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Heaven is for Real: A Family's Journey to the Afterlife, Summaries of English

A draft of the screenplay for the movie 'heaven is for real', based on the book by todd burpo. The story follows the burpo family as they navigate their young son colton's claims of visiting heaven during a near-death experience. The script includes dialogue, scene descriptions, and character interactions, providing a detailed look at the film's narrative.

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Download Heaven is for Real: A Family's Journey to the Afterlife and more Summaries English in PDF only on Docsity! HEAVEN IS FOR REAL Written by Randall Wallace Based on the book by Todd Burpo April 4, 2013 DRAFT 1ST BLUE REVISIONS Scenes Added: A22 Caren Beck HEAVEN IS FOR REAL FADE IN: SUPERIMPOSE: “In my Father’s house are many mansions. If it were not so, I would not have told you.” -- Jesus of Nazareth BEFORE OPENING CREDITS--1 1 We see the majesty all around us: Spectacular sunsets... cloud formations... moonlight on ocean waves... The delicacy of a flower’s pedals wet with dew... the amazing flight of a hummingbird, the breathtaking breach of a whale... The beauty of a newborn child... SUPERIMPOSE: HEAVEN IS FOR REAL We see the whole Earth, a living jewel in the enormity of the universe; our perspective of it becomes drawn into a single point: an EYE... We pull back to see this eye being painted on a canvas... CLOSE ON THE FACE of a girl... Her name is AKIANE KRAMARIK, and she is 12 years old. She has the eyes of an angel, an almost colorless blue, and is in some kind of trance... She is painting. What she is painting is coming from the vision she is having, seeing what others don’t see... HER BRUSH dips into the paints she has mixed--mostly cerulean blue--and touches masterfully onto her painting... ULTRA CLOSE-- She is painting eyes... They are open and bright, seeing something divine, like hers are... INT. SERIES OF CLOSE UPS - DAY2 2 The hands of a strong young man are working on a mechanical, skilled and thoroughly blue-collar task. We see: --Those hands, swift and sure, never stopping, using a 2A 2A drill to bore holes in a metal frame... --Threading chain drives though geared sprockets...2B 2B Caren Beck Ray, a muscular 250, gulps another mouthful of chili. RAY We thought you wanted to work off some calories, you guys are starting to look kinda tubby. INT. VOLUNTEER FIREHOUSE - BUNK ROOM - DAY7 7 Todd and Jay drop the carpet roll onto the concrete floor of the firehouse bunk room. JAY This’ll be great in here. TODD The rest will just about fill up the church basement. JAY Want me to help you drop it off? TODD Naw, I got it. I know better than to ride in a pickup with you after you been eating chili. EXT. VOLUNTEER FIRE HOUSE - DAY8 8 Todd and Jay walk out together. As Todd heads to his truck-- JAY Let me know, and I’ll help you install it! I know you need help with skilled labor! INT. CROSSROADS WESLEYAN CHURCH - DAY9 9 Todd, strong as a mule, carries the last of the carpet rolls into the church basement. He checks his watch and winces... INT. HIGH SCHOOL GYM - DAY10 10 Todd hurries into the gym where the wrestling team is starting their workout. TODD Okay, guys! One hundred burpees! 4. Caren Beck WRESTLER Gee, thanks, coach! Todd starts doing the exercises with them. He notices one wrestler slumped at the edge of the mat and moves to him. TODD What’s wrong, Heywood? HEYWOOD I hurt my shoulder. TODD Just warming up? HEYWOOD Naw, on the farm. Todd presses his fingers into Heywood’s shoulder joint. The boy flinches. Todd’s day just got even more complicated. INT. HOSPITAL - DAY11 11 As doctors are checking out Heywood’s shoulder, Todd notices a young man trying to comfort a sobbing woman. Todd moves gently up to them. TODD Is there a way I can help? Off their look, he remembers his clothes. TODD I’m a pastor. WOMAN You look like the janitor. TODD I’m willing to be the janitor. And I’m willing to pray for you too. The woman turns and storms off. MAN I’m sorry. She’s my sister; her husband just left her and now our father’s dying. She’s angry at the world. TODD Me too, most of the time. 5. Caren Beck MAN Dad’s like my sister, he doesn’t believe in anything. TODD My grandfather didn’t believe much either, but I sure loved him. Here’s my card. Call me if you change your mind. EXT. IMPERIAL NEBRASKA - ROAD - SUNSET12 12 Todd drives Heywood home; the kid seems okay. TODD I called your folks to let them know you’re okay. Your Dad was especially worried. HEYWOOD Really? TODD Sometimes Dads are so busy wanting to make their sons men that they forget to show much they care. Todd stops in front of a farmhouse; Heywood gets out. HEYWOOD Thanks, Coach. INT./EXT. NEBRASKA HIGHWAY - TODD’S TRUCK - SUNSET13 13 Todd is exhausted, so tired he’s sagging as he drives his truck toward home. The sun is going down and the sunset is beautiful. He looks up and tries to feel its beauty--and can’t. He checks his watch: there’s one more stop he wants to make. EXT. IMPERIAL, NEBRASKA - TOWN CEMETERY - SUNSET14 14 Todd walks alone through the headstones, and comes to one that’s whiter and fresher than most of the others. Todd stops and stares down at the grave. He places a few Nebraska wildflowers on it. He tries to pray...and nothing comes. 6. Caren Beck CASSIE I’ll never understand grown-ups. Tiny Colton stands and moves quietly out to the front porch. EXT. BURPO HOUSE - EVENING17 17 Todd pulls up in his truck, and is even more deflated when he sees his driveway and the nearby street cluttered with cars. TODD Every Monday. How could I forget? He gets out and hears the tight harmonies of another hymn drifting from his living room. It’s a lovely sound, but not to Todd’s ears right now. He slumps toward the house when-- Colton stands from his seat on the front porch where he’s been waiting for Todd. COLTON Daddy! TODD Colton! Colton runs up and Todd scoops him into his arms. TODD How ya doin’? COLTON Mom gots a house full of women. And Cassie thinks she’s one too. Through the windows Todd spots Cassie serving coffee like a lady to the women of the group. Then he sees Sonja coming back from the kitchen to join them. Todd knows his wife well; he feels a sense of something troubling her. TODD Tell ya what. Let’s have Men’s Night at the Pizza Palace. COLTON Sure you’re not too tired? TODD No more than usual. Do I act tired? COLTON Your shoulders are saggy. 8. Caren Beck Todd squares his shoulders and smiles at Colton’s innocent honesty and perception. TODD Better now? Colton gives him a glance and a nod. TODD No more work, off to pizza! Then his phone bings with a text message. Todd sags again. COLTON What’s wrong? TODD There are some people at the hospital. Their father is sick and they want me to come. COLTON Okay. I’ll go with you. TODD It might be sad. Or scary. COLTON That’s alright, Dad. If I’m with you, I won’t be afraid. INT. HOSPITAL - NIGHT18 18 Todd enters the ward with Colton at his side. He spots the young man and woman he saw earlier. Seeing Todd, the woman rises and stalks in the opposite direction, but the man--LEE WATSON--rises and shakes Todd’s hand. LEE Reverend Burpo-- TODD Todd. LEE Todd-- I never told you my name, I’m Lee. My father surprised me and asked for some kind of priest. Would you mind talking with him? Colton climbs easily into a chair and plays with Spiderman. 