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The Postmodern self in Thomas Pynchon's the Crying of Lot 49, Summaries of Philosophy

This essay is about identity and the self in Thomas Pynchon's critically acclaimed masterpiece. The Crying of Lot 49. Through a combination of postmodern ...

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Download The Postmodern self in Thomas Pynchon's the Crying of Lot 49 and more Summaries Philosophy in PDF only on Docsity! AKADEMIN FÖR UTBILDNING OCH EKONOMI Avdelningen för humaniora The Postmodern self in Thomas Pynchon's the Crying of Lot 49 Dismantling the unified self by a combination of postmodern philosophy and close reading Andreas Signell 2015-16 Uppsats, Grundnivå (Studentarbete övrigt) 15 hp Engelska med ämnesdidaktisk inriktning (61-90) Ämneslärarprogrammet med inriktning mot arbete i gymnasieskolan 0030 Uppsats Handledare: Iulian Cananau, PhD Examinator: Marko Modiano, docent Abstract This essay is about identity and the self in Thomas Pynchon's critically acclaimed masterpiece The Crying of Lot 49. Through a combination of postmodern philosophy and close reading, it examines instances of postmodernist representations of identity in the novel. The essay argues that Pynchon is dismantling the idea of a unified self and instead argues for and presents a postmodern take on identity in its place. Questions asked by the essay are: in what ways does Pynchon criticize the idea of a unified self? What alternatives to this notion does Pynchon present? The essay is split into six chapters, an introductory section followed by a background on Thomas Pynchon and the novel. This is followed by an in-depth look into postmodernism, and Ludwig Wittgenstein's importance for it, as well as the basic concepts of his philosophy. This is followed by the main analysis in which a myriad of segments and quotations from the novel are looked at. Lastly, this is followed by a summarizing conclusion. The essay assumes a postmodernist approach of not being a definitive answer; rather it is one voice among many in the community of Pynchon interpreters. The conclusion shows that the examples given in the analysis present a range of answers as to how Pynchon dismantles the self, and what alternatives he presents in its wake. Pynchon explores the Cartesian ego, Lacanian other, Freudian ego and postmodernist alternatives in the novel, and presents in postmodern fashion, a multitude of answers as to how he dismantles the idea of a unified self in the novel. Keywords: Pynchon, self, identity, postmodernism, Wittgenstein 2 precursor to postmodernism, said in his masterpiece Thus Spake Zarathustra that "This- is now my way,- where is yours?' Thus did I answer those who asked me 'the way.' For the way- it does not exist!" (152). The phrase is now often simplified as "You have your way. I have my way. As for the right way, the correct way, and the only way, it does not exist". This is the same mentality one must assume when analyzing Pynchon directly. Similarly, Brian McHale advises critics: "[...] to approach Pynchon head-on (or as nearly head-on as the special difficulties of his texts permit), and then one has some chance of finally reaching the hilltop, from where it is possible to survey the entire countryside." (Postmodernist Fiction 10) The notion of the unified self that this essay uses is a common notion in philosophy of the self, but requires some explanation. The unified self is to some degree an essentialist idea, that there is some entity or function that constitutes the self as a unified being in and of itself, i.e. it is a substance, whether it be graspable (such as the body or brain) or ungraspable (such as the soul or mind). Thus, the belief in a unified self is the belief that there exists some entity in each person that constitutes their individual self. Neuroscientist and philosopher Sam Harris has criticized the idea of a unified self in his book Waking Up: As a matter of neurology, the sense of having a persistent and unified self must be an illusion, because it is built upon processes that, by their very nature as processes, are transitory and multifarious. There is no region of the brain that can be the seat of a soul. Everything that makes us human— our emotional lives, capacity for language, the impulses that give rise to complex behavior, and our ability to restrain other impulses that we consider uncivilized— is spread across the entirety of the cortex and many subcortical brain regions as well. The whole brain is involved in making us what we are. So we need not await any data from the lab to say that the self cannot be what it seems. (115-116) This is just one of the explanations why the notion of the conventional self is under scrutiny in philosophy, and has been so from the beginnings of philosophy itself. Pynchon began exploring the main topic of this essay, namely the self, in his first novel V. in it he describes identity as a multifaceted subject: I am the twentieth century. I am the ragtime and the tango; sans-serif, clean geometry. I am the virgin's-hair whip and the cunningly detailed shackles of decadent passion. I am every lonely railway station in every capital of Europe. I 3 am the Street, the fanciless buildings of government, the cafe-dansant, the clockwork figure, the jazz saxophone, the tourist-lady's hairpiece, the fairy's rubber breasts, the travelling clock which always tells the wrong time and chimes in different keys. I am the dead palm tree, the Negro's dancing pumps, the dried fountain after tourist season. I am all the appurtenances of night. (283) Yet it is in The Crying of Lot 49 (hereinafter abbreviated as Lot 49) that Pynchon truly delves into the topic of the self and identity. Pynchon in many ways performs a tour de force through history and his interpretations of the self in the novel stretch from René Descartes' "Cogito Ergo Sum" to Sigmund Freud's Id, ego and super-ego. Again, this shows the vast scope of Pynchon's ambition in Lot 49 to in a sense dismantle the idea of a unified self. He does so through a multitude of characters, actions, thoughts and events which will be the main focus of the analysis. A fair argument could be made that Gravity's Rainbow would be a better novel to use for this type of analysis, but the main focus of this essay is not consciousness itself (which Gravity's Rainbow's character Slopthrop with his split consciousness revolves around). Instead, this essays focus is on the self and creating identity foremost. The aim of the essay is to both