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Utilization of Microcomputers in Bridge Design: Applications and Future Role, Study notes of Design

Computer-Aided Design (CAD)Transportation EngineeringComputer Science in Civil EngineeringBridge Engineering

This document evaluates the use of microcomputers in bridge design activities within state transportation departments. It examines current computer configurations, the capabilities of 16-bit microcomputers, and the feasibility of converting mainframe programs. The study also discusses the advantages of using microcomputers in bridge design, such as stand-alone capabilities, versatile communications, and insulation from mainframe downtimes.

What you will learn

  • What computer systems are used for bridge design and analysis?
  • What are the current overall computing configurations and microcomputer utilization in bridge design?
  • What advantages does the use of microcomputers offer in bridge design?
  • Do bridge divisions use microcomputers in bridge design?
  • What are the plans for using microcomputers in bridge design applications in the future?

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Download Utilization of Microcomputers in Bridge Design: Applications and Future Role and more Study notes Design in PDF only on Docsity! FINAL REPORT APPLICATIONS OF MICROCOMPUTERS IN BRIDGE DESIGN by R. A. Love Graduate Assistant F. W. Barton Faculty Research Scientist and W. T. McKeel, Jr. Research Scientist (The opinions, findings, and conclusions expressed in this report are those of the authors and not necessarily those of the sponsoring agencies.) Virginia Highway & Transportation Research Council (A CooPerative Organization Sponsored Jointly by the Virginia Department of Highways & Transportation and the University of Virginia) In Cooperation with the U. S. Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration Charlottesville, Virginia March 1986 VHTRC 86-R28 BRIDGE RESEARCH ADVISORY COMMITTEE L. L. MISENHEIMER, Chairman, District Bridge Engineer, VDH&T J. E. ANDREWS, Bridge Design Engineer Supervisor, VDH&T G. W. BOYKIN, District Materials Engineer, VDH&T C. L. CHAMBERS, Division Bridge Engineer, FHWA C. D. GARVER, JR., Division Administrator Construction Div., VDH&T M. H. HILTON, Senior Research Scientist, VH&TRC J. G. G. MCGEE, Assistant Construction Engineer, VDH&T M. F. MENEFEE, JR., Structural Steel Engineer, VDH&T R. H. MORECOCK, District Bridge Engineer, VDH&T C. A. NASH, JR., District Engineer, VDH&T F, L. PREWOZNIK, District Bridge Engineer, VDH&T W. L. SELLARS, District Bridge Engineer, VDH&T F. G. SUTHERLAND, Bridge Engineer, VDH&T L. R. L. WANG, Prof. of Civil •Engineering, Old Dominion University ii APPLICATIONS OF MICROCOMPUTERS IN BRIDGE DESIGN by R. A. Love Graduate Assistant F. W. Bartbn Faculty Research Scientist and W. T. McKeel, Jr. Research Scientist PROBLEM STATEMENT Computer applications in engineering design have had a dramatic effect on the analysis and design process in general. Automating analysis and design procedures has relegated much of the computational burden to machines, thus allowing the engineer more time to evaluate alternatives and assume a more creative role in design and decision making. Although the role that computers play may vary from one organization to another, their effect has been revolutionary. The manner in which design computations are carried out in state departments of transportation is not standardized and varies greatly. Most software developed for design and analysis calculations within bridge divisions has been designed for implementation on large mainframe computers. Bridge designers, in large measure, have access to these programs via terminals, and this has created little demand for other computer configurations such as microcomputers. However, recent devel- opments in microcomputer design have resulted in microcomputers that have stand-alone capabilities rivaling those of minicomputers and mainframes and that also possess versatile communications capability. Still, there seems to be considerable difference of opinion regard- ing the role of microcomputers in Bridge design. Many bridge divisions having their own large computers and access through terminals find their present configuration satisfactory and see no reason to incur the additional expense of microcomputers. Other bridge engineers, however, are required to use centralized state computer facilities sometimes shared by other state agencies. The inconvenience in gaining access, the high cost of computing and other charges, and excessive turnaround time may not be acceptable. These engineers see the new generation of microcomputers as a cost-effective and preferred alternative for using much of the bridge design software available. T•e many advantages of microcomputers, such as powerful computing capability, stand-alone capability, communications capability, and cost-effectiveness make them a powerful element in engineering computation. In Virginia, much of the bridge design activities has been decen- tralized to offices in eight districts across the state. The present generation of microcomputerswould appear to meet most of the computa- tional needs of these offices. These smaller computers could supplement the mainframe, possibly using downloaded, smaller programs in a more efficient mode of operation. OBJECTIVES The primary objective of this project was to examine the current and future role of microcomputers in bridge design applications within state departments of transportation. The focus was on the use of microcomputers as a complement to present computing configurations to increase productivity and enhance cost-effectiveness. To achieve this objective, the tasks described below were undertaken. First, the current manner in which bridge engineers utilize comput- ers for design and analysis was evaluated. This was accomplished by contacting the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), the American Association of State Highway Officials, and the Highway Engineer •x- change Program to solicit available information. Subsequently• several states were surveyed by phone to determine the computer configurations they presently use for bridge design applications and their current and projected uses of microcomputers. Second, the capabilities of the present generation of 16-bit microcomputers in bridge design applications were evaluated This evaluation consisted of compiling data on microcomputer capacities, operating systems, costs, and available languages. Several models of microcomputers currently available were used to run typical bridge design software and their performances were compared. Third, the feasibility of converting current bridge design software from mainframes to microcomputers was evaluated through conversions of existing software. This conversion looked at how to download programs from a mainframe to a microcomputer, and the effect of downloading on programs in terms of compile/execution time, memory restrictions, and portability of the language. Finally, after examination and study of the information collected and the tests performed, the potential for increased usage of microcom- puters in bridge design activities was evaluated. MICROCOMPUTER USE IN STATE BRIDGE DIVISIONS To determine the trends in microcomputer use in the bridge di- visions of various state departments of transportation, an informal telephone survey was undertaken. Through such an informal discussion format it was possible to gain a better insight into the subject than would have been possible using a formal written questionnaire. A total of 32 states were contacted (see Table i). Initially states were con- tacted based on a prior knowledge of their use of microcomputers and in the process other states involved in microcomputer usage were iden- tified. Additionally, information on states making early progress in the use of microcomputers for bridge-design-related activities was obtained during a visit to the FHWA. TABLE 1 STATES CONTACTED Alabama Massachusetts Pennsylvania California Michigan South Carolina Colorado Minnesota South Dakota Connecticut Mississippi Tennessee Delaware Montana Texas Florida Nebraska Vermont Georgia New Jersey Virginia Illinois New York Washington lowa North Carolina West Virginia Kentucky Ohio Wisconsin Louisiana Oklahoma The survey consisted of contacting a person within a state bridge division or computer division and asking questions from a prepared list (see Table 2). The questions were designed to determine the current mainframe computing environment, to assess the level of satisfaction with this environment, to identify the current-utilization of microcom- puters in bridge design applications, and to determine the attitudes and perceptions of engineers, regarding the usefulness of microcomputers, in design. Finally, any plans for future implementation of microcomputers were discussed.. A summary of the responses to the survey is •presented in Table 3. From the information obtained in the survey, several conclusions were drawn. First, it was found that, as would be expected, the large majority of states use mainframe computers in their bridge design and analysis work. Thirty of 32 states contacted, or 94%, use mainframes as their primary computers. The two remaining states utilize minicomput- ers. However, in almost all instances the bridge divisions using mainframes share them with other state agencies on some type of time-sharing arrangement. Almost all bridge design groups (94%) have direct access to the computer through terminals located within the group. Additionally, some states with remote design locations, such as Pennsylvania, have terminal access at the district office level. Through terminal access, the engineers are able to run mainframe applications in either an interac- tive or batch mode, review the results, modify input if desired, and rerun the application. Some states, such as Michigan and Delaware, use screen form packages which simplify data entry at the terminal by creating the actual input form for a given program on the terminal screen. Most states with computer configurations of this type expressed satisfaction with them. In fact, ii out of the 30 states with terminal access to a mainframe or minicomputer indicated that it served their computing needs completely, and they thus expressed little or no interest in utilizing microcomputers. However, the majority of the respondents did see some need for improving their computing environment. Reasons cited included slow turnaround time on tlme-share systems, a desire for better access to software, and insufficient access to terminals connected to the mainframe. Of the 21 states indicating a need for improvement in computer access, 9 states, including Virginia, have begun using microcomputers in some capacity for bridge design. Another 9 states indicated intentions to become involved in using microcomputers in bridge design activities, although, for the most part, no specific plans were reported. (See Table 3.) The manner in which microcomputers are used for bridge design purposes varies widely from state to state. For example, in Montana, microcomputers are used almost exclusively for bridge design and analy- sis. Design and analysis programs previously run on IBM minicomputers have been converted from their original FORTRAN coding to BASIC and adapted to an IBM-PC. In South Dakota, and as part of this project in Virginia, FORTRAN bridge design and analysis programs have been down- loaded from a mainframe computer and adapted to run on IBM-PC (or compatible) microcomputers using available microcomputer FORTRAN compilers. Ohio uses an IBM-PC 3270 networked to a mainframe and is developing some specialized bridge-design-related applications. New Jersey, taking an approach similar to that of Ohio, has recently pur- chased several IBM-PC's which will have communications capability with their mainframe via modems. These microcomputers were purchased to satisfy the need of remote design locations for access to the mainframe along with stand-alone computing capability. Other states are using microcomputers in bridge-related areas but to a lesser extent. New York uses microcomputers for project management functions and for field data collection and review. Future uses may includeoverload permit and splice design applications. Massachusetts uses an IBM-PC for field data collection and expressed intentions of utilizing it for additional bridge design applications in the future. In Vermont, an IBM-PC AT to be delivered in