9. Caren Beck INT. HOSPITAL ROOM - NIGHT19 19 Todd enters alone and moves to the bedside. The old man seems asleep, but the heart monitor is registering a weak pulse. Todd curls his fingers into the old man’s palm. The old man’s eyes open and drift to Todd’s face. TODD I’m Todd--I’ve come to pray with you. The old man’s eyes drift toward the ceiling; a tear slides down his face. TODD Are you afraid? The old man blinks. TODD Is there anything you’re sorry for? The old man’s lips tremble. Todd leans closer. OLD MAN (soft whisper) Everything. TODD I believe God forgives. And if he forgives anything, he forgives everything. The old man looks once toward Todd and once more toward the ceiling. Todd sees the old man’s son and daughter at the door of the hospital room. Todd steps back from the bed, and the dying man’s son and daughter move in to his bedside. Then Todd sees Colton standing in the open doorway, staring calmly at the scene. Todd moves to him, takes Colton’s hand and together they walk down the silent corridor. INT. TODD’S TRUCK - ON THE HIGHWAY - NIGHT20 20 Todd is lost in his own thoughts. He glances toward Colton, who seems equally distant, staring up at the stars in the Nebraska night. COLTON That man was dying, wasn’t he? 10. Caren Beck TODD How tight are we on money this month? SONJA Remember, no money talk in bed. TODD Mr. Forrest couldn’t pay for his door, so he donated the church carpet instead. SONJA He said he had cash when he ordered the door. TODD Things changed. SONJA You had a rough day didn’t you? TODD Not so rough. We’ve got two mighty special children. He pauses a moment, puts his hand in Sonja’s hair. TODD And as long as I’m with you, I’m not afraid. As Sonja rolls into his arms, a smile breaks onto Todd’s face. The sound of children singing anticipates-- CHILDREN’S VOICES “Jesus loves the little children!...” EXT. ESTABLISHING CROSSROADS WESLEYAN CHURCH - DAY23 23 It’s a medium-sized sanctuary, modest and lovely. We see a sign: “Crossroads Wesleyan Church. All Welcome. Todd Burpo, Pastor.” And coming from the church we hear the high, sweet voices of children, singing the first hymn children are ever taught. CHILDREN’S VOICES (singing) “All the children of the world! 12. (MORE) Caren Beck Red and yellow, black and white, They are precious in his sight! Jesus loves the little children of the world!” INT. CROSSROADS WESLEYAN CHURCH - DAY24 24 Arranged in front of the congregation, wearing angelic little robes topped off with enormous blue neck bows are twenty children below the age of six, singing their hearts out. Colton is in the center of the group, watching Sonja, who is conducting them, perhaps without realizing how exaggerated her expressions and gestures are as she mouths the words and tries to will them into the right rhythm and pitch. As we focus on Colton, we hear his voice more prominently, and realize that even at 4, he can really sing. Todd sits in a front pew with Cassie. Todd is smiling. Cassie leans over close to him, to whisper-- CASSIE Do you think mom realizes how funny she looks when she does that? TODD (whispering back) No. And were not going to tell her. Are we. Cassie looks up at him and shakes her head ominously. Todd goes back to watching and suppresses a smile. Parents throughout the congregation are watching proudly as the children sing another verse, now adding broad gestures meant to be expressive and in unison, and are neither. CHILDREN’S VOICES “Jesus loves the little children, All the children of the world! Red and yellow, black and white, They are precious in his sight! Jesus loves the little children of the world!” The children finish, the congregation beams, and the children filter back to their special seating section, waving to their parents as they walk. Todd jumps up onto the platform at the front of the congregation. There is a pulpit, but Todd likes to prowl. 13. CHILDREN’S VOICES (CONT'D) C r n Beck TODD Thank you! Wasn’t that beautiful! As all the adults in the church applaud, Todd makes eye contact with Sonja; she smiles as she sits down with Colton and the other children. TODD This morning I want to talk about what of commitment makes a marriage, a relationship, a life. Sonja is surprised; she didn’t know this was the topic of the sermon. Todd smiles. TODD Sonja is looking at me! I know what that look means--this better be good. The idea for this sermon didn’t start in my home, it started with a conversation with one of you, whom I won’t name. Jay calls out and waves from the middle of the congregation. JAY It was me! People laugh. TODD Jay’s right! We were hanging off the side of a fire engine when he looked around at the other volunteers all ready to give their lives to save their neighbors, and he said, “I love these guys.” The way Todd shifts from smile to serious is masterful. He holds the attention of everyone there. TODD The next night I stood in the bedroom where our children sleep and listened to their mother read them a story. It was from C.S. Lewis, in his final saga of a wonderful land where animals talk with humans and a great lion leads them all toward love and faith and courage. Todd seems to be making it up on the spot, the right words coming to him; he prowls the platform, like a lion himself. 14. Caren Beck TODD You want to inspire me, get a hit this afternoon in the softball championship, I’m tired of carrying you. EXT. SOFTBALL FIELD - DAY26 26 Jay cracks a pitch for a double; when he makes second base he gives a gesture to Todd, and they laugh. Todd is waiting in the on-deck circle; Sonja moves to the batter’s box. Jay yells to their team bench, whipping their teammates into even greater excitement. JAY Come on! We can do it! Two more runs! 16A. Caren Beck Sonja swings and hits a sharp liner to right field! Jay tears around the bases; he rounds third and heads for home. Just another moment in a coed softball game, but everyone’s playing like it’s the World Series. TODD You got it, Jay! You got it! Jay slides into home. Ray, the catcher for the other team, tries to put the tag on him... SAFE! Todd’s teammates erupt! Sonja takes advantage of the chance to take second, surprising Ray, who takes his frustrations out on Jay. RAY You’re sliding too hard! You better watch it. Ray is twice Jay’s size--and Todd is smaller than Jay. Still Todd jumps up in Ray’s face. TODD Watch it, or what? What are you going to do about it? RAY I’m gonna step on him like a roach, you little punk. TODD Who you calling punk, meathead?! JAY Come on, guys! It’s a church league! Todd steps into the batter’s box, shoots Ray a look, and slams the pitch into the outfield. As both teams go nuts and the ball rolls between the outfielders, Todd rounds first and sees the chance for extra bases. Sonja heads for home, beating the throw. Todd rounds second and goes for third. Ray pegs the ball to the third baseman. TEAMMATES Slide! SLOW MOTION... 17. Caren Beck Todd slides at full speed... the ball reaches the third baseman’s glove... Todd hits the dirt... CRACK! Todd’s leg breaks horribly. Even the spectators hear it snap. He lies in agony. Everybody on both teams comes running to him. When Sonja sees the bone sticking out of his thigh she nearly faints. JAY Don’t move! Don’t move! No one is more upset than Ray. Tears stream down his face as he cradles Todd in his arms, lifts him, and half runs with him toward the volunteer fire department’s waiting ambulance. As they place Todd into the ambulance, Michael, one of the volunteer medics, whispers to Jay-- MICHAEL That’s a spiral fracture, both ends of the bone look like drill bits. JAY Will it heal okay? MICHAEL Yeah, but he won’t be climbing any ladders for a long time. The ambulance screams away. INT. CROSSROADS WESLEYAN CHURCH - DAY27 27 It’s another Sunday morning... Todd hobbles out on crutches and settles into a chair on the platform, hoisting his broken leg to prop it on another chair. Even members of the congregation are wincing. Sonja, sitting with the adult choir members today, looks on with concern as Todd begins his sermon. TODD As many of you already know, I was hurt sliding into third. (beat) I was safe. They laugh; surprised at Todd’s spunk, even now. 18. Care Beck Colton stares at his father, through thoughtful blue eyes. INT. HOSPITAL - NIGHT29 29 Todd lies on his back in a hospital bed, his family beside him. Todd is pale, his face a mask to hide the pain. Todd’s doctor stands on the other side of the bed. DOCTOR You’re right Todd. It’s kidney stones again. All we can do is give you painkillers and lots of water and let you pass them. The doctor smiles to the family and leaves the room. Sonja looks down at the children. SONJA Cassie, you and Colton make sure the doctor is all right. CASSIE M’am? ...Oh. Cassie takes Colton’s hand and leads him from the room. Sonja moves closer to Todd’s bedside. SONJA You’re gonna be alright Todd. We’re all gonna to be alright. Todd reaches out and squeezes her hand, but takes a long frustrated sigh. EXT. BURPO HOME - DAY30 30 Jay knocks at the front door. Sonja opens it on her way out, carrying little Colton piggyback. SONJA Hi Jay. Come on in. He’s passing another stone, and Colton and I are going to the park. JAY Hey Colton. (glancing into the house) Is he okay? At that moment they hear an agonizing MOAN. Sonja nods toward the sound and heads toward the car, still carrying Colton piggyback. 