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First, this research aimed to analyze the linguistic features used in Angelou's “When Great Trees Fall”. Second, it aimed to analyze the use of ...

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Download STYLISTIC ANALYSIS OF MAYA ANGELOU'S “WHEN GREAT ... and more Lecture notes Stylistics in PDF only on Docsity! PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI STYLISTIC ANALYSIS OF MAYA ANGELOU’S “WHEN GREAT TREES FALL” AN UNDERGRADUATE THESIS Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Sastra in English Letters CAECILIA RIRIS KRISMARINI Student Number: 164214109 DEPARTMENT OF ENGLISH LETTERS FACULTY OF LETTERS UNIVERSITAS SANATA DHARMA YOGYAKARTA 2020 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI STYLISTIC ANALYSIS OF MAYA ANGELOU’S “WHEN GREAT TREES FALL” AN UNDERGRADUATE THESIS Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Sastra in English Letters CAECILIA RIRIS KRISMARINI Student Number: 164214109 DEPARTMENT OF ENGLISH LETTERS FACULTY OF LETTERS UNIVERSITAS SANATA DHARMA YOGYAKARTA 2020 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI STATEMENT OF ORIGINALITY I certify that this undergraduate thesis contains no material which has been previously submitted for award of any other degree at any university, and that, to the best of my knowledge, this undergraduate thesis contains no material previously written by any other person except where due reference is made in the text of the undergraduate thesis. February 24, 2020 A Caecilia Riris Krismarini PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI LEMBAR PERNYATAAN PERSETUJUAN PUBLIKASI KARYA ILMIAH UNTUK KEPENTINGAN AKADEMIS Yang bertanda tangan di bawah ini, saya mahasiswa Universitas Sanata Dharma Nama : Caecilia Riris Krismarini Nomor Mahasiswa _ : 164214109 Demi pengembangan ilmu pengetahuan, saya memberikan kepada Perpustakaan Universitas Sanata Dharma karya ilmiah saya yang berjudul STYLISTIC ANALYSIS OF MAYA ANGELOU’S “WHEN GREAT TREES FALL” Beserta perangkat yang diperlukan (bila ada). Dengan demikian saya memberikan kepada Perpustakaan Universitas Sanata Dharma hak untuk menyimpan, mengalihkan dalam bentuk media lain, mengolahnya dalam bentuk pangkalan data, mendistribusikan aecara terbatas, dan mempublikasikannya di internet atau media lain untuk kepentingan akademis tanpa perlu minta ijin kepada saya maupun memberikan royalti kepada saya selama tetap mencantumkan nama saya sebagai penulis. Demikian pernyataan ini saya buat dengan sebenarnya. Dibuat di Yogyakarta Pada tanggal 24 Februari 2020 Yang menyatakan, « 7 ae Caecilia Riris Krismarini vi PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI EXCELLENCE IS A CONTINUOUS PROCESS AND NOT AN ACCIDENT -Aristotle seks vii PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI TABLE OF CONTENTS TITLE PAGE APPROVAL PAGE. ACCEPTENCE PAGE STATEMENT OF ORIGINALITY... : LEMBAR PERNYATAAN PERSETUJUAN PUBLIKASI KARYA ILMIAH ...... vi MOTTO PAGE ii DEDICATION PAGE. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS TABLE OF CONTENTS LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS LIST OF TABLES... ABSTRACT... ABSTRAK CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION... 20. ...00. 000 eee nett eas 1 A. Background of the Study.. B. Problem Formulation... . C. Objectives of the Study... wee D. Definition of terms..........00..0... 0c ccc ce eee eect eee ee eee nett a eee eed 4 CHAPTER II: REVIEW OF LITERATURE.......0...0..000. 0000. 6 A. Review of Related Studies B. Review of Related Theorie: 1. Stylistics.............. 2. Phonological Level. a. Assonance..... b. Consonance Cc. d . Alliteration.... 2) Half Rhyme.... 3) Slant Rhyme 4) Identical Rhyme. 3. Graphological Level a. Period.. b. Comma 4. Syntactic Level. a. Tense b. Repetitior c. Lexical Categories PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 1) Noun.... 2) Verb.. 3) Adjectiv 4) Pronoun 5) Adverb.... 6) Preposition.. 5. Semantic Level. a. Metaphor... b. Personification.. c. Parallelism....... 6. Maya Angelou’s Poem.. C. Theoretical Framework.........00..00...000 ccc eee eee cence ettetseeee teen CHAPTER III: METHODOLOGY... A. Object of the Study... B. Approach to the Study C. Method of the Study.. 1. Data Collection... 2. Data Analysis.....0...00. 000... cec ccc eee cence eeeee nett eeeeeeeees CHAPTER IV: ANALYSIS RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS............. A. ee Analysis in Maya Angelou’s “When Great Trees Fall”... . Phonological Level a. Segmental Sound Feature: b. Supra-segmental Sound Feature: Graphological Level... Syntactic Level. a. Tense: b. Repetitions. c. Lexical Categori 4. Semantic Level B. Meanings of Maya Angelou’s “When Great Trees Fall” . 1. Grief in “When Great Trees Fall” 2. Oppression “When Great Trees Fall” ... ys fe eeeeeee 26 3. Sincerity “When Great Trees Fall” ...000. 00... . CHAPER V: CONCLUSION ..........00..0... 000 ccc cece eect eeteeen ett eee eens REFERENCES... 20.00.0000 cece ccc ete eee ntte eee setee eee APPENDICES Appendix 1: Consonance Found in en Great Trees Appendix 2: Rhyme Types Found in “When Great Trees Fall”. xi PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI Appendix 3: Comma and Period Position in “When Great Trees Fall”. Appendix 4: Tenses Found in “When Great Trees Fall”, Appendix 5: Verb Foun in “When Great Trees Fall”...... Appendix 6: Adjective Found in “When Great Trees Fall”. Appendix 7: Complete Version of “When Great Trees Fall”.. xii PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI ABSTRACT KRISMARINI, CAECILIA RIRIS (2020). Stylistic Analysis of Maya Angelou’s “When Great Trees Fall”. Yogyakarta: Department of English Letters, Faculty of Letters, Universitas Sanata Dharma. Stylistics is one of a linguistic field that deals with language style either in written or spoken language. In literary work, stylistics discloses the use of linguistic features that can construct a certain interpretation. It shows how language works in expressing someone’s idea through writing. This study uses stylistics to understand the meaning that delivered in Maya Angelou’s “When Great Trees Fall”. The research was conducted to reach two purposes. First, this research aimed to analyze the linguistic features used in Angelou’s “When Great Trees Fall”. Second, it aimed to analyze the use of linguistic features to portray the meanings of the poem. The research used stylistic approach to analyze the poem and used purposeful sampling to collect the data. In reaching the purpose of the study, this research analyzed the data through four linguistic levels in stylistics: phonology, graphology, syntax, and semantics or lexis. In the phonological level, it was found the use of rhyme, assonance, consonance, and alliteration of each line and stanza. The results showed a certain pattern of the sound of the poem. In the graphological level, it was found the use of punctuation in the poem especially commas and periods that depict certain intentions of the poet. Then in the syntactic level, it was identified the structure of sentences. The structures were in the form of tenses, ellipsis, and lexical categories that drew the purpose of the poet. Lastly, at the semantic level, it focused on the use of figures of speech. It was found the use of metaphor, personification, and parallelism in the poem. In this level, the results aimed to portray the meanings and the relation of the words used in the poem. From the use of linguistics features used in the poem, this research achieved the meanings of the poem. Angelou tried to show the life of Afro American through the poem. She showed the grief of the people due to the loss of their hero. Angelou also showed the oppression of being an Afro who living in America. On the other hand, she also showed the sincerity of the Afro American in facing the struggles. Keywords: stylistics, poem, linguistic features, meaning xv PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI ABSTRAK KRISMARINI, CAECILIA RIRIS (2020). Stylistic Analysis of Maya Angelou’s “When Great Trees Fall”. Yogyakarta: Program Studi Sastra Inggris, Fakultas Sastra, Universitas Sanata Dharma. Stilistika merupakan salah satu cabang studi dari ilmu linguistik yang mempelajari tentang gaya bahasa. Dalam sebuah karya sastra, stilistika diaplikasikan untuk menyingkap elemen-elemen linguistik yang digunakan dalam sebuah karya sastra untuk menginterpretasikan pesan yang disampaikan oleh penilis. Hal ini menunjukan bagaimana bahasa dalam karya sastra dapat dapat mengekpresikan ide pujangga. Oleh sebab itu, penelitian ini menerapkan ilmu stilistika dalam menginterpretasikan puisi Maya Angelou yang berjudul “When Great Trees Fall”. