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Summary_D030_Service_Plan_Brief_New_D030_Service_Plan_Brief_for_Diabetic, Exams of Management of Health Service


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SERVICE PLAN BRIEF FOR DIABETES EDUCATION SERVICES 1 Service iPlan iBrief ifor iDiabetes iEducation iServices iOctober i19, i2020 Western iGovernors iUniversity SERVICE PLAN BRIEF FOR DIABETES EDUCATION SERVICES 2 Service iPlan iBrief ifor iDiabetes iEducation iServices iService iIdea Diabetes ieducation iservice iis ia iprogram idesigned ito ihelp ipeople iwith idiabetes ilearn imore iabout itaking icare iof ithemselves. iAdditionally, ithe imain ifocus iof ithis iclinical ipractice iservice iis ito ienhance iself-management iof idiabetes, iwhich iincludes iself-monitoring ithe iblood iglucose iand iadjustment iof idoses iof iinsulin iof ian iindividual. iThe idiabatic ieducation iservice ireflects ion ithe ipossible ihinders iattainment iand imaintenance iof iglycemic itargets i(Burke iet ial., i2014). iIn ithe irecent ipast, ithe idevelopment iof idiabetes ihas ibeen iignored iwithin ithe ipopulation, iand ithe ipatient iwho idoes inot ireceive iformal ieducation iof idiabetes ihave iknowledge igaps. iMoreover, ithese ipatients ialso itend inot ito ireceive iany irecommendation ion ipreventive iservices ithat iare imore ilikely ito idevelop ichronic icomplications. iDiabetes iis iconsidered ione iof ithe iworld’s ilargest, inoninfectious ichronic idiseases, iwith iits icomplications ithreatening iindividual ihealth ito idifferent ifamilies iand isociety i(Gagliardino iet ial., i2019). iThe iprimary iconcern iis ithat idiabetes icomplications iare ithe iestablished ipsychological idisorders ithat iare imainly ineglected iby ipatients iand itheir ifamilies. iTherefore, ithe idevelopment iof idiabetic iself-management iis ideemed ito ibe ithe icornerstone ileading ito ithe iprovision iof iits ieducation iservice iplan. The idiabetic ieducation iservice iis ideemed ia icollaborative, iongoing iprocess iin ian iinteractive iform iwhere ipeople iat irisk ineed ito igain ithe iskills iand iknowledge ito imodify ibehavior iand isuccessful iindividual imanagement iof ithe idisease iand irelated iconditions. iAdditionally, ithe idiabetic ieducation iprocess iintegrates ithe igoals, ilife iexperiences, iand ineeds iof ipeople iaffected iby ithe ievidence-based istandards i(Burke iet ial., i2014). iThe ioverall iobjectives iof idiabetes ieducation iservices iin inursing iare icritical iin isupporting ithe iinformed idecision-making iprocess, iproblem- SERVICE PLAN BRIEF FOR DIABETES EDUCATION SERVICES 5 range ifrom ithose ialready iaffected ito ithose iwho ido inot iknow iwhether ithey ihave ithe icondition. iFurther, ifor iaffected iindividuals, ithe itarget ifor idiabetes ieducation iservices iprovides ifor ia iformal iprogram iwhere ipatients iand ifamily imembers ishould iparticipate ito ihave iself-management iskills ifor iany ipossible irisks ior icomplications ithat imay ibe iinvolved i(Zheng iet ial., i2019). iAdditionally, ithe idiabetes iservice’s ipotential ireferrals ican iinvolve ithe iavailability iof icenters ifor iMedicaid iand iMedicare iservices iacross ithe icountry. iThe ioffice-based ihealth icare iteams ican iexplore ia inecessary ipartnership ito iprovide icoordination iof iprogram imanagement. iThis iapproach’s isuccess ineeds itime, iresources, iknowledge, iand ieffective iprovision iof ieducation iprograms idesigned ito iserve ias ia iresource ifor ithe ihealth icare iteam. The ilevel iof icompetition iin idiabetes ieducation iservice iprovision iis ihigh, iwith idifferent iproviders