21. C ren Beck COLTON Giddyup, horsey! SONJA Did I ever tell you that horses bite? We follow Jay as he moves into the house... INT. BURPO HOUSE - DAY - CONTINUOUS31 31 Jay follows the sound of Todd’s moans. TODD (O.S.) AAARRGGG... Jay moves up to the bathroom door, shut tight. Behind it he hears Todd’s whimpering. We see and hear all of this from Jay’s point of view, and it’s almost more painful (and certainly more comical) to experience it this way. JAY Todd...Buddy! It’s Jay! Are you... Okay?... TODD (O.S.) I’m-- passing-- another... Ooooo... Outside the door, Jay winces, imagining the pain. JAY Is there anything I can do? TODD (O.S.) (snapping) What, you want to try to catch it?! Auuuugghhhh... JAY How many have you passed already? TODD (O.S.) ...Se-ven... JAY Seven?! TODD (O.S.) What do you want? 22. Caren Beck JAY Nothing, I just-- the church committee... We just-- We can talk about this later! TODD I’m fine! I’ll-- ooooooo.... JAY I’ll come back some other-- TODD (O.S.) WHAT DO YOU WANT?! JAY (stuck) I... they wanted me to ask when you might be able to preach again. TODD (O.S.) AAAAAUUUUNNNNNGGGGHHHH! The bloodcurdling sound causes Jay to grab his own belly. EXT. BURPO HOUSE - DAY32 32 The sound of Todd’s suffering rings through the neighborhood. TODD (O.S.) OOOOOOOOOOOUUUUUU...... EXT. BURPO BACKYARD - EVENING33 33 Todd’s body is healing, the cast off his leg, but he’s holding a cane and is still pale. He sits alone in his back yard, staring at a blank legal pad. Beyond him the hills and sky are a vista of majestic natural beauty, but Todd sees none of it. He looks down at the cane, and hurls it away in fury, as if he wants to throw all his frustration away in the same way. INT. BURPO HOUSE - KITCHEN - SAME34 34 INSIDE THE HOUSE, Sonja is standing at the kitchen window, cooking dinner, seeing Todd’s frustration. 23. Caren Beck INT. BUTTERFLY PAVILION - DENVER - DAY38 38 The air is filled with butterflies in a symphony of color and graceful movement. ULTRA CLOSE: A butterfly’s wings. The Burpos watch the ballet of beauty all around them. Cassie begins to dance among the flurry of flapping wings. Sonja joins her. Todd snaps a few pictures of them, then Colton moves to stand next to his father. Todd kneels to watch from Colton’s level. TODD Beautiful, aren’t they? Colton nods. But Todd sees that he’s uncomfortable, finding all the insects a bit creepy. Cassie runs up. CASSIE Look! They’ve got a place where you can hold a TARANTULA! She points to a sign that says “Hold Rosie!” Rosie is, in fact, a tarantula. Cassie is exited. Colton is terrified. INT. CRAWL-A-SEE-UM - BUTTERFLY MUSEUM - DAY39 39 The Burpos are gathered as Cassie, with huge enjoyment, holds her hand perfectly still as a ZOOKEEPER gently places Rosie the Tarantula on her palm. Rosie’s hairy legs feel the air and creep delicately across Cassie’s skin, back into the hands of the zookeeper. CASSIE I did it! I did it! ZOOKEEPER You sure did! He awards Cassie with a sticker that says, “I held Rosie!” Cassie slaps it proudly onto her shirt. COLTON I want a sticker. TODD Then you’ll have to hold Rosie. Colton turns to the waiting Zookeeper, who extends the tarantula toward Colton... And Colton SCREAMS BLOODY MURDER! 26. C ren Beck COLTON AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!! EXT. BUTTERFLY MUSEUM - DAY40 40 The Burpos walk out together. Cassie is bouncing along with excitement; Colton is walking slowly, a hand to his belly. COLTON I don’t feel so good. SONJA Maybe it was all the excitement. Colton turns and pukes in a planter. Sonja moves to him. SONJA That’s okay, honey. CASSIE This is gonna be a fun ride home. INT. BURPO HOME - BATHROOM - NIGHT41 41 Sonja is patting Colton’s back as he throws up in the toilet. Cassie runs in wildly and, seeing the toilet occupied, throws up in the bathtub. SONJA Todd! We could use some help in here! Todd appears, and hurries to hold Cassie. SONJA His temperature is 103. TODD She’s hot too. INT. BURPO HOME - NIGHT42 42 Both kids are in bed, sweating. Sonja hangs up the phone. SONJA The doctor says the flu’s been going around, the fever should be gone in a day or so. 27. Caren Beck EXT. BURPO BACKYARD - TWO DAYS LATER - DAY43 43 Cassie plays in the sun: she’s totally back to normal. Sonja calls from the back door-- SONJA Cassie, don’t over-do it now! CASSIE Yes, ma’am! Sonja turns from the back door and sees Colton lying on the couch, still sick. She moves to him and pats him. Todd comes in the front door from a stint at the firehouse; he looks at Colton on the couch, Sonja looking worried. SONJA It’s been two days, and Cassie’s fine. TODD (picking up Colton) Come on, big guy. We’re going to the doctor. INT. HOSPITAL ROOM - IMPERIAL, NEBRASKA - DAY44 44 Colton is lying still, deep inside a fever. Todd and Sonja are with him. Todd is standing close to Colton, who seems oblivious to everything. Todd looks up at Sonja and realizes she needs some attention too. He moves to her. SONJA I’ve never seen him so still. She’s struggling with her deepest fears. SONJA I need to call Heather to check on Cassie. Sonja steps out, leaving Todd alone with Colton. Todd moves back to the bedside, engulfed in worry. The DOCTOR enters, calm, almost casual. DOCTOR The blood work came back. He’s dehydrated, and the IV’s will help that. His fever’s holding steady. 28. Caren eck Todd makes a decision, pulling out Colton’s IV’s and scooping him up in his arms. Sonja wakes, alarmed. SONJA What are you doing--?! TODD What I should’a done days ago! EXT. HOSPITAL - IMPERIAL, NEBRASKA - DAY50 50 Todd holds Colton swathed in a blanket, and carries him to the car. Sonja helps him get Colton into the car seat. Colton isn’t conscious. EXT. HIGHWAY - DAY51 51 Todd’s Expedition is flying along the Interstate toward North Platte, Nebraska. INT. TODD’S TRUCK - DAY52 52 Sonja, in the back next to Colton’s car seat, strokes Colton’s head. He doesn’t respond. Todd glances in the rearview mirror, then looks at the speedometer: 85...90... Sonja looks up at him. SONJA Faster. Todd speeds up. INT. HOSPITAL - CT SCAN MACHINE - DAY53 53 In quick cuts, Colton gets scanned. SUPERIMPOSE: REGIONAL MEDICAL CENTER, NORTH PLATTE Todd and Sonja stand outside, exhausted physically, spiritually and mentally. TECHNICIAN Okay, you need to wait here while I get the doctor. He hurries off. Todd has picked up the technician’s tone. TODD He’s seen something. 31. Care Beck They move to Colton; he’s sunk into a listless state. Todd can’t help but notice Colton’s eyes; he FLASHES BACK to the old man he saw die, and those EYES OF DEATH. Todd is doing everything he can not to unravel. Sonja is falling apart, whispering-- SONJA This is it. We’re losing him. Dr. O’ HALLOREN hurries in, holding the films. DR. O’HOLLERAN He has a ruptured appendix. We have to get to surgery right away. INT. HOSPITAL HALLWAY - DAY54 54 We FOLLOW THE MOTION in FRANTIC CUTS as they rush Colton on his gurney down to the operating rooms. Todd and Sonja scramble along beside. SONJA How could that be?! The doctors in Imperial ruled that out! DR. O’HOLLERAN Those blotches on the x-ray are infection, it’s exploded all through his abdominal cavity. We’ve got to get in there and clean him out. TODD Then he’ll be fine... Right? Dr. O’Holleran doesn’t answer. He tells a nurse-- DR. O’HOLLERAN Run ahead, get everybody ready! The nurse races to the operating room. TODD It must have ruptured five days ago. Todd and Sonja look at each other, consumed with guilt, both feeling they should have reacted sooner. 