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THE JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY Consolidated Financial ..., Exercises of Financial Statement Analysis

Management is responsible for the preparation and fair presentation of these consolidated financial statements in accordance with U.S. generally ...

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Download THE JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY Consolidated Financial ... and more Exercises Financial Statement Analysis in PDF only on Docsity! THE JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY Consolidated Financial Statements and Independent Auditors’ Reports Required by Title 2 U.S. Code of Federal Regulations Part 200, Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards, and Related Information Year ended June 30, 2021 THE JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY Consolidated Financial Statements and Independent Auditors’ Reports Required by Title 2 U.S. Code of Federal Regulations Part 200, Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards, and Related Information Year ended June 30, 2021 Table of Contents Page Section A — Consolidated Financial Statements, Supplementary Information, and Independent Auditors’ Report Thereon — June 30, 2021 1 Section B — Supplementary Schedule of Expenditures of Federal Awards 45 Section C — Independent Auditors’ Report on Internal Control over Financial Reporting and on Compliance and Other Matters Based on an Audit of Financial Statements Performed in Accordance with Government Auditing Standards 81 Section D — Independent Auditors’ Report on Compliance for Each Major Federal Program; Report on Internal Control over Compliance; and Report on Schedule of Expenditures of Federal Awards Required by the Uniform Guidance 83 Section E — Schedule of Findings and Questioned Costs 86 kp Other Reporting Required by Government Auditing Standards In accordance with Government Auditing Standards, we have also issued our report dated October 4, 2021 on our consideration of the University’s internal control over financial reporting and on our tests of its compliance with certain provisions of laws, regulations, contracts, and grant agreements and other matters. The purpose of that report is solely to describe the scope of our testing of internal control over financial reporting and compliance and the results of that testing, and not to provide an opinion on the effectiveness of the University’s internal control over financial reporting or on compliance. That report is an integral part of an audit performed in accordance with Government Auditing Standards in considering the University’s internal control over financial reporting and compliance. KPH ce LEP Baltimore, Maryland October 4, 2021 THE JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY Consolidated Balance Sheets June 30, 2021 and June 30, 2020 (Dollars in thousands) Assets Cash and cash equivalents $ Operating investments Cash, cash equivalents and operating investments Sponsored research accounts receivable, net Accounts receivable, net Contributions receivable, net Prepaid expenses and deferred charges Student loans receivable, net Investments Property and equipment, net Operating lease right-of-use assets, net Investment in and loans to affiliates Other assets Interests in trusts and endowment funds held by others Total assets $ Liabilities and Net Assets Accounts payable and accrued expenses $ Sponsored research deferred revenues Other deferred revenues Debt Operating lease liabilities Other long-term liabilities Pension and postretirement obligations Liabilities under split-interest agreements Endowment and similar funds held for others Total liabilities Net assets: Without donor restrictions With donor restrictions Total net assets Total liabilities and net assets $ See accompanying notes to consolidated financial statements. 2021 571,173 2,085,455 2,656,628 500,393 207,806 277,899 52,637 20,967 10,443,599 2,787,391 233,864 338,190 375,460 142,917 18,037,751 792,068 373,847 148,138 1,516,023 254,138 450,117 73,255 84,460 817,469 4,509,515 3,897,483 9,630,753 13,528,236 18,037,751 2020 531,954 1,820,418 2,352,372 447,125 244,240 269,688 45,142 23,191 7,643,728 2,623,506 226,328 323,381 341,481 116,032 14,656,214 685,173 344,649 123,432 1,743,522 246,871 409,718 306,574 81,292 614,149 4,555,380 3,033,930 7,066,904 10,100,834 14,656,214 THE JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY Consolidated Statements of Activities Years ended June 30, 2021 and 2020 (Dollars in thousands) 2021 2020 Changes in net assets without donor restrictions: Operating revenues: Tuition and fees, net of financial aid of $455,972 and $417,091, respectively $ 679,200 703,360 Grants, contracts, and similar agreements 1,434,639 1,403,326 Facilities and administrative cost recoveries 377,250 366,779 Applied Physics Laboratory contract revenues 1,892,959 1,844,310 Sponsored research revenues 3,704,848 3,614,415 Contributions 179,087 124,988 Net assets released from restrictions 99,393, 99,218 Contributions and donor support 278,480 224,206 Clinical services, net 776,564 705,107 Reimbursements from affiliated institutions 623,264 656,918 Other revenues 173,414 130,673 Net endowment payout used to support operations 299,041 256,408 Auxiliary enterprises 58,609 92,259 Maryland State aid 29,034 29,066 Investment return 36,572 58,166 Total operating revenues 6,659,026 6,470,578 Operating expenses: Compensation 3,148,032 3,075,083 Benefits 971,829 944,861 Compensation and benefits 4,119,861 4,019,944 Subcontractors and subrecipients 476,537 503,182 Contractual services 931,809 907,652 Supplies, materials, and other 608,627 583,399 Depreciation 223,023 220,926 Travel 40,520 116,027 Interest 46,045 44,789 Total operating expenses 6,446,422 6,395,919 Excess of operating revenues over operating expenses 212,604 74,659 4 (Continued) THE JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements June 30, 2021 and 2020 (Dollars in thousands) (1) Basis of Presentation and Summary of Significant Accounting Policies (a) (b) General The Johns Hopkins University (the University) is a premier, privately endowed institution that provides education and related services to students and others, research and related services to sponsoring organizations, and professional medical services to patients. The University is based in Baltimore, Maryland, but also maintains facilities and operates education programs elsewhere in Maryland, in Washington, D.C., and in certain foreign locations. The University is internationally recognized as a leader in research, teaching, and medical care. Education and related services (e.g., room, board, etc.) are provided to approximately 29,000 students, including 15,000 full-time students and 14,000 part-time students, and on a net basis provided approximately 10% and 11% of the University’s operating revenues in fiscal 2021 and fiscal 2020, respectively. Approximately 61% of the full-time students are graduate level (including postdoctoral) and 39% are undergraduate level. Students are drawn from a broad geographic area, including most of the states in the United States and numerous foreign countries. The majority of the part-time students are graduate level students from the Baltimore-Washington, D.C. area. Research and related services (e.g., research training) are provided through approximately 2,200 government and private sponsors. Sponsored research revenues provided approximately 56% of the University’s operating revenues in fiscal years 2021 and 2020. Approximately 88% and 87% of those revenues were from departments and agencies of the United States government in fiscal 2021 and 2020, respectively. Major government sponsors include the Department of Health and Human Services, the Department of Defense, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, and the Agency for International Development. Professional clinical services are provided by members of the University’s faculty to patients at The Johns Hopkins Hospital (the Hospital) and other hospitals and outpatient care facilities in the Baltimore area and produced approximately 12% and 11% of the University’s operating revenues in fiscal 2021 and fiscal 2020, respectively. Services are predominantly provided to patients in the Baltimore area, other parts of Maryland, or surrounding states. Basis of Presentation and Use of Estimates The consolidated financial statements include the accounts of the various academic and support divisions, the Applied Physics Laboratory (APL), 63019 Holdings, LLC, Johns Hopkins University Press, and certain other controlled affiliated organizations, including Jnpiego Corporation and Peabody Institute of the City of Baltimore (collectively, the consolidated financial statements). All significant inter-entity activities and balances are eliminated for financial reporting purposes. Investments in organizations that the University does not control, including Dome Corporation, FSK Land Corporation, Johns Hopkins Healthcare LLC, Johns Hopkins Home Care Group, Inc., Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions Utilities LLC (JHMI Utilities LLC), Johns Hopkins Medicine International LLC, and other affiliated entities, are accounted for using the equity method. The preparation of consolidated financial statements in conformity with U.S. generally accepted accounting principles requires management to make estimates and judgments that affect the reported 7 (Continued) (c) (d) THE JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements June 30, 2021 and 2020 (Dollars in thousands) amounts of assets and liabilities and disclosures of contingencies at the dates of the consolidated financial statements and revenues and expenses recognized during the reporting periods. Actual results could differ from those estimates. Net assets, revenues, gains and losses are classified based on the existence or absence of donor-imposed restrictions into two classes of net assets. Accordingly, net assets of the University are classified and reported as follows: e Without donor restrictions — Net assets that are not subject to donor-imposed stipulations. e With donor restrictions — Net assets subject to donor-imposed stipulations that are more specific than broad limits resulting from a not-for-profit’s nature, environment in which it operates, and incorporating documents. Some donors impose restrictions that are temporary in nature, for example, stipulating that resources be used only after a specified date, for particular programs or services, or to acquire buildings or equipment. Other donors impose restrictions that are perpetual in nature, for example, donor-restricted endowment funds stipulating that resources be maintained in perpetuity. For such funds held by the University, the Maryland-enacted version of the Uniform Prudent Management of Investment Funds (UPMIFA) extends those restrictions to related investment returns and to other enhancements (diminishments) for general and specific purposes, primarily divisional and departmental support and student financial aid. Revenues are reported as increases in net assets without donor restrictions unless their use is limited by donor-imposed restrictions. Expenses are reported as decreases in net assets without donor restrictions. Gains and losses on investments are reported as increases or decreases in net assets without donor restrictions unless their use is restricted by explicit donor stipulations or by law. Under Maryland law, appreciation on donor-restricted endowments is classified as net assets with donor restrictions until appropriated for expenditure. Expirations of temporary restrictions on net assets (i.e., the donor-stipulated purpose has been fulfilled and/or the stipulated time period has elapsed) are reported as net assets released from restrictions and reclassified from net assets with donor restrictions to net assets without donor restrictions. Temporary restrictions on gifts to acquire long-lived assets are considered met in the period in which the assets are placed in service. Cash, Cash Equivalents, and Operating Investments The University utilizes cash, cash equivalents, and operating investments to fund daily cash needs. For purposes of the consolidated statements of cash flows, investments with original maturities at the date of purchase of 90 days or less are classified as cash equivalents. Investments with longer maturities are classified as operating investments. Operating investments, which include U.S. Treasury securities and other highly liquid fixed income investments, are stated at fair value, generally based on quoted market prices, and are used for general operating purposes. Cash and cash equivalents held for endowment and long-term investment purposes are classified as investments. Contributions Contributions, including unconditional promises to give, are recognized at fair value in the appropriate category of net assets in the period received, except that contributions that impose restrictions met in the same fiscal year are included in net assets without donor restrictions. Unconditional promises to 8 (Continued) (e) THE JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements June 30, 2021 and 2020 (Dollars in thousands) give are recognized initially at fair value considering anticipated future cash receipts and discounting such amounts at a risk-adjusted rate. These inputs to the fair value estimate are considered Level 3 in the fair value hierarchy (see note 1(f)). Amortization of the discount is included in contributions revenue. Conditional promises to give are not recognized until one or more of the barriers have been overcome for the University to be entitled to the assets transferred and a right of return for the transferred assets or a right of release of the promisor’s obligation to transfer assets has expired. Contributions of assets are recorded at their estimated fair value at the date of gift, except that contributions of works of art, historical treasures, and similar assets held as part of collections are not recognized or capitalized. Allowance is made for uncollectible contributions receivable based upon management’s judgment and analysis of the creditworthiness of the donors, past collection experience, and other relevant factors. Investments and Investment Return Investments in United States government and agency obligations, debt securities, and directly held United States and certain international equities in common collective trust funds (CCTFs) are stated at fair value, which are determined primarily based on quoted market prices. Fair values of CCTFs, similar to mutual funds that are deemed to have a readily determinable fair value (RDFV) are based on published net asset values (NAV). Investments in private equity and venture capital, certain real estate, natural resources, certain international equities in CCTFs and marketable alternatives, (collectively, alternative investments) are stated at estimated fair value based on the funds’ net asset values, or their equivalents (collectively, NAV) as a practical expedient. If it is probable that alternative investments will be sold for an amount different than NAV, measurement of the alternative investments will be adjusted to fair value. As of June 30, 2021 and 2020, the University had no plans or intentions to sell investments at amounts different from NAV, except that certain commingled real estate funds previously reported at NAV were probable of sale at June 30, 2021 and have been reported in Level 3 of the fair value hierarchy at their estimated fair value of $179,256 at that date (see note 6). The NAVs, which are estimated and reported by the general partners or investment managers, are reviewed and evaluated by the University’s investment office. These estimated fair values may differ from the values that would have been used had a ready market existed for these investments, and the differences could be significant. Investments in certain real estate assets are recorded at fair value based upon independent third-party appraisals. Investments are exposed to several risks, including interest rate, credit, liquidity, and overall market volatility. Due to the level of risk associated with certain investment securities, changes in the value of investment securities could occur in the near term, and these changes could materially affect the amounts reported in the accompanying consolidated financial statements. Liquidity risk represents the possibility that the University may not be able to rapidly adjust the size of its portfolio holdings in times of high volatility and financial stress at a reasonable price. If the University was forced to dispose of an illiquid investment at an inopportune time, it might be forced to do so at a substantial discount to fair value. Investment return included in operating revenues consists of income and realized gains and losses on operating investments, including cash equivalents, and nonpooled endowment funds (except where restricted by donors). Endowment payout for pooled endowment and similar funds approved by the Board of Trustees is also recognized in operating revenues. 9 (Continued) @ (k) THE JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements June 30, 2021 and 2020 (Dollars in thousands) Other programs include the University’s Center for Talented Youth (a gifted education program for school-age children), continuing medical education, health services, and various nondegree programs. Grants, Contracts, and Similar Agreements Grants, contracts, and similar agreements are funded by various federal and private sponsors. The vast majority of such agreements are considered nonexchange transactions and restricted by sponsors for specific research or other program purposes. Revenues are recognized within net assets without donor restrictions as conditions are met, (i.e., generally as qualifying expenditures are incurred). These revenues include recoveries of facilities and administrative costs, which are generally determined as a negotiated or agreed-upon percentage of direct costs, with certain exclusions. Payments received from sponsors in advance of conditions being met are reported as sponsored research deferred revenues. Of the $373,847 in sponsored research deferred revenues as of June 30, 2021, $301,457 relates to nonexchange transactions and $72,390 relates to exchange transactions. Approximately 77% and 73% of receivables related to reimbursement of costs incurred under grants and contracts as of June 30, 2021 and 2020, respectively, were from agencies or departments of the United States government. There is no assurance that sponsored research activities can and will continue to be made at current levels as awards are subject to the availability of and annual appropriation of funds. The University estimates that conditional awards outstanding as of June 30, 2021 approximate or exceed its recent annual sponsored program activity. Clinical Services, Net Clinical services revenues are recognized in the period in which services are rendered based on gross charges less negotiated fixed discounts (explicit price concessions) which include contractual adjustments specific to the third party payer contracts, less amounts for “implicit price concessions’. Fixed discounts are generally determined based on regulatory authorities, determined by legislative statute (Medicare and Medicaid), or negotiated in the case of commercial payers. Implicit price concessions are estimated based on the historical collection experience using a portfolio approach as a practical expedient. The composition of clinical services revenue by primary payer for the years ended June 30, 2021 and 2020 was as follows: 2021 2020 Commercial third parties $ 351,581 45.3 % 316,099 44.8% Medicare 156,344 20.1 136,505 19.4 Medicaid 72,992 9.4 67,084 9.5 Blue Cross/Blue Shield 63,596 8.2 56,280 8.0 Patients 69,447 8.9 59,581 8.4 All other clinical 62,604 8.1 69,558, 9.9 $ 776,564 100.0 % 705,107 100.0 % 12 (Continued) THE JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements June 30, 2021 and 2020 (Dollars in thousands) (1) Affiliated Institutions The University has separate administrative agreements for the exchange of services with the Hospital and other medical and educational institutions. These agreements are executed on an annual basis based on negotiated rates and reimbursement of actual costs. Costs incurred by the University in providing services to these institutions and the related reimbursements are generally recognized as services are provided and are reported as operating expenses and revenues, respectively, in the appropriate classifications. The University holds several endowment and similar funds, which are designated for purposes or activities that are carried out by the Hospital and The Johns Hopkins Hospital Endowment Fund Incorporated (JHHEFI). The assets of these funds are included in investments. The carrying values of the funds are adjusted for earnings from and changes in the fair values of the investments and reduced for any distributions paid and are classified as liabilities on the consolidated balance sheets as endowment and similar funds held for others. (m) Auxiliary Enterprises Auxiliary enterprises, including residence halls, food service, parking, the press, and telecommunications, provide services to students, faculty, and staff. Fees for such services are recognized as revenue as the services are provided. Student related activities included in auxiliary enterprises amounted to $12,857 and $41,950 in fiscal 2021 and 2020, respectively. (n) Other Revenues Other revenues include revenues from royalties and patents, medical and professional reimbursements, joint ventures, and other miscellaneous activities. Such revenues are recognized when goods or services are provided to customers. (0) Insurance and Self Insurance The University, together with other institutions, has formed captive insurance companies that arrange and provide professional liability, general liability, and property damage insurance for their shareholders. Defined portions of claims paid by these companies are self-insured. The University’s claims liabilities are recognized as claims are incurred using actuarial studies based upon historical claims data, cost trends, and other actuarial estimates. Insurance expenses are recognized as operating expenses as incurred. In addition, the University is self-insured for certain other risks, primarily health, and workers’ compensation. Professional insurance liabilities associated with providing clinical services are reported as gross claims on the consolidated balance sheets as other long-term liabilities. Accrued self-insurance liabilities, including medical malpractice insurance, aggregated $114,713 and $119,283 as of June 30, 2021 and 2020, respectively, and are reported on the consolidated balance sheets. In addition, medical malpractice insurance recoveries of $92,202 and $88,310 as of June 30, 2021 and 2020, respectively, are reported on the consolidated balance sheets as other assets and the corresponding liabilities are reported as other long-term liabilities. 