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QMA State Test 2024-2025 Edition. All Questions & Correct & Verified Answers. Graded A+, Exams of Nursing

QMA State Test 2024-2025 Edition. All Questions & Correct & Verified Answers. Graded A+

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Download QMA State Test 2024-2025 Edition. All Questions & Correct & Verified Answers. Graded A+ and more Exams Nursing in PDF only on Docsity! QMA State Test 2024-2025 Edition. All Questions & Correct & Verified Answers. Graded A+ "Duty of Care" residents are protected from healthcare negligence-malpractice. - ANSNegligence: omission or neglect of any reasonable precaution, care or action. "Six rights" of medication administration are: 1) give the "Right Med's". 2) Give the "Right Dose". 3) Give med to the "right Resident". - ANS4) Give med's at the "Right Route". 5) Give med's at the "Right Time". 6) "Right Documentation" $10 fee is required for an annual recertification - ANS 16 oz. - ANS1 Lb A facility must ensure that it is free of med errors - ANS5% or less errors maintained. A localized collection of puss in any part of the body which is the result of disintegration or displacement of tissue. - ANSAbscess A QMA cannot assess a residents condition - ANS A reading on the oximetry of 90% may indicate? - ANSResident need to be given oxygen' A reduction in the number of circulating red blood cells. - ANSAnemia A sprain is more severe than a strain and requires longer recuperation - ANS A substance that causes a hypersensitive reaction (an allegy) - ANSAllergen Absorption occurs when - ANSmed's move from the site of administration into the blood Acquired immune deficiency syndrome effect the body's ability to fight infections - ANS(AIDS) Spread through body fluids ad lib-as desired. c-with. Fx-fracture. HS-bedtime or hour of sleep. hx- history. MKAB- may keep at bedside. NKA no known allergy. - ANSN/V- nausea and vomiting. o -orally. OD- right eye. OS-left eye. os-mouth. ou-both eyes. p-after. PA- posterior and Anterior. q-every. qam- every morning. qhs-every night. R/T,(r/t)- related to. Rx-prescription or treatment. s- without. s/ssigns/symptoms. TPR- temperature, pulse and respirations. vs (v/s)- vital signs. administer med's via metered dosed inhaler - ANS Alimentary Canal: Mouth (oral Cavity), Esophagus -connects mouth and stomach, Stomach c-shaped in the upper left side of the abdomen below the diaphragm, (Small intestine- duodenum, jejunum and the ileum.) Large intestine- absorbs water from the contents. - ANSAccessory organs of the Digestive system: Teeth, salivary glands, (pancreas -small gland located behind the stomach upper left side-secretes insulin a hormone that is necessary to metabolize (use) sugar) (liver- highly vascular organ located in the upper right of the abdomen- secretes digestive substances,) (gallbladder- located behind the liver- stores bile from the liver until it is needed for digestion of fat- it is green) All unused portions of med's including controlled substances - ANSshall be released to the discharged resident Alzheimer med- donepezil (Aricept) Adverse effects:headache, insomnia,seizures,dizziness fatigue, depression, syncope and hallucinations, weight loss and dehydration. - ANStherapeutic class:Anti-Alzheimer drug. Pharmacologic class cholinesterase inhibitor. Works by slowing the break down of a chemical called acetylcholine, this chemical is involved in learning and memory. An undesired side effect of a medication or toxicity - ANSAdverse effect analgesics and anti-inflammatory med's are sometimes given for months or years. - ANS Analgesics: Action and Use-alter both perception of and often emotional response to pain used to treat muscle spasm and strain, arthritis, gout; can also be used as a antipyretic(fever reducer). Adverse effects-gastritis, ulcer, dizziness, headache, sedation, constipation, rashes, respiratory, tinnitus, nausea/vomiting, increased bleeding w/A.S.A. check respiratory rate report to the nurse if under 12/minute. enteric coated are more slowly absorbed. - ANSrelieve muscle, joint, and bone pain. Ex:acetaminophen (Tylenol) sever liver damage w/ toxic doses. propoxyphene Hcl (Darvon). meperidine (Demerol). morphine (Duramorph, MS Contin, Roxanol). aspercream. aspirin (A.S.A) (Emperin) also can be used as a prevention for blood clots. codeine. ibuprofen (Motrin, Advil Nuprin). Tylenol with codeine. hydromorphone (Dilaudid). tramadol (Ultram).choline salicylate (Trilisate). Analgesics: Action/Use: alter both perception of and often emotional response to pain used to treat muscle spasm and strain, arthritis, gout; can also be used as an antipyretic (fever reducer). Adverse effects- gastritis, ulcer, dizziness, headache, sedation, constipation, rashes, respiratory depression, tinnitus, nausea/vomiting, increased bleeding and