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Rhyme & Figure of Speech in Cat Stevens' Songs: 'Morning Has Broken' & 'Moon Shadow', Exams of Poetry

A thesis submitted to the Letters and Humanities Faculty of State Islamic University Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta in 2011. The research focuses on the analysis of figure of speech and rhyme in two song lyrics by Cat Stevens, 'Morning Has Broken' and 'Moon Shadow'. The writer uses content analysis to identify and interpret the use of rhyme and figurative language in the lyrics.

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Download Rhyme & Figure of Speech in Cat Stevens' Songs: 'Morning Has Broken' & 'Moon Shadow' and more Exams Poetry in PDF only on Docsity! RHYME AND FIGURE OF SPEECH ANALYSIS ON CAT STEVEN’S SONGLYRICS “ MORNING HAS BROKEN & MOON SHADOW” A Thesis Submitted to Letter’s and Humanities Faculty in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for the Degree of Letters Scholar Universitas Islam Negeri SYARIF HIDAYATULLAH JAKARTA oyyimah NO. 105026000912 ENGLISH LETTERS DEPARTMENT LETTERS AND HUMANITIES FACULTY STATE ISLAMIC OF UNIVERSITY “SYARIF HIDAYATULLAH” JAKARTA 2011 ABSTRACT Qoyyimah, Rhyme and Figure of Speech Analysis on Cat Steven's Songlyrics “Morning Has Broken & Moon Shadow”, Thesis: English Letters Department, Letters and Humanities Faculty, State Islamic University Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, 2011. The research is aimed a finding out the types of figure of speech and rhyme in the two song lyrics. This thesis concerned the explanation and analysis of “Morning has Broken, and Moon Shadow”. The research uses descriptive qualitative by collecting, identifying, describing, and explaining the figure of speech and rhyme of the song lyrics. The writer finds kinds of figure of speech and rhyme. Then, she can conclude them in part of conclusion on the last chapter. In the first song lyric ‘Moming has Broken’, she found three types of figure of speech such as; simile, symbol, and overstatement / hyperbole. Referring to the simile, the writer found it in the first stanza (line one and line two), the second stanza (line six) and the third stanza in line nine. Then, for symbol include of line two in the first stanza as is in simile. Hence, in overstatement / hyperbole is in line nine (the last stanza) which is also same as line in simile. Moreover, the words include rhyme are “Morning, Like the first, Praise & Mine”. Regarding with word of ‘Morning’, she found as much four times those are in line one, three, nine and eleven. Henceforth, for words of ‘Like the first’ are line one, two and six. Then, she found ‘praise’ as much four times in line three, four, seven and eleven. The last of rhyme is ‘mine’ that found by her in line nine as much twice mentioned. In addition, in the second of song lyric ‘Moon Shadow’ the writer finds three kinds of figure of speech; those are personification, understatement / Litotes and Overstatement / Hyperbole by her. Line one, two, thirty one in the first stanza, and the sixth stanza is as pesonification. Then, the issue for understatement / Litotes can be seen in the entire of the second stanza, the third stanza, the fourth stanza, and the fifth stanza. The last of types figure of speech is overstatement / hyperbole that include of line thirty one. This case is same line in personification. Furthermore, about rhyme there are nine words which is repeated those are “moonshadow (the first stanza, the second stanza & the last stanza), my hand (the second stanza; line: 5 and 7), oh well (the second until fifth stanza; line: 8, 13, 22 and 29 ), my eyes (the third stanza; line: 10 and 12), my mouth (the fourth stanza; line: 24 and 26), my legs (the fifth stanza; line: 19 and 21), I won’t have to (the second until the fifth stanza; line: 9, 23 and 28 ), no more (the second until the fifth stanza; line: 9, 14 and 23), and did it take long to find me (the last stanza in line 30). DECLARATION I hereby declare that this submission is my own work and that, to the best of my knowledge and belief, it contains no material previously published or written by another person no material which to a substantial extent has been accepted for the award of any other degree or diplomas of the university or other institute of higher learning, except where due acknowledgement has been made in the text. Jakarta. dette SS 2011 Re ae iagaghenescate ae © (Goyyimat) iv ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Bismillahirrahmanirrahim, In the name of Allah the Beneficent the Merciful May Peace and Blessing of Allah be upon all of us All praises be to Allah, Lord of the universe, who gives the writer guidance and strength in doing this “Thesis” until finish. Then, Peace and prayers be upon to the prophet Muhammad Shallallahu alayhi wassalam, to his family, his relatives, and his followers. The writer would