the near future will be the prime computer used for bridge design applications. In addition to the states already using or beginning to use micro- computers, 9 other states have indicated a desire to begin using them in the near future. Common among the responses from these states is an uncertainty as to exactly what the capabilities of microcomputers are when used in bridge design and analysis applications. Some engineers expressed doubts as to the ability of these machines to handle large programs; doubts also were expressed about how the integrity of software would be maintained with it being distributed among several users. Clearly, there is a need to better define the role that microcom- puters can play in bridge design at the state level. Several instances have been cited in which private design firms have acquired microcomput- ers as a complement to their computer configurations to increase produc- tivity and decrease overall computing costs. Such should also be true in bridge design applications. MICROCOMPUTER HARDWARE CAPABILITIES The first generation.of microcomputers were based on 8-bit central processing units (CPU's) and initially became available in the.late seventies. Their use in engineering applications, and for most other applications for that matter, was limited due to speed and memory restrictions. The internal memory was commonly 64 kilobytes (kb), which rendered them unable to run complex programs. Engineering applications written for these machines were essentially small design aids written in BASIC, and the costs for some of the early 8-bit microcomputers were relatively high. The next generation of microcomputers were those with 16-bit CPU's and are the focus of this study. Capabilities of 16-Bit Microcomputers The current generation of 16-bit microcomputers generally use one of three types of central processor. They are the Intel 8086 and 8088 CPU's and the Motorola 68000.(1) The 8086 is a true 16-bit processor in that it moves data through a 16-bit data busand processes 16 bits at a time. The 8088 moves data through an 8-bit bus and processes 16 bits at a time. Thus the 8088 is a less powerful processor than the 8086. The Motorola 68000 CPU is the most powerful of the three. It handles data through a 16-bit data bus but processes 32 bits at a time. Even though the.68000 is significantly•more powerful than the 8086 and 8088, it is the least commonly used, because the 86/88 processors were around first and there is more software written supporting them.(__l) The single most important advantage the 16-bit microcomputers have over the earlier 8-blt machines is their internal memory capacity. The internal memory is classified into two types: read-only-memory (ROM) and random access memory (RAM). The ROM is factory installed and is read when the computer is turned on and also when various functions it contains are required by the operating system. It is permanent and cannot be altered by the computer operator. The ROM usually varies betwee• machines made by different manufacturers, even though the same central processor is used. This may be a source of software incom- patibility between machines. The (RAM) is a temporary memory and is accessible to the user. It gives computers their real power since it determines the size of appli • cations that can be run on them. The IBM-PC (8088 CPU), for example, has a memory capacityof One megabyte (1024 kb) with the first 256kb reserved for ROM and the remaining 768 kb used for RAM functions. A system configured with this much RAM permits moderately sophisticated computing, and in fact, represents a more powerful computing capability than do many minicomputers.(1) Four different models of 16-bit micro- computers were available for use during this project and are listed in Table 4. In addition to the internal memory capabilities of the 16-bit microcomputers, a mass storage memory capability gives them access to vast amounts of data outside the CPU of the machine. This memory is considered long-termmemory, since unlike RAM, it remains intact when the machine is turned off. Mass storage memory usually refers to floppy diskettes or hard disks, but can also be in the form of bubble storage devices, tape, and disk emulation. Floppy disk storage is by far the most common form of mass storage, although hard disk drives are rapidly gaining ground. Floppy disks commonly come in 3 I/2-, 5 i/4- and 8-inch sizes. The 5 i/4-inch drives are the most common and were employed on all the microcomputers used in this project. The storage capacity on the 5 i/4-inch diskettes can range from 320 kb to over one megabyte. The machines used in this project all had a mass storage capacity of 360 kb using double-sided, double-density disk drives. Another important consideration of the floppy disks is that they are formatted by a special program that comes with the microcomputer's operating system. Disk formats vary between different operating systems capable of running on the same machine, the MS-DOS and CP/M, for exam- ple. Disk formats can also vary between different versions of the same operating system, the MS-DOS Ver. I.i and MS-DOS Ver. 2.!, for example. In general, different formats are nearly all mutually incompatible.(1) Supermicros compete in performance directly with mid-ranged mini- computers. Some even have enough power to-compete with higher level minicomputers. For example, a supermicro based on a Motorola 68000 CPU can address as much as 16 megabytes (mb) of internal memory, as opposed to I mb for the 8088 CPU's discussed earlier. They also can possess a storage memory capacity of over i00 mb. Perhaps most important, some of these machines have virtual memory capacity, which allows the execution of programs too large to fit into internal memory by allowing the functioning part of the program to remain in the main memory at all times Virtual memory automatically loads the active part of a program into the main memory in time to respond to revelant instructions.(•) Another way in which supermicros outperform earlier machines is in their ability to support multiple users and multiple application tasks. Both hardware design and operating system software play a role in achieving such performance.(4) About one hundred companies manufacture supermicros at present. Machines.used more specifically for scientific and engineering applications come from Sun Microsystems, Apollo, and Cadmus.(4) These supermlcros can also be used in computer-aided-design and computer-aided-engineering functions. Although hardware and software capabilities weigh heavily in decisions concerning the use of microcomputers in bridge divisions, the bottom line will. probably be the costs associated with the equipment. Hardware costs include the CPU, monitor, .printer, and other peripherals. Table 5 gives typical ranges for these costs. •The estimated hardware costs for supermicro systems range from $5,000 to $i00,000 and up. Included in this range are the. new microcomputer based computer-aided- design systems.(_4) The cost of equipment will vary greatly depending on the manufacturer, the vendor, and the status of the highly competitive and volatile microcomputer market. TABLE 5 Typical Hardware Costs (Dollars) i. CPU unit 2. Floppy disks 3.. Hard disks 4. Printers 5. Communications hardware 6. Memory expansion chips 7. Memory expansion boards 2,000 to 5,000 300 to 1,000 2,000 to 6,000 350 to 5,000 I00 and up 200 and up 200 and up ii Technology is changing so rapidly that there may be a feeling that a System may become obsolete before it can be installed. However, waiting to purchase the latest technology may result in no purchase at all. Research of the available equipment versus current and anticipated needs is highly important. SOFTWARE CAPABILITIES General Considerations In terms of design applications, it is far more important to consider software than hardware capabilities. In this section, software capabilities of the 16-blt generation of microcomputers are reviewed. Fundamental software is the operating system which ties the main proces- sor and memory to the display, keyboard, and disks. Some of the operating systems available for the 16-bit microcomput- ers are the MS-DOS, CP/M-86 and the UCSD p-System, which are used for single-tasking operations on stand-alone machines. Other operating systems, used primarily for multi-tasking operations, are the Unix from Bell.Labs, MP/M (an advanced version of CP/M), Pick, and Oasis. The leader among these multi-tasking operating systems is the Unix, of which there are several versions for a wide variety of microcomputers. The MS-DOS Version 2.11 is the operating system on the four micro- computers used in this project and listed in Table 4. The operating system used on the IBM-PC is called the PC-DOS, which is essentially the same as the MS-DOS. The DOS operating systems are a collection of utilities which manage the operations and data within the computer. There are more than 40 commands which control various computer functions, some of which are essential for running the bridge applica- tion programs of this project. All applications run under the DOS, which provides the flexibility of input and output of data and file manipulation capabilities. Therefore, the capability of these microcom- puters to perform large-scale design and analysis applications lies not only in the hardware and applications software, but also in the operat- ing system. For more detailed information on the DOS refer to reference Two capabilities of the MS-DOS which served well when running the large FORTRAN bridge design programs encountered in this project were (I) output files could be spooled to the printer while program execution continued, and (2) batch capabilities allowed several program runs without an operator present. Since the execution time of some programs on microcomputers is slow relative to that on larger machines, the batch capability is a distinct benefit. 12 The ability of the 16-bit microcomputers to handle a wide variety of programming languages is a further indication of their computing power and versatility. Most of these machines come with a Basic inter- preter, but there are also several dozen compilers available for a variety of languages. A fairly complete listing of these compilers and languages is given in Table 6. When selecting a language for a particular application, factors to be considered include ease of use, portability, and selection of the best language for the task at hand. In general, however, the languages that are easiest to use are the lease flexible. Portability is probably the most important consideration, since it allows programs to be run on different machines with little or no modification. It was found that FORTRAN was by far the most popular language, and all of the application programs developed were written in FORTRAN. Also, for this .study, the Microsoft FORTRAN compiler was the most convenient to use, especially with large programs and on micros with no hard disk. The MS-FORTRAN compiler used in this project conforms to subset FORTRAN as described in ANSI X3.9-1978, but also contains extensions to this standard. These extensions are listed in the MS-FORTRAN User's Guide in the Appendix (6_). Minimizing use of these extensions increased portability, which allowed the bridge design programs to be run easily on other microcom- puters and the University of Virginia's Cyber mainframe. Devel•pment of Desisn Software With the tremendous growth in microcomputer hardware.has come a corresponding growth in software and software vendors. In the bridge engineering field, many of the vendors are engineers who have moved into software development and brought several years of engineering applica- tions experience into the market. The number of applications programs for civil engineering and construction alonehas become so large that Hunt's Directory has made a business of keeping track of them and is a good source of information on software for potential bridge applica- tions. Currently, the majority of vendor-supplied programs are analysis packages rather than design applications. Anal.ysis programs require less upkeep since design programs usua].ly include codes which are subject to change. A review of several software.sources found that few bridge design applications were available. The design packages that were found included three systems for small bridges, a pier design program, a pile design program, an influence line generation program, and several coordinate geometry programs. However,.almost every con- ceivable type of structural analysis program is available for all makes of microcomputers. These analysis packages range from simple beam analysis to full,feature, integrated finite element packages. 