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Reconstruction Era's Impact on American Society: Civil War to Great Depression - Prof. Sar, Study notes of World History

An overview of the reconstruction era, including key events, political developments, and social changes in the united states from the end of the civil war to the onset of the great depression. Topics covered include the crittenden compromise, presidential and congressional reconstruction, indian policies, urbanization, labor movements, and the rise of imperialism.

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Download Reconstruction Era's Impact on American Society: Civil War to Great Depression - Prof. Sar and more Study notes World History in PDF only on Docsity! Test 1 January 18, 2011 Secession and War 1. The Antebellum United States a. 1860 (technically 1865) b. Antebellum means before the war c. First European colonies d. South is an agriculture society, not growing food to eat but growing to sell. Main thing they’re growing is cotton. If you wanted to grow a lot of cotton to make a lot of money you needed laborers (slavery). Slaves were the labor source for the agriculture system. As the South grew more cotton they used more slaves. e. North had slaves to show how rich you were (to drive you around or cook so the wife didn’t have to). Around American Revolution North gets rid of slaves because they didn’t need them; they had factories. A lot more people lived in the North than the South, and the North had more urban areas. New Orleans was the only major city in the South. i. Immigrants were poring into New York. Everyone’s hope was to move out West by the empty land, but it still cost money, so they were stuck working in factories. Northerners had more House of Representations; because of all the people living up there. Everyone gets 2 Senators. f. Tariff is a tax, tax on goods imported from other places. This is going to be the issue in the antebellum era. Tax things coming in so it’s not as cheap anymore and keep buying things in the United States. g. Southerners hate terrorists. They don’t like the taxes. 2. Territorial Expansion a. The original settlement was on the eastern seaboard. b. Manifest Destiny i. Conquer the land from sea to shinning sea. Have a better life with your family out West. Are they going to vote with the North or the South? It all depends on if they allow slavery. It’s a race for the Western territory. The land is first territory then it becomes a state. c. Mexican War i. They were a joke. We got an enormous amount of land out of it. The North’s perception of the war was for us to gain land and turn it into slave states. The Southerners fought in the war more than the Northerners so they weren’t happy when the North didn’t want slave states. d. Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo i. The treaty ending the war January 20, 2011 e. California Gold Rush i. Lots of weapons, few women, and men wanted to get all the gold and it was a dangerous place. They need some form of government there to keep everyone under control. President Zachary Taylor from Louisiana came up with a solution for California over slave free or not. He said why make it a territory and not just a state. There was enough people living there to go straight to a state and the people living there could vote. Southerners had a fit because Zachary was from the South and didn’t make it a slave state and all the people living there were from the North so it will become a slave free state. f. Balance of Power i. Slave free state g. Secession i. South says we are out. h. Mental Giants i. Statesmen working to keep the United States strong. The United States was fragile and everyone thought it would fail so they fought to make it strong. i. Compromise of 1850 i. None of the basic issues are solved. Southerners walk away with the belief secession is a good solution if they feel threatened. Politicians who take over mental giants when they die were young and thought the country was fine and just wanted to win the next elected by all means even having north vs. south. j. Kansas-Nebraska Act i. Proposed by Stephen Douglas in 1854 k. Stephen Douglas i. He was from Illinois. Now we got California we need to get to it faster. A railroad would be faster than a wagon. Economic Boom with the railroad. He wanted it in his home state. First start from Illinois to California. But it would have to go through an un territory region. To make this work he has to settle the land. No slavery above Arkansas/ Missouri line. Tries to appeal the line; people on the ground will vote. South votes for Kansas and Nebraska. North is not happy and respects the line so now they’re going to try to reestablish slaves. Slave power conspiracy. l. Whigs vs. Democrats m. 2nd American Party System n. Republican Party 1. Never becomes a law because of the war. 1. – South Carolina, Mississippi, Florida, Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana and Texas all join the Union 2. –Montgomery 3. –Confederate States of America 4. –Jefferson Davis, Alexander Stephens iii. Jamestown, VA is the biggest city down south. They don’t like Lincoln, but he hasn’t done anything wrong. January 25, 2011 Two bonus points to final grade today, does not show in Moodle. 5. Bloody, Furious Civil War a. Fort Sumter i. Instead of being federal property it’s confederate property. One in Pensacola, Fl and Fort Sumter in Charleston Harbor, SC. 1. Major Robert Anderson 1. Tells Lincoln they’re running out of supplies there. Lincoln can let if fall in confederate hands or help resupply it. Lincoln decides to resupply Fort Sumter knowing it might strike a war with the confederates. Jefferson Davidson of the Confederate thinks allowing them to resupply Fort Sumter is showing a weakness on their part, so he’s not going to allow it. 2. PGT Beauregard 1. April 12, 1861 i. The confederates have now attacked the US federal. They fired the first shot. b. The Upper South Secedes i. VA, AR, TN, NC ii. Richmond, VA 1. Lincoln arrests any pro secession politic in Maryland because it’s surround by pro slave people and Washington DC can’t be taken over. c. Ideology of War i. The south is fighting for independence, for a country of their own. The North is fighting to prevent that. Lincoln said states couldn’t just walk away; it’s not a war to end slavery. This war did not start as a war to end slavery but it gets wrapped up in the situation and becomes a big part of it. d. Strategy i. Northern – Anaconda plan 1. Slowing squeeze in by starting out of the coast and coming down the main rivers ii. Southern – Cordon defense 1. Try to cover every square inch of the southern territory. The South doesn’t have enough people to cover all of that land. 4/5 men of confederate men will fight. e. In Louisiana i. Robert E. Lee 1. In charger of Northern Virginia. Who ever can fight the longest will win. Within in the first year of the war the South was starving. They didn’t have much food and had to import it from other countries. ii. E. Battles 1. 1st Manassas junction/ 1st bull run i. 1st big confrontation before Fort Sumter. ii. The Confederates win this first big battle. The federals run back to Washington DC. 2. The Louisiana Tigers i. Soldiers from New Orleans, criminals who’s preferred weapons was a buoy knife. They fight very well until a couple of years after the war. 3. David Farragut i. Union navy commander 4. Benjamin Butler i. Farragut leaves Butler in charge of New Orleans. Baton Rouge falls at one point and completely destroyed but New Orleans was saved. 5. General order #28 – women’s order i. The women of New Orleans weren’t behaving like ladies towards the Union soldiers and if they were caught they would be treated like prostitutes. 6. Vicksburg, MS i. Lots of people from Louisiana were staged in Vicksburg. Confederates were stuck in trenches for months eating mice and rats. Vicksburg will eventually fall and go further south to Port Hudson. 7. Port Hudson, LA i. African/American troops there. ii. Hoping to get alliances with other countries. France and England don’t get involved because they don’t want to be on a losing side. France suggests going to the North side and fight. 8. Sharpsburg/ Antietam i. George B. McClellan is paranoid Robert E. Lee has more soldiers. McClellan’s troops discover an abandoned Confederate site and find their plans so McClellan knows he has way more troops than the Confederate. Confederate troops retreat because they don’t have reinforcements like the Union has. 13,000 Union members die and 10,000 confederate troop members die. One of the bloodiest battles of the war. Lincoln wants McClellan to rush in even though they retreated but he said no so Lincoln brought in U.S. Grant. 