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Medical Terminology: Prefixes and Their Definitions, Quizzes of Medical Sciences

This is a collection of medical terms starting with various prefixes such as 'brady-', 'endo-', 'epi-', 'inter-', 'peri-', 'tachy-', 'tetra-', and more. It also includes terms like 'cardiomegaly', 'cyanosis', 'dysrhythmia', 'tachycardia', 'myocarditis', 'pericarditis', 'cardiac pacemaker', 'cardiologist', 'cardiology', 'coronary angiogram', 'coronary artery bypass graft', 'coronary stent', 'defibrillation', and many others. It also covers treatments and procedures like 'embolectomy', 'endarterectomy', 'holter ambulatory monitor', 'magnetic resonance angiography', 'myocardial radionuclide perfusion scan', 'nuclear medicine imaging of the heart', 'pericardiostomy', 'phlebectomy', 'phlebotomy', 'positron emission tomography (PET) scan', 'sphygmomanometry', 'thrombolytic therapy', 'valvuloplasty', 'venogram', 'ACE inhibitors', and 'antiarrhythmics'.

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Download Medical Terminology: Prefixes and Their Definitions and more Quizzes Medical Sciences in PDF only on Docsity! TERM 1 Brady- DEFINITION 1 Slow TERM 2 Endo- DEFINITION 2 Within TERM 3 Epi- DEFINITION 3 Upon, over, above, on top TERM 4 Inter- DEFINITION 4 Between TERM 5 Peri- DEFINITION 5 Around TERM 6 Tachy- DEFINITION 6 Rapid, fast TERM 7 Tetra- DEFINITION 7 Four TERM 8 Angi/o, angin/o DEFINITION 8 Blood vessel TERM 9 Aort/o DEFINITION 9 Aorta TERM 10 Arter/o, arteri/o DEFINITION 10 Artery TERM 21 Man/o DEFINITION 21 Thin TERM 22 My/o, myos/o DEFINITION 22 Muscle TERM 23 Pector/o DEFINITION 23 Chest TERM 24 Phleb/o DEFINITION 24 Vein TERM 25 Pulmon/o DEFINITION 25 Lung TERM 26 Rrhythm/o DEFINITION 26 Repetition, rhythm TERM 27 Scler/o DEFINITION 27 Thick, hard; sclera TERM 28 Sept/o DEFINITION 28 Wall, partition TERM 29 Sphygm/o DEFINITION 29 Pulse TERM 30 Sten/o DEFINITION 30 Narrowness, constriction TERM 31 Steth/o DEFINITION 31 Chest TERM 32 Tens/o DEFINITION 32 Pressure TERM 33 Thromb/o DEFINITION 33 Clot TERM 34 Valvul/o DEFINITION 34 Little valve TERM 35 Varic/o DEFINITION 35 Dilated vein TERM 46 -Is DEFINITION 46 Pertaining to TERM 47 -Lytic DEFINITION 47 Pertaining to loosen, dissolve TERM 48 -Megaly DEFINITION 48 Abnormally large TERM 49 -Rrhaphy DEFINITION 49 Suturing TERM 50 -Rrhexis DEFINITION 50 Rupture TERM 51 -Sis DEFINITION 51 State of TERM 52 -Spasm DEFINITION 52 Sudden, involuntary muscle contraction TERM 53 -Stomy DEFINITION 53 Surgical creation of an opening TERM 54 Aorta DEFINITION 54 Large artery that emerges from the left ventricle TERM 55 Aortic valve DEFINITION 55 The left semilunar valve TERM 56 Arteriole DEFINITION 56 Blood vessel that is transitional between arteries and capillaries TERM 57 Artery DEFINITION 57 Blood vessel that carries blood away from the heart TERM 58 Atrium DEFINITION 58 Two superior chambers of the heart that receive incoming blood from veins; the plural form is atria TERM 59 Atrioventricular valve DEFINITION 59 Two heart valves, right and left, that channel blood to flow in one direction from an atrium to a ventricle TERM 60 Left atrioventricular valve DEFINITION 60 The left heart valve that channels blood to flow in one direction from the left atrium to the left ventricle; also called bicuspid valve or mitral valve TERM 71 Tricuspid valve DEFINITION 71 The right atrioventricular valve of the heart; consists of three flaps that point downward into the right ventricle TERM 72 Diastole DEFINITION 72 Dilation of the heart chambers during which their walls relax and the chambers fill with blood TERM 73 Pulmonary circulation DEFINITION 73 Circulatory route associated with the lungs in which blood releases its CO2 load and becomes oxygenated TERM 74 Pulmonary valve DEFINITION 74 The right semilunar valve TERM 75 Pulmonary trunk DEFINITION 75 Major artery that arises from the right ventricle TERM 76 Systole DEFINITION 76 Contraction of the heart that results in expulsion of blood from the heart chambers TERM 77 Systemic circulation DEFINITION 77 Circulatory route that begins from the left ventricle at the aorta, extends throughout the body except the lungs, and returns to the right atrium TERM 78 Endothelium DEFINITION 78 Lining of the heart chambers and blood vessels; composed of flattened epithelial cells and a thin layer of connective tissue TERM 79 Vasoconstriction DEFINITION 79 Narrowing of a blood vessel that is produced when the vessel wall contracts TERM 80 Vasodilation DEFINITION 80 Dilation of a blood vessel that is produced when the vessel wall relaxes TERM 81 Cardiovascular system DEFINITION 81 Body system comprised of the heart and blood vessels TERM 82 Venule DEFINITION 82 Small, transitional blood vessel between a capillary and a vein TERM 83 Ventricle DEFINITION 83 General term that means a chamber; refers to the two thick- walled chambers (right and