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Tenses grammar First academic English department, Exercises of Grammar and Composition

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Download Tenses grammar First academic English department and more Exercises Grammar and Composition in PDF only on Docsity! Present continuous (I am doing) Study this example situation: Sarah is in her car, She is on her way to work. She is driving to work. This means: she is driving row, at the time of speak The action is not finished. Amfis/are + -ing is the presemt continuous: I am (=I'm) driving he/shefit is (= he’sete.) | working welyoufthey are (= we're etc.) | doing etc. aaa) Lam doing something = I'm in the middle of doing it; I've started doing it and I haven't finished yet: 5 Please don’t make so much noise. I'm trying to work. (not I try) ‘Where's Mark?” ‘He's having a shower.” (vot He has a shower) 1 Let’s go out now. It isn’t raining any more. (stot It doesn’t rain) © (ata party) Hello, Jane. Are you enjoying the party? (not Do you enjoy) ©) What's all that noise? What’s going on? (= What's happening? ‘The action is not necessarily happening at the time of speaking. For example: Sreve is talking to a friend on the phone. He sa’ I'm reading a really eood book at the moment) Ws about a rin who ) i Steve is not reading the book at the time of speaking. He means thar he has started it, bur has nor finished ir yer. He is in the middle of reading it. Some more examples: 1 Kate wants to work in Italy, so she’s learning Italian, (but perhaps she isn’t learning Iralian at the time of speaking) © Some friends of mine are building their own house, They hope to finish it next summer. © A: You're working hard today. (not You work hard today) ti Yes, [have a lot to do. 0 The company I work for isn't doing so well this year. We use the present continuous when we talk about changes happening around now, especially oe You can use the present continuous with today / this week / this year etc. (periods around now): with these verbs: get change become increase rise fall grow improve begin 5 The population of the world is increasing very fast. (not increases) At first I didn’t like my job, bur Pm beginning to enjoy it now. (nat I begin) 2 Present continuous and present simple ~ Units 3-4 Present tenses for the future — Unit 19 1 Is your English getting better? (izot Does your English get better) | | Exercises Unit 1 Complete the sentences with the following verbs in the correct form: get happen look lose, = make start stay. try work *You hard today.’ *Yes, T have a lot to do." [canara for Christine. Do you know where she is? dark. Shall [ turn on the light? e anywhere ta live at the moment. They Bw .. with friends ‘They don’t until they find somewhere 5 Things are not so good at work, The COMPANY einen nee annem MONEY. 6 Have you got an umbrella? Ie areas to Tain. 7 YOU 4 a lor of noise. Can you be quieter naume to concentrate. 8 Why are all these people here? Whar saint Put the verb into the correct form. Sometimes you need the negative (I'm not doing ctc.). Please don’t make so much noise. 1.™.2t¥ing.. (try) to work. Let's go our now, Ie 89 + FaunUNg_ (rain) any more. You can turn off the radio, T oesoemnunsnn ww (listen) to it. Kate phoned me last night. She's on holiday in France. She... : (have) a great time and doesn’t want to come back. I want to lose weight, so this week I sincere. Gat) letiChs Andrew has just started evening classes. He 7 ‘ (learn) German. Paul and Sally have had an argument. They 00. (speak) ro each other. BD nn sc (get) tired, I need a rest. 9 Tim (work) this week. He’s on holiday, we ow Complete the conversations. 1 a: I saw Brian a few days ago. B: Oh, did you? ..\Whats ne doug. these days? (what / he / do} A: He's ar university. b (what / he f study) ai Psychology. & - _. ite (he / enjoy) a: Yes, he says it's a very good course. Hi, Liz, How .... comune in Your new job? (you f get on) ii Nov badd’ wasn't co good AP GAG Bilt a better now. (things / get) a: What about Jonathan? Is he OK? B: Yes, but si er his work ar the moment. (he / not / enjoy) Hes been in thesame jab for alone rimesand to get bored with it. (he / begin) Complete the sentences using the following verbs: begin change —get_—inerease- rise 1 The population of the world 5 enereasing very fast. 2 The world . Things never stay the same 3. The situation is already bad. Nd IE enmorinn ~ Worse. 