iimplementing inew iand iintegrated imeasures ito imeet ithe ipatients’ idemands. iFor iinstance, ithe iNew iYork iState iHealth iFoundation iprovides ithe iservice iand ihas ia istructure ilaid idown ito ienhance idiabetic ieducation iand imanagement iprograms. iThe idifferent icompetition ilevels icome iin ithrough ivarious ipriority ifocus ithat ineeds ito ibe iconsidered i(Van iDurme iet ial., i2014). These iconsist iof iimprovement iof iclinical icare iand ipatient ioutcomes iestablished iwithin idifferent iprimary icare isettings. iThere iare ivarious icompetitors ifor ithe iplanned iservice ithat iinclude iBayfront iHealth iHospital, iNew iYork iState iHealth iFoundation, iand iMayo iClinic ihospitals. SWOT iAnalysis The iSWOT ianalysis iis ia icritical imodel ithat iassists iin iexamining ithe iconditions iand idevelopment iof iappropriate iplans iand istrategies iby iassessing ithe iavailable iproficiencies iand iattributes ithat ican ifoster ia ichange iof ievidence iin ithe icondition’s ipractice iand imanagement i(Van iWijngaarden iet ial., i2012). iFurther, iSWOT ianalysis iis ian iessential itool ito ievaluate iexternal iand i nternal ienvironments ito imake isystematic iapproaches iin ithe idecision-making iprocess. SERVICE PLAN BRIEF FOR DIABETES EDUCATION SERVICES 6 Strengths The istrength iof iproviding idiabetes ieducation iservices ithrough iimproved icare icoordination iof igroups iinvolved i(Van iWijngaarden iet ial., i2012). iSimilarly, ithe iother istrength iis ithe iawareness iin ileadership isupport ito ienhance iservices iprovided ito ithe ipatients iin ivarious imeasures isuch ias itelehealth. iThe ipartnership iwith ithe iclinic iis icritical ibecause iof iits iexpertise iand iexperience iin iproviding isuch ieducational iprograms. iThe icapability icosts iinvolved iare ialso inot ihigh, iwhich iis iadvantageous ifor ithe idiabetes ieducation iprogram iplanners iin ithe ilong iterm i(Van iWijngaarden iet ial., i2012). Weaknesses The iweaknesses iexperienced iwhile iproviding ithese iservices iare ithe idifferent icapabilities iand isupport iservice iat ieach icommunity-based ioutpatient iclinic. iThe iother iweakness iexperienced ientails ithe iclinic iseparation iand iremoteness iof icommunity-based ioutpatient iclinics i(Van iDurme iet ial., i2014). iThe ilagging iof itechnology, iin isome icases, iis ianother iweakness iexperienced iin iproviding idiabetes ieducation iservices. iLack iof ifunding iand iresources ito isupport ithe iprogram igroups iand iinsufficient itraining iprograms ifor inurses iare ia isignificant iweakness ifor iindividuals i(Van iWijngaarden iet ial., i2012). Opportunities The iopportunities iare icritical iin iattaining ithe iaims iof ithe iorganization ito ibenefit iexternally. iCreating iawareness ithrough imarketing isystems iis ia ichallenge, iespecially ifor isuch inew iprograms iin ipartnership iwith ithe iorganization i(Van iDurme iet ial., i2014). iThe istaff imanagement icapabilities ito iadjust ito isuch inew iprograms iin ithe iorganization iare ichallenging iissues ithat ineed ito ibe iconsidered iin iservice idelivery. iPatients’ iwillingness ito iget iinvolved iin ithe ieducation iprogram iis ia ipositive iopportunity ito ibe iconsidered. iThe iother iopportunity ito icapture iis ithe igap SERVICE PLAN BRIEF FOR DIABETES EDUCATION SERVICES 7 experienced ifor iother iprofessionals; iinvolvement iin iundertaking ithe iprogram’s ijoint iinitiatives. iThe iavailability iof itechnology iprovides ia icritical iopportunity iin idelivering ieducation iservices iin idifferent iforms i(Van iWijngaarden iet ial., i2012). iThe ichanges iin ipopulation iprofile