like to give thanks to her parents: her beloved mother, Ibunda Munjiah and her beloved father Ayahanda Bulkini, Then, her beloved my husband is Moh. Abdul Rois, SHI. They have given their loves, supports, contributions, both moral and material. A thesis titled Rhyme and Figure of Speech Analysis on Cat Steven’s Songlyrics “Morning Has Broken & Moon Shadow” is submitted to Letters and Humanities faculty in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the Degree of Letters Scholar. This thesis arose in part out of months of research that has been done since February until May 2011. By the time, the writer had been supported by a number of people whose contribution is assorted ways to the research and the making of the thesis deserve special mention. It is a pleasure to convey the writer’s gratitude to them all in her humble acknowledgment. The writer wishes to deliver gratitude o the following persons:. 1. Dr. H. Wahid Hasyim MA, the Dean of faculty of Adab and Humanities, State Islamic University “ Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta” 2. Drs. Asep Syaifuddin , M. Pd, the head of English Letters Department 3. Elve Oktafiyani M. Hum, the secretary of English Letters Department 4. Moh. Supardi, M. Hum, is an advisor who guides the writer in finishing this thesis for the great contributions, guidance, kindness, and patience 5. The staffs of UIN library, the staffs of UI library, and the staffs of Atmajaya Furthermore, she would like to give her special thanks to all lectures in Letters Department, who have taught and given knowledge to the writer, whose names can not be mentioned one by one. Thank you very much for all. All lovely my sisters and my brothers who care and always give support also help to me, I do appreciate it, and specially to Anita Kusumawati, S. Pd, Mimi Kamilah (her family), Khalifah S.Pd., Sulaeman ME., Raudhatul Hasanah, Nurkholis M.Si, Nasyithoh, M. Subhan SHI, Nursehah S. Kom, and Nugroho Tri Widiatmoko SE. May Allah Subhanahu wata’ala bless you all. Finally, the writer realized that this “Thesis” is still far from being perfect; therefore, she hopes some suggestions or criticism to make it more scientifically. Then, she wishes that this “Thesis” be some valuable writing. Amin. Jakarta, June 22, 2011 vi CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION A. Background of the study Most people like music because it is one of a literary work which relate to language of poem. This case is based on Sound and Sense: An Introduction to Poetry book which is Perrine said that “Poetry obviously makes a greater use of the music of language than does language that is not poetry”.! The language of poem in music has unique characteristic which is a poet is not only convey information, but he/she uses the beautiful words, good rhyme, and deep meaning. Therefore, the usage of language poem certainly is different from journalist language. It also refers to statement of Perrine “The poet, unlike the person who uses language to convey only information, chooses words for sound as well as for meaning, and uses the sound as means of reinforcing meaning”.” Thus, music makes happy, enjoyful, and comfort for the listeners since it express feelings as well as emotions. Furthermore, everyone knows that the music contains lyrics by using the beautiful words or style of language, regularly repetition or good rime, and deep meaning. Because of the lyric is ‘poetry form’ as Robert Hillyer said in book In Pursuit of Poetry: “the poetry is classified to three forms; epic, dramatic, and ‘Laurance Perrine and Thomas R. ARP, Sound and Sense:An Introduction to Poetry (The United of State: Harcourt Brace Company, 1992), p.162 "Ibid . p.162 lyric” > Actually, lyric is followed by instrument, named song. Then, the lyric (words) of song are typically of poetic, rhyming nature, although they may be religious verses or free prose.* As mentioned above, lyric is form of poem, so all elements that included of poem also there are into lyric. More specifically, the important of poetry elements explained by some experts literature such as; Richards who said that “The elements of poem consist of essence of poem includes theme, feeling, intention, tone, then method of poem includes diction, imagery, denotation of word, metaphor, rime, and rhyme”. Then, Altenberg and Lewis explained that “Character of poem, language of poem: diction, imagery, and sense, content: narration, emotion, and theme”. Meanwhile, the third, according to Meyer “The elements of poem include diction, imagery, simile, symbol, tone, rime, and form”.> Those elements support the songlyrics to be a good in a literary work. Henceforth, the best literary works “songlyrics” have the highly of stylistic language, good sounds arrangement in choosing of words, and meaningful are Cat Steven’s songlyrics. Cat Steven is a group of music or stage name that comes from England — London. The former of the group is Demetre Giorgia, he was born on July 21" 1948. Up to now is one popular singer, so he has many lovers in the part of world. Robert Hilyer, In Pursuit of Poetry, (New York: Mc Crew-Hill Book Company, 1960), p.116 * http://www.answers.con/topic/song#ixzz1EBPVQ45m (February: 16, 2011) 5 http://endonesa.’ 