Prof. Try Charalampopoulos

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5 reviews

Prof. Try Charalampopoulos

The content listed below has not been created by Prof. Try Charalampopoulos
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"This man will literally make you question your life as an engineer. He goes off on random students for no apparent reason quite frequently, and his tests are all "fundamental" based. If you don't take notes, you won't do well. On the other hand, if you even try in the slightest, you'll pass his class. You've got a better chance in his class than anyone else's when it comes to thermodynamics.You'll pass.It's an awful time."
"Very straight forward class. 4 tests, 1 final, and no mandatory homework. Tests are generally 30 points a piece with 3-4 questions. Because I took it in the spring and had a smaller class, he assigned a project instead of the 4th test. Attendance isn't necessary but be warned that he KNOWS who isn't there and once passed around a piece of paper for our names promising that he would reward us in the end. He gets moody because people don't study and make up shit on the tests. DO NOT guess an ignorant answer because he will take one look at it and put and X through the entire problem (10 out of 30 points...). You are more likely to get some credit by just writing an equation or writing down or how you think you can solve it, etc. I can't stress the importance to study new AND old material. Not a single test question in this class was tricky. What makes this class hard is the range of material and understanding the fundamental concepts. Do the homeworks to help quiz your understanding of the concepts but don't study them because they nothing like the tests. I was able to barely get a B in the class. I could have easily gotten an A had i focused on the big picture and old material rather than all the little detailed new material problems. Basically, to succeed in this class: -learn how to use the table (or your definitely screwed) -be able to determine whether the 1 and 2 laws hold for cycle -determine change in entropy -focus on the big picture rather than tiny details If you can do all of these easily, you will have 90% of the test questions down.-Truly wants the students to learn -Passionate about the material -Makes hilarious racial comments about students and always comments on AMERICA and GREECE. -His notes often get pretty jumbled and hard to read because he has to cover so much materials in such a small amount of time. -He gets moody after grading tests -Gives less and less partial credit as the semester goes on -Makes several mistakes on notes and grading so make sure and he added up points correctly. "
"Sit on the front row and always answer his questions even if you don't know them. wrong answers are good answers in his class."
"Funny. Knows about thermodynamics.Hard to understand at times. Slightly soft spoken."