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Weight And Height Of Adults 18-74 Years Of Age, Schemes and Mind Maps of Statistics

Table 4 and figure 1 show that the mean weight of men in- creased from 165 pounds in age group 18-24 years to 178 pounds in age group 35-44 years.

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Download Weight And Height Of Adults 18-74 Years Of Age and more Schemes and Mind Maps Statistics in PDF only on Docsity! Data from the NATIONAL HEALTH SURVEY Weight And Height Of Adults 18-74 Years Of Age: United States, 1971-74 Weight and height measurements of white and bIack adults 18-74 years of age in the United States, 1971-74, are presented and dis- cussed by age, sex, and race and are also compared with measure- ments of adults of similar ages in the United States, 1960-62. DHEW Publication No. (PHS) 79-1659 U. S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND WELFARE Public Health Service Office of Health Research, Statistics, and Technology National Center for Health Statistics Hyattsvil Ie, Md. May 1979 Series 11 Number 211 ~ NATIONAL CENTER FOR HEALTH STATISTICS DOROTHY P. kICE, Director ROBERT A. ISRAEL, Deputy Director JACOB J. FELDMAN, Ph. D., Associate Director for Amdysk GAIL F. FISHER, Ph. D., Associate Director for the Cooperative Health Statistics System ROBERT A. ISRAEL, Acting Associate Director for Data Systems JAMES T. BAIRD, JR., Ph.D., Associate Director for Internatiomd Statistics ROBERT C. HUBER, Associate Director for Management MONROE G. SIRKEN, Ph. D., Associate Director for Mathematical .Stati.sties PETER L. HURLEY, Associate Director for Operations JAMES M. ROBEY, Ph.D., Associate Director for Program Development PAUL E. LEAVERTON, Ph. D., Associate Director for Research ALIICE HAYWOOD, Information Officer DIVISION OF HEALTH EXAMINATION STATISTICS ROBERT S. MURPHY, Director SIDNEY ABRAHAM, Chiej Nutrition Statistics Branch KURT R. MAURE~ Acting Chiej Survey planning and Devebpment Branch DIVISION OF OPERATIONS HENRY MILLER, Chief Health Examinatwn Fie~ Operations Branch COOPERATION OF THE U.S. BUREAU OF THE CENSUS In accordance with specifications established by the National Center for Health Statistics, the Bureau of the Census, under a contractual agreement, participated in the design and selection of the sample, and carried out the first stage of the field interviewing and certain pats of the statisticrd processing. Vital anal Health Statistics-Series 11-No. 211 DHEW Publication No. (PHS) 79-1659 Library of Congress Catalog Card Number 78-12621 SYMBOLS Data not available -------------------------------- --- Category not applicable ------------------------- . . . Quantity zero -------------------------------------- - Quantity more than Obut less than 0.05---- 0.0 Figure does not meet standards of reliabilityy or precision,—-----— ---------------- * 1 1 WEIGHT AND HEIGHT OF ADULTS 18-74 YEARS OF AGE Sidney Abraham, Clifford L. Johnson, and Matthew F. Najjar, Division of Health Examination Statistics INTRODUCTION T~e height and weight measurements in this report we~e obtained as a part of the Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (HANES). HANES is a program in which measures of nutritional status are collected for a scientif- ically designed sample representative of the civilian noninstitutionalized population of the United States in a broad range of ages, 1-74 years. The survey was also designed to obtain some information on the general health status of the entire age group as well as more detailed health assessment data on those 25 through 74 years of age. A detailed description of the specific content and plan of operation, including sample design, has been published. 1 In previous Health Examination Survey pro- grams, the U.S. Bureau of the Census cooperated in the sample design and in the initial visits and interviewing at selected eligible households in the 65 primary sampIing units (PSU’S) through- out the United States. Additional household visiting, interviewing, history taking, and ex- plaining the examination portion of the program were performed by members of the field teams of the mobile examination center. The selected 1National Center for Health Statistics: Plan and oper- ation of the Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, United States, 1971-1973. Vital and Health Statktics. DHEW Pub. No. (HSM) 73-1310. Series 1, Nos. 10a and 10b. Health Services and Mental Health Administration. Washington. U.S. Government Printing Office, Feb. 1973. sample persons for whom an appointment could be made were brought into the specially con- structed mobile examination centers which were moved into a central location in each of the PSU’S. The teams which traveled to the various survey locations throughout the country in- cluded professional and paraprofessional medical and dental examiners along with technicians, interviewers, and other staff. The probability sample design used in the study provided for a higher sampling ratio of the poor, preschool children, women of childbearing ages, and the elderly than of others in the civil- ian noninstitutionaIized population. Field data collection operations for the first HANES survey were started in April 1971 and completed in June 1974. Of the 28,043 persons aged 1-74 years who were selected in the national probability sampIe to represent the 194 million persons in that age group in the civiIian noninstitutionalized population, 20,749, or 74 percent, were examined. When adjustments are made for the differential sampling ratios used to ensure oversampling among the poor, preschool children, women of childbearing age, and the elderly, the effective response rate is 75 percent. Among those 18-74 years of age at the time of interview for whom height and weight determin- ations were made, there were 13,645 examined out of the probability sample of 19,572 selected to represent the 128 million persons of those ages in the population. This is an unadjusted response rate of 70 percent and an effective adjusted response rate of 70 percent. In this report, weight and height data are analyzed and discussed by age, sex, and race. The techniques of measurement are discussed. The present findings are compared with the Health Examination Survey (HES) of 1960-62.2 Analysis of weight and height studies with variables other than age, race, ancl sex will be presented in future reports. Consideration of body composition and configuration, of obesi~y, and of nutritional status will also be subjects of future reports. METHODS The examinees changed from their street clothing into disposable paper examination uni- forms and foam rubber slippers designed to facilitate and standardize various elements of the examination. Body measurements were made at various times throughout the day at each exam- ination center and in different seasons of the year; thus body measurements were not stand- ardized with regard to diurnal and seasonal variations. Weights vary between winter and summer and may differ depending upon recency of food and water intake. Height For persons aged 18-74 years, height was measured with the examinee wearing disposable foam rubber slippers, standing with feet tol- gether, back and heels against the upright bar of the height scale, head approximately in the Frank fort horizontal plant (“look straight ahead”), and erect (“stand up tall” or “stand up real straight” with some assistance and demon- s tration when necessary). However, upward pressure was not exerted by the examiner on the subject’s mastoid processes to purposefully “stretch everyone in a standard manner, ” as i~s recommended by some. 2National Center for Health Statistics: Weight, height, and selected body dimensions of adults, United States, 1960-1962, by H. W. Stoudt et al. Vital and Health Statistics. Series 1 l-No. 8. DHEW Pub. No,, (HRA) 76-1074. Health Resources Administration. Washington. U.S. Government Printing Office, June 1965. The equipment consisted of a Ievel[ platform to which was attached a vertical bar with a steel tape. Attached to the vertical bar peWendicu- larly was a horizontal bar which was brought down snugly on the examinee’s head. Attached to another bar in the same plane as the’ horizo- ntal measuring bar was a Polaroid camera which recorded the subject’s identification number next to the pointer on the scale giving a precise reading. The camera not only gave a permanent record minimizing observer and recording error but, by sliding up and down with a h,brizontal bar and always being in the same plane, also completely eliminated parallax. That is, if the pointer had been in the space in front of the scale, it would have been read too high if the observer had looked up at the scale from beIow or too low if read down from above. Weight A Toledo self-balancing scale that mechan- ically printed the weight to one-quarter of a pound directIy onto the permanent record was used. This direct printing was used to minimize observer and recording errors. The scale was calibrated with a set of known weights, 1and any necessary fine adjustments were made at the beginning of each new trailer location, i.e., approximately every month. The r’ecorded weight was later transferred to a punched card to the nearest 0.25 pound (lb.). The total weights of all clothing worn ranged from 0.20 to 0.62 lb.; this was not deducted from weights presented in this report. (The weights, then, are 0.20 to 0.62 lb. above nude weight recorded to the nearest 0.25 lb.). The examination clothing used was the same throughout the year so there is no seasonal variation in the weight of clothing. FINDINGS Weight Age and sex. –The estimated numbers and percent distributions of men and women aged 18-74 years in each of the weight gropps are presented in tables 1-3. Table 4 summarizes these distributions in terms of basic statistics for examined persons by age for men and women. 