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mencapai dua tujuan. Yang pertama adalah menganalisa penggunaan fitur-fitur bahasa yang ada dalam puisi tersebut. Kedua, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mencari tahu makna yang ingin disampaikan oleh pujangga melalui analisa fitur-fitur bahasa yang terdapat dalam puisi. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan stilistika untuk mengkaji puisi tersebut. Selain itu, penelitian ini menggunakan teknik purposeful sampling untuk memperoleh data. Dalam mencapai tujuan dari penelitian ini, puisi terbebut dianalisa menggunakan empat level bahasa: fonologi, grafologi, tatabahasa, dan semantik. Pada level fonologi ditemukan penggunan aliterasi, konsonan, asonansi, dan rima diobservasi yang menunjukan struktur bunyi pada puisi. Pada level grafologi terdapat penggunaan tanda baca koma dan titik yang membantu untuk memahami maksud dari pujangga. Pada level tatabahasa ditemukan penggunaan tenses, ellipsis, kata ganti, kata kerja, kata benda, dan kata sifat yang menggambarkan maksud dari pujangga. Pada level semantik ditemukan penggunaan majas antara lain personifikasi, paralelisme, dan metafora. Dari kajian tersebut dapat ditarik beberapa fitur-fitur bahas yang dapat menunjukan pesan yang disampaikan oleh Angelou. Melalui puisi tersebut, Angelou mencoba menunjukan kehidupan para warga Amerika yang merupakan keturunan Afrika. Penindasan yang terjadi pada mereka bukanlah hal yang mudah untuk dijalani. Keadaan semakin buruk ketika para orang-orang besar yang mencoba memperjuangkan keberadaan mereka harus gugur. Di samping itu, Angelou juga menggambarkan sikap ikhlas dan ketabahan para orang berkulit hitam di Amerika dalam menghadapi kesulitan ini. Kata Kunci: stylistics, poem, linguistic features, meaning xvi PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION A. Background of the Study Literary works have an important position in human civilization. They become a communication tool for human beings to deliver feelings or ideas. Many people use literary works to voice their feeling, imagination, beliefs, ideas or, critics. People read poems, short stories or, novels, then, they will know the writers voiced about. Klarer, in his book, says that literature is referred to as the entirety of written expression, with the restriction that not every written document can be categorized as literature in the more exact sense of the word (2004). Stylistics is one of a linguistic field that deals with language style either in written or spoken language. According to Barry, stylistics is a critical approach which uses the methods and finding of the science of linguistics in the analysis of literary texts (2009, p. 196). It shows how the technical linguistic features of a literary work contribute to its overall meaning and effect. In literary work, stylistics discloses the use of linguistic features that can construct a certain interpretation of meaning. It shows how language works in expressing someone’s idea through writing. On the other hand, it is an appreciation of a literary work. It is supported by Barry that stylistics emphasizes the connection or the relation between literary language and everyday language in human life (Barry, 2009). PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI by using the linguistic features. The use of linguistic features in stylistic analysis is not only to understand the meanings of the poem but also the purpose of the poet. D. Definition of Terms This section is done to prevent the misunderstanding of some term that use in this research. Therefore, the researcher would like to define the terms that applied in this study. There are three terms of this study: stylistics, language features, and poem. The first terminology is stylistics. Stylistics is an approach that analyzed the style in language (Verdonk, 2002). Verdonk also states that style is a distinctive manner of expression in writing or speaking (Verdonk, 2002). From those statements, stylistics can analyze someone’s writing by observed the style of the language. In conducting a stylistic analysis, it is not so much focused on every form and structure in a text, as on those which stand out in it. It is such conspicuous elements hold a promise of stylistic relevance and thereby arouse the reader’s interest or emotions (Verdonk, 2002). This terminology describes the internal analysis or the linguistics context to show the distinctive language style. The second terminology is linguistic features or language features. Language features will expose the linguistic elements found in a text such as rhyme, lexical categories, and figures of speech. They will help the reader to interpret the message of the text through linguistic analysis. It is supported by Verdonk that “linguistic context refers to the surrounding features of language inside the text, like the typography, sounds, words, phrases, and sentences which are relevant to the PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI interpretation of other such linguistic elements” (Verdonk, 2002, p. 6). The use of language features will also help the readers aware of the process of analyzing the text consciously. The last terminology is poem. Poem is a collection of written words that expresses ideas or emotions in a powerfully vivid and imaginative style, also, it is written in particular rhythmic and metrical pattern ( A poem or literary work is used to portray a message through written activity. It expresses a massage from the author. As a literary work, it also attends to the aesthetic or the beauty of the writing. It is supported by Rexroth’s statement that literature has been applied to imaginative works such as poetry or prose that distinguished by the intentions of the authors and the perceived aesthetic excellence of their execution (Rexroth, 2019). PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI CHAPTER II REVIEW OF LITERATURE In this chapter, the researcher will review several studies related to this research. There will be three parts in this chapter: review of related studies, review of related theories and theoretical framework. Here, the researcher reviews four studies that will be discussed further. The first two studies are journal articles by Hamid and Isti’anah. The other two studies come from Xenia and Aritonang. In the second part of this chapter reviews the theories used in this study, stylistic and language features. In the theoretical framework section, it will describe the contribution of the related studies and theories. A. Review of Related Studies Stylistic analysis of literary works has been done before by some people. Then, the writer uses some related studies as the reference for conducting this research. Here, this section will review four related studies related to stylistic tesearch. The first study is “Stylistic Analysis of Daffodils by William Wordsworth” by Abdulbar, Aziz, Malik, Manzoor, and Asif (2015). In the research, they aim to analyze the structure and style of Wordsworth’s poem “Daffodills”, the theme, views, and the treatment of nature through stylistic approach. The researchers assessed four language levels. In phonetic level, they observed the characteristic and potential utility of sound. In phonological level, they PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI Bird”. As a result, she found the use of metaphor and simile from both poems. In the syntactic level, it was divided into four: transitivity processes, syntactic parallelism, tense, and pronoun. In the transitivity discussion, the material, behavioral, mental and verbal processes were observed. In phonological level, she observed the use of rhyme, assonance, consonance, alliteration and also phonetic transcription. The used of sound devices were also observed. And the use of capitalization such as comma, full stop, and apostrophe of each line were analyzed in the graphological level. The second step after the language features were analyzed, Xenia compared the language features from both poems. The different language features of the poems were analyzed further by comparing the language features capturing the Black survival and the Black oppression. In conclusion, Xenia said that the language features could develop the theme of “Still I Rise” and “Caged Bird” in terms of phonology, syntax, graphology and lexical. Besides that, the differences in language features of both poems could deliver a similar theme in terms of stylistic elements. The last study is “Life Struggles Depicted in Maya Angelou’s “The Thirteens (Black)” and “The Thirteens (White)”: A Stylistic Analysis” by Aritonang (2019). In this research, Aritonang focused on the struggles experienced by Black people. The struggles were portrayed by Maya Angelou in the poem titled “The Thirteens (Black)” and “The Thirteens (White)”. The poems compare the difference between the Black people’s and white people’s life. In case of finding the idea of life struggles from both poems, she conducted a research on stylistic analysis