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Newton's Laws of Motion and Related Vocabulary, Exams of Biology

An overview of newton's three laws of motion, along with definitions, synonyms, antonyms, and examples for related vocabulary words. Particularly useful for understanding the concepts of inertia, force, acceleration, gravity, and related terms.

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Download Newton's Laws of Motion and Related Vocabulary and more Exams Biology in PDF only on Docsity! Real Savable Biology test -The Function of an Enzyme - Latest Questions and Answers 1. the function of an enzyme is to ___ - ✔✔️✔️s️peed up a chemical reaction 2. one kilogram mass is dropped from a heigh of 1 meter. its kinetic energy just before it hits the ground is about ___ - ✔✔️✔️1️0 joules 3. the DNA of a cell is found mainly in its ___ - ✔✔️✔️c️hromosomes 4. most cells without a cell wall also lack ___ - ✔✔️✔️c️hloroplasts 5. the cells that can easily be scraped from the lining of the mouth make up ___ - ✔✔️✔️e️pithelial tissue 6. the end product of protein digestion consists of ___ - ✔✔️✔️a️mino acids 7. blood circulation from the lungs goes directly to the ___ - ✔✔️✔️h️eart 8. the glucose content of the blood is regulated by ___ - ✔✔️✔️i️nsulin and adrenaline 9. the ocean current that extends from Florida across the Atlantic ocean to Europe is ___ - ✔✔️✔️t️he gulf stream 10. the member of the solar system with the shortest period of solar revolution is ___ - ✔✔️✔️m️ercury 11. the type of meteorological system with the highest velocity winds is the ___ - ✔✔️✔️t️ornado 12. geology is the study of ___ - ✔✔️✔️t️he formation and composition of the earth 13. frictional forces usually do not ___ - ✔✔️✔️i️ncrease potential energy 14. a magnifying glass is what kind of lens used on objects how far away? - ✔✔️✔️c️onvex lens used closer than one focal length 15. the mass of one cubic meter of water is approximately ___ - ✔✔️✔️1️,000kg 31. the average distance from the earth to the sun is about ___ - ✔✔️✔️9️3 million miles 32. humans have ___ pairs of chromosomes - ✔✔️✔️2️3 33. the scientific study of human culture is called ___ - ✔✔️✔️a️nthropology 34. What are the five major layers of earth's atmosphere, in order from the earth’s surface upward? - ✔✔️✔️t️roposphere, stratosphere, mesosphere, thermosphere, and exosphere 35. which of the following is not usually a gas at room temperature? - ✔✔️✔️s️ulfur 36. a substance that speeds up chemical reactions is a ___ - ✔✔️✔️c️atalyst 37. spiders are ___ - ✔✔️✔️a️rachnids 38. what type of blood vessel carries blood from the other parts of the body to the heart? - ✔✔️✔️v️eins 39. which is the correct sequence of objects in the solar system moving away from the sun? - ✔✔️✔️m️ars, asteroid belt, Jupiter, Saturn Uranus 40. a person's appearance resulting from his or her genetic makeup is called the person's ___ - ✔✔️✔️p️henotype 41. when a plant performs photosynthesis, it produces ___ as a by-product - ✔✔️✔️o️xygen 42. the speed of light in a vacuum is about ___ - ✔✔️✔️1️86,000 miles per second 43. when atoms and molecules pass thermal energy by direct contact, it is known as ___ - ✔✔️✔️c️onduction 44. the basic unit of heat is the calorie, which is the amount of heat needed to ___ - ✔✔️✔️r️aise the temperature of 1g of water to 1 degree Celsius 45. the temperature of the atmosphere falls during the nighttime hours because ___ - ✔✔️✔️t️he side of the earth not facing the sun loses heat by radiation 46. the number of protons in an atoms nucleus determines its ___ - ✔✔️✔️a️tomic number 47. kwashiorkor would probably be caused by a diet deficient in ___ - ✔✔️✔️m️eat, eggs, and dairy products 48. a vibrating tuning fork placed in a vacuum under a bell jar will ___ - ✔✔️✔️b️e audible 49. what are examples of human diseases caused by bacteria? - ✔✔️✔️t️uberculosis, diphtheria, anthrax 50. the twinkling of stars in the night sky is caused by ___ - ✔✔️✔️v️ariations in the earth’s atmosphere 51. the earth has ___ major oceans that together hold about ___ of the planets water - ✔✔️✔️4️; 96% 52. an amphibian can best be described as ___ - ✔✔️✔️a️ cold blooded smooth skinned vertebrate capable of living both on land and in water 53. the most accurate description of the earth's atmosphere is that it is composed of ___ - ✔✔️✔️2️1% oxygen, 78% nitrogen, .03% chemical energy, ____, ____, and ___ - ✔✔️✔️l️ight, heat, and sound 69. what are the metric base units of measuring mass, length, liquid volume, and temperature? - ✔✔️✔️k️ilogram, meter, liter, and degrees in Kelvin 70. alloys are ___ - ✔✔️✔️m️ixtures of two or more metals 71. speed is ___, and it is expressed as ___ - ✔✔️✔️d️istance covered per unit of time; S=d/t 72. newtons first law of motion, often called the law of inertia, state that an object at rest will remain at rest, and an object in motion will stay in motion with the same speed and direction unless ___ - ✔✔️✔️a️cted upon by an unbalanced force 73. newtons second law of motion states that acceleration is produced when a force acts upon a mass, and ___ - ✔✔️✔️t️he greater the ass of the object, the greater the amount of force needed 74. newtons third law of motion states the for every action there is an ___ - ✔✔️✔️e️qual and opposite reaction 75. newtons law of universal gravitation states that two objects attract each other with a force that is proportional to the product of their masses and ___ - ✔✔️✔️i️nversely proportional to the square of the distance between them 76. potential energy is defined as the energy possessed by an object because ___ - ✔✔️✔️o️f its position or condition 77. kinetic energy is defined as the energy possess by an object because ___ - ✔✔️✔️i️t is in motion 78. simple machines help us transfer a force from ___ - ✔✔️✔️o️ne point of application to another for some practical advantage 79. the three methods of heat transfer are ___ - ✔✔️✔️c️onduction, convection, radiation 80. refraction is the ___ - ✔✔️✔️b️ending of a light ray or wave as it passes from one medium into another 81. a concave surface curves inward, while a convex surface bulges outward. a concave lens causes light rays to ___, whereas a convex lens causes light rays to ___ - ✔✔️✔️s️pread apart (diverge) 82. come together (converge) 83. the three major types of rocks are ___ - ✔✔️✔️i️gneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic 84. from the surface going inward, the earth is composed of the ___ - ✔✔️✔️c️rust, mantle, liquid outer core, and solid inner core 85. each ___ of the earth around the sun takes about ___ to complete - ✔✔️✔️r️evolution; 365.25 days 86. a chemical change is always accompanied by ___ - ✔✔️✔️t️he release or absorption of energy 87. a chemical equation shows ___ and must ___ - ✔✔️✔️a️ chemical change; balance 88. on the basis of their atomic structure, atoms are considered ___ if they tend to lend electrons, ___ if they borrow electrons, and ___ if they do neither - ✔✔️✔️m️etals 89. nonmetals 90. inert 91. an atom has ___ - ✔✔️✔️t️he same number of protons as electrons 121. 4 hours studying x 100 = 400 122. 400/7.5 = 53.3% time spent studying 123. which of these is an example of similar figures in the geometric sense? - ✔✔️✔️a️ sailing ship and a scale model of that ship 124. the fuel tank of a gasoline generator has enough capacity to operate the generator for an hour and 15 minutes. about how many times must the fuel tank be filled to run the generator from 6:15pm to 7:00am? - ✔✔️✔️1️0.2 tanks of fuel 125. work: 126. 12 hours and 45 minutes total = 12.75 hours 127. 12.75 hours/1.25 = 10.2 128. A private pilot needs to calculate how much fuel is needed for an upcoming trip of his vintage Waco biplane. the biplane's Jacobs b2m radial engine consumes about 15 gallons per hour at the aircrafts cruising speed of 120 mph, and about 18 gallons per hour at speeds above 200 mph. the plane will take off from love field general aviation in fort worth, fly 120 miles at cruising speed, and then fly for 30 minutes near its top speed of 214 mph. if the pilot must put in enough fuel for the trip plus an additional 5 gallons, how much fuel is needed? - ✔✔️✔️2️9 gallons 129. work: 130. first leg - 120 miles at cruising speed (120mph) = 15 gallons of fuel/hour 131. second leg - 30 minutes (0.5 hours) at 214 mph= 18 gallons of fuel/hour 132. 15 + (18 x 0.5) = 24 133. 24 + 5 additional gallons = 29 134. during one season, a college football quarterback attempted 439 passes and completed 267 of them for a total of 3,217 yards. what is his completion percentage? - ✔✔️✔️6️0.8% 135. work: 136. 267 completed passes x 100 = 26,700 137. 26,700/430 total passes = 60.8% 138. Madelyn has a 25 year term life insurance policy for $100,000. the annual premium is $15 per thousand. what is the total premium paid for this policy every 6 months? - ✔✔️✔️$️750 139. work: 140. there are 100 units of $1,000 in $100,000 141. 