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Effectiveness of FRESH Technique in Enhancing Student Descriptive Writing: A Quantitative , Lecture notes of English Literature

Language and literature educationWriting SkillsSecondary EducationPedagogy

A research study investigating the effectiveness of the FRESH technique in enhancing students' descriptive text writing ability. data analysis results, such as pre-test and post-test scores, homogeneity tests, and statistical calculations. The study also discusses the advantages and disadvantages of using the FRESH technique in teaching descriptive text writing.

What you will learn

  • What are the homogeneity test results for pre-test and post-test scores in the experimental and control classes?
  • What are the advantages and disadvantages of using the FRESH technique in teaching descriptive text writing?
  • What is the purpose of using the FRESH technique in teaching descriptive text writing?

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Download Effectiveness of FRESH Technique in Enhancing Student Descriptive Writing: A Quantitative and more Lecture notes English Literature in PDF only on Docsity! THE EFFECTIVENESS OF FRESH TECHNIQUE IN STUDENTS DESCRIPTIVE TEXT WRITING THESIS Submitted as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Attainment of a Sarjana Pendidikan Degree in English Education Department By Name : Syifa Fauziah NIM : 2012850040 ENGLISH EDUCATION STUDY PROGRAM FACULTY OF EDUCATIONAL SCIENCES MUHAMMADIYAH UNIVERSITY OF JAKARTA 2017 i MUHAMMADIYAH UNIVERSITY OF JAKARTA FACULTY OF EDUCATIONAL SCIENCES ENGLISH EDUCATION STUDY PROGRAM Thesis January 2017 Syifa Fauziah (2012850040) THE EFFECTIVENESS OF FRESH TECHNIQUE IN STUDENT’S DESCRIPTIVE TEXT WRITING xvii + 62 pages, 16 tables, 15 appendices ABSTRACT The objective of this research is to know the effectiveness of FRESH (Fact, Reason, Elaboration, Shift) technique on Students‟ Writing descriptive text at the eight grade students of SMP PGRI 1 Karang Tengah. The research used quantitave method with true experimental design by applying pre-test and post-test. In this research the writer used two classes as experimental and control class. The sample in this study is class 8A (experimental class) and class 8B (control class). Each of the class is occupied by 42 students. The data was collected by giving pre-test and post-test as the instruments. The data was analyze by using t-test, the analysis of the data reveals that the average score of experimental class post-test was 73.86 and the average score of control class post-test was 65.02 with the average differences between two classes at 8.84. The t-test calculation showed to 3,657 > 2.00 (tt). Since to was higher than tt score obtained from the result of that calculation, then the alternative hypothesis (Ha) was accepted while the null hypothesis (Ho) was rejected. In conclusion, it can be said that FRESH (Fact, Reason, Elaboration, Shift) is an effective technique to improve students‟ writing descriptive text Keywords : Effectiveness, FRESH (Fact, Reason, Elaboration, Shift) Technique, Students‟ Writing Descriptive Text References 27 (1986-2013) BOARD OF EXAMINERS APPROVAL Board of Examiners of Faculty of Educational Sciences certifies that thesis entitled “THE EFFECTIVENESS OF FRESH TECHNIQUE IN STUDENTS’ DESCRIPTIVE TEXT WRITING” written by Syifa Fauziah student's registration number 2012850040 was examined by the committees on February, 21% 2017. The thesis has been accepted and declared to have fulfilled one of the requirements for the degree of “S.Pd” (S1) in English Education at Faculty of Educational Sciences, Muhammadiyah University of Jakarta. Dean, “toy KaRttss As mune Board of Examiners Signature Date Dr. Ahmad Susanto, M.Pd = 39-17 Chairman 20) Zaitun, M.Pd Matte Bae Secretary a he Paliue: ee ee March 8, 207F Advisor Vv ie r. Muh. Sofian Hadi, M.P. March 7 2917 Examiner — 1 x tiarani, M.Pd aS March 7,20° Examiner - 2 ENDORSEMENT SHEET This is to certify that board of examiners has approved the undergraduate thesis as follows: Name : Syifa Fauziah Student's Registration Number : 2012850040 Thesis Tittle : THE EFFECTIVENESS OF FRESH TECHNIQUE IN STUDENTS’ DESCRIPTIVE TEXT WRITING Academic Year : 2012/2013 Day : Tuesday Date : February, 21% 2017 Dr. Muh. in Hadi, M.Pd Examiner — 1 Examiner — 2 aii PAKTA INTEGRITAS Yang bertanda tangan di bawah ini: a. Nama : Syifa Fauziah b. Tempat, Tanggal Lahir : Tangerang, 2 Desember 1993. c. Fakultas/Prodi : Fakultas Ilmu Pendidikan/ Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris d. Nomor Pokok : 2012850040 e. Alamat Rumah : Pondok Pucung, jl. Kp rawa barat RT04/05 no.20 Jombang, Tangerang Selatan f. No. Tip/Hp : 081318907152 g. Judul Skripsi : The Effectiveness of FRESH Technique in Students’ Descriptive Text Writing Dengan ini menyatakan dengan sesungguhnya bahwa seluruh dokumen atau data yang saya sampaikan dalam skripsi ini adalah benar sesuai dengan ketentuan yang berlaku, apabila dikemudian hari ditemukan seluruh atau sebagian dokumen atau data yang teridentifikasi penyimpangan, saya bersedia menerima sanksi sesuai dengan perundang-undangan yang berlaku. Demikian pakta integritas ini saya buat dengan sesungguhnya tanpa ada - paksaan dari siapapun, untuk dipergunakan sebagaimana mestinya. Jakarta, 21 Februari 2017 Mahasi vi vi ix MOTTO “Don’t cry over the past, it’s gone. Don’t stress about the future, it hasn’t arrived. Live in the present and make it beautiful”                              “Fighting has been enjoined upon you while it is hateful to you. But perhaps you hate a thing and it is good for you; and perhaps you love a thing and it is bad for you. And Allah Knows, while you know not” (QS. AL-Baqarah : 2/216) x ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful. Praised to Allah Swt, Lord of the world, who has given mercy and blessing to the writer in finishing this thesis. Shalawat is also sent to Prophet Muhammad SAW, His family, His companion, and His adherence. This thesis is presented to English Education Program, Faculty of Educational Sciences, Muhammadiyah University of Jakarta in order to fulfill one of the requirements for English Bachelor Degree (S.pd). The writer would like to thank to Allah SWT who has given health, knowledge, patience, and strength so that the writer was able to finish this thesis well. The writer also would like to express her thanks and gratitude to her beloved parents, H.Mursyidi Ibrahim and Hj.Aminah who always given support, pray, motivation and moral encouragement to finish her study and she also thanks to all of her family. The writer also would like to address her great honor and attitude to her thesis advisor, Zaitun, M,Pd, who has guided and supported her along her thesis writing. Her appreciation and gratitude also go to: 1. Dr. Hj. Herwina Bahar, MA., as the Dean of Faculty of Educational Sciences; 2. Zaitun, M.Pd., as the Head of English Education Department; 3. All lecturers in English Department for teaching her precious knowledge and giving wonderful study experiences; 4. Jayakarta,S. Mpd as the headmaster of SMP PGRI 1 Karang Tengah who has given the writer permission in doing the research. 5. Alfajri Zikri as her beloved man who always given support, sharing knowledge and accompany her in happiness or sorrow. xi 6. Firda Amelia, Else Fransiska, Alfia Inayati, Alisa hayati and Fifi Kusnatri as her sisters who always given support and motivation to finish this thesis. 