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Test 1 | CLAS 1030 - Medical Terminology, Quizzes of Medical Sciences

Class: CLAS 1030 - Medical Terminology; Subject: Classical Culture; University: University of Georgia; Term: Fall 2013;

Typology: Quizzes


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Download Test 1 | CLAS 1030 - Medical Terminology and more Quizzes Medical Sciences in PDF only on Docsity! TERM 1 dermat/o DEFINITION 1 skin Greek word root TERM 2 cutane/o DEFINITION 2 skin Latin word root TERM 3 nephr/o DEFINITION 3 kidney Greekword root TERM 4 ren/o DEFINITION 4 kidney Latinword root TERM 5 stomat/o DEFINITION 5 mouth Greek word root TERM 6 or/o DEFINITION 6 mouth Latinword root TERM 7 erythr/o DEFINITION 7 red word root TERM 8 hepat/o DEFINITION 8 liver word root TERM 9 immun/o DEFINITION 9 immune, immunity, safe TERM 10 oste/o DEFINITION 10 bone TERM 21 -ar DEFINITION 21 pertaining to TERM 22 para- DEFINITION 22 near, beside, or beyond TERM 23 nas/o DEFINITION 23 nose TERM 24 poly- DEFINITION 24 many, much TERM 25 ur/o DEFINITION 25 urine TERM 26 pre- DEFINITION 26 Before, in front of TERM 27 nat/o DEFINITION 27 birth TERM 28 -cyte DEFINITION 28 cell TERM 29 chondr/o DEFINITION 29 cartilage TERM 30 arthr/o DEFINITION 30 joint TERM 31 splen/o DEFINITION 31 spleen TERM 32 hyster/o DEFINITION 32 uterus TERM 33 enter/o DEFINITION 33 intestine TERM 34 ot/o DEFINITION 34 ear TERM 35 hydr/o DEFINITION 35 water TERM 46 -emesis DEFINITION 46 vomiting TERM 47 arthr/o DEFINITION 47 joint TERM 48 -algia DEFINITION 48 pain TERM 49 -logy DEFINITION 49 study of TERM 50 -centesis DEFINITION 50 surgical procedure TERM 51 encephal/o DEFINITION 51 brain TERM 52 -clasis DEFINITION 52 to break, surgical fracture TERM 53 -desis DEFINITION 53 binding, fixation (of bone or joint) TERM 54 -lysis DEFINITION 54 separation, destruction, loosening TERM 55 -pexy DEFINITION 55 fixation (of an organ) TERM 56 -plasty DEFINITION 56 surgical repair TERM 57 -rrhaphy DEFINITION 57 suture TERM 58 -stomy DEFINITION 58 forming an opening (mouth) TERM 59 -tome DEFINITION 59 instrument to cut TERM 60 -tripsy DEFINITION 60 crushing TERM 71 -emia DEFINITION 71 blood condition TERM 72 -gen DEFINITION 72 forming. producing, origin TERM 73 -genesis DEFINITION 73 the process of forming. producing, or origininating TERM 74 -iasis DEFINITION 74 abnormal condition (produced by something specified) TERM 75 -lith DEFINITION 75 stone, calculus TERM 76 -malacia DEFINITION 76 softening TERM 77 -pathy DEFINITION 77 disease TERM 78 -penia DEFINITION 78 decrease, deficiency TERM 79 -phagia DEFINITION 79 eating, swallowing TERM 80 -phasia DEFINITION 80 speech TERM 81 -phobia DEFINITION 81 fear TERM 82 -plasia DEFINITION 82 formation, growth TERM 83 -plasm DEFINITION 83 formation, growth TERM 84 -plegia DEFINITION 84 paralysis TERM 85 -ptosis DEFINITION 85 prolapse, downward displacement TERM 96 -al DEFINITION 96 pertaining to TERM 97 -ar DEFINITION 97 pertaining to TERM 98 -ary DEFINITION 98 pertaining to TERM 99 -eal DEFINITION 99 pertaining to TERM 100 -ic DEFINITION 100 pertaining to TERM 101 -ical DEFINITION 101 pertaining to TERM 102 -ile DEFINITION 102 pertaining to TERM 103 -ior DEFINITION 103 pertaining to TERM 104 -ous DEFINITION 104 pertaining to TERM 105 -tic DEFINITION 105 pertaining to TERM 106 -esis DEFINITION 106 condition TERM 107 -ism DEFINITION 107 condition TERM 108 -iatry DEFINITION 108 medicine, treatment TERM 109 -ician DEFINITION 109 specialist TERM 110 -ist DEFINITION 110 specialist TERM 121 inter- DEFINITION 121 between TERM 122 pro- DEFINITION 122 before, in front of TERM 123 retro- DEFINITION 123 backward, behind TERM 124 bi- DEFINITION 124 two TERM 125 dipl- DEFINITION 125 double TERM 126 