2 and 5th percentiles, which represents about 90 Percent of the men in the ~o~ulation. This pattern is also compared with Height 4A observed for black women when white women. Age and sex. –The estimated numbers and percent distributions of men and women aged 18-74 years by height are presented in tables 12-14. Table 15 and figure 5 summarize these distributions in terms of basic statistics for examined persons by age for men and women. The meam height for men aged 18-74 years was 69.0 inches. The highest mean height, 69.7 inches, was found in the youngest age group, 18-24 years, and is 2.4 inches taller than the mean height in age group 65-74 years, 67.3 inches. This corresponds with a small decrease in height with increasing age, which averages less than one-half inch per decade of age over the range 18-74 years, For women the mean height was 63.6 inchei, 5.4 inches less than the mean height for men. Th? mean height for women was highest, 64.3 inches, in the youngest age group, as it was for men. The mean height decreased sIightIy to 64.1 inches at 25-34 years, remained constant at 35-44 years, and then declined to 63.6 inches at 45-54 years, 62.8 inches at 55-64 years, and 62.3 inches in the oldest age group, 65 years and over. The difference between the youngest and oldest age group is 2.0 inches. The decrease in height with age averages less than one-half inch per decade over the age range of 18-74 years (figure 5). The age patterns of men and women de- scribed previoudy for the mean height were also generally evident when the percentiles at the upper and lower ends of the distribution were examined (figure 6). Race, sex, and age. –The estimated popula- tion of white and black adults by height is presented in tables 16-19 and equivalently as percent distributions in tables 20 and 21. hiean heights are shown by age for white and black men and women in table 22 and figure 7. In each of the five age groups in the age range 18-64 years, white men were taller than black men, The average difference between heights of 70 1 ‘Y 67 66 : 8 ~ 65 ; WOMEN 584 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . g . . . ----- Y 63 .. . . ““..... . . . . . . 62 61 @l [ } o I I I I I I 18.24 2534 35-44 45.54 55.64 65.74 AGE IN YEARS Figure 5. Mean height in inches of adults 18-74 years, by age and sex: United States, 1971-74 - ~vhite and black men in these age groups was about one-haIf inch, ~vhich difference could be attributed to sampling variability. At age group 65-74 years, the mean height for black and white men was the same. This pattern by age and race is not observed for women, but average differences for women, as for men, were small. At age groups 18-24 and 25-3-+ years, white \vomen tvere, on the average, 0.25 inch taller than black women. At ages 35-44 years, black women ~yere f). 1 inch ta]]er thm white women; at ages 45-54 years, they were 0.2 inch taller; and at ages 65-74 years, they were 0.3 inch taIler. At ages 55-64 years, the mean height for both races was the same. Small differences such as these couId easily arise through sampling error, and there seems to be no justification for stating that there is any difference in average height between black and white women. The decrease in mean heigh~ with age shown previously for the total population of men is also obsened for black and white men sepa- rately. This pattern is also et’iclent for black and white women with the exception of the mean height for black women at age 35-44 years. 5 “r MEN WOMEN I 62 60 5a / o~J 18,24 25-34 25.44 45.64 55.64 65.74 AGE IN YEARS ‘T 1,- 74 72 70 ~ ~E : ~~: : ~:; o 18.24 2S-34 3544 45.54 5S.64 65.74 AGE IN YEARS Figure 6. Selected estimated percentiles of heignt distribution in inches of adults 18-74 years, by age and sex: United Statesr 1971-74 Here, there is an increase in height and then a 67 [ MEN — White 66 --- Black WOMEN E ~ -- White ~ 65 .. . . . . a[~~k o- 16.24 25.34 35.44 65.74 AGE IN YEARS Figure 7. Mean height in inches of adults 18-7’4 years, by age, sex, and race: United States, 1971-74 decline. Interracial differences for men of ages 45-74 years were greater at the upper end of the height distribution than at the lower end. This picture was reversed for men at the Iower ages. The interracial differences in height, however, were small and could easily arise through sampling error (figure 8). The differences between white and bIack women discussed previously for the mean of the height distribution were also observed at about the same order of magnitude for the Iower end of the distribution, for the median, and for the upper end of the distribution (figure 8). Comparison With the Health Examination Survev (1960-62) Comparison is made here of the present find- ings for the adult population of the United States with those from the previous Health Examination Survey, 1960-62. Table ~!3 shows the number of persons examined with height and weight measurements 1960-62 and 1971-74. by sex and age for 6 ........ MEN 90th EOth 60 5a I O}tl 16.24 25.34 35.44 45.54 55.64 65+’4 AGE IN YEARS Whke filack wOMEN 74 - 72 - 70 - es - 66 - ““--”-”””---~eoth 64 - .. .. . .... ... .. .. .. ...- ~~. *~ 62 - . .. ...~——=mww.. 60 - ~L= ,~h 5B- &z I I I I I I 18.24 25.34 35-s4 4.%54 5544 se-74 AGEIN YEARS Figure 8. Selected estimated percentiles of height distribution in inches of men end women 18-74 years, by age and race: United States, 1971-74 Findings from the present study show that aduIts in the United States weighed more, on the average, than their counterparts in 1960-62. The HANES data on weights for men are consist- ently higher by an average of 6 pounds across the age range 18-74 years; for women, they are higher by an average of 3 pounds for this age range. The pattern of differences in average weight for men shows a slight variation with age. The differences ranged from an average of 5 pounds in ages 45-54 years to an average of 8 pounds in ages 35-44 years. For women, the differences in average weight ranged from less than 1 pound in ages 55-64 years to an average of 6 pounds in ages 25-44 years (table 23, figure 9). Tables 24 and 25 show cumulative percent distributions of weight for men and women by age in 1960-62 and 1971-74. In the most recent survey, 1971-74, the percent of men in each age group at the cutoff points indicated were greater than the corresponding percents of those in HES, 1960-62. This observation was also generally true for women with the exception of women ages 45 years and oIder. The pattern of differences in weight at various cutoff points found between the two surveys for total maJe adults in the United States was also consistently found for white males (table 26) but not for black males. Relatively HES,19S0-62 --- Men --- Women HANES,1971.74 — Mm --- Wonwn ~----- --- 0 0 , .-----..-”*~-,/ ...... “%: // /~’;..-”.””””””-.-.. ,/’ #..-.... .... I I I I t I 18.24 2534 S5-44 .4554 55.64 65.74 AGEIN YEARS Figure 9. Mean weight in pounds of adults 16-74 years, by age and sex in HES (1 860-62) and HANES (1971-74): United States L J 7 r 10, 5 0 .5 1.0 k z : 1,5 E 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4,0 0,6 n HES Men W,3men Ellis 126 3.6 I I I I I I 1824 2534 3544 4554 5564 6574 AGE IN YEARS 1.0 HANES r 1 .5 0.14 0.31 0.31..L 0,86 1.0 — 1,5 — .2.0 — 2.0 .2.5 – 2.3 3,0 1- 3.5 } I3,1 1,4 .,,0 ~ 1824 2534 35.44 45.54 5564 ‘65.74 AGE IN YEARS Figure 12. Relative change in height with age over the mean for men and women 18-74 years in HES (1960-62) and HANES (1971-74); United States pared with 10 percent of persons not examined. The percent of examined persons who reported ever being told by a doctor that they had arthri- tis was 20 percent; the proportion for high blood pressure was 18 percent; and the propor- tion for diabetes was 4 percent. The correspond- ing percents for nonexamined persons were: arthritis, 18 percent; high blood pressure, 22 percent; and diabetes, 4 percent. Measurement processes employed in both surveys for heights and weights were similar, highly standardized, and closely controlled. Two pounds were deducted from HES data to allow for weight of clothing. Total weights of all cloth- ing for HANES ranged from 0.20 to 0.62 pound, which was not deducted from weight. In both surveys, height was measured without shoes. SUMMARY Findings on height and weight among adults in the civilian noninstitutionaIized population of the United States obtained in the Health and Nutrition Examination Survey of 1971-74 are presented and analyzed in this report. Major findings are as follows: . Men average 172 pounds in weight, with about 90 percent falling between 128 and 225 pounds. Weight decreases with age from the maximum average of 178 pounds for those 35-44 years of age to 164 pounds at 65-74 years. . For white men, the average weight is 173 pounds, with about 90 percent falling between 129 and 224 pounds. Their maximum and minimum average weight is simiIar to that of all men within the same age group. . The average weight of black men decreases with age from the maximum average of 182 pounds for those 35-44 years of age to 161 pounds at 65-74 years. The overall average weight is 171 pounds, with about 90 percent falling between 125 and 239 pounds. ● Women average 143 pounds, with about 90 percent falIing between 104 and 203 pounds. Their maximum average weight is 149 pounds in the 45-64 year age group. ● White women average 142 pounds, with about 90 percent falling between 104 and 199 pounds. Their maximum average weight is 147 pounds for those 45-64 years of age, an increase of 15 pounds from 132 pounds at 18-24 years. ● About 90 percent of black women faII between 104 and 228 pounds, with an average of 156 pounds. The maximum average weight is 169 pounds for those 45-54 years of age, and 10 the minimum average weight is 138 pounds a’ 18-24 years. ● Men average 69.0 inches in height, ~vitli some 90 percent between 64.4 and 73.6 inches Their average height decreases with age from a masimum of 69.7 inches to to 67.3 inches. . The average height for ~vhite men is simila’ to that of all men, 69.1 inches, with about 9( percent falling bet-ween 64.6 and 73.6 inche: The average height of white men ranges from -i maximum of 69.8 inches at ages 18-24 years to 67.3 inches in the oldest age group. . Black men average 68.6 inches, with about 90 percent between 64.1 inches and 73.3 inches. Average height decreases with age from a mzw- imum of 69,5 inches to 67.3 inches. . Women average 63,6 inches in height. Ho\v- ever, there is a general decline in stature with age, beginning with 64.3 inches at 18-24 years and falling