13 (Continued) (p) (q) (s) THE JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements June 30, 2021 and 2020 (Dollars in thousands) Refundable Advances from the United States Government Funds provided by the United States government under the Federal Perkins, Nursing and Health Professions Student Loan programs are loaned to qualified students, administered by the University, and may be reloaned after collections. These funds are ultimately refundable to the govemment and are included in other long-term liabilities. These advances totaled $11,043 and $14,856 as of June 30, 2021 and 2020, respectively. Income Taxes The University is qualified as a not-for-profit organization under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, as amended. Accordingly, it is not subject to income taxes except to the extent it has taxable income from activities that are not related to its exempt purpose. The University annually reviews its tax positions and has determined that there are no material uncertain tax positions that require recognition in the consolidated financial statements. Leases The University conducts certain operations in third-party and related party facilities and determines if an arrangement contains a lease at the inception of a contract. Right-of-use assets, net represents the University’s right to use an underlying asset for the lease term and lease liabilities represent the University’s obligation to make lease payments arising from the lease. Operating and finance lease right-of-use assets and related lease liabilities are recognized at the lease commencement date based on the present value of lease payments over the lease term discounted using an appropriate incremental borrowing rate. The incremental borrowing rate is based on the estimated interest rate for borrowing over a term similar to that of the lease payments available at commencement of the lease. The value of an option to extend a lease is reflected to the extent it is reasonably certain management will exercise that option. Certain leases require payment for taxes, insurance, and maintenance. These variable lease payments are recognized in contractual services in the consolidated statements of activities, but are not included in the right-of-use asset or liability balances in the consolidated balance sheets. Operating leases are included in operating right-of-use assets, net and operating lease liabilities in the consolidated balance sheets. Finance leases are included in property and equipment, net and debt in the consolidated balance sheets. Lease expense for lease payments is recognized on a straight line basis over the lease term. Interest expense is recognized as a component of the lease payments for finance leases. Rental income arising from operating leases as a lessor is included in operating revenue in other revenues in the consolidated statements of activities. Derivative Financial Instruments The University and its external investment managers are authorized to use specified derivative financial instruments in managing the assets under their control, subject to restrictions and limitations adopted by the Board of Trustees. The University uses interest rate swap agreements to manage interest rate risk associated with certain variable rate debt or to adjust its debt structure. Derivative financial 14 (Continued) (4 6) THE JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements June 30, 2021 and 2020 (Dollars in thousands) respectively; Medicare 22% and 20%, respectively; Medicaid 15% and 17%, respectively; Blue Cross/Blue Shield 5% and 6%, respectively; and patients 16% and 18%, respectively. Contributions Receivable Contributions receivable, net are summarized as follows as of June 30, 2021 and 2020: 2021 2020 Unconditional promises scheduled to be collected in: Less than one year $ 65,350 79,535 One year to five years 166,444 179,010 Over five years 67,525 35,950 299,319 294,495 Less unamortized discount (interest rates ranging from 0.3% to 2.73%) and allowances for uncollectible contributions 21,420 24,807 $ 277,899 269,688 As of June 30, 2021 and 2020, 58% and 53%, respectively, of the gross contributions receivable were due from ten donors. Approximately 68% and 78% of contribution revenues for fiscal 2021 and 2020, respectively, were from ten donors. As of June 30, 2021, the University had also been informed of bequest intentions and conditional promises to give aggregating in excess of $1,590,000 which have not been recognized as assets or revenues. Such gifts will generally be restricted for specific purposes stipulated by the donors, primarily endowments for faculty support, scholarships, or general operating support of a particular department or division of the University. Investments and Investment Return The overall investment objective of the University is to invest its assets in a prudent manner that will achieve a long-term rate of return sufficient to fund a portion of its annual operating activities and increase investment value after inflation. The University diversifies its investments among various asset classes incorporating multiple strategies and managers. The Committee on Investments of the Board of Trustees oversees the University’s investment program in accordance with established guidelines, which cover asset allocation and performance objectives and impose various restrictions and limitations on the managers. These restrictions and limitations are specific to each asset classification and cover concentrations of market risk (at both the individual issuer and industry group levels), credit quality of fixed-income and short-term investments, use of derivatives, investments in foreign securities, and various other matters. The managers may make use of exchange-traded interest rate futures contracts, forward currency contracts, and other derivative instruments. 17 (Continued) THE JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements June 30, 2021 and 2020 (Dollars in thousands) Investments are summarized as follows as of June 30, 2021 and 2020: 2021 2020 Operating investments $ 2,085,455 1,820,418 Investments 10,443,599 7,643,728 12,529,054 9,464,146 Cash and cash equivalents 192,347 142,438 United States government and agency obligations 2,208,007 1,809,620 Debt securities 439,360 431,771 United States equities 1,932,051 1,381,650 International equities 847,510 599,236 Private equity and venture capital 2,378,710 1,411,264 Real estate 595,081 556,008 Natural resources 510,518 421,382 Marketable alternatives 3,425,470 2,710,777 $ 12,529,054 9,464,146 The following table summarizes the University's investments as of June 30, 2021 and 2020 for which NAV was used as a practical expedient to estimate fair value: Fair value determined Unfunded Redemption Redemption using NAV commitments frequency notice period 2021 2020 2021 2020 2021 2021 United States equities $ 984,587 643,346 19,021 23,256 4% Monthly 30 to 150 days 18% Quarterly 24% Annually 54% 2- to 5-Year Intemational equities 629,209 450,509 _ 2,906 51% Monthly 6 to 365 days 21% Quarterly 28% Annually Private equity and venture capital 2,320,650 1,346,542 837,399 605,888 N/A NA Real estate 316,279 458,529 198,578 256,993 N/A NA Natural resources 476,437 389,324 79,764 100,962 N/A NA Marketable altematives __3,425,470 2,710,777 187,125 272,005 See chart below 25 to 90 days" $_ 8,152,632 5,999,027 1,321,887, 1,262,010 © Investments liquidated through drawdowns total $342,637 and $241,725 as of June 30, 2021 and 2020, respectively. The commitments may be drawn down over the next several years upon request by the general partners and fund managers. The University expects to finance these commitments with available cash and expected proceeds from the sales of securities. 18 (Continued) THE JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements June 30, 2021 and 2020 (Dollars in thousands) Marketable alternatives, excluding drawdown funds, have the following redemption periods as of June 30, 2021 and 2020: 2021 2020 Quarterly redemptions $ 826,668 542,322 Annual redemptions 421,581 507,936 Quarterly or annually over 1- to 3-year period 1,293,160 1,022,732 Rolling 3- to 5-year redemptions 541,424 396,062 $ 3,082,833 2,469,052 Information with respect to investee strategies and redemptions for those investments in funds whose fair value is estimated based upon reported NAVs follow: (a) United States Equities This includes commingled funds that invest in publicly traded common stock of domestic companies. Funds offer redemptions monthly, quarterly, annually, or over the course of 2 to 5 years, with various notice requirements ranging from 30 to 150 days. (b) International Equities This includes commingled funds that invest in publicly traded common stock of developed and emerging market companies. Funds offer redemptions monthly, quarterly, or annually, with various notice requirements ranging from 6 to 365 days. (c, 2 Private Equity and Venture Capital This includes funds making investments in leveraged buyouts of both public and private companies, as well as investments in venture capital, growth-stage investing, and distressed debt. These are limited partnerships where distributions are made to investors through the liquidation of the underlying assets. It is expected to take up to 15 years to fully distribute these assets. (d) Real Estate = This includes limited partnerships making investments in real estate. These investments make distributions to investors through the liquidation of underlying assets. It is expected to take up to 15 years to fully distribute these assets. (e) Natural Resources This includes limited partnerships making investments in oil and gas, timber, agriculture, minerals, and other commodities. These investments make distributions to investors through the liquidation of the underlying assets. It is expected to take up to 15 years to fully distribute these assets. 19 (Continued) THE JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements June 30, 2021 and 2020 (Dollars in thousands) Fair value as of Funds at June 30, 2020 Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 NAV Investments, at fair value: Cash and cash equivalents $ 142,438 142.438 - - - United States government and agency obligations 398,938 375,601 23,337 - - Debt securities 22,035 17,967 828 3,240 _- United States equities 1,381,650 737,966 6 332 643,346 International equities 599,236 148,727 - - 450,509 Private equity and venture capital 1,411,264 - 20,990 43,732 1,346,542 Real estate 556,008 19,179 - 78,300 458,529 Natural resources 421,382 6,121 - 25,937 389,324 Marketable alternatives 2,710,777 = = = 2,710,777 Total investments, at fair value 7,643,728 1,447,999 45,161 151,541 5,999,027 Total investments $_ 9,464,146 3,079,265 234,313 151,541 5,999,027 The methods and assumptions used to estimate the fair value of investments are defined in note 1(f). The following table presents the University’s activity for Level 3 investments measured at fair value on a recurring basis for the years ended June 30, 2021 and 2020: Private equity and Debt us. venture Real Natural securities _ equities capital estate resources Total Balance as of June 30,2019 $ 3,008 = 42,977 78,300 38,295, 162,580 Transfers betw een levels 100 =— (9,611) = = (9,511) Net realized and unrealized loss (10) (a) 645 = (10,765) (10,131) Sales and distributions = = (1,548) = (1,593) (3,141) Purchases and contributions 142 333 11,269 = = 411,744 Balance as of June 30, 2020 3,240 332 43,732 78,300 25,937 151,541 Transfers betw een levels =— = (9,114) 179,256 = 170,142 Net realized and unrealized loss 108 = 13,392 (2,600) 8,458 19,358 Sales and distributions (3,202) = (8,319) = (993) (12,514) Purchases and contributions 454 8 15,722 = 679 16,863 Balance as of June 30,2021 $ 600 340 55,413 254,956 34,081 345,390 For the year ended June 30, 2021 private equity assets totaling $9,114 moved from Level 3 to Level 1 due to public market events. For the year ended June 30, 2020 private equity assets totaling $7,392 and $2,219 moved from Level 3 to Level 2 and NAV, respectively. Debt security assets moved from Level 2 to Level 3. Transfers resulted from changes in the inputs used to value the investments. 22 (Continued) THE JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements June 30, 2021 and 2020 (Dollars in thousands) (7) Property and Equipment Property and equipment, net, are summarized as follows as of June 30, 2021 and 2020: Range of 2021 2020 useful lives Land $ 110,395 116,863 N/A Land improvements 116,916 113,552 15 years Buildings and leasehold improvements 3,931,332 3,534,434 10-40 years Equipment 1,176,977 1,089,861 7-15 years Capitalized software costs 135,570 131,055 3-10 years Library collections 381,555 364,193 25 years Construction in progress 544,914 690,674 NA 6,397,659 6,040,632 Less accumulated depreciation and amortization 3,610,268 3,417,126 $ 2,787,391 2,623,506 (8) Debt Debt is summarized as follows as of June 30, 2021 and 2020: 2021 2020 Bonds payable, net $ 1,123,121 1,132,209 Notes payable — taxable 268,511 271,232 Commercial paper revenue notes — tax-exempt _ 67,169 Commercial paper revenue notes — taxable 70,000 114,000 Line of credit advances _ 100,000 Finance lease obligations (note 15) 54,391 58,912 $ 1,516,023 1,743,522 23 (Continued) THE JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements June 30, 2021 and 2020 (Dollars in thousands) (a) Bonds Payable Bonds payable were 1) issued by the Maryland Health and Higher Educational Facilities Authority (MHHEFA) or 2) taxable bonds issued directly, and consist of the following as of June 30, 2021 and 2020: 2021 2020 Revenue Bonds Series 2005A, variable effective rate (0.03%), due July 2036 $ 69,265 69,265 Taxable Bonds 2013 Series A, 4.08%, due July 2053 355,000 355,000 Revenue Bonds Series 2013B, 4.25% to 5.00%, due July 2041 82,440 91,030 Taxable Bonds 2015 Series A, 3.75%, due July 2045 150,000 150,000 Taxable Bonds 2020 Series A, 1.97% to 2.81%, due January 2060 470,000 470,000 Subtotal 1,126,705 1,135,295 Premium and discount, net 1,735 2,417 Debt issuance cost, net (5,319) (5,503) $ 1,123,121 1,132,209 The bonds payable outstanding as of June 30, 2021 and 2020 are unsecured general obligations of the University. The loan agreements generally provide for semiannual payments of interest. In March 2020, the University issued $470,000 of 2020 Series A fixed rate bonds. The 2020 Series A Bonds are subject to redemption prior to final maturity. The Bonds provide for a $100,000 principal repayment in 2030 and annual payments of $92,500 in 2057 through 2060. Proceeds from the 2020 Series A were used 1) to refund all of the outstanding Revenue Bonds Series 2012A, 2) for financing and refinancing of certain capital projects, and 3) to pay costs of issuance of the Bonds. As a result of this refunding, the University recognized a loss of $966 in fiscal 2020, which includes the write-off of unamortized original issue premium and bond issuance costs associated with the Series 2012A Bonds. 24 (Continued) THE JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements June 30, 2021 and 2020 (Dollars in thousands) of June 30, 2020 matured in July 2020. The aggregate fair value of the University’s interest rate swap agreements as of June 30, 2021 and 2020 was a liability of $25,415 and $34,889, respectively, excluding accrued interest for the swap due July 2036, and is reported as other long-term liabilities. Changes in the fair value of the interest rate swap agreements are reported as nonoperating activities. The change in fair value was a gain of $9,474 and a loss of $10,918 in fiscal 2021 and 2020, respectively. The University is required to post collateral under these agreements when certain thresholds are exceeded. As of June 30, 2021 and 2020, the required collateral was $800 and $9,900, respectively, which is included in cash and cash equivalents. (f) Annual Principal Payments The following table summarizes the aggregate annual maturities of bonds payable, notes payable, as well as taxable commercial paper, for the five fiscal years subsequent to June 30, 2021: Bonds Notes Commercial Fiscal year payable payable paper notes Total 2022 $ 8,595 2,763 _- 11,358 2023 8,595 3,823 _ 12,418 2024 _- 30,567 _ 30,567 2025 _- 43,093 _- 43,093 2026 _- 4,280 _- 4,280 Thereafter 1,109,515 183,985 70,000 1,363,500 $ 1,126,705 268,511 70,000 1,465,216 Due to requirements to pay the trustee in advance of the payment due date, scheduled maturities in the table above are reflected in the fiscal year that they will be paid to the trustee. (g) Interest Costs Total interest costs incurred and paid were $54,431 in 2021 and $51,631 in 2020, of which $7,775 in 2021 and $5,610 in 2020 were capitalized. (9) Net Assets Net assets without donor restrictions consists of the following as of June 30, 2021 and 2020: 2021 2020 Net investment in plant $ 1,271,368 1,093,984 Board designated endowments 1,326,013 969,640 Undesignated 1,300,102 970,306 $ 3,897,483 3,033,930 27 (Continued) (10) THE JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements June 30, 2021 and 2020 (Dollars in thousands) Net assets with donor restrictions consists of the following as of June 30, 2021 and 2020: 2021 2020 Donor-restricted endowment funds $ 7,989,266 5,780,452 Contributions receivable for endowment 66,095 70,083 Contributions receivable for operating 186,147 154,129 Contributions restricted for facilities 667,087 530,077 Land subject to time and purpose restrictions 27,700 26,300 Perpetual trusts for scholarship and program support 81,652 64,838 Other contributions, including annuities and other trusts 612,806 441,025 $ 9,630,753, 7,066,904 Other contributions, including annuities and other trusts are restricted for faculty support, research, and program support. University Endowment The University’s endowment consists of approximately 4,500 individual funds established for a variety of purposes and includes both donor-restricted endowment funds and funds designated by the Board of Trustees to function as endowments. Net assets associated with endowment funds are classified and reported based on the existence or absence of donor-imposed restrictions. The Board of Trustees of the University has interpreted the Maryland enacted version of Uniform Prudent Management of Institutional Funds Act (UPMIFA) as allowing the University to appropriate for expenditure or accumulate so much of an endowment fund as the University determines is prudent for the uses, benefits, purposes, and duration for which the endowment fund is established, subject to the intent of the donor as expressed in the gift instrument. The Board of Trustees of the University manages and invests the individual endowment funds in the exercise of ordinary business care and prudence under facts and circumstances and considering the purposes, factors, and other requirements of UPMIFA. The University classifies as net assets with donor restrictions (a) the original value of gifts donated, which are donated to the endowment, (b) the original value of subsequent gifts to the endowment, and (c) accumulations to the endowment, which are not expendable on a current basis in accordance with the directions of the applicable donor gift instrument at the time the accumulation is added to the fund. At times, the fair value of individual donor restricted endowment funds may be in an underwater position (fall below historical book value) and are reported in net assets with donor restrictions. With respect to underwater endowments, the spending occurs only to the extent that the fair value of the endowment fund is 75% of historical book value. The University has adopted investment policies for its endowment, including board-designated funds, which attempt to provide a predictable stream of funding in support of the operating budget, while seeking to preserve the real value of the endowment assets over time. The University relies on a total return strategy under which investment returns are achieved through both appreciation (realized and unrealized) and yield 28 (Continued) THE JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements June 30, 2021 and 2020 (Dollars in thousands) (interest and dividends). Investments are diversified by asset class, as well as by investment manager and style, with a focus on achieving long-term return objectives within prudent risk constraints. Subject to the intent of the donor, the Board of Trustees appropriates for expenditure or accumulates funds in the endowments in the exercise of ordinary business care and prudence under the facts and circumstances and considering the purposes, factors, and other requirements of UPMIFA. The annual appropriation is determined in the context of the University’s spending rate policy. The current policy, which is based on a long-term investment retum assumption as well as an estimated inflation factor, targets the appropriation to be in a range of 4.5% to 5.5% of the prior three years’ average value of the endowment. Endowment net assets consist of the following as of June 30, 2021: Without donor With donor restrictions restrictions Total Investments by type of fund: Donor-restricted endowments: Historical gift value $ _ 5,209,616 5,209,616 Appreciation _ 2,779,650 2,779,650 Board-designated endowments 1,326,013 = 1,326,013 Total endowment net assets $ 1,326,013 7,989,266 9,315,279 Endowment net assets consist of the following as of June 30, 2020: Without donor With donor restrictions restrictions Total Investments by type of fund: Donor-restricted endowments: Historical gift value $ _ 5,039,142 5,039,142 Appreciation _ 741,310 741,310 Board-designated endowments 969,640 = 969,640 Total endowment net assets $ 969,640 5,780,452 6,750,092 As of June 30, 2021, there were no donor-restricted endowments underwater. As of June 30, 2020, donor-restricted endowments with an original gift value of $2,537,444 were underwater by $19,683. These deficits resulted from unfavorable market fluctuations that occurred shortly after the investment of newly established endowments and authorized appropriation that was deemed prudent. 