9. U.S. Grant i. They attack and attack Robert E. Lee and every time they move Grant will follow and keep attacking. f. Emancipation i. The slaves keep helping the confederate fight the war. The North is fighting to end slavery and that now gives them a reason to keep fighting. All European countries have given up slavery so now none of them will go to the side of the Confederacy. ii. Emancipation Proclamation 1. January 1, 1863 1. Slaves in states remaining in rebellion will be free. iii. 13th Amendment 1. Frees all slaves everywhere iv. Gettysburg v. Pickett’s charge at cemetery ridge 1. Lee forces Pickett to charge at an open field where they have no protection. Lee ordered Pickett to regroup his people but there is no one left. vi. Sherman 1. War should be so terrible we will never want to fight it again. So they will burn the fields, hurt civilians and do everything they can to destroy things. vii. Appomattox 1. Court house where Grant’s men will surround Robert E. Lee. They went there hearing Appomattox has a lot of shoes which the men have been fighting the war in barefoot. Lee surrenders here. 6. Aftermath - Grandfather Clause 1. If you’re grandparent was a slave you couldn’t vote - Fraud 1. Throw away votes iii. Plessy v. Ferguson 1896: “Separate but equal” Lynching - In every year between 1883 and 1905, more than 50 people a year were lynched. February 1, 2011 Changes in American Life I. SETTLING THE WEST i. “The Great American Desert” (how vacant the west was initially) ii. Manifest Destiny iii. The believe the American were destined to occupy the west A. DESTRUCTION OF THE INDIANS a. Americans thought that the Great American Desert was unfit for human habitation so it’s a good place to stick the Indians. Tribes ended up in the area of the Great Plains. They practice a nomadic lifestyle of herds of buffalo. b. Americans move into the Indian Territory because they discover gold, which makes the land very valuable. Americans see themselves as different and better than Indians and look down on them for not being like them. Americans think the solution to dealing with these Indians was genocide (extermination). Americans didn’t believe the Indians were even human beings. c. The U.S. government has to deal with this and they decided to try and restrict the movement of the Indians by putting them on reservations and force the natives into other lands. For the Indians whose lives are nomadic, they are unwilling to abide by the reservation system. The American government promises to provide food and clothing to those who agree to move to the reservations d. The war department is in charge of making sure the Indians get these promises. A lot of government agents are getting rich off these Indians by selling the things that are meant for the Indians to other people. These natives are therefore unwilling to abide by these reservation laws. e. William T. Sherman and his second in command, Phillip Sheridan, say the only good Indian is a dead Indian. f. The U.S. army fights a Plains war in the 1860s to the 1890s, which tries to force the Indians onto their reservations, and if they don’t agree, they kill and massacre them. g. The Indians have a couple of successes in this gorilla war and try to avoid face offs in this war; but over time, the army breaks the spirit of the Natives; big numbers of the Natives are killed; the brutality is unreal; the Natives are very susceptible to the American diseases; therefore, diseases wipe out a lot of the Native population. The buffalo population also dies off; they are intentionally killed off; trains were sometimes put on hold because buffalos were stopped on the tracks; therefore, they decide the buffalos have to go. B. MINING, CATTLE, AND THE PRAIRIE a. Mining is a major reason Americans begin to move into the west. These mine towns pop up out of the middle of nowhere and there is a big flux of minor seekers who crave gold. Settlements pop up and disappear quickly; lots of weapons and booze; few women. Mining is big reason why we start to see settlers here b. Cattle has always been big in Texas; which prior to this point in time were for using their hides for leather; there weren’t that many people in Texas to eat the cows. The big cities have a demand for beef; this is why cowboys emerged; their job was to steer the cattle from places in Texas and literally drive the cows toward places where they will be slaughtered, like Chicago, and the meat will be loaded up and sent to the major cities in the east c. Mexican, black, and white cowboys; this is very brief, other ways come about where they don’t need cowboys anymore. Homesteaders move their families out into the west d. The homestead act; give you land for free; if you work it for 5 years you can have the land in order to encourage people to move out west; it is very hard work and still need money to buy the things to start and maintain farming. Farmers out west are trapped into a life of poverty and the share cropping system that keeps them in debt. e. 1890, the census says there is no more frontier, there are people living everywhere. II. AMERICAN INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT i. After the civil war, the nation population grows and the agriculture doubles; there’s lots of development in late 1800s ii. The 2nd Industrial Revolution iii. Changes from a producer culture to a consumer culture A. CONTRIBUTING FACTORS a. 1. Abundant Natural Resources i. U.S. has all the sources to industrialize; we had lots of coal and oil, plenty of timber, iron, and things that were needed to build an industrialized economy b. 2. Plenty of Workers i. Immigrants are fleeing in; they are willing to work in the factories for long hours and low wages c. 3. Growing Urban Market i. There are increasing numbers of people living in urban areas; they aren’t growing their own gardens, etc. So people in the cities have to buy even the most basic necessities d. 4. Technological Improvements i. We get a systematic, reliable transportation systems that’s going to link all parts of the nation: The Railroads ii. The number of Rail tracks across the county explode iii. The telephone and light bulb is invented in the 1870s; Thomas Edison is working and on avg. a new invention was created every 5 months e. 5. Government Assistance i. Put tariffs on anything imported into the U.S. ii. In order to entice Americans to buy American products rather than European products, the government taxes imports to the U.S. iii. Government helps with railroads in a big way: money and land iv. Government works against organized labor; they take the side of the managers and helps big businesses to get off the ground b. 1871 2/3 of Chicago burned. The structures of houses weren’t built properly. c. Survival rate of children was very low in the city. There was a lot of crime. d. No regulation. Young people didn’t have parents looking after them. V. RESPONSES TO CHANGES i. People fear they’re losing the American dream ii. The world is a lot more complicated. They could fix oil lamps themselves but with electricity people couldn’t just fix the wiring themselves. A. SOCIAL AND CULTURAL a. The rise of professionalization. The number of colleges increases drastically in the late 1900s. You start to see more professionals to get things done right. College enrollment increases a lot. B. RELIGIOUS a. When things get scary they go back to church, late 19th century. b. Late 1800s early 1900s people travel around to hear a certain preach. Try to enforce some religion in the government. No birth control information spreading, no alcohol. C. SOCIAL JUSTICE a. Believe in basic human equality. Everyone should have the same opportunity. Outbreak of private charity. Trying to fix everything wrong. b. Jane Addams – settlement houses i. English courses for immigrants ii. Establish daycares, schools, parks iii. A lot of problems are too big for private charities. They need the government to come in. D. ORGANIZED LABOR a. Try to make changes in the way they work. Get workers to work together. Like everyone asking for less hours or a pay raise rather than one person asking alone. b. Knights of Labor i. First big organization. Anyone could join, skilled, unskilled, men, women, black, white. Increase safety standards and get children out of factories. c. American Federation of Labor i. Samuel Gompers 1. Only allowed men skilled workers. Focused on wages and workers going on strikes. Main labor after overtook Knights of Labor d. Industrial workers of the world – Wobblies i. Over throw management all together. Membership is small but they are very loud. e. Government says workers can’t go on strike but they do anyway f. Molly Maguires i. Pennsylvania ii. Bomb rail lines, beat and murder people g. Great RR Strike of 1877 i. Aimed at railroads. They treat their workers terribly. Cut wages of workers so the business didn’t suffer. Workers in different states go on strike. It spread and became enormous. Attack trains, business offices. h. Haymarket Square i. Workers want an 8-hour workday. Police come and someone throws a bomb at police and kills a policeman. They think workers are trying to over throw the government. Some anarchist people do but not all people. Test 1 Full size blue book Test 10-15 multiple choice from lecture 2-3 short answer from lecture Questions on book, be detailed, a couple of