7. Getar, Vienanda, Obe, Opia, Prilly, Putri, Mufida, Andin, and Ayu as her best friends who always given support and sharing knowledge. 8. All friends in Muhammadiyah University of Jakarta especially in English Department. 9. All people that the writer can‟t mention one by one, who have been give motivation, help and support for the writer to finish this thesis. The words are not enough to say any appreciation for their help and contribution to this thesis. May Allah bless them for all of what they have done. The writer realizes that this thesis is still far from being perfect. Thus, comments and suggestions are welcome to the improvement of this thesis. Hopefully, the presence of this thesis can be useful for the readers. Jakarta, Februari 2017 The writer, SYIFA FAUZIAH NIM 2012850040 xiv LIST OF TABLES Table 3.1 Sample of the Research Table 3.2 Matrix of Assessment for Students Writing in Descriptive Text Table 4.1 Pre-test Scores of Experimental Class before Treatment Table 4.2 Post-test Scores of Experimental Class after Treatment Table 4.3 Pre-test scores of descriptive text writing of the students in control class Table 4.4 Post-test scores of control class without the treatment of FRESH technique Table 4.5 Pre-test Scores of Writing Descriptive Text in Experimental and Control Classes Table 4.6 Post-test Scores of Writing Descriptive Text in Experimental and Control Classes Table 4.7 Homogeneity Test- Levine Test Pre-test Scores of Writing Descriptive Text Experimental and Control Classes Table 4.8 Homogeneity Test- Levine Test Post-test Score of Writing Descriptive Text Experimental and Control Classes Table 4.9 List of Pre-test Score in Writing Descriptive Text Experimental and Control Classes of Independent Sample (t-test) Table 4.10 Pre-test Score in Writing Descriptive Text Experimental and Control Classes of Independent Sample (t-test) xv Table 4.11 Independent Sample Test of Pre-test in Writing Descriptive Text at Experimental and Control Classes Table 4.12 List of Post-test Score Description in Writing Descriptive Text Experimental and Control Classes of Independent Sample (t- test) Table 4.13 Post-test Score Description in Writing Descriptive Text Experimental and Control Classes of Independent Sample (t- test) Table 4.14 Independent Sample Test of Post-test Score in Writing Descriptive Text at Experimental and Control Classes xvi LIST OF APPENDICES Appendix1 RPP In Experimental Class Appendix 2 RPP in Control Class Appendix 3 Form of the Text and Question (pretest and posttest) Appendix 4 Form of the Student‟s pretest (experimental class) Appendix 5 Form of the Student‟s posttest (experimental class) Appendix 6 Form of the Student‟s pretest (control class) Appendix 7 Form of the Student‟s posttest (control class) Appendix 8 Surat Bimbingan Skripsi Appendix 9 Kartu Bimbingan Skripsi Appendix 10 Surat Permohonan Penelitian Appendix 11 Dokumentasi Appendix 12 Surat Keterangan Penelitian Appendix 13 Kartu Menyaksikan Ujian Skripsi Appendix 14 Riwayat Hidup Penulis Appendix 15 Kartu Bimbingan Pasca Sidang Skripsi 3 teaching English to Junior High School students, descriptive text writing is taught more completed and deeper to 8th graders. According to Artono (2008:115), Descriptive text is a text that describes the features of someone, something, or a certain place. Descriptive text consists of introduction and description. Introduction is the part of paragraph that introduces the character, and description is part of paragraph that describes the character. The students can use simple present and adjective clause in writing descriptive text. In 8th grade students, they are required to be competent to compose the descriptive text in a low level such as describing people animals, place and things. Nevertheless, there are many students who get difficulties to understand descriptive text on how they describe person, place, or thing, what its purpose involve the generic structure and language features, and how to apply those descriptive features in the text. The students usually find some difficulties when they are learning about genre and its writing. They cannot sit quietly and pay full attention during the lesson without doing anything, especially in descriptive text. Because of this text type, the students are hoped can describe clearly according to the object. Based on interviewing the English teacher of PGRI 1 Karang Tengah Junior High School, it is found that the students have problem in writing. There are many students who get difficulties to understand descriptive text on how they describe person, place, or thing, what its purpose involve the generic structure and language features, and how to 4 apply those descriptive features in the text. Students also feel bored and not pay attention well when teacher explain, because teacher usually does not use interesting media. So, the students have difficulties when they must write a descriptive text based on their imagination and experiences only. Besides, they are afraid of making mistakes in sentences and confuse how to start of making good structure in writing descriptive text. Then, the students are never got the simple and easy way to write. Those problems are impact on their writing descriptive text. This condition was the result of teaching technique used by the teachers. They rarely applied various techniques in teaching, while in teaching descriptive text an appropriate technique is needed. Because of that, it is needed to give a suitable technique to the students and make students enthusiastic to learn descriptive text. If the teachers are able to apply an appropriate technique, students are exciting to learn descriptive text it can increase the students‟ achievement in writing descriptive text. Technique is a way of doing something by using special knowledge or skill. As Brown (2007:180) clarified that “technique is something that actually takes place in language teaching or learning in the classroom”. It is used in order to make teaching and learning process become interesting since the technique used to influence student‟s learning atmosphere. In order to get good students‟ writing competence in descriptive paragraph, the writer would like to apply the new technique that is called “FRESH Technique”. FRESH technique is a technique in which each of its 5 letter represents meaning. “F” stands for “Fact” then “R” stands for “Reason”, “E” stands for “Elaboration” and “SH” stands for “Shift”. In previous research, Noor (2015) in his study entitled “The Effectiveness of FRESH Technique on Discursive Writing”. The participants of his study were 10 second language learners, a level candidates taking MUET (Malaysian University English Test) aged between 18-19 with different proficiency in the private college. His study investigated the effectiveness of using FRESH Technique in discursive writing with document analysis qualitative method. The data were collected from questionnaires, diagnostic and achievement test. The findings of his study showed that FRESH technique was very effective on learners‟ idea expansion in discursive writing. It showed positive changes in students. The increasing of student‟s scores in achievement test indicated that the treatment had an effect on theirs‟ performance. The major conclusion of his study was the learners preferred to use FRESH technique as they understood the component needed in a comprehensive paragraph and through this technique they were able to write in a cohesive manner in delivering their ideas. In another research, Wulandari (2013) entitled “Improving Students‟ Competence in Writing Descriptive Paragraph through FRESH Technique conducted her research on one of Junior High Schools in Banyumas academic year 2012/2013. The method of this research is Classroom Action Research (CAR). The research participants were the students of VIII E class consisting of 28 students. The treatment was carried out in two 8 Theoretically the significance of this study is to introduce technique to improve descriptive text writing skills. Besides, this study also signified to find out the advantages and disadvantages of the use of FRESH technique in improving students‟ writing descriptive text ability. The research findings will also enrich the previous theories and research findings about teaching technique, especially for teaching writing. 