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Syllabus CS 3rd Year, Lecture notes of Computer System Design and Architecture

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Download Syllabus CS 3rd Year and more Lecture notes Computer System Design and Architecture in PDF only on Docsity! DR. A.P.J. ABDUL KALAM TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY LUCKNOW Evaluation Scheme & Syllabus For B. Tech. Third Year (Computer Science and Engineering) (Computer Science and Information Technology) On Choice Based Credit System (Effective from the Session: 2018-19) DR. A.P.J. ABDUL KALAM TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY LUCKNOW B. Tech. (CSE\CSIT) FIFTH SEMESTER Sl No. Subject Code Subject Name L-T-P Theory/ Lab (ESE) Marks Sessional Total Credi t Tes t Assig n/Att . 1 RAS501 MANEGERIAL ECONOMICS 3---0---0 70 20 10 100 3 2 RAS502/ RUC501 INDUSTRIAL SOCIOOLOGY /CYBER SECURITY 3---0---0 70 20 10 100 3 3 RCS-501 Database Management Systems 3---0---0 70 20 10 100 3 4 RCS-502 Design and Analysis of Algorithm 3---1---0 70 20 10 100 4 5 RCS-503 Principles of Programming Languages 3---0---0 70 20 10 100 3 6 CS-Elective-1 DEPTT ELECTIVE COURSE-1 3---1---0 70 20 10 100 4 7 RCS-551 Database Management Systems Lab 0---0---2 50 - 50 100 1 8 RCS-552 Design and Analysis of Algorithm Lab 0---0---2 50 - 50 100 1 9 RCS-553 Principles of Programming Languages Lab 0---0---2 50 - 50 100 1 10 RCS-554 Web Technologies Lab 0---0---2 50 - 50 100 1 TOTAL 1000 24 SIXTH SEMESTER Sl No. Subject Code Subject Name L-T-P Theory/ Lab (ESE) Marks Sessional Total Credi t Tes t Assig n/Att . 1 RAS601 INDUSTRIAL MANAGEMENT 3---0---0 70 20 10 100 3 2 RAS602 / RUC601 CYBER SECURITY/ INDUSTRIAL SOCIOLOGY 3---0---0 70 20 10 100 3 3 RCS-601 Computer Networks 3---0---0 70 20 10 100 3 4 RCS-602 Compiler Design 3---1---0 70 20 10 100 4 5 RCS-603 Computer Graphics 3---0---0 70 20 10 100 3 6 CS-Elective-2 DEPTT ELECTIVE COURSE-2 3---1---0 70 20 10 100 4 7 RCS-651 Computer Networks Lab 0---0---2 50 - 50 100 1 8 RCS-652 Compiler Design Lab 0---0---2 50 - 50 100 1 9 RCS-653 Computer Graphics Lab 0---0---2 50 - 50 100 1 10 RCS-654 Data Warehousing & Data Mining Lab 0---0---2 50 - 50 100 1 TOTAL 1000 24 RCS-502: Design and Analysis of Algorithm 3-1-0 Unit Topic Proposed Lecture I Introduction: Algorithms, Analyzing Algorithms, Complexity of Algorithms, Growth of Functions, Performance Measurements, Sorting and Order Statistics - Shell Sort, Quick Sort, Merge Sort, Heap Sort, Comparison of Sorting Algorithms, Sorting in Linear Time. 08 II Advanced Data Structures: Red-Black Trees, B – Trees, Binomial Heaps, Fibonacci Heaps, Tries, Skip List 08 III Divide and Conquer with Examples Such as Sorting, Matrix Multiplication, Convex Hull and Searching. Greedy Methods with Examples Such as Optimal Reliability Allocation, Knapsack, Minimum Spanning Trees – Prim’s and Kruskal’s Algorithms, Single Source Shortest Paths - Dijkstra’s and Bellman Ford Algorithms. 08 IV Dynamic Programming with Examples Such as Knapsack. All Pair Shortest Paths – Warshal’s and Floyd’s Algorithms, Resource Allocation Problem. Backtracking, Branch and Bound with Examples Such as Travelling Salesman Problem, Graph Coloring, n-Queen Problem, Hamiltonian Cycles and Sum of Subsets. 08 V Selected Topics: Algebraic Computation, Fast Fourier Transform, String Matching, Theory of NP-Completeness, Approximation Algorithms and Randomized Algorithms 08 References: 1. Thomas H. Coreman, Charles E. Leiserson and Ronald L. Rivest, “Introduction to Algorithms”, Printice Hall of India. 2. E. Horowitz & S Sahni, "Fundamentals of Computer Algorithms", 3. Aho, Hopcraft, Ullman, “The Design and Analysis of Computer Algorithms” Pearson Education, 2008. 