29 (Continued) THE JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements June 30, 2021 and 2020 (Dollars in thousands) (c) Johns Hopkins Bayview Medical Center (JHBMC) JHBMC is a community-based teaching hospital and long-term care facility. The University and JHBMC also share facilities and provide services to each other and negotiate the costs annually under a JAA. Charges to JHBMC under the JAA, related primarily to the provision of professional medical services from the University, aggregated $81,321 in fiscal 2021 and $78,550 in fiscal 2020. (d) The Johns Hopkins Hospital Endowment Fund Incorporated (JHHEFI) In July 2007, the University and JHHEFI entered into an agreement whereby JHHEFI transferred approximately $381,000 to the University to invest in the University's Endowment Investment Pool (EIP) and have the University manage these assets on JHHEFI's behalf. The funds were invested with other University assets in the University’s name and title, and in accordance with the University’s EIP investment policies and objectives. JHHEFI receives payouts as determined by their Board of Trustees and may terminate the agreement upon 180 days’ written notice with liquidations to be made over a three-year period as specified in the agreement. The assets are included in investments in the consolidated balance sheets, and a corresponding liability of $661,513 and $496,651 is included in endowment and similar funds held for others as of June 30, 2021 and 2020, respectively. The corresponding liability has a fair value measurement of Level 3. JHHEFI’s assets represent approximately 9.4% of the combined investment pool of $7,051,858 as of June 30, 2021. (e) Jointly Owned Entities As of June 30, 2021 and 2020, the University and JHHS and its affiliates jointly own several entities that are accounted for on the equity method. The University’s aggregate investments in and advances to these joint ventures was approximately $331,372 and $317,121 as of June 30, 2021 and 2020, respectively. Equity in operating earnings of affiliates aggregated approximately $34,905 in fiscal 2021 and $16,097 in fiscal 2020. In 2005, one of these entities, JHMI Utilities LLC, was formed to provide utility services for the East Baltimore campus. The University and Hospital, each owning 50% of JHMI Utilities LLC, provide all of its funding, including debt service, through payments for services received. Utility and telecommunications services provided to the University in fiscal 2021 and 2020 were approximately $30,331 and $30,420, respectively. JHMI Utilities LLC has an agreement with the University to finance a portion of the costs of installation of, and subsequent upgrades to, an enterprise information technology system that provides integrated patient care information and service across JHM. The project has been successfully implemented with the total project cost at approximately $311,900 as of June 30, 2021. The cost of implementing the enterprise information technology strategy was financed through a combination of loans from, or guarantees by, the University and JHHS. The University committed to funding up to $36,800 of the project. As of June 30, 2021 and 2020, $13,900 and $17,400, respectively, was outstanding on the loan. In addition, the University has agreed to guarantee a pooled loan of up to $11,300. Although the University’s ownership interest in each of the jointly owned entities is generally 50%, the University and JHHS have entered into separate agreements whereby certain activities or lines of business within these entities are not shared equally. 32 (Continued) THE JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements June 30, 2021 and 2020 (Dollars in thousands) The following table summarizes the aggregate condensed financial information of the jointly owned entities and the University’s proportionate share of the entities as of and for the years ended June 30, 2021 and 2020, respectively: 2021 2020 University University Total interest Total interest Assets $ 1,439,110 633,501 1,383,730 617,251 Liabilities 879,236 387,233 865,622 383,637 Operating revenues 3,171,851 1,252,074 2,984,665 1,202,880 Operating expenses 3,073,822 1,217,169 2,913,204 1,186,783 (12) Pension and Postretirement Benefit Plans The University has several benefit plans that are available to substantially all full-time employees. Most of these plans are qualified defined contribution plans for which the University’s policy is to fund benefit costs as earned. The University also has a defined benefit pension plan covering bargaining unit employees and those classified as support staff. Benefit plan expenses were $280,725 in fiscal 2021 and $266,463 in fiscal 2020, including $246,002 and $240,874, respectively, related to defined contribution plans. Of the total benefit expense, APL’s defined contribution plan accounted for $96,343 in fiscal 2021 and $87,828 in fiscal 2020. Effective July 1, 2011, the University closed the support staff pension plan to new participants other than bargaining unit employees. In addition, the University offered a choice to current participants between the current support staff pension plan and its 403(b) plan. The University has retiree benefits plans that provide postretirement medical benefits to employees, including those at APL, who meet specified minimum age and service requirements at the time they retire. The University pays a portion of the cost of participants’ medical insurance coverage. The University’s portion of the cost for an individual participant depends on various factors, including the age, years of service, and time of retirement or retirement eligibility of the participant. The University has established a trust fund for its retiree benefits plans and intends to make contributions to the fund approximately equal to the annual net postretirement benefit cost. Effective July 1, 2019, APL adopted an amendment to the postretirement medical plan to allow employees who were originally hired before January 1, 2012, had a break in service and returned after December 31, 2011 to be eligible for the medical subsidy. The plan change increased the accumulated postretirement benefit obligation by $1,260 for the year ended June 30, 2020. In 2010, the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act and the Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act (collectively, the Health Care Acts) were signed into law. The Health Care Acts include several provisions that may affect the University’s postretirem ent benefit plans, and have been considered in the measurement of the postretirement benefit obligation. 33 (Continued) THE JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements June 30, 2021 and 2020 (Dollars in thousands) The University uses a June 30 measurement date for its defined benefit pension plan and retiree benefit plans. Information relating to the benefit obligation, assets, and funded status of the defined benefit pension plan and the postretirement benefit plans as of and for the years ended June 30, 2021 and 2020 is summarized as follows: Change in benefit obligation: Benefit obligation at beginning of year Senice cost Interest cost Participant contributions Plan amendment Actuarial (gain) loss Benefits paid Medicare subsidies received Benefit obligation at end of year Change in plan assets: Fair value of plan assets at beginning of year Actual retum on plan assets University contributions Participant contributions Benefits paid Medicare subsidies received Fair value of plan assets at end of year Funded status recognized as pension and postretirement obligations, net Pension plan Postretirement plans 2021 2020 2021 2020 $ 911,200 788,729 296,750 268,019 17,125 15,246 8,949 7,855 24,035 26,873 7,122 8,790 — — 11,634 11,492 5,949 _ _ 1,260 9,821) 105,669 (23,177) 20,478 (25,240) (25,317) (19,437) (21,975) _— = 714 831 923,248 911,200 282,555 296,750 580,628 559,695 320,748 312,441 140,675 20,983 90,454 15,063 35,060 25,267 - — — — 12,163 14,171 (25,240) (25,317) (22,654) (18,758) = = 714 831 731,123 580,628 401,425 320,748 $ (192,125) (330,572) 118,870 23,998 The accumulated benefit obligation for the pension plan was $895,143 and $880,527 as of June 30, 2021 and 2020, respectively. 34 (Continued) THE JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements June 30, 2021 and 2020 (Dollars in thousands) The rate of increase in healthcare costs was assumed to begin with an initial rate of 6.1% in 2021 and decrease to 4.0% in 2044 and to remain at that level thereafter. Assumed healthcare cost trend rates have a significant effect on the reported postretirement benefit cost and obligation. A one-percentage-point change in the assumed rates used at June 30, 2021 would have the following effects: Increase Decrease Total service and interest cost components $ 90 (79) Postretirement benefit obligation 3,450 (3,102) (a) Plans’ Assets The purpose of the pension and postretirement plans is to meet the retirement benefit obligations of eligible University employees. The plans’ assets are invested with the objective of meeting these obligations under the rules stipulated by the Employee Retirement Income Security Act. An asset allocation has been established, which endeavors to adequately cover the liability stream posed by the beneficiaries of the plans and minimize the frequency and amount of the plans’ contributions by the University. The intended benefits of this diversification are reduced risk and improved investment returns. (b) Pension Plan The following table presents the fair value and categorization within the fair value hierarchy of the assets of the defined benefit pension plan as of June 30, 2021 and 2020: 2021 2020 Funds at Funds at Total Level 1 NAV Total Level 1 NAV Cash and cash equivalents $ 1,987 1,987 - 10,529 10,529 - Fixed income securities 234,582 227,485 7,097 207,805 199,287 8,518 United States equities and international equities 462,958 413,376 49,582 312,631 281,266 31,365, Marketable alternatives 31,596 = 31,596 49,663 = 49,663 Total $__731,123 642,848 88,275 580,628 491,082 89,546 37 (Continued) THE JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements June 30, 2021 and 2020 (Dollars in thousands) (c) Postretirement Plans The following table presents the fair value and categorization within the fair value hierarchy of the assets of the postretirement plans as of June 30, 2021 and 2020: 2021 2020 Funds at Funds at Total Level1 NAV Total Level1 NAV. Cash and cash equivalents $ 5,435 5,435 = 11,613 11,613 = Accounts receivable — rebates earned = = = 3,217 3,217 = Fixed income securities 303,993 303,993 = 101,367 101,367 = United States equities and international equities 73,114 46,555 26,559 182,256 165,457 16,799 Marketable alternatives 18,883 = 18,883 22,295 = 22,295 Total $__ 401,425 355,983 45,442 320,748 281,654 39,094 The Plans have no unfunded commitments to fund managers as of June 30, 2021 and 2020. The University’s target asset allocations for the pension plan and the postretirement plans as of June 30, 2021 and 2020: Pension plan Postretirement plans 2021 2020 2021 2020 Fixed income securities 30 % 30% 75 % 35% United States equities and international equities 60 55 15 55 Real estate _ 5 _ _ Marketable alternatives 10 10 10 10 Total 100 % 100 % 100 % 100 % (d) Cash Flows The University expects to contribute $17,000 to the pension plan in fiscal 2022. 38 (Continued) THE JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements June 30, 2021 and 2020 (Dollars in thousands) Employer benefits expected to be paid, net of expected retiree contributions, and Medicare subsidies to be received in the five years subsequent to June 30, 2021 and in aggregate for the five fiscal years thereafter are as follows: Pension Postretirement Medicare Fiscal year plan plans subsidies 2022 $ 31,039 11,900 706 2023 32,909 12,539 50 2024 34,769 13,143 44 2025 36,608 13,640 39 2026 38,381 14,092 34, 2027-2031 215,095 75,709 110 (13) Functional Expense Information Operating expenses by nature and function are summarized as follows for the year ended June 30, 2021: 2021 Programs Instruction, research and clinical Student Total Institutional Total practice APL services _Auxiliaries __Libraries__programs__support___expenses Compensation $ 1,902,975 909,166 62304 18,252 13729 2.906426 241606 3,148,082 Benefits 465,153 396,676 18,442 5,050 3818 889,139 82,690 971,829 Subcontractors and subrecipients 279.958 196,579 = - - 476537 = 476537 Contractual services 602,466 74222 49,763 34,114 7,192 767,757 164,052 931,809 Supplies, materials and other 364,715 164,956 7,524 28,190 8,093 573,478 35,149 608,627 Depreciation 93,210 66,602 4302 8,066 17,473 199,353, 33670 223,023 Travel 32,539 6744 608 26 22 39,936 584 40,520 hierest 30.919 = 1,193 3,036 746. 35,894 10,151 46,045 Total $__3771935_ _ 1,814,942 144,196 96,734 50773 __5,878520 567.902 __ 6,446,422 Operating expenses by nature and function are summarized as follows for the year ended June 30, 2020: 2020 Programs Instruction, research and clinical ‘Student Total Institutional Total practice APL services Auxiliaries Libraries programs support expenses Compensation $ 1,881,398 853,216 61,196, 19,168 13,920 2,828,898 246,185 3,075,083 Benefits 484,081 362,326 17,591 4,845, 3,622 872,465 72396 944,861 Subcontractors and subrecipients 278,760 224,422 - - - 503,182 = 503,182 Contractual services 592,729 69,384 43,083, 7,950 7,811 750,907 156,745 907,652 Supplies, materials and other 350,157 158,029 8,998 30,762 8,290 556,236 27,163 583,399 Depreciation 94,879 62,758 4,471 8,222 16,491 186,821 34,105, 220,926 Travel 83,072 23,590 2,901 385 281 110,319 5,708 116,027 Interest 30276 = 1,239 27% 832 35,142 9,647 44.789, Total $__ 3,795,352 1,753,725 139,519 104,127, 51,247 5,843,970 551,949 6,395,919 39 (Continued) (16) THE JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements June 30, 2021 and 2020 (Dollars in thousands) Payments due for finance leases through fiscal year 2031 are summarized below as of June 30, 2021: 2022 $ 8,283 2023 8,524 2024 8,772 2025 9,027 2026 9,289 After 2026 24,500 68,395 Less amounts representing interest 14,004 Total finance lease liabilities $ 54,391 As of June 30, 2021, the gross amount of finance right of use assets and accumulated depreciation thereon are reflected in property and equipment and amounted to $95,149 and $60,645, respectively. The following presents supplemental cash flow information for the year ended June 30, 2021 and 2020 as it relates to cash paid for amounts included in the measurement of lease liabilities: 2021 2020 Operating cash flows for operating leases $ 52,171 52,820 Operating cash flows for finance leases 4,521 4,190 Financing cash flows for finance leases 3,528 3,797 In June 2021, the University signed a 40-year lease agreement with the Hospital for approximately 65% of the space in a research facility scheduled to be completed by the end of 2025. The first of three wings in the facility is expected to be available for use before the end of fiscal 2024. The University will be responsible for approximately 65% of the total core and shell costs, which are estimated to range from $300,000 to $320,000, and will fund its share of these costs as prepayments under the lease on a monthly basis during the construction and renovation period. In addition, the University will fund its own tenant improvements during this period. Risks and Uncertainties In March 2020, the World Health Organization declared the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) a pandemic, which continues. As a result of the suspension of in-person education, lost revenues resulting from the deferral of clinical elective procedures, a decrease in sponsored activities, the refunding of a portion of student housing and dining revenues, and other uncertainties related to the pandemic, the University took action to temporarily suspend employer 403(b) contributions beginning July 1, 2020. Virtual learning continued through the fall semester of fiscal 2021, with some in-person education resuming in the spring semester of fiscal 2021. While the University experienced a reduction in revenues, primarily related to education and student related activities, and incurred certain incremental costs mainly related to COVID 42 (Continued) (17) THE JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements June 30, 2021 and 2020 (Dollars in thousands) testing and facilities, it benefitted from reductions in travel costs and received federal stimulus assistance, specifically Provider Relief Funds and Higher Education Emergency Relief Funds. As a result of the lesser than anticipated negative impact on the University, in the spring of 2021 the employer 403(b) contributions were restored retroactively to July 1, 2020. The University continues to monitor the ongoing pandemic and its potential effects on the University. Other Commitments and Contingencies (a) (b) Guarantees The University and the Hospital have also provided guarantees of principal and interest payments related to loans granted to JHMI Utilities LLC under the MHHEFA Pooled Loan Program. As of June 30, 2021, the University’s guarantee amounted to $11,300 and continues until maturity of the loans occurring through 2029. Regulatory and Legal Matters Amounts received and expended by the University under various federal and state programs are subject to audit by governmental agencies. In the opinion of management, audit adjustments, if any, will not have a material adverse effect on the financial position of the University. The University is subject to various claims, litigation, tax, and other assessments in connection with its domestic and foreign operations. In the opinion of management, adequate provision has been made for losses on these matters, where material, including insurance for malpractice and general liability claims, and their ultimate resolution will not have a material adverse effect on the financial position of the University. (i) Specific Matters On April 1, 2015, a complaint was filed against the University, its Bloomberg School of Public Health and its School of Medicine, JHHSC and JHH (collectively the “Johns Hopkins Defendants’), as well as another institution and a pharmaceutical company (collectively the “defendants’). The claims arise from human experiments conducted in Guatemala between 1946 and 1948 (the “Study”) under the auspices of the United States Public Health Service, the Guatemalan government, and the Pan American Sanitary Bureau. The plaintiffs’ third amended complaint alleges that physicians and scientists employed by defendants “approved, encouraged, and directed nonconsensual and nontherapeutic human experiments in Guatemala” in which research subjects were intentionally exposed to and infected with venereal diseases without informed consent, and that the individuals were not advised about the consequences of the experiments or given follow-up care, treatment, or education. The third amended complaint alleges claims under both the Guatemala civil code and the federal Alien Tort Statute (the “ATS”), and seeks compensatory damages in excess of $75 and punitive damages of $1,000,000. The Johns Hopkins Defendants dispute both the factual allegations and legal claims. The Johns Hopkins Defendants did not initiate, pay for, direct, or conduct the Study. In 2010, the United States government accepted responsibility for the Study and apologized to all who were affected by it. A prior lawsuit against officials of the United States government for the same injuries alleged in the suit against the Johns Hopkins Defendants was dismissed by the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia. 43 (Continued) THE JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements June 30, 2021 and 2020 (Dollars in thousands) On August 30, 2017, the Court issued a memorandum decision dismissing all of plaintiffs’ Guatemala law claims, but denying defendants’ motion to dismiss the third amended complaint with respect to the ATS claims. On May 16, 2018, defendants filed a motion for judgment on the pleadings based upon the Supreme Court’s decision in Jesner v. Arab Bank, PLC, 138 S. Ct.1386 (2018), which holds that the ATS does not authorize federal courts to create federal common law causes of action against foreign corporations, as doing so would usurp Congress's role and violate the separation of powers. Defendants argue that although the Supreme Court’s formal holding applied to foreign corporations—the only type of corporation that was a party to the case—the Supreme Court’s reasoning should apply to domestic corporations as well. On January 3, 2019, the Honorable Theodore D. Chuang denied the motion, declining to extend the majority's reasoning in Jesner to domestic corporations. On April 23, 2019, however, Judge Chuang granted defendants’ Motion to Certify Interlocutory Appeal, and on May 17, 2019, the Fourth Circuit granted defendants’ petition for permission to appeal. Briefing was completed in October 2019. In August 2020, the Fourth Circuit issued an order placing the case in abeyance pending a decision by the United States Supreme Court in No. 19-416, Nestle USA, Inc. v. John Doe I. At this time, discovery has closed and both plaintiffs and defendants filed motions for summary judgment. On June 17, 2021, the United States Supreme Court issued its decision in Nestle clarifying the law with respect to the improper extraterritorial application of the ATS. Defendants promptly notified the District Court of the Nestle ruling and requested that the District Court lift its stay and enter summary judgment in favor of all defendants based on the reasoning of Nestle. Subsequently, the District Court entered an order lifting the stay and ordering the parties to submit new summary judgment briefs that address, among other things, the impact of the Nestle decision on plaintiffs’ ATS claim. Defendants filed their Renewed Motion for Summary Judgment and their Opposition and Reply to Plaintiffs’ Cross Motion for Summary Judgment; Plaintiffs have also filed their Consolidated Reply brief. In light of the Supreme Court ruling in Nestle, and at the request of the JHU Defendants, the interlocutory appeal before the Fourth Circuit was dismissed on June 25, 2021. The Johns Hopkins Defendants intend to continue to vigorously defend this lawsuit. (18) Subsequent Events The University evaluated subsequent events through October 4, 2021, which is the date the consolidated financial statements were issued. There were no additional matters that required adjustment to or disclosure in the consolidated financial statements. 44 ‘THE JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY ‘Schedule of Epenatres of Federal Awards ‘Yeu ended June 20, 2021 Passed Federal CFDA, Direct award or pas through to Total federal Federal grantoripas through grantor/program or chster ttle ‘number ‘enaty identifying number subreipionts tures National Aeronastics and Space Adminstrator: 43001 Direct S 2364827 te 2asm0 ‘esis Research Ine. 2.001 R002 = ‘28101 Aerospace 43.001 -4e00005884 - (205) Aerospace 43.001 4500006880 = 6.185 ‘nares Universty 43.001 ‘220204 = wort ‘anzona Sate Unversty 43.001 15-728 = 3.958 ‘anzona Sate Unversty 43.001 ‘asyeooq00480 = 18 ‘Auburn Univers 42.001 BaNSSC 19K 1204 = 7336 Bay Area Envrormertal Research hsitute 43.001 BAER/-08002010 = 9.600 Boston Unwversty 43.001 4500002708 = a Boston Unversity 43.001 4500002038 = wm Brown University 43.001 ‘coo0a80s, = 16.196 Comal Universty 43.001 ‘7ros7-10382 = 9 Darmautn Calage 43.001 R059 2497 609,203, Danmauth Calage 43.001 Rist = 15.112 Embry ide Aeronautica Unversity 43.001 61536. = 91534 Flanda Inte of Tesmaogy 43001 202414 HUAPL) = 72308 lino nets of Tesrnology 43.001 ‘A180083-S00t = 42.083 Manigan State Unversity 43.001 100. 18W7153, = 2a787 Nanahmies, ne 42.001 NANZOSQJHUAPL = 75 North Caraina tate University 43.001 2016313801 = 5.101 Naw Jersey Insitute of Technology 43.001 oa7a33 = 2977 Narher Arizona Unversty 43.001 so0Ks3402 = 18.165, Panos Research 42.001 18-08-0001 = 9640 Pregive Sones In, ‘001 ‘90¥20NAPROBLHS = 4340 PSCIINST 42.001 326 = 9 Paanetary Science Institute 43001 1528HUAPL, = 3st Planetary Science Institute 48001 1512. HUIAPL = 5 Planetary Science Institute 43.001 saNssor9K 1222 = ‘2a Planetary Science Institute 43.001 soanco tmv0005 = azn Planetary Science Institute 43001 TOOHUAPL = 6.085 Planetary Science Institute 48001 {745HUAPL = 15.253 Planetary Science Institute #3001 A73HUAPL = ey Paras Unversty 43.001 4103-62413 - (183) Para Univers 42.001 "7034087 = 98 ‘Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory 43.001 coozi01ex = 2018 ‘Space Telescope Srience site 43.001 HST-GO-15825 006.4 = 7430 ‘Space Telescope Science site 43.001 HST-GO-15848 008A = 3824 ‘Space Telescope Science site 43.001 ‘B0aRo1740007 = 20 ‘Space Telescope Srience site 43.001 HST-GO-18926 017.4, = 7 ‘Space Telescope Science site 43.001 HST-GO-16038.002-4 = 4407 ‘Space Telescope Science site 43.001 HIST-GO-16006-002- = m2 ‘Space Telescope Science site 43.001 HST-GO.16104 0024, = 7 ‘Space Telescope Science site 43.001 HST-AR-16130.005-4 = 7 ‘Soutrwest Reveseh Insts 001 1049 = 2083 ‘Soutrwest Research Ineiige 42.001 Kasoo6cT = a0 ‘Soutrwest Research Ineiige 42.001 ‘BaNSSC19KO611 = 281047 ‘Carpraton 43.001 4800008505 = 3533 Unversty Carperaton for Atmospheric Research 43.001 ‘suBAW000389 = 443K Unversity Carperaton fer Atmospheric Research 43.001 ‘suBAWD000281 = ‘sa,a24 Unversity Carperaton fer Atmospheric Research 43.001 ‘SUBAWDOOTT48 = so,se6 Unversity Carperaton fer Atmospheric Research 43.001 ‘SUBAW 000122 = 10.109 Unversity Carperaton fer Atmospheric Research 43.001 ‘suBAW0q2081 = 20 Unversty ot 43.001 UUAF 20-0032 = 2s Unversty of Alasta 43.001 saNssoreKast3 = 7.906 Univers of Alasta 43.001 UAF 20-0115 = 758 Unversty of Alasta 43.001 UA 21-0015 = 4522 Unversity of Caferia Los Angeles 43.001 1000 6 xA167 = C1 Unversity of Calera Los Angeles 43.001 2000.6 WAg70 = 1.205 Unversity of Cafernia Los Angeles 43.001 1000 G x0301 = 767 Unversity of Caernia Los Angeles 43.001 2000.6 YAt00| = 281 Unversity of Caternia Berkeley 42.001 ‘oo10220 = ‘353 Unversity of Cerra Frida 43.001 086221-01 = ser Unversity of Calerado 43.001 1554848, = ua Unversity of idaho 43.001 00K148S8-001 = MrT Unversity of idaho 43.001 soNsso19Kas9s = 15450 Unversity of iowa 43.001 '500967-01 = 1053 Unversity of Maryland 43.001 1787-26072201 = w7a70 Unversty of Maryland 43.001 8221-26167201 = ‘3978 Unversity of Maryland 43.001 5773.26124202 = 687 Unversity of Maryland 43.001 8826.26172202 = art University of mehigan 43.001 ‘SUBKOORTZ31 = 2816 Unversity of Menigan 43.001 ‘SUBKOO01S033 = ie University of Massachusets 43.001 17-009058 A = 552 Unversity of Nevada Reno 43001 Une 19.28 = 10.703 Unversity of Tennessee 43.001 1818037-s001 = "a8 Unversity of Tennessee 43.001 ‘AzO1271-S001 = 4608 Unversity of Tennessee 43.001 ADtOT01-S00t = 6553 Unversity of Tennessee Knowle 43.001 ‘8161252-5001 = 70 Unverstes Space Research Association 43.001 10.02 = arr Wastirygon Unversty 43.001 wu20-481 = 48748 Welesey Unversty 43.001 ‘SA25484 = 2315 Sibtot 2357264 __14359.000 Unversity of Maryland: Exploration 43.003, as753.26236207 = 46.400 ‘Space Tecnncogy Bor Direct enw 64201 atonal Aeronautics and Space Administration 4SUNKOWN Direct s1210957 221888,740 ‘Anzona Ste Unversty SBUNKNOWN 11553 5823 ‘20,943 ‘anzona Sate Unversty ABUNKVOWN 15707 = 161,804 ‘anzona Sate Unversty ABUNKVOWN 17-258 = raat ‘anzona Sate Unversty 4BUNKVOWN ‘asueooqon6as = 2.088 Catecn SBUNKNOWN 205, = 34.350 Honeybee Robeties ABUNKVOWN 484.886.001 = 2846 «et Propusion Laboratory ABUNKVOWN 277703 sanz 2230708 ‘et Propusion Laboratery 4BUNKVOWN s310828, = 2.285 ‘i Propusion Laboratery SBUNKNOWN 350588, = 1 ‘et Propusion Labratery ABUNKVOWN 520822 620467 20 680.484 ‘et Propusion Labratery ABUNKVOWN 531614 355450 497635 ‘et Propusion Laboratery 4BUNKVOWN 522734 = 4a 737 ‘i Propusion Laboratery SBUNKNOWN 1522482 = 102,769 ‘it Propusion Labratery sBUNKNOWN 1522572 23324 4567554 (Continues) ‘THE JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY ‘Schedule of Epenatres of Federal Awards ‘Yeu ended June 20, 2021 Passed Federal CFDA, Direct award or pas through to Total federal Federal grantoripas through grantor/program or chster ttle ‘number ‘enaty identifying number subrecipionts expenditures et Propusion Laboratory 4SUNKWOWN 1541408 = 5.455 ‘et Propusion Laboratery 4BUNKVOWN 1544281 = ‘o7 ‘i Propusion Laboratery SBUNKNOWN 1544327 = an ‘et Propusion Labratery ABUNKVOWN 1548282 wrezses 60685604 ‘et Propusion Labratery ABUNKVOWN 1546053, = '08 886 ‘et Propusion Laboratery 4BUNKVOWN 1551217 = 6287 ‘i Propusion Laboratery SBUNKNOWN 1556149 = 21580 ‘et Propusion Labratery ABUNKVOWN 1560761 = 2.106 ‘et Propusion Laboratery 4BUNKVOWN 564008, = 25) ‘i Propusion Laboratery SBUNKNOWN 1580208, 3075408 13800,121 ‘et Propusion Labratery ABUNKVOWN 1574589 = 3.650 ‘et Propusion Labratery ABUNKVOWN 1588800 = ‘66 ‘et Propusion Laboratery 4BUNKVOWN 1598289 = or ‘i Propusion Laboratery SBUNKNOWN 610740 = 428 ‘et Propusion Labratery ABUNKVOWN 620319 = 25,450 ‘et Propusion Labratery ABUNKVOWN 1643584 = 20 ‘et Propusion Laboratery 4BUNKVOWN 1843689 = sous ‘i Propusion Laboratery SBUNKNOWN 1644670 = 1086 ‘et Propusion Labratery ABUNKVOWN es0323 = 164670 ‘et Propusion Labratery ABUNKVOWN 1655803 = 46,855 ‘et Propusion Laboratery 4BUNKVOWN wes7153 = 18677 ‘i Propusion Laboratery SBUNKNOWN 658276 = 42 ‘et Propusion Labratery ABUNKVOWN es6733 = 9823 ‘et Propusion Labratery ABUNKVOWN ese085 = was77 ‘et Propusion Laboratery 4BUNKVOWN 880402 = 7.005 ‘bet Propusion Laboratery SBUNKNOWN e614 = ve0 Make! Engnesing ABUNKVOWN ‘suBa2eonssc19c0287 = 7) Make! Engnesing ABUNKVOWN ‘SUBOTBONSSO 1060160 = 276 Makel Engnesing 4BUNKVOWN ‘SUBO2s0NSSO2000158 = 9283 abla Zao Labs SBUNKNOWN ‘ma20-1029625 = 6a25 Naw Jersey Insitute of Technology ABUNKVOWN 908575 = 393.388, Pnceton Unversity ABUNKVOWN ssusoo00%58 4784 626.700 Panceton University 4BUNKVOWN ‘susoooat2 = ame Pardes Unversty SBUNKNOWN “4103-24506 = ‘7 Roe Lao SSUNKNOWN ZZs50010 1564 967,208 ‘Soutrwest Research Insite ABUNKVOWN ‘4998720 435848 11508608, ‘Soutrwast Research Insite 4BUNKVOWN en 4ex 14869 385,280, ‘Soutrwast Reseach Insite SBUNKNOWN a2005N 10.000 110,442 ‘Soutrwest Research Ineiige SSUNKNOWN Davo2sL = 995) ‘Soutrwest Research Ineiige ABUNKVOWN KoaasaMEc 263376 3773838 ‘Soutrwast Research Insite SBUNKNOWN ‘Na9057 0 = 6061 ‘Soutrwast Reseach Inetigs SBUNKNOWN aaa3e0s = 190,389 TRACLaDS SSUNKNOWN ‘To113001.To64 = 1954 Unversty of Arizona ABUNKVOWN ‘yons234 = 255.464 Unversity of Caforia 4BUNKVOWN coo082t = 107.115 Unversty of Caerria Berkeley SBUNKNOWN sezaazieo = 79,858 Unversity of Caternia Berkeley ABUNKVOWN seots4so02 18760 Unversity of Calera Los Angeles ABUNKVOWN 0005-5-SA812 eam 582.960 Unversity of Calerado 4BUNKVOWN 1558824 1216 Universty of Texas SSUNKNOWN vurateon%082 = 76.882 wave brnovations, ne. sBUNKVOWN 1080091120-01 53 ‘subtotal so9i1704 _348,300.280 National Aronautes and Space Administration Total ~ APL 3.962205 _s62860.881 ational Science Founda: Mathematical and Physica Sciences 47.080 Dies = Unversty of Anzona 47000 ‘19068 = ‘subtotal Geosciences 47.050 11048 952 2482487 ‘Amencan Universty 47.050 -n21-0027-5001+-31608, = ‘ov ‘Sanford Unversty 47.050 61687147-122380 = 123) ‘Subtotal 1.046 952 2.450.881 Computer and formation Science and Engineering 47070 Direct = 104,629 National Science Foundation Total - APL. 1.046 952 2.702.550 Envicrmental Protection Agency ‘Envronmentl Protecton Agena) eS UNKNOWN Dire 5 Emronmertal Protection Agency Total ~ APL 75 Deparment of Eneray: ‘Otfce ot Science Pancial Assistance Program 1.040 Direct asart 972463 Nuclear Energy Research, Development and Demonstration anit Dest = 0 CColaborative Research teracve Effects of Aered Rana Tening ang Warming on ‘Sal Processes and Part Responses in Gassand 1.400 Direct = 40,106 Deparment of Energy B1LUNKOWN Dies = 0.005 Lnwranes Live ore National Laboratory BIUNKVOWN Lunt Ba21535 = 16.200 Oaerdge Associated Universties BIUNKWOWN 14000167418 = 373.050, ‘Sandia National Labortones BL UNKNOWN ‘05st = 6.158 ‘Sandia National Laboratones BLUNKNOWN 2008151 = o ‘Sandia National Laboratones BL UNKNOWN 2omnsoo = 49624 Wasrington Savannah River Company, LLC BLUNKWOWN A0585450 = ry ‘subtotal = 402049 Department of Energy Total ~ APL 35.471 11075.508, Department of Heath and Human Sevices: “Gate of Oregon: Pubic Heath Emergency Peosrasness 93.050 34673 = we Prevention of Disease, Dsabity, and Death by Infectious Disease 93.084 Direct = o722 Food and Drug Administration Research 93.108, Dees = 96 Marjiand Department of Hea: Injury Prevention and Contra Research and ‘Stale and Community Based Prog'ams 23.138 arocrc4 = rises Maryland Department of Health 93.138, 21HU-OGP-6-1-COVID_EXPANSION = 15491 (Oregon Deparment of Heath 93.135, 162001 = 58,160 (Oregon Department of Heath 93.138 167058 6013 ‘subtotal 208.505, (Continues) ‘THE JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY ‘Schedule of Epenatres of Federal Awards ‘Yeu ended June 20, 2021 Passed Federal CFDA, Direct award or pas through to Total federal Federal grantoripas through grantor/program or chster ttle ‘number ‘enaty identifying number subrecipients expenditures Research Relat to Deafness and Communication Disorders 93473 Diest = 3.887 Researcn on Healnare Coste, Qualty and Qutoomes 93.28 Dest = 8 (Gatrat Tr-Courty Heath Depart ert: Cevters fr Disease Certrol and MantalHeaih Research Grants 3.242 Direct 49.995, a2320 Maryand Deparimert of Heath and Mental Hygiene: Preverton Investigations and Techrical Assistance 93.283 e459 = 16.104 Discover ar Applied Research fer Technological hnovatens to Improve Hunan Health 93.288, Direct 40205, 480,000 pidemictogee Research, Disease Detection and Prevention 93318 Dest = 34,782 Maryand Department of Heath and Mental Hygene: Pubic Heath Emergency Response: (Cooperative Agreement for Emergency Response: PblicHealh isis Response 93.354 FYIO-HUAPL-PHCROPIOD-G1 - 7) Etramural Research Programs inthe Neurosciences and Newalogeca Disorders| 93.53 Direct = 105,082 Vision Researen 93.857 Direct 3520 s19.813 Deparment of Heath and Human Senices SS UNKOWN Direct posses 11,262,088 Feapeirt Systems LLC S3UNKNOWN FEDPONTOo = 4025 Maneapals Meaical Research Foundation S3UNKNOWN -200-201026765-02 = e US. Grilan Research & Development Foundation SBUNKVOWN O1sE-2088869 s6a704 Sito zosse8_11420,881 Department of Heath and Human Serves Total — APL s2gs0 __13.835.305 Exeautve Offce of he President: ecutive Offs ofthe Present S5UNKNOWN Dies - 225.470 Executive Offoe ofthe President Total — APL = 5,479 ‘Social Sacrty Aamiistraton ‘Socal Searty Administration Ss UNKYOWN Dire 4727972 ‘Sosa Security Administration Total — APL 4727972 Deparment of Homeland Security ‘Dana af Columbia Government: Homeland Secunty Grant Program o7087 sWuasit37-01 - 238) Diane of Cohumbia Government 97.087 sQUASII37-01 = 246.058, Diane of Cokumbia Government 97.057 souasit37-02 130 246.982 Diane of Columbia Government 97.057 20uAsit97.01 = ‘583 Diane of Cohambia Government 97.057 {euasit37-01 = 100) ‘subtotal 1m. 495,068, atonal Cyber Sacurty Awareness 97.128 Direct = 225,707 Deparment of Homeland Secunty S7UNKNOWN Direct 1ss4068 _ 35,681,328 Department of Homeland Security Tata = APL. 1535368 _37.008,101, Dicestr of Nabna ntligence restr of Nationa Intligence S9UNKWOWN Direct ue38263__10.864,270 Director of National hitigence Teta = APL 638263 __10.864,270 Federal Depost Insurance Carp. Federal Depot Insurance Garp S9UNKWOWN Direct 198.500 sas 703 Fader! Depost Insurance Corp. Total = APL 198.500 1437 743 Unted Sates Goverment - Classified Unies Sates Goverment Classified S9UNKWOWN Direct 5508680 __69010.605, Unted Sates Government ~ lassfed Total — APL 5508 669 __69010.605, (ther Federal Agencies (ther Federal Agencies SoUNKOWN Dires = 70.280 Manne Acousies SBUNKNOWN 10805-0408 662-41 = e MreCerperaton SBUNKNOWN BOA #54127 - a8) Ocemnt SBUNKNOWN IRSTS MDA-08-To02 = 1 (Other Federal Agencies Total APL = Evae Research and Development Guster Total — APL 706,800,182 _1.882.528.208, one Divsons: Deparment of Agriuture: ‘Agrautwal Resesron Basic and Applied Research 10.001 Dire = 4eart CORF Gaba! 10.001 Daao-te-c108t = 10.431 CORF Gaba! 10.001 DARD IB e144 = 82 CORF Gaba! 10.001 DAA 10-65450-1 = 9 CORF Gaba! 10.001 DAAD10-6567164 = 307.205, CORF Gaba! 10.001 DaK2-10-657004 = 77800 CORF Gaba! 10.001 DaA220-68557-4 = tore CORF Gaba! 10.001 DAAG.T0-65344-1 = 7.288 CORF Gaba! 10.001 DaAG-10-65351-1 = 138s CORF Gaba! 10.001 DaAg-10-65377-4 = 25,125 CORF Gaba! 10.001 OISE-1S-614381 = 49,805 ‘subtotal = 505,140, Univers of Vem nt: Sustainable Agiauture Research and Education 10215 cucromes243 = 2.100 Unversity of Menigan: Consumer Data and Nurtion Research 10258 “SUBKO0014853, = S207 ‘Agiouture and Food Research itive 10.310 Direct 285628 25.500 ‘Abany StateUniversty 10310 2o17-s702426778-02 = ‘27.087 CCoeraca State Unversty 10310 6.3501501 = 1910 Connecticut Agicutural Experiment Station 10.310 (AES 2021-JHJ23000-1 = 5.436 Comal Unversty 10.310 ‘sora ttost = sse47 Unversity of Delaware 10.310 55287 = 31883 Unversity of Nath Carlina Greensboro = 7810 ‘Subtotal 285,628, 755.402 Paticipat Research Imovation Laboratory for Enhancing WIC Senices 10580 Direct 159,080 485,400 Maryand Department ofHeaih and Mental Hygiene: Special Suolemental Nuttin Program ‘Women, infants, and Charen 10557 ‘Moneosa0025 - 182777 Univers of Caltorna Davis: Research Joint Ventre and Cost Rambursable Agreements 10707 2044145001 = 19,445 Deparment of Agicutre Total - Other Divisions 444708, 3.835.501 Unted States Department of mmerce: ‘Guster Grants 100 Diest sa76s Ute States Department of Commerce Total - Other Divisions 18.765 (Continues) ‘THE JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY ‘Schedule of Epenatres of Federal Awards ‘Yeu ended June 20, 2021 Passed Federal CFDA, Direct award or pas through to Total federal Federal grantoripas through grantor/program or chster ttle ‘number ‘enaty identifying number subrecipionts expenditures Department of State: Unversity of Georgia: Intemational Programs to Combat Human Tatfcking 1.010 ‘supoooa414 s - 8,900 Gib Tres Reaucion 19.09 Dees = 96.228 Pole Diplomacy Progans 19.040 Direct = 202.954 ote Hopkins Heath Sytem: US. Deparment of State AOUNKNOWN raxanmaocorss 387.812 Department of State Teta - Other Dsions 746,008 Department of Transportation ‘Transportation Research Boar: Discretionary Safety Grants and Cooperative Agreements 20814 Brsat = soa08 Unversty Transpataton Carters Program: Texas A&M Uriversty 20701 sesi7iZ6 = 98363 Dap me Assocs, he 2OUNKNOWN ‘90086011 = 165.235 Durlap and Associates, 2OUNKNOWN 90082171 = 44.904 Duna and Aesoces ne COVID- 2OUNKNOWN ‘0086011 = 220 ‘subtotal = 29,429 Department of Tansparation Total ~ Other Divisions = 475,47 United States Department ofthe Treasury ‘Maryand Departmert of Heath and Mental Hygiene: Coronavins lief Fund: COVID-19, 21010 ersat 1650.085, Unted Sates Department ofthe Treasury Total ~Cther Divisions 11850,085 National Aronastios and Space Adminstration: ‘Seance 4.001 Diest oas722 66003 Boston Unversity 43.001 4500002380 = 47877 et Propusion Laboratory 43.001 1608871 = o ‘et Propusion Laboratery 43.001 1652011 = ran ‘i Propusion Laboratery 43.001 