100 x $15 = $1,500 paid every year in premiums 142. $1,500 x 0.5 year (6 months) = $750 143. James is comparing the prices of tuxedos for his prom. a rental tuxedo costs $70, while a new tuxedo costs $120. James is thinking about having to wear a tuxedo for next year’s prom as well. Keeping this in mind, how much money will James save if he uses the same suit two years in a row? assume that he will have to pay $4.50 to dry clean it before next years prom. - ✔✔️✔️$️15.50 144. work: 145. $70 x 2 = $140 for 2 tuxedos 146. $140 - $120 = $20 saved 147. $20 - $4.50 for dry cleaning = $15.50 total saved 148. Amanda is working as a hostess at a local restaurant until she graduates from college. she receives an equal cut of 10% tip share (calculated on total sales) split on an hourly basis between the hostesses and busboys. Amanda also receives her hourly wage of $3.13 an hour. The restaurants sales were $7,874 for a seven hour shift that three hostesses and two busboys all worked from open to close. how much tip share did the busboys receive together on their shift? - ✔✔️✔️$️314.96 149. work: 150. tip share split: $7,874 x .1 = $787.40 151. $787.40/ 5 people = $157.48 per person 152. $157.48 x 2 busboys = $314.96 179. $500/.04 = x 180. $12,500 = x 181. although a total of 131 soldiers are authorized for an infantry company, B company, 3rd battalion, 144th infantry regiment, had only 120 soldiers assigned, of whom 5% are officers. how many enlisted soldiers are assigned to the company? - ✔✔️✔️1️14 enlisted soldiers 182. work: 183. 100% - 5% officers = 95% enlisted men 184. 120 total soldiers x 0.95 = 114 enlisted soldiers 185. a girls softball team won 70% of the 40 games it played. how many games did it lose? - ✔✔️✔️1️2 186. work: 187. 40 games x .7 = 28 188. 40 - 28 = 12 games lost 189. how many 4 oz candy bars are there in a 3lb package? - ✔✔️✔️1️2 bars 190. work: 191. 3lb x 16 oz = 48oz/3lb 192. 48oz/4oz = 12 bars 193. The front lawn of the Hamilton family's house is 21 feet wide and 39 feet long. how much will it cost to weed and feed it if ace gardening service charges $0.40 per square yard for this treatment? - ✔✔️✔️$️36.40 194. work: 195. 21 feet/3 yard = 7 yards wide 196. 39 feet/3 yard = 13 yards long 197. 7 yards x 13 yards = 91 square yards 198. 91 x $0.40 = $36.40 199. what is the fifth term of the series 2 5/6, 3 1/2, 4 1/6, 4 5/6, ___? - ✔✔️✔️5️ 1/2 200. work: 201. change 3 1/2 to 3 3/6 202. series is obtained by adding 4/6 to each fraction 203. fifth term is 5 3/6 or 5 1/2 204. a pecan tree 36 feet high casts a shadow 8 feet long. At the same time of day, a nearby mesquite tree casts a shadow 6 feet long. how tall is the mesquite tree? - ✔✔️✔️2️7 feet 205. work: 206. 36/8 = 4.5 207. 4.5 x 6 = 27 feet 208. what is the value of the expression x^2 - 5xy + 2y if x=3 and y=-2? - ✔✔️✔️3️5 209. work: 210. 3^2 - 5(3)(-2) + 2(-2) 211. 9 - 15(-2) - 4 212. 9 + 30 - 4 213. 35 214. a floor is made up of hexagonal tiles, some of which are black and some are white. every black tile is completely surrounded by white tiles. how many white tiles are there around each black tile? - ✔✔️✔️6️ 215. multiply 7 a^3 b^2 c by 3 a^2 b^4 c^2 - ✔✔️✔️2️1a^5b^6c^3 216. work: 217. 7 x 3 = 21 218. (a^3 b^2 c) x (a^2 b^4 c^2) 219. a^5 b^6 c^3 220. the value of 8^0 is ___ - ✔✔️✔️1️ 248. work: 249. 4 x 2 x 3 = 24 250. the base of a cylindrical can is a circle whose diameter is 2 inches, and whose height is 7 inches. how many cubic inches are there in the volume of the can? use 22/7 for the value of π. - ✔✔️✔️2️2 cubic inches 251. work: 252. area = πr^2 253. a = 22/7(1^2) = 22/7 254. V = a x h (height) 255. v = 22/7 x 7 inches 256. v = 22 257. the value of the square root of 164 to the nearest integer is ___ - ✔✔️✔️1️3 258. what is the maximum number of boxes, each measuring 3 inches by 4 inches by 5 inches, that can be packed into a storage space measuring 1 foot by 2 feet by 2 feet, 1 inch? - ✔✔️✔️1️20 259. solve for z: 4z + 3 - 5z = 31 - 3z - ✔✔️✔️z️ = 14 260. simplify the expression x^2y(2x - 3y) - ✔✔️✔️2️x^3y - x^23y^2 261. Over the course of a six week grading period, Jaycee took five tests for her social studies class; the teacher told her that her average for all five tests was 91. that night at home, she