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Starry Nights typeset, Slides of Physics

Alcor (star in Big Dipper) 14,78,82. Alcyone (star in Pleiades) 14 ... Alnitak (star in Orion's belt) 4,8 ... Bellatrix (star in Orion) 9,107. Berenice 70.

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Download Starry Nights typeset and more Slides Physics in PDF only on Docsity! Index 21-centimeter radiation 206 57 Cygni 140 61 Cygni 139,142 3C 9 (quasar) 180 3C 48 (quasar) 90 3C 273 (quasar) 89-90 absorption spectrum 25 Acadia 78 Achernar 67-68,162,217 Acubens (star in Cancer) 39 Adhara (star in Canis Major) 22,67 Aesculapius 115 Age of Aquarius 161 age of clusters 186 age of stars 114 Age of the Fish 196 Al Rischa (star in Pisces) 196 Al Tarf (star in Cancer) 39 Al- (prefix in star names) 4 Albireo (star in Cygnus) 144 Alcmene 52,112 Alcor (star in Big Dipper) 14,78,82 Alcyone (star in Pleiades) 14 Aldebaran 11,15,22,24 Alderamin (star in Cepheus) 154 Alexandria 7 Alfirk (star in Cepheus) 154 Algedi (star in Capricornus) 159 Algeiba (star in Leo) 59,61 Algenib (star in Pegasus) 167 Algol (star in Perseus) 204-205,210 Alhena (star in Gemini) 32 Alioth (star in Big Dipper) 78 Alkaid (star in Big Dipper) 78,80 Almagest 39 Almak (star in Andromeda) 189 Alnair (star in Grus) 97 Alnilam (star in Orion’s belt) 4 Alnitak (star in Orion’s belt) 4,8 Alpha Centauri 23,64-67,95,98,162,176 Alpha Centaurians 66 Alpha Crucis 162 Alpha Lyncis 51 Alphard (star in Hydra) 37-38,52-53 Alpheratz (star in Andromeda) 189 Alshain (star in Aquila) 148 Altair 129,148 altitude 171,223 ancient astronauts 96 Andromeda 167,182-184,188-190 Andromeda Galaxy (M 31) 190-193 Andromeda Galaxy, distance to 157 angular measurement 5 antarctic circle 103,175 Antares 104,106-107 Anubis 28 Apollo 53,119,130,136 apparent magnitude 7,156-157,177,223 Aquarius 146,160-161,164 Aquila 128,131,146-149 Arcas 78 Archer 119 arctic circle 103,175,212 Arcturus 17,79,93-96,98-100 Ariadne 101 Aries 167,183,196,217 Arrow 149 Ascella (star in Sagittarius) 120 asterisms 130 astrology 161,196 Atlantis 140 Atlas 14 Auriga 17 autumnal equinox 174,223 azimuth 171,223 Bacchus 101 Barnard’s Star 64-65,116 Barnard, E. 116 barred spiral galaxies 179 Bayer, Johan 125 Becvar, A. 221 Beehive (M 44) 42-43,45,50 Bellatrix (star in Orion) 9,107 Berenice 70 Bessel, Friedrich W. 27,142 Beta Cassiopeia 169 Beta Centauri 162,176 Beta Crucis 162 Beta Lyrae 132-133 Betelgeuse 10,22,24 big bang 89,180,184 Big Dipper 74-81,125 Big Dog 21 binary stars 17,46,132-133,143-144, 155,223 binary, eclipsing 205 binoculars 177-178 birds among constellations 136 birth of stars 8-9 black dwarf 48 black hole 18,121,143,184,223 Blaze Star 102 boomerang 101 Bootes 92-93 borders of constellations 151 boundaries of constellations 41 brightness of stars 7,22,156-157,177 broken dish 101 Brown, S. 221 Burnham, Robert x,221 California Nebula 209 Callisto 78 Camelopardalis 202,211-212 Camelopardus 211 Cancer 36-37,39,52,56 Canes Venatici 56,71 Canis Major 20-27 Canis Minor 20-21,28-29 Canopus 67-68,162,176 Capella 17,24,79,99 Caph (star in Cassiopeia) 185-186 Capricornus 146,159 Cassiopeia 66,74,76,152-153,182, 184-188 Castor 21,31-32 cataclysmic variables 34 celestial equator 4,169,223 celestial poles 