to 62.3 inches at 65-74 years. About 90 percent of all adult women are between 59.5 and 67.8 inches in height. . For white women, the average height is 63.7 inches, ~vith some 90 percent between 59.5 and 67.8 64.3 62.3 inches. The m~ximum average height is inches at ages 18-24 years and declines to inches at ages 65-74 years. . For black women, the average height is 63.7 inches, with some 90 percent between 59.6 and 67.8 inches. The maximum average height of 64.2 inches at ages 35-44 years declines to 62.6 inches at ages 65-74 years. ● For the age range 18-74 years, about 50 percent of men are 69.0 inches or taller and 45 percent of women are 64.0 inches or taller in HANES as compared with 38 percent of men and 37 percent of women in HES. ● For the age range 18-74 years, about 49 percent of the men are 170 pounds or more and 45 percent of the women are 140 pounds or more in HANES as compared with 45 percent of men and 45 percent of women in HES. . At ages 18 through 44 years, there is a greater percent of women weighing 170 pounds or more in HANES than in HES; relatively more \vomen, particularly black women, are heavy, possible obese, than was the case about 10 yews ago. . The masimum average weight of women in HES, 150 pounds, is in the 55-64 year age group, or about 20 years later than that for men. The m~ximum weight for women in HANES occurs in 45-64 years, or about 10 years Iater than that for men. —ooo — 11 LIST C)F DETAILED TABLES 1. Estimated number of men aged 18-74 years, by age and weight: United States, 1971-74. . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . , . . . . 2. Estimated number of women aged 18-74 years, by age and waight: United States, 1971-74 . . . . . . , . . . . . . , . . ~ . 3. Percent distribution of adults aged 18-74 year~by sex and weight, according to age: United States, 1971-74 . . . . . . . . . . 4. Waight in pounds of adults aged 18-74 years, by sex and age: sample size, estimated population in thousands, maan, standard deviation, standard error of the mean, and selected percentiles: United States, 1971-74. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5. Estimated number of white men aged 18-74 years, by age ancl weight: United States, 1971-74. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6. Estimated number of black men aged 18-74 yaars, by age and weight: United States, 197? -74. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7. Estimated number of white women aged 18-74 years, by age and weight: United States, 1971-74. . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . 8. Estimated number of black women aged 18-74 years, by age =Ind weight: United States, 1971-74. . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . 9. Percent distribution of white adults aged 18-74 years by sex and weight, according to age: United States, 1971-74. . . . . . . 10, Percant distribution of black adults aged 18-74 years by sex and weight, according to age: United States, 1971-74. . . . . . . 11, Weight in pounds of adults aged 18-74 years, by sex, race, and age: sample size, estimated population in thousands, mean, standard deviation, standard error of the mean, and selected percentiles: United States, 1971-74 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12. Estimated number of men aged 18-74 years, by age and height: United States, 1971-74 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13. Estimated numbar of women aged 18-74 years, by age and height: United States, 1971-74. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14. Percent distribution of adults aged 18-74 years by sex and height, according to age: United States, 1971-74 . . . . . . . . . . 15, Height in inches of adults aged 18-74 years, by sex and aga: sample size, estimated population in thousands, mean, standard deviation, standard error of the mean, and selected percentiles: United States, 1971-74. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16. Estimated number of white men aged 18-74 years, by age and height: United States, 1971-74. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17. Estimated number of black men aged 18-74 years, by age and height: United States, 1971-74. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18. Estimated number of white women aged 18-74 years, by age and height: United States, 1971-74 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i 19. Estimated number of black women aged 18-74 years, by age and height: United States, 1971-74 . . . . . . .“. . . . . . . . . , 20. Percent distribution of white adults aged 18-74 years by sex and height, according to age: United States, 1971-74. . . , . . . 21. Percent distribution of black adults aged 18-74 years by sex and height, according to aga: United States, 1971-74. . . , . . . 22. Height in inches of adults aged 18-74 years, by sex, rata, and age: sample size, estimated population in thousands, mean, standard deviation, standard error of the mean, and selacted percentiles: United States, 1971-74 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23. Comparison of mean height? and weights in HES (196062) anc[ HANES (1971 -74), by sex and age: United States . . . , . . . 24. Cumulative percent distribution of weight in pounds of men, in HES (1960-62) and HANES (1971 -74), by age: Unitecl States . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 12 Table 2. Estimated number of women agedl~~i7$4years, by age and weight: United States, Weight in pounds All weights----------- Less than 90---------------- 90-99----------------------- 100-109--------------------- 110-119--------------------- 120-129--------------------- 130-139--------------------- 140-149--------------------- 150-159--------------------- 160-169--------------------- 170-179--------------------- 180-189--------------------- 190-199--------------------- 200-209--------------------- 210-219--------------------- 220-229--------------------- 230-239--------------------- 240-249--------------------- 250-259--------------------- 260-269--------------------- 276-279--------------------- 280 or more----------------- Age of women w 35-44 45-54 years years Estimated number in thousands 554 1,585 4,516 8,722 10,733 11,364 8,084 6,021 4,994 3,404 2,301 1,857 1,022 929 535 399 244 109 130 122 301 55-64 years 128 546 1,317 2,559 2,391 2,428 1,282 672 589 348 177 186 13,933 3% 1,200 2,147 2,669 2,298 1,450 970 634 657 439 238 223 121 165 x 49 27 H 11,576 1:; 527 1,314 1,966 2,011 1,390 1,109 750 576 428 349 248 249 104 111 71 ;; 1% 12,163 1:; 548 1,240 1,707 1,816 1,601 1,349 1,285 653 488 490 144 298 80 R :: 43 25 10,052 180 205 573 770 1,086 1,719 1,221 1,136 1,045 643 462 372 253 119 130 19 7 4i 62 65-74 years 7,277 1% 351 692 914 1,092 1,$:; 691 527 307 222 108 69 34 35 13 11 4 1; 15 Table 3. Percent distribution of adults aged 18-74 years by sex and weight, according to age: United States, 1971-74 Sex and weight in pounds Men All weights ----------- Less than 100--------------- 100-109--------------------- 110-119--------------------- 120-129--------------------- 130-139--------------------- 140-149--------------------- 150-159--------------------- 160-169--------------------- 170-179--------------------- 180-189--------------------- 190-199--------------------- 200-209--------------------- 210-219--------------------- 220-229--------------------- 230-239--------------------- 240-249--------------------- 250 or more----------------- Women All weights ----------- Less than 90---------------- 90-99----------------------- 100-109--------------------- 110-119--------------------- 120-129--------------------- 130-139--------------------- 140-149--------------------- 150-159--------------------- 160-169--------------------- 170-179--------------------- 180-189--------------------- 190-199--------------------- 200-209--------------------- 210-219--------------------- 220-229--------------------- 230-239-------------,------- 240-249--------------------- 250-259--------------------- 260-269--------------------- 270-279--------------------- 280 or more----------------- Age of adults a~ Percent distribution ----- ---- - Iuu.uu 0.14 0.66 1.35 3.84 6.30 10.13 13.85 14.37 13.68 11.37 8.42 5.50 3.81 2.69 1.43 0.72 1.74 100.00 0.80 2.32 6.60 12.77 15.75 16.68 11.95 8.93 7.37 5.01 3.42 2.7.6 1.52 1.39 0.79 0.59 0.36 0.17 0.19 0.17 0.46 lW.OU 0.54 1.76 5.75 9.36 15.45 16.41 15.46 10.21 7.67 7.00 3.12 2.85 2.29 1.44 0.64 1.05 100.00 0.99 4.28 10.18 19.74 18.30 18.70 9.99 5.33 4.58 2.66 1.38 ‘L.48 0.38 0.57 0.17 (1.56 0.10 0.10 0.15 0.07 0.29 100.00 0.3; 0.91 2.92 5.76 10.24 16.21 11.67 12.81 11.00 9.36 5.63 4.22 3.38 1.71 0.75 3.12 100.00 0.49 2.72 8.62 15.50 19.24 16.44 10.42 6.93 4.54 4.68 3.12 1.70 1.60 0.87 1.17 0.52 0.36 0.35 0.19 0.17 0.37 100.00 Ow 0.75 3.34 4.39 6.40 10.29 15.54 13.82 14.32 11.34 9.05 2.92 3.40 1.06 0.77 2.38 100.00 0.22 1.40 4.55 11.34 16.96 17.37 12.00 9.59 6.49 4.98 3.70. 3.01 2.14 2.15 0.90 0.96 0.62 0.12 0.22 0.34 0.94 100.00 0!;: 0.96 3.30 5.18 8.03 11.59 14.89 14.02 13.36 10.21 5.06 5.57 3.26 1.77 0.68 1.28 100.00 0.59 0.87 4.51 10.27 14.06 14.98 13.23 11.11 10.52 5.30 4.01 4.01 1.17 2.42 0.66 0.76 0.71 0.20 0.10 0.32 0.20 100.00 0.60 1.31 1.86 2.83 6.03 9.72 12.48 14.42 18.49 11.62 5.72 5.71 3.60 1.85 1.54 1.03 1.19 100.00 1.77 2.04 5.69 7.59 10.72 17.08 12.13 11.32 10.38 6.36 4.65 3.76 2.54 1.24 1.30 0.19 0.07 0.43 OR 100.00 0.36 1.39 2.59 5.83 7.68 11.21 16.98 14.90 ,14.11 9.63 6.17 3.66 3.38 0.68 0.57 0.28 0.58 100.00 1.10 2.57 4.82 9.51 12.54 15.01 35.66 10.79 9.49 7.25 4.21 :3.05 1.49 0.96 0.46 0.48 0.18 0.15 0.0 Ow NOTE: Percents may not add to 100.00 due to rounding. 