13 Many states develop software in-house for their mainframe applica- tions. However, since the use of microcomputers in state-bridge di- visions is on a relatively small scale at present, similar software development for micros is also limited. For states that already develop software for mainframe bridge design applications, the development of microcomputer applications would seem to be a logical extension. Of the state bridge divisions currently utilizing microcomputers in -bridge design, a few, such as Montana, Ohio, and Virginia, develop some software in-house. These programs are written primarily in BASIC, although Montana has converted several bridge design applications from a FORTRAN code running on an IBM 5100 minicomputer to BASIC for use on an IBM-PC. Table 7 is a list of typical bridge design applications devel- oped in this manner. Most of these programs are small and designed to perform rather specialized functions. While a useful first step, they do not fully meet theneed of bridge divisions for general application programs to run on micros. Potentially one of the most attractive schemes for the development of microcomputer software for bridge design applications is the down- loading and conversion of existing mainframe programs. TABLE 7 Bridge Design Applications Written In-House Using BASIC I. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Bridge Centerline Grade (Va.) Steel Beam or Girder Section Properties in Negative Moment Region (va.) Steel Beam or Girder Section Properties (Va.) Critical Moments and Shears (Va.) Concrete Section Analysis (Va.) Live Load Reactions on Pier or Abutment (Va.) Bolted Beam/Girder Splice Design and Analysis (Va.) Concentric Curve-Skewed Bridge Geometry (Va.) Bearing Stiffener Design or Analysis (Va.) i0. Transverse Stiffener Design or Analysis (Va.) ii. Straight Roadway Skewed Bridge Geometry and Elevations Along Lines (Va.) 12. Various programs to determine bridge geometry and elevations (Mont.) 13. Various programs to determine bent and girder reactions, due to various standard and nonstandard loadings (Mont.) 14. Slab Analysis by WSD or USD (Mont.) 15. Prestressed Beam Analysis (Mont.) 16. Prestressed Bulb T Beam Analysis (Mont.) 17, Welded Plate Girder Analysis (Mont.) 18. Two Column Bent Programs (Mn) 19, Coordinate Geometry Program 20. Beam Splice Design (Ohio) 21. Crane LoadingProgram (Ohio) 22. Analysis ofComposite Rolled Beam (Ohio) 16 Conversion of Mainframe Programs There are several advantages in having the ability to run large-scale converted mainframe bridge design software on a microcomput- er. First, it allows greater flexibility to the engineer, as applica- tions can be run at any time without the need for access to a mainframe. State bridge divisions may be only one type of several state agencies who share time on a mainframe; thus, depending on demand, computer access may not be possible due to a low priority. Also, microcomputers can insulate bridge designers from the inconveniences of unscheduled mainframe downtimes. The converted programs will also be familiar to the users. Programs that were converted as part of this study utilized the same input and output format as those run on the mainframe. In states where design activities are carried out in remote locations, microcomputers can provide an efficient and relatively inexpensive means of distributing computer power. The high costs of communicating with mainframes over phone lines can be minimized. Converting mainframe bridge design software to microcomputer use will ease demand on the mainframe and thereby allow more processor time for other large agency applications. As part of this study, several attempts at downloading and con- verting mainframe programs were made. These conversions provided a means of identifying problems encountered and .the level of effort involved. With the assistance of the Bridge Division and the Informa- tion Systems Division of the Virginia Department of Highways and Trans- portation, copies of the bridge design programs listed in Table 8 were obtained. TABLE 8 Bridge Design Programs Obtained by the Virginia Department of Highways and Transportation Io 2. 3. 4. Do Prestressed Concrete 1-Beam Design and Analysis Program Steel Girder Design and Analysis Program (Composite) Deck Slab Design Program Critical Moments and Shears on a Simple Span for Moving Loads Bridge Geometry Program Georgia Continuous Beam Program 7. Georgia Pier Program 8. SIMON (a complete design system for steel bridge girders) 17 Of the programs listed in Table 8, successful conversions were made -of the first four, but a number of problems were encountered when attempting to convert the remainder. First, many of the programs currently run on mainframes have been around for a long time and are written in early versions of FORTRAN. Some programs, such as the bridge geometry, program, were originally written in assembly language and then converted to FORTRAN. Still others were written such that they required machine dependent software. All of these problems require changes in coding and the effort can become quite extensive. In fact, for some of the programs which are not converted, major parts would have to be rewritten entirely. Another obstacle to program conversion can be the programming technique used by the original programmer. An example of this occurred in both the Georgia continuous beam and Georgia pier programs, which are fairly long programs containing few subroutines. This can cause problems because large programs usually must be broken up into groups of subroutines in order to be compiled on the microcomputer; programs without subroutines may require major alterations to existing codes in order to be successfully compiled. Similarly, some programs are simply too large to be converted for use on the current generation of 16-bit microcomputers. The programs converted in this project included those for the design and analysis of a prestressed concrete 1-beam and a steel girder; the design of a deck slab; and the.analysis of critical moments and shears. These programs are currently used by the Bridge Division of the Virginia Department of Highways and Transportation on an IBM 3084 mainframe computer. All four are written in FORTRAN and were converted for use on microcomputers as part of this project. Details of the procedure used are included in the Appendix. In this section, two of the large programs (prestressed beam and steel girder) will be used as examples, of the type of bridge design applications that can be run on 16-bit microcomputers. It should be noted that in the following examples the executable run files for each program reside on the same disk drive as the input and output files. Details of two test problems run on each program but on different microcomputers are given in Table 9. Table 9 also gives the program source file size and executable run file size for the programs. These test runs were made on each of the microcomputers mentioned earlier and on an additional machine equipped with an 8087 math coprocessor chip. The prestressed beam program is fairly long, with approximately 3000 FORTRAN statements in the source file and an executable run file size of 161,480 kb. This size program would certainly not run on the earlier 8-bit machines. Theoretically, an IBM-PC with a full RAM capacity of 640 kb could run an application program of comparable size. Potential limitations related to mass storage capability for programs of this size will be discussed later. Table 9 illustrates that not only does a program of significant size run on the 16-bit microcomputers, but also it executes in a reasonably short time. 18 A comparison of the results in Table. I0 with those of Table 9 shows that disk emulation significantly decreases execution times in all cases. The decreased" execution times exhibited here can be attributed wholly to decreased input/output time and the decreased time required for the programs to be loaded into memory. It is evident that the present generation of 16-bit microcomputers exhibit considerable computing power in terms of internal and mass storage memory. The information and examples given to this point indicate that the current generation of microcomputers possess suffi- cient computing power to be seriously considered as an alternative to the mainframe for bridge design applications. TABLE I0 Comparison of Bridge Design Program Execution Times using a RAM Disk For Input/Output PRESTRESSED CONCRETE I-BEAM DESIGN AND ANALYSIS PROGRAM EXECUTION TIME (SECONDS) ZENITH IBM-PC COMPAQ AT&T PC COMPAQ TEST PROBLEM Z-151 PORTABLE W/8087 PBI Note 1 24 Note 1 12 Note 1 PB2 Note 1 27 Note 1 14 Note 1 STEEL GIRDER DESIGN AND ANALYSIS PROGRA/4 EXECUTION TIME (SECONDS) ZENITH IBM-PC COMPAQ AT&T PC COMPAQ TEST PROBLEM Z-151 PORTABLE W/8087 SGI 16 12 12 7 9 SG2 83 59 59 28 22 NQ•E: Insufficient memory exists to simultaneously create an emulated disk drive and run the program. All software must be properly maintained to ensure accurate., reliable results. Inevitably, most software, especially new programs, will. have some bugs which will have to be worked out. Detection of- these errors and their removal from the program as fast as possible are essential. And, as mentioned earlier, the ability to implement code 21 changes and changes in design procedure is essential. Many of the mainframe programs used for bridge design applications are usually shared among states. The state that develops a given program usually assumes responsibility for maintaining the program and implementing major changes. If one of these programs has been converted for •icro- computer use, subsequent changes must be transferred to the converted version. This may prove difficult if changes are not well documented and the conversion process requires extensive source code modifications. Software development and purchases represent a sizable long-term investment. Changes in computing technology and outgrowing present computing facilities may necessitate a future changeover to more power- ful and sophisticated microcomputers. This can have a drastic effect on currently used software, if software portability has not been suffi- ciently considered early on. Software planning must consider the poten- tlalfor future migration of programs to other computers. One way to maximize portability is to utilize standard features of standard pro- gramming languages and minimize the use of proprietary languages. Where individual users continue to write programs, portability can be max- Imlzed by imposing guidelines for program development. These guidelines should specify the languages and operating systems that can be used. Also, complete program documentation should be required. Finally, a consideration which has become intrinsically associated with microcomputers is the control over the distribution of software. Microcomputers have ushered, in the age of truly distributed computing power. Associated with this distribution is the distribution of soft- ware, and some form of control must be implemented to properly manage a•d maintain the integrity of common software. This can be accomplished by centralizing the distribution of programs within the user division and, where possible, distributing executable modules only. Suggested changes to programs should be directed to a centralized location where changes can be made to the source code and the programs then can be redistributed. There appears to be considerable interest in the utilization of microcomputers in bridge design. As this interest t•anslates into the use of microcomputers, more and more microcomputer bridge design and analysis software will become available. It has already been noted that considerable programming of small design aids and some conversion of mainframe software are taking place, at least in Virginia and South Dakota. As with mainframe software, these microcomputer programs should be available for sharing among the state bridge divisions. Converted mainframe programs currently in use are shown in Table Ii and can be obtained by contacting the bridge division in the states. 22 3. 4. 5. 