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VBA Macro Cheat Sheet for Microsoft Office, Cheat Sheet of MS Microsoft Excel skills

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ekanaaa 🇺🇸



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Download VBA Macro Cheat Sheet for Microsoft Office and more Cheat Sheet MS Microsoft Excel skills in PDF only on Docsity! VBA – CHEAT SHEET Creating a new VBA module  Either record the macro or  Press Alt F11 to display the VB Editor (or select Developer tab and click Visual Basic button on the left)  Click Microsoft Excel Objects  Choose Insert | Module from the menu (you can also right-click on Microsoft Excel Objects).  Type Sub your_module_name(). You can't use spaces, but you can use underscore.  End Sub appears automatically. Stepping through or debugging VBA code  F8 - Step through the code, line by line  F9 - Set or remove a break point  Ctrl+Shift+F9 - Remove all break points  Use the word 'Stop' within the code to end the module right there  Click the blue square icon on the VB tool bar to stop the macro  Hover over a variable to see its current value. You can also right-click the variable and choose 'Add Watch' to watch its value in a separate window. Selecting Cells, Sheets and Workbooks Select a cell Range("A8").Select Select multiple cells Range("A8, C5").Select Select a cell range Range("A1:A8").Select Select a named cell or cell range Range("my_range").Select VBA – CHEAT SHEET Select a row or rows Range("2:6").Select or Rows("2:6").Select Select a column or columns Range("B:G").Select or Columns("B:G").Select Select a cell by row (8) and column number (1) Cells(8,1).Select Select a sheet Sheets("Sheet2").Activate Select a cell on a sheet Sheets("Sheet2").Range("A8").Select Select a cell on a sheet on a workbook Workbooks("Book2.xlsx").Sheets("Sheet2").Range("A8").Select Setting Properties Set a value Range("A1").Value = 48 Range("A1").Value = "Sample text" Sheets("Sheet2").Range("A1").Value = "Sample text" Workbooks("MyWorkbook.xlsx").Sheets("Sheet2").Range("A1").Value = "Sample text" Clear the contents or clear the formatting Range("A:A").Clear Range("A:A").ClearContents Range("A:A").ClearFormats Text Formatting Range("A1:A5").Font.Name = "Arial" VBA – CHEAT SHEET Example 4 With ActiveCell With .Borders .Weight = 3 .LineStyle = xlContinuous End With With .Font .Bold = True .Size = 18 End With End With Variables Declaration Dim last_name As String, first_name As String, age As Integer Example of use last_name = Range("A2") first_name = Range("B2") age = Range("C2") MsgBox first_name & " " & last_name & ", " & age & " years old" Arrays Arrays are arranged like pigeon holes. Each hole is referenced by row, then column, then depth Dim array1(4) As String ' 1 dimensional array Dim array2(4, 3) As String ' 2 dimensional array Dim array3(4, 3, 2) As String ' 3 dimensional array NB. The first cell in an array is numbered zero. Therefore an array defined as (4) actually has 5 pigeon holes numbered 0, 1, 2, 3 and 4. Arrays can be used to store fixed values, values from cells, or results of calculations. VBA – CHEAT SHEET Constants A constant is defined like a variable, but as its name suggests, it doesn’t change. Constants are declared with Const rather than Dim. Const commission_rate As Double = 4.5 Local variable vs Global variables Variables declared within a Sub … End Sub are local. Global variables are declared with Global rather than Dim. Global myGlobalVar As Integer Conditions If … ElseIf … ElseIf … ElseIf … Else … End If Basic structure If [Condition 1] Then *** Do this *** ElseIf [Condition 2] Then *** Do this instead *** Else *** Otherwise do this *** End If Checking that the value in A1 is numeric If IsNumeric(Range("A1")) Then *** Do your stuff *** Else MsgBox "Your entry" & Range("A1") & " is not valid !" Range("A1").ClearContents End If Other variations to check: IsDate, IsEmpty, IsMissing VBA – CHEAT SHEET Within an IF condition you can use: The standard comparison operators (=, <, <=, >, >=, <>). If my_number >= 5 And my_number <= 10 Then … Logical operations such as AND, OR and NOT. If Range("A1") ="QLD" AND Range("B1") = "Admin" … If Not IsNumeroc(Range("A1")) Then … Wildcard comparisons using LIKE with *, #, ? or []. If my_variable LIKE "*st*" Then … If my_variable LIKE "123##" Then … If my_variable LIKE "P???T" Then … If my_variable LIKE "[abc]" Then … If my_variable LIKE "[a-g]" Then … If my_variable LIKE "[234]" Then … If my_variable LIKE "[1-9]" Then … If my_variable LIKE "[!abc]" Then … Case Select Case my_variable Case Is = 1 *** Do This *** Case Is = 2 *** Do This *** Case Is = 3 *** Do This *** Case Is = 4 *** Do This *** Case Is = 5 *** Do This *** Case Else *** Do This *** End Select Other variations Case Is >= 6 Case Is 6, 7, 8 Case <> 10, 11 Case 6-10 VBA – CHEAT SHEET Procedures, Sub procedures Arguments & Functions Public vs Private First some terminology. 