tendencies - ANSEx: acetaminophen (Tylenol)- severe liver damage w/toxic doses. propoxyphene Hcl (Darvon). meperidine (Demerol). morphine (Duramorph, MS Contin, Roxanol), aspercream. aspirin (A.S.A.) (Emperin)-also can be including the UK, Ireland, Australia, Canada, France and Brazil. As of 2008, ondansetron and granisetron are the only 5-HT3 antagoni bid-2x's/day. tid-3x's/day. qid-4x's/day. qd-daily. qod-every other day. hs- t bedtime. ac- before meals approximately 1/2 hour before meal. pc-after meals approximately 1/2 hour after meal. - ANSqh- every hour. q2h -every two hours. qoh-every other hour. Bone marrow: - ANSsoft, center part of bone , red blood cells are manufactured here. Both residents and health care workers are protected by the standard of - ANS"reasonable care" Cannot initiate Nasal cannula or non-sealing mask - ANSOnly in an emergency Cartilage: - ANSsoft tissue covering parts of bones. Cathartic (laxatives). Laxatives which stimulate intestinal peristalsis; usually act in 6-8 hrs when given in oral form. Suppositories act faster. Side effect nausea, cramping, - ANSEx: of laxatives- castor oil, senna ( Senokot), bisacodyl (Dulcolax), phenolphthalein (Ex-Lax , Doxidan) ccms - ANSclean catch midstream Chemical present in many organs and tissues of the body that has important physiological functions, ex: transmission of a nerve impulse across a synapse i.e. neurotransmitters. - ANSAcetylcholine Commercially Prepared Disposable Enema's increases water absorption in the small intestine by osmotic action. - ANSA laxative effect that occurs due to increased peristalsis and water retention. Complete or partial loss of muscle movement - ANSAkinesia Detoxes or metabolizes meds - ANSLiver Disorders of the GI system-Cirrhosis- scar tissue replaces normal tissue, constipation, Diarrhea, Dyspepsia- indigestion, GERD, fecal impaction, Hepatitis- inflammation of the liver, Parasites, Pyorrhea inflammation of the gums and tooth sockets, and ulcers. - ANS Do not use petroleum (vasoline) to resident's nares during administration of oxygen. - ANSExample: dry lips, chap-stick should not be applied if it has vasoline in it. Ear medication classifications; antpyrine/benzocaine - ANS elderly effects on the GI Liver decrease in wt. there is a decline in the hepatic enzymes involved in oxidation and reduction, causing less efficient metabolism in med's and detoxification in substances. - ANS Emetics: Action- induce vomiting by acting on brain control center. Use-used when poison has been ingested. Side effects:do not use when corrosive products ingested; such as, acids alkalies, or if residents is drowsy of unconscious. Syrup of Ipecac. - ANSNursing consideration: usually induces vomiting 20-30 minutes after administered. Emetics: action- induce vomiting by acting on the brains control center. Use- when poison has been ingested. Side effects- do not use if metals have been ingested (acids or alkalies) - ANSEx: Syrup of Ipecac, induces vomiting in usually 20 to 30 minutes. Emulsions:Suspension of oil, water and other substances. - ANSused as the base for other preparations, such as cosmetics and dermatologics (Ex: cod liver oil) Eustachian tube- connects pharynx and middle ear, equalizes the pressure in the ear. swimmer's ear cause bacteria, fungus. Tx antibiotics. - ANSMeniere's Syndrome- chronic disturbance in the inner ear. Tx diuretics and antiemetics Excretes most meds - ANSKidneys famotidine:(Pepcid AC) TC-Antiulcer drugs; PC- H2- recepter antagonist. Adverse reactions- CNS headaches. GI-constipation, diarrhea. - ANSCompetitively inhibits action of histamine on the H2-recepter sites of parietal cells, decreasing gastric cid secretion. Mechanism of action — Histamine-2 receptor antagonists (H2RAs) (eg, cimetidine, ranitidine, famotidine, and nizatidine) inhibit acid secretion by blocking H2 receptors on the parietal cell (figure 1). H2RAs are well absorbed after oral dosing; peak serum concentrations occur within one to three hours. Absorption is reduced 10 to 20 percent by concomitant antacid administration, but not by food. GI med's that alter motility. Action- acts on autonomic nervous system to alter peristalsis. Use spastic colon, diarrhea, GERD. Side effects- blurred vision, dry mouth, heart palpitations, urine retention, constipation. Monitor v/s (vital signs) and urinary output - ANSEx: of med's for decreased motility- atropine sulfate, diphenoxylate/atropine (Lomotil), Atropine, scopolamine, phenobarbital (Donnatal), kaolin, pectin, ,loperamide (Imodium), diclomine (Bentyl) Examples of med's that enhance intestinal motility metoclopramide(Reglan give before meals), GI tract is divided into two parts. 