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This poetry means and belongs to the private type because, in the word 'daffodils' which are in this poetry, it is considered as an act that relates to people ...

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Download THE MEANING OF SYMBOLS IN WILLIAM WORDSWORTH'S ... and more Exercises Poetry in PDF only on Docsity! THE MEANING OF SYMBOLS IN WILLIAM WORDSWORTH’S SELECTED POETRIES THESIS Submitted to the Board of Examiner in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for Literature Degree at English Literature Department by NOVA NURMA RAFLESIA AI.150321 ADAB AND HUMANITIES FACULTY STATE ISLAMIC UNIVERSITY SULTHAN THAHA SAIFUDDIN JAMBI 2019 quo DUNS NIN UiZ)odupy undodo ynyuag WOjOP Nu! syn) DANDY Yrun|as NOLO UOP UDIOBo gas yoAUOqadWwaw Buciniig ‘Z Iquior BYINS Nin wolom Gund uDGuyuaday uny!Gnuaw yopYy UodynBuag “q “YO(DSOW NYONs UONDIUY NOyO yy UOSNUad ‘UDJOdD) UDUNSNAUad ‘YOUU DANDY UOSyNUed ‘UDIOUEd ‘UDNIPIDUad UDBUyUSaday ynyUN DAUDY UDdyNBUag "oO :Buopun-Buopun |Gunpuyig Byd!D xOH {SD JEQUNs UDYNGeAUSW DP UDYLUNJUDDUaW OduDy ul syN) OAUDy Yrunjas noyo UDP UDIBoges dynBuew Bucunyig *| IQUIDP BYLNS NIN AMI DYdid YDH & IQWOS LIPPNYIOg CYOUL UOYYINS JO AISIBAIUN) SIWO}S| BYD4s APPROVAL Jambi.04 Oktober 2019 SupervisorI : Bahren, SS..MA Supervisor II : Erwin Hage, MA Address : Adab and Humaniora Faculty State Islamic University of Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi To The Dean of Adab and Humaniora Faculty State Islamic University of Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi Assalamu’alaikum Wr. Wo. Having read and revealed the thesis to significant extent, we agree that the thesis entitled “the Meaning of Symbols in William Wordsworth’s Selected Poetries” can be submitted to the munagosyah as partial fulfillment for the requirements to obtain a bachelor degree of English Literature. Therefore, this thesis is submitted to be accepted well. Best wishes it would be useful for all. Supervisor I Supervisor II Myr ; Bahren, SS.. Erwin Hage, MA NIP.197912302006041003 NIP. tuner MiDON vs WHIVEEL NHS ‘Ca RE EHLIENANE IQUIDP BYLNS NIN AMI DYdid YDH & quo DUNS NIN UiZ)odupy undodo ynyuag WOjOP Nu! syn) DANDY Yrun|as NOLO UOP UDIOBo gas yoAUOqadWwaw Buciniig ‘Z Iqwor oyjns Nin zolom Bund uDBuyusday unyiGnew yopy UDdynBuag *q “YO(DSOW NYONs UONDIUY NOyO yy UOSNUad ‘UDJOdD) UDUNSNAUad ‘YOUU DANDY UOSyNUed ‘UDIOUEd ‘UDNIPIDUad UDBUyUSaday ynyUN DAUDY UDdyNBUag "oO :Buopun-Buopun |Gunpuyig Byd!D xOH {SD JEQUNs UDYNGeAUSW DP UDYLUNJUDDUaW OduDy ul syN) OAUDy Yrunjas noyo UDP UDIBoges dynBuew Bucunyig *| MOTTO Meaning : “He is the One who made the earth easy for you, so walk in all directions and eat some of His sustenance. And only to Him are you (returned after) resurrected.” Artinya : "Dialah yang menjadikan bumi itu mudah bagi kamu, Maka berjalanlah di segala penjurunya dan makanlah sebahagian dari recki-Nya, dan hanya kepada-Nya-lah kamu (kembali setelah) dibangkitkan.” (Q.S. Al-Mulk:15) IQWOS LIPPNYIOg CYOUL UOYYINS JO AISIBAIUN) SIWO}S| BYD4s * The Nobel Qur'an. (2016), Qur’ (Also known as The Noble Qur'an. Al Qur'an. Holy Qur'an, Koran), Retrieved from Accessed on October 27°" 2019 at 3:25 am. DEDICATION In the name of Allah the most gracious merciful and prophet Muhammad Solallahualaihi Wassalam I dedicate this thesis to my proud father Usman Jamil , my wonderful and super talkaktive mother Susmaherti, and my one and only little sister Atik Hayati who sacrifice and pray as always for me in getting a bachelor degree And never forgot Mother‘s family My great grandfather Suryadi, grandmother Mawarna My uncle Kastoria, uncle Hasan, uncle Risdianto, uncle Padol, uncle Amin, aunty Kis, aunty Fat, aunty Cici, and aunty Widi. My cousin Adzikia, Andika, Sulto, Iksan, Farel, Kiki, Iis, Dipa, Fairus, Aqil, Haifa, and Ica. Aunty Rahma, sister Ulfa, Mia, Nadia, Tiara, Tita, Zahra, uncle Reky, aunty Lora, uncle Harto, grandma Mar, grandfa Usman, grandma Ras, grandfa Mat, grenma Ervani and others. Father‘s family My beautiful grandmother Radiah My uncle Zainuddin, uncle Naldi, uncle Samsul, uncle Matlisar, aunty Repalinda, aunty Almida, aunty Ilma, and aunty Mila. My cousin Wasril, Reza, Nanda, Ayumi, Taufiq, Wawan, Najwa, Nayla, Dayat, Nadim, Amar, Zizi, Nizom, and Fatin. And others family, litle sister Tasya, Ghazia, aunty Mery, uncle Harmaini, aunty Nurlaili, uncle Herman, uncle Oka, brother Azlan, grandma Zakiah, grandfa Bustan, grandma Fitrianti, grandfa Helmison and others. To the best my subervisors Mr. Bahren, SS., MA and Mr. Erwin Hage, MA. ACKNOWLEDGMENT Alhamdulillahirabbil’aalamiin. Firstly, the writer wants to thank and pray to Allah SWT, the lord of universe and other creatures. All the mercies and blessings which have given from the starting point until now, and let me flow easily in accomplishing the thesis entitled ―the Meaning of Symbols in William Wordsworth’s Selected Poetries”. Then, Sholawat and Salam never forgot be given to our Prophet Muhammad SAW, as the perfect example who has guided us to the truth religion, namely Islam. Hopefully, we get his syafa’at later at the last day. Secondly, I would like to thank to all people who have helped me in writing this thesis. My sincere gratitude goes to: 1. My best supervisors, Bahren, S.S., MA and Erwin Hage, MA who have genuinely guided me during the process of completing this thesis. 2. My proud father Usman Jamil , my wonderful and super talkative mother Susmaherti, and my one and only little sister Atik Hayati who sacrifice and pray as always for me in getting a bachelor degree. 3. My dearest classmaters, BSI A and B 2015, for support, memories and for all was we did as long as we did thank you. 4. My roommaters to Rusnita and Latifa thank you be kind and nice. 5. All my lectures who have given me knowledge and experience during meeting in the class till now. 6. The Head of English Literature Department, Ulfatmi Azlan, S.S., MA and the secretary Dian Muhlisa, MA who given the great supervised. 7. All of officials in Adab and Humanities Faculty who have managed my administrations and requirements as long as my study till graduation. 