16 Table 4. Weight in pounds of adults aged 18-74 years, by sex and age: estimated population in thousands, mean, standard deviation, standard mean, and selected percentiles: United States, 1971-74 Sex and age Men— L8-74 years--- 18-24 years--------- 25-34 years--------- 35-44 yeara--------- 45-54 yeara--------- 55-64 years--------- 65-74 years--------- Women 18-74 years--- 18-24 years--------- 25-34 yeazs--------- 35-44 years--------- 45-54 years--------- 55-64 years--------- 65-74 years--------- Sample size 5,260 772 804 665 765 597 1,657 8,411 1,524 1,896 1,:5; 670 1,822 Estimated popu]:tion thousands 61,091 11,753 13,002 10,692 l;,;M; 5;496 67,925 12,924 13,933 11,576 12,163 10,052 7,277 sample size, error of the I I I Standard Percentiles Mean Standard deviati.n :~;e: 5th 10th 25th 50th 75th 9Oth 95th 172 165 176 178 175 171 164 143 132 140 148 149 149 146 31.1 29.6 35.0 30.0 29.2 30.0 27.0 32,3 27.4 32.0 35.0 32.0 33.3 29.1 0.64 1.64 1.45 1.56 1.12 1.28 0.88 0.53 0.69 0.82 1.14 1.39 1.26 1.07 Weight in pounds 128 124 132 132 130 125 122 104 100 103 109 109 104 105 137 132 140 143 139 137 130 110 106 109 114 114 111 112 T 152 170 145 161 153 172 160 176 157 175 152 170 147 163 =k 114 128 119 132 124 139 127 145 128 144 126 142 189 180 193 196 192 187 180 159 142 152 163 164 166 163 211 204 217 213 215 208 198 185 163 181 195 191 191 183 225 222 233 225 225 222 211 203 181 202 215 213 203 195 NOTE: Total weights of all clothing ranged from 0.20 to 0.62 lb., which is not deducted from weights shown in table. 17 Table 7. Estimated number of white women aged 18-74 years, by age and weight: United States, 1971-74 Weight in pounds All weights----------- Less than 90---------------- 90-99----------------------- 100-109--------------------- 110-119--------------------- 120-129--------------------- 130-139--------------------- 140-149--------------------- 150-159--------------------- 160-169--------------------- 170-179--------------------- 180-189--------------------- 190-199--------------------- 200-209--------------------- 210-219--------------------- 220-229--------------------- 230-239--------------------- 240-249--------------------- 250-259--------------------- 260-269--------------------- 270-279--------------------- 280 or more----------------- Age of white women — .All ages 1/3-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64 65-74 18-74 years years years years years years years — Estimated number in thousands 60,011 496 1,345 3,968 8,053 9,937 10,138 7,332 5,274 4,324 2,859 1,875 1,531 804 685 437 317 179 :: 2;! 11,161—— 101 462 1,124 2,233 2,090 2,190 1,112 573 503 296 134 124 25 61 22 38 10 13 ; 32 —— 12,161 3!: 1,072 2,019 2,489 1,903 1,289 809 524 525 322 204 193 106 118 :: 49 :; 10,095 1:? 457 1,202 1,904 1,757 1,243 928 631 439 342 308 160 193 81 85 59 : l% 10,879 ;+ 504 1,194 1,559 1,676 1,508 1,232 1,090 506 438 408 120 227 x 49 23 8 1! 9,112 180 186 511 748 1,023 1,590 1,125 1,021 959 614 374 300 213 1:: 19 7 4i 1; 6,603 : J: 300 657 872 1,022 1,055 711 617 479 265 187 ;; 30 32 13 4 2 2 13 20 Table 8. Estimated number of black women aged 18-74 years, by age and weight: United States, 1971-74 Weight in pounds All weights----------- Less than 90---------------- 90-99----------------------- 100-109--------------------- 110-119--------------------- 120-129--------------------- 130-139--------------------- 140-149--------------------- 150-159--------------------- 160-169---------------------- 170-179--------------------- i80-i89--------------------- 190-199--------------------- 200-209--------------------- 210-219--------------------- 220-229--------------------- 230-239--------------------- 240-249--------------------- 250-259--------------------- 260-269--------------------- 270-279--------------------- 280 or more----------------- 3Allages 18-74 years 7,302 1%! 427 581 687 1,100 735 712 629 540 425 308 216 244 % 66 :: 47 82 Age of black women ~ Estimated number in thousands 1,578 27 1;; 305 265 226 162 88 ;; 43 54 21 11 3; 3 i : 1,646 2 109 1:: 356 154 160 110 132 118 24 30 :2 5 9 2; : 1,318 1>237 871 652 21 Table 9. Percent distribution of white adults aged 18-74 years by sex and weight, ac- cording to age: United States, 1971-74 Sex and weight in pounds Men All weights ----------- Less than 100--------------- 100-109--------------------- 110-119--------------------- 120-129--------------------- 130-139--------------------- 140-149--------------------- 150-159--------------------- 160-169--------------------- 170-179--------------------- 180-189--------------------- 190-199--------------------- 200-209--------------------- 210-219--------------------- 220-229--------------------- 230-239--------------------- 240-249--------------------- 250 or more ----------------- Women All weights ----------- Less than 90---------------- 90-99----------------------- 100-109--------------------- 110-119--------------------- 120-129--------------------- 130-139--------------------- 140-149--------------------- 150-159--------------------- 160-169--------------------- 170-179--------------------- 180-189--------------------- 190-199--------------------- 200-209--------------------- 210-219--------------------- 220-229--------------------- 230-239--------------------- 240-249--------------------- 250-259--------------A------ 260-269--------------------- 270-279--------------------- 280 or more ----------------- Percent distribution 100.00 0.15 0.68 1.06 3.61 5.64 9.61 13.81 14.59 14.15 12.12 8.63 5.68 3.87 2.86 1.30 0.73 1.51 100.00 0.81 2.22 6.56 13.34 16.52 16.84 12.27 8.85 7.24 :.:; 2:57 1.36 1.16 0.73 0.54 0.30 0.16 0.11 0.13 0.37 10CI.OO —— 0.59 1.62 4.76 9.17 15.04 16.71 15.80 10.09 7.98 6.62 3,18 2,,92 2.56 1.66 0,74 0.56 100.00 —— 0.89 4.18 10.06 20.01 18.52 19.,61 10.04 5.26 4.!51 2.60 1.1.8 1.1.2 0.2!4 0.55 0.20 0.35 0.10 0.12 0.09 0.07 0.30 100.00 0.21 0.24 2.58 5.20 9.99 15.85 11.70 13.47 12.07 9.41 6.14 4.13 3.73 1.41 0.85 3.02 100.00 0.38 ;.:; 16:60 20.47 15.65 10.60 6.66 4.30 4.32 2.65 1.67 1.59 0.88 0.97 0.55 0.33 0.41 0.18 0.38 100.00 0.2: 0.42 3.40 3.50 5.98 10.84 16.13 14.11 15.26 10.86 9.27 2.67 3.73 0.70 0.84 2.08 100.00 0.22 1.39 4.53 11.90 18.87 17.40 12.32 9.19 6.25 4.35 3.39 3.04 1.59 1.92 0.80 0.84 0.59 0.08 0:3: 1.01 100.00 0.09 0.81 0.93 3.49 3.84 7.41 11.64 14.40 14.63 14.23 10.82 5.13 5.90 3.10 1.75 0.68 1.15 100.00 0.65 0.89 4.63 10.98 14.33 15.41 13.86 11.32 10.03 4.65 4.02 3.75 1.10 2.09 0.70 0.69 0.45 0.21 0.07 0.07 0.10 100.00 0.65 1.39 1.63 2.97 5.97 8.81 11.67 14.96 19.17 12.07 6.06 5.66 3.93 2.03 1.36 0.72 0.95 100.00 1.97 2.04 5.60 8.21 11.23 17.46 12.35 11.20 10.52 6.74 4.11 3.28 2.34 0.75 1.21 0.20 0.08 0.4; o~ifl 100.00 0.37 1.39 2.49 5.31 7.03 11.02 17.26 15.35 14.71 10.01 6.15 3.64 3.27 0.66 0.47 0.32 0.55 100.00 1.15 2.18 4.55 9.95 1!3.21 15.48 15.96 10.77 9.34 7.26 4.02 2.83 1.41 0.44 10.45 0.49 0.19 0.07 0.0 O’M NOTE: Percents may not add to 100.00 due to rounding. 22 Table 12. Estimated number of men aged 18-74 years, by age and height: United States, 1971-74 Height in inches All heights----------- Less than 60---------------- 60--------------------------- -------------------------- %-------------------------- 63-------------------------- 64-------------------------- 65-------------------------- 66-------------------------- 67-------------------------- 68-------------------------- 69-------------------------- 70------------------------..- 71-------------------------- 72-------------------------- 73-------------------------- -------------------------- ;;-------------------------- 76 or more------------------ Age of men All ages 18-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64 65-74 18-74 years years years years years years years Estimated number in thousands %lR 152 646 I 14; 1,218 120 2,167 3,867 6,004 7,558 8,352 8,642 7.555 5 1 1 :,——— ,494 1;342 ;,;;: 871 , 764 1;154 329 417 112 552 260 It 13,002 1; :: 273 383 546 1,217 1,305 1,404 2,045 1,763 1,192 1,142 931 366 177 216 10,692 4; 47 2:: 299 525 986 1,241 1,603 1,537 1,343 1,127 883 465 1:; 30 11,150 18 3 1:: 211 290 764 1,076 1,605 1,719 1,595 1,34s 817 870 425 173 % 8,998 20 23 1;: 192 485 757 1,090 1,439 1,313 1,241 841 834 325 195 70 2: 5,496 % lx 222 498 726 746 828 812 558 459 182 179 26 18 1 25 Table 13. Estimated number ofwomen age<~l~~i7$4years, by age and height: United Stat-, Height in inches All heights ----------- Less than 55---------------- 55-------------------------- ----”-”------------------- %’------------------------ 58------------------.------- 59-------------------------- -------------------------- w------------------------- 62-------------------------- 63-------------------------- -------------------------- :2-------------------------- 66-------------------------- 67-------------------------- 68-------------------------- 69-------------------------- 70-------------------------- 71 or more ------------------ Age of women All ages 18-24 25-34 35-44 45+4 55-64 65-74 18-74 years years years years years years years Estimated number in thousands 67,925 33 155 216 536 1,105 2,503 4,583 7,494 10,165 10,315 10,150 9,078 5,325 3,134 1,819 744 347 225 :12,924— 10 1; 1;: 248 561 1,039 1,689 1,963 1,982 2,151 1,257 887 431 244 113 95 13,933[ 11,576, 4 1; 2; 8; 159 1:: 295 427 528 689 1,444 966 2,082 1,555 2,256 1,654 1>943 1,891 2,046 1,829 1,381 977 842 637 539 458 161 197 113 73 40] 49 12,163 4; 27 4% 1,003 1,258 1,969 1,841 2,118 1,450 1,031 488 228 90 31 34 10,052 106 lx 323 M; 1,613 1,565 1,570 1,438 1,032 428 189 85 u 4 7,277 13 27 2?): 297 482 907 1,174 1,305 1,031 778 570 2;; E! ; 26 Table 14. Percent distribution of adults aged 18-74 years by sex and height, according to age: United States, 1971-74 Sex and height in inches Men All heights----------- Less than 60---------------- 60------.------------------- 62-------------------------- 63-------------------------- 64-------------------------- 65-------------------------- 66-------------------------- 67-------------------------- 69-------------------------- -----------------.-------- ;$!------.------------------- 72-----------------.-------- -------------------------- ;:-------------.------------ 75------------------..------ 76 or more------------------ Women All heights----------- Less than 55---------------- 55-------------------------- -------------------------- R------------------------- 58-------------------------- 59----.--------------------- 60----------.----------.---- -------------..------------ :;-------------------------- 63-------------------.------ ------------.-----,.------ 2;----------.----------.