4. LEE "Design & Analysis of Algorithms (POD)",McGraw Hill 5. Gajendra Sharma, Design & Analysis of Algorithms, Khanna Publishing House 6. Richard E.Neapolitan "Foundations of Algorithms" Jones & Bartlett Learning 7. Jon Kleinberg and Éva Tardos, Algorithm Design, Pearson, 2005. 8. Michael T Goodrich and Roberto Tamassia, Algorithm Design: Foundations, Analysis, and Internet Examples, Second Edition, Wiley, 2006. 9. Harry R. Lewis and Larry Denenberg, Data Structures and Their Algorithms, Harper Collins, 1997 10. Robert Sedgewick and Kevin Wayne, Algorithms, fourth edition, Addison Wesley, 2011. 11. Harsh Bhasin,”Algorithm Design and Analysis”,First Edition,Oxford University Press. 12. Gilles Brassard and Paul Bratley,Algorithmics:Theory and Practice,Prentice Hall,1995. RCS-503: Principles of Programming Languages 3-0-0 Unit Topic Proposed Lecture I Introduction: Role of Programming Languages: Why Programming Languages, Towards Higher-Level Languages, Programming Paradigms, Programming Environments Language Description: Syntactic Structure, Language Translation Issues: Programming Language Syntax, Stages in Translation, Formal Translation Models 08 II Data, Data Types, and Basic Statements : Names , Variables , Binding, Type Checking, Scope, Scope Rules , Lifetime and Garbage Collection, Primitive Data Types, Strings, Array Types, Associative Arrays ,Record Types, Union Types, Pointers and References , Arithmetic Expressions , Overloaded Operators, Type Conversions , Relational and Boolean Expressions, Assignment Statements, Mixed Mode Assignments, Control Structures, Selection ,Iterations, Branching, Guarded Statements 08 III Subprograms and Implementations : Subprograms, Design Issues, Local Referencing, Parameter Passing, Overloaded Methods, Generic Methods, Design Issues for Functions , Semantics of Call and Return, Implementing Simple Subprograms, Stack and Dynamic Local Variables, Nested Subprograms, Dynamic Scoping. 08 IV Object-Orientation, Concurrency, and Event Handling : Grouping of Data and Operations — Constructs for Programming Structures, Abstraction Information Hiding, Program Design with Modules, Defined Types, Object Oriented Programming — Concept of Object, Inheritance, Derived Classes and Information Hiding – Templates, Semaphores, Monitors, Message Passing, Threads, Statement Level Concurrency Exception Handling (Using C++ and Java as Example Language). 08 V Functional and Logic Programming Languages : Introduction to Lambda Calculus , Fundamentals of Functional Programming Languages, Programming with Programming with ML, Introduction to Logic and Logic Programming – Programming with Prolog. 08 References: 1. “Programming Languages: Design and Implementations” , Terrance W.Pratt, Marvin V. Zelkowitz, T.V.Gopal, Fourth ed., Prentice Hall 2. “Programming Language Design Concept”, David A. Watt, Willey India 3. “Programming languages: Concepts and Constucts”, Ravi Sethi, Second Ed.,Pearson. 4. “Types and programming Languages”, Benjamin C. Pierce. The MIT Press Cambridge, Massachusetts London, England 5. Concepts of Programming Languages, Robert W. Sebesta, 10th Ed.,Pearson CS-ELECTIVE -1: Computer Science and Engineering Elective-1 RIT-E11: SOFTWARE PROJECT MANAGEMENT 3-0-0 Unit Topic Proposed Lecture I Introduction and Software Project Planning: Fundamentals of Software Project Management (SPM), Need Identification, Vision and Scope Document, Project Management Cycle, SPM Objectives, Management Spectrum, SPM Framework, Software Project Planning, Planning Objectives, Project Plan, Types of Project Plan, Structure of a Software Project Management Plan, Software Project Estimation, Estimation Methods, Estimation Models, Decision Process. 