8. The Dean of Adab and Humanities Faculty, Prof. Dr. Maisah, Mpd.I., the Vice Dean, Dr. Alfian, M.Ed., Dr. H,M Fadhil, M. Ag., and Dr. Raudhoh, M.Pd.I. 9. The Rector of State Islamic University of Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi, Prof. Dr. H. Su‘aidi, MA, P.Hd as a rector, Dr. Hidayat, M, Pd., and Fadilla, M.Pd., who allowed me to study in the university 10. My Best Friends Nhovia, Septi, Umi, Hartati, Iin, Nilva, Diah, Indah, Kintan, Satri, Dewi, Gusmar, Nafa,Whilma, Yatmi, Putri, Aina, Jasni, Arya, Beno, Bogy, Rober and others that I know in half world. ABSTRAK Nova Nurma Raflesia 2019 : Makna Simbol dalam Puisi Pilihan William Wordsworth. Mahasiswa/i Jurusan Sastra Inggris, Fakultas Adab dan Humaniora, Universitas Islam Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi. Pembimbing I : Bahren, S.S., MA Pembimbing II : Erwin Hage, MA Penelitian ini membahas tentang "Makna Simbol dalam Puisi Pilihan William Wordsworth". Penelitian ini membahas puisi William Wordsworth. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui tipe simbol apa dan arti dari simbol yang ditemukan dalam puisi yang dipilih William Wordsworth. Dalam penelitian tesis ini, penulis menggunakan penelitian kualitatif dari Junita Haigham. Penulis memilih menggunakan kualitatif, karena penelitian kualitatif umumnya digunakan dalam linguistik terapan. Linguistik terapan adalah bidang studi interdisipliner yang luas dan menarik. Ini berfokus pada bahasa yang digunakan, menghubungkan pengetahuan tentang bahasa dengan pemahaman tentang bagaimana mereka digunakan di dunia nyata. Penulis menggunakan metode ekspresif Nyoman Kutha Ratna. Dalam melakukan penelitian ini, metode ekspresif yang digunakan untuk menganalisis pemikiran, perasaan dan karya sastra penulis. Teknik pengumpulan data digunakan untuk menghindari data yang tidak akurat saat melakukan penelitian sehingga untuk mendapatkan data yang valid penulis membaca puisi yang dipilih dari William Wordsworth untuk memberi tanda pada bagian dari simbol-simbol yang ditemukan dalam puisi. Penulis mengumpulkan data dengan mengikuti langkah-langkah; Pertama, penulis mengambil puisi dari internet, Kedua, penulis mengambil data dari puisi, kemudian mengurangi data yang tidak berguna. Data dipilih kembali untuk memastikan tidak ada pengulangan dan kehilangan data. Dari apa yang penulis baca puisi dan analisis yang dipilih William Wordsworth, penulis menemukan 18 simbol dari kelima (5) puisi yang dipilih William Wordsworth. Penulis menemukan Tipe Simbol adalah, Simbol Konvensional: 16 simbol, dan Simbol Pribadi: 2 simbol. Sedangkan Makna- makna Simbol ditemukan adalah, Denotatif: 11 simbol, dan Konotatif: 7 simbol . KEY WORD Symbol : Symbol contained in poetry is to give a deep impression of ideas that the writer will convey to the reader. Poetry : Poetry is the expression of words that indicate the desire that is usually experienced by the writer himself or observations from life. William Wordsworth : William Wordsworth is a major Romantic poet, based in the Lake District, England (1770-1850). Type : Some symbols are generally accepted as universal and give few problems in their interpretation (Conventional Symbol) and Personal symbol is a poetries employs personal symbols and depends on terribly upon their use in context for interpretation(Personal Symbol) Meaning : Meaning is context designates the significance of the text for the reader: the impact of value the text has for the reader. TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE OF TITLE APPROVAL LETTER OF RATIFICATION ORIGINAL THESIS STATEMENT MOTTO DEDICATION ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ABSTRACT ABSTRAK KEY WORD TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION ........................................................................... 1 A. Background of the Problem ............................................................................ 1 B. Formulation Problem ...................................................................................... 4 C.Limitation of the Problem ................................................................................ 4 D. Purpose of the Research .................................................................................. 4 E. Significance of the Research ............................................................................ 5 CHAPTER II THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK .............................................. 6 A. Poetry .............................................................................................................. 6 B. Understanding of Symbol ............................................................................... 7 C. Types of Symbol ............................................................................................. 8 1. Conventional Symbol (Public Symbol) .................................................. 8 2. Personal Symbol (Private Symbol) ......................................................... 9 D. Kinds of Meaning .......................................................................................... 10 1. Denotative ............................................................................................ 10 willingness to have them fall into the wrong hands‖. William Wordsworth: ―Poetry is the spontaneous overflow the powerful feelings; it takes its origin from emotion recollected in tranquility; the emotion is contemplated till, by a species of reaction, the tranquility gradually disappears, and an emotion, kindred to that which was the subject of contemplation, is gradually produced and does itself actually exist in the main. Poetry is a word expression that is able to revive a person's mindset as if entering into appreciation in each verse delivered in poetry. Poetry is the expression of words that indicate the desire that is usually experienced by the writer himself or occurs because of observations from the life around the writer. Like the example of the poetry of rebellion experienced by the author, if an author expresses harsh or dirty words against rebellion, then the writer can be punished by legal sanctions because of the words, the writer reveals with a symbol