paragraphs Essay, 2 questions pick 1, from lecture material February 10, 2011 GILDED AGE POLITICS I. PARTY POLITICS a. Government isn’t going to step up to protect business owners. Democrats and Republicans were very important during this time and all the people were about 50-50 so all elections were really close. Republican party is a little bit friendlier towards businesses. Voter turn out is enormous. There’s a lot of corruption. II. LOCAL POLITICS A. ON THE CITY LEVEL a. Machine Politics i. Their goal is to control the city they’re in for their own personal gain. Machines are good at making friends with immigrants. This is somebody you can go to, to get help; give you money for groceries until you get a job in exchange for your loyalty, your vote. They’re the first to get the sewage system started. b. Boss Tweed – Tammany Hall i. They gain control of New York City. Vote early, vote often. Tweed will be arrested and convicted of 120 counts of bride and fraud. Skimmed about $200 million. Though these political machines get things done, they’re causing people money and doing more harm than good. B. ON THE STATE LEVEL a. States try to get in companies like railroads, make children attend school; limit the amount of hours children and women work. You don’t see any unemployment assistant. If they’re not working than they’re not trying to find a job. III. PRESIDENTIAL POLITICS i. Presidents are a back seat to congress, no strong presidents A. HAYES (1876) a. 1876 election ended construction. People think he’s a fraud. He doesn’t run for president again because he was disgusted. B. THE 1880 ELECTION AND AN ASSASSINATED PRESIDENT a. After serving 4 months he was assassinated in a Baltimore railroad station. b. Charles Guiteau shot him because he believed the vice president would give him a job. c. Chester Arthur become president and distant himself from corruption d. Pendleton Civil Service Act implements people who are going to get jobs with the federal government. C. 1884 ELECTION a. James G. Blaine i. Most corrupt person who the republican chose as their president. b. Mugwamps c. Grover Cleveland i. Responsible for Tammany Hall being brought to justice. First democratic president in about 30 years. Tries to d. Subtreasury i. Want farmers to get a big thing to store their crops. Problem was everyone harvest at one time so now they won’t have to sell everything immediately. Goes to congress and voted down so now farmers are going to get into politics themselves. C. THE POPULIST PARTY 1. NATIONAL PARTY AND ELECTION OF 1892 a. Tom Watson i. Goes on tour urging black and white farmers to work together. b. Populist (People’s Party) Platform i. Finance 1. They want unlimited point age of silver, increase the amount of money in circulation and want postal savings banks. ii. Transportation 1. Nationalize the railroads and telephone and telegraph iii. Land 1. Continue reclaiming land. New immigrants shouldn’t own land if not citizens. iv. Labor 1. Trying to entice urban workers to come work on farms. No 8-hour workday. 2. PANIC OF 1893 a. Severe economic depression. More than 1 million people lose their jobs (20%) b. Jacob Coxey – Coxey’s army i. Congress votes down his policy. March from Idaho to Washington, D.C. Didn’t do anything wrong so they arrest him for walking on the grass. 3. 1896 a. Obstacles i. Race 1. Still have racial issues after the civil war. ii. $ 1. Population of poor people; they don’t have much money. iii. Sectionalism b. Free Silver c. Republicans – William McKinley i. Opposes free silver d. Democrats – William Jennings Bryan i. In favor of free silver e. Fusion? f. Mark Hanna i. Republicans - $7 million ii. Democrats - $300,000 iii. The republicans take the win February 15, 2011 AMERICAN IMPERIALISM I. CHANGING AMERICAN FOREIGN POLICY a. Two foreign policy impulses i. Expansive ii. Isolationist iii. Monroe Doctrine – 1823 1. Worried about European countries messing with South America. We don’t want Europe coming in the Americas, establishing new colonies. iv. William H. Seward 1. Wants to expand American influences overseas. Wants America to gain territory outside of the United States. 2. Leads to him purchasing Alaska. Make Russia friendlier. They wanted to get ride of Alaska. II. WHY POLICY CHANGES A. INTERNATIONAL BALANCE OF POWER a. Other countries are expanding their traditions to other continents and country’s. b. Alfred Thayer Mahan i. He believes that any nation’s power depended on their domination of the seas. In order for U.S. to keep up they needed to beef up their navy. B. PROTECTION OF US MARKETS a. In the late 19th century the productions are expanding greatly. In order to keep economy going we need to sell things overseas. C. CLOSE OF WESTERN FRONTIER a. Conquered sea to shinning sea but still want to conquer more. D. SOCIAL DARWINISM a. Stronger nations are the ones to dominate places territorial. The U.S. was not the fittest. England, France, Germany and Japan are doing well. Certain races are more superior (lighter skin people) and some that are less superior (darker skin people). Angelo-Saxon the best. E. AMERICANS ABROAD a. Americans who moved to other places around the world wants America to bring influences there. American tells U.S. to go to Costa Rica even though Costa Rica wasn’t stable. III. SPANISH – AMERICAN WAR A. CUBA a. Only 90 miles of the cost of Florida b. Monitoring what they’re doing, wanted to make it a slave state prior to Civil War. c. General Valeriano Weyler i. Goes to Cuba to crush the rebellion by cutting off access to civilian population. ii. Nicknamed the Butcher d. Reconcentrado i. Relocate huge segments of population to prison camps. More than 2 million Cubans die in these camps from disease and not fed properly. e. Yellow Journalism i. American press wants to report on all this. Their concern is to make it exciting over accuracy to sell more newspapers. f. Cubans are iffy if they want the Americans coming in. Want they’re help but don’t want them to take over. g. USS Maine ship explodes killing 266 Americans. U.S. blames it on Spain. McKinley sends war message to Spain. Debate why are we going to war and what are we fighting for? Agree not to acknowledge Cuban rebels, promise not to take Cuba over. War for Cuban dependence changes to Spanish/American war. U.S. wasn’t equipped for this war, 200,000 American volunteers. Test 2 February 22, 2011 THE PROGRESSIVE ERA I. The Nature of Progressivism a. Roosevelt goes out to become a cowboy. He feels like he has all the answers. b. Reform i. A lot of distress, unhappiness and people are suffering. They want to fix everything. They tend to be upper-middle class residents so they’re not poor or in that situation. They are worried for the poorer people and someone needs to help them. They believe they can perfect society and make it safe for everyone. c. Progress i. They believe man was more good than evil so they can fix the problems around them. d. Muckrakers i. A group of journalists who attempt to publicize the problems around them. Experts should rise up to fix these problems. They are known for making everyone aware. ii. Ida Tarbell goes after oil. How they are unfair. iii. Jacob Riis is worried about poverty and sanitization. iv. They’re good at pointing out problems but not solutions. II. Progressive Themes and Reforms A. Democracy a. They wanted to democratize the political process. Take the power away from politicians and give more control to the average American people. b. Direct primary i. Allows party members to vote for the political party c. 17th Amendment i. The people get to choose their senators. d. Initiative e. Referendum i. Allows us to vote on things f. Recall i. Allows voters to vote to recall someone from office B. Efficiency a. Frederick W. Taylor i. Writes a book “The Principles of Scientific Management” 1. He says there is one best way to do something. b. Taylorism i. Gives the correct way of doing things to workers. (ex. You only need to screw this 3 times, not 6 or 8 times) ii. Good for business and management, not good for workers, it takes away their own way to do things. c. Commission System i. First adopted in Texas after a hurricane when their government collapses. Commissions of different departments, like food, health….) d. City-manager plan i. Hire a professional, someone educated in school ii. Still have elected officials. e. Robert LaFollette of Wisconsin i. He establishes a research and advice to elect someone to the legislature. Bring experts in. C. Regulation D. Social Justice a. Trying to clean up parks, sanitation, limit working ours for women and children, have school attendance. Get safety regulations for factories. b. Triangle Shirtwaist company i. Mainly young women working locked in so they can’t take smoke break. There’s no fire escape. E. Prohibition a. They blame everything that is wrong on alcohol. III. Roosevelt A. Personality a. The more local the Politian the more acceptable. He believes the president should be calling the shots. Previous presidents were letting congress call the shots. He loves being the center of attention. B. Regulation of Big Business a. Square Deal i. Prosecute people for not behaving. You need a big government to regulate big businesses. He’s careful to go after these businesses at first because they fall under the federal government. At first he goes after railroads. b. 1902 coal strike i. Miners worked under the worst weathers. There’s a lot of anger at the mine owners already. A lot of people walk off job until they get a raise, 9-hour workday and official recognition of their union. He invites leaders from both sides for a meeting at the White House. The owners refuse to sit down with the workers. Roosevelt says is they don’t work out something he’s sending the army in to take over the mines. 