08 II Project Organization and Scheduling Project Elements: Work Breakdown Structure (WBS), Types of WBS, Functions, Activities and Tasks, Project Life Cycle and Product Life Cycle, Ways to Organize Personnel, Project Schedule, Scheduling Objectives, Building the Project Schedule, Scheduling Terminology and Techniques, Network Diagrams: PERT, CPM, Bar Charts: Milestone Charts, Gantt Charts 08 III Project Monitoring and Control: Dimensions of Project Monitoring & Control, Earned Value Analysis, Earned Value Indicators: Budgeted Cost for Work Scheduled (BCWS), Cost Variance (CV), Schedule Variance (SV), Cost Performance Index (CPI), Schedule Performance Index (SPI), Interpretation of Earned Value Indicators, Error Tracking, Software Reviews, Types of Review: Inspections, Deskchecks, Walkthroughs, Code Reviews, Pair Programming. 08 IV Software Quality Assurance and Testing Objectives: Testing Principles, Test Plans, Test Cases, Types of Testing, Levels of Testing, Test Strategies, Program Correctness, Program Verification & Validation, Testing Automation & Testing Tools, Concept of Software Quality, Software Quality Attributes, Software Quality Metrics and Indicators, The SEI Capability Maturity Model CMM), SQA Activities, Formal SQA Approaches: Proof of Correctness, Statistical Quality Assurance, Cleanroom Process. 08 V Project Management and Project Management Tools Software Configuration Management: Software Configuration Items and Tasks, Baselines, Plan for Change, Change Control, Change Requests Management, Version Control, Risk Management: Risks and Risk Types, Risk Breakdown Structure (RBS), Risk Management Process: Risk Identification, Risk Analysis, Risk Planning, Risk Monitoring, Cost Benefit Analysis, Software Project Management Tools: CASE Tools, Planning and Scheduling Tools, MS-Project. 08 References: 1. M. Cotterell, Software Project Management, Tata McGraw-Hill Publication. 2. Royce, Software Project Management, Pearson Education 3. Kieron Conway, Software Project Management, Dreamtech Press 4. S. A. Kelkar, Software Project Management, PHI Publication. 5. Harold R. Kerzner, Project Mangment “A Systems Approach to Planning, Scheduling, and Controlling” Wiley. 6. Mohapatra, Software Project Management, Cengage Learning. 7. P.K. Agarwal, SAM R., Software Project Management, Khanna Publishing House RCS-E12: WEB TECHNOLOGIES 3-0-0 Uni t Topic Proposed Lecture I Introduction: Introduction and Web Development Strategies, History of Web and Internet, Protocols Governing Web, Writing Web Projects, Connecting to Internet, Introduction to Internet services and tools, Introduction to client-server computing. Core Java: Introduction, Operator, Data type, Variable, Arrays, Methods & Classes, Inheritance, Package and Interface, Exception Handling, Multithread programming, I/O, Java Applet, String handling, Event handling, Introduction to AWT, AWT controls, Layout managers 08 II Web Page Designing: HTML: List, Table, Images, Frames, forms, CSS, Document type definition, XML: DTD, XML schemes, Object Models, presenting and using XML, Using XML Processors: DOM and SAX, Dynamic HTML 08 III Scripting: Java script: Introduction, documents, forms, statements, functions, objects; introduction to AJAX, Networking : Internet Addressing, InetAddress, Factory Methods, Instance Methods, TCP/IP Client Sockets, URL, URL Connection, TCP/IP Server Sockets, Datagram. 08 IV Enterprise Java Bean: Preparing a Class to be a JavaBeans, Creating a JavaBeans, JavaBeans Properties, Types of beans, Stateful Session bean, Stateless Session bean, Entity bean Java Database Connectivity (JDBC): Merging Data from Multiple Tables: Joining, Manipul ating, Databases with JDBC, Prepared Statements, Transaction Processing, Stored Procedures. 08 V Servlets: Servlet Overview and Architecture, Interface Servlet and the Servlet Life Cycle, H andling HTTP get Requests, Handling HTTP post Requests, Redirecting Requests to Other Resource s, Session Tracking, Cookies, Session Tracking with Http Session Java Server Pages (JSP): Introduction, Java Server Pages Overview, A First Java Server Page Example, Implicit Objects, Scripting, Standard Actions, Directives, Custom Tag Libraries.. 