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the students' ability in making simple sentences, Summaries of English

teaching English we need many examples and more practices in order to understand. English quickly. Key Words: descriptive quantitative research, simple ...

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Download the students' ability in making simple sentences and more Summaries English in PDF only on Docsity! THE STUDENTS’ ABILITY IN MAKING SIMPLE SENTENCES BY USING PREFERENCES AT THE FIRST SEMESTER OF THE EIGHTH GRADE OF SMP MUHAMMADTYAH PRINGSEWU IN 2016/2017 ACADEMIC YEAR (A Thesis) Submitted as a Particular Fulfillment of The Requierments for S1-Degree By: Sumista Ade Pratama NPM 1011040098 Study Program: English Education Advisor : Bambang Irfani, M.Pd Co-Advisor : M. Sayid Wijaya, M.Pd TARBIYAH AND TEACHER TRAINING FACULTY STATE ISLAMIC UNIVERSITY RADEN INTAN LAMPUNG 2017 ABSTRACT THE STUDENTS’ ABILITY IN MAKING SIMPLE SENTENCES BY USING PREFERENCES AT THE FIRST SEMESTER OF THE EIGHTH GRADE OF SMP MUHAMMADTYAH PRINGSEWU IN 2016/2017 ACADEMIC YEAR By: Sumista Ade Pratama Learning English grammar is very important because structure of grammar is the support system in communication to communicate better. So, it is one of components that must be mastered by students to understand English easier.This thesis is about students’ ability of preferences subject. The main objective of the research is to know the students’ ability in making simple sentences by using preferences. The subject of the research is the students of the eighth grade at the first semester of SMP Muhammadiyah Pringsewu in 2016/2017 academic year. The type of this research is descriptive quantitative research. 34 students were taken as the sample of this research. The data of the research was gotten by test. The tesearcher analyzed the data by giving scores of student’s testsand also computed the frequency student’s score and the frequency’s percentages of students’classification. After the researcher analyzed the data-so that we know the students’ ability in making simple sentences by using preferences at the first semester of the eighth grade of SMP Muhammadiyah Pringsewu in 2016/2017 academic year. From the analysis, the result showed that there was 1 student or 2.94% was categorized into excellent, 4 students or 11.76% were categorized into good, 4 students or 11.76% were categorized into fair, 11 students or 32.35% were categorized into low, and then 14 students or 41.18% were categorized into failed. The conclusion is that the students ‘ability of the eighth grade of SMP Muhammadiyah Pringsewuin 2016/2017 academic year in making simple sentences by using preferences at the first semester was categorized into Low, by seeing the average score was 48. The contribution of this research is that it can be a reference both for teachers and students in teaching and learning English. As we know that in teaching English we need many examples and more practices in order to understand English quickly. Key Words: descriptive quantitative research, simple sentences, students’ ability, preferences. DECLARATION I hereby certify that this thesis entitled “The Students’ Ability in Making Simple Sentences by Using Preferences at the First Semester of the Eighth Grade of SMP Muhammadiyah Pringsewu in 2016/2017 academic year” is definitely my own work. I am fully aware that I have some statements references and theories from various sources and those are properly acknowledged in this thesis. DEDICATION Praise and gratitude to Allah the Almighty for His abundant blessing for me, and from the deepest of my heart and great love, this thesis is dedicate to: 1. My beloved parents Mr. Muhajir and Mrs. Nining Sugiarti who always pray and give me support and spirit as well as wish for my success, I love you forever. 2. The one and only my beloved sister, Nurul Aini who always gives me support and cheer up until the completion of this thesis. 3. My beloved almamater and lecturers of IAIN Raden Intan Lampung, who have made me grow up and have contributed much for my self-development. CURRICULUM VITAE The researcher’s name is Sumista Ade Pratama. He was born on January 06", 1992 in Bengkulu. He is the first child of Mr. Muhajir and Mrs. Nining Sugiarti. He has one sister whose name Nurul Aini. He accomplised his formal education at Elementary School at MI Al-Fajar Pringsewu in 1998 and graduated in 2004. After that, he continued his study at Junior High School at MTsN Pringsewwand graduated in 2007. Then, he continued his study at Senior High School in SMK YPT Pringsewu and graduated in 2010. After finishing at Senior High School study, he continued his study to IAIN Raden Intan Lampung in English Education Study Prograin of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training Faculty. During the researcher’s study in IAIN Raden Intan Lampung, he followed an organization. It was UKM MAHARIPAL when he was in the first semester until fifth semester, and he was delegated to follow a wall climbing competition (UWCC) National level at UNAS (Universitas Nasional) Jakarta at the second semester. Luthfiati Ningrum, A.Md, Khotmul Istigomah, S.Pd.I, Latiful Wahid, M.Pd, Komarul Latif, S.Kom, and Muryaningsing, S.Pd, who has given support and suggestion to the researcher in writing this thesis. 11. All of the coolest friends of PBI A, B, C and D in English Department Study Program of IAIN Raden Intan Lampung 2010. 12. All of the people who helped the researcher to finish the study that cannot mentioned one by one. Finally, the researcher was fully aware that there are still a lot of weaknesses in this thesis. Therefore, any correction, comments, and criticism for this final project are always open-heartedly welcome. Furthermore, he expected that the thesis might be useful for all readers. Aamiin Yaa Robbal ‘Alamuiin. Bandar Lampung, June 2017 The Researcher, Sumista Ade Pratama NPM. 1011040098 TABEL OF CONTENTS Pages COVER ABSTRACT... i APPROVAL ii ADMISSION DECLARATION DEDICATION .. CURRICULUM VITAE. ACKNOWLEDGEME! TABEL OF CONTENTS LIST OF FIGURES.. LIST OF TABLES LIST OF APPENDICES. CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION Background of the Problem .....0...0.....ccccccccceccececeeeeeenneees 1 Identification of the Problem Limitation of the Problem... Formulation of the Problem. Objective of the Research. Use of the Research... Scope of the Research CHAPTER ITREVIEW OF LITERATURE Concept of Grammar. Concept of Sentence. Concept of Simple Sentence Concept of Preferences. . Concept of Students’ Ability... cececeeeeeseeeneneees 23 Concept of Students’ Ability in Making Simple Sentences by Using Preferences ....... cc ccceeeeeeeerererereneteteteeteeeeeeee 25 CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHODOLOGY Research Design ... Research Subject... Data Collecting Techniqu Research Instrument Try Out... Validity of the Instrument Reliability of the Test... Readability of the Instrument . AmB O OWS =A MQM MOOWS I. Research Prosedure J. Data Analysis. CHAPTER IV RESULT AND DISCUSSION A. General Place Description of the Research B. Research Procedure C. Research Findings . D. Discussion. CHAPTER V CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION A. Conelusion......c.c.ccecccccccececesceesceseesnsceesessesesisesnsneseseerenes 61 B. Suggestion 2.0... ccc cceeeeeeeeeeeeeeseensesereeteteteieieeeereee 62 REFRENCES . APPENDICES Appendix Appendix Appendix Appendix Appendix Appendix Appendix Appendix Appendix Appendix Appendix Appendix Appendix Appendix Appendix Appendix Appendix Appendix Appendix Appendix LIST OF APPENDICES 1 Guideline Interview for the English Teacher. 2. Result Interview from the English Teacher 3 Percentage of Students’ English Score of the Eighth Grade of SMP Muhammadiyah Pringsewu in 2016/2017 Academic Year............ 71 4 Students’ English Score of VIII3 Class of SMP Muhammasiyah Pringsewu 5 Population of the Students of the Eighth Grade in SMP Muhammadiyah Pringsewu in.2016/2017 Academic Year Sample of the Research.... List Participants of the Students for Try Out.. 6 7 8 Validation Form for the Instrument 9 Items Validity Form of the Instrument 10 Reliability of the Instrument 11 Readability Form of the Instrument 12 Result Readability of the Instrument. 