2. Practically The outcome of this study will be beneficial for the teachers, the students and school. The result of this study is expected to assist the teachers to overcome the problems in teaching English especially in writing descriptive text; moreover, this study is expected as guidance for teachers in improving the students ability in writing descriptive text and the technique is expected to be beneficial technique in teaching and learning especially for those who teach to 8th grade students. This study is also expected to motivate and stimulate the students to improve their writing ability in descriptive text and it can help them to get easy to write. Furthermore, FRESH technique also can be applied in the school. 9 CHAPTER II LITERATURE REVIEW A. The Description of the Theories 1. The Concept of Descriptive Text Writing a) Nature of Writing According to Langan (2003:12-13), Writing as a skill, A sure way to wreck your chances of learning how to write competently is to believe that writing is a “natural gift” rather than a learned skill. A realistic attitude about writing must build on the idea that writing is a skill. It is a skill like driving, typing, or cooking: and, like any skill, it can be learned. However, writing is not an automatic process: writers will not get something for nothing-and they should not expect to. For almost everyone, competent writing comes from plain hard work-from determination, sweat, and head-on battle. Besides, Harmer (2004:3) mentions that writing is a skill, unlike speaking which may be acquired naturally by children through exposing the language to them, which requires some learning. As stated in the explanation above, writing is one of the language skills which is important to be learned. By writing, people can inform others and tell what they feel. Writing in a second language is not easy to be learned because it is one 10 of the four basic skills that are very complex and difficult to be learned. b) Stages of Writing According to Mattix (2003:24,32,49,50,59), the stages of writing are divided to four phases: (1) Pre-writing William Faulkner wrote “A writer needs three things, experience, observation, and imagination, any two of which, at times anyone…, can supply the lack of the others”. Writers‟ experiences, observation, and imagination can fuel their writing. They can take amusing, unusual, or perhaps ordinary incidents and transform them-after thoughtful reflection-into essay. They can just ask themselves, “How did this experience influence me? What did I learn about life?” Question like these will make them think so that they can draw a conclusion about the incident or event to write. (2) Drafting Drafting, the second stage of the writing process, is the time to rummage through ideas accumulated during prewriting and unfold then into sentences and 13 they produce on their final version. The teachers will need to encourage students to plan, draft and edit in this way, even though this may be time-consuming and may meet, initially, with some resistance on their part. By doing so, the teachers will help them to be better writers both in exams, for example, and their post-class English lives. In conclusion, the process in writing consists of four steps; (i) Pre-writing (Discovering Ideas), (ii) Drafting (Exploring Ideas), (iii) Revising (Re-think it writing), (iv) Editing and Proofreading (process in finishing and ready for publication/presentation). c) Purpose of Writing According to Mattix (2006:7-8), purpose refers to a writer‟s reason for writing, which can be stated or implied. In order to be clear, writing should have both a general purpose and a specific purpose. Identifying the purpose early can help the writers keep their draft on track and select organizational strategies to fit ideas; (1) The General Purpose Writing has four general purposes: 14 (a) Informing: most writing is intended to inform, to convince the reader that it is factual and reliable. (b) Persuading: other writing is primarily persuasive, designed to argue a point and secure agreement, it is also informative. The degree of persuasion varies according to the occasion, purpose, audience, and voice. (c) Expressing: some writing is primarily expressive, allowing the writer to reveal feelings and opinions, often by recalling experience. Expressive writing may take the form of personal essays, journal writing, diaries, poetry, fiction, or plays. (d) Entertaining: although some humorous writing seems intended merely to entertain, it may also make a serious point. The clever use of humor can advance a point. (2) The Specific Purpose The specific purpose may be implied or stated. In literature the purpose is invariably in a theme that permeates the piece. In writing, the purpose is usually stated directly for clarity, either in a topic sentence or in the thesis. Additionally, the purposes of writing are (i) to help the writers to „harvest‟ what they know, (ii) to make the writers to be a more confident (they may not have anticipated and find 15 that writing can be a rich and productive experience, (Hairston;1986:23). In conclusion, every purposes of writing will tell the readers the reasons why the writers write the text but the product of writing depends on the form in writing purpose. d) Characteristics of Good Writing Hairston (1986:5-6) claimed that fortunately, it is not difficult to identify characteristics that are common to good expository writing and to pinpoint the features that most readers want to find; (1) First, they want writing to be significant. It should tell them something they want or need to know. (2) Second, they want writing to be clear. They do not want to have to reread it several times to find out what it means. (3) Third, they want writing to be unified and well organized. They do not want the writer to lead them off in several directions so that they get no sense of an underlying plan. (4) Fourth, they want writing to be economical. They do not want to feel that the writer is being unnecessarily long-winded and wasting their time. (5) Fifth, they want writing to be adequately developed. 18 absence of reference to the writers‟ feeling about the subject of the writing. Besides that, Heffernan and Lincoln (1994:83- 84) divided kinds of descriptive text into three forms; Informative description, Analytical or technical description, and Evocative description. g) Purpose of Descriptive Text According to Mattix (2006:140), descriptive text has three general purposes; i.e. to (1) create imagery, a mood, or an aura of place; (2) stimulate understanding and convince; (3) urge the listener to action. h) Features of Descriptive Text Siahaan and Shinoda (2008:89) mentioned that there are two components in descriptive writing; the text structure and the grammatical features of descriptive writing: (1) First, the text structure of descriptive writing: (a) Identification: Identifies phenomenon to be described. (b) Description: Describe parts, qualities, characteristics. 