1658514 = erate ‘bet Propusion Laboratery 43.001 008701 = 59,950 Mion Concepts LLC 43.001 1 = 1153 Rochester Insttite of Technology 43.001 31077.01 = 100,328 ‘Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory 43.001 6a 1000%0 = 18 ‘Scutrwest Research Ineiize 42.001 KaG080URS = 44313 Unversty of Arizona 43.001 = 4.055 Unversity of Caeria Santa Cruz 43.001 A210323-S001 = 7386 Unversity of Cerra Florida 43.001 6016A29, = 4783 Unversity of Calerado 43.001 es016k29 = 58.956 Unversity of Calerado 43.001 1557824 = oo University Space Research Association 43.001 570006 = 98,205 Vegina Palytecinc nsttte ane State Uriversty 43.001 426704-10448 = 51725 ‘subtotal 25722 6.728.408 Aeronautics 200 Dies = ‘42.096 Bpleaton 43.005 Direct 51308 176,843 Baylor Unversity 43.005 ‘7000001228 = 504.235, ‘Space Researcn Company LLC 43.008 Huot = 28.105 ‘Subtoal 51398 780.343, Esucation 42.008 Dest = 625.206 (Gross Agency Support 43.000 Direct = 264 a4 ‘Space Tec so Dires = e028 Menigan Technological Universty or 60708025, = 72.966 ‘Subtotal = 49.002 National Aeronautics and Space Administration sSUNKVOWN Direct m9 696,042 ‘Aleyen, Re. SBUNKVOWN ATSIV.0-38008-015 = 584,724 Boston Unversity SBUNKVOWN “4500003485 = 10.555, (CFD Researsn Corporation sBUNKNOWN ‘an00748 = 9.168 i Propusion Labratery sBUNKNOWN 1548015, = 116,189 ‘et Propusion Laborat SBUNKVOWN 1657156 = oo KER Wyle Sevices, LO! COVID-19 SBUNKVOWN ‘sis0004300 = casio Pance Geerges County Heath Deparment: COVID-19 sBUNKNOWN “4100008868 = 274.355 ‘Space Telescope Science hsitution sBUNKNOWN HIST-AR-14562.000-8 = 738 ‘Space Telescope Science hsitution SBUNKVOWN HST-AR-16142.003-8 = wna ‘Space Telescope Science hetution SBUNKVOWN HIST-G0.13826 021, = 3230 ‘Space Telescope Science hsitution sBUNKNOWN HST-GO.14119 001, = 37258 ‘Space Telescope Science hsitution sBUNKNOWN HST-GO-14206 001. = 13.106 ‘Space Telescope Science hsitution sBUNKNOWN HIST-GO-14608,001-8 = 6.158 ‘Space Telescope Science hsitution SBUNKVOWN HST-GO.14680 015.8 = 103623 ‘Space Telescope Science hetution SBUNKVOWN HST-GO.15145 007A, = ‘040 ‘Space Telescope Science hsitution sBUNKNOWN HST-GO.15146 001-8 = 18.008 ‘Space Telescope Science hsitution SBUNKVOWN HST-GO.15173 011, = ‘8657 ‘Space Telescope Science hetution SBUNKVOWN HST-GO-15186 001-8 = want ‘Space Telescope Science hsitution sBUNKNOWN HST-GO.15216 001. = 580 ‘Space Telescope Science hsitution sBUNKNOWN HST-GO.15254 005.8 = 24,105 ‘Space Telescope Science hsitution SBUNKVOWN HiST-GO.15268 002. = 7.408 ‘Space Telescope Science hetution SBUNKVOWN HiST-GO.15260 001-8 = 230 ‘Space Telescope Science hsitution sBUNKNOWN HiST-GO.15285 002. = 4380 ‘Space Telescope Science hsitution sBUNKNOWN HST-GO.15317,001-A, = 24783 ‘Space Telescope Science hsitution SBUNKVOWN HiST-GO.15324 005.4 = 1522 ‘Space Telescope Science hetution SBUNKVOWN HST-GO-15840 007.8 = was ‘Space Telescope Science hsitution sBUNKNOWN HST-GO.15626 010.8 = 9.438 ‘Space Telescope Science hsitution sBUNKNOWN HST-GO-15620 002.4 = 288 ‘Space Telescope Science hsitution SBUNKVOWN HIST-GO-15640.000- = azar ‘Space Telescope Science hetution SBUNKVOWN HIST-GO.15843 025.8 = "3468 ‘Space Telescope Science hsitution sBUNKNOWN HST-GO-15854.006.8 = ane ‘Space Telescope Science hsitution sBUNKNOWN HiST-GO.15694 002.4, = ‘684 ‘Space Telescope Science hsitution SBUNKVOWN HiST-GO.15813 002. = 8305 ‘Space Telescope Science hetution SBUNKVOWN HST-GO-15822 007.8 = 378 ‘Space Telescope Science hsitution sBUNKNOWN HST-GO-15838 006. = ast ‘Space Telescope Science hsitution sBUNKNOWN HST-GO.15840.0364, = 23,705 ‘Space Telescope Science hsitution SBUNKVOWN HST-GO-15865 013. = sa7e1 ‘Space Telescope Science hetution SBUNKVOWN HiST-GO.15870 002, = 3 ‘Space Telescope Science hsitution sBUNKNOWN HST-GO.15878 001. = 746 ‘Space Telescope Science hsitution sBUNKNOWN HiST-GO.15893 002. = 4745 ‘Space Telescope Science hsitution SBUNKVOWN HST-GO-15900 002-4 = a7 ‘Space Telescope Science hetution SBUNKVOWN HST-GO.16020 001. = 36515 ‘Space Telescope Science hsitution sBUNKNOWN HST-GO-16006 002.4 = nar ‘Space Telescope Science hsitution sBUNKNOWN HST-GO.16198 001-8 = 0425 ‘Space Telescope Science hsitution SBUNKVOWN HiST-GO.16250 002. = 08 ‘Space Telescope Science hetution SBUNKVOWN HiST-GO.16260 002.8 = 15765, ‘Space Telescope Science hsitution sBUNKNOWN HiST-GO.16270.002-8 = 7.052 ‘Space Telescope Science hsitution sBUNKVOWN HST-GO.16281.018.8 = ven (Continues) ‘THE JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY ‘Schedule of Epenatres of Federal Awards ‘Yeu ended June 20, 2021 Passed Federal CFDA, Direct award or pas through to Total federal Federal grantoripas through grantor/program or chster ttle ‘number ‘enaty identifying number subrecipients expenditures ‘Space Telescope Science insitution 4SUNKWOWN HST-co-16450.002-4 = ca ‘Space Telescope Science hsitution ABUNKVOWN HST-HF2.51408.002.8, = 98 ‘Space Telescope Science hetution SB UNKVOWN INST-ERSO1335.0028 = 72.400 ‘Space Telescope Science hsitution ABUNKVOWN ‘STSCI-51028, = 05 ‘Space Telescope Science hsitution ABUNKVOWN ‘STSOL-5t415 = arza ‘Space Telescope Science hsitution 4BUNKVOWN ‘STSo1-51500, = 46.119 ‘Space Telescope Science hittin SBUNKNOWN ‘STSeL-5t835 = T7158 ‘Special Aerospace Sevices, LLC ABUNKVOWN 0082084 = 13560 Traent Vartage Sys 4BUNKVOWN Tys201800.001 = 720 Unversity of Caltria Santa Cruz SBUNKNOWN 'A1708908005P07 17460 = 116784 Unversties Space Research Assriation ABUNKVOWN F 08.0038 wor 76.125 Unversties Space Research Associaton ABUNKVOWN ‘SOF-06.0015, = 4383 Unversties Space Research Associaton 4BUNKVOWN ‘SOF-06-0017 = eas Unversties Space Research Assonaton SBUNKNOWN SOF06 0022 = ars ‘Subtoal 22008 3.584.131 National Aeronautics and Space Administration Total - Ofer Dvisions e026 __12.444,208 ational Endowment forthe Arts Prometion ofthe Arts Gants to rgarizations and indvisuals 45004 Diest 4.400 atonal Endowment forthe Art Total Other Divisone 4.400 ational Endown ant for the Humantics: Promation afthe Humanities Dvion of Preservation and Access 45.149 Diest = 25.749 Brown Unversity 45.40 000 1288 18749 ‘subtotal 43402 FPramation ofthe Humarites Research 45.161 Dies = 24226 Unversity of Nebraska 45.161 25-1620-0040-008 5246 ‘subtotal = 2asr2 ‘Association of American Metical Caeges:Prometion ofthe Humanities Teaching and Leaming Resources and Guriculum Developm: 45.162 or-s20182005 = 4.206 romaton ofthe Humarbes Ofce of Dgtal Hmanties 45.169 Direct sr atonal Endowment forthe Humanites Teta - Ofer Bisons 73.406 Inettute of Museum and Library Services ‘Museums for Amenca 45201 Dire - o Nabonal Leagersnp Grants 45312 Dire = 9178 Unversity of Nee Dame 45312 2os64JHU 2 ‘subtotal 976 Institut of Museum and Ubrary Services Total ~ ter Divisions 9122 ational Science Foundation: Engineering azo Direct nosso 7.150.925 Engneeing: COVID-19 4708 Direct = 28.268, ‘Amencan Universty a708t ‘31630210102-501 = ‘28208 (Gemson Unversty 4708 987-206-201 1582 = 2s7zr (Columbia Unversty 4708 ‘@cot2s07-02) = 120287 Comal Unversty 4708 2179-10008 = ‘3774 Nedrosonics Medea, aro ‘200201. NEI NSF ST = 3316 Naw York Uriversty: COVID-19 4708 20-A0-00-1005110 = ‘004 aw York Univers 4708 Fse.02 = 3175 North Carolina tate University 4708 2021-005201 = 2s.e02 Oncospace, ne a708t 2035750 = io207 Unversity of Delaware 4708 ‘50280 = 23727 Univers of Maryland College Park 4708 7713523317201 = para University of Pittsburgh 47081 086171(012000-1) = a) Unversity of Massacnusets Lowell a708t '$52100000053027 = sna Westem Michigan Unversity 4708 sHu8789 a7 ‘Subtoal 1.083.041 8.247.508 Matematica and Physical Sciences 47089 Direct 164.101 9.282.981, CColrada State Unversity 47080 oaastio1 = ‘910 Comal Unversity 47080 75737-10873, = 1472700 Comal Unive 47040 92356-20785, = en9r2 Natanal Reso Aatranomy Obsarvatry 47080 1519128, = 3 Pncetn Univers 47049 ‘supoo001s1 = 273.47 Panceton University 47089 ‘suB0000175, = 4220 Unversity of Delaware 47080 = (084) Unversity of linass Urbana Champaign 47080 2014-00857-04 15790) = 135,909 Unversity of Wisconsin Maison 47080 64.072 ‘subtotal we4t01_ __ 11,370,161 sciences 47.050 Direct 7408 119688,810 Unversity of Uah 47.050 10040852HU = 84) ‘subtotal 77895 1088.635, Computes and formation Science and Engineering 47070 Direct 123.302 8.424.508 bhctana Unversity 47070 a710-U = 5.988 bhciana Unversity 47070 BL4812517- HU = 127.884 bhciana Univers 47.070 L481 2504J4 = e907 Maseachusats Insttute of Technology 47.070 ‘54018, Po#388702 = 2,083 Unversity of Penagjvani 47.070 ‘0847 = esi Uninet ID, Ine. 47.070 rox49 465 ‘Subtoal 123.302 3.734.580 Biogical Sciences 47074 Direct - 4324428 Bilagcal Scences: COVID-18 47074 Direct = “eng79 Cary nstivte of Ecosystem Stusies 47074 ‘3302 200201074 = ‘1 (ad Spring Harbor Laboratory 47074 2560315, = 35 (oi Spring Harbor Laboratory 47074 sszsea213 PogzDasasV = 194403 (Goi Spring Harbor Laboratory 47074 526701130P002 1029-5 = 87835 Penn State Unversty 47074 {SBTO-HUANSF-1497 = an Pam State Unversty 47074 ‘SOD0224-NSF = 3,000 University of Georg 47074 Rozes-882 5001173, = 068) University of Caornia Santa Barbara 47074 6 = 151876 Unversity of Calferia Riversice 47074 soos = wre (Continues) ‘THE JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY ‘Schedule of Epenatres of Federal Awards ‘Yeu ended June 20, 2021 Passed Federal CFDA, Direct award or pas through to Total federal Federal grantoripas through grantor/program or chster ttle ‘number ‘enaty identifying number subrecipients expenditures Universty of laa azar ‘susoo0a2380 = e761 erty fins Urbana Chamoain azar 2629-17184 = ‘ast Unversity of Teas a Aus a7078 UTAzo000805 43.002 ‘subtotal 183.604 ‘Socal, Benavioral, and Economie Sciences 47075 ware 158,190 ‘Sova, Benatiaral, and Economie Soiences: COVID-19 47075 = ‘58701 Georgetown University 47075 = 26,170 Morésiar State Unversity 47075 = ‘08s INORG at the Universty af Cri 47075 = 0,425 University of Marland College Pa 47075 = 16.416 Gnwesay of Sauhen Caren: COV 47075 = 25.981 Unversity of Wisconsin Maison 47075 = 59,305 ‘subtotal auger 498.272 Esueation and Human Resources 47078 Direct 304 423.87 ‘Amancan Eaveatonal Research Association 47.076 = 12500 CCamege Insitute for Science 47078 05.10972-01 = 40 University of Wisconsin Maison 47078 72K 482 = ‘5,852 ‘Subtoal 49334 4911938 (fee of Intemational Science and Engineering 47079 Dicect = 9548 CROF Gaba! 47079 o1seassi011 = 187 Univers of Maryland College Park 47079 92601-23695201 = “a7 University of Wisconsin Maison 47079 ‘2000000844 = 194702 ‘subtotal = ‘277.584 \Vandarit University: ntegraive Aves 47.083, unwersts = o75t5 Unversity of Nere Dame: National Science Foundation ATUNKWOWN ‘90062704 = ‘3500 ‘Southwest Research Insite 47 UNKNOWN 90082247 = sro ‘subtotal = 2.582 National Science Foundation Total ~ Other Divisions sazz0st_ __ 41376675 Department of Veteran Afar: Deparment of Veteran Attars sau Dest = 3750 Westin, 64 UNKNOWN a7se-so1 141586 Department of Veteran Airs Total ~ Other Divisions 145,208 Envicorm ental Protection Agency: ‘Conference of Radiation Conta Program: Suveys, tudes, Research, Investgations Demonsvations, and Spedal Purpose Activites Relating othe Clean Ai Act esos 33024201 - sare ‘Science o Achieve Resuts (STAR) Research Program 65509, est 6.70 77.903 Universty of Wash 65.500 uwsctortt = 37458 Yale Unversty 65.500 ‘exooa231;¢0Nso000000 = pea Yale Unversty 65.500 ‘@xo0028(0N-s000000 = 1972 Yale Unversty 68.500 ‘@x000597;¢oNsoa00081 = 26.977 Yas Unversty 65.500 ‘@xo0059%G0N-s000000 = 4200 Yale Unversty 65.500 ‘exo00s9qG0N-s000000 90330 ‘subtotal 6.110 184,372 Environmental Protection Agency Total ~ Other Divisions 6.110 11085 648 Deparment of Energy: Pcie Northwest Laboratory: Inventions and Innovations aio 520352 = 208, (fee of Science Financia Assistance Program 21.049 Direct sare 83.502 Paras Unversty B10 swon0ss0025, = 210.645, Unversity of Calforia Riverside s1049 '5-000885, = 9952 Unversity of Delaware B1049 ‘s1aa7 = 235213, Unversity of New Mento s1049 ss04458727 es01 ‘subtotal 107 312 7.256.008 University Coa! Research 1057 Dire = 95,412 Renewable Energy Reseach and Development s1087 Direct sons 25.471 Unversity of Vermont B1087 sisvesuEsz264 = 32.855 ‘Subtoal sos 650.205, ‘Sevardstip Sdence Grant Program aun = 450.046 Unversity of Flriaa: recive Seiance Academic Alliance Program anit = 2404 ‘Advanced Research Projecs Agency ~ Eneray 81135 4302 sat0573 Hge-Tech, Lo 81135 = 40,45 Unversity of Maryland College Park 1135 ‘2767 ‘Subtoal Ered 1858.485, ‘Argonne National Laboratry: Department of Energy Bi UNKOWN oF soos = 52,608 ‘gore National Labora BIUNKVOWN F-60117 = 21.246 Battle Energy Alliance, LLC BIUNKNOWN 242797 = ress Brooinaven Nasona Laboratory BIUNKYOWN 300352 = ous Fermi National Aoaleratr Laboratory BIUNKNOWN er4033 = wr nuance Lvemore National Laboratory BIUNKNOWN et2050 = Mee National Renewable Energy Labaranny BIUNKYOWN ‘suB-2000-10821 = want (Oak Ridge National Laboratory BIUNKYOWN 4000168532 = van Pasife Norhiea National Laboretry BIUNKVOWN DoNoTUsE = 153) ‘Sandia National Laborstones BHUNKNOWN 1955274 = "Bess ‘Sandia National Laboratones BIUNKNOWN 283756 = 50,053 ‘Sandia National Laboratones BIUNKNOWN Po 1721402 = 15.122 ‘Sandia National Laboratones BIUNKNOWN Poz21045 = ‘Trad National Sasa LLC BIUNKWOWN ‘51489 ‘subtotal Department of Energy Total ~ Other Divisions 222408 __ 10956.085, Department of Education: National Resource Certers Program for Foreign Language and Area Shcies or Foreign Language ‘and Intemational Sudies Program and Foren Language and Area Stuses Fellowship Progam sao, Direct = 310,500 Maryiand Departmert of Education: Special Education Grant to States rd 191605 = 422219 Maryand Department of Education e402 191608 = 74187 Maryand Department of Education sear 191600 = 3.500 Maryand Departmert of Education s4azr 700498 = ‘382 Maryand Department of Education 24027 200873 - gat Maryand Department of Education s4azr potest = 253922 Maryand Departmert of Education s4azr 2ots32 = 150,200 (Continues) ‘THE JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY ‘Schedule of Epenatres of Federal Awards ‘Yeu ended June 20, 2021 Passed Federal CFDA, Direct award or pas through to Total federal Federal grantoripas through grantor/program or chster ttle ‘number ‘enaty identifying number subrecipionts expenditures ‘Yale Unversity 93.213 ‘oR 104245{cONs000 1407 - 1.26 Yale Unversty 93.213 (@R 107589 (CON-800018 6.304 ‘Subtotal 210272 1561,088, atonal Research Service Awards Health Services Research Training e325 Direct = 490.474 Ressurcr on Heatinose Goste, Qualty and Qutvomes 3.25 Direct are 3.455820 Research on Healthcare Costs, Qualty and Outcomes: COVID-13 93.225, Direct = 95.269, [Abert Eine Mecioa Center 9.225 parroxor = 27850 ‘Columbia Unversty 93.228 2166011859.04) = 45,655 Columbia Unversty 93.228 Gc011647-01 = 182454 Comal Universty 93.228 3742-11051 = 47837 Madical Unversity of South Caraina 93.228 n003876-s002 = 118.00 Unversity of Marland Batimere 93.228 "SROD005831 = 46 Unversity of Teas Aint 93.228 2orwscosas = ‘0201 Unversity of Tena Atington: COVID-19 93.228 2orwscosses = 15.88, Vander Universty 93.228 VUNGTS246| = azn ‘Subtotal 24372 4,102,000 National Center on Sieep Disorders Research 93.238 Direct 404240 3,178,758 Unversity of Chicago 93.255 |AWD058975.01-PR = 2.855 Unversity of Penasjvania 93.258 171 7788 ‘Subtotal 404240 sai3377 Manta Heath Research Grants 3.242 Direct seo 33 507.208 Mantal Heath Research Grants: COVID-19 93282 Direct - 180.907 Boston Unversty 93282 4500003887, = 54,508 Bngham and Women's Hospital 93282 ‘Agreement No 117614 = 35,505 Brown Unversity 93282 0001578, = 2325 Brown Unversity 93282 ar = 74.806 Brown Uns 3242 747136470 = 23.870 Calfaia state of Tesnnalogy 93282 5145408 = i888 CGanter for hfecious Disease Research 2.242 mio 1si2F04 = 112,089 (oi Spring Harber Laboratory 93282 6458015, = 34440 Dartmouth Colage 93282 R010 = ea.a68 Dole Unversty 93282 mas 7474 = 101 (George Washington Unversity 93282 20463 = sr Kennedy Krieger insite 2.242 10268-0716 - 28) Kennedy Krieger insite 93282 s13318-0720.01 = 10.033 Kennedy Krieger Insite 93282 ‘Ro ett 1365201 = ery Kennedy Krieger insite 2.242 0087078, - (1.018) Leber Inattte far Bran Development 93282 0083977 = seat Leber insttte far Bran Development 93282 0004585, = 46 Leber nsttte for Bran Development 93282 A238 = 5204 Mateachusstts General Hospi 93282 20747 = 2705 MaseachusatsInttute of Technology 93282 ‘st04a, Pos 408872 = 215.683 Medical Unversty of Soutn Caraina 3242 ‘5000873 = (e8) Nathan S. Kine histute for Paychiatc Research 93282 28528 = e178 New York Bind Carter, Ine. 2.242 vBo09074 = 257 Naw York Unversty 93282 F141503 = ea742 Rode [gand Horptat 93282 7137547 = 163,504 ‘Socal and Scent Systems, ne. 93282 ‘BRSIMPCTO0500100, = (77708) ‘Socal and Scent Systems, Ine. 93282 BRS-IMPCT-S1-1-1539, = (2885) ‘State Univers of New York 93282 100-1126280-72487 = 2 Unversity of Alabama at Bimingham 93282 '000603237-001 = no Unwversty of Alabama at imingham 93282 0052485450001 = 5,488 Unversity of Alabama at imingham 93282 5232780 = 16.605, Unversity of Arkansas fr Medical Sciences 93282 S209 JH = ved Universty of Butalo 93282 1220057 = 2044 Unversity of Caferia Los Angeles 93282 2000 6 wo207 = 98,740 Unversity of Caerria San Diego 93282 ers10379, = 588 Unversity of Calera San Diego 93282 703628 = 276.867 Unversity of Clorado at Derwer 93282 ‘Sulbaward 20.524.001 = 108,506 Univers of Live 93282 “HU 1o#800 73459 = 10.400, Unversity of Marland Batimore 93282 rrote27 = 210.168, Unversity of Maryland Batimere 93282 1802161 = 0s Unversty of Maryland Batimere 93282 3000027 = 7570 Unversity of Missour S Lou 93282 (000575442 = ime Unversity of Pennsyvania 93282 ‘575811 = ors Unversity of Pennsyvania 93282 ‘Sub Aware No 576048, = me University of Pttsburgh 93282 evA005 5385 (128, = (202) Unversity of Soutien Catfonia 93282 7548: = 504) Unversity of Marland Medical System 93282 2001271 = 4a.7e4 Wastirgon Unversty 93282 wuts = oa,131 Wastington Universty S. Lous 93282 wu20-410 = 114540 Waype State Unverst 93282 weSUr90s0-A3 = 28 Yale Unversty 93282 oR 107117(00N-s00084 26.436 ‘Subtoal 3973016 __ 38,198,505, ‘Substance Abuse and Mental Heath Senices — Projects of Regional and National Signfeance 20 Direct 48213 1.316.406, (Cherokee Nason 2.243 90083863 = 2449 Unversity of Maryland Batimore 93.243 908878 26.907 ‘Subtoal 48213, 1425.852 Basset Metical Geter: Occupational Safety and Heath Progam 202 ‘55401007542 JHUS = ‘974 ICAHN Schaal of Mesoine at Mount Srna 2.282 (54-5059-4609 = aon ICAHN Schoal of Mescine at Mount Sina 2.282 (0254. B081-4609 = 276.380 (Oregon Heath Sciences Unversity 93.282 1008844 JHU eot7 ‘Subtotal 346,182 Health Systems Srenghening and HWIAIDS Prevention, Care and Treatment under the Presiden’'s Emergency Plan for AIDS Reliet 99.208 Direct a7w4so 11580514 ‘Acahol Nabona! Research Serve Awards for Research Training 3272 Direct ‘55423, dees ‘Acahol Research P 93.273 Direct 250562 4.364.385 ‘Aechol Research Programs: COVID-19 93273 Dire = ‘ae38 Parmershp to End Adtct 93.273 = 19.562 Frode Igand Horo 93273 7017137200 = 2603 ‘Theraly ross, Ine. 93273 ss Aso2e11t = e787 Unversity of Alabama Birmingham 93273 ‘sub 000512084-002 = ‘5,005 University of Maryland Batimere 273 1902029 Request: 2132 = 74) University of Washington 93273 uwso9473 256.507 ‘Subtotal 259562 5A 713 % (Continues) ‘THE JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY ‘Schedule of Epenatres of Federal Awards ‘Yeu ended June 20, 2021 Passed Federal CFDA, Direct award or pas through to Total federal Federal grantoripas through grantor/program or chster ttle ‘number ‘enaty identifying number subrecipionts expenditures Drug Abuse and Adelion Research Programs 2.270 Direct 4108438 30815970 Drug Abuse and Ada.aion Research Prog ams: COVID-19 93.278 Direct = 372.568, ‘American Academy of Gh and Adolescent Psychiatry 33.279, sy 1oweco80089 = ysa401 ‘Columbia Unversty 93.279 ‘2166011082.01) = 29,830 (Columbia Universty 93.270 '5(66010854) = 6664 Denver Health and Hospital Authonty 93.279 -x19-0001-50004 = 25.971 Emory Usverst 93279 182 = 48578 Feraham Unversity 93.270 FoRD0050 = 461 Foands Research hate 2.279 11381 = 3.108 Hennepin Heateare Research Institute 93279 152809 = rae Kaiser Foundation Research Inatiize 2.279 su-coses02a7 = 21.055 Kena Masia LLC 2.279 [An Adapsve Learning = a2 Metsan Hosmital 2.279 “a1 = 24.052 Masical Gategeot Wisconsin 93279 Ro1DAg3s0R5-04 = 1490 Medical Catege ot Wisconsin 93.270 Ronpaossa7t = 10.853 New York Univers 93.270 20A0-S1-003671 = 35,040 New York Univers 93.279 "200000003671 = 75535 NorhuesternUnversty 93279 so0ss002 JH = 4.408 Rand Corporation 93.270 ‘ScON-00000117 = 3300 Rand Corporation 93.270 ‘SCON-00000132 = ‘sears Rand Corporation 93.279 ‘ScON-00000230 = w674 Research Tange Institute 93279 21D O215457-52732L, = 10.708, Research Thange Insttte 93.270 ++ 240-0216061-65860L = 497362 Unversty of Catorna Loe Angas: COVID19 93.270 1625 G VA0OS = e363 University of Caternia San Francisco 93.279 "180250 = 40283 Univers of ins 93279 ‘16841 = er Unversity of Maryland Batimore 93.270 srotsi7 = 620 Unversity of Maryland Batimere 93.270 oDaod325 = v7.32 Unversity of Minnescea 93.279 Poosa20801 = 2984 Unversity of Minnesota 93279 oo7e14703 = ar Unversity of Nebraska 93.270 