13 Test Specification of Students’ Ability In Making Simple Sentences by Using Preferences 14 Students’ Answer Sheet of the Research Instrument 15Key Answer of the Research Instrument 16 Students’ Score Category. 17 Analysis of Students’ Score in Making Simple Sentences by Using Preferences 18 Percentage of Classification 19 Population of The Students in SMP Muhammadiyah Pringsewu in 206/2017 Academic Year 20 Syllabus of SMP Muhammadiyah Pringsewu CHAPTERI INRTODUCTION A. Background of the Problem The people will usually use a language to communicate with others. Language has a big role for every individual in making a good relationship with other people. Through language people can express their opinions, ideas, and feelings to teach other. So they can interact with others easily. As Brown states that language is a system or arbitrary conventionalized vocal, written or gesture symbol that enable members of a given community to communicate intelligibly with others. 'It means that people express thei ideas by language,without capability of mastering a language, it is almost impossible to communicate with others. Besides Setiyadi states thatlanguage is a system for the expression of meaning and language is a set of grammatical rules and language consists of language chunk.” It is difficult to do all activities without language. In this case, language is important thing of human life since it helps someone to do relationships between ideas. There are so many language in the world based on the country such as Indonesian, English, France, Russian, Japanese, Indian, Korean, Arabic, Chinese, and many more. Some people use it to communicate by their own country. But, in global 'H. Douglas Brown, Principles of Language Learning and Teaching, (San Fransisco: Longman 2005), p. 5. *Ag. Bambang Setiyadi, Teaching English as a Foreign Language, (Yogyakarta: Graha Ilmu, 2006), p.12. communication such us transportation, commerce, banking, tourism, technology, diplomacy, and scientific research the people usually use English to communicate. It because English is as international language. English is probably the most famous language in the world. English is widely used in many countries around the world and has been considered as an international language for years. Siahaan states that the world globalization gives the English language a very important function for human’s life. It means that English is important lernt by everyone, In addition, Siahaan states thatEnglish is accepted as an international language of technology, and commerce.’ As the international language, automatically, English is learned by most of people in all country over the world. So, learning English is necessary and needed by everyone both to local and national people because in fact it proofing that a foreign language in a national contex is a new innovation to the new quality. Therefore, English is an important language that must be mastered by the people who want to communicate with another people from different countries. In Indonesia, English is considered as one important foreign language that should be acquired by Indonesian for many reasons, such as for education and economic development.*Meanwhile, some schools in Indonesia use English as the main language in teaching learning activity. In Indonesia, English is not used by the people as a tool of communication but it is learned and taught to the students at school as a 3p. ‘Ibid, p.56. ‘Lusi Nurhayati, Nuri Supriyati and Anita Triastuti, TEFL Methodology (Teaching English as Foreign Language Methodology, (Y ogyakarta: Universitas Yogyakarta: 2008), p. 3. submitted. It will be difficult for the students to construct a sentence and create a text. It means that there are several things in English that should be taught to the students especially English grammar. Based on the explanation above and the fact that the students’ problem by interviewing to the English teacher in SMP Muhammadiyah Pringsewu. Mr. Hudi Marjunet, S.S onpreliminary research in August 3" 2015, most of the students weak in English. It can be seen in students’.English score at the eighth grade of SMP Muhammadiyah Pringsewu: Most of the students in VIII grade are under KKM (70). (see appendix 4 table 4) Similarly, when the researcher asked to the English teacher about the students’ capability in mastering English in structure that consist of preferences, hesaid that many students still get confused in making simple sentence. They are still really confiised when they are asked to make a simple sentence. So, some of them make errors in making simple sentences using preferences. This is caused by having very little knowledge of grammar, particularly preferences, although the lesson about preferences has been taught to the students. In addition, the researcher also did the test to the students when conducting the preliminary research. The researcher asked the students to make and translating simple sentences using appropriate preferences. In this case, there were students who still confused to pair the word in preferences. For example, “I like English language to mathematics”. It should be “I Like English better than Mathematics”. He still makes error in pairing word “Like-better than”. He paired “Like” with “to”. The word “Like” should be paired with “better than”. Furthermore, therewere students whostill confused in pairing the word “would rather-than”. For example, he wrote “I would father better than mother”. This sentence is absolutely wrong, because the word “would” should be followed by “would-prefer or would-rather”. Then, the word “would rather” should be followed by “than”. And then, the word “would rather” should be used for verbal sentence. So, the correct sentence should be “I would rather love father than mother”. And many more students who still make error sentences. Considering those phenomena above, it. would be interesting to investigate the students’ ability in making simple-sentences using preferences. Therefore, the tesearcher proposes a research entitled: *The Students’ ability in making simple sentences by using preferences at the first semester of the eighth grade of SMP Muhammadiyah Pringsewu”. B. Identification of the Problem Based on the background of the problem above the researcher identified the problem as follows: 1. The students had difficulties in making simple sentences by using preferences. 2. The students were still errors in making simple sentences and were still confuse to understand the use of preferences. C. Limitation of the Problem This research was concerned with the students’ ability in making simple sentences by using preferences. The disscussion focuses on the students’ ways in makinga simple sentence by using preferences in aspects “like-better than, prefer-to, would tather-than, would prefer-rather than”. D. Formulation of the Problem Based on the focus of the research above, the problem that is investigated in this study is: How is thelevel of students’ ability in making simple sentences by using preferences? E. Objective of the Research Based on the research problem, the objective of this research was to know the students’ ability in making simple sentences by using preferences. F. ses of the Research This study had some uses either for theoretical or for practical contributions 1. Theoretical Contributions a. The result of this study was expected to enlarge the scope knowledge of preferences. CHAPTER II REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE A. Concept of Grammar Grammar is fundamentally about how words are combined to form sentences. It can be said that a sentence comes from combination of some words, but those combinations cannot always be called as a sentence. Since a sentence which does not follow the rule is considered as ungramatical and vice versa. To construct a correct sentence, the word should be placed properly by following the rule of English grammar and syntax, so the sentence will be grammatically accepted. According to Thombury, grammar is partly the study of what forms (or structures) are possible in a language. Grammar has been concerned almost exclusively with analysis at the level of the sentence. Thus a grammar is a description of the rules that govern how a language’s sentences are formed.