1st president to intervene on the side of the workers. c. Bureau of Corporations i. Keep an eye on big businesses. Their goal was to work with and advice them. If you refuse to work with them they came after you and broke up the big business. d. The Jungle by Upton Sinclair i. Expose the meat packing industry company. This disgusted people and Roosevelt. e. Meat Inspection Act – 1906 i. Regulation of meat and have sanitation standards. f. They go after medicine because of all the bad things such as alcohol in them. g. Pure Food and Drug Act – 1906 i. Make it illegal to misbrand things and other things of that sort. C. Conservation a. Chopping down every tree and not replanting any. b. Gifford Pinchot i. Forestry advisor ii. Want to keep it around for generations. iii. Establish hunting seasons iv. National parks and monuments like the Grand Canyon. v. No more clear-cutting forest. vi. Now poor people depending on hunting to feed them can’t kill as many and Indians have to obey by these rules. March 1, 2011 THE GREAT WAR I. Wilson’s Foreign Policy a. 1914 war breaks out in Europe b. Wilson was an idealist; he wanted to create World Order. He also believed that the United States should hold a leadership role in the rest of the world. c. Sec of State William Jennings Bryan II. World War One a. Events in Europe i. War breaks out and America is shocked ii. Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand (heir to throne of Austria-Hungary) 1914 – by Serbian Nationalist in Bosnia iii. Blank Check. Austria turns to their ally, Germany iv. Austria Hungary (Backed by Germany) declares war on Serbia v. Serbia looks to Russia vi. Russia look to France vii. Germany declare war on Russia and France (Germany is in the middle of them so they try to knock France out of the war first and go through Belgium who is neutral. They are very violent with them, which brings Great Britain in. viii. Great Britain declares war on Germany Central Powers – Germany, Austria, Hungary, Turkey, Bulgaria Allied Powers – Russia, France, Great Britain, Japan, Italy (Italy was Central at first) Massive amount of trench warfare, 475 million miles of trenches b. American Neutrality i. We thought thank goodness we’re far away from this ii. The world has never seen so much chaos before and it’s killing a lot of people and seems to be getting nowhere. iii. So many immigrants came in the past few decades we have connections with Europe. We have at least 8 million German- Americans. iv. We’re allies with Great Britain v. We become a source to help provide food and needs to people at war. They run out of money and need to buy our products with credit; loans. William Jennings Bryan says loans will just keep the war going and giving out loans to these other nations isn’t a good idea. Wilson quietly gives out loans to allies. We’re loaning to both sides but way more for Great Britain’s side. vi. Great Britain has the biggest navy and is refusing for us to loan to Germany. They didn’t let us trade war related material including food and wool that was never war related material before. vii. Anything going to Germany they will seize. They blocked Germany ports. Great Britain will censor they info we receive about the war so it looks like they’re the good guys. viii. Germans come up with the U-boat, submarines. They warned neutral countries. Great Britain starts flying American flags so they think it’s neutral boats when it’s them, so German says neutrals are in danger too. ix. May 1915 a German submarine sinks a British ocean liner, which had Americans on it. They warned Americans not to get on the ship, 128 Americans were on it. x. We demand an apology and to not attack passenger ships. He resigned rather than deliver the message. Someone else delivered it and they apologized. xi. We have an election year 1916 and Wilson runs. His slogan said “who keeps us out of war?” Wins by half a million votes. He wants to offer a peace without victory but with honor, but both sides are in too deep and aren’t interested and want to win. xii. Zimmerman Telegram sent from German sec to ambassador in Mexico to offer an alliance in case of war between German and America and in return with help regain land that the U.S. took. xiii. Unrestricted submarine warfare they know they’re risking war with America but they can’t allow America to send goods to their allies. March 1917 German subs sink 5 American ships. Wilson’s cabinet asks for a declaration of war. We get it April 6, 1917. c. America at War i. Most people didn’t expect America to get an army and fight overseas. The French demand America sends some soldiers because they need assistants. 14,000 American soldiers go and they ask for 1 million more. We only had 300,000 by the end of the war we had over 3 million. ii. Food Administration asks Americans to eat less so they can send more to the soldiers. 1. Herbert Hoover provides a lot of aide and is in charge of food administration. They ask people who have never farmed before to start farming some in their backyard. iii. War industries board tells you what to make. They are producing at max. Recruiters go south to get African Americans who worked as labors to help. iv. Great Migration begins. African Americans go north during the war to help work factories. v. Committee on Public Information They focus on propaganda urging people to save food. vi. 100% Americanism They want everyone to be completely loyal with America. Schools drop German class; everything German was bad. vii. Espionage and Sedition Acts Can’t have people doubting the government. Socialist are targeted for speaking bad about the war. March 3, 2011 d. Peace i. Wilson’s Fourteen Points 1. Presents to congress for the only way of peace 2. Asks for freedom of the seas 3. Exclude trade barriers 4. Asks to adjust colonial claims 5. Uses this as a propaganda 6. September 1918 German government hints at a negotiation settlement. November 1918 the shooting stops but that doesn’t mean there’s a peace treaty yet. ii. Paris Peace Conference 1. Wilson goes himself to help settle this to create a lasting peace. 2. He makes a few mistakes going. He loses touch with political realities at home since he’s gone for so long. He asks for people to only vote for democrats, which hugely back fires. He doesn’t bring a single republican with him to Paris. 1. The fight to give women the right to vote. A lot of progressive women get involved. Working towards federal amendment. 2. 19th amendment in 1920, doubled the size of the election ii. Prostitution 1. Soldiers start to visit prostitutes and getting VD. 2. Start withdrawing money from states who allow prostitution iii. Prohibition 1. Belief that every problem can by contributed to alcohol. Can’t have drunk soldiers or workers. 2. 1919 18th amendment which bands the importation of intoxicating beverages. 3. Volstead Act – go after people who are manufacturing alcohol. This is what reformers want. Passed at the end of the progressive era. March 10, 2011 THE ROARING TWENTIES I. Conservative Politics No longer is a belief in progress, faith and progress gone. a. President Harding and the return to normalcy Harding was a republican from Ohio. “Return to Normalcy” was his campaign slogan. He drank bootleg boos in the white house and had lots of female company. Harding was really only worried about being loved. i. Progressivism undone - Secretary of treasury is Andrew Mellon; he is set out to reduce government spending and cut taxes. This did help the efficiency in the Federal Budget. People really liked him. Tax breaks for the wealthy was one of Mellon’s greatest accomplishments. He also set higher tariff’s to help maintain the United State’s superiority in the economy. 