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Prenatal Development and Childhood Milestones: A Comprehensive Guide, Quizzes of Developmental Psychology

Definitions and information on various terms related to prenatal development, fetal health, and childhood milestones. Topics include amniocentesis, maternal blood screening, teratogens, fetal alcohol spectrum disorder, nutrition, stress, and motor development. It also covers the effects of substances like alcohol, nicotine, aspirin, and caffeine on fetal development.

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Download Prenatal Development and Childhood Milestones: A Comprehensive Guide and more Quizzes Developmental Psychology in PDF only on Docsity! TERM 1 Ericksons psychosocial theory DEFINITION 1 Personality develops through sequence of stages TERM 2 Erickson: Infancy DEFINITION 2 trust v mistrust Needs maximum comfort with minimal uncertainty to trust himself/herself, others, and the environment TERM 3 Erickson: Early Childhood DEFINITION 3 initiative v guilt Begins to initiate, not imitate, activities; develops conscience and sexual identity TERM 4 Erickson: Middle Childhood DEFINITION 4 industry v inferiority Tries to develop a sense of self-worth by refining skills TERM 5 Erickson: Adolescence DEFINITION 5 identity v role confusion Tries integrating many roles (child, sibling, student, athlete, worker) into a self-image under role model and peer pressure TERM 6 Erickson: Early Adulthood DEFINITION 6 intimacy v isolation Learns to make personal commitment to another as spouse, parent or partner TERM 7 Erickson: Middle Adulthood DEFINITION 7 generativity v stagnation Seeks satisfaction through productivity in career, family, and civic interests TERM 8 Erickson: Late Adulthood DEFINITION 8 integrity v despair Reviews life accomplishments, deals with loss and preparation for death TERM 9 Piagets theory of cognitive development DEFINITION 9 Children construct understanding of world TERM 10 Piaget: Sensorimotor stage DEFINITION 10 birth to two years; Understand world through senses, perception, and motor abilities TERM 21 Negative reinforcement (Escape) DEFINITION 21 occurs when a behavior (response) is followed by the removal of an aversive stimulus, thereby increasing that behavior's frequency. In the Skinner box experiment, negative reinforcement can be a loud noise continuously sounding inside the rat's cage until it engages in the target behavior, such as pressing a lever, upon which the loud noise is removed. TERM 22 Positive punishment (Punishment) DEFINITION 22 occurs when a behavior (response) is followed by a stimulus, such as introducing a shock or loud noise, resulting in a decrease in that behavior. TERM 23 Bandura's Social Cognitive Theory DEFINITION 23 observational learning TERM 24 Bronfrenbrenner's (1986) Ecological Theory DEFINITION 24 the development of a person is embedded in series of systems microsystem: family, church, peers, school mesosystem: relationship between exosystem: friends of family, neighbors, legal services, media macrosystem: attitudes and ideologies of culture chronosystem: time TERM 25 Baltes (1987) Lifespan Approach to Development DEFINITION 25 development is lifelong development involves both gain and loss the relative influences of biology and culture shift over the life span development involves a changing allocation of resources development is modifiable development is influenced by the historical and cultural context TERM 26 Research Methods DEFINITION 26 observations survey and interview behavioral tasks TERM 27 Developmental designs: Longitudinal DEFINITION 27 study some individuals at multiple true points (over years) TERM 28 Developmental Designs: Cross-sectional DEFINITION 28 compare multiple groups across multiple time points TERM 29 Developmental Designs: Sequential DEFINITION 29 compare multiple groups across multiple time points TERM 30 Developmental Designs: Micro-genetic DEFINITION 30 study same individuals at multiple time points close together (days or weeks); good advantages, but time consuming TERM 31 Research Designs: Correlation studies DEFINITION 31 seek relation among factors; correlation