diplo- DEFINITION 126 double TERM 127 hemi- DEFINITION 127 one half TERM 128 macro- DEFINITION 128 large TERM 129 micro- DEFINITION 129 small TERM 130 mono- DEFINITION 130 one TERM 131 uni- DEFINITION 131 one TERM 132 multi- DEFINITION 132 many, much TERM 133 nulli- DEFINITION 133 none TERM 134 primi- DEFINITION 134 first TERM 135 quadri- DEFINITION 135 four TERM 146 super- DEFINITION 146 upper, above TERM 147 supra- DEFINITION 147 above, excessive, superior TERM 148 ultra- DEFINITION 148 excess, beyond TERM 149 a- DEFINITION 149 without, not used before a noun TERM 150 anti- DEFINITION 150 against TERM 151 contra- DEFINITION 151 against TERM 152 brady- DEFINITION 152 slow TERM 153 dys- DEFINITION 153 bad, painful, difficult TERM 154 eu- DEFINITION 154 good, normal TERM 155 hetero- DEFINITION 155 different TERM 156 homo- DEFINITION 156 same TERM 157 homeo- DEFINITION 157 same TERM 158 mal- DEFINITION 158 bad TERM 159 pan- DEFINITION 159 all TERM 160 pseudo- DEFINITION 160 false TERM 171 Quadrants of the abdomen DEFINITION 171 Right upper (RUQ) left upper (LUQ) right lower (RLQ) left lower (LLQ) TERM 172 Nine regions of the abdomen DEFINITION 172 Right hypochondriac Epigastric Left hypochondriac Right lumbar Umbilical Left lumbar Right inguinal (iliac) Hypogastric Left inguinal (iliac) (left and right from the body's point of view) TERM 173 Right hypochondriac region DEFINITION 173 upper right region of the abdomen beneath the ribs TERM 174 Epigastric region DEFINITION 174 upper middle region of the abdomen TERM 175 Left hypochondriac region DEFINITION 175 upper left region of the abdomen beneath the ribs TERM 176 Right lumbar region DEFINITION 176 right middle region of the abdomen TERM 177 Umbilical region DEFINITION 177 center, naval region of the abdomen TERM 178 Left lumbar region DEFINITION 178 middle left region of the abdomen TERM 179 Right inguinal (iliac) region DEFINITION 179 lower right region of the abdomen TERM 180 Hypogastric region DEFINITION 180 lower center region of the abdomen TERM 1 dermat/o DEFINITION 1 skin Greek word root TERM 2 cutane/o DEFINITION 2 skin Latin word root TERM 3 nephr/o DEFINITION 3 kidney Greekword root TERM 4 ren/o DEFINITION 4 kidney Latinword root TERM 5 stomat/o DEFINITION 5 mouth Greek word root TERM 6 or/o DEFINITION 6 mouth Latinword root TERM 7 erythr/o DEFINITION 7 red word root TERM 8 hepat/o DEFINITION 8 liver word root TERM 9 immun/o DEFINITION 9 immune, immunity, safe TERM 10 oste/o DEFINITION 10 bone TERM 21 -ar DEFINITION 21 pertaining to TERM 22 para- DEFINITION 22 near, beside, or beyond TERM 23 nas/o DEFINITION 23 nose TERM 24 poly- DEFINITION 24 many, much TERM 25 ur/o DEFINITION 25 urine TERM 26 pre- DEFINITION 26 Before, in front of TERM 27 nat/o DEFINITION 27 birth TERM 28 -cyte DEFINITION 28 cell TERM 29 chondr/o DEFINITION 29 cartilage TERM 30 arthr/o DEFINITION 30 joint TERM 31 splen/o DEFINITION 31 spleen TERM 32 hyster/o DEFINITION 32 uterus TERM 33 enter/o DEFINITION 33 intestine TERM 34 ot/o DEFINITION 34 ear TERM 35 hydr/o DEFINITION 35 water TERM 46 -emesis DEFINITION 46 vomiting TERM 47 arthr/o DEFINITION 47 joint TERM 48 -algia DEFINITION 48 pain TERM 49 -logy DEFINITION 49 study of TERM 50 -centesis DEFINITION 50 surgical procedure TERM 51 encephal/o DEFINITION 51 brain TERM 52 -clasis DEFINITION 52 to break, surgical fracture TERM 53 -desis DEFINITION 53 binding, fixation (of bone or joint) TERM 54 -lysis DEFINITION 54 separation, destruction, loosening TERM 55 -pexy DEFINITION 55 fixation (of an organ) TERM 56 -plasty DEFINITION 56 surgical repair TERM 57 -rrhaphy DEFINITION 57 suture TERM 58 -stomy DEFINITION 58 forming an opening (mouth) TERM 59 -tome DEFINITION 59 instrument to cut TERM 60 -tripsy DEFINITION 60 crushing