84,86,169,223 celestial sphere 4,76,177,224 Cellerius, Andreas 53 centaur 211 Centaurus 65 Centaurus Arm 208 center of Galaxy 121 Century of Progress 94 cepheid variables 155-157,168,190-191, 224 Cepheus 152-157,182,184 Cetus 97-98,183-184,198-199 Chamaeleon 151 Chanukah 214 Chicago World’s Fair 94 children of Perseus 135 Chiron 119 Christmas 214-215 Cicero 26 circumpolar stars 76,185,224 Claws 104 closest stars 64-65 clrclet 196 clusters, globular 51,71,113-114,123, 157,224 clusters, open 43-45,70,123,186,207 clusters of galaxies 63,195 color of stars 11,24,44-45 Colt 151 Coma Berenices 56,70-71,89 comets 50,62,124,135,216 Cone Nebula 30 conjunction of planets 214-215 Conon 70 constellations, names of 69,204 continuous spectrum 24 coordinates 169-171 Copernicus 6,60,98,209 Cor Caroli (star in Canes Venatici) 71 Cor Hydrae (Alphard) 53 Corona Borealis 92,101-102,110 Corvus 53,56 cosmos 111 Coxa (star in Leo) 61 Crab Nebula (M 1) 15,51,100,187,208 Crater 53,56 Crown of Ariadne 101 Crown, Northern 101 Crux 137,151 Cupid 149 Cygnus 128,131,136-144,146 Cygnus Arm 139,141,208 Cygnus Star Cloud 139 Cygnus X-1 143 Dabih (star in Capricornus) 159 dark lines 25 daylight 100 death of stars 134,150 declination 169-170,224 Delphinus 146,150 Delta Cephei 155-157 Delta Lyrae 132 Demeter 87 Deneb 61,79,129,137-138 Deneb Algedi (star in Capricornus) 61,159 Deneb Kaitos (star in Cetus) 61,198 Denebola (star in Leo) 61 density of stars 107,197 diameter of stars 10 Diana 119 Dickinson, T. 221 distance to M 31 190-191 distances to galaxies 83,89,155-157, 179,193 distances to globular clusters 157,168 distances to Magellanic Clouds 157 distances to quasars 90,199 distances to stars 13,23,43,78,88,94, 132,138,142,177-178 Dog Star 22-23 Dogon tribe 26 Dolphin 150 donkeys (stars in Cancer) 42 Doppler effect 199 Dorado 211 Double Cluster 207-208 double stars 17,46,132-133,143-144, 155,205 double-double 133 Draco 152,158 Draco System 193-194 Dragon (Draco) 158 dragon (Scorpius) 106 Dubhe (star in Big Dipper) 78-80 Dumbbell Nebula (M 27) 150 dust (interstellar) 38 M 51 (Whirlpool Galaxy) 71 M 52 (open cluster) 186 M 57 (Ring Nebula) 134 M 65 (spiral galaxy) 63 M 66 (spiral galaxy) 63 M 67 (open cluster) 43,47,50 M 74 (spiral galaxy) 197 M 77 (spiral galaxy) 199 M 78 (nebula) 50-51 M 81 (spiral galaxy) 83 M 82 (galaxy) 83 M 92 (globular cluster) 113 M 93 (open cluster) 51 M 95 (barred spiral galaxy) 63 M 96 (spiral galaxy) 63 M 100 (spiral galaxy) 117 M 103 (open cluster) 186 M 104 (Sombrero Galaxy) 89 Magellanic Clouds 67,156-157,176,193 magnitude (apparent) 7,156-157,177,223 main sequence 44-49,59,113,224 Marduk 158 Markab (star in Pegasus) 167 masses of stars 27,46 Mebsuta (star in Gemini) 33 Medusa 167,204-205 Megrez (star in Big Dipper) 78 Menkar (star in Cetus) 198 Merak (star in Big Dipper) 78-79 Mesarthim (star in Aries) 217 Messier objects 123-124,224 Messier’s catalogue 43,50-51,224 Messier, Charles 50,89,124 meteors 62,135,224 midnight sun 175 Milky Way 30,106,121,129,139,176, 186,206,224 Milky Way Galaxy 38,71,113-114, 121-122,166,177,206,208,224 minotaur 101 Mintaka (star in belt) 4,169 Mira (star in Cetus) 61,98,198 Mirach (star in Andromeda) 189 Mirfak (star in Perseus) 135,204 Mirfak Cluster 207-208 Mirzam (star in Canis