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Course Lecture Notes for Computational Physics at East Tennessee State University - Prof. , Study notes of Physics

These are class notes for the course phys-4007/5007: computational physics i taught by dr. Donald luttermoser at east tennessee state university, including code examples and explanations in c programming language.

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Download Course Lecture Notes for Computational Physics at East Tennessee State University - Prof. and more Study notes Physics in PDF only on Docsity! PHYS-4007/5007: Computational Physics Course Lecture Notes Appendix B Dr. Donald G. Luttermoser East Tennessee State University Version 4.1 Abstract These class notes are designed for use of the instructor and students of the course PHYS-4007/5007: Computational Physics I taught by Dr. Donald Luttermoser at East Tennessee State University. Donald G. Luttermoser, ETSU Appendix B–3 i) { ... } enclose the statements in a function. j) printf is a library function for printing output on the users screen — in this case the string of characters between quotes; \n is C notation for newline; printf will not insert a newline by itself. k) \n represents a single character — neccessary, since typing the <return> key in the middle of a string is not really practical! Other control characters are: \t = tab, \a = alert bell, \” = double quote, \r = carriage return, \\ = backslash itself! l) return 0; in C, programs can return values to the operating system; in UNIX, ’0’ signifies that the program terminated normally; other values indicate error conditions. This is useful if you intend putting your program in a UNIX shell script; likewise DOS ’.bat’ files. B. Variables and Arithmetic. 1. Convert degrees Fahrenheit to degrees Celsius: TC = 5 9 (TF − 32) . Then, print a list as follows: 0 -17 20 -6 40 4 60 15 300 148 /*------------------------------------------------ ftoc.c - Fahr. to Celsius table j.g.c. 3/10/89 Copied from K&R p.9 --------------------------------------------------*/ #include <stdio.h> int main(void) Appendix B–4 PHYS-4007/5007: Computational Physics { int fahr, celsius; int lower, upper, step; lower = 0; /* lower limit of table - fahr.*/ upper = 300; /*upper limit*/ step = 20; /*step size*/ fahr = lower; while(fahr <= upper){ celsius = 5 * (fahr-32) / 9; printf("%d\t%d\n", fahr, celsius); fahr = fahr + step; } return 0; } 2. Dissection: a) All variables must be declared. Usually at the beginning of their function. b) Built-in types in C: int: integer, can be 16-bits, or 32-bits float: floating point char: single text character, really it is a small integer taking on values in [0...255]. short: short integer; possibly 8 bits, maybe 16. long : long integer - 32 bits. double: double precision floating point — more significant digits, larger exponent. c) Assignment statement: upper = 300; d) While loop: while(fahr <= upper){ /* executable statements — body in here */ } Operation of while: Donald G. Luttermoser, ETSU Appendix B–5 i) Condition is tested. ii) If condition is true — body is executed. iii) Go back to 1. iv) However, if condition is false — execution con- tinues at the statement following the loop. 3. Note the textual layout style used: as mentioned earlier, my sug- gestion is to indent each block by 2 characters — the Kernighan & Ritchie (K&R) book on C (The C Programming Language — considered by many to be the C bible) use the next tab, but with that you very quickly get to the right-hand side of the page; on the other hand, we have to be able see what is part of a block and what isn’t. 4. For me it is essential that the closing brace lines up with while. 5. Integer arithmetic causes truncation: hence 5/9 → 0. 6. printf: a) Has multiple arguments; the first is always a string con- stant — then, this may contain codes (e.g., ’%d’) to say how subsequent arguments are to be printed. b) %d: print the second argument as a decimal integer. c) printf is not part of the C language — but it’s in the standard library, which is available with all C compilers. d) Field widths can be specified, e.g., %6d. e) Uses right justification, unless specified otherwise. Appendix B–8 PHYS-4007/5007: Computational Physics printf("%d %6.1f\n",fahr,(5.0/9.0)*(fahr-32)); } return 0; } 2. Major differences: a) In printf(), celsius is replaced by a complex expression that evaluates to celsius; this should be nothing new to those who have used Fortran; the general rule is: A variable of some type can be replaced by an arbitrarily complicated expression that evaluates to a value of that type. b) for statement and loop: There are three statements con- tained within the ’(.)’ in a for statement: i) fahr = 0: initialization. ii) fahr <= 300: loop continuation control; evaluate the condition — if true execute the body — other- wise jump out. iii) fahr = fahr + 20: increment; do this AFTER the first and subsequent loops — BEFORE evaluation of control condition. iv) The for(...) body may be a single statement or a block { ... } . D. Symbolic Constants and the Preprocessor. 1. The general form of a symbolic definition is: #define <symbolic-name> <replacement-text>. Donald G. Luttermoser, ETSU Appendix B–9 2. The C preprocessor replaces all occurrences of <symbolic-name> with <replacement-text> — just like an editor global-replace com- mand. 3. Final version — ftoc3.c: /*------------------------------------------------ ftoc3.c - Fahr. to Celsius table, demo of Symbolic constants j.g.c. 3/10/89 Copied from K&R p.15 --------------------------------------------------*/ #include <stdio.h> #define LOWER 0 /*lower limit of table*/ #define UPPER 300 #define STEP 20 int main(void) { int fahr; float celsius; for (fahr = LOWER; fahr <= UPPER; fahr = fahr + STEP){ celsius = (5.0/9.0) * (fahr-32); printf("%3d %6.1f\n", fahr, celsius); } return 0; } 4. Dissection: a) The preprocessor is an extremely important part of C. When you compile a C program, two things happen: First, the preprocessor runs through the file, second, actual com- pilation. Therefore, in the example given above, all oc- currences of the string ”LOWER” get replaced with ”0”; the compiler never sees the ”LOWER”; and, LOWER is not a variable. b) Adopt a convention to use upper-case for symbolic con- stants; be very careful what else you use upper case for. Appendix B–10 PHYS-4007/5007: Computational Physics c) There is no ‘;’ after the ‘#define’ statement, d) Nor does a #define statement contain an ’=’. E. Character Input and Output. 1. There is a standard input-output library which deals primarily with streams of characters, or text-streams ; cf. UNIX files. a) A text stream = a sequence of characters divided into lines. b) A line = zero or more characters followed by a newline character. 2. The standard input-output library MUST make each input-output stream conform to this model — no matter what is in the physical file. 3. c = getchar() /* read next input char from the standard input stream, i.e., usually the keyboard */ 4. putchar(c) /* put/print char ’c’ on the screen — standard output stream */ 5. There are equivalent functions for files. 6. Buffered and Echoed Input. a) On most computers, input from the keyboard is echoed and buffered. b) Echoed input. When you type a character on the key- board, the computer input-output system immediately Donald G. Luttermoser, ETSU Appendix B–13 putchar(c); c = getchar(); } return 0; } Dissection: a) “!=” denotes not equal to. b) int c instead of char c! =⇒ getchar() must be able to indicate errors, e.g., when there is no more input — end- of-file (EOF); EOF is defined in stdio.h using # define; normally, it requires more bits than a plain character. 9. Another version, using a common C cliche: /*------------------------------------------------- cio2.c - copy input to output, version 2. demo of C file reading cliche/idiom j.g.c. 3/10/89 copied from K&R p.17. -----------------------------------------------------*/ #include <stdio.h> int main(void) { int c; while((c=getchar()) != EOF) putchar(c); return 0; } Dissection: a) while((c=getchar()) != EOF): This is quite a common id- iom/cliche in C; it is made possible because assignment statements in C have a value; the value is the last value assigned. Experienced C programmers will all understand what it does. However, do NOT take this as general per- mission to write dense, cryptic code. b) Note the importance of brackets. Appendix B–14 PHYS-4007/5007: Computational Physics 10. Character Counting. Objective: count the characters in the input stream, stop at EOF. /*------------------------------------------------ ctch1.c - counts input chars; version 1 j.g.c. 3/10/89. copied from K&R p.18. ---------------------------------------------------*/ #include <stdio.h> int main(void) { long nc; nc=0; while(getchar() != EOF) ++nc; printf("%ld\n", nc); return 0; } Dissection: a) ++ operator: increment by one; – –: decrement by one. Note: As single