08 References: 1. Burdman, Jessica, “Collaborative Web Development” Addison Wesley 2. Xavier, C, “ Web Technology and Design” , New Age International 3. Ivan Bayross,” HTML, DHTML, Java Script, Perl & CGI”, BPB Publication 4. Tanveer Alam, Internet & Java Programming, Khanna Publishing House 5. Bhave, “Programming with Java”, Pearson Education 6. Herbert Schieldt, “The Complete Reference:Java”, TMH. 7. Hans Bergsten, “Java Server Pages”, SPD O’Reilly 8. Margaret Levine Young, “The Complete Reference Internet”, TMH 9. Naughton, Schildt, “The Complete Reference JAVA2”, TMH 10. Balagurusamy E, “Programming in JAVA”, TMH RCS-551 Database Management Systems Lab Objectives : 1. Installing oracle/ MYSQL 2. Creating Entity-Relationship Diagram using case tools. 3. Writing SQL statements Using ORACLE /MYSQL: a)Writing basic SQL SELECT statements. b) Restricting and sorting data. c)Displaying data from multiple tables. d)Aggregating data using group function. e)Manipulating data. e)Creating and managing tables. 4. Normalization 5. Creating cursor 6. Creating procedure and functions 7. Creating packages and triggers 8. Design and implementation of payroll processing system 9. Design and implementation of Library Information System 10. Design and implementation of Student Information System 11. Automatic Backup of Files and Recovery of Files RCS-552 Design and Analysis of Algorithm Lab Objective:- 1. Program for Recursive Binary & Linear Search. 2. Program for Heap Sort. 3. Program for Merge Sort. 4. Program for Selection Sort. 5. Program for Insertion Sort. 6. Program for Quick Sort. 7. Knapsack Problem using Greedy Solution 8. Perform Travelling Salesman Problem 9. Find Minimum Spanning Tree using Kruskal’s Algorithm 10. Implement N Queen Problem using Backtracking RCS-553 Principles of Programming Languages Lab Objective:- 1. Program for linear search in ML 2. Program for binary search in ML 3. Program for insertion sort in ML 4. Program for bubble sort in ML 5. Program for merge sort in ML 6. Program for Quick sort in ML 7. Program for making a dictionary in ML 8. Program for merging two unsorted-students-name-list in sorted order 9. Course on 'PHP & MySQL', Spoken Tutorial MOOC RCS-554 Web Technologies Lab This lab is based on the Web Technologies. Some examples are as follows: 1. Write HTML/Java scripts to display your CV in navigator, your Institute website, Department Website and Tutorial website for specific subject 2. Write an HTML program to design an entry form of student details and send it to store at database server like SQL, Oracle or MS Access. 3. Write programs using Java script for Web Page to display browsers information. 5. Write a Java applet to display the Application Program screen i.e. calculator and other. 6. Writing program in XML for creation of DTD, which specifies set of rules. Create a style sheet in CSS/ XSL & display the document in internet explorer. 7. Program to illustrate JDBC connectivity. Program for maintaining database by sending queries. Design and implement a simple servlet book query with the help of JDBC & SQL. Create MS Access Database, Create on ODBC link, Compile & execute JAVA JDVC Socket. 8. Install TOMCAT web server and APACHE. Access the above developed static web pages for books web site, using these servers by putting the web pages developed . 9. Assume four users user1, user2, user3 and user4 having the passwords pwd1, pwd2, pwd3 and pwd4 respectively. Write a servlet for doing the following. Create a Cookie and add these four user id’s and passwords to this Cookie. 