TERM 71 -emia DEFINITION 71 blood condition TERM 72 -gen DEFINITION 72 forming. producing, origin TERM 73 -genesis DEFINITION 73 the process of forming. producing, or origininating TERM 74 -iasis DEFINITION 74 abnormal condition (produced by something specified) TERM 75 -lith DEFINITION 75 stone, calculus TERM 76 -malacia DEFINITION 76 softening TERM 77 -pathy DEFINITION 77 disease TERM 78 -penia DEFINITION 78 decrease, deficiency TERM 79 -phagia DEFINITION 79 eating, swallowing TERM 80 -phasia DEFINITION 80 speech TERM 81 -phobia DEFINITION 81 fear TERM 82 -plasia DEFINITION 82 formation, growth TERM 83 -plasm DEFINITION 83 formation, growth TERM 84 -plegia DEFINITION 84 paralysis TERM 85 -ptosis DEFINITION 85 prolapse, downward displacement TERM 96 -al DEFINITION 96 pertaining to TERM 97 -ar DEFINITION 97 pertaining to TERM 98 -ary DEFINITION 98 pertaining to TERM 99 -eal DEFINITION 99 pertaining to TERM 100 -ic DEFINITION 100 pertaining to TERM 101 -ical DEFINITION 101 pertaining to TERM 102 -ile DEFINITION 102 pertaining to TERM 103 -ior DEFINITION 103 pertaining to TERM 104 -ous DEFINITION 104 pertaining to TERM 105 -tic DEFINITION 105 pertaining to TERM 106 -esis DEFINITION 106 condition TERM 107 -ism DEFINITION 107 condition TERM 108 -iatry DEFINITION 108 medicine, treatment TERM 109 -ician DEFINITION 109 specialist TERM 110 -ist DEFINITION 110 specialist TERM 121 inter- DEFINITION 121 between TERM 122 pro- DEFINITION 122 before, in front of TERM 123 retro- DEFINITION 123 backward, behind TERM 124 bi- DEFINITION 124 two TERM 125 dipl- DEFINITION 125 double TERM 126 diplo- DEFINITION 126 double TERM 127 hemi- DEFINITION 127 one half TERM 128 macro- DEFINITION 128 large TERM 129 micro- DEFINITION 129 small TERM 130 mono- DEFINITION 130 one TERM 131 uni- DEFINITION 131 one TERM 132 multi- DEFINITION 132 many, much TERM 133 nulli- DEFINITION 133 none TERM 134 primi- DEFINITION 134 first TERM 135 quadri- DEFINITION 135 four TERM 146 super- DEFINITION 146 upper, above TERM 147 supra- DEFINITION 147 above, excessive, superior TERM 148 ultra- DEFINITION 148 excess, beyond TERM 149 a- DEFINITION 149 without, not used before a noun TERM 150 anti- DEFINITION 150 against TERM 151 contra- DEFINITION 151 against TERM 152 brady- DEFINITION 152 slow TERM 153 dys- DEFINITION 153 bad, painful, difficult TERM 154 eu- DEFINITION 154 good, normal TERM 155 hetero- DEFINITION 155 different TERM 156 homo- DEFINITION 156 same TERM 157 homeo- DEFINITION 157 same TERM 158 mal- DEFINITION 158 bad TERM 159 pan- DEFINITION 159 all TERM 160 pseudo- DEFINITION 160 false TERM 171 Quadrants of the abdomen DEFINITION 171 Right upper (RUQ) left upper (LUQ) right lower (RLQ) left lower (LLQ) TERM 172 Nine regions of the abdomen DEFINITION 172 Right hypochondriac Epigastric Left hypochondriac Right lumbar Umbilical Left lumbar Right inguinal (iliac) Hypogastric Left inguinal (iliac) (left and right from the body's point of view) TERM 173 Right hypochondriac region DEFINITION 173 upper right region of the abdomen beneath the ribs TERM 174 Epigastric region DEFINITION 174 upper middle region of the abdomen TERM 175 Left hypochondriac region DEFINITION 175 upper left region of the abdomen beneath the ribs TERM 176 Right lumbar region DEFINITION 176 right middle region of the abdomen TERM 177 Umbilical region DEFINITION 177 center, naval region of the abdomen TERM 178 Left lumbar region DEFINITION 178 middle left region of the abdomen TERM 179 Right inguinal (iliac) region DEFINITION 179 lower right region of the abdomen TERM 180 Hypogastric region DEFINITION 180 lower center region of the abdomen TERM 181 Left inguinal (iliac) region DEFINITION 181 lower left region of the abdomen TERM 182 Abduction DEFINITION 182 movement away