that seems to reveal the meaning of the word to be conveyed. Poetry can also be a movement or change that will affect the reader, with motivational words for example, poetry can be a therapeutic thought that is channeled by the author, because each word that implied shakes the heart and mind of the reader. William Wordsworth (1770-1850) was a major Romantic poet, based in the Lake District, England. His poems are frequently inspired by the beauty of nature and he is known as one of the greatest English poets. William Wordsworth was born on 7 April, 1770 in Cockermouth, in northwest England. His father, John Wordsworth, introduced the young William to the great poetry of Milton and Shakespeare, but he was frequently absent during William‘s childhood. Instead, Wordsworth was brought up by his mother‘s parents in Penrith, but this was not a happy period. He felt frequently in conflict with his relations and at times contemplated ending his life. However, as a child, he did develop a great love of nature, spending many hours walking in the fells of the Lake District. He also became very close to his sister, Dorothy, who would later become a poet in her own right. 2 In this research, the writer analysis about William Wordsworth poetries. The objectives of the research to know about what types of symbols and kinds of symbols are found in William Wordsworth selected poetries. In this researched thesis, the writer used qualitative research of Junita Haigham. The writer chooses using this qualitative because qualitative research is commonly used in applied linguistics. Applied linguistics is a broad and exciting interdisciplinary field of study. It focused on language used, connecting knowledge about languages with an understanding of how they are used in the real world. The writer used expressive method of Nyoman Kutha Ratna. In doing this research, expressive method that used to analyze the thinking, felling and literary work of the author. The writter used technique of data collection used to avoid an inaccurate data while doing the research thus to get the valid data writer reads the William Wordsworth selected poetries to sign part of the symbols are found in the poetry. A symbol is a specific kind of sign, one that is arbitrarily chosen. Symbolism is everywhere. People throughout the world have agreed on certain symbols to serve as a shorthand system for recording and recalling information. 3 However, some of them are not really know what the real meaning of those symbols are. Some people think if that symbols have no meaning for their live, just as usual picture. If they want to find out the real meaning about that, people will know there are some secret and hidden purposes why that symbols appear in daily lives. Some symbols could be founded in everyplace and everything we meet. It also could be found in every product of technology which is very familiar in human life. 2 Pettingger, Tejvan. January 22 2010. “Biography William Wordsworth”, Oxford, UK 3 Danesi. Marcel. 2004.Message, signs, and Meanings, A Basic Textbook in Semiotics and Communication Theory (Third Edition, University of Toronto) p.33 Based on the background above, the writer is interested to study and analyze William Wordsworth‘s poetry, with the tittle the Meaning of Symbols in William Wordsworth’s Selected Poetries. B. Formulation Problem Based on the background of the problem above, the writer formulates the formulation of the problem as follow: 1. What types of symbols are found in William Wordsworth‘s selected poetries? 2. What are the meanings of the symbols in William Wordsworth‘s selected poetries? C. Limitation of the Problem The writer limits the problem in this research to avoid the broadness in analyzing data. Consequently, the writer chooses five poetries by William Wordsworth, such as: “I Wondered Lonely As A Cloud”, “Composed Upon Westminster Bridge”, “A Slumber Did My Spirit Seal”, “My Heart Leaps Up When I Behold Consisting”, and “The World Is Too Much With Us”. D. Purposes of the Research Based on the problems are mentioned above, the aim of this research are: 1. To find out the types of symbols are used in William Wordsworth‘s selected poetries. 2. To know the meaning of symbols used in William Wordsworth‘s selected poetries. Poetry is one type of literary works besides short stories and novels. What distinguishes poetry from fiction like short stories and novels in the form and use of the language. There is freedom of form in poetry that is not found in a short story or novel. If in a short story or novel a sentence must be written intact and end with punctuation, poetry has the free form. Poetry does not have to finish a sentence directly, but can be cut and continued in the next paragraph, ended with punctuation or not which is called enjambment. Meanwhile, the use of language the elements of the language used in poetry are used as much as possible in terms, intensity and rhythm and also sound. The language in poetry is a language that is developed and has many possible meanings. This is different from the literal language used in a short story or novel that can lead to one meaning as desired by the author. Poetry can employ more freely manipulated language elements. June (1985: 131) states that poetry is not limited in the elements of meaning (of words, phrases, sentences, and discourses) as in prose. In studying prose, many look for more mind aspects within it. There is even a tendency to forget the sound element. Language in prose is without sound but not with poetry. Sometimes the beauty of poetry is seen as the beauty of sound. B. Understanding of Symbol Symbol is an object or world have meaning which has been recognized in mind when symbol used can be understood what use be or what meaning is. Symbol can be object for communication indirectly. A symbol can explain about future or past, kind of symbol picture/paint, motion, object or voice. The symbol included an important role in human life, symbols can be used in social life, knowledge, religion, and superstition. Symbols that are a word or sounds/voice are contained in poetry, short stories, magazines, newspapers, books, musically poetry, drama/theater, and others. Wellek and Warren said that primarily, in the recurrence and persistence of the symbol. An image is invoked one as a metaphor, but if it is persistently recurs, both as presentation and as representation, it becomes a symbol, may even become part of a symbolic (or mythic) system 5 . Characteristics of symbol are: 1. Symbol is a thing such as name, term, or event. 