coefficient measures the strength and direction of relation perfect correlation: magnititude= +1 no correlation: magnitude= 0 TERM 32 Positive Correlation DEFINITION 32 as one factor goes up, other factors go up also; class attendance and grades TERM 33 Negative Correlation DEFINITION 33 as one goes up, other factor goes down; LDL cholesterol and heart disease TERM 34 Why does correlation not equal causation? DEFINITION 34 directionality problem: as memory skills increase, math skills go up third variable problem: as # of churches in city go up, serious crimes go up TERM 35 Research Designs: Experimental Research DEFINITION 35 effect of independent variable on dependent variable; depends on random assignment to conditions; can determine causation TERM 46 Genotype DEFINITION 46 complete set of genes; the genetic makeup of a cell, an organism, or an individual. TERM 47 Phenotype DEFINITION 47 observable physical, behavioral, and psychological features; influenced by genotype and enviroment TERM 48 Reaction Range DEFINITION 48 phenotype is within range determined by genotype and environment TERM 49 Epigenetic View DEFINITION 49 development is an ongoing bidirectional interchange between heredity and environment TERM 50 Extra 21st Chromosome DEFINITION 50 Down syndrome which leads to mental retardation TERM 51 Twin Studies DEFINITION 51 Twin studies help disentangle the relative importance of environmental and genetic influences on individual traits and behaviors. compare mono-zygotic to di-zygotic twins mono=identical TERM 52 Adoption Studies DEFINITION 52 compare adopted children to biological and adoptive parents to understand the enviroment TERM 53 Twin Study Video DEFINITION 53 Aging; Dr. Nancy Pederson Dan and Bo were raised together until age 20, environment does play a part TERM 54 Germinal Period DEFINITION 54 Day 1 to the end of the second week. (day 1-14); from fertilization to implantation in uterus wall Fertilization usually occurs in Fallopian tube zygote travels down fallopian tube to uterus TERM 55 zygote DEFINITION 55 fertilized egg TERM 56 Embryonic Period DEFINITION 56 week 3 to ; from implantation to organogenesis TERM 57 Embryo DEFINITION 57 implanted group of cells ectoderm mesoderm endoderm TERM 58 Ectoderm DEFINITION 58 hair, nails, outer layer of skin, nervous system, sensory receptors TERM 59 Mesoderm DEFINITION 59 muscles, skeleton, circulatory system, reproductive system TERM 60 Endoderm DEFINITION 60 digestive and respiratory system TERM 71 Aspirin's effect on fetus DEFINITION 71 large doses may cause bleeding may also increase miscarriage risk TERM 72 Caffeine's effect on fetus DEFINITION 72 >200mg increases miscarriage risk low birth rate decreased muscle tone TERM 73 Drugs that also have negative effect on fetus DEFINITION 73 marijuana, cocaine, methamphetamine, thalimide, heroin TERM 74 Environmental Hazards to fetus DEFINITION 74 radiation, toxic waste, and x-rays lead and mercury mental retardation both maternal and paternal exposure is detrimental maternal diseases TERM 75 Nutrition essential for development DEFINITION 75 mother eats well balance diet and vitamin/mineral supplements folic acid to avoid neural tube deficits (brain &spinal cord) iron for oxygen supply calcium for bone development 300 extra calories to support prenatal development gain 30 pounds dad's diet also important (must contain Vitamin C) TERM 76 Stress's effect on fetus DEFINITION 76 changes the hormone levels and increases the susceptibility to illness, may lead to detrimental behaviors increase risk of ADHD, emotional problems, and language delays TERM 77 Age's effect on fetus DEFINITION 77 teenage motherhood is connected to problems like poor prenatal care and unstable environments problems increase as mother gets older (>35 years) If father is over 40 years, the risk of Downs Syndrome increases TERM 78 TEN TIPS TO HEALTHY BABY DEFINITION 78 Nutrition Vitamins Avoiding Alcohol Avoiding Smoking Weight Gain Exercise Sex Medicine Getting checked for STDs Seat belts (not wearing is leading cause of fetal death) TERM 79 Labor DEFINITION 79 Most intense, prolonged physical effort humans experience TERM 80 Labor