1. Harding also helps the blacks. ii. Corruption returns – The Ohio Gang. Harding’s old friends from Ohio; accused of lots of dirty deeds. Teapot Dome Scandal. The Teapot Dome was an oil reserve in Wyoming; a reserve for the federal government. Oil companies were given permission to extract the oil. The scandal also was a key factor in posthumously destroying the public reputation of Harding, who was extremely popular at the time of his death in office in 1923. Harding dies of food poisoning. b. Silent Cal i. Whenever Harding dies, Calvin Coolidge becomes president. He was credited with the shortest inauguration speech ever; 4 sentences long. Distances himself from the Harding administrations scandals. II. America in the 1920s (Modern America) a. Economic Boom i. Herbert Hoover was the Secretary of Commerce. Cooperative Individualism – voluntary cooperation among businesses. The number of people that owns stock increases dramatically. Welfare capitalism. Wages go up, number of working hours go down. Working conditions improve and in result, union membership declines. Farmers are suffering. The great depression hits the rural south first. b. The advent of a consumer culture i. Since people now have money, they start to spend it. People are now buying more of what they want instead of what they need. Advertisers set out to make people want more and more. Whenever people start buying installment plans the people go on severe debt. c. Mass media and entertainment i. Movies become a huge hit. People start to imitate the glamour they see in the movies. National culture. d. Transportation i. Airplanes – The Wright Bros. are credited for the first flight. A great military weapon during World War 1. Airmail contracts are put in place to boost air industry. Amelia Earhart help airplane industry. ii. The Automobile – This was the biggest social and economic event in the 20th century. 1916, over one million automobiles manufactured, by 1930, there were over 30 million. Rise to a demand for oil products took place. Leading example of mass production techniques and efficiency. Suburbs grew as rural isolation breaks down traffic. The automobile drastically changed dating practices. e. Intellectual modernism i. Dramatic changes in science and social form. New scientific findings. Einstein’s “Theory of Relativity.” Developments in quantum physics. Anthropologists start to study culture; and we shouldn’t treat other cultures harshly. Frank Boaz Freud said we should satisfy sexual desires. Southern Renaissance – William Faulkner and Thomas Wolf. f. The youth revolt i. The youth really likes the new ideas that are coming out regarding science and sex. The “Jazz Age” even blacks were successful jazz artists. The New Woman in the 1920’s was called “Flappers”. They started drinking, smoking and experimenting sexually. Margaret Sanger started the American Birth Control League, Planned Parenthood and eugenics. Prohibition was completely mocked during this time period. Al Capone. g. Black life in the 1920s i. Jim Crow – separate but equal status among black people. Political leaders came out with ingenious ways to take away the vote form black people. Movement from jobs in agricultural to urban areas. W.E.B. Dubois cam out with NAACP (national association for the advancement of colored people) Asa Philip Randolph emerged as one of the most visible spokesmen for African American civil rights. Marcus Garvey started the Universal Negro Association. Argues blacks are better. He also leads the black to Africa movement. He had an emphasis on Racial Pride. Jazz helped out the black’s public figure. March 15, 2011 III. Backlash a. Fundamentalism i. A lot of these people lived in small towns and liked the old simply life than the new ways of things. Take the bible very literally. The main thing is evolution. They start passing laws that prevent teachers from teaching evolution. ii. William Jennings Bryan says it’s just a theory. John Scopes made Bryan admit things from the Bible like a whale in fact ate Noah. b. Immigration restriction i. Once the world war is over immigration picks up. They are a lot cheaper to pay to work. i. $500 million to give banks, railroads. Aimed to help business rather than average Americans. He becomes increasingly hated. c. Emergency relief act i. Loans to states but isn’t enough, it’s too little too late IV. Americans in despair a. Farmers start burning corn to keep warm. b. Bonus expeditionary army i. Army veterans from WWI were promised bonuses ii. They can’t feed their families and request their bonus now. iii. They march to the nations capitol for immediate bonus but they say no. There’s nowhere for them to go so they just stay there. Hoover wants to get ride of them and pays for their tickets home but they didn’t have a place to go. The army is sent to move the veterans away. They entire country sees this and is on the side of the veterans. Hoover insisted they were communists and criminals. March 17, 2011 Watched Cinderella Man – the first hour and a half March 22, 2011 FDR AND THE NEW DEAL I. 1932 Election a. Hoover is the republican candidate; Roosevelt is the democratic candidate. Roosevelt won by a landslide. II. The First New Deal a. FDR i. A politician, educated at Harvard, assistant secretary of the Navy, got polio at the age of 39, most people thought that was the end of his career, he bounced back mainly because of his wife Eleanor. She pushes him to help the poorest people. She’s the first active first lady. His personality impresses people the most. He promises to do something about The Great Depression but never really said what. 20th Amendment changes inauguration from March to January so you don’t have to wait so long. b. First Hundred Days – nearly half of people were out of jobs i. Emergency Banking Act – over 9 million people lost their banking. He forces all banks to close for 4 days. If banks are determined to be sound they can reopen. The night before the banks open he gives people his first radio speech of what’s going on and how the legislature will fix it. The next day people were lined up to put money in the banks. People believe he cares about them and he is their friend. ii. Revenue Act 1. Government gets more involved in people’s lives. 18th Amendment will allow alcohol to be legal to sell but taxes it. iii. Agricultural Adjustment Act (AAA) 1. Aimed at freely relieved farmers because they were suffering and were desperate. Farm income was going down. 2. Henry Wallace – draw up agriculture adjustment act, this will pay farmers to do less. Raise prices by reducing supply. They’re too late in this season so they have farmers dip up crops so they don’t harvest them. 3. A lot of farmers don’t own their own land like the sharecroppers and tenants and they don’t get paid with this act; only the landowners do. The poorest farmers are driven out of farming. iv. Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) 1. Runs through core area of South. Main goal is to provide electric power along the Tennessee River. v. Mortgage Help 1. Homeowners and farmers have been losing land to mortgages so there are two acts, one for each for lower interest rates. vi. Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) 1. The most important new policy to you. It insures bank deposits. Government promises if that bank fails it will pay you back up to a certain extent, about $100,000. vii. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) 1. Regulate chaotic stock market. viii. Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) 1. Aimed at putting young men to work between 18-25 who didn’t have jobs. They often got in trouble with crime so it’s here to help them by building roads, bridges, fighting fires, etc. Paid $30 a month with $25 going home to their families. ix. Federal Emergency Relief Act (FERA) 1. Give money to the states to give to Americans who are unemployed. x. National Recovery Administration (NRA) 1. Attempting to stabilize the business sector. Basic rules and regulations for business; money wages, etc. Limit working hours for everyone and sets minimum wage, outlaws child labor all together March 24, 2011 III. Opposition to the New Deal a. People believe the government is going too far into people’s lives where they don’t need to be. b. Communist Part – Capitalism is the problem itself; not a lot of people are in this party. c. Upton Sinclair – 1930’s runs for governor in California, tries to drive out some business. People get worried and try to drive him out. d. Francis Townsend – doctor who is appalled when sees people digging through trash for food. Makes retirement plan for people over 60. Critics noted this pan financially wouldn’t work but he doesn’t care. e. Father Charles Coughlin – known as radio priest. Tries to increase money supply. 