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Urbanization, Industrialization, and Economic Regulation in America (1860-1921), Study notes of World History

An overview of the urbanization and industrialization process in america between 1860 and 1921. It covers topics such as the growth of manufacturing, the role of railroads, economic regulation through the interstate commerce act, protective tariffs, and the progressive era. It also discusses key figures like jay gould and william mckinley, as well as significant events like the panic of 1893 and the spanish-american war.

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Download Urbanization, Industrialization, and Economic Regulation in America (1860-1921) and more Study notes World History in PDF only on Docsity! History Notes: ·Reconstruction period (1865-1877) ·Lincoln(republican) was president of the states and worried because he believes a lot of poorer whites resent what he has done and will appeal to rejoin the union ·The south will be more powerful now that the civil war has ended because slaves are now counted equally; rather than 3/5 of a person ·Lincoln wants to come up with a plan to get the states back together and still have a chance of power ·Comes up with the 10% plan ·1863 Lincoln's 10 percent plan ·Says republicans need to make a new constitution outlawing slavery and 10 percent of the people who voted must take a loyalty oath to be welcomed back to the union ·Radical republicans wanted the south to be treated as traitors. They wanted former slaves to vote as republicans rather than poorer white southerners in order to secure power. ·People who are excluded from the bill: confederate officials/officers, judges, congressmen and military officials who left their posts in order to aid the rebellion ·Pre war, democrats are the ruling party ·Republicans push for free slaves to vote or to find a way to reach out to non slave owners in the south (poor) and recruit them to the republican party · ·1864 Wade Davis Bill ·A majority of the eligible voters must take an oath to the union. Only ironclads could vote ·The ironclad oath was a key factor in the removing of ex-confederates from the political arena. To take the Ironclad Oath, a person had to swear he had never borne arms against the Union or supported the Confederacy ·wanted a much higher percentage (50) to take an oath that they had never supported the confederacy ·Lincoln pocket vetoed, aka just refused to sign or veto the bill ·Lincoln wanted the states to re enter the union but the radicals wanted it to be more difficult for them to re enter · ·January 1865- 13th amendment ·officially abolished and continues to prohibit slavery and involuntary servitude except as punishment for a crime. ·Bill of rights- protects the citizens from the power of central government ·Emphasis shifted to protecting people from the states with the passing of this amendment · ·March 1865- Freedmen's Bureau- created to assist former slaves in their transition to freedmen, reconstruction brought forth pulic schools which didn't really exist pre civil war. The bureau offered help of various kinds, including education and resolving disputes with employers. The Bureau also helped many white Southerners impoverished by the war. It did impressive work, but lacked the resources to solve all the problems left at the end of the war. ·First time the government helps the people. ·South is mainly under union control at this time · ·April 9, 1865 Lee Formally Surrenders · ·April 15, 1865 Lincoln is assassinated by John Wilkes Booth. · ·Andrew Johnson- vice president to Lincoln becomes president ·got drunk at the inauguration ·Not well educated (3rd grade level) ·Hated Aristocrats ·radicals thought he would be better than Abe, although his plan was really close to Lincoln's ·He blamed rich whites for the civil war wanted to exclude anyone who had property exceeding 20 thousand dollars in value from voting or holding office until they requested a pardon ·All state governments formed under Johnson proceeded to create black codes · ·Southern States passed the black codes ·laws passed in Southern states after the Civil War that restricted travel and other activities of freed slaves. The laws varied, and some provided for limited rights. But generally, they deprived blacks of key civil rights. Many barred blacks from juries and from testifying against white people. Some required that blacks have proof of employment. Whites claimed the laws were needed to deal with a population of freed slaves who had little knowledge of life outside slavery. Northerners felt the laws were proof that Southern whites intended to keep former slaves in a second-class status forever. ·Radicals thought the southerners needed to be treated more harshly. Confederates were then denied seats to congress · ·1866- ·Johnson vetoes Freedmen's Bureau extension which angers the radicals. ·They override his veto and extend the bill ·Civil rights bill ·anyone born in the United States (except native americans) was given all legal protections and benefits of citizenship. This includes slaves. ·Johnson vetoes this bill but congress overrides (southern states weren't represented in congress) ·14th amendment ·the constitutional amendment that officially made the