° It means that grammar a system of production rules used to parse and generate the meaning, pronunciation, morphology, and syntax of a sentence. Later, talking about grammar we know that there is a relationship between grammar and structure. Grammar will always be closely linked to the structure. Structure has also same role as grammar in writing especially in making sentences. However, they have some differences fiction in writing. Structure is a very general concept that can scott Thornbury, How To Teach Grammar, (Edinburg Gate: Pearson Education Limited, 1999), p.1. be applied to any complex thing. However, it is fundamental to the study of syntax.!° Syntax is the name given to the study of form, positioning, and grouping of the elements that go to make up sentence. In other words, it is about the structure of sentences.'! The fact that the words are not immediate constituents of the sentence, but belong to other words to form groups which their own specifiable position in the structure of the sentence largely determines the arrangement of words ina sentence. Besides, sentence means as group of words which have meaning and rule in structure. The concept of structure is essential in distinguishing between the string of words which are well-formed expression in the language and those which are not. So, the meaning of sentence is also carried out by the form of arrangement of the words.!? In other words, the function of structure is very important to form a good sentence. In addition, Putri writes that there is the difference between grammar and structure. She said that grammar is something that works to manage the appropriate words that is used (election words).Whereas, structure is something that works to manage about formating and composing the words.’* It means that there is a continuous difference between grammar and structure. "Noel Burton-Roberts, Analysis sentences (an introduction to english syntax), (New York: Longman University Press, 1997), p. 3. “bid.p. 3. Fanisa Putri, Perbedaan Grammar, Structure, dan Tenses, America: New York. Was available at: http://fanisaputrii. was accessed on monday, 5m April 2015. From the explanation above, it can be concluded that both stucture and grammar are theimportant things to form a good sentence, because its determine the arrangement of words in a sentence. B. Concept of Sentence Chafe in Wagiman states that a sentence is basically a structure of predication. An element that must be presented in all sentences is the predicate.’* Frank defines sentences is a full predication which contains a subject plus a predicate with a finite verb.’* It means that sentence is a structure of predication which contains of subject and predicate with a finite verb. In addition, Devitt and Stereny in Wagiman state that human beings apply the principle of referent refers to the conceptual meaning of the works which are emboidied in the sentence, while the principle of structure refers to organization or combination of the words to form a sentence by means of structural rules. '*The sentences agreement may be symbolized by such formulas as S V O (Subject + Verb + Object), Ny V Nz (Noun + Verb + Noun), or NP + VP (Noun Phrase + Verb Phrase). Besides, Frank states that sentence can be devided in two ways. The first is based on types namely, declarative sentence (statement), negative sentence, umperative “Wagiman Adisutriso, Semantic: An Introduction to the Basic Concepts, (Yogyakarta: Andi Offset, 2008), p. 43. Marcella Frank, Modern English: a Practical Reference Guide, (New Jersey: Practice- Hall,1972), p. 220. Ibid, p. 220. For example: - My Volvo is running.My Mercy is broken. —» My Volvo is running, but my Mercy is broken. - Tom phoned. He left a message. —» Tom phoned and left a message. - The man stole the jewelry and he hid it in his home. 3. Complex Sentence According to Frank, complex sentence is such sentence also have two or more full predictions. One of these is an independent clause (or, main clause) that is similar to the form of the simple sentence, and one or more of these are dependent clause (or, subordinate clause).”” As Chalker states that a complex sentence contains at least one matrix clause (main clause) and at least one subordinate clause.?? Furthermore, Djuhari also states that complex sentence is a sequence of sentence that consists of an independent clause (main clause) and one or more dependent clause (sub clause).”* For example: - The man who stole the jewelry hid it in his home. - You will understand when you do the exercise. 4. Compound-Complex Sentence Compund complex sentence contain two or more independent clause and one or more dependent clause. 2 tbid., p. 222. evivia Chalker, A Student’s English Grammar Workbook, (Harlow: Longman, 1992), p. 99. **Otong Setiawan Djuharie, Sentence Writing, (Bandung: Yrama Widiya, 2008), p. 157. For example: - The man stole the jewelry and he hit in his home until he could safely get out of town.” It means that, sentence is structure of predication contains subject and verb.Related with explanation above, it can be concluded that sentence is a structure of predication which contains of subject and predicate with a finite verb. In this research, the tesearcher focused in the form of making simple sentences by using preferences. C. Concept of Simple Sentence Simple sentence is a simple sentence form. It is called simple because this sentence is only composed of one subject and one predicate only.”° It is supported by Alexander that a simple sentence is a complete unit of meaning which contains a subject and a verb, followed, necessary, by other words which make up the meaning.”’ For example: - Made in Japan is correct English but it is not a sentence because it doesn’t have a subject. - My car was made in Japan is a complete sentence with a subject and verb. *vfarcella frank, Op. Cit.,p .223. *®pardiyono, Toefl Practical Strategy for The Best Score, (Yogyakarta: Andi Offset, 1998), p. 48. 216 Alexander, Op. Cit., p. 6. Furthermore, Demirezen explain about a simple sentence that the simple sentence has one independent clause that can stand on its own with a complete meaning. In many cases, the simple sentence structure starts with the subject. The subject is commonly the noun and its modifiers, but this is not always the case A simple sentence is an independent clause which must have a verb. There are five basic simple sentence structures in English; each type adds more elements one by one to the simple sentence.”* 1. Subject + Verb The subject tells who or what about the verb. A verb, instead, shows action or state of being. For example: - Iswim. - Joe swims. - Jack walks. - The plane crashed. - Harry Potter is missing. Simple sentences with subject and verb structures are very common in English sentence structure. They are made with intransitive verbs which do not require an object. 2. Subject + Verb + Object [(S+V+ (O)] ?ehmet Demirezen, An Analysis of the Problem-Causing Structures of Simple Sentences for Turkish University Students, (International Journal of Humanities and Social Science), (Turkey: Hacettepe University Department of Foreign Languages Education Turkey,2012), Vol.2, No.3. more than another person or thing; something that is liked or wanted more than another thing.*° There are several types of preferences that can be used are as follows:*! 1. Prefer-to We can use ‘prefer to (doing)’ or ‘prefer-ing’ to say what you prefer in general. Prefer is followd by Noun and Gerund (verb1+ing). Formula: S + Prefer + Noun/Gerund + To + Noun/ Gerund Ex: I do not like cities. I prefer to live in the country. Or I prefer living in the country to living in the city. 2. Would prefer (I'd prefer...)