32. Care Beck INT. SURGICAL PREP ROOM - DAY - CONTINUOUS55 55 The gurney bangs through the doors of the surgical prep room and the nurses rush to get Colton ready. Colton, stirred to alertness by all the activity, goes into full panic. COLTON No! Don’t let them take me! Todd grabs Dr. O’Holleran and demands reassurance. TODD Will-he-be-okay?! DR. O’HOLLERAN We’ll know more in a little while. He hurries in to scrub. Todd is devastated by the doctor’s inability to offer hope. The nurses wheel Colton to the O.R., several of them pinning him down to the gurney as he screams-- COLTON Daddeeeee! Don’t let them take me!!! DAAADEEEE!!! Colton screams are like a blow torch on Todd’s raw soul. Not only is Colton crying out to him; Sonja, in her way, is too. INT. OPERATING ROOM - DAY56 56 POV COLTON: LOOKING UP AT THE DOCTORS. The anesthesia mask goes down upon his face. His vision blurs. The SOUNDS AROUND HIM become stranger, distorted. COLTON Daddeeeee... INT. SURGICAL WAITING ROOM - DAY57 57 Todd and Sonja are sitting on the waiting room’s generic chairs, collapsed in absolute exhaustion. SONJA I’m going to call some friends and ask them to pray for us. I don’t know what else to do. She walks out, trying to keep from falling apart. 33. Caren Beck INT. HOSPITAL - NORTH PLATTE - NIGHT61 61 The minutes creep by in agonizing slowness. Todd holds Sonja’s trembling hands. He looks at the clock. He paces. He looks at the clock. Todd and Sonja look up in sudden alarm mode as the Nurse appears. INT. COLTON’S RECOVERY ROOM - NIGHT62 62 Todd and Sonja rush in, and find Colton motionless. Sonja grabs Colton’s hand; Todd leans down to him and strokes Colton’s hair. Colton’s eyes drift open. Their relief is overwhelming. TODD (whispering) Hi there, big guy. Colton’s fingers move slowly toward Todd’s, and Todd grabs his tiny hand. Now it’s all Todd can do to keep from crying. Sonja, weeping with joy, presses her face onto the side of Colton’s head. COLTON Dad... I want... TODD You want what? COLTON I hold that spider. Todd is laughing and crying at the same time. INT. IMPERIAL BANK - DAY63 63 Todd walks through the bank lobby, greeting everyone he sees: the customers in the lines, the tellers behind the windows-- he has a handshake or a wave for everyone. TODD Hi Mr. Parker!... Ms. Rebecca!... Good morning, Mrs. Connor! MR. PARKER How you doing, Todd! We’re so glad to hear Colton’s well! MS. REBECCA Yes! And say hi to Sonja for us! 36. Caren Beck Todd walks into the bank’s cubicle section; Jay stands from his President’s desk. JAY You know more of our customers than we do, maybe this should be job number five! Men don’t hug much in Nebraska--but Jay’s handshake and eye contact convey the same affection. JAY We’re so relieved about Colton. TODD Thanks, buddy. Todd takes the chair in front of Jay’s desk. TODD I need a little smart help. And I didn’t know anybody smart to go to, so I came to you instead. JAY Well I’ll call a meeting of the three brain cells I have left! I’ve been wondering when you’d come in. TODD What do you mean? JAY I’m your banker, I know how long you’ve been out of work. And now all these medical bills-- TODD I didn’t come to ask for a loan. JAY (quietly) I’m happy to help you--not the bank’s money, mine. Jay sees Todd’s expression harden. JAY Nobody would know. TODD (sharply) I’d know! 37. (MORE) Car n Beck You know why I work so many jobs? I want to be with my friends in their regular lives, not just when they want somebody to help them say a prayer. And I never wanted to be the kind of guy who stood in a pulpit and told people to give to charity when all he did was take it. JAY It’s not charity, it’s a loan, and real people take those too. TODD I don’t. JAY (laughs) You don’t take much advice either! Okay, look, the church board hasn’t raised your salary in line with the way you’ve brought in new membership. I could-- TODD I didn’t come here for a raise either. JAY Okay then... what? TODD The church has been really patient with me, giving me time off. I just need a little more. Todd sees Jay nearly wince. TODD I know I’ve been out a while. JAY You should see what we’ve had filling in for you. One was a seminary student who tripped walking up to the pulpit and threw his notes in the air like an elephant blowing his nose-- PHHHTTT!!! Then we had a seminary professor who did something she called “liturgical dance--Holy SPIRIT! Holy SPIRIT!!!” 38. TODD (CONT'D) Caren Beck COLTON You seem worried. TODD What do you think I’d be worried about? COLTON Money. TODD (smiling) Well, I-- Sure, I worry about money sometimes. COLTON Why are we taking the day off instead of working, if you’re worried about money? Now Todd laughs. Out of the mouths of babes. TODD You said you wanted to hold the spider. And I thought it was important for us to do. COLTON Because I was so afraid last time? TODD Isn’t that why you wanted to go? COLTON No. I wanted to go because I wasn’t afraid anymore. Todd ponders this. COLTON Are you afraid of something? Todd glances at Colton, who is looking back with that open, honest stare of his. TODD Yes. Todd takes a breath, wondering how much to say. TODD When I got sick, it shook my faith. When you got sick, my faith broke. And now... 41. (MORE) Caren Beck it’s hard for me to tell people that they should have it, when I know what it is to be so afraid that all your faith is gone. Does this make any sense? COLTON No. Todd laughs; Colton always lightens his heavy moods. TODD So you’re not afraid anymore? Even the hospital doesn’t scare you? Todd glances over--they’re driving past the hospital where Colton was. COLTON No! That’s where the angels sang to me. Todd glances at Colton, whose demeanor has not changed at all. What in the world did Colton mean by that? TODD The angels sang to you? COLTON Yeah. TODD When did this happen? COLTON During my operation. When Mom was in one room talking on the phone and you were in another room hollering at God. Now Todd is transfixed...and unsettled. TODD How did you know that? They had put you to sleep and I was nowhere near the operating room-- COLTON I saw you. TODD How did you see me? 42. TODD (CONT'D) Caren Beck COLTON’S EYES see again HIS EXPERIENCE: Colton’s tiny body lies inert on the operating table, as HIS POV rises, ascending... IN THE PRESENT, he speaks matter-of-factly-- COLTON I went up out of my body, and looked down and saw the doctor working on me, and saw you and mom. Todd is stunned. INT. BURPO HOUSE - NIGHT67 67 Colton and Todd come into the front door, back from their trip; Colton bounces to Cassie’s side as she’s playing a video dance game; Todd, inward and thoughtful, drifts into-- INT. BURPO HOUSE - KITCHEN - CONTINUOUS68 68 Sonja is sitting at the table, sorting through a towering pile of bills. Todd kisses her cheek. SONJA Hey! How was the trip? TODD It was fine. SONJA Fine? TODD Amazing, actually. He held the spider like it was no big deal. He got a sticker but he didn’t even brag about it to Cassie just now. Sonja finds this intriguing--but she’s distracted by all the numbers tumbling through her head. TODD That’s a mighty big pile of bills. She draws a line and finishes adding up the total. SONJA About $23,000. For Todd that’s a staggering sum. 43. Caren Beck CASSIE Is something wrong with Colton? TODD Why would you say that? CASSIE Because sometimes he sounds weird. TODD Sisters always think their brothers are weird. He kisses her again, then moves across the room to Colton’s bed. He kisses him on the forehead just as he kissed Cassie. TODD I didn’t know Jesus had a horse. COLTON He does! TODD Jesus has a horse? COLTON Yeah, it’s beautiful. Todd decides to play along with Colton’s imagination. TODD What color is it? COLTON It’s all colors. All the rainbow colors are in heaven, except they’re all... More. TODD More what? COLTON Just more. And brighter. Todd sits on the bed beside his son. TODD How do you know about the horse? COLTON I saw him when I was in heaven. TODD You were in heaven? 