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Spanish Language: Identifying Masculine and Feminine Nouns and Their Possession, Quizzes of Spanish Language

Definitions and terms related to identifying masculine and feminine nouns in the spanish language, as well as their possession. It includes common terms for various states, body parts, and actions, making it a valuable resource for students of spanish. This document can be used as study notes, summaries, or cheat sheets to help learners understand the basics of spanish grammar.

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Download Spanish Language: Identifying Masculine and Feminine Nouns and Their Possession and more Quizzes Spanish Language in PDF only on Docsity! TERM 1 Buenos dias DEFINITION 1 Good morning TERM 2 Buenas tardes DEFINITION 2 Good afternoon TERM 3 Buenas noches DEFINITION 3 Good evening; Goodnight TERM 4 la esposa/ el esposa DEFINITION 4 wife/husband TERM 5 casados DEFINITION 5 married TERM 6 la hija/el hijo DEFINITION 6 daughter/son TERM 7 la madrastra DEFINITION 7 stepmother TERM 8 el nieto/la nieta DEFINITION 8 grandson/granddaughter TERM 9 el padrastro DEFINITION 9 stepfather TERM 10 el primo DEFINITION 10 cousin (male) TERM 21 mayor DEFINITION 21 old TERM 22 pobre DEFINITION 22 poor TERM 23 rico/rica DEFINITION 23 rich TERM 24 aburrido/a DEFINITION 24 boring TERM 25 antiptico/a DEFINITION 25 unpleasant TERM 26 bueno/a DEFINITION 26 good TERM 27 cmico/a DEFINITION 27 funny TERM 28 malo/a DEFINITION 28 bad TERM 29 paciente DEFINITION 29 patient TERM 30 perezoso/a DEFINITION 30 lazy TERM 31 simptico/a DEFINITION 31 nice TERM 32 tonto/a DEFINITION 32 silly;dumb TERM 33 trabajador/a DEFINITION 33 hard-working TERM 34 feo/a DEFINITION 34 ugly TERM 35 pequeo/a DEFINITION 35 small TERM 46 el borrador DEFINITION 46 eraser TERM 47 la silla DEFINITION 47 chair TERM 48 el cuaderno DEFINITION 48 notebook TERM 49 la mochila DEFINITION 49 backpack TERM 50 el lpiz DEFINITION 50 pencil TERM 51 los apuntes DEFINITION 51 notes TERM 52 el papel DEFINITION 52 paper TERM 53 la tarea DEFINITION 53 homework TERM 54 la compaera de clase/ el compaero de clase DEFINITION 54 female classmate/male classmate TERM 55 comprar DEFINITION 55 to buy TERM 56 contestar DEFINITION 56 to answer TERM 57 ensear DEFINITION 57 to teach;to show TERM 58 esperar DEFINITION 58 to wait for; to hope TERM 59 estudiar DEFINITION 59 to study TERM 60 hablar DEFINITION 60 to speak TERM 71 aprender DEFINITION 71 to learn TERM 72 comer DEFINITION 72 to eat TERM 73 comprender DEFINITION 73 to understand TERM 74 correr DEFINITION 74 to run TERM 75 creer DEFINITION 75 to believe TERM 76 leer DEFINITION 76 to read TERM 77 abrir DEFINITION 77 to open TERM 78 escribir DEFINITION 78 to write TERM 79 recibir DEFINITION 79 to receive TERM 80 vivir DEFINITION 80 to live TERM 81 To form the present indicative DEFINITION 81 hablar (to speak) comer (to eat) vivir (to live)yo hablo como vivot hablas comes vivesUd. habla come vivel, ella habla come vivenosotros/as hablamos comemos vivimosvosotros/as hablis comis vivsUds. hablan comen vivenellos/as hablan comen viven TERM 82 Cul/Cules DEFINITION 82 which (one)/which (ones) TERM 83 Quin/Quines DEFINITION 83 who/who (pl.) TERM 84 cien DEFINITION 84 100 TERM 85 ciento uno DEFINITION 85 101 TERM 96 el cuarto DEFINITION 