examine and analyze forms of the self found in Lot 49, and prove that Pynchon is criticizing our common notions of identity and the self in the novel. The thesis for the essay is the following: to show through close reading how Pynchon dismantles the idea of a unified self in The Crying of Lot 49 and instead presents a postmodern version of the self. Pynchon's take on the self is analyzed in a postmodernist fashion through a range of postmodernist theorists and philosophers, mainly through the work of Ludwig Wittgenstein. Questions asked by the essay are: in what ways does Pynchon criticize the idea of a unified self? What alternatives to this notion does Pynchon present? Also, it should be noted the essay uses the terms ego, self, and identity at times interchangeably. Mark Currie proposes in his book Postmodern Narrative Theory a postmodern way of analyzing the self and identity in postmodernist literature. First off, he dispels the idea that the notion of postmodernism can be nailed down, a concept that is discussed heavily in the background about the topic (1). He does however list three main features of the postmodern narrative, namely diversification, deconstruction and politicization, and describes the postmodern narrative as not being confined only to the novel, but as an ongoing contemporary event (10). Secondly, he presents two different ways of seeing identity in novels, both of which stray away from the idea of identity being inside oneself "like the kernel of a nut"(25) which is a feature of postmodernist representations of identity, as decentered and divided. The 4 first way of viewing identity is to consider it relational, which is similar to Jacques Lacan's theory of the other, namely that the individual always stands in relation to the other (in this case people) and thus constitutes him or herself. In other words, it is always through differences or similarities that the self is constructed apart from the other. The second way of viewing identity is the creation of identity through the narrative. This way argues that identities are made up by the stories and events a person goes through in his life, that a person chooses what characterizes him or herself through a form of self-narration. Both of these ways are featured at great length in Lot 49 and both discard the self as internal, viewing it rather as something external. This also raises the question of the reader identifying with characters in a novel. Does inference affect characters in a novel as much as inference and stereotypes affect people in the real world? (25). And how does identification truly work? Currie states that "recent narratology tends to be more skeptical of the possibility that any reader can suspend his or her identity or climb to some Olympian height, some transcendental aesthetic realm which is no longer cluttered by the thorny issues of identity" (30). Yet the answer might not be so straightforward, since the work of Louis Althusser and his theory of interpellation suggests a different route. Althusser argues the creation of the subject (or identity) through grand narratives, i.e. creating reality through ideology (e.g. Christianity, Marxism etc.) in fiction featured in for example novels or films. However, since Lot 49 is far from a grand narrative and in fact shies away from them, this is a theory which is not relevant for this essay. To further add depth and complexity to the question of identity, Ludwig Wittgenstein's notions of identity and language games featured from his two greatest works are used in conjunction with a postmodern reading and analysis. Using Wittgenstein's philosophy, it is possible to analyze the self as a creation of language, as it is through language that the self constitutes itself. Without language; it is not possible for the self to exist. The essay is constituted by six main sections with this introduction being the first one. The second one is the method and materials section which delves into the method of the essay and explains why the particular approach that this essay uses was chosen. The third part is the background, which has a biography on Thomas Pynchon and information about The Crying of Lot 49. The fourth section is a lengthy in-depth introduction to postmodernism and a short introduction to Ludwig Wittgenstein's philosophy, in addition to basic explanations of his core concepts used in the analysis. The fifth part is the analysis, which uses numerous examples and quotations from the novel and discusses the core subject of identity. This is lastly followed by a final conclusion of all the claims put forth and conclusions drawn in the essay. 7 Rumors run rampant regarding Pynchon's personal life and due to his reclusive nature (which he has commented on saying simply not talking to reporters doesn't make one a recluse) many strange rumors have circulated over the years about the mysterious author. There are numerous twists, turns and contradictions about who Pynchon supposedly is in "real life" and Pynchon seemingly does not want to supply the answers to many of the questions which his critics and fans alike have. He has played with the role of being a recluse and seemingly in his later years has satirized his own figure, appearing in animated form with a paper bag on him in the television series "The Simpsons" (Dalsgaard, Herman and McHale 9- 13). He is considered a major figure of American literature and both Lot 49 and Gravity's Rainbow are a part of the postmodern canon (Dalsgaard, Herman and McHale 1). Brian McHale even goes so far as to suggest in The Cambridge Companion to Thomas Pynchon that without Pynchon's work "there might never have been such a pressing need to develop a theory of literary postmodernism in the first place" (97). His writing has been praised as being a part of the new poetics and how he deals with more complex and contemporary issues, such as class and gender, has received much admiration. Perhaps the most praised feature of his writing, and justly so, is his channeling of the encyclopedic vision, his ability to time and time again show his readers the futile effort of desperately trying to fully understand the world. Many of his novels offer the promise of answers but never give them and this is also one of the reasons why some readers find his novels meaningless (Dalsgaard, Herman and McHale 1-5). It should be noted that most of his novels are considered notoriously difficult, and the ways to interpret Pynchon's writing has shifted from one decade to the next. From poststructuralism and Marxism to postmodernism and new historicism, the ways to analyze his novels are seemingly endless (Dalsgaard, Herman and McHale 7). Due to Pynchon not providing any answers, readers, literary critics and analysts are forced to fend for themselves in understanding his work, and a community of people trying to understand Pynchon has sprung up in the wake of his novels. He has been compared to writers such as Jonathan Swift and Herman Melville and the scope of his writing is in many ways immense and channels many earlier great authors and works. Pynchon himself mentioned writers such as Ray Bradbury, F. Scott Fitzgerald and William Faulkner as inspirations for his writing in an application for a scholarship in the 1950s (Dalsgaard, Herman and McHale 83-85). 