ior ineed ito iimprove itheir iwell-being iare icritical iopportunities ithat ineed ito ibe icaptured iwhen ipreparing ian ieducation iprogram ifor idiabetes ipeople. Threats The inon-compliance iof ipatients iat ihome, ischool, iand icommunity iis ia ichallenge ito iimproving isociety’s icondition. iMoreover, ithe iadministration iof idifferent ihealth icare isettings iis inot ifully iinvolved iin ipromoting ithe iparticipation iof ithe iaffected ipeople iin ithe icommunity i(Van iDurme iet ial., i2014). iThe iother ithreat iis ithe inumber iof ipatients iexperiencing idifficulties iin isocioeconomic istatus ithat imay ibe ichallenging ito igain iaccess ito iclinic iservices. iThe ishifts iexperienced iin imarket idemands iand ireferral isources ithat ieducators imay iface iduring ithe iprocesses iare ianother ithreat i(Van iWijngaarden iet ial., i2012). iThe ilevel iof icompetitors iis ialso ia ithreat isince iit i s ihigh idue ito ithe iinnovation idelivery iof iservice ito ithe itargeted ipopulation. iEach icompetitor ihas itheir iinnovation istrategies ithat imake iit idifficult ito ipenetrate ithe imarket iif ian iorganization idoes inot ihave ithe iright imechanism. The iSWOT ianalysis iis iessential iin idetermining ivaluable iideas ito imaximize ithe igeneration iof ipractical istrategies ifrom ithe icurrent idiabetes ieducation iservice iopportunities. iThe imodel iis isignificant iin iincreasing iawareness ithrough imarketing isystems ito iimplement isuch inew iprograms iin ipartnership iwith ithe iorganization ieffectively. iSimilarly, iSWOT ianalysis ievaluates ipatients’ isocioeconomic idifficulties ito igenerate ia isustainable icost imodel ito iimprove ipatient icare i(Van iDurme iet ial., i2014). iFurther, ithe iopportunity iexisting iin itechnology iuse ito ienhance ieducation iservices ineeds ito ibe icapitalized ito ireach imany itargeted icustomers iin idifferent iregions. SERVICE PLAN BRIEF FOR DIABETES EDUCATION SERVICES 10 critical ipatient idata ifrom ia icentralized iarea iwith ienough iknowledge ion ithe iuse iof itechnology ito i ncrease ipatients’ iwell-being iaffected iby ithe icondition. On ithe iother ihand, ihealthcare ioperations ialso iimprove idue ito idiabetes ieducation iservices iin ithe ilong iterm. iOne iof ithe ibenefits iis ithat ithe iwaiting itime iin idelivering ipatient icare iis iminimized ias imuch ias ipossible isince ia inew iroutine iis iimplemented ifrom ithe ieducation iprograms. iPatient icare idelivery iis ialso iincreased iin ithe ilong iterm isince inurses igain ithe iexperience, iskills, iand iknowledge ito iunderstand ithe icondition’s isigns iand isymptoms i(Hirsch iet ial., i2017). iLastly, ithe icosts iinvolved iin ithe ioperations iare isignificantly iminimized ito imeet ithe idemand iof ithe ipatients. iThe icosts iinvolved iin iproviding ieducation iservices ito ithe iorganization ientail ithe ipayment ifor ithe iexperts ieducating imembers iof ithe iorganization. iThe iother icosts iinvolved iis ithe imaterials iused ito iteach ithe iorganization’s istaff imembers iand ilicensing ifees i(Smith iet ial., i2019). iThe icosts iinvolved iin ithe istaff ifocus ion ithe icertification ifor ithe idiabetic ieducator. iThe iother icosts i nvolved ientailing ithe icosts iof itraining imaterials iin ithe icourse, itravel, iand iaccommodation icosts ithat imay ibe iinvolved i(Hirsch iet ial., i2017). iOn ithe iother ihand, itechnological icosts iinclude ibuying iequipment ithat iwill ibe isignificant ifor ithe itraining iprogram iand icosts ifor icertification iof isoftware. iFinally, ithe icosts iof imaking icommunication isystems iduring itraining iprograms