6. TABLE 11 Currently Available Converted Mainframe Bridge Design Programs Prestressed Concrete 1-Beam Design and Analysis for Standard AASHTO and Nonstandard, Simple Span Bridge Girders (Virginia) Steel Bridge Girder Design and Analysis (Virginia) Deck Slab Design (Virginia) Critical Moments and Shears on a Simple Span (Virginia) Georgia Bent Program (South Dakota) Continuous Span Prestressed Concrete Bridge Girder Design (South Dakota) PCA Reinforced Concrete Column Design (South Dakota) PLANS FOR MICROCOMPUTER IMPLEMENTATION How and when a state DOT bridge design unit should start using microcomputers depend on several factors. Basically, microcomputer use should be considered anytime present computing capabilities require enhancement, such as additional computing power, distribution of comput- ing power, and addition of communications capabilities. One of the major obstacles to large-scale microcomputer implementa- tion by bridge design groups is their divergence from traditional computerization norms. Much computing in typical bridge design groups is done through a mainframe controlled by a computer systems group, which, at least initially, may be reluctant to accept changes necessitated by the most efficient microcomputer implementation. The support required for microcomputer implementation includes some level of involvement of a computer systems group. The expertise these groups possess in computer hardware systems and in software development and maintenance will be necessary for proper implementation and support. However, changes in traditional, attitudes toward computing will be necessary. The basic computing configurations for 16-bit microcomputers are either in stand-alone operation or as intelligent terminals linked to mainframes. In a stand-alone mode the microcomputer operates independently and self-sufficiently and provides a significant computing resource without the disadvantages of a time-shared mainframe system. The advantages of also using a microcomputer as an intelligent terminal are numerous. In fact, the ability to use a microcomputer in this mode is an example of how microcomputers can complement existing computer configurations in an efficient and cost-effective manner; the key is the ability of the 23 SU•iARY AND CONCLUSIONS In this study, an effort was made to assess the present Overall computer configurations used in state DOT bridge design groups, determine the utilization of microcomputers in these groups, illustrate applications of microcomputers in bridge design activities, and, finally, to discuss various plans for the application of microcomputers in bridge design .... To determine present overall computing configurations and microcomputer utilization in bridge design, discussions were held with a knowledgeable person in each of 32 state DOT bridge or computer service groups. These discussions also sought to determine levels of satisfaction with present computing systems. These discussions yielded the following findings. io Ninety-four percent of state DOT bridge design groups use mainframes as their primary computing resource. Ninety-four percent of these groups have direct access to the mainframe through terminals located within the group. Eleven of the 30 states with terminal access indicated that their computing needs are completely satisfied in this manne r. The 21 remaining states indicated a need for improvement •n their computing configuration. The most common reasons given were a. slow turnaround time, a desire for better hands-on access to software, and c. insufficient access to mainframe terminals. 5. Of the 21 states indicating a need for improvement ao nine have begun using microcomputers for bridge design in some capacity, and Do nine have indicated intentions to become involved in using microcomputers in bridge design. The results of the survey showed that, in general, th6 u•ilization of microcomputers in bridge design at DOTs is at present very limited. 26 Based on these results, other conclusions were drawn. They are: I. There is a need to better define the role that micro- computers can play in bridge design applications at DOTs. There is an uncertainty as to what the capabilities of these microcomputers are for bridge design and analysis applications. There is doubt as to the ability of these machines to handle large programs. There is doubt about how the integrity of software would be maintained when distributed among several users. Subsequently, the ability of these microcomputers to run large bridge design applications efficiently in a stand-alone mode Was demon- strated, and several considerations related to software were discussed. These included sources of software, portability, and maintenance. The modes of operation such as stand-alone and as an intelligent terminal were viewed in the context of how they can best meet the computing needs of bridge designers. A plan for using the microcomputer as an intelligent terminal evolved which exhibited several.beneficial features of both modes. In this plan, many large bridge design and analysis applications can be run in a stand-alone mode, thus freeing the mainframe CPU and allowing greater access to software which can be run repetitively without mainframe cost considerations. When access to larger applications on the mainframe are required, the microcomputer used as an intelligent terminal can process input data locally and send it to the mainframe for processing. Output data, in return, can be downloaded to the microcomputer and reviewed off-llne. The output data could then be input into microcomputer applications such as spreadsheets or graphics packages for further processing. This plan shows how microcomputers can complement existing computing facilities in a manner which fully utilizes the power of the mainframe and the microcomputer in an economical way. The development of microcomputers signals a new era in computer use. The significant computing power they possess, along with being relatively inexpensive when compared to traditional large computers, has assured their success. Their use is constantly being explored in many business and engineering applications. Many state DOT bridge design groups are in a position to make full use of microcomputer capabilities, and some states have already begun to do so. Although many serious organizational and financial considerations must be taken into account, a well-planned computing system with microcomputers complementing existing mainframes or minicomputers can significantly enhance present computing capabilities. 27 APPENDIX MAINFRAME TO MICROCOMPUTER SOFTWARE CONVERSIONS A.I General One of the tasks to be performed as part of this study was the investigation of the feasibility of converting mainframe software to run on a microcomputer. In the course of the project four programs were converted. This Appendix will give an overview of the methods used to accomplish this, including the method of downloading the programs from the mainframe to the microcomputer and those for editing and compiling the programs on the microcomputer. A detailed explanation of each individual conversion follows in sections A. 5 through A.8. A. 2 Downloadin$ Downloading is the process of transferring data or files from a mainframe computer to a microcomputer. The exact method of doing this will depend on the computer configuration. In general, a micro- mainframe link and file transfer protocol are required. In this project, copies of the four bridge design programs were obtained on tape from the Bridge and Information Systems Divisions of the Virginia Department of Highways and Transportation. This tape, in turn, was stored on the University of Virginia's Cyber 180-855 mainframe computer and the programs transferred to direct access files. After preliminary editing on the Cyber, the program source files were downloaded onto floppy diskettes via microcomputers with communications capability with the Cyber. Two micro-mainframe communications methods were used .depending on the microcomputer location used. One method was over a local area network and the other used a modem. Se• Figure A.I for a graphic representation of the downloading procedure. The communications software used to transfer the program source files was obtained from the Academic Computing Center at the University of Virginia. This software, called CONNECT, comes in various versions which can run on both the local area network or over a modem utilizing several makes of microcomputers. CONNECT utilizes the Kermit file transfer protocol developed at Columbia University to transmit files between the microcomputer and mainframe, or vice versa. CONNECT was a key link in the process of downloading and compiling the programs on the microcomputer. It performed the file transfer flawlessly and relatively quickly. The time to transfer a file was primarily determined by the baud rate of the local area network or modem. A.3 Editin• and Compiling After the program source files were downloaded to the micro, the editing and compiling began. All of the programs required some modification to get them into a microcomputer compatible form. The incompatibilities which had to be corrected before the program could be compiled and executed on the microcomputer fell into two general categories: incompatibilities between the received FORTRAN IV format and the FORTRAN-77 compiler used on the computer, and incompatibilities between input/output methods. A-I FIGURE A. 1 DOWNLOADING PROCEDURE TAPE. RECEIVED FROM VDH & T TAPE STORED ON UVA CYB ER 1 80/85 5 FILES CREATED FOR EACH PROGRAM ON THE TAPE. ONE FILE PER PROGRAM PRELIMINARY EDITING FOR EXAMPLE, STATEMENT NOS. IN COLS. 73-80 REMOVED TO REDUCE FILE SIZE & CONSERVE DISK SPACE FILES DOWNLOADED TO DISKETTE USING CONNECT SOFTWARE BEGIN EDIT / COMPILE PROCESS SEE FIGURE A•2 A-2 Editing of the bridge design source listings was done using the IBM Personal Editor, a limited-feature word processor, which is well suited for this type of editing. It was able to handle the largest files encountered with relative ease, could handle several files at once, and had a search and replace capability and a text movement capability within and-between files. Refer to reference (ii) for a detailed description of the editor. The edited programs were compiled on the microcomputer using the Microsoft FORTRAN Compiler version 3.2 for the MS-DOS operating system.(_6) This compiler conforms to Subset FORTRAN as described in ANSI X3.9-1978. It contains some extensions to the subset language and some features of the full ANSI standard known as FORTRAN-77. Essentially the compiler is a FORTRAN-77 compiler without some of the features of the •ull FORTRAN-77 standard. No instances were encountered in this project which required compiler capabilities beyond those of MS-FORTRAN. The set of files that comprise the MS-FORTRAN compiler, along with brief descriptions, are listed in Table A.I. The process of compiling a FORTP•%N program to run on the microcomputer using MS-FORTRAN involves compiling the source code into object code modules and linking these modules with any external libraries which the program may require. Compiling requires two passes of the compiler (a third optional pass was not required). The first pass checks the source code for any syntax errors that may be present and creates two intermediate files. The second pass reads the two intermediate files created by pass one and creates the relocatable object files which are written to disk. The relocatable object files, or modules, are called relocatable because they have relative rather than absolute addresses. The final step in creating an executable module is linking. The linker takes all the object modules and links them with the MS-FORTRAN runtime library. The result is an executable module with absolute addresses. A schematic of compiling and linking is presented in Figure A. 2. This general procedure is common to most microcomputer FORTRAN compilers, not just .MS-FORTRAN. Detailed explanations of the compiling and linking procedure used for the four programs mentioned earlier are given in sections A.5 through A. 8. For a detailed explanation of the MS-FORTRAN compiler see reference (6). In the remainder of this appendix pertinent features of the compiler and linker will be explained as needed. A-3 To Pg. 6 B From Pg. 5 N EXE RUN FILE TEST RUN THE EXE FILE MS-FOR.TRAN FILE EXTENSIONS FOR OBJ LST LIB EXE MAP BIN TMP FORTRAN source file Relocatable object file Source listing file Library file Executable run file Linker map file Binary file Temporary file A-6 The size of the source code to be compiled is limited by three factors imposed by the design of the microcomputers, not the compiler. First, the executable code must fit onto a single disk. For a double size/double density dfsk formatted in DOS 2.0 this will amount to 