1 million listeners in Midwest. Loses people quickly f. Huey P. Long – thirsty for power and attention, caters to lower classes, give free textbooks to schoolchildren, but becomes a somewhat of a dictator. He’s a democrat. Was governor of Louisiana. Offer to represent Roosevelt and wins him a lots of people. They’re too much a like and start to not like each other. FDR starts to see Long as a rival because he wants to become president. Plan to guarantee families a certain amount of money per year. (What’s the plan name?) He promised way to much and there are a lot of poor people in the country and they love him because they like the sound of his plans. Runs against FDR in 1936. His plan is to win in 1940 after a republican comes in and messes things up. Long was assassinated in the Capitol building. IV. Second New Deal Test 3 THE MARCH TOWARD WAR I. International Events A. The Great Depression in a Global Context a. The U.S. expected this to be paid back, but France and Britain disagree, especially why the economy begins to collapse. They hope the U.S. will forgive the debts. b. Problems increase when the U.S. raises the tariff so Europeans have a hard time paying back debts. And they also insist they can’t pay the U.S. back until Germany pays them back. c. Germany is in a state of collapse. The dollar become worthless, inflation is out of control. The money is used for wallpaper and toilet paper; it is that worthless. B. Disarmament a. Countries have built up enormous arsenals. Treaties and agreements come about to focus on less weapons. b. Nine power treaty gestures for all world countries to avoid another major war and catastrophe. c. Kellogg-Briand Pact- French foreign minister. The US and France promise to never go to war with each other. An attempt by France to force the U.S. into a military alliance; pretty smart idea. They try to invite all the nations to join him, 62 nations. C. Japan a. Total decay, can’t keep up with technological advances. Becomes interested in expanding its control over China. It cannot provide all the national resources, so it has to look abroad. Militant nationalists come into power in Japan to try to turn Japan into a world power. They want to dominate the pacific basin. Begin to challenge post war settlements. They see treaties (Kellogg) as a way of keeping them from expanding and harmful. b. Then seized Manchuria by force. Undeclared war on China changed into a territory called Manchukuo. Violation of international agreements Japan agreed to. China goes to the League of Nations to ask for assistance, yet they do nothing. They then go to the U.S. Hoover does not want to get involved. c. Stimson Doctrine – the U.S. would not recognize any treaty, agreement, situation that went against the current treaties. Saying they would not interfere in Manchukuo. d. Japan withdraws form the League of Nations shortly after. D. The Rise of Fascism in Europe 1. Italy a. Benito Mussolini – created fascist movement b. Leader in Italy. Promised to restore order, everyone was struggling, so this guy appealed to 2. Germany a. Adolf Hitler b. Chancellor of government. Similar to prime minister. Decorated WWI veteran, header nationalist socialist German workers party. NAZI. Hated Jews, Versailles treaty, westerners, war guilt clause, etc. especially the frog- France. Refers to Germans who agreed to clause as November Criminals. Lots of fear and resentment, poverty, bitter feelings in Germany. Hitler blamed Jews, allies, treaty. He promised to restore Germany to its former glory. He earns respect. 1924- attempts to overthrow the government by force. He is arrested for treason. He was given unlimited time to speak at the trial and he a great speaker. He was sentenced to 5 years in prison buy was only given 1. In prison, he wrote “Main Kampf” which is My Struggle. Outlined his desire to secure Lebensraum, living room. Wants to unite a German empire. Weimar Republic is in charge at this time. c. His secret police, the Gestapo, terrorizes the Jews, Calls Germany the Third Empire. The third Reich to last 1000 years. He wanted revenge. His government withdraws from the league, throws out all treaties, and makes a new military though they were not allowed to. Wermacht- denounces the fact that they cannot have military. And yet the world does noting. No one wanted to get involved during the Depression, yet that was the point of the league in the first place. 3. Spain a. Generalissimo Franco – governor of Spain b. Europe and U.S. are sympathetic for this overthrown democratic elected governor, but they do nothing. Soviet union tries to help but do nothing really in 1939. E. Initial American Response a. Become more isolated. b. Senator Gerald P. Nye- leads in investigations of strictly neutral if war breaks out. No loans, no supplies, no boats to Europe, no trade. And stay out of European affairs. Back to George Washington policy. c. Ludlow Amendment – public vote on whether or not to go to war. This is defeated because the president does not like this idea. Roosevelt thinks the U.S. will do better communicating with the other parts of the world and we are tied inevitable to them. II. Outbreak of War A. Asia a. First breaks out here, Japan took Manchuria. Japan increasingly expands armed forces and navy. U.S. builds up navy just in case. Marco polo bridge- undeclared war by Japan on China. Japanese army captures Beijing, Shanghai, “Rape of Nanking” horrific incident. Thousands of women are raped by Japanese soldiers, and the…. b. Recall the commander. Quiet recall of the trade with Japan, but the U.S. does noting big yet. Japanese renounced the open door policy in 1938 saying they would create a new world order. Shek in China does not want to give up yet, though he is forced to move to the west and fight the invading Japanese and the communists lead by Mao Zedong. Redoing wanted to overthrow Skek government. They cooperate briefly to fight the invading Japanese. This basically is the beginning of WWII. c. Anti Comintern Pact- alliance that creates the Rome, Berlin, Tokyo Axis. B. Europe a. Hitler has a full-rebuilt army. March 1938- completes anschluss- union. He takes over Austria. 6 months later, takes Sudetenland, German-speaking part of Czechoslovakia Munich conference- British and French leaders go aggression. This does not stop Hitler of course. Within 6 months, he seized all of Czechoslovakia, then Lithuania. b. Propaganda of the enemy during WWII. About 1 million African Americas served during the war in segregated units. NAACP membership doubles. They come up with the Double V campaign of victory at home, victory for civil rights. Native Americans participate in the war, larger than any other group. 1/3 serve in military or industries. Interesting because they were treated horrible by the American government. They work as code talkers and breakers. Not a lot of support for the axis powers, but Japanese. Lot of concern that immigrants were more loyal to Japan than U.S. Japanese interment camps- removed from homes and forced into camps, sell homes and businesses. More than 100,000. Most were U.S. citizens. The government did apologize. Over 30,000 offered to help the war efforts. II. 1944 Election III. War Aims and Strategy a. Roosevelt’s 4 freedoms: Freedom from fear, want, worship and speech b. Germany 1st strategy: everyone agrees Hitler is the biggest threat. The Japanese should be dealt with, but they are not as big of a problem. Churchill and FDR get together to plan war strategy. FDR wanted cross channel invasion, attack Hitler there. Churchill said no, we are not ready. He was obsessed with preparation and to make sure military was superior because he was paranoid of avoiding mistakes of WWI. c. Soviet Union is collapsing dealing with the war effort. “The enemy of my enemy is my friend,” still tension, but Hitler is a bigger problem. An attack is agreed to happen first. First in North Africa that was under Hitler reign. IV. War A. Early War Against Japan a. Chinese do a bad thing. They fight the communists within China instead of working together to take down the invading Japanese. b. The Philippines is taken over. American captives were forced to march the death march of war. No food or water, searched, anything Japanese was executed because they could have hurt a Japanese and stolen, people were executed along the way, beaten. Over 140,000 American prisoners and 1/3 of them died. Americans are forced to surrender to the Philippines. c. Japanese would have been successful if they stopped there but they had “victory disease” and kept striving for more land. They failed to destroy Pearl Harbor completely. They set their sights on Midway Islands, and Japanese are forced to retreat. Turning point of the war in the pacific. From there they are on the run losing ground. B. Early War Against Germany and Italy a. Churchill was still paranoid, so they go next to Scissile, Italy and move up the Italian peninsula. Americans and British finally decide on a cross channel invasion after months to prepare. They concentrate on bombing campaign to do enough damage that people will just give up. Within a year U.S. has control of the skies. Stalin and Churchill and Germany meet to discuss two front wars. “The Big Three” C. D-Day and the End of the Third Reich a. Operation overload- cross channel invasion. They fool the Germans to think the invasion is coming farther north. Over 600,000 civilians killed in bombing, 800,000 injured. June 6, 1944 invasion begins. Bombs dropped behind beaches; battle ships were on coast. Germans were taken off guard. Some soldiers drown and capsize in the first units- 90% of troops. But German losses are even worse. Greatest invasion in history. Within 2… b. executed. Battle of the bulge- serious fighting in the cross line coming from Germany and France Churchill tried to force Eisenhower to brag the soviets to Berlin because they can