left) in the heart that contract to push blood through arteries TERM 84 Angina pectoris DEFINITION 84 Chest pain usually caused by an insufficient supply of blood to the heart TERM 85 Angiospasm DEFINITION 85 Abnormal contractions (spasms) of a blood vessel wall TERM 96 Aneurysm DEFINITION 96 Bulging of an arterial wall caused by a congenital defect or an acquired weakness of the arterial wall produced as blood is pushed against it TERM 97 Angiocarditis DEFINITION 97 Inflammation of the heart and blood vessels TERM 98 Angioma DEFINITION 98 Tumor that arises from a blood vessel TERM 99 Arteriorrhexis DEFINITION 99 Rupture of an artery TERM 100 Arteriosclerosis DEFINITION 100 Hardening of the arteries; the artery walls lose their elasticity and become brittle TERM 101 Atherosclerosis DEFINITION 101 Narrowing of an artery due to the deposition of a fatty plaque along the internal wall TERM 102 Atrial septal defect DEFINITION 102 Congenital condition characterized by an opening in the septum that separates the right and left atria, allowing blood to pass between the atria; abbreviated ASD TERM 103 Atrioventricular defect DEFINITION 103 Defect, usually congenital, that alters that structure of both an atrium and a ventricle TERM 104 Cardiac arrest DEFINITION 104 Cessation of heart activity TERM 105 Cardiac tamponade DEFINITION 105 Acute compression of the heart due to the accumulation of fluid within the pericardial cavity TERM 106 Cardiomyopathy DEFINITION 106 A general disease of the heart muscle TERM 107 Cardiovalvulitis DEFINITION 107 Inflammation of the heart valves TERM 108 Claudication DEFINITION 108 A limp when walking, caused by poor circulation TERM 109 Coarctation of the aorta DEFINITION 109 Congenital disease in which the aorta is narrowed; causes reduced systemic circulation and fluid accumulation in the lungs TERM 110 Congestive heart failure DEFINITION 110 Chronic condition characterized by the inability of the left ventricle to pump enough blood through the body to adequately supply systemic tissues; abbreviated CHF; also called left ventricular failure TERM 121 Heart murmur DEFINITION 121 An abnormal short, blowing, or rasping sound heard through auscultation of the heart TERM 122 Hemorrhoids DEFINITION 122 Varicose vein in the anal region; produces symptoms of local pain and itching TERM 123 Hypertension DEFINITION 123 Persistently high blood pressure; includes essential hypertension, in which the condition is not traceable to a single cause, and secondary hypertension, in which the high blood pressure is caused by the effects of another disease, such as atherosclerosis TERM 124 Hypotension DEFINITION 124 Chronic condition of low blood pressure TERM 125 Ischemia DEFINITION 125 An abnormally low flow of blood to tissues; often the result of atherosclerotic plaque formation or blood clots TERM 126 Myocardial infarction DEFINITION 126 Acute episode during which the myocardium is deprived of blood flow leading to tissue death (infarction). Usually the result of atherosclerosis of a coronary artery which causes narrowing and eventual clot formation; abbreviated MI; also known as a heart attack (HA) TERM 127 Myocarditis DEFINITION 127 Inflammation of the myocardium, or muscle layer of the heart wall TERM 128 Patent ductus arteriosus DEFINITION 128 Congenital condition characterized by an opening between the pulmonary artery and the aorta, allowing blood to pass across; in this condition, the connecting channel that is a normal part of fetal circulation before birth fails to close and thereby remains open, or patent TERM 129 Pericarditis DEFINITION 129 Inflammation of the pericardium; usually affects both layers (pericardial sac and the epicardium) TERM 130 Phlebitis DEFINITION 130 Inflammation of a vein TERM 131 Polyarteritis DEFINITION 131 Inflammation of an artery at numerous sites TERM 132 Tetralogy of Fallot DEFINITION 132 Four congenital defects associated with the heart combined - pulmonary valve stenosis, ventricular septal defect, incorrect position of the aorta, and right ventricular hypertropy - as a result, the pulmonary circuit is bypassed TERM 133 Thromboangiitis obliterans DEFINITION 133 Vascular inflammatory disease that usually affects the lower extremities; also called Buerger's disease TERM 134 Thrombosis DEFINITION 134 The presence of a stationary blood clot within a blood vessel TERM 135 Varicosis DEFINITION 135 A condition of an abnormally dilated vein TERM 146 Auscultation DEFINITION 146 Physical examination that consists of listening to internal sounds using a stethoscope; sounds that suggest abnormalities are often caused by dysrhythmias TERM 147 Cardiac catheterization DEFINITION 147 Procedure which involves inserting a flexible catheter into a brachial or femoral artery and threading it into the heart; it is used to obtain blood samples, pressure and determine the presence and degree of coronary artery disease; it