-rather than We use ‘would prefer’ to say what somebody wants in particular situation (not in general). Would prefer is followed by To + verbl and rather than + verb1. Formula: S + would prefer + to + verbl + rather than + verbl Ex: ‘Would you prefer tea or coffee?’ “Coffee, please.’ We say ‘would prefer to do’ (not doing) Ex: ‘I would prefer to stay at home tonight rather than go to the cinema. ohn Lyons, Preferences; prefer, would rather, like, (available in like.html, was accesed on September 23 2015. >*Raymond Murphy, English Grammar In Use. Second Edition, (New York: Cambridge University Press, 2000), p.116. 3. Would rather (I'd rather...)-than Would rather (do) = would prefer (to do). After would rather we use the infinitive without to. Would rather is followed by verb1. Formula: S + would rather + verb] + than + verb Compare: ‘Shall we go by train? ~~——> ‘I would prefer to go by car.’ L—_» ‘I would rather go by car,’ (not to go) “Would you rather have tea or coffee?’ ‘I would rather stay at home than go to the cinema.*? It expresses preference. Notice that the simple form on a verb follows both would rather and than. Example: - I would rather go to a movie tonight than study grammar - I would rather study history than study biology.** 4. Like-better than It relates as noun. Subject-like-noun/gerund- better than-noun/gerund. Examples: - I like red apples better than green apples. - She likes lobster better than crab. - She likes watching TV better than listening to radio. "bid., p. 106. 3 Betty Schrampfer Azar, Understanding and Using English Grammar, am Edition, (New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, 1998) p. 104. “Deny Rhomdony, Interated Comprehensive English Grammar, (Bekasi: Kesaint Blanc, 2006), p.186. 5. Had better Had better to do something = it is advice to do. If 1 do not do it, there will be a problem or a danger. Had is normally past, but the meaning of had better is present or future, not past. We used “had better” only on a specific situation (not for things in general). Pattern: S + had better + infinitive S + had better + not + infinitive Examples: - Thad better go now, or I’ll be late. - We had better stop for petrol soon. The negative is: I would better not (I had better not). Example: You would better not go to work today.** 6. It’s time It’s time you did something = you should have already done it for started it. We often use this structure to criticize or to complain. Here we use the past, but the meaning is present. Pattern: It’s time + to infinitives. It’s time + Subject + V2. Raymond Murphy, English Grammar In Use. Third Edition, (Melbourne: Cambridge University Press, 2004), p. 70. F. Concept of Students’ Ability in Making Simple Sentences by Using Preferences Based on previous theory by Purnomo, preference is an expression that is used to show that someone prefer something or activities to other activities.” On the other hand, preferences is someone’s desire or feelings for something more than something else. Ability is defined as the physical or mental power or skill needed to do something. Ability is also sometimes defined in terms of performance on a particular task or class of task.*? In the same meaning, Lohman states that ability is “how well a person performs a defined task if he does his best”. It means that ability, in the term of task toward students, is the students’ best performance in a task. Therefore, the result of the task will be informed about how the students’ ability on the aspect that will be tested. From the theory above, the researcher assumed that the students ability is the power to do something or the capacity or skill to do something that is possessed by the students. The students’ ability can be analyzed by giving test and counting the score that the students got by answering the questions. In this research the researcher wants to know the students’ ability in making simple sentences by using preferences. *Durnomo, Op. Cit., p. 186. 2008),p. 3 Cambri Advance Learner’s Dictionary,(Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, “David F. Lohman, Issues in the definition and measurement of abilities, (Lowa-The University of Lowa, Paper presented at the Second Spearman Seminar, 1997), p.8. Related to the explanation above, it can be concluded that students’ ability in making simple sentences by using preferences was the researcher focused on students’ ability in making and translating the sentence using appropriate preferences. So that, the students can know a good sentence consisting preferences. To analyze the students’ ability in making simple sentences by using preferences, the researcher count the students’ score first. Brown states that the answer has three possibilities, there are correct if an item the students answer appropriate with the key answer.*° Example: They would prefer singing rather than dancing (incorrect) My mother prefers singing to dancing (correct) She likes sing a song better than play a guitar (incorrect) She would rather to sing a song than todance (correct) BwWwnNr “They would prefer singing rather than dancingis incorrect because the words would prefer should be followed by verb. Then, "She likes sing a song better than play a guitar” is incorrect because the words Like should be followed by noun. In this research, the researcher want to know the students’ ability in making simple sentences by using preferences. The researcher would like to ask the students to make and to translate the simple sentences by using preferences. Then, the researcher analyzed and discuss the students’ worksheet and discuss to the English teacher. “SH Douglas Brown, Language Assessment Principles and Classroom Practices, (San Francisco: Longman, 2003), p. 228. CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHODOLOGY A. Research Design In this research, the researcher used descriptive quantitative research. This study, the tesearcher described the students’ ability in making simple sentences by using preferences. As Glass and Hopkins state that descriptive research can be either quantitative or qualitative: It can involve collection of quantitative information that can be tabulated along a continuum in numerical form such as score on a test or the number of times a person. chooses to use a certain feature of a multimedia program.*° It is supported by Dornyei who states that quantitative data can be obtained in a number of ways. Furthermore he says that the most common instrument used for this purpose is the test, which has several types for example, language tests or psychological tests such as aptitude tests or personality batteries.*” Descriptive research in this study was used to describe the students’ ability of the eighth grade of SMP Muhammadiyah Pringsewu in making simple sentences by using preferences. Hence, in analyzing of the data would be number and statistic analyzing. As Furchan the selection or development of data collection instruments “Gene V. Glass and Kenneth D. Hopkins, The Handbook of Research for Educational Comnunications and Technology, available at: http:/ 01.html, Accessed on August 1", 2015. “Zoltan Dornyei, Research Methods In Applied Linguistic: Quantitative, Qualitative, and Mixed Methodologies, (Oxford: Oxford University, 1998), p. 73. So in this research, test was conducted to get the data. The researcherasked the students of SMP Muhammadiyah Pringsewu to do the task. The time available wasapproximately 90 minutes. And after the data completely elicited, the researcher analyzed and then classify the students’ score based on the criteria and calculate their percentage. Test is a form of assignment or a question that should be done by students. The result from students’ sentences by using preferences is considered as information that reflects their ability. To collect data from the test, the researcher asked the students to make and translate some sentences by using preferences. D. Research Instrument According to Creswell, an a tool for measuring, observing, or documenting data. It contents specific question and response possibilities that you establish or develop in advance of the study.