96 room TERM 97 el piso DEFINITION 97 floor;story TERM 98 el stano DEFINITION 98 basement TERM 99 el suelo DEFINITION 99 floor TERM 100 la planta baja DEFINITION 100 ground floor TERM 101 el primer piso DEFINITION 101 second floor TERM 102 el segundo piso DEFINITION 102 third floor TERM 103 el tercer piso DEFINITION 103 fourth floor TERM 104 el bao DEFINITION 104 bathroom TERM 105 el altillo DEFINITION 105 attic TERM 106 el techo DEFINITION 106 roof TERM 107 el dormitorio DEFINITION 107 bedroom TERM 108 la cocina DEFINITION 108 kitchen TERM 109 el garaje DEFINITION 109 garage TERM 110 la escalera DEFINITION 110 stairs TERM 121 la cosa DEFINITION 121 thing TERM 122 el cuadro DEFINITION 122 picture TERM 123 el mueble DEFINITION 123 piece of furniture TERM 124 los muebles DEFINITION 124 furniture TERM 125 el objecto DEFINITION 125 object TERM 126 amueblado/a DEFINITION 126 furnished TERM 127 arreglar DEFINITION 127 to straighten up; to fix TERM 128 ayudar DEFINITION 128 to help TERM 129 cocinar DEFINITION 129 to cook TERM 130 guardar DEFINITION 130 to put away; to keep TERM 131 hacer la cama DEFINITION 131 to make the bed TERM 132 lavar los platos DEFINITION 132 to wash dishes TERM 133 limpiar DEFINITION 133 to clean TERM 134 pasar la aspiradora DEFINITION 134 to vacuum TERM 135 poner la mesa DEFINITION 135 to set the table TERM 146 gris DEFINITION 146 grey TERM 147 azul DEFINITION 147 blue TERM 148 verde DEFINITION 148 green TERM 149 rojo DEFINITION 149 red TERM 150 calor DEFINITION 150 hot TERM 151 cuidado DEFINITION 151 careful TERM 152 xito DEFINITION 152 successful TERM 153 fro DEFINITION 153 cold TERM 154 hambre DEFINITION 154 hungry TERM 155 miedo DEFINITION 155 afraid TERM 156 prisa DEFINITION 156 hurry TERM 157 razn DEFINITION 157 right TERM 158 sed DEFINITION 158 thirsty TERM 159 sueo DEFINITION 159 sleepy TERM 160 suerte DEFINITION 160 lucky TERM 171 dcimo/a DEFINITION 171 tenth TERM 172 el teatro DEFINITION 172 theatre TERM 173 el museo DEFINITION 173 museum TERM 174 la iglesia DEFINITION 174 church TERM 175 el supermercado DEFINITION 175 supermarket TERM 176 el cine DEFINITION 176 movie theatre TERM 177 el cibercaf DEFINITION 177 internet cafe TERM 178 la ciudad DEFINITION 178 city TERM 179 la cuenta DEFINITION 179 bill; account TERM 180 la pelcula DEFINITION 180 movie TERM 181 el pueblo DEFINITION 181 town TERM 182 buscar DEFINITION 182 to look for TERM 183 mandar una carta DEFINITION 183 to send a letter TERM 184 saber DEFINITION 184 to knowConjugations sabemossabes sabissabe saben TERM 185 ir DEFINITION 185 to goConjugationvoy vamosvas vaisva van TERM 196 nunca DEFINITION 196 never TERM 197 Ser DEFINITION 197 Ser is used:* to describe physical or personality characteristics that remain relatively constant* to explain what or who someone or something is* to tell time, or to tell when or where an event takes place*to tell where someone is from and to express nationality TERM 198 Estar DEFINITION 198 estar is used:*to describe physical or personality characteristics that can change, or to indicate a change in condition* to describe the locations of people, places, and things TERM 199 Demonstrative adjectives DEFINITION 199 este, esta, estos, estas - this, theseese, esa, esos, esas - that, those over thereaquel, aquella, aquellos, aquellas - that, those (way) over there TERM 200 