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Urbanization and Population Trends: An Analysis of City Growth and Development, Study notes of Sociology

The historical development of urbanization, focusing on the role of industrialization, technology, and social institutions in shaping cities. Topics include the transformation of early civilizations, the impact of urbanization on population trends, and the sociological study of urban communities. Questions covered include the role of physical environment, technology, and social institutions in urban development, the characteristics of early sumerian cities, and the explanations of urban development offered by chicago school sociologists.

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Download Urbanization and Population Trends: An Analysis of City Growth and Development and more Study notes Sociology in PDF only on Docsity! 1 Soc.1 Study Guide For Final Exam ____ 1. What is characterizing world urban growth? a. The number of central cities is declining as people are returning to rural roots. b. The population of less developed countries is increasingly concentrated cities of 1 million or more. c. City growth is taking place primarily in the industrialized world as modern technology is necessitating greater population concentrations. d. Worldwide, there are no patterns of population growth. ____ 2. What are exurbs? a. Older, upper class suburbs b. Middle and upper middle class communities in outlying semi rural suburbia c. Newly developed, highly integrated, suburbs far outside of the central city d. The name given to suburbs in the year 2000 e. None of the above ____ 3. The first country to undergo an urban transformation was a. the United States. d. China. b. England. e. Germany. c. Japan. ____ 4. The world's first fully-developed cities arose in a. the Middle East, mostly in what is now Iraq. b. East Africa, mostly in what is now Kenya. c. northern China. d. western Europe. e. ancient Chile. ____ 5. The main feature of the second demographic transition is a. a below-replacement fertility rate. b. inclusion of immigration as a factor affecting population trends. c. elimination of disease as a factor affecting population trends. d. inclusion of Third World countries in the theory. e. a,b,c, & d above ____ 6. Which of the following, according to Gideon Sjoberg, was necessary for the rise of preindustrial cities? a. a well-developed system of social institutions b. a favorable physical environment c. advanced technology to produce a food surplus d. all of the above. e. none of the above. ____ 7. Early Sumerian cities were characterized by: a. raised mounds called ziggurats d. standing armies b. ruled by a class of priests e. all of the above c. walls and fortifications 2 ____ 8. Modern-day industrial cities a. have clear physical boundaries. b. are banking and manufacturing centers. c. are more stratified than older industrial cities. d. have a small middle class. e. are populated mainly by the unemployed. ____ 9. Compared with preindustrial cities, modern-day industrial cities have a. less clear physical boundaries. d. all of the above. b. a less rigid class structure. e. none of the above. c. a weaker religious institution. ____ 10. You live in a densely-populated environment with narrow streets, a rigid class structure, and an educational system primarily for upper-class males. Most likely you live a. in a preindustrial city. b. in a small rural village. c. in an industrial city. d. in a small town in a modern metropolitan area. e. in a developing industrial complex. ____ 11. The demographic transition refers to the a. simultaneous decline in birth and death rates as a country industrializes. b. decline in birth rates followed later by a decline in death rates as a country industrializes. c. decline in death rates followed later by a decline in birth rates as a country industrializes. d. rise in death rates followed later by a decline in birth rates as a country industrializes. e. all of the above ____ 12. Early American sociologists of the Chicago School attempted to explain urban development on the basis of a. energy flow models borrowed from physics. b. the dynamics of plant and animal communities as discussed by ecologists. c. psychological theories concerning the motivation of migrants to the city. d. the symbolic meanings attached to urban living by the various subcultures. e. the social anomie produced by living in cities. ____ 13. The pattern of city growth described by circular zones of activity radiating outward from the city's center is known as the a. sector model. d. circular model. b. multiple nuclei model. e. urban spatial model. c. concentric zone model. ____ 14. In the concentric zone model, what term is used to describe the area furthest from the center of the city? a. transitional d. commuter b. working-class residential e. outer limits c. industrial ____ 15. Which model of urban development suggests that groups establish themselves along major transportation arteries? a. sector d. nuclear b. concentric zone e. transportation zone model c. multiple-nuclei 5 ____ 33. Fecundity refers to the a. physiological ability to bear children. b. life expectancy of a woman after the birth of her first child. c. actual number of births in a given population. d. total number of children a woman in a given society can be expected to bear. e. the number of children officially permitted in a society. ____ 34. There are significant differences in the health of the various racial groups in the U.S. Which of the following groups has the best health profile? a. African Americans. d. Asian Americans. b. White Americans. e. none of the above. c. Hispanic Americans. ____ 35. Female physicians spend _____ with their patients compared to male physicians? a. about the same d. much more time b. slightly less time e. much less time c. slightly more time ____ 36. What country has the most advanced health care resources in the world? a. France d. Germany b. England e. Italy c. United States ____ 37. Illness involves the body and affects an individual’s: a. self I mage d. all of these b. behavior e. none of these c. social relationships ____ 38. Which of the following is a component of the sick role, according to Parsons? a. The sick person is not held responsible for his or her condition. b. The sick person must cooperate with the advice of designated experts. c. The sick person is excused from normal responsibilities. d. The sick person must want to get better. e. All of the above ____ 39. Parson's theory of sick role is a. doctor-centered. d. mystic-centered b. patient-centered. e. culturally-centered. c. society-centered. ____ 40. Darryl catches a particularly virulent case of the flu and is temporarily very sick. Also likely to be affected by the illness is Darryl's a. relationship with others. d. all of the above. b. self-image. e. none of the above. c. behavior. ____ 41. The American health care system has been described as a. curative. d. all of the above. b. acute. e. none of the above. c. hospital-based. ____ 42. Critics maintain that the U.S. health insurance system is one that a. it does not use enough of the latest technology. b. pays off only when the patient can afford to pay. c. does not pay for often much-needed x-rays. d. fails to provide prescription coverage. e. all of the above. 6 ____ 43. Medical care workers in America include: a. physicians d. all of the above. b. some of the highest paid employees e. none of the above c. some of the lowest paid employees ____ 44. What has led to the numerical and proportional growth of older populations around the world? a. decreased fertility rates. d. improvements in education. b. improvements in nutrition. e. all of the above. c. reductions in infant mortality rates. ____ 45. Medical and healthcare issues are intertwined with our: a. political views. d. social and cultural life. b. religious affiliation. e. financial stability. c. educational attainment. ____ 46. Third-party payments are a. those payments made through public or private insurance or charitable organizations. b. a system of national health insurance not supported by either the Democrats or the Republicans. c. health care payments made exclusively by the federal government. d. payments made by health care consumers to their insurance companies. e. payments made by state and local governmental agencies. ____ 47. Blue Cross and Blue Shield were originally developed to ensure that a. everyone had access to affordable health care. b. only competent health care professionals provided health services. c. physicians and hospitals got paid. d. socialized medicine would one day be possible. e. employers could provide health care to their workers. ____ 48. The United States is the only leading industrial nation that does not have a. a centrally-planned health care delivery system. b. governmental programs to help the poor pay for medical costs. c. general medical practitioners. d. for-profit commercial insurance companies. e. well-developed medical care. ____ 49. One significant criticism made of the United States health care system is that a. it focuses primarily on preventive care. b. its level of medical technology is out-of-date. c. doctors aren't paid enough. d. there are no private health-care insurance companies. e. it emphasizes cure rather than prevention. ____ 50. Why do female physicians earn less than male physicians? a. The average female physician works fewer hours. b. The average female physician is younger and less experienced. c. The average female physician is less likely to be in private practice. d. The average female physicians works in lower-paying specialties. e. All of the above. 7 ____ 51. Which of the following accurately states the difference between how men and women handle emotional disturbance? a. Men tend to act out through destructive or antisocial acts; women tend to internalize their problems. b. Women tend to act out through destructive or antisocial acts; men tend to internalize their problems. c. Men do not react to emotional disturbance; women engage in self-destructive behaviors. d. There is no discernible difference in how men and women handle emotional disturbance. e. All of the above. ____ 52. Which of the following is a reason why men have a lower life expectancy than women? a. Men are more likely to work in the most dangerous occupations. b. Men are more likely to use and abuse alcohol. c. Men have higher rates of fatal accidents. d. All of the above. e. None of the above. ____ 53. Which of the following correctly states the relationship between the gender and mortality rates during the newborn stage? a. The male rate is just slightly lower than the female rate. b. The female rate is about the same as the male rate. c. The male rate is more than ten times the female rate. d. The male rate is about 130% greater than the female rate. e. The female rate is more than twice the male rate. ____ 54. Which of the following groups has the lowest life expectancy? a. White males b. African-American males c. White females d. African-American females e. The rates are the same for all of these groups. ____ 55. Which of the following groups has the best health profile? a. Asian Americans d. White Americans b. Native Americans e. Hispanic Americans c. African Americans ____ 56. Compared to white infants, the incidence of low birth weights babies among African American infants is a. equal to that of white infants d. four times higher b. about a third higher e. ten times higher c. more than twice as high ____ 57. Compared with a white male, an African American male has a greater chance of dying from a. accidents. d. all of the above. b. homicide. e. none of the above. c. AIDS. ____ 58. Why do the poor have higher death rates? a. they are less likely to feel they have control over their lives b. they have less access to good nutrition c. they are more likely to smoke d. they have less access to quality medical care e. all of the above 10 ____ 76. According to Elias Canetti, crowds a. contain an ever-present threat of chaos. b. love density. c. have no natural boundaries. d. all of the above e. a and b only ____ 77. Which