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Solutions for Exam 1 - Industrial Economics | ECON 4350, Exams of Managerial Economics

Material Type: Exam; Professor: Kamerschen; Class: Industrial Economics; Subject: Economics; University: University of Georgia; Term: Fall 2004;

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Download Solutions for Exam 1 - Industrial Economics | ECON 4350 and more Exams Managerial Economics in PDF only on Docsity! \ Dr. David R. Kamerschen 153 Student Learning Center q Iq loq r0"F (1) (a) (b) (c) (d) (3) (3) (4) (l) (6) (7) .. I ;;"J*i',r'JH'er7'2004 (t_rT S \ ECON 4350; 6350 First Examination Don E. Waldman &ElizabethJ. Jensen Industrial Organization: Theory and Practice Second Edition (Addison-Wesley, 200 1) There are 26 objective questions on this examination. Each question counts 5.0 points for a tbtal of 130.0 points. To calculate your grade, multiply the number of conect rnswers by 5.0. Mark your answers carefully on the answer sheet that has been provided for you. In answering the multiple choice questions select the best single alternative answer. In answering the tue-false questions remember that if a statement is not always true. then it should be considered false. On your answer sheet indicate True':'A. False = B. (2) NOTE: AT THE TOp OF YOTJRANSWER SHEET, PU"r YOUR NAME, LAST NAME FrRST (yOU DO NOT NEED TO pUT YOUR STUDENT ID NTTMBER) AT TIIE TOP LEFT-HAI\D CORNER COURSE NUMBER (e.g., ECN 4350 or ECN 6350); NUMBER OF EXAM (e.g:, Exam 1, Exam 2, etc.); AND DATE ON YOT]RANSWER SIIEET. Make sure that you have answered each question. Be sure to transfer your answer from your examination by filling in the 6bubbles" on the answer sheet. ' 'i USEAPENCILONLY At,the end of the examination, turn in your answer sheet. You may keep your copy of the examination. The answer sheet will be returned to you and the answers will be discussed at our next class meeting so be sure to bring your copy of the examination with you. You are responsible for keeping your answer sheet after it is returned to you. You are strongly advised against academic dishonesty in any forr4 as the inskuctor will follow stictly the prevailing University of Georgia policy regarding honesty and integrity. This policy is set out in the manual entitled A Culture ofHonesty: Policies and Procedures "Academic honesty is defined broadly and simply* the performance of all academic work without cheating, lying, stealing, or receiving assistance from any other person or using any source of information not appropriately authorized or attributed." During the examinations you may look up for inspiration, or down in desperation--but not to the side for information! Allocate yow time wisely, according to marginalist principles. ls3 The answers tb the objective questions will'be posted outside€S Student Leaming, following the completion time of the examination. Please do not mingle outside the classroom after the examination as the people in the next class need to get into their seats. SHOW CONSIDERATION FOR YOUR CLASSMATES AND DO NOT TEAR THE ANSWER SIIEETS OFF THE WALL. GOOD LUCK. BE SURE TO CHECK THAT YOI.'R EXAMINATION HAS 26 OUESTIONS AND 4 PAGES Chapters 1-3 @) ,,, '\\--;:*-'\, r D a. monopolistic market structure results in poor economic performance b. product differentiation results