for the final exam, he used powerpoint which was much more effective for communicating what exactly we would be tested on. He's very chill and explains thoroughly if anyone asks a question. Be warned, he does tend to start class a few minutes early, so try not to dawdle if you have a class right before his.Explains questions well. Can wander. "
"Doug is a great guy, but not the greatest lecturer. He tends to get very philosophical during lectures, which would be nice for a philosophy class, but not for physiology. He isn't clear about what will appear on exams, and taking notes in class is complete frustration because he only uses overhead projections that are not well-explained. On the plus side, his demeanor is pretty infectious, I tend to leave his class in a good mood.Soft-spoken and philosophical, great for a morning class. Also knows his shit about human physiology.ZERO use of technology, no RamCT, no lecture notes, and he uses overhead slides/whiteboards. Hell, we even had to ask him to get a microphone so that more than the 30 students in the front row could hear him."
"Great Class but you never know what your grade will be. Awesome teacher loves explaining things and knows how to get the students interested. Lots of memorizing drugs and drug classes. "
"Don't let Ishii fool you. If you ask him "do we need to know generalities for the exam or specific lists?" he will tell you generalities, and then ask you about lists on the exam. In Nerve and Muscle, his exam with Rash was easy, except Ishii asked a ton of pharmacology questions which was incredibly weird. Considering I hadn't taken pharmacology, I got a lot of those questions wrong. He is a great guy to learn from though, and does some pretty amazing stuff. I find his lecture style easy to follow but slow and sometimes boring. His lecturing in BMS 300 when I took it was so boring I wanted to pass out. Great thing about his lecturing in Nerve and Muscle is that his powerpoints were essentially word for word our notes, so you just had to print them out and listen. He does some amazing stuff with alzhiemer's and IGF and diabetes. I like him enough that I'd take another class with him without a second thought, especially since I'm getting used to how he teaches. He is a nerve guru."
"Willing to help outside of class. definitely a smart man, loves his field and is incredibly knowledgeable.Hated how he would sometimes give us lecture handouts and sometimes he would not - and proceed to blow through the lectures, which he doesn't post, when he knows we're scrambling to write down information from the slides. The class is very centered on memorization of drugs, contraindications, receptor mechanisms, etc. If you are not a detail oriented person who loves to memorize drugs on flashcards, this might not be the course for you. Is not clear at all with what to expect for exams - don't expect him to give you any clues as to what to study/what's important... tough class I thought."