former slaves citizens of the U.S. after the Civil War. Another key provision prohibits states from denying any citizen "equal protection" of the law. It says that states cannot take someone's life, liberty, or property without "due process" of law. This protection was vitally important to freed slaves. Initially, most Southern states refused to accept the 14th Amendment. Partly as a result, the U.S. Congress divided the South into military districts, and required the Southern states to adopt the 14th amendment in order to be readmitted as states. ·Campaign of Johnson v Radicals ·Johnson went on a speaking tour and tried to convince voters to elect people who supported his plan ·Radicals sent hecklers to provoke Johnson when he spoke, causing many shouting matches and causing him to look bad · ·1867 · First reconstruction act ·Divided south into 5 districts ·Within each district, the union military governors decide how it's run ·Former confederates can't vote but former slaves can ·Radicals come up with an idea to get rid of Johnson ·they want to get Johnson impeached and then Wade could come in (Wade just so happens to be a radical) ·Tenure of office act said that if your grandfather would have been eligible to vote prior to march of 1867, so could you. Reconstruction hadn't started in March of 1867 so blacks couldn't vote and only whites were eligible under this clause. ·This was considered a law for poor whites but didn't result in much increased voting because it caused poorer whites to have to expose themselves and many didn't want to broadcast that they were poor. ·1898- Williams v Mississippi ·Williams was convicted of murder by an all white jury and his lawyer argued that he was denied his right to a jury of his peers. ·The jury list was taken from a voter list which brought to light the already known fact that the list was discriminatory. ·The claim was that the voting qualifications weren't unconstitutional because no where did it say anything that people couldn't vote due to race. ·Crop lien- a credit system that became widely used by farmers. After the civil war farmers in the South had little cash. The crop-lien system was a way for farmers to get credit before the planting season by borrowing against the value for anticipated harvests. Local merchants provided food and supplies all year long on credit; when the cotton crop was harvested farmers turned it over to the merchant to pay back their loan. Sometimes there was cash left over; when cotton prices were low, the crop did not cover the debt and the farmer started the next year in the red. The credit system was used by land owners, sharecroppers and tenant farmers. ·The merchants had to borrow the money to buy supplies, and in turn charged the farmer interest as well as a higher price for merchandise bought on such credit. The merchant insisted that more cotton (or some other cash crop) be grown--nothing else paid well--and thus came to dictate the crops that a farmer grew. When farmers suddenly left the area, the bills went unpaid and the merchant had to absorb the loss, as well as the risk that cotton prices would fall so the raw cotton he was given at harvest time was worth less than the amount he loaned during the year. ·Sharecropping- a landowner allows a tenant to use the land in return for a share of the crop produced on the land. ·Sharecroppers had no say on when their crop was sold or for how much. ·After the civil war, the only thing that was really grown in the south was cotton, because it was most likely to be successful. The worth of cotton was going down so the only solution was to grow more. ·Between 1860-1910 there was a tremendous amount of urbanization (rural areas doubled while urban increased 7 times) ·Industrial Revolution ·Manufacturing capital went from 1 billion to 10 billion dollars ·Industrial workforce increased 4 times ·Railroads increased in mileage ·Didn't need that much mileage, just needed a get rich quick thing ·Rebates were given to big companies who used the lines ·Jay Gould- owner of Erie railroad in the Northeast which was in competition with NY Central which was owned by Cornelius Vanderbilt ·Competition to ship beef cattle from NY to Buffalo ·Gould drops rate so does Vanderbilt, etc ·1887- Interstate commerce act (ICC) · ·First agency created for economic regulation ·unless railroads are in violation of the law, the ICC can't do anything ·Trusts: business arrangement where a separate entity is created to govern regulated business ·minimizes cost of doing business ·Bessemer process- allowed an increase in steel production. ·Andrew Carnegie was the top of the industry and JP morgan also had a steel company which was competing with Carnegie for control of US Steel. ·Morgan wanted to turn Carnegie Steel into US Steel. ·John D. Rockefeller ·Vertical integration- Vertically integrated companies in a supply chain are united through a common owner. ·1882- Standard Oil Trust ·All 37 Stockholders in various oil enterprises conveyed their stock to 9 trustees, receiving “trust certificates” in return. The 9 trustees thereby controlled all the various standard oil companies. · ·1890- Sherman Antitrust act ·an attempt to regulate the process of farming monopolies ·any company found to be in restraint of trade was illegal ·Any kind