from the midsagittal (median) plane of the body or one of its parts TERM 183 Adduction DEFINITION 183 movement toward the midsagittal (median) plane of the body TERM 184 medial DEFINITION 184 pertaining to the midline of the body or structure TERM 185 lateral DEFINITION 185 pertaining to a side TERM 196 parietal DEFINITION 196 pertaining to the outer wall of the body cavity TERM 197 visceral DEFINITION 197 pertaining to the viscera, or internal organs, especially the abdominal organs TERM 198 prone DEFINITION 198 lying on the abdomen, face down TERM 199 supine DEFINITION 199 lying horizontally on the back, face up TERM 200 inversion DEFINITION 200 turning inward or inside out TERM 201 eversion DEFINITION 201 turning outward TERM 202 palmar DEFINITION 202 pertaining to the palm of the hand TERM 203 plantar DEFINITION 203 pertaining to the sole of the foot TERM 204 superficial DEFINITION 204 toward the surface of the body (external) TERM 205 deep DEFINITION 205 away from the surface if the body (internal) TERM 206 Cyt/o DEFINITION 206 cell TERM 207 hist/o DEFINITION 207 tissue TERM 208 kary/o DEFINITION 208 nucleus TERM 209 nucle/o DEFINITION 209 nucleus TERM 210 anter/o DEFINITION 210 anterior, front TERM 221 abdomin/o DEFINITION 221 abdomen TERM 222 cervic/o DEFINITION 222 neck cervix uteri (neck of the uterus) TERM 223 crani/o DEFINITION 223 skull TERM 224 ili/o DEFINITION 224 ilium (lateral flaring portion of hip bone) TERM 225 inguin/o DEFINITION 225 groin TERM 226 lumb/o DEFINITION 226 loins (lower back) TERM 227 pelv/i DEFINITION 227 pelvis TERM 228 spin/o DEFINITION 228 spine TERM 229 thorac/o DEFINITION 229 chest TERM 230 umbilic/o DEFINITION 230 umbilicus, naval TERM 231 albin/o DEFINITION 231 white TERM 232 leuk/o DEFINITION 232 white TERM 233 chlor/o DEFINITION 233 green TERM 234 chrom/o DEFINITION 234 color TERM 235 cirrh/o DEFINITION 235 yellow TERM 246 path/o DEFINITION 246 disease TERM 247 radi/o DEFINITION 247 radiation, x-ray, radius (lower arm bone on thumb side) TERM 248 somat/o DEFINITION 248 body TERM 249 son/o DEFINITION 249 sound TERM 250 tom/o DEFINITION 250 to cut TERM 251 viscer/o DEFINITION 251 internal organs TERM 252 xer/o DEFINITION 252 dry TERM 253 -genesis DEFINITION 253 forming, producing, origin TERM 254 -gnosis DEFINITION 254 knowing TERM 255 -logist DEFINITION 255 specialist in the study of TERM 256 disease DEFINITION 256 pathological or morbid condition that presents a group of signs, symptoms, and clinical findings TERM 257 signs DEFINITION 257 objective indicators that are observable TERM 258 symptom DEFINITION 258 subjective indicator of a disease Sx TERM 259 clinical findings DEFINITION 259 results of radiologic, laboratory, and other medical procedures TERM 260 etiology of disease DEFINITION 260 metabolic ( such as diabetes) infectious (such as measles and mumps) congenital (such as cleft lip) hereditary (such as hemophilia) environmental (such as burns, trauma) neoplastic (such as cancer) TERM 271 inflammation DEFINITION 271 body defense against injury, infection, or allergy marked by redness, swelling, heat, pain, and sometimes loss of function TERM 272 mycosis DEFINITION 272 any fungal infection in or on the body TERM 273 perforation DEFINITION 273 hole that completely penetrates a structure TERM 274 peritonitis DEFINITION 274 inflammation of the peritoneum, the serous membrane that surrounds the abdominal cavity and covers its organs TERM 275 rupture DEFINITION 275 sudden breaking or bursting of a structure or organ TERM 276 sepsis DEFINITION 276 pathological state, usually febrile, resulting from the presence of microorganisms or their products in the bloodstream TERM 277 suppuration DEFINITION 277 producing or associated with the generation of pus TERM 