*° While Arikunto says that instrument is a tool or facility that is used by researcher to collect the data in order to get better results.°° It would be accurate, complete and systematic, so it would be easy to tesearch. It means that research instrument is one of important things which keep the quality of the research result, so it would get a good result. *John W. Creswell, Educational Research: Planning, Conducting, and Evaluating Quantitative and Qualitative Research, (New York: Pearson Education, 4"Ed., 2012), p. 14. *Suharsimi Arikunto, Dasar-Dasar Evaluasi Pendidikan, Gakarta: Bumi Aksara, 2012), p. 211. There are two kinds of instruments:test and non-test instrument.*” The researcher used test method. It is an assignment to measure the students’ ability in making simple sentences by using preferences. Brown states that a test in simple terms is a method of measuring a person’s ability, knowledge, or performance in given domain.** It means that test is one of important things which keep the quality of the tesearch result. So, if the test is good, it will get a good result. The test is about making and translating some simple sentences by using preferences. There are 24 items of instrument that were given to the students, 12 items in the form of making simple sentences and 12 items in the form of translating sentences (see in appendix9). The researcher gave the instruction to the students. The students mustmake and translate some sentencesby using preferences.This test was aimed to identify students’ ability in using appropriate preferences. The reasons why the researcher used writing test by their own because through this test, they put ther knowledge of structures there in the sentences. The instruction steps in doing the test is as follows: After the students write their name in paper then the studentsanswered the questions by their own using appropriate preferences. Finally, they must finish it in 90 minutes. Because this test of making simple sentences by using preferences is for feedback of what the students had learnt, in which were conducted in this research. It means that ST. Ibid, p. 211. *8H Douglas Brown, Language Assesement Principles and Classroom Practices, (San Fransisco: Pearson Education Longman, 2004), p. 3. the researcher was not need to measure items difficulty. Item distribution and destructor analysis to the test items in which usually needs to be measured. The teason is because this test is a kind of criterion-referenced test (a test to give test takers feedback, usually in the form grades, involving the students in class connected to a curriculum).® E. Try Out Try out was conducted to identify how accurate and effective the tests before they are used to collect the data of the research and to identify whether the test can be administered or not. The administrating of try out used to know the validity of test and readability of the test. In this research, the researcher used written test by making simple sentences using appropriate preferences. It consisted 12 items in the form of making simple sentences and 12 items in the form of translating sentences. The researcher gave the test to 31 students in VIII 1 which is as the participant students. Then, the researcher evaluated the test items to get good items that were tested in the test. This test was intended to know the validity and readability of the instrument. *°Jack R. Fraenkel and Norman E. Wallen. How to Design Evaluate Research in Education, (New York: McGraw-Hill, 2008), Second Edition, P. 58. validity is needed to measuring instrument that have some indicators to measure one aspect or construct.© It means that construct validity is just like a concept, both of them are abstraction and generalization that need to be defined so clearly that can measured and examined. Therefore, construct validity was focused on the kind of test that was used to measure the ability. In this session, the researcher consulted the instrument to the competent teacher to decide whether the instrument were valid or not. In this case, the researcher chose the English teacher of SMP. Muhammadiyah Pringsewu, Mr. Hudi Marjunet, S.S, as the instrument validator. After the instrument were checked by the teacher, the tesearcher added and changed some points to construct simple sentences by using preferences. (see appendix 8) 3. Items Validity Items validity is used to measure whether the items of the test are valid or not. In this tesearch, the researcher used correlation product moment technique to calculate 1- vate which is used to measure the items validity. Thus, the researcher calculated the items validity by using excel. Where the criteria are, the items of an instrument could be called valid if the 1-vate are higher than Ttable” John W. Best and James V Kahn, Op. Cit, p. 25. *"Sugiono, Statistika Untuk Penelitian, (Bandung: Alfabeta, 2010), p. 356. In this case, the number of subject were 31 students, which the value of significant degree of 5% is 0,355. (the R table of significant degree can be seen in the table 9 page 78) Based on the analyzing by doing try out to some participants at the eighth grade of SMP Muhammadiyah Pringsewu, and the result of the consultation to the English teacher, all items of 1-vame are higher than r-tabie. It means that all of the items of instrument was called valid. (see appendix 9 table 8) G. Reliability of the Test According to Arikunto, reliability shows that an instrument that can be believed enough to be used as a tool of data collecting when the instrument has been good.® It means that if the data are true based on the fact the result should be the same. To get the reliability of the test, the researcher used inter-rater reliability. It was conducted by two raters who examine the students’ ability in making simple sentences test by using preferences with the intention of knowing the reliability of the test. The statistical formula for counting the reliability is as follows: © _ | _6@d) P aly (N2= 1) Notes: p = Reliability d = The difference of rank correlation 6and 1 =Coefficients numeral N = Number of Subject. suharsimi Arikunto, Op. Cit., p. 221. Anas Sudijono, Pengantar Evaluasi Pendidikan, Jakarta: Rajawali Pers, 2013), p. 269. Furthermore, the criteria of reliability used to know the degree or the level of the reliability of students’ ability in making simple sentences by using preferences test as follows: 1. a very low reliability ranges from 0.00 to 0.19 2. a low reliability ranges from 0.20 to 0.39 3. an average reliability ranges from 0.40 to 0.59 4. a high reliability ranges from 0.60 to 0.79 5. a very high reliability ranges from 0.80 to 1:00.”° Furthermore, the result of the test, used variant formula because the data were assessed by two raters and then analyzed based on the Tribble’s writing assessment from analytical scoring system in which the score was ranked. From the data gained, the reliability of written test was 0.99938. Then this result was to be consulted the category of reliability test. Based on the category, the reliability test of written test was very high reliability since it was in the range of 0.80 — 1.00 (see Appendix 10 table 10). H. Readability of the Instrument Readability of instrument is indicators that measure how easy a document to read and to understand. For evaluators, readability statistics can be solid predictors of the language difficulty level of particular documents. The essential information in an Sugiyono, Pengantar Statistik Pendidikan, (Jakarta: Rajawali Press, 1“ Ed., 2009), p.235. J. Data Analysis After collecting the data, the researcher analyzed the data. Bogdan defines that the data analysis is the process of systematically searching and arranging the interview transcript, field notes, and other material that you accumulate to increase your own understanding of them to enable you to put present what you have discovered to others.” The data analysis in this research was-data from the test of students’ ability of the eighth grade of SMP Muhammadiyah Pringsewu in making simple sentences by using preferences. Here are the steps of analyzing data as the figure: Data ¥ Determining the students’ score of the test y Determining the students’ score category based on the students’ category of the test v Finding out the percentages of the students’ score categoryand analyzing each category ¥ Finding out the total students’ average score v Concluding the research finding ™Sugiyono, Memahami Penelitian Kualitatif, (Bandung: Alfabeta, 2012), p. 88. The explanation of the figure above is as follows: * 1. After collecting the data, the researcher determined the students’ score in making simple sentences by using preferences. Then the researcher corrected the students’ work. To make the validity of the data analysis, the researcher joined to the English teacher as a second rater to count the data. Then, the tesearcher found out the average of the score based on the two raters. Furthermore, Purwanto states that objective test form or essay form apply the different scoring system, moreover he says that in objective test the validity is absolute.”