46. Ca en Beck COLTON Sure, I thought you knew. Colton is snuggling into bed, perfectly comfortable and casual. Across the room Cassie is staring at Todd; even she doesn’t know what to make of this. COLTON Dad, can we talk about this tomorrow? I’m really sleepy. TODD Sure buddy. Good night. He kisses Colton tenderly once more upon the forehead. CASSIE Daddy, can I sleep in your room tonight? Surprised yet understanding, Todd smiles. TODD Just go to sleep, honey. He moves back to Cassie, tucks her again, moves to the door and shuts off the light. But as he closes the door he looks back at Colton once more, baffled and a bit disturbed. INT. TODD AND SONJA’S BEDROOM - NIGHT 70 70 Sonja has already crawled into bed. Todd slips in beside her. He lies there staring at the ceiling, tree branches blown by the wind making haunting sounds against the window panes. Sonja reaches over and takes his hand. SONJA Is something wrong? TODD Colton just told me he went to heaven. SONJA When? TODD Just now. SONJA I mean when did he go to heaven, smart aleck. 47. Caren Beck TODD He said that during the operation he left his body and looked back and saw himself on the operating table. Sonja rolls toward Todd. SONJA People in surgery can have out-of- body experiences. The anesthesia, the stress... TODD He said he saw you too, talking on the phone in one room, and me in another room yelling at God. SONJA You were yelling at God? TODD I didn’t tell you about that. I didn’t tell anybody, I sure didn’t tell Colton. Todd and Sonja can only stare at each other. TODD So how did he know? INT. ARBY’S RESTAURANT - DAY71 71 Todd sits down with Colton at a small table. Colton’s legs are so short they don’t reach the floor. He opens the foil wrap and takes a bite of his sandwich, loving the flavor. Todd is careful as he brings up the subject. TODD So! Colton! I want to ask you about when the Angels sang to you. COLTON (through a big bite) Sure. TODD So... What did they sing? CLOSE on Colton’s blue eyes... We see HIS VISION OF HEAVEN: 48. Care Beck INT. ARBY’S RESTAURANT - DAY74 74 IN THE PRESENT, Colton has been lost in his memories of heaven, but now he looks across at his dad. COLTON I asked them to sing We Will Rock You, but they wouldn’t. Todd stares at Colton for a moment; then abruptly he laughs. Colton smiles, staring at Todd. COLTON They laughed just like that. Colton takes a long loud slurp from his milk shake. And Todd is absolutely gob smacked. INT. HOSPITAL - RECORDS OFFICE - DAY75 75 Todd enters the office of Surgical Records at the Regional Hospital. A female clerk is there, backed by full shelves. CLERK May I help you? TODD I’m Todd Burpo. CLERK Yes, Dr. O’Hollaren called. She hands Todd a thick folder she has waiting. CLOSE ON TODD as he sits at a table in the records office and goes through Colton’s surgical file. What he sees makes him mystified. EXT. MAGNIFICENT WATERFALLS - DAY76 76 The unique beauty of the Sioux Falls flows before us. SUPERIMPOSE: Sioux Falls, South Dakota Todd’s battered red pickup rolls past the entrance of Augustine College and turns at another sign: DEPARTMENT OF PSYCOLOGY. 51. Caren Beck INT. DR. SLATER’S OFFICE - DAY77 77 DR. CALVIN SLATER, mid-40’s, is sitting at his desk editing a manuscript when he hears a knock at his office door. DR. SLATER Come in! (as Todd enters) Mr. Burpo? Please, have a seat. Todd takes a chair and Slater settles down behind the desk. It’s a small academic office lined with scholarly books. TODD Thank you for seeing me on such short notice. DR. SLATER Burpo... Are you a minister, over in Imperial? TODD Yes. How did you...? DR. SLATER My wife’s religious. She’s heard you’re a great speaker and keeps badgering me to come hear you. TODD And you’re not. DR. SLATER Not what? TODD Religious. DR. SLATER No. Is that a problem? TODD Actually, you may offer me a harder opinion. And maybe that’s what I need. I have a son. He’s extremely smart. And sensitive. DR. SLATER And...? TODD He went to heaven. Slater waits, but for a moment that’s all Todd says. 52. C ren Beck TODD And then he came back. DR. SLATER Your son had a near-death experience--? TODD He didn’t die. How close he came, no one can say. But I just checked his surgical report. His heart never stopped, his brain activity never flatlined. DR. SLATER So why do you say he went to heaven? TODD Because he says so. Todd stands and walks to the window. He stares out, struggling with his own inner turmoil. TODD He saw Jesus. He sat in Jesus’ lap. Slater gives a smile that could only be called condescending. DR. SLATER Near the point of death the body releases hormones that induce a kind of peace, even bliss. Our brains fill in the blanks. Christians see Jesus, Jews see Moses, Muslims see Mohammed. TODD Yes, I read your article. But my son saw things that I can’t explain. He saw me praying, and shouting at God. He saw his mother on the telephone asking friends to pray for us, while he was in surgery. DR. SLATER Reverend Burpo-- TODD Todd. 53. ren B ck MICHAEL I meant, a lot of us heard that Colton died during the operation, and prayers brought him back to life. TODD No, he didn’t die on the operating table. He came mighty close. I’d say...that God, and the doctors, and prayers...kept him alive. Near the back of the church, a journalist is making notes. Nancy, near the front, raises her hand. NANCY How has this affected your faith? Todd realizes he just isn’t ready for these questions. He looks at his family sitting together on the front row, Sonja, Cassie and Colton all watching him. TODD My faith? I realized how little faith I have sometimes. Because when I thought we were gonna lose Colton... For a moment Todd can’t go on. TODD But just when you can’t find any faith, when you can’t see God at all, you feel so small and weak and helpless, and... Todd realizes his message is more disturbing than inspiring. ANOTHER WOMAN’S VOICE comes from the back. WOMAN’S VOICE So how did you handle it? Todd sees the speaker is the woman whose father died at the beginning of the story--who didn’t want Todd’s prayers. TODD Not well. Jay speaks up, trying to help Todd relax. JAY Tell us about Colton, and how he’s doing. 56. Car n Beck TODD Colton is doing great! He’s been telling us about Heaven. Todd says this lightly--but he sees the surprise on everyone’s face. TODD During his operation he...visited heaven. MICHAEL But-- You said he didn’t die? TODD He didn’t. But he saw heaven. He saw Jesus, and angels... WOMAN But how--? TODD I don’t know how. But he saw them. Two YOUNG EVANGELICALS in the front pews lift their hands-- YOUNG EVANGELICALS PRAISE GOD! The demonstration makes Nancy wince. NANCY Do you believe he was in heaven? Todd wasn’t ready for this either. He looks at Colton, staring back at him. TODD I-- I know he saw something. sure sounds like heaven to me. Silence in the church. Colton is staring at Todd. EXT. SUNDAY PICNIC SPOT - DAY79 79 Todd and Sonja are unpacking lunch at a picnic table after church. Todd glances at Cassie and Colton, playing at a stream, far enough away that Todd and Sonja can talk privately. TODD That didn’t go so well, huh. 57. Care Beck Sonja suppresses a flinch. TODD Did you see the way Nancy stared at those kids in the pew, like she wanted to shove them down a toilet? TODD Yeah, and she wasn’t the only one. We have an intellectual tradition. TODD It’s not like we’re all of sudden gonna start handling snakes. SONJA But that’s what she thinks. Half of every church wants to stop feeling and start thinking; and the other half wants just the opposite. Todd’s cell phone RINGS; he answers-- TODD (telephone) This is Todd. Sonja sees the discomfort on his face. TODD (telephone) Yes... Yes, that would be okay, but --could it be about the power of prayer? I’d like to leave heaven out of it. Okay, thank you. He hangs up and looks at Sonja. TODD That was the newspaper; they want to run an article on Colton. Todd looks up; Colton has moved up and is staring at him. COLTON They don’t believe me, do they? TODD People are sometimes afraid to believe. COLTON Afraid of what? 58. Car n Beck Michael, the Volunteer