iare ialso iincluded ias ia itechnological icost i(Smith iet ial., i2019). iThe icosts ifor ipatients ifocus ion ithe iawareness iprogram iand iself-management ieducation iinitiatives. iMoreover, ianother ipatient icost iinvolved iis ithe iparticipation ifee ito ithe iprogram ion idiabetic ieducation iservice. Tables i2 iand i3 isummarize iall icosts istipulated. Table i2 Service iPlan iCosts i(Author, i2020) Category Description iof ithe iService iPlan iCosts Organization Diabetes ieducation iservices ifocus ion ithe iinvolved icapital SERVICE PLAN BRIEF FOR DIABETES EDUCATION SERVICES 11 costs. Reputation iwill ialso iimprove ito iattract imore icustomers The iprovision iof ieducation iservices ireduces ithe icosts involved Operations The iwaiting itime iin idelivering ipatient icare iis iminimized The idelivery iof ipatient icare iis ialso iincreased iin ithe ilong term. The icosts iinvolved iin ithe ioperations iare isignificantly minimized Client/Patient Increasing ithe iawareness iof ithe isymptoms iof ithe condition Enabling ipatients ito iacquire iself-management iskills The ipatients’ iwell-being iwill ialso ibe ienhanced iin ithe long irun Staff Patient icare iimproves isignificantly iwith iprofessional development The iincrease iin imorale ithrough ithe iorganization’s iculture is ienhanced The iemployees ican ikeep itheir icertification iactive Technology Better iand imore iaccessible itreatment ifor itargeted ipatients Increased isafer icare iand ireliable iapplications iin ithe management iof idiabetes Improved icare iand iefficiency iin idata imanagement Table i3. Service iPlan iBenefits i(Author, i2020) Category Description iof iService iPlan iBenefits Organization The icosts iinvolved iin iproviding ieducation iservices The icost iinvolved iin ithe imaterials ithat iwill ibe iused ito teach ithe istaff imembers The ilicensing ifees iinvolved ito iprovide ithe ieducation service Client/Patient Costs ifocus ion ithe iawareness iprogram Costs ion iself-management ieducation iinitiatives Participation ifee ito ithe iprogram ion idiabetic ieducation service. Staff Certification ifor ithe idiabetic ieducator Costs iinvolved ientailing ithe icosts iof itraining imaterials iin the icourse Costs iinvolved ientailing ithe icosts iof itravel iand accommodation Technology Costs iof ibuying iequipment Costs iinvolved iare ifor ithe icertification iof isoftware ithat improves ithe ioperations iof ithe isystem SERVICE PLAN BRIEF FOR DIABETES EDUCATION SERVICES 12 The icosts iof imaking icommunication isystems iduring training iprograms Risk iAssessment Healthcare iis ifacing ivarious irisks iinvolved ito iprovide iquality icare ito ipatients iin idifferent isettings. iSome iof ithe icommon irisks iinvolved iin ihealthcare iconsist iof iincreased ihealth iillness, iprivacy imanagement, iinformation isecurity, iand icompliance ilapse iexperienced iin idifferent idepartments. iThe iother irisks iexperienced iin ithe ihealthcare isystem ientail ithe iphysical iattack ifrom iboth ithe ipatients iand inurses iand icyberthreats iinvolved iin ideveloping inew itechnology i(Improta iet ial., i2018). iHowever, ivarious istrategies ican ibe iused ito iminimize ithese irisks. iThe iprovision iof isufficient irecord iretention iis ione istrategy ithat ican ibe iused ito ienhance ipatients’ iprivacy imanagement iand iinformation isecurity. iThe istrategy iaddresses ithe ineed ito ikeep ithe ipatients’ irecords ion ia ifile imonitored ifrom iunauthorized iaccess iand imaintaining ithe iprotocols ifor isafety imeasures. iThe istrategy ito iimprove ihealth iillness irisks ienhances isignificant idiagnosis iprograms isuch ias iproviding