8 3.2 The Crying of Lot 49 The blurb on the back of the 2006 edition from Harper Perennial modern classics of the book describes the novel as "[t]he highly original satire about Oedipa Maas, a woman who finds herself enmeshed in a worldwide conspiracy, meets some extremely interesting characters, and attains a not inconsiderable amount of self knowledge" (Pynchon Lot 49). Together with Gravity's Rainbow this novel is the foremost accepted masterpieces of Pynchon’s canon (Dalsgaard, Herman and McHale 3). The novel is set in the 1960s in California and mainly takes place around and in San Narcisco, a fictional version of San Franscisco where the protagonist Oedipa Maas, a Californian housewife becomes a co-executor of an ex boyfriend's, Pierce Inverarity, estate after he passes away before the novel begins. She becomes entangled in a worldwide conspiracy while dealing with Inverarity’s estate and explores many different subcultures while trying to unravel the truth of a secret underground postal service named Trystero, which may or may not be part of a conspiracy stretching across history and nations. This is the center of which the plot revolves around, but it is always unclear whether this conspiracy is actually real, a practical joke or a hallucination. Oedipa Maas embarks on an almost Odyssean journey through California and in the end, ends up on the crying of lot 49, an auction of Inverarity's estate without any real answers (30-32). Thomas Hill Schaub describes the novel in The Cambridge Companion to Thomas Pynchon as "unique... because of its insinuation that the text itself is a kind of plot perpetrated upon the reader, containing a secret meaning known only to the author. This is to speak of the novels effect rather than to suggest there is such a secret yet to be discovered" (32). This is of course one of Pynchon's most praised attributes of his writing: his encyclopedic vision and ability to both tease and induce paranoia in the reader. An apt comparison to make is that of a detective novel which begins with an event (in many cases a murder) and in the beginning has many possible alternatives (in this case suspects). As the story progresses, there are fewer and fewer murder suspects and in the end the murderer is finally revealed and the reader gets his or her answers. Not so much with Lot 49, as it actually does the exact same thing but in reverse fashion. It starts with a simple plot of handling an estate, but evolves into an almost infinitely complex story which features almost endless possibilities as to what might actually be true. The reader is left with no answers at the end of the novel and the questions just pile up on each other as the novel progresses. It is easy to accuse Lot 49 of having no purpose or meaning, but in postmodern fashion this in and of itself might be meaning or, at the very least, the goal for Pynchon (Dalsgaard, Herman and McHale 174). 9 4. Postmodernism Defining postmodernism is not an easy thing to do. The word itself is paradoxical, how can something be after modernism? The postmodern era is after the modern era, i.e. from the 1950s and forward. Just as modern history is not the history of the present day, but rather the history of the events leading up to the present day, postmodernism is still an ongoing movement. Nevertheless it is a noun that needs definition but is seldom defined precisely other than in vague terms or contradictory statements. The Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary defines postmodernism as: "a style and movement in art, architecture, literature, etc. in the late 20th century that reacts against modern styles, for example by mixing features from traditional and modern styles" ("Postmodernism"). It is evident that postmodernism encompasses many different subjects, styles and, above all, was a reaction against modernism. A definition of modernism is also then required to understand postmodernism, modernism as described by the Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary states that it is: "a style and movement in art, architecture and literature popular in the middle of the 20th century in which modern ideas, methods and materials were used rather than traditional ones" ("Modernism"). The question then naturally becomes what this actually entails for literature. The following table was featured in The Postmodern Turn, a book of essays and texts by Steven Best & Douglas Kellner defining postmodernism in all its subjects (art, architecture etc.). For literature the text was written by Ihab Hassan in a chapter entitled "Towards a Concept of Postmodernism". He firstly raises the issues of defining postmodernism at all and indicates that there is no clear-cut difference between modernism and postmodernism. For Hassan, a heterogenic view is what defines postmodernism and in that sense, modernism is a large part of postmodernism. Hassan stresses the difference of going from a centered view to a decentered view. He presents the following table of distinct differences between modernist and postmodernist literature, including topics such as narration, symbolism and meaning: Modernism Romanticism/Symbolism Form (conjunctive, closed) Purpose Design Hierarchy Mastery/Logos Art Object/Finished Work Distance Creation/Totalization Synthesis Presence Centering Genre/Boundary Semantics Paradigm Hypotaxis Metaphor Selection Root/Depth Interpretation/Reading Signified Lisible (Readerly) Narrative/Grande Histoire Master Code Symptom Type Genital/Phallic Paranoia Origin/Cause God the Father Metaphysics 12 postmodernism becoming a grand narrative is also found in Hutcheon. That does not mean that there are not answers to be found in postmodernism, but these answers are paradoxical as they must suppress the basic fundament of postmodernism which is raising questions. As such, contradictions and paradoxes lie at the center of postmodernism which supplies no answers, but instead and most importantly raises the questions in the first place (231). The parallels to Pynchon's writing are obvious and perhaps McHale is not too farfetched when he argues the necessity of Pynchon's writing for postmodernist interpretations. In order to further delve deeper into both postmodernism and identity some of the basic concepts of Ludwig Wittgenstein's philosophy will be introduced now. These concepts are then used in the analysis part of the essay. It should also be mentioned that Pynchon explicitly mentions Wittgenstein in his novel V. and Pynchon actually quotes the beginning of the Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus in the novel "DIEWELTISTALLESWASDERFALLIST" to which a character replies "The world is all that the case is', Mondaugen said. 