2. Read the user id and passwords entered in the Login form and authenticate with the values available in the cookies. 10. Install a database (Mysql or Oracle). Create a table which should contain at least the following fields: name, password, email-id, phone number Write a java program/servlet/JSP to connect to that database and extract data from the tables and display them. Insert the details of the users who register with the web site, whenever a new user clicks the submit button in the registration page. 11. Write a JSP which insert the details of the 3 or 4 users who register with the web site by using registration form. Authenticate the user when he submits the login form using the user name and password from the database 12. Design and implement a simple shopping cart example with session tracking API. RCS-603: COMPUTER GRAPHICS 3-0-0 Unit Topic Proposed Lecture I Introduction and Line Generation: Types of computer graphics, Graphic Displays- Random scan displays, Raster scan displays, Frame buffer and video controller, Points and lines, Line drawing algorithms, Circle generating algorithms, Mid-point circle generating algorithm, and parallel version of these algorithms. 08 II Transformations: Basic transformation, Matrix representations and homogenous coordinates, Composite transformations, Reflections and shearing. Windowing and Clipping: Viewing pipeline, Viewing transformations, 2-D Clipping algorithms- Line clipping algorithms such as Cohen Sutherland line clipping algorithm, Liang Barsky algorithm, Line clipping against non rectangular clip windows; Polygon clipping – Sutherland Hodgeman polygon clipping, Weiler and Atherton polygon clipping, Curve clipping, Text clipping 08 III Three Dimensional: 3-D Geometric Primitives, 3-D Object representation, 3-D Transformation, 3-D viewing, projections, 3-D Clipping. 08 IV Curves and Surfaces: Quadric surfaces, Spheres, Ellipsoid, Blobby objects, Introductory concepts of Spline, Bspline and Bezier curves and surfaces. 08 V Hidden Lines and Surfaces: Back Face Detection algorithm, Depth buffer method, A- buffer method, Scan line method, basic illumination models– Ambient light, Diffuse reflection, Specular reflection and Phong model, Combined approach, Warn model, Intensity Attenuation, Color consideration, Transparency and Shadows. 08 REFRENCES: 1. Donald Hearn and M Pauline Baker, “Computer Graphics C Version”, Pearson Education 2. Foley, Vandam, Feiner, Hughes – “Computer Graphics principle”, Pearson Education. 3. Rogers, “ Procedural Elements of Computer Graphics”, McGraw Hill 4. W. M. Newman, R. F. Sproull – “Principles of Interactive computer Graphics” – Tata MCGraw Hill. 5. Amrendra N Sinha and Arun D Udai,” Computer Graphics”, Tata MCGraw Hill. 6. R.K. Maurya, “Computer Graphics ” Wiley Dreamtech Publication. 7. M.C. Trivedi, NN Jani, Computer Graphics & Animations, Jaico Publications 8 Rishabh Anand, Computer Graphics- A practical Approach, Khanna Publishing House 9. Mukherjee, Fundamentals of Computer graphics & Multimedia, PHI Learning Private Limited. 10. Donald Hearn and M Pauline Baker, “Computer Graphics with OpenGL”, Pearson education CS-ELECTIVE -2: Computer Science and Engineering Elective-2 RIT-E21: DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT OF APPLICATIONS 3-0-0 Unit Topic Proposed Lecture I INTRODUCTION: Introduction to mobile applications – Embedded systems - Market and business drivers for mobile applications – Publishing and delivery of mobile applications – Requirements gathering and validation for mobile applications 08 II BASIC DESIGN: Introduction – Basics of embedded systems design – Embedded OS - Design constraints for mobile applications, both hardware and software related – Architecting mobile applications – User interfaces for mobile applications – touch events and gestures – Achieving quality constraints – performance, usability, security, availability and modifiability. 