ithe iright iprescriptions iand itracking ipatients’ itreatment iprocesses i(Improta iet ial., i2018). iImplementing ia isystem ithat iassists iin ithe ifollow-up iwith ipatients iis icritical iin iimproving ihealth iillness ion ithe iaffected iindividuals. iThe istrategy ito ienhance icompliance ilapse ineeds ito ienhance ihealth ipolicies ion icertification ion ithe ifederal iand istate ilevels. iThe istrategies ito iminimize iphysical iattacks iprovide ifor iemploying ia itrained isecurity iteam ithat iwill ibe isignificant iin ihandling ipatients’ iattacks iwhen ithey itake iplace i(Improta iet ial., i2018). iThe icyberthreat istrategy ifocuses ion iemploying ia isecurity itechnology iteam iuseful iin imanaging idata iin ihealthcare-related isystems. iRisk imanagement iin ihealth icare iis ivital ifor iorganizations ito iensure iproper iinterface iin ithe iprovision iof icare. Risks iand istrategies ito icombat ithem iare ibriefly istated iin iTable i4. SERVICE PLAN BRIEF FOR DIABETES EDUCATION SERVICES 15 developed iservice i(Super iet ial., i2020). iThe imain ifocus iis ito ioptimize ithe ipractice ito ibe iefficient by ilimiting iissues irelated ito ihiring iincentives iand iacquisition iof iprice ipremiums ipaid ithat imay ibe a iburden ito iincome istatements. iThe iother iway ito igenerate irevenue iis iby ihaving ia igood relationship iwith ipayers iand ienhance ipossible irenegotiation iwith imanaged icare icontracts. The iservices’ ifinancial ipayers iare icritical ifor iany ihealthcare isettings ito iimprove ion itheir service idelivery. iThe ipayers iof ithe iservice iin ihealthcare ipay ifor ian iadministered imedical iservice such ias iinsurance icompanies i(Super iet ial., i2020). iHowever, iin ithis icase, ivarious itypes iof financial ipayers iwill ibe iconsidered ito ideliver ithe iservice. iThe icommercial ipayers iare ione iof ithe groups iinvolved iand iconsist iof iUnited iHealthcare, iAetna, iand iCigna. iThe igovernment iwill ialso be ipart iof ithe iservice’s ifinancial ipayers isuch ias iMedicaid, iMedicare, iand iTRICARE. iThe ilast group iof ifinancial ipayers iis ithe iprivate isector, isuch ias iBlue iCross iBlue iShield. Operational iExpense iBudget Different ihealth icare iinstitutions iuse ivarious istrategies ito igenerate irevenue ifrom ithe iservices ithey iprovide ito ipatients. iThe iconcern ito iachieve ithe ibest ioutcomes ifor ipatients iis ithe iprimary igoal, ibut iproviders’ ibusiness iside imust ialso ihave ia istable ioperation iwith ian iunwavering ifocus ito imanage ithe irevenue icycle ifrom ithe istart ito ifinish ithe ipatient icare icontinuum. iThe ihospital iwill iuse ithe iprimary ilevers ito icreate ivalue ito iensure isustainable irevenue ifor ithe iorganization’s ioperations. iGenerating iroyalties ifrom imedicines, idevices, iand idiagnostics iis ione itype iof ithe iexpenses iother ithan ipersonnel iexpenses igained iby ithe ihospital iin iproviding itheir iservices. iThe ipersonnel iexpenses iother ithan ipersonal iexpenses, ion ithe iother ihand, ientail itransforming iservice idelivery isuch ias idiabetes ieducation iservice iprograms isuch ias icosts iof imaterials, ieducators, iaccommodations, iand itravels. iBridging icare imodel iinnovation ito imeet ithe SERVICE PLAN BRIEF FOR DIABETES EDUCATION SERVICES 16 market idemand iis ianother iexpense iinvolved iby ithe iorganization ito imanage icare idelivery ito ithe iaffected ipatients. Other ipersonnel iexpenses iare iillustrated iin iFigure i2 iand i3 iand iTable i6. Figure i2. iOther ipersonal iexpenses i(Author, i2020) Figure i3. iPersonnel iexpenses i(Author, i2020) The iother ipersonnel iexpenses