360 kb. The second size limitation is determined by the amount of internal memory available in the machine. This factor determines how large a program can be loaded into the machine. The third limitation on the source code involves the number and size of variables. These micro- computers organize data into 64-kb segments of memory. All local variables, constants and blank common blocks will reside in one of these segments. The total space taken up by all the local variables, constants, and blank common blocks cannot be larger than 64 kb minus the stack and heap. The stack and heap tell the processor where portions of code are located and how large they are, and rarely take up more than 4 kb. This ].eaves about 60 kb. For example, a single REAL*4 array could contain 15000 elements (say array VAR(15000), then 4x15000=60000 bytes). If there are other variables, constants, or blank common blocks, the array VAR must be smaller. In the event named common blocks are used, they will all reside in their o•n segment, so they can be as large as 64 kb. (12) A. 4 Incompatabilities This section documents the incompatibilities encountered in converting the mainframe version of four bridge design programs to run on an IBM-PC or compatible microcomputer. These four programs are (i) Prestressed Concrete I Beam Design and Analysis, (2) Steel Girder Design and Analysis, (3) Deck Slab Design and Analysis, and (4) Critical Moments and Shears on a Simple Span. Upon initialinspection of these programs it was obvious that they were written some time ago in earlier versions of FORTRAN IV. Additionally, the Prestressed Beam Program utilized a data input/output routine which was dependent on the state's mainframe computer. Converting the programs mostly involved getting them in a FORTRAN-77 format and, in the case of the Prestressed Beam Program, changing the input/output method. The following is a detailed list of changes made to. the programs to make them compatible not only FORTRAN-77 compatible, but also compatible for microcomputer use. The reference numbers for each item are also used to show the location of each item in the source listings which follow. A-7 REF. NO. (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) TABLE A. 2 LIST OF CHANGES MADE TO BRIDGE DESIGN PROGRAMS DESCRIPTION Program statement added to designate beginning of main program segment. Addition of this statement is optional under MS-FORTRAN. The original FORTRAN IVversions of the programs used integer variable names to designate character data. All character variables have now been declared type CHARACTER per FORTRAN-77 standard. All character type.variables which were previously scattered throughout other common blocks are now all listed in common block ELL. This satisfies the FORTRAN-77 requirement that mixed character/non character variable types are not allowed in the same common block. Common block ELL now has only character variables. (Note: this item refers only to the Prestressed Beam Program.) Integer variable ICARD has been removed. It has been replaced by character variable CARD. (Prestressed Beam Program only.) Screen header and prompts have been added to make the programs more user friendly. In the Prestressed Beam Program, subroutine INITIAL has been added as a replacement for the BLOCK DATA subroutine of the original version. The MS-FORTRAN compiler would not process the BLOCK DATA subroutine properly. Subroutine INITIAL accomplishes the same purpose by initializing variables using assignment statements rather than DATA statements. The OPEN statement assigns I/0 unit 5 to the external input file. The input file name is supplied by the user at runtime. The OPEN statement is optional in MS-FORTRAN. The format for reading the header card from the external input. file (character variable WORDS) has been changed in order to be compatible with the CHARACTER type declaration of WORDS. (Prestressed Beam Program only.) REREAD is an assembly language routine on the VDH&T IBM 3084 mainframe that is used by the Prestressed Beam Program during data input operations. CALL REREAD has been removed from the microcomputer version and replaced by a functionally similar input method. This method is outlined in reference (13). A-8 A. 5 Prestressed Concrete Design and Analysis Program This section will describe in detail the procedure used to compile and link the Prestressed Concrete 1-Beam Design and Analysis Program. After the procedure is described, directions will be given illustrating how to create data input files and run the program on the microcomputer. A.5.1 Program Description (Described in Reference 14) The program was written to design or review a simply supported, prestressed, pretensioned concrete composite 1-beam. The program was originally obtained from the Florida State Department of Transportatio• and has been revised in accordance with VDH&T modifications to AASHTO bridge specifications. Every attempt has been made to minimize the necessary input required to design or analyze an AASHTO standard type II through type VI beam. For 1-beams other than AASHTO standard type, dimensions must be input. Two types of strands are used by the program: stress relieved and lowrelaxation. Three strand sizes are used: 7/16", I/2", and 9/16" diameters. The program will compute moment and shear for HS-20, H-20, HS-15, and H-15 highway loadings. Railroad loadings include Cooper E-10, E-20, etc. Concentrated dead load and concentrated live load can be input separately. The program determines the number of strands required by the bottom fiber stress at midspan due to all loads. A preliminary design is made by assuming that the midspan eccentricity is equal to the distance from the centroid of the beam to the bottom fiber. However, AASHTO 1.6.10(B) will be the controlling factor in all occasions. Strands are placed beginning from the lowest row, then proceeding upward. Each row is started in the center position and progresses outward in both directions. The preliminary strand pattern will be modified when the top fiber tension at midspan exceeds the allowable, although bottom fiber stress is satisfactory. The modification is made by moving strands from a lower row to a higher row, thus reducing the midspan eccentricity and top tensile stress as well. The required end eccentricity is determined from the top and bottom fiber stresses in the end of thebeam at the time of release. This eccentricity is obtained by draping all the strands in the central position in each horizontal row to a level that will furnish the required end eccentricity. The predicted loss of prestress will be computed according to AASHTO 1.6.7(B)(I) in the Interim Specifications unless the designer has entered his own prediction. A-II The hold-down (draped) point will be located at one-tenth the span length rounded off to the nearest one-quarter foot on each side of midspan of the beam, or, optionally, any location point. Additional information concerning input data preparation can be found in reference 14. This program is currently run on a mainframe using punched cards for data input. However, the input format remains the same on the microcomputer version with punched cards being replaced by an input file. As on the mainframe, the program runs in batch mode on the microcomputer. A. 5.2 Comments on Compiling and Linkin• One thing that becomes apparent early when compiling FORTRAN, and other languages, on a 16-bit microcomputer is that it can be a very slow process. Therefore, it is important to develop a plan of action before actually beginning to compile, because for every effort detected the procedure must be repeated. One way to help reduce overall compile time is to break the source file up into smaller files and compile each one separately. This is especially important, and usually a must,.when compiling large programs such as the Prestressed Beam program. A schematic of how the Prestressed Beam program was broken up is shown in Figure A. 5. The source files must be broken into groups of subroutines. Programs not containing subroutines cannot be broken up in this manner. The smaller files can be debugged and compiled individually and the resulting object modules linked with the runtime libraries during the linking phase. It is a good idea to save the object files. If the program requires modification later, only the affected source file needs to be recompiled. The new object module can then be linked with the unaffected ones to create the revised executable file. Care should be taken in handling common blocks when breaking large source files into smaller files as described above. The MS-FORTRAN compiler will indicate an effort if named common blocks within a compiland are of different size. However, if two common blocks with the same name are in different compilands and are not the same size, no .error will be indicated. This can cause the resulting executable file to develop hard-to-detect runtime errors or give erroneous results. Although the run file created in this compilation will take advantage of an 8087 coprocessor if present, no special effort to accommodate the 8087 was made during the compilation. The MS-FORTRAN compiler contains special commands which will produce optimized code for use with an 8087. A-12 A.5.3 Compile and Link Procedure As can be seen in Figure A.5, before compiling began on the Prestressed Concrete 1-Beam Program, the source file was broken down into ten smaller files. This was done primarily out of necessity since a single source file would be too large for the compiler to handle. (For a detailed explanation of the limitations on source code size see reference 6.) Also, as was mentioned before, breaking the program into smaller files makes it much more manageable. Additionally, a special MS-FORTRAN metacommand was inserted as the first line of each file. This metacommand is called SDEBUG and its use directs the compiler to produce code which will pinpoint runtime errors in the source file. Without using SDEBUG, detecting the causes of runtime errors would be extremely difficult. After the debugging process was completed, $DEBUG was removed and the compilation-process repeated. This was done because with $DEBUG, the compiler generates about 40% more code, which slows execution and occupies additional RAM. Six floppy diskettes were used in the compile-link process. The six diskettes and their contents are as follows: DISK 1 DISK 2 DISK 3 DISK 4 DISK 5 DISK 6 FOR1 EXE PAS 2. EXE PE. EXE (IBM PE. HLP Personal PE. PRO Editor) FORTRAN. LIB MATH. LIB LINK. EXE PBEAMI.FOR A.OBJ PBEAM. EXE Blank PBEAM2.FOR B.OBJ (used PBEAM3.FOR C.OBJ to hold PBEAM4.FOR D.OBJ inter- PBEAM5.FOR E.OBJ mediate PBEAM6.FOR F.OBJ files PBEAMT.FOR G. OBJ created PBEAMS.FOR H.OBJ by PBEAM9.FOR I.OBJ Pass i) PBEAMI0.FOR J.OBJ Disk one contains compiler passes one and two and the page editor. Disk two contains the FORTRAN runtime libraries and the linker. Disk three contains the program FORTRAN source files. Disk four contains the relocatable object files created by pass two of the compiler. Disk five contains the executable run file, which is the end product of the compile-link process. Disk six holds the temporary intermediate files created during pass one of the compiler. A-13 This section the microcomputer Analysis Program. indicated in bold contains the FORTRAN source listing for converted Prestressed Beam Design and The changes that have been made are Table left of type. These changes are listed in .• and are cross.referenced using the numbers to the each affected line. LISTING [2] [2] [2] [2] [3] [4] PROGRAM MAIN CHARACTER*BB WORDS CHARACTER*4 DIAI,CHRCTR,SMBOLA,SMBOLI,DIA CHARACTER*2 BLANKA,ABLANK,BLANKB,BBLANK,BLANKC,CBLANK,BLANKD, *DBLANK,BLANKE,EBLANK,BLANKF,FBLANK,BTYPEA,BTYPE,BNSTD,BEAM CNARACTER*I SMBOLB,SMBOL2 REAL IB,IBI,INA,NCDL,MNCDL,IBSL,MNS,MCDL,KDIST•KGRID COMMON/ILL/ REQULT,ULTMOM,FPC,FPCi,NSTATE,MSTATE•" COMMON/KI/ ASL,IBSL,INA,YTC,YBC,YTCSL,ZTSL,AREAC,ECCL, *ENDMAX,TENIN,SPANL,BSPAC,TS,EFW,UWB,UWS,EC,ECSL,ES,ASTRN, *FPS,NCDL,ZTB•ZBB,YT,AREA,D,IB,ZBBC,STRNS,ECAL,¥B,ZTBO,WTF,BP,AV *•FPY,LTYPE,KASE,KODE,RROAD,SFPC,DFACT•CDL,TSS COMMON/TJH/ B,WD,C,E,A COMMON/LI/AR(II),YBI(II),YTI(II)•DI(II),IBI(II),WTFI(II), *BPRIME(II),HH(II),GG(II),DIAGD(II),DIAGW(il) COMMON/HD/ COMMON/STD/STBCL,STSCL,SPACE,IVIEW,ISTOP COMMON/BNS/ BNSTD COMMON/MM/ROW(3•),NROW,SROW(18),!W,DROW(•8),NSROW(3•). COMMON/ELL/WORDS,SMBOLI,SMBOL2,BTYPE,DIA,BEAM(11) SCNCD•I• COMMON/CONC/ CNCP(28),CNCD(2•),CCP(28),CCD(28),o•,4•r(!O COMMON/FYB/KGRID•NSTRNS•ENDECC,iWCH DEFKI DEF• t4• COMMON/JWM/ VMA(20)•VDL(2•),XDIST(15),DEF•,•DEFLt2, DNCDLI *DNC•L•, COMMON/MMM/ FO,HDPT,P•COPE COMMON/A•H/CI,C2,C3,C4,CS,CG,LOLAX COMMON/ALL/ FBIi,ACOMPR,TTEN,FTPoPLOSS,PRERST,RLOSS,!TT COMMON/DEF/ SUMSTR,ECALE,SHIELD,DIST.CMAX DIMENSION CHRCTR(6) DIMENSION ICARD(26) DIMENSION DIAI(I•),SAREAI(•),SAREA2(9) DIMENSION BTYPEA(3),SPANLA(3),BSPACA(3),TSAi3),SMBOLA(3), * SMBOLB(3I iWA(3• RROAOA•3 DFACTA•3•,VFACTA('• * HDPTA(3),OCDLA.:3•,CDLA(.