to observe the ideas or feelings being Black and white through the expression and language PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 10 elements. In her research, Aritonang had two problem formulations that would help the readers to interpret the two poems. At first, she found out the language features used in Maya Angelou’s “The Thirteens (Black)” and “The Thirteens (White)”. And second, she analyzed the use of language in drawing the life struggles from the poems. The stylistic analysis leaded Aritonang to analyze “The Thirteens (Black)” and “The Thirteens (White)” in four language levels: phonological, graphological, syntactic, and lexical levels. In the phonological level, she divided the analysis into two groups: segmental and suprasegmental sound. In the segmental sound, she found alliteration, consonance, and assonance of each line of the two poems. Meanwhile, in the suprasegmental sound, there were rhyme and meter. However, Aritonang only analyzed the rhyme of each line of the two poems. In the graphological level, it focused on the use of punctuation such as comma and full stop, apostrophe, and then capitalization and the way the words were formed in each line. Also, she identified the auxiliaries and modals are contracted in some lines. In the syntactic level, Aritonang identified the form and combination of the sentences of “The Thirteens (Black)” and “The Thirteens (White)”. She stated that the form and the combination of the sentences would lead to the meaning of the poems. Moreover, she focused on the use of tenses if the poems. And the last, she observed the lexical level to find out the meaning of some words in the poem in case of understanding the ideas of the poems. In the lexical categories, Aritonang classified the words into four: pronoun, common noun, verb, adjective, and proper name. As a result of the analysis, it was PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 11 concluded that the use of expression and language elements of the poems could draw the discrimination and sorrow life in Black and white people. Aritonang revealed that the study of language style could portray the idea or meaning of a literary work. The related studies that have been discussed above gave new finding and development in stylistic analysis. Abdulbar, Aziz, Malik, Manzoor, and Asif (2015), Isti’anah (2017), and Aritonang (2019) prove that stylistic approach can be used to analyze literary work through the language style. From their study, the function of stylistic analysis is to interpret the meaning of Angelou’s poem. Then, Xenia (2015)develops the role of stylistic approach to analyze and compare two poem in showing a similar theme and attitude through different language style of each poem. Since that, this research will add new finding in stylistic analysis of Maya Angelou’s “When Great Trees Fall”. The stylistic approach will help the researcher to interpret the meaning of the poem. B. Review of Related Theories This section discusses the theories that will be used to analyze the object of the study. And the theories will be explained as follow: 1. Stylistics Stylistics is a method of analyzing literary texts which aims to replace the “subjectivity” and “impressionism” of standard criticism with an “object” or “scientific” analysis of the language features of literary works (Simpson, 1997). It helps the reader to interprete the meaning of a literary work. From the statement, it is PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 14 What the hummer? What the chain, In what furnace was thy brain? What the anvil? What dread grasp (Blake, stanza 4, line 1-3) d. Rhyme Rhyme is a part of syllable that consists of onset and rhyme, and the rhyme consists of nucleus and coda (Ufot, 2013). In poetry, rhyme has a function to arrange words in such a way that they trigger one another in reader’s mind and persist in memories (Rainsford, 2014). And there are some types of rhyme that will discuss as follow. 1) End Rhyme End rhyme is the final sound of final word in a line (Thornborrow & Wareing, 2005). The following example is from Robert Burns’ “A Red, Red Rose”: O my Luve is like ared, redrose — /ouz/ That’s newly sprung in June; /un/ O my Luve is like the melody /di/ That’s sweetly played in tune. /un/ (Burn, stanza 1, line 1-4) The first line has sound /ouz/. The second and fourth line has similar sound, /u:n/. And the third line has sound /di/. Therefore, the stanza above has ABCB end rhyme. 2) Half Rhyme Half rhyme is type of rhyme that has similar sound in final consonants with variation in the vowels (Wales, 2014). The example is the repetition of sound /Ik/ in words milk and walk. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 15 3) Identical Rhyme Identical rhyme is a type of rhyme that uses the same word twice (Donovan, 2018). The following example is from Robert Burns’ “Red, Red Rose”: And fare thee weel, my only luve! /luv/ And fare thee awhile! And I will come again, my luve, — /luv/ Though it were ten thousand mile. (Burn, stanza 4, line 1-4) In summary, according to Ufot (2013) a syllable consists of onset, nucleus and coda. He also says that the rhymes above have different structure. End rhyme has same nucleus and same coda. Half rhyme has same coda. The same sound in slant rhyme takes place in nucleus and coda. While, identical rhyme has same onset, same nucleus, and same coda. 3. Graphological Level Graphological level concerns about the use of punctuation, capitalization or paragraphing. These kinds of things are analyzed because a distinctive graphological style such as the use of comma and period will present a certain meaning or interpretation of the text to the reader. It is supported by Leech and Short (1982) that when a writer makes graphological choice, probably, the writer aims to degree mark or unconventional, such as a deliberating misspelling (p.131). In this level, the researcher will analyze the use of Punctuation. According to Calhoun, punctuation is “the non-verbal tools of poetic expression available to the poet” (Calhoun, 2015, p. 25). From the statement, the use of punctuation in certain PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 16 position has a meaning. Therefore, in the graphological level, it is analyzed in order to interpret the meaning of the poem through the use of punctuation. a. Period According to Trask, “period or full stop is chiefly used to mark the end of a sentence expressing a statement” (1997, p. 5). For example is “you are beautiful”. Another function of period are to mark the end of a group of words that do not form a conventional sentence but to emphasize a statement, for example: we can be. Be and be better. Also it is used in some abbreviations (etc., p.m., a.m.) and used in decimal numbers such as 5.15 (five point fifteen). b. Comma Comma indicates the separation of elements or ideas in a sentence. It uses to pause whenever a text is read. Trask states that comma have some functions: to substitute word “and”, to join two complete sentences into a single sentence, to show that one or more words have been left out when the missing words would simply repeat, and the last one is to mark off a weak interruption of the sentence (Trask, 1997, pp. 33-37). 4. Syntactic level This level analyzes the structure of the poem. According to Verdonk, stylistically this level concerns with grammatical level (2002). Grammar is the process of describing the structure of phrase or sentence in a language and rule out the ungrammatical sequences (Yule, 2010, p. 81). The use of certain structure will have certain effect of the meaning. Then stylistic study also analyzes the syntactic PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 19 3) Adjective Adjective is a word class or part of speech which characteristically premodifies a noun in the so-called attributive position (Wales, A Dictionary of Stylistics Third Edition, 2014). Adjective also has a function to specify the attributes of nouns (Crystal, 2008). Examples of adjective are happy, large, and strange. 4) Pronoun According to Crystal, pronoun is a term used in syntactic classification of words. It has a function to substitute the noun or noun phrase (Crystal, 2008). Pronoun has some types: personal pronoun (I, you), demonstrative pronoun (this, that), reflexive pronoun (themselves, himself), interrogative pronoun (who, what, which), indefinite pronouns (anyone, nobody), relative pronoun (whom, that), resumtive or shadow pronoun (him in John, I like him), the last is logophoric pronouns or logophor is used to refer to a person with speech or thought that is represented in discourse (Crystal, 2008, pp. 391-392). 5) Adverb According to Crystal, Preposition is “referring to the set of items which typically precede noun phrases (often single nouns or pronouns), to form a single constituent of structure”(2008, p. 383). 