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Considering the issue, the researcher got interested to analyse syntactically the sentence patterns in John Denver's song lyrics. This research was conducted to ...

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Download SYNTACTIC ANALYSIS ON SENTENCE PATTERNS IN JOHN ... and more Study notes English Language in PDF only on Docsity! PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI SYNTACTIC ANALYSIS ON SENTENCE PATTERNS IN JOHN DENVER’S SONG LYRICS A SARJANA PENDIDIKAN THESIS Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements to Obtain the Sarjana Pendidikan Degree in English Language Education By Danin Christianto Student Number: 141214001 ENGLISH LANGUAGE EDUCATION STUDY PROGRAM DEPARTMENT OF LANGUAGE AND ARTS EDUCATION FACULTY OF TEACHERS TRAINING AND EDUCATION SANATA DHARMA UNIVERSITY YOGYAKARTA 2018 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI SYNTACTIC ANALYSIS ON SENTENCE PATTERNS IN JOHN DENVER’S SONG LYRICS A SARJANA PENDIDIKAN THESIS Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements to Obtain the Sarjana Pendidikan Degree in English Language Education By Danin Christianto Student Number: 141214001 ENGLISH LANGUAGE EDUCATION STUDY PROGRAM DEPARTMENT OF LANGUAGE AND ARTS EDUCATION FACULTY OF TEACHERS TRAINING AND EDUCATION SANATA DHARMA UNIVERSITY YOGYAKARTA 2018 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI STATEMENT OF WORK’S ORIGINALITY T honestly declare that this thesis, which | have written, does not contain the work ot parts of the work of other people except those cited in the quotations and the references, as a scientific paper should. Yogyakarta, 11 May 2018 The Writer \ TDanin Christianto 141214001 iv PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI LEMBAR PERNYATAAN PERSETUJUAN PUBLIKASI KARYA ILMIAH UNTUK KEPENTINGAN AKADEMIS ‘Yang bertanda tangan di bawah ini, saya mahasiswa Universitas Sanata Dharma: Nama : Danin Chnistianto Nomor Mahasiswa =: 141214001 Demi pengembangan ilmu pengetahuan, saya memberikan kepada Perpustakaan Universitas Sanata Dharma karya ilmiah saya yang berjudul: SYNTACTIC ANALYSIS ON SENTENCE PATTERNS IN JOHN DENVER’S SONG LYRICS beserta perangkat yang diperlukan (bila ada), Dengan demikian saya memberikan kepada Perpustzkaan Universitas Sanata Dharma hak untuk menyimpan, mengalithkan dalam bentuk media lain, mengelolanya dalam bentuk pangkalan data, mendistribusikan secara terbatas, dan mermpublikasikannya di Internet atau media lain untuk kepentingan akademis tanpa perlu meminta izin dari saya maupun memberikan royalti kepada selama tetap mencantumkan nama saya sebagai penulis. Demikian pernyataan im yang saya buat dengan sebenamya, Dibuat di Yogyakarta Pada tangeal: 10 April 2018 Yang menyatakan, Nye Danin Christianto PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI ABSTRACT Christianto, Danin (2018). Syntactic Analysis on Sentence Patterns in John Denver's Song Lyrics. Yogyakarta: English Language Education Study Program, Sanata Dharma University. In this world, every living thing has at least one language in order to have a communication with each other. Humans, for example, are able to show feelings and emotions and socialize by using languages. In Indonesia, English learners do not get familiar enough with English sentence patterns. In learning language, studying sentence patterns in song lyrics becomes more necessary as there are often misinterpretations of words when they are combined into sentences in song lyrics in the forms of sentence pattern construction. Considering the issue, the researcher got interested to analyse syntactically the sentence patterns in John Denver’s song lyrics. This research was conducted to answer one research question: What sentence patterns are used in John Denver’s song lyrics? In order to answer the research question, the researcher employed qualitative approach as the nature of this research since it described about certain phenomena in detail. The method used in this research was content analysis as it analysed the sentence patterns in the John Denver’s song lyrics. Finally, the researcher employed the theory of Quirk and Greenbaum (1973) to analyse the sentence patterns in the lyrics. Additionally, the researcher also employed the theory of O’Grady, Dobrovolsky, and Katamba (1996) to represent the tree diagrams and phrase structure rules of the chosen sentences. Based on the results, the researcher found out that there were 8 out of 9 patterns which were used in the song lyrics. The sentence pattern which was frequently used was pattern 3: S + Vt + dO. There were 12 sentences which used the pattern in John Denver’s song lyrics. However, there was no sentence which used pattern 6: S + Vt + iO + dO. Finally, the researcher hopes that the results can help English learners to improve their understanding on sentence patterns and phrase structure rules. Keywords: John Denver’s song lyrics, sentence pattern, syntactic analysis vi PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This wonderful journey would not be possible without the guidance and support. First and foremost, I would like to dedicate my best gratitude to Almighty Lord Jesus Christ for His greatest blessing during my academic life. Because of His blessing and guidance, I was able to be always strong in facing many difficult obstacles during the process of finishing my undergraduate thesis. My big gratitude goes to Bapak Drs. Barli Bram, M.Ed., Ph.D., my thesis advisor, for his precious suggestions and critics which make me able to accomplish this study. He has given much of his attention, support, time, and patience for the sake of this thesis writing’s success. My everlasting thanks are given to my beloved family members, Papi Ir. Stephanus Wijanto, Mami M. A. Suryani Budiadi, Kokoh F. B. Edwin Cipta Adhi, S.T.P., dan Adik Felix Kurniawan, for their endless love, generosity, support and affection which are given during my study. Without them, I would not be able to motivate myself in facing this academic life. I would also like to give my gratitude to my best friends from the Ex- Student Hall Squads: Veronika Oktaviani, Marie-Louise Catherine Widyananda, Johan Tobias Kristiano, Antonia Eka Puspita, Vinsensius Galuh Kusuma, Jessica, Benita Saraswati, Angelina Lintang Venta Dewanti, Vincentius Yosa Rahardiyan, Aven Kristianus, and Yohanes Mahatmo Suryo Widiasmoro for their cares, wonderful time, and support given to me in finishing ix PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI my thesis. I will never forget our beautiful moments of togetherness. I consider them a part of my good family. I am so grateful to be able to befriend with people like them. My special gratitude is also addressed to my only and beloved girlfriend Ivena Karin for her unconditional and endless love and motivation given to me in accomplishing my academic study. I thank her for being extra-care to me, particularly when I had so many hard times and problems. Also, I thank her family members for their kindness and concern so that I always feel well-motivated. Last but not least, I would also like to thank everybody, especially my friends from batch 2014, who has come to my life and helped me to develop and grow to be a better individual. May God bless us all. Danin Christianto PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI TABLE OF CONTENTS TITLE PAGE... APPROVAL PAGES. STATEMENT OF WORR’S ORIGINALITY ......cscccescsesesssseseeseseessseeseseseeseseeeee iv PERNYATAAN PERSETUJUAN PUBLIKASLI .....sssssssssssessssesssseseescseeseseseeseseeseseseescs Vv ABSTRACT .......:ttecsssccsscssscssesescssesessossscssecesecceseseo et ammbces cesecesssceesececnecssseseencnes vi ABSTRAR 0s. MMi dees 0000 castes 0000 00 AEE Ie Sa Ease cose sce N Mt cose sess csescececescocenseseces vii DEDI@ATIION PAGE (20 -....0...00ssssesgseesesesse cesses Met MS erro TTT ae coos see veces vili AGKNOWLEDGEMENTSE voccss.temritticsscssscsssecescsreceseceuMee Roce seces resto etons seen snes ix WPABEEIORICONTEN TS rcscscsrscatereterrtentecsvecscesceressceevescereMovsvescovsssswscssotiatttas ose xi IEISTRORMPA BILE Srcecerscsovessocoresctetramtrscsvecrocevarcevercocereceerscresere ocomswevecrersessetia xiii TAISTROLRIGURES Perera... movemenemmenemenemmenemetenmeeret seme eea xiv TETSTHOG APPENDICES. cedtiessvcasersese Mas ceseosrsecrecesces Meme sworesesrat at xv CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTION AY Resear chsBack ground gies Ut caso c tte Mies ccesesss essa ttts cence con oe 1 B. Research Questions .......ccccccseccseeceecsessseecseecseecseecseecseecseecanecseecseee 4 Cy Research! SigmificanGemsc.sccscsscscssesessssesussetscesesesthcessceeseset at sons econ ee 4 DRDefinition[Of Terms Mies c.ncc.ccccscoce cass amiee Metco tre cesses sect cons econ 5 CHAPTER II. REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE AQ Theoretical) Description. wh ssre..s.escssssescssesesscseoe sted sess ssesseseceesosenes 7 URS VTA... 0000 ,n078 aM Toe20500 00520000 EM 605 cscs ceseceeseceeseeees 7 2. Types of Sentences 3. Sentence Pattern 4. Tree Diagram .... 