* According to Brown, the answer_has three possibilities, there are correct if an item the students answer appropriate with the key answer. Hence the validity is certaily so the students get score 2 (two) if the grammatically and the lexically correct; 1 (one) if either grammar or vocabulary is in correct, but not both; and 0 (zero) for both grammar and vocabulary are incorrect. The following is the scoring scale for controlled writing: Score 2: Grammatically and lexically correct Score 1: Either grammar or vocabulary is incorrect, but not both 1 | ScoreO : Both grammatically and vocabulary is incorrect. ™Purwanto, Evaluasi Hasil Belajar, (Surakarta: Pustaka Belajar, 2008), p. 188. Ibid, p. 189. SH Douglas Brown, Language Assessment Principles and Classroom Practices, (San Francisco: Longman, 2003), p. 228. In this step the researcher will use the formula as follows:7” Level of Ability = 2@2_correct score y- 199 total score 2. Then the researcher determined the students’ score category based on the students’ category of the test. According Sudijono, there are five criteria of students’ score category, excellent category for score 80-100; good category for score 66-79; fair category for score 56-65; low category for score 46-55; and failed category for score 0245.”* (see in appendix 17 and 18) 3. After categorizing each student’s ability, the researcher found out the percentages of the students’ score category, then the researcher analyzed each category. In this step the researcher used formula is as follows:” (see appendix 19) P=*X 100% P__: Percentage Number F : Frequency N_: Number of student Nar Herryanto, Statistik Dasar, (Surakarta: Pustaka Belajar, 2008), p. 188. 7®anas Sudijono, Op. Cit, p. 35. Anas Sudijono, Pengantar Statistik Pendidikan, (Jakarta: Rajawali Pers, 2011),p. 43. 2. Teachers and Staffs of SMP Muhammadiyah Pringsewu The condition of the teachers and staffs of SMP Muhammadiyah Pringsewuin 2016/2017 academic year as follow: Teachers and Staffs of SMP Muhamnadivah Pringsewu in 2016/2017 Academic Year. o Name Position 1 ion Hendro Wijoyo, S. Kom dmaster 2 rida Ibrahim, S.Pd.I. dmaster Vice of Curriculum 3 | Sajikan dmaster Vice of Academic 4 udin, S.Pd master Vice of Students 5 yu Trimurty, S.Kom id of Administration Sari Dewi, S.Pd surer 7 Sudarini cher 8 tyah, A.Md.Pd cher 9 hair cher 0. Wahyuni cher 1 . Lismarini cher 2 fin Z. Khasanah, S.Ag cher 3 _jayantomo, S.Pd cher 4 arsiyah, S.Pd cher 5 ang Sunarti, S.Pd cher 6 fi Mulyadi, S.Pd cher 7___hng Nugroho K, S.Pd cher 8 _|. Halida Nurdiyanti cher 9 | Suyono cher 0 ful Isnandar, S.Kom cher 1 imsiyati, S.Pd cher 2 zal, S.H.1 cher 3 ga Pria Kusuma, S.Pd cher 4 Mulyani, S.Pd cher 5 thayati, $.Pd cher 6 |Samijem cher 7 {ii Marjunet, S.S cher 8 lah Winarni, S.Pd cher 9 dra Sukmana, S.S cher 0, ity Wahyuningsih, S.Pd cher 1 Firdansyah, S.Pd.I cher 2. ‘a Wijaya cher 3 Kurniawati cher 4 __|Ferdiyanto, S.Pd cher 5 Mardiana, S.E cher 6 al, S.Pd cher 7 as Alatas, S.Pd cher 8 ft HaryantoOkta ary 9 yu Eko Purnomo cher 0 _ \mat Satria Dinata Ff Administration 1___jris Antoni Ff Administration 2 arti, S.Pd ff Administration 3 ah Dian Sari, S.HI ff Administration 4 as Faizal Azam Ff Administration 5 Setiawan lurity 6 Dwinoto lurity 7__|lin Ulfa Rosyada Ff Dining Room 8 na Mulyati Ff Dining Room Adapted from: Wahyu Trimurty ,Documen of The Statistic Data of SMP Muhammadiyah Pringsewu, (Unpublished, 2016). Based on the administration data of SMP Muhammadiyah Pringsewu, not only teachers but also the other staffs who have participated in supporting the education activities in SMP Muhammadiyah can run well up to now. There were some rooms at the school, namely headmaster school room, teacher room and administration room. 3. Facilities of the School at SMP Muhammadiyah Pringsewu Table 2. Facilities of SMP Muhammadiyah Pringsewu in 2016/2017 Academic Year o Name of Facilities Total sroom, 10 puter Laboratory 2 nce Laboratory ary ATS Tas = que bting hall ce room (7 8 9 ketball Court 0 leyball Court 1 2 3 al Court le Tennis facilities 1 1 1 1 1 chers’ room 1 1 1 1 1 1 Iminton court 4 ___ {ho Visual room 1 Adapted from: Wahyu Trimurty, Documen of The Statistic Data of SMP Muhammadiyah Pringsewu, (Unpublished, 2016). Seeing the number of rooms in SMP Muhammadiyah Pringsewu, the learning activity had been run well. Because it had been supported by facilities an infrastructure of 7. On 3" September 2016, the researcher asked the additional information or data of the school such as the history of the school, profile of the teacher and so on, to the headmaster. C. Research Findings The researcher conducted the research on 26" August 2016 at 07.15 up to 08.45 AM. At the time in first meeting the researcher introduced himself and delivered his aim to the students. Then, he gave the test, he had the English test score then collected the data and the researcher analyzed the result of the students’ test. It was mentioned that the research findings were analyzed based on the students’ ability on making simple sentences by using preferences. It was done to give the televant answer to the main research question posed in statement of the problems: how the students’ ability in making simple sentences by using preferences? In computing the data, the researcher corrected the students’ answer sheet. The tesearcher gave the score based on the scoring scale for controlled writing, as follows:*! Score 2: Grammatically and lexically correct Score 1: Either grammar or vocabulary is incorrect, but not both Score 0 : Both grammatically and vocabulary is incorrect. “H Douglas Brown, Language Assessment Principles and Classroom Practices, (San Francisco: Longman, 2003), p. 228. The test was written form test that was used to measure students’ ability in making simple sentences by using preferences. After the data were collected, the researcher analyzed them. 1 Determining the level of students’ mastery in making simple sentences by using preferences. In this step the researcher used the formula as follows: * Level of Ability = 2Stud@ correct score 19g total score Based on the result of the test that the most of student got average score 48 in the test. There were fourteen students who got score under 45, four students who got score above 56, and only one student who got score above 80. The students whose code S-3.9 got the lowest score that was 17. Then, the students whose code S-3.33 got the highest score that was 81. It can be seen in the table 12 of appendix 18. 2 After finding out the scores, the result was consulted based on the table of students score category. It can be seen in the table 11 of appendix 17. 