2. Title of the poem could be the keyword. To know the symbol of poem. 3. Symbol may appear together with using the figures of speech. 4. The symbol usually appears in the first line as introduction and it is repeats in the line as the conclusion. The function of the symbol contained in poetry is to give a deep impression of ideas that the writer will convey to the reader. Symbols used by writers are usually in the form of words that explain other meanings, so they are not too standard. the symbol itself is not carelessly stated by the poet's creator, the creator used to match the symbol with the previous stanzas and the after stanzas. C. Types of Symbols Generally, people divide symbol into two kinds, some symbols are ―conventional‖ or ―public‖ and some symbol are ―private‖ or ―personal‖ 6 . 1. Conventional Symbol (Public Symbol) In literature use, symbols depend upon their context of meaning. Some symbols are generally accepted as universal and give few problems in their interpretation = water symbolizes life, sleep symbolizes death, winter symbolizes old age or death, sunrise symbolizes birth. Thus ―the cross, the red, white, and blue‖. The good shepherds‖ are the term that signifies the symbolic object of which the further significance is determinate within a particular culture (it is cultural symbols that have known by all people). Poets like all of us. Use such a conventional symbol. 5 Austin Warren and Walek Rene, Op.cit., p103 6 Sylvan Barnet et all. 1966. An Introduction to Literature: Fictim, Poetry, Drama, (Canada, Little Brew), p. 63. In the case of public symbols, the context is the culture and universal agreements, which allows these to be recognized and understood by a member of grub. Conventional symbol is a symbol on which people have agreed to accept it as standing for something other than themselves. 7 2. Personal Symbol (Private Symbol) Occasionally, a poet employs personal symbols and depends on terribly upon their use in context for interpretation. As with most analysis, this contextual use and emphasis directs the reader from imagination or metaphoric interpretation to the symbolic intent of the poet. Often they do by exploiting preexisting and widely shared association of certain concepts within object or event or action for example, the general tendency to associate an epagogic with pride and eagle with heroic endeavor, or the rising sun with birth, or climbing with effort or progress and descent with surrender or failure some poets, however, often use symbol whose significance the generate mainly for themselves, and they're more difficult problems in interpretation. Kennedy says in the case of private symbol those are created by artist and use throughout the work, the context is the work. The context is the work, and the symbol is meaning complex created by repetition within, and association with that context. The object that is not a conventional symbol, however, personal symbol gives rise to reach multiple, indefinable associations. 8 In other words, if a poet has a private symbol it often remains private use. the symbol used by a poet and the symbol is only understood by that person personally. This is the difference between conventional symbols and personal symbols, with conventional symbols the reader easily understands the intentions and meanings of the writer, whereas personal symbols are sometimes difficult for ordinary readers to recognize meanings and 7 Ibid. p.91 8 Ibid. p.95 writing style. Connotation and denotation play a vital role in learning language and comprehending literature. Words can be used for positive or negative connotations based on context and need. In the course of communication, we use language which is symbolic to represent ideas, objects, and feelings. We can interpret any given statement in more than one way. Sometimes the difference is simply literal versus figurative interpretation. We better understand that words are not limited to one single meaning. Most of the words do not simply express a thought, but also express feelings beyond the word‘s literal meaning. Denotation and Connotation are two principal methods of describing the meanings of words. 11 Language is symbolic in that we use it to represent ideas, objects, and feelings. Connotation and denotation, a part of language and communication, are two more tools to distinguish the meaning of an unfamiliar term. E. Review of Related Researches Alasa (2013), Islamic University Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi in his thesis with the title ―The Satanic Symbols In Lady Gaga‘s Selected Video Clips‖. This research paper is to find out what the satanic symbols appeared in Lady Gaga‘s selected video clip, to find out the meaning of satanic symbols that appeared in Lady Gaga‘s selected video clip and to find out the influence of those satanic symbols toward Lady Gaga‘s life. This research paper used the symbolism theory and mythological archetypal approach to support the writing of this thesis. The method of this research used a qualitative method. This research conducted through several steps, those are, identifying, classifying, analyzing, explaining and making a conclusion. The research was analyzed descriptively. 