2008/09/08 puisi-definisi-dan-unsur-unsurnyal, (December, 4: 2008) Henceforth, there are a lof of lovers from Indonesia that likes his songlyrics. Although, there are among of them who do not understand the significance of meaning or message which he conveyed but they enjoy its. The reason is the writer’s interest to analyze two songlyrics by Cat Steven, those are “Morning has broken (on Teaser album) and Moonshadow (on Firecat album)”, regarding to the use rime and figurative of speech on his lyrics. B. Focus of the study The focus of this research will be concentrated on the effort of analyzig the using Rhyme and Figure of Speech on Teaser and Firecat album those are; Morning Has Broken and Moonshadow by Cat Steven's songlyrics. C. Research Question Based on the background of the study above, the writer would like to discuss the problems of the thesis entitled “Rhyme and Figure of Speech Analysis on Cat Steven’s Songlyrics “Morning has broken & Moonshadow”. Therefore, the writer is going to propose the questions as follows: 1. What are kinds of the figure of speech used within the songlyrics of Cat Steven? 2. What are the meaning of the figure of speech used in the context of related songlyrics? 3. What are the rime used within the songlyrics? CHAPTER IT THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK A. Style and Stylistics Stylistic is the study of language whose properties that languge in context. For example, the language of advertising, indivisual authors, or the language of a period in time, all belong in particular situation. Stylistics also attempts to establish principles capable of explaining the particular choices made by individuals and social groups in their use of language, such as socialization, the production and reception of meaning, critical discourse analysis and literary critiesm.® Stylistics is a distinctive term that may be used to determine the connections between the form and effects within a particular variety of language. Therefore, stylistics looks at what is ‘going on’ within the language; what the linguistic associations are that the style of language reveals. In short, Katie Wales defines stylistics as the study of style’. The word ‘style’, itself has several connotations that make it difficult for the term to define accurately. However, in “Style in Fiction”, Leech and Short make the point that, the word style can refer to the way in which language is used in a given context person, for a given purpose, and so on.* For further explanation, ® Stylistcs (Linguistics), Wikipedia the free encyclopedia (February: 18,2011) hitp://en, wikipedia. Org/wiki/Stylistics%29.p.1 7 Katie Wales, A Dictionary of Stylistics (Singapore: Longman Singapore Publishers, 1989), p. 437. 8 Geoffrey N. Leech and Michael H. Short, Style in Fiction (Singapore: Longman Singapore Publishers, 1989), p.10 they adopt the Saussure’s theory of language and parole. Langue is being the code or system of rules common to speakers of language, and parole is being the particular uses of this system or selections from this system and is used occasion. It is arole that pertains to style? AS Hornby states the meaning of style as manner of writing or speaking (contrasted with the subject matter); manner of doing anything, esp. When it is characteristic of an artist or of a period of art", This manner is an individual expression in a special way to get a certain effect. In literature, the effect is the aestic effect that contributes in giving the aesthetic value. The effort of understanding, application, and applying in rhetoric to get the artistic effect called as stylistic appreciation to the stylistics object such as proverb, idiomatic, associative sentence, and style.'' Style here can be referring to style of language.'” Based on the language aspect, style of language can be divided into style of language based on diction, tone on discourse, sentence structure, and style of language based on direct and direct sense." The style of language based on the indirect sense is ussually called as figure of speech." ° Ibid, p. 10 © 4S Homby, Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary of Current English (New York: Oxford University Press, 1974) p. 860 " Suparman Natawidjaja, Apresiasi Stilistika (Jakarta: PT Intermasa, 1986), p.5 ” Drs. Alex Sobur M. Si, Analysis Teks Media (Bandung: PT Remaja Rosda karya, 2004), p.82 8 Gorys Keraf, Diksi dan Gaya Bahasa (Jakarta: PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama, 2002), p.116—p.117 ' Tbid, p.129 B. Figure of Speech Perrine defines that figure of speech as “any way of saying something other than the ordinary way” in Sound and Sense book.'