1st part; Alimentary canal mouth, esophagus, stomach, small intestines, rectum and large intestine. - ANSThe Accessory organs of the Digestive System is the 2nd part: Teeth, tongue, salivary glands, pancreas, liver, gall bladder. Hemoccult test slide (quaiac paper) - ANSassess for expiration date hemoccult testing - ANSA screen for fecal occult blood Human adult skeleton has 206 bones joined to ligaments and tendons. Two main parts- Axial and appendicular skeleton - ANSAxial consist of 80 bones includes the spine,skull, sternum and ribs. Appendicular consist of 126 bones, 64 in the shoulder and upper limb girdles (the shoulders and limbs) and 62 in the pelvis and lower limbs. hypovalemia - ANSstate of decreased blood volume. May cause a high false oximetry reading. Infection chain explains how pathogens move from one place to another. The 6 links that make up the chain are: - ANS1)Pathogen: causative agent bacteria, viruses, fungi and protozoa. 2)Reservoir: the place where pathogens live and multiply places that are warm, dark and moist, linen, medical equipment, surfaces, animals and humans. 3) Port of exit: the way pathogens leave the body urine, feces, saliva, tears, drainage from wounds,sores, blood and excretion from respiratory tract or genitals. 4) Route of transmission: how pathogens travel through the air (airborne), in contaminated soil and water, on objects (dirty linen,clothing, equipment), by insects (flies, mosquitoes, maggots) on people especially hands. 5)Portal of Entry: the way pathogens get into the body cuts or breaks in the skin or mucous membranes, respiratory tract, GI tract, genital or urinary tract, circulatory system. 6) The individual who acquires the pathogen a susceptible host is unable to resist the pathogen and it begins to reproduce and cause infection, susceptible host include the very young, persons who are nott in good health, people who are exposed to large numbers of pathogens and people who do not follow proper infection control practice. Infection control - ANSpreventing the spread of microorganisms by following certain practices and procedures. Instilling a Commercially Prepared Disposable Enema. - ANSSolution into the rectum and sigmoid colon. Removes feces/flatus. Laxatives that moisten fecal matter. Action- stool softener, used to promote regular bowel evacuation,. Side effects mild abdominal cramping can cause diarrhea - ANS Life threatening allergic reaction caused by an allergen. Characterized by respiratory difficulty, fainting, itching, and welts on the skin. - ANSAnaphylactic Reaction Ligaments hold bones together. - ANSTendons attach muscles to bones. Liniments: for external application only. - ANSTopical analgesics: can be used in a liniment. Heat effect is caused by menthol (Ex: Icy hot and Ben Gay) QMA's can alter med's per physicians orders - ANSQMA's can administer med's per G- tube and J-tube. QMA's can apply topical med's to minor skin conditions such as - ANSdermatitis, scabies, pediculosis, fungal-infections, psoriasis, eczema, first-degree burns, stage one decubitis ulcer QMA'S can Crush and administer med's - ANSper physicians orders QMA's CAN empty and change a colostomy bag - ANS QMA's can instill a commercially prepared enema (approximately 120 ml or 4.5 ounces) - ANSafter the resident has been assessed by the Licensed nurse (for bowl sounds and potential impaction) QMA's can only administer metered dose inhalation (inhalers) med's - ANSNo other kind of inhalation med's. QMA's CAN Provide ordered site care and apply a dressing to a healed G-tube and J- tube site - ANS QMA's Cannot - ANSinstill irrigation fluids of any type including colostomy, catheter, and enema, except a commercially prepared enema. QMA's CANNOT administer medication per NASOGASTRIC TUBE - ANS QMA's may initiate a nasal cannula only in an emergency situation. - ANSQMA's may initiate non-sealing mask per emergency or PRN situation. QMA's may not apply oxygen to a resident in an emergency without a physicians order. - ANSHowever there is often a PRN order for oxygen when the resident falls short of breath/oxygen saturation levels are low. QMA's may only instill a commercially prepared enema which contains approximately - ANS120ml (4oz.) of fluid. Record color, consistency and amount after resident has had a - ANSbowl movement from a prepared disposable enema Resident are protected from health care negligence-malpractice by a law called "Duty of Care". - ANSBe knowledgeable of the med's you are administering, including their actions and potential adverse effects. Resident's Rights: 1) Confidentiality. 2) Privacy. 3) Be informed of personal and medical information. 4) Choices. 5) Voice Grievances. - ANS6) Freedom from Abuse and Restraints> Rights of Residents: !) The right to refuse meds and Tx. 2)The right to be informed of consequences of refusing med's and Tx. 3)Freedom from physical and mental abuse and neglect. - ANS4)Freedom from restraints without a physician's order. 5) The right to privacy. 