11 Ibid. p.1 (2009), State Islamic University Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, this thesis with the title ―Imagery and Figurative Language Analysis in Two Poems by Robert Pinsky‖, the research discusses two poems by Robert Pinsky which is both poems are included in modern poetry. The objectives of this research are to know what kinds of several imagery and figurative languages in the poem in Berkeley and the Unseen by Robert Pinksky and also to know how imagery and figurative language convey the theme of both poems do. The method of research, the writer utilizes a qualitative approach that is analyzing imagery and figurative language which is used by a poet to understand the content of the poems Jannah (2007), Islamic University Sultan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi, in his thesis with title The Meaning of Symbols in Walt Whitman‘s Poem ―When Lilac Last in the Door Yard Bloom‘d‖. This research discussed using symbols and their meaning in Walk Whitman‘s poem. Symbol forms of place that content expression of feeling, thought, the idea of a poet in the poem. In this research the writer use theory by Austin Warren and Rene Walek. It is concerned with the symbol used in Whitman‘s poem. The research used descriptive and expressive methods. Fitria HeniResti (2012), Islamic University Sultan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi in his thesis with the title ―The Symbols Of Death As Seen In J.K Rowling‘s Novel Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows‖. This research uses the analysis Content method from Krippendorff in Esti‘sunpublished thesis to analyze the symbols in this thesis. On the other hand, the writer used objective theory from Abraham. Hermeneutic Recoeur and Archetypal Approach as the Approach to discover and to find out the meaning of Deathly Hallows.In the last series of Harry Potter Novel, Harry Potter, and The Deathly Hellows. Lintang (2010), Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University in his thesis with the title ―A Symbol Analysis on John Donne‘s Poem; A Lecture Upon the Shadow and the Prohibition‖. The research discussed John Donne‘s poems. The objectives of the research are to know about utilized symbols in John Donne‘s poems, the meaning of them, and symbols contributions in building the themes of the poems. Those poems were studied by using descriptive methods and content analysis techniques. In this research, the writer focused on symbol analyzing those selected poems. This research discusses ―the Meaning of Symbols in William Wordsworth‘s Selected Poetries‖. The research discussed William Wordsworth poetries. The objectives of the research to know about what types symbol and kinds symbol of symbols are found in William Wordsworth selected poetries. In this research this thesis, the writer used qualitative research of Junita Haigham. The writer used expressive method of Nyoman Kutha Ratna. In doing this research, expressive method that used to analyze the thinking, feeling and literary work of the author. Technique of data collection used to avoid inaccurate data while doing the research thus to get the valid data writer reads the William Wordsworth selected poetries to sign part of the symbols are found in the poetry. 2. Paraphrasing the poetry as a way to find the context of poetry. 3. The symbols are found interpreted by referring to some dictionaries. 4. Reading the biography of William Wordsworth. 5. Classifying the symbol found in William Wordsworth‘s Selected Poetries. 6. Conclusion. CHAPTER IV FINDING AND ANALYSIS The objects of this research is William Wordsworth‘s selected poetries such as: “I Wondered Lonely As A Cloud”, “Composed Upon Westminster Bridge”, “A Slumber Did My Spirit Seal”, “My Heart Leaps Up When I Behold Consisting”, and “The World Is Too Much With Us”. A. Types of Symbol Types of symbol there are two, conventional symbol or general symbol and personal symbol or private symbol. Conventional symbols are meanings that are known by the public or a group of people, who already know the meanings conveyed by the symbols contained in poetry, when the reader gets the conventional symbols in the poetry verse then immediately know the implied meaning of the symbol. Personal symbol is a poetries employs personal symbols and depends on terribly upon their use in context for interpretation. As with most analysis, this contextual use and emphasis directs the reader from imagination or metaphoric interpretation to the symbolic intent of the poet. This is the difference between conventional symbols and personal symbols, with conventional symbols the reader easily understands the intentions and meanings of the writer, whereas personal symbols are sometimes difficult for ordinary readers to recognize meanings because the meanings and meanings contained in personal symbols are only known by group or the author own. 1. Conventional Symbol In selected poetries symbols found included in conventional symbols are: Stars Heads, Dances, Earth, Human, Earth‘s, Rocks, Stones, Trees, Man, Die, Natural, world, Getting, Spending and Hearts. I Wondered Lonely As A Cloud a. Second stanza Continuous as the stars that shine And twinkle on the milky way, They stretched in never-ending line Along the margin of a bay: Ten thousand saw I at a glance, Tossing their heads in sprightly dance. Explanation of the type: (Stars) In this poetry, the writer found the type of conventional. It could be seen word 'stars'. This poetry means and includes conventional type because, in the word 'stars' in this poetry, the poetry compares daffodils with stars, which is directed towards a star that continues to shine and aims that the star usually illuminates a dark and twinkle in the sky. Explanation of the type: (Heads) In this poetry, the writer found another type of conventional as seen from the word 'head'. This poetry means and includes conventional type because in the word 'head' here shows that everyone has a head and the meaning here explains that he acts indifferent and as if he doesn't care, the part that directs the head here is the petals of daffodils, which dance with the wind directing where the head of the daffodils carried. b. Four stanza For oft, when on my couch I lie In vacant or in pensive mood, They flash upon that inward eye Which is the bliss of solitude; Explanation of the type: (Rocks, Stones, Trees) In this poetry, the writer found the type of conventional as seen word 'rocks, stones, trees'. This poetry means and includes conventional type because in the words 'rocks, stones, trees' here surely everyone knows the meaning of rocks, stones, trees where these three objects are objects that are commonly found in everyday life, and these three objects have also been recognized by many people by tagging for people who