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Economic Terms and Financial Concepts, Exercises of Business English

International EconomicsMicroeconomicsMacroeconomicsFinancial Markets and InstitutionsMonetary Economics

Various economic terms and financial concepts, such as consumer confidence, credit rating, asset, liability, deposit, interest rate, and more. It also covers different financial instruments and markets, like bonds, stocks, and commodities.

What you will learn

  • What is consumer confidence and how is it measured?
  • What does a poor credit rating mean?
  • What is an asset and what are its different types?
  • What is the role of a deposit account in banking?
  • What is a liability and how does it differ from an asset?

Typology: Exercises


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Download Economic Terms and Financial Concepts and more Exercises Business English in PDF only on Docsity! WP ONDHRWNP BPRRWWWWWWKWWWWNNNNNNNNNNRPRPBRP RP ERE NPOOVDNANMRWNRPODDMNANURWNPOWMNDAHARWNEO (low) consumer confidence: dé tin cay cua ngudi tiéu dung vao nén kinh té (thap) (poor) credit rating: mtrc dé tin dung (thap) A sight draft (n) héi phiéu tra ngay Academic (adj) hoc thuat Accept the bill: chap nhan héi phiéu Accepting house (n): ngan hang chap nhan Access (v): truy cap Accommodation bill (n): héi phiéu khéng Accommodation finance: tai tro’ khong Account holder /a'kaonts/ /‘haul.dar/: chu tai khoan Accounting entry: but toan Accounts payable /a’kaunts ‘peiabl/: tai knoan ng phai tra Accounts receivable /a’ kaunts ri’si:vabl/: tai khoan phai thu Accrual basis /a’kru:al ‘beisis/: phuong phap ké toan dua trén dy thu — dy chi Accrued expenses: Chi phi phai tra Accumalated reverve (n): ngu6n tién dug tich luy Accumulated: lity ké Acknowledgement (n): gidy bdo tin Adapt (v): diéu chinh Adequate (adj): du, day du Administrative Expenses : Chi phi quan ly doanh nghiép Advanced payments to suppliers: Tra trudc ngudi ban Adverse change (n): thay d6i bat loi Advertising (n) su quang cdo Advice (n) su tu van Advise (v) tu van Adviser (n) ngudi cé van Advisory (adj) tu van After sight: ngay sau dé After-sales service (n): dich vu sau ban hang, dich vu hau mai Amortization /a,mo:ti’zeifn/: khadu hao Amount outstanding: s6 con t6n dong Analyse (v): phan tich Appraisal (n): sy dinh gia, sy danh gia Approach (v): tiép xtc, dat van dé Arbitrage /,a:bi’tra:c3/: kiém loi chénh léch Aspect (n): khia canh Assasination (n): su am sat Assess (v): dinh gia Asset /’eeset/: tai san At a discount: giam gia, chiét khau Auditor (n): kigm toan vién 43. 44, 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 81. 82. 83. 84. Authorise /':.8ar.arz/: cap phép Avalise (v): bao lanh BACS: dich vu thanh toan ty d6ng gitra cac ngan hang Bad debt (n): cho ng qua han Balance sheet (n) bang can déi Bank card /baenk ka:d /: thé ngan hang Banker /’baenka/: ngudi cua ngan hang Banker’s draft (n): héi phiéu ngan hang Banking market (n): thi truong ngan hang Bankrupt /’bzenkrapt/ = Bust /bast/: vo ng, pha san Bankruptcy /’beenkraptsi/: su pha san, vo no’ Base rate (n): |di suat co ban Be/ go on the dole: linh tién tro’ cap that nghiép Bearer cheque /'bea.rar/: séc v6 danh Bill of exchange (n): héi phiéu Bill (n): Tin phiéu Boiler (n) ndi hoi Bond /bond/: trai phiéu Bond market: Thi trudng trai phiéu Bookkeeper (n): Ngu‘di lap bao cdo Book-keeping (n): ké toan Boom /bu:m/:sy’ tang vot (gia ca) Border (n) bién gidi Bought-ledger (n) s6 cdi mua hang Breakeven Point : Diém hda von Brochure (n): cu6n sach méng (quang cdo) Broker /’brouka/: ngudi mdi gidi Budget (v) du khoan ngan sach Budgeted Production : San lugng du toan Builder’s merchant: nha bu6n vat liéu xay dung Bulk purchase (n) viéc mua si Buyer default: nguwdi mua tra ng khéng dung han Calculate (v): tinh toan Capital /’keepitl/: von Capital construction: xay dung co’ ban Capital goods (n): tu li@u san xuat Capital market: Thi trudng v6n Cardholder (n): chu thé Carry on (v): diéu khién, xuc tién Carry out (v): thu'c hién Cash at bank: Tién gtri ngan hang Cash basis /keef ‘beisis/: phuong phap két todn dua trén thu'c thu — thu chi 168. 169. 170. 171. 172. 173. 174. 175. 176. 177. 178. 179. 180. 181. 182. 183. 184. 185. 186. 187. 188. 189. 190. 191. 192. 193. 194. 195. 196. 197. 198. 199. 200. 201. 202. 203. 204. 205. 206. 207. 208. 209. Cumulative /’kju:mjulativ/: tich Itiy Current account (n): tai knoan vang lai Current assets: Tai san Iuu dong va dau tu ngan han Current cost: chi phi hién thoi Current expense (n): chi phi hién tai Current portion of long-term liabilities: No dai han dén han tra D/A (n): ching tir theo sy’ chap nhan D/P (n): chting tiv theo su thanh toan Data bank (n): ngan hang dir liéu Database (n): co’ so dit liéu Deal (n): vu mua ban Debit /’debit/ :ghi ng Debit balance /‘debit ‘baelans/: s6 du ng Debt /det/: khoan ng Debt market: Thi truong ng Debtor (n): con ng Decision (n): su quyét dinh Decode /di:'kaud/: giai ma Default (v): tra ng khéng dung han Deferred expenses: Chi phi cho két chuyén Deferred revenue: Ngudi mua tra tién trudc Deficit /’defisit/: tham hut Deflation (n): Giam phat Deposit account (n): tai khoan tién gvri Deposit money /di’pozit ‘mani/: tién gtri Depreciation /di,pri:fi’ei{n/: su giam gia Depression (n): tinh trang dinh d6n Derivaties market: Thi trwong phai sinh Derivaties: Cong cu phai sinh Deutsch mark (n): tién té Tay Durc Dicated (adj): 4n tugng Digest: tom tat Dinar (n): tién t@ Nam Tu, Irac Direct debit /di’rekt ‘debit /: ghi ng truc tiép Discount market (n): thi truong chiét khdu Dispenser /dis’pensa/: may rut tién ty Distinguish (v) phan biét Distribition (n) sy phan phéi Dividend /’dividend/: lai cé phan Documentary collection: nho thu chtrng tir Documentary credit (n): thu’ tin dung = Documentary letter of credit Domestic (adj): trong nha, gia dinh 210. 211. 212. 213. 214. 215. 216. 217. 218. 219. 220. 221. 222. 223. 224. 225. 226. 227. 228. 229. 230. 231. 232. 233. 234. 235. 236. 237. 238. 239. 240. 241. 242. 243. 244. 245. 246. 247. 248. 249. 