08 III ADVANCED DESIGN: Designing applications with multimedia and web access capabilities – Integration with GPS and social media networking applications – Accessing applications hosted in a cloud computing environment – Design patterns for mobile applications. 08 IV TECHNOLOGY I – ANDROID: Introduction – Establishing the development environment – Android architecture – Activities and views – Interacting with UI – Persisting data using SQLite – Packaging and deployment – Interaction with server side applications – Using Google Maps, GPS and Wi-Fi – Integration with social media applications. 08 V TECHNOLOGY II – iOS: Introduction to Objective C – iOS features – UI implementation – Touch frameworks – Data persistence using Core Data and SQLite – Location aware applications using Core Location and Map Kit – Integrating calendar and address book with social media application – Using Wi-Fi - iPhone marketplace. Swift: Introduction to Swift, features of swift. 08 REFRENCES: 1. Charlie Collins, Michael Galpin and Matthias Kappler, “Android in Practice”, DreamTech, 2012 2. AnubhavPradhan , Anil V Despande Composing Mobile Apps,Learn ,explore, apply 3. James Dovey and Ash Furrow, “Beginning Objective C”, Apress, 2012 4. Jeff McWherter and Scott Gowell, "Professional Mobile Application Development", Wrox, 2012 5. David Mark, Jack Nutting, Jeff LaMarche and Frederic Olsson, “Beginning iOS 6. Development: Exploring the iOS SDK”, Apress, 2013. RIT-E22: DATAWAREHOUSING & DATA MINING 3-0-0 Unit Topic Proposed Lecture I Data Warehousing: Overview, Definition, Data Warehousing Components, Building a Data Warehouse, Warehouse Database, Mapping the Data Warehouse to a Multiprocessor Architecture, Difference between Database System and Data Warehouse, Multi Dimensional Data Model, Data Cubes, Stars, Snow Flakes, Fact Constellations, Concept 08 II Data Warehouse Process and Technology: Warehousing Strategy, Warehouse /management and Support Processes, Warehouse Planning and Implementation, Hardware and Operating Systems for Data Warehousing, Client/Server Computing Model & Data Warehousing. Parallel Processors & Cluster Systems, Distributed DBMS implementations, Warehousing Software, Warehouse Schema Design, 08 III Data Mining: Overview, Motivation, Definition & Functionalities, Data Processing, Form of Data Pre-processing, Data Cleaning: Missing Values, Noisy Data, (Binning, Clustering, Regression, Computer and Human inspection), Inconsistent Data, Data Integration and Transformation. Data Reduction:-Data Cube Aggregation, Dimensionality reduction, Data Compression, Numerosity Reduction, Discretization and Concept hierarchy generation, Decision Tree. 08 IV Classification: Definition, Data Generalization, Analytical Characterization, Analysis of attribute relevance, Mining Class comparisons, Statistical measures in large Databases, Statistical-Based Algorithms, Distance-Based Algorithms, Decision Tree-Based Algorithms. Clustering: Introduction, Similarity and Distance Measures, Hierarchical and Partitional Algorithms. Hierarchical Clustering- CURE and Chameleon. Density Based Methods- DBSCAN, OPTICS. Grid Based Methods- STING, CLIQUE. Model Based Method – Statistical Approach, Association rules: Introduction, Large Item sets, Basic Algorithms, Parallel and Distributed Algorithms, Neural Network approach. 