6)The right to confidential treatment. Saline laxatives pull fluid into the large intestine. Action- acts within 8hrs. Side effects- cramping and diarrhea. - ANSEx: Milk of Magnesia. Nursing consideration shake suspension well, monitor for good fluid intake. Sensitivity to any substance contacted by touch, inhalation, ingestion or injections ( such as poison ivy, pollen, insect bites, foods or meds); causes sneezing, itching, swelling, difficulty in breathing - ANSAllergic Effect Signs/symptoms of respiratory distress - ANSrapid pulse, rapid,shallow, flaring nostrils, restlessness respirations, cyanosis. Skeletal Muscle Relaxants: Action/Us: CNS depressant relieves pain and stiffness in muscles from orthopedics disorders and injuries. Helps muscle tissue relax and be less tense and painful. Side effects- drowsiness, light- headedness, dizziness. Used for muscle spasms in residents w/multiple sclerosis or spinal cord injury. tizanidine (Zanaflex), diazepam (Valium) - ANSEx: chloroxazone (Parafon, Forte DSC), methocarbamol (Robaxin), cyclobenzapine (Flexeril), carisoprodol (Soma), baclofen (Lioresol) Slander: a malicious statement or report. - ANSCode of Ethics: A voluntary set of rules that influence relationships between people. Sodium bi-phosphate (fleet enema) - ANSis a saline laxative commonly ordered to be administered. Sprays: Used mostly to treat the nose throat and skin membranes (Ex: Granules spray, Neo-synephrine nasal spray - ANSSolution: saline solution Standard of care: A description of conduct that illustrates what a reasonably prudent person would have done - - ANSor would not have done, under similar circumstances. Substance producing or stimulating the development of male characteristics (masculinization) such as hormones and testosterone and androsterone. - ANSAndrogens Tablets, including caplets 1) Compressed Ex: aspirin. Coated: improves taste (Ex: Darvocet) - ANSEnteric coated: to prevent irritation or absorption in the stomach (Ex: ASA, Ecotrin). Capsules: Regular tasteless, dissolve rapidly (Ex: Dilantin, Achromycin) The alimentary canal (GI tract) aids in the digestion of food- - ANSthe passageway for food and is a continuous tract from the mouth to the anus' The annual in-service education period begins on March 1st. - ANSAnd concludes on the last day of February the following year. The digestive process begins in the mouth with the teeth that grind the food int small particles. - ANS The Qualified Medication Aide program was established in - ANS1977 (p4) The skeleton produces red blood cells from the bone marrow and white marrow from other bones. White blood cells destroy bacteria. The bones are storage from minerals. - ANSMuscles are attached to bones by tendons Therapeutic class-Miotics: eyedrops that stimulate the parasympathetic nervous system causing the pupil of the eye to become smaller. They reduce intraocular pressure by increasing the outflow of eye fluids from the eye and they are usually used to reverse angle-closure glaucoma or prevent angle-closure in eyes with narrow chamber angles. Pilocarpine (one of the miotics) - ANSMiotic drops include pilocarpine (Ocusert Pilo-40, Pilocar, Pilagan, Piloptic, Pilostat), carbachol (Carbastat, Carboptic, Isopto Carbachol, Miochol and Miostat Intraocular), and echothiophate iodide ophthalmic (Phospholine Iodide). Therapeutic class: Lubricants- Ex: Artificial tears (Tears Naturale, Liquifilm) Lacri-tube. Adverse effects irritaion and burning. - ANSAction- soothes and lubricates the eyes. Use:treat decrease tear production. Therapeutic class: Midriatics: Tropicamide is used as a mydriastic agent during cataract surgery.[4] Anticholinergics such as atropine, hyoscyamine, and scopolamine antagonize the muscarinic acetylcholine receptors in the eye. By blocking these receptors, the pupils are no longer capable of constriction and dilation results. Such alkaloids present in many plants of the family Solanaceae may also induce mydriasis when used[ - ANSGeneric Name: Tropicamide (troe PIK a mide) Brand Name: Mydral, Mydriacyl. Action- dialates pupils . Use- facilitates eye exam. Therapeutic class:Beta Blockers- Action lower intraocular pressure. Use-treat glaucoma. Ex: Timoptic solution (timolol maleate).TC- Anti- glaucoma. PC Non selective Beta Blockers. - ANSAction- reduce formation, and increase outflow, of aqueous humor. Three types of muscles: Cardiac muscles- found only in the heart; power the action that pumps blood throughout the body (involuntary muscle). Smooth muscle-surround , or are part of, the internal organs Involuntary muscle). Skeletal muscle-the body's most abundant tissue comprising about 23% of a women's body weight and about 40% of a mans body weight (Voluntary muscles). - ANSBones function as framework for muscles, produce blood cells and store calcium and fat.
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