250. Downturn: thoi ky suy thoai Draft (n): héi phiéu Draw /dro:/: rut, ky phat Drawee /dro:'i:/: ngan hang cua ngu‘di ky phat Drawer /dro:r/: ngudi ky phat (Séc) Drawing (n) su’ ky phat (Séc) ECGD Export Credits Guarantee Department (UK): phong (cuc) tin dung bao lanh xuat khau Elect (v): chon, bau Eliminate (v): loai ra, triy ra Encode /1n'kaud/: ma hoa Enquiry (n): sy diéu tra Entry (n): but toan Equity (n): cé ttrc, v6n c6 phan Establist (v): lap, thanh lap Estimate (n): sy danh gia, sy udc lung Evaluation (n): su uc luong, sy dinh gia Exchange rate: Ty gid héi dodi Exchange risk: rui ro trong chuyén déi Exchange traded fund /iks’tfeinddg treid fand/: quy dau tu chi s6 Exempt (adj): duc mién Expenditure (n): phi t6n Expiry date: ngay hét han Export finance (n): tai tro’ xuat khau Export insurance: bao hiém xuat khau Facility (n): phuong tién dé dang Factor (n): cng ty thanh toan, nhan t6 Factoring (n): su bao thanh toan, chiét khau ching tr Fail to pay: khong tra duoc ng Fiduciary /fi’dju:fjari/: Uy thac Fill me in on: cung cap cho téi thém chi tiét Finacial market: Thi truong tai chinh Finance minister: b6 trudéng tai chinh Finance sector (n): linh vu tai chinh Finance (n) tai chinh Finance (v): tai tro’ Financial crisis: knung hoang tai chinh Financial Imtermedies: Cac t6 chic trung gian tai chinh Financial institution (n): t6 churc tai chinh Financial instruments/Securities: Cac cong cy tai chinh Financial market: thi trudng tai chinh (noi mua ban c6é phiéu hoac hang hda) Firm (n): hang, xi nghiép 251. 252. 253. 254. 255. 256. 257. 258. 259. 260. 261. 262. 263. 264. 265. 266. 267. 268. 269. 270. 271. 272. 273. 274. 275. 276. 277. 278. 279. 280. 281. 282. 283. 284. 285. 286. 287. 288. 289. 290. 291. 292. Fitting (n): d6 dac Fixed asset (n):tau san cé dinh Fixed cost (n): chi phi c6 dinh Flexible: linh déng Foreclosure (=repossession): su xiét ng Foreign currency (n): ngoai té Foreign Exchange Market: Thi trudng ngoai héi Forfaiting (n): bao thanh toan Form (n): hinh thtrc Form (v): thanh lap Forward contract: Hop dong ky han Forward (v): chuyén Found (v): thanh lap, hinh thanh Founder (n): nguoi thanh lap Founding document (n): Giay phép thanh lap Freight (n): sy van chuyén hang Full Production Cost : Toan bé chi phi san xuat Fund /fand/: quy Future contract: Hop dong tuong lai Future market: Thi truong tuong lai Gains On Property Revaluation : Lai danh gia lai tai san Gearing (n) v6n vay Generate (v) phat sinh Genuine: la that, su that Get paid (v): dug tra (thanh toan) Give credit: cap tin dung Give credit: cho ng (tra cham) Glacier (n): s6ng bang Gloomy: am dam Good risk (n): rui ro thap Growth stock /grou® stok/: c6 phiéu tang trudng Guarantee (v): bao lanh Guesswork (n): viéc suy doan Harmonise (v): lam cn déi, cé 4n tugng Hedge fund /hedcy fand/: quy dau co’ High street banks: Cac ngan hang ban lé Idn cé nhiéu chi nhanh Home market (n): thi trudng ndi dia Honour /’9na/: chap nhan thanh toan Illegible /i’ledcgabl/: knéng doc duoc Impress (v): 4n tugng In advance: trudéc In credit: du co 376. 377. 378. 379. 380. 381. 382. 383. 384. 385. 386. 387. 388. 389. 390. 391. 392. 393. 394, 395. 396. 397. 398. 399. 400. 401. 402. 403. 404. 405. 406. 407. 408. 409. 410. 411. 412. 413. 