278 infusion therapy DEFINITION 278 delivery of fluids directly into the blood stream via a vein for treating various disorders IV therapy TERM 279 Ablation DEFINITION 279 removal of a part, pathway, or function by surgery, chemical destruction, electrocautery, freezing, or radio frequency (RF) TERM 280 anastomosis DEFINITION 280 surgical joining of two ducts, vessels, or bowel segments to allow flow from one to another TERM 281 cauterize DEFINITION 281 destruction of tissue by electricity, freezing, heat, or corrosive chemicals TERM 282 curattage DEFINITION 282 scraping of a body cavity with a spoon-shaped instrument called a curette TERM 283 incision & drainage DEFINITION 283 I&D incision made to allow the free flow of withdrawal of fluids from a wound or cavity TERM 284 laser surgery DEFINITION 284 use of a high-intensity laser light beam to remove diseased tissues, stop bleeding blood vessels, or for cosmetic purposes TERM 285 resection DEFINITION 285 removal of part or all of a structure, organ, or tissue TERM 296 computed tomography DEFINITION 296 imaging technique in which an x-ray emitter rotates around the area to be scanned and a computer measures the intensity of transmitted x-rays from different angles TERM 297 fluoroscopy DEFINITION 297 technique in which x-rays are directed through the body the fluorescent screen that displays internal structures in continuous motion TERM 298 magnetic resonance imaging DEFINITION 298 MRI technique that uses radio waves and a strong magnetic field to produce highly detailed, multi-planar, cross- sectional views of soft tissues TERM 299 nuclear scan DEFINITION 299 technique in which a radio material (radiopharmaceutical) called a tracer is introduced to the body and a gamma camera is used to produce images of organs and structures TERM 300 positron emission tomography DEFINITION 300 PET computed tomography records the positrons emitted from a radiopharmaceutical to produce a cross-sectional image of metabolic activity of body tissues to determine the presence of disease TERM 301 radiography DEFINITION 301 x-ray TERM 302 single photo emission computed tomography DEFINITION 302 SPECT radiological technique that integrates computed tomography (CT) and a radioactive material (tracer) injected into the bloodstream to visualize blood flow to tissues and organs TERM 303 ultrasonography DEFINITION 303 ultrasound TERM 304 biopsy DEFINITION 304 (Bx) removal of a representative tissue sample from a body site for microscopic examination, usually to determine a diagnosis TERM 305 excisional biopsy DEFINITION 305 biopsy in which the entire lesion is removed TERM 306 incisional biopsy DEFINITION 306 biopsy in which only a small sample of the lesion is removed TERM 307 AP DEFINITION 307 anteroposterior TERM 308 Bx, bx DEFINITION 308 biopsy TERM 309 CBC DEFINITION 309 complete blood count TERM 310 CT DEFINITION 310 computed tomography TERM 321 RUQ DEFINITION 321 right upper quadrant TERM 322 SPECT DEFINITION 322 single positron emission computed tomography TERM 323 Sx DEFINITION 323 symptom TERM 324 Tx DEFINITION 324 treatment TERM 325 U&L, U/L DEFINITION 325 upper and lower TERM 326 US DEFINITION 326 ultrasound, ultrasonography TERM 327 androgen DEFINITION 327 generic term for an agent (usually a hormone, such as testosterone and androsterone) that stimulates development of male characteristics TERM 328 ductule DEFINITION 328 very small duct TERM 329 homeostasis DEFINITION 329 state in which regulatory mechanisms of the body maintain an internal environment within tolerable levels, despite changes in the external environment TERM 330 synthesize DEFINITION 330 forming a complex substance by the union of simpler compounds or elements TERM 331 layers of the skin DEFINITION 