19 Anderson (1968:26) added more explanation that grammatical features of a descriptive writing are as follows: (1) Verbs in the present tense; (2) Adjective to describe the features of the subject; (3) Topic sentences to begin paragraphs and organize the various aspects of a description. Based on the explanation above it can be said that descriptive writing depends on the vivid details in order to the writer are able to create a descriptive scene in the reader‟s mind. A writer describes something that must use specific information. 2. The Concept of FRESH Technique a. Definition of FRESH Technique Faisal (2010:8) gave his idea that when people are going to write they rely heavily to find out what they know about topic. One of strategies which can be used in teaching writing in the classroom is FRESH technique. Fresh technique is a technique in which each of its letter has own meaning. “F” stands for “Fact”. “Fact” means the identification of the object or it can be called general description of the object. Usually it contains object‟s name, kind of the object, etc. “R” stands for “Reason”, it means a supporting idea that strengthen the fact. “E” stands for 20 “Elaboration”. Elaboration means the explanation of the reason. The teachers should elaborate it in detail, so the students can get clear description of the object. “SH” stands for “Shift”, which can be meant decision or conclusion. It is the conclusion of the information before. Suwandita (2013) stated that dealing with learning, FRESH technique is used when the teacher shows how to guide the students about “Fact”. The fact should have relation with the topic that will be written to develop particular paragraph. Then, about “Reason”, the teacher guides them to find some reasons that support the fact. After getting the reasons, the teacher guides them to develop it to be the part of “Elaboration”. Finally, in “Shift” or conclusion, the teacher guides them to make conclusion of the paragraph. In addition, Wulandari (2013) described that FRESH stands for “F” = FACT meaning the facts related to the topic which will be developed in writing descriptive text. “R” = REASON consisting of some reasons which can support the facts they have written before. The reason which will be mentioned can be sense impressions. After that, the students have to develop their reasons into “E” = ELABORATION, it is used when the writer may begin with a dominant impression and proceed to specific details. This means that after establishing general statements having been mentioned before, students must develop it into the 23 FRESH technique is recommended, it has many benefits in the writing descriptive text. The first benefit using FRESH technique is the students are enthusiastic to join the class, the students followed all activities given from making good sentences until combining them into a good descriptive paragraph. Second, the students will be capable of mastering the rule of how to write descriptive text. (Suwandita: 2013). The last benefit is the teacher can be optimal and easy to elaborate the definition of FRESH technique because this technique has the steps that can be done more detail to make the students will be able in determining what should be written first and next to get a fluent descriptive text easier. In this research study, FRESH technique will be used as the technique to improve the students‟ writing descriptive text. In implementing FRESH technique in this research, there is a process that need to be done by the researcher and other members of research. It is designing the teaching way to implement the FRESH technique in writing descriptive text activity. d. The disadvantages of using FRESH technique in writing descriptive text: 24 In teaching writing descriptive text by using FRESH technique, it also has the disadvantages, such as: 1) This technique is a new technique that not all of the teachers know about this. 2) Teacher should spend more time to make sure the students of the explanation in each letter of FRESH technique to make good sentences in writing descriptive text. 3) The students need much time to organize their ideas in elaborating the sentences to develop their paragraph in writing descriptive text. B. Theoretical Framework Writing skill is really important because it can reveal how the students use the words to deliver their message or idea effectively. Writing is important because it also improves communication skills, creative thinking and creativity. It also helps the writer express ideas, beliefs and personality. The skill of writing helps the writer express feelings and thoughts to other people in a relatively permanent form. Writing skill may be stated as one of difficult skills in English learning. In English teaching learning process, the students get some problems to get the ideas, vocabularies and grammar. In writing, there are several kind of texts that can be learned by the students and one of them is descriptive text. 25 Descriptive text is a text that describes features of person, place or thing. Descriptive text is usually used to help a writer to create a particular mood, atmosphere or describe a place so that the reader can create vivid pictures of characters, places, objects. It can be described through five senses of human beings, i.e. hearing, sight, touch, smell, and taste. This text is taught in secondary level of EFL students in Indonesia. This research will deal with 8 graders since at this stage the students are required to be competent to compose descriptive text in a low-level, such as describing people, animals, place and things. The generic structures of descriptive text consist of 2 parts: a) Identification; the part of the paragraph that introduces of what or who that want to be described. b) Description; the part of paragraph that describes the physical appearance, quality and behavior of the particular things that want to be described. This is an example of descriptive text: There is an orangutan in the Bandung zoo. People call her Bongo. She comes from a dense forest on the island of Kalimantan. She has physical features similar to a human. Bongo has brownish fur, and walks with two feet. Bongo is almost as big as human. She is a mammal that means she gives birth to her children and breast feeds them. (Wardiman et al, 2008: 20). 28 control over the relevant variables cited in (Heppner et al., 1992). Martens and Mc Laughlin (2004:56) stated that true experimental designs use comparison groups and random assignment of participants to conditions or levels of treatment. Martella, Nelson, et al. (2013:160) also stated that true experimental designs are the only experimental designs that can result in relatively definitive statements about causal relationships between variables. Research Design Pre test – Post test Control Group Design Group Pre test Treatment Post test Experimental group T1 X T2 Control group T3 T4 In which: T1: pre-test of the experimental group T2: post-test of the experimental group T3: pre-test of the control group T4: post-test of the control group X: the treatment that the writer gives to the experimental group by using FRESH technique in teaching text writing. 