in less advertising expenses c. perfect competition results in price equal to marginal cost d. a and c are correct e. All of these are correct 2), Opportunity cost is l) Which; if any of the (SCP) approach? a. ,b. c. d. e. 4d. e. a, b. c. d. e. reported by the firms in their finaneial statements derived from the definition of accounting cost - derived from the definition of economic cost a and b are correct All of these are correct ,LE Which of the following statements is false? < a. sunk cost is non-recoverable portion of the fixed cost 'f b. total cost is the sum of fixed and variable costs F c. average fixed cost falls as output increases 4) The long-run average cost curve is U-shaped because of the law of labor and raw materials are examples of variable costs None of these are false diminishing returns returns to scale diminishing marginal utility supply and demand All of these are correct prices fluctuate in the absence of major changes in derhand conditions the firm faces highly elastic demand for price increases the firm faces highly inelastic demand for price increases the firm faces highly elastic demand for price decreases None of these are correct nR &r 5) 6) For perfect competition, which of the following statements would be false? a. ' o firms do not view other firms as rivals b. there is large number of buyers and sellers c. there is free access to information for all economic agents' d. there is free eritry and exit e. None of these are false According to the kinked demand curve theory of oligopoly a -r .t t a. b. c. d. e. /a a \ 20) One of Michael Porter's five forces is a. suppliers and customers ,A b. incumbent rivalsJa -H f-' c' Potential entrants' I t- d. substitute products e. All of these are correct ,E -il ! d r 21) Market power is a prerequisite for technical progress according to the _ School. a. Austrian b. Chicaeo c. SCP , d. None of these are correct e. All of these are correct 22) The assumption of profit -u*i-irution is most likely to hold in a. the long run b. the short run c. competitive markets - d. monopoly markets e. a and c are correct Ifalifixed costs are'sunk, average variable cosl is identical to average costs. a. avoidable b. nonrecoverable c. fixed d. totai e. All of these are correct. 24) The central question addressed by indusrial econo-mics is a. Is there market power and if sb, how do you measure it? b. How do firms acquire and maintain market power? c. What are the implicationb of market power? d. What'is the role for public policy as regards market power? e. All of these are correct 25) A possible managerial goal other than profit maximization is . a. sales maximization b. pursuit of a high growth rate c. utility maximization d. expense preference andjob security e. All of these are correct A ,4)\ According to youi indkuctor, how much more money per year per inch do tall people eam than V) their shorter colleagues?6. 5789 e. -$248 "4 eIg ffi 8g'€^,€tor.