331 epidermis dermis subcutaneous tissue TERM 332 sublayers of the epidermis DEFINITION 332 stratum corneum stratum germativum (basal layer) TERM 333 stratum corneum DEFINITION 333 upper, dead layer of skin TERM 334 basal layer DEFINITION 334 AKAstratum germativum composed of living cells TERM 335 Melanocytes DEFINITION 335 black cells produce melanin TERM 346 hair shaft DEFINITION 346 visible part of the hair TERM 347 hair follicle DEFINITION 347 the hair root with its coverings TERM 348 papilla DEFINITION 348 a loop of capillaries enclosed in a covering at the bottom of the hair follicle TERM 349 alopecia DEFINITION 349 hair loss TERM 350 nail root DEFINITION 350 where each nail is formed composed of keratinized, stratified, squamous epithelial cells producing a tough covering TERM 351 nail bed DEFINITION 351 layer of epithelium the nail grows over TERM 352 nail body DEFINITION 352 main part of the nail that appears pink due to the underlying vascular tissue TERM 353 lunula DEFINITION 353 white half-moon shaped area at the bottom of the nail where new growth occurs TERM 354 adip/o DEFINITION 354 fat TERM 355 lip/o DEFINITION 355 fat TERM 356 steat/o DEFINITION 356 fat TERM 357 derm/o DEFINITION 357 skin TERM 358 hidr/o DEFINITION 358 sweat TERM 359 sudor/o DEFINITION 359 sweat TERM 360 ichthy/o DEFINITION 360 dry, scaly TERM 371 xer/o DEFINITION 371 dry TERM 372 -derma DEFINITION 372 skin TERM 373 -therapy DEFINITION 373 treatment TERM 374 lesions DEFINITION 374 areas of tissue that have been pathologically altered by injury, wound, or infection TERM 375 systematic DEFINITION 375 widely spread throughout the body TERM 376 primary skin lesions DEFINITION 376 initial reaction to pathologically altered tissue may be flat or elevated TERM 377 secondary skin lesions DEFINITION 377 changes that take place in the primary lesion due to infection, scratching trauma, or various stages of disease TERM 378 first degree burn DEFINITION 378 superficial burn only affect the top layers of skin, the epidermis TERM 379 second degree burn DEFINITION 379 partial-thickness burn deep burn that damages the epidermis and part of dermis can be caused by flames, hot liquids, or chemicals like first degree but with blisters TERM 380 third degree burn DEFINITION 380 full thickness burn epidermis and dermis destroyed, along with some underlying connective tissue often requires skin graft TERM 381 thermal burn DEFINITION 381 burn due to heat TERM 382 sunburn DEFINITION 382 skin burn due to the sun's radiation TERM 383 chemical burn DEFINITION 383 skin burn due to exposure to chemicals TERM 384 erythema DEFINITION 384 skin redness TERM 385 hyperesthesia DEFINITION 385 an abnormal increase in sensitivity to sensory stimuli such as touch, heat, or cold TERM 396 squamous cell carcinoma DEFINITION 396 arises from skin that undergoes pathological keratinizing of epidermal cells invasive, potentially metastatic TERM 397 BCC DEFINITION 397 basal cell carcinoma TERM 398 carcinogens DEFINITION 398 cancer-causing agents TERM 399 in situ DEFINITION 399 confined to the original site TERM 400 invasive DEFINITION 400 penetrates the surrounding tissue TERM 401 malignant melanoma DEFINITION 401 malignant growth of melanocytes highly metastatic, high mortality rate TERM 402 abcess DEFINITION 402 localized collection of pus at the site of an infection TERM 403 acne DEFINITION 403 inflammatory disease of the sebaceous glands and hair follicles of the skin TERM 404 Bowen disease DEFINITION 404 form of intraepidermal carcinoma (squamous cell) characterized by red-brown scaly or crusted lesions TERM 405 cellulitis DEFINITION 405 diffuse, acute infection of the skin and subcutaneous tissue TERM 406 chloasma DEFINITION 406 pigmentary skin