4 The cost of living <2. een «, verges ition avenneeomBatves 5 The weather . - to improve. The rain has stopped, and the wind isn’t as strong. Present simple (I do) Study this example situatior Mex is a bus driver, but now he is in bed asleep He is not driving a bus. (He is asleep.) but He drives a bus. (He is a bus driver.) Driveis)/workis)/doles! ete. is the present simple: pec hefshefit drives/works/does et PI) we se the present simple to talk about things in general, We use it vo say that something happens all the time or repeatedly, or that something is true in general: 3 Nurses look after patients in hospitals. 3 L usually go away at weekends. The earth goes round the sun. 1 The café opens at 7.30 in the morning. Remember: Iwork ... bat He works ... They teach ... but My sister teaches ... For spelling (-s or -es), see Appendix 6. We use dofdoes to make questions and negative sentences: | ork? | | a vwetpeutey | ™ he | | aiivelyoulthey | don't ae rive does | he/shefit he/she/it doesn’t do? U I come from Canada. Where do you come from? 0 I don’t go away very often, What does this word mean? (not What means this word?) 10 Rice doesn’t grow in cold climates. In the following examples, do is also the main verb (do you do / doesn’t do ete.): © ‘Whar do you do?" ‘I work in a shop.’ G He's always so lazy, He doesn’t do anything to help. We use the present simple to say how often we do things: 1 Tget up at 8 o'clock every morning. 2 How often do you go to the dentist? 1 Julie doesn’t drink tea very often. | & Robert usually goes away two or threc times a year. PIES) 1 rosie /1 apotogse ec Sometimes we do things by saying something, For example, when you promise to do something, | you can say ‘I promise ...’; when you suggest something, you can say ‘I suggest © I promise I won't be late. (not I'm promising) © ‘What do you suggest Ido?” “T suggest that you In the same way we say: I apologise ... /I advise ... / insist ... agree ... / I refuse ... ete. 4 Present simple and present continuous > Units 3-4 Present tenses for the future — Unit 19 Exercises Unit 2 24 22 24 Complete the sentences using the following verbs: cause(s) connectis)—drink(s}_—_live(s)open(s) speaks}. takes) 1 Tanya ..522a#5... German very well. 2 DAONE OFFER a eoeinesnn none Coffee. 3. The swimming pool coum at 7.30 every morning. 4 Bad driving many accidents. 5 My parents on ina very small flat 6 The Olympic Games .. sous plage every four years, 7 The Panama Canal coon the Atlantic and Pacific oceans. Put the verb into the carrect form. Julie ...49¢sn ¢. drink... (not / drink) tea very often, 1 2 What time .. isentatiin . (the banks / close) here? 3 Five gor a.compsaner, hurt (nor fuse) it much, 4 ‘Where x (Martin / come) from? “He's Scottish.” 5 ‘What ms www (You/ do)?’ ‘I'm an electrician.” 6 Ir. soos. (take) me an hour to get to work. How long = lit / take} you? Look at this sentence. What -....—-» 8 David isn’t very fit. He zs croessmenw (this word / mean)? wvaimimnnicnm (NOt da) any sport. Use the following verbs to complete the sentences. Sometimes you need the negative: believe eat flow go. grow = make —rrise—refl~—_ translate An interpreter socicusensnon from one The earth ...2288... round the sun. 1 2 Rice doesn't. grow in Britain. language into another. 3. The sun — inthe east, 8 Liars are people WhO -ve---erneen nn BeeS ages honey. the truth. 5S Vegetarians penne meat. 9 The River AMAZO1 eee ene 6 AM ARHEISE nv witinn omni nines in God, into the Atlantic Ocean. You ask Liz questions about herself and her family, Write the questions, 1 You know that Liz plays tennis. You want to know how often. Ask her How often ....29. you. play tenncs, 2 2 Pethaps Liz's sister plays tennis too. You want to know. Ask Liz your sister ..... 3 You knowe that Liz zeads a néwspaper-every day You want to knew which one. sk her. a You ‘now Tha Liz’s brother works. You want to know what he does. Ask Lit, 5 You know thar Liz goes to the cinema a lot. You want to kriow how often. Ask her. 6 You don’t know where Liz’s grandparents live. You want to know. Ask Liz. Complete using the following: 1 apologise Linsist I promise I recommend I suggest Iesa nice day. ..l..8499¢8t... we go out for a walk. I won't tell anybody what you said. wi (in a restaurant) You must let me pay for the meal... ou for what I did. It won't happen again. The new restaurant in Hill Street is very good. wwe Study this example: Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart was an Austrian musician and composer. He lived from 1756 to 1791. He started composing at the age of five and wrote more than 600 pieces of music. He was only 35 years ald when he died. Lived/started/wrote/was/died are all past sintple. Very often the past simple ends in -ed (reglar verbs): © E work in a travel agency now. Before that I worked in a department store. 