---- 66-------------------------- 67-------------------------- 68-------------------------- 69-------------------------- 70-------------------------- 71 or more------------------ Age of adults All ages 18-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64 65-74 18-74 years years years years years years years Percent distribution 100.00 0.13 0.27 0.25 1.05 1.99 3.59 6.35 9.87 12.35 13.69 14.14 12.34 9.01 6.97 4.55 1.87 0.68 0.90 100.00 0.05 0.23 0.32 0.79 1.63 3.73 6.79 11.06 14.99 15.17 14.94 13.30 7.83 4.58 2.68 1.08 0.51 0.32 100.OC 0.3; 0.05 1.28 0.98 1.81 4.68 7.72 9.51 12.62 14.2C 15.31 11.59 7.41 6.38 2.86 0.95 2.30 100.00 0.08 o!i~ 0.55 1.28 1.96 4.48 8.10 13.14 15.17 15.37 16.42 9.72 6.83 3.30 i.84 0.86 0.71 100.00 0.1; 0.08 0.10 2.11 3.11 4.27 9.34 10.07 10.82 15.68 13.49 9.11 8.76 7.08 2.81 1.36 1.64 100.00 0.0 0.13 0%! 1.13 2.13 3.80 10.36 14.92 16.16 13.93 14.68 9.93 6.05 3.88 1.17 0.81 0.29 100.00 0.07 0.36 0.42 0.73 1.85 2.80 4.86 9.27 11.48 15.13 14.42 12.66 10.66 8.15 4.43 1.74 0.68 0.29 100.00 0:6: 0.23 0.27 0.92 3.70 5.95 8.34 13.42 14;29 16.34 15.80 8.43 5.51 3.95 1,70 0.63 0.42 100.OC 0.16 0.0: 0.27 1.27 1.8S 2.61 6.85 9.64 14.41 15.44 14.3C 12.02 7.33 7.79 3.80 1.55 0.45 0.19 100.00 0.3; 0.22 0.47 4.07 8.24 10.39 16.13 15.15 17.42 11.93 8.48 3.98 1.88 0.74 0.27 0.28 100.00 0.22 0.26 0.13 1.47 2.13 5.39 8.41 12.13 15.98 14.59 13.80 9.32 9.28 3.62 2.17 0.77 0.06 0.27 100.00 1.0; 0.75 1.22 3.23 5.60 8.86 16.04 15.57 15.56 14.24 10.30 4.29 1.89 0.85 0.37 0.16 0.0 100.00 0.58 0.73 0.83 2.25 4.05 9.05 13.20 13.57 15.07 14.77 10.15 8.36 3.30 3.27 0.48 0.33 0.0 100.00 0.18 0.37 0.69 2.80 4.09 6.62 12.46 16.12 17.96 14.17 10.69 7.84 3.43 1.25 1.08 0.21 0.; NOTE: Percents may not add to 100.00 due to rounding. 27 Table 18. Estimated number of white women aged 18-74 years, by age and height: United States, 1971-74 Heighr in inches All heights----------- Less than 55---------------- 55-------------------------- -------------------------- %------------------------- 58-------------------------- 59-------------------------- 60-------------------------- 61-------------------------- ------------.------------- 2:-------------------------- 64-------------------------- 65-------------------------- 66-------------------------- 67-------------------------- 68-------------------------- 69-------------------------- 70-------------------------- 71 or more------------------ Age of white women All ages 18-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64 65-74 18-74 years years years years years years years Estimated number in thousands 60,011 11,161 10 1;: 4 210 16 484 913 1;; 2,144 208 4,036 420 6,745 901 8,881 1,,418 9,139 1:,712 8,924 1,,713 8,026 1,870 4,796 1,112 2,761 797 1,633 395 654 226 303 211 :2 12,161 1! 1;: 260 464 1,249 1,793 1,916 1,694 1,788 1,258 739 489 152 x’ 10,095 4 2; :: 306 581 889 1,409 1,448 1,567 1,641 901 580 393 146 x 10,879 4; 23 4;; 886 1,186 1,693 1,657 1,902 1,302 925 405 207 :: 34 9,112 6i 1;: 278 479 847 1,471 1,394 1,463 1,339 914 369 164 ;: 17 4 6,603 9 :; 184 275 437 838 1,049 ,1,174 943 709 511 231 76 76 15 30 Table 19. Estimated number of black women aged 18-74 years, by age and height: United States, 1971-74 Height in inches All heights ----------- Less than 55---------------- 55-------------------------- 56-------------------------- 57-------------------------- 58-------------------------- ----------------.--------- %--------------------------- 61-------------------------- -------- -------- --------- - x-------------------------- -------- -------- -------- -. %-------------------------- 66-------------------------- -------- -------- -------- -- 2;-------------------------- 69-------- -------- -------- -. 70-------------------------- 71 or more ------------------ Age of black women All ages 18-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64 65-74 18-74 years years years years years years years Estimated number in thousands 7,302 3; 3 1:: 236 470 717 1,197 1>116 1,176 1,010 509 353 187 R 14 1,578 1,6461 1,318 1 2 3: 33 1% 267 293 223 i 13 55 86 lx 206 323 250 189 123 76 102 50 2; 10 50 15 11 -1 - 871 652 32 1 2; ;; 41 :: 142 1% 171 131 107 88 69 R 59 59 19 Table 20. Percent distribution of white adults aged 18-74 years by sex and height, ac- cording to age: United States, 1971-74 Sex and heigh~ in inches Men All heights ----------- Less than 60---------------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - -- - El------------------------- 62-------------------------- - -- - - - - - -- ---- - - - - ---- - - - - 2:-------------------------- 65-------------------------- 66-------------------------- 67-------------------------- 68-------------------------- 69-------------------------- 70-------------------------- ------ ------ ------ ------ -- ;; - -- - - -- - - - - --- - - - - - - - - - - - - 73 - - -- -- - - - -- - - - - - -- - - - - - - -- - - --- ---- - - -- - - - - - - - -- - - - - ;;-------------------------- 76 or more ------------------ Women All heights ----------- ;;ss than 55 - - -- - - - - - - - - - - -- ------ ------ ------ ------ -- 56-------------------------- -- - - - -- - - -- - - -- -- - -- -- --- - U-------------------------- 59-------------------------- 60 - - - - - - -- - . - - -- - - - - - -- -- -- - 61-------------------------- 62-------------------------- - - - - - - -- - - -- - -- - - - - - -- - - - - ::-------------------------- 65-------------------------- - - - - -- - - - -- ---- - - -- - - - -- - - %-------------------------- 68-------------------------- 69-------------------------- 70-------------------------- 71 or more ------------------ Age of white adults !!zlEE$z@EEz Percent distribu~ion 100.00 0.14 0.24 0.22 0.99 1.84 3.19 6.24 9.93 11.94 13.82 14.38 12.51 9.18 7.05 4.79 1.84 0.70 1.00 100.00 0.05 0.20 0.35 0.81 1.52 3.59 6.77 11.27 14.83 15.22 14..88 13.32 7.98 4.58 2.72 1.07 0.50 0.34 100.00 0.4; 0.06 1.21 0.63 1.35 4.58 7.61 9.32 12.91 14.84 15.42 11.18 7.35 6.49 2.90 1.10 2.65 100.00 ().09 o!i! CI.48 1.14 1.90 3.84 8.14 12.75 15.33 15.40 16.57 9.97 7.13 3.53 1.99 0.83 0,72 100.00 0.0; 0.12 1.98 1.77 3.72 9.56 9.68 10.63 16.03 14.07 9.59 8.97 7.68 2.91 1.33 1.87 100.00 0.05 0.14 0.6; 0.98 2.14 3.81 10.28 14.74 15.76 13.93 14.70 10.33 6.08 4.03 1.24 0.81 0.33 100.00 0.07 0.28 0.37 0.31 1.73 2.83 4.68 9.25 10.96 15.80 14.59 13.09 11.15 7.72 4.85 1.25 0.76 0.31 100.00 0%; 0.27 0.22 0.63 3.03 5.75 8.81 13.95 14.35 15.52 16.25 8.93 5.74 3.90 1.45 0.61 0.48 NOTE: Percents may not add to 100.00 due to rounding. 100.00——.— 0.18 OW 1.41 1.69 2.40 6.96 9.27 13.48 15.32 14.55 12.46 7.34 8.26 4.11 1.70 0.41 0.18 100.00 0.3; 0.22 0.45 4.18 8.15 10.90 15.56 15.23 17.48 11.96 8.51 3.72 1.90 0.76 0.29 0.31 100.00 0.24 0.28 0.12 1,47 2.09 5.18 8.47 12.53 15.85 14.29 13.88 8.70 9.66 3.84 2.19 0.85 0.06 0.30 100.00 0.75 0.83 1.36 3.06 5.27 9.29 16.14 15.29 16.05 14.69 10.03 4.05 1.80 0.80 0.36 0.19 0.0 100.00 0.61 0.76 0.65 2.18 4.00 9.18 13.14 13.83 14.66 15.04 9.84 8.42 3.34 3.55 ~ W 100.00 0.13 0.41 0.75 2.78 4.16 6.62 ‘12.69 15.88 17.79 14.29 10.73 7.75 3.48 1.15 1.16 0.23 32 Table 23. Comparison of mean heights and weights in HES (1960-62) and HANES (1971-74), by sex and age: United States Age 18-74 years------------ 18-24 years------------------ 25-34 years------------------ 35-44 yeara------------------ 45-54 yeara------------------ 55-64 years------------------ 65-74 yeara------------------ Age 18-74 years------------ 18-24 yeara------------------ 25-34 yeara------------------ 35-44 years------------------ 45-54 years------------------ 55-64 years------------------ 65-74 yeara------------------ Sax and height Men Women 1960-62 1971-74 1960-62 1971-74 Exceaa Excess Number of Mean Number Mean H& Ntm$er Mean Number Mean of height HANES of height over height of height over examined . examined in HES examined in examined in HES persons inXea persona inches persona inches persona inches 3,019 68.3 5,260 69.0 +0.7 3,511 63.1 8,411 63.6 +0.5 411 68.7 772 ;9.7 +1.0 675 534 63.8 69.1 1,524 64.3 +0.5 804 69.6 +0.5 746 63.7 703 68.5 1,896 64.1 +0.4 665 69.1 +0.6 784 547 63.5 68.2 1,663 64.1 +0.6 765 68.9 +0.7 418 705 62.9 67.4 597 836 68.3 +0.9 63.6 +0.7 265 443 62.4 66.9 670 1,657 67.3 +0.4 “299 62.8 +0.4 61.5 1,822 62.3 +0.8 Sex and weight Men 1960-62 1971-74 Excess I I of 3>019 166 5,260 172 % I 1 ! 1 411 158 I 772 165 - 675 169 804 176 :; 703 170 665 178 +E 547 170 765 175 +5- 418 164 597 171 265 158 1,657 164 :; Women 1960-62 1971-74 Excess I I of Nu$yr Mean Number Mean HANES weight of weight over ?xamined - examined - HES )eraons po::ds persons po::ds 3>511 140 8,411 143 +3 1 1 I I 534 127 1,524 132 +5 746 pj 1,896 140 +6 ;:; 1,663 148 +6 145 836 149 +4 443 150 670 149 -1 299 144 1,822 146 +2 NOTE : Height waa meaaured without ahoea. 2 lbs. are deducted from HES data to allow for weight of clothing; weights of all clothing for HANES ranged from 0.20 to 0.62 lb., total which is not deducted frcm weights shown. 35 Table 24. Cumulative percent distribute.on of weight in pounds of men in HES (1960-62) and HANES (1971-74), by age: United States Age of men Weight in All ages 18-24 years 25-34 yeare 35-44 years 18-74 years 45-54 years 55-64 years pounds 65-74 years 1960- 1;:1- M;o- 1971- 1.960- l:;91- 62 1960- 1971.- 1::o- 1971- 1960- 74 62 1971- 62 1960- 1971- 74 74 62 74 62 74 -1 Under 100------- Under 110------- Under 120------- Under 130------- Under 140------- Under 150------- Under 160------- Under 170------- Under 180------- Under L90------- Under 200------- Under 210------- Under 220------- Under 230------- Under 240------- Under 250------- 0.21 0.14 0.58 0.80 2.13 2.15 6.39 5.99 14.06 12.29 26.14 22.42 40,64 36.27 55.34 50.64 68.54 (ii.:: 79.75 87.18 84:11 92.60 S9.61 95.88 93.42 98.02 96.11 98.90 97.54 99.51 98.26 2.03 9.37 20.55 38.83 54.55 69.29 80.02 89.21 92.12 94.28 96.20 98.97 99.26 99.79 0.54 2.30 8.05 17.41 32.86 49;27 64.73 74.94 82.61 88.61 91.73 94.58 96.87 98.31 98.95 Cumulative 0.08 0.21 2.05 5.33 12.75 24.11 37.76 51.03 64.57 75.88 84.45 91.22 94.36 96.67 98.46 99.21 0.31 1.22 &.14 9.90 20.14 36.35 ;;.;; 71:83 81.19 86.82 91.04 94.42 9,6.13 915.88 percent distribution 0.40 0.77 2.62 9.10 18.04 34.04 48.74 64.56 77.38 85.86 91.94 95.48 97.54 98.67 99.39 0.0 0.21 0.23 0.52 0.98 1.35 4.32 4.33 8.71 10.62 15.11 20.97 25.40 35.60 40.94 49.12 54.76 63.35 69.08 76.63 80.42 85.23 89.47 90.60 92.39 95.33 95.79 97.75 96.85 98.85 97.62 99.77 0.08 0.84 1.80 5.10 10.28 18.31 29.90 44.79 58.81 72.17 82.38 87.44 93.01 96.27 98.04 98.72 0.29 0.54 2.85 4.92 16.93 29.18 43.14 57.77 70.04 80.27 88.07 94.12 97.38 98.90 99.02 .99.14 0.60 1.91 3.77 6.60 12.63 22.35 34.83 49.25 67.74 79.36 85.08 90.79 94.39 96,24 97.78 98.81 0.36 1.75 4.34 10.17 17.85 29.06 46.04 ;;.;; 86:68 90.85 94.51 97.89 98.5? 