control what happens next in the war. Eisenhower feels no need to rush; he is a military guy. Churchill tires to go over him to FDR, but FDR is essentially on his deathbed. The big three meet at a former czar palace. They promised to sponsor democratic elections in all the areas they free from German control. Agreements about Japan but by 1935 Hitler’s 3rd Reich is eminent; FDR dies before he sees this though so now Truman takes over. Germany collapses a month later, Italy is collapsed, Mussolini is captured and killed, Hitler locks himself in a basement, marries his girlfriend, kills her and him as allied forces move in. VE Day- victory in Europe day. Victory is tempered by the discovery of the concentration camps. D. Japan and the Atomic Bomb a. Japanese hiding in underground caves. Okinawa- more than 100,000 Japanese soldiers fight to defend this tiny island as well. This invasion will be costly. J. Robert Oppenheimer- bomb construction and scientist. Einstein German but living in America, begged FDR to get a bomb first. The Americans win and Germany was nowhere near to completion. The war against Germany is over, so now war against Japan. b. Scientists now have to figure out how to deal with this powerful bomb. Truman said if Japan does not surrender by this date, we would drop a bomb. Allied lives will be killed, 100,000 soldiers are held as prisoners. Bomb would be better than invasion. c. Potsdam Declaration- Japan surrender or face destruction. August 6, 1945, bomb on plane headed for Hiroshima. 8:15, the bomb was released. Tumbled 1900 feet before exploding. The bomb killed 80,000 instead of the estimated 20,000. Radiation burns killed people and skin peeled. V. Final Assessment a. Soviet Union – 20 million deaths. b. U.S. – 292,000 lost (least amount) c. Our territory was not destroyed aside from Pearl Harbor. This war stimulated the economy. Huge productivity, full employment, new technologies, electronics; the only major industrial power still standing. d. Soviet Union controls Europe and is very aggressive. e. After FDR dies, a constitution is set for only two terms in office. START OF THE COLD WAR I. Origins a. Begins with WWII. Big three- U.S., Great Britain and Soviet Union. There was a lot of distrust and suspicion. After WWII, super powers were Soviet Union and U.S. but they kind of hate each other and are against each other with their allies. A. Post War Goals a. Democracy- spreading across the globe b. Economic opportunities abroad- sell to foreign markets. Urgency after WWII because U.S. does not want max production to slack off; keep economy going and running at high level. Intense competition to sell American products to the rest of the world. b. But they keep going, and hundreds of thousands of Chinese soldiers come on a human wave attack, pushing the UN forces back down the 38 parallel. MacArthur is angry and clearly deranged. He requests 34 atomic bombs, air raids, and naval block. He is asking for a war. Truman of course declines. The line stabilizes back to the 38 parallel, and negotiates to end the war begin. MacArthur writes a letter of open insubordination, and Truman fires him. He was popular, but he was going insane. Cease fire 1951. Settled boundary where the war started, 2 ½ miles demilitarize zone. Korea remains divided today. VI. Eisenhower a. In office by the time the war was over. War hero; D-day invasion. Truman does not run again. A. Different View of the Cold War a. He thinks it’s just the way it is, us versus them. Sec of state- John Foster Duller. They come up with… b. Iran- CIA counter-revolution. They don’t like us because of meddling in affairs in 1953. Holy land – Palestine. Ruled by Turkey until WWI but now by Great Britain. c. Zionist movement among Jews- desire to create Jewish state within holy land. Movement picks up during Hitler’s reign. They feel like they are owed this. 1947, UN petitions to make a state. The Arabs own this territory and have a problem with this. British mandate expires in 1948, so it becomes recognized as Israel. Arabs are upset. Still a problem today. A peace deal has been tried, but it makes it worse. Carter was great, but other world leaders did not support this. B. Cold War Spreads a. Cold war spreads to Guatemala, CIA stops this. Castro overthrows Cuba. Supported by the Soviets. Eisenhower cuts ties with the Soviets and Cuba. Spreads then to space race- Russia launch Sputnik satellite. So we do NASA and have the… April 12, 2011 Post-War Society and Liberalism I. Second Red Scare a. House un-American activities committee (HUAC) i. Determine their loyalty to the U.S. Anyone that’s different maybe a communist spy. 1,000 of employees are demined disloyal: gays, people in debt, poor people, etc. b. Alger Hiss i. He’s popular in Washington D.C. society. c. Whittaker Chambers i. Former Soviet spy. Said Hiss was a spy. Hiss sues Chambers that it was false documents he framed him with. Hiss is found guilty of lying under oath. His trial leads to the focus of spies. If Hiss could be a spy anyone could be a spy. d. Julius and Ethel Rosenberg i. Passing atomic secrets from U.S. to Soviet Union. Found guilty and executed even though no hard evidence was found. Son goes on to clear his parents’ name that they were never spies. We later found out they were actually spies. Everyone is paranoid on who could be a spy. e. Joseph McCarthy i. He claims the state department is infested with Soviet spies and claims he knows who they are. He ruins peoples’ lives by getting investigators to investigate these “spies.” He is obnoxious to these witnesses. Goes after people in the entertainment industry. f. McCarthyism i. Accuses anyone and everyone. Even claims the army is spies. The government finally steps in for him being so rude and mean. No one he accused was an actual spy. II. Characteristics of Post-War Liberalism a. Nature of U.S. is exceptional i. We are good and the American dream offers an opportunity to everyone; produces economic growth. It will solve all the country’s problems. If you work hard enough you can move up. The system we have now is perfect. b. Cold war and containment i. If you love capitalize than you hate communism. Continue to fight the cold, spend a lot of money. c. Government could and should regulate the economy i. Thought they controlled the economy and their spending could manage the economy. d. Government should provide a basic standard of living for all Americans i. World War II ends the Great Depression. e. War on poverty i. The government could end poverty all together. f. Civil Rights i. Even minorities should have the same rights to everyone. Generation really trust the national government. III. Affluence a. 1950s things are going great. The wealthiest nation on earth. b. G.I. Bill i. More and more people become middle class. People move up the economic ladder. Huge number move into middle class; veterans going to college. c. Why so prosperous? i. Increased Productivity – a lot of new technology and machines ii. Lack of international competition – everyone else is severely damaged from WWII iii. Government spending – help the middle class build houses, build interstate highways, increase wages iv. Baby Boom – soldiers return from war and have lots of babies, which need lots of stuff like clothes, school, etc v. Pent up consumer demand – people saved up during the war and now have money to spend. TV becomes bigger; radio stations like ABC make TV stations and make shows people want to watch. This is big for advertisers. Suburbs expand a lot after WWII. Black people can’t move out of cities, so they have to stay there and ghettos start to form. American women were wives and mothers; took care of the house. Many loved it so they didn’t have to go out and work. Credit cards appear in 1950s, TVs, two cars per home, many kids and rock n roll appear. IV. Truman and Eisenhower a. Truman – Fair Deal i. Wants government to get more involved with people’s lives. If you couldn’t find a job the government would help or give you one. b. Eisenhower – Dynamic conservatism i. He’s a republican. Expected to disagree with everything FDR said and done, but he doesn’t. ii. 1965 Voting Rights Act 1. Assuring all citizens the right to vote. iii. Medicare 1. Health treatment for the elderly. iv. Medicaid v. And Urban Development vi. Johnson promises way more than he delivers. He promises to fix everything. He doesn’t go down as one of the best presidents. VIII. Role of the Supreme Court a. Warren Court b. Chief Justice Earl Warren i. Is an Eisenhower appointing. Schools have to desegregate. Take kids travel to not just their local school but schools further away to mix up the races there. You have to have an equal number of blacks and whites at each school. Parents are outrages and start setting buses on fire. You can’t pray in public schools or read the bible. Most Americans are Christian so people start getting angry. Every person has a right to an attorney and is able talk to them before being interrogated. Focus on individual rights. Out law Crush videos. April 