* It means the message is not delivered in ordinary way. Lyricist can choose many ways in delivering the message to the readers. The use of ordinary way will surely result ordinary response as well. Lyricist can always give the more different sense nuance by advantaging the use of figure of speech. As long as the proposed sense essence is receivable by the readers, that additional sense essence will reinforce the meaning and present more freshly message. The advantage have been widely known that everybody uses it all the time in attempting to give freshness and spice to what they say. Some are even used so commons that we tend to forget their original idea. Another definition of figure of speech is “a word or group of words used to particular emphasis to an idea or sentiment”.'° The special emphasis is typically accomplished by the user’s conscious deviation from the strict literal sense of a word, or from the more commonly used form of word order or sentence construction. Its purpose is to strengthen styles of speech and composition and reinforce the meaning so that the result is not awkward, but on the contrary emerge the artistic effect.'’ Thus, the words that employ figure of speech can not 'S Laurance Perrine, Sound and Sense (London: Harcourt Brace College Publisher, 1991), p61 'S Figure of Speech, Microsoft Encharta 2006, (February: 18, 2011) P.1 17 Suparman Natawidjaja (1986), op.cit.3 I than is actually the case. Perrine defines Hyperbole or Overstatement as “ simply exaggeration, but exaggeration in the service of truth.?> In hyperbole, the speakers do not expect to be taken literally but they are only adding emphasis to what they really mean or in other words, they are overstating their statement. Like all figure of speech, hyperbole may be used with a variety of effect such as humorous or grave, fanciful or restrained, convincing or unconvincing. The example of hyperbole as in the utterance “I am starving to death” state how hungry the speaker is by adding the emphasis to the word very hungry. In this case, he replaces the word very hungry with utterance “starving to death”. 5. Irony Irony is a literary or rhetorical device, in which there is a gap or incongruity between what a speaker or a writer says and what is generally understood (either at the time, or in the later context of history).° Gorys Keraf defines irony as “suatu acuan yang ingin mengatakan sesuatu dengan makna atau maksud berlainan dari apa yang terkandung dalam rangkaian kata-katanya 7 (Reference of aying something contrast between spoken words and their meaning). The words, which employ irony, are not to be taken literary because they are saying one thing that means another. Irony has maning 5 Microsoft Encharta 2006 (2007), op.cit. 1 ** Trony, Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. February 18.2011,, p.13 7 Gorys Keraf (2002), op.cit. 143 12 that extend beyond its use merely as figure of speech. It is deivided into three different forms: verbal irony, dramatic irony, and situational irony. First, verbal irony says opposite of what one means, for example: a mother is a daughter’s enemy. Second, dramatic irony occurs when a character on stage or in a story is ignorant, but the audience watching knows his or her eventual fate, as in Shakespeare’s play Romeo and Juliet. Third, situational irony, which occurs when a discrepancy exists between the actual circumtances and those that would seem appropriate or between what one anticipate and what actually comes to pass. This type of irony presence in the short story “The Gift of Magi” by O. Henry. The history tells about a poor young husband pawns his most prized possession, a gold watch, in order to buy his wife a set of combs for her hair for Christmas, and his wife sells her most prized possession, her long brown hair, in order to buy a fob for the husbands’s watch. Litotes or understatement Understatement (litotes), or saying less than one means, may exist in what one says or merely in how one says it.’* Litotes can also be defined as an understatement employed for the purpose of enhancing the effect of the ideas expressed, as in the sentence “ The English poet Thomas Gray showed no incosiderable powers as a prose writer”, meaning that Gray was in fact a very good prose writer. °8 Laurance Perrine (1991), op.cit. 102 13 7. Metaphor Metaphor is the use of a word or phrase denoting one kind of idea or object in place of another word or phrase for the purpose of suggesting a likeness between the two.” Thus, in metaphor the comparison is implied taht is the figurative term is subtituted for or identified with the literal term. For example, in the poem, “ The hound” by Robert Francis, in the first line “ Life the hound”, the literal term is life and the figurative term is hound. Metaphor and Simile are both terms that describe a comparison things that are essentially unlike: the only difference between a metaphor and a simile is that a simile makes the comporison explicit by using some words or phrase such as like, similar to, or seems; while in metaphor the identify asserts without such connective. 