99.14 99.42 Table 25. Cumulative percent distribution of weight in pounds of women in HES (1960-62) and HANES (1971-74), by age: United States Weight in pounds Under 90-------- Under 100------- Under 110------- Under 120------- Under 130------- Under 140------- Under 150------- Under 160------- Under 170------- Under 180------- Under 190------- Under 200------- Under 210------- Under 220------- Under 230------- Under 240------- Under 250------- Under 260------- Under 270------- Under 280------- Age of woum All ages 18-74 years 18-24 years 25-34 years 35-44 years 45-54 years 55-64 years 65-74 yearn 1960- 1;;1- l:;o- 1971- Ncl- 1971.- L::o- l;#- lg:o- l;#- 62 lg;o- l;#- 1:$o- 74 74 1971- 74 Cumulative percent distribution 0.40 2.41 9.05 22.05 38.Cd 54.82 68.72 77.32 83.88 89.43 92.60 95.13 96.93 98.04 98.69 99.20 99.45 99.63 99.77 99.84 0.80 3.12 9.72 22.49 38.24 54.92 66.87 75.80 83.17 88.18 91.60 94.36 95.88 97.27 98.06 98.65 99.01 99.18 99.37 99.54 0.47 5.39 18.15 35.87 58.99 74.53 86.10 91.94 94.96 97.32 97.70 98.14 98.71 99.05 ’33.:: 99:66 99.87 99,87 99.98 0.99 5.27 15,45 35.19 53.49 72.L9 82.L8 87.5L 92.09. 94.75 96.13 97.61 97.99 98.56 98.73 99.29 99.39 99.49 99.64 99.71 0.45 3.54 12.32 29.95 49.89 66.66 78.63 84.78 ;3.;2 94:79 96.47 97.70 98.41 98.74 99.05 99.39 99.39 99.62 99.62 -1 0,84 5.65 2L.37 37.89 54.59 67.08 76.65 83.05 88.58 92.10 94.19 96.L6 97.36 98.67 99.07 99.3L 99.63 99,74 99.93 1 L.77 3.81 9.50 L7.09 27.8L 44.89 57.02 68.34 78.72 85.08 89.73 93.49 96.03 97.27 98.57 98.76 98.83 98.83 99.26 99.30 L.1O 3.67 8.49 18.00 30.54 45.55 6L.2L 72.00 81.49 88.74 92.95 96.00 97.49 98.45 98.9L 99.39 99.57 99.72 99.77 99.80 Table 26. Cumulative percent distribution of weight in pounds of white men in HES (1960-62) and HANES (1971-74), by age: United States Weight in pounds I Under 100------- ‘Under 110------- ‘7hder 120------- Under 130------- Under 140------- Under 150------- Under 160------- Under 170------- Under 180------- ;Under 190------- !Under 200------- Under 210------- ~Under 220------- !Under 230------- I~s ;::____ ------- 1 Age of white men All ages 1.8-74years 18-24 years 25-34 years 35-44 years 45-54 years 55-64 years 65-74 years ~ l;$O- l;#- 1:$o- ry- N:o- 1;;1- 1::o- M;l- lg;o- y- l:;CI- 1;;1. l:;o- 1973.- 1 74 \ Cumulative percent distribution 0.15 0.83 1.89 2.0; 5.50 8.51 11.14 18.63 20.75 37.18 34.56 52.66 49.15 67.75 63.30 79.37 75.42 88.21 84.05 91.23 89.73 93.47 93.60 95.66 96.46 98.83 97.76 99.16 98.49 99.76 0.25 o.2i 0.45 0.63 1.21 4.03 4.08 7.53 9.95 13.51 19.85 24.35 34.28 j:.;; 47.35 61.86 69:85 75.87 80.71 84.76 89.98 90.49 92.65 95.67 96.38 97.61 97.08 98.89 97.92 99.76 1.44 0.37 2.74 1.76 5.41 4.25 11.86 9.56 21.91 16.59 37.56 27.61 49.07 44.87 68.01 .55.;; 77.88 84.84 84:94 91.61 91.09 96.32 94.73 98.35 ;:.:: 99.75” 99.76 99:13 100.00 99.41 Table 27. Cumulative percent distribution of weight in pounds of black men in HES IJnder 100------- ~nder I1O------- Under 120------- Under 130------- Under 140------- Under 150------- Under 160------- Under 170------- Under 180------- Under 190------- under 200------- Under 210------- Under 22fJ------- Under 230------- Under 240------- Under 250------- (1960-62) and HAhWS (1971-74), by age: United States AKe c,fblack rren All ages L8-74 year% 18-24 years 25-34 yeaZ8 35-44 years 45-54 years 55-64 years fi5-74years 1960- P3:l- 1960- l.;J- l;;o- l;~L- 1913cl- 62 NjL- 62 1:30- 1371- 62 i960- 197L- L960- 1971- 74 62 74 ~~ 74 0.58 3.3s 7.57 M. 39 32.76 48.56 61.06 72.41 83.M 38.16 33.50 94.82 97.64 98.83 99.36 10.01 1 (3.23 3.14 6.74 17.15 32.81 $.;: 70:06 75.66 83.15 87.47 90.99 92.36 95.15 95.86 10”3; 26.50 44.15 64.68 79.12 84.27 98.07 98.07 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 - 0.21 2.76 8.43 18.23 37.20 51.79 67.09 79.67 .96.24 $38.51 !iL.63 94.46 95.03 95.03 95.03 Cmwlative percent dktributim :1 : 1.26 3.s3 6.26 6.60 17.48 15.95 27.81 29.70 :;.;; &6.85 59.44 63:94 6S.67 69.51 72.55 77.77 8?.88 87.56 85.18 92.69 50.4!0 97.21 91.25 98.55 95.61 100,00 95.61 0.85 0.85 9.70 17.69 34.~~ 39.69 ;$.;: 86:24 Q3.M 93.14 94.3h 98.44 93.44 1.7; L.92 14.56 ?4.62 23.72 40.25 :;.8J 73:81 81.66 83.02 848.02 ?3.59 93.59 2.55 5,z2 L3.99 27.45 45.14 63.63 72.37 81.53 37.38 90.64 92.46 98.79 98.79 100.00 -1-1 -!. 0.30 1.67 3.0)3 21.03 33.51 g.;; 72:42 78.38 83.&O 88.10 89.7t 94.76 96.71 97.41 -1 7.69 L3.A2 25.92 50.81 60.59 72.57 76.03 S6.19 90.36 95.92 95.92 9H.06 98.06 g8.06 0.62 9,67 5.49 16.91 6.9S ‘21.87 13.17 30.43 3k.35 50.2L 48.13 63.56 58.09 85.80 %1$( ~!:jj 80.18 S6.911 100:00 96.91’ 100.00 86.91 100.00 90.90 100.00 95.80 100.00 I I I 0.19 0.68 4.58 13.63 28,13 40.44 55.95 67.4? 76.20 82.07 89.00 92.12 96.90 97.92 99.15 99.15 37 Table 31. Cumulative percent distribution of height in inches of men in HES (1960-62) and HANES (1971,-74),by age: United ’States ..-—-. .—— ———. .- Age of men Ez:- ‘g- : ‘~- ;: ‘~- :’ ‘~- ~; ‘g- ——— Height in inches Under 60-------- Under 61-------- L7nder62-------- Under 63-------- Under 64-------- Under 65-------- Under 66-------- Under 67-------- Under 68-------- D:rl ;:-------- 1 ------u- nder 71-------- ~der 72.-.----- rider73-------- rider74-------- rider75-------- Under 76-------- Cumulative percent 0.0 0.; 0.2 ); 0.2 0.3 0.5 0.4 1.9 ::? $: ::? 1;:: 14.8 22.1 1;:; 27.0 33.0 29.3 38.6 50.4 j:.; 57.8 62.4 69.6 76.6 ;;:: 84.0 84.4 92.9 92.4 87;1 97.3 95.7 94.2 98.9 98.8 97.0 99.8 99.0 98.4 2,00.0 distribution 0.1 %$ M J:: 20.4 31.8 47.0 ;:.; 84:7 92.9 97.3 99.0 99.7 0.2 0.4 0.7 1.8 1;:: 19.1 31.5 44.3 ;:.; 86:4 91.5 96.7 :;.: 99:9 0.2 $; i:i 1::! 22.7 37.1 52.6 66.9 78.9 86.2 94.0 97.8 99.4 99.8 0.; 2: 12.3 23.1 30.3 43.1 ;;.; 81:3 89.8 94.3 98.4 99.6 99.8 99.8 0.11 0.3 1.0 2.6 5.6, 12.4 19.1, 32.1 44.0 62.1 72.5 84.5 90.8 96.2 98.4 99.5 99.7 0.1 J 0.4 0.7 ::; 1;:: 23.5 35.9 49.5 63.7 76.0 85.0 92.0 96.6 98.4 99.1 0.; 1.5 3.7 X+ 28.6 41.3 56.1 68.7 81.0 86.2 94.7 97.8 99.2 99.8 ,0.; 0.4 ;:; 4.5 1::$ 26.4 39.0 53.2 68.5 80.1 87.5 93.9 96.8 97.7 Table 32. Cumulative uercent distribution of height in inches ofwomen in HES 1(1960-62> and HANES (1971-74), by ag~: United States ,....-, ,-..._t$ Age of women All ages 18-74 years 18-24 years 25-34 ye,ars 35-44 years 45-54 years 55-64 years 65-74 years l!3;o- 1971- B;o- l;:l- EISlo- 1971- W;o- 74 W:l- 1960- 1;;1- B;o- 1;:1- 74 1960- 62 ql- 62 -— — Height in inches percent distributionCumulative Under 55-------- Under 56-------- Under 57-------- Under 58-------- Under 59-------- Under 60-------- Under 61-------- Under 62-------- Under 63-------- Under 6h-------- Under 65-------- Under 66-------- Under 67-------- Under 68-------- Under 69-------- Under 70-------- Under 71-------- 0.1 1 0.1 ::: ::: 1::2 29.8 ::.; 76:7 86.5 93.3 96.6 98.4 99,3 —. 0.; ::: H 12.2 22.4 42.0 53.5 71.7 83.1 93.9 97.2 99.0 99.3 99.6 ::8 0.2 0.8 ;:: 18:2 33.1 49.3 ;;.; 87;8 93.9 97.7 98.9 99.7 0.0 0.2 0.1 0.5 0.5 %: 1.5 M lL.5I 1::; 20.8 19.5 34.0, 32.9 55.2 ;;.: 68.1 I 82.5 79:4 89.41 87.8 94.4 93.3 97.2 97.3 99.8 ;?.: 99.9 99.9 0.0 i:: 2:: 11.8 20.7 36.7 52.3 67.9 82.1 92.4 96.7 98.6 99.4 99.8 100.0 0.2 0.6 i:f 1::: 27.2 43.3 61.3 75.5 86.2 94.0 97.4 ;;.; 100:0 100,0 0.2 J 0.4 0.7 2.3 1::2 18.5 32.8 50.7 63.2 78.8 87.1 94.8 97.2 99.3 99.6 99.9 ::: 2.1 12:; 24.6 40.1 51.3 70.6 81.2 91.9 ;;.; 99:5 99.9 -, .— I 40 Table 33. Cumulative percent distribution of height (1960-62) and HANES (1971-74), by age: in inches of white men in HES United States 1 Age of white man li:i.~h:ainI All ages 18-74 years II 18-24 yeara I 25-34 years I 35-44 yearn I 45-54 years I 55-64 years / 65-74 years yle& .55-------- 0.1 -------- 0.3 Under 62-------- 1.1 Under 63-------- Under 64-------- ::; Under 65-------- 12.4 Under 66-------- 18.7 Under 67-------- 31.2 gln :;-------- 42.5 -------- 60.7 t7nder70-------- 71.4 Under 71-------- 83.9 Under 72-------- 90.4 Under 73-------- 96.0 Under 74-------- 98.2 Under 75-------- 99.4 t.hder76-------- 99.7 $; 0.6 1.6 ::: 12.9 22.8 34.7 48.6 62.9 75.4 84.6 91.7 96.5 98.3 99.0 . ;:: 1.7 3:$ 2.3 7.3 3.7 ;:.; 1::; 39:8 25,2 54,9 38.1 67.6 52.9 80.4 68.3 86.3 79.5 94.4 86.9 97.5 93.4 99.1 96.3 99.8 97..% I Cumulativepercentdistribution . ::: O.i ;.; 0.2 . M ii:: 7.7 19.5 17.2 29.8 26.9 47.7 37.6 59.8 53.6 74.6 67.7 83.1 7?.2’ 91.9 86.2 95.3 93.9 98.6 96.8 98.9 98.1 0.1 0.3 0.2 0.4 0.; O.i ;:: ;.; ::; 2.7 1.8 :.; 1.9 3.7 . 5:0 1!:: 11.6 M 21.7 1::: 1::: 18.7 12.9 29.0 25.0 19.5 31.5 22,2 41.0 36.6 30.5 42.4 35.7 52.9 56.4 :+.; $:.; 51.0 70.6 68.7 65.5 79.5 83.4 74:0 86:2 78.0 88.7 92.6 8S.1 91.1 85.3 93.8 96.9 92.8 96.7 93.6 98.2 98.8 97.7 98.9 97.7 99.s 99.7 98.9 99.5 99.4 99.8 100.0 99.7 99.8 99.8 99.8 0.6 1.4 ::: % 30.5 $.; 74:k 83.9 92.3 95.7 ;;. $ 100:0 100.U Table 34. Cumulative percent distribution of height in inches of black men in HES (1960-62) and HANES (1971-74),by age: United States 1 Age of blackmen Height in inches All ages M-74 years lg-24years 25-34yeara 3S.44years 4S-54 years S5-64years B:o- BJ- M:o- M;l- u;o- Ml- lg;o- 1;;1- N:o- M#- l:;o- 1;:1- Under Under Under Under Under Under Under Under Under Under Under Under Under Under Under Under Under --------.x-------- 62-------- 63-------- 64-------- -------- %-------- 67-------- 68-------- 69-------- 70-------- 7i-------- 72-------- 73-------- 74-------- 7s-------- 76------- ::: U 1::? 20.6 37.6 S3.7 70.8 79.3 88.7 93.0 97.4 99.7 100.0 100.0 I 0.; 0.7 1.9 It:: 17.4 26.3 42.7 54.3 67.2 78.4 87.0 94”1 96.9 99.4 99.9 -.—.. ;:; ;:; 18.1 33.8 44.9 S8.5 71.s 82.4 83.5 96.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 Cumulativepercentdistribution - I I 2.0 0.8 - 3.8 ;:: 1;:? 1!:? 20.8 18.7 3;:: 29.1 29.2 45.8 43.6 40.s ;:.; 53.2 S1.o 68.3 64.7 88:0 77.7 81.3 ;;.; 84.2 90.4 92.S 97.0 98:4 9s.9 100.0 100.0 98.2 100.0 100.0 100.0 ... ..-~ 0.9 1.6 ;:; 1!:; 22.8 36.3 46.9 63.6 72.7 86.7 9S.6 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 ;.; 5:3 6.1 1!:? 21.0 37.7 47.1 61.7 71.1 77.6 92.2 92.2 100.0 100.0 . I 0.7 1;:: 19.9 30.4 S7.1 7s.1 78.7 86.3 ;;.; 100:0 100.0 100.0 %: 3.2 J:? 27.6 Sol 66.2 77.s 86.1 93.6 97.s 98.6 98.8 99.7 1::? 