29 C. Operational Definition of Variables Creswell (2009) explained that variables refer to the characteristics or attributes of an individual or an organization that can be measured or observed and that varies among the people or organization being studied. There are two types of variables in this study. First, the independent variable, i. e. FRESH technique as a variable X. Second, the dependent variable, i. e. students‟ writing descriptive text ability as a variable Y. In this study, FRESH technique was applied by the writer to the students as a technique in teaching students‟ descriptive text writing. In the first step, the writer explained the definition of each letters from FRESH. “F” for fact, fact is a true piece of the information, related to learning writing descriptive text. Thus the students were required to think about the general facts for the topic that they were going to write. “R” for reason, it is in the form of justification that support the fact. Then “E” Elaboration, it is the specific explanation of the information that related to the reason. The last is “SH” for shift, as a conclusion of the information before. Secondly, the writer explained the descriptive text definition, it is a text that describes the features of person, place or thing looks like. The writer was also explained the features of descriptive text and how to make a good composition in descriptive text by using 30 FRESH technique that was previously explained. Lastly, the writer asked the students to write descriptive text. Meanwhile, writing descriptive text by using FRESH technique was measured by pre-tests and post-tests consisted of written test. The test materials were adapted from students‟ book, they were taken from “English in focus”, an English text book for second grade students of Junior High School written by Wardiman et al (2008). The differences between students‟ results of pre-test and post-test became the indicators of the successful of this technique If the results in the post-test were higher than in the pre-test, then the technique is considered effective, and vice versa. D. Population and Sample Mujis (2011:13) stated that population as the group of people the writer wants to generalize to. Population is a group of individuals who have the same characteristics (Creswell, (2012:14). The population may be defined as a group of classroom in the school. The population in this study was all 8 graders of SMP PGRI 1 Karang Tengah consist of eight classes, in which each class consisted of forty two students. Thus, total population of 8 graders in this school were 336 students. From the population above, the writer takes two classes as the sample of this research. Those students were chosen by cluster random sampling by throwing the dice. Those two classes were 33 20-39 Poor Poorly describing many parts, qualities and characteristics are missing 0-19 Very Poor Does not describe the parts, qualities and characteristics anymore The data were taken from experimental and control classes. In order to prove whether FRESH technique was effective in writing descriptive text, the writer compared experimental and control groups‟ mean through t-test formula Levine (2005) as follows: 1. Determining mean of variable X X = ∑X N X = Mean Score of Experimental Class ∑X = Total amount of individual score in experimental class 2. Determining mean of variable Y Y = ∑Y N Y = Mean Score of control Class ∑Y = Total amount of individual score in control class 3. Determining Standard of Deviation Score of Experimental class (variable X) : SDx = √ Sx 2 34 SDx = Standard of devation score of control class Sx 2 = Experimental class variance 4. Determining Standard of Deviation Score of variable Y SDy = √ Sy2 SDy = Standard of deviation score of Control class Sy2 = Control class variance 5. Determining Standard Error of mean of variable X S2 = ( Xi - X ) 2 N S2 = variance score of experimental class Xi = score each point X = Mean score 6. Determining Standard Error of mean of variable Y S2 = ( Yi - Y ) 2 N S2 = variance score of control class Yi = score each point Y = Mean score 35 7. Independent sample test : Both of two groups : S2 p = (n1 – 1)S2 1 + (n2 – 1)S2 2 (n1 – 1) + (n2 – 1) Where: T- test t = (X1 – X2) – (µ1 - µ2) S2 p √ 1 + 1 n1 n2 S2 p = Pooled Variance X1 = Mean of the sample taken from population 1 S2 1 = Variance of the sample taken from population 1 n1 = Size of the sample taken from population 1 X2 = Mean of the sample taken from population 2 S2 2 = Variance of the sample taken from population 2 n2 = Size of the sample taken from population 2 38 Based on the description statistics above, posttest scores of descriptive text writing in experimental class after treatment of FRESH technique to 42 students of SMP PGRI 1 Karang Tengah obtained minimum score of posttest 48, maximum score 100, average score of posttest 73.86, standard deviation score of posttest 10.965, and variance score of posttest 120.223. Data distribution for the posttest scores of writing descriptive text in experimental class after the treatment of FRESH technique in graphic are as follows: Graphic 4.2 2. Pre-test and Post-test Scores in Control Class a. Pre-test scores of descriptive text writing of the students in control class can be seen below: 39 Table 4.3 Descriptive Statistics N Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Deviation Variance Nilai_Pretest_Kontrol 42 30 75 52.90 10.455 109.308 Valid N (listwise) 42 Based on the descriptive statistics table above, the pretest scores of descriptive text writing in control class without the treatment of FRESH technique to 42 students of SMP PGRI 1 Karang Tengah obtained the minimum score of pretest 30, maximum score 75, average scores of pretest 52.90, standard deviation score of pretest 10.455, and variance scores of pretest 109.308. Data distribution for the pretest scores of writing descriptive text in control class without the treatment of FRESH technique in graphic are as follows: Graphic 4.3 40 b. Post-test scores of control class without the treatment of FRESH technique Table 4.4 Descriptive Statistics N Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Deviation Variance Posttest score in control class 42 32 85 65.02 11.174 124.853 Valid N (listwise) 42 Based on the descriptive statistics table above, the posttest scores of descriptive text writing in control class without the treatment of FRESH technique to 42 students in SMP PGRI 1 Karang Tengah obtained the minimum score 32, maximum score 85, average score of posttest 65.02, standard deviation score of posttest 11.174, and variance score of posttest 124.853. Data distribution for the posttest scores of writing descriptive text in control class without the treatment of FRESH technique in graphic are as follows: 43 score of sig Shapiro-Wilk both experimental and control classes for pretest were 0101 and 0.173, and they were higher than α = 0.05. Thus, it can be inferred that the data scores of pretest in both experimental and control classes were normal. b. Data normality test of post-test score in writing descriptive text of experimental and control classes Table 4.6 Data Normality Test Post-test Scores of Writing Descriptive Text in Experimental and Control Classes Tests of Normality Kolmogorov-Smirnov a Shapiro-Wilk Statistic df Sig. Statistic df Sig. Post-test Score (Experimental Class) .081 42 .200 * .988 42 .933 Post-test Score (Control Class) .131 42 .066 .906 42 .002 *. This is a lower bound of the true significance. a. Lilliefors Significance Correction Table 4.6 above showed that the significant scores of Kolmogorov for posttest in writing descriptive text in both experimental and control classes were 0.200 and 0.066. Because the score of Asymp.sig of posttest