have died. My Heart Leaps Up When I Behold Consisting a. Line 1-4 My heart leaps up when I behold A rainbow in the sky: So was it when my life began; So is it now I am a man; Explanation of the type: (Man) In this poetry, the writer found the type of conventional as seen 'man'. This poetry means and includes conventional type because in the word 'man' is a designation for a man who has grown up, in other words, a man has passed through childhood, adolescence, to adulthood. b. Line 5-9 So be it when I shall grow old, Or let me die! The Child is father of the Man; And I could wish my days to be Bound each to each by natural piety. Explanation of the type: (Die): Line 5-9 in part line 2 the writer found the type of conventional as seen 'die'. This poetry means and includes conventional type because in the word 'die' is the end of life, in life, have a sequence such as birth, life, and death. Explanation of the type: (Natural) In this poetry, the writer found the type of conventional as seen 'natural'. This poetry means and includes conventional type because the word 'natural' has been recorded in human memory, who already knew when this word was conveyed. The World Is Too Much With Us a. Line 1-3 The world is too much with us; late and soon, Getting and spending, we lay waste our powers;— Little we see in Nature that is ours; Explanation of the type: (World) In the first line, the writer found the type of conventional as seen 'world'. This poetry means and includes conventional type because in the word 'world' has been recorded in human memory, who already knew when this word was delivered. Explanation of the type: (Getting) In this part, the writer found the type of conventional as seen ‗getting‘. This poetry means and includes conventional type because, in the word 'getting' usually used in everyday conversation, this word has been recorded in human memory, which immediately knows when this word is conveyed. Explanation of the type: (Spending) The writer found the type of conventional as seen 'spending'. This poetry means and includes conventional type because, in the word 'spending' commonly used in everyday conversation, this word has been recorded in human memory, which immediately knows when this word is conveyed. b. Line 4-6 We have given our hearts away, a sordid boon! This Sea that bares her bosom to the moon; The winds that will be howling at all hours, Explanation of the type: (Hearth) In the last poetry, the writer found the type of conventional as seen 'hearts'. This poetry means and belongs to the conventional type because 'hearts' is one of the most important parts of the human body, this word has been recorded in human memory, which immediately knows when this word is delivered. 2. Personal Symbol Others symbols found in selected poetries included in personal symbols are: Daffodils and Houses. I Wondered Lonely As A Cloud a. First stanza I wandered lonely as a cloud That floats on high o'er vales and hills, When all at once I saw a crowd, A host, of golden daffodils; From selected poetries William Wordsworth the writer concludes that symbols found on: 1. I Wandered Lonely As A Cloud: Daffodils, Stars, Heads and Dance. 2. Composed Upon Westminster Bridge: Earth and houses 3. A Slumber Did My Spirit Seal: Human, Earth‘s, Rocks, Stones and Trees. 4. My Heart Leaps Up When I Behold Consisting: Man, Die and Natural 5. The World Is Too Much With Us: World, Getting, Spending, and Hearts. B. Kinds of Meanings Meaning is this context designates the significance of the text for the reader: the impact of the value of the text has for the reader. We can read a text with understanding to find out meaning since it makes impact. There are two kinds of meaning: 1. Denotative Denotative meaning is the literary or dictionary meaning of the word. In selected poetries, symbols found included in denotative are: Heads, Dances, Earth, Human, Earth‘s, Die, Natural, World, Getting, Spending, and Hearts. I Wondered Lonely As A Cloud a. Second stanza Continuous as the stars that shine And twinkle on the milky way, They stretched in never-ending line Along the margin of a bay: Ten thousand saw I at a glance, Tossing their heads in sprightly dance. Explanation of the meaning: (Heads) Heads here as described by the poetry "Ten thousand saw I at a glance, Tossing their heads in sprightly dance", this explains that William Wordsworth explains the ‗head‘ here is the head of the thousands of daffodils, the head of these daffodils is the petals, like humans, the location of the head in humans is at the top of the body, as well as plants, and other living things. According to what the writer has explained in the previous chapter in analyzing meaning there are two (2), first denotative, second connotative, after the writer considered and followed the ‗heads‘ theory here included in the denotative. b. Fourth stanza For oft, when on my couch I lie In vacant or in pensive mood, They flash upon that inward eye Which is the bliss of solitude; And then my heart with pleasure fills, And dances with the daffodils. Explanation of the meaning: (Dance) In this section is a simple expression of happiness William Wordsworth conveyed, as if to indicate how his happiness in appreciating the beauty he saw even though it was small and simple, to attract his attention to dances with daffodils. After the author considered and followed ‗dances‘ theory here included in the denotative. Composed Upon Westminster Bridge a. Line 1-7 Earth has not anything to show more fair: Dull would he be of soul who could pass by A sight so touching in its majesty: This City now doth, like a garment, wear The beauty of the morning; silent, bare, Ships, towers, domes, theatres, and temples lie Open unto the fields, and to the sky; Explanation of the meaning: (Earth) Earth is a place where humans, plants, animals and others creatures live. The earth described in this first line is where humans can get anything from the produce of the earth. Then there are other explanations as explained from the first line to the seventh line and explain the activities or live in the world. The symbol found ‗die‘, after the writer considered and followed the theory of ‗die‘ here included