^^ 1 lrtlrtrtrtrltrtrttrtrtlrll lb 5 @ 5 @ 5 @ 5 @ 5 @ 5 @ 5 @ 5 @ 5 @ 5 @ 1234 41 @@00 1234 42@ @ 0 0 '1 234 43@ @ 0 0 1234 44@ @ 0 0 1234 45@ @ 0 0 1234 46@ @ 0 @ 1234 47@ @ 0 0 't234 48@ @ 0 0 1234 4e@ @ 0 0 1234 50@ @ 0 0 12345 12345 12345 12345 1@@00@ 11@@000 21c@00@ 31@0@0@ 't2345 12345 12345 12345 2@@C00 12@@a00 22@@00f 32@@00@ 12345'1 2345 12345 12345 3@@0@6 ,13@@3@O 23a000@ 33@@00@ 12345 12345',t2345 12345 4C€0@@ 14@OOO6 24@@000 34@@00@ 12345 12345',t2345 123455@@00e 15@€lt0@ 25@@00f 35@@@0@ 12345 12345 12345'1 23456@000@ 16@@t0@ za&?g0@ 36@@00@ 12345 12345't2345 123457@00@0 17@@00c 27@@00@ 37@@000 12345'1 2345 12345 12345 8@@00@ 18@6a0@ 28@@0@@ 38@@00@ 12 3 4 5 12 3 4 5 12 3 4 5 '1 2 3 4 5e€@10@ 1e@@0N@ 2e@@00@ 3e@@@00 12345 12345 12345 1234510@@0ol 200@00Gt 30@000@ 40@@00@ lll ht Lll 't2345'12345't23451234512345 51@@00e 61@@00e 71@@00@ 81@@00@ s1@@00@ 12345 12345 12345 12345 12345 52@@00@ 62@@00@ 72@0000 82@@00@ e2@@00e 1234512345't23451234512345 53@@00@ 63@@00@ 73@@@0@ 83@000@ e3@@00@ 12345 12345 12345'1 2345 1234554@@000 64@@00@ 74@@00@ 84@@@0@ e4@@00@ 12345 12345 12345'1 2345 12345 55@@@0@ 65@@00@ 75@@000 85@@00e e5@@00@ 12345'1 2345 12345 12345 12345 56@@00@ 66@@000 76@@00@ 86@@00@ e60@@0@ 12345 12345 12345 12345 12345 57@@00@ 67@@00@ 77@@000 87@@00@ e7@@@0@ 12345 12345 12345 12345 12345 58@@00@ 68@@00@ 78@@000 88@@00@ e8@@00@ 12345 12345 12345 12345 123455e@@000 6e@@00@ 7e@@@00 8e@@@@@ se@@00@ 12345 12345 12345 12345 12345 60@@00@ 70@@000 8000000 e0@@00@ 100@@00@ TI Last Name FImt l,lame ?*TLDTI I#l Oi+TlTiqo:010t0,0i0 0 0i0 oio o;0 0 @,6 @ I @:@l0l@,@i@'@,@'@'@ @t@ 6l@ @ @10 @ @ @;@;@,@ 0'@r@!@ @;@ @:@;@ @,@ olo:o o o'olo'o o o'0,@:oio o'olo'o o o:olo @:o @ro olo o o'o'oi@;o'olot@.0 @ 0l@ @ 0 @,@ @'@ 0 0:01@ @l@ @l@ @l@ 0 @10:@ @r@'0t@ @'@ 0:0;0:0;0 @10 010 o'o @ @ o o @,0 @io o olo'@l@'@l@ @:@ O;Or@,0 Oi0r@:@ @r@j@,@'@ @l@,@:@r@:@ 0,0'0r0 0'0 0i0 0 0:0 0,0:0;0i0 0;0 0 010 010.0i0 010 0'010'0,0 0 010 gl0 0 @:@ @i@:@'@.@:@:@t@l@ @-@f@ @;@.@ @ @ 0'0 0;010,010 010'0:010,010'0i0t010 0 @l@ @i@l@l@l@ @;@ @'@l@l@l@;@l@l@l@ @ 010,@10;@'0lo olo.o oiol0lo ololololo Dl@10 0 0 @10 @'@,@:@i@i0;010.@l@:@i@ @'0r@,@ 0 @10'0 0i@ 0'0;@ 010'010 010 0 01010 @ @'@r@ @,@i@'01@,@r@,@'@i@l@ 0 o:e @:@:@ 0i0 0,0 @ @,@ 0lo'0 @;@,@ 0,0!0,0 010.0t0 010,0 0'0 0i010 0,0:o 0'0'0i0'0i0 0t0 0:0r0'0 0 01010 0.0'0 010 010i0i0.010,0t010 0 0 0 0i0 0i0,0 019 010i010:0!0:0:0i0 0 0i0 010 0:0 0 ol0 0lsl0lol0:slol0loi0,olo'ol0l@,@:@ @l@ 8ls:8181@ 8;8 8'8i@l@18 8l@:8:8ro o'0'0'0lg'oig 0lg g o'0'0'o g'0lg'glg atata'ala ala (a'a ta'@ @ @:@ro,@l@ @'@ uiu u @'@ E @l@ @ 0,0,0i @ @r@ o oiol @ 0l0l @ @l0l @:@ C 0,0,0;f00 @,@,@ 0t0 0 @t@,@ o'olol 0 0r@l 00@; @'@;@l @r@1@l 0io'01 0:0,0' 010 0' 0i0 0 0i@ @ 8l@18i 0 0,0: @ aiol UIU U @;@l@ @'@ @ 0:@,0 g;gig 0 0'0 @,@10 @;@l@ 000 0'0,0 @;@ @ 0:0 0 @l@r@ c,@,0 0r0l@ 0 @r@ @.@l@ @ @'@ 0,0 0 000 010 0 oio o @t@ @ g lgiE @'@l@ Birthdate ldentlfication # Speclal Godes DAY I YEARttl ffi K trtr'rort @@ 00 ,0 0 l@ irajv l@ l0 ,@ 'o @0 00 @!@ 010 l@ l0 ,@ r0 @ o al o'al al 0;0'0 r0 @i@ @,@ 0t0 0:0 @l@ @,@ olo'oio @:@l@:@ 0;010 0 @@:@@ o 0lo'0 Torerere-0l0rooo 0;010 @l@ ot0 0 0 0 @,@l@ @,@ o,ol@ 0 0 0;0:00000i000 @l@lr:@ @ @ @l@,@l@ @'@:@l@ 0,0 @'C 0:0 @ @:@t@ olo:@ @ @i@ 0 0'0'o 0,0i0 Ore l0 @.@ @i@ e '@'@ @:@l@ 03000'o'0010r0 0,010 o o0lo0 @@i@@ 0 @,010 @@@0 @@0i0 @;@ @i0 @,0 oi0 @l@,@:@ OOiOO 0i0 olo @:@ 0r0 @@ 00 00 00 0,@ oo lttrttlttrlrtrllllllrlrtr ? ,S *i --nI -,:-:. t:'qff { 4ri* .i- -:'..r+. 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Make dark marks that fill the oval completely. Erase cleanly any mark you wish to change. Make no stray marks. CORRECTMARK INCORRECTMARKS| {X0o rttrltllltIttlltltltttlll
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