24-0524-0055-008 = i128 Unversity of Nebraska Medical Center 93.270 134-2008-2087-001, = 194287 Unversity of Neth Caalina 93.279 5111028 = 24518 Unversity of Neth Caatina 93279 5112083 = 10087 Unversity of Pennsyvania 93.270 ‘68021 = 19.088 Unversity of Uh 93.270 10058454-02 = T7345 Yale Unversty 93.279 ‘6 10858 CON-so0081 = 410.004 Yas Unversty 93279 (GR 108387 (CON-800017 = 13.503 Yale Unversty 93279 ‘GR 109724 (CON-800028 soa.161 ‘subtotal 4104438 s5ge1216 (Carters fr Disease Corte and Preverton Investigations and Tedhrical Assistance 93.283 Direct 188,302 338.498, [Assoostion of Semone of Pubic Heath 2.283 5067 = 3.075 ‘Subtotal 156,302 30.511 Discovery and Applied Research for Technologial hnovationsto Improve Human Health 93.286 Direct ws2107 = 1.404423 Discovery and Applied Research for Technological hnovations to Improve Hunan Healt: COVID- 19 93.288, Direct 121746 215.204 CChicren'sNationa Hosta 93.288 30003600-01 = Trae CChigren's Nationa Hosp 93.288 2on046s0-02 = 161556 bhsiana Univers 92.286 BLA633200.HU = ‘9.079 Kennedy Krieger Insttte 93.288 1101560821-038, = 62.900 Kennedy Krieger Insite 93.288 1101560817-028, = vats Kennedy Krieger insite 93.288 21E5030000 = 1s Keware, he. 92.286 Ko01848-00:804 = 25 Mareathusstts General Hospital 93.288 20318 = 0 Maseachusats Inttute of Technology 93.288 21238 = vans Maye Cte 93.288 Jor 25058 Powss040% = 58,100 Unversity of Cateria San Francisco 93.288 "00565e = 35122 Unversity of Caterria Santa Barbara 93.288 kets = preven) University of Maryland Batimore 93.288 1903803 = 6 Univers of Maryland College Park 93.288 153080.20045201 = 6.085) Unversity of Massachusets: COVID-19 92.286 (OSPVPS3765-JHU = 2252,285 University of Memphis 93.288 ‘400.007.5031 = 15.084 University of Patsburgh 93.288 ‘Awo00o1271 (133816- = 91428 Unversity of Texas Heath Science Center 93.288 const, = 4011 Universty of Viegiia 93.288 osiotse 148547 46 ‘subtotal uei2820__17.889,540 Teenage Pregnancy Prevention Program 3207 Direct = 420510 Batmore Gry Heath Department 93207 30238 = wie Batimore Gry Heath Deparment 93257 30382 = es Batimore GtyHeath Department 93207 co #30046 = 21.504 Batimore Gry Heath Deparment 93207 60830671 = 48235 Maryiand Departmere of Healy 93207 008237 = 106947 ‘subtotal = 601.035 “Moerty Heath and Heath Disparties Research 307 s76949 4.500.888 Bngham ana Women's Hospi 3307 AgmiRet 19560 = ‘3,503 Enos Mobile Heat, he 2207 ‘2R44NDO 10521 = 26551 (George Washington University 93307 ets = 25017 Keron Bomasea! Tecmologes 93307 0082381 = 3205 Lifegene Baars Ine 3307 0080838 = 243,508, Litegene Bimars Ine 93307 Reapotsott = ‘3021 North Carona tte University 93307 2017-1593-03 = 5038 Rages, ne. 2307 = eats ‘Sanayi Labs 207 RéDOTAtO4 = 9.455 Unversity of Alabama at Bimingham 93307 ‘200820840.002 = 25.501 Unversity of Memphis 93307 ADLOIST-S00t = ‘sot Unversity of Neth Caratina 93307 5112763 = 432 Unversity of Pitsburgh 2307 47269 (127145-4) = 47360 ‘Subtotal 576949, 5.197 550 ‘TraneNIH Research 93.310 Direct 7084s © -2023.870 ‘TransNIH Research Suppart;COVID 93.310 Direct 3228 215.488 Brandeis Unversty 93.310 403795JHU = 16.650 Drews Universty 93.310 00037 = 200.552 Dole Unversty 93.310 AD3-4215 = 2,106 Kaiser Permanente 2.310 RNGZORTT JHU = 754 Morgan State Unversty 93.310 JHU-218968 / Po 882 = 24342 rode Igand Horpta! 2.310 ‘Subaward No, 7137538 = 1851520 Unversity of Caerria San Diego 93.310 = 9.488 (Continues) ‘THE JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY ‘Schedule of Epenatres of Federal Awards ‘Yeu ended June 20, 2021 Passed Federal CFDA, Direct award or pas through to Total federal Federal grantoripas through grantor/program or chster ttle ‘number ‘enaty identifying number subrecipionts expenditures Unversity of Cateria San Francisco 93.310 1224080 = 28,206 Unversity of Wisconsin Madison 93.310 ‘2000000857 = 155521 Worcester Polgechrc institute 93.310 HO820GR 9.283 ‘Subtoal zasss7s__23 503.004 Maryand Departmert of Heath and Mertal Hygiene: Emerging nfectons Programs Protecting and Improving Heal Giabaly: Srerythening Pubic Heath Trough Suveilance o33i7 ‘susockon0487-02 - 6 Maryiand Departmert of Heal and Menta Hygiene 93.317 PHPA-G1008 184.808 Maryand Department of Heal and Mental Hygiene 93317 000 1838, = 404.449, Sito 184.808 1974371 Fpidemicloge Research, Disease Detection and Prevetion e338 Dest 3,703, 2241,800 Epidemicloge Research, Disease Detection and Prevertian: COVID-19 318 Deest = 2osz082 (CDC Faunaason 2318 nuzec1001758, gs ‘subtotal 83708 4207784 Infeious Disease hsiute: Srengthening Public Heath through Surveilance, pidemicloge Research, Disease Detection and Prevetion e328 Rsocer ae = m5 University of Mnnescta: The Healthy San Int ative 93.384 Poos7as05s = 7708 Natal Genter for Advancing Trandational Siences 93.350, Direct sees 10.245,487 National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences COVID-18 93.350 Direct ‘05.041 ‘2sr1 Duke Ciniea Research hatte 92.350 mr Teh = 2.879 Duke Unversty 93.360 ssibaward 2028371 = ‘374 Maye Cine 93.360 300100 65746848 = 3313 (Oregon Heath Sciences Univers 93.360 ‘tort902 JHU 109,160 498,708, (Gregan Heath Seimnoes Unversity: COVID-19 93.360 101 1902-003 JHU ma77 608,960, New York Urversty: COVID-18, 93.360 10083828) = ‘38028 Rackefaler Unversty 93.360 ‘suB000001 18 = 72810 Unversity of Pttsburgh 93.350 ‘Awo0000243 (132827. 22.388 ‘Subtoal 3.685808 _20931,008, Research Inasructre Progam sas Direct 180,469 473.402 2ist Century ures Act Beau Biden Cancer Moonshat 93.353, Direct rrr 591,855, ‘hierer'sHospital of Palaaephia 93.353 so01420821-52 = "6,108 CChicren's Research Insttte 92.353 "3000492802, = 90,953 Vanderbit Unversty Medical Center 93.353 unc 195| 15.448 ‘subtot! oa 205.450 Biomedical Adianced Research and Development Autor (BARDAY, Biodefense Medical ‘Countemeasire Development 93.360 Direct = 205,776 Nursing 93361 Direct 425,410, aon Maseathusatts General Hospital 93361 2238 25833 ‘208 Unversity of Caterria San Francisco 93361 ‘n007=e = 67300 Unversity of Clerago at Derwer 93361 44165526 = 46,582 Universty of Vig 93361 810307 154429, sen ‘Subtotal 451243 3.548.468 ‘Ske Call Trestment Demonstration Program 93.385 Direct 354020 965.851 ‘num Healt 92.365 so00301054 (A17.0142 - 1368 Unversity of Mami 93.385 ‘SPO-00 1682 602 ‘subtotal 980,096 Bayle Cllege of Medicine: 21st Century Cures Act — Precision Medicine ntiatve 368 0r202002751 - 2.202.500 Mutiple Approacnesto Suppart Young Breast Cancer Survvorsand Metastatic Breast Cancer Patients 93.378, Dest ds2008 o 93.305 Direct 2045 231234 ‘Abert Einstein Colege of Mesicine 93.305 ‘8421 Due Unversty 93.305 1RO1CA235677-0181 = sa549 Emory Unversty 93.305 = am03 Fred Phacnnaon Cancer Research Center 2.303 ‘oen680 = 3.500 Fred Hkgcninaon Cancer Research Canter 2.383 (00001024045 = 114839 Fred Hkgcningon Cancer Research Cant 2.383 ‘0001044609 = 38676 Harvard Unversty 93.305 117343-5113750 = sa.g74 International Ageney fr Research on Cancer 93.305 (CRAGEPOISE = Bat Maun Wester State Universty 93.305 ‘co0088431 = ‘srs Naw York Univers 93.305 ‘7-4%-00007671-01 = 26.150 Noreen University 93.305 (60087282 JHU = mae Tuts Medios! Canter 2.303 02732-0000, Patz = 47401 University of Alabama at Bimingham 93.305 000514842-5F007-SC00 = 15.906 Unversity of Caterria San Diego 93.305 ‘35277 = 34.005 Unversity of Caternia San Francisco 93.305 "080880 = 54.608 Unversity of Caernia San Francisco 93.305 87360 = mares Unversity of Delaware 93.305 57855 = 24.708 Unversity of Maryland Batimere 2.303 1003427 Request: 3841 = 54870 University of Massachusets Po # Waco095714 = 17495, Unversity of Patsburgh 2.383 costes (120800-1) = reese Unversity of Soutien Calferia 93.305 eat = 160,203 Universty of Vigna 93.305 (0310470,P0 #2271700 = 107.190 Wayne State Urversty 93.308 isu = 61.260 ‘Subtotal 72045 777227 Cancer Detection and Diagnosis Research e330 Direct wzss2e4 ta 737.814 (Cancer Detection and Dagnos's Research:COVID-19 93.304 Direct ‘77.405, Baruch Blumberg Insite 93.308 2ozres2 = ‘3870 Bngham and Women's Hospital 93.308 121750 = 133,97 Ghicren's Nationa Hospital 93.308 5822-01 = varia Fescher maging 93.308 30 GT Mammography. = e484) Fred Hkgcnnaon Cancer Research Canter 92.304 ‘oon1044240) = sane (General Bestne Corporation 93.308 syotcazsta6o = 4046 (George Washington Unwersty 93.308 test = 26.450 Georgetown Unversity 93.308 424287 _GR411508JHU = 408 (Georga Instite of Tectrcoay 93.308 ‘AWD00133061 = 4mm bhava Healineare 92.304 P-152590-0 = ners {IBS Seine, In, 2.304 RAMCATESH2IHJ = ‘2081 (Continues) ‘THE JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY ‘Schedule of Epenatres of Federal Awards ‘Yeu ended June 20, 2021 Passed Federal CFDA, Direct award or pas through to Total federal Federal grantoripas through grantor/program or chster ttle ‘number ‘enaty identifying number subrecipionts expenditures Unversity of Washington 3.837 wos = 24201 Unversity of Washington 3.837 uwsoss73 = 1584 Unversity of Washington 93837 uwsctt 123 = soars Voir Mecano. 2.837 ‘0077202 = 194,128 Wace Forest Unversity 93.837 280-100720- 114488, = 16.21 Wastington Unversty &. Lous 837 wu2t7, 42,608 ‘Subtoal 0100s __44.300.585, lung Diseases Research 3.538 Direct 005568 13,340,206 Bngham ana Women'sHospital 3.835 17858 = ‘easi Cadare Sina Madea Center 2.838 wns = 131389 (hieeerisHosptal of Piadephia 93.838 ‘oRT-00000547 = 8942 Gincnnati Chron s Host 3.835 137900 = wet Geveiand Cinie Foundation 2.838 n05suB = 103 Columbia Unversty 93.838 (esor0819) = aa Columbia Unversty 93.838 ‘yecot5s25-02) = ani3a7 Columbia Unversty 3.835 66015835.) = 112.089 COPD Faxndaton 2.838 2 | = wat COPD Faundaton 2.838 oot = en.286 Condes ne. 2.538 conor = 59,288 Emory Unversty 3.835 ‘208533 = @ Emory Unversty 93.838 2345808 s10%0 azras2 Emory Unversty 93.838 346343 47087 536.185, Maseachusatts General Hospital 93.838 24s = 42632 atonal Jewish Heath 838 soars = 20.336 atonal Jews Heath 2.838 ‘01 16003.JHME = 92,187 Nemours Chidren's Gite 2.838 761126.0RSUB = 262282 NorwestennUnversty 93.838 ‘50083561.HU = 646.908, NorhwesternUniversty 3.835 {500588054 = ‘30423 Research Thang institute COVID-10 93.838 38-912-0217571-68398, = 2 Ruegers Unversity 93.838 a7 = 202,708, ‘Sona Labe, he 2.538 sRADHLTA772601A1 = 24.907 ‘Sanford Unversity 3.835 62249857-131000 = 2.000 Unversty of Anzona 93.838 = 2179 University of Caria San Francisco 93.838 1083856 = 203.201 Unversity of Caernia San Francisco 93.838 1095s = 2737 Unversity of Caterria San Francisco 3.835 1184750 = en.951 Unversity of Clerago at Derwer 93.838 v8 784.008 = 354291 Unversity of Neth Caatina 93.838 5114593 = 35,382 Unversity of Neth Caatina 93.838 S117256H13J0HNHOPK = 189 Unversity of Pensjvania 3.835 ‘76048 = 0.000 Universty of Pemayivania 93.838 = 6733 Unversity of Pittsburgh 93.838 Convacodesat 1331088 = 4a7n University of Pitsburgh 93.838 CGNvacons6s2 1 (124709 = 97.056 University of R 838 417818 URFAO: GRSt = 33428 Unversity of Vermare 93.838 ‘oseasuEs2 150 = 2246 Unversity of Vermare 93.838 ‘31438.01-004-5UB-000 = 8.982 Unversity of Vermont 93.838 27235J852543, = 9.835 Vanderit Unversty 3.835 ‘YUNGsS781 = orate VVanderit Unversty 93.838 vuNce5 352 - (1.105) Well Medical Colege ot Comet Uriversty 3.838 1022404 04 ‘Subtotal 1567025 _17882.687 Blood Diseases and Resources Research 3.830 Direct 590351 5.201.088 CGnennatsChilren s Hospi 93.830 314207 = 9.059 Geveiand Cinic emer Calage of Meskine 93.830 1384508 = aa7s Emory Unversty 93.830 7342012 = on Kennedy Krieger nsttte 93.830 113201-1210-01 = 240 Unversty of Clorado at Derwer 93.830 AROTHL130739.01A1 = 225 Unversty of Maryland College Park 93.830 95331-2016: = 2.386 University of Ptsburgh 93.830 UHHL143 102 = 20,800 University of Pittsburgh 93.830 ‘Awh0000382 = 42 Unversity of Texas Heath Science Center 93.830 ‘00132676 = 29000 Unversity of Uh 93.830 10053175. = ere Unversity of Washington 3.830 uwsct160 = 241700 ‘Subtotal 90351 5.500.516 ‘Translaton and Implementation Science Research for "Heart, Lung, load Diseases, and Sage Disorders e380 Direct = 605.045, University of Pensyvania s3.8H0 ‘ss04o0 = 14.135, Unwversidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia 80 ANDES Study = 5.908 ‘subtotal = 751378 ‘Atheit's, Musculoskeletal and Sin Diseases Research sans Direct aas024 2,884,725 ‘Gncimat Chilren’s Hospital Medical Center 93.888 = 62s Neuromuscular Dynamics 93.888 var 19-0058601.4 = 2.508 Norheastem Universty 3.888 ‘60057488-JHU = nes Unwversty of Alabama at imingham 93.888 (000518305-001 = 989 Unversity of Houston 93.888 19.0069 = ‘8747 Unversity of Mehigan 93.888 ‘susKoO012502 = 35342 Unversity of Mss ssp 3.888 ‘SP14051-582 = 27016 Unversity of Pitsburgh Medical Center 2.846 00sa24t (1307103) = (1085) Universty of Vigna 3.888 cBrosss.PoR27 1544 = 18.954 ‘subtotal 11125024 9.070.855 Diabetes, Digestive, and Kidney Diseases Estramural Research soe Direct 41342 1038570 Diabetes, Digesive, and Kidney Diseases Eeramural Research: COVID_19 3.847 Dire 41.856 ‘a745 Bayle Calege of Medicine 93.887 77000000073 = 48225 Baylor Calege of Medicine 3887 PotpKossia2 = 31838 CCamege Instution of Washington s.8t7 '510870-02 - (e763) CCamege lnstution of Washington s.8t7 510870-03 = vea749 Gamage Instution of Washington ost? ‘sup 510870001 = vera Caletin, LLC ser ‘90083867 = 0.48 (hiceer'sHospital of Paladephia s.8t7 potoasseRsuE = 7758 (hieeer'sHospital of Palaaepria s.8t7 2otoassoRsuE = 387 (hieeer'sHospital of Palacepria ost? ‘7007-3210810720 = 4784 (hieeer'sHospital of Palaaepnia 3887 3201820719 = nee (hieeer'sHospital of Palaaepria s.8t7 8z749- RSUB = 7502 (GoapTeen, LLC s.8t7 PA-16:302 = a7 Dude Unversity ost? 903-2468, = 120254 Duke Universty 3887 ‘A03659 = 4853 (Continues) ‘THE JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY ‘Schedule of Epenatres of Federal Awards ‘Yeu ended June 20, 2021 Passed Federal CFDA, Direct award or pas through to Total federal Federal grantoripas through grantor/program or chster ttle ‘number ‘enaty identifying number subrecipionts expenditures mocha Mobile Heat, Ine ser esnK123978 = 169.207 Flanda Hosptal Medical Grow, Ine. ost? "73008214 = 160261 (George Washington Unversity 3887 ‘-Da7 = 0315 Georgetown University s.8t7 412881 Gs 12014JHU = 42672 Harvard Plgim Healincare s.8t7 e000: = 19.754 Inciana Unversity ost? ‘3485-HU = 281377 Inna Unversty 3887 Baz HU = yaore Kenedy Krieger Insttte s.8t7 0087588, = 10.176 Kennedy Krieger insite ost? 0087205 = 25500 Kennedy Krieger nsttte 3887 0088049 = 2.480 Keware, he. str ko02729.00-s02 = 240 Medical Categeot Wisconsin s.8t7 ‘5R21DK 110089, = 477 Metical Catege ot Wisconsin ost? Pow 6110221 = ‘oa0 Madical Unversty of Soutn Caraina ser ‘x002010-5007 = (25.189) Madical Unversty of SoutnCaraina 3.887 ‘5200260-5002 = 4248 Northern Cafomva Insitute for Research and Eaucaton 93847 esr204-01 = wae NorhwesternUnversty 3.887 eo0s3108 = e021 Pam State Unversty 3887 {5474 JH-DHHS6765, = seo Pan State Unversty s.8t7 ‘0082568, = 46,509 Research Faundstion of Suny s.8t7 1109423 = ma Rhode [gand Horpta! ost? 7137537 = 253.204 Ruges Unversity 3887 = 210,105, Rutgers Unversity s.8t7 Po 113884 - 272) ‘Senpps Research Insite s.8t7 5.54070 = saat ‘Sanford Unversty ost? 2493510-141000 = 55,205 ‘State Unversity of New York 3887 ‘Subaward No:R 1244508 = 8272 Tample Unversity: COVID-19 s.8t7 258720.05.HU = 2.608 Temple Urversty s.8t7 265200 = 18379 ‘Texas A&M Universty ost? ‘z000808 = mart Tuts Maes! Canter ser sor9640, SERV = 1254 Unversty of Alabama s.8t7 ronpKtis90 = wr Unversity of Caternia San Francisco s.8t7 1078550 = 10.236 Unversity of ins a Cheage ost? 1785000 = 2810 Unversty of lowe 3887 ‘sa2049-01 = 85 Unversity of Maryland Batimore s.8t7 0508175 = am Unversity of Maryland Batimere s.8t7 t2008184-3801 = 2054 Unversty of Maryland Batimere ost? 82451 = 34.225 Unversity of Maryland Batimere 3887 F0RB453 = a0 Unversity of Mehigan s.8t7 Powass: sonsaaas40 = ‘203 Unversity of Minnesota str ‘Noost 150 - (10.019) Unversity of Minesct ost? "Noos25 401 = 24.088 Unversity of Pensjvania 3887 ‘572695 = anes Unversity of Pennsivania s.8t7 ‘570504 = 10: Unversity of Pennsivania s.8t7 ‘70074 = 26.900 Unversity of Pemsjvania ost? uz4Dx050000 = 51850 Unversity of Sout Fonda 3887 6142-11720. = 118468 Unversity of Sout Fonda s.8t7 e142. 1188.0.8 = 6461 Unversity of Sout Fonda s.8t7 ‘Na 00027956 = ‘ora Universty of Vigna ost? oata738 Po 2184135, = 4357 Universty of Vigia 3887 sro7ez = 15610 Unversity of Washington s.8t7 ‘Subawara UWSC11113 mags 243,187 Unversity of Washington s.8t7 Uwsct2428 = a7 \Vanderoit Universty s.8t7 vuner7at9 = a9 Vegiia Commonwealth University ost? Poaxo2sa0-s0104224 = 135 (Women and Infants Hospi 3887 ‘s001481-Camal = 6819) Yale Unversty s.8t7 ‘oR 104861 (CON-800014 = ws Yale Unversty ost? (610516200 2000 1610, = 55,100 Yas Unversty 3887 ‘GR 107961 (CON-800002 = 4143 Yale Unversty s38t7 {GR 110894 (CON-800028 = T7768 ‘subtotal 4.7952 __ 35302640 ‘tramural Research Programs in the Neurosciences and Neurdogical Disaders sass Direct 3185212 51,059.5%9 Agenedio 93.853 usa. 2017-1 = 25611 ‘Abert Erste Colege of Medicine 93.853 ‘arta = 4n251 ‘Abert neta Meaioa Canter 92.853 49640 = 9.252 ‘Augusta Unversiy 93.853 3880-12 = 7908 Bath lrae Deaconess Medoal Cater 92.853 0s 1622 - 20) Bath lraet Deaconess Medea Cater 92.853 omsax045 = 1742) Cedare Gina Madea Center 92.853 Nexon meshansms = (on Cedars Sina Macca! Centr 92.853 ‘Subaward 1599603, = 99.32 (hieeer'sHospital of Paladephia 93.853 ‘21036 Po 035061778 = vet (hieeer'sHospital of Phlaaepria 93.853 ‘GRT-o0000864-PO20211 = 46477 Ghicren'sNstona Hosta 93.853 '30004256-01-17, = ‘Gncimati Chilren's Hsptal Medical Center 92.853 RO NSOB6053 = Geveland Cine Foundator 92.853 422.508 = Columbia Unversty 93.853 uecor4679-01) = Columbia Unversty 93.853 ‘caness-1 = Comal Universty 93.853 181653 = Dartmouth Collage 93.853 su01Ns11169501 = Duke Unversity 93.853 “SUBAWARD A030522, = Fred Hzcninaan Cancer Research Canter 92.853 ‘Sub, No, 0001023228 = Harvard Unversty 93.853 198078-5105155 = Houston Methodist Hospital and Research 92.853 ‘xGMToD000 = Houston Methodist Hospital and Research 92.853 ‘xGMTon004423, = bhfnte Bomades Technaiapee, LLC 93.853 sU44NS 108894-01 = Hino netite of Tesrnology 93.853 RFA-NS-16-009 = bhaiana Unversity 93.853 2788 = Kennedy Krieger Insttte 92.853 110235-0518-01 = Kennedy Krieger Insite 92.853 10235-0510-01, = Kennedy Krieger insite 92.853 113054 = Kennedy Krieger insite 92.853 sr3001-0317-01 = Kennedy Krieger insite 92.853 119113-0517-01 = Kennedy Krieger Insite 92.853 316! = Kennedy Krieger insite 92.853 119257-0810-01 = Kennedy Krieger insite 92.853 skravsoa848201 = Kennedy Krieger insite 92.853 ‘5k120/808848203 = Kennedy Krieger Insite 92.853 KKIT13161 = Kennedy Krieger Institute 92.853 Ki Acot173250.0819 = Maseachusatts General Hosptal 93.853 ‘35402 421708 Maseachusstts General Hostal 92.853 = Maye Cine 92.853 1509689 Malas, a7 = May Cine 2.853 LHU-266816O #58649 = (Continues) ‘THE JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY ‘Schedule of Epenatres of Federal Awards ‘Yeu ended June 20, 2021 Passed Federal CFDA, Direct award or pas through to Total federal Federal grantoripas through grantor/program or chster ttle ‘number ‘enaty identifying number subreipionts tures Maso Seale Diagnostics, LLC 93.853 0001084 = 72,405 Macnigan State Unversity 93.853 Rotos090.H = 1680 New York Unverty 93.853 18-80.00-1001878, = wa Research Thange instite 93.853 = ‘3287 ‘Senpps Research Insite 93.853 = 200.887 ‘Serpps Research Insite 93.853 = 108,172 ‘Sanford Unversty 93.853 = 2 Unversity of Caferia Davis 93.853 = mow Unversity of Caernia Inne 93.853 = 18 Unversity of Calera Los Angeles 93.853 = yeosrt Unversity of Caria San Diego 93.853 = 105,399 Unversity of Caternia San Francisco 93.853 = 3382 Unversity of Chicago 93.853 = 2r3.076 Unversity of Chicago 93.853 = Dens, Unversity of Chicago 93.853 = ‘o9\462 Unversity of Chicago 93.853 = 22.46 Unversity of Cincinnati 93.853 = 2208 Unversty of Calerado Boulder 93.853 = r9h98 Unversity of idaho 93.853 = 64,100 Unversity of Maryland Batimore Couey 93.853 - (73.428) Unversity of Marland Batimere 93.853 = 2512 Unversity of Maryland Batimere 93.853 = 468 Unversity of Maryland Batimare 93.853 = ran640 Unversity of Mehigan 93.853 = 18.121 Univers of Minesct 93.853 = 168 Unversity of Pensjvania 93.853 = 49,081 Universty of Pemayivania 93.853 = 38,100 Unversity of Pittsburgh 93.853 = 3813 University of Pitsburgh 93.853 awo001238 (133676-1 = a2 University of R 92.853 4174801URFAOGRS10879 = oars Unversity of Rochester 93.853 4I7730GIUR FAO GRS10 = wate Unversity of Soutien Calfornia 93.853 131551729, = 25,183 Unversity of Soutien Calfernia 92.853 38978781 = Unversity of Soutien Calfornia 93.853 sa2ato754 = nr Unversity of Texas Heat Siance Center 92.853 corz280A - (104,708) University of Uh 93.853 1005053313 = 0.874 Universty of Viegia 93.853 oa 10289 2162840 = 19.706 Unversity of Washington 93.853 11508 = we Unversity of Washington 93.853 uwso7772 = 3970 Unversity of Wisconsin Madison 92.853 ‘2000000001 - (80) Vigiant Medica, In. 93.853 PART = 15873 Wasirygon Universty 93.853 wu 10.08 20342616 = 98 Wastin Unversty 93.853 wu2t101 = 207757 ‘Subtotal 3576920 __57 565,008, Alergy, Immundlogy and Transplantation Research 93.55 Direct 30505207 102,625,068, ‘Alergy, Immunelogy and