26, 2011 Vietnam I. Kennedy and the Cold War a. Eisenhower had Okayed the CIA permission to overthrow Castro. CIA trains people who left Cuba because of Castro to overthrow him. b. Bay of Pigs Invasion i. Cuba’s only 90 miles from Florida. Kennedy was assured it was an easy mission to he gave the CIA the OK to go and do it. No one in the United States would know this plan; it would be a secret. Some trained by CIA, but most have no training invaded Cuba, Bay of Pigs. They had faulty equipment, bad plans and old maps. U.S. underestimated the amount of Cubans there. Kennedy doesn’t give them any air support because Americans would’ve found out what was going on. New York Times had the story of what they were doing and everyone found out what was going on. Kennedy becomes obsessed with assassinating Castro. c. Berlin Wall i. Berlin was a focal point of the Cold War. It’s deep within a communist block. East Germans were escaping to West Germany through Berlin. Cruseft begins to break down the Berlin wall. d. Cuban Missile Crisis i. This is the closest we got to use nuclear weapons against each other. Cruseft will put missiles in Cuba aimed at the US because the US has missiles aimed at Turkey. The missiles in Cuba could hit all the way to Washington D.C. In 1962 U.S. spy plans find where the Cubans are planning to put the missiles when they arrive from the Soviet Union. ii. Kennedy has 2 options. 1. Air-strike or 2. Embargo of the island, which would have the US navy, surround the island so they can’t ship anything to Cuba. Kennedy chooses this blockade. It makes the Soviets have to fire first at the navy to get through and if they do then we can fire back. Kennedy gets 2 messages from the Soviet Union. 1. Return the missiles if we don’t invade Cuba. 2. Soviet will not remove missiles unless US meet their demand and take US missiles out of Turkey. Kennedy’s brother responds to the 1st message and pretends they didn’t get the 2nd message. The US takes outdated missiles out of Turkey. II. Vietnam a. Roots of Conflict i. French Indochina 1. Was taken over by Japan in WWII. ii. Ho Chi Minh 1. Vietnamese? Nationalist who wanted Japan?. He’s a communist. He borrows Jefferson’s words from the Declaration of Independence. iii. Viet Minh 1. Ho Chi Minh’s followers iv. Dien Bien Phu 1. The French try to lore Viet men, but Viet men over run the French. The French will be slaughtered. They agree to divide Vietnam. French get the South. The Communist gets the North. The Catholic Vietnamese flea to the South. v. Diem 1. Promises to institute political rein forms. But he allowed corruption. Causes resentment from the South Vietnam. vi. Viet Cong 1. Monks begin setting themselves on fire to protest the corruption. Anyone who disagrees is executed. b. Kennedy Increases U.S. Involvement i. Kennedy increases spending to 16,000 and allows a coup to overthrow Diem, but nothing else gets better. c. Johnson Americanizes the War i. Escalation 1. Gulf of Tonkin – blank check 2. Operation Rolling Thunder ii. Johnson didn’t want this war. He feels like he has to or these little surrounding countries will become communist too; the domino effect. He gradually adds more American troops but that gives the Vietnamese more time to stop us. We’re just trying to fight the North Vietnamese off the South. We’re not in to win a war or to lose. iii. Opposition 1. Most Americans couldn’t care less about the outcome of this war. Americans are already not sure about Johnson because he promised to end poverty. He constantly says it’s almost over; we’re about to win. 2. Tet Offensive a. Late January, Vietnamese New Year. Militarily the Vietnamese are defeated here. A lot of Americans turn against the war. Men refuse to go to a war they don’t believe they should be in. In 1968 Johnson goes on television and says he wants to seize fire. 1968 is an election year. 3. Republican Nixon vs. Democrat Hubert Humphrey d. Nixon Ends Direct US Involvement i. Gradually pulls American troops out. He wants Vietnamese to think he’s a mad man. He bombs communist in Cambodia. People are outraged thinking he would end the war, not spread i. 43 people died. A nightclub was opened too late. Police come in and people start to argue which draws in more and more people and becomes a riot. c. More riots in North than South VI. The Conservative Response A. William Buckley and The National Review a. Buckley is catholic, believes in right and wrong. Conservative youth starting now. B. Nixon and the Promise of Order May 3, 2011 Rise of Conservatism I. Decline of Post War Liberalism A. Nixon 1. Background a. 1964 wins republican nomination. Runs in 1968 against Humphrey. Nixon claims to have a secret strategy to get U.S. got of Vietnam War and wins. 2. Domestic Policy a. New federalism – wants to return power the federal government has back to the states. b. Liberal compromises – he increases government funding c. Law and order – end protests that create chaos d. The Southern Strategy – he thinks the white southerners (who like the traditional things) have more in common with republicans i. More schools are integrated with black and whites even though he doesn’t agree with it. 3. Foreign Policy Successes a. Nixon is more interested in his foreign policy. He’s very frank and honest. b. Henry Kissinger – sec of state, he’s brilliant, he and Nixon completely agree on everything c. Realpolitik – d. detente – e. China – accepts invitation to go to China. First president to go to China. As soon as Nixon gets home the Soviet Union calls him and invites him to go over and he does. f. USSR – He goes to Moscow. g. Shuttle Diplomacy – Kissinger wants peace in the Middle East. He goes back and forth to all these Middle East countries talking to leaders. 4. Watergate a. 1972 Nixon is in a great position to run for president again, but he’s worried, he paranoid. He’s worried about his democratic opponents. He wins with the biggest republican victory every. Massachusetts is the only state he never won. Burglars break into the Watergate apartments in Washington D.C. It turns out it was CIA agents and they worked in the Nixon campaign. During the trail one admits to having assistant from the Nixon association, who try to cover it up. Nixon won’t show documents they want to see. Nixon is playing dirty. There’s a recorder in the White House that have recorded most of those conversations and the senate wants them. Nixon refuses to let anyone listen to them. The Supreme Court rules he has to release the tapes, so he does. Large sections of the audiotapes have been deleted. The secretary claims she accidently deleted large sections. Nixon decides to resign from office. B. Ford a. Nixon had approved him. He’s a nice down to earth guy, but the American people did not choose him. He doesn’t do a whole lot while in office. He keeps Kissinger and the Shuttle Diplomacy going but doesn’t get much more done. C. Carter a. Democrats run Carter. He’s very nice and honest and promises to never lie to American citizens. He’s a southerner. 1. Hostage Crisis a. 1979 Ayatollah Khomenini, Shah, religious leader. He hated the United Sates. The Shah is overthrown in 1979. Captured Americans stationed there. The Ayatollah demand the Shah be returned for the Americans. 1980 Carter has a very risky plan and it failed. Iran marches Americans around in front of media cameras and burn American flags. 2. Economy a. The economy is crashing in the early 1970s. Inflation is the main problem. b. Stagflation c. Price inflation, decreased competition, heavily dependent on foreign oil. 1973 U.S. sends aid to Israel, which makes… mad and they cut off oil to the U.S. d. Even Carter’s closest people admit that he is horrible controlling economy. D. End of Post War Liberalism a. Ronald Reagan promises to make America stand tall again. He wins in 1980 against Carter by a landslide. II. Triumph of Conservatism A. Reagan was happy about trying to get prayers back in school. He promises less government, lower taxes, etc. 1. Economy a. Solution is to cut taxes. Reduces social spending but increases military spending. He thinks more money for the rich is good for everyone because they can invest in more things and pay their workers more. The economy is drastically improving with him. 2. Cold War a. The Soviet Union is spending money trying to keep up. He restored optimism in people. He goes to Berlin to tell them to tear down the wall. He honestly believes the U.S. is the greatest country in the world and is capable of everything. B. The First Bush and the End of the Cold War a. Bush takes credit for the soaring economy that Reagan created. Won over by the South. He was the head of the CIA. He’s going to oversee the end of the Cold War. He promises to stop intervening in communist countries. In Poland, Hungry, Romania, etc. Germans use axes and bare hands to tear down the Berlin wall in 1989. 1990 it will be united with West Germany for the first time since Hitler and WWII. The communist party is dismantled.
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