3 Then, found out the percentage of classification. After the students’ score was classified, the researcher found the percentage of classification. The formula of percentage is:** P==X 100% N P : Percentage Number F: Frequency ®Nar Herryanto, Statistik Dasar, (Surakarta: PustakaBelajar, 2008), p. 188. ® nas Sudijono, Pengantar Statistik Pendidikan, (Jakarta: PT. Raja Grafindo Persada), p. 43. N: Number of student From the table of students’ scores, the frequency of each student’s classification was calculated as follows: Excellent : 1 student Good : 4 students Fair : 4 students Low : 11 students Failed +14 students The percentage of students’ classification excellent 1 P=— X 100% =2.94% 34 The percentage of students’ classification good 4 P=— X 100% = 11.76% 34 The percentage of students’ classification fair 4 P=— X 100% = 11.76% 34 The percentage of students’ classification low 1 P=— X 100% = 32.35% 34 The percentage of students’ classification failed P=~* x 100% =41.18% 34 error in election preferences word such in question number 10 of translating section; the answer was “J would prefer playing football than badminton”, as lexically is correct but as grammatically and an election the preferences word is incorrect. The sentence should be “J would prefer to play football rather than to play badminton”. d) 11 students (32.35%) were categorized into low in making simple sentences by using preferences. The students’ ability was categorized low if their score belongs to 46-55. Based on the analysis of student’s result, there were eleven students who got the low category. Most of them almost confused in electing the grammar and placing the structural of preferences, not only in making sentences section but also in translating sentences. For the example the student who got score 52.1, it was the student whose code S-3.18. This student still confused in electing the grammar, placing the structural word and also confused in electing the preferences word such us in question number 4 of translating section. The answer was “most of Indonesia people prefer car luxurious than house”. As lexically this sentence is correct but as grammatically and structural appropriate preferences is incorrect. The phrase “Indonesia people” should be “Indonesian people”, the phrase “car luxurious” should be “luxurious car”, and the preferences word “prefer” should be paired with the word “to”. So, the correct sentence should be “Most of Indonesian people prefer a luxurious car to house”. e) 14 students (41.18%) were categorized into failed in making simple sentences by using preferences. The students’ ability was categorized failed if their score belongs to 0-45. Based on the analysis of student’s tesult, there were fourteen students who got the failed category. Almost all of them still confused in electing grammar, placing structural, and pairing appropriate preferences word. They made many errors in both section, not only in translating sentences section, but also in making sentences section. There was a student who got the low score here, the score was 17. It was the student whose code S-3.9.This student made many errors in both section, making sentences section and translating section. For the example we can see the answer number 3 of making sentences section, he confused in electing and pairing appropriate preferences word. The answer was “she like singing a song playing guitar”. The correct answer should be “she likes singing a song better than playing guitar”, and many errors that was made by this student of a kind. In the other answer, this student also made some etrors in lexically, electing grammar, electing vocabulary, and pairing the appropriate preferences word such us an answer number 10 of translating section. The answer was “J am like play football to play badminton would rather”. As grammatically and lexically, this sentence is incorrect, as electing and pairing the appropriate preferences word this sentences is also incorrect. The correct answer should be “J would prefer to play football rather than to play badminton”. And many mistakes and errors that was made in the test. In conclusion, this student was categorized failed. 4 Found out the total average score of the students in making simple sentences by using preferences. Here is the formula that was used by the researcher for calculating the total average score of students in making simple sentences by using preferences.** yt n Where: Xx = The mean. yx =The total score n = The number of case from the formula above the mean score is as follows: 1632 _ 34 48 5 Based on the result above, the average score of the students’ ability in making simple sentences by using preferences at the first semester of the eighth grade of SMP Muhammadiyah Pringsewu in 2016/2017 academic year was 48. So, the criteria of the students’ average score belong to Low. D. Discussion of Findings This section discussed about the research finding which include the result of the test in making simple sentences by using preferences. There were 34 students as the subject of this research. They joined in the written test to know their ability in making “Suharsimi Arikunto, Dasar-Dasar Evaluasi Pendidikan, Gakarta: Bumi Aksara,2012), p. 8. teaching or learning in the classroom.* It means that technique is crucial for the teacher applied suitable technique in the class, especially applied in making simple sentences by using preferences material. It needs to increase the confusing and increase the understanding of the students. According to result of interview to the teacher and by discussing to the students, it showed that the students had not mastered the rule yet. They also noticed that they were confused to use the appropriate preferences. It may be caused of those problems that which came arise in learning preferences. Those were problem with the special pattern, the problem with the function and the meaning of preferences, problem with using of tenses that was used:in making simple sentences by using preferences. It was appropriate to the interview result when the researcher did preliminary research. In conclusion, the researcher suggests to English teacher that they must prepare appropriate methods and enjoyable techniques in teaching grammar to make the students more enjoyable and interactive to overcome the students’ difficulties in making simple sentences by using preferences. *8Jack C. Richard and Rogers, Approaches and Methods in Language Teaching, (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1986), p. 15. CHAPTER V CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION A. Conclusion Based on the analysis discussed in the previous chapter, the researcher interpreted that most of the eighth grade of SMP Muhammadiyah Pringsewu in 2016/2017 academic year, the ability in making simple sentences by using preferences was categorized into poor. It means that more half of students did not understand about the form and the function of preferences. The researcher calculated the students’ score and classified that into 5 score classification based on analytic rating scale. The result shows thatl student (2.94%) was categorized into excellent in making simple sentences by using preferences, 4 students (11.76%) were categorized into good, 4 students (11.76%) were categorized into fair, 11 students (32.35%) were categorized into low, and then 14 students (41.18%) were categorized into failed. It means that the more concept of preferences given by the English teacher more difficulties understood by the students. It can be seen that the highest percentage of students’ ability based on analytic Rating scale is in failedwith 41.18% or 14 students from 34 students. Thus, the students ability in making simple sentences by using preferences at the eighth grade of SMP Muhammadiyah Pringsewu is in categorized into low. Suggestion After the researcher had done the research at SMP Muhammadiyah Pringsewu, the tesearcher would like to give some suggestions as follows: 1. For the English Teacher a. Toimprove and to get good result of quality of teaching and learning English at Junior High School, the researcher suggest that the English teacher should give more practices or tasks to the students. b. The teacher should stimulate the students to study actively. It is hoped that it can increase the students’ motivation in mastering English. c. The teacher may give interesting teaching methods in teaching English in order to make them more interested in learning English and the teacher may give more practice to improve the students’ ability. 