Major) 22 Mizar (star in Big Dipper) 14,78,82 Monoceros 20,30 moon 105,209 Moore, Marianne x motion of stars in Galaxy 99,114 Mu Cephei (Garnet Star) 154 Murzim (same as Mirzam) 22 music of the spheres 111,130 nadir 171 names of stars 28 Nath (star in Taurus) 13 nearest stars 64-65 nebulae 38,51,123,139-141 Neptune 33 neutron star 16,224 New General Catalogue 34 New Year 218 Newton, Isaac 177,215-216 NGC 147 (minor galaxy) 193 NGC 185 (minor galaxy) 193 NGC 205 (elliptical galaxy) 190,193 NGC 253 (spiral galaxy) 195 NGC 288 (globular cluster) 195 NGC 457 (open cluster) 186 NGC 663 (open cluster) 186 NGC 869 (double cluster) 207 NGC 884 (double cluster) 207 NGC 2392 (Eskimo Nebula) 34 NGC 2403 (spiral galaxy) 212 NGC 2903 (spiral galaxy) 63 NGC 3628 (galaxy) 63 NGC 4565 (spiral galaxy) 70 NGC 6946 (spiral galaxy) 157 NGC 7293 (planetary nebula) 160 NGC 7741 (barred spiral) 179 NGC 7772 (cluster) 178 NGC 7789 (open cluster) 186 NGC 7814 (spiral galaxy) 179 Nile Star 23 North America Nebula 139-140 north galactic pole 71 Northern Claw 104 Northern Cross 137 Northern Crown 101 Norton, A. P. 222 novae 39,51,117-118,141,149, 206-208,224 novae, miniature 34 novae, recurrent 102 nuclear fusion 47,57,188,215 nucleus of Galaxy 122 Nunki (star in Sagittarius) 120,125 occultation 12,33,60,224 Octans 86 Odyssey 93 Olbers’ Paradox 37,54 Olbers, Wilhelm 37 Olympus 78 Omega Centauri 113 Omega Nebula (M 17) 124 open clusters 15,43-45,51,123,224 open galactic clusters 186 Ophiuchus 105,110,115-117 Orion 3-10,68,106 Orion Nebula (M 42-43) 8,50-51 Orionids 165 Orpheus 130,132 Ottewell, Guy x,214,224 Palermo Observatory 150 Palomar Observatory 140-141 Palomar magnitude limit 177 parallax 46,94-95,142,157,172,225 Peacock Star 97 Pegasus 164,167,184 Pelican Nebula 140 period of cepheid variables 156-157 Perseid meteor shower 135 Persephone 87 Perseus 167,182,184,202-207,210 Perseus Arm 208 Perseus III Association 207 Phaethon 136 Phecda (star in Big Dipper) 78 pheonix 211 PHL 923 (quasar) 199 Phrixus 217 Piazzi, Guiseppe 142 Pinwheel Galaxy (M 33) 192-193,195 Pisces 164,183,196 Pisces Austrinus 162 PKS 0106+01 (quasar) 199 PKS 1402+044 (quasar) 90 PKS 2251 (quasar) 180 PKS 2344 09 (quasar) 180 plane of the ecliptic 86,224 planetary motion 216 planetary nebulae 34,49,134,150,160, 225 planets x planets of other stars 27,64,116 Pleiades (M 45) 13-14,50 plough (Big Dipper) 77 Pluto 33,105,130 Pointers 79 Polaris 79,84-85,169,171 pole star 85,154,158 pole, celestial 223 Pollux 21,31-32 Pond, the 81 Porrima (star in Virgo) 88 Poseidon 167,184 Praesepe (M 44) 42-43,45,50 precession 40,86,158-159,161,225 prime meridian 186 Principia 215 Procyon 21,24,28-29 Procyon B 29 pronunciation of star names x proper motion 15,27,29,80-81,99,116, 142,172,225 Propus (star in Gemini) 33 Proxima Centaure 64-65 Ptolemy III 70 Ptolemy, Claudius 26,39,41 pulsar 16,225 Pup 27 quasars 89-90,180,199,225 quasi-stellar radio source 90 Queen of Ethiopia 153 R Corona 102 R Leonis 61 radiant 62,135,225 radiation (3-degree background) 184 radio 97 radio astronomers 180,184,198,208 radio astronomy 143,206 radio telescopes 121 radio waves 122 Rasalgethi (star in Hercules) 112 Rasalhague (star in Ophiuchus) 115 recession of galaxies 197 recurrent novae 102 red dwarf stars