in the denotative. Explanation of the meaning: (Natural) This poetry expresses his feelings for nature, hopes that nature is always with him until he die, this is the way the poetry expresses how he feels so like the beauty of the rainbow, the sky, the whole earth, along with all the captivating nature makes him chuckle, the author insists that let him live with all the beauty that he has today. According to what the writer has explained in the previous chapter in analyzing meaning there are two (2), first denotative, second connotative, after the writer considered and followed the theory of 'natural' here included in the denotative. The World Is Too Much With Us a. Line 1-3 The world is too much with us; late and soon, Getting and spending, we lay waste our powers;— Little we see in Nature that is ours; Explanation of the meaning: (World) In the first line, the writer found symbol is ‗World‘, mean the world has given what it has for human so that it can be used, occupied or otherwise in human life. According to what the writer has explained in the previous chapter in analyzing meaning there are two (2), first denotative, second connotative, after the writer considered and followed the theory 'World' here entered in the denotative. Explanation of the meaning: (Getting) The symbol found here ‗getting‘, mean well that humans get all their needs from the world, people take advantage of their needs from the results of the world, all of the humans needed can be got and took. Humans took, got, and lost control, without them thinking about the world that has given all humans needed in life. After the writer considered and followed the ‗getting‘ theory here included in the denotative. Explanation of the meaning: (Spending) Spending, also listed in line 2, explain how greedy people who spend the world are filled with greed. Humans who behave without thinking impact become in the world, such as life without a sense of sin. Everything they had gotten was wasted. The writer was found symbol of this poetry is ‗spending‘, after the writer considered and followed the ‗spending‘ theory here included in the denotative. b. Line 4-6 We have given our hearts away, a sordid boon! This Sea that bares her bosom to the moon; The winds that will be howling at all hours Explanation of the meaning: (Hearts) Here "We have given our hearts away, a sordid boon!" The poetry explains the human remorse that has wasted what he got from the world, so he gave hearts with his guilt, because of the greed he had done. According to what the writer has explained in the previous chapter in analyzing the meaning there are two (2), first denotative, second connotative, after the writer considered and followed the theory of ‗hearts‘ here included in the denotative. 2. Connotative Connotative meaning is the suggested or added meaning usually changes in meaning. A word may conveyed certain affective or evaluative associations. In selected poetries symbols found included in connotative are: Daffodils, Stars, Houses, Rocks, Stones, Trees, and Man. I Wondered Lonely As A Cloud a. First stanza I wandered lonely as a cloud That floats on high o'er vales and hills, When all at once I saw a crowd, A host, of golden daffodils; Beside the lake, beneath the trees, Fluttering and dancing in the breeze. Explanation of the meaning: (Daffodils) From the first bait in this poetry the writer found the ‗daffodils‘ flower symbol, in this bait conveyed by William Wordsworth that the compilation was running and found a bunch of daffodils flowers that look beautiful, these flowers have an increasing appeal. Daffodils flower is beauty, a group of daffodils that represents the feeling of a happy person, because of the beauty appeal that is emitted by daffodils flowers. According to what the writer has explained in the previous chapter in analyzing the meaning there are two (2), the first denotative, the second connotative, after the writer considered and followed the ‗daffodils‘ theory here included in the connotative. b. Second stanza Continuous as the stars that shine And twinkle on the milky way, They stretched in never-ending line Explanation of the meaning: (Man) Here explained that a person who has a deep soul closeness to the natural beauty around him since he was a child until now has grown up. According to what the writer has explained in the previous chapter in analyzing meaning there are two (2), first denotative, second connotative, after the writer considered and followed the theory of ‗Man‘ here included in connotative. As seen the writer found from selected poetries William Wordsworth, Meanings of symbols are Denotative and Connnotative. After the writer considered and followed theory the writer found 18 symbols from selected poetries, denotative symbol got 11 symbols, and connotative symbol got 7 simblos. Here the writer count persent and make diagram of symbol as seen: Denotative: 11 symbols 1. Heads 2. Dances 3. Earth 4. Human 5. Earth‘s 6. Die 7. Natural 8. World 9. Getting 10. Spending 11. Heart Connotative: 7 symbols 1. Daffodils 2. Stars 3. Houses 4. Roks 5. Stones 6. Trees 7. Man 77% 23% Kinds of Symbols Denotative Connotative B. Suggestion For suggestions, the writer would like to given to reader needed for knowledge as follows: 1. Research did by the writer for the reader being able to understand the meaning of symbols and being able to distinguish various kinds of symbols, the way the writer explained in this thesis, with described in language that is easily understood by the reader. 2. The author hopefully, with the explanation in this thesis, the explanation of symbols that are easy to understand and pay attention to their meaning and type, by looking at each hidden purpose that the author tries to describe by playing with words that use symbols. 3. Based on studies that have been conducted by the writer hopefully, the reader got references related to symbols and to becomes a guideline so that research can be proven in writing and has been universally recognized. 4. The writer hopes the reader can develop and interpret poetry based on such as symbols, especially English literature, Adab and Humanities Faculty, State Islamic University Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi, and the general public. REFERENCES Books: Aminuddin. 