8. Metonymy Metonymy is the use of a word or phrase for another to which it bears an important relation, as the effect for the cause, the abstract for the concrete and similar construction.*? Perrine says that metonymy is the use of something closely related for the thing actually meant.*! Therefore, metonymy treat one thing as another that is associated with it? Metonymy and synecdoche are alike in that both subtitute some significant detail or aspect of an experience for the experience itself. The ® Microsoft Encharta 2006 (2007), op.cit.1 * Microsof Encharta 2006 (2007), loc.cit *T aurance Perrine (1991), op.cit.65 * Philip Damon,, Language Rhetoric and Style (New York: McGraw — Hill Book Company), p.77 13 16 time has a larger meaning than it ordinarily has a meaning which can often be multiple or ambiguous. Therefore, the symbol means what it actually is and something more, too. “The road not taken” by Robert Frost, for instance, concerns a choice made between two roads by a person out walking in the woods. It concerns more than the choice of paths in a wood, for that choice would be relatively unimportant,while this choice will make a great difference in life. Thus, we must interpret the choice of road as a symbol for any choice in life. The alternatives may appear almost equally attractive but will result through the years in a large difference in the kind of experience one knows. . Synecdoche Synecdoche is figurative locution whereby the part is made to stand for the whole, the whole for a part, the species for the genus, and vice versa.” Gorys Keraf in his book “Diksi dan Gaya Bahasa” defined synecdoche as’semacam bahas afigurative yang mempergunakan sebagian dari sesuatu hal untuk menyatakan keseluruhan (pars pro toto) atau mempergunakan keseluruhan untuk menyatakan sebagian (totem pro parte) nfo (A kind of figurative language that uses a part of something to state the whole of it (pars pro to to) or use the whole to state a part of it (totem pro parte), The example of pars pro to to is in the sentence “The hired hands are not doing their jobs”, hands is used to denote the whole part of the body af workers. In the sentence “Use your head to figure it Microsoft Encharta 2006 (2007), op.cit.1 Gorys Keraf (2002),op.cit.142 17 out”, the word head is used for replacing brain, in other words, the whole of something is used to refer to a part of it (totem pro parte). C. Rime Generally, in language of poem often occurs repetition unit of sound from the smallest to the largest. For instance; individual vowel and consonant sounds, whole syllables, words, prhases, lines, or groups of lines. It has several purposes such as; it will please the ear it, it will emphasize the words, in which the repetition occurs, and it will give structure to the poem. From the explanation above Perrine said “ rime is the combination of assonance and consonance, or the repetition of the accented vowel sound and all succeeding sound”. Furthermore, rime has been used to mean any sound repetition, including alliteration, assonance, and consonance. Alliteration is the repetition of initial consonant sounds, as in “tried and true”, “safe and sound”, “fish or fowl, “rime or reason”. It is used by some writers to mean any repetition of consonant of sounds. Then, assonance is repetition of vowel sounds, as in “time of mind”, and “free and easy”. The poet, usually, it has been used to mean the similarity as well as the identity of vowel sounds, or even the similarty of any sounds. Meanwhile, consonance is the repetition of final consonance sounds, as “short and sweet”, “a stroke of luck,” or Shakespeare’s “struts and frets’. In addition, when the rime sounds involve only one syllable is named masculine, for example, support and retort. It is feminine when the rime sound 18 involve two syllabe or more sylla as fertile”, or spitefully and delightfully.”" “! Laurance Perrine (1991), op. cit. 164 21 2. Rhyme Table 2 No. Corpus Data Line 1. | Morning 1,3,9, & 11 2. | Like the first 1,2, &6 3._| Prise 3.4.7, & 11 4._| Mine 9 2. Moonshadow a. Song Background Moon shadow is a song from the album Teaser and the Firecat, released by Cat Stevens in 1971. It is also the title of his upcoming musical. Stevens, who is now known as Yusuf Islam, considers this is as his favorite of his old songs. It is one of the songs convinced him to release a Greatest Hits record of his work as Cat Stevens. He felt it is uplifting message that could help people. b. Lyric Song I'm being followed by a moon shadow moon shadow-moon shadow leaping and hopping on a moon shadow moon shadow-moon shadow And if I ever lose my hands 5 lose my plough, lose my land oh, if