could remember only her first four scores: 88, 86, 94, 96. what was her score on the fifth test? - ✔✔️✔️9️1 262. express 6/4 as a percentage - ✔✔️✔️1️50 263. a barrel with flat sides (cylinder) has a height of 36 inches and a radius of 15 inches. about how many gallons of liquid can it hold? (there are 231 cubic inches in a gallon; use 3.14 for the value of π) - ✔✔️✔️1️10.1 gallons 264. solve the following equations: -6.1 x -8.05 - ✔✔️✔️4️9.105 265. in a steak house, a guest orders a small steak entree with vegetables for $12.50, dessert for $3.50, and coffee for $1.49. if the tax on meals is 8.25%, what tax should be added to his check? - ✔✔️✔️$️1.44 266. solve the following equation: (8+2=3)(7-9)^2 - ✔✔️✔️2️8 267. a quadrilateral is a parallelogram only if ___ - ✔✔️✔️b️oth of its two pairs of opposite sides are parallel 268. in the angle pictured on the card, which angles are alternate interior angles, and are they congruent? - ✔✔️✔️a️ngles 3, 6, 4, 5 269. yes 270. which of the following is a binomial? 271. 2x^4 + 7x^2 272. 2 + 3 273. 3x - 2 274. 4ab - 5a^3b^2 - ✔✔️✔️e️xamples 1, 3, and 4 275. the formula for the circumference of a circle is ___ - ✔✔️✔️c️ = πd 276. the formula for the area of a rectangle is ___ - ✔✔️✔️A️ = L x W 277. the formula for the area of a triangle is ___ - ✔✔️✔️a️ = (ab)/2 278. the formula for the area of a circle is ___ - ✔✔️✔️a️ = πr^2 279. when adding fractions a/b + c/d, use the method ___ - ✔✔️✔️(️adobe)/bid - get, take, gain, welcome, approve of - lose, reject, decline, demur, disallow, refuse 289. acrimony - definition - synonyms - antonyms - ✔✔️✔️-️ harshness of speech or attitude - harshness, bitterness, animosity, spite - politeness, goodwill, friendliness, civility 290. acute - definition - synonyms - antonyms - ✔✔️✔️-️ sharp or shrewd; severe; an angle of less than 90 degrees - astute, sharp witted, keen, smart, drastic, critical, grave, dire - dull, blunt, dense, mild, not serious 291. adamant - definition - synonyms - antonyms - ✔✔️✔️-️ unyielding - determined, inexorable, relentless, uncompromising - flexible, submissive, yielding 292. adversary - definition - synonyms - antonyms - ✔✔️✔️-️ enemy, opponent, unfriendly competitor - rival, antagonist, combatant - ally, friend, colleague, supporter 293. adverse - definition - synonyms - antonyms - ✔✔️✔️-️ detrimental, disadvantageous - unfavorable, negative, antagonistic, opposed, opposing - positive, helpful, advantageous, beneficial, favorable, auspicious 294. aggrandize - definition - synonyms - antonyms - ✔✔️✔️-️ to make something seem bigger or more significant than it really is - exaggerate, glorify, hype - degrade, disgrace, humble, lower 295. aghast - definition - synonyms - antonyms - ✔✔️✔️-️ horrified or very surprised - appalled, dumbfounded, horror-struck, stunned - calm, unsurprised, unworried 296. alacrity - definition - synonyms - antonyms - ✔✔️✔️-️ to purposely make hostile or unfriendly; to make an enemy of - irritate, offend, insult, work against, aggravate - soothe, calm, pacify, placate 302. anticipate - definition - synonyms - antonyms - ✔✔️✔️-️ to expect or predict; to believe that a future occurrence of something is likely - await, watch for, foretell, presuppose - doubt, be surprised, not expect 303. appraise - definition - synonyms - antonyms - ✔✔️✔️-️ to determine the value of - assess, evaluate, estimate - ignore, neglect 304. apprehension - definition - synonyms - antonyms - ✔✔️✔️-️ anxiety or fear about a future or expected event - worry, dread, foreboding, trepidation - confidence, calm, faith 305. apprise - definition - synonyms - antonyms - ✔✔️✔️-️ to inform or enlighten - tell, advise, notify, enlighten, brief - hide, conceal, withhold 306. approbation - definition - synonyms - antonyms - ✔✔️✔️-️ approval - consent, endorsement, permission, sanction, support - criticism, disapproval, rejection, repudiation 307. appropriate - definition - synonyms - antonyms - ✔✔️✔️-️ to take for one’s own use, usually without permission; correct or suitable of the circumstances - commandeer, seize, take, usurp; suitable, fitting, well suited, proper - refuse, reject, give, return; improper, unsuited 308. ardor - definition - synonyms - antonyms - ✔✔️✔️-️ enthusiasm or zeal - eagerness, fervor, devotion, passion - indifference, calmness, neglect - synonyms - antonyms - ✔✔️✔️-️ antagonistically - aggressively, combatively, contentiously, pugnaciously - helpfully, meekly, nicely 315. bemused - definition - synonyms - antonyms - ✔✔️✔️-️ confused, puzzled - bewildered, nonplussed, dumbfounded, perplexed, baffled - clearheaded, unconfused 316. boisterously - definition - synonyms - antonyms - ✔✔️✔️-️ raucously - clamorously, noisily, tumultuously, vociferously - calmly, quietly, silently 317. brazen - definition - synonyms - antonyms - ✔✔️✔️-️ brash or cocky - blatant, defiant, unashamed - humble, meek, shy, timid 318. capitulate - definition - synonyms - antonyms - ✔✔️✔️-️ to give in or surrender - give up, concede, submit - defend, fight, persevere 319. capriciously - definition - synonyms - antonyms - ✔✔️✔️-️ arbitrarily - in a manner indicating that the subject is given to sudden changes of behavior, not necessarily for a particular reason - carelessly, erratically, impulsively, unpredictability - constantly, dependably, methodically, steadily 320. chagrin - definition - synonyms - antonyms - ✔✔️✔️-️ feeling of deep embarrassment or disappointment - dismay, discomfiture, mortification - happiness, rejoicing, satisfaction 321. chicanery - definition - synonyms - antonyms - ✔✔️✔️-️ deception or evasion of the truth; can also mean the use of fraud, quibbling, or false reasoning to achieve a certain purpose - subterfuge, duplicity, sophistry - truth, accuracy, veracity, fidelity 327. consequence - definition - synonyms - antonyms - ✔✔️✔️-️ an effort or outcome; importance or significance - result, upshot; outgrowth - cause, precursor, antecedent 328. contentiously - definition - synonyms - antonyms - ✔✔️✔️-️ disagreeably - antagonistically, argumentatively, petulantly - agreeably, cooperatively, helpfully 329. conundrum - definition - synonyms - antonyms - ✔✔️✔️-️ a difficult riddle or enigma - mystery, riddle, puzzle - answer, solution 330. credulous - definition - synonyms - antonyms - ✔✔️✔️-️ able or willing to believe too readily - gullible, naive, uncritical, unquestioning - skeptical, suspicious, untrusting 331. criterion - definition - synonyms - antonyms - ✔✔️✔️-️ standard of judgement or assessment - benchmark, measure, standard - conjecture, guess, possibility 332. culpable - definition - synonyms - antonyms - ✔✔️✔️-️ responsible or accountable for an action - answerable, liable - innocent, blameless, unaccountable 333. decorum - definition - synonyms - antonyms - ✔✔️✔️-️ proper conduct or appropriate behavior - decency, etiquette, politeness - bad manners, rudeness, impoliteness 334. deftly - definition - synonyms - antonyms - ✔✔️✔️-️ skillfully - adeptly, adroitly, dexterously, nimbly - awkwardly, clumsily, ineptly 335. delineate - correct, debunk, enlighten, rid - acquire, hold, keep, maintain 341. discordant - definition - synonyms - antonyms - ✔✔️✔️-️ conflicting or not in harmony - clashing, contradictory, dissonant, unharmonious - agreeable, harmonious, melodious 342. disinterested - definition - synonyms - antonyms - ✔✔️✔️-️ unbiased, impartial - fair, dispassionate, nonpartisan, unprejudiced, objective - biased, partisan, prejudiced, subjective 343. disparage - definition - synonyms - antonyms - ✔✔️✔️-️ to discredit or belittle - criticize, belittle, denigrate, put down - approve, compliment, flatter, praise 344. disseminate - definition - synonyms - antonyms - ✔✔️✔️-️ to spread; usually used in regard to information - broadcast, make known, proclaim, promulgate - collect, gather, keep hidden, suppress 345. dissonance - definition - synonyms - antonyms - ✔✔️✔️-️ harsh combination of sounds that do not blend well; attitudes or trains of thought that clash - discordance, cacophony, disagreement, discord - harmony, agreement, consistency 346. divulge - definition - synonyms - antonyms - ✔✔️✔️-️ to make known - confess, discover, expose - conceal, hide, hod back, mislead 347. dogmatically - definition - synonyms - antonyms - ✔✔️✔️-️ very assertively, especially when it comes to things held as fact either are not or cannot be proven - arrogantly, dictatorially, in a very opinionated manner, peremptorily - amenably, doubtingly, flexibly 348. draconian - definition - synonyms - conceal, hide, obscure 354. except - definition - synonyms - antonyms - ✔✔️✔️-️ other than, with the exclusion of - exclude, disallow, exempt, omit - include, approve, permit, admit, accept 355. exorbitant - definition - synonyms - antonyms - ✔✔️✔️-️ extravagant - excessive, extreme, inordinate, outrageous - inexpensive, moderate, sensible 356. expedite - definition - synonyms - antonyms - ✔✔️✔️-️ to make something happen faster - accelerate, facilitate, hasten, precipitate - block, cease, slow, hinder, obstruct 357. extol - definition - synonyms - antonyms - ✔✔️✔️-️ to acclaim or sing the praises of someone - sing the praises of, celebrate, commend, glorify - blame, criticize, berate, censure, denounce 358. extravagantly - definition - synonyms - antonyms - ✔✔️✔️-️ excessively - excessively, immoderately, inordinately, wastefully - moderately, prudently, reasonably, thriftily 359. exuberantly - definition - synonyms - antonyms - ✔✔️✔️-️ elatedly - ebulliently, effervescently, enthusiastically - depressingly, discouragingly, enthusiastically 360. facet - definition - synonyms - antonyms - ✔✔️✔️-️ one side or surface of an object with multiple sides, such as a gem or jewel; figuratively, one aspect of a situation or person - side, face, angle, part, feature, perspective - entirety, totality, total view, essence 361. facetiously - definition - synonyms - antonyms - ✔✔️✔️-️ not meant to be taken seriously - farcically, ironically, jokingly, kiddingly, satirically 367. gamut - definition - synonyms - antonyms - ✔✔️✔️-️ range; full spectrum - extent, scale, scope, spread, stretch - single point, limited span 368. glossary - definition - synonyms - ✔✔️✔️-️ list of words and their definitions - word list, definition list, lexicon, nomenclature 369. gouge - definition - synonyms - antonyms - ✔✔️✔️-️ to make a groove in something; charge a high price for something under emergency circumstances - channel, furrow, scoop, score - fill, protect 370. grotesque - definition - synonyms - antonyms - ✔✔️✔️-️ shockingly ugly - bizarre, deformed, monstrous, outlandish - beautiful, conventional, shapely 371. grudgingly - definition - synonyms - antonyms - ✔✔️✔️-️ unwillingly - reluctantly, resentfully - willingly, cheerfully 372. guileless - definition - synonyms - antonyms - ✔✔️✔️-️ without deceit - candid, frank, honest, genuine, sincere, unsophisticated - crafty, cunning, deceitful, dishonest 373. haggard - definition - synonyms - antonyms - ✔✔️✔️-️ having a worn or gaunt appearance - drawn, emaciated, pallid, weakened - fresh, healthy, living, strong, well fed 374. haphazardly - definition - synonyms - antonyms - ✔✔️✔️-️ aimlessly or without a plan - carelessly, indiscriminately, randomly, unmethodically - carefully, intentionally, methodically 375. haughtily - definition - synonyms - antonyms - ✔✔️✔️-️ arrogantly - precipitously, rashly, unthinkingly - circumspectly, considerately, reflectively, thoughtfully 381. imply - definition - synonyms - antonyms - ✔✔️✔️-️ to hint or suggest, often indirectly or as a logical consequence of what is stated - connotate, insinuate - state, express, explicate, define 382. incognito - definition - synonyms - antonyms - ✔✔️✔️-️ in disguise or anonymous - masquerading, unknown, unrecognized - known, identified, unhidden 383. inexorable - definition - synonyms - antonyms - ✔✔️✔️-️ unstoppable - determined, implacable, relentless, unyielding - ending, flexible, intermittent, understanding 384. inextricably - definition - synonyms - antonyms - ✔✔️✔️-️ inseparably, or unable to be solved - completely, indistinguishably, totally - separately, singly, able to be untangled or solved 385. infamous - definition - synonyms - antonyms - ✔✔️✔️-️ having an extremely bad reputation - shameful, notorious, disgraceful, despicable, scandalous - glorious, praiseworthy, respectable, righteous, virtuous 386. infer - definition - synonyms - antonyms - ✔✔️✔️-️ to conclude or make an educated guess, usually at something not stated directly - conclude, deduce, derive, extrapolate - misunderstand, ignore, disbelieve, neglect 387. initiative - definition - synonyms - antonyms - ✔✔️✔️-️ the desire or ability to take the first step in carrying out an action; the ability to act independently; plan or strategy to resolve a difficult or complex situation - drive, ambition, enthusiasm - apathy, indifference, lethargy 388. inscrutable - definition - synonyms - antonyms - ✔✔️✔️-️ significantly, often unexpectedly, different from what might have been expected; also, the intentional use of words to convey the opposite of their literal meaning - paradoxical, incongruous - predictable, expected, appropriate 394. jeopardy - definition - synonyms - antonyms - ✔✔️✔️-️ risk of harm or failure, danger - peril, hazard, vulnerability, precariousness - security, assurance, protection, surety 395. judiciously - definition - synonyms - antonyms - ✔✔️✔️-️ using good judgement - accurately, carefully, prudently, skillfully - foolishly, hastily, recklessly 396. jurisdiction - definition - synonyms - antonyms - ✔✔️✔️-️ an area of authority or authorization - bailiwick, dominion, livens, supremacy - weakness, powerlessness, surrender 397. keenly - definition - synonyms - antonyms - ✔✔️✔️-️ sharply, usually referring to the intensity of an act or attitude, although it can refer to mental sharpness as well - bitingly, cuttingly, intensely, piercingly - dully, gently, softly 398. kindle - definition - synonyms - antonyms - ✔✔️✔️-️ to start, as in a fire or someone's enthusiasm or excitement - ignite, arouse, awaken, incite - extinguish, discourage, lull 399. laterally - definition - synonyms - antonyms - ✔✔️✔️-️ refers to movement to the side; physical movement or an organizational change from one position to another of equal status or pay - alongside, parallel, sideways - ahead, behind, backward, forward 400. liable - definition - synonyms - antonyms - ✔✔️✔️-️ obligated according to law; responsible; exposed to some action or contingency, unusually unfavorable - unhappy, pensive, contemplative, mournful - happy, carefree, cheerful 406. moot - definition - synonyms - antonyms - ✔✔️✔️-️ of little or no practical value, relevance, or importance; having no real point - dubious, debatable, unsettled, uncertain, contestable - relevant, significant, meaningful, impactful 407. morbidly - definition - synonyms - antonyms - ✔✔️✔️-️ gruesomely - broodingly, gloomily, despondently, unwholesomely - cheerfully, happily, healthily, in a well-adjusted manner 408. nefariously - definition - synonyms - antonyms - ✔✔️✔️-️ wickedly - criminally, detestably, evilly, heinously - honorably, respectably, virtuously 409. negligence - definition - synonyms - antonyms - ✔✔️✔️-️ failure to provide adequate care or attention, especially when it causes injury or harm to someone - dereliction, carelessness, neglectfulness, thoughtlessness - carefulness, caution, watchful responsibility 410. nonplussed - definition - synonyms - antonyms - ✔✔️✔️-️ perplexed - astonished, confused, disconcerted, rattled, stumped - composed, enlightened, informed, unsurprised 411. nostalgic - definition - synonyms - antonyms - ✔✔️✔️-️ remembering longingly - homesick, sentimental, wistful, yearning - indifferent, pragmatic, forgetful, oblivious 412. oblique - definition - synonyms - antonyms - ✔✔️✔️-️ at an angle or slanting; indirect or misleading - angled, diagonal, inclined, indirect, evasive, vague - direct, straight, unswerving 413. obliterate - antonyms - ✔✔️✔️-️ appearing or seeming to be, but not necessarily so - apparent, seeming, alleged, supposed - verified, true, actual 419. ostracize - definition - synonyms - antonyms - ✔✔️✔️-️ to shun or avoid completely - avoid, exclude, reject, snub - embrace, include, welcome 420. oust - definition - synonyms - antonyms - ✔✔️✔️-️ to remove - banish, boot, drive out, evict, force out, throw out - hold, keep, retain, welcome 421. partisan - definition - synonyms - antonyms - ✔✔️✔️-️ one who strongly or enthusiastically supports a particular cause, person, or idea - biased, one sided, sectarian - disinterested, objective, unbiased 422. penchant - definition - synonyms - antonyms - ✔✔️✔️-️ strong liking or inclination - preference, fondness, affinity - dislike, antipathy, aversion 423. penultimate - definition - synonyms - antonyms - ✔✔️✔️-️ immediately before the last - next to last - last, concluding, closing 424. peremptorily - definition - synonyms - antonyms - ✔✔️✔️-️ at short notice - arbitrarily, immediately, on the spot - methodically, slowly, according to plan 425. perfunctory - definition - synonyms - antonyms - ✔✔️✔️-️ automatic or done without thinking or appreciable effort - cursory, disinterested, impersonal, superficial - intentional, precise, thoughtful, well thought out 426. permeate - credible, reasonable, possible - improbable, unbelievable, unreasonable 432. plethora - definition - synonyms - antonyms - ✔✔️✔️-️ very large amount of something, especially a larger amount than is needed - excess, overabundance, glut, superfluity, surfeit, overflow - scarcity, lack, nee 433. precept - definition - synonyms - antonyms - ✔✔️✔️-️ a principle or rule of conduct or operation - axiom, doctrine, guideline, maxim, rule, tenet - ambiguity, exception, lack of guidance 434. premonition - definition - synonyms - antonyms - ✔✔️✔️-️ feeling that something is about to happen; usually applies an advance feeling that something bad or disastrous will happen - foreboding, hunch, intuition, omen, presentiment, warning - surprise, shock, unreadiness 435. prevaricator - definition - synonyms - antonyms - ✔✔️✔️-️ one who tells lies or avoids the truth - liar, quibbler, equivocator - honest person, straight shooter, truth-teller 436. principal - definition - synonyms - antonyms - ✔✔️✔️-️ first in order of importance; top official of a school or organization; amount deposited or invested to earn interest - first, foremost, leading, main, primary, capitalist - secondary, subordinate, subsidiary 437. principle - definition - synonyms - antonyms - ✔✔️✔️-️ base idea, rule, or moral standard - fundamental concept, precept, basis - inconsistency, unbelief, ambiguity 438. prodigious - definition - synonyms - antonyms - ✔✔️✔️-️ tremendous, enormous - colossal, huge, gigantic, monumental - insignificant, small, tiny 439. proscribe - conquer, defeat, subdue; allay, mollify, soothe - encourage, support; aggravate, irritate 445. querulously - definition - synonyms - antonyms - ✔✔️✔️-️ whiningly or cantankerously - complainingly, crossly, irritably, petulantly - cheerfully, cooperatively, happily 446. quixotic - definition - synonyms - antonyms - ✔✔️✔️-️ referring to a perceived impractical pursuit of exaggeratedly idealistic goals; extravagantly chivalrous; unrealistically optimistic - utopian, starry-eyed, unrealistic, romantic, impractical - cautious, practical, pragmatic, sensible, realistic 447. redundant - definition - synonyms - antonyms - ✔✔️✔️-️ able to be deleted or left out without loss of meaning or function; unnecessary because it is more than is needed - superfluous, excessive, unnecessary - needed, integral, essential, necessary 448. rehabilitate - definition - synonyms - antonyms - ✔✔️✔️-️ to rejuvenate or refurbish or to give new life to; can apply to either things or people - fix up, restore; make healthy, treat - destroy, ruin; depress, injure 449. repercussion - definition - synonyms - antonyms - ✔✔️✔️-️ the consequence or backlash resulting from an action - effect, fallout, impact, side effect - cause, origin, antecedent 450. resuscitate - definition - synonyms - antonyms - ✔✔️✔️-️ to revive or rescue from near or apparent death - arouse, bring back to life, resurrect, revitalize - damage, ruin, harm, hurt 451. reticent - definition - synonyms - antonyms - ✔✔️✔️-️ reserved or quiet - close-mouthed, restrained, taciturn, tight-lipped - communicative, forward, unabashed - definition - synonyms - antonyms - ✔✔️✔️-️ viciously - angrily, bitterly, cruelly, harshly - gently, nicely, politely 458. scrupulously - definition - synonyms - antonyms - ✔✔️✔️-️ conscientiously - fastidiously, painstakingly, rigorously, strictly - carelessly, lackadaisically, negligently 459. serendipitous - definition - synonyms - antonyms - ✔✔️✔️-️ luckily found by coincidence or accident - accidental, fortuitous, lucky, unplanned - deliberated, planned, premeditated, unlucky 460. sinecure - definition - synonyms - antonyms - ✔✔️✔️-️ a position of little or no responsibility or effort - plum job, easy ride, soft job, cushy job, sham job - demanding position, key billet, critical role 461. sinuous - definition - synonyms - antonyms - ✔✔️✔️-️ winding - serpentine, twisting, undulating - direct, straight, untwisted 462. skittishly - definition - synonyms - antonyms - ✔✔️✔️-️ nervously jumping - edgily, fearfully, jumpily - calmly, cooly, stably 463. slander - definition - synonyms - antonyms - ✔✔️✔️-️ a false spoken statement about a person that harms his or her reputation or ability to earn a living - the act of speaking ill of someone, defamation, vilification - praise, commendation, compliment 464. solicitous - definition - synonyms - antonyms - ✔✔️✔️-️ anxious or concerned; refers to the quality of being particular or painstaking - attentive, caring, mindful - careless, easygoing, unconcerned
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