2. For the Students a. The students have to keep more practices especially in making simple sentences by using preferences. b. The students should open dictionary to enrich their grammar and vocabulary. c. The students should be more active in learning English. d. 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Result Interview from the English Teacher Ade : Bagaimana minat siswa dalam mengikuti pelajaran bahasa Inggris khususnya dalam aspek grammar dan structure? Mr. Hudi :Minat siswa dalam mengikuti pelajaran bahasa inggris ini bermacam-macam, ada yang senang dan ada yang tidak senang. Namun sebenarnya sebagian besar siswa merasa senang belajar Bahasa Inggris, hanya saja kurangnya penguasaan vocabulary dan pemahaman tentang bahasa Inggis sehingga membuat mereka lemah dalam bahasa Inggris. Disamping itu kurangnya jam pelajaran Bahasa Inggris juga mejadi salah satu faktor penghambat, terlebih lagi guru khususnya Bahasa Inggris 99% menggunakan bahasa Indonesia ketika KBM, tidak seperti sekkolah-sekolah bonafit lain yang bahasa Inggrisnya lebih maju. Ade — :Topik/materi apasajakah yang anda ajarkan di kelas terkait dengan grammar dan structure? Mr. Hudi : Untuk kelas VIII, sesuai dengan silabus, saya mengajarkan beberapa materi terkait dengan grammar. Seperti simple present, present continuous, past tense, comparison, modal, dan termasuk juga preferences. Ade : Di semester berapakah anda menyampaikan materi tentang preferences kepada siswa? Mr. Hudi : Materi preferences disampaikan di kelas VII (tujuh) smester 2 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. Ade : Bagaimanakah kemampuan siswa dalam membuat kalimat sederhana yang baik dan benar khususnya tentang preferences? Mr. Hudi : Sebagian besar siswa sebenarnya sudah mampu membuat kalimat sederhana yang baik. Namun ada beberapa siswa yang masih sangat kesulitan dalam membuatnya. Dan untuk materi terkait dengan preferencesmemang sebagian siswa masih belum menguasai, namun ada beberapa siswa yang sudah mampu membuatnya dengan baik dan benar tetapi hanya pada saat guru menerangkan saja, setelah lepas dari materi mayoritas siswa kesulitan jika diminta untuk membuatnya. Ade : Berapakah KKM bahasa Inggris di SMP Muhammadiyah Pringsewu? Mr. Hudi LY? Ade : Jika di persentasikan, berapa persen kira-kira siswa yang berhasil mendapatkan nilai di atas KKM? Mr. Hudi : Jika~di-persentasikan kira-kira siswa yang berhasil mendapatkan nilai di atas KKM adalah sekitar 30%. Ade: Dari ke-tiga kelas di kelas VIII, kelas manakah yang mendapat nilai tata-rata bahaasa Inggris paling rendah? Mr. Hudi : Kelas yang mendapat nilai rata-rata Bahasa Inggris terendah adalah kelas VIII 3 Appendix 3. Table 3. Percentage of Students’ English Score of the Eighth Grade of SMP Muhammadiyah Pringsewu 2016/2017 Academic Year e Number of e Number of e percentage le percentage Students Students | of Students | of Students 0. lass [Total who got who got who got who got Score <70_ | Score>70 | Score<70 | Score>70 TI 1 24 13 64.86% 35.14% 37 D. TI 2 24 12 6.67% 33.33% 36 B TI 3 26 8 76.47% 23.53% 34 Source: The Document of Eighth Grade-of SMP Muhammadiyah Pringsewu No Students' Name Class Students' Code 1 | Affrido Muhammad Rizki VII 1 P-1 2 | Akmal Muarief VII 1 P-2 3 | Aryanda Dwi Putra VII 1 P-3 4 | Bagas Satrio VIII 1 P-4 5 | DelaRestiana VII 1 P-5 6 | Deva Fitri Ningsih VIII 1 P-6 7 | Devi Nuzi Santi VII 1 P-7 8 | Emi Dwi Nabila VII 1 P-8 9 | Gita Aulia Fitri VII 1 P-9 10 | Hanif Fahriyan VII 1 P-10 11_ | Hanny Fauziah VIII 1 P-11 12 | Helmi Maulana Putra VI 1 P-12 13. | Irva Maryana VII 1 P-13 14 | Irwansyah VUI1 P-14 15 Muhammad Runes Vil 1 P-15 16 Muhammad Tamageral Viti P-16 Putrawan 17 | Nabila Kartas Sasmipa VII 1 P-17 18 | Nur Cahyani VII 1 P-18 19 | Raditya Harya Saputra VIII P-19 20 | Rafi Rama Dani VII 1 P-20 21 | Ravialdi Saputra VIII 1 P-21 22 | Rheza Wildan Ghifari VII 1 P-22 23 | Rizki Kurniawan VII 1 P-23 24 | Sabrina Assyifa VII 1 P-24 25 | Salsabila Fridina Arafali VII 1 P-25 26 | Sarif Fahrullah VII 1 P-26 27 | Siti Rohana VII 1 P-27 28 | Valentina Awin VII 1 P-28 29 | Vega Brima Sanecha VIII 1 P-29 30_| Wahyudi VU 1 P-30 31_| Yuan Saputri VIII 1 p-31 Appendix 8. Validation Form for the Instrument Penunjuk pengisian format penelaah butir soal: Analisislah instrumen soal berdasarkan semua kriteria yang tertera didalam format! Berilah tanda cek (\/) pada kolom “ya” apabila soal yang ditelaah sudah sesuai dengan kriteria dan tanda (\/) pada kolom “tidak” bila soal yang ditelaah tidak sesuai dengan kriteria, kemudian tuliskan alasan pada ruang catatan atau pada teks soal dan perbaikannya. No Pertanyaan Ya | Tidak Komentar Apakah instrument sesuai dengan kompetensi dan indikator pada setiap aspek yang diukur untuk siswa kelas VIII di semester 1? Apakah isi materi dan topik sesuai 2 | dengan jenjang sekolah atau tingkat sekolah? Apakah alokasi waktu yang diberikan kepada siswa sudah cukup? 4 | Apakah instruksi dapat dipahami siswa? Apakah instruksi sudah sesuai dengan 5 | kisi-kisi dan aspek yang akan diukur? Apakah rubrik penilaian sudah sesuai 6 | dengan indicator untuk siswa kelas VIII? Apakah words yang disediakan tidak 7 | menyulitkan siswa? Pringsewu, Validator, Hudi Marjunet, S.S (cy D my Se ze Table 9. R Table of Significant Degree N sasearee N sere N Significant Degree 5% 1% 5% 1% 5% 1% 1 26 | 0,388 0,496 55 0,266 0,345 2 27 | 0,381 0,487 60 0,254 0,330 3 0,997 | 0,999 | 28 | 0,374 0,478 65 0,244 0,317 4 0,950 | 0,990 | 29 | 0,367 0,470 70 0,235 0,306 5 0,878 | 0,959 | 30 | 0,361 0,463 75 0,227 0,296 6 0,811 | 0,917 | 31 | 0,355 0,456 80 0,220 0,286 7 0,754 | 0,874 | 32_|.0,349 0,449 85 0,213 0,278 8 0,707 | 0,834 |.33°| 0,344 0,442 90 0,207 0,270 9 0,666 | 0,798) | 34 | 0,339 0,436 95 0,202 0,263 10 | 0,632 | 0,765 | 35 | 0,334 0,430 100 0,195 0,256 11 | 0,602 | 0,735 }.36 | 0,329 0,424 125 0,176 0,230 12 | 0,576 | 0,708 | 37 | 0,325 0,418 150 0,159 0,210 13 | 0,553__| 0,684 | 38 |. 0,320 0,413 175 0,148 0,194 14 | 0,532 | 0,661 | 39 | 0,316 0,408 200 0,138 0,181 15 | 0,514 | 0,641 | 40 |.0,312 0,403 300 0,113 0,148 16 | 0,497 | 0,623 | 41 | 0,308 0,398 400 0,098 0,128 17 | 0,482 | 0,606 | 42 | 0,304 0,393 500 0,088 0,115 18 | 0,468 | 0,590 | 43 | 0,301 0,389 600 0,080 0,105 19 | 0,456 | 0,575 | 44 | 0,297 0,384 700 0,074 0,097 20 | 0,444 | 0,561 | 45 | 0,294 0,380 800 0,070 0,091 21 | 0,433 | 0,549 | 46 | 0,291 0,376 22 | 0,423 | 0,537 | 47 | 0,288 0,372 900 0,65 0,086 23 | 0,413 | 0,526 | 48 | 0,284 0,368 24 | 0,404 | 0,515 | 49 | 0,281 0,364 25 | 0,396 | 0,505 | 50 | 0,279 0,361 1000 | 0,062 0,081 Adapted From: Sugiono, Statistika Untuk Penelitian, (Bandung: Alfabeta, 2008), p. 373. Reliability of The Instrument The statistical formula is: 6(d*) R=1-———— ~N(N2= 1) 7 6(4) ~"" 34 (342= 1) 4 24 ~~ 34 (115681 1) =1 24 ~~ 34 (1155) 1 24 ~°"34 (1155) 24 1- 39270 R = 1-0,0006111535 R=0,99938 -—» Based on the criteria of reliability by Sugiono, the reliability is very high Appendix. 10 Table 10. Reliability of The Instrument Rank 2 No| Students R1 R2 Ri R2 D=R1-R2 D 1 8-3.1 64.6 63.1 5 6 -1 1 2 8-3.2 43.7 | 45.8 22 19 3 9 3 8-3.3 52.1 54.2 ll 9 2 4 4 8-3.4 56.2 54.1 8 10 -2 4 5 8-3.5 47.9 | 47.9 15 15 0 0 6 8-3.6 64.5 66.6 5 4 1 1 7 8-3.7 29.2 JsCag.2 23 23 0 0 8 8-3.8 45.8/| 43.7 ie 17 -2 4 9 S-3.9 18.7 | 14.6 25 26 -1 1 10 S-3.10 37.5..|/ 37.5 20 20 0 0 11 S-3.11 58.3 | 58.3 5 6 -1 1 12 S-3.12 56.2 | 56.2 6 6 0 0 13 S-3.13 18.7. | 29.1 2a 20 2 4 14 8-3.14 20.8 22:9: 20 20 0 0 15 8-3.15 47.9 | 47.9 12 12 0 0 16 8-3.16 39.5 39.5 16 16 0 0 17 8-3.17 43.5 | 45.5 14 13 1 1 18 S-3.18 52.1 | 52.1 7 7 0 0 19 8-3.19 33.3 33.3 14 14 0 0 20 S-3.20 52.1 | 52.1 7 7 0 0 21 S-3.21 58.3 | 60.4 5 5 0 0 22 S-3.22 52.1 | 52.1 6 6 0 0 23 8-3.23 29.2 | 29.2 ll ll 0 0 24 S-3.24 66.6 | 66.6 4 4 0 0 25 8-3.25 20.8 20.8 10 10 0 0 26 S-3.26 52.1 | 52.1 5 5 0 0 27 S-3.27 45.8 | 45.8 6 6 0 0 28 S-3.28 72.9 | 72.9 2 2 0 0 29 S-3.29 41.6 | 39.6 6 6 0 0 30 S-3.30 72.9 | 72.9 2 2 0 0
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