x,64-65,88,96,116, 132,189,225 red giants 10,11,16,26,44-45,48-49, 107,134,154,225 red shift 197,199 Regulus 58-60,79 Rey, H. A. 198,222 Rigel (star in Orion) 10 Rigel Kentaurus 176 right ascension 169-170,196,225 Ring Nebula (M 57) 34,134 Rosette Nebula 30,123 Ross 128 88 Ross 154 x,64-65 Rosse, Lord 71 Rotanev (star in Delphinus) 150 RR Lyrae 134 Ruchbah (star in Cassiopeia) 185 Runaway Star 116 Russell, Henry Norris 45 Sadalmelek (star in Aquarius) 160 Sadr (star in Cygnus) 138-139 Sagitta 146,149 Sagittarius 110,119-124,128 Sagittarius Arm 208 Saint-Exupery 218 San Francisco Bay 209 Saturn 117,155 Scales 104 Scheat (star in Pegasus) 167 Schedar (star in Cassiopeia) 185 Schmidt, Maarten 90 science ix Scorpion 106-107 Scorpius 92,104-107,110 Sculptor 183,194 Sculptor Group 195 Sculptor System 193-194 Scutum 125 Scutum Star Cloud 126 Sea-goat 159 seasons 174,213 Seneca 26 Serpens 110,115 Serpent Holder 105,115 Seven Sisters 14 Sextans 69,125 Shakespeare 37,130 shaky air 21 Shapley, Harlow 157 Sharatan (star in Aries) 217 Shaula (star in Scorpius) 107 Sheliak (star in Lyra) 132-133 Shield 125 shooting stars 129,135,165 sickle 59 sidereal time 173 Sidus Ludovicianum 82 Sigma Octans 86 sign of the zodiac 225 Sirius 16-17,21-26,64-65,67,98 Sirius B 26-27 Sirrah (star in Andromeda) 189 size of stars 10,18,27,107,148 Skat (star in Aquarius) 160 Small Magellanic Cloud 156 Small Sagittarius Star Cloud (M 24) 124 Sobieski’s Shield 125 Sobieski, John 125 solar apex 114 solar time 173 solstice, summer 33,40,58,60,103,225 solstice, winter 40,120,159,174,203, 212-214,225 Sombrero Galaxy (M 104) 89 Southern Claw 104 Southern Cross 65,67,113,137,151,176 Southern Fish 162 space velocity 81 spectral type 25,44-45,225 spectroscope 25 spectrum 24 speed of light 97 sphinx 60 Spica 79,87-88 spiral arms 206,208 spiral galaxies 70-71,179,191-192 spring equinox 56,161,168,170,196, 217,225 Squaw and Papoose 82 Star of Bethlehem 214 star time 173 stardust 188 Starry Night, The ix Stephan’s Quintet 179 Sualocin (star in Delphinus) 150 Sulaphat (star in Lyra) 132 summer solstice 33,40,58,60,103,225 Summer Triangle 129-130 sun 9,173 sun (life cycle of) 48-49 sun-standing 103 sunset, position of 212 sunset, time of 203 supercluster 195 supernovae 15,51,117-118,141,149, 187-188,208,225 Swan 131,136-136 Swan Nebula (M 17) 124 T Corona 102 Tarazed (star in Aquila) 148 Tau Ceti 97-98,198 Taurus 2,11-15,68 teapot 119 telescope 100,177-178 Tempel-Tuttle (comet) 62 temperature of stars 11,22,24-25,44-45 temperature of universe 184 thermonuclear fusion 47,57,188 Theseus 101 thickness of Galaxy 177-178 Three Leaps of the Gazelle 81 Thuban (star in Draco) 86,158 Ti’amat 158 tides 215 tilt of earth’s axis 86 time (solar vs. sidereal) 173 Tombaugh, Clyde 33 Trapezium 9 Triangulum 183,195 Trifid Nebula (M 20) 123 Trojan War 31 Tropic of Cancer 40,225 Tropic of Capricorn 40,159,213,225 twilight 203 twinkle of stars 21 Twins 31 Tycho Brahe 70,187,208-209,216 Tycho’s Star 187-188,208 U Geminorum 34 Uhuru X-ray satellite 143 Underwing Moth 100 Unicorn (Monoceros) 30,211 Uranus 33,65 Ursa Major 74-81 Ursa Major cluster of galaxies 195 Ursa Minor 74,77,84,152 Ursa Minor System 193-194 Valentine’s Day 149
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