writing descriptive test was lower than α = 0.05, then the data from posttest score in writing descriptive text at experimental and control class was normal. b. Homogeneity Data Testing Homogeneity test was used to find out that the sample data comes from a population that has homogeneous variance. Homogeneity test was conducted by using the Levene test. 44 a. Homogeneity data testing for pre-test score in writing descriptive text both experimental and control classes Table 4.7 Homogeneity Test- Levene Test Pre-test Scores of Writing Descriptive Text Experimental and Control Classes Test of Homogeneity of Variances Pre-test Score Levene Statistic df1 df2 Sig. 3.079 1 82 .083 Homogeneity testing by using Levene test in the table 4.7 above showed significant scores for pretest in both experimental and control classes 0.083 higher than 0.05. This means Ho was accepted. It is also stated that the data score for pretest in writing descriptive text from both classes were homogeneous. b. Homogeneity data testing for post-test scores in writing descriptive text both experimental and control classes Table 4.8 Homogeneity Test- Levene Test Post-test Score of Writing Descriptive Text Experimental and Control Classes Test of Homogeneity of Variances Post-test Score Levene Statistic df1 df2 Sig. .126 1 82 .723 Source: Output SPSS 22 Based on the table 4.8, homogeneity testing by using Levene test showed significant score for posttest in both experimental and control classes 45 0.723 higher than 0.05. This means Ho was accepted, it is also stated that the data score for pretest in writing descriptive text from both classes were homogeneous. 2. The Differences Test of Pre-test Score in Writing Descriptive Text in both Experimental and Control Classes 1. Table Calculation of Independent Differences t-Test Table 4.9 Pre-test Score in Writing Descriptive Text Experimental and Control Classes No. Experimental Class Control Class Y Y2 X X2 1 42 1764 68 4624 2 70 4900 43 1849 3 60 3600 48 2304 4 75 5625 50 2500 5 51 2601 42 1764 6 49 2401 52 2704 7 50 2500 50 2500 8 82 6724 72 5184 9 43 1849 49 2401 10 52 2704 30 900 11 45 2025 49 2401 12 55 3025 67 4489 13 59 3481 52 2704 14 68 4624 68 4624 15 60 3600 48 2304 16 50 2500 68 4624 17 54 2916 48 2304 18 70 4900 60 3600 19 72 5184 48 2304 20 45 2025 53 2809 21 70 4900 40 1600 22 58 3364 38 1444 23 70 4900 53 2809 48 Based on the columns Equal Variance Assumed, it was obtained t calculation of 1.419 with the t table score n1 + n1-2 = 42 + 42-2 = 82, then it was obtained t table score = 2.00 and significant score was 0.160. Because the score of t calculation 1.419 < t table 2.00 and significant score of 0.160 > α = 0.05, then Ho was accepted and Ha was rejected. This means that the pretest score of writing descriptive text of both experimental classes that compared to the control class were not different. This means that there was no significant differences score in writing descriptive text in both experimental and control classes before the treatment of FRESH technique 2. Table Calculation of the Independent Difference T Test Table 4.12 Post-test Score Description in Writing Descriptive Text Experimental and Control Classes No. Experimental Control Y Y2 X X2 1 74 5476 75 5625 2 84 7056 53 2809 3 82 6724 69 4761 4 83 6889 54 2916 5 70 4900 67 4489 6 67 4489 69 4761 7 78 6084 53 2809 8 100 10000 85 7225 9 72 5184 65 4225 10 72 5184 32 1024 11 60 3600 63 3969 12 52 2704 75 5625 13 73 5329 70 4900 14 83 6889 74 5476 15 59 3481 72 5184 16 64 4096 73 5329 17 70 4900 65 4225 49 18 86 7396 70 4900 19 90 8100 71 5041 20 67 4489 70 4900 21 83 6889 45 2025 22 76 5776 75 5625 23 82 6724 62 3844 24 80 6400 72 5184 25 64 4096 68 4624 26 75 5625 32 1024 27 90 8100 64 4096 28 60 3600 68 4624 29 76 5776 58 3364 30 68 4624 58 3364 31 48 2304 65 4225 32 80 6400 76 5776 33 70 4900 52 2704 34 75 5625 59 3481 35 68 4624 60 3600 36 73 5329 72 5184 37 85 7225 62 3844 38 83 6889 63 3969 39 88 7744 66 4356 40 55 3025 85 7225 41 70 4900 72 5184 42 67 4489 72 5184 Σ 3102 234034 2731 182699 Table 4.13 The Post-test Score of Writing Descriptive Text Experimental and Control Classes Group Statistics Group N Mean Std. Deviation Std. Error Mean Post-test Score The Post-test Score in Writing Descriptive Text at Experimental Class 42 73.86 10.965 1.692 The Post-test Score in Writing Descriptive Text at Control Class 42 65.02 11.174 1.724 50 Based on table 4.13, the statistics group showed the average score of posttest in writing descriptive text at experimental class reached 73.86 and the average score of posttest in writing descriptive text at control class was 65.02 with the average differences between the two classes was of 8.84. Table 4.14 Independent Sample Test of Post-test Score in Writing Descriptive Text Experimental and Control Classes Independent Samples Test Levene's Test for Equality of Variances t-test for Equality of Means F Sig. T Df Sig. (2- tailed) Mean Difference Std. Error Difference 95% Confidence Interval of the Difference Lower Upper Post- test Score Equal variances assumed .126 .723 3.657 82 .000 8.833 2.416 4.028 13.639 Equal variances not assumed 3.657 81.971 .000 8.833 2.416 4.028 13.639 Based on the table of Independent Samples Test towards posttest score in writing descriptive text both experimental and control classes, the probability or significantly scores (2-tailed) was 0.723 with significance level α = 0.05 (2-tailed). Because the probability score was 0.723 > α = 0.05 then Ha was accepted and Ho was rejected. This means that the variance posttest score of the experimental and control classes was the 53 CHAPTER V CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION A. Conclusion Based on the findings and analysis of the data presented previously, the t- test calculation showed to 3,657 > 2.00 (tt). Since to was higher than tt score obtained from the result of that calculation, then the alternative hypothesis (Ha) was accepted while the null hypothesis (Ho) was rejected. It can be concluded that teaching writing descriptive text for 8th grade students of SMP PGRI 1 Karang Tengah by using FRESH technique was effective. This technique gave positive contributions and better results in students‟ writing descriptive text achievement. B. Suggestion There are some suggestions the writer would like to suggest related to the results of this research. The suggestions are as follows: 1. For English Teacher a. Teacher should improve their technique in teaching English especially in teaching writing descriptive text. b. Teacher should apply FRESH technique as one of alternative techniques to make teaching-learning process easier and fun in order to avoid students‟ boredom. 54 c. Teacher should make sure that students understand the concept of FRESH technique before using it in writing descriptive text. d. Teacher should be active to accommodate students‟ difficulties in teaching learning process especially in writing descriptive text. 2. For Students a. Students should be active to join the learning process held by the teacher regardless any method applied by the teacher. b. Students should be cooperative enough to participate in class by learning FRESH technique in order to reach the intended goals. c. Students should maximize the use of FRESH technique in learning writing descriptive text in order to make them easier to write the descriptive text 3. For other researchers It is suggested for other researchers to do further research related to the application of FRESH technique with various subjects and variables. Thus it is hoped that the effectiveness of this technique can be maximized. 