'I've heard that somewhere before" (171). 4.1 Ludwig Wittgenstein and Postmodernism Wittgenstein's work of philosophy in language, mathematics and mind stands as a cornerstone of western philosophy in the 20th century. Wittgenstein's philosophy has much resemblance with the postmodern movement. One could argue that Wittgenstein, like Nietzsche, in many ways stands as one of the precursors to the entire school of postmodernism. Since Wittgenstein's passing is at the start of the postmodernist movement, it is easy to see the correlation, as his work more and more entered the mainstream, it influenced and colored the postmodern movement. Particularly, he was mentioned in literary journals and his theories became an important part of literary criticism from the 1960s and onward, as well as for the aesthetics movement in general. Since postmodernism in so many ways challenged the boundaries of language, Wittgenstein's philosophy can be found almost anywhere one looks closer at the postmodern school of thought (Magee 341-342). For this essay, it is mainly his work in language and identity which will be the focus. His philosophy is mainly inspired by Gottlob Frege and Bertrand Russell, who he also worked together with, both of which he mentions in one of his great works, the Tractatus (Sluga and Stern 5-9). The Tractatus is a short book with a fairly unique compressed style written in short segments rather than in an essay format. Wittgenstein wrote to Russell and said that: "The main point is the theory of what can be expressed by [gesagt] propositions - i.e. by language -(and, which comes to the same, what can be thought) and what cannot be expressed 13 by propositions, but only shown [gezeigt];which, I believe is the cardinal problem of philosophy" (9). Wittgenstein emphasizes the following phrase both in the foreword and ending of the Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus saying that in essence this is his central theme "what can be said at all can be said clearly, and what we cannot talk about we must pass over in silence" (Wittgenstein 3, 89). What Wittgenstein proved in the Tractatus was the existence of the boundaries of language and man’s inability to truly express him or herself. In some sense then, philosophizing is useless as one uses language to solve a problem that cannot be solved with language (Sluga and Stern 11-15). In his second major work the Philosophical Investigations many of his earlier thoughts contradict the thoughts presented in the later work. One of his major new ideas is the concept of the language game, something that Lyotard used in his work on metanarratives (15-19). Essentially, what Wittgenstein means by language game is that language is an activity, a game that all humans participate in. Language outside of the language game is meaningless. In some ways then language means action; take the word silence for example. Any word in the English language could be used to describe the phenomenon of silence, as it could be replaced with noise and noise could assume its meaning. But if one says "silence!" it becomes an action, in this case for example a teacher telling the class to be quiet. This is then what is meant by language as a game; speakers know the rules and what consequences and actions one can achieve with language. But outside of the game, the words are in themselves meaningless, they can only be used to participate in the language game since they have no inherent or set meaning (20-24). Whether his conclusions are correct is a different matter, but no one can deny Wittgenstein's lasting impact in the fields of mathematics, language and philosophy as a whole (Sluga and Stern 30). 5. Analysis Undoubtedly, parody is a major part of the postmodernist movement. The way postmodernist novels play with preconceived notions of just about everything is a standout feature of those novels (Hutcheon 22). An obvious example is the music group "The Paranoids" in Lot 49, a group of young Americans who sing in a fake English accent (playing with identity and how they are conceived) which is of course a reference to the popularity of "The Beatles" in the 1960s. The following quote examined in close reading is an example of aporia in the novel, where it is not certain if Pynchon is joking with the reader or being serious. It is set in the beginning of the novel when Oedipa is talking with their family lawyer Roseman: "They often 14 went to the same group therapy sessions, in a carpool with a photographer from Palo Alto who thought he was a volleyball" (Pynchon Lot 49 9). It is easy to assume that this is an example of satire, where Pynchon is simply making an absurd statement as logically no person identifies with a volleyball. But Lot 49 requires a certain amount of suspension of disbelief, and paradoxically, of belief itself. Imagine in this case that the postmodern notion of identity being a sum of how one is treated by the other (in this case people) is the defining factor. One of the most common factors now is gender as a social construct, i.e. making gender through interaction. Therefore, if people treated this photographer from Palo Alto as a volleyball, is it then unconceivable that he would see himself as volleyball or at least entertain this fantasy? (McHale Postmodernist Fiction 32-33). Cognitive scientist Douglas Hofstadter, whose research specializes in the "self" and "I", wrote in his book I Am a Strange Loop that "we self-perceiving, self-inventing, locked-in mirages are little miracles of self-reference" (363). What he meant in part by this is that self- invention and self-perceiving are vital as to what is referred to as the self or in this case the subject of the photographer who thinks he is a volleyball. Hence, this person could actually talk himself into believing that he is a volleyball by the strange loop that is the self. This is further explored near the end of the novel when Oedipa confronts Dr. Hilarius who is about to be apprehended by law enforcement when she begins to doubt her own experiences: I came,' she said, 'hoping you could talk me out of a fantasy. 