•),EFWA(3),PLOSSA(3>,COF:EA(3>°I•TA(3) DATA DIAl/' •/•','.•/8 ,'7/16',. Ii •'.= ,'•_.,• gilG. ', .• ,'• • *'•.6', 'i A-16 C C C C C I5] [5] C5] [7] IS] [9] C C [10] C10] C10] 20 i00 DATA SAREAI/0,085,0.085•O.!!5,0,!53,0.153,O,i92•,2!=•@,217,@.21 T/ DATA SAREA2/O,•80,@.@80•.i@8•O.144•O.144•O.I•2•8.2!5•.2!5•,2!5/ DATA BLANKA•ASLANK•BLANKB•BSLA•!K•BLANKC,CBLANK,SLANKD,DSLANK *'! '!' 2'•'2 ', 3','3 '! 4','4 '/ DATA BLANKE,EBLA•iK!BLANKF,FBLANK/' 5'!'5 ',' 6','6 '/ DATA CHRCTR6'HS-2',' H-2','H -2'•' H-I'•'H -I','HS-I'/ THIS IS THE MAIN DRIVER WHICH HANDLES ALL INPUT WRITE(*,I) FORMAT(15X,'VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS AND TRANSPORTATION'// *32X,'BRIDGE DIVISION'//21X,'PRESTRESSED SEAM DESIGN AND ANALYSIS' */////IX,'NOTE: "/IX,'ENTER INPUT FILE NAME FOR UNIT 5 PROMPT'/ *IX•'ENTER OUTPUT FILE NAME FOR UNIT • PROMPT'//) CALL INITIAL OPEN(5,FILE=' ') 3 IBEG=I 5 FORMAT(ASS) READ (5,5) WORDS CALL REREAD !ERR • SHIELD 0.0 !STOP B KI=0 50 READ (5,60,END=III)NTYPE,CARD IF(NTYPE.EQ.•) GO TO Iii 60 FORMAT (11,A79) SO TO (10,20,70!1240,•O,i£•!IBO,230)!NTYPE STOP 10 KI=F:I+I READ(CARD,.30)BTYFEA(KI),SPANLA<KI),BS•ACA(Kii•TSA(Ki)• *SMBOLA(KI),SMBOLB(KI),iWA(KI),RROADA(KI).DFACTA(KI•,VFACTA(KI), *HDPTA(KI)•OCDLA(KiI!,CDLA(Ki),EFWA(KI).PLOSSA(K[),COPEA(K£)• *!TTA(KI) GO TO 5• READ(CARD,BO)IB,AREA,D,YB,YT,B,WD,C,E!A.H,G FORMAT<FS.2,F6.•,F•.•,9F4.•) GO TO 50 READ(CARD,100}DIA,LOLAX,FPS,UWB,UWS,SFPC•FPC,EC,ECSL,ES, *S•CL,S,•L,SPACE FORMAT(A4,•I•3FS.2,2F6.2.3F•.2,3•4.T) IF(FPS.EQ.O.0) FPS 270. FPS FPS * 1000. IF(UWB.EO.O.0) UWB 150. iF,:UWS.EQ.O.0) UWS 150. IF(SPACE.EQ.O.0) SPACE 2. IP(STBCL.E:.O.0• STBCL=2.0 IF(STSCL.EQ.O.0) STSCL=2. iF (SFPC .EQ. •.•) SFPC=•500.• REVISED •-20-$4 REQUEST NUMBER :i9• FRANF: CHEN IF(ECSL.EQ.•.•)ECSL=4.•7 A-17 •10• •10• IF•FPC,EQ.O,0! ;PC 500@, PPCi=O.8*FPC IF(EC.EO,O.0) 298 CONTINUE LTYPE=O DO 380 IN 1,10 IF(OIA.EQ.DIAI(iN)) GO TO 310 300 CONTINUE 310 CONTINUE IP(IN,OE.10) IN 4 DIA DIAl(IN) !F(FPS.EO,270000.) GO TO .320 ASTRN BAREA2(IN) 80 TO 50 •.•0 ASTRN SAREAI(IN) GO TO 50 98 READ(CARD,120}(CNCP(I•,I=!!IO) 99 FORMAT(AT9) READ(5,9?)CARD 121 FORMAT(IX•IOFS.2) i20 PORMAT(I•FS.2) DO 130 I:l,10 iP(ONCP(1),EQ,O,0) GO TO 130 CONTINUE i•0 NCL=I-I DO 150 !F(DNCD(1).EQoO.0) GO TO 160 150 CONTINUE I=Ii 150 NCD=I-I IF(NCL.EOoNCD) GO TO WRITE(6•170) EC=UWB**I.5 * 33.0 * PPC**@.5/ 100@000,• 178 FORMAT(T30• ERROR IN CONCENTRATED LOAD INPUT') 00 TO 420 C10] 110 READ(CARD,120)(SCNCP(1),I=I,10) [10] READ(5,991CAR• [10] READ(CARO,121)(SCNCD(1)•I=I,10) 80 TO 200 GO TO 220 DO I@0 I=1.10 IF(SCNCP(II.EQ.O.0) 190 CONTINUE I=i[ 200 NSP !-i DO 210 I=i,10 IF(ECNCD(1).EO.O.B) 2£0 CONTINUE I=iI 220 NED i-i IF(NBP.EO.NSD) GO TO 50 WR!TE(6,170> 00 TO a2• A-18 ['2 [2] [2] [23 [2] [2] [2] [2] [2] [2] 2 C D•TA SET FRSTRSBM AT LEVEL •2 AS OF •6/IO/TS SUBPOUTINE •LLO• CHARACTER*80 WOROS CHARACTER*4 OIAI•CHRCTR•SMBOLA,SMBOLt•DIA CHARACTER*2 BLANKA,ABLANK,BLANKB,BBLANK,BLANKC•CBLANK,BLANKD, *DBLANK,BLANKE,EBLANK,BLANKF•FBLANK,BTYPEA•BTYPE,BNSTD,BEAM CNARACTER*I SMBOLB,SMBOL2 COMMON/ALL/ FBiI.ACOMRR,TTEN,RTP•RLOSS•PPERST,RLOSS,!TT COMMON/ILL/ REQULT,ULTMOM!FPC,FPCi!NSTATE!MSTATE•K COMMO•KI/ ASL,iBSL,iNA•¥TC,¥BC,¥TCSL,ZTSL,AREAC,ECCL, *ENDMA(,TENiN,SPANL!SSRAC•TS,EFW,UWB!UWS•C•ECSL,ES!ASTRN• •F•S•NCDL•ZTB•ZBB,iT•AREA•D•IB•ZBBC•STRNS,ECAL•¥B•ZTBC,WTF•BP,AV *•RP¥•LTYRE•KASE,KODE!RROAD,SFPC•DFACT,CDL,TSS COMMON/ELL/WO•DS,SMBOLI•SMBOL2•BTY•E•OIA•BEAM(II) COMMON/AOH/CI•C2,O3!C4•CS!C6,LOLA v DETERMINE ALLOWABLE STRESSES FBII O.0*FPCI ACOMPR •.•FPC IR(RROAD.NE.B.•) •0 TO TTEN=-3;*SQRT(RPC[) IF(iTT.EQ.e) FTR=• [F(ITT.EQ, I) FTR=-3.*FRC**B.5 IR(iTT.EQ.2) FTP=-O.*•PC**B.5 GO TO 2 TTEN=-•.*SQRT(FFCI) FTP TENiN CI*FRS*ASTRN PRERST TENIN*(I.-PLOSS) RETURN END SUBROUTINE CAMBER CHARACTER*8• WORDS CHARACTER*4 DIAI,CHRCTR,SMBOLA,SMBOLt•DIA CHARACTER*2 BLANKA•ABLANK,BLANKB•BBLANK,BLANKC•CBLANK,BLANKD• *DBLANK,BLANKE•EBLANK,BLANKF,FBLANK,BTYPEA•BTYPE•BNBTD•BEAM CMARACTER*! SMBOLB,SMBOL2 REAL [B,IBi•iNA,NCDL,MNCDL•iBSL,MNS•MCDL,KD!ST,KG•iD COMMONiRYB/KGR!D,NSTRNS.ENDECC,IWCH COMMON/OEF/ SUMSTR!ECALE,SHIELD,DISTiCMAX COMMON/MM/ROW(3B)•NROW,SROW(!B)•IW,DROW(18)•NSRON(3• COMMON/ALL/ FBII,ACOMPR•TTEN•RTP•PLOSS.PPERST,RLOSS•ITT COMMONISTD/STBCL,STSCL,SPACE,IV•EW•!STOP COMMON/MMM- •O•HOPT•R,COPE COMMON/•LL/ REQULT•ULTMOM,FRC•PCI,NSTATE,MSTATE.K COMMON/KI/ ASL,IBSL,iNA•YTC•YBC,YTCSL,ZTSL•A•EAC.ECCL, •ENDMAX,TEN•N,SPANL.BSPAC,TS!EPW,UWB,UWS•EC,ECSL,ES.ASTRN! *FRS,NCDL,ZTB•ZBB,YT•AREA,D,!B•ZBBC,STRNS•ECAL,¥B,ZTBC,WTF,BR,AV *.FP¥•LT•PE•ASE,KODE•RROAO,SFPC•DCACT,CDL,TSS A-21 [23 [2] [2] I22 [31 CDMMON/ELL/NOROS•SMBOLI,SMBOL2,BTYPE,DIA•BEAM(II) C C C CAMBER CALCULATIONS C C FO TENIN * STRNS P FO * (i. RLOSS) MI P * ENDECC M2 P * ECCL IF(SHiELD.EQ.@.•) GO TO C SHIELD IS ASSUMED EOUAL TO • IF ASSUMPTION IS CHANGED THAN KDIST C AND SUMME FORMULARS HAVE TO BE CHANGED FOR CHANGE IN METHOD OF C EVALUATING STEEL DISTRIBUTION M3 SUMSTR * ECALE * TENIN * (I. PLOSS) M4 P * (ENDECC + {(ECCL ENDECC) * SHIELD / DISTi) KDIST (KGRID ((NPOW I) * SPACE + STBCL)) *(DIST -SHIELD • OIST KDIST KDIST +(NROW -i)* SPACE +STBCL SUMME NSROW(1) * STBCL + OROW(1) * (KDIST (NROW [) * SPACE) DO 2 JR 2•NROW SUMME SUMME + NSROW(JR) * (STBCL + (JR i• * SPACE) • * (KDIST (NROW i) * SPACE + (JR i) * SPACE) CONTINUE COALS YB SUMME / SUMSTR M5 SUMSTR * ECALS * TENIN * (1. PLOSS) DELS SHIELD ** 2 / W UWB * AREA / 144. DELB 5. / 584. * (W * SPANL ** 4 * 172S.) DELPE=MI*SPANL**2/G.*144. DELPM=(M2-MI)*I2.*(SPANL**2*2.*SPANL*HDPT-2.*HDPT**2> ECCD=ISO@@@O.+46@.*RPCi CMAX=(DELPE+DELPM-OELB)/(ECCD*[B) RETURN END SUBROUTINE CONLD DROW(JR) CHARACTER*8@ WORDS CHARACTER*4 DIAI,CHRCTR,SMBOLA,SMBOLI,DIA CHARACTER*2 BLANKA,ABLANK,BLANKB,BBLANK,BLANKC,CBLANK,BLANKD, *DBLANK,BLANKE,EBLANK,BLANKF,FBLANK,BTYPEA,BTYPE•BNSTD•BEAM CHARACTER*I SMBOLB•SMBOL2 COMMON/CONC! CNCP(2@),CNCD(2@),CCP(2@)•CCD(2•),SCNCP•i•),SCNCD(I• COMMON/JW• VMA(2@),VDL•2•),XDIST(15),DEFK2,DEFLI2,DCFK•,DEFL14, *DNCDL2,DNCDLI COMMON/LLI/ BMMA(2B)•BMDL(2B),BMSUM(2B),BMBM(20)•BMNCDL(2G),VSUMi2 *•),BMSL(2B),BMCDL(2B) COMMON/KI/ ASL•IBSL,INA,YTC,YBC,YTCSL,ZTSL,AREAC,ECCL! *ENDMAX•TENIN,SPANL,BSPAC•TS•EFW,UWB•UWS•EO•ECSL,ES,ASTRN, *FPS•NCDL,ZTB•ZBB,YT,AREA,O,!B,ZBBC,STRNS•ECAL,YB,ZTBC,WTF,BP,AV *!FPY,LTYPS!KASE,KODE,RROAO•SFPC!DPACT,CDL!TSS COMMON/ELL/WORDS,SMBOLI•SMBOL2•BTYPE•DIA,BEAM(11) COM•ON/•MM/ FO,HDPT,R,COPE SiMENSION V(i5), BMM(!5) A-22 C C C C •6 4 2 DIMENSION vW(20),BMW(20) CALCULATE SHEARS AND MOMENTS •NSPECTION POINTS DUE TO CONCENTRATED LIVE LOADS DO 36 OCP(1) COP(1) * CONTINUE DO i@l K [.20 IF(OCP(II.).LE.•.@) GO TO !@2 LW k CONTINUE LWI LW + LW2 LW + 2. DO •03 K 2•LW CCD(LW2 K} CCD(LWI K) CCD(•) O0 I• L 1,15 DO 9 M •,LW DIST XDIBT(L) CM COD(M) g N + CDi•T CM CCD(N) IF(CDIST.GT.D!ST) GO TO NI N SBMD B•ANL OIST N M N N + IF(N.GT.LW} GO TO COD!ST COD(N) DIST !•(CCO[ST.LE.SPMD) GO TO NN N CN CCO(N•) SUMWC 0.• SUMLO •.0 O0 7 N N•NN BUMWC SUMWC + (COD(N) ON) * COP(N} SUMLD BUMLO + COP(N} CBAR SUMWC / SUMLD + OIBT CDIST SUBM •.• SUBW REAC•N (i.• CBAR/BPANL) * SUMLD DO 8 N NI,M SUBM (CM CCD(NI) * COP(N) SUBM SUBW SUBW + COP(N) SUMM • IF(M.EQ.NI> GO TO 3 MMI M O0 • N Ni•MMI SUMM SUMM + COP(N) • ABS(REAC7N SUMM) A-23 [2] [2'1 [2] [2] [22 [2] [1•] [i4] [14] C C C C C C THE C C C C SUMDWI=SUMDWI+SROW(1)*(STBCL+(I-[)*SPACE) SUMDW2=SUMOW2+DROW([)*(K6RID-(I-[)*SRACS) SUMDW3=SUMOW•+NSROW(I)*(STBCL+(i-i)*SRACE) OGT (SUMDW[ + SUMOW2) (SUMDI + SUMD2) ENDECC YB CGT SCALE ¥B-(SUMDW2+SUMDW3)X(SUMD2mSUMD3) RETURN END SUBROUTINE HELF CHARACTER*SB WORDS CHARACTER*4 OIAI,CHRCTR,SMBOLA,SMBOLI,DIA CHARACTER*2 BLANKA,ABLANK,BLANKB,BBLANK,BLANKC,CBLANK,BLANKD, *OBLANK,BLANKE,EBLANK,BLANKF,FBLANK,BTYPEA,BTYPE,BNSTD,BEAM CHARACTER*I SMBOLB,SMBOL2 REAL NCOL•IB,INA•LESV COMMONiCONC! ONCP(2•),CNCD(2•)!CCP(2•)•OCD(2D),SCNCP(i•),SC•CD(I•) COMMON /ILL/ REOULT,ULTMOM,FPC,FPCI,NULL(5) COMMONIMMM/ FO!HDPT,P,COPE COMMON/BNS/ BNSTD COMMON/LLI/ BMMA(2•),DMDL(2D)•BMSUM(2D)!BMSM(2D).BMNCDL(2D),VSUM(2 *D)!BMSL(2•)•BMCDL(28) COMMON/KI/ ASL,IBSL!iNA,YTDIYBC,¥TCSL!ZTSL!AREAC,ECCL, *ENOMAX,TENIN,SPANL,BSPAC,TS,EFW,UWB,UWS,EC,ECSL,ES,ASTRN. *F•S!NCDL,ZTB•ZBB,YT,AREA,DIIB,ZBBC!STRNS,ECAL,¥B•ZTBC.WTP,BP,AV *,FPY,LTYPE,KASE•KODE,RROADISFPC,DFACT,CDL•TSS COMMONIELLIWORDS•SMBOLI,SMBOL2,BTYPE•DIA,BEAM(II) COMMON/JWM/ VMA(20)•VOL(2D)•XDIST(15),DEFK2,DEFLI2•DEFKI,DEFLI• *ONCDLD•DNCDLI COMMON/KAP/ WoWCP COMMON/MSO/ VNODL(IS),VODL(15) COMMON / OMEN / VMMS(20),VSPC(2D) COMMON ! CHEN2 / DCDLI,DCOLD DIMENSION CONST(2,4)•POINT(4) DIMENSION VMM(15)•BMM(15) ,BMMS(iS),VMMMS(20) COMMON/JJJ/ BB(lI)•WDD(II)•CC(i•)•EE(!I) COMMONiLIiAR(I!)•YBI(II),YTI(I£i,Di(•t),iBI(I•i,WTF•(•I}, *BPRIME(tIi,HH([I),GG(•i)•DIAG-D(Ii),OiAGW(!•) DATA VMM,BMM,BMMS/45*D.D/ DATA CONST•to4322•2.D833,2.5174,S.5494•;.5150,5.45•S!•.9•,o.3aS/ CALCULATE INSPECTION POINTS, AND THEIR RESPECTIVE SHEARS. MOMENTS ANO DEFLECTIONS O0 999 Ill=i,28 VMMS(III)=8.8 .COL COL * 180D. NCDL NCDL*IDDD. FOLLOWIN6 CARD REMOVED PER FRANK CHEN 3-21-1905. NCDL=NCDL÷COPE*WTF*UWS/144. DETERMINE INS•ECTION POINTS A-26 C .C C C C THE C C C C TSFAN SRANL * XOlST(!> (I I) * TSPAN XDIST(12i SPANL * 9.25 •DIST(13) SPANL * 0.75 XDIST(14) SPANL / 2.0 HDPT XDIST(15) SPANL / 2.0 + HDPT COMPUTE DEFLECTIONS DUE TO THE WEIGHT OF THE BEAM, SLAB AND DIAPHRAGMS DEFLI4 9.0 OEFL12 O.B WCP 9.B TSS TSS / 12.9 ECI=(IBOBOBO.+460.*O.B*FPC)*IB ECSI=(1800000.+460.*FPC)*INA FOLLOWINB CARD CHANBEO ON 3-21-19B5 PER F. CHEN (WB=UWS*TSS*BSPA WS UWS * TSS * BSPAC + COPE * WTF * gWS / 144. WB UWB * AREA / 144.0 W WS'* WB REACTN .5*W*SPANL WNGDL NCDL/12.B WCDL COL x 12.0 BMREAC 0.5*WB*SRANL RNCDL 0.5*NCDL*SPANL RCDL 0.5 * COL * SPANL SPANN SPANL * 12.0 WI WSiI2. DEFK2 5.0* Wi* SPANN ** 4/(304.0"ECI) OEFKI 57.•* WI* SPANN ** 41(6144.•*ECI) DNCDLI 57.B*WNCDL*SPANN**4/(6144.0*ECI) DGDLI 57.B * WCDL * SPANN ** 4 / (61•4.0 * ECSI) DNCDL2 5.0*WNCDL*SPANN**4/(3S4.0*ECI) DDDL2 5.0 * WCDL * SPANN ** 4 / (384.0 * ECSI) IF(BTYPE.EO.BNSTDI SO TO 50 D!AA DIAGD(KASE) * DIAGW(KASE) DIAV OIAA * (BSPAC WDD(KASE)/12.) LESV ((2*HH(KASE)+OG(KASE))*GG(KASE))*DIAGW(KASE)xi44.0 DIAV DIAV LESV IF(KASE.LE.4) 80 TO i0 DiAV=DIAV-(.S3333+.4167)*I.B83•*DIAGW(KASE) CONTINUE CP DIAV * UWS REACTN REAGTN + (.5*KODE*CP) CONSTI CP * SPANN ** 3 / (EGI * 100,0) WCP (KODE*CP)/SPANL OEFLI4 CONST(I,KODE)*CONSTI DEFL•2 CDNST(2,KODE)*CONST! COMPUTE DEFLECTIONS, BENDING MOMENTS AND SHEARS DUE TO CONCENTRATED LOADS DO 55 •,I• A-27 31 3O 87 IF(CNCP(i),EQ.8.0) GO TO 56 CNCP(1) CNCP(I) * 188@. CONTINUE XI2 SPANN 8,5 Xt4 SPANN * 0.25 X122 X12 * Xi2 X142 X14 * X14 ECSI6 6.8*ECBi ECI• 6, * ECi X12L X12 * SPANN XI4L X[4 * SPANN O0 3e N 1,18 NN N IF(CNCO(N).LE.•,8) GO TO 31 CONTINUE N2 NN/2 N22 N2 * 2 IF(N2.LE.8) GO TO 35 O0 34 N I!N2 PDL CNCP(N) P12 POL * XI2 PI4 PDL * X14 DX CNCD(N) .12. POX POL * OX DX2 DX * DX IF (OX.OT.X14) GO TO 33 8EFL14 DEFLI4 + •DX * (3.8*(XI4L-XI42)-OX2)/ECI6 GO TO 34 DEFL14 OEFL14 + P14 * (3.O*(BPANN*DX-DX2) XI42)/ECI6 DEFL12 DEFLI2 + P12 * ($.•*XI2L-X122-DX2)/EC!6 IF(NN.EO.N22) 60 TO 36 PNNt CNCP(N2+t) DEFL14 DEFLI4 + PNNt*X14*(3.•*SPANN**2-4.*XI42)/(48.*ECI) OEFLI2 DEFLI2 ÷ PNNI*SPANN**3/•48.*ECI) CONTINUE BUMW 8. SUMWC=e DO 37 I,NN 8UM•=SUMW+CNCF(I) SUMWC=SUMWC+CNCP(1)*CNCO(i) CBAR=OUMWC iF(SUMW.EQ.8.8) GO TO 13• CBAR=SUMWC/SUMW REACTI=•UMW*(t.8-CBAR/SPANL) O0 39 1,i5 X XDIST(1) VM 8 DO 38 L I,NN iF(CNCD(L).GE,X) GO TO 87 VM VM + CNCP(L) BM BM CNCP(L) * (X-ONCD(L)) BMN(1):(•EACTt*X-BM)*12. VMM(i!=REACTi-VM A-28 [2] [2] [2] BMBM(13> BMBM(12) B•SM•15• BNDL(13) BMDL(12) BMDL(15) =BMDL(14) BMNCDL(13) BMNCDL(12) BMNCDL(15) BMNCOL(!•) BMEDL(13) =BMCDL(!2) BMCDL(15) BMCDL(14! TS TSS * 12.• CSTiDPG 8181 RETURN END SUBROUTINE JMLOAD(TOTTLDi CHARACTER*QQ WORDS CHARACTER*4 DIAI,CNRCTR,SMBOLA,SMBOLI,DIA CHARACTER*2 BLANKA,ABLANK,BLANKB•BBLANK,BLANKC•CBLANK,BLANKD, *OBLANK,BLANKE•EBLANK•BLANKF•FBLANK•BTYPEA•BTYPE•BNSTB,BEAM CHARACTER*I SMBOLB•SMBOL2 COMMON/JWM/ VMA(2•),VDL(2D),XDiST(IS!•DEFK2,DEFLI2!DEFKI.DEPL14, *ONCDL2,DNCDLI COMMON/KI/ ASL,!BSL,INA,YTCIYBC,YTCSL,ZTSL!AREAC,ECCL, *ENDMAX,TENIN,SPANL,BSPAC,TS,EFW.UWB!UWS,EC•ECSL,ES,ASTRN *FPS,NCDL,ZTB,ZBB,YT.AREA,D•IB•ZBBC,STRNS•ECAL,YB,•TBC.WTF,BP•AV *•FPY!LTYPE,KASZ,KOOE,RROAD,SFPC!OFACT•CDL,TSS COMMON/ELL/WORDS,SMBOLI,SMBOL2,BTYPE,OIA,BEAM(II• COMMON/LLI/ BMMA(2@),BMDL(2@i,BMSUM(2•)•BMBM(2Q),B•NC•L(2D)•S•2 DIMENSION DIMENSION BMPRIM(6) DIMENSION BMW(•) DIMENSION V(2•) •OMMON/J/ BMHS(2•)•BMSP(•D DATA BMPRiMX2.8,D.