statements, ++nc and nc++ are equiva- lent, but give different values in expressions, e.g., int i, n; n = 6; i = ++n; /* POST-increment gives i == 7, and n == 7; the increment is done BEFORE the assignment */ wheras, n = 6; i = n++; /* POST-increment gives i == 6, and n == 7 */ b) long (integer) is at least 32 bits long. c) %ld tells printf to expect a long. Donald G. Luttermoser, ETSU Appendix B–15 11. Line Counting. /*-----------------------------------------------*/ #include <stdio.h> /* count lines in input*/ int main(void) { int c, nl; nl = 0; while((c=getchar()) != EOF) if(c == ’\n’) ++nl; printf("%d\n", nl); return 0; } /*--------------------------------------------------*/ Dissection: a) if statement: tests condition in (...) if true executes statement or group { ... } following, otherwise (false) skip them. b) == means is-equal to. CAUTION: = in place of == can be syntactically correct and so not trapped by compiler — a nasty hard-to-find error results! c) Character constants, e.g., ’\n’ represents an integer value equal to the value of the character in the machine’s charac- ter set; In ASCII: ’\n’ == 10 decimal; ’A’ == 65 decimal. 12. Word Counting. Word = any sequence of chars that does not contain a white-space char. i.e., blank, tab, newline. /*-----------------------------------------------------*/ #include <stdio.h> #define IN 1 /*inside a word*/ #define OUT 0 /*outside a word*/ /* count words, lines and chars in input*/ Appendix B–18 PHYS-4007/5007: Computational Physics f) if( condition1 ) statement1 else if( condition2 ) statement2 ........ else statement This is the model for a multiway decision; you can have any number of else if ( cond ) stmt groups between first if and final else; the final else catches anything that didn’t satisfy any of the previous condi- tions. g) Indenting style: Again, please note that we don’t want to run off the right-hand edge of the paper. F. Functions. 1. We have already encountered functions that have been written for us, e.g., printf, getchar, putchar. 2. Here is a program that reads ints and floats and does some arith- metic with them. We’ll use it as a case-study of many of the aspects of functions. /*------------------------------------------- math1.c j.g.c. 6/1/96 demo of functions -- in same file --------------------------------------------*/ #include <stdio.h> int getInt(void) { int i; Donald G. Luttermoser, ETSU Appendix B–19 scanf("%d", &i); return i; } float getFloat(void) { float f; scanf("%f", &f); return f; } float addf(float a, float b) { float c; c = a + b; return c; } int main() { float x, y, z, w; int i, j, k; printf("enter first int:"); i = getInt(); printf("enter second int:"); j = getInt(); k = i + j; printf("%d + %d = %d\n", i, j, k); printf("enter first float:"); x = getFloat(); printf("enter second float:"); y = getFloat(); z = x + y; printf("%f + %f = %f\n", x, y, z); w = addf(x, y); printf("%f + %f = %f\n", x, y, w); printf("%f + %f = %f\n", x, y, addf(x, y)); return 0; } Dissection: a) A function definition consists of: Appendix B–20 PHYS-4007/5007: Computational Physics return-type function-name(parameter list if any) { definitions of internal variables (locals); statements } b) The functions may be all in the same file, along with main, or may be spread across many files. c) The variables a, b, c are local to addf; they are invisible elsewhere. d) a, b, c are called parameters, or formal parameters, or, colloquially, formals. e) In the call: addf(x, y), x, y are called arguments, or actual parameters, or colloquially actuals. f) return <expression> returns a value to main and passes control back to main. g) Unless the function returns a value (some don’t) return is not essential, but if the function declaration indicates that the function returns a value, then there must be an appropriate return statement. h) The calling function can ignore the returned value. 