E.M.T., is working behind the counter today; he moves over and refills Todd’s coffee cup. TODD Thanks, Michael. You work more jobs than I do! Todd puts a couple of dollars on the counter; Michael slides them back. MICHAEL On me. TODD Thank you, amigo. But no-- Todd slides the money over again; Michael slides it back. MICHAEL Sonja gives Rosa clothes for Miguelito every time Colton grows out of anything. And she just gave Lucia a baby dress like an angel would wear. TODD A baby dress? A pink dress? MICHAEL Yes. So beautiful. Please, let me have the gift of giving back. They meet eyes; Todd nods and starts to leave. On the way out he passes a table full of his fire fighter buddies. One of them, TURCE, thinks he macho--and funny. TURCE Hey Todd! Maybe the next fire, you could ask Jesus that instead of walking on water he could dump it on the fire! Todd sees they’ve been reading the paper; he walks out. Turce calls after him-- TURCE Hey, come on, ya gotta see the humor in it! Todd keeps walking. Michael appears at the table with the coffee pot, and sits down. 61. ren Beck MICHAEL You know... it’s not a good idea to make fun of Todd and Jesus. TURCE Why? You saying I poke a little fun at the preacher and Jesus is gonna whip my ass? 61A. Caren Beck MICHAEL No. I will. He means it. He stands and goes back to serving coffee. EXT. SCHOOL PLAYGROUND - DAY84 84 Cassie is running after a bouncing kickball. One of the children yells to her-- KID Hey Cassie! Did your brother really sit in Jesus’ lap?! KID NUMBER 2 Did your brother ask for a new bicycle? KID Or for a pony? A look comes on Cassie’s face. She begins to walk toward the boys. She moves with Sonja’s ladylike dignity. But when she reaches the boys, she turns into Todd; her hand curls into a fist and she punches the first boy squarely in the nose. He goes down onto the seat of his pants, beginning to wail. The second boy is looking on in shock--when Cassie hits him too. INT. BURPO HOUSE - KITCHEN - NIGHT85 85 Cassie and Colton are sitting at the kitchen table, Cassie doing homework while Colton draws with his markers. Todd is helping set the table; he looks at Colton and the markers. The telephone rings. Todd moves over and answers. TODD (into telephone) This is Todd. (long pause) Really? I’m... surprised to hear that. I’ll call you back. The tone in Todd’s voice has gotten Sonja’s attention. TODD Cassie... Did you punch a kid in the nose today? 62. Caren Beck TODD Do you mind talking about heaven? COLTON I love talking about it. What would you like to know? TODD What did Jesus look like? COLTON He’s kinda hard to describe. TODD I bet. Did he look like maybe some picture you’ve seen? Colton shrugs. Todd’s eyes shift to the bookcase beside the bed where a number of biblical children stories are stacked. He pulls out a large, well-worn volume and opens it to one of the illustrated stories of Jesus’ life. TODD Did he look like this? Todd is deflated as he asked this question; he feels sure he’s hit on how Colton came to his vision. But Colton surprises him with a quick, definite answer. COLTON No. TODD No? How about this one? Todd thumbs to another drawing of Jesus, a depiction of a beautiful, ethereal man with eyes uplifted to heaven. COLTON Nope. TODD Is it close to the Jesus you saw? Colton shakes his head. Todd thinks, then hurries out. TODD I’ll be right back! Colton, left alone as Todd rummages outside in his desk, yawns slowly and hugely, as only a child can. 65. Caren Beck In a moment Todd returns with a whole stack of books. He opens one by one, showing Colton various depictions of Jesus. TODD This one? Colton shakes his head. TODD This one? No? How about this one? COLTON No. Jesus had light eyes. TODD Light eyes? What color? COLTON Kinda blue...or green. Greenish blue. Colton’s answer seems so much like a memory--yet an impossible one. This stops Todd. He closes his books. TODD Okay big guy. Time for you to get some sleep. Todd kisses Colton’s head and switches out the light. EXT. BURPO HOUSE - DAY87 87 It’s morning and Todd sits on the couch, holding his legal pad. On it he has now added: Only faith opens our eyes He looks up as Sonja enters, handing him a cup of coffee. SONJA Did you sleep at all? TODD Not much. He said Jesus had light eyes--greenish blue. SONJA So...? TODD Colton has blue eyes. You have green eyes, I have blue eyes. Colton is seeing us. 66. Caren Beck SONJA That’s quite a compliment, if you think about it. She sits down, to face him. SONJA You know, when I was in college I read some great thinker--Jung, or one of his buddies--who said that our personal concept of God comes from our feelings about our own father. TODD I hope not, mine was manic depressive. SONJA Todd, if our children grow up believing they’ll always be loved the way you love them, they’re the luckiest kids alive. Todd is ambushed by the depth of Sonja’s love--and what he knows is her own struggle and her faith in him; grateful for her every breath, he pulls her into his arms. Then his cell phone emits its EMERGENCY BEEP. TODD We’ve got a fire. SONJA We sure have. TODD I’ll put out that one--and come home and add to this one! EXT. IMPERIAL - DAY88 88 Todd slaps the portable emergency flasher on the roof of his truck and hits the gas. Smoke rises in the distance as he pulls up to the Volunteer Fire Station where the other guys are arriving. Jay, Ray, Michael, Turce, Todd...together.. EXT. GARAGE FIRE - DAY89 89 Todd rides beside Jay and the other volunteers as their fire truck pulls up to the a burning garage. An OLD MAN is standing in the backyard, too close to the flames. 67. Caren Beck COLTON Aren’t you trying to concentrate? TODD Yes. But I think better when I hear you playing. Colton sits down on the basement rug and begins an action figure war, complete with bombs and explosion noises. Todd stares at Colton, then at the top of his paper he writes: “Heaven.” Just then Colton asks without ever looking up from his battle-- COLTON What’s your sermon about? Todd puts his pencil down and looks at Colton. TODD Heaven. COLTON Really? Hmm. TODD You make it sound like a place we shouldn’t be afraid to go. COLTON Why would anyone be afraid to go to heaven, daddy? TODD Well... I guess because it means dying. COLTON But nobody really dies. And it’s wonderful there. It’s heaven. He says this casually, as he always seems to do when he’s talking about his visit in heaven. Todd studies him, in conflict about what to think. TODD Tell me about sitting on Jesus’ lap. COLTON He was happy I was with him, so he held me in his lap. 70. Caren Beck EXT. COLTON’S VISION OF HEAVEN - DAY92 92 Jesus, the same one Colton saw in the church, leads him by the hand in an area of beautiful mountains and woodlands. The colors are more vivid, and Angels soar over the treetops; but it is like Earth at its most beautiful--like Yosemite-- rather than some disconnected, ethereal place. They reach the place beside a stream where a carved wooden seat is nestled among boulders. Jesus sits, and lifts Colton into his lap. INT. BURPO HOUSE - BASEMENT - DAY93 93 IN THE PRESENT: Todd stares at Colton. Colton seems unaware of his father’s reactions, more preoccupied with his own play. COLTON I think he liked being close to everybody. I’m gonna go play in the back yard. As Colton scrambles upstairs, happy and light, Todd looks down at the page where he is trying to write a new sermon. And still the only word there is: Heaven. INT. BURPO HOUSE - KITCHEN - DAY94 94 Sonja is staring into the open refrigerator as Todd enters. TODD What are you up to? SONJA Trying to figure out dinner. Todd looks out the window to the back yard, where EXT. BURPO BACKYARD - DAY95 95 Colton sits alone on a swing, hanging easily, his tiny legs dangling above the ground. It’s a lovely summer afternoon, the sun low, bathing the earth, and Colton too. He looks across the fields and sees a neighbor’s HORSE...and the horse triggers A MEMORY IN COLTON’S MIND, as his eyes close... 