55 REFERENCES Al-Qur‟an, Al-Hujurat. Juz 26. Ayat 13. 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Mengidentifikasi langkah retorika (schematic structure) yang terdapat dalamteks deskriptif sederhana 3. Mengidentifikasi ciri-ciri kebahasaan yang terdapat dalam teks deskriptif 4. Menemukan ide melalui gambar 5. Memilih ide dan menyusun ide melalui gambar kemudian membuatnya menjadi sebuah paragraf pendek sederhana berbentuk deskriptif Materi Pembelajaran Teks deskriptif “Brownie, my pet” 59 Contoh : Point of Describe:  Physical Appearance  Behavior  Quality My Pet, Brownie I have a pet. It is a dog and I call it Brownie. Brownie is a kind of poodle. It is small, fluffy and cute. It has thick fur. It color is brown. When I cuddle it, the fur feels soft. Brownie likes to play ball. Every day it loves to eat milk and beef. It also likes to bite bones. Brownie does not bark a lot, it is really sweet and a friendly animal. Language feature: Adjective : cute, soft, sweet, small, fluffy Verb : eat, cuddle, barks Simple present: does, everyday Schematic structure  Identification: introduces who, where or what is being described. The example: I have a pet. It is a dog and I call it Brownie. 60  Description: describes the characteristics, parts and qualities of the subject is being described. The example: Brownie is a kind of poodle. It is small, fluffy and cute. It has thick fur. It color is brown. Metode Pembelajaran: Teknik FRESH (Fact, Reason, Elaboration, Shift) Langkah – langkah Kegiatan Pembelajaran: Pertemuan pertama dan kedua. A. Kegiatan Pendahuluan Apersepsi :  Tanya jawab mengenai teks tulis fungsional dan esai pendek sangat sederhana berbentuk descriptive dan procedure yang berkaitan dengan lingkungan terdekat Motivasi :  Menjelaskan pentingnya materi yang akan dipelari berikut kompetensi yang harus dikuasi siswa B. Kegiatan Inti Eksplorasi Dalam kegiatan eksplorasi, guru:  Melibatkan peserta didik mencari informasi yang luas dan dalam tentang topik/tema materi yang akan dipelajari dengan menerapkan prinsip alam takambang jadi guru dan belajar dari aneka sumber;  Membahas dan mengembangkan kosakata dan tata bahasa: noun, noun phrase, adj, verb, adverb, simple Present tense etc.  Membahas schemantic structure: identification (introduces who, where or what is being described), description (describes the characteristics, parts and qualities of the subject is being described.  Menggunakan beragam pendekatan pembelajaran, media pembelajaran FRESH teknik, dan sumber belajar lain seperti modul. 63 Pedoman Penilaian Score Value Description 80-100 Excellent Describing all the parts, qualities and characteristics completely 60-79 Good Describing parts, qualities and characteristics. Somewhat choppy loosely 40-59 Fair Fair describing parts, qualities and characteristics. Some are missing 20-39 Poor Poorly describing many parts, qualities and characteristics are missing 0-19 Very Poor Does not describe the parts, qualities and characteristics anymore Tangerang, 12 Januari 2017 Mengetahui Guru Mata Pelajaran Peneliti Rusmiyati, M.Pd Syifa Fauziah NIP. NIM. 2012850040 RENCANA PELAKSANAAN PEMBELAJARAN (RPP KELAS EXPERIMENT) Nama sekolah : SMP PGRI 1 Karang Tengah Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Kelas/Semester : VIII (Delapan) A Aspek/Skill : Menulis Jenis Teks : Descriptive text 64 Tema : People Alokasi Waktu : 2 x 45 menit (2x pertemuan) Standar Kompetensi : 12. Menulis Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks tulis fungsional dan esai pendek sangat sederhana berbentuk descriptive dan procedure untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan terdekat Kompetensi Dasar : 12.1 Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks tulis fungsional pendek sangat sederhana dengan menggunakan ragam bahasa tulis secara akurat, lancar dan berterima untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan terdekat Indikator 1. Mengidentifikasi makna dalam teks tulis fungsional dan esai pendek sederhana berbentuk descriptive dan procedure untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan terdekat 2. Mengidentifikasi langkah retorika teks descriptive 3. Mengidentifikasi ciri-ciri kebahasaan yang terdapat dalam teks deskriptif 4. Menemukan ide pada gambar 5. Memilih dan menyusun ide untuk membuat sebuah paragraf pendek sederhana berbentuk deskriptif Tujuan Pembelajaran Pada akhir pembelajaran, siswa dapat: 1. Mengidentifikasi makna dalam teks tulis fungsional dan esai pendek sederhana berbentuk descriptive dan procedure untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan terdekat 65 2. Mengidentifikasi langkah retorika (schematic structure) yang terdapat dalam teks deskriptif sederhana 3. Mengidentifikasi ciri-ciri kebahasaan yang terdapat dalam teks deskriptif 4. Menemukan ide melalui gambar 5. Memilih ide dan menyusun ide melalui gambar kemudian membuatnya menjadi sebuah paragraf pendek sederhana berbentuk deskriptif. 68 Langkah – langkah Kegiatan Pembelajaran: Pertemuan pertama dan kedua. B. Kegiatan Pendahuluan Apersepsi :  Tanyajawab mengenai teks tulis fungsional dan esai pendek sangat sederhana berbentuk descriptive dan procedure yang berkaitan dengan lingkungan terdekat Motivasi :  Menjelaskan pentingnya materi yang akan dipelari berikut kompetensi yang harus dikuasi siswa B. Kegiatan Inti Eksplorasi Dalam kegiatan eksplorasi, guru:  Melibatkan peserta didik mencari informasi yang luas dan dalam tentang topik/tema materi yang akan dipelajari dengan menerapkan prinsip alam takambang jadi guru dan belajar dari aneka sumber;  Membahas dan mengembangkan kosakata dan tata bahasa: noun, noun phrase, adj, verb, adverb, simple Pr tense etc.  Membahas schemantic structure: identification (introduces who, where or what is being described), description (describes the characteristics, parts and qualities of the subject is being described.  Menggunakan beragam pendekatan pembelajaran, media pembelajaran teknik fresh dan sumber belajar lain seperti modul;  Memfasilitasi terjadinya interaksi antarpeserta didik serta antara peserta didik dengan guru, lingkungan, dan sumber belajar lainnya;  Melibatkan peserta didik secara aktif dalam setiap kegiatan pembelajaran. 69 Elaborasi Dalam kegiatan elaborasi, guru:  Membiasakan peserta didik membaca dan menulis yang beragam melalui tugas-tugas tertentu yang bermakna;  Memfasilitasi peserta didik melalui pemberian tugas, diskusi, dan lain-lain untuk memunculkan gagasan baru baik secara lisan maupun tertulis;  Memberi kesempatan untuk berpikir, menganalisis, menyelesaikan masalah, dan bertindak tanpa rasa takut;  Memfasilitasi peserta didik dalam pembelajaran kooperatif dan kolaboratif;  Memfasilitasi peserta didik berkompetisi secara sehat untuk meningkatkan prestasi belajar;  Memfasilitasi peserta didik membuat laporan eksplorasi yang dilakukan baik lisan maupun tertulis, secara individual maupun kelompok;  Memfasilitasi peserta didik untuk menyajikan hasil kerja individual maupun kelompok;  Memfasilitasi peserta didik melakukan kegiatan yang menumbuhkan kebanggaan dan rasa percaya diri peserta didik. Konfirmasi Dalam kegiatan konfirmasi, guru:  Memberikan umpan balik positif dan penguatan dalam bentuk lisan, tulisan, isyarat, maupun hadiah terhadap keberhasilan peserta didik,  Memberikan konfirmasi terhadap hasil eksplorasi dan elaborasi peserta didik melalui berbagai sumber,  Memfasilitasi peserta didik melakukan refleksi untuk memperoleh pengalaman belajar yang telah dilakukan,  Memfasilitasi peserta didik untuk memperoleh pengalaman yang bermakna dalam mencapai kompetensi dasar:  Berfungsi sebagai narasumber dan fasilitator dalam menjawab pertanyaan peserta didik yang menghadapi kesulitan, dengan menggunakan bahasa yang baku dan benar;  Membantu menyelesaikan masalah;  Memberi acuan agar peserta didik dapat melakukan pengecekan hasil eksplorasi; 70  Memberi informasi untuk bereksplorasi lebih jauh;  Memberikan motivasi kepada peserta didik yang kurang atau belum berpartisipasi aktif.  