•,2.8,•.D!I6.8,1;.2/ DATA OATA •,LCuL•I•" q"c•c=_M•:.• AND NOMENTS INSPECTION POINTS DUE Tn. HS-2• L•VE LDAOS CL SPANL * •.5 IF(SPANL.GT.2•) GO TO 3D@ PT CL REACTN D.4 BM REACTN * PT 48DDDD GO TO •05 i:(SPANL.GT.28• GO TO •D• A-31 302 303 6 7 REACTN •i-CBAR/SPANC)*!.6 BM P•EACTN * PT * IF(SPAN•.GT.32.•7) GO TO 302 PT 14.0 CBAR 18.667 GO TO 303 ULT• B• O0 18 LD 1,15 D•ST XOIST•LO• SUMAC 8.0 SUMLD 8.• 60 [0 [F(OIST.LE.C(2)) •0 TO • •LST• DFST@ + C(•) IF(DLST•.6E.SF•NL) 80 TO 5 K•CE SUMLD SUMWC 33.6 GO TO I• DFSTW DIST DLSTW DFST• + 14.• IF(DLSTW.GT.SPANL) GO TO 7 K•CE 2 SUMLD SUMNC •l.2 60 TO I• K#CE 3 5UMLD I, 0 5UMWC I•.2 •0 TO t• SUMAC •.• 60 TO t8 K•CE 5 DFST• B[ST 28,• •0 TO 2 DFST• O[•T IF(DFSTW.LE.•.O• ,50 TO iO KACE 6 '30 TO 4 CBAR SUMWC.,SUMLD + DFSTW REACT•'• (1.• CBAR/SPANL) * SUMLD B•W(•=(D[ST * REACTN BMPRIM(•ACE) * TOTTLD A-32 [2] [2] [2] [2] [2] ii 13 18 21 CONTINUE CONTINUE BM AMAXI(BMW(2)!BMW(3)) DFSTW OIST DLSTW DFSTW + C(3) IF(DLSTW.GT.SRANL) GO TO 11 CBAR DIGT ÷ 9.33 REACTN (i.• CBAR/GRANL) * l.S GO TO 13 DLSTW DFSTW + C(2) IF(DLGTW.GT.SPANL) GO TO 12 CBAR GIST + 7.B REACTN (I.B CBARXSF'ANL) * 1.6 GO TO 13 REACTN (I.• DiST/GPANL) * •.8 V(LD) REAOTN * TOTTLD CONTINUE DO •0 LD I,ii VHS(LD) AMAiI(V(LD),V(12-LD)) I=-Lu• BMHS(LD) AMAXI(BMHS(LD),BMHS CONTINUE VNS(12) AMAXI(V(12)•V(13) VHS(13) VHG(12) VHS(14I AMAXI(V(14),V(15) VHG(15) VHS(14) ULTMI=ULTM*12 IF(BMHS(5).LT.GMHS(4)) BMHS(5) BMHG(4) IF(BMHS,•) LT •MHG(5)) BM•S(6} BMHS(5) IF(BMNS(6).LT.ULTMI) BMHS(6)=ULTMI DO 21 L BMNG(L) ANAXI.BMHS(L)•BMHS(12-L)) RETURN END SUBROUTINE LANELD(TOTTLD) CHARACTER*BB WORDS CHARACTER*4 DIAI,CHRCTR,SMBOLA•SMBOLI,DIA CHARACTER*2 BLANKA,ABLANK•BLANKB•BBLANK,BLANKC•CBLANK•BLANKD, *DBLANK,BLANKE,EBLANK•BLANKF,FBLANK,BTYPEA,BTYPE,BNSTD•BEAM CHARACTER*! SMBOLB,SMBOL2 COMMON/•WM/ VMA(2•)•VDL(2B),XDIGT(15)•DEFK2,DEFLI2•DEFKI•DEP•i•. •DNCDL2!DNCDLI COMMON/KI/ ASL,IBSL,iNA.YTC,YBC,YTCSL.ZTSL!AREAC•ECCL, *ENDMAX!TENiN,SRANL,BSPAC,TG,EFW,UWB.UWS•EO,ECSL,ES,ASTRN *FRG,NCDL,ZTB,ZBB,YT,AREA,D,IB!ZBBC,STRNS!ECAL,YB,ZTBCoWTF,BF!AV *,FRY,LTYRE,KASE,KODE,RROAD!SFPC,G•ACT,CDL.TGS COMMONIELLIWORDS,SMBOLI,BMBOL2,BTYPE,DIA•BEAM(11) COMMON/J/ BMHS(2•),BMGP(2B),BMLL(2B),VHS(2•),VSP(20)•VLL(2•! DIMENSION V(ZB).BM(2B) DATA BM,V/40*0.•/ CALCULATE CONCENTRATED AND UNiFOR•LY DISTRIBUTED LOADS A-33 27 31 ii D•'ST=CL2-STS[L/SIN (THETA) A DiST K-- NS NS A--A-SPACE IF(A.LT.-•.•O!.OR.NS.LT.2) GO TO 27 NS=NS-2 GO TO •5 IP(A.LT.-•.O•I) GO TO 28 IF(NS.EQ.I) 80 TO 28 K=K+NS NS:8 NROW=NROW+! ROW(NROWI=• I•(NS,LE,8) 80 TO 99 GO TO •4 K:I A:A-BPACE IF(A,LT,•,•,OR.NS,LT,•) GO TO •i NS=NS-• K=K•I GO TO • I•(A,LT,2,•) GO TO .• K=K+NB NS:• NROW:NROW+ i•(NROW*SPACE+STBCL,GT.YB) GO TO ROW(NROW)=K IF(NS,LE,B) GO TO 99 I•(NB.LT.K) 80 TO 29 NS:NS-K GO TO IF(NS.EO.4) GO TO 34 IF(NS.EQ.6) 80 TO 34 IF(NS.EO.8) GO TO 34 iF(NS.EO.I•) GO TO •4 NROW NROW + •OW(NROW• NS GO TO 99 K N S NROW NRGW + ROW(MROW) K N S N S K IF(NROW*SPACE+STBCL,GT.YB) GO TO 998 GO TO 2• A DiBT + HSPACE H STBCL A A-SPACE iF(A.LT.-•.@•I,OR,NSTRNS,LE.•) GO TO 2 K K+I A-36 2 4 61 5 6 T 8 9 12 NSTRNS NSTRNS GO TO LPW 2 * K NROW NROW + ROW(NROW) LPW IF(ROW(NROW).LE.8.8) NROW NROW IF(NSTRNS.LE.8) GO TO 99 H H + SPACE IF(H•GT.Y3) GO TO 4 IF(NSTRNS.LT,K) 00 TO l! N•OW NROW + ROW(NROW) LPW NSTRNS NSTRNS -K GO TO 3 CONTINUE iF(NSTRNS.LE.8) GO TO 99 IF(H.GT.Y34) GO TO 7 !F(N.GE.Y•) GO TO 68 CL2=CL-STSCL-•H-¥5)/TAN(THETA) GO TO 61 CL2=CL-(H-¥1)/TAN(THETA) OIST=CL2-STECL/SiN(THETA) A DIET + HSPACE A A-SPACE !F(A.LT.-•.•IoOR,NSTR•S.LEo•) GO TO 6 K K+l NSTRNS NSTRNS GO TO 5 LRW 2 * K NROW N•OW + ROW(NROW) LPW iF(NSTRNS.LE.•) GO TO 99 GO TO 3 A FLCL+HSPACE A A-SPACE IF(A.LT.2.•.OR.NST•NS.LE.•) GO TO 9 NST•NS NSTRNS K=K+I GO TO ? LPW 2 * K NROW NROW + CONTINUE ROW(NROW) LPW IF(NSTRNS.LE.•) GO TO 99 IF(N•TRNS.LT.K) GO TO 7 NSTRNS NSTRNS K NROW NROW + IF(NROW*SPACE+STBCL.GT.¥B) GO TO 998 GO TO •2 CONTINUE SUMSTR 8 SUMMST 8 A-37 [2] r2] [2'] I2I !3 SUM•L • iF(IViEW.NE.8) DO t3 JR t,NROW SUMMST ROW(JR) * (STBCL + ((JR BUMSTR ROW(JR) + SUMSTR ECAL= SUMMST / SUMSTR iF(IVIEW.NE.O) STRNS SUMSTR CONTINUE RETURN NROW=O NSTRNB 0 DO 101 I=1,18 NROW=NROW+i NBTRNS=DROW(1)+NSTRNS ROW(1)=SROW(1)+DROW(!) 80 TO 102 ISTOR RETURN END SUBROUTINE MOMENT *SPACE)) + SIJMMST CHARACTER*80 WORDS CHARACTER*4 DIAI,CHRCTR,SMBQLA,SMBOLI,DIA CHARACTER*2 BLANKA,ABLANK,BLANKB,BBLANK,BLANKC,CBLANK,BLANKD, *DBLANK,BLANKE,EBLANK,BLANKF,FBLANK,BTYPEA,BTYPE,BNSTD•BEAM CHARACTER* SMBOLB,$MBOL2 COMMON/Ki/ ASL IBSL INA YTC,YBC, YTCSL, ZTSL,AREAC•ECCL, *ENDNAX ,TENIN,SPANL,BSPAC, TS,EFW,UWB,UWS,EC,ECSL•ES,ASTRN• *FPS,NCDL, B, •BB,YT,AREA,D• [B,ZBBC,•TRNS,ECAL,YB• ZTBC.WTF,BR .AV *,FPY,LTYPE,KASE KODE,RROAD,•FPC,DFACT COL TSS COMMON/ELL/WOROB,SMBOLI •SMBOL2,BTYPE,OIA•BEAM(II) COMMON/LLI/ BMMA(2B)•BMDL(2B),BMSUM(2B),BMBM(2B),BMNCDL(2•),VSU•(2 *@) ,BMBL(2B• BMCDL(2@) COMMON/ILL/ REQULT ,ULTMOM,FRC,FPC ,NSTATE,MSTATE. K COMMON/LI/AR(I1),YBt(tl),YT1(tl),DI(•I),IBI(II),WTFt(tt), *BPRIME(II),HH(tt),GG(II),DiAGD(tI)•DIAGW(II) COMMON/HD/ CALCULATE REQUIRED ULTIMATE AND RESISTING MOMENT CARACiTY 5 6 EFD D + TS ECAL AST STRNS * ASTRN P AST i (EFD * EFW) IF(F•S.EQ.B.OR.FPB.EQ.2TB000.) GO TO 5 FSU FPS * (1.0 0.5 * P * PPS/SPPC) GO TO 6 FLCK=(AST*FSU)/,:O.BS*SFPC*EFW) RCK P e FSU x SFPC i• (RRQAO .NE. 0.0) GO TO 10 REQULT=I.5*(BMDL(6)+BMNCDL(•)+BMCDL(6)i+2.5*BMMA•) •3,3 TO 20 A-38 22@ 240 GI G G 3. AM2MX (WTF 26.) * • * (H + G/2,) + (i•. * G) * 'H + G/•.• AMSMX (BP * 4.) * (H • G + 2.) + 16. * YCMX (@.354 * EFD• TB •CS EFD TS/2. C• B.B5 * SFRC * EFW * TS PHI ATAN RHO ATAN (1.) ABC ((AST*FSU) -CS) / ABCIMX WTF * H ABC2MX (WTF * G) (15. * G) ABC3MX (BP + 8.) * 4. (4. * 4.) IF (ABC .GT. ABCIMX) GO TO 21@ YCi ABC / WTF ABCI WTF * NSTATE IF (YCMX .@E. YCI) GO TO YC! YCMX ABCl WTF * YC1 NSTATE 2 •0 TO 3@@ IF (ABC .6T. (ABCIMX + ABC2MX)) •0 TO RQABC2 ABC ABCIMX YC2 @.• ABC2 •.@ XV @.5 * TAN(PHI) WTF2 WTF CONTINUE ABC2 ABC2 + ((@.5 * WTF2) (@.5 * XV) IF (ABC2 .GT. RgABC2) 80 TO YC2 YC2 + @.5 X V •,• WTF2 * •0 TO 22@ ABC2 ABC2 ((@.5 * WTF2) (•.5 * XV) NSTATE IF (YCMX .GE. (YC2 + H))GO TO IF (YCMX .GT. H .AND. YCMX .LT. (H + G)• YC1 YCMX ABC1 YCI * WTF NSTATE 2 •0 TO VC2 YCM( H •BC= (WTF YC2) (YC2 * TAN(PHI) * NC2) NSTATE 2 IF (ASC .GT. (ABCIM• + ABC2M). + ABC.3M.•)• GO TO •CIM... + ABC2MX} RQABC3 ABC ABC3 •.• A-41 25• 260 261 262. 271 IT2 274 •,• * TAN(RHO) WTF3 WTF •L CONTINUE •Bt• ABC3 •V•! IF •Bu• ,GT, RQABC3) GO TO YC3 YC3 + @,5 WTF3 WTF3 2, * XV2 GO TO 25@ ABC3 ABC• ((@,5 * WTF• i@.5 * XV2) NBTATE IF (YCNX ,G•. (H + • ÷ 4,).• 80 TO •2@ IF (YCMX ,LE, H) GO TO 261 IF (YCMX ,GT, H .AND, YCMX ,LE, (H * 8)) 80 TO 2•2 IF (YCMX ,GT, (H + G) ,AND, YCMX .LE. (H + GO TO YC• YCNX ABCI YCI * WTF Fu• YCMX H ABC2 (WTF * YC2) (YC2 * TAN(PHIl * YC2) NSTATE 2 •0 TO YC• YCMX (H + ABC3 ((WTF 26,) * YC3) (YC• * TAN(RHO) * '#C•) NSTATE 2 GO TO RQABC4 ABC (ADCIMX + ABC•Mx + YC4 RQABC4 ABC4 YC4 * BP NSTATE IF (YCMX .BE. (H + G + 4. + YC4)i GO TO •F (YCMX ,LE. H) GO TO 2•[ iF (YCMX ,•T, H ,AND, YCMX ,L•, IF (YCMX .•T. (H*•) .ANO, 'I'CMX ,LE. (H+•+4.)) GO TO 273 IF (YCMX .GT, (H+G+4.i ,AND. YCMX GO TO 5DD 'iCl YCMX ABCI fC! * WTF NBTATE 2 GO TO •'C2 YCMX H w• (WTF * ,C•) (YC2 * TAN(PHIl N=•TE GO TO YC3 YCMX (H G) ABC3 ((WTF 26,) * YC3) (YC• * NSTATE 2 GO •0 J2• (R4 ABC• YC4 * NSTATE 2 fCB SFD ,TS YCi/2. TO .LE. (H+G+4.+YC4!) GO TO 274 * YC2) TAN•RHOI * ',C3) A-42 I2] [2] [2] I2] [3] CB ABZi * •.85 * •H YC2/2. YCG (AMIMX + AM2) / (ABCIMX ABC2) YCB EFD (TS + YCG) CB (ABCIMX • ABC2) * B.85 * FPC 32• AM• (BP * YC3) • (H + G + YC3/2,) + (4. * YC.T,) * YCG (AMIMX * AM2MX + AM3) / (ABCIMX + ABC2MX + ABC3) YCB EFD (TS + ¥CG) CB (ABO•MX + ABC2MX + ABC3) * B.S5 * 60 TO 33• AM4 (BP * YC4) * (N + G + 4. YC412.) YCG (AM[MX + AM2MX + AM3MX + AM4) / (ABCIMX+ABCZMX+ABC3MX+ABC4) YCB EFD (TS + YCG) CB (ABCIMX + ABC2MX + ABC3MX + ABC4) * B.85 * FPC 350 ULTMOM CS * YCS + CB * YCB 6 8! H Ht 5•8 •ONTINUE RETURN END SUBROUTINE OUTRUT CHARACTER*8B WORDS CHARACTER*4 DIAI,CHRCTR,SMBOLA,SMBOLI,OIA•COMENT CHARACTER*2 BLANKA,ABLANK,BLANKB,BBLANK,BLANKC•CBLANK,BLANKD, *DBLANK,BLANKE,EBLANK,BLANKF,FBLANK,BTYPEA,BTYPE,BNSTD,BEAM CHARACTER*I SMBOLBiSMBOL2 REAL iB,IBI•INA•NCDL,MNCDL,iBSL,MNS,MCDL!KD!ST,KGRID REAL*8 ABATE COMMON/BNS/BNSTD COMMON/IBM/ COMMON/•WN/ VMA(2B)•VDL(2B)•XDIST(15)•DEFK2,DEFL12•DEF•I,DEFL!•, *DNCDL•,DNCDLI COMMON/ELLIWOROS,SMBOLI,SMBOL2•BTYPE,DIA,BEAM(II) COMMON/K[/ ASL,IBSL!!NA•YTC!¥BC!YTCSL,ZTSL!AREAC•ECCL• *ENDMAX,TENIN•SPANL,BSPAC•TS,EFW,UWB,UWS!EC,ECSL,ES,ASTRN, *FPS•NCDL•ZTB•ZBB•¥T,AREA!D•iB,ZBBC,STRNS•ECAL•YB.ZTBC.WTF,BR,AV *!FPY!LTYRE,KASE,KODE•RROAD•SFPC•DFACT•ODL,TSS COMMON/MMM/ FO•HDPT,P,COPE COMMONiMMiROW(3•)•NROW,SROW(IB)•IW•DROW(18)•NSROW(•) COMMON/MSC/ VNCDL(15),VCDL(•5) OOMMON/iLL/ REQULT•ULTMOM,FPC,FPCI,NSTATE•MSTATE,K COMMON/LLI/ BMMA(2B),BMDL(2B),BMSU•(2B)•BMBM(20i,BMNCOL(2• *B),BMSL(2B),BMCDL(ZB) COMMON/•DF/ FTLL(20),FBLL(2B)•FTSL(20),FBSL(2•l,FTBM(2B). *FBBM(2BI,FTDL(2B),FBDL(2B},FTNCDL(2B),FBNCDL(2B),ST(2•I•SB(2B) *,FT(28),FB(2B)•FTI(20),FBI(ZB)•FTiB(2B),FBIB(20)•FTIBSN(20!, *FBIBSN(2BI,FTCDL(2•),FBCDL(2B) COMMON/FYB/KSRID,NSTRNS•ENDECC,IWCH COMMON/OEF/ SUMSTR,E•ALE•SHiELD•OiST,CMAX COMWON/•RR/S(151.SQ COMMON/ALL/ FB•i,ACOMPR•TTEN,FTP,RLOSS,RPERST•RLOSS,iTT /SUM (2 A-43 C O •5 C 9• C C C * A2,I'..X,'UNIT WT. BEAM CONC. :',F6.B, PCF',I3X, * 'STRAND SiZE * r.,.•, FT',8"K,'UNiT WT. SLAB CONC. :'.F6.@,' PCF .13X, * 'STRAND ULT STRENSTH'I6X•'=',i61' FORMAT( 5X,'BEAM SPACING',6X,':'•F7.2,' FT',SX,'OB-DAY ST.(SLAB', * CONC.) :',F6.•,' PSi',•3X,'NO. OF WEB STRANDS :', * 16,/,SX,'SLAB THICKNESS :',F7.2,' IN',SX, * 'E(BM.CONC.)',!2X,':',FS.2,' E(O6)PSI',B•,'GRID SIZE * '=',F6. •,' FORMAT(SX,'L.L, DIST. FACTOR =',FT,2,11X, *'E(SLAB CONC.) =',F8.2,' E(@6)PSI',SX, *'STRAND CL. BOTT. BEAM :',F6.2,' IN',i,SX, *'COMP. SLAB WIDTH :',F7.2, IN',BX, *'E(PRESTRESS STEEL) =',FB.2,' E(B6)Ps-Ir!Bx, *'STRAND CL. BIDE BEAM :',F5,2,' IN') FORMAT(SX,'UNIF. D.L. N-COMP =',F7.3,' KLF'!7X *'AASHTO L.L. :',3X,A•,Ai,17X, *'MAX COMP BM. CONC(ALLOW) =',F@.@,' PSI',/,SX *'UNiF. D.L. COMP :',F7.3,' KLF',TX, *'RAiLROAD L.L. =',' E-',F3.B,16X, *'MAX. TENSION BEAM CONC. =',F6.@,' PSI') FORMAT( //,SX,'*** SECTION PROPERTIES ***',/, *32X,'PREDAST',IiX,'COMPOSITE *SX,'AREA *5X,'WEIGHT *SX,'MOMENT OF INERTIA *SX,'YB BEAM *SX,'BECTION MODULUS BOTTOM *SX,'YT BEAM *SX,'SECTION MODULUS TOP *•X,'YTS SLAB *SX,'SECTiON MODULUS SLAB *SX•'HEIGHT ,//, ,FI@.2,1@X,FI•.2 ,FI@.2,1@X,FI@.2o ,FI@.2,10X,FI@.2 ,FI@.2,1@X,FIO.2o ,FI@.2,1@X,FI@.O, ,FIB.2,1BX,F•O.2. ,O@X,F[B.2,' IN•.•, ,2@X,FI@.2,' !N• .! INO',/. KLF',/, IN4',/, IN', iN3',/', iN',-, INO',/, ruRMAT•/•,•,'*** BEA• DIMENSIONS •INCHES) ***',/,SX,'B:', * F•..,•X,'W: ,F:.•,2X,'C: ,F6.2,•.(, E:',F6.2,2X,'A:',F6.2,•..•Y. 'S=' 2) FORMAT(//,SX,'*** CONCENTRATED LOADS APPLIED TO NON-COMR@S[T£" * SECTION ***' x,SX,'LOAD (KIPS)' !SX•I0([X,F•.Oi, 5•, * ;DIST. FROM LT. REACT. (FT)'•I•(IX.F6.2)• FORMAT(//,SXo'*** CONCENTRATED STATIC LOADS APPLIED TO ', * 'COMPOSITE SECTION ***'•/•SX•'LOAD (KIPS)',ISX•I•(IX,FO.2)./• * 5X•'DIST. FROM LT. REACT. (FT)'•I•(IX,F6.2•) FORMAT(//,SX,'*** CONCENTRATED LiVE LOADS AFPLIED TO , * "COMPOSITE SECTION ***',•,5X,'LOAD (KIPS)',ISX,i•(IX.F6.2),'. * 5X!'DiST FROM LT. LOAD (FT)',•X•I•(£X,F6.2)• * /•5X,'LOAD (KIPS)',ISX,tB(IX,F6.2)./• A-46 C C •25 * •,, DIST. TO NEXT LOAD 1!5 FORMAT( /•,GX,'*** SEAM DESIGN ***') FORMAT(/oGXo'TYPE OF BEAM',I4X,'=',3X,AQ•22X, * 'D.L. DEFL AT MID-SPAN ='•F9..3,' IN NON-GOMP )•,F!2..3• * '( COMP )',/15X, * 'NO. OF STRANDS',IQX,'='•F6.8,21X, * 'D.L. DEFL AT i/4 PT. =',FF..3, IN NON-COMP )',F12.3 * '( COMP )',!,5X, * 'SIZE" OF STRANDS & PULL',4X•'= '•A4!' ',FS.@) iN N FORMAT(5X,'TYPE OF S•R•Nua !fIX, :'•I6•'K ,i•X, ULTIMATE * 'MOMENT REQUIRED :',F6.•I' FT-KIPS',/•5X,'ECCENTRICITY AT C.L.' * ,6X!':',FG.2•' iN',IGX,'ULTiMATE MOMENT PROVIDED * FT-KIPS ,6(A4)I/,GX,'ECCENTRICITY AT END' ,X, * F8.2, IN') 13• FORMAT 5X• 'NO. OF DEPRESSED STRANDS * QQX,'CRACKIN6 STRESS =',QX!FS.2,' PSI') I..• FORMAT( •GX DEPRESSED TOP ,It. STRANDS TO POSITION A- ,F5, 133 FORMAT(' ',GX,'CONCRETE RELEASE STRENGTH =',F8.2•' PSI') C [.35 D C 146 C 145 C C C FORMAT(GX,'CONCRETE 28-DAY STRENGTH =',F8.8•' £GI'!I3X• * 'TOP FIBER DESIGN STRESS (E.L.) =',F6.8,' PSI'•/o5•, * 'HOLD DOWN FROM C. L. ='•F8.2,' FT',IbX, * 'BOTTOM FIBER DEGIGN STRESS (C.L.) ='!FG.•! PSI'!//•GX, * 'OIST. TO TOP DRAPED STRDS •',F8.2',' IN'/•GX, * 'SHIELD LENGTH FROM END =',F8.2,' FT'!I6X• * 'MAXIMUM CAMBER ='•F6.2•' IN',/,5gX•'PRESTRESS LOSS ='•F6.2• RERCENT'•/,5"gX,'LOSS AT RELEAGE=',F6.2,' PERCENT') FORMAT(I/,GX,'L.L. STRESS IN TOP FIBER OF •,B AT MIDSPAN * F6.8,' PSI'•//I FORMAT( i/,55X,'*** STRAND PATTERN ***',//,eX•'(C.L. OF BEAM) *5•X•'(END OF BEAM)') FORMAT(GX,'ROW',I.3,' HAG',F4.8,' STRANDS'•GX. ROW ,I•,' *,F4.B,' STRANDS'• WITH'!F4.B!' STRANDS GHIELDED',GX, *'ROW ,P6.2,' INCHES FROM BOTTOM HAS '!P4.8•'STRANDS') HAS 15• FORMAT(,',"/•28X•'*** MOMENT SUMMARY (FT-KIPS) **•',:•DX.'