'Cherish it!" cried Hilarius, fiercely. 'What else do any of you have? Hold it tightly by its little tentacle, don't let the Freudians coax it away or the pharmacists poison it out of you. Whatever it is, hold it dear, for when you lose it you go over by that much to the others. You begin to cease to be (Pynchon Lot 49 113). Here Pynchon reinforces the idea of identity being a sort of fantasy, as if giving up fantasy is the same as giving up identity. It is also possible to imagine this as a critique against the standard Freudian narrative self, made up of several parts, namely the Id, ego and super-ego. Even these ideas are discarded in a postmodern representation of identity and it leads to what could be considered the lead motif of the novel which is Oedipa's thought "[s]hall I project a world?" (Pynchon Lot 49 64). This contemplation is after first having seen the Trystero muted horn which again reinforces this idea of reality and identity as a sort of fantasy, a projection. This of course could be seen as a commentary on literature overall, as the text can produce and project a world which only exists in the text but takes place in the reader’s mind. 17 In regards to the ending of the novel, Michel Foucault’s understanding of identity in relation with the linearity of time is of considerable value, as "[c]ontinuous history is the indispensable correlative of the founding function of the subject: the guarantee that everything that has eluded him may be restored to him; the certainty that time will disperse nothing without restoring it in a reconstituted unity" (quoted in Hutcheon 158). This is a notion echoed by Oedipa halfway through Lot 49, when the conspiracy theories have begun to ramp up and she is metaphorically caught in the spider’s web of possibilities. She thinks to herself: She could, at this stage of things, recognize signals like that, as the epileptic is said to—an odor, color, pure piercing grace note announcing his seizure. Afterward it is only this signal, really dross, this secular announcement, and never what is revealed during the attack, that he remembers. Oedipa wondered whether, at the end of this (if it were supposed to end), she too might not be left with only compiled memories of clues, announcements, intimations, but never the central truth itself, which must somehow each time be too bright for her memory to hold; which must always blaze out, destroying its own message irreversibly, leaving an overexposed blank when the ordinary world came back. (Pynchon Lot 49 76) Many of the sentiments expressed here are uttered again in the final pages which have been mentioned earlier. Oedipa worries about the fact that everything that has eluded her so far will not be revealed to her. Just as there is no grand truth to be found at the end of the novel, Oedipa contemplates middles: "She had heard all about excluded middles; they were bad shit, to be avoided" (Pynchon Lot 49 150). There is no middle ground to be found for her, either everything is true or everything is just a lie. Either everything is a part of a worldwide conspiracy, or it could all be in her head. Mucho tells Oedipa to "just be yourself..." (Pynchon Lot 49 113-114) indicating that there is something to be found within a person that constitutes themselves. However, there is nothing there to be found, just as there is no grand message to be found in Oedipa's story. Much of this is of course related to Lyotard's work on grand and small narratives, and Pynchon is using a very similar concept that predates Lyotard’s work to drive home this point. When Oedipa discusses the Jacobean play featured in the novel with the director Randolph Driblette, there is another allusion to the difficulty of names. Driblette answers Oedipa's questions about the original writer of the play Wharfinger: "It isn't literature, it doesn't mean anything. Wharfinger was no Shakespeare.' 'Who was he?' she said. 'Who was Shakespeare. It 18 was a long time ago" (Pynchon Lot 49 60). This is also a phenomenon of intertextuality, as the tragedy is a story within a story distinct from the rest of the novel, unique in the way it is told by Oedipa to the reader, and thus makes the reader question if he or she has read a good account of the play. When Driblette states that Wharfinger was no Shakespeare, he is making a direct inference to the historical figure of Shakespeare and his plays, comparing Wharfinger to Shakespeare. But when Oedipa asks who Wharfinger was, Driblette problematizes the historical figure of Shakespeare and history itself instead. This is a common feature of postmodernism and Hutcheon describes it as historiographic metafiction: "It refuses the view that only history has a truth claim, both by questioning the ground of that claim in historiography and by asserting that both history and fiction are discourses, human constructs, signifying systems, and both derive their major claim to truth from that identity" (Hutcheon 93). Amy J. Elias further explains in The Cambridge Companion to Thomas Pynchon how Pynchon often looks at, problematizes and in a sense tears down our versions of history. As regards identity then, can people today actually say who Shakespeare was? Depictions of him, historical facts and his writing are not enough; even combined together they do not manage to describe fully who Shakespeare was. Through Driblette, Pynchon makes a profound statement in its simplicity as to how well humanity actually knows its history and naturally its identity (124). Having been introduced to the concept of projecting a world, Oedipa has an encounter at a gay bar with an anonymous man who she sees wearing the Trystero sign. Here, Pynchon introduces another alternative to the projected world in the form of an anonymous organization and perhaps a unique form of living that retains the self. She herself wears a nametag that says "Arnold Spangler" and gets referred to as Arnold in the conversation. On two separate occasions she also gets called "Edna Mosh" by two different people, her husband Mucho Maas