71. Caren Beck A HEAVENLY HORSE--Jesus’s horse--is galloping toward him in 95A 95A liquid power and grace, across a field that looks very much like the one behind the Burpo’s home. But the colors of the horse shimmer--brighter, vivid, more alive--the way we might see anything if we were in the grip of absolute love. The memory brings a beautiful smile to Colton’s face. IN THE KITCHEN, TODD sees that smile; but to him Colton is 95B 95B alone in the back yard. He turns to Sonja. TODD Tell you what. Let’s call a baby sitter and go out. SONJA That’s more luxury than we can afford. TODD Remember last years at the Charity Auction, when we bought dinner for two at the Cabin Restaurant? We never used it. EXT. LOG CABIN RESTAURANT - NIGHT96 96 Todd and Sonja stand on the outdoor balcony of the most romantic restaurant in Nebraska--firelit, candlelit, lovely. They are waiting for a table, sipping wine. Sonja looks up at the stars, vividly dancing overhead. Todd looks at her. TODD I’m beginning to see all over again just how beautiful my wife is. Sonja squeezes his hand. They look at the stars together. TODD This heaven thing with Colton has upset some people; but it’s making a lot of people think too. SONJA Todd... The Deacons’ Committee at the church asked me to speak with you. They want to sit down with them and talk about “where we are as a church.” TODD Then why didn’t they call me? 72. Caren Beck SONJA I’ve seen it up close. The people who spend their lives trying to lead others to faith pay a secret price. Every doubt of their own feels magnified, into a terrible failure. Like their whole lives have become a lie. These words ring true in Todd’s heart. SONJA I want you to know that if you need to leave the ministry, for a little while or for the rest of your life, I’m with you. You will never be a failure in my eyes. And now, for the first time since all his troubles began, Todd holds his wife and all the emotions that have built up over the past months break out of him. INT. CHURCH BASEMENT - DAY97 97 The folding chairs are arranged in a semicircle, all facing a single chair: that’s where Todd sits, on the spot. In the chairs facing him are his friends and neighbors--the ones responsible for the governing of the church. Jay is among them; so is Nancy Phelps; Mr. JACKSON, a mid- fifties farmer, and Mr. BAXTER, sixties, a retired attorney. Baxter takes the lead. BAXTER This feels a lot more formal than any of us wanted it to feel. TODD It’s okay. You’re the ones who offered me the job here; when it’s all said and done you’re the ones who really run this church. As Todd says this, his eyes settle on Jay. TODD It’s your duty to be sure you have the right person in the job. JACKSON No one’s saying you’re the wrong man. 75. Caren B ck BAXTER And it’s not just the church were supposed to look after and care for, it’s you too. NANCY We know how stressful your job is. And on top of that, you’ve had all kinds of personal strain. Todd sits in a silence that’s uncomfortable for everybody. BAXTER Todd... We’re prepared for you to have struggles. We’re here to support you. We gave you a leave of absence--then extended it. TODD Twice. BAXTER Yes, twice. The church isn’t doing well in your absence, and now we need to know...what to plan for. TODD I wish I could tell you. We talk about ministers having a calling, sharing the divine messages they hear. Maybe I’m being called to sit down and shut up. Todd laughs--and nobody else does. TODD I’ve always wanted to be honest--as a husband, a father, a friend or a pastor. And right now I’m lost. Hey, I could get up and say that! Come to think of it, it might be a great sermon. JAY At least it would be entertaining. I can’t take any more liturgical dance. Nancy has been silent--but now she erupts. NANCY For me the question isn’t whether you’re preaching--it’s what. 76. Car Beck Everybody looks at her; the cat’s out of the bag. TODD Colton’s trip to heaven disturbs a lot of people. It disturbs me. NANCY You take it as an event? TODD For him it’s not imaginary. Not fiction, not a metaphor, not a feeling--it happened. And that I take seriously. Todd realizes, suddenly, that he’s just spoken the truth. TODD What is it that bothers you about it? Come on, we’re friends, let’s talk about it! I need to talk about it! NANCY All right! All right. It’s not so much the belief, it’s the response to the belief. The simple, easy explanation of it all! TODD (considering) And the way it appeals to simple people? NANCY No. ...Yes, okay? Yes! I don’t like the way it makes our church a magnet for everybody who wants to take the brain out of their head and beat it to death with a Bible! And then seem to want to show off how much they believe! Todd looks at Nancy in sympathy, not in anger; he sees how much she wants to be understood. NANCY I’m not against faith, I’m not against childlike stories. But faith is hard! It’s hard! It’s struggle and sacrifice and-- and agony sometimes! It’s not all-- 77. Car n B ck TODD (cell phone) Yes, Hi, this is Todd Burpo, of Burpo Garage Doors in Imperial, Nebraska. Yes, I-- Burpo, B-U-R-P- O... Yeah, I ordered a couple of your standard doors and they were supposed to arrive today, but they’re not-- Burpo, B-U-R-P-O. Thank you... Colton still looks at Todd. Todd, as he waits, glances over and sees Colton watching. Todd tries not to look concerned. TODD (cell phone) Yes, that’s right! ...Late? How late? I thought since we had sent a partial payment and would-- (beat) No, I understand... He disconnects, and stands there struggling with the realization that financially now as well as emotionally he’s sinking beneath the waves. Then he sees Colton again, still staring at him. Todd takes a breath, lifts his shoulders and walks back to the truck; no man wants to look afraid in front of his son. EXT. IMPERIAL STREETS / HOSPITAL - DAY100 100 Todd drives away from the FedEx office with Colton, who is gazing out the window. Todd glances at Colton; he isn’t looking at his Dad right now. The worry and pain come onto Todd’s face; he feels something in him is dying: his faith, his pride, something... but a death for sure. Suddenly Colton erupts. COLTON Dad--Stop! Stop here! TODD What? Why do you-- COLTON They don’t know! STOP HERE! Todd pulls the truck to a stop, and realizes they are outside the hospital. Colton is staring up at the hospital windows. 80. Caren Beck COLTON I have to tell them. TODD Tell who? COLTON Them. Take me in. Please. He turns his blue-eyed stare to Todd. Todd is baffled--but Colton seems so sure, as if he’s just heard a divine instruction. INT. HOSPITAL - DAY101 101 Todd holds Colton’s hand and they walk together into the hospital. Colton seems like any typical 4-year-old. COLTON Where are the children? Todd, compelled to this mysterious journey by Colton’s innocence and his certainty, looks for the signs that point to: CHILDREN’S WARD. TODD They’re upstairs. Colton leads Todd UPSTAIRS to... INT. HOSPITAL - CHILDREN’S WARD - DAY 102 102 At first glance it is like any other hospital wing, but the rooms they pass are occupied by sick children and worried parents. Colton walks along, drawn by some power Todd can’t see. Colton spots, through the open door of a room, another child about his own age, body emaciated, bald from chemotherapy. Colton lets go of Todd’s hand and walks straight into the room and up to the child’s bedside. Todd drifts in behind him. This close, we realize the child is a girl. Her parents, exhausted and hopeless, are sitting near her. They watch in silent awe as Colton grips their daughter’s withered hand. Colton looks into the girl’s huge eyes. 81. Caren Beck COLTON It’s all right. The first one you’ll see is Jesus. And the dying girl, looking into Colton’s eyes...smiles. INT. BURPO HOUSE - CHILDREN’S BEDROOM - NIGHT103 103 Todd looks in on Colton, sleeping peacefully. INT. BURPO HOUSE - BASEMENT - NIGHT104 104 Todd, now in his pajamas, switches on the light at his desk. We see the computer screen as he Googles: near-death experiences. He begins to sort through the various articles that come up. In ULTRA CLOSE shots we see specific words: Hallucination. Drug reaction. Escape from pain. Todd pauses, lost in thought. He