Stage 1 DEFINITION 80 uterus begins to contract contractions begin closer (2-5min) and stronger cervix enlarges to about 10cm lasts 6-12 hours in first pregnancy TERM 81 Labor Stage 2 DEFINITION 81 baby passes through cervix and enters birth canal mother pushes by contracting abdominal muscles crowning: baby's head appears baby born within one hour TERM 82 Labor Stage 3 DEFINITION 82 placenta is expelled, lasts a few minutes TERM 83 Cesarean Section (C- section) DEFINITION 83 incision to abdomen to remove baby riskier for mother (blood loss, chance of infection) sometimes necessary when umbilical cord is wrapped around baby or baby is breeched TERM 84 Low birth weight DEFINITION 84 when a baby weighs less than 5 1/2 pounds at birth TERM 85 Preterm infants DEFINITION 85 baby born before 36th week (2 weeks early) they often lag behind full term infants for one year increased risk for blindness, deafness, heart and lung problems, cerebral palsy TERM 96 Occipital Lobe DEFINITION 96 Visual cortex TERM 97 Temporal Lobe DEFINITION 97 Object function and detail TERM 98 Cortical organization: Lateralization DEFINITION 98 hemispheres specialized for particular function; language is usually on the left TERM 99 Cortical Organization: Nueroplasticity DEFINITION 99 brain organization is flexible TERM 100 Myelination DEFINITION 100 axons are coated with insulating fatty sheath (myelin) to improve communication efficiency begins prenatally and continues through adolescence TERM 101 Connectivity DEFINITION 101 at first many pathways synaptic connections are either strengthened or pruned based on experience TERM 102 State DEFINITION 102 Organized pattern of behaviors TERM 103 Infant states DEFINITION 103 regular sleep irregular sleep (REM) drowsiness Quiet alertness (alert inactivity) Waking Activity Crying Gradually they become shorter periods of each state put together into longer periods of sleep and alertness TERM 104 Infant Sleep DEFINITION 104 newborns sleep 16-18 hours a day in short naps begin sleeping through the night by 3-4 months greater proportion of REM sleep TERM 105 Young infants crying DEFINITION 105 physical needs TERM 106 Older infants and toddlers DEFINITION 106 psychological needs TERM 107 crying evokes DEFINITION 107 arousal and discomfort from adults TERM 108 methods to soothing crying babies DEFINITION 108 lift to shoulder and rock gently swaddle pacifier rhythmic sounds car or stroller ride TERM 109 Crying abnormality DEFINITION 109 high pitched or prolonged crying TERM 110 Reflexes DEFINITION 110 inborn automatic responses to stimulation assessed at birth as marker of physical and psychological thinking many have survival value or help establish social interactions most disappear during first 6 months TERM 121 Reaching for objects DEFINITION 121 4 months TERM 122 Use thumb to grasp objects DEFINITION 122 7-9 months TERM 123 Handedness well established DEFINITION 123 2 years TERM 124 Taste and smell DEFINITION 124 well developed at birth TERM 125 Amniotic fluid DEFINITION 125 FLAVOR BRIDGE recognize subtle taste in fluid can detect flavors via breast milk TERM 126 Touch DEFINITION 126 well developed at birth and sensitive to pain TERM 127 hearing DEFINITION 127 7-8months prenatally prefer speech TERM 128 Decasper and Spence (1986) DEFINITION 128 moms read Cat in the Hat about twice daily during the last 1 1/2 months of pregnancy when tested after birth, infants preferred to listen to mom reading the story, not others TERM 129 Vision DEFINITION 129 biological basis developed at birth visual acuity is 20/600 at birth but gradually discriminates colors difficulty scanning and tracking objects prior to 6 months TERM 130 Depth Perception DEFINITION 130 Visual Cliff (Gibson and Walk, 1960) checker board with plexiglass TERM 131 Fear of Heights DEFINITION 131 develops after one month of crawling TERM 132 Piaget's Theory DEFINITION 132 cognitive constructionist child constructs knowledge through interactions with environment TERM 133 Piaget's stages DEFINITION 133 qualitative differences in thinking (discontinuous) invariant progression universal (all children go through all stages) TERM 134 Schemes DEFINITION 134 change