5. SONG LYLic ue. cesessescessessesseetesseseseesccssseeseesessesneecesscseeseescenaneesees 19 6. Relevant Previous Studies ...........cccccsesessesesscseeseseseescseeseseseeseeee 20 B. Theoretical Framework ..........c:cesesescsesessessescseeseseseescseeseseseeeeseeeeee 24 xi PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI LIST OF FIGURES Page 2.1 Some Examples of the Tree Diagrams of Noun Phrases ..........cccceesseseeeees 12 2.2 Some Examples of the Tree Diagrams of Verb Phrases ..........cccsceesseseeseees 13 2.3 The Traditional View of the Structure Of S...c.cccesessecesseseseessesesseeseesceseaneesees 17 2.4 The Popular Contemporary View of the Structure Of S ......ccccceseseeeeeseeeeeees 18 2.5 An IP with an Auxiliary in the Infl Position ........c.scccssseseseescesesseeseeseeseaneesees 19 3.1 The Tree Diagram Example of a Sentence in John Denver’s Song Lyrics......29 xiv PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI LIST OF APPENDICES Page Appendix 1. Wild Montana Skies Lyrics ........c.cccescsseseescseescseseescseeseseseescseeseseseesenee 77 Appendix 2. Darcy Farrow lyrics....... Appendix 3. Poems, Prayers, and Promises lyrics Appendix 4. Take Me Home Country Road lyrics Appendix 5. Shanghai Breezes lyrics Appendix 6. Fly Away lyrics XV PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION In this chapter, the researcher discusses the research background, research question, research significance, and definition of terms which are employed in this study. A. Research Background In this world, every living thing has at least one language in order to have a communication with each other. Humans, for example, are able to show feelings and emotions and socialize by using languages. Sapir (1921) defines the language as “a purely human and non-instinctive method of communicating ideas, emotions, and desires by means of a system of voluntarily produced symbols” (p. 8). There are some systems which create language. O’Grady (2005) states “if a language is spoken, it must have a phonetic and phonological systems; since it has words and sentences, it must also have a morphology and syntax systems” (p. 5). Therefore, in order to use language, people need to produce sentences. Sentence can be considered as one of the most complex parts in language. According to Hornby (2015), sentence can be defined as “a set of words expressing a statement, a question or an order, usually containing a subject and a verb” (p. 1365). It means that in order to create a sentence, there must be at least one subject and one verb. She cries, for example, is called a sentence because the word She is PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 4 Program (ELESP) students, the researcher hopes that this research can improve their comprehension in analysing sentences, especially for those who take Grammar and Morpho-Syntax courses. B. Research Question From the description above, the researcher formulates a research question to be discussed, namely “what sentence patterns are used in John Denver’s song lyrics?”. Cc. Research Significance The researcher hopes that this research can give significance for ELESP students and future researchers who are interested in studying this topic. 1. ELESP Students This research is expected to assist students of English Language Education Study Program (ELESP) in learning English sentence patterns by analysing song lyrics in Grammar classes. In addition, it is also expected that this research can be useful for students to practice drawing tree diagrams and identify phrase structure rules (in the Syntax course at the university, for example). 2. Future Researchers The researcher expects that this research can be used as a useful reference for future researchers who are interested in researching syntactic analysis. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 5 Furthermore, the researcher also hopes that future researchers can conduct the same research with different subjects quantitatively. D. Definition of Terms In order to enable readers to follow the thesis more easily, the researcher defines some significant terms to avoid any confusion and misconception. In this section, there are four terms which are presented: Syntactic Analysis, Sentence Pattern, Tree Diagram, and Song Lyrics. 1. Syntactic Analysis Syntactic Analysis is an analysis of the structure of a sentence to break down its component parts of speech with an explanation of the form, function, and syntactic relationship of each part. The above definition is similar to Bergmann, Hall, and Ross’ (2007, p. 671), who have defined syntactic analysis as the analysis (by human or computer) of the syntactic structure of a sentence that is heard or read: reconstructing a hierarchial structure from a flat sequence of words. By doing the syntactic analysis, readers will be able to understand how words can be changed into phrases, clauses, and sentences. In this study, the researcher focuses on analysing the sentence patterns of John Denver’s song lyrics syntactically. 2. Sentence Pattern Sentence pattern can be defined as the way to build sentences. It discusses how sentences are formed gramatically. Syntactically, sentence pattern represents PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 6 the structure categories of each lexical item which can be analysed. In this research, the sentence patterns in John Denver’s song lyrics will be analysed. 3. Tree Diagram Tree diagram is a structure which is used to analyse the internal structure of words and phrases. This definition is similar to O’Grady, Dobrovolsky, and Katamba’s (1996, p. 734) who state that the diagram “represents the details of a word’s or phrase’s internal structure”. Radford (1997) also adds tree diagram is “a way of representing the syntactic structure of a phrase or sentence” (p. 533). From the explanation, it can be seen that tree diagram can be considered as a suitable means of showing the internal structure of sentences as produced by a set of rules. In short, using the theory of tree diagram in this research will make the structure of sentences easier to be understood by readers. 4, Song Lyrics Song can be defined as a piece of music which can be used for singing. Based on Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary (2015), song is “a short piece of music with words that you sing” (p. 1440). On the other hand, lyric is defined as words which form a song. Hornby (2015) states that lyric is “an artistic licence which expresses direct personal feeling” (p. 906). In this research, the researcher uses six John Denver’s song lyrics as the contexts of the research. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 9 Simple sentence has the most basic elements. It must contain at least subject and verb to make it stand by itself. Below are some examples of the simple sentences. 1) The building collapsed 2) They bought a new car 3) The director appointed the man a president 4) We all consider her unworthy b. Compound Sentence The second sentence type is called compound sentence. This sentence requires at least two main or independent clauses. In contrast to a simple sentence, a compound sentence consists of two or more clauses of equal grammatical importance (Murcia & Freeman, 1999, p. 20). The main clauses of a compound sentence are connected with connectors (for, and, nor, but, or, yet, and so). The examples of compound sentences are as below. 1) We can go to the library or we can go to the park 2) He is a writer and she is a cook 3) Sandra goes to the park, but she is not finished with her homework yet c Complex Sentence The third sentence type is called complex sentence. This sentence contains one independent clause and at least one dependent clause. The examples are as below. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 10 1) I know the man who is under the tree 2) James is watching TV when I come back 3) He said that it was better to have a dinner in a restaurant d. Compound-Complex Sentence Compound-complex sentence is the fourth type of a sentence. This sentence has at least two or more independent clauses and at least one or more dependent clauses. The sentence can be in the forms of statement, question, request, and exclamation. The examples are as below. 1) My brother and I went to the cinema that I had been wanting to see, and then we went to a restaurant near the cinema; 2) Before they were friends, Lisa and Trevor knew Julia, but they did not realise that they knew her until they met; 3) Stephanie cried when her dog died, but she soon got better. Therefore, it can be concluded that sentence is the basis of syntactic system which consists of a group words containing a subject and predicate as means of expressing ideas and messages. According to Bornstein (1977, p. 52), a sentence must contain Noun Phrase and Verb Phrase (S > NP + VP). a. Noun Phrase Noun phrase is a group of words in which a noun or pronoun has a function as the head of the phrase. Matthews (1997) defines noun phrase as “a phrase whose PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 11 head functions as noun”. According to Close (1975, p. 2), noun phrase can be in the forms of the following. 1) a NOUN, such as John, girls 2) a NOMINAL GROUP, such as the girls, the boy’s book, in which a noun (girls, book) is the HEAD, and in which the other words (the, the boy’s) MODIFY the head 3) a PRONOUN, which can be one of the seven so-called PERSONAL PRONOUNS (J, you, we, they, he, she, it) or an INDEFINITE PRONOUN like everyone or something, or one of the words like this and that which can be used as pronouns 4) a PRONOMINAL GROUP, such as we all, everyone in our class, in which a pronoun (we, everyone) is the head. In syntactic analysis, the noun phrases are represented by using the phrase structure tule as below. NP ——> N (book, John, family, New York, you, I, he, they) NP —— Det + N (a book, that dog, this city, the sentence) NP ——— NP +S (The man who rides a motorcycle) NP) —— The man Ss —_—_> The man rides a motorcycle PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI c) They are in the hotel. 2) Pattern 2:S +Lv+SC Example: a) Karin is beautiful. b) He looks sad. c) Mr. Barli has been a lecturer. 3) Pattern 3:S + Vt+dO Example: a) He catches the ball. b) She loves Richard. c) They learn to read a book 4) Pattern 4:S + Vt+dO+A Example: a) Karin puts her cellphone on the bed. b) T am planning a tour to Massachussets. c) He looked like as if he had seen a ghost d) Everyone must attend the meeting regularly. e) The earthquake happened when we slept 5) Pattern 5:S + Vt+dO + OC Example: a) The committee elected him a president. b) They named the child Karin. c) The painters painted the wall white. 14 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 6) Pattern 6:S + Vt+i0 + dO Example: a) Felix sent me a message. b) The lecturer taught us syntax. c) My father has given me a present. 7) Pattern 7: S + Vi a) She is crying. b) The boys were laughing. ic) The bird flies. 15 (Quirk & Greenbaum, 1973, p. 167) The above sentence patterns are commonly used when somebody tries to produce grammatically correct sentences. The sentences, however, can contain more than one adverbials. They can be put whether in the beginning, before or after a verb of a sentence. Quirk and Greenbaum (1973) call it as “Optional Adverbials”, which means that the sentence patterns “can be expanded by the addition of various optional adverbials” (p. 168). But, even though the sentences are added optional adverbials, the patterns remain the same as the basic forms. There are three basic sentence patterns which can be expanded by additional adverbials (Quirk & Greenbaum, 1973, p. 168). Followings are the description of each pattern and its example. 1) Pattern 1: (A) +S+Lv+(A)+A Example: (In the campus), the students are (now) on vacation 2) Pattern 6: S + (A) + Vt+iO +dO PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 16 Example: He (kindly) gave us his regards 3) Pattern 7: (A) + S + Vi+(A) Example: (Sometimes), she cries (loudly); (Suddenly), my brother laughed (uncontrollably) (Quirk & Greenbaum, 1973, p. 168) The optional adverbials oftenly appear when people use oral and written English. The researcher concluded that in pattern 1, the optional adverbial (s) can occur in the beginning and/or at the end of a sentence. In pattern 2, the first optional adverbial can occur in the beginning of a sentence and the second one can appear before another adverb. In pattern 6, at last, the adverbial can occur before the main verb. Quirk and Greenbaum (1973, p. 168) also categorise each symbol of the sentence pattern. There are nine symbols which are found to write down the patterns. The followings are the categorised symbols. Ss = Subject SC = Subject Complement Vt = Transitive Verb OC = = Object Complement Vi = Intransitive Verb iO = Indirect Object A = Adverb dO = = Direct Object Lv = Linking Verb (Quirk and Greenbaum, 1973, p. 168) PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 19 an instance of the Infl category” (p. 192). Figure 2.5 is the example of an auxiliary verb which is treated as the Infl category in a sentence. IP _———oT NP Infl vP a | a Det N will Vv NP | | | om A scientist discover Det N | the truth Figure 2.5 An IP with an Auxiliary in the Infl Position 5. Song Lyric Song lyric can only be defined separately. The word “song” means a piece of music which can be used for singing. According to Hornby (2015), song is “a short piece of music with words that you sing” (p. 1440). Song is able to interpret poems and translate their mood and atmosphere into music (Kamien, 1988, p. 307). It also creates satisfying melodies which are well-molded to the text. Thus, the researcher concludes that song is defined as artistic licence which can be used for singing. Furthermore, it is used to express someone’s emotion. Lyric is defined as the song’s words. Hornby (2015) states that lyric is “a kind of poetry which expresses direct personal feeling” (p. 906). Usually, lyric is produced in form of a written text by a lyre so that it can be read. From the explanation, it can be concluded that lyric is the words of a song which describe someone’s emotion or feeling. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 20 6. Relevant Previous Studies Syntactic analysis is a linguistic analysis of the structure of a sentence to break down its parts of speech components with an explanation of the form, function, and syntactic relationship of each part. The analysis is also able to show the patterns of the sentence. In this part, the researcher will show some examples of previous studies which are related to this research. The first study on syntactic analysis has been done previously by Purwata (2008). The study meant to analyse the sentence patterns of the lyrics syntactically. To analyse them, the researcher employed some theories which were suitable with the subject. Also, the theory of tree diagram from Bornstein (1997) was used to analyse the lyrics. The type of the research was descriptive qualitative research. To gather the data, the researcher chose three songs which were taken from one of the Westilfe’s albums, namely Westlife Deluxe. As a result, the researcher found seventeen kinds of sentence patterns. The sentences which were mostly used in the lyrics were kernel sentences and transformational sentences. Then, the sentence patterns which were used in the lyrics consisted of Noun Phrase plus Verb Phrase, Conjunction plus Noun Phrases plus Verb Phrases, and Adverb of Place plus Noun Phrase plus Verb Phrase. At last, the researcher also found the substandard English words such as I’ve, cause, and gonna. The second study was conducted by Khusnah (2008). The study was aimed to describe the kinds and the dominant structure of modification used in some of Emily Dickinson’s poems. Here, the researcher used descriptive qualitative method PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 21 to conduct