Iever lose my hands oh, well... I won’t have to work no more And if I ever lose my eyes Tf my colors all run dry yes, if lever lose my eyes oh well ... I won't have to cry no more. yes, I'm being followed by a moon shadow moon shadow - moon shadow leaping and hopping on a moon shadow moon shadow - moon shadow And if I ever lose my legs I won't moan and I won't beg oh if I ever lose my legs oh well... I won't have to walk no more And if I ever lose my mouth all my teeth, north and south yes, if I ever lose my mouth oh well... I won't have to talk... Did it take long to find me Task the faithful light Ooh did it take long to find me And are you going to stay the night I'm being followed by a moon shadow moon shadow - moon shadow leaping and hopping on a moon shadow 35 22 10 20 25 30 23 moon shadow - moon shadow moon shadow - moon shadow c. Course Data Table 3 The writer presents the figure of speech of “Moonshadow” song in the below table: 1. Figure of Speech Figure of Speech Corpus Data Line Tam being followed by a 1 Personification | moonshadow - moonshadow Leaping and hopping on a moon shadow — moon shadow... Lask the faithful light 31 And if I ever lose my hands, lose my plough, lose my land, 5-9 Oh, if I ever lose my hands Oh well... I won’t have to work no more And if I ever lose my eyes 10-14 If my colors all run dry yes, if I ever lose my eyes oh well ... I won't have to cry no more And if I ever lose my legs 21-23 Understatement | I won't moan and I won't beg oh if I ever lose my legs oh well... I won't have to walk no more 26 1. Morning Has Broken a. Figure of Speech The writer found three kinds of figure of speech in the lyrics of Morning has broken. Those are Simile, Symbol, and Overstatement / Hyperbole. The following are presentation of its: 1). Simile a). Morning has broken, like the first morning (line 1) b). Blackbirds has spoken, like the first bird (Line 2) c). Like the first dewfall, on the first grass (Line 6) d). Mine is the sunlight, mine is the morning (Line 9) 2). Symbol Blackbird has spoken, like the first bird 3). Overstatement/Hyperbole Mine is the sunlight, mine is the morning (Line 9) b. Figure of Speech Analysis The writer found three types of the figure of speech; those are simile, symbol, and Overstatement / Hyperbole in this song “Morning has broken”. Then, she arranged her analysis per line below: 1). Simile In this song “Moming has broken”, there are four lines that include of simile; those are line 1, line 2, line 6 and line 9. Line | and 2 include of the first stanza, and line 6 is in the second stanza. 27 Meanwhile, for line 9 is in the last stanza. The below are the writer’s details explanation about simile: a). Morning has broken, like the first morning (line 1) The sentence describes the comporison between a desire of Steven that has done as if the first of his desire, that is by using “like” as sign posting. The use of sign posting here denotes that the comporison is mentioned explicitly and deeply which the lyricist / the songwriter uses connotation words as he showed on word “morning”. However, the word “morning” represents a wish of Steven’s experience in his life where he has ever done bad behaviors. These things has passed, the singer told to the listeners / the readers about his feeling deeply that there is awareness in his soul for these events. The using of simile in the sentence emphasizes the meaning and makes the hearers know how there is awareness in himself for what he done. b). Blackbirds has spoken, like the first bird (Line 2) The songwriter uses the sign of posting, that is “like” to compare his experience of darkness (blackbirds) with “bird” which both of italic word have the symbolic meaning. In the other word, “blackbirds and bird” do not mean literally, but the meaning of ‘blackbirds’ describes people who are tempted by carnal pleasures. And one of the people is Steven that sing this 28 song. So, it represents the temptation to desire himself when he became a fimilar man in the world of music. Suddenly, this temptation flies as if like ‘bird’ toward the way of truth. It means he did not do bad things in his life. The using of ‘bird’ is a word that emphasizes to the hearers/ the readers about his emotion and experience in changing his life to better life. It is really give the impression deeply to the readers since the essential content of this line is religious moral. Therefore, the readers / the hearers feel what he feels in facing his life that hard by temptation. c). Like the first dewfall, on the first grass (Line 6) This line “Like the first dewfall” denotes simile sentence explicitly. It can be seen by the sign posting ‘like’. Then, it is comporison the singer of life with nature phenomenon who he uses the connotation meaning. However, it represents his spiritual nature who he got the light. And the light made everything is clear that conducts him to awareness world. In this