and his boss Funch. Oedipa's many names stand in direct contrast to the man she meets. The anonymous man is a member of the "Inamorati Anonymous" (IA) made up of members who are recovering from being in love, "the worst addiction of them all" (Pynchon Lot 49 91). The organization never has any meetings nor are any names revealed as they work through an anonymous phone service to support each other. As such, they are a community of isolates. Sigmund Freud referred to lovesickness as "the psychosis of normal people" and by that he meant that the length a fully sane person is willing to go through for love borders on the psychotic. Being in love then can be seen as giving up one’s identity, as love is often described as the merging of two halves, forming two individuals into one couple. The IA stands then to preserve its identities by avoiding love. Love forces the individual into another 19 role, a partner, and that role does not exist if an individual is not a part of a relationship, i.e. the self is split into more roles when being in a relationship. In some respect, this could be a direct reference to a concept Pynchon played with in his earlier novel V., where one character goes through a form of self-multiplication, i.e. creating multiple identities (and literary voices) for himself. Taking that concept and combining it together with the IA in Lot 49, in some sense then, the more partners a person has, the more selves a person has. For instance, if one person has three separate romantic relationships with three different people, three different versions of this person exist. Love and relationships then can be seen as a basis for self- multiplication. Considering that love can also wane or vanish overtime, this ties into Pynchon's fascination with the concept of entropy; in this case, as relationships end, so too can selves vanish over time as they both no longer serve a purpose and cease to exist entirely. This is highlighted by Luc Herman in The Cambridge Companion to Thomas Pynchon when he discusses Pynchon’s indebtedness to Henry Adams’s theory of entropy in history and society (24-26). The concept of multiple selves first requires a list of what factors are generally considered facets of identity. Names have already been mentioned, as well as historical context, but other common factors include social class, gender etc. Another common facet of identity is of course jobs or occupation, which also play a complex role in the novel. Oedipa is a housewife, but at the same time she could be described as a detective in the novel. Mucho Maas is a former car-salesman who works as a disk jockey. Dr Hilarius is a former Nazi doctor as well as a psychiatrist. The lawyer Metzger was formerly a childhood actor named Baby Igor. Manny Di Presso, who is also Metzger’s friend, is a lawyer turned actor. Miles is a motel manager who is also a band member of "The Paranoids". The list of people who are not who the reader thinks they are originally or who seem to play multiple roles goes on almost endlessly, showing that identity is inherently fragmented. At the beginning of the novel when Oedipa finds out about Pierce’s will, she has the following thoughts: What did she so desire escape from? Such a captive maiden, having plenty of time to think, soon realizes that her tower, its height and architecture, are like her ego only incidental: that what really keeps her where she is is magic, anonymous and malignant, visited on her from outside and for no reason at all. Having no apparatus except gut fear and female cunning to examine this formless magic, to understand how it works, how to measure its field strength, count its lines of 22 part of an ongoing LSD experiment of Dr. Hilarius): "They're calling him the Brothers N. He's losing his identity, Edna, how else can I put it? Day by day, Wendell is less himself and more generic. He enters a staff meeting and the room is suddenly full of people, you know? He's a walking assembly of a man" (Pynchon Lot 49 115). Mucho's name is of course relevant here, as mucho refers to much, which here could literally mean many men. The phrasing of Funch is also of importance, as he clearly says that Mucho is in fact losing his identity, implying that firstly there is something to be lost, and secondly, it contrasts with the fact that Mucho is seemingly also gaining identities. Thirdly, it is stated that Wendell is less of himself and more generic, again implying that there is a predefined self. When Funch says that Wendell is full of people when entering a staff meeting, it could be seen as a reference to the fact that all people have multiple identities. Consider an average middle class man in his late 30s. He might very well be for example a husband, a father, a worker, a tennis player, and a brother. Consider then, bringing into a room his wife, his son, his boss, his tennis partner and his brother. Chances are, this average middle class man would have a very hard time balancing his several identities and finding a middle ground for who he really is. Not to mention the fact that he by all certainty does not act the same way he does with his wife as he does with his boss, or even talk about the same things he does with his son as he does with his tennis partner. What Pynchon is doing here is an exaggeration of this phenomenon, by contrasting the self with the other in almost Lacanian fashion, that is, that the self always stands in relation to the other. This hearkens back to the basic paradox of both the concept and word person, as it stems from the Latin word persona, which was a mask an actor wore in theater plays to signify playing a different character, a different person. Essentially then, to understand or know a person is to know their mask. Identity becomes a sort of fictional character itself since how can one truly know another person if their identity is just a mask? Of course real people exist, but this raises the question of how much fiction is actually a part of an identity or a person (Bennett and Royle 66). In one of his novels, Salman Rushdie describes identity as: I am the sum total of everything that went before me, of all I have seen done, of everything done to me. I am everyone everything whose being-in-the-world affected was affected by mine. I am anything that happens after I've gone which would not have happened if I had come. Nor am I particularly exceptional in this matter, each 'I', every one of the now-six-hundred-million-plus of us, contains a similar multitude (quoted in Hutcheon 164). 