the research and he used Chinese boxes theory from Francis (1958) to analyse the collected data. The first result of the study, which was based on Francis’s theory (1958), showed that the kinds of modification were noun phrase, verb phrase, adverb phrase, and adjective phrase. However, there was no structure of modification in form of prepositional phrase and function word. The second result revealed that the dominant phrase used was noun phrase. The third study was conducted by Halimah (2016). The purpose of the study was aimed to describe the syntactic structures of surface and deep structures that were found in Hello Magazine’s gossip article sentences by using the theory of tree diagram. Also, it was aimed to describe syntactic structures of Hello Magazine’s gossip article sentences by using the theory of Chinese boxes. The descriptive qualitative research was used in this study by the researcher. The first findings of the study showed that the syntactic patterns of surface structure and deep structure in the gossip article in Hello magazine consisted of noun phrase and verb phrase which covered many kinds of sentences. The second findings showed that the structure of predication had dominated all of the sentences in Hello Magazine’s gossip article. First, the structure of predication consisted of subject noun and it had a predicate structure of complementation. Second, the structure of modification tended to modificate the head noun with the noun or proper noun as the modifier. Third, the structure of complementation was dominated by a transitive verb as the verbal element and a direct object as the complement. Fourth, the structure of coordination were the structure of predication and the structure of complementation connected with the coordinator such as and, with, and not. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 24 O’ Grady, Dobrovolsky, and Katamba (1996) to draw the tree diagram and represent the patterns. Thus, this chapter provides the theories which are related and needed in this research. The main theory of this research is from Quirk and Greenbaum (1973) about sentence patterns. The second theory is from O’Grady, Dobrovolsky, and Katamba (1996) about the popular contemporary view of the phrase structure. The theories were employed to analyse the patterns of several sentences in the lyrics. Therefore, in order to find out the answer to the research question, the researcher analysed the sentences in John Denver’s song lyrics. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI CHAPTER IT RESEARCH METHODOLOGY In this chapter, the researcher presents the methodology which is used to conduct the study. This chapter discusses the methodology systematically. The discussion includes research method, data source, instruments and data gathering technique, and data analysis techniques. A. Research Method This research focused on the syntactic analysis on sentence patterns used in John Denver’s song lyrics. There is only one research question formulated to be discussed in this study. The question is “What sentence patterns are used in John Denver’s song lyrics?” The research was done by analysing the chosen sentences of John Denver’s song lyrics using the representation of tree diagram. Since this research focused on the sentence patterns of song lyrics, the researcher used qualitative research to analyse the data. Ary, Jacobs, and Razavieh (2002) stated “Qualitative research is a generic term for a variety of research approaches that study phenomena in their natural settings, without predetermined hypotheses” (p. 25). It means that the data are collected and analysed in forms of descriptive rather than statistical or numerical data. Therefore, the qualitative researchers deal more with descriptions rather than the quantity of data. 25 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 26 In this research, the researcher analysed the sentence patterns in John Denver’s song lyrics. It means that this research belongs to content analysis. Content analysis is a technique which enables researchers to study human behavior by analysing their communication in an indirect way (Fraenkel, Wallen, & Hyun, 2011, p. 478). The communication can be in the form of songs, textbooks, essays, editorials, graffiti, newspapers, articles, pictures, films, advertisements, electronic media, or scripts (Fraenkel et al, 2011, p. 478). This means that the document which can be used as the subject to be analysed is in form of audio, recording, written, or visual documents. According to Gall, Gall, and Borg (2007), content analysis focuses on studying “particular aspects of the information contained in a document, lyrics, film, or other form of communication”. Therefore, the researcher used the John Denver’s song lyrics to be analysed in order to answer the research question of this study. B. Data Source This research was done by analysing song lyrics which were written by John Denver. The analysis of the song lyrics was started on 15" November 2017 up to 28" March 2018. For three months, the researcher had analysed, identified, and categorised the sentence patterns of the lyrics and written up the report on the research. Therefore, the research setting was varied, such as library, home, and cafe as long as the scripts of the song lyrics were available since the study does not deal with human interaction and field study. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 29 1. Data Reduction Data reduction is a process of choosing certain data. Miles and Huberman (1994) say that data reduction is the process of selecting, simplifying, abstracting, and transforming data in the transcriptions. The researcher analysed all sentences in the six John Denver’s song lyrics whose patterns were able to be analysed. Then, the researcher chose five sentences from each lyric, particularly sentences which contained new sentence patterns and categories. 2. Data Display Displaying data will ease the researcher in constructing the conclusion. As stated by Miles and Huberman (1994) that a display is an assembly of information which is compressed and organised in order to make the conclusion to be constructed. By using this process, the researcher drew the tree diagram and then put the formulas of the diagram and patterns of the sentences based on the diagram into a table. It was made so that the researcher would be easier to draw the conclusion according to the data. Miles and Huberman (1994) say that by looking at displays will help the researcher to comprehend the idea of the information so that the researcher is able to determine what to do next. In short, by displaying data, the researcher would be able to draw conclusion more easily. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 30 IP _ Ooo TSO NP. Infl VP a PT N PP Pst Vt NP PP | ae | on, — To Young Vandy P NP put Det N P Det N boos | I I I | in Det N a bullet through his — brain I | his pain Figure 3.1 The Tree Diagram Example of a Sentence in John Denver’s Song Lyrics Table 3.1 The Examples of the Sentence Type and Pattern in John Denver’s Song Lyrics Sentence Type Simple Sentence Sentence Pattern (s) Pattern 4:S + Vt+dO+A 3. Conclusion Drawing The last step in interpreting the data is drawing the conclusions. The researcher drew the conclusions based on the data which had been simplified after finishing the previous steps. In short, the conclusions became more accurate and clearer since they were built from the processed data before. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI CHAPTER IV RESEARCH RESULTS AND DISCUSSION This chapter discusses the results and discussion in order to answer the research question which is formulated in the first chapter. A. Sentence Patterns in John Denver’s Song Lyrics In this section, the researcher describes the result of the patterns of sentences of the six John Denver’s song lyrics, namely Wild Montana Skies; Darcy Farrow; Poems, Prayers, and Promises; Take Me Home Country Roads; Shanghai Breezes; and Fly Away. From the sentences, the researcher identified sentence patterns in John Denver’s song lyrics are as below. Table 4.1 The Numbers of the Sentence Patterns in John Denver’ Song Lyrics Songs’ Titles Sentence Patterns Pattern | Pattern | Pattern | Pattern | Pattern | Pattern | Pattern | Pattern 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Pattern 9 Wild Montana Skies 1 - 4 1 1 ® 1 1 Darcy Farrow Poems, Prayers, and Promises Take me Home, Country Roads Shanghai Breezes Fly Away Total 31 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 34 Phrase (VP). In Noun Phrase, the lexemes His mother (Det + N) functioned as the Subject (S). The Inflection element was past since the main verb in the sentence was in the past form. In Verb Phrase, there were several layers which had different elements functions. The lexemes were took functioned as the Transitive Verb (Vt), him functioned as the Direct Object (dO), and to her breast functioned as the Adverb (A). In addition, the conjunction (conj) and was used to connect the Inflectional Phrase | (IP1) and Inflectional Phrase 2 (IP2). Inflectional Phrase 2 had the same syntactic elements like the ones in the Inflectional Phrase 1. They were Noun Phrase (NP) + Inflection (Infl) + Verb Phrase (VP). In Adverbial Phrase, the lexeme softly was considered optional as it did not always have to appear in the beginning of the sentence (Quirk & Greenbaum, 1973, p. 167). In Noun Phrase, the lexeme was the pronoun she which functioned as the Subject of the sentence. Then, the Inflection was in the past form since the time reference of the main verb was simple past. In Verb Phrase, finally, there were two categories involved, namely the Emphasis (Emph) did and the Intransitive Verb (Vi) sing. As far as the researcher knows, there is no Emphasis category in the tree diagram. Therefore, the researcher used Emph to represent the emphasis of the sentence. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 35 Sentence 2: His mother died that summer and he never learned to cry IP —_—— oT IP1 Conj IP2 aT I —_—o OT NP Infl VP. and NP Infl VP aon Le | I —_— TE Det N_ Pst Vi NP Pron Pst Qual vi InfinP | | Le I I I “NN His mother died Det N he never leamed Infin VP | I Io that summer to Vi | cry From the data above, it can be seen that the type of the sentence was compound sentence as it had two main clauses and it was connected with coordinated conjunction and. To analyse the patterns, the sentences were divided into two parts; Sentence I and Sentence II. Sentence Type Compound Sentence Sentence I: Pattern 1: S+ Vi+A Sentence Pattern (s) Sentence II: Pattern 3: S + (A) + Vt+dO Sentence I was “His mother died that summer” and it contained the elements of Subject (His mother), Intransitive Verb (died), and Adverb (that summer). The elements were combined and it produced pattern 1: S + Vi + A (Quirk & Greenbaum, 1973, p. 167). Sentence II was “He never learned to cry”. The elements here were Subject (He), Adverb (never), Transitive Verb (Jearned), and Direct Object (to cry) which formed pattern 3: S + (A) + Vt+ dO (Quirk & Greenbaum, PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 36 1973, p. 167). Therefore, it can be concluded that the sentence patterns from Sentence 2 were pattern | and 3. Syntactically, the tree diagram represented three major categories, namely Inflectional Phrase 1, Conjunction, and Inflectional Phrase 2. Here, the researcher proposed the term Infinitive Phrase to be symbolised as InfinP, instead of IP since there had already been used by Inflectional Phrase (IP). Also, the researcher argued that the use of IP symbol to represent the term Infinitive Phrase, as used by Andrew Radford (1997) in his book entitled Syntactic Theory and the Structure of English: A Minimalist Approach, was not efficient due to the existence of Inflectional Phrase which was also symbolised as IP. Therefore, the researcher would rather use the label InfinP than IP to represent Infinitive Phrase. Sentence 3: He never knew his father and he never did ask why IP ——— oO Pt Conj IP2 —— \ ee NP Int vP. and NP lanl vP \ VT \ Pe Pron Pst Qual Vt NP Pron Pst Qual Emph Vi AdvP \ I oN I \ \ \ \ He never knew Det N he never did ask Adv al \ his tather why According to the tree diagram above, it could be could be seen that the type of the sentence was compound sentence. The sentences were connected by the conjunction “and”. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 39 Based on the tree diagram, it can be seen that the Inflectional Phrase contained three major syntactic elements, such as Noun Phrase, Inflection, and Verb Phrase. In Noun Phrase, the pronoun He functioned as the Subject. The Inflection element was past as the main verb of the sentence was in the past form. In Verb Phrase, there were several layers which had different elements functions; the qualifier never functioned as the Adverb, knew functioned as the Transitive Verb, and the answers that would make an easy way functioned as the Noun Phrase. In addition, the researcher created a triangle layer for the Noun Phrase the answers that would make an easy way in order to make the analysis faster and shorter. Sentence 5: He learned to read the seasons and he learned to make a stand IP4 Conj IP2 —OT | cae. | NP Infl ‘VP and NP nfl VP | | a | | i Pron Pst Vi InfinP Pron Pst Vi InfinP | | a | ——— He leamed Infin ve He leamed Infin ‘VP | ia | —— t Vv NP fo Vt NP 1 ooo | ons tread Det oN make Det N | | | the seasons a_ stand The diagram shows that the type of the sentence was considered as compound sentence. The first sentence (IP1) was connected to the second sentence (IP2) by the conjunction “and”. Sentence Type Compound Sentence Sentence I: Pattern 3: S + Vt+ dO Sentence Pattern (s) Sentence II: Pattern 3: S + Vt+ dO PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 40 The results showed that the sentences had the same patterns. It was shown that both sentences contained similar elements, such as Subject, Transitive Verb, and Direct Object. In Sentence I, the classification of each element was He as the subject, learned as the Transitive Verb, and to read the seasons as the Direct Object. In Sentence II, the elements were He as the subject, /earned as the Transitive Verb, and to make a stand as the Direct Object. Those elements were grouped and it formed the sentence pattern 3: S + Vt + dO (Quirk & Greenbaum, 1973, p. 167). Aside of that, the diagram also showed that both Inflectional Phrases (IP1 and IP2) had the same major syntactic categories, namely Noun Phrase, Inflection, and Verb Phrase. The categories in Inflectional Phrase 1 were NP > Pron (He), Infl (Past), and VP > Vt (learned) + InfinP > Infin (to) + VP > Vt (read) + NP > Det (the) + N (seasons). Inflectional Phrase 2 had the same structures as in Inflectional Phrase 2, only that their lexical items were different, NP > Pron (He), Infl (Past), and VP > Vt (learned) + InfinP > Infin (to) + VP > Vt (make) + NP > Det (a) + N (stand). Darcy Farrow Sentence 1: She promised to wed before the snows came that year IP T.-M, _— IP1 Conj IP2 oO i ee NP. Infl ‘VP before NP. Infl VP | | a | —— Pron Pst Vt InfinP Det N Pst Vi NP | | —_ i i | oN She promised Infin Vi the snows came Det N | | | | to wed that year PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 41 The diagram showed that the sentence type was complex sentence since there were one main clause and one subordinate clause. According to the type of the clause, it can be considered that the subordinate clause was adverbial clause. Sentence Type Complex Sentence Sentence Pattern (s) Pattern 4:S + Vt+dO+A From the analysis, the researcher identified that the sentence contained four main elements. They were the subject we, the transitive verb promised, the direct object to wed, and the adverb before the snows came that year. According to Quirk and Greenbaum (1973), the sentence pattern which had those elements was considered as pattern 4: S + Vt+dO+A. In the tree diagram, it could be summarised that there were two Inflectional Phrases in one sentence. In Inflectional Phrase 1, the major rules were divided into three major categories, namely Noun Phrase, Inflection, and Verb Phrase. Hence, the structures of the phrase were NP > Pron (She), Infl (Past), and VP > Vt (promised) + InfinP > Infin (to) + VP > Vi (wed). Inflectional Phrase 2, however, had different minor structures compared to the previous one. They were NP > Det (the) + N (snows), Infl (Past), and VP > Vi (came) + NP > Det (that) + N (year). Both phrases were connected by the subordinate conjunction (Conj) before. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 44 Sentence 4: Young Vandy in his pain put a bullet through his brain IP ——— OOOO NP Infl VP ae ee ee N PP Pst Vt NP PP | a | ons To Young Vandy P NP put Det N P Det N 1 uN | | | | | in Det N a bullet through his — brain | I his pain From the diagram, it can be seen that the type of the sentence was simple sentence. Sentence Type Simple Sentence Sentence Pattern (s) Pattern 4:S + Vt+dO+A The sentence contained some main elements such as the Subject (Young Vandy in his pain), Transitive Verb (put), Direct Object (a bullet), and Adverb (through his brain). The elements were grouped together and they formed pattern 4: $ + Vt + dO + A. In analysing the structure of the inflectional phrase, the researcher found that the major syntactic categories were Noun Phrase, Inflection, and Verb Phrase. The rules of the structures were NP > N (Young Vandy) + PP > P (in) + NP > Det (his) + N (pain), Infl (Past), VP > Vt (put) + NP > Det (a) + N (bullet) + PP > P (through) + NP > Det (his) + N (brain). PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 45 Sentence 5: We buried them together as the snows began to fall I TFT Cc_Mmo IPi Conj IP2 —_—oT OT I —_—o TT NP Infl VP. as NP Infl VP | | ee ao | a Pron Pst Vt NP Det N Pst Vi InfinP | | es I | I os We buried Pron AdvP ihe snow began Infin VP | | | them Adv to Vi I | together fall The type of the sentence as shown in the diagram above was considered as complex sentence. It had one main clause and one subordinate clause. In addition, the subordinate clause was adverbial clause, which functioned as the adverb. Sentence Type Complex Sentence Sentence Pattern (s) Type 4:S+ Vt+d0+(A)+A In the sentence, there were three basic elements and one optional element. They were we as the subject, buried as the transitive verb, them as the direct object, together as the optional adverbial, and the adverbial clause as the snow began to fall as the adverb. Those elements were combined and it produced sentence pattern 4:S+Vt+dO+(A) +A. From the tree diagram, the researcher found out that there were two Inflectional Phrases below the main Inflectional Phrase. The phrases were connected by the adverbial subordinate conjunction “as”. In the first Inflectional Phrase, the structures of the phrase were NP > Pron (We), Infl (Past), and VP > PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 46 Vt (buried) + NP > Pron (them) + AdvP > Adv (together). In the second Inflectional Phrase, the structures were a bit different compared to the first one. They were NP > Det (the) + N (snow), Infl (Past), and VP > Vi (began) + InfinP > Infin (to) + VP > Vi (fall). Poems, Prayers, and Promises Sentence 1: I’ve been lately thinking about my life’s time IP oO NP vp | u~220 EEE Pron Pres Frog Adv vt PP ia I I | —— | have been lately thinking P NP ee about my life's time The sentence from the diagram was considered as simple sentence because there was one main clause only. Sentence Type Simple Sentence Sentence Pattern (s) Pattern 3:S + Vt+ dO After analysing the sentence, the researcher found that the sentence pattern of the sentence was pattern 3. The sentence had three elements, namely Subject (J), Transitive Verb (have been lately thinking about), and Direct Object (my life’s time). The elements were combined together and it formed the sentence pattern pattern 3: S + Vt + dO (Quirk & Greenbaum, 1973, p. 167). Syntactically, the sentence consisted of some structures. They were NP > Pron (J) and VP > Pres (have) + Prog (been) + Adv (lately) + Vt (thinking) + PP PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 49 There were three basic elements and three optional elements within the sentence. In the basic elements, there were Subject (/t), Linking Verb (is), and Subject Complement (fine). The optional elements, then, were three optional adverbs. One of them was placed before the Subject Complement and the others were after it. The first, second, and third adverbs were really, to have a chance, and to hang around. At last, the elements were put together and they resulted sentence pattern 2: S + Lv + (A) + SC + (A) + (A) (Quirk & Greenbaum, 1973, p. 167). The major phrase structure categories were analysed by the researcher and the results were Noun Phrase and Verb Phrase. In Noun Phrase, the structures were NP > Pron (/t). In Verb Phrase, the structures were VP > Lv (is) + AP > Adv (really) + A (fine) + InfinP > Infin (to) + VP > Vt (have) + NP > Det (a) + N (chance) + InfinP > Infin (to) + VP (hang around). Sentence 4: Time around me whispers when it’s cold IP —— nh. IP1 Conj IP2 ——— a | -—~ NP. Infl VP when NP WP Oe | | | “~~ N PP. Non-Pst Vi Pron LV AP | a | | ! | Time P NP whispers. itt is A | | | around Pron cold | me The diagram above represents the picture of the structure and type of the sentence. It is found that the type of the sentence is complex sentence, which means that the sentence contains one main clause and one subordinate clause. Further, the PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 50 subordinate clause here is considered as adverbial clause since its subordinate conjunction is the adverb of time. Sentence Type Complex Sentence Sentence Pattern (s) Pattern 1: S + Vi+ (A) The sentence here contains three elements which forms the sentence pattern. The main elements are the subject (Time around me) and the Intransitive Verb (whispers), while the other one is Optional Adverb in the form of adverbial clause (when it is cold). It can be summarised that from the elements involved, the sentence pattern is pattern 1: S + Vi + (A) (Quirk & Greenbaum, 1973, p. 167). Syntactically, the major phrase structure categories in the sentence are Noun Phrase, Inflection, and Verb Phrase. The classification of each structure is: NP > N (Time) + PP > P (around) + NP > N (me), Infl (Non-Past), and VP > Vi (whispers). The inflectional phrase 1, then, is connected to the inflectional phrase 2 by using the subordinate conjunction (Conj) when. In inflectional phrase 2, the structures are NP > Pron (it) and VP > Lv (is) + AP > A (cold). Sentence 5: I’d like to raise a family IP Ooo NP VP I se Pron M Vt NP l | I a | would like to raise Det WN I a family PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 51 From the tree diagram, it can be seen that the type of the sentence was simple sentence. Sentence Type Simple Sentence Sentence Pattern (s) Pattern 3:S + Vt+ dO The sentence in the diagram contained three major elements, namely Subject (J), Transitive Verb (would like to raise), and Direct Object (a family). The elements were put together and it formed sentence pattern 3: S + Vt + dO (Quirk & Greenbaum, 1973, p. 167). Meanwhile, in the phrase structure analysis, the researcher found that the major categories were Noun Phrase and Verb Phrase. Their structures were NP > Pron (/) and VP > M (would like to) + Vt (raise) + NP > Det (a) + N (family). Take Me Home, Country Roads Sentence 1: Life is old there IP ee NP Infl VP | | a N Non-Pst LV AP | LN Life is A AdvP | | old A | there PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 54 There were four main elements in the sentence, namely the Subject (/), Transitive Verb (hear), Direct Object (her voice), and Adverb (in the morning hour). Aside of that, the result of analysing the tree diagram were that the major categories from the Inflectional Phrase were Noun Phrase and Verb Phrase. Then, the structures of the phrases were NP > Pron (/) and VP > Vt (hear) + NP > Det (her) + N (voice) + PP > P (in) + Det (the) + N (morning) + N (hour). To summarise, those four elements of the sentence were combined and it formed sentence pattern 4: S + Vt+ dO + A (Quirk & Greenbaum, 1973, p. 167). Sentence 4: The radio reminds me of my home far away IP ——— OD NP Infl VP ao, | a Det N Non-Pst Vt NP | | | a The radio reminds Pron PP | a me P NP [_ = a of Det N AdvP | | aa my home far away The tree diagram above shows that the type of the sentence was simple sentence. Sentence Type Simple Sentence Sentence Pattern (s) Pattern 4: S + Vt+dO+A+(A) PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 55 The sentence “The radio reminds me of my home far away” contained four main elements and one optional element, namely the Subject (The radio), Transitive Verb (reminds), Direct Object (me), Adverb (of my home), and Optional Adverb (far away). The researcher put the elements in the correct grammatical order and it formed sentence pattern 4: S + Vt+ dO + A + (A) (Quirk & Greenbaum, 1973, p. 167). From the phrase structure analysis, the researcher found that the major categories of the sentence were Noun Phrase and Verb Phrase. The structures of those phrases were NP > Det (The) + N (radio) and VP > Vt (reminds) + NP > Pron (me) + PP > P (of) + NP > Det (my) + N (home) + AdvP (far away). Sentence 5: I get a feeling that I should have been home yesterday IP mM Pron Non-Pst wo I Aa ay rea ha es ce 3 mG Fil SIGUA VO ESE Tome yosto Gay The diagram shows that the sentence type was complex sentence since it consisted of one main clause and one subordinate clause. Sentence Type Complex Sentence Sentence Pattern (s) Pattern 5: S + Vt+ dO + OC PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 56 The sentence consisted of four main elements, specifically the Subject (/), Transitive Verb (get), Direct Object (a feeling), and Object Complement (that I should have been home yesterday). The elements were put together and it produced sentence pattern 5: S + Vt + dO + OC (Quirk & Greenbaum, 1973, p. 167). Syntactically, the structures of the inflectional phrase were NP > Pron (/) and VP > Vt (get) + NP > Det (a) + N (feeling) + CP (that I should have been home yesterday). Shanghai Breezes Sentence 1: It’s funny of how you sound as if you’re right next door IP. —_— NP. VP | et Pron LV AP | | a It is A cP. | -e—_. funny C IP | oT how IP1 Conj IP2 To | NP Inf VP asif NP VP. | | | | a Pron Non-Pst Vi Pron LV AP | | | | a you sound you were A PP | a right A NP | | next N | door The tree diagram above shows that the type of the sentence was complex sentence. Sentence Type Complex Sentence Sentence Pattern (s) Pattern 9:S+Lv+SC+APC+A PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 59 The sentence above was considered as complex sentence for there was one main clause and one subordinate clause. Sentence Type Complex Sentence Sentence Pattern (s) Pattern 3:S + Vt+ dO From the analysis, the researcher found that there were three main elements in the sentence. They were the Subject (J), Transitive Verb (can’t remember), and Direct Object in the form of Noun Clause (when I felt so close to you). Thus, elements of the sentence were combined and they created sentence pattern 3: S + Vt + dO (Quirk & Greenbaum, 1973, p. 167). The researcher also found that the major categories of the inflectional phrase were Noun Phrase and Verb Phrase. The structures of the categories were NP > Pron (J) and VP > NegM (cannot) + Vt (remember) + CP > C (when) + IP > NP Pron (J), VP > Lv (felt) + AP > Deg (so) + A (close to you). Sentence 4: The moon and the stars are the same ones IP —_— > NP VP — OT a NP14 Conj NP2 LV NP ae | a | aT Det N and Det N are Det A N | | | | | | | The moon the stars the same ones PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 60 Based on the tree diagram, it can be seen that the type of the sentence is simple sentence. Sentence Type Simple Sentence Sentence Pattern (s) Pattern 2: S + Lv + SC There are three major elements which exist in this sentence. They are The moon and the stars as the Subject , are as the Linking Verb, and the same ones as Subject Complement. The elements are combined together and it becomes sentence pattern 2: S + Lv + SC (Quirk & Greenbaum, 1973, p. 167). Then, the result of the phrase structure analysis is NP > NPI > Det (The) + N (moon) + Conj (and) + NP2 > Det (the) + N (stars), VP > Lv (are) + NP > Det (the) + A (same) +N (ones). In summary, the researcher concludes that the sentence pattern is pattern 2. Sentence 5: Your love in my life is like heaven to me IP —— ee NP VP Tee ee Det N PP LV PP I Lo a Your love P NP is P NP bos I a in Det N like oN PP al | “oN my life heaven P NP | | to Pron | me The sentence from the diagram is considered as simple sentence because there was only one main clause. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 61 Sentence Type Simple Sentence Sentence Pattern (s) Pattern 2:S +Lv+SC The sentence contained three main elements, namely the Subject (Your love in my life), Linking Verb (is like), and Subject Complement (heaven to me). From the elements involved, the researcher concluded that the sentence pattern was pattern 2: S + Lv + SC (Quirk & Greenbaum, 1973, p. 167). Also, there were two major categories of the phrase structures; Noun Phrase and Verb Phrase. The structures of the phrases were NP > Det (Your) + N (love) + PP > P (in) +NP > Det (my) + N (life) and VP > Lv (is) + PP > P (like) + NP > N (heaven) + PP > P (to) + NP > Pron (me). Fly Away Sentence 1: All of her days have gone soft and cloudy IP. SS oe et NP. VP. a —_ Pron PP Pert Lv AP. | ao | eee All P NP. have gone soft and cloudy Loe of Det N I | her days The sentence in the diagram was considered as simple sentence and it used present perfect tense as the time referent. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 64 Noun Phrase and Verb Phrase were NP > Pron (She) and VP > Aux (is) + Vi (getting) + AP > A (ready) + PP > Infin (to) + VP > Vi (fly). Sentence 3: Life in the city can make you crazy for sounds of the sand and the sea IP -_———oO NP ve —— — oT NPP M vt NP ea \ eS life P NP can make Pron AP Los I in Det N you A PP a Po eee the city crazy P NP. DT for sounds of the sand and the sea The diagram above represents the structure and type of the sentence. It was considered as simple sentence for there was only one main or independent clause. Sentence Type Simple Sentence Sentence Pattern (s) Pattern 5: S + Vt+dO + OC + (A) Within the sentence, there were four basic elements and one optional element of the sentence pattern. The four basic elements were the Subject, Transitive Verb, Direct Object, and Object Complement, while the optional one was the Adverb. Here, the Subject of the sentence was Life in the city, the Transitive Verb combined with modal was can make, the Direct Object was you, the Object Complement was crazy. Last but not least, the optional element, an adverb, was for sounds of the sand and the sea. In short, the elements were combined and it became sentence pattern 5: S + Vt + dO + OC + (A) (Quirk & Greenbaum, 1973, p. 167). PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 65 In analysing the phrase structures, the researcher found that there were two major categories within the inflectional phrase, namely Noun Phrase and Verb Phrase. In Noun Phrase, the rules and categories involved were NP > N (Life) + PP > P (in) + NP > Det (the) + N (city). In Verb Phrase, the rules and categories were VP > M (can) + Vt (make) + NP > Pron (you) + AP > A (crazy) + PP > P (for) + NP (sounds of the sand and the sea). Sentence 4: She listens for laughter and sounds of dancing IP Ne Fu Reet Rc ie or she listens oN | for laughter and sounds of dancing The tree diagram above shows that the type of the sentence was considered as simple sentence. Sentence Type Simple Sentence Sentence Pattern (s) Pattern 3: S + Vt+ dO In the simple sentence, there were three main elements which were used to built the sentence, namely Subject (She), Transitive Verb (listens for), and Direct Object (laughter and sounds of dancing). From the elements which exist in the sentence, it can be concluded that the sentence pattern was pattern 3: S + Vt+ dO (Quirk & Greenbaum, 1973, p. 167). Then, there were three major categories in the PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 66 Inflectional Phrase; Noun Phrase, Inflection, and Verb Phrase. By analysing each of the category, it can be summarised that the structures within them were NP > Pron (She), Infl (Non-Past), and VP > Vt (listens) + PP > P (for) + NP (laughter and sounds of dancing). Sentence 5: She is looking for signs of the spring Ip —_—_—_—_— NP ve. \ wt Pron Aux vt PP \ I 1 —— She is looking P NP. \ — for N PP te signs P NP a of Det oN 1 \ the spring The tree diagram showed that the type of the sentence was simple sentence. Sentence Type Simple Sentence Sentence Pattern (s) Pattern 3: S + Vt+ dO Based on the analysis, the researcher identified that the elements of the sentence was She as the Subject, is looking for as the Transitive Verb, and signs of the spring as the Direct Object. Following the theory from Quirk and Greenbaum (1973), it was stated that the sentence pattern which had the main elements was considered as pattern 3: S + Vt + dO. Syntactically, the structures of the diagram were NP > Pron (She) and VP > Aux (is) + Vt (looking) + PP > P (for) + NP > N (signs) + PP > P (of) + NP > Det (the) + N (spring). PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI CHAPTER V CONCLUSIONS, IMPLICATIONS, AND RECOMMENDATIONS There are three major sections which are provided in this chapter, namely conclusions, implications, and suggestions. In conclusions, the researcher concludes the findings and data analysis of this research. In implications, the researcher describes some implications of the results of this research. In recommendations, at last, the researcher provides several recommendations for future researchers who want to conduct the similar research. A. Conclusions This research was conducted in order to answer the following research question: What sentence patterns are used in John Denver’s song lyrics? To answer the research question, the researcher analysed the data by using syntactic analysis. The researcher drew the tree diagrams of the chosen sentences and determined the sentences types and the sentence patterns. The data analysis showed that there were eight patterns found, including two new patterns which were proposed by the researcher. Those patterns were pattern 1: S + Vi +A, pattern 2: S + Lv + SC, pattern 3: S + Vt + dO, pattern 4: S + Vt + dO + A, pattern 5:$ + Vt+dO + OC, pattern 7: S + Vi+A, pattern 8: (A) + S + (Emph) + Vi, and pattern 9:S +Lv+SC+APC+A. From the results, the researcher found that the largest number of the sentence pattern in John Denver’s song lyrics is pattern 3: S + Vt + dO. The 69 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 70 pattern is used for 12 times. On the other hand, there are two patterns which are less-frequently used, namely pattern 8: S+ (Emph) + Vi and pattern 9: S + Lv + SC + APC + A. Each of them happens to be used | time only. Finally, there is one pattern which is not used at all, namely pattern 6: S + Vt + iO + dO. B. Implications This research provides implications for some people. The first implication is for English Language Education Study Program (ELESP) students. By knowing the results of this research, the ELESP students can understand better about English sentence patterns and types of English sentences. In addition, the students can also draw tree diagrams better and comprehend the phrase structures involved within the diagrams. The last implication is for future researchers. They may use this research as a reference or inspiration to conduct the similar research on syntactic analysis and sentence patterns. Therefore, it will be easier for them to look for other different references which are cited in this research. Cc. Recommendations From the research, the researcher wants to give some recommendations to ELESP students and future researchers. 1. ELESP Students In the Grammar class, the researcher expects that students can learn the knowledge of the sentence patterns better by using song lyrics to be analysed. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 71 Aside of that, students are expected to be able to comprehend deeper about types of English sentences. In the Syntax class, the researcher hopes that students can draw tree diagrams and label the categories of each lexical item correctly. 2. Future Researchers The researcher hopes that other researchers in the future can expand and improve this research by conducting other similar research on syntactic analysis. Other researchers may write further research on sentence patterns and syntax by analysing different objects to enrich or expand the knowledge of syntactic analysis. Also, the researcher expects that future researchers can conduct similar research quantitatively. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 74 Kurohashi, S. & Nagao, M. (1994). A syntactic analysis method of long Japanese sentences based on the detection of conjunctive structures. Journal of Computational Linguistics, 20 (4), 507-534. Krisdiyanta, N. (2008). English passive sentences in the light of syntax. LLT Journal, 11 (1), 37-45. Matthews, P. H. (1981). Syntax. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Miles, M. B. & Huberman, A. M. (1994). Qualitative data analysis: An expanded sourcebook (2"™ ed.). Thousand Oaks: SAGE Publications. Miller, J. (2002). An introduction to English syntax. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press. O’Grady, W., Dobrovolsky, M., & Katamba, F. (1996). Contemporary linguistics: An introduction. London: Longman. Onions, C. T. (1971). Modern English syntax. New York: St. Martin’s Press. Poems, Prayers, and Promises (2003). In AZlyrics. Retrieved on gh May 2018 from ml. Poole, S.C. (1999). An introduction to linguistics. New York: Palgrave. Poole, G. (2002). Syntactic theory. New York: Palgrave. Prabandari, C. S. (2007). Syntactic structure of newspaper headlines. LLT Journal, 20 (2), 45-48. Purwata, I. (2008). A syntactical analysis on sentence patterns used in Westlife’s song lyrics. (Unpublished undergraduate thesis). Islamic State University of Malang, Malang. Quirk, R., & Greenbaum, S. (1973). A university grammar of English. London: Longman. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 75 Quirk, R., Greenbaum, S., Leech, G., & Svartvik, J. (1985). A comprehensive grammar of the English language. London: Longman. Radford, A. (1997a). Syntax: A minimalist introduction. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Radford, A. (1997b). 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Darcy Farrow lyrics Darcy Farrow by John Denver Where the walker runs down to the Carson Valley Plain, there lived a maiden, Darcy Farrow was her name. The daughter of old Dundee, and a fair one was she, the sweetest flower that bloomed o'er the range. Her voice was as sweet as sugar candy, her touch was as soft as a bed of goose down. Her eyes shone bright like the pretty lights that shine in the night out of Yerrington town. She was courted by young Vandamere. A fine lad was he as I am to hear. He gave her silver rings and lacy things. She promised to wed before the snows came that year. But her pony did stumble, and she did fall. Her dying touched the hearts of us one and all. Young Vandy in his pain put a bullet through his brain, We buried them together as the snows began to fall. They sing of Darcy Farrow where the Truckee runs through, they sing of her beauty in Virginia City, too. At dusky sundown to her name they drink around and to young Vandy whose love was true. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 80 Appendix 3. Poems, Prayers, and Promises lyrics Poems, Prayers, and Promises by John Denver I've been lately thinking about my life's time, all the things I've done and how it's been. And I can't help believing in my own mind, I know I'm gonna hate to see it end. I've seen a lot of sunshine, slept out in the rain, spent a night or two all on my own. I've known my lady's pleasures, had myself some friends, spent a time or two in my own home. Thave to say it now, it's been good life all in all, it's really fine to have a chance to hang around. and lie there by the fire and watch the evening tire while all my friends and my old lady sit and pass a pipe around. And talk of poems and prayers and promises and things that we believe in. How sweet it is to love someone, how right it is to care. How long it's been since yesterday, what about tomorrow and what about our dreams and all the memories we share? Days they pass so quickly now, the nights are seldom long. Time around me whispers when it's cold. The changes somehow frightens me, still I have to smile. It turns me on to think of growing old. For though my life's been good to me there's still so much to do. So many things my mind has never known. I'd like to raise a family, I'd like to sail away and dance across the mountains on the moon. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 81 Thave to say it now, it's been good life all in all, it's really fine to have a chance to hang around. and lie there by the fire and watch the evening tire while all my friends and my old lady sit and pass a pipe around. And talk of poems and prayers and promises and things that we believe in. How sweet it is to love someone, how right it is to care. How long it's been since yesterday, what about tomorrow and what about our dreams and all the memories we share?
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