**• * 'SHEAR SUMMARY (KIPS) ***',/,'.GX,'SECTiON',TX,'BEAi•',5( * 'SLAB',3X,'NON-CGMP'•4X,'COMP',3X,'L.L.+I',4X, TOTAL',iGX• * 'BEAM & SLAB',.3X,INON-COMP',4X,'COMP',•X,'L.L.+i'•.3X. * 'TOTAL') !55 FORMAT(7X,IQ,GX,2(3X,FG.l),tX,4(.•I•F•.I),tDX.F6.1,TX•FG.I,IX,S * (2X,FG.I.i) i6@ FORMAT(3X,'HOLD-DOWN',2X,2(3X.F6.I),I•.4 * FG.L,IX,•(•..,F•.I)) A-47 C C C !95 PORMAT(//X/,•SX,•**** STRESSES IN EXTREME FIBERS DUB TO ', 'EXTERNAL LOADS (LBS PER SO. iN.) *+**',//!72X•'TOTAL D,L.' * 14X!'L.L. + IMPACT'!SX•'TOTAL'•/!5X• * 'SECTION !SX•'BEAM'!i2X•'SLAB',SX, * '•ON-COMP SEC. •'NON-COMP SEO.'!6X!'COMR SECT. 7X! * 'OOMR. SEO.',/, * 17X•'TOP'•4X•'BOT',6X•'TOP'•4X•'BOT',6X•'TOP',4X• * 'BOT'•6X,'TOP'•4X,'BOT'•SX,'TOF'•4X,'BOT',•X,'TOP'•4X,'BOT' * ,6X,'TOP"•X•'BOT ') FORMAT(7X,12,4X,7(2(IX•F6.•),2X)) FORMAT(3X,'HOLS-DOWN'•IX•7(2(IX,F6.S)•2X)) FORMAT(//,ISX,'**** STRESSES DUE TO EXTERNAL LOADS PLUS '• * 'PRESTRESS (LBS PER SQ. iN.) ****',//•4BX•'BEAM PLUS',/• * •BX•'INITiAL PREST.',SX, * 'FINAL PRE•T. PLUS',6X•'ALL LOADS PLUS',•,1•X•'INITIAL PREST. * 7X,'- LOSSES REL.'•4X•'TOT. D.L.(N/C SE•.)',6X,'FiNAL PREST.', * /•BX•4(I•X!'TOP'!•X,'BOT')) FORMAT(7X,12.4(7•,F6.S,°X,•5,S)).. FORMAT(4X,'HOLD-OOWN',IX•2(2.X!Fs.•)•5(TX,F6.•,•X,F6.O)) FORMAT(i//iI,•X,'**** STIRRUP SPACING ****',24X• •*•*• MAX. *'ULT. HORI•. SHEAR (VO/I) ****',/•9X•2•X, * •IX,'(BETWEEN SL." AND DIP. FLANSE)'•//,SX,•SECTION•,42X, * 'SECTION',SX,'REO. SLAB'•SX!'P.S. PANEL',/) 2S• FORM'AT(TX,12,6X•'NO. 4 (SR. 5S) AT' ,P•.1,' IN',I6X,i2. * F•2.1•' PSI',FI•.I! PSI') WRITE (6,•5) WRITE (6,58)WORDS IFi iViEW.NE.B) WRITE(6•7S) WRITE",6•75) BTYPE,UWB•SIA SPANL.UWS,NFPS TS TS + •,5 WRiTE(5,8• BSPAC•SFPC• iW•TS!EC,SPACE WRITE(•',SS) SFACT ECSL ISTBCL, EFW ES,STSCL WRITE(o•g•) PNCDL,S•BOLI•BMBOL2 ACOMPR,PCDL,RROAD,FTP WRiTE(6•92) AREA•AREAC,PWT,CWT. IB• INA•YB,YBC, ZBB, ZBBC, ?T, YTC• ZTB, ZTBC,YTb•L,_TS.,• OHT WR TE.•.6,•SI B•WO,C,E,A,H,G WRiTE(6,1B•) (CNCP(1) I=I.i• (CNCD(1)• WRITE(6,1IB) (CC•(I)• I=I•i•), (CCD(1)• i=2•!•.•, TS TS -B.5 iF'iSTOF.EQ.I•. GO 70 •,• iF(STRNS .ST. 9B.) WRITE(6,60) IF•IVIEW.EO.I) WRITE(6,TB) IF(STFcNS .GT. 9•.) GO TO A-48 iF(BTYPE.EO,BNSTD) GO TO DO 4 IPNT £,i1 IF(BTYPE,EO,BEAM(IPNT)) GO TO 5 CONTINUE CONTINUE GET PROPERTIES FOR A STANDARD SEAM FROM TABLES KASE IPNT AREA AR(IPNT) YB YBI(IPNT) IB IBI(IPNT) YT YTI(IPNT) D DI(IPNT) WTF WTFI(IPNT) BP=BPRIME(IPNT) XI BB(IRNT) X2 (BB(IPNTi WDD(IPNT))/2,B YI CC(IPNT) Y2 EE(IPNT) YI2 Yi + Y2 H HH(IPNT) G GS(IPNT) B BB(IPNT) W WDD(IPNT) C CC(IPNT) E EE(IPNT) A WTFI(IPNT) WO BP GO TO 2 CONTINUE DETERMINE PROPERTIES •OR 'NS' BEAM XI B X2 (B WD / 2,0 YI C Y2. E Y!.2 YI + Y2 BP WD WT• A DETERMINE EFFECTIVE FLANGE WIDTH IF(EFW.NE.B,B) GO TO 10 FWi SPANL/4. FW2 BSP'AC FW3 (12,*TS + WTF / EFW FWI IF(EFW,GT,FW2) EFW FW2 I•(EFW.GT.FW•) EFW FW• CONTINUE 12. A-51 [21 (3] C C [ COMPUTE COMPOSITE SECTION RROPERTIES EFW EFW * 12. ASL EFW * TS * ECSL / EC IBSL ASL*TS*TS/12. YBC (ASL*(TS/2+O+COPE)+COPE*WTF*(COPE/2+D)+AREA*YB) / *(ABL+AREA+COPE*WTF) INA ASL*(TB/2.+D+COPE)**2+COPE*WTF*(COPE/2+O)**2+AREA*YB**2• *iBSL+IB+WTF*COPE**3/12-(ASL+COPE*WTF+AREA)*YBC**2 YTC O YBC ZBB=IB/YB ZTB=iB/YT ZTBC INA / YTC ZBBC [NA/¥BC YTCBL O + TB +COPE YBC ZTSL INA / YTCSL * EC / EOBL AREAC AREA+ASL÷COPE*WTF DETERMINE HOLD-DOWN POINTS AND ROUND TO NEAREST 3 INCHES tI IF(HDPT.NE.@.@) GO TO HDPT @.I@ * SPANL IHDPT HDPT FRHDPT HDPT IHDPT XFR FRHDPT / Q.25 iXFR XFR PRHDPT IXFR * @.25 HOPT IHDPT + FRHDPT CONTINUE RETURN END SUBROUTINE PSTRES 11 CHARACTER*B@ WORDS CHARACTER*4 DIAl ,CHRCTR,SMBOLA,SMBOLI DIA CHARACTER*2 BLANKA,ABLANK,BLANKB,BBLANK,BLANKC,CBLANK,BLANKD, *OBLANK,BLANKE,EBLANK,BLANKF,FBLANK,BTYPEA,BTYPE,BNSTD,BEAM CHARACTER*I BMBOLB,SMBOL2 REAL IB, IBI, INA,NCDL,MNCDL, iBSL,MNS,MCDL,KDiST,KGRID COMMON/ILL/ RE(•ULT,ULTMOM,PPC!FPCI,NBTATE,MSTATE,K COMMON/KI/ ASL,IBSL!iNA YTC,YBC,YTCSL.ZTBL AREAC.ECCL, *ENDMAX,TENIN,SPANL BBPAC,TS,E•W,UWB!UWS,EC,ECSL,ES•ASTRN, *FPS,NCDL! ZTB, ZBB,YT,AREA•D! IBIZBBC,STRNE,ECAL• YB. ZTBC,WTF !BP!•." *,FPY,_, (r E KASE, KODE •RROAD, SFPC, DFACT COL, TSS COMMON/ELL/WORDS,SMBOLI,SMBOL2,BTYPE,OIA,BEAM(I i) COMMON/MMM/ FO,HDPT,R,COPE CO•qMON/ALL/ FB!! ,ACOMPR,TTEN,FTP,PLOSS,C"PERST,RLOSS• .•TT COMMON/FYB/KGR ID,NSTRNS,Ei4DECC, IWCH COMMON.,'DEF/ SUMSTR.ECALE,SHIELD.D!ST r•AX c.r_,MMONXMM/ROW(3•) .N•OW•SROW,.iB) ,IW,DROW<IB•,NSROW(--8.' •uM"...•.,•''• "" '",_L•t,' BMMA.'2'•),BMDL(2@i,BMSU•(2•).BMBM(2•),BMNCO;- ,•'•,•qH•2__ *.3• .B•'ISL (•q, BMCDL(28• A-52 *,PTi•G i•PB(2i•)•PTI(20) BI!•,,,r•IB'=•,FBIB(2• *FBiBS• 2•,PTCDL(2•),FBCDL(2•) 3]M•ON STO/STBCL•STSCL,SPACE•IVIEW,iSTOP •uNCu•,uN•uL• COMMON FCK CALCULATE PRESTRESSING 88 IF(LOLAX.NE.@) GO TO H•V•u STRANDS COEFFICIENTS FOR STRESS i:: G, 7 C2 B,85 C3 20000 C4 TO O•qEFICrENTS FOR •Ta•[LTZE},•, STRANDS CACijLATE STRESSES!!.ISPECTiON POINTS DO 47 !=I,15 PTLL(1)=BMMA(!)IZTBC FBLLiI,=BMMA(1:,/ZBBC FTSL,:!,-BMSu•I.,'iT• PBSL(1)=BMSL(1)/ZBB RTBM(i)=BMBM(!)/ZTB FBBM(i)=BMBM(1)/ZBB FTDL(i)=BMDL,:I)/ZTB FBDL(1)=BMOL(!)/ZBB PT•CDL(ii=BMNCDL(i)/ZTB FB•CDL(i)=BMNCDL(i)/ZBB FTCDL(1) BMODL(•) ZTBC •BCDL,:• -•pn ,'-• ST(i) PTDL(!) + FTNCDL(Z! + FTLL•T.) PTC:'L(• A-53 4•G 46S 47• 602 !0 iF(FPC.LT,FPCii FPC PPCI CALL ALLOW CONTINUE CALL MOMEI•, iF(IVIEW.NE.@) GO TO 7@i iF(ULTMOM.ST.REQULT) GO TO 47@ K K+ IF(K .EQ. i) 80 TO 47@ CONTINUE MSTATE MSTATE + IF(MSTATE.GE.2) MSTATE 2 GO TO 29 ENDI=(FO/AREA+TTEN)*ZTB/FO EN02 (PBII FO/AREA)*ZBB/FO ENDMAX ENDI IF(ENO2.LT.ENDMAX) ENDMAX END2 ,•uL ECCEND CALL ALLOW i• (IVIEW.NE.@) SO TO 602 IF (IWCH.LE.I) SO TO 7@2 COMPUTE LENGTH OF SHIELDING C "- •"•O SUMME FORMULARS HAVE TO BE CHANGED FOR CHANGE DO 6@0 = I..'..0 NSROW(i) BROW(1) FF'Cll =FS * ENDECC/ZBB + FO/AREA TCK= (FO/AREA-FO*ENDECC/ZTB) NSTRN BUMBTR SUMMST @. IF(IVIEW.NE.O) 00 TO NEROW(1) SROW(i)/2 iF(NSROW(1),NE.(2*(NSROW(i)/2))) NSROW(i) NSROW(I! NSTRN NSTRN + NSROW(i) BUMSTR=NSROW(1) +DROW(I) SUMMST=NSROW•I•*•-•uI.+DROW I..*(KGRID-(NROW-i)*SPACE) DO 472 JR=2.,NROW SUMSTR=SUMSTR÷NSROW(,iRIi +DROW(JR) SUMMST=SUMMST+NSROW (,.iR)* (BTBCL+((JR-I•*SPACE) •-DROW(JR)* (KGRiD- • (,.IR- *SPACE) .•72 CONTINUE ECALE YB •UMMST SUMSTR IP(IVIEW.NE.B) GO TO 702 FPCI2 SUMSTR*TENiN*(I/AREA-ECALE/ZTB)*(I.O-RLOSS) I• (;;'CI2. LT. TTEN) GO TO FRC!S EUMSTR*TENIN*(I/AREA+ECALE/ZBB)*(I.O-RLOSSI FF'CIT, FPCI-., .6 !F,'FPCI3,GT.FPCI) GO TO SHIELD SHIELD IS ASSUMED E,]UAL TO 0 iF ASSUMPTION IS CHANGED THAN KDIS7 iN METHOD OF A-56 C C C 703 * W) COPIPUTE STRESSESiNSPECTION POINTS OIST SF'ANL* .5-HDPT E ENDECC DO 501 1,14 FO TENiN * STRNS IF (IVIEW.NE.•) GO TO 603 IF (IWCH.LE.I) GO TO 703 FSHLD SPANL SHIELD IF(SHIELD.EQ.O.) GO TO IF(X.oE.SHIELD.AND.X.LE.FEHLD) GO TO 7B3 KDIST (KGRiD z( W I) Dv•u• + •l•C•!] *(DIET • DIET KD[ST KDIST +(NROW -i)* SPACE +STBCL SUMME NSROW(1) * STBCL + DROW(II * (KDIST (NROW I) * SPACE) DO 2 OR 2,NROW SUMME SUMME + NSnOW•O•I * (ETBCL + (JR i) * SPACE) + • * (KDIST (NROW •) * SPACE + (•R i) * SPACE COHTiNUE PO SUMSTR * TENIN E YB SUMME / SUMSTR P FO *(I. PLOSo) !F(i.EO.12.0R.I.Eg.•3) E ENDECC+(ECCL-EHDECC)*'•,Z5*SPAHL/DIST) [F(I.EQ.14) E ECCL FTI(1)=(FO/AREA-FO*E/ZTB) FBI(1)=(FO/AREA+PO*E/ZBB) FTIB(1)=PTI(I)*(I.-RLOSS)+FTBM(1) FBIB(1)=FBi(i)*(I.-•LOoS)-FBBM([) RFPCI FBiB(1)/.6 IF(RFPCI.GT.F•CIi FPCI RFPCI •TIBoN•I• (P/AREA-P*E/ZTB) + FTOL(I + FBiBSN([I (P/AREA+P*E/•BB) FBDL(i •BNCDL(1) FT(1)=(P/AREA-P*E/ZTB)+PTDL(i)+FTLL(1)*FTNCDL(1)+FTCDL(I, FB(1)=(P,'AREA+P*E/ZBB)-FBDL(!!-FBLL(i)-FBNCOL(1)-FBCDL(i) X X + SPANL*•.I iF(I.EQ.12.0R.i.EQ.13) • B.25*SPANL IF(I.EO.i4} X 0.5*SPANL HDPT DEOC (ECCL-ENDECC)*X/DIST [F(XI•.•H.•D! DO X !F(X.GE.PSHLD) DD SPANL X E ENDECC ÷ DECC IP(X.GT.DIST) E ECCL IF(X.GT.(SF'A•'•L/2. + HDPT) E (ECCL ENDECC • *B.5-HDPTI• +ENDECC CONTINUE FCK=ABS(PB(6)-FCK) •,L• CAI•BER •" (SPANL-()/(SFA•4L A-57 (2] [2] I2] 5•2 505 CALL SMEAR(FPC) iF(K .EO. i) GO TO 592 00 TO 505 CALL OUTPUT K K+I SO TO 88 CONTINUE RETURN ENO SUBROUTINE RRLOAD CHARACTER*80 WORDS CHARACTER*4 DIAI,OHRCTR,SMBOLA,SMBOLI,DIA CHARACTER*2 BLANKA,ABLANK,BLANKB,BBLANK,BLANKC,CBLANK,BLANKD, *DBLANK,BLANKE,EBLANK•BLANKF,FBLANK,BTYPEA,BTYPE,BNSTD,BEAM CHARACTER*I SMBOLB,SMBOL2 COMMONIKI/ ASL,IBSL,INA,YTC,YBC,YTCSL,ZTSL,AREAC!ECCL, *ENDMAX,TENIN,SPANL!BSPAC!TS!EFW,UWB,UWB!EC!ECSL•ES!ASTRN, *FPS,NCOL!ZTB,ZBB!YT,AREA,D,IB•ZBBC,STRNS!.uML, B!ZTBC,WTF!•r,AV *•FPY,LTYPE,KASE,KODE,RROAD,SFPC,DFACT,CDL,TSS COMMON/ELL/NOROS,SMBOLI,SMBOL2,BTYPE,OIA,BEAM(;I) COMMON/•WM/ VMA(2B),VDL(20),XDIST(!Sl,OEFK2,DEFL12,OEF•1,DEFLi4, *DNCDL2•DNCDL; COMMON/LLI/ BMMA(2B),BMDL(2B),BMSUM(ZO),BMBM(2B),BMNCDL(20),VSUM(2 *O)•BMSL(20),BMCDL(2B) DIMENSION W(18),C(IS)•POINT(g) DATA W/B.5,A*t.O,4*B.65,@.5.4*I.B•4*•.65/ DATA C/0.B,8.B,13.•!1•.O,2.3.B,32.0•37.0,43.B,4S.B,56.B.6•.• DATA WU,CU/•.I•IB9.0/ :OIN,S DUE C,LOUuAT= SHEARS AND MOMENTS TENTH =' TO COOPER'S E•LOADINO SPAN=SPANL TOTLLD RROAD •RACT I.B ÷ (•5.0 (SPANL*SPANL)/500. IF(FRACT.LT.i.2B) FRACT •.2• DO 13 LD I•15 BMMAX VMA• OiST XDiST(LD) 00 !2 M l,IS SUMWC B.O SUMLD •.• BM CHECK WHEEL POSITIONS FOR MAX. MOMENT iF(C(M).ST.DIST) GO TO 6 DFSTW DiST C(M) iC A-58 •2.0-HDPT)**2i VDEC=(VU(Ii-2.5*VMA(6))/5.0 STHETA=SQ•T(I-CTNETA**2} VPR(1)=FO*(I.-PLOSS)*STHETA •9 CONTINUE DO 101 S(J)=AV*2.0*FPY*DM/(VU(1)-VPR(J)-(J-I)*vOEC} 101 CONTINUE DO 244 IF(AV .LE.O.11)O0 TO 200 IF (4.*TS .OT. •5.0) GO TO IF(S(j).GT.4.*TS)S(J)=4.*TS GO TO 202. 201 IF (S(O) .GT. !5.0) O0 TO 2@8 I;(S(J).GT.12.! 202 CONTINUE 70 A•M=(S(•)*IOO.*BP)/(2.*FPY) I;(AV .LT.AVM)O0 TO 1280 80 TO 1201 O0 TO 70 12•I CONTINUE 24• CONTINUE DO 500 i=i,11 VS(i)=(i.5*(VCOL(1)+VMMS(1))•2.5*VMA(1))*Q•(INA*WTF) VSPC(1)=(I.5*(VCDL(1)+VMMS(1))+2.5•VMA(1)I*Q/(INA•(WTF-4.)) CONTINUE 500 C C C C 209 200 CALCULATE BPACINO OF THE WEB REINFORCEMENT AT THE QUARTER ROINTS A-61 71 12@2 12•3 C C C C C C C C C C •VMQ IF(AV.LT.AVMQ) GO TO O0 70 12•3 SQ O0 TO 71 CONTINUE XDD YT * ECCL * TS AS ASTRN * STRNS FPCC P/AREA HSPAN SPANL/2. APPLY 1971 ACi LOAD FACTORS TENTH POINTS VULT(1)=I.5*(VDL(1)+VNCDL(1))÷2.•*VMA(!) MUVU(1) BMSUM(1)/VSUM(1) E(1) (EECL-ENDECC)*X/(HSPAN-HDPT) IF(X.GT.(HSRAN-HDPT)) E(1) ECCL-ENOECC IE(X.GT.(HSPAN+NDPT)) E(i) (ECCL-ENDECC)*((SPANL-X)/ *(HSPAN-HDPT)) XD(1) YT + E(i) + ENDECC + TS FPE(i) P/AREA + P * YB * E(i)/IB PD(1) BMBM(1) * YB/IB MCR(1) (IB/YB) * ((7.5 * SflRT(FPC)) + FPE(1) FD(i)) VP(1) P * STHETA IF( X .ST. (HSPAN HOPT)) VP(1) B. IF(X.BT.(HSPAN•HDPT)) VP(1) P*STHETA VPU(1)=(AS/B@.)*FPS*SQRT(XD(1)/BP) PHIVPU(1) @.B5 * VPU(1) VCI(1) @,6*BP*XD(1)*SQRT(FPC)+MCR(1)/(MUVU(1)-XO(1)/2,)+VDL(1) iFiX .EQ. B.•) VCi(1) @.• PHIVCI(1) B,S5 * VCI(!) VCIM(1) •.B5 * i.7 * BP * XD(!) * SQRT(FPC) IF(XD(i).LT.(@.B*D)) XD(1) B.8*D PHIVCW(1)=VP(1) PHIVC(1)=PNIVCW(1) AC!(1)=2.*AV*XDD*FPY/(VULT(i)-PNiVC(II) VCW(1)=BP*XD(I}*(3.5*SQRT(FPC)+.•*FPCCI+VP(1) PHIVCW(1)=.B5*VCW(1) VUVPU(i)=VULT(1)-PHIVPU(1) IF (PHIVCW(i) PHiVCI(1)) 6.6.7 6 PNIUC(1)=PHIVCW(1) GO TO 8 7 PNIVC(!)=PHIVCI(1) B CONTINUE IF (PHIVC(1)-VCIM(1)) .LE. •.•) PHIUC(1)=VCIM(1) IF (PN!VC(1) .OT, VUVPU(1)) GO TO iI ACi(1)=2,*AV*.BS*XDD*FPY/(VULT(1)-PHIVC(1)) IF (@.75,D .GT. 15.) GO TO 3• SMAX •.75 * D GO TO 3•I SMAX=IS. iP(ACI(I} .LT. SMAX) GO TO 14 A-62 [2] ACi(i> SMAX .• CONTINUE GO TO • ACi(1) iF (0.75*D .OT. SMAX =G.75 * D GO TO 40! 400 SMAX=I5. 401 IF(ACI(1) .LT. ACI(1) SMAX 18 CONTINUE 4 ( X + SPANL/10. 5 uON!•NUc SPANL=SPANL/12.0 HDPT=HDPT/12.0 RE•URN END SUBROUTINE SPCL *AV *80.*FPY*XDO 15.) GO TO 400 BMAX) SO TO !B /(AS*FPS*SQRT(XDD /BF'•, CHARACTER*BO WORO• CHARACTER*4 GIAI,CHRCTR,SMBOLA,SMBOLI,OIA CHARACTER*2 BLANKA,ABLANK,BLANKB,BBLANK,BLANKC,CBLANK,BLANKD• *GBLANK,BLANKE,EBLANK,BLANKF•FBLANK,BTYPEA,BTYPE,BNSTD•BEAM CHARACTER*I SMBOLB,SMBOL2 COMMON/JWM/ VMA(20),VDL(20),XDIST(15),DEFK2,DEPLI2•DEFK•,DEFLi4• *DNCDL2,DNCDL• COMMON/KI/ ASL•IBSL•INA,YTC,YBC•YTCSL•ZTSL,AREAC•ECCL, *ENDMAX,TENiN,SPANL,BSPAC,TS,EFW!UWB,UWS•EC,ECSL•ES,ASTRN, *FPS!NCDL,ZTB•ZBB!YT•AREA•DiIB,ZBBC•BTRNS!ECAL,VB!ZTBC,WTF•BP,AV *.FPY,LTYPE!KASE,KODE•RROAD,SFRC•DFACT,CDL!TSS COMMON/ELL/WORDS,SMBOLI,SMBOL2,BTYPE,OIA,BEAM(II) COMMON/J/ BMHS(Z•),BMSP(2G),BMLL(20)•VHS(2G•.VSP(2•),VLL(2•> DIMENSION DIMENSION CG(•)•WB(•)•WT(•),HW(3) DATA CS,WB•WT,HW/2.0,2*2.B•4.0•2*I4.0,4B.O,•O.•0.•,24.0•2.•,2 DATA V/2G*0.0/ CALCULATE SHEAR AND MOMENTS INSPECTION POINTS DUE TO .-H-15 OR H-20 LIVE LOADING HSPAN SPANL * •.5 DO 4 LD GIST XDIST(LD) DLSTW GiST WB(LTYPE) iP(DLSTW.GT.SPANL) GO TO CBAR GiST CG(LTYPE) REACTN (i.• CBAR/SRANL) * WT(LTYPE) BMSP(LD)= GIST * REACTN*i20•O. GO TO 3 !•(DIBT.GT.HSFANi GO TO 2 A-63
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