discoloration usually occurring in yellowish brown patches or spots TERM 407 comedo DEFINITION 407 typical small skin lesion of acne causes by accumulation of keratin, bacteria, and dried sebum plugging and excretory duct of the skin TERM 408 dermatomycosis DEFINITION 408 infection of the skin caused by fungi TERM 409 ecchymosis DEFINITION 409 Bruise TERM 410 eczema DEFINITION 410 chronic inflammation of the skin TERM 421 psoriasis DEFINITION 421 chronic skin disease characterized by red patches covered by thick, dry, silvery, adherent scales and caused by excessive development of the basal layer of the epidermis TERM 422 purpura DEFINITION 422 any of several bleeding disorders characterized by hemorrhage into the tissues, particularly beneath the skin or mucous membranes, producing ecchymoses or petechiae TERM 423 scabies DEFINITION 423 skin disease transmitted by the itch mite TERM 424 tinea DEFINITION 424 fungal skin infection whose name commonly indicates the body part affected aka ringworm ex: athlete's foot TERM 425 urticaria DEFINITION 425 allergic reaction of the skin characterized bywheels/hives TERM 426 verruca DEFINITION 426 epidermal growth caused by a virus warts TERM 427 vitiligo DEFINITION 427 localized loss of skin pigmentation TERM 428 chemical peel DEFINITION 428 chemical removal of the outer layers of skin to treat acne scarring and general keratosis chemabrasion TERM 429 cryosurgery DEFINITION 429 use of subfreezing temperature (commonly liquid nitrogen) to destroy or eliminate abnormal tissue TERM 430 debridement DEFINITION 430 removal of dead tissue from a wound by surgery, enzymes, or chemical agents TERM 431 dermabrasion DEFINITION 431 rubbing using wire brushes or sandpaper to mechanically scrape away the epidermis TERM 432 fulguration DEFINITION 432 tissue destruction by means of high-frequency electric current TERM 433 photodynamic therapy DEFINITION 433 procedure in which cells are selectively treated with an agent called photosensitizer are exposed to light to produce a reaction that destroys cells TERM 434 frozen section biopsy DEFINITION 434 ultrathin slice of tissue from a frozen specimen for immediate pathological examination TERM 435 needle biopsy DEFINITION 435 removal of a small tissue sample for examination using a hollow needle TERM 446 patch allergy skin test DEFINITION 446 testing suspected allergens byapplying a patch with the allergen to skin TERM 447 scratch allergen test DEFINITION 447 testing suspected allergens bylightly scratching them into skin aka puncture or prick test TERM 448 culture and sensitivity DEFINITION 448 lab test that grows a colony of bacteria removed from an infected area in order to identify the specific infecting bacterium and then determine its sensitivity to antibiotic drugs TERM 449 Antiseptics DEFINITION 449 topically applied agents that inhibit grown of bacteria, preventing infections TERM 450 corticosteroids DEFINITION 450 decrease inflammation and itching by suppressing the immune system's inflammatory response to tissue damage TERM 451 keratolytics DEFINITION 451 destroy and soften the outer layer of skin so that it is sloughed off or shed TERM 452 protectives DEFINITION 452 drugs that cover, cool, dry, or soothe inflamed skin TERM 453 topical anesthetics DEFINITION 453 block sensation of pain by numbing the skin layers and mucous membranes TERM 454 C&S DEFINITION 454 culture and sensitivity TERM 455 CA DEFINITION 455 cancer chronological age cardiac arrest TERM 456 FS DEFINITION 456 frozen section TERM 457 ID DEFINITION 457 intradermal TERM 458 IMP DEFINITION 458 impression (diagnosis) TERM 459 IV DEFINITION 459 intravenous TERM 460 TNM DEFINITION 460 tumor-node-metastasis
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