14.5 28.9 33.1 54.3 72.4 89.6 94.1 98.3 98.3 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 1.7 1::2 19.s 28.3 48.1 S8.5 72.4 90.s 96.4 97.9 100.0 100.0 100.0 65-74years Lgo- 19#- 3.; 3.4 2?: 27.3 S1.2 64.6 86.4 94.8 97.s 100.0 Loo.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 M ::; 1% 29.7 41.7 60.8 73.4 86.7 9s.0 ;:.; 99:7 99.9 100.0 41 Table 35. Cumulative percent distribution of height in inches of white women in HES (1960-62) and HANES (1!97’1-74),by age: United States I Age of white wmn Height in All ages inches M-74 years 18-24years 25-34 years 35-44 years 45-54 years 55-64 years 6S-74 yearn l:p- l;;l- l:cl- l;#- 1:;0- M#- l:;o- 1;;1- 1::o- 1;:1- J Under 55-------- Under 56-------- Under 57-------- Under 58-------- tJnder59-------- Under 60-------- Under 61-------- Under 62-------- Under 63-------- Under 64-------- Under 65-------- Under 66-------- Under 67-------- Under 68-------- Under 69-------- Under 70-------- Under 71-------- Cumulativepercentdistributim 11 0.1 0.2 I0.; 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.5 M 0.8 1.1 1.6 1.7 M 1::: J:? 21.4 M! 26.5 ;;.; 32.8 ;:.; 70:4 ?2:; 74:9 82.3 77.2 83.8 93.9 87.5 94.8 97.3 93.6 97.4 99.1 97.6 99.1 99.4 98.9 99.8 99.8 99.7 99.9 -1 %: 0.6 1.9 & 32:8 54.2 68.0 82.2 89.3 94.5 96.9 99.7 99.9 99.9 . . !!:: w 13.4 24.3 39.8 55.1 72.6 84.5 93.0 96.7 98.6 99.4 99.7 0.5 1.0 ::: lN 23.3 43.6 61.9 76.7 87.0 92.3 96.6 98.5 99.8 99.8 100.0 0.; ;:; 1!:!, 20.6, 36.7I 52.0 68.0 82.7 92.8 96.8 98.6 99.4 99.8 100.0 0.2’ 0.5 0.7 ::: 10.6 18.2 32.5 50.3 63.2 78.5 86.9 94.8 97.3 99.4 99.7 99.9 $$ ;:; 6:5 13.3 24.6 39.4 54.6 69.S 82.8 90.8 95.4 98.1 99.2 99.7 :1 0.1 0.5 i:? 1!:: 27.5 43.4 ;:.; 86:2 94.0 97.5 98.6 99.8 100.0 100.0 l.i M 13.9 27.4 38.0 58.0 72.2 82.8 92.3 97.1 98.7 98.8 99.8 99.8 100.0 0.1 $2 1.2 1$:: 18.8 32.8 ;;.: 7819 87.8 93.6 97.5 98.9 99.5 0.1 ;.; . 1::: 23.7 ~; 70:4 80.9 91.7 95.5 98.9 99.6 100.0 — I Table 36. Cumulative percent distribution of height in inches of black women in HES (1960-62) and HANES (197’1-74),by ~ge: United States - Age of black wmam All ages 18-74years B-24 years 25-34yeare 35-44yearn 45-54 years 55-64 years 65-7.4years 1960- . l;;l- l:;o- l;?#- 1:;0. W;l- 62 Wy- l;;L- 1:;0. l;#- W;o- l;:l- l;;o- 1;;1- Hd8ht in inches Cmulative pmment distribution Under 55-------- Under 56-------- lhder 57-------- Under 58-------- Umder 59-------- ~der 60-------- Under 61-------- Under 62-------- Under 63-------- Under 64-------- Under 65-------- Under 66-------- Under 67-------- Under 68-------- Under 69-------- Under 70-------- Under 71-------- i’:; 0.9 2.4 1::; 19.4 33.7 51.9 60.5 78.7 86.9 93.6 95.8 98.7 99.1 99.6 . 1.1 1.1 ::: 1::! 17.1 40.8 62.4 71.3 85.8 93.7 94.8 94.8 95.9 95.9 100.0 2.; ii:; 25.5 35.1 44.7 68.4 80.7 91.3 92.8 97.9 98.9 98.9 l.i ;:! M:? g.; 75;9 85.6 93.2 96.2 99.0 99.0 99.0 -1 -1- . . 3.7 3.7 3.7 S 18.4 34.8 54.2 66.6 77.8 88.5 95.3 98.2 99.6 100.0 100.0 o.i - : 0.2 l:; 0.3 1.2 ;:: 1::: 20.3 1::: 1,9:2 30.4 ;$: 35.4 50.4 53.2 61.2 41:5 66.7 75.3 66.0 81.9 :3.: 80.3 89.3 86.1 95.5 93:6 90.4 98.5 98.7 95.3 99.1 100.0 99.2 10I9.0 100.0 100.0 i H 2::1 34.3 51.6 67.3 80.0 94.7/ lUO.O 100.0 100.0’ 100.0 100.0, 100.01 l,,i 2.1 J:; 18.7 %:; 65.1 82.1 90.1 94.7 97.0 98.2 99.3 4.; 1::: 22.4 ;;.; 67:9 83.3 89.3 93.4 99.3 100.0 100.0 100.0 0.3 0.3 1::: 17.8 38.5 ;$ : 82:3 90.9 97.6 99.4 100.0 100.0 — I I APPENDIX I STATISTICAL NOTES Survey Design The sampling plan of the Health and Nutri- tion Examination Survey (HANES) foIlowed a highly stratified multistage probability design in which a sample of the civilian noninstitu- tionalized population of the coterminous United States, 1-74 years of age, was selected. Excluded from the selection process were those persons confined to institutions or residing on any of the reservation lands set aside for use by American Indians. Successive eIements dealt with in the process of sampling are the primary sampling unit (PSU), census enumeration district (ED), segment (a cluster of households), household, eligible person, and finally, sample person. The starting points in the first stage of this design were the 1960 decennial census lists of addresses and the nearly 1,900 PSU’S into which the coterminous United States was divided. Each PSLJ is either a standard metropolitan statistical area, a single county, or two or three contiguous counties. The PSU’S were grouped into 357 strata for use in the Health Interview Survey and subsequently collapsed into 40 superstrata for the Health and Nutrition Examination Survey. Of the 40 superstrata, 15 contained a single large metropolitan area of more than 2 million population. These 15 large metropolitan areas were chosen for the sample with certainty. The remaining 25 superstrata were formed by classi- fying the noncertainty strata into 4 population density groups within each of 4 geographic regions. Then using a modified Goodman-Kish controlled-selection technique to assure propor- tionate representation of specified State groups and rate-of-population-change classes, 2 PSU’S were chosen from each of the 25 noncertainty superstrata with the probability of selection of a PSU proportionate to its 1960 population. In this manner, a total first-stage sample of 65 PSU’S or “stands” included the areas with in which a sample of persons would be selected for examination. The PSU’S were scheduled to be sampled over a 3-year period with 300-600 persons to be examined per stand. Although the 1970 census data were used as the frame for selecting the sample within the PSU when they became available, the calendar of operations required that the 1960 census data be used for the first 44 locations in the HANES sample. The 1970 census data were used for the last 21 stands of the sample. Beginning with the use of the 1970 census data, the segment size was changed from an expected 6 households selected from compact clusters of 18 households to an expected com- pact cluster of 8 households. The change was made because of operational advantages, and research by the Census Bureau indicated that precision of estimates would not be appreciably affected by the change from noncornpact clus- ters to compact clusters. For ED’s not having usable addresses (gen- erally located in rural areas), area sampling was employed and consequently some variation in the segment size occurred. To make the sample representative of the current population of the United States, the address or ED segments were supplemented by a sample of housing units that had been constructed since the 1960 and 1970 decennial censuses. Within each PSU, a systematic sample of segments was selected. The enumeration districts that fell into the sample were coded into one of two economic classes. The first class, identified as the “poverty stratum ,“ was composed of 45 “Current Poverty Areas” thfit had been identi- fied by the Bureau of the Census in 1970 (pre-1970 census), plus other ED’s in the PSLJ with a mean family income of less than $3,0100 in 1959 (based on the 1960 census). The second economic class, the “nonpoverty stratum, ” in- cIuded all ED’s not designated as belonging to the poverty stratum. All sample segments classified as bcirlg in the poverty stratum were retained in the s~mple. For the first 42 stands, sample segments in nonpoverty stratum ED’s were divided into 8 random subgroups and one of the subgroups was chosen to remain in the HANES sample. F,c- search indicated ti~at efficiency of estimates could be increased by changing the ratio of poverty to nonpoverty segments from 8:1 to 2:1. Therefore in the later stands, the selected segments in the nonpoverty-strat urn ED’s were divided into two random subgroups and one of the subgroups was chosen to remain in the HANES sample. The differential sampling per- mits a separate ana]ysis with adequate reliability of those classified as being below the poverty level and those classified as being above the poverty level. After identification of the sample segments, a list of all current addresses within the segment boundaries was made and the households we:re interviewed to determine the age and sex of each household member as well as other demographic and socioeconomic information required for the survey. If no one was at home after repeated calls or if the household members refused to be interviewed, the interviewer tried to determine the household composition from neighbors. To select the persons in sample segments to be examined in HANES and at the same time to oversimple certain groups at high risk of mal- nutrition, all household members aged 1-74 years in each segment were first listed on a sample selection worksheet with each household in the segment listed serially. The number of household members in each of the six age-sex groups shown in table I were then listed on the worksheet under the appropriate age-sex grou]p column. The sample selection worksheets were next put in segment-number order and a sys- tematic random sample of persons in each age-sex group was selected to be examined usin!; the sampling rates shown in table 1. Table 1. Sampling rates by aga-sex groups, United States, 1971-74 Aga and sex Rate 1-5 years (men and women) ..... . ... . .... .. ... .... .. .. ..... ... ... ... 1/2 6-19 years (men and women) ..... ... . ..... .. ... ...... .. .. ... .... ... 1/4 20-44 years (men) ..... . .. .. .... . ... ..... .. .. ...... .. .. .... ... .. ..... ... .. 114 20-44 years (women) ... ..... ... . ....... . .. ..... .... . ..... ... .. ...... ... 112 45454 years (men and women) . ... ... ... .... .. ..... ... ... .. ...... .. 1/4 65-74 years (men and women) ...... . ... ..... ... ... ... ... .. .. ..... . 