6) Preposition Adverb is used “to refer to a heterogenous group of items whose most frequent function is to specify the mode of action of the verb (Crystal, 2008, p. 14). PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 20 5. Semantic Level According to Griffiths (2006), semantics is the study of the “toolkit” for meaning (p.1). It is used to acknowledge the meaning of vocabulary and its pattern to elaborate the meaning (Griffiths, 2006). The analysis of this level will observe the meaningful expression though the words or vocabularies in literary work. This analysis aims to know the meaning of the literary work through the written language. Figurative language is language that contains figure of speech that is used to portray ideas by using image. It is supported by Griffiths that figurative interpretation is an explicature that involves treating a word has meanings different from the literal one (Griffiths, 2006). There are some kinds of figurative language that will be discussed below. a. Metaphor Metaphor is a figure of speech that compares the literal meaning with physical objects or noun (Crystal, 2008) . It also uses words or phrase to make a similarity. For example the use of “I” in Angelou’s “Still I Rise”, the word “I” represents the writer. b. Personification Personification is a figure of speech that represents non-human or non-living entities as human (Hayani, 2016). For the example is the sentence “The wind breeze and sing a song”. The example shows that wind is an unanimated thing that can do something such as breeze and sing. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 21 c. Parallelism Parallelism is a repetition that uses identical or equivalent arrangement to show same meanings (Alm-Arvius, 2003). The repetition can be in a form of word, phrase, or the entire clause. For examples: Like father, like son Easy go, easy come The example above, the repetition is only the part of sentence. In the first sentence the word like is repeated. And in the second example, the word easy is repeated. 6. Maya Angelou’s Poem Poem is a piece of writing for expressing ideas or emotions arranged in lines or stanzas. It uses linguistic features to get the aesthetic side and to show creativity in expressing the idea or feelings of the writer. According to Leech (1969), poetry has some characteristics that are rhyme, meter and rhythm, form or syntax, punctuation, and figurative language. Sometimes, the wording in the poem is not easy to understand. It is because poets use distinctive way of wording that not shows the connotation. It is very common that poets use poetic devices to represent or refer the literal meaning. Here, the way of wording will be observed to interpret a poem. Therefore, it needs hard data to support existing “intuitions’ about a literary work (Barry, 2009). Barry also states that stylistics is not only about interpreting of individual work, but when it is engaged in textual interpretation, it tries to back up the impressionistic hunches of common reader with hard linguistic data (2009). PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI CHAPTER III METHODOLOGY This chapter has three parts. They are the object of the study, approach of the study, and method of the study. In object of the study, it explains about the data. In approach of the study, it explains about stylistic approach used in this research. Lastly, in method of the study section, it explains how to collect the data and how to analyze the data. A. Object of the Study The object of this research is Maya Angelou’s poem titled “When Great Trees Fall”. It is the last poem in J Shall Not Be Moved collection. This collection and others collection are found in The Complete Collected Poems of Maya Angelou that is published in 1994 by Random House. This poem consists of five stanzas. The first stanza consists of six lines. The second stanza consists of five lines. The third stanza consists of thirteen lines. The fourth stanza consists of fifteen lines. And the last stanza consists of eleven lines. This research concems in stylistic study of Angelou’s “When Great Trees Fall”. It analyzed some linguistic features such as sounds, phrases, and clause in four language level: phonology, graphology, syntax, and lexis to interpret the meaning of the poem. 24 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 25 B. Approach of the Study This research used stylistic approach to analyze Angelou’s “When Great Trees Fall”. It is one of linguistic fields that studies about the style of language. Stylistic approach was applied in a literary work to identify the way of language use and to interpret the purpose, idea or the context of communication of the literary work (Simpson, 1997). It is appropriate to apply because the data are poems or literary works. Here, stylistic approach disclosed Angelou’s poem in analyzing the linguistic features and the meaning of the poem through four language levels. C. Method of the Study 1. Data Collection This research used Maya Angelou’s “When Great Trees Fall” as the data analyzed. Angelou had written all her works in five collections, however, the researcher only used one of her works as the qualitative data. According to Patton, qualitative data does observations that yield detailed, thick description inquiry in depth (2002, p. 40). Furthermore, this part describes the steps that were done by the researcher in collected the data. And the steps are shown as follow. Firstly, the researcher came to a decision to analyzed Maya Angelou’s works. The reason was because there were researchers that had conducted researches in Angelou’s poem. And those researches commonly analyzed Angelou’s work to figure out the meaning of her works. Secondly, the researcher limited the scope of the data. As mentioned before that Angelou’s wrote her works in several collection, here, the PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 26 researcher focused on Angelou’s poem in her collection titled 7 Shall Not Be Moved as the population. The last step, the researcher came to a decision to use Angelou’s “When Great Trees Fall”. This research applies purposeful sampling in choosing “When Great Trees Fall”. Purposeful sampling is a technique widely used in qualitative research for the identification and selection of information-rich cases (Patton, 2002). The reason of using the method was to shows the grief, oppression and sincerity of the African-American society as the phenomenon of interest. The other reason was the length of the poem. It was written in five stanzas and forty-nine lines. Besides that, the researcher was interested in the use of nature lexical in this poem. It appeared in whole stanza of the poem. Therefore, the use of nature lexical also became an attention to analyze. 2. Data Analysis This part describes the way of the researcher analyzed the object of the study. The steps showed how stylistic analysis was used. And in the way answering the two research questions, the analysis steps were divided into two parts that were described below. Firstly, the researcher analyzed the linguistic features used in Angelou’s “When Great Trees Fall” stylistically to answer the problem formulation one. In this step, the linguistic features that analyzed were phonology, syntax, graphology, and lexis. In phonology, the researcher identified the sound of the poem such as the PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 29 a. Segmental Sound Features In Maya Angelou’s poem entitled “When Great Trees Fall”, the researcher finds sound devices that are alliteration, assonance, and consonance. The analysis of the sound pattern on those devices helps the researcher to find out the aim of Maya Angelou’s style and the meaning of the poem. Therefore, the analysis is presented in following discussions. Firstly in segmental features, the researcher analyzes the use of alliteration. Alliteration is the repetition of consonance sound in a line that occurred at the beginning of the word (Fromkin, Rodman, & Hyams, 2014). The appearances of alliteration are shown in the table below. Table 1. Alliteration Found in “When Great Trees Fall” Stanza Line Text Alliteration 2 B small things recoil into silence, /s/ 3 4 We breathe, briefly. /b/ 4 12 We are not so much maddened /m/ 2 after a period peace blooms, /p/ 5 8 to be the same, whisper to us. Mtl 9 They existed. They existed. 10/ 10 We can be. Be and be /b/ From the table above, it can be seen that the researcher found alliteration in some lines. Alliteration appears eight times in stanza 2 until 5, but, it does not exist in stanza 1. In stanza 2, the alliteration occurs once in line 3. The repetition takes place in the alveolar voiceless fricative /s/ of words “small” and “silence”. In stanza 3, alliteration appears in line 4 with the repetition of stop voiced bilabial /b/ sound in “breathe” and “briefly”. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 30 Similarly with the second stanza, in stanza 4, alliteration appears once in line 12. The repetition occurs in bilabial voiced nasal /m/ sound of words “much” and “maddened”. In stanza 5, alliteration appears four times. First, the alliteration takes place in line two. The repetition happens in bilabial voiceless stop /p / sound of words “period” and “peace”. Second, the alliteration takes place in line 8 with the repetition of alveolar voiceless stop /t/. The sound repetition occurs in words “to” and “to”. Third, the alliteration occurs in line 9 with the repetition of dental voiced fricative /3/ sound of words ‘they” and “they”. And the last, the alliteration appears in line 10. The consonant repetition takes exist in bilabial voiced stop /b/ in words “be”. Secondly, in segmental sound features, the researcher found the use of assonance in Angelou’s poem. According to Wales, assonance is a repetition of vowel in words that is used for variety of expressive effects (2014, p.35). And the repetitions of vowel sound are shown in table 2. Table 2. Assonance Found in “When Great Trees Fall” Stanza | Line Text Assonance 2 3 small things recoil into silence, Al 2 the air around us becomes Jal 3 4 We breathe, briefly. fi:l 8 Our memory, suddenly sharpened fi:l 8 Our memory, suddenly sharpened Jal 7 now shrink, wizened. Al 4 13 as reduced to the unutterable ignorance ful 13 as reduced to the unutterable ignorance Jal From the table above, it can be seen that assonance appears eight times in Angelou’s “When Great Trees Fall”. In this poem, the assonance does not exist in the PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 31 first and the last stanza. It appears in stanza 2, 3, and 4. In the second stanza, assonance appears once. It takes place in line 3 with the repetition of close-mid front unrounded /1/ sound in words “things”, “recoil”, and “into”. In stanza 3, the assonance appears four times. First, the assonance exists in line 2 with the repetition of open-mid back unrounded /a/ sound in words “us” and “becomes”. Second, the assonance appears in line 4. The repetition takes place in the close front unrounded /1:/ sound of words “we”, “breathe”, and “briefly”. Then, the assonance exists in line 8. In this line, the assonance appears two times. The vowel tepetition occurs in the close front unrounded // sound of words “memory” and “suddenly”, and the close-mid central unrounded /2/ sound of words “suddenly” and “sharpened”. In stanza 4, assonance occurs in two lines. In line 7, the close-mid front unrounded /1/ is repeated in words “shrink” and “wizened”. In line 13, the assonance appears twice. The close back rounded /u/ sound is repeated in words “reduced” and “to”, while the close-mid central unrounded /2/ sound is repeated in words “unutterable” and “ignorance”. Thirdly, in segmental sound features, it is found another device namely consonance. Consonance is the repetition of similar sound of consonance that appears in a line that can occur at the middle or at the end of words (Fromkin, Rodman, & Hyams, 2014). This phonological device exists in Angelou’s poem thirty-six times. However the table 3 below only shows some consonance that appears in each stanza. And the complete table of the consonance is presented in appendix. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 34 One of linguistic devices that can be found in poetry is rhyme. This linguistic device is very noticeable thing. According to Klerer, “rhyme adds to the dimension of sound and rhythm in a poem” (2004, p. 40). It can create an effect to the readers when reading a poem. The readers will be focus to the rhyming words. And in this poem the rhyme is obvious. Table 4. Rhymes Found in “When Great Trees Fall” Number Type of Rhyme Frequency 1 Half Rhyme (HR) 1 2 End Rhyme (ER) 2 3 Identical Rhyme (IR) 1 Total 4 The table above shows the rhymes found in Angelou’s “When Great Trees Fall”. This poem consists of five stanzas that contain 5 until 15 lines. Each of stanzas has one or more types of rhyme. From the table above, the first type of rhyme found in the poem is end rhyme. According to Klerer (2004), end rhyme is “identical syllables at the end of certain lines” (p.41). The second rhyme is identical rhyme. Identical rhyme is a type of rhyme that uses the same word twice (Donovan, 2018). The third rhyme is half rhyme. Half rhyme is type of rhyme that has similar sound in final consonant with variant in vowel (Wales, 2014). There are also found similar sound of vowel that exists in a line and it considers as assonance. Meanwhile, for the similar sound of consonance that takes place in a line, it belongs to consonance and alliteration. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 35 In this poem, in order to find out the pattern of the rhyme, the discussion below shows the identification of the rhyme. This step is very helpful to find out the style of the writers in using rhymed words. However, the complete identification table of the rhyme is presented in table 11. In stanza 1, 2, and 5 are not found the use of rhyme. Meanwhile, in stanza 3, it is found the use of two rhymes, half rhyme. The half rhyme in this stanza occurs twice which is presented as follow. (Line 8) Our memory, suddenly sharpened, /d/ (Line 11) unsaid, /d/ The half rhymes in this stanza occur in the form of consonance that takes place in lines 8 and 11. The rhymed sound of alveolar voiced stop /d/ takes place in words “sharpened” and “unsaid”. In stanza 4, it is found the appearance of end rhyme and identical rhyme. Based on the data, the end rhyme of this poem only occurs in this stanza. Here, it appears twice. The following lines show the end rhyme in this stanza. (Line 7) now shrink, wizened. /and/ (Line 12) We are not so much maddened /and/ (Line 10) radiance, /ans/ (Line 13) as reduced to the unutterable ignorance /ans/ The first end rhyme is shown in line 7 which rhymes with line 12. In those lines, the thymed sound occurs in words “wizened” and “maddened”. Those words have similar nucleus and coda in the end of the words with /and/ sound. The second end PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 36 rhyme occurs in line 10 which rhymes with line 13. In those lines, the similar nucleus /a/ and coda /ns/ occurs in words “radiance” and “ignorance”. The existence of identical rhyme in stanza 4 is found in line 5 which rhymes with line 9. The repetition of onset /0/, nucleus/e/, and coda /t/ occurs in words “their” and the appearance of the lines are presented as follow. (Line 5) dependent upon their /Oer/ (Line 9) and informed by their /Oer/ After analyzing the rhyme of each stanza, the researcher finds the rhyme pattern of the poem. From the form of the poem, the researcher explores that the rhyme pattern of each stanza is different. It can be watched from the discussion above and in table 11. In stanza 1, the rhyme pattern is ABCDEF while the rhyme pattern in stanza 2 is ABCDE. In stanza 3, the rhyme goes ABCDEFGHIJHKL. The pattern of the stanza 4 that contain of 15 lines goes ABCDEFGHEIGIKL. And the last stanza which contains of 11 lines, the rhyme pattern goes ABCDEFGHIJKL. Seeing from the rhyme pattern, it can be said that the rhyme pattern of this poem is not prominent. 2. Graphological Level In this part, the researcher analyzes graphological style used in Maya Angelou’s “When Great Trees Fall”. This level is analyzed to find out the pattern of the typhography of the poet such as punctuation and capitalization. It also helps the researcher to find out the purpose of the writers by seeing the graphological style. Leech and Short (1982) says “when a writer makes graphological choice, probably, PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 39 clause. Here, comma has a function to mark off a weak interruption of the sentence (Trask, 1997). 