of business combination was illegal if it could be found to be in restraint of trade. ·1895- US v. EC Knight and company ·case against the sugar trust ·supreme court declared manufacturing was strictly and interstate activity ·railroads were clearly engaged in interstate commerce and thus subject to federal authority l壱Protective Tariff- tax on imported goods l弐American products are cheaper than foreign so americans raise prices l参foreign countries aren't buying american goods which upsets farmers l四foreigners reduce the value of currency- it is cheaper overseas l伍encourages businesses l六economic growth l七raises prices for consumers (hurts) helps producers l八if trying to start a business or something under protective tariffs, it helps l九if a farmer having to buy products protected under the tariff, it was harder thus angering the farmer l壱零Depresses the export market l壱壱countries that put up trade barriers risk an imbalance of trade ·1866- National labor union ·Were interested in political and social reform rather than bargaining with employees ·comprised of many small unions to make a union of bigger numbers ·wanted things like 8 hour work days, equal rights for women and blacks, etc. ·after head of the union died, support fell ·financial panic of 1873 knocked out the labor union completely · ·1869- Knights of labor ·open to all who “toil” ·emphasized reform measures and practiced boycotts as opposed to strikes to put pressure on employers ·big group, didn't get much done ·excluded lawyers, bankers, doctors and those who sold liquor because none of these are considered people who contribute ·Anarchism- an anarchist doesn't believe in a formal government and is willing to go to extreme measures against one. They believe the government is an abusive device used by the rich and powerful to exploit the working poor ·1886 Haymarket Riot- grew out of an agitation for an 8 hour workday ·Knights of labor set a deadline for adopting the 8 hour workday, when it wasn't adopted a fight broke out killing a striker ·The next day a group of people met to protest the haymarket killing, when some policeman arrived, someone threw a bomb at them. The police then fired into the crowd. ·Riot pinned on the Knights of Labor ·1892- Homestead Strike (page 813) ·Strike surrounded by violence ·Carnegie was sympathetic of labor unions ·Workers wanted a 12% wage increase. Carnegie was out of the country so his associate who wanted to break the labor union said instead of an increase they could have a 22% wage cut ·Frick built a 12 foot fence around the plant and hired 300 pinkerton detectives to protect the place that was later to be fcalled fort frick. ·In July, the Pinkertons floated up the river where unionists were waiting and fired against them. · · ·1894- Pullman Strike ·A pullman was a car with sleeping arrangements where the first class usually rode ·American RR union refuses to put pullman cars on tracks ·The railroad refused to cut rent on houses for workers but they did cut wages. Workers went on strike and since they helped produce the railroad equipment, the American RR union went on strike too. This affected the mail causing Grover Cleveland to call on the army to get the trains running (effective) ·American railway union- ·refused to handle any train with pullman cars (shuts down the RR in 27 states) ·almost all sleeper cars were pullman · ·1886- American Federation of Labor ·Founded in 1881 as a federation of trade unions made up of skilled workers. They wanted a fair wage and reasonable hours. They were not about reform but about laborers sharing power. ·1887-1881 Rutherford B Hayes ·industrial union- organized by industry ·craft union- organized by skill · ·1901- McKinley assassinated (by Leon Czolgasz) ·First elected in 1896, reelected in 1900 ·VP Teddy Roosevelt (modern american president) becomes president ·Born in NY, cousin of FDR, was police commissioner of NYC (investigated corruption and was all about ethics) ·Progressive Era- expand governments role to protect public interest ·Progressives don't think government should have anything to do with the state of society ·1902 Northern securities case ·Roosevelt sues the N american railroad under the sherman anti trust act ·Anthracite coal strike ·Roosevelt doesn't want to bring in the troops but rather sits down and talks to the strikers ·1914 Clayton Antitrust act- Outlawed the business of having common directors for related companies or restrictive trade agreements · ·1916 Federal Farm loan act- Set up funds to make loans to federal farm banks and provided credit to farmers ·1919 18th Amendment- Prohibition of the sale and distribution of alcoholic beverages (takes affect in 1920) ·1920 Women's suffrage- (19th amendment) ·before these amendments some states had already outlawed alcohol and awarded suffrage to women ·Manifest Destiny ·The american belief that the United States was destined to expand across the North American continent, from the Atlantic seaboard to the Pacific Ocean ·Religious Zeal ·Zeal- Enthusiastic devotion to a cause, ideal, or goal ·We are producing so much that we're starting to have trouble consuming all of it. We need to find new markets for our products with less competition. ·We've cut into more specialized products that are in demand so we need