1 The persons selected in the 65-staLhd sample of HANES comprised a representative sample of the target population and included 28,043 sam- ple persons 1-74 years of age of whom 20,749 or 74 percent were examined. When adjust- ments were made for different sampling for high-risk groups, the response rate became 75 percent. All data presented in this report are based on “weighted” observations. That is, data recorded for each person are inflated to characterize the subuniverse from which that sample person was drawn. The weight for each examined ~erson is a product of the reciprocal of the probability of selecting the person, an adjustment for nonre- sponse cases (i.e., persons not examined), and a poststratified ratio adjustment which increases precison by bringing survey results into closer alignment with known U.S. population figures for 20 age, race, and sex groups as of November 1, 1972, the approximate midpoint of HANES. A more detailed description of the survey design and selection technique can be found in “Plan and C)peration of the Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, United States, 1971- 1973 ,“ Vital and Health Statistics, Series 1- Number 10a. Nonresponse In any health examination survey, after the sample is identified and the sample persons are requested to participate in the examination, the survey meets one of its more severe problems, namely that of nonresponse. Usually a sizable number of sample persons will not participate in the examination. A further potential for bias results if the sample persons who do not participate differ from the sample persons ex- amined with respect to the characteristics under examination. Intensive efforts were made in HANES to develop and implement procedures 46 and inducements that would reduce the number of nonrespondents and thereby reduce the po- tential of bias due to nonresponse. These pro- cedures and inducements are discussed in “Plan and Operation of the Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, United States, 1971- 1973,” Series l-Number 10a. Despite these intensive efforts, 25 percent of the sample persons from 65 stands were not examined as compared to previous surveys with response rates of more than 86 percent. Conse- quently, the potential for a sizable bias does exist in the 1971-74 estimates in the publica- tion. Because more than 95 percent of the sample persons responded to a medicaI ques- tionnaire in 1971-74, one could examine the characteristics of the nonrespondents and the nature of nonresponse. This examination indi- cated that the likelihood of sizabIe bias is sma.11. As was mentioned earIier, the data in this report were based on weighted observations, and one of the components of the weight assigned to an examined person was an adjustment for nonresponse. A procedure was adopted which multiplies the reciprocal of the probability of selection of sample persons who were examined by a factor that brings estimates based on ex- amined persons up to a level that would have been achieved if all sample persons had been ex- amined. The nonresponse-adjustment factor was calculated by dividing the sum of the reciprocals of the probability of selection for all selected sample persons in each of five income groups within each stand by the sum of the reciprocals of the probability of selection for examined sample persons in the same stand and income ~roup. The five income groups were: under $3,000; $3,000-$6,999; $7,000-$9,999; $10,000-$ 14,999; and $15,000 and over. For sample weighting purposes, income group was imputed for 5.6 percent of the sample persons using educational level of the head of the household. To the extent that the income- within-stand classes were homogeneous with respect to the health characteristics under study, the. adjustment procedure was effective in reduc- in~ the potential of bias due to nonresponse. The percent distribution of the nonresponse adjustment factors computed for the 65-stand sample of HANES is shown in table II. Table 11. Percent distribution of nonresponse adjustment factors, Health and Nutrition Examination Survey: United States, 1971-74 Size of factor I Percent distribution I Total .... .. .. ... ... .... .. . .... .. .. ... .. . .... . .. ... .. .. . 100.0 l.00.1.24 .. .. . .... .. .. .... . ... .. .. . .... . ... ... .. . .... . .. .... .. . .... . 32.6 l.25.1.49 .. . .... . .. .... .. .. .... . .. ... . ... ... ... . ... .. .. ... . ... ... ... 38.5 l.50.1.74 .. ... .. . .. .. .. .. ... ... ..... . . ..... . .. .... .. . .... . .. .... . .. . 18.2 1.75-1.99 ... ... . .... . .. ... .. ... ... .. . .... .. . .... . .. .. .... . .... . .. ... 7.4 2.00-2.49 . .. . .. ... . .. .... .. .. ... . .. ... .. .. .... .. . ... ... ..... .. .. ... . 2.8 2.50-2.99 . ... .. .. .. .... .. . .... .. .. .. .. .. .... .. .. .... . ..... . ... ... . .. 0.3 3.001................................................................. 0.3 1A ~iZeof 3.00 was assigned for all factors greater than 3.oO. The final poststratified ratio adjustment corrects for this truncation. Missing Data Examination surveys are subject to the Ioss of information not only through the faiIure to examine a.11sample persons but a.ko from the faiIure to obtain and record alI items of informa- tion for examined persons. Age, sex, and race were known for every examined person, but for a number of examinees one or more of the anthropometric measurements were not avail- able. The extent of these missing measurements is indicated in table III. Estimates for missing anthropometnc data were generally made subjectively on the basis of a multiple-regression type decision, substituting for the missing measurements those of an in- dividuzd who was of the same age, sex, and race and who had other dimensions similar to those available for the examinee with incomplete data. For those with no anthropometric measure- ments available, a respondent of the same age- sex-race group was selected at random and his Table I I 1. Number of examinees with one or more missing anthro- pometric measurements, Health and Nutrition Examination Survey: United Statesr 1971-74 t Measurement missing I Number of examinees I All measurements . .. .. .. .. .. .... . . .... ... . .... . . .... .. .. .. 23 Height only .. . .... . ... ... .. . ... ... . ... .. .. ... .. . ... .. . .... .. . .... .. 15 Weight only .. .... .. . .... . ... .. .. .. ... .. .. ... . .. .... . .. .... . .. ... .. . 45 Height and weight .. . .. ... .. .. .... . . ... ... . .... . .. ... .. . .... . ... 4 t 47 VITAL AND HEALTH STATISTICS Series Series 1. Programs and Collection Procedures. –Reports which describe the general programs of the National Center for Health Statistics and its offices and divisions and data collection methods used and include definitions and other material necessary for understanding the data. Series 2. Data Evaluation and Methods Research. –Studies of new statistical methodology including experi- mental tests of new survey methods, studies of vital statistics collection methods, new analytical techniques, objective evaluations of reliability of collected data, and contributions to statistical theory. Series 3. Analytical Studies. –Reports presenting analytical or interpretive studies based on vital and heaIth statistics, carrying the analysis further than the expository types of reports in the other series. Series 4. Documents and Committee Reports. –Final reports of major committees concerned with vital and health statistics and documents such as recommended model vital registration laws and revised birth and death certificates. Series 10. Data From the Health Interview Survey. –Statistics on illness, accidental injuries, disability, use of hospital, medical, dental, and other services, and other health-related topics, all based on data collected in a continuing national household interview survey. Series 11. Data From the Health Examination Sumey and the Health and Nutrition Examination Survey. –Data from direct examination, testing, and measurement of national samples of the civilian noninstitu- tiona.lized population provide the basis for two types of reports: (1) estimates of the medically defiied prevalence of specific diseases in the United States and the distributions of the population with respect to physical, physiological, and psychological characteristics and (2) analysis of relationships among the various measurements without reference to an explicit finite universe of persons. Series 12. Data From the Institutionalized Population Surveys. –Discontinued effective 1975. Future reports from these sumeys will be in Series 13. Series 13. Data on Health Resources Utilization% –Statistics on the utilization of health manpower and facilities providing long-term care, ambulatory care, hospital care, and family plraming services. Series 14. Data on Health Resources: Manpower and Facilities. –Statistics on the numbers, geographic distri- bution, and characteristics of health resources including physicians, dentists, nurses, other health occupations, hospitals, nursing homes, and outpatient facilities. Series 20. Data on Mortality. –Various statistics on mortality other than as included in regular annual or monthly reports. Special analyses by cause of death, age, and other demographic variables; geographic and time series analyses; and statistics on characteristics of deaths not available from the vital records based on sample surveys of those records. Series 21. Data on Natality, Mam”age, and Divorce. –Various statistics on natality, marriage, and divorce other than as included in regular annual or monthly reports. Special analyses by demographic variabIes; geographic and time series analyses; studies of fertiMy; and statistics on characteristics of births not available from the vital records based on sample surveys of those records. Series 22. Data From the National Mortality and Natality Surveys. –Discontinued effective 1975. Future reports from these sample surveys based on vital records will be included in Series 20 and 21, respectively. Series 23. Data From the Nationul Survey of Family Growth. –Statistics on fertility, family formation and dis- solution, family planning, and related maternal and infant health topics derived from a biennial survey of a nationwide probability sample of ever-maxried women 15-44 years of age. For a list of titles of reports published in these series, write to: Scientific and Technical Information Branch National Center for Health Statistics Public Health Service Hyattsville, hfd. 20782 NCHS US Department OF HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND WE LFA?E,c Health %.,., Of f,., of Health Research Stat, wm, and Techmlqy POSTAGE ANO FEES PAID bat, onal Center f., Health St.msr,., 3700 East WesI H,qhvw+ U S DEPARTMENT OF H E W Hvatts.(lle Marvl.m 20782 OFFICIAL BUSINESS HEW 396 PENALTY FOR PR(\, ATE USE, s300 THIRD CLASS D*U.S.MAIL
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