23 Here, Rushdie presents an idea of how complex and multifaceted identities truly are. Pynchon argues something similar when Oedipa discusses this "problem" of the unified self that Mucho presents after having talked to Funch. She asks Maas: Is this what Funch means when he says you’re coming on like a whole roomful of people?' 'That’s what I am,' said Mucho, 'right. Everybody is.'... Whenever I put the headset on now," he'd continued ' I really do understand what I find there. When those kids sing about ‘She loves you,’ yeah, well, you know, she does, she’s any number of people, all over the world, back through time, different colors, sizes, ages, shapes, distances from death, but she loves. And the ‘you’ is everybody. And herself. Oedipa, the human voice, you know, it’s a flipping miracle (Pynchon Lot 49 117). Mucho here is clearly stating how vast identities truly are, and that the unified self is an illusion as everybody is, according to him, a bunch of people. It is of significant importance that Mucho is the character who has this realization. Throughout much of the novel, he has been completely absent and almost a nonfactor. Oedipa and Mucho have no children together and Oedipa has cheated on him with at least two different people (to the reader’s knowledge), Pierce and Metzger. It might be fair to say that their relationship is not the best. As such, while Oedipa has undergone her Odyssean journey, perhaps Mucho has undergone a similar journey, except the reader is never told about it. Even though it had been enhanced by LSD, his experiences are just as valid as Oedipa's. While this is not treated as a realization for Oedipa, perhaps it should be. It goes to show that everyone in the novel is just as complicated as she is and that there are millions of factors that go into defining an identity. Metzger goes off and has a relationship with a younger woman and disappears for the rest of the novel, Hilarius has a breakdown and gets arrested and Driblette commits suicide by wading into the Atlantic and drowns himself. In fact, Mucho actually appears briefly in Pynchon's later novel Vineland where he is a self-made millionaire in the music industry. All of these lives continue on without Oedipa. Pynchon is perhaps in some form implying that every identity is just as complicated as Oedipa’s is, except that fact is rarely acknowledged. It is an almost staggering thought to imagine that other characters in the novel could undergo similar journeys or face as complex decisions. As Salman Rushdie said, the totality of events and circumstances that make up an individual is found in everybody with an equally vast multitude of factors coming into play. 24 Sam Harris writes in Waking Up regarding the ego that: The feeling that we call 'I' is an illusion. There is no discrete self or ego living like a Minotaur in the labyrinth of the brain. And the feeling that there is— the sense of being perched somewhere behind your eyes, looking out at a world that is separate from yourself—can be altered or entirely extinguished. (9) He echoes Jean Paul Sartre's notion of the self being-in-itself and being-for-itself when he asks the question of "[w]hy should we live in relationship to ourselves rather than merely as ourselves?" (114) and gives the example of losing an object and trying to find it. When a person finds the object he or she has been looking for and proclaims "ah, there it is" who is this person talking to other than themselves? This goes to show that there is both an "I" and a "me" in the same brain, and rather than thoughts being a monologue, they are in a sense a dialogue between one’s selves (114-115). He goes on to say that "[t]he sense that we are unified subjects is a fiction, produced by a multitude of separate processes and structures of which we are not aware and over which we exert no conscious control" (116) and argues that the only base of the self is psychological continuity. This is an idea argued by philosopher Derek Parfit, who states that physical continuity is not merely as important as psychological continuity, as illustrated by the duplicate’s paradox, or teletransportation paradox. This paradox asks the question what one considers to be the self and problematizes it through an elaborate situation. Imagine that there is a teleportation-device sometime in the near future that immediately teleports a person to another location. In this example, the hypothetical person's (in this case a female) friends have already traveled to Mars and live there in a colony, assuring the hypothetical person that the teleportation is both instantaneous and without complications. This person decides to follow her friends to Mars, but when she arrives at the station there is a catch. Through some breakthrough in quantum mechanics, the teleportation device does not actually transport the person's body to Mars. Instead it replicates it on Mars and deletes the one on Earth. The personnel at the station assures the traveler that it will be like blinking and when she opens her eyes, she is already on the other side. For all intents and purposes, the self on Mars is her real self, although replicated. Most people will argue that there is something unsettling about this conundrum, and this is why Parfit argues that essentially the only thing that is the basis of identity is psychological continuity, everything else is just conjecture or happenstance (86-87). 27 Especially noteworthy is Pynchon's choice of words "[i]t's past sorting out" as the word sorting is the exact same verb Maxwell used to describe what the demon does in his thought experiment. Keeping in mind what Dalsgaard wrote about entropy and reading Pynchon, Maxwell's demon, and all of the convoluted twists and turns of Lot 49, this idea regarding reading and producing identities is not too farfetched. In fact, to some degree, is it not likely that it is a goal for Pynchon? Having looked at a multitude of postmodern representations of identity in Lot 49, it is fairly obvious how immense the scope of postmodern theory truly is, and the postmodern movement as a whole. This is remarkably similar to Pynchon's encyclopedic vision, his ability to draw on almost anything imaginable in the world, ranging from lowbrow to highbrow culture, from technology to spirituality and so forth. It is also rather obvious how easy Hutcheon's theory of the postmodern poetics, i.e. creating postmodernism, can be found in Pynchon's writing. Pynchon's style of writing seems to stress the importance of decentered writing; this is perhaps akin