3. Here is another version with different layout; here we’ve kept main at the beginning, and functions at the end; consequently, we’ve had to declare functions getInt, etc. before they are called. /*------------------------------------------- math2.c j.g.c. 6/1/96 demo of functions -- in same file -- now with functions *after* main(), and with declarations. --------------------------------------------*/ #include <stdio.h> Donald G. Luttermoser, ETSU Appendix B–23 /*------------------------------------------- math3.c j.g.c. 7/1/96 demo of functions -- in *separate* file / module funs.c and with declarations in funs.h --------------------------------------------*/ #include <stdio.h> #include "funs.h" int main() { float x, y, z, w; int i, j, k; printf("enter first int:"); i = getInt(); printf("enter second int:"); j = getInt(); k = i + j; printf("%d + %d = %d\n", i, j, k); printf("enter first float:"); x = getFloat(); printf("enter second float:"); y = getFloat(); z = x + y; printf("%f + %f = %f\n", x, y, z); w = addf(x,y); printf("%f + %f = %f\n", x, y, w); printf("%f + %f = %f\n", x, y, addf(x,y)); return 0; } and, funs.c: /*---------------------------------------------- funs.c j.g.c. 7/1/96 demo of functions in separate file called by math3.c ------------------------------------------------*/ #include "funs.h" int getInt(void) Appendix B–24 PHYS-4007/5007: Computational Physics { int i; scanf("%d", &i); return i; } float getFloat(void) { float f; scanf("%f", &f); return f; } float addf(float a, float b) { return a + b; } and, we need funs.h: /*---------------------------------------------- funs.h j.g.c. 7/1/96 demo of functions in separate file called by math3.c ------------------------------------------------*/ #include <stdio.h> int getInt(void); float getFloat(void); float addf(float a, float b); Dissection: a) When using a library or external module, you must get into the habit of producing a header (*.h) file that con- tains declarations of the functions; and, declarations of other things required by the functions, e.g., symbolic con- stants. b) If you do not include declarations, the compiler reverts to pre-ANSI habits: it assumes, implicitly, that all functions return an int, and that actual and formal arguments agree; Donald G. Luttermoser, ETSU Appendix B–25 in this pre-ANSI mode, the line in math2.c above, printf(”%d + %f = %f \n”, i, y, addf(i,y)); would fail miserably. Fortunately, gcc (GNU C compiler) seems to issue warnings in such cases; other compilers may not be so helpful; gcc -Wall is better. (Note that on all Unixes except Linux, the standard C compiler executable is ran with the ‘cc’ command. On Linux, the standard is the GNU C compiler which is ran with the ‘gcc’ command.) c) The prototypes of standard library functions are contained in header files, e.g., stdio.h is just an ordinary text file containing prototypes of printf, etc.; (in addition, stdio.h contains #defines). d) ’.h’ files are not compiled — they get compiled as part of any file in which they are included (recall, CPP – the C PreProcessor executes all ’#’ commands before the com- piler proper. e) When you have separate modules (or compilation units ), obviously, the compilation & linking procedure must be modified. The separate units can be compiled to object, as before: gcc -c math3.c # yields math3.o gcc -c funs.c # –> funs.o f) Now link gcc -o math math3.o funs.o # yields executable math g) Actually, you can do all this in one line gcc -o math math3.c funs.c 6. Raise an integer m to a positive integer power n: power(m, n): /*------------------------------------------------------ tstpow - tester for power Appendix B–28 PHYS-4007/5007: Computational Physics -------------------------------------------------------*/ #include <stdio.h> #define MAXLINE 1000 /*size of buffer for line*/ int getline(char line[],int maxline); void copy(char to[],char from[]); int main(void) { int len; /*current line length*/ int max; /*max. length so far*/ char line[MAXLINE]; /*current input line*/ char longest[MAXLINE]; /*buffer for longest line*/ max=0; while((len=getline(line,MAXLINE))>0) if(len>max){ max=len; copy(longest,line); } if(max>0) /*there was at least one line*/ printf("%s,longest); return 0; } /*--------------------------------------------------- getline - read a line into s, RETURN length -----------------------------------------------------*/ int getline(char s[],int lim) { int c,i; for(i=0;(i<lim-1)&&((c=getchar())!=EOF)&&(c!=’\n’);++i) s[i]=c; if(c==’\n’){ s[i]=c; ++i; } s[i]=’\0’; return i; } /*---------------------------------------------------- copy - copy "from" into "to". -------------------------------------------------------*/ void copy(char to[],char from[]) { int i; Donald G. Luttermoser, ETSU Appendix B–29 i=0; while((to[i]=from[i])!=’\0’) ++i; } Dissection: a) It is not neccessary to declare the length of ’s’ in getline; storage has already been allocated in main. b) void copy(..) states explicitly that copy does not return a value — allows compiler to check inconsistent usage. c) Null terminated strings; convention in C; ”hello\n” stored as — h e l l o \n \0 — 7 chars. d) NB. the issue of buffer overflow is ignored, like many of these programs, we have not provided full ’bullet-proofing’, I. External Variables and Scope. 