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Python Crash Course for Beginners to Advance, Exercises of Programming Languages

This course is for beginners to Advance Python learners with realtime examples used in daily life. From installing Python to creating python scripts

Typology: Exercises


Available from 12/01/2023

kowshik-jallipalli 🇮🇳

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Download Python Crash Course for Beginners to Advance and more Exercises Programming Languages in PDF only on Docsity! PYTHON crash course PART 1 NOVEMBER 23, 2023 JK Edu corp Avenue #1, New York PYTHON crash course Course Content Chapter 1: Introduction  Brief overview of Python  Why learn Python?  Setting up Python (installation) Chapter 2: Basics of Python 2.1 Variables and Data Types  What are variables?  Common data types (integers, floats, strings, booleans) 2.2 Operators  Arithmetic operators  Comparison operators  Logical operators 2.3 Control Flow  if statements  else statements  elif statements  while loops  for loops Chapter 3: Data Structures 3.1 Lists  Creating lists  Indexing and slicing  Modifying lists 3.2 Dictionaries  Creating dictionaries  Accessing and modifying dictionary elements 3.3 Sets  Creating sets  Set operations 3.4 Tuples Python Crash Course Part 1 1 PYTHON crash course CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION Python Crash Course Part 1 4 PYTHON crash course Chapter 1: Introduction Welcome to the Python Crash Course eBook! In this introductory chapter, we'll provide an overview of Python, discuss the significance of learning Python, and guide you through the process of setting up Python on your system. 1.1 What is Python? Python is a high-level, interpreted programming language known for its readability, simplicity, and versatility. It was created by Guido van Rossum and first released in 1991. Python's design philosophy prioritizes code readability, and its syntax allows programmers to express concepts in fewer lines of code than languages like C++ or Java. Key Features of Python:  Readability: Python's syntax is clear and expressive, making it easy to read and write code.  Versatility: Python is suitable for various applications, including web development, data analysis, artificial intelligence, scientific computing, and more.  Community: Python has a large and active community of developers who contribute to an extensive ecosystem of libraries and frameworks. 1.2 Why Learn Python? Learning Python offers a range of benefits that make it a popular choice for beginners and experienced developers alike.  Ease of Learning: Python's syntax is straightforward and resembles natural language, making it accessible for beginners.  Versatility: Python is used in diverse fields such as web development (Django, Flask), data science (NumPy, Pandas), machine learning (TensorFlow, PyTorch), and more.  Community Support: The Python community is welcoming and provides ample resources for learning and problem-solving.  In-Demand Skill: Python is one of the most widely used programming languages, and proficiency in Python is a valuable skill in the job market. 1.3 Setting up Python Before we start coding, let's ensure Python is installed on your system. Follow these steps to set up Python: Python Crash Course Part 1 5 PYTHON crash course 1. Download Python:  Visit to download the latest version of Python.  Choose the appropriate version for your operating system (Windows, macOS, or Linux). 2. Installation:  Run the installer and follow the installation instructions.  During installation, you may have the option to add Python to your system's PATH. Select this option to make it easier to run Python from the command line. 3. Verification:  Open a terminal or command prompt and type the following command: python --version  This should display the installed Python version. 4. Interactive Mode:  Python comes with an interactive mode where you can type and execute Python code directly. Type python in the terminal to enter interactive mode. Congratulations! You've successfully set up Python on your system. Now, you're ready to explore the world of Python programming. In the following chapters, we'll dive into the basics of Python, covering variables, data types, control flow, and more. Each chapter will build upon the previous ones, providing a comprehensive guide for both beginners and those looking to deepen their Python knowledge. Enjoy the journey of learning Python! Python Crash Course Part 1 6 PYTHON crash course # Comparison operators is_equal = (10 == 5) # Equal to is_not_equal = (10 != 5) # Not equal to is_greater = (10 > 5) # Greater than is_less = (10 < 5) # Less than is_greater_equal = (10 >= 5) # Greater than or equal to # Logical operators and_result = True and False # Logical AND or_result = True or False # Logical OR not_result = not True # Logical NOT2.3 Control Flow Control flow statements allow you to control the flow of your program based on certain conditions. This includes if, else, elif statements for decision-making and while and for loops for iteration. Example: Control Flow pythonCopy code # if statement age = 18 if age >= 18: print("You are an adult.") else: print("You are a minor.") # while loop count = 0 while count < 5: print(count) count += 1 # for loop for i in range(3): Python Crash Course Part 1 9 PYTHON crash course print(i)  if Statements: Used for decision-making. If the condition is true, the code inside the if block is executed; otherwise, the else block is executed.  