is the most reliable test for diagnosing coronary artery disease; it involves injecting a contrast medium into the heart TERM 148 Cardiac pacemaker DEFINITION 148 Battery-powered device that is implanted under the skin and wired to the heart chamber walls; produces timed electric pulses that replace the pacemaking function of the SA node TERM 149 Cardiologist DEFINITION 149 Physician who specializes in the treatment of patients with heart disease TERM 150 Cardiology DEFINITION 150 Field of medicine that focuses on the treatment of patients with heart disease; also a department within a hospital where heart disease patients receive care TERM 151 Cardiopulmonary resuscitation DEFINITION 151 Emergency response procedure that includes artificial ventilation and external heart massage in an effort to resuscitate, or revive, the patient; abbreviated CPR TERM 152 Coronary angiogram DEFINITION 152 A recording of an x-ray of the heart's circulation TERM 153 Coronary artery bypass graft DEFINITION 153 Surgical procedure which usually involves harvesting a vessel from another part of the body, attaching one end to the aorta and the other end just below the blockage; abbreviated CABG TERM 154 Coronary stent DEFINITION 154 A metallic scaffold that is implanted in a coronary artery to prevent closure of the artery after angioplasty or atherectomy TERM 155 Defibrillation DEFINITION 155 Electrical charge to the heart in an effort to defibrillate, or to stop fibrillation, of the heart; delivered by paddles onto the skin of the chest, or to the heart muscle directly if the chest has been opened TERM 156 Doppler sonography DEFINITION 156 Ultrasound procedure that evaluates blood flow through a blood vessel TERM 157 Echocardiography DEFINITION 157 Ultrasound procedure in which sound waves are directed through the heart to evaluate heart anomalies - the recorded data is called an echocardiogram; if performed during exercise to identify heart conditions, the procedure is called a stress echocardiogram, or stress ECHO TERM 158 Electrocardiography DEFINITION 158 Procedure in which the electrical events associated with the beating of the heart are evaluated and are represented by deflections of a pen on a graph known as an electrocardiogram; abbreviated ECG or EKG (the K is from the German term); when the electrical activity is measured during physical activity using a treadmill or ergometer, the procedure is called a stress electrocardiogram, which is useful for detecting heart conditions TERM 159 Embolectomy DEFINITION 159 Surgical removal of a floating blood clot, or embolus TERM 160 Endarterectomy DEFINITION 160 Surgical removal or a fatty plaque or a blood clot from the interior of an artery TERM 171 Thrombolytic therapy DEFINITION 171 Treatments that dissolve blood clots, or thrombi, using drugs such as streptokinase or tissue plasminogen activator (TPA); this treatment is often applied within six hours of an MI - if possible - and has been credited with saving many lives TERM 172 Valvuloplasty DEFINITION 172 Surgical repair of a heart valve; if repair is not possible, a valve replacement may be required using an artificial valve or a porcine (pig) valve TERM 173 Venogram DEFINITION 173 A recording of an x-ray of a vein TERM 174 ACE inhibitors DEFINITION 174 Trigger vasodilation to decrease blood pressureExamples: Benazepril: Lotensin Catopril: Capoten TERM 175 Antiarrhythmics DEFINITION 175 Reduce or prevent cardiac arrhythmiaExamples: Flecainide: Tambocor Ibutilide: Corvert TERM 176 Anticoagulants DEFINITION 176 Prevent blood clot formationExamples: Warfarin sodium: Coumadin, Warfarin heparin TERM 177 Antilipidemics DEFINITION 177 Reduce levels of cholesterol and lipids in the bloodstreamExamples: Atorvastatin: Lipitor Simvastatin: Zocor TERM 178 Beta blockers DEFINITION 178 Reduce heart rate, treat hypertension and angina pectorisExamples: Metaprolol: Lopressor Propranolol: Inderal TERM 179 Calcium channel blockers DEFINITION 179 Reduce cardiac output to treat hypertension, angina pectoris, and congestive heart failureExamples: Diltiazem: Cardizem Nifedipine: Procardia TERM 180 Cardiotonics DEFINITION 180 Increase strength of ventricular contraction to treat congestive heart failureExamples: Digoxin: Lanoxin TERM 181 Diuretics DEFINITION 181 Reduce blood pressure by increasing urine outputExamples: Furosemide: Lasix TERM 182 Thrombolytics DEFINITION 182 Prevent or dissolve blood clots to treat thrombosis and embolismExamples: Alteplase: Activase TERM 183 Vasoconstrictors DEFINITION 183 Increase blood pressure by stimulating contraction of smooth muscle in blood vessel wallsExamples: Metaraminol: Aramine TERM 184 Vasodilators DEFINITION 184 Reduce blood pressure or increase blood flow to an ischemic tissue by relaxing smooth muscle in blood-vessel wallsExamples: Nitroglycerine: Nitro-Dur Isoxsuprine: Vasodilan
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