2004. Pengantar Apresiasi Karya Sastra. Sinar. Bandung: Baru Algensiindo Barnet, Sylvan Et all. 1996. An Introduction to Literature: Fictim, Poetry, Drama. Canada, Little Brew Cirlot, J.E. 2001. Dictionary of Symbols (Taylor & Francis e-Library) Fromkin, Victoria. An Introduction to Language. London:Harcourt Brace Haigham, Junita R. A. 2009. Qualitative Research in Applied Linguistics. (R. A. Juanita Heigham. Ed) New Yeork: Pal grave Macmillan Imorporated. Glorier. 1945. Encyclopedia Americana. 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American International Journal of Contemporary Research APPENDIX II I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud BY WILLIAM WORDSWORTH (1770-1850) I wandered lonely as a cloud That floats on high o'er vales and hills, When all at once I saw a crowd, A host, of golden daffodils; Beside the lake, beneath the trees, Fluttering and dancing in the breeze. Continuous as the stars that shine And twinkle on the milky way, They stretched in never-ending line Along the margin of a bay: Ten thousand saw I at a glance, Tossing their heads in sprightly dance. The waves beside them danced; but they Out-did the sparkling waves in glee: A poet could not but be gay, In such a jocund company: I gazed—and gazed—but little thought What wealth the show to me had brought: For oft, when on my couch I lie In vacant or in pensive mood, They flash upon that inward eye Which is the bliss of solitude; And then my heart with pleasure fills, And dances with the daffodils. Composed upon Westminster Bridge WILLIAM WORDSWORTH (September 3, 1802) Earth has not any thing to show more fair: Dull would he be of soul who could pass by A sight so touching in its majesty: This City now doth, like a garment, wear The beauty of the morning; silent, bare, Ships, towers, domes, theatres, and temples lie Open unto the fields, and to the sky; All bright and glittering in the smokeless air. Never did sun more beautifully steep In his first splendour, valley, rock, or hill; Ne'er saw I, never felt, a calm so deep! The river glideth at his own sweet will: Dear God! the very houses seem asleep; And all that mighty heart is lying still! A Slumber did my Spirit Seal BY WILLIAM WORDSWORTH (1770-1850) A slumber did my spirit seal; I had no human fears: She seemed a thing that could not feel The touch of earthly years. No motion has she now, no force; She neither hears nor sees; Rolled round in earth's diurnal course, With rocks, and stones, and trees. My Heart Leaps Up when I Behold Consisting William Wordsworth (1770-1850) My heart leaps up when I behold A rainbow in the sky: So was it when my life began; So is it now I am a man; CURRICULUM VITAE NOVA NURMA RAFLESIA ENGLISH LITERATURE ADAB AND HUMANITIES FACULTY STATE ISLAMIC UNIVERSITY SULTHAN THAHA SAIFUDDIN JAMBI PERSONAL PROFILE Name Place and Date of Birth Address Phone Number Instagram Facebook Twitter YouTube Nova Nurma Raflesia Sungai Penuh, 31 Mei 1997 Lubuk Gedang, Mukomuko, Bengkulu 082176012859 @Nova_Nurma_R @Nova_Nurma_R @Nova_Nurma_R @Nova_Nurma_R EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND 2003 2009 2012 2015 TK Ranah Karya, Lubuk Pinang, Mukomuko, Bengkulu SD N. 06 Lubuk Pinang, Mukomuko, Bengkulu MTS N DANAU KERINCI, Tanjung Pauh Hilir, Sungai Penuh – Kerinci, Jambi SMK N 03 Mukomuko (AKUNTANSI), Mukomuko, Bengkulu quo oyyns NIN wolom Bund uDBuyusday uDyIBoiew yopY UodynBuag -q IquDr OUINS NIN Uzi oduoy undodo ynJuSsq Wo}OP JU! ging OfuDY Yrunjas NOLO UDP UOIDGo ges yOAUDGad WAL BUuduDIg “Z “YOLOSOW NpONs UONOfU NOLO yyy UDS|NUed “UdJOdD] UOUNSNAUad ‘Yoru OAU0y UDSINUSd ‘UDIyWjoUed ‘UDyIPIpUed UDBUYyUeday yNJUN DAUDY UOdyNBUAag "Oo :*Suppun-Suppun !Sunpumig Dyd!D 4H JSD JAQLUNS UDANQeAUaW OP UDAWNJUDSUEW DdUDY Jul SIN) OAuOY Yyrunjas noyo uop uoIBogas dynBuew Buon *| IQWOP OUYNS NIN AIL OYdIO YOH @ IQWOS LIPPNYOS DYOYL UOYYINS JO AYISIBAIUI SILUDYS| B4D4g KEMENTRIAN AGAMA RI & UNIVERSITAS ISLAM NEGERI SULTHAN THAHA SAIFUDDIN JAMBI =Sarmaeo= FAKULTAS ADAB DAN HUMANIORA Ji. Jambi-Muara Bulian KM. 16 Simp. Sungai Duren Kab. Ma. Jambi Kode Pos 36363 CONSULTATION CARD Name : Nova Nurma Raflesia NIM : AI.150321 Title of Thesis : the Meaning of Symbols in William Wordsworth’s Selected Poetries Advisor I : Bahren, S.S., MA No Date Material of Consultation Signature 1} 24/01/2019 Research Problem f 2 | 21/02/2019 Review Chapter I 7 3 | 24/02/2019 Review Chapter II 4 4 | 28/03/2019 Review Chapter IIT a 5 | 29/04/2019 Review All Of Chapters iy 6 | -G2m052019 Acc For Proposal Seminary f 7 | 29/05/2019 Ratification Of Title ty 8 | 03/10/2019 Review Chapter IV J 9 | 04/10/2019 Review Chapter IV ly 10 | ©4/10/2019 | Review Chapter IV and V, Acc For Munaqasyah 4 / Jambi,°4 Oktober 2019 IquDr OUINS NIN Uzi oduoy undodo ynJuSsq Wo}OP JU! ging OfuDY Yrunjas NOLO UDP UOIDGo ges yOAUDGad WAL BUuduDIg “Z quo oyyns NIN wolom Bund uDBuyusday uDyIBoiew yopY UodynBuag -q “YOLOSOW NpONs UONOfU NOLO yyy UDS|NUed “UdJOdD] UOUNSNAUad ‘Yoru OAU0y UDSINUSd ‘UDIyWjoUed ‘UDyIPIpUed UDBUYyUeday yNJUN DAUDY UOdyNBUAag "Oo JSD JAQLUNS UDANQeAUaW OP UDAWNJUDSUEW DdUDY Jul SIN) OAuOY Yyrunjas noyo uop uoIBogas dynBuew Buon *| :*Suppun-Suppun !Sunpumig Dyd!D 4H IQWOP OUYNS NIN AIL OYdIO YOH @ IQWOS LIPPNYOS DYOYL UOYYINS JO AYISIBAIUI SILUDYS| B4D4g & KEMENTRIAN AGAMA RI UNIVERSITAS ISLAM NEGERI SULTHAN THAHA SAIFUDDIN JAMBI —e FAKULTAS ADAB DAN HUMANIORA Ji. Jambi-Muara Bulian KM. 16 Simp. Sungai Duren Kab. Ma. Jambi Kode Pos 36363 CONSULTATION CARD Name : Nova Nurma Raflesia NIM 2 AIL150321 Title of Thesis : the Meaning of Symbols in William Wordsworth’s Selected Poetries Advisor II : Erwin Hage, MA No Date Material of Consultation Signature 1 25/01/2019 Research Problem ty 2 | 20/02/2019 Review Chapter I, II AN 3 17/04/2019 Review Chapter I, II, and III Ul 4 | 22/04/2019 Acc For Proposal Seminary _a 2 | 220)? Ratification Of Title 6 | 24/10/2019 Review Chapter IV Way 7 | 25/10/2019 Review Chapter IV Gah 8 | 94/10/2019 Review Chapter IV and V, Acc For Munaqosyah ol. Jambi, ©4 Oktober 2019 An. Dekan aki! Del dang Akademik
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