1. Local variables, e.g., ’line[]’, ’longest[]’ in ’main()’ are private or LOCAL to main. 2. The ’i’ in copy is unrelated to ’i’ in getline; i.e., it has LOCAL SCOPE. 3. Such variables are also called AUTOMATIC — they only come into existence when the function is called, they disappear when the function is exited. 4. Contrast STATIC — still local, but values are retained from call to call. (Side-issue: STATIC, when applied to external variables or functions, also has another effect (see K&R Chap. 4.6) namely, Appendix B–30 PHYS-4007/5007: Computational Physics that their names are invisible outside the file in which they are declared. 5. Automatic assumed unless: static int c; /* c declared static */ 6. Declaration: auto int c; /* equivalent to int c; */ =⇒ hardly ever used — since defaults to auto. 7. External Variables: a) Similar to variables in a Fortran COMMON block. b) They are globally accessible. [GLOBAL SCOPE] c) Remain in existence permanently. Their LIFETIME (or DURATION or SPAN) is for the duration of the execution of the program. =⇒ Scope and lifetime are important issues in programming languages. d) Thus, externals/globals can be used to communicate data between functions; but, there are all sorts of reasons why you should never use them — mostly to do with reduction of coupling between software units. e) Rules of use of externals. i) An external variable must be DEFINED, exactly once, OUTSIDE any function. ii) It must be DECLARED in each function that ac- cesses it; and the declaration must announce that it is external: Donald G. Luttermoser, ETSU Appendix B–33 separate file, which could be compiled and linked (even though it only contains data). vi) Empty argument list must use explicit ’void’. If you defined the function ’copy’ as copy(){ .... } the compiler would assume pre-ANSI C; the major difference with pre-ANSI was much more relaxed argument/parameter consistency checking. In fact there was no consistency checking =⇒ the called function just assumed that the caller had passed the correct argument types; so, you had all sorts of nasties, like integers being interpreted as floating- point! vii) External variables are against most of the prin- ciples of software engineering: modularity, informa- tion hiding, lack of coupling. f) I recommend that you adopt the following standard: all uses of globals / extern must be accompanied with a jus- tification, contained in a comment, /*..*/, placed nearby; it is surprising how, with a little thought they can be completely avoided; and, you really appreciate it when it comes to testing. J. Definition, Declaration. 1. We will adopt the same convention as K&R for the use of these terms. Appendix B–34 PHYS-4007/5007: Computational Physics 2. DEFINITION: the variable is created (or function body given) — including allocation of storage. 3. DECLARATION: The properties of the variable (or function) are announced to the program — but no storage allocated. K. Creation of Executables. 1. Basics: Compiling and Linking. a) Source programs like hello.c, math3.c etc. are not directly executable. There are a number of stages in creation of the executable, and executing it. b) The first stage of creating an executable is to compile hello.c into object code. gcc –c hello.c Doing this, and puts the hello object code into a file ’hello.o’. This object code is essentially machine code, with code to initialize main, a call to printf, and code to return 0. But the code for ’printf’ is not present. c) The second stage is to link the machine code in hello.o with appropriate object code for printf: gcc –o hello hello.o This produces the executable file hello (no extension). d) Even though we use gcc (or cc), gcc actually invokes a command called ld to do the linking-loading (loading refers to loading of external code). e) Here, the extraction of the code for printf from a library is kept implicit; however, a library is nothing more than an object file, with appropriate indexes to each function. Donald G. Luttermoser, ETSU Appendix B–35 f) Finally, to execute hello, you type hello at the Unix prompt. This reads the contents of hello into memory, and starts execution at an appropriate start ad- dress. g) The situation may be made more clear-cut if we look at the two module program math3.c, funs.c, introduced above. Recall, gcc –c math3.c # yields math3.o gcc –c funs.c # → funs.o gcc –o math math3.o funs.o # yields executable math However, you can do all this in one line gcc –o math math3.c funs.c This process is diagrammed in Figure B-1. 