Trangplartation Research: COVID-19 93.855, Direct 990,169 2a70002 ‘Aber Einstein Colege of Mesicne 92.855 ‘rosa = (15810) ‘Aber Einstan Colege of Medicine 92.855 315288 = (73.979) ‘American Foundation for AIDS Research 92.855 109938-67-ISTA = 5101 ‘American Foundation for AIDS Research 92.855 ‘10103-68:STA = 195,589 Benaroya Research Insitute at VA Mason: COVID-19 93.85, Fv2uITNAas = 9232 Banaroya Research Institute at VA Mason 93.855 FvisitNare = 0 Benaroya Research Institute at VA Mason 93.885 FvioitNz74 = nazi Benaroya Research Institute at VA Mason 93.885 Fvz0iTN368 = 1646 Benaroya Research Institute at VA Mason 93.885 Fy2uiTN422 = 266,600 Bath lraet Deaconess Mecca Cater 92.855 1061550, = 380.558, Bath lraet Deaconess Medea Cater 92.855 1062675, = 10.718 Bath lraet Deaconess Mesoal Cater 92.855 1060810 = wm Boston Unversity 93.885 4500008133 = 47.397 Boston Unversty 93.855 4500008477, = 46216 Bngham and Women's Hospital 93.885 110557 - (15.870) Bngham and Women's Hospital 93.885 A532 Reprieve = 41472 Bangham and Women's Hospital 93.885 105402 = 4720) (Case Werem Reverve University 93.855 RESS12469 = eas) (Genter the AIDS Programme of Research in Sath Afica 93.85, Ronalnsat42 = s9917 Duke Cinioa Researcn hatte 92.855 warts = ‘8257 Duke Cini! Researon hatte 92.855 mere = 228 Duke Cinieal Research hatte 92.855 ions2a7 = 50 Duke Unversty 93.885 5031628 = 26208 Duke Unversty 93.885 ‘5032006 = 2asro Dake Univers 92.855 ‘03480 = 27658 Duke Unversty Medical School 93.855 ‘n0343t2 = ‘sao Emory Unversty 93.885 15046257 = eoat7 Emory Unversty 93.885 283425 = 102,390 Emory Unversty: COVID-19 93.885 283425 = 030 Fa og0 92.855 ‘7770082 0058 = (25587) FH 260 92.855 20104 = ‘5640 FH 260 92.855 soa7asi7 440,121 440,121 FH 260 92.855 s007ast8 se0479 508.873, FH 360 92.855 Potsot264 "2420 "3.672 FH 260 92.855 Por7oats73 = 70241 FH 260 92.855 Poteoota5s 5758 236.205, FH 260 92.855 Poreod2102 = 10.600 FH 360 92.855 Poreo2399 wart wart FH 260 93.885 020000435 12800 200 FH 260 92.855 Poz000546 = eras FH 260 92.855 ozo0a762 = 207 FH 360 92.855 oz002123 = ares FH 260 93.885 Po200a2 124 139.973 r9013 FH 260 93.885 Po00a2 125 68250, eaazo FH 260 92.855 Pozo02149 = 42,157 FH 360 92.855 oz0002340 = 2310 FH 260 92.855 020002507 sor 97460 FH 260 92.855 Poz0002508 275 aziz FH 260 92.855 Pozo0g2910 = 348.409, FH 360 92.855 Po210005% = 4758 Fred Hktchingon Cancer Research Center 92.855 ‘0001033127 = 352.488, Fred Hkgcninaon Cancer Research Canter 92.855 ‘0001033136 = 112,058 Fred Hkgcninson Cancer Researeh Canter 92.855 ‘0001041420 40 Fred Higcnnaon Cancer Researeh Canter 92.855 = (George Washington Unwersty 93.855 rema7 = (Continues) ‘THE JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY ‘Schedule of Epenatres of Federal Awards ‘Yeu ended June 20, 2021 Passed Federal CFDA, Direct award or pas through to Total federal Federal grantoripas through grantor/program or chster ttle ‘number ‘enaty identifying number subrecipionts expenditures University of Pennsyvania 93.885 570385 = ‘302.661 Unversity of Texas a Austin 93.885 uratz-o008a5 = 50,101 Unversty of Teas Austin 93.885 Uurat7-000887 = on Unversity of Verne 93.885 278045852061 - 31.285) Well Medical Golege of Comet Uriversty 93.885 21282612 = ‘8 Well Mesical Colegeot Comal Urversty 93.885 2128263 = 79.458 Yale Unversty 93.885 Gaiosss = a8 Yale Unversty 93.885 ‘@r110559.coN-200028, = eats Yale Unversty 93.885 (6111010 (CON-800028 en ‘Subtotal 4am0 940 __22640.415, ‘Aging Research 93.808 Direct ragtosts 65,748,421 ‘Agng Researcn: COVID-19 93.855 Direct 230383 ‘sort ‘American Feseration fr Aging Research 93.888 u24acossz04 = 91525 ‘rtrrot on, Ine COVID-'8 92.008 n2020-0001-JHU = 788 Bath lraet Deaconess Medea! Cater 92.855 ‘1052185 = ona Bigham and Women's Hospi 93.858 wn10t4 = (f'036) Brown Unversity 93.888 000 1284 = ‘372 Brown Unversity 93.888 ur = 15.05 Brown Univers 92.005 at = ‘S737 Colorado tate University 93.855 o-7ess35.02 = 3.250 Columbia Unversty 93.888 yecot0471-12) = 19313 Columbia Universty 93.888 1o(ea01582203) = 15310 Columbia Unversty 93.858 2166014803-01) = 23.321 Columbia Unversty 93.855 3x66015822.01) = exs.a15 (Columbia Universty 93.888 ‘eco1ss2202 = 264 Comal Univer sty 93.888 16060870 = sn renal University 93.858 00017 = 23 Duke Unversty 93.855 032646 = 40271 Duke Unversty 93.888 as2ate = 156342 Duke Unversity 93.888 034529 = 7.685 Harvard Unversty 93.858 10.10.01531 = ra.186 Harvard Unversty 93.855 92361 = 3340 ICAHN Schaal of Mescine at Mount Sina 92.008 0254-4608-4600 = 502 Inckana Univers 92.008 7856_HIU = 27.385 Kaiser Foundation Research Inatiite 92.005 Rasacosr28o03 = 2485 Kennedy Krieger insite 93.855 1RO2AGO6S527-01 = ‘aa Kennedy Krieger insite 93.888 soo8a447 = 244,968, Kennedy Krieger Insite 93.888 R21AG05704 = 42610 Langeweron, LLC 93.858 RAZAGOSKE2 = 6 Massachusetts General Hospital 93.855 234538 = 40.8 Maseachusstts General Hostal 93.888 200 = 9,700 Maye Cine 93.888 HOP-253134 = 61568 Maye Cie 93.858 su-255134 san 3.420 May Cine 93.855 en-225620-01 = 6.052 Maye Cie 93.888 Jon. 250202/F0 #55468 = saan Maye Cte 93.888 H-285 134 = m2 Madical Unversity of South Caraina 93.858 1500-1735-5005 = 09,178 Madical Unversty of Soutn Caraina 93.855 AOO1735-5014 = a Newark fr Invesigaion of Det 93.888 onstt = or24 New York Univers 92.008 s9-0.001002424 = roxe01 Northern Calfoma Insite fr Research 92.008 ‘SHLION7-01 = 57830 Norther Calfomia Insite fr Research 92.005 S1L2120.03, = 62.505 Northern Califor Insts fr Research 92.808 ‘STE2196-01 = 202.843 Norhwestem University 93.888 conse ste. = 204 Northwestern University 93.858 60047861 JH = 3.005 Pam State Unversty, 93.855 575635 = 47103 Rus Unversty 93.888 17001805502 = s01887 ‘SapereBio 93.888 soot = 140,424 Unversity of Georgia 93.858 -supoo0at8ss = 42.902 Universty of Butfalo 93.855 1222300 = ran e24 Unversity of Caferia Los Angeles 93.888 soo wens = 34245 Unversity of Caerria San Diego 93.888 ‘5888800 = 3s571 Unversity of Caerria San Diego 93.858 ‘94004821 = sri Unversity of Catrria San Francisco 93.855 100855 = a Unversity of Caternia San Francisco 93.888 1085156 = ‘S1047 Unversity of Caternia San Francisco 93.888 124450 = 16512 Unversity of Calerado 93.858 Fv17 330.008 = 10.383 Unversity of Connecticut 93.855 419315 = 51,088 Universty of Flica 93.888 ‘susoo002113 = aaa Universty of longa 93.888 uFDsPo0att 485 = m2 University of Maryland Batimore 93.858 wu-18-288 = 174 Univers of Maryland College Park 93.855 '55401-20081201 = a0 Univers of Maryland College Park 93.888 es513.20150201 = 27351 Unversity of Mehigan 93.888 ‘3004704452 = 50,608 Unversity of merigan 93.858 ‘susKo0000460 = 21.995) Unversity of Minnesota 93.855 H0o4a86506| 55935 ‘ra88 University of Minnescea 93.888 ‘Noost75202 = 129267 University of Minnescea 93.888 Poo7aas95s = 4169 University of Minnescea 93.858 Poosao7sa2 = 3487 Unversity of Minnesota 93.855 Poos4s1957 = 2024 Unversity of Neth Caratina 93.888 5108145 = a2 Unversity of Nath Texas 93.888 Rr00016-2017-0031 = ea7e3 Unversity of Nath Texas 93.858 Rroot08.2018.0160 = 26017 Unversity of Pittsburgh 92.808 (8157128001) = 187.168 University of Pitsburgh 93.888 ‘Aw 00001055 (134285- = eon University of Pitsburgh 93.888 ‘Aw00002130 135493-1 = M0 University of Pitsburgh 93.858 ‘onvacon47610 132982 = 3041 Unversity of Pitsburgh 93.855 ‘@vA0060606 (131 = 47408 Unversity of Soutien Calforia 93.888 s20r002 = 24431 Unversity of Soutien Caifernia 93.888 sznene547 = 1457 University of Soutien Calfernia 93.858 raa131029, = 8 Unversity of Soutien Calforna 93.855 saam515, = 6 Unversity of Soutien Caifernia 93.888 197874608, = 8,200 Unversity of Soutien Caifernia 93.888 sw2e77043, = 19.08 University of Soutien Calfernia 93.858 75620149 = 24.500 Unversity of Soutien Calforna 93.855 7534878, 4240 583 Unversity of Soutien Caifernia 93.888 TA. wizsta 1181 = 16.405, Unversity of Soutien Caifernia 93.888 int, 125682412 = 15811 University of Soutien Calferna 93.858 ‘Subaward 105708311 = 134210 Universty of Texas 93.855 (Urat7.000230 = Tarr Unversity of Texas Dallas 93.858 ‘604881 = 126,498 (Continues) ‘THE JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY ‘Schedule of Epenatres of Federal Awards ‘Yeu ended June 20, 2021 Passed Federal CFDA, Direct award or pas through to Total federal Federal grantoripas through grantor/program or chster ttle ‘number ‘enaty identifying number subreipionts tures Unversity of Texas Heath Science Center at Houston 93.88 reveasv168644 = 62.00 Unversity of Verne 93.858 8575852512 = 200,104 Unversity of Washington 93.855 UWSC10158, = {40,798 Unversity of Washington 93.888 uwsctt049 = “4091 Unversity of Washington 93.888 uwso7723, 15930 0562 Unversity of Wisconsin Madison 93.858 ‘2000000687 = 18.156 Unversity of Wisconsin Maison 93.855 ‘oon0aot169 = 6403 Unversity of Texas Soutwestem Medical Center 93.888 evo 161208, = 113,405 Wace Forest Unversity 93.858 107-101720-551083 = 205.015, Wace Forest Universi 93.855 46101720:112081, = 47505 Wace Forest Universi 93.888 15 552702 = 522 Wake Forest University Heath Services 93.888 108-101720-11741 = 2500 Wastingon Unversty 93.858 wu-17-108 = a7.908 Waype State Urversty 93.855 wsu17053 = 2640 water Inetize 92.008 a 25601-03-281 = 4a Yale Unversity 93.858 (6107798 (CON-800018 48723 ‘subtotal saee7s_73.238.388 Vision 93.857 Direct ws1s215 | 21.883.432 ‘Aptitude Medical Systems, In. 93.857 ‘ams 1000184 = 1 ‘Aptitude Medical Systems, Ine. 93.857 ‘AMS 1000184 = wnat ‘Aptitude Medical Systems, Ine. 93.857 AMS 1020182 - 2333) ‘Aptitude Medical Systems, Ine. 93.857 JH IPN 20119205, = 42378 Bath lraet Deaconess Medea Cater 92.867 060878 = 2575 Glevalana Cinie Foundation 2.867 He2SU8 = 72568 Geveland Cinic Lemar Calage of Meskine 93.857 860830 = 24910 sae Centr for Heath Rezeaeh, Ine. 92.857 = 8036 “ine Canter for Heal Resear, Ine. 92.867 ursevore31 = ot) “ine Centr fr Heath Researeh, Ine 2.867 UNOEvI 1751 = wars “ine Centr for Heaih Resear, Ine. 92.857 uroev14201 = 5.505 “ine Centr for Heaih Researeh, Ine. 92.857 us iev014231 JAcB = 2746 Monescta Heath Saltione 92.867 MHS 1800jecFine> = sa2.025 New York Unversty Medical Center 93.857 Uoteva2se20-01 = 7.083 ONL Therapastics 93.857 Po# 2018-0002 = 205,198, ‘Sanford Unversty 93.857 2015710-136077 = 198348 Temple 93.857 16 = 65,054 University of Caferia Davis 93.857 |A17.0215-S001-A01 = 160088 Unversity of Cater Inne 93.857 2010-2607 = 120.270 Unversity of Caria San Diego 93.857 75885256 = 6748 Unversity of Caternia San Francisco 93.857 91780 = 6.952 Unversity of Clerago at Derwer 93.857 Fy20.103.001 = 70.510 Unversity of Maryland Batimare 93.857 ro tt68648 = 91.382 Univers of Maryland College Park 93.857 ‘Subaward No, 1802235, = 197540 Univers of Maryland College Park 93.857 = 29,182 University of Me 93.857 07567001 = 148,988 Unversity of Nee Dame 93.857 2009 13JHU = ‘39,108 Unversity of Pennsjvania 93.857 ‘570490 = 66,180 University of Texas Dalas 93.857 805464 = onan Unversity of Washington 93.857 uwscto%e7 = 402.810, gia Commonweal University 93.857 Fe00005729 S401 = 118,956 Visonie LLC 2.857 sRAMEYORROTT-ONAN 72875 ‘subtotal 1515215 _ 25301578 Maternal, Infart and Early Chichood Home Visiing Grant Program 93870 Direct 573508 1,200,200 ‘SateotNew Jersey 93.870 2omze = ‘516.545, ‘Subtotal 573508, 1816044 University of Colorado at Denver: Taba! Matemal, Infant, and Earty Chiahaod Heme isting sar 17.494 002 = 1948 Unversity of Clerago at Derwer sag Fy21.494 001125-A97 set ‘subtotal ws Medical Library Assisance 93.870 Dire = 50,055 University of Minnesota: Rial Health Care Services Outreach, Rural Heath Nebvork Development ‘and Small Heath Care Provider Qualty mprovement ssor2 oosa4e402 - aw ‘Assodited Black Charties-Maryand: HV Emergency Rit Project Gants sou ro2420002 = 2 ‘Assoosted Back Chavties Maryland saat 192438-010 = ‘58 ‘Assoosted Black Charties Maryland saat 19-2438018 - e317) ‘Assoosted Black Charties Maryland saat 192438018 - (123) ‘Assoosted Black Charties Maryland saat 202 = 244,056, ‘Assoosted Back Charts Maryland sat 702435 Pan A = Yar t64 ‘Assoosted Black Charties Maryland saat zo24s8-002 = 523/908 ‘Assoosted Black Charties Maryland saat 202438-007| = 37.288 ‘Assoosted Back Charts Maryland sat 2248-018 = 48403 ‘Assoosted Black Charties Maryland saat 2248-010 = erry ‘Assoosted Black Charties Maryland saat 288014 = ro4as ‘Assoosted Black Charties Maryland saat po2a801€ = 08751 ‘Assoosted Back Charts Maryland sat 20283803 = 60,174 ‘Assoosted Black Charties Maryland: COVID-19 saat pozeevia = 26787 [Assoosted Black Charties Maryland: COVID-19 saat ezeevie = 22400 ‘Assoosted Black Charties Maryland saat 202881 = eae ‘Assoosted Back Charts Maryland sat 20-2483.014 = va.7e0 ‘Assoosted Black Charties Maryland saat 2o2H82.01€ = 470 ‘Assooated Black Charties Mar sas m24MC2 = wen ‘Assoosted Black Charties Maryland: COVID-19 saat pozesvie = 2.000 Batimare Gy Heath Depart sat ‘30613 = 73.588 Batimore GtyHeath Department saat 30830 = esart Batimore GtyHeath Department saat 39603 = 28575 Batimore Gry Heath Department saat 40023 = anus Batimore GryHeath Department sao co#39701 2027 ‘Subtotal 2968.18 (Gears to Provide Outpatert Eaty intervention Services wth Respect HIV Disease esas Direct = 245,064 (Grats to Proude Outpatert Eaty ntevertion Servoes with Respect t HIV Disease: COVID-19 3.018 Dest = 44.535 ‘subtotal = 209,800 Demonstration Projects fr Indian Heath: COVID-19 esas Diest = ware Batimore Gay Heath Daparment: HIV Prevention Atvties Heath Department Based 3940 3014 = 1.086 Batimore Gry Heath Department 3.940 30518 = 7408 Batimore Gry Heath Deparment 93.940 30548 = ‘a6 Batimore GtyHeath Department 3.940 30889 = ones Batimore GtyHeath Department 300 39603 = 463,764 (Continues) ‘THE JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY ‘Schedule of Epenatres of Federal Awards ‘Yeu ended June 20, 2021 Passed Federal CFDA, Direct award or pas through to Total federal Federal grantoripas through grantor/program or chster ttle ‘number ‘enaty identifying number subrecipionts expenditures Batimore GtyHeath Department 3.040 30832 - 1.495) Batimore Gry Heath Department 3.940 oH so8s3 = 120758 Batimore GryHeath Department 3.940 'BCH0 39601 400,108 ‘subtotal = 07,128 Hiv Demansiraton, Research, Pubic and Professional Eacaton Projects esoet Direct = 149,926 Unversity of Uiah: Research, Preverton, and Education Programs on Lyme Disease in the Unted States 3.042 10049023.04 = ‘277 CGasinger Heath Systems: Assistance Prog ams for Chronic Disease Pevertion and Gortal 93.045 reo Huot = 15.200 Unversty of Maryland College Park: Block Gras or Prevention and Treatment of Substance Abuse 93.059, 11g6-c0562201 = 220.402 Univers of Maryland College Park 93.959 33158.00354201 = 44.520 ‘subtotal = 25201 RUF Ganatne Education Centers: COVID-19 93.960 Direct 0883 20,853 Batimore Gy Heath Deparimert: Preventative Heath Services ~ ‘Senualy Transmited Diseases Cartol Gants sar 38007 = 4007 Batmore Gey Heath Deparment sar? 3311 = 20210 Batimore GtyHeath Department sar? 30833 - (1.492) Batimore GtyHeath Department sar? 30821 = 24670 Batimore GtyHeath Department sar 40022 = 67.500 ‘Subtotal = 315,789 ‘Sexsaly Transmited Diseases (STO) Provider Education Grants osa78 Dest = ‘9.280 Batimore Gry Heath Deparment sarez 273.85, ‘subtotal 72674 ternational Ressarch and Research Training 93.080 Direct 1.135979, 2134727 ‘age Ababa University 93.980 spestwororas = 75,761 ‘dais Ababa University 93.980 = 6582 ‘agie Ababa University 93.080 srostwortat4os = oa ‘Amancan Foundation for AIDS Research 2.880 "10102-68-1STA = 070 Emory Unversty 93.980 4234205 = 2a28 bests Disease hatte 2.980 RSNI&3 2048, = 39,105 Makerere University 93.080 0087581 = 7.208 Makerere Universty 93.989 MakcHs 102018, = 2810 Malarere University 93.980 MakcHs222019 = 2a108 Malarere University 93.980 ROSTWOT213, = arm Makerere University 93.080 ‘SUBAWARD 01-08, = 47003 Norhwestam University 93.989 ‘0083069 JHU = 2805 Unversity of Bamako 93.980 USTTEJHBSPH 5043, = 97283 Unversity of Caerria San Diego 93.980 704137 = 18.078 Unversity of Cape Town 93.080 28232 = 19.67 Unversity of Neth Caratina 93.989 108724 41560, 148,725 Unwversidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia 93.980 006-20 = 77785 Unwversidad Peruana Cayetano Hered! 3.080 007 5688 = m2 ‘subtotal 1177539, 235,707 Maryiand Department of Heath and Mertal Hygiene: Maternal and Chi Heath Services Block Grant tthe Sates 2.904 = 4 Maryiand Department of ean and Mental Hygiene 93.004 FAs42GENPHPA-G- 1158 = 0446 Maryland Departmere of Healh and Mental Hygiene 93.004 FHBSSEGEN PHPAG2388 1923 as Maryland Departmere of Healh and Mental Hygiene 93.004 FHBSEGEN PHPAG2388 = 07a Maryand Departmere of Heal and Mental Hygiene 93.004 “Tran FHESOTN, 0 ‘subtotal 1920 123,804 ‘Atism and Other Developmental Dsabites, Surveilance, Research, and Preverton 93.008, Direct = 428,501 Deparment of Heath ana Human Sevices SS UNKOWN Direct e798 = 32328.51 Department of Heath and Human Sevices: COVID-19 SBUNKVOWN Direct 235980 2790787 ‘Amancan Insitute fr Research 8 UNKNOWN ‘0417400008 = ‘5287 ‘Assoosted Black Charties Maryland SBUNKVOWN soos3388 = saz72 ‘Assoosted Back Charts Maryland SBUNKVOWN 90083389 = 2.468 ‘Assoosted Black Charties Maryland 8 UNKNOWN Preaward Ryan Wate = 24.458 Boston Children’s Hospital: COVID-18 SBUNKVOWN (GENFDO00 184375, = M27 Bngham and Women's Hospital SBUNKVOWN "7808019000057 = maze (captal Censultng Corporation SBUNKVOWN 0 90087008 = 21 (Gb Fasndason SB UNKNOWN 1082, = 6545 Center fr Naval Analyses SS UNKOWN rraet-1815 = 8342 (hieeerisHosptal of Piadephia SBUNKVOWN ‘3903020023 = 158 (hieeer'sHosptal of Piadepnia SBUNKVOWN Powe 20228108 = 237 (hire Comprehensive Heath Gare Facity SBUNKVOWN ‘7171021P00552 = sesz2 (hire Comprehensive Heath Care Facity SBUNKVOWN Hetsi24s2016000 198 = 70,808 redomies, ne. SBUNKVOWN = 108817 (Gaumbia Universty: COVID-19 SBUNKVOWN ‘@c01 5987-01) (On) = 2 Gatumbia Usversty: COVID-19 SBUNKVOWN ‘@G015907-01 KOR) = 4a Dalatte Conasting, LLP SBUNKVOWN 105710-1 = 25.370 Diabetic Complicatons Consariom SBUNKVOWN DIACOMP = 20867 Duke Unversity: COVID-19 SBUNKVOWN No. 109 = 26 Easter Viegria Medical Schoo! SBUNKVOWN soarsact = are Emmes Caporation SBUNKYOWN |AREDS2 10-YEAR FOLLO = 70x07 FH 260: COVID-19 2 UNKNOWN Pozong1914 = 9210 GaroSmenKline, LLC SB UNKNOWN ‘90085683, on 710 902/533 GaoSmehKline, LLC 8 UNKNOWN P1069 520190 530.476, Hennepin Heatoare Research Intute SBUNKVOWN ‘rsReazz0c00011 = 24377 begra Global: COVID-18 SBUNKVOWN ‘90083525, = 415.203 btrnational Busnese Machines: COVID-19 SB UNKNOWN cower 1406 = 6.110 James Bel Azsositer, Ine. 8 UNKNOWN HeisP2m02015001291 = 1469 “lanesen Research and Development, LLC S3UNKNOWN nesen 62623872FZ3 = ‘5.985 Kaiser Founcation Research inatiite S3UNKNOWN ‘OOS020450.HU = raK7 Us, ne SR UNKNOWN 7KK75 = 466 Las, ne. SBUNKVOWN 190780 28928 11083,940, Las, ne 8 UNKNOWN 90001905 = 651 Lsdos, ine: COVID-18 SBUNKVOWN [AGMTNO 20CTA-DMO004 = 19599 Uses, Ie SB UNKNOWN Powani1799 = yang Lae, ne SBUNKVOWN Znang_LEDOS 2011739 = 156794 Lovelace Bomesial and Env 8 UNKNOWN TKo01856 = e719 Massachusetts General Hogptal: COVID-18 SBUNKVOWN ozano1tg04 = S172 Matematica Pokey Reseach, SBUNKVOWN “Sossssoaz06 = 15.005 Maye Cline: COVID-19 S3UNKNOWN 30H-272081 = 120 evar, LTD 8 UNKNOWN = saa Moneapals Medical Research Foundation SBUNKVOWN eis-250201500008C = 55,18 Maneapals Medical Research Foundation SBUNKVOWN ibe = ‘2.082 MRIGtoba 8 UNKNOWN 06-11 1000-1 = 250,450, (Continues) ‘THE JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY ‘Schesueof Expenditures of Feral Awards Yeu ended une 20, 2021 Passed Federal CFDA Direct award or passthrough throughto Total federal Federal rantorpass through grantor/program or luster title ‘number. ‘erty identifying number subrecpients expenditures Department of Heath and Human Sevices: Irnovationsin Applied Public Heath Research 3061 Direct = 104,087 Manyand Dept. of Heath: Envronmental Puc Heath and Emergency Response 3070 NJETEoo1355 = 28.20 (Chigrer'sHospial of Philadephia: Blood Disorder Program: Prevertion, Suvellance, and Research 3050 PO # 20140803 = 7.388 (Chieeer'sHospital of Priadephia: Blood Disorder Program: Prevertion, Suveilance, and Research 050 Po w 20224722 19202 ‘subtotal 22.596 Maternal and Ghia Heath Federal Consolidated Programs sa110 Direct = 10,749 (Ghierer'sHospital of Phlaaepnia 93.110 2o000805RSUB = 46.476, ‘Subtotal = 557210 Injury Prevention and Cantal Research and State and Community Based Programs sa18 ect = 5.82 Unversity of Pttsburgh: AIDS Education and Tearing Garters 145, ‘cnagoosot7s 134540 = aro Unversity of Pitsburgh 3.145, avAcoa50178- 1320788 1345) ‘subtetat 205,602 atonal Research Service Awardin Pimary Care Mescine sass, Direct = 440,054 ‘Subsance Abuse and Mental Health Senices ~ Projects of Regional and Natonal Sigvfcance 328 Direct 34 43,982 (Ocevpational Saety and Heath Program 93.282 Direct 27888 11868,264 Provider Ralief Fund and American Reaaue Plan (COVID-18) 3.498, Direct = 4.903.940 Unversty of Pttsburgh: Punic Heath Trarring Gevters rogram 516 convagooss481 = 20.681 (Grants for Primary Care Traning and Ennancement 23.84 Direct = a Unversity of Pttsturgh: HIV Emer ganey Relief Project Grants (COVID-19) won ‘awpo002368 = ‘74 HIV Demansraton, Research, Pune and Professonal Eaton Projects s3a4t Direct = 103.327 ‘Sexual