3. Syntactic Level Syntactic level concerns with the grammatical structure in the poem. Syntax functions to describe the relationship between the meaning of particular group of words and the arrangement or the construction of the words (Fromkin, Rodman, & Hyams, 2014). In this level, the researcher focuses on the use of tenses, ellipsis, and lexical categories. a. Tenses By analyzing the structure of sentences in the poem, it is found the use of present tense and past tense. Then, the variation of tenses used by Angelou is listed in the table below. Table 7. Tenses Found in “When Great Trees Fall” Tenses Text Verb Phrase | Line | Stanza When great trees fall, fall 1 1 small things recoil into silence, recoil 3 2 Present Tense | We breathe, briefly. breathe 4 3 Great souls die and die 1 4 after a period peace blooms, blooms 2 5 their senses eroded beyond fear. eroded 45 2 Our memory, suddenly sharpened 8 3 Past Tense sharpened as reduced to the unutterable reduced 13 4 ignorance They existed. They existed. existed 9 5 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 40 The table above, it shows that the tenses that appear in Maya Angelou’s “When Great Trees Fall” are present and past tense. Besides that, the table shows some lines that use present tense or par tense. In the first stanza, it is found that there is only simple present tense found in line 1, 2, 3, and 6. As the example is the line 1. It is found the use of word “fall” as the verb phrase in this line and “great trees” acts as the subject. While in the second stanza, it consists of those two tenses. Simple present tense is found in line | and 3. And simple past tense is found in line 5. As the examples, the simple present tense is found in line 3 with verb phrase “recoil” and for the simple past tense is found in line 5 with simple past “eroded”. In stanza 3 is also found the use of simple present and simple past tense. The simple present tense occurs six times. As the example is line 4 with verb “breathe”. While for the simple past tense, it appears two times in line 8 and 12. The clause of these lines follows the structure of simple past tense. Our memory, suddenly sharpened (line 8) promised walks (line 12) This poem has stanzas that the sentences consist of a clause or more than two clauses. Therefore, the sentences put in one line or more. Since that, the lines above are not complete. In line 8, “our memory’ becomes the subject and “sharpened” is the verb phrase. Meanwhile in line 12, “promised” is the simple past of verb “promise”. Actually, line 8 and line 12 are put in a sentence. Because of that, the subject for line 12 is “our memory”. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 41 Present tense and past tense also exists in the fourth and fifth stanza. In stanza 4, simple present tense occurs seven times. As example in line 1, here “souls” acts as the subject and “die” acts as the verb phrase. Meanwhile, past tense occurs three times. As the example in line 13, “reduced” is the verb phrase of this line. However, the subject for this line is “we” that puts in line 12. In stanza 5, present tense appears five times. As presented in line 2, “peace” acts as the object and “blooms” is the verb. Besides that, there are another sentence structures in this stanza. Our senses, restored, never to be the same, whisper to us. (Line 7-8) We can be. Be and be (Line 10) Lines above show different structure. In line 8, it uses “to be” as the auxiliary verb and “our senses” that is in line 7 acts as the subject. In line 10, “we” is the subject and it uses modal “can” followed by “be” as the predicate. However, those lines consider to present tense. Besides that, past tense occurs three times. As shown in line 9, “they” is the subject and “existed” which is from verb “exist” acts as the verb. b. Repetitions Repetition is used by Angelou to make some words to be memorable. There are clause repetition and word repetition found in the poem. The clause repetitions are presented in stanza | and 2 line 1. When great trees fall, (Stanza 1, Line 1) When great trees fall (Stanza 2, Line 1) in forests, PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI in tall grasses, (Line 4) and even elephants (Line 5) In the second stanza, the nouns related to nature are “trees” and “forest”. When great trees fall (Line 1) in forests, (Line 2) In stanza 3 is also found the use of lexical nature “air the air around us becomes (Line 2) In stanza 4, the lexical related to nature are found in word “caves”. caves. (Line 15) Meanwhile in the last stanza, it is not found the use of nature lexical. Besides the noun and pronouns, the verb and adjective used in this poem are also analyzed. Based on the data, the he verbs are presented in present tense and past tense, therefore, the root word also listed in table 14 to better understanding. The verbs bring a meaning based on the contexts. Because of that, the meaning of the verbs is also presented to close the meaning of the verbs in this poem. Besides that, it is found 15 adjective in this poem. And the meanings are also displayed in the table 15. 4. Semantic Level According to Griffiths (2006), semantics is the study of the “toolkit” for meaning (p.1). It is used to acknowledge the meaning of vocabulary and its pattern to elaborate the meaning (Griffiths, 2006). Therefore, in this level, it analyzes the use of PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 45 figures of speech to observe the meaningful expression through the words in literary work, In this poem, it is found the use of some figures of speech or figurative language. It needs to analyze because figurative interpretation as an explicature that involves treating a word has meanings different from the literal one (Griffiths, 2006). The figures of speech that occur in this poem are personification, parallelism, and metaphor. Firstly, the researcher analyzes the use of personification in Angelou’s “When Great Trees Fall”. Personification is a figure of speech that personifies non- human or non-living entities as human (Hayani, 2016). In this poem, the personification appears 9 times. In stanza 1, the personification appears once. rocks on distant hills shudder. In the line above, the personification is found in “rocks” and “shudder”. The noun “tock” is considered as a non-human or non-living entity. Then, it is personified with verb “shudder” which means to shake because of a strong feeling like cold or frightening. This agent for this verb must be human. In stanza 2, it is not found the use of personification. While in Stanza 3, the personification appears in lines: the air around us become light, rare, sterile. From the first lines above, the personification is displayed by words “air” and “become”. The noun “air” considers as non-human or non-living thing. It is kind of PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 46 gas used to breathe. The agent of this verb must be human or living thing. However, verb “becomes” which means starting to be something personifies the “air”. Therefore, noun “air” seems like a living thing because of the existence of the verbs. In Stanza 4, the personification appears once. And the personifications are presented below. our reality, bound to them, takes leave of us In the first lines, the use of personification is found in words “reality”, “bound”, and “takes leave”. The noun “reality” considers as non-human or non-living entity. The agent for those verbs must be human or living entity. Then, it seems like a living thing because of the existence of verb phrase “bound” which means running with long steps especially in an enthusi tic way and “takes leave” which means to leave work without asking permission first. In the last stanza, the personification occurs once that is displayed below. after a period peace blooms (Stanza 5 Line 2) The line shows the personification through words “peace” and “blooms”. The noun “peace” replaces a non-living entity as the agent. Then it is personified by verb “blooms” which means becoming healthy, happy or confident. Secondly, the researcher analyzes the use of parallelism. Angelou use parallelism to emphasize the idea and highlight the same meaning by use identical arrangement. The parallelism is displayed below. When great trees fall (Stanza | Line 1) When great souls die, (Stanza 3 Line 1) PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 49 soothing electric vibration. (Line 6) The “electric vibration” shown in line 6 refers the feeling or the atmosphere in Black people community. B. Meanings of Maya Angelou’ s “When Great Trees Fall” . The structure or style of the poem has meanings behind it. Barry states that “readers often express the feeling that the language of literature achieves its effects in ways which may prove inherently inaccessible to analysis” (Barry, 2002, pp. 202- 203). The meanings are depicted from the analysis of the linguistic features that has been discussed previously. This part discusses how stylistic study works in interpreting or criticizing a literary work. The researcher links the linguistic features that have been analyzed in four levels to find out the meanings voiced by Angelou. 