with development actions or mental representations that organize knowledge infant examples=sucking banging dropping TERM 135 How do cognitive changes take place? DEFINITION 135 through assimilation and accommodation TERM 146 Mobile Kicking Paradigm DEFINITION 146 Rovee-Collier (1997) operant conditioning 2-3 month infants Baseline: how much they move legs Acquisition: mobile movement reinforces kicking Test, delay, test TERM 147 Habituation DEFINITION 147 decrease in looking as stimulus becomes more familiar;Habituation, a form of non-associative learning, is the psychological process in humans and other organisms in which there is a decrease in psychological and behavioral response to a stimulus after repeated exposure to that stimulus over a duration of time. TERM 148 Individual differences in habituation... DEFINITION 148 related to later cognitive skills TERM 149 Dis-habituation DEFINITION 149 increase in looking stimulus when introduced to new stimulus TERM 150 Explicit memory emerges DEFINITION 150 at 6 months and improves drastically in 2nd year TERM 151 Infantile Amnesia DEFINITION 151 inability to remember events that happened before 3 years frontal lobe aids explicit memory nonverbal storage infancy not compatible with verbal storages development of self image and conversations with others and remembering TERM 152 Language DEFINITION 152 form of communication based on symbols that includes words and rules for combining them TERM 153 Recognizing sounds (phonemes) DEFINITION 153 young infants sensitive to sounds at all world languages by 11 to 12 months, infants are only sensitive to distinctions that have meanings in their own language TERM 154 Word Meaning DEFINITION 154 must link together word's meaning with its sound (or written format/sign) TERM 155 Factors that help children learn language DEFINITION 155 joint focus of attention perceptual features of objects infant/child directed speech TERM 156 Joint focus of attention DEFINITION 156 when children and adult attend to same object point, look, use inflection, repeat words Baldwin (1991) toddlers play with two novel toys, label the toys (follow in condition) or bucket toy (discrepant condition) using novel words (ex: toma, pen) TERM 157 Perceptual features of objects DEFINITION 157 2&3 years learned novel name for object given 7 test items that differed in size, texture, and sample "is this a dax" (made up word) shape TERM 158 Infant/child directed speech DEFINITION 158 makes language features more noticeable higher pitch exaggerated intonation and loudness simple words and phrases emotionally expressive TERM 159 2 months DEFINITION 159 cooing: pleasant vowel-like noises TERM 160 6 months DEFINITION 160 babbling: repetition of consonant vowel combination (bababa, dadada, mamama) TERM 171 Infancy DEFINITION 171 birth to 2 physical: crawling, walking, grabbing, motor skills, sitting cognitive: aware of surroundings, language begins sociomental: dependent, comfort with attachment TERM 172 Childhood DEFINITION 172 2-11 Physical: fine motor skills develop Cognitive: schooling, memory develops Sociomental: friends, peer introduction TERM 173 Adolescence DEFINITION 173 11-18 Physical: puberty Cognitive: abstract thinking Sociomental: gaining independence, rebellioin TERM 174 Adulthood DEFINITION 174 18-65 Physical:bodies are getting achy, deterioration Cognitive: slowly losing memory, have career Sociomental: family TERM 175 Old age DEFINITION 175 65+ Physical: wrinkles Cognitive: sometimes can't remember names, reflection on lives Sociomental: grand kids TERM 176 nature DEFINITION 176 biological/genetic factors TERM 177 Nurture DEFINITION 177 environmental/experience factors TERM 178 Stability DEFINITION 178 traits similar across lifespan TERM 179 Change DEFINITION 179 change is possible throughout life TERM 180 Continuity DEFINITION 180 path marked by smooth progression TERM 181 Discontinuity DEFINITION 181 path marked by abrupt shifts TERM 182 Universal DEFINITION 182 one path= similar across individuals and cultures TERM 183 Context-Specific DEFINITION 183 many paths= different depending on experience
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