drugs devices diagnostics personnel iexpenses costs iof imaterials costs iof ieducators iaccomodation iand itravel SERVICE PLAN BRIEF FOR DIABETES EDUCATION SERVICES 17 Table i6. Types iof iExpenses i(Author, i2020) Category Description iof iEach iType iof iExpense Personnel iexpenses Costs iof imaterials Accommodation itravel ibills Costs iof ieducators Other-than-personnel i(OTP) iexpenses Diagnostics Devices iused Drugs iprescribed. Key iPerformance iIndicators i(KPIs) The ikey iperformance iindicators iwould ihelp idetermine ithe iproject’s isuccess iupon iits icompletion ion ia ilong-term ibasis iwithin ithe ihospital. iAdditionally, ithe ideterminants iof ithe ikey iperformance iindicators iused iin ithis icase iwill iinclude ithe istructural iaspects iestablished, ithe iprocesses iinvolved iin ithe iproject’s idevelopment, iand ithe idetermined ioutcomes iexpected iin ithe ilong irun i(Davies iet ial., i2018). iThe istructural iaspects iof ithe iperformance iaddress ithe idiabetes ieducation iservice ito imeet ithe itargeted ipopulation’s ineeds. iFor iinstance, ithe inurse ito ipatient iratio, i n ithis icase, iwill ibe ione ito ifive. iThe itargeted ipopulation ito ivisit ithe ifacility iis iestimated ito ibe ian iaverage iof i220 ipatients idaily. iSubstantially, ithis imeans ithat ione inurse iwould ibe iattending ito ifive ipatients ion iaverage iper iday. iThe iKPI ianalysis iof ithe iprocess iwill idetermine ihow ithe iservice iis ibeing idone. iOne iof ithe isignificant iissues iis idetermining iwaiting itime, iwhich ineeds ito ibe ireasonable ito iavoid iserving ithe ipatients i(Gucciardi iet ial., i2020). iLastly, ithe ioutcome imeasurement iwill idetermine ipatient isatisfaction ithrough isurveys idenoting ithe iservices iobtained ito iimprove itheir iwell-being. The ioutcome iestablished ineeds ito ioutline ithe ifrequencies iinvolved ito imeasure ithe ipatient’s iwell-being iby iproviding ifollow-up iprograms. iThe istructural iKPI ican ibe imeasured SERVICE PLAN BRIEF FOR DIABETES EDUCATION SERVICES 20 communicating iinformation iand iappealing ito ithe idemographic iaspects iin ithe idirection iof ifacilitating iand imarketing ithe iauthenticity iof ithe ipopulation i(Davies iet ial., i2018). iThe istakeholder’s iengagement iintegrates ithe ineed ifor iearly iplanning ito iprovide iinsights iinto ithe iservices. iThe iservice iline’s ivalue iproposition iis ianother iobjective ithat ineeds ito ibe iundertaken isince iit iis ithe iultimate ijudge iof ia iservice iline’s isuccess. iThe ifinancial iassessment ineeds ito ibe idone ibefore ilaunching ithe itask isince iit iwill ihelp ithe iorganization iprove ithe ifinancial ireturns iof ithe iservice iline iplan i(Gagliardino iet ial., i2019). iStrategic ialignment iprovides iorganizational iintegration ito iimplement ia inew iservice iplan iin ithe iorganization. iSetting iup ia itraining ilocation iand ibuying ithe iprogram’s imaterials iare ialso iessential ito iensure ithat ithe iservice’s ilaunch iis ienhanced iaccordingly. iThe ivalidation iof ithe iservice iplan iand ithe ieducators’ iselection iof ithe iplan iare iother iaspects ito ibe iconsidered i(Gagliardino iet ial., i2019). iFinally, idetermining ithe icompetitors i s ianother itask ithat ineeds ito ibe idone ito iensure ithat ithe iservice iplan’s ilaunch iis ieffective. Table i8 ibelow ipresents ithe istart-up ischeme. Table i8. Service iPlan’s iLaunch i(Author, i2020) Task Task iOwner Timeline Articulation iof ithe ivision iof ithe iservice iplan Administration iof ithe organization 3 imonths Market ianalysis Head iof ithe iservice iplan 6 imonths Validation iof ithe iservice