'Sub' means the same as 'Procedure' or 'Module'. Procedures are Public by default which means they are accessible from any module. Private modules are only accessible from within the current module To call another module simply write the module name. Private Sub Warning() MsgBox "Caution !!!" End Sub Sub macro1() If Range("A1") = "" Then Warning End If End Sub Arguments Arguments allow you to pass data from one module to another and back again. Private Sub Warning(var_text As String) MsgBox "Caution : " & var_text & " !" End Sub Sub macro2() If Range("A1") = "" Then Warning "Empty cell" ElseIf Not IsNumeric(Range("A1")) Then Warning "Value is not numeric" End If End Sub Variables may be prefixed with 'Optional'. VBA – CHEAT SHEET Functions Function square(var_number) square = var_number ^ 2 End Function Sub macro3() Dim myNum As Double, result As Double myNum = Range("A1").Value result = square(myNum) MsgBox "The square of " & myNum & " is " & result End Sub Dialog boxes MsgBox MsgBox "*** Your message ***" MsgBox ( [Text], [Buttons], [Title] ) MsgBox("Are you sure?", vbYesNo, "Confirm") Example: Sub delete_cell() If MsgBox("Are you sure?", vbYesNo, "Confirm") = vbYes Then Activecell.ClearContents MsgBox "The contents have been deleted !" End If End Sub VBA – CHEAT SHEET Button option Description Numerical value vbOKOnly It displays a single OK button. 0 vbOKCancel It displays two buttons OK and Cancel. 1 vbAbortRetryIgnore It displays three buttons Abort, Retry, and Ignore. 2 vbYesNoCancel It displays three buttons Yes, No, and Cancel. 3 vbYesNo It displays two buttons Yes and No. 4 vbRetryCancel It displays two buttons Retry and Cancel. 5 vbCritical It displays a Critical Message icon. 16 vbQuestion It displays a Query icon. 32 vbExclamation It displays a Warning Message icon. 48 vbInformation It displays an Information Message icon. 64 vbDefaultButton1 First button is treated as default. 0 vbDefaultButton2 Second button is treated as default. 256 vbDefaultButton3 Third button is treated as default. 512 vbApplicationModal (Forces user to answer before continuing to use Excel). 0 vbSystemModal (Forces user to answer before continuing to use any program on the computer - dialog box in foreground). 4096 vbMsgBoxHelpButton Adds a Help button to the message box. vbMsgBoxSetForeground Message box appears in foreground. vbMsgBoxRight Right-aligns text. vbMsgBoxRtlReading Text appears right-to-left. You can combine different elements, e.g. MsgBox("Are you sure?", vbYesNo + vbQuestion + vbDefaultButton3, "Confirm") You can add line returns using character 10, e.g. MsgBox("Are" & Chr(10) & "you" & Chr(10) & "sure?", vbYesNo, "Confirm") VBA – CHEAT SHEET Code Examples – Textbox & Command Button Private Sub CommandButton_validate_Click() ' Validate on command button click Range("A1") = Textbox_number.Value ' Textbox_Number is the name of the ' textbox control Unload Me ' Close form End Sub Private Sub Textbox_number_Change() If IsNumeric(Textbox_number.Value) Then Label_error.Visible = False Me.Width = 150 Else Label_error.Visible = True Me.Width = 250 End If End Sub Code Example – 3 Checkboxes and 3 corresponding cells Private Sub CheckBox1_Click() 'Number 1 If CheckBox1.Value = True Then Range("A2") = "Checked" Else Range("A2") = "Unchecked" End If End Sub Private Sub CheckBox2_Click() 'Number 2 If CheckBox2.Value = True Then Range("B2") = "Checked" Else Range("B2") = "Unchecked" End If End Sub Private Sub CheckBox3_Click() 'Number 3 If CheckBox3.Value = True Then Range("C2") = "Checked" Else Range("C2") = "Unchecked" End If End Sub VBA – CHEAT SHEET And in reverse … Private Sub UserForm_Initialize() 'Check box if "Checked" If Range("A2") = "Checked" Then CheckBox1.Value = True End If If Range("B2") = "Checked" Then CheckBox2.Value = True End If If Range("C2") = "Checked" Then CheckBox3.Value = True End If End Sub Option Buttons A user may only select one option button in a group. First create a frame (from the Toolbox) then place option buttons inside the form, and rename if required.
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