cheap raw materials ·“white man's burden” is to socialize, educate, etc the people of the world ·Americans begin getting involved in worldly affairs ·Americans begin looking at asian lands for sugar ·Buy a lot from Hawaii ·Hawaiian sugar was no longer favorable for americans ·Americans took over their sugar plantations and annexed them as an american territory in 1898 ·In the 1890s Cuba was still possessed by Spain ·1895- Cubans rebelled against spanish rule and set fire to sugar plantations ·Rebellion coincides with the rise of national journalism ·Joseph Pulitzer and William Randolph Hearst are in competition to get the most subscribers and sell the most papers ·Yellow journalism- much like tabloid journalism ·Valieriano “butcher” Weyler (a spaniard?) ·Took cubans and put them in concentration camps to separate rebels from the others ·DeLome letter- ·Spanish ambassador to US (DeLome) describes McKinley as being weak and following the crowd ·Letter comes a few weeks before the explosion of the US battleship, the Maine, in Havana which sets off the war ·1898- “remember the maine, the hell with spain” ·Spaniards crumble and say they'll do anything to avoid war but McKinley says we need to declare war ·Teddy Roosevelt wants to send commodore Dewey to Manila Harbor in the Philippines in the event that we went to war. We captured the Philippines ·As a result of the war we acquired Guam, the Philippines, and Puerto Rico ·McKinley decided it was our duty to take control of the philippines in order to educate, uplift and christianize ·1899 Philippine insurrection ·Emilio Aguinaldo lead a revolt against American control in the Philippines leading to a bloody counter attack ·1901 Platt Amendment ·Cubans were instructed to add 2 provisions to their constitution ·Americans were granted Guantanamo Bay ·Cubans could not make any treaties that would impair the independence of Cuba (cuban non entanglement) ·Now we decide to get involved in trade and commerce in China ·1899-1900 Open Door notes ·Spheres of Influence- we recognized that everyone who got to china before us already had influence to certain parts of trade and we wanted them to respect free trade and chinese territory (we didn't want them taking over China) ·accomplished letting everyone know our expectations ·1901 Hay Paunce Fote Treaty ·way of getting foreign influence out of our backyard ·Phillipe Bunau Varilla ·1903 Hay Bunau Varilla Treaty ·We were given the rights to build a canal through Panama ·America recognizes Panama's independence ·1823 Monroe Doctrine ·Europeans can't intervene or colonize in our hemisphere · ·1904 Roosevelt Corollary- added to the doctrine · US will assume police power in the western hemisphere and if there is a problem, we will deal with it ·1905 Russo Japanese War ·Roosevelt chooses to play peacemaker because he's concerned that one side may be able to take over trade and commerce ·1906 San Francisco “Yellow Peril” ·Japanese were overwhelming SF and it was decided by the schoolboard that schools would be segregated ·Roosevelt made a gentleman's agreement between SF, Ca and the japanese saying the Japanese would reduce flow into California if the schools stayed integrated ·Roosevelt felt weak for compromising and sent out a US Great white fleet to cruise around the world and pass Japan on it's way ·Congress wouldn't pay for this so Roosevelt decided he had enough money to go halfway and he would pay for that, leaving it up to congress to bring the fleet back ·The Japanese thought it was an honor that the US sent a fleet to see them, so this plan failed ·1908 Root Takahira Agreement ·Both countries will respect the status quo in Asia ·The Japanese believed this mean we were agreeing that they were powerful and we thought it meant that the Japanese wouldn't increase asian affairs or anything else they did. ·1870 Franco Prussian War ·Germans had taken Alsace de Lorraine which was part of France ·Germany had become more powerful but Britain, France, and their allies were concerned that Germans were trying to increase the navy ·TRIPLE ENTENTE ·Great Britain, France and Russia ·TRIPLE ALLIANCE ·Germany, Austria Hungary, Italy l壱Russia, Serbia, Bosnia and Montenegro are all slavic ·1914 Franz Ferdinand (Austria Hungary's archduke) ·Serbia reject the Austria Hungary ultimatum ·Franz is shot down, providing AH a reason to declare war ·Germany backs AH ·Russians mobilize, then the Germans, then the French ·When Germany invades Belgium in route to France, GB declares war on Germany ·US proclaims neutrality, the british blockade the north sea ·German uboats- Germans couldn't do anything to keep GB from bringing In supplies without angering the US ·1915- Germans sink the Lusitania losing over 200 american lives ·The germans then sink the French vessel, Sussex ·Sussex pledge says German uboats won't sink vessels without advance warning ·1917 (READ SECTION ON WILSON ADMINISTRATION) ·January- Reinstate unrestricted submarine warfare ·February- Zimmerman note ·Message from German foreign minister (Zimmerman) ·Mexicans willing, should US get in war with Germany, Mexicans should attack the US and Germans would give the Mexicans back their territory that the US had taken over the years along with financial
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