0 We invited them to our party, but they decided not to come. | © The police stopped me on my way home last night. © Laura passed her examination because she studied very hard. For spelling (stopped, studied cte.), see Appendix 6. But many verbs are irregular. The past simple does not end in -ed. For example: write = wrote 5 Movart wrote more than 600 pieces of music. see — saw 1 We saw Rose in town a few days ago. go = went © 1 went to the cinema three times last week. shut — shut G It was cold, so | shut the window. For a list of irregular verbs, sce Appendix 1. In questions and negatives we use did/didn’t + infinitive (enjoy/see/go er 1} enjoyed you | enj ) 1 enjoy she | saw did she | see? | she | didn't see | they | went they | go? they go | © As Did you go out last night? : Yes, I went to the cinema, but I didn’t enjoy the film much. (2 ‘When did Mr Thomas die?’ ‘About ten years ago.” They didn’t invite her to the party, so she didn’t go. Go ‘Did you have time to write the letter?” *No, I didn’t.” © What did you do at the weekend? (#of What did you at the weekend?) © I didn’t do anything. (not I didn't anything) ‘The past of be (arvis/are) is was/were: | thersherie washwasn’t was Uhe/shefit? | | we/youfthey werefweren't wie ‘welyourhey? Note thar we do not use did in negatives and questions with was/were: © [was angry because they were late. 1 Was the weather good when you were on holiday? © They weren't able to come because they were so busy. © Did you go our last night or were you too tired? Past simple and past continuous —> Unit 6 Past simple and present perfeet — Units 12-14 In the following examples, do is the main verb in the sentence (did ... do / didn’t do}: Exercises Unit 5 5.1 Read what Laura says about a typical working day: usually get up at 7 o'clock and have a big breakfast. | walk 2 ~\ work, which takes me about half an hour, I start work at 8.45. never have lunch. | finish work at § o'clock. I'm always tired si I get home. | usually cook a meal in the evening, | don't usually \.99 out, | go to bed at about 11 o'clock, and | always sleep wel Laura Yesterday was a typical working day for Laura. Write what she did or didn't do yesterday. 1 She got up ab 7, o'clock. ——— at 5 o'clock. 2 She Fa a big breakfast, 8. ucnsssunum tired When . -. home. 3 She , Bispace uu. @ meal yesterday evening. 4 an to get to work. 10 cuonsneenweeneoms OUt yesterday evening, 5 ar 8.45. 11 2 -. at 11 o'clock. 6 lunch. 12 __... well last night. 5.2 Complete the sentences using the following verbs in the correct form: buy catch cost’ fall. =~ hurt —sell_~— spend —teach_~— throw -weite- Mozart ..W6%.. more than 600 pieces of music, 1 2 ‘How did you learn to drive?” “My father .... me. 3 We couldn't afford to keep our car, so we » ir. 4 Dave down the stairs this morning and... his leg. 5 Jim the ball to Sue, who it. 6 Ann commune a 1OL Of money yesterday. She ... a dress which £100. 5.3 You ask James about his holiday. Write your questions. Hi. How are things? Fine, thanks. [ve just had a great holi 1 Where did. you go To the U.S. We went on a trip from San Francisco to Denver. 2 How . ? By car? . Yes, we hired a car in San Francisco. 3 It’s a long way to drive. How long, seaececrumase : Two weeks. 4 Where cosas. ? In hotels? Yes, small hotels or motels. Yes, but it was very hot - sometimes too hor. 6 the Grand Canyo Of course. It was wonderful. 5.4 Complete the sentences. Put the verb into the correct form, positive or negative It was warm, so I ...