414. Primary market: Thi trudng so’ cap Profit And Loss Account : Tai khoan xac dinh két qua hoat déng kinh doanh Profit Margin (n): Ty suat Ii nhuan sau thué trén doanh thu Profit /profit/: tién lai, loi nhuan Proof of identity /pru:f/ /ar' bang chttng nhan dién Real estate /rial is’teit/: bat déng san Real interest rate: Lai suat thu’c té Recession /ri’se{n/: su suy thoai Reconcile /’rekansail/: bu trir, di@u hoa Reconciling Profit : D6i chiéu loi nhuan Refer to drawer: Tra soat ngudi ky phat Repurchase Agreement: Hop déng mua lai Residual Maturity: Thdi gian dao han/hoan tra Retail market: Thi trudng ban lé Retained earnings: Loi nhuan chua phan phoi Return on Assets (ROA): Ty suat loi nhuan sau thué trén von kinh doanh Return on Equity (ROE): Ty suat loi nhuan vén chu s& hitu Revenue /’revinju:/: thu nhap Revenue deductions: Cac khoan giam try Rising inflation: lam phat gia tang Risky lending: viéc cho vay mang nhiéu rui ro Sales expenses: Chi phi ban hang Sales rebates: Giam gid ban hang Sales returns: Hang ban bj tra lai Saving /’seivin/: tiét kim Savings accounts: tai khoan tiét kigm Secondary market: Thi trudng thir cap Shareholder: C6 déng Short selling /fo:t selin/: ban khéng Smart card /sma:t ka:d/: thé théng minh Spot market: Thi trudng giao ngay Stock market/ Equity market: Thi truéng chttng khoan Stock: C6 phiéu Subprime mortgage: mot hinh thtrc cho vay durgc cap cho cac cé nhan 6 lich str tin dung xau Surplus: Thang du’ Swap: Hop dong hoan déi Tangible fixed assets: Tai sn cé dinh hitu hinh Taxes and other payables to the State budget: La mét thuat ngfr tai chinh tiéng Anh thudng dug str dung 0 cdc nu’éc phuong Tay nhu MV, co nghia la thué va cdc khoan phai nép nha nudéc To be at rock bottom: thap nhat (gia ca) 415. 416. 417. 418. 419. 420. 421. 422. 423. 424. 425. 426. 427. 428. 429. 430. 431. 432. 433. 434. 435. 436. 437. 438. 439. 440. 441. 442. 443. 444, 445. To be bust: bj pha san To be in good shape (the economy is in good shape) = to be strong: manh, bén virng To be made redundant: bj sa thai To be nationalised (= bought by the government): bi quéc hiru héa To bring down the rate of inflation: giam ty lé lam phat To compound the misery: lam cho moi viéc tdi t@ thém To cut interest rates: cat giam lai suat To cut one’s workforce: Cat giam luc lugng lao dong To fall house prices: ha gia nha To foot the bill: thanh toan tién To inject (money) into (the financial market): bom (ti€n) vao (thi truéng tai chinh) To lay off: cho nghi viéc To lend money: cho vay tién To live beyond your means: tiéu xai qua kha nang To pay the price: tra gia (cho nhitng Idi lam) To slide into (recession,...): roi vao (tinh trang suy thodi,...) To weather the storm: vuot qua thoi ky khé khan Total liabilities and owners’ equity: Tong cOng ngu6n vén Toxic mortgage: khi mortgage loans (cdc khoan vay cé thé chap) tro’ nén “toxic” thi chung cé thé tro thanh mét ganh nang tai chinh (cho ngan hang cho vay) Trade creditors: Phai tra cho ngudi ban Trade: Sy mua ban Transaction: Giao dich Treasury bill: Ky phiéu kho bac Treasury stock: C6 phiéu ngan quy Tycoon: Nha tai phiét Unemployment benefit: tro cap that nghiép Unemployment: tinh trang that nghiép Value: Gia tri Venture capital: Dau tu mao hiém Volatility: Murc bién dong Wholesale market: Thj truéng ban bu6én
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