Transm ted Diseases (STD) Provider Education Grants 3.980 Direct 108,110 71749 ‘Senialy Trangmited Diseases (STD) Provider Education Grants (COVID-19) 3.980 Direct 68.604 ‘subtotal 198,110 fered Maternal and Chia Heath Services Block Grant othe tates 978 Diest 379.400, Department of Heath and Human Servoes Teta 2st __ 19978357 Total = ther Divisions 23310 __ 34,584,255 Total expendtures of federal awards 4szmia759_3450.700.061 ‘See accompanying independent auditors report THE JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY Notes to Schedule of Expenditures of Federal Awards June 30, 2021 (1) Basis of Presentation The accompanying schedule of expenditures of federal awards (the Schedule) summarizes the expenditures of The Johns Hopkins University (the University) under programs of the federal government for the year ended June 30, 2021. The Schedule was prepared in accordance with the requirements of Title 2 U.S. Code of Federal Regulations Part 200, Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards (Uniform Guidance). For purposes of the Schedule, federal awards include all grants, contracts, and similar agreements entered into directly between the University and agencies and departments of the federal government and all subawards made to the University by nonfederal organizations pursuant to federal grants, contracts, and similar agreements. For schedule presentation purposes, awards are grouped into the following categories: Research and Development — Includes awards for research and development work at the University’s Applied Physics Laboratory (APL), provided primarily under cost plus fixed fee type contracts with agencies of the Department of Defense (DOD), and for work at the University’s academic divisions, primarily under grants with agencies and divisions of the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS). Information about specific subagencies within these federal government agencies and departments is provided in notes 4 and 5 to the Schedule. Student financial aid — \ncludes awards to provide financial assistance to students under Federal Work Study (FWS), Federal Pell Grants (Pell), Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grants (FSEOG), loan disbursements under the Federal Perkins, and Federal Direct Student Loan Programs. of the Department of Education as well as Nurse Facility Loan, and Nursing Student Loans Programs of the Department of Health and Human Services. Cooperative agreements — Includes awards for international assistance projects sponsored by the Agency for International Development (AID) to Jnpiego Corporation, a separate corporate entity controlled by the University, and certain departments of the University’s Bloomberg School of Public Health (with respect to population information, population communication services, and various other projects). Specific grant information is included in note 6 to the Schedule. Training and other — Includes awards to support research training for graduate and other students, primarily under programs of the National Institutes of Health, and other student related assistance programs that are not considered part of the research and development cluster under Uniform Guidance. The University receives pass-through awards from approximately 400 different institutions and not for profit organizations. Information about significant pass through organizations is presented on the schedule of expenditures of federal awards. The University makes payments to approximately 700 subrecipient organizations. Information about significant subrecipients is presented on the schedule of expenditures of federal awards. The Schedule does not include federal awards expenditures, if any, of The Johns Hopkins Health System Corporation (JHHS) or any of its member institutions. JHHS and its member institutions are incorporated and governed separately from the University, and their accounts are not included in the University’s financial statements. 72 (Continued) THE JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY Notes to Schedule of Expenditures of Federal Awards June 30, 2021 (2) Summary of Significant Accounting Policies for Federal Awards (a) General For purposes of the Schedule, expenditures for federal award programs are recognized on an accrual basis of accounting. (b) Applied Physics Laboratory (c) The Applied Physics Laboratory's (APL) federal award expenditures relate primarily to costs incurred and fees earned under cost plus fixed fee type contracts with agencies of the DOD. Costs incurred and fees earned under these contracts are determined in accordance with the terms of the contracts and the contract cost principles and procedures set forth in the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) and, where applicable, agency acquisition regulations that implement or supplement the FAR. Under terms of the contracts and provisions of the FAR, certain expenditures are not allowable or are limited as to reimbursement. Expenditures include indirect costs, relating primarily to general and administrative activities and technical supervision and services at the APL, which are allocated to the direct cost objectives (including federal awards) which benefit from the activities using bases and methods considered appropriate for the various types of costs involved. Indirect costs are allocated to federal awards and billed to sponsoring agencies during each cost accounting period based on agreed upon provisional rates; variances between actual costs incurred and costs allocated and billed using the provisional rates are adjusted periodically. For purposes of the Schedule, the variance for the year ended June 30, 2021 was allocated to individual awards based on their proportionate federal award expenditures for the period. Fees earned on cost plus fixed fee type contracts are recognized as related expenditures are incurred and included as contract costs in the Schedule. For contract administration purposes, the year end date for the APL’s principal contracts with agencies of the DOD is September 30. The information in the Schedule with respect to these contracts is presented to comply with the Uniform Guidance requirements and is not intended to provide the sole basis for administrative closeout of the contracts. Academic and Other Divisions Expenditures for federal student financial aid programs are recognized as incurred and include Pell grants to students, the federal share of students’ FSEOG grants and FWS program earnings, loan disbursements, certain other federal financial assistance grants for students, and administrative cost allowances, where applicable. Expenditures for other federal awards of the University’s academic and other divisions, including Jhpiego Corporation, are determined using the cost accounting principles and administrative procedures set forth in 2 Code of Federal Regulation (CFR) Part 220, Cost Principles for Educational Institutions (OMB Circular A-21) and 2 CFR Part 215, Administrative Requirements for Grants and Other Agreements with Institutions of Higher Education, Hospitals, and Other Nonprofit Organizations (OMB Circular A-110). Under the cost principles, certain expenditures are not allowable or are limited as to reimbursement. Expenditures for nonfinancial aid awards include facilities and administrative (F&A) costs, relating primarily to facilities operation and maintenance and general, divisional, and departmental administration services, which are allocated to direct costs (including federal awards) based on 73 (Continued) THE JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY Notes to Schedule of Expenditures of Federal Awards June 30, 2021 Student Research and financial development aid, training DHHS Funding Source (R&D) and other APL (R&D) Total National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders $ 16,997 - - 16,997 National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases 10,152 =- =- 10,152 National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism 5,825 - - 5,825 National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering 15,662 - - 15,662 National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research 3,269 =- - 3,269 National Institute of Nursing Research 3,548 - - 3,548 National Human Genome Research Institute 12,681 =- =- 12,681 National Library of Medicine 383 - - 383 John E. Fogarty International Center 2,815 - - 2,815 National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health 1,561 =- =- 1,561 National Center on Minority Health and Health Disparities 5,230 - - 5,230 National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences (NCATS) 21,217 - - 21,217 National Institute of Health-Office of the Director 22,244 =- =- 22,244 National Institutes of Health: Clinical Center 154 =- =- 154 National Institutes of Health: Other Sources = = 2,576 2,576 Total NIH 764,152 - 2,576 766,728 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 53,689 2,510 4,145 60,344 Health Resources and Services Administration 23,631 5,068 - 28,699 Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality 13,379 - - 13,379 Food and Drug Administration 3,190 - - 3,190 Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration 2,045 144 - 2,189 Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Senices 65 - - 65 Administration for Children & Families 1,441 - - 1,441 Administration For Community Living 381 - - 381 Office of Adolescent Health 82 =- =- 82 Assistant Secretary for Planning & Evaluation 9 - - 9 Office of the Assistant Secretary for Health 595 - - 595 Assistant Secretary for Preparedness & Response 752 - - 752 Indian Health Service 710 =- =- 710 DHHS-other sources = = 7,117 77 Total DHHS $ 864,121 7,722 13,838 885,681 76 (Continued) THE JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY Notes to Schedule of Expenditures of Federal Awards June 30, 2021 (6) Expenditures under Awards from United States Agency for International Development (USAID) Federal award expenditures under agreements with USAID by funding award for the year ended June 30, 2021 are summarized as follows (in thousands): CFDA Grant identifier Total 98.001 AID-OAA-A-17-00017 64,122 98.001 7200AA19CA00003 22,296 98.001 7200AA20CA00002 15,648 98.001 AID-615-A-17-00004 7,340 98.001 AID-621-A-16-00003 6,958 98.001 72065620CA00001 5,895 98.001 72030620CA00007 5,564 98.001 000-011262 5,325 98.001 72066320CA00008 5,174 98.001 7200AA19CA00001 4,783 98.001 72061720CA00005 4,655 98.001 AID-612-A-16-00001 4,632 98.001 AID-675-A-16-00001 4,092 98.001 72061220CA00001 3,566 98.001 AID-482-A-17-00002 3,234 98.001 72038620CA00001 3,082 98.001 AID-674-A-15-00005 2,686 98.001 AID-306-A-15-00002 2,636 98.001 AID-668-A-15-00001 2,273 98.001 AID-OAA-LA-15-00003 2,062 98.001 AID-388-A-17-00002 1,952 98.001 72052020CA00001 1,734 98.001 AID-624-A-13-00010 1,344 98.001 7200AA20CA00033 1,332 98.001 AID-663-A-15-00011 1,168 98.001 AID-656-A-17-00005 955 98.001 4593-Jhpiego01July20 816 98.001 A587-ACCESS-2018-... 758 98.001 1-330-0216694-65508L 573 98.001 84004093 509 98.001 84001965 505 98.001 AID-OAA-A-15-00064 446 98.001 2016-13 428 98.001 720FDA18CA00051 424 98.001 720FDA20GRO00221 417 98.001 720FDA20GRO00191 400 98.001 JSHHSS 003 Jhpiego 363 77 (Continued) THE JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY Notes to Schedule of Expenditures of Federal Awards June 30, 2021 CFDA Grant identifier Total 98.001 PO20001194 $ 344 98.001 999002138 250 98.001 84005050 245 98.001 FY 16-A02-7028 239 98.001 2-330-0216277-65185L 213 98.001 720FDA19GRO00205 203 98.001 Other Grants less than $200k 824 192,465 98.002 72038619CA00001 6,495 6,495 98.006 Other Grants less than $200k 106 106 98.007 Grants less than $200k 54 54 98. UNKNOWN 4442-Jhpiego-21Apr18 9,336 98. UNKNOWN 72066920C00002 5,105 98. UNKNOWN 72062120C00001 4,721 98. UNKNOWN 72061518C00001 1,702 98. UNKNOWN 72067421C00001 1,215 98. UNKNOWN 217727JShpiegoTO05-01 556 98. UNKNOWN 217727 JhpiegoTOO3Bau 536 98. UNKNOWN 217727JShpiegoTO04-01 487 98. UNKNOWN 1876-W AGE-IQS-JHU-01 445 98. UNKNOWN 217727-Jhpiego-TO6-0 399 98. UNKNOWN AID-611-15-000001 379 98. UNKNOWN 18MQSKO0067 337 98. UNKNOWN 23-7424444 314 98. UNKNOWN 72062019F00004 300 98. UNKNOWN AID-617-C-160001 217 98. UNKNOWN Other Grants less than $200k 807 26,856 $ 225,976 78 (Continued) SECTION C kemG KPMG LLP 750 East Pratt Street, 18th Floor Baltimore, MD 21202 Independent Auditors’ Report on Internal Control Over Financial Reporting and on Compliance and Other Matters Based on an Audit of Financial Statements Performed in Accordance With Government Auditing Standards The Board of Trustees The Johns Hopkins University: We have audited, in accordance with the auditing standards generally accepted in the United States of America and the standards applicable to financial audits contained in Government Auditing Standards, issued by the Comptroller General of the United States, the consolidated financial statements of The Johns Hopkins University (the University), which comprise the consolidated balance sheet as of June 30, 2021, the related consolidated statements of activities and cash flows for the year then ended, and the related notes to the consolidated financial statements, and have issued our report thereon dated October 4, 2021. Internal Control Over Financial Reporting In planning and performing our audit of the consolidated financial statements, we considered the University’s internal control over financial reporting (internal control) as a basis for designing audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances for the purpose of expressing our opinion on the consolidated financial statements, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the University’s internal control. Accordingly, we do not express an opinion on the effectiveness of the University’s internal control. A deficiency in internal control exists when the design or operation of a control does not allow management or employees, in the normal course of performing their assigned functions, to prevent, or detect and correct, misstatements on a timely basis. A material weakness is a deficiency, or a combination of deficiencies, in internal control, such that there is a reasonable possibility that a material misstatement of the entity's consolidated financial statements will not be prevented, or detected and corrected on a timely basis. A significant deficiency is a deficiency, or a combination of deficiencies, in internal control that is less severe than a material weakness, yet important enough to merit attention by those charged with governance. Our consideration of internal control was for the limited purpose described in the first paragraph of this section and was not designed to identify all deficiencies in internal control that might be material weaknesses or significant deficiencies. Given these limitations, during our audit we did not identify any deficiencies in internal control that we consider to be material weaknesses. However, material weaknesses may exist that have not been identified. Compliance and Other Matters As part of obtaining reasonable assurance about whether the University’s consolidated financial statements are free from material misstatement, we performed tests of its compliance with certain provisions of laws, regulations, contracts, and grant agreements, noncompliance with which could have a direct and material effect on the financial statements. However, providing an opinion on compliance with those provisions was not an objective of our audit, and accordingly, we do not express such an opinion. The results of our tests disclosed no instances of noncompliance or other matters that are required to be reported under Government Auditing Standards. kp Purpose of this Report The purpose of this report is solely to describe the scope of our testing of internal control and compliance and the results of that testing, and not to provide an opinion on the effectiveness of the University’s internal control or on compliance. This report is an integral part of an audit performed in accordance with Government Auditing Standards in considering the University’s internal control and compliance. Accordingly, this communication is not suitable for any other purpose. KPI cs LEP Baltimore, Maryland October 4, 2021 82 kp The University's response to the noncompliance finding identified in our audit is described in the accompanying schedule of findings and questioned costs. The University is also responsible for preparing a corrective action plan to address each audit finding included in our auditors’ report. The University's response and corrective action plan were not subjected to the auditing procedures applied in the audit of compliance and, accordingly, we express no opinion on the response or the corrective action plan. Report on Internal Control over Compliance Management of the University is responsible for establishing and maintaining effective internal control over compliance with the types of compliance requirements referred to above. In planning and performing our audit of compliance, we considered the University’s internal control over compliance with the types of requirements that could have a direct and material effect on each major federal program to determine the auditing procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances for the purpose of expressing an opinion on compliance for each major federal program and to test and report on internal control over compliance in accordance with the Uniform Guidance, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of internal control over compliance. Accordingly, we do not express an opinion on the effectiveness of the University’s internal control over compliance. A deficiency in internal control over compliance exists when the design or operation of a control over compliance does not allow management or employees, in the normal course of performing their assigned functions, to prevent, or detect and correct, noncompliance with a type of compliance requirement of a federal program on a timely basis. A material weakness in internal control over compliance is a deficiency, ora combination of deficiencies, in internal control over compliance, such that there is a reasonable possibility that material noncompliance with a type of compliance requirement of a federal program will not be prevented, or detected and corrected, on a timely basis. A significant deficiency in intemal control over compliance is a deficiency, or a combination of deficiencies, in internal control over compliance with a type of compliance requirement of a federal program that is less severe than a material weakness in internal control over compliance, yet important enough to merit attention by those charged with governance. Our consideration of internal control over compliance was for the limited purpose described in the first paragraph of this section and was not designed to identify all deficiencies in internal control over compliance that might be material weaknesses or significant deficiencies. We did not identify any deficiencies in internal control over compliance that we consider to be material weaknesses. However, material weaknesses may exist that have not been identified. The purpose of this report on internal control over compliance is solely to describe the scope of our testing of internal control over compliance and the results of that testing based on the requirements of the Uniform Guidance. Accordingly, this report is not suitable for any other purpose. Report on Schedule of Expenditures of Federal Awards Required by the Uniform Guidance We have audited the consolidated financial statements of the University as of and for the year ended June 30, 2021, and have issued our report thereon dated October 4, 2021, which contained an unmodified opinion on those consolidated financial statements. Our audit was conducted for the purpose of forming an opinion on the consolidated financial statements as a whole. The accompanying schedule of expenditures of federal awards is presented for purposes of additional analysis as required by the Uniform Guidance and is not a required part of the consolidated financial statements. Such information is the responsibility of management and was derived from and relates directly to the underlying accounting and other records used to prepare the consolidated financial statements. The information has been subjected to the auditing procedures applied in the audit of the consolidated financial statements and certain additional procedures, including comparing and reconciling such information directly to the underlying accounting and other records used to prepare the consolidated financial statements or to the consolidated financial statements themselves, and other additional procedures in accordance with auditing standards generally accepted in the United States of America. In our opinion, the 84 kp schedule of expenditures of federal awards is fairly stated in all material respects in relation to the consolidated financial statements as a whole. KPI LIP Baltimore, Maryland September 2, 2022 85 SECTION E
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