Guru bertanya jawab tentang hal-hal yang belum diketahui siswa  Guru bersama siswa bertanya jawab meluruskan kesalahan pemahaman, memberikan penguatan dan penyimpulan C. Kegiatan Penutup Dalam kegiatan penutup, guru:  bersama-sama dengan peserta didik dan/atau sendiri membuat rangkuman/simpulan pelajaran;  melakukan penilaian dan/atau refleksi terhadap kegiatan yang sudah dilaksanakan secara konsisten dan terprogram;  memberikan umpan balik terhadap proses dan hasil pembelajaran;  merencanakan kegiatan tindak lanjut dalam bentuk pembelajaran remedi, program pengayaan, layanan konseling dan/atau memberikan tugas baik tugas individual maupun kelompok sesuai dengan hasil belajar peserta didik;  menyampaikan rencana pembelajaran pada pertemuan berikutnya. Alat /Bahan/ Sumber Belajar  Paper sheet – Picture  Laptop-Projector Penilaian  Tehnik : tes tulis  Bentuk : menulis teks descriptive/procedure sederhana berdasarkan gambar 73 3. Mengidentifikasi schematic structure yang terdapat pada teks deskriptif 4. Membuat sebuah paragraf pendek sederhana berbentuk deskriptif Tujuan Pembelajaran Pada akhir pembelajaran, siswa dapat: 1. Mengidentifikasi makna dalam teks tulis fungsional dan esai pendek sangat sederhana berbentuk descriptive dan procedure untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan terdekat 2. Membuat sebuah paragraf pendek sederhana berbentuk deskriptif 3. Mengidentifikasi ciri-ciri kebahasaan yang terdapat dalam teks deskriptif 4. Mengidentifikasi schematic structure yang terdapat pada teks deskriptif. Materi Pembelajaran : Teks deskriptif “Brownie, my pet” Contoh : Point of Describe:  Physical Appearance 74  Behavior  Quality My Pet, Brownie I have a pet. It is a dog and I call it Brownie. Brownie is a kind of poodle. It is small, fluffy and cute. It has thick fur. It color is brown. When I cuddle it, the fur feels soft. Brownie likes to play ball. Every day it loves to eat milk and beef. It also likes to bite bones. Brownie does not bark a lot, it is really sweet and a friendly animal. Language feature: Adjective : cute, soft, sweet, small, fluffy Verb : eat, cuddle, barks Simple present: does, everyday Metode Pembelajaran: Direct method: students listen to the teacher of explanation in descriptive text. Langkah – langkah Kegiatan Pembelajaran: Pertemuan pertama dan kedua. C. Kegiatan Pendahuluan Apersepsi :  Tanyajawab mengenai teks tulis fungsional dan esai pendek sangat sederhana berbentuk descriptive dan procedure yang berkaitan dengan lingkungan terdekat Motivasi :  Menjelaskan pentingnya materi yang akan dipelari berikut kompetensi yang harus dikuasi siswa 75 B. Kegiatan Inti Eksplorasi Dalam kegiatan eksplorasi, guru:  Melibatkan peserta didik mencari informasi yang luas dan dalam tentang topik/tema materi yang akan dipelajari dengan menerapkan prinsip alam takambang jadi guru dan belajar dari aneka sumber;  Membahas dan mengembangkan kosakata dan tata bahasa: noun, noun phrase, adj, verb, adverb, simple Pr tense etc.  Membahas schemantic structure: identification (introduces who, where or what is being described), description (describes the characteristics, parts and qualities of the subject is being described.  Menggunakan beragam pendekatan pembelajaran, media pembelajaran, dan sumber belajar lain;  Memfasilitasi terjadinya interaksi antarpeserta didik serta antara peserta didik dengan guru, lingkungan, dan sumber belajar lainnya;  Melibatkan peserta didik secara aktif dalam setiap kegiatan pembelajaran. Elaborasi Dalam kegiatan elaborasi, guru:  Membiasakan peserta didik membaca dan menulis yang beragam melalui tugas-tugas tertentu yang bermakna;  Memfasilitasi peserta didik melalui pemberian tugas, diskusi, dan lain-lain untuk memunculkan gagasan baru baik secara lisan maupun tertulis;  Memberi kesempatan untuk berpikir, menganalisis, menyelesaikan masalah, dan bertindak tanpa rasa takut;  Memfasilitasi peserta didik dalam pembelajaran kooperatif dan kolaboratif;  Memfasilitasi peserta didik berkompetisi secara sehat untuk meningkatkan prestasi belajar;  Memfasilitasi peserta didik membuat laporan eksplorasi yang dilakukan baik lisan maupun tertulis, secara individual maupun kelompok;  Memfasilitasi peserta didik untuk menyajikan hasil kerja individual maupun kelompok; 78 RENCANA PELAKSANAAN PEMBELAJARAN (RPP KELAS KONTROL) Nama sekolah : SMP PGRI 1 Karang Tengah Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Kelas/Semester : VIII (Delapan) B Aspek/Skill : Menulis Jenis Teks : Descriptive text Tema : People Alokasi Waktu : 2 x 45 menit (2x pertemuan) Standar Kompetensi : 12. Menulis Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks tulis fungsional dan esai pendek sangat sederhana berbentuk descriptive dan procedure untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan terdekat Kompetensi Dasar : 12.1 Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks tulis fungsional pendek sangat sederhana dengan menggunakan ragam bahasa tulis secara akurat, lancar dan berterima untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan terdekat Indikator : 1. Memahami makna dalam teks tulis fungsional dan esai pendek sangat sederhana berbentuk descriptive dan procedure untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan terdekat 2. Mengidentifikasi ciri-ciri kebahasaan teks deskriptif 3. Mengidentifikasi schematic structure yang terdapat pada teks deskriptif 4. Membuat sebuah paragraf pendek sederhana berbentuk deskriptif 79 Tujuan Pembelajaran : Pada akhir pembelajaran, siswa dapat: 1. Memahami makna dalam teks tulis fungsional dan esai pendek sangat sederhana berbentuk descriptive dan procedure untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan terdekat 2. Membuat sebuah paragraf pendek sederhana berbentuk deskriptif 3. Mengidentifikasi ciri-ciri kebahasaan yang terdapat dalam teks deskriptif 4. Mengidentifikasi schematic structure yang terdapat pada teks deskriptif Materi Pembelajaran: Teks deskriptif “Selena Gomez” Contoh Kosa kata yang berkaitan dengan ciri seseorang: Age Body Eyes Face Hair Height Nose Skin Young Teenager Adult Old Slim Thin Fat Muscular Big Brown Round Blue Hazel Bright Slanting Oval Round Square Wrinkles Pale Shaved Bearded Long short Curly Straight Wavy Bald Blond Black Brown Tall Short Pointed nose Flat nose Big nose Fair Black Brown 80 Point to describes:  Personality traits (body, weight, face, hair, etc)  Family  Occupation Her name is Selena Marie Gomez. She's usually called Selena Gomez. She was born on 22 July 1992 in Grand Praire, Texas, USA. Selena Gomez is a singer, songwriter, and American Actress. She sings for some soundtracks, like Cinderella and Tinker Bell. Her performance as an actress can be seen at Cinderella Story DVD version. Selena Gomez has red hair, pointed nose, and slim body. She looks beautiful while she is smiling. She is also famous with her Latin face. Selena Gomez doesn't have siblings. She's the only child in her family. Her father's name is Ricardo Gomez and her mother's name is Mandy Cornett.
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