explaining how something is done DEFINITION 200 1. Add -mente to the feminine singular form of an adjective2. If an adjective ends in a consonant or in -e, simply add - mente TERM 201 la entrada DEFINITION 201 ticket TERM 202 el estreno DEFINITION 202 opening TERM 203 la pantalla DEFINITION 203 screen TERM 204 animada DEFINITION 204 animated TERM 205 conmovedora DEFINITION 205 moving TERM 206 deprimente DEFINITION 206 depressing TERM 207 entretenida DEFINITION 207 entertaining TERM 208 de espanto DEFINITION 208 scary TERM 209 estupenda DEFINITION 209 stupendous TERM 210 sorprendente DEFINITION 210 surprising TERM 221 la lechuga DEFINITION 221 lettuce TERM 222 el maz DEFINITION 222 corn TERM 223 el huevo DEFINITION 223 egg TERM 224 el bistec DEFINITION 224 steak TERM 225 la leche DEFINITION 225 milk TERM 226 el jamn DEFINITION 226 ham TERM 227 el desayuno DEFINITION 227 breakfast TERM 228 el almuerzo DEFINITION 228 lunch TERM 229 la merienda DEFINITION 229 snack TERM 230 la cena DEFINITION 230 dinner TERM 231 el ajo DEFINITION 231 garlic TERM 232 el arroz DEFINITION 232 rice TERM 233 los dulces DEFINITION 233 sweets; candy TERM 234 el yogur DEFINITION 234 yogurt TERM 235 cenar DEFINITION 235 to have dinner TERM 246 a la parrilla DEFINITION 246 grilled TERM 247 asado/a DEFINITION 247 roasted; grilled TERM 248 bien cocido/a DEFINITION 248 well-done TERM 249 bien hecho/a DEFINITION 249 well-cooked TERM 250 cocido/a DEFINITION 250 boiled; baked TERM 251 crudo/a DEFINITION 251 raw TERM 252 duro/a DEFINITION 252 hard-boiled TERM 253 fresco/a DEFINITION 253 fresh TERM 254 frito/a DEFINITION 254 fried TERM 255 hervido/a DEFINITION 255 boiled TERM 256 picante DEFINITION 256 spicy TERM 257 poco hecho/a DEFINITION 257 rare TERM 258 trmino medio DEFINITION 258 medium TERM 259 irregular verbs in preterite (talking about things that happened in the past) DEFINITION 259 andar (to walk) estar tener conducir (to drive) traeranduve estuve tuve conduje trajeanduviste estuviste tuviste condujiste trajisteanduvo estuvo tuvo condujo trajoanduvimos estuvimos tuvimos condujimos trajimosanduvisteis estuvisteis tuvisteis condujisteis trajisteisanduvieron estuvieron tuvieron condujeron trajerondecir ir/ser dar ver venir hacer querer poderdije fui di vi vine hice quise pudedijiste fuiste diste viste viniste hiciste quisiste pudistedijo fue dio vio vino hizo quiso pudodijimos fuimos dimos vimos vinimos hicimos quisimos pudimosdijisteis fuisteis disteisvisteis vinisteis hicisteisquisisteipudisteisdijeron fueron dieron vieron vinieron hicieron quisieron pudieronponer saberpuse supepusiste supistepuso supopusimos supimospusisteis supisteispusieron supieron TERM 260 more verbs in preterite DEFINITION 260 dormir pedir preferir(o -->ue --> u) (e --> i --> i) (e --> ie -- > i)dorm ped preferdormiste pediste preferistedurmi pidi prefiridormimos pedimos preferimosdormisteis pedisteis preferisteisdurmieron pidieron prefirieron TERM 271 pedir DEFINITION 271 to order TERM 272 reservar una mesa DEFINITION 272 to reserve a table TERM 273 saber bien/mal DEFINITION 273 to taste good/bad TERM 274 las flores DEFINITION 274 flowers TERM 275 las velas DEFINITION 275 candles TERM 276 al lado (de) DEFINITION 276 beside ; next to TERM 277 a la izquierda (de) DEFINITION 277 to the left (of) TERM 278 a la derecha (de) DEFINITION 278 to the