08 V Data Visualization and Overall Perspective: Aggregation, Historical information, Query Facility, OLAP function and Tools. OLAP Servers, ROLAP, MOLAP, HOLAP, Data Mining interface, Security, Backup and Recovery, Tuning Data Warehouse, Testing Data Warehouse. Warehousing applications and Recent Trends: Types of Warehousing Applications, Web Mining, Spatial Mining and Temporal Mining 08 REFRENCES: 1. Alex Berson, Stephen J. Smith “Data Warehousing, Data-Mining & OLAP”, TMH 2. Mark Humphries, Michael W. Hawkins, Michelle C. Dy, “ Data Warehousing: Architecture and Implementation”, Pearson 3. I. Singh, Data Mining and Warehousing, Khanna Publishing House 4. Margaret H. Dunham, S. Sridhar,”Data Mining:Introductory and Advanced Topics” Pearson Education 5. Arun K. Pujari, “Data Mining Techniques” Universities Press 6. Pieter Adriaans, Dolf Zantinge, “Data-Mining”, Pearson Education RCS-651: COMPUTER NETWORKS LAB 1. To learn handling and configuration of networking hardware like RJ-45 connector, CAT-6 cable, crimping tool, etc. 2. Configuration of router, hub, switch etc. (using real devices or simulators) 3. Running and using services/commands like ping, trace route, nslookup, arp, telnet, ftp, etc. 4. Network packet analysis using tools like Wireshark, tcpdump, etc. 5. Network simulation using tools like Cisco Packet Tracer, NetSim, OMNeT++, NS2, NS3, etc. 6. Socket programming using UDP and TCP (e.g., simple DNS, data & time client/server, echo client/server, iterative & concurrent servers) 7. Programming using raw sockets 8. Programming using RPC Note: The Instructor may add/delete/modify/tune experiments, wherever he/she feels in a justified manner. RCS-652: COMPILER DESIGN LAB 1. Implementation of LEXICAL ANALYZER for IF STATEMENT 2. Implementation of LEXICAL ANALYZER for ARITHMETIC EXPRESSION 3. Construction of NFA from REGULAR EXPRESSION 4. Construction of DFA from NFA 5. Implementation of SHIFT REDUCE PARSING ALGORITHM 6. Implementation of OPERATOR PRECEDENCE PARSER 7. Implementation of RECURSIVE DESCENT PARSER 8. Implementation of CODE OPTIMIZATION TECHNIQUES 9. Implementation of CODE GENERATOR Note: The Instructor may add/delete/modify/tune experiments, wherever he/she feels in a justified manner. RCS-653: COMPUTER GRAPHICS LAB 1. To implement DDA algorithms for line and circle. 2. To implement Bresenham’s algorithms for line, circle and ellipse drawing 3. To implement Mid Point Circle algorithm using C . 4. To implement Mid Point Ellipse algorithm using C . 5. To perform 2D Transformations such as translation, rotation, scaling, reflection and sharing. 6. To implement Cohen–Sutherland 2D clipping and window–viewport mapping. 7. To implement Liang Barksy Line Clipping Algorithm. 8. To perform 3D Transformations such as translation, rotation and scaling. 9. To convert between color models. 10. To perform animation using any Animation software 11. To perform basic operations on image using any image editing software 12. To draw different shapes such as hut, face, kite, fish etc. Note: The Instructor may add/delete/modify/tune experiments, wherever he/she feels in a justified manner. RCS-654: Data Warehousing & Data Mining Lab It is expected that student should implement concept of Data Mining and Warehousing. The open source Data Mining Tools like Rapid Miner, Weka etc. can be used to implement the concept of Data Mining and Warehousing. Some examples are as follows (Subject Teacher may add more): 1. Implementation of OLAP operations 2. Implementation of Varying Arrays 3. Implementation of Nested Tables 4. Demonstration of any ETL tool 5. Write a program of Apriori algorithm using any programming language. 6. Create data-set in .arff file format. Demonstration of preprocessing on WEKA data-set. 7. Demonstration of Association rule process on data-set contact lenses.arff /supermarket (or any other data set) using apriori algorithm. 8. Demonstration of classification rule process on WEKA data-set using j48 algorithm. 9. Demonstration of classification rule process on WEKA data-set using Naive Bayes algorithm. 10. Demonstration of clustering rule process on data-set iris.arff using simple k-means.
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