1. Grief in “When Great Trees Fall” The poem depicts certain meaning to the reader through the effect of some linguistic features used by the poet. From reading the title “When Great Trees Fall”, it can be seen that Angelou wants to show something bad. The phrases “great trees” and “fall” support the intention of something bad that is happening. Here, the feeling of pain and sad is expressed clearly by the poet in stanzas 3 and 4. The choice of words in metaphor has an important role in interpreting the poem. It can be seen from the title “When Great Trees Fall”. As discussed previously, the word “trees” refers to people of the Afro American. However, the use of word “great” also needs to pay attention. Commonly, a tree that is large in size will be said PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 50 as “big tree”, but, Angelou uses adjective “great” to describe the size of the trees. It also happens to phrase “great souls”. As mentioned in in previous discussion, the word “souls” directly refers to the people of the Black People. Here, Angelou also use word “great” to complete word “souls”. Then, it should be asked about the intention behind the use of adjective “great”. Probably, some readers think that nouns “trees” and “souls” habitually are not completed by adjective “great”. However, in this case the use of word “great” delivers certain effect in interpreting the meaning of phrases “great trees” and “great souls”. In phrase “great trees”, the adjective describe the size of the trees that are larger than the average. While in phrase “great souls”, the adjective marks the superior in character or the quality. The adjective “great” gives an impression to the reader that the people who referred by “trees” and “souls” are special figures. From the discussion, it can be said that the metaphor “great trees” and “great souls” indicate that the people have big role to the Afro American society. However, the people die. In stanza 3, a metaphor is presented to draw the condition of the people when losing people who are important for them. the air around us becomes (Line 2) light, rare, sterile. (Line 3) Lines 2 and 3 in stanza 3 show a metaphor. As mentioned in previous sub-chapter, “the air” refers to the condition when losing the great people. In line 3, it is mentioned three adjectives, “light” which means not weighing very much, “rare” which means existing only in small numbers, and “sterile” which means not PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 51 productive. From the meanings of the words, it can be said that the death of the people reduce human population in the country. On the other hand, the adjectives in line 3 shows to the situation drew by the poet. When line 3 is connected to line 1 and 2 in stanza 3, the adjectives in line 3 shows the gloomy situation after the death of great people. Still in stanza 3, the use of phrase “a hurtful clarity” in line 7 show more the gtief over the death of the people. From the phrase, the adjective “hurtful” shows that the African-American society feels upset and offended and the noun “clarity” shows that they are able to see and understand just what a valuable soul has been lost. From the interpretation of the phrase, the readers can know the “hurtful clarity” expresses the struggles, sadness, and pain. Syntactically, the grief is also highlighted by the word repetition appeared in stanza 3. We breathe, briefly. Stanza 3 Line 4 Our eyes, briefly, Stanza 3 Line 5 see with Stanza 3 Line 6 a hurtful clarity Stanza 3 Line 7 Through the repetition, Angelou tries to attempt the attention of the readers. The focus is not only to the word “briefly” but also to the words around it, “Breathe, briefly” and “eyes briefly see with”. From seeing the lines above, Angelou wants to show to the readers the feeling of people who losing valuable figures from their life. The word “briefly” that is repeated in line 4 and 5 aims to highlight the daily action of PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 54 focuses on vocabulary “rocks” and “shudder” which means shaking because you are cold or frightened. It can be said that the line portrays the condition of the Black Americans who live in a small area in the country are shaking because of frightened. It draws that the Black are felt oppressed that caused by the segregation occurred in America and moreover the death of their hero. Then, they are frightened to come out. lions hunker down (Line 3) in tall grasses, (Line 4) The metaphor is continued in line 3. The line compares White People with “Jions” because lions are strong and powerful as the White people as the majority. Besides that, verb “hunker down” in the line means sitting with knees bent up. From the explanation, it can be said that when the Black people experiencing oppression, the White People only keep silent. They do not take any action to those tribal crimes. The only sit in their highness and watch the Black People being oppressed. and even elephants (Line 5) lumber after safety. (Line 6) In line 5, the metaphor compares the government with noun “elephants” because elephants are big and strong animals. Also, the strongest elephant will become the leader in the group. It is continued in line 6 with verb “lumber”. The verb means moving in a slow, heavy and awkward way. The explanation shows how the government solves the problem in the country. Oppression are serious problems faced by a country. However seeing from the lines, Angelou tries to show to the reader how the government overcomes the problems. The government works slowly and not explicitly to end the oppression to the Black American. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 55 In stanza 2, the oppression are expressed through consonance, metaphor, and lexical meanings. small things recoil into silence, (Line 3) In the line above is found the use of repetition of consonance sound. The consonances repeated are /I/ in “small”, “recoils”, and “silence” and /s/ in “small”, “things”, and “silence”. The presence of consonance aims to attract the readers pay attention to the words that have sound repetition. Moreover, the line uses metaphor to compares the real meaning through connotation. In this stanza, it focuses on “small things”. As mentioned before, it refers to the small creatures or children of the Black People. Then, it is followed by verb “recoil” which means moving your body quickly away from somebody or something because it frightening or unpleasant. Here, Angelou tries to show to the reader what happens to the children. They only can run away to the peace place because they are frightened with the situation of being oppressed as Black people. their senses (Line 4) eroded beyond fear. (Line 5) The feeling of frightened is clearer explained in line 4 and S. In line 4, it is found the presence of pronoun “their”. It refers to “small things” in line 3. Then, it is followed by verb “eroded” which means gradually destroy the surface by the action of something and adjective “fear” in line 5. From the explanation shows that the children’s feeling of the Black People are destroy with fear. In stanza 3, itis found the use of metaphor. It exists in line 7 that says “a PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 56 hurtful clarity”. The metaphor refers to the truth of the Black American life. Oppression is such a nightmare for them. They must live in fear and being oppressed. The reality of oppression occurred to the Black People is a hurtful clarity for them. The explanation above shows how linguistic features in the poem portrays the oppression of racism. This idea comes from the use of metaphor. Through the existence of metaphor, the author speaks indirectly about the oppression experienced by people who are Afro American. Besides that, the appearance of consonance also gives an effect. It notes the words that have consonance repetition to gain reader’s focus to the words. Besides the use of linguistic features, the oppression of racism is also supported by the true story from Maya Angelou as the poet. The fact that Angelou is an Afro American, she knows the life how being the Black society that lives in America well. Then she retells her experience to her works and one of them is through “When Great Trees Fall”. 3. Sincerity in “When Great Trees Fall” Living as a Black in America is not easy for Angelou and other Afro American people. They feel pains for a long time. It is drawn by the use of commas. In stanza 2, the comma is used to connect the clauses to be a sentence. When great trees fall (Line 1) in forests, (Line 2) small things recoil into silence, (Line 3) their senses (Line 4) eroded beyond fear. (Line 5) PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 59 On the other hand, it is kind of appreciation for the great people and for all their dedication in fighting for the Black’s rights. It is shown in line 11 that says “for their existed”. This action of the Black People can be watched in the shifting of tenses between verb “be” which is present tense and verb “existed” which is past. By living better and to be better as human beings in this present time, they appreciate the great people’s dedication in fighting for the rights of the Black American. Through the use of metaphor, Angelou indirectly talks about hope after long suffering. She compares the acceptance of the Afro American for the pains with an imagery thing that is “electric vibration”. Angelou also shows the Afro American society’s conviction that with sincerity they can pass all pains and struggles. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI CHAPTER V CONCLUSION This chapter presents the conclusion of the results of the analysis. This research aims to acknowledge how stylistic features employed to interpret the meanings of a literary work from the linguistic point of view. Through four levels of language analysis in stylistics: phonology, graphology, syntax, and semantics, the researcher achieves the messages that are voiced by Angelou in “When Great Trees Fall”. In this study, it is found the use of linguistic features in the poem. In the phonological level, Angelou uses the repetitions of sound that are assonance, alliteration, consonance, and rhyme. Those language elements can be found in each stanza. Then, there are some types of rhyme employed in the poem: end rhyme, half rhyme, and identical rhyme. The phonological features are used to create aesthetic effects and to attempt the interest of the reader. In graphology, it focuses on the applied of punctuation in the poem. It is found that the poet only uses commas and periods. Commas are used to join words, phrases, and clauses to be a sentence. Meanwhile, periods are used to sign a sentence written in a line or lines. The syntactic level, the poet uses past tense and present tense. The shifting of the tenses shows the change of period conveyed by the poet. Also, the poet uses repetitions in the last stanza. The lexical repetitions highlight an important message that must be understood. 60 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 61 Angelou employs some features to express her idea. Through the analysis, it is found the use of lexical categories and figures of speech. The lexical categories analyzed from the poem are pronoun, noun, verb, and adjective. The use of pronoun and verb is prominent in interpreting the meaning of the poem. It is found the existence of pronouns “we”, “our”, “us”, “they”, “their” and “them”. The pronouns “we”, “our”, and “us” show the point of view of the poet that refer to the Angelou and the Black People who live in America. Meanwhile, pronouns “they”, “their”, and “them” refer to the Black Americans and the dead people who are important for the Black People. In figures of speech, it is found the presence of personification, parallelism, and metaphor. Metaphor applied in the poem compares the real meaning with nature lexical like “trees”, “lions”, “elephants”, “air”, and “caves”. Moreover, the metaphor is mostly used to depict the meaning of the poem. As a poet, Angelou is usually playing with words. Besides that her motivation to become a writer delivers her to be a popular Afro American artist. Mostly, she speaks about being a woman and Black American based on her experience through her works. “When Great Trees Fall” is one of her masterpieces that speaks about grief, racism, oppression, and sincerity. The grief is shown by some features that are metaphor, parallelism, pronoun, and rhyme. The message of oppression in the poem is presented in the form of metaphor, lexical categories, and consonance. In the poem, Angelou uses nature lexical to compare the real world and the unrealistic world. The findings also found that the use of commas portrays the pains which continuously come to Afro American society. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI Hornby, A. S. (2010). Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary 8th Edition. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Isti‘anah, A. (2017). Stylistic Analysis of Maya Angelou's Equality. Lingua Cultura, 11(2), 85-89. Klarer, M. (2004). An Introduction to Literary Studies Second Edition. London: Routledge . Leech, G. N., & Short, M. H. (1982). 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Consonance Found in “When Great Trees Fall” Stanza Line Text Consonance 1 When great trees fall, Mtl, /r/ 2 rocks on distant hills shudder, /s/, /n/, /r/ 1 3 lions hunker down /nf 5 and even elephants /n/ 6 lumber after safety. /r/, /£/, It/, 1 When great trees fall Mtl, /r/ 2 3 small things recoil into silence, MM 5 eroded beyond fear. /r/, /d/ 2) the air around us becomes /t/, /s/ 3 light, rare, sterile. /r/, 4 We breathe, briefly. /t/ 5 Our eyes, briefly, /t/ 3 7 a hurtful clarity. Mr, [t/, AL 8 Our memory, suddenly kel, fal sharpened 10 gnaws on kind words /n/, /w/, /s/, /d/ 12 promised walks /s/ 13 never taken. /n/ 1 Great souls die and /d/ 2 our reality, bound to /r/, /t/ 3 them, takes leave of us. /s/ 5 dependent upon their /p/ 7 now shrink, wizened. /n/ 4 8 Our minds, formed /r/, /ma/ 9 and informed by their /n/, /t/ 12 We are not so much maddened /nf B as reduced to the unutterable Wl, Inl, Ie, Isl ignorance 14 of dark, cold /d/ 66 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 69 2 the air around us becomes : 3 light, rare, sterile. Comma — between words ° ° Period — at the end of line Comma — between of 4 We breathe, briefly. words Period — at the end of line 5 Our eyes, briefly Comma — between words ° ’ and at the end of line 6 see with : 7 a hurtful clarity. Period - at the end of line Comma — between words 8 Our memory, suddenly sharpened, and at the end of line 9 examines, Comma — at the end of line 10 gnaws on kind words : 11 unsaid, Comma — at the end of line 12 promised walks : 13 never taken. Period — at the end of line 1 Great souls die and : 2 our reality, bound to Comma — between words Comma — between words 3 them, takes leave of us. Period — at the end of line 4 Our souls, Comma - at the end of line 5 dependent upon their : 6 nurture, Comma — at the end of line P F Comma — between words 7 Soe ene Period — at the end of line 8 Our minds, formed Comma — between words 9 and informed by their : 10 radiance, Comma — at the end of line 11 fall away. Period - at the end of line 12 We are not so much maddened : 13 as reduced to the unutterable _ ignorance 14 of dark, cold Comma — between words 15 caves. Period — at the end of line 1 And when great souls die, Comma “ame end of 2 after a period peace blooms, Comma ~ at the end of line 3 slowly and always 4 irregularly. Spaces fill Period — in the middle of PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 70 Our memory, suddenly sharpened past tense line 5 with a kind of : 6 soothing electric vibration. Period — at the end of line 7 Our senses, restored, never Comma — between words : Comma — between words 8 to be the same, whisper to us. Period — at the end of line : : Period — in the middle of 9 They existed. They existed. line and at the end of line 10 We can be. Be and be Period — inthe middle of e Period — in the middle of 11 | better. For they existed. line and at the end of line Appendix 4. Tenses Found in “When Great Trees Fall” Stanza | Line Text Tense 1 When great trees fall, present tense 2 rocks on distant hills shudder, present tense 1 3 lions hunker down present tense 4 in tall grasses, - 5 and even elephants : 6 lumber after safety. present tense 1 When great trees fall present tense 2 in forests : 2 3 small things recoil into silence, present tense 4 their senses : 5 eroded beyond fear. past tense 1 When great souls die present tense 2 the air around us becomes present tense 3 light, rare, sterile. - 4 We breathe, briefly. present tense 5 Our eyes, briefly, - 6 see with present tense 3 7 a hurtful clarity. : 8 9 10 examines, present tense gnaws on kind words present tense 11 unsaid, - 12 promised walks past tense 13 never taken, : PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 71 1 Great souls die and present tense 2 our reality, bound to present tense 3 them, takes leave of us. present tense 4 Our souls, - 5 dependent upon their present tense 6 nurture, - 7 now shrink, wizened. present tense 4 8 Our minds, formed past tense 9 and informed by their past tense 10 radiance, - 11 fall away. present tense 12 We are not so much maddened present tense 13 as reduced to the unutterable ignorance past tense 14 of dark, cold - 15 caves. : 1 And when great souls die, present tense 2 after a period peace blooms, present tense 3) slowly and always : 4 irregularly. Spaces fill present tense 5 with a kind of : 5 6 soothing electric vibration. : 7 Our senses, restored, never past tense 8 to be the same, whisper to us. present tense 9 They existed. They existed. past tense 10 We can be. Be and be present tense 11 better. For they existed. past tense Appendix 5. Verb Found in “When Great Trees Fall” Number Mhrase/ Root Word Meaning 1 Fall Fall To drop down from the higher level to a lower level 2 Hunker Hunker To sit on your heels with your knees bent up in front of you 3 Lumber Lumber To move in a slow, heavy and awkward way To move your body quickly away from sb/sth 4 Recoil Recoil because you find them or it frightening or unpleasant 5 Eroded Erode To gradually destroy the surface of sth
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