}00K... off my coat. (take) 1 2 The film wasn’t very good. I ...déan't enjoy... it very much. (enjoy) 3 I knew Sarah was very busy, so I — her. (disturb) 4 Iwas very tired, so 1 women the party early, (leave) 5 The bed was very uncomfortable. I... very well. (sleep) é 6 The window was open and a bird into the room. (fly) swe Wety much. (cost) time to phone you. (have) very heavy. (be) The hotel wasn't very expensive, It 8 Lwasina hurry, so 1 9 Ie-was hard carrying the bags. They Past continuous (1 was doing) Study this example situat Yesterday Karen and Jim played tennis. They began at 10 o'clock and finished at 11,30. So, at 10.30 they were playing tennis. ‘They were playing = they were in the middle of playing. They had not finished playing. Waslwere -ing is the past continuous: playing doing working etc Whe/shelit was welyou/they were ea Iwas doing something = I was in the middle of doing something at a certain time. The action or situation had already started before this time, but had not finished: Istarted doing, Lwas doing I finished doing, et + past past now i This time last year I was living in Brazil. 3 What were you doing at 10 o'clock last night? 5) L waved to Helen, but she wasn’t looking. Compare the past continuous (I was doing) and past simple (I did): Past continuous (in the middle of an action) | Past simple (complete action) 1 I was walking home when I met Dave. (in the middle of an action) 3 Kate was watching television when © Twalked home after the party last night. (= all the way, completely) © Kate watched television a lor when she we arrived. was ill last year. We often use the past simple and the past continuous together to say that something happened in the middle of something else: 3 Matt phoned while we were having dinner. | | | | 1 Ie was raining when I got up. 1 I saw you in the park yesterday. You were sitting on the grass and reading a book. 0 Thurt my back while [ was working in the garden. But we use the past simple to say that one thing happened after another: OI was walking along the road when I saw Dave. So I stopped, and we had a chat. Compare: © When Karen arrived, we were having, © When Karen arrived, we had dinner. dinner, (= we had already started before (= Karen arrived, and then we had she arrived) dinner) Some verbs (for example, know and want) are not normally used in the continuous (see Unit 4A): 1 We were goad friends. We knew each other well. (not We were knowing) © I was enjoying the party, but Chris wanted to go home. (sot was wanting) 12 Exercises Unit 6 6.1 What were you doing at these times? Write sentences as in the examples. The past continuous is not always necessary (see the second example) |_was having dinner S..bUS on my Way. home. 1 (at 8 o'clock vesterday evening) 2 (at 5 o'clock last Monday) .!..Was..oM 3 (at 10.15 yesterday morning) 4 (at 4.30 this morning) 5 (at 745 yesterday evening) 6 U 1 5 half an hour ago) . 6.2 se your own ideas to complete the sentences. Use the past continuous. Matt phoned while we ....Mere.. having, dunner, 2 The doorbell rang while [ . ama 3 We saw an accident while we 4 Ann fell asleep while she .......... 5. The television was on, but nobody ... 6.3 Put the verb into the correct form, past continuous or past simple. SUE 1.34 _ (see) Sue in town J ~.. (meet) Tom 1 (cycle) home yesterday, but she. ee and Jane at che airport afew | yesterday when a man {nor/ see) me, weeks ago. They 2 ae _.. (step) our | soa (GO) t0 Paris and 1 | into the road in front of me. scsi (G0) tO. | oevunwnnnn (BO) quite fast, Rome. We =. (have) | but luckily T onenmenene= a chat While We coos | (aMage) to stop in time and She inna (UO) the other way (wait) for our fights. (not / hit) him. 6.4 Put the verb into’ the correct form, past continuous or past simple. 1 Jenny ..8A8. walter... (wait) for me when I ¢... (arrive). 2 ‘Whar .... (you / do) at this rime yesterday?” ‘I was asleep.” & ¢ (you / go} our last night *No, I was too tired.” 4 How fast . .-» (you / drive) when the accident .. (happeni? 5 Sam wou... (take) a photograph of me while L (not / look). 6 We were in a very difficult position. We... (not / know) what to do. T haven't seen Alan for ages. When I last (see) him, he (try) to find a job. st 2 (walk) along the street when suddenly [ oeccon : (hear) footsteps hehind me. Somebody Wont (follow) me. Lwas seared BE Easeretnn (start! to run, © When I was young, I (want) to be a pilot. 10 Last night Vo... connewenne (Atop) a plate WhER Doone (do) the washing up. Fortunately it eas . {not / break), —> Additional exercise 1 (page 302) 13 Orit 3 Yew Present perfect 1 EW study this example situation: Tom is looking for his key. He can’t find it. He has lost his key. He has lost his kes doesn't have ir. Havelhas lost is the present perfect simple: = He lost it recently, and he still | | i Lelihieyhyon baw: ter Tivecenns) | Smiohed A lost Nz | helshefit has eran) | Sa been The present perfect simple is have/has + past participle. The past participle often ends in -ed (finished/decided etc.), but many important verbs are irregular (lost/done/written etc.). For a list of irregular verbs, see Appendix 1. ben we say that ‘something has happened’, this is usually new information: CO Ow! P've cut my finger. Ui The road is closed. There’s been (there has been) an accident. i (from the mews) Police have arrested two men in connection with the robbery. When we use the present perfect, there is a connection with 2ow. The action in the past has a result now: j 1 ‘Where's your key?” ‘I don’t know. I've lost it.’ (= I don't have it now) | 5 He told me his name, but I’ve forgotten it. (= I can’t remember it now) is Sally here?” *No, she’s gone out.’ (= she is out now) 3 Tcan’t find my bag. Have you seen it? (= Do you know where it is ox?) [RMS] V0 can use he presen pefece with just, already and yet Just = a short time ago: i 5 ‘Are you hungry?’ ‘No, I've just had lunch.” \ 5 Hello. Have you just arrived? We use already to say that something happened sooner than expected: | 5 ‘Don't forget to send the letter.’ “I've already sent i.” O ‘What time is Mark leaving?’ “He’s already gone,” Yet = until now. Yer shows thar the speaker is expecting something to happen. Use yet only in questions and negative sentences: | 0 Has it stopped raining yet? t Oo Pve written the letter, but I haven't sent it yet. } Note the difference between gone (to) and been (to): 11 Jim is on holiday. He has gone to Italy. 0 Jane is back home now. She has been to Italy. (= she has now come back) = he is there now or on his way there} Present perfect > Units 8, 11 Been to — Units 84, 1268 Present perfect continuous —> Units 9-10 | 14 Present perfect and past > Units 12-14 Yet and already — Unit 11] American English > Appendix 7 Exercises 7 72 73 74 Unit 7 Read the situations and write sentences, Use the following verbs: arrive break fall += goup grow improve Jose. Tom is looking for his key. He can’: find it, He. has. Jost his. key, Margaret can’t walk and her leg is in plaster. She Lasc week the bus fare was 80 pence. Now it is 90. The bus fare .. Maria’s English wasn’t very good. Now it is berrer. Her English Dan didn’t have a beard before. Now he has a beard. He ; “ This morning, I was expecting a letter. Now I have it. The lerter - The temperature was 20 degrees. Now it is only 12 “TB scam comanearnnearrimitis LOG brent Complete B's sentences. Use the verb in brackets + just/already/yet. ASS, 78 No, thanks. ve. jiast.had, (1/ just / have / lunch) ie - 1 Would you like something to eat? 2 Do you know where Julia is? || Yes concen eee (1/ just / see / her) 3 What time is David leaving? . (he / already / leave) 4| What's in the newspaper today? | | I don’t know. oo a | (I / not / read / it yet) 5 | Is Sue coming to the cinema with us? || No. osu (she / already / see / the film) 6 Are your friends here yet? || Ye8. cooowens ssn (they / just / arrive) | Whar does Tim think about your plan? nn \ (we / not / tell / him yer) Read the situations and write sentences with just, already or yet. After lunch you go to see a friend at her house. She says, ‘Would you like something to eat?” You say: No thank you. ...!/ve Just had. lunch. (have lunch) Joe goes our. Five minutes later, the phone rings and the caller says, ‘Can I speak to Joe?” You say: Pr afraid orien nun « (QO Out) You are eating in a cestaurant. The waiter thinks you have finished and starts to take your plate away. You say: Wait a minute! a ween ~.. (not / finish) 4 You are going to a restaurant tonight. You phone to reserve a table. Later your friend says, ‘Shall phone to reserve a table.” You say: No, --- « (do it) You know thac a friend of yours is looking for a place to live. Perhaps she has been successful. Ask her. You say - rer Gae ae ~ ? (find) You are still thinking about where to go for your holiday. A friend asks, ‘Where are you going tor vour holiday?" You say rascal conan mnmmen + (NOt /decide) 7 Linda went to the bank, but a few minutes ago she returned. Somebody asks, ‘Is Linda still at the bank?" You say: No. sea ~ (come back) a Put in been or gone, 1 Jim is on holiday. He’s 992... to Italy. 2 Hello! I've just . to the shops. I've bought lots of things. 3 Alice isn’t here at the moment. She's weounewuss 10 the shop to get a newspaper 4 Tom has out. He'll be back in about an hour, 5 “Are vou going to the hank?" ‘No, Pve already eee-ene t0 the bank,”
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