of the following is the most frightening of Blumer's crowd types as it can easily become violent? a. acting d. conventional b. casual e. inspirational c. expressive ____ 78. Of the following crowds, which follows well-established or traditional norms of behavior? a. acting d. expressive b. conventional e. charismatic c. casual ____ 79. Students gathering on the lawn of a campus building between classes would be an example of what type of crowd? a. expressive d. acting b. conventional e. accidental c. casual ____ 80. A large group of mourners at a funeral would be an example of which of the following crowds? a. casual d. acting b. conventional e. supportive c. expressive ____ 81. People attending a political rally would be called a(n): a. expressive crowd. d. casual crowd. b. conventional crowd. e. involved crowd. c. acting crowd. ____ 82. An expressive crowd would be best represented as a. the audience attending a play at a theater b. the people in Times Square on New Year's Eve c. the passengers trying to escape a train wreck d. the people on Boston Common on any sunny spring afternoon in May e. the students exiting a class after a lecture ____ 83. A particular fad or fashion is likely to a. become a permanent aspect of social life. b. reflect radical factions of society. c. fade rather quickly from the scene. d. affect only one social class at a time. e. have a lasting influence effect only on the youth of society. ____ 84. Compared with fads, fashions spread a. more quickly but last for a shorter period of time. b. more quickly and last longer. c. more slowly and last longer. d. only among the older members of society. e. only among the elites of society. 11 ____ 85. Sociologist Georg Simmel argued that changes in clothing fashions occur because a. people have an insatiable desire for novelty. b. changes in the physical environment make new types of clothing necessary. c. the young feel a constant need to be different from their elders, who also try to look young. d. the upper classes attempt to distinguish themselves from the lower classes, who try to mimic them. e. the clothing industry needs to create markets for new items. ____ 86. The difference between crowds and masses of people is that masses a. are inherently unstable. b. work to resist social change. c. do not require leaders. d. consist of people with lower levels of education. e. do not require close proximity. ____ 87. Rumors are a. damaging stories spread primarily by word of mouth. b. information spread informally and spread quickly c. damaging stories spread by the media. d. false stories spread by word of mouth. e. like stereotypes in that they always contain elements of truth. ____ 88. Which of the following would be a public? a. all Democrats in the United States b. everyone attending the World Series c. all the people in Central Park at a given time d. everyone standing in front of the White House waiting to see the President e. all students eating lunch at the university union ____ 89. What distinguishes a public from a crowd? a. A public is more heterogeneous b. A crowd is more dispersed. c. A public holds beliefs about a common problem d. A public relies on modern technology. ____ 90. Propaganda is information presented to the public to a. prevent the spread of rumors. b. evaluate public opinion. c. clarify political issues. d. achieve a balance in information available. e. deliberately influence opinion. ____ 91. Throughout the 1980's Proctor and Gamble was plagued by a widespread rumor which maintained: a. it was affiliated with the Church of Satan b. it was putting poison chemicals into its soaps c. because it used the moon and thirteen stars in its logo, it was controlled by a foreign country hostile to the U.S. d. b & c above e. a, b, and c above 12 ____ 92. A public most closely resembles a a. mass media audience. b. crowd. c. live audience. d. group of onlookers at a particular location. e. a "happening" in a open civic area. ____ 93. A fire breaks out in a restaurant. People smell smoke. A few of the customers stand up to leave, but then everyone begins to scream. People run in all directions as they look for exits. A sociologist would term this is an example of a. expressive behavior. d. dispersed collective behavior. b. a social movement. e. a survival behavior. c. a panic. ____ 94. According to Irving Janis and his colleagues, in order for people to panic they must a. feel they are trapped in a life-threatening situation. b. realize that their escape routes are limited or inaccessible. c. lose communication with other parts of the crowd. d. all of the above. e. none of the above. ____ 95. Kai Erikson's study of the Massachusetts witchcraft trials of 1692 concludes that they were the result of a. a fad. d. a reactionary social movement. b. contagion. e. a craze. c. mass hysteria. ____ 96. Which of the following is an important element of technological change in the modern U.S.A.? a. biotechnology d. all of the above b. visual computing e. none of the above c. personal computers ____ 97. Technological change a. is the only factor that causes social change. b. influences rather than determines social change. c. determines the values and beliefs that will emerge in a society. d. is necessary if we are to evaluate social change. e. shows that the pace and direction of technological change is determined by society's elites. ____ 98. The U.S. workforce of the future will see a. change reflective of population trends and demands for goods and services. b. rapid decline. c. a slowing down in the rate of growth. d. a slowing down in the rate of decline. e. a cycle of rapid growth followed by steep decline. ____ 99. Which type of occupations will account for the greatest projected decline in jobs over the next decade? a. Agricultural d. service industries b. Home care e. health care related c. Bank tellers ____ 100. Which groups are likely to increase their share of the American labor force by 2010? a. women d. Asian Americans b. African Americans e. All of the above c. Hispanics
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