2. Other Libaries. a) Not all system functions are in the default libraries that are searched by gcc/ld. For example, math functions like sqrt — take math4.c, if you try to link using: gcc –ansi –pedantic –Wall –Wstrict–prototypes –o math \ math4.c funs.c The linker will complain that the call to sqrt is unresolved. To correct this, you must explicitly mention the (m)aths library; thus, gcc –ansi –pedantic –Wall –Wstrict–prototypes –o math \ math4.c funs.c –lm /*------------------------------------------- math4.c j.g.c. 7/1/96 extension of math3.c, but showing use of ’math library’ Appendix B–38 PHYS-4007/5007: Computational Physics b) Here is a makefile for math4.c: # makefile for math4 # j.g.c. 7/1/96 # # here we define a ’macro’ CC as gcc, the GNU # C-compiler CC=gcc -ansi -pedantic -Wall -Wstrict-prototypes # how to create ’math’ (the executable): # (1) math4.o, and funs.o must be up to date math: math4.o funs.o # # (2) create prog by linking math4.o, funs.o # note: *must* use TAB here, spaces no good (CC) -o math math4.o funs.o -lm # specify what funs.o depends on # don’t forget the TAB for the cc command! funs.o: funs.c funs.h (CC) -c funs.c # dependencies for math4.o math4.o: math4.c (CC) -c math4.c # clean-up directory of .o(bject) files # invoke as: make clean # i.e. a separate shell command, typically # after you’re finished developing \& executable ’math’ is OK # note that the ’rm’ command is on the line # *after* the ’clean’ target, and, as usual, TABbed clean: rm -f funs.o math4.o Donald G. Luttermoser, ETSU Appendix B–39 c) The standard practice is to name this file Makefile, then invoking make causes math to be made: all programs compiled and linked. Make takes are of dependencies, e.g., if math4.o and funs.o already exist, make will not recompile them. On the other hand, if they exist, but if, say, math4.c has changed since the last compilation to math4.o, then make will recompile math4.c (but not func.c). d) In the example above, make clean will delete all the ‘.o’ files. e) If you want to call the makefile something else, i.e., math4.m, maybe you want to keep many make files in one directory — though advanced make users have other solutions to that problem — then you can invoke make.m as make –f make.m f) Make is very much part of UNIX, and is used for very much more than just C programs. g) Another point, because of its fiddly syntax, nobody ever creates a makefile from scratch; find a template makefile (one that works!) that is close to what you require and change bits to suit. Be careful with the places where the TAB syntax matters. 5. Warnings for gcc and cc. a) As I have said earlier, gcc and cc, without warnings switched on, is positively dangerous. b) I have suggested the following for either gcc or cc: Appendix B–40 PHYS-4007/5007: Computational Physics gcc –ansi –pedantic –Wall –Wstrict–prototypes The following list explains the various switches on GNU cc (e.g., gcc): # -pedantic: issue warnings for non-ANSI standard C # -pedantic-errors: issue errors for non-ANSI standard C # -Wall: enable a host of warning messages # -Wpointer-arith: warn of dependency on "size_of" function or void # -Wcast-qual: warn of pointer cast that removes type qualifier # -Wcast-align: warn of pointer cast that increases alignment # -Wwrite-strings: make string constants type "const char[]" and warn about non-const char * mix # -Wconversion: warn when prototype causes different type conversion # -Waggregate-return: warn of functions returning structures # -Wstrict-prototypes: warn if argument types missing # -Wmissing-prototypes: warn if global function has no prototype # -Wredundant-decls: warn of multiple declarations in same scope # -Wnested-externs: warn of externs within functions # -Winline: warn if function cannot be inlined # -Werror: make all warnings errors # -ansi: ANSI standard C c) It is recommended that the following be used with gcc: –ansi –pedantic –Wall –Wpointer-arith –Wcast-qual –Wwrite-strings –Wconversion –Wno-strict-prototypes –Wmissing-prototypes –Wnested-externs –Winline –Wno-error d) Jamie Blustein <> has notes about us- ing gcc at∼jamie/.Refs/.Footnotes/gcc. html
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