while Loop: Executes a block of code as long as a specified condition is true.  for Loop: Iterates over a sequence (e.g., range of numbers) and executes a block of code for each item in the sequence. In the upcoming chapters, we'll explore more advanced topics, including data structures, functions, and object-oriented programming. These foundational concepts lay the groundwork for building more complex and sophisticated Python applications. Enjoy coding! Python Crash Course Part 1 10 PYTHON crash course CHAPTER 3: DATA STRUCTURES Python Crash Course Part 1 11 PYTHON crash course colors.add("yellow") print(colors) # Output: {"red", "green", "blue", "yellow"}  Set Operations: Sets support common set operations like union, intersection, and difference. pythonCopy code # Union set1 = {1, 2, 3} set2 = {3, 4, 5} union_set = set1.union(set2) print(union_set) # Output: {1, 2, 3, 4, 5} # Intersection intersection_set = set1.intersection(set2) print(intersection_set) # Output: {3} # Difference difference_set = set1.difference(set2) print(difference_set) # Output: {1, 2} 3.4 Tuples Tuples are ordered and immutable sequences. They are defined using parentheses (). Example: Tuples # Creating a tuple coordinates = (3, 5) # Immutable nature of tuples # coordinates[0] = 4 # This will raise an error  Immutable Nature: Once a tuple is created, you cannot change its values. Tuples are often used to represent fixed collections of items. Python Crash Course Part 1 14 PYTHON crash course # Unpacking a tuple x, y = coordinates print(x, y) # Output: 3 5 Understanding these data structures is crucial for effective Python programming. In the following chapters, we'll explore more advanced topics such as functions, object-oriented programming, and advanced data structures to enhance your Python skills. Practice working with lists, dictionaries, sets, and tuples to gain confidence in using these fundamental building blocks. Happy coding! Python Crash Course Part 1 15 PYTHON crash course CHAPTER 4: FUNCTIONS Python Crash Course Part 1 16 PYTHON crash course def function_with_local_var(): # Local variable local_var = 5 print(local_var) # Attempting to access local_var outside the function will result in an error # print(local_var) # Accessing the global variable print(global_var) # Output: 10  Global vs. Local Scope: Variables declared inside a function are local to that function and are not accessible outside it. Global variables, on the other hand, are accessible from anywhere in the code. 4.4 Lambda Functions Lambda functions, or anonymous functions, are concise and often used for short-term operations. They are defined using the lambda keyword. Example: Lambda Function # Lambda function to calculate the square of a number square = lambda x: x ** 2 print(square(5)) # Output: 25  Use Cases: Lambda functions are handy for one-time operations and can be passed as arguments to other functions. # Using lambda function as an argument numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] squared_numbers = list(map(lambda x: x ** 2, numbers)) print(squared_numbers) # Output: [1, 4, 9, 16, 25] Python Crash Course Part 1 19 PYTHON crash course This chapter provides a comprehensive understanding of functions in Python, covering their definition, parameters, return values, scope, and the use of lambda functions. Functions are a cornerstone of Python programming, facilitating code organization, reusability, and modularity. Practice writing and calling functions to solidify your understanding of these concepts. As you progress, you'll find functions to be powerful tools in creating well-structured and efficient Python code. Happy coding! Python Crash Course Part 1 20 PYTHON crash course CHAPTER 5: MODULES AND PACKAGES Python Crash Course Part 1 21 PYTHON crash course current_time = print(current_time) # Output: Current date and time  Popular Standard Libraries:  os: Operating system interface.  sys: System-specific parameters and functions.  random: Generate pseudo-random numbers.  json: JSON encoding and decoding. 5.4 Creating Your Own Modules Creating your own modules allows you to organize and encapsulate related functionality. A module is essentially a Python script containing functions, classes, or variables that you want to reuse. Example: Creating and Using a Module # Example: Creating a module named # def greet(name): return f"Hello, {name}!" # Using the module in another script from mymodule import greet message = greet("Alice") print(message) # Output: "Hello, Alice!"  Best Practices:  Organize related functions into modules.  Use meaningful module and function names.  Add comments and docstrings for documentation. This chapter provides an understanding of how to organize code into modules and packages, import functionality from external sources, and use standard libraries. As you continue your Python journey, practice creating and using your own modules and packages to enhance code organization and reusability. Python Crash Course Part 1 24 PYTHON crash course CHAPTER 6: ERROR HANDLING AND EXCEPTIONS Python Crash Course Part 1 25 PYTHON crash course Chapter 6: Error Handling and Exceptions Chapter 6 introduces the concepts of error handling and exceptions in Python. These mechanisms help ensure that your program can gracefully handle unexpected situations and errors that may occur during execution. Understanding how to handle errors is crucial for writing robust and reliable Python code. 6.1 Understanding Exceptions In Python, an exception is an event that occurs during the execution of a program, disrupting the normal flow of instructions. When an exception occurs, Python generates an exception object, providing information about the type of error and the location in the code where the error occurred. Example: Basic Exception Handling try: # Code that may raise an exception result = 10 / 0 except ZeroDivisionError as e: # Handling the exception print(f"Error: {e}")  The try block contains the code that may raise an exception.  The except block catches and handles the specified exception (ZeroDivisionError in this case).  The as e clause allows you to access information about the exception. 6.2 Handling Multiple Exceptions You can handle multiple exceptions by specifying multiple except blocks. Example: Handling Multiple Exceptions try: value = int(input("Enter a number: ")) result = 10 / value except ValueError: print("Invalid input. Please enter a valid number.") except ZeroDivisionError: print("Cannot divide by zero.")  Different except blocks handle different types of exceptions. Python Crash Course Part 1 26
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