right (of) TERM 279 cerca (de) DEFINITION 279 near TERM 280 debajo (de) DEFINITION 280 under ; underneath TERM 281 encima (de) DEFINITION 281 on top of ; above TERM 282 las aves DEFINITION 282 poultry TERM 283 el atn DEFINITION 283 tuna TERM 284 los camarones DEFINITION 284 shrimp TERM 285 los mariscos DEFINITION 285 shellfish TERM 296 el postre DEFINITION 296 dessert TERM 297 la torta DEFINITION 297 cake TERM 298 el agua con hielo DEFINITION 298 water with ice TERM 299 la cerveza DEFINITION 299 beer TERM 300 el jugo DEFINITION 300 juice TERM 301 el refresco DEFINITION 301 soft drink TERM 302 el t DEFINITION 302 tea TERM 303 el vino DEFINITION 303 wine TERM 304 el pan DEFINITION 304 bread TERM 305 la tostada DEFINITION 305 toast TERM 306 el aceite DEFINITION 306 oil TERM 307 el azcar DEFINITION 307 sugar TERM 308 la mantequilla DEFINITION 308 butter TERM 309 la mayonesa DEFINITION 309 mayonnaise TERM 310 la mermelada DEFINITION 310 jam; marmalade TERM 321 el men DEFINITION 321 menu TERM 322 el plato DEFINITION 322 plate; dish TERM 323 la servilleta DEFINITION 323 napkin TERM 324 la taza DEFINITION 324 cup TERM 325 el tenedor DEFINITION 325 fork TERM 326 el vaso DEFINITION 326 glass TERM 327 pagar DEFINITION 327 to pay TERM 328 pedir DEFINITION 328 to order TERM 329 llevar DEFINITION 329 to wear ; to take ; to carry TERM 330 prestar DEFINITION 330 to lend ; to loan TERM 331 la moda DEFINITION 331 fashion; style TERM 332 las prendas DEFINITION 332 articles of clothing TERM 333 indirect object pronouns (stating to whom and for whom things are done) DEFINITION 333 me to/ for mete to / for youle to / for him, hernos to / for usos, les to / for you all (vosotros), (Uds)les to/ for them TERM 334 encantar DEFINITION 334 to love; to like very much TERM 335 fascinar DEFINITION 335 to fascinate TERM 346 (in)cmodo/a DEFINITION 346 (un)comfortable TERM 347 estrecho/a DEFINITION 347 tight TERM 348 oscuro/a DEFINITION 348 dark TERM 349 quedarle bien/mal DEFINITION 349 to fit well/ badly TERM 350 imperfect (another past tense) (express habitual or ongoing past actions, provides descriptions, or describes conditions) DEFINITION 350 -ar: hablar -er: comer -ir: vivirhablaba coma vivahablabas comas vivashablaba coma vivahablbamos comamos vivamoshablabais comais vivaishablaban coman vivan TERM 351 3 irregular verbs in the imperfect DEFINITION 351 ir ser veriba era veaibas eras veasiba era veabamos ramos veamosibais erais veaisiban eran vean TERM 352 a menudo DEFINITION 352 often TERM 353 casi siempre DEFINITION 353 almost always TERM 354 frecuentemente DEFINITION 354 frequently TERM 355 generalmente DEFINITION 355 generally TERM 356 mientras DEFINITION 356 while TERM 357 muchas veces DEFINITION 357 many times TERM 358 normalmente DEFINITION 358 normally TERM 359 todos los das DEFINITION 359 every day TERM 360 el abrigo DEFINITION 360 overcoat TERM 371 la corbata DEFINITION 371 tie TERM 372 la falda DEFINITION 372 skirt TERM 373 la gorra DEFINITION 373 cap TERM 374 los guantes DEFINITION 374 gloves TERM 375 el impermeable DEFINITION 375 raincoat TERM 376 los jeans DEFINITION 376 jeans TERM 377 las medias DEFINITION 377 stockings; hose TERM 378 los pantalones DEFINITION 378 pants TERM 379 los pantalones cortos DEFINITION 379 shorts TERM 380 el paraguas DEFINITION 380 umbrella TERM 381 el pijama DEFINITION 381 