matter indicates the spiritual idea and blessings coming to his mind. d). Mine is the sunlight, mine is the morning (Line 9) In this sentence, the songwriter / lyricist explains his experience of life that the truth belongs to him as he compares by the morning situation. The power, optimis, and the awareness to do good attitudes belong to him. Therefore, he 31 the readers / the hearers from the beauty of side poem, and the easy in listening it. d. Mine (9) It includes of the last stanza, that is line 9 who the songwriter mentions this word as many twice. In this matter, there is impression which felt by the readers / the listeners from this word. The songwriter presents it by the beauty arrangement which has purpose to be a good poem. 2. Moon Shadow a. Figure of Speech As Moonshadow’s lyrics, the writer found three kinds of figure of speech. Those are Personification, Understatement (Litotes), and Overstatement (Hyperbole). The figure of speech found are presented as follow: 1. Personification a). I am being followed by a moon shadow (Line 1) b). Leaping and hopping on a moonshadow - moon shadow (line 2) c). L ask the faithful light (31) 2. Understatement / Litotes a). And if I ever lose my hands, lose my plough, lose my land, Oh, if I ever lose my hands Oh well... I won't have to work no more (Line 5-9) b). And if I ever lose my eyes Tf my colors all run dry yes, if lever lose my eyes 32 oh well ... I won't have to cryno more (Line 10-14) c). And if I ever lose my legs I won't moan and I won't beg Oh if I ever lose my legs I won't have to walk no more (Line 21-23) d). And if ever lose my mouth all my teeth, north and south yes, if I ever lose my mouth ohwell.... I won't have to talk... (Line 24-28) 3. Overstatement / Hyperbole Task the faithful light (Line 31) Figurative of Speech Analysis The following are detail descriptions for two kinds of figure of speech “Personification, and Understatemet / Litotes” that found by the writer on “Moonshadow” song: 1). Personification a). 1 am being followed by a moon shadow (1) The sentence describes non — living things as if it has human attributes. It is called as personification who the songwriter compares himself by an object. The object is ‘moonshadow’ comes from word association to convey his emotion and his mood and non a literal sense. In this case, he conveys his alonely feeling when he is walking in a place but the light of moon to accompany him. It denotes a situation that reflects an image in meaning of his life. That is a hope that he found in the place. 33 b). Leaping and hopping on a moonshadow - moonshadow (line 2) This line uses the attribute of personification that is “moon shadow”. It is an object that compares the songwriter’s experience. He told the great leap forward in his life. And he is very optimist to catch the light of moon. Because of it brought the good changing for his life especially for his health. It denotes to the readers / the hearers that there is heart of powerful to survive in facing of problem. He described it as if “moon shadow”. c). Lask the Faithful light (line 31) The faithful light is the attribute personification which describes an object as if a human being. This case is based on his experience which he compares with the faithful light. It means he regards that this object like a human can invited to ask in pouring his feeling. This object is as support to change his life toward good things. Therefore, it can make him comfort and peace in facing life. Thus, the use of personification is an emphasizing of his experience that he conveyed to the readers/the hearers. It represents what he feels in his life. 2). Understatement / Litotes a). Line 5-9 And if ever lose my hands, lose my plough, lose my land, Oh, if Tever lose my hands Oh well... I won’t have to work no more 36 occurs for desirable God. Thus, the usage of litotes can touch the readers / the hearers and motivate them in order to be a power person in anything condition. d). Line 24-28 And if I ever lose my mouth all my teeth, north and south yes, if I ever lose my mouth oh well... I won't have to talk... The above lines are understatements of the songwriter who explains his optimist in facing his pain. He feels lose mouth which means his mouth can not be function like health person, so he can not sing as usual. Besides that, he can not talk, eat, and the whole of activities that relate to mouth. It is really sad but he receives it by smile and patient because the temptation did not break his spirit. 