to his reclusive identity as well. In fact, to some degree, identifying postmodern representations of identity is similar to identifying the postmodern movement's identity as well. Pynchon did not want to end up as an oracle of postmodernism; instead he is just a participant in it. Rather than supplying answers, he asks questions, just as postmodernism does. 6. Conclusion The purpose of this essay has been to examine postmodern representations of identity in Thomas Pynchon's novel The Crying of Lot 49. By close reading, it has been shown that Pynchon in many ways dismantles the idea of a unified self, and instead presents a more postmodern self, decentered and ungraspable. Thus it has fulfilled the goals set out by the aim and thesis of the essay that were to both examine how Pynchon dismantles the self and what he presents in its wake. A range of answers have been provided to the questions raised at the beginning of this essay "in what ways does Pynchon criticize the idea of a unified self? What alternatives to this notion does Pynchon present?" As explained in the introduction, the overall goal of this essay was never to provide a definitive answer or "the" truth in Pynchon's writing. Rather, it joins an ongoing "canon" of essays attempting to make sense out of Pynchon and his both infinitely complex writing and mysterious nature. However, in many ways, that is what a postmodern analysis is, since postmodernism strives to move away from definitive answers and instead problematizes 28 everything, not providing a definitive answers is not a problem, rather, providing a definitive answer in and of itself is a problem, as postmodernism argues that these cannot exist. It is easy to make the connection to Wittgenstein and his language games. In some sense, philosophizing for Wittgenstein was meaningless due to the constrictions of language. In the Tractatus, he repeats the phrase "what can be said at all can be said clearly, and what we cannot talk about we must pass over in silence" to make sure the reader gets what Wittgenstein is suggesting. The philosopher Emil Cioran said that "one does not inhabit a country; one inhabits a language. That is our country, our fatherland - and no other" echoing Wittgenstein and the notion of being born in language, thus being born in an identity. In some sense, trying to make sense out of Pynchon is doomed to fail, but, considering Pynchon's fascination with entropy and Dalsgaard's claim of Pynchon as the anti-entropic writer, the attempt of trying is meaningful and exactly what Pynchon wants the reader to do. The theme of identity can be found almost anywhere one looks in Lot 49, as illustrated by the numerous examples. Thanks in no small part to Pynchon's encyclopedic vision and superfluous writing style, it is sometimes easy to miss the small comments and interjections Pynchon presents. It could certainly be argued that Pynchon is making the case for the Cartesian ego in relation to identity, as both Driblette and Oedipa talk about "projecting the world" and thus placing the center of identity in the mind, which is also something that Henry Adams argued at great length. However, it is this essay’s view that the Cartesian ego found in Lot 49 is just another representation of the true self; Pynchon is not claiming that it is the basis, but rather that it is one basis of identity. Just as he presents both Lacanian and Freudian versions of identity, so too does he in many ways present a Wittgenstein approach to identity, most likely to some degree, all of them inspirations for Pynchon. The explicit mentions of Freud in Lot 49 and Wittgenstein in V. are ample evidence that he is well aware of their theories, and thanks to his encyclopedic vision, they are just some out of hundreds of theorists and views found in his novels. Intersubjectivity sits at the heart of postmodernism and postmodernist literature, and this is exactly what is achieved in Lot 49. There is no one truth to be found, not even one reality to be found in the novel. As the reader identifies with Oedipa and undergoes her journey, ultimately arriving at basically nothing, awaiting some sort of answer (at the crying of lot 49 and its mysterious buyer) the answer is snatched away as the novel ends. By the end, the reader is left with two alternatives just as Oedipa is. Either everything about the vast amount of conspiracies and plots have been true, or it has all been a delusion in Oedipa's head. Thus, both the reader and Oedipa face a dilemma as to what might be true at the end of the novel. Is this the same 29 dilemma as what might be true regarding the self? Clearly, Pynchon has presented a dismantled unified self and problematized the self in an almost endless degree of ways. Yet, Pynchon leaves this alternative open because postmodernism in its nature does not provide answers, as it cannot become another grand narrative. Pynchon leaves this door open for the reader to decide. In some ways, it could be argued that the true self is found in the literary self, perhaps the only true self. Yet this too can be problematized. Each reader brings his or her own back story with them, and projects different traits and things into each character. Thus, by the reader identifying and infusing life into characters, more selves are created akin to the anti-entropic nature of Pynchon's novels. Hopefully, this essay has been a worthwhile complement to the ever-growing community of Pynchon interpreters. As it reaches its end, another dead end in the labyrinth of Pynchon analyses can be found. McHale likened analyzing Pynchon in Postmodernist Fiction to climbing a hill "and then one has some chance of finally reaching the hilltop, from where it is possible to survey the entire countryside" (10). It is a very apt comparison to make, not only in regard to Pynchon's novels, but to the subject of this essay as well. As Pynchon has illustrated, a broken mirror better reflects the self than a whole one. Just as it is impossible to view identity as one thing (in this case a hill), the entire countryside must be taken into consideration when one is viewing the self. For future essays, a look at consciousness itself would be an interesting path to take when analyzing Lot 49. Much has already been said about the subject in Gravity's Rainbow, but more remains to be explored about it in The Crying of Lot 49. Regardless, there can never be too many interpretations of Pynchon, as every essay is combating entropy on a small scale.
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