iplan Certified inational iagencies 2 imonths Selection iof iservice iplan ieducators Administration 2 imonths Strategic ialignment iof ithe iproject Supervisors 4 imonths Setting iup ithe itraining ilocation Supervisors 2 imonths Buying ithe itraining imaterials Administration 2 imonths SERVICE PLAN BRIEF FOR DIABETES EDUCATION SERVICES 21 Determining ithe icompetitors Head iof ithe iservice iplan 6 imonths The istakeholder's iengagement Human iresource 3 imonths Financial iplan Finance iadministrator 3 imonths Executive iSummary Diabetes iis ia idisease ithat ioccurs iwhen iblood iglucose iis iconsidered ito ibe ihigher ithan ithe iaverage ilevel. iMore ithan i500 imillion ipeople iare iaffected iby ithe icondition iglobally, imaking iit ia ithreat ito iincrease ipremature imortality. iAs ia iresult, iproviding idiabetes ieducation iservice iis ia icritical iprogram ito ihelp idiabetes ipatients ilearn imore iabout itaking icare iof ithemselves. iSimilarly, ithe idiabetes ieducation iservice ialso ienables ithe iaffected ipeople ito iunderstand ithe iblood iglucose iself-monitoring iand iadjust idoses iof ian iindividual’s iinsulin. iThe idiabetic ieducation iservice iis ideemed iprocess iin ian iinteractive iform iwhere ipeople iat irisk ineed ito igain ithe iskills iand iknowledge ito imodify ibehavior iand isuccessful iindividual imanagement iof ithe idisease iand irelated iconditions. iThese ieducation iservice iprograms’ imain igoals iare ito iintegrate ithe iaims, ilife iexperiences, iand ineeds iof ipeople iaffected iby ithe ievidence-based istandards. iNonetheless, ia ipartnership iwith ia iclinic isuch ias ithe iTampa iBay iCommunity iHospital iis ivital ito icreating iawareness ifor ithe iaffected iindividuals. The imarket ianalysis iof ithe iservice iprovider iis iconcluded ito ihave ia igap ithat ineeds ito ibe ifulfilled. iThe itargeted ipeople ifor idiabetic ieducation iservices idiffer isince ithey iinclude ithe iaffected i ndividuals iand ithose iwith iassumed isigns iand isymptoms irelated ito ithe icondition. iFurther, ifor iaffected iindividuals, ithe itarget ifor idiabetes ieducation iservices iprovides ifor ia iformal iprogram iwhere ipatients iand ifamily imembers ishould iparticipate ito ihave iself-management iskills ifor iany ipossible irisks ior icomplications ithat imay ibe iinvolved. iThere iare ivarious icompetitors iwithin ithe SERVICE PLAN BRIEF FOR DIABETES EDUCATION SERVICES 22 market. iSome iof ithe icompetition’s icommon iorganizations iinclude ithe iBayfront iHealth iHospital, iNew iYork iState iHealth iFoundation, iand iMayo iClinic ihospitals. iThe iSWOT ianalysis ihas ialso ibeen iaddressed ifrom ithe idiscussion iabove, ifocusing ion idetermining ithe ithreats iand iopportunities ithat ineed ito ibe ieffectively ienhanced. iThe iSWOT imodel iimproves iawareness ithrough imarketing isystems ito ieffectively iimplement isuch inew iprograms iin ipartnership iwith ithe iorganization. Additionally, iit ialso ievaluates ithe ineed ito icapitalize ion ithe ipatients’ isocioeconomic idifficulties ito igenerate ia isustainable icost imodel ito iimprove ipatient icare. iThe icosts ibenefit ianalysis iis iused ito idetermine ian ieconomic iassessment ifor ithe iprogram’s icost iby icomparing iit ito ithe iintervention’s ibenefits. iThe ideterminant iof icost-benefit ievaluation iwill iinvolve ithe iorganization, ioperations, ipatients, istaff, iand itechnology iused iin idiabetes ieducation iservice iprovision. iThe ibenefits ifor ithe iorganization ito iprovide idiabetes ieducation iservices ifocus ion ithe iinvolved icapital icosts.
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