pajamas TERM 382 las prendas DEFINITION 382 articles of clothing TERM 383 la ropa interior DEFINITION 383 underwear TERM 384 las sandalias DEFINITION 384 sandals TERM 385 el sombrero DEFINITION 385 hat TERM 396 la tela DEFINITION 396 fabric TERM 397 atrevido/a DEFINITION 397 daring TERM 398 de lunares DEFINITION 398 polka-dotted TERM 399 de rayas DEFINITION 399 striped TERM 400 elegante DEFINITION 400 elegant TERM 401 estampado/a DEFINITION 401 print; with a design or pattern TERM 402 liso/a DEFINITION 402 solid-colored TERM 403 oscuro/a DEFINITION 403 dark TERM 404 el/la modelo DEFINITION 404 model TERM 405 a menudo DEFINITION 405 often TERM 406 muchas veces DEFINITION 406 many times TERM 407 la cintura DEFINITION 407 waist TERM 408 el corazn DEFINITION 408 heart TERM 409 la garganta DEFINITION 409 throat TERM 410 el odo DEFINITION 410 inner ear TERM 421 callarse DEFINITION 421 to get/keep quiet TERM 422 cortarse DEFINITION 422 to cut oneself TERM 423 curarse DEFINITION 423 to be cured TERM 424 divertirse (e-->ie-->i) DEFINITION 424 to enjoy oneself; to have fun TERM 425 enfermarse DEFINITION 425 to get sick TERM 426 irse DEFINITION 426 to go away; to leave TERM 427 lastimarse DEFINITION 427 to get hurt TERM 428 lavarse DEFINITION 428 to wash oneself TERM 429 levantarse DEFINITION 429 to get up; to stand up TERM 430 llamarse DEFINITION 430 to be called TERM 431 mejorarse DEFINITION 431 to improve; to get better TERM 432 ponerse (la ropa) DEFINITION 432 to put on (one's clothes) TERM 433 ponerse (nervioso/a) DEFINITION 433 to get (nervous) TERM 434 probarse (o-->ue) la ropa DEFINITION 434 to try on clothing TERM 435 quedarse DEFINITION 435 to stay; to remain TERM 446 el anticido DEFINITION 446 antacid TERM 447 el antibitico DEFINITION 447 antibiotic TERM 448 la aspirina DEFINITION 448 aspirin TERM 449 la receta DEFINITION 449 prescription TERM 450 evitar DEFINITION 450 to avoid TERM 451 guardar cama DEFINITION 451 to stay in bed TERM 452 el dolor DEFINITION 452 pain TERM 453 la gripe DEFINITION 453 flu TERM 454 la herida DEFINITION 454 wound; injury TERM 455 las nuseas DEFINITION 455 nausea TERM 456 estornudar DEFINITION 456 to sneeze TERM 457 tener alergia (a) DEFINITION 457 to be allergic (to) TERM 458 tener (un) catarro, resfriado DEFINITION 458 to have a cold TERM 459 tener (la/una) gripe DEFINITION 459 to have the flu TERM 460 tener una infeccin DEFINITION 460 to have an infection TERM 471 When to use the imperfect DEFINITION 471 1. to express habitual or often repeated actions2. to express was/were + -ing3. to provide background information, set the stage, or express a pre-existing condition4. to tell time in the past5. to describe physical and emotional states or characteristics TERM 472 el brazo DEFINITION 472 arm TERM 473 el cuello DEFINITION 473 neck TERM 474 el cuerpo DEFINITION 474 body TERM 475 el dedo (de la mano) DEFINITION 475 finger TERM 476 el dedo (del pie) DEFINITION 476 toe TERM 477 la espalda DEFINITION 477 back TERM 478 el estmago DEFINITION 478 stomach TERM 479 la mano DEFINITION 479 hand TERM 480 la pierna DEFINITION 480 leg TERM 481 la boca DEFINITION 481 mouth TERM 482 la cabeza DEFINITION 482 head TERM 483 la cara DEFINITION 483 face TERM 484 el diente DEFINITION 484 tooth TERM 485 la nariz DEFINITION 485 nose
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