3. Lask the faithful light (Overstatement / Hyperbole) This sentence should not be understood literally because the songwriter has purpose which exaggeration to convey his feeling. The word is ‘faithful light’ which shows an looking for his privation to get the truth in his life. Because of his life faced various of temptation. From this word, the readers feel what the songwriter feels. c. Rhyme Analysis 1. Moon shadow (The first, second, and the last stanza) This word is associations of word many appear in three stanzas those are the first stanza, the second stanza and the last stanza. It gives deep 37 impression to the readers / the hearers because there is the values of message that emphasized by the songwriter. It can be seen from the repetitions of word which can more easy to be understood by the readers / the hearer. Because of the songwriter creates this lyric is very simple and easy to be listened. 3. My hands (The second stanza) The word is in line 5 that is the second stanza that is showed by the songwriter. He mentions it as much twice so that the reader / the hearers know what he meant in it. 4. Oh well (The second, third, and the fourth, and fifth stanza) Steven repeats this word in four stanzas those are the second stanza, the third stanza, the fourth stanza and the fifth stanza. It is evidence that this song has regular rhyme and beautiful reflection of lyric. From the repetitions denote the real image as what he feels based on his experience. 5. Myeyes (The third stanza) Steven mentions the word as much twice to emphasize what he feels to the readers / the hearers who he lose the activities relate to his eyes. The writer found it on the third stanza. 6. My mouth (The fourth stanza) The songwriter puts this word on the fourth stanza and he mentions as much twice. It denotes that he simplifies the hearers in enjoying his song and understand its meaning. Thus, he conveys an impression from the repeatition this word. 7. 38 I won’t have to...( The second until the fifth stanza) This word is in the first stanza until the fifth which show important meaning as what he feels. It is formed by good structure so the readers / the hearers easy to listen it and easy to understand it. Therefore, they can understand the songwriter’s feeling. No more (The second until the fifth stanza) Steven repeats this word as much four times. In case, he conveys an emphasizing the significance meaning from this word so that the readers / the hearers know what he means. Did it take long to find me (The fifth stanza) The above sentence is in the fifth stanza that is on the twenty ninth lines and the songwriter puts again on the thirty first lines. It denotes there is especially meaning that conveyed to the readers / the hearers. However, the especially meaning from the sentence is a looking for himself as long as his life. REFERENCES Books: Barnet, Sylvan et al.., An Introduction to Literature: Fiction Poetry, Drama, New York: Harpercollins College Publisher, 1993 Ellman, Richard, O’clair Robert, Modern Poem An Introduction to Poetry, New York: W.W. Northon and Company, Inc, 1976 Farkhan, Muhammad, Penulisan Karya Ilmiah, Jakarta: Penerbit Cella 2006. Hilyer, Robert, In Pursuit of Poetry, New York: Mc Crew-Hill Book Company, 1960 Hornby AS, Oxford Advanced Leamer’s Dictionary of Current English New York: Oxford University Press, 1974. Keraf, Gorys, Diksi dan Gaya Bahasa Jakarta: PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama, 2002. Leech , Geoffrey N, Short, Michael H, Style in Fiction , Singapore: Longman Singapore Publishers, 1989. Natawidjaja, Suparman, Apresiasi Stilistika, Jakarta: PT Intermasa, 1986 Perrine Laurence, and R. ARP Thomas, Sound And Sense An Introduction to Poetry, New York, Horcourt Brace & Company: 1991 Sobur, Alex M. Si, Analysis Teks Media, Bandung: PT Remaja Rosda karya, 2004. Wales, Katie, A Dictionary of Stylistics, Singapore: Longman Singapore Publishers, 1989. Internet: Stylistcs (Linguistics), Wikipedia the free encyclopedia , ( Accessed:February: 18,2011) http://en.wikipedia.Org/wiki/Stylistics%29.p.1 ( Accessed:February: 18,2011) 41 Figure of Speech, Microsoft Encharta 2006, (February: 18, 2011) http://en. Has_Broken (March: 08, 2011) http://en. Moon_ Shadow (March: 08, 2011) 42 43 APPENDIX BIOGRAPHY Yusuf Islam (born Steven Demetre Georgiou; 21 July 1948), commonly known by his former stage name Cat Stevens, is a British musician. He is a singer-songwriter, multi-instrumentalist, educator, philanthropist, and prominent convert to Islam. A singer of Cat Steven’s group has sung the lyricsong ‘Morning has broken’ in his version on an album Teaser and Firecat in 1971. This lyric is sung in Pop and folk music which is appropriate with his experience of life. The song became Stevens’s identity when it reached number 6 on the US pop chart and number | on the US adult contemporary chart in 1972. And also Moon shadow is a song from the album Teaser and the Firecat, released by Cat Stevens in 1971. It is also the title of his upcoming musical. Stevens, who is now known as Yusuf Islam, considers this is as his favorite of his old songs. It is one of the songs convinced him to release a Greatest Hits record of his work as Cat Stevens. He felt it is uplifting message that could help people.
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