opens the drawer of his desk and fishes out an old picture: a faded photograph of a man in the wire rim glasses. We have no idea why Todd is drawn to look at this picture now, or why he seems haunted by it... For some reason, all Todd’s thoughts about heaven, and even Todd’s whole sense of calling to be a minister, is wrapped up in this man. Todd stares at the picture for a long time. Then he slides the picture back into the drawer. INT. BURPO HOUSE - KITCHEN - DAY105 105 Sonja has served the family homemade pancakes. Colton is finishing his breakfast while Todd stands at the sink next to Sonja and forks a last big bite into his mouth. TODD Okay, Colton, brush your teeth and let’s get going! Mommie’s got a music conference today. As Colton scrambles out of the room, Todd puts his plate into the sink and wraps his arms around Sonja, kissing her on the back of the neck. 82. Caren Beck NEIGHBOR LADY I don’t really know what to say about him. He never spoke to us or came to the neighborhood gatherings we invited him to, but he never yelled at the children. I thought maybe he was lonely. I-- read the article in the paper, about Heaven and I hope he’s not so lonely now. She looks at Colton, and even sad and lost, she smiles. EXT. TOWN CEMETERY - DAY107 107 The old man’s coffin is lowered into the grave, with only the Neighbor Lady, Jay, Todd and Colton looking on. It’s lonely, bleak as death. Todd’s eyes shift toward another grave, THE ONE HE VISITED EARLY IN THE STORY... Jay glances up and catches Todd’s distant look-- and suddenly a moment of revelation fills Jay’s face. EXT. TOWN CEMETERY / TODD’S TRUCK - DAY - LATER108 108 They are walking away from the grave when Jay stops Todd. JAY When we buried Nancy’s son... That’s when it started! That’s when you started doubting yourself! He’s right. Todd realizes it too. With new empathy, new understanding, Jay leaves Todd and Colton. Todd holds Colton by the hand and leads him through the graves, toward Todd’s truck. COLTON Did that man know Jesus? TODD I don’t know. He was scared, he was frail. I hope so. Why do you ask? COLTON He had to know Jesus to go to heaven. 85. Car n Beck TODD Did I teach you that? Or did you hear it someplace else? Colton shrugs. COLTON Jesus is in heaven. TODD Sure. And he wants everybody there with him. But-- COLTON What? TODD I’ve known a lot of good people have wrestled with faith their whole lives and never felt settled. I’ve always believed that knowing Jesus is the way to heaven. But I never believed that I know all the ways of knowing Jesus. Does that make any sense? COLTON Sure, I guess so. They reach the truck; as Todd lifts Colton to his car seat-- COLTON You had a grandpa named Pop, right? The very mention stabs Todd. TODD Yep, sure did. Todd helps strap Colton into the seat. COLTON Was he your daddy’s daddy or your mommy’s daddy? TODD My mommy’s daddy, grandma Ellen’s husband. He passed away when I was about your age. Colton nods, as Todd finishes and starts to get in himself. COLTON He’s really nice. 86. C ren Beck Todd freezes, and spins back to Colton. TODD You saw Pop. My grandfather. In heaven. COLTON Yes...? Colton isn’t unsure of what he saw, just unsure of why his father is reacting the way he is. TODD I’m sorry, Colton, I-- COLTON What’s wrong, dad? TODD I loved my grandfather. He took time with me when my father couldn’t. He taught me to whittle. I still have the slingshot we made together. COLTON I know. We’ve played with it. TODD He was a good man. But he wouldn’t go to church. Nobody in the family knew why, and Grandma Ellen wouldn’t talk about it. And when I heard people say the only way to heaven was to ask Jesus to let you go, I worried that Pop wouldn’t make it. When he died, I prayed for Jesus to let me serve him, so I could help others go to heaven. And maybe even help Pop somehow. Colton is beaming. COLTON You don’t have to worry, dad! He’s there! He came up to me and told me he was your Grandpa and you called him Pop, and he held me in his lap just like Jesus did and told me everything was all right. CLOSE on Todd’s face, and a sharp transition-- 87. Care Beck TODD Colton saw Pop. Sonja stands in awkward silence. Todd jerks open his desk drawer and snaps up the picture, waving it at her. TODD Pop. My Grandfather. In heaven. Now Sonja is starting to worry that Todd is unravelling. SONJA I don’t know what to make of this. TODD I don’t have the luxury of not knowing! He looks up and sees that she’s begun to cry. He stands and reaches to take her in his arms, but she backs away. Todd begins to pace, as he does when he’s passionate or agitated. TODD Everything Colton says hits me right in the heart. And the thing is, I want to believe him! He’s my son--OUR son--and he’s so innocent, it’s not possible that he’s making it all up. But what he’s saying can’t be possible! She’s staring at him in worry and fear; Todd grows more agitated as he tries to explain. TODD What he’s describing is a whole massive adventure! Hearing a choir of angels singing... Meeting Jesus, meeting Jesus’ HORSE! Meeting Pop and having a conversation with him! It would take days, weeks to-- And suddenly it hits Todd. He steps back away from her, and whispers almost to himself-- TODD “With God a day is a thousand years- -and a thousand years but a day.” Sonja stares, wondering what’s going on in his inner storm. SONJA What? 90. Caren Beck TODD That’s in Scripture! But I never read Colton those passages, did you?! The word starts spilling from Todd in an obsessive, almost manic way, talking to himself more than to Sonja. TODD I mean-- Einstein said the same thing in his theories, and I’m pretty sure Colton hasn’t read those either! Time isn’t relevant in the realm of God. Todd squeezes his head as if to keep it from exploding. Sonja moves to him, pulls his hands down, comforts him. SONJA Todd, please! Stop obsessing about this, Colton isn’t talking theories or scriptures, he’s telling what he saw. But it has to be some kind of hallucination--what he imagined because of the ideas he’s been surrounded by since the day he was born. SONJA Then what do I preach? SONJA I don’t know. Todd looks at Sonja. And then he looks back at his nearly blank sheet of paper where he’s been trying to write a sermon. And he’s only written one word: Heaven INT. BURPO HOUSE - CHILDREN’S BEDROOM - NIGHT114 114 Todd looks in on his children sleeping; they are peaceful... The moment becomes a MONTAGE, as Todd wrestles with his spirit... INT. CHURCH - EMPTY - NIGHT115 115 Empty...except for Todd...and God? Todd walks up to the pulpit in the midnight darkness, and tries to speak to him. 91. Caren Beck TODD Okay! Here I am! You spoke to Colton, speak to me! But the church is empty. Dark. And silent. EXT. TOWN CEMETERY - DAWN116 116 The cemetery at dawn is as silent as the church, and seems as empty...until we find Todd there, standing at the grave of Jake Phelps--killed in Afghanistan. Todd is sitting on a marble bench, staring at the grave, bleak and cold. Then Todd hears a car door shut, and looks up to see Nancy Phelps, walking across the grass toward him. In FLASHES OF MEMORY, Todd remembers THE FUNERAL OF NANCY’S SON, JAKE: --With other people from the church gathered at the 116A 116A graveside, Todd looks on as a military honor guard hands her the flag that covered her son’s coffin. --Todd kneels to Nancy... and he has nothing to say.116B 116B IN THE PRESENT, Nancy reaches Todd at the graveside, and 116C 116C sits down quietly beside him. NANCY You. I always figured it was Jay leaving flags and flowers here on my son’s grave. TODD I failed you, Nancy. The worst moment of your life, a loss beyond comprehension, and I had nothing to give you--no